6302C21 SHSpec-242 R2 and R3: Current Auditing Rundown Routine 3M procedure: 1. Use R2-12 to get the PC capable of getting a rocket read or a rock slam. 2. Find a goal, using R2-12 material. 3. Or, just list goals, lots of them. List all the TA out. Watch for rocket reads. 4. Go over the PC's old goals and find the ones that have been chopped up. This is the same as the beginning step of R3-21. Always give the PC a chance to orient an RI vis-a-vis his goal. You can reword different "oppose" questions in different ways and list the best-reading version. [R3M appears to supersede R3-21 as a goals running process. See also 6302C07 SHSpec-234-5 "R3MX", 6302C12 SHSpec-236 "Routine 3M", 6302C14 SHSpec-239 "Routine 3M", and 6303C19 SHSpec-250 "R3M: How to Find Goals". See also HCOB 22Feb63 "Routine 3-M: Rundown by Steps", which gives the procedure. A summary of the procedure is given on p. 506, below. Routine 3MX and Routine 3M are the same thing.]