6212C13 SHSpec-225 Repair of R2-12 [Some of the material in this tape is covered by HCOB 30Dec62 "Urgent -- Important -- Routines 2-12 and 2-10: Case Errors -- Points of Greatest Importance".] There is a law embracing your disheartenment. The more you goof, the more disheartened you will get. We are no longer dealing with a process that has to be tailored to the PC, so any problems have to be with the auditor. Someone has to be shoved through it to a win as an auditor so that he has reality on the workability of the process. This is hard to confront. It is like someone saying, "Be responsible." R2-12 produces results when it is done right or even not quite right. When you first look at it, you will think that R2-12 has hundreds of variables. Training auditors in R2-12 is based on the idea of, "Walk before you read a book on walking." The only liability of this teaching method is that you need someone there who can untangle the inevitable goofs, when several have gone by and the PC has gone weird. The whole technology of straightening out a goofed-up R2-12 is to do it right. The only crime is to lose the session records. One way to lose them is careless labelling, e.g. no PC name or date or page number. You need to know what went on and what the items were, etc. Let anyone do R2-12, as long as they keep the papers. This applies to goals. Don't lose old goals lists. There was a place to write goals in Handbook for Preclears; those goals could very easily get lost. R2-12. lists are even more important than goals lists, since you can get back to goals with R2-12, if need be. So mark down what happened, especially if something rockslammed. Pain and sensation are less important to note. Note what happens to items when tiger drilled. Auditor's reports are less important than lists. They can be used to summarize, not to keep track of TA reads. Needle behavior on lists is what counts. Give a detailed report of results, not session actions, in the Auditor's Report Form. Don't get the ideas that there are lots of rules covering lots of variables in R2-12. One thing that will louse up some, but not all, cases is to represent a rockslamming item, instead of opposing it, especially a List One item. "You never represent a rockslamming R1." The PC will go along with it, the idiot! But he knows that he shouldn't take his attention off the rockslamming item itself for a second. You are pulling his attention away from where he thinks he must remain, with fixed bayonet. So when fixing a case, check to see if that has been done. When repairing a case, take repairing the first List One mistake as a priority action, because it has more bearing on the session. The worst goof on List One is to represent what was rockslamming and should have been opposed. It is less awful to oppose something you should represent. Complete opposition lists. Which way an item should be opposed can be problematic. The closer things are to PT, the more likely they are to be co-terms. Therefore R2-12 has more co-terms than 3GAXX, being closer to PT. Coterms are opposed both ways: "Who or what would (co-term) oppose?" and "Who or what would oppose (co-term)?" You can swap it back and forth, half a page each. One side will run more smoothly after awhile, and that is what you use. Opposing a co-term can be tricky. The commonest goof is not completing the list but trying to make it oppose instead. This co-term thing is one thing that that makes it hard to complete lists. A represent list that goes nowhere can be dumped with small liability. The item will be found later, somehow. There are lots of rock slams in the bank. But opposition lists must be completed. If you represent something that didn't rockslam, you should check, if you having any trouble with it, to see if it is actually rockslamming. What you are representing might be the item, suppressed, and your representing it cleans it up, so it now rockslams. Like prepchecking, representing is powerful auditing. On the other hand, when you start to oppose something, you key it in. Therefore, you must complete oppose lists. On R2-12, the commonest goof relating to this fact is failure to oppose something both ways to. The method described above for handling co-terms is not infallible. The item might not be a co-term, wrong way to. It might be an item that is deaded down, never rockslammed, or wrong source. If it is wrong source, it never becomes nullable. "Nullable" is different from "item capable of being found on it". A non-nullable means a list where the needle won't stay clean enough on it to null it. So extend the list. The trick in extending an "oppose" list is to do it the reverse way to, the other direction. This will prevent a list from becoming 1000 items long with no RI's. If it is wrong way to on "oppose", never renull. Extend the list and null what you now have. This, because an incomplete list is the commonest error in listing. If you nulled it to nothing and ran out of rock slams, it is incomplete, so get more items. Your auditing could become good enough for you to be able to null a list that isn't complete to nothing. If you continue the list, you will find that the rock slam will turn back on, on the thing that you are opposing, and you will get a reliable item. In repairing lists, get old cycles of action done in order, from first to last, starting with "oppose" lists, then doing "represent" lists. Always begin with Scientology List One. So start with the first goof made on List One. This usually involves getting the rockslamming item that was missed and opposing it. In any new group on R2-12, there will be people who tell you that it doesn't work. This is the not-going-right type of case. There are two possible reasons why the case is not going right: 1. A rock slam on List One was missed and not opposed. or 2. Somebody shifted the cycle of action. Opposition cycles of action are always more important than represent cycles. So get the earliest and come up the track consecutively, unless the List One was done as a later case action, in which case you fix any goof there first. Fix the first goof on List One first. So the order of repair is: 1. First goof on List One. 2. Rest of List One goofs in chronological order. 3. First goof on R2-12 oppose list. 4. Rest of R2-12 oppose list goofs in order. 5. First represent list goof. 6. Rest of represent list goofs, in order. Then there is the dead horse case, on which no one can find a rock slam. This could be an incomplete cycle of action case. You should look for the following in such a case: 1. Failure to oppose a rockslamming item, particularly on List One. List One must be in restimulation for the case to now be laying dead horses. 2. Failure to complete the "oppose" list, if the item was opposed. 3. Auditor needed a white cane. He didn't recognize or report rock slams that were there, particularly in a co-audit. To determine whether this is the case, you have to observe. Get one of the dead horse lists extended and see if it rockslams, or extend it yourself and see. 4. Representing something that would become a dead horse. You will get complaints about cases rockslamming too much to get ruds in. The best way to turn off the rock slam is to represent something that would become a dead horse. The rule is that a case will continue to rockslam only when the subject that the rock slam is on continues to be addressed by the auditor. If you are listing one thing, the PC doesn't rockslam on something else. "You don't even get a phantom slam on an uncharged list. The list has to be hot ... to turn the slam on." You can get confused as to which item is slamming, as the rock slam turns on and off. The phantom slam has this characteristic: it never obeys the auditor. It turns on and off, but it can't be controlled. The PC, in such a case, can't be controlled either. He is never doing what you tell him to do. But a rockslamming item on such a case will obey the auditor. The item will slam as long as the PC thinks about it, then stops when he puts "suppress", etc., on it. If you get these buttons off, it will slam again. However, you can kill an R2-12 item with tiger drilling. It should be done briefly, because the items are in PT. So, in patching up a case, look for: 1. List One errors. 2. Oppositions. It is lucky that case patch-up is so simple, since the number of possible errors is almost infinite. However, there are not infinite numbers of special cases on R2-12. The commonest mistake is for someone to go on and on representing and never check whether the item they are representing is now rockslamming. It may well, now that it has been unburdened. So check it from time to time, especially if it won't null. False reports will give you the least difficulty, except for cases where PCs tell you that they have pain, when it is really sensation. They will also lie about the fact that they have been invalidating items. Getting a clean needle before nulling pulls all that up. Running the case parallels repairing the case. Doing R2-12 follows the same order of importance as the repair priorities. An embarrassment you can get into is getting rocket reads instead of rock slams on R2-12. First be sure it was a rocket read. Rocket reads take precedence over rock slams, so just oppose it. Since the PC can use a rocket read item to find a goal with, the PC may be continually intruding his goal, at this point. Fine. Get it checked out. Don't leave it in doubt. When he gets his goal he can run R2-12 better. This doesn't mean that he can be run on his goal. Complete R2-12 first. The case that is being cleared over the top of an R2-12 PTP won't stay F/N'ing, even if it gets to an F/N. Eighty percent of all cases that have tried to go clear have hung up here, so it is very important.