6209C25 SHSpec-193 Current Trends The main difficulty we are having right now is not clearing people, 2500 years after it was proposed ss a possibility. Clearing is not something you achieve because of faith or right belief or any such trap. Our only interest in discipline is in getting the job done. We do need a certain number of safeguards to see that it is done right, since doing it wrong not only doesn't get it done, but also gives the subject a bad reputation. People need to realize that clearing is a precise activity, not something done casually by the untrained. LRH knows we are successful when we get attacked by squirrels and when we get counterfeited. "Concept therapy" is one such counterfeit, picked up in 1952 or so. The chief movers in that appeared at the clearing congress, unfortunately. The ethics of clearing are the effectiveness of clearing. He who hasn't been trained cannot do it and should not try, since he can bungle it. You can have an unfortunate win when you have a flukey lucky break. We want technology that works on everybody. Dynamic assessments [See pp. 305-308, above.] have this broad applicability. It becomes unethical to clear somebody non-standardly in order to keep the rules in use. "You clear somebody according to the rules and take advantage of every lucky break," as long as you realize that it will probably never recur. But don't go looking for the break and drop the rules. Broad clearing technology must be preserved as it is and safeguarded. Confusion occurs when an action that should have occurred did not. All of a sudden extraordinary solutions are being required. Whenever an extraordinary solution is demanded of you, in auditing, it is only because the usual has not been followed. "The unusual [is] demanded of you because the usual has not been done." When you see a demand for an extraordinary solution, you should: 1. Fix whatever is wrong with the PC. 2. Get the auditor straightened out. That is vital, or the errors will just continue. 3. Find out who dropped the ball in training the goofy auditor and everyone along the line who certified him, and get them to handle. If you only handle the immediate situation and never handle the source of the confusion, that confusion and worse will continue to occur. When it seems that the situation is totally out of your control, remember that "you can always turn a force around and make it serve you." This principle is used in judo. Tennis players also do this. This is a trick that is particularly adapted to this universe. So when you hear that AMA certified "auditors" are going to clear the U.S. Army Air Force, set yourself up as a small civil defense rescue unit; publicize what is happening. Be very prepared to scream. Set up this civil defense unit "to take care of the emergency". This may give the would-be malefactor second thoughts, if you make it very clear to him that you are prepared to handle the disaster. We are walking into an emergency situation. The demand is going to produce an enormously confused area. In fact, it has already started to, for LRH, the same as it did in 1950. It will all come out all right as long as we hold to the standard and keep the show on the road and don't tolerate any bad clearing. It won't come out right if we all say, "Well, my job is just to audit." Japan has just blossomed as a new area of interest. It is a vital, energetic country that will need translated material, etc. A nation that is whipped in war will go from the force band into thought. The thetan never gives up, so conquest is still their purpose. No political philosophy will handle that situation. They already have some communistic ideas, along with an emphasis on individuation and independence. Buddhism was the first civilizing influence in Japan. Suddenly now there is an embrace of scientology, coming from the west with a total impact.