6106C23 SHSpec-19 Q and A Period; CCH's; Auditing Many people don't see objects -- they've been looking at facsimiles of the objects. When the facsimile as-ises, the wall looks bright. Such people tend to have bad depth perception because they never see anything. They are easily invalidated because the reason he's making and looking at facsimiles is that the physical universe isn't safe for him. The auditor begins to be real as the PC sees that he can duplicate him, so if the auditor indicates [e.g. on CCH's 3 or 4] "You didn't do it," the auditor ceases to be real, and the PC will put pictures of him up instead. Overrunning the process tells the PC that he was wrong to think he'd got it. This makes auditing unsafe. The purpose of the CCH's is to make the auditor, the physical universe, and present time real to the PC, to show him he can observe the auditor, the room, And PT. His havingness on other-determinism is very low. The CCH's remedy it; he sees somebody else exists and the universe is here. You can run CCH's wrong by making the PC aware that the auditor and the room are real but dangerous. When running a child, take account of the child's shorter attention span. If it's biting, run it at least an hour before you'd expect it to flatten. Exteriorization, as done in 1952-5 was unstable. LRH found that before a thetan could get along without a body, he had to be able to have a body, and people who exteriorize easily generally want nothing to do with one. Philosophies that strive for peace are a covert operation towards making people succumb. Spots of sudden change of pace are spots which brake a person's life. They've got upsets in them and advice to take it easy, and from then on, it goes wrong. They were asked to confront motionlessness, which is most difficult to do. Medicine and psychiatry gave drugs, etc, to make a person be quiet. Unless a person can confront motion, he's dead; he can't confront life, can't work, and will become a criminal. The natural consequence of adopting a motionless philosophy is to get religion -- a peaceful one. If you enforce no-motion on someone and make him think motion is bad, he'll get Buddhistic. Road safety campaigns make no sense because they emphasize going slowly, less motion, not keeping unsafe drivers off the roads or putting freight on trains. The more you make a population motionless, the higher the crime rate. T.V. corrupts the youth because it pins a child motionless, not because of the T.V. material. The theory that people get seasick because of motion led LRH to think one should have pictures of very still scenes to counteract this. He chose some, thought about it, and started to feel seasick. He realized that what's needed is pictures of motion to accustom them to motion, not motionlessness. The cure for motion is motion, not stillness. Philosophies of motion don't necessarily mean no criminality -- e.g. space opera. If you could keep it up with no rest, you might manage to be ok. When you become incapable of handling the motion of life, you can then start to experience pain. The experience of pain comes about because of intolerance of motion. You can run motion or no-motion to handle this situation. Predictable motion is better, from the PC's viewpoint, than unpredictable motion, because with unpredictable motion, he doesn't know what to confront. When he gets the idea that it's bad not to be able to confront everything at once, he starts to butter all over the universe, stick on the track, etc. Also, whenever a person gets hit hard by life, or as soon as he begins a program to coerce people into working harder, that person will obsessively start producing. Production follows defeat (as in Germany, Japan, etc.). Someone who's been defeated will produce more bank than someone who's doing well. So in eradicating, on the one hand, a person's intolerance of motion and, on the other hand, his failures or defeats, you are causing his bank to disappear. [The first can be done by CCH's], the second, by goals running. Everything becomes a cure for past failures; every goal is a consequence of not having done. We don't erase the bank; the person gets accustomed to not needing one. The person himself takes over the automaticities of beingness (identities), doingness (creation), and havingness. Most havingness is the result of a defeat and the whole cure sequence, where nearly everything in the universe is a cure for past failures. Every goal also is the result of not having done. So we get intolerance of motion, feelings of defeat, ability to have without having defeated anything. If you can remedy those things for someone, you've produced a new being, who is not the same as an old being who's never had the experience. His knowingness of what's happened doesn't leave him, but his knowledge of the consequences of what he's done lets him emerge as a veteran of campaigns unscarred by his battles -- tough and capable. That which strips all games from the universe would normally result in motionlessness. But how about ending certain games for somebody who doesn't have the consequence of ending in motionlessness? You've broadened the person's view of games he can play. This gives him more games, not less. Play is delusory motion, about which you're not supposed to be serious, so you're not supposed to as-is it. So a person gets trapped in it because it's not real. Play is a dishonest doingness; work is not a serious activity. A person can work at a sport and have fun as his job. Also, if you don't just do what you are doing but put an "I should be doing something else" in, you'll stick in it. If one just did what he did when he did it, he wouldn't get stuck in it. Morality is a now-I'm-supposed-to which makes people not willing to do what they're doing when they do wrong, so they never as-is their wrong acts, so they continue to do them. It's a certainty, then, that one gets a persistence of the things he doesn't want, or a tanglement of the things he does want. Then he wonders why he feels odd. So auditing is straightening someone out so he has tolerance for motion and motionlessness and can have what he should have, or not, as the case might be, as he wishes. To do that, you have to erase all the oddities of doingness, all the pain and boredom of motion or no-motion. The Prehav scale disentangles all the doingnesses. But if you make the PC intolerant of motion or be motionless when he can't, or give him failures in auditing, or don't make it duplicative so he can't have, then you reverse the process. Goals are, to a large extent, a "do something else" or a "Now-I'm-supposed-to". If the individual isn't doing anything, he simply isn't doing anything. There should be no "Now-I'm-supposed-to" superimposed upon the situation.