6202C06 SHSpec-111 Withholds Withholds and the dynamic principle of existence,"Survive!", as per 1938 data, are now seen to be interrelated. This is good because where a principle has been an amplification of "Survive!", it has worked like mad with pcs. We also have the reason why an identity is aberrative. An identity is that accumulation of withholds that make an individuation. When the PC gives you his name, you have one part of Routine 3DXX already done. Where you have to recognize a person from his identity rather than from his beingness, there can't be much beingness present. A 3D item is maximal identity and minimal beingness. Every now and then you get identity and beingness crossed, and you get an historic character. LRH has used identity on the track to make effects, but it was a mistake to think that he was successful in creating the effects because of the identity. It was really because of the beingness. You could reach more and influence more than other people, so you did. The identity side of it was "to be more of a lump of ... than anyone else," which defeats the reach. You can conceive of beingness as the ability to permeate, pervade, communicate to, or fill up an area. Identity is a method of not having to. Identity puts it on automatic. An identity is a substitute for communication and reachingness. Beingness is a current activity; identity is past activity (fame, etc.). The only thing this universe punishes are being there and communicating. It is an anti-beingness universe and a pro-identity universe. A withhold is a not-reachingness; it is not communicating. This includes holding onto a piece of information that would damage survival. Of course, since a thetan can't really be hurt, a withhold must be to protect the survival of an identity, not a beingness. So a withhold goes beyond a matter of mores. It is something a person thinks would reduce his survival as an identity, if it were not withheld. If you are building an identity on repute, which is the standard trick in this universe, and working to enhance your repute, you withhold those things which would depress the survival identity. A thetan goes cautious on this and withholds more than he has to. Self-preservation is, of course, a misnomer. It is really identity-preservation. Any identity that remains in the bank is the direct result of identity-preservation, so we find these suspended 3DXX items hanging around. The points that are really stuck, however, are the points where one failed to preserve one's "life", because those are the failed postulates. The postulated impulse was to preserve the life, so a death hangs up more than a life, as a failed postulate. As an auditor, finding some picture hanging up on the track, you could ask, "What would you withhold about that picture?" and the whole incident would unreel as the PC found the identity that had to be suppressed for purposes of survival, despite the fact that there may have been a lot of survival in the action. You get the withholds and the compulsive outflows off. You could almost free up the track by asking, "What should you have told people about?" It will run at first with withholds, then get into bragging that got withheld. Where there is a conflict whether to withhold or let it out, you get hung up on the track. You could say that any difficult situation is an unequated or unresolved problem in survival. So any hang-up on the track is an unresolved problem in survival. There were balanced factors involved in communicating or not. Each hung-up identity is hung up with these computations, such as the computation that to communicate or not to communicate is equally non-survival. By pulling withholds off the case, you release all these things. An individual withholds an identity until it parks on the track. When you find an identity, you have a key to a tremendous section of track. The identity is dedicated to hiding, so finding it takes off a tremendous amount of charge, because the identity is withholding itself by hiding and you handle the withhold by finding the identity. Each identity has the feeling or computation, "They are probably still looking for me. If they find me, watch out!" He was trying to make the identity famous, then failed to survive as the identity. The PC gets very alert as you come near it, feeling like a wanted man. This is the feeling of "guilt" which former therapies sought the source of. The feeling of guilt is as much a brag as anything else, but it contains the feeling of being wanted. When there's a feeling that one has a problem of survival which can't be solved on any of the dynamics, it will come right up to PT and knock one's head off. When one of these comes off, identities come off and withholds come off with the identities. Pulling any identity off invariably involves getting a connected withhold; otherwise it wouldn't be in the bank and floating up to PT. That's the common denominator of anything in the bank, since it is there to solve survival. Of course efforts to survive are silly, since a thetan can't do anything else. What the effort is really directed to is getting an identity to survive. If there is an effort in the thing, it must be built around a lie that the person doesn't recognize. The person doesn't realize that he is one thing and his identity is something else. He also thinks his beingness and his communicatingness is his identity. Actually, these are deteriorated because he is being Joe Doakes. Therefore, all these things have a withhold connected with them. Whenever you miss a withhold, a person gets a restimulation of a withhold, and he gets the idea that he is in danger. That is all there is to it: a Q and A stimulus-response mechanism. If a person has a withhold that he must withhold, he must be in danger. Because the reactive mind works on an A = A = A, the conclusion can put into action the causation. For instance, we put George in a wrecked car with blood on it (not in his car or wreck); if George was asleep or drunk or something, when we put him there, when he wakes up, his conclusion will be that he has been in a wreck. He would mock up a sequence to explain his being there. The least he would get out of it would be a little shock of, "Should I tell anybody?" or "What is this? What are the consequences of having wrecked this car?" In extremis, he would show psychosomatic injuries, etc. So if you give someone the end product of a chain of responsibility, he will attempt to assume some of the earlier responsibility. Given B, one concludes A, from no evidence. This leads pcs to write script in session sometimes. Sometimes the PC doesn't know what led to the consequences, so he figures he must have a withhold from himself. It is interesting to find the material he "must" be withholding from himself, but isn't. His anxiety about identity would cover the whole picture. Say you have found a terminal on 3DXX: "an angry man". You could run, "What responsibility have you taken for the continued survival of an angry man?" You would see the package, "an angry man", fall apart into separate identities. If you have been responsible for something and then ceased to be responsible for it, you can get your block knocked off. That's about the only way you can get your block knocked off. If you have taken a wide identity, then, while in that identity, have ceased to be responsible for it, during a decline or whatever, next time around, you take no responsibility for the area. That leaves the wide area permeated, but no responsibility for it, no matter what your identity is, because it is only beingness after all. People can try to shift their identities, to change everything, but it is only beingness that counts. If he has a beingness in his background which is associated with his identity and then suddenly cuts his beingness down to nothing in order to limit his identity, he will be in trouble every time. He can't function in his limited sphere because he has already accepted a much larger sphere, so he is always in trouble. We could then ask him, "What responsibility have you taken for the survival of (the wider zone)?" Thetans are always doing this: Having taken responsibility for the whole of Europe and having battered Europe to pieces in order to liberate it, all nations who took part in that activity then drew back and said, "We'll have peace now and let the whole of Europe go to Hell." Sure enough: that's what happened: World War II. That is a withhold of magnitude because it is a withhold of ability. So a withhold can be a withhold from anything that the PC has had a permeation into or a communication with. When a communication is followed by a no-communication, the advent of the no- communication, operating as a withhold, reduces survival. We have made a huge area survive; now we are only going to make a little part of it survive. There will be some counter-survival in the area where you were formerly taking full responsibility. That is the mechanism of individuation. First, communication into, then refusal to communicate into. You have established a oneness with something by communicating into it or by taking responsibility for it. You can't segmentalize responsibility into a smaller zone without bad consequences. Once you have taken responsibility for energizing an area, then retreat, the area you retreat from is on your wavelength and clobbers you. The people who cut your throat are your own police guard, as soon as you decide that you can no longer occupy the palace, You can't take responsibility for the physical universe and then take responsibility for one room in a boarding house in two successive lives and not have planets hit you in the head. If the huge zone of responsibility is cut down by a series of withholds, which it always is, then, because it is now energized, it can kick your head in. A survival process, therefore, discharges all withhold processes. So the principle of survival is senior to all overt-motivator sequences. Responsibility processes, survival-type processes, persistency processes, and identity processes are all senior processes. The most horrible opponent a being can have is himself, of course: it's got his wavelength! In scientology, we are making a man his own best friend. If one finds oneself withholding, one automatically assumes one must be trying to survive, hence, that one must be in danger. So if you miss a withhold on a PC, that is the conclusion the PC comes to, so he takes defensive actions at once. The sequence is as follows: 1. The PC finds himself withholding. 2. Therefore, he reactively assumes he must be in danger. 3. Therefore, he must take action to survive, i.e, attack or defend himself. If you miss a withhold, you get (2) and (3) above. Wild animals are only savage because no one pulled their withholds. They are individuated. Any withhold restimulates them, though they are not natively savage as beings. Wolves interpret almost anything as a withhold of theirs or yours, so they attack rather easily. So they must withhold in the vicinity of almost anything. So you seldom run into them. In order to handle a wolf so he won't bite you, you have to demonstrate to him conclusively that he is not withholding anything. LRH handles wolves that way, very successfully. The trick is to show them that there is no point in withholding anything, because they are not going to damage you and you are not going to damage them. You can get remarkable results this way. But walk up to a wild animal as though you are withholding something, and you have had it. Go up to him as though you are not withholding anything, and he will look at you and wonder what you are doing. So you show him what you are doing. Don't excite his curiosity, so you don't have a withhold from him. Now, if you have given the PC the impression in sec checking that he is withholding, then don't pull the withhold to show the PC that he is not now withholding, he is liable to go into defending himself by attacking. Pulling his withholds is the only thing that keeps him from individuating. Missing his withholds, however, will restimulate them and make him feel that he is in danger and must attack. Not pulling a withhold is OK as long as you don't restimulate it; otherwise, you would have to get all his withholds in one session. It is the missed withhold -- the one that is restimulated and not pulled -- that causes the trouble. Information available and not asked for or information asked for and not gotten is what makes a wild animal out of the PC.