620RC14 SHSpec-184 Rock Slams And Dirty Needles Once upon a time there was a thetan, and he couldn't go forwards or backwards. He had to stay there and he mustn't stay there. The result was that he was overwhelmed. He got further orders to evacuate, then to advance, then to stay there. Then he caught the barrage. His own artillery shelled him. He decided then to evacuate, but couldn't carry out the orders. He is there now, in a highly charged agitation, rockslamming. A rock slam is a "can't go, can't stay, can't come, can't leave, mustn't be". It is a highly charged agitation. Originally, while addressing goals on the twentieth ACC, this was such a strong phenomenon that Ron used it in assessing to go down the chain to find the Rock, hence the name. A dirty needle is a tiny, persistent rock slam. LRH has been spending the past week or so studying rock slams in depth. He happened to get a criminal on the meter, one with known overts against him. He saw a rock slam turn on and off on this one fact. This was very interesting. Of course the criminal was trapped too. In this case, however, it wasn't a goals phenomenon. LRH found that you can clean a rock slam off a missed withhold on someone and end up with a dirty needle. This is because the PC's attention is on the large overt -- the rock slam -- not on the auditor. It takes superb TR-1 to get past the no-read that results from the PC's elsewhereness. This was the first evidence that a rock slam and a dirty needle are signs of overts. Until the overt is handled, the needle won't register. The mechanics of a "failed to reveal" is the still point following a confusion. You should audit the confusion. You could only get a stuck picture to move by asking, "What about that picture could you take responsibility for?" This works because responsibility takes care of the overt. Stills do not exist without prior confusions, except in the case of goals postulates. For this reason, you can also unstick a stuck picture by spotting the prior confusion and the overt the person did. The person usually settled the confusion with an overt. A culture will get stuck and fixed following a good confusion, too. A PC will get a chronic somatic following an overt, or more likely, a series of overts that involve motion. These overts were a way of settling a confusion. Politics is an aberration caused by the collective overts of the citizenry. You can forecast the next governmental form by looking at the overts the citizens are committing, because the government will try to bake those overts legal, thus lessening the overt. For instance, a criminal has come to the conclusion that property belongs to nobody. He has to come to this conclusion. Before the 1917 Russian Revolution, the crime rate was very high. So the Russian government legalized the idea that property belongs to nobody. Weekness, or omitted participation, would be the prior overt in a socialized state, because in such a state, weakness is legal and rewarded. In politics, there is only opinion and aberration, no wisdom. In research, what usually happens is that LRH falls over something for awhile he bumps into it until a way to use it occurs. Auditors have learned to go to "failed to reveal" when a dirty needle shows up. Failed to reveal is subsequent to an overt. There is little to gain by asking for overts, though. It is too strong. But the "failed to reveal" skims the top. Tiger drill [p. 295a] is effective until you run into a persistent rock slam or dirty needle. O/W has been put in to remedy this. It works as long as you get your question answered. When it doesn't work, it is because the PC is doing something else with the answers. If he is technically answering but not giving overts, keep clearing the commands. The PC may be trying to solve a problem with the auditing question. LRH found that he could turn on a rock slam at will in anyone on a goals chain. 3GA as it exists is totally workable and will do the job. The only problem is doing it faster. We have already cleared a first-goal clear who had a wild rock slam. Goals got picked off the top of the GPM to the point where the rock slam showed up. This guy has gotten caught in the front lines with a bunch of overts, and he is sitting in a ridge that has enough confusion and enough overts behind it to make him unable to move anyplace. So there he is. It would be faster to find the first goal if you could just bypass the first three goals of the GPM and only have four or five to deal with. That is the proposed speed-up. We have run people to an F/N on a goal and found that they had a rock slam underlying the F/N. If you overlist for fifteen or twenty minutes beyond the F/N, you get a rock slam, as the PC goes on down the goals chain. The track is laid out in cycles, made up of series of lives or types of lives associated and allied, highly variable in their time element. It is a prime postulate, a new goal, that starts a cycle. This is not a solution, but a new game. The PC goes along with this. Eventually, the steam goes out of it and the thetan finds himself with no interest and no ability to get into trouble. He goes out the bottom, then perks up a bit and goes off with a new basic postulate. Any further postulate is a solution to problems caused by the first one. That is a cycle. Those are pieces of GPM, with an interrelationship. If you can get the earliest you can find cleaned up, the later ones blow easily, since the thetan had less power to make them. For this reason, it is worthwhile to get as early a goal as you can find that still reads and has some reality for the PC, and which he can still run. If a goal will rocket read, you can list it. After you have tiger drilled it clean, if it rocket reads, you can list it through to F/N, then find another, etc., etc., as you go further back. It would be easy to find later goals, but useful to find earlier ones. A thetan never gets so messed up that he fails to leave a flag out on his points of aberration. In early work, it was noticed that the key engram of the PC's current life leaves out a tag. The tag is an innocent-seeming and seemingly meaningless picture that the PC is frequently aware of. For instance, it may be a picture of Grandfather's rocking chair. When you explore this, you find the key engram. Similarly, the key goal has a rock slam left on it. One way of finding out what subject it is on is by nulling several hundred goals, culling the rock slams, writing them down, And seeing what the subject matter is. Test "overts on ..." and see the rock slam turn on. The rock slam may wear out on some of these subjects. Those are the locks. The real goal will have a rock slam that won't weer out. The charge manifested by the rock slam can be imparted to associated subjects that won't hold up and that will confuse you. Any branch of the tree looks like the trunk. Eventually you will find the trunk. You can use the rock slam to find the goals channel by assessing the eight dynamics to find one that has a rock slam or a dirty needle. If there is no dirty needle at first, you can cause one by having the PC think of overts against each dynamic and picking out the dirtiest needle. You have to be clever to ask these questions without causing missed withholds. Get the PC to tell you a few overts on the dynamic that reads dirtiest. Ask him what would represent that dynamic, and get a list of items. Assess by elimination, looking for a rock slam or the hottest item. It is ok if, at this point, you don't get a rock slam. Take that item and get the PC to list, "What goal might you have that would be an overt against (e.g., the government?" Write down any pain or sensation on the list. Keep listing as long as there is needle action. When the needle smooths out, the PC's goal is on the list, if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, you will get nothing but pain, sensation, and a stuck needle. If so, start with a new dynamic assessment. If you are getting cognitions, that is a good sign. On some PC's, this could be the only way to run goals. On most, it would be a shortcut.