6301C08 SHSpec-226 R2-10 and R2-12 [Part of the data in this lecture is also found in HCOB 30Dec62 "Urgent Important: Routines 2-12 and 2-10 -- Case Errors -- Points of Greatest Importance".] "In August, I wrote a jerk ... named Kennedy. This latest adornment of the Russian victory parade was offered help in the space race -- straightening up I.Q., etc. This 'lighthouse' has twice asked for presentations of scientology. We've granted them, and they have done weird things like fire the guy who asked for them." Time rolled along. The FDA started sniffing around. The government organized a smear campaign in the press, and they raided a church, seized philosophic texts and E-meters. How did they do this? They lied to the court! They didn't tell the court who the warrant was for and they didn't mention books. The warrant was signed by the president. So ads are being placed in newspapers in the bible belt, and there will be a delay in the court hearing. "I frankly was getting worried. We'd been ignored too long!" We needn't waste time fighting the government. It is its own oppterm! What should happen when you find an item? If you give the PC the wrong item, he will have markedly more mass than he had a minute before. If the list is incomplete, the PC will also ARC break in the next few minutes, and you will be unable to get him out of it except by completing the list. With a right item, mass diminishes. A PC knows whether or not it is his item. You are only auditing up to the PC's knowingness, so if he doesn't know whether it is his item, you know it isn't. He has to be certain that it is right. Also, when you package the item, the PC must know that it is a package. If there is any queasiness about it, it is out. The PC's knowingness is paramount, in getting the right item. Well done listing should produce an item that brings in VVVGI's, not just agreement. Routine 2 has a little miracle to offer. Done this way, the masses go "Pffft!" against each other; the rock slams cancel out. Wrongly done, R2 delivers more mass; done right, the PC has less mass. It is a question of havingness. The wrong item has mass because: 1. Though it does have its own mass, it is not the fundamental mass. 2. You have told a lie about it by saying that it is the fundamental mass. [More data on running Routine 2] Some day, on Routine 2, you will have the bad luck to have a very suppressed PC. He will suppress the item as he puts it on the list. You will miss the rock slam, and you will know you goofed and have to do something extraordinary. The PC may ARC break very thoroughly and auditing with ruds, missed withholds, etc., won't handle it. Only Routine 2 will fix it. Get him to extend the list; get the item, and the ARC break will be gone. The more unnecessary arbitraries you introduce into how something is done, the more trouble you will have with it. R2-12 began to handle rockslamming. R2-12 can be done at several levels. There are a lot of results to be had, even doing it wrong. Auditors have had more trouble with it than LRH expected. There are three sources for the first list in R2-12. 1. The PC's immediate session environment. 2. The environment the PC lives in more generally. 3. The various parts of existence. If you already have the PC's goal, you can ask, "Who or what, in PT, would your goal influence?" to get a rockslamming item. You could get life and livingness sources by asking, "What is part of your life and livingness in PT?" and "What is not part of it?" Each could be a complete list. If one doesn't rockslam, the other will. Often both will. We have to find something that isn't rockslamming to get a list, when you are after a "part" or "consist of" list, because you only oppose rockslamming items. If the PC rockslams on "Your life", don't list, "In PT, W/W does your life consist of?" Test the source of a list to make sure that it doesn't rockslam. You can even tiger drill sources to be sure. If a source does rockslam, skip it for a represent list. Also, don't oppose some out-of-the-blue rockslamming item. A rockslamming source for a list is always out of a context of another incomplete list that you don't necessarily know the heading of. A rockslamming item is therefore not necessarily an RI. It is not totally destructive to oppose such an item, just dicey. Sometimes the lists you get when you do this won't complete, or you will get lots of co-terms. If you found "scientology" rockslamming, you could just oppose it as a security measure, but there is a liability to doing this. So avoid the sourceless rock slam as something to list from. If "scientology" rockslams, find something else to list from that gets at the same thing. You can't do a "represent". You have to find some way of saying scientology" so you are not representing scientology, e.g. "Ron's work", or "mental activities", or some such. Say four dynamics rockslammed. Therefore the source is an incomplete list. You have to complete it, but how? You find something about scientology or the dynamics that is broad and embracive, like "mental activity", or "What is/isn't part of existence?" Then you get an item and oppose it. Your success is monitored by this: Do Routine 2 right and repair it with Routine 2. A little Routine 2 and a lot of general auditing won't give much result. R2 is more powerful because it is hitting at the PC's PTP and hidden standard. He doesn't know what they are until you direct his attention to them. You could ask, "What would some healing process have to do to you in order for you to know you were better?" The PC will consult with a circuit and give you his hidden standard. If you tried to list this PC's goals, all you would get would be the goals of those circuits. This is another reason why you cannot get the PC clear with these circuits and hidden standards in the way. After Routine 2, you will begin to get the PC's goals instead of circuits' goals. Get a few packages off and out of the way, and the PC will give you his goal. Then you can run him on a goals process and clear him. But you have to clear up the PT environment first.