6211C13 SHSpec-210 The Difficult Case A Problems Intensive [See p. 292] is apparently capable of producing a Book One MEST clear, if it is done right. It has done so on a couple of PCs. If this is not happening elsewhere than at St. Hill, it may be that people elsewhere don't know what a free needle is. Peoples' TA's have been gotten to clear read with no mention of F/N. So pay some attention to this. It could be that it was happening without being reported. The aspect of a case depends on the way the case is handled, generally. How the case is handled has a great deal to do with how rough the case looks. Say case A and case B are similarly tough cases. If case A gets a lot of usual actions, a good hope factor, a good R-factor, and case B gets unusualness and wrong actions, case A will run easily and case B will run rough and break anybody's heart. Psychiatric classification, behavior in life, etc. have no bearing on how hard or easy the case will be to handle. The same goes for scientology classification schemes. We make our own tough cases: the Black V, theetie-weetie, etc. It doesn't matter. The length of time to handle the case doesn't compare to the state of the case. All cases are hard, actually. Some are made more difficult by preconceptions and classifications that don't really apply. The technology has by-passed the difficulties. The case that you will have trouble with is always a spook and a surprise to you. It is not the psychiatric disaster case. The tough ones are the ones who look sane and able and lie like Hell, because they don't do the commands. They get upset if you keep at them to see if they did the command. That just makes them feel accused, and they get harder to audit. You can spot this kind of case by observing that, after a short period of modern auditing, the case hasn't recovered. This case either: 1. Hasn't done your commands, or 2. You haven't audited the case. This case interrupts the auditing cycle. The most extreme example of this kind of case is the individual who can't communicate at all, or the case that can't hear or that has no command of the language that you are using. But that is simple. You recognize the out-of-communication state that he is in and know that you would get nowhere with a subjective process like straightwire. But you miss the case who ostensibly speaks and understands English but never answers the question or executes the commands. There is actually a gradient of this which, at its top level, includes every case. Sooner or later, any case won't do the command. The "spook" is the one who never does the command and always does something else. What is happening is that he is on a circuit. He is being a wired set of valences. The PC is out there somewhere and has nothing to do with the auditing at all. Don't let your PC sit there in a sort of comfortable, relaxed puzzle. Find out what is going on, but don't chop up the PC. Auditors sometimes sense that the PC isn't executing the command, and they start harassing the PC, chopping him up, because they know something is wrong. They don't feel in good 2WC with the PC. So you move in and get insistent with the PC. Then the TA moves even less. This case is the last one in the world to admit that he is not doing the command. He could even get TA. Say he is running the command through an electronic incident, because he knows that if it changes, he is better. How do you handle this case? You watch the TA while you are running the PC's right havingness process, or you can run another process that has something to do with the physical universe, like Op Pro by Dup, SCS, or CCH's. If you get good TA with that, flatten that. The reason you don't notice the TA is that the PC is off the meter. But if the PC gets a lot of TA in the rudiments and little in the body of the session, you know at once that the PC never does the auditing command. It is self-evident that this is the true state of affairs if you run the PT environment, e.g. with, "Look at the _______ ," and the TA moves, while a Problems Intensive gives zilch TA. Here you will see that the PC can get TA. Such people have a short span into the past. Reality on what went on in the world ceases five minutes to five days ago, or so. In the body of the session, you are trying to send him out of PT. If all PCs were like this tough case, we would clear people with ruds, since TA action gives a direct index of case change. "If you don't get as much TA action in the body of the session as you do in running the rudiments, please realize" that the process is not running. "TA motion mirrors directly and immediately the amount of change which is being secured. [It is a] direct index of how much bank is changing or shifting." So you handle the difficult case by giving ruds and havingness sessions. A case with good reality on the bank wouldn't get good TA on ruds. TA on havingness or any CCH or contact process means that the PC is becoming aware of the walls of the room. "What wall?", indeed! His concept of mass is being shifted by confronting his environment. It is not bank mass that is giving TA. It is the mass of the walls of the room. The PC is in no shape to be audited, because where is he going to be audited from? Furthermore, he doesn't have the stability of PT to audit against. So any attempt on your part to get him to address the track throws him into confusion. He can't answer the auditing question because he has no point of reference. Cases are audited against the reference point of PT. Oddly enough, the memory of eight million years ago totally depends on knowing it was sight million years from a specific time, e.g. PT. A guy who is stuck in an electronic incident of three million years ago will get TA when you get him to look at his immediate vicinity. Otherwise, hs will run a Problems Intensive from a point three million years ago, which is an unstable point. So you are running a confusion against an instability. But two confusions never made a stability. "A case that is wildly out of PT seldom answers the auditing command or executes it, and auditing depends exclusively on getting the... command executed." The auditing cycle must occur every time the auditor opens his mouth. On "Recall a time you communicated," if the time he commed is up the track from where he is stuck, he can't recall it, because it hasn't happened yet. So he has to do something else. So, for instance, he mocks up a psychoanalyst against the auditor. Or he holds the two back corners of the room. He does these things because he doesn't want to wasts the auditor's time. TA action on ruds and on the body of the session is the only reliable indication of this type of case. In this situation, it becomes important to prepare a case. Don't try to plow the ground with a Cadillac. It is the wrong vehicle. If the PC isn't doing the command, don't harass him. Do objective processes. When the motion goes out of the TA, do the body of the session with subjective processes. The gradient scale of toughness of cases is proportional to the amount of TA they get on PT or near-PT processes, ruds and havingness. To get good reality on this point, take a PC who has been having an awful time with 3GAXX and run some PTP's or some such, and watch the TA fly. [First mentioned in tape 6210C23 SHSpec-202A "3GAXX". Also mentioned in tape 6210C23 A "3GAXX Following the Rock Slam" and 6210C25 SHSpec-209 "3GAXX Secondary Pre-hav Scale". These tapes are confidential. The process lists and handles some types of implants. It unburdens the case and locates goals. See also pp. 332-335, below, and HCOB's 8Nov62 (Listing Pack II) and 11Nov62 "3GAXX: Straightening Up 3GAXX Cases" for more on 3GAXX running.] The PC must be there before you audit him. The auditing cycle requires the presence of the PC. So give him lots of ruds and havingness and a Problems Intensive on a close-to-PT problem he can confront. This type of PC will get sensation on a list, all right, because he would get sensation from two days ago, it is that unreal. He has sensation because he is in the middle of a confusion with no referral point, no PT. How do you expect him to be anywhere but in a confusion? That's what sensation basically is: the PC in a confusion. Give him PT. Then you can run him.