6204C05 SHSpec-128 The Sacredness of Cases -- Pan-determinism, Self-determinism, Other-determinism Why is your case sacred, if it is? Sacred = don't attack == preserve = protect = survive. Now we understand a theetie-weetie case. To a theetie-weetie case, everything is sacred; his attitude is, "mustn't attack it, mustn't be attacked, must protect, preserve, survive. This attitude especially applies to his case. That is the only reason anyone ever has for no results in processing. The secret of this universe is that it is a sacred universe and shouldn't be attacked. It is too sacred. This puts every poor thetan who comes into it on a "shouldn't attack", which has the result of putting attack on automatic. There are three states of mind: 1. Pan-determinism: One can control or attack or whatever, one chooses, on one's own choice, on either side of the situation. This gets into bad repute when it is confused with shady control. 2. Self-determinism: This carries with it the idea that the other side of the group or situation is bad. 3. Other-determinism: This = nuts. He is never for himself; he is always for the other guy. In any argument he is "reasonable"; he will defend whatever you attack. He claims to be impartial, but he is not; he is for whatever you are against. All kinds of conflicts arise with pan-determinism over how you will continue it. People generally don't continue it but slop off into self-determinism. Politics is based on the inability to choose a successor. A benevolent monarchy is ideal, for example, except for that problem. Any form of politics is only necessary because you cannot guarantee that a good successor will follow a benevolent monarch. So existing forms of government are all out of PT, in the future. A good king would be pan-determined, but people can't guarantee that if he died they would get another one, so they have to become Specialists or Fascists or whatever. When a government can't guarantee that you won't get a choice of government by civil war, you have an unstable government. This is what sank the Roman Empire. For the next thirteen hundred years you got the Divine Right of kings, lineal succession, etc. This all resulted from the failure of the Roman republic. This is essentially asking the G.E. to take over the rule. Other-determinism is hard to see because it is a lower scale mockery of pan-determinism. This person is never self-determined, always other-determined. Such a person is not for himself. If everybody is against you, then you must be against you also. Otherwise you are out of agreement with the whole universe. This is the first level of case that will give you trouble. Since he is not for himself, being appealed to to run out his engrams to benefit himself won't have any effect. All cases, at various parts of the track, get stuck in one of these phases. Periods of illness demonstrate this phenomenon. People who are under heavy attack or heavy responsibility can get into it easily. A leader in a war gets other-determined, partly because of overts committed during the war. The state of mind can differ for different areas of life and different activities. Only in the area where a person is consistently other-determined do you have a persistent somatic. He is attacking himself, so he can have a somatic. When we get to the point where the whole individual is pan-determined, self-determined, or other-determined, we have chronic states of sanity. A 3DXX terminal can be in one of several different states: 1. Pan-determined: You won't find it, because it will never have hung up. 2. Self-determined: It will be somewhat troublesome and part of a GPM. 3. Other-determined: It will nearly whip you, because you can never help the PC in the vicinity of the other-determined valence. People are most likely to keep and protect other-determined valences that are totally against their best interests. It is difficult to move a person on the track near one of these because every time you hit them, they survive and the PC doesn't. The PC is always the loser. The PC will get very reasonable about the terminal; he appears pan-determined and helpful, but he is actually being other-determined. It doesn't stop there. When you get into that area, the terminal will attack the PC. This accounts for the self-destructive impulse in Man [Death wish, as in Freud]. The world operates on the idea that everyone else is on a kick of self-preservation, but they are not. Some are on a succumb. To an auditor or organization, they look to be executioners. We only get in trouble when we refuse to fill the [complementary] role. The thing to do, when someone goes around slandering the organization is not to sue him for slander but to present him with a confession and an award of damages for having slandered, all legally drawn up. Present it to him and he will go ahead and sign it, and you can execute it in court. The guy has only one enemy: himself. If you keep worsening the deal in legal matters, he will eventually settle up. In Auditing, don't make the prepcheck questions easier. Make them tougher, since the PC will only buy things that make them think they are bad, succumbing. A person in this state will make things worse than is actually true; he will admit to more things than he has actually done, when prepchecked. This is the best stuff to audit, since he is nuttiest where he is other-determined. He is also hard to audit. Insofar as he is trying to succumb, he will convert whatever you give him in the way of help into a motivator. Other-determinism is a successful "sacred-ity". An other-determined person has agreed 100% that a certain valence or identity is something that shouldn't be attacked. Other-determined valences have, as their least common denominator, "shouldn't attack" and "must be preserved". If you wanted to be perfectly safe in this society, what would you be? Your answer is a sacredness item. Anything that you can't attack becomes an other-determinism, never a self-determinism. To some degree, all 3DXX items are other-determinisms, and the whole GPM itself is an other-determinism that is seeking to destroy the person who has got it. "Sacredity" is a trap. If you operate on the principle of "Don't speak evil of the dead; don't attack the dead," you are essentially saying, "Don't as-is the dead," and what you get is a bank stacked up with the dead. When you operate on the principle, "Don't be mean to (communicate with) the sick," you get sick. This is the result of the idea that sickness is sacred. Anything sacred is "safe" and mustn't be attacked. It is very attractive to become such a thing, and thetans do. A valence is a "sacred-ity", a "shouldn't attack", a "shouldn't really look at", a "shouldn't comm with". Therefore, you get more and more other-determinism. The most sacred of all the PC's items will be the one of highest other-determinism and the one that is most destructive of the PC's own self-determinism. If it can't be attacked, it can't be controlled or reached (no havingness); it can't be communicated with or defeated. So it will completely determine the PC; it will overwhelm him. It is dangerous. It is sacred. So that is the key to the GPM. The person is it, while it destroys him. It slaps the guy back with somatics every time he puts his head up or tries to be anything other than this other-determined valence.