6305C29 SHSpec-270 Programming Cases [Part 1] The subject of programming cases is almost as old as the discovery of the engram. "Programming is the overall action taken to resolve the case, regulated by the state of the case and the necessary steps." If a guy stubs his toe and you decide to give him an assist, that is programming. The assist is auditing. The two are not the same. These are the things to be adjudicated in programming: 1. Time. How much is available? 2. What will the case accept, stand for, or tolerate as auditing? 3. What will the case progress on as auditing? 4. Order of actions. This comes back to time, (1). 5. When you will start auditing. You can't leave out any of these adjudications. You need a good grip on programming before you can actually make clears, even if you have a technique that works on everybody. Because programming is easy to do, LRH has never put it out as itself, so it has been missed as a factor in getting all cases to run well. Programming is easy, unless you don't do it. Programming is based on some fundamental principles. It is based on: 1. The behavior of the time track. 2. The abilities and disabilities of the PC, related to the time track. The time track is the world's longest movie, in 3D. Included in the movie are things which apparently destroy some of the movie. So between, say, reel 16 and reel 80, everything is missing. With improper programming, you will never find that section. And you can audit reel 80 and reel 16 and everything beyond reel 80, and though the PC gets lots of auditing, nothing happens to his case, because what is wrong with him is what is between reel 16 and reel 80. This film has a total effect on the PC. He lives it as you run it. You can only be effective if you run the parts that are personal to the PC. That is running the reality of the PC. There are things you can run that are unreal to him, but that nevertheless affect him, e.g. the Helatrobus implant. But don't exceed the PC's reality by too much. The program is not monitored by what the PC has a reality on before you audit him. It is monitored by what the PC can obtain reality on during auditing. After all, you want to increase his reality. Don't omit PC change and volition in your calculations. And remember: his reality might exceed yours! If you don't try to increase the PC's reality, you neglect his capacity to change. It does the PC no good to audit him no farther than where he is at. Yesterday's mental sciences made this mistake continually. They treated patients only from and on the viewpoint of their own reality, then denied the patient's capacity to change. Programming is based 100% on the following: 1. The capability of the auditor. 2. The capability of the PC to receive auditing. 3. The amount of time available. 4. The maximum result to be obtained, given these limits, in terms of increase of A, R, and C. Affinity The increase in affinity can be seen in the person's change in position on the know-to-mystery scale, of which the tone scale is the middle guts. A person has no personal reality, except for a possible intellectual reality, on those tones that lie above his position on this scale. He only has reality on those tones that lie below his chronic tone. His chronic tone can be the tone of the body plus thetan or a chronic tone as a thetan. The body plus thetan tone can be considerably higher than his tone as a thetan. The chronic tone of the body plus thetan combination can be at 4.0, while the level of the thetan is at "unconscious". "Any level above the chronic tone is susceptible [of] being dramatized.... Dramatization is a thetan -- or thetan plus body -- performing evolutions not under the thetan -- or thetan plus body's -- control: non-volitional actions." Old mental studies fixated on these and believed that there is nothing else, but there are volitional actions. "They lie below the chronic tone of the individual on the tone scale." There are two chronic tones: that of the thetan and that of the thetan plus body combination. The body plus thetan can dramatize any tone above the chronic tone, but most likely it will be the half tone above the chronic tone. The above is A, of ARC. Therefore, increasing affinity is making the PC less susceptible to dramatization, and gives the PC reality on more tones that are now below him. You have added levels on which he has reality and subtracted levels which he may dramatize. Previously, as a certain tone was above him, he was the effect of it. Now, being above that tone, he has reality on it and he is no longer the effect of it. The body plus thetan tone is an apparent tone, and it never goes above 4.0. So you could have a PC flying along at 4.0, enthusiastic, and the next day you will get the thetan alone, and he drops from 4.0 to zilch. He has come up to degradation as a thetan! He feels awful for no apparent reason, because you are now seeing the thetan, who has come up above unconsciousness to degradation as a thetan for the first time. This is case gain, in terms of affinity. To go somewhere by Route One, you have to get the thetan's chronic tone level upscale enough to do it. Reality You can measure a person's reality by measuring significance, since reality is matter, energy, space, time, and significance, the five parts of a universe. Psychological testing measures reality on significances. You can test reality by solution of problems. If a person's conversation is full of "can't understand" and he gets very reasonable about unreasonable things and he can assume no viewpoint but his own?, while he doesn't really have one, his reality level is low. He may demonstrate this by the fact that, as the PC comes to others' viewpoints, he begins to recognize his own overts and to suffer on that account. That is a big reality increase and occurs because understanding more, and being more able to take other viewpoints, the PC becomes more responsible. He cognites. "Cognition is actually the process of a changing reality of significance." It is necessary to case gain. Cognition = more understanding = case gain. A PC saying that the session was wonderful has not necessarily had any case gain. He may have been beaten into propitiation. But if he says, "You know ... My Mom must have had quite a hard time!." That is a cognition. If the PC is able to assume a new viewpoint (in this case, that of his mother), he has had case gain. Getting the PC's goals and gains at the end of the session is a little psychometric test, a measure of case gain. Communication There is obvious gain when the PC is more willing to talk to people, but his increased perception of walls, etc., isn't really changed reality so much as it is increased communication. Reach and withdraw, willingness to receive, etc., is what is involved, here. Even if the case is delusory and sees the room as full of polar bears, it would be case gain at the end of the session if he could see the polar bears better. If you are operating from the platform of the reality that the room is not full of polar bears and that you must therefore get rid of the polar bears, you will have dropped the PC's communication. This was one of Freud's errors. "He can't communicate with you, but he can communicate with these polar bears. If he could communicate with the polar bears well enough, he wouldn't have to communicate with them, and they would depart. That's the way to get rid of polar bears!" Psychiatrists try to convince the patient that he doesn't have any bugs crawling on him. This is the same as saying, "There must only be this one reality, and unless we can hold the status quo of this reality, we have lost." This "has been the criterion in all mental activities for the many trillenia, and an auditor may be holding onto it with both fists and not realize it." This consideration is that our only gain would be from the platform of where we are. If we could continue the alteration to making things more like they are here and now, we we would get case gain. This consideration is a way to clobber people by holding them on the time track. These are the technical data underlying programming. Auditing is done by: 1. Unburdening basics. 2. Discovering what basics there are. 3. Disentangling them so as to erase basics. This includes CCH's. It includes all processing. Discovery of basics end eradication of basics is done by discovering what basics can be found before the basic that disentangles the basic that you are trying to untangle. A basic will almost blow by inspection, unless there is a more basic one holding it in. However, "basic" on a chain contains elements that are not basic to the basic. Say you have the basic on the chain of some somatic. It is basic on the chain you are running, but it has something in it that comes from a more basic chain on another subject. When this happens, you can slip the basic out from under the earlier basics by finding the basics of remaining elements in the basic of the original chain. Frequently this can be done by dating. By the time you are through, you have practically cleared somebody. If you can keep track of what you are doing, you will be very successful. If not, the whole track collapses, and the PC goes under. The first action you should undertake on a case is the most advanced action that can be undertaken, in your estimation. Always enter a case more boldly than you think is wise and you will usually be right. If you don't, you will never find the ceiling at which the PC can operate. If you get away with it, you are all set. You have saved time. That is what you are doing with the Helatrobus implants. If the PC can't manage it, pull back. So all there is to auditing is "unburdening, finding a chain, finding the basic on the chain, and taking apart the basic. I don't care what process you are using." Running a chain back is unburdening it. "It's taking off charge ... so that you can lay your paws on basic." You are after the first GPM, and if the PC can't recall what he had for breakfast this morning, you have to unburden the case. How long should you continue unburdening the case? "Until you can get your hands on an implant; not one second longer. That you run the charge off of, at least one dial-wide disintegrating rocket read per item. If and when you get stuck, you probably have too early an implant, one that is too close to Basic. Remember: you are trying to unburden. Pick up the last incident in the second chain, if you know what it is, and run that one with a fast pass. Or lets use straightwire to give him some locks, or find overts on this. Let's see if we can chase him earlier and find the first. It is all unburdening, you see. Let's run the three-command process for awhile. We are just trying to get our hands on an implant so we can run some charge off of it and find an earlier implant so that we can get to the basic implant. You have to go later and unburden the basic implant, because you are asking the PC to walk through a wall of fire. Between PT and basic, there is a wall of fire. You can't push the PC through the wall of fire. You have to get him through. To get the PC through it, you have to put some fire out on a gradient. That is done by programming.