6205C31 SHSpec-154 Value of Rudiments Auditors tend to believe in the "thought impulse system". This is the idea that the auditor's thought impulse is instantly and wordlessly transmitted to the PC, so the meter reads then. That is not the way you should be reading a meter. LRH has been doing research to see how vital, how valuable, a ruds process is and how deep it will go if it is run as a repetitive process. We find that it is like trying to empty the ocean with a small spoon. That which is kicked into view by Routine 3 is not kicked out of view by any repetitive process. It is odd that this tremendous bulldozer, 3GA, won't run forward at all in the absence of these gnats flying at the back of it. The answer to this puzzle is that the rudiments apply to present time and this universe now. Even if you get a rud in on a PC really solidly, these rudiments processes are incapable of even dusting the GPM. They will do only a microscopic key-out. If someone has a GPM keyed in, any repetitive rudiments process will do virtually nothing to it. Prepchecking can do a key-out. You can move it around with CCH's. But there are tremendous difficulties in assaulting GPM's. There is a very effective process for cleaning up past auditing, except for Routine 3 auditing: "What didn't you know? What didn't another know? What didn't others know?" It is very lovely and effective. It will sometimes do things for a very ARC breaky session. But against a locked-in GPM, it has no influence, though it may look as though it is doing something. Repetitive rudiments processes can do things with the free track and whole track engrams that are not in GPMs. There is another good process, a multiple bracket on suppress: "What have you suppressed? What has another suppressed in you? What have you suppressed in another? What have others suppressed in you? What have you suppressed in others? What has another suppressed in others?" When you start to run it, you think it will clean up the whole track. You'd think, "It couldn't help cleaning up the whole track, it makes you feel so horrible!" You could use "invalidate" in the same way, and "fail to reveal / don't know" (same thing). "Careful of" could be very interesting. But none of these processes is worthwhile as a means of cleaning up the whole case. This is because they are all thought manifestations -- figure-figure buttons. What the PC has buried is the fact that his postulatingness is basically thinkingness; it is on a lower scale. "Think" is below effort on the know to mystery scale. It is not postulatingness, which is at the top of the scale. None of these buttons will carry him through effort. They just keep swatting him on the nose. Routine 3 processes are what it takes to get the PC above the effort band. The PC is doing his figure-figure in the middle of the GPM masses. He is getting his thinking dictated to him from circuits. He is getting the word from circuit A to circuit B -- from all kinds of conflicting and oppositional identities. As you audit him, you have to keep him from being alarmed and defensive about present time. Otherwise, he is not up to confronting the effort and the masses. He has a large number of automatic thinks going. These are all characterized under the existing beginning, middle, and end rudiments. These buttons keep him so involved with think-think that he can't go upscale. To get him to go upscale, you need Routine 3 processing. This works by labelling and identifying masses, which brings about differentiation among masses and gets the PC up to confronting masses. Your effort is not to get him to confront those masses. It is to get the conflict of those masses identified and resolved, any way you wish to do so. It is actually pretty easy to do, once you know what you are doing. You can unhinge the almost-impossible balance of the GPM so that it can no longer hang up and create itself out of the PC's energy. The identification and labelling of the mass is the borderline between the think-think and the mass. It lets the PC become aware of the mass, whereupon it blows. It is no trick for a thetan to confront the mass. It is what mass to confront that is important. When the PC confronts the anatomy of the GPM, it disintegrates. The way to get the PC into the GPM is with a goals assessment. [See p. 236 above on the theory on running goals in Routine 3.] The goal that the PC gets identifies the mass he is sitting in, and when the PC gets it looked at, it disintegrates. A goals assessment thus helps you identify which part of the GPM the PC is in. It identifies the think-think that is going on and the principal mass that he has to get out of. When you start listing down [the GPM items], all the pressures and electronics that hold the [item] in place start lifting, so he can't stay there anymore. He is not aware that he is in [the item] or being it. He thinks he has to keep this one game because it is the only game he can play. Pcs are reluctant to get rid of mass because they feel that that is the only game around. But the PC is really either not playing that game or having no fun playing it. When he gets his attention unfixated from that particular game, he sees that there are other games around, and he can start enjoying life. He thinks he is in a games condition, but he is actually in a no-games condition. The only way you can boost the PC through the effort band is to permit the PC to have his full attention on the objects that you are trying to haul him out of. If his attention is distracted by things in present time, he has that much less attention free for addressing the task of going upscale through the know to mystery scale. He feels that he doesn't have enough attention units to look at anything. He is distracted by the think-think because masses with influential ideas are impinging on him. Rudiments processes have a herding, non-impeding action. The relationship of rudiments to a Routine 3 process is like that of a hedge beside a road. It keeps the PC guided and heading forward. Out-ruds are like stones on the road. Ruds processes do not move the PC along the road. They can retard the PC from going on if done wrong, or if very badly done, they can actually reverse progress. With rudiments, you collect all the PC's power of blowing things, by straightening up his attitudes towards the auditor and the environment. A PC whose ruds go out gets a recoil phenomenon. If he looks at a GPM, then gets his attention jerked off, he gets a mass straight in the teeth. The PC's attention acts as a pressor beam. It had part of his bank in focus, and when his attention swept sideways, it is suddenly as though you took the pole out of the hand of a pole vaulter when he was half way up to the bar. Keeping ruds in includes not yanking the PC out of session. This process of getting hit by something causes a dispersal, which causes the PC's ability to differentiate to lessen tremendously. He confuses things, and his anchor points are driven in. The lower toned he is, the less focussed he is or can be anyway and the more easily his ruds will go out, even if he suppresses the out-rud. When an auditor has successfully put the PC's ruds in several times, the PC will stay in session easily because of his confidence in the auditor. He will learn that his attention can be properly directed by the auditor and that the auditor won't get him into trouble. But don't get too cocky at this point. The level of PC confidence adequate to prepchecking is probably not adequate to Routine 3 because the stress in Routine 3 is so great that the ruds have to be in much better and stay in well. If the PC gets much auditing with rudiments out, he gets more and more nervous, so no matter how little you expect from the session, you should always get the PC's rudiments in. In this way, you will gain the PC's confidence that you can get his rudiments in and that he will at least get that degree of gain, anyhow. It is the auditor, not the state of the case, that makes the PC hard or easy to audit. The first edge in may be difficult, especially if there has been bad auditing that has made the PC nervous. As time goes on, however, the tough PC whom you can't do anything with because he can't blow anything will improve, as you gently and persistently get his ruds in. Short-session him if necessary. Run something really easy so he has wins. Just get the ruds in. Little by little, session by session, as he stops being anxious about his ruds being in, his needle will get cleaner. A clean needle should show up by the end of his second session. You give him wins, no matter on what. The first two times you get ruds in on a PC, you shouldn't expect the PC to respond well to a rudiments check. By the third time, if the auditor got the ruds in thoroughly in all three sessions, in the third the needle will be cleaner. If that has not happened, the auditor did not get ruds in in the earlier sessions. The third rudiments check would be valid; the fourth and fifth are still more valid. Rudiments are absolutely vital, even though they won't move the GPM at all. Strangely enough, the GPM also will not move at all without them.