6206C26 SHSpec-165 Prepchecking Prepchecking is based on a fundamental of dianetics, which is that related incidents form chains on the time track. The time track is consecutive occurrences in time, recorded in pictures, which classify themselves in chains. A picture persists because of the violation of purpose involved in the incidents, where the PC intended one thing and got something else. Alter-is is a violation of purpose, e.g. going out to hang someone and being hung, or going out to kill the mayor and electing him. Pictures are held in place by this violation of purpose. When you run out the basic purpose (intention), the pictures will fold up. [Cf. Expanded dianetics] The pictures hang up in the mind, classified in chains, each of which has a basic and a basic-basic. The basic-basic is the first time on the track you did or experienced or decided that kind of thing, but you can have a "basic" on each chain in each lifetime. "There is no basic picture on a chain. There is a basic purpose on a chain which the chain violates, and that is what hangs the up." You need that data for 3GA but nor for prepchecking. All you need to know to prepcheck is that there is a time track with classified chairs on it. The chain will free when you find the basic on it. It doesn't have to be basic-basic. A recent this-lifetime experience is all you need. If you go back to basic purposes, you will get into 3GA before you are ready. The basic is generally in childhood, this life. Occasionally, it is in prenatals or even a past life. No charge can remain on the chain when the basic is no longer unknown. This is why the "what" question will be null if you have gotten all the way back. Zero questions will come live as his responsibility rises. Prepchecking consists of locating chains of sufficient charge to aberrate the conduct of the individual. Then it provides a system that knocks out the basic on the chain (the withhold system [See pp. 186 and 237, above.] The charge is there in PT because of the PC's Misassociation of the past with PT. This is misidentification. All this is in DMSMH. So is 3GA, as the "basic purpose of the individual" [DMSMH p. 238 and Science of Survival, Book II, p.303: "Even at the age of two or three years an individual seems to know what his basic purpose is in life. Later this becomes corrupted by individual and social aberrations but is recovered in dianetic processing. Possibly past lives have something to do with forming basic purpose."] Originally, we ran the withhold system on the incident closest to PT, after finding a reading zero question. The zero questions are found in sec cheeks, of which there are many. If you get two reads on a zero question, you had better prepcheck it. There is a danger in being too fundamental in doing prepchecks. For instance, if you got a zero question by doing a dynamic assessment, you may run into the GPM, which you don't want. When you get an incident that is an answer to the zero question and the read is still there after the PC tells you about it, you formulate a "what" question by dibbling and dabbling around until you find one that reads the same as the zero question. This is the weakest part of the prepcheck system. When the "What" question has been found, it is now time to let the PC get it all off, using encouraging half-acks, until he runs down. Then send him earlier. You know the earliest is something he can't just spot easily, so you don't ask for that. You ask for "earlier" until he is as early as he can go without much assistance or using the meter. The PC uses "earliest"; the auditor uses "earlier". The "earliest" incident the PC can recall is the barrier to earlier memory. There is always a barrier incident. Here is where the auditor starts using the withhold system. When he has done it a couple of times, he has blasted the track open more, so he can find an earlier incident. Then you use the withhold system on that one to get out all the unknowns, then test the "what" question on the meter. If it still reads, go earlier again. Keep using the withhold system to open up track. Finally, the "what" question" will be flat. So you get middle rudiments in, then recheck the "what" question. The crimes one is looking for need not be sordid or highly reprehensible ones, though people who have been psychoanalyzed often try to come up with spectacular, believing that that is what is needed to clear it. If your PC does this, be sure to add the end rudiments question about half-truths, etc., to your middle ruds. Auditors are prone to the "virgin complex". The auditor wishes to think that he is the first one the PC has told things to. [So he may go for the really sordid stuff that he PC wouldn't have told anybody else.] If you go at this without a prepared list like a sec check, the PC will surely give you the least aberrated chain which is the most known to them. If cleaned up, this chain will produce the least case change. The PC will give you this chain because it is a safe one. Pcs like security. This is why lists of arbitrary questions are more productive of case gain than more general prepchecking. You can also use the rudiments as zero questions, along with finding goals, or auditing, or whatever he does a lot, e.g. his job, as long as he doesn't tell you that that is what is wrong with him. If it is as advertised, it ain't. The balance and the delicacy of auditing is getting the PC to talk to you about things that he doesn't know he should talk to you about, and preventing him from rambling on about things that won't advance the session, without letting him see how he is being steered. Naturally, he will tend to bounce off things that are aberrative. They are there because he hasn't as-ised them, which he has avoided doing because he doesn't want to confront them. You have to let him discover that he is confronting something. Auditing in this manner will make you look clever to the PC, as if you knew just where he was heading. You do, because you are traveling on a series of fundamentals. You are only trying to pull up basic on a chain of incidents than were wrong conduct on a PC's part. He knows they are wrong, conduct, so he has them buried. You don't want to make him guilty; you only want to clean up the chain. Every now and then you will hit something that is real pay dirt. For instance, when the PC has occluded the top of a chain, the rest of the chain will be really hot. It is symptomatic of a charged chain that the incidents are out of sequence, all mixed up. As the PC straightens it out, the time factor unscrambles. As you go "earlier", you find that the incident he thought was earlier is really later. These incidents are mainly locks they are all overts. Clearing a person with prepchecking is not possible. However, a hundred hours of it would go a long way. If you go on prepchecking forever, you will get more bank appearing, because you are not on the PC's goal line. Prepchecking will make for more sanity than any psychoanalytic system ever developed. The earliest version of this was straightwire and spotting someone who had an aberration or difficulty similar to the PC's. That was fabulous when it worked, which wasn't always.