Type = 0 iDate=2/11/76 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE NOTES AND INDEX    SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE NOTES AND INDEX Compiled, edited, and indexed, by Frank A. Gerbode, M.D., from the private and personal briefing course notes of: Gerald D. French Frank A. Gerbode, M.D. Julie B. Gerbode TO THE READER These are the private and personal briefing course notes of Gerald D. French, Frank A. Gerbode, M.D., and Julie B. Gerbode, compiled, edited, and indexed by Frank A. Gerbode, M.D. They are not to be read by anyone else, without express permission from one of these persons. Anyone who reads these notes must do so in the realization that this is not source data, and these notes are not to be quoted as source data, nor used for technical purposes. They contain many personal observations, references, and cognitions, as well as many points of editing and interpretations of LRH data. Whatever I was aware of as non-LRH data or possibly non-LRH data, I put in brackets: -- [ ]. Furthermore, all tables and illustrations, being to a variable extent my own originations or interpretations, may be considered to be in brackets. However, while I have tried to be as careful and accurate as possible in putting together these notes, and while they contain no errors that are known to me, there are bound to be many inaccuracies in them, simply because alter-is has a way of seeping into any such endeavor, to a greater or lesser extent: hopefully lesser. The notes are mainly intended to give an idea of what was said in the tapes. All the actual LRH data must be found in the tapes themselves. However, this set of notes may be helpful in finding the proper tape in which to look for the source data. Frank A. Gerbode, M.D. 2Nov76 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ii To the Reader iv Illustrations and Tables v - xi Chronological Index of SHSBC Tapes 1 - 803 SHSBC Tape Notes 804 - 810 Alphabetical Index of SHSBC Tape Titles 811 - 814 Miscellaneous SHSBC Process References 815 Chronology of SHSBC Processes -- Main Processes Being Used at Different Times 816 - 973 Subject Index for the SHSBC Tapes iv ILLUSTRATIONS AND TABLES Figure 1. The Know-to-Mystery Scale ................................... 6a 2. Know-to-Mystery Scale Cycles ................................ 7a 3. The Flare in Scientology Scales ............................. 20 4. Dwindling Spiral of Circuit Formation ....................... 122a 5. Tone Level of Valence and Pc ................................ 136 6. Lower Harmonic DEI Scale .................................... 176a 7. The Cycle of Pulling a Withhold ............................. 189 8. Withhold Manifestation "Scale" .............................. 195a 9. The Cycle of Enforced Beingness ............................. 242a 10. The Tiger Drill.............................................. 295a 11. ARC and Thetan Reaction ..................................... 435 12. The Basic Auditing Comm Cycle ............................... 450 13. The Pull Auditing Comm Cycle ................................ 450 14. The Expanded Basic Auditing Comm Cycle ...................... 451 15. The Preclear Origination Comm Cycle ......................... 452 16. Life Potential and the Things of Life ....................... 458 17. The Expanded CDEI Assessment Scale .......................... 463 18. Restimulation ............................................... 486 19. Discharge ................................................... 487 20. Destimulation ............................................... 487 21. The Service Facsimile and Restimulation ..................... 503 22. Actual GPM's in the Bank .................................... 537 23. Structure of an Actual GPM .................................. 560 24. Running the Top of the Present Time Actual GPM .............. 562 25. R6 Process Errors and Since Mid-ruds ........................ 579 26. Cause Level and the Ladder to OT ............................ 638 27. Manifestations of Study Problems ............................ 661 28. Structure of the Bank ....................................... 734 29. The E-meter and Confront .................................... 752 30. Chronology of SHSBC Processes ............................... 815 v CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF SHSBC TAPES 30Aug50 Preventive Dianetics ........................................... 1 23Sep50 General Dianetics, Part 1 ...................................... 2 23Sep50 General Dianetics, Part 2 ...................................... 2 3Mar52 Introduction to Scientology: Milestone One ..................... 2 3Mar52 Introduction to Scientology: Outline of Therapy ................ 3 4Jun54 The Know-to-Sex Scale -- The Mind and the Tone Scale ........... 6 20Oct54 The Parts of Man ............................................... 8 3Jun55 History of Research and Investigation .......................... 11 6Jun55 What Scientology is Doing ...................................... 11 3Oct55 The Fundamentals of Scientology. The Rudiments of Auditing (Part 1) ............................. 12 3Oct55 The Fundamentals of Scientology. The Rudiments of Auditing (Part 2) ............................. 14 8Oct55 The Goals of Dianetics and Scientology ......................... 16 28Feb57 The Parts of Man ............................................... 16 15Jul57 What is Scientology? ........................................... 19 17Jul57 Theory and Definitions of Auditing ............................. 20 22Jan59 How a Process Works ............................................ 21 26Nov59 The Constancy and Fundamentals of Dianetics and Scientology .... 22 31Dec60 The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology ......................... 24 31Dec60 The Things of Scientology ...................................... 24 14Feb61 Fundamentals of Auditing ....................................... 25 7May61 E-meter Talk and Demo .......................................... 28 12May61 Assessment ..................................................... 29 19May61 E-meter ........................................................ 30 26May61 On Auditing .................................................... 31 1Jun61 Flattening Process and E-meter ................................. 32 2Jun61 Flows, Prehav Scale, Primary Scale ............................ 32 5Jun61 Routine One, Two, and Three .................................... 34 6Jun61 Routine One, Two, and Three .................................... 34 7Jun61 Points in Assessing ............................................ 35 8Jun61 Q and A Period and Ending an Intensive ......................... 35 9Jun61 Reading E-meter Reactions ...................................... 35 12Jun61 E-meter Actions, Errors in Auditing ............................ 37 13Jun61 Seminar -- Q and A Period ...................................... 37 14Jun61 Seminar: Withholds ............................................. 38 15Jun61 Not-know ....................................................... 39 16Jun61 Confront and Havingness ........................................ 40 19Jun61 Q and A Period: Auditing Slowdowns ............................. 41 20Jun61 Sec Check Questions. Mutual Rudiments ......................... 41 21Jun61 Seminar at Saint Hill .......................................... 42 22Jun61 Running CCH's .................................................. 42 23Jun61 Q and A Period; CCH's; Auditing ................................ 43 26Jun61 Dealing With Attacks on Scientology ............................ 45 27Jun61 CCH's -- Circuits .............................................. 46 28Jun61 Raw Meat -- Troubleshooting Cases .............................. 47 29Jun61 Wrong Target -- Sec Check ...................................... 47 30Jun61 Training on TR's; Talk on Auditing ............................. 49 3Jul61 Routine 1A -- Problems ......................................... 49 vi 4Jul61 Problems and Solutions ......................................... 51 5Jul61 Q and A Period -- Procedures in Auditing ....................... 53 6Jul61 Routine 1A -- Problems ......................................... 54 11Jul61 Problems and Solutions ......................................... 56 12Jul61 Q and A Period ................................................. 58 14Jul61 Checking Ruds and, Withholds ................................... 59 18Jul61 Can't Have -- Create ........................................... 61 19Jul61 Q and A Period: Auditor Effect on Meter Read ................... 63 20Jul61 Games Conditions ............................................... 65 3Aug61 Creation and Goals ............................................. 67 4Aug61 Methodology of Auditing -- Not-doingness and Occlusion ......... 70 8Aug61 Forgettingness ................................................. 72 11Aug61 Basics of Auditing -- Matter of Factness ....................... 74 17Aug61 Rudiments and Valences ......................................... 75 18Aug61 Control of Attention ........................................... 77 22Aug61 PTP's -- unknownnesses ......................................... 79 23Aug61 Basics of Auditing ............................................. 81 24Aug61 Rudiments ...................................................... 82 29Aug61 Basics of Auditing ............................................. 83 30Aug61 Auditing Quality ............................................... 86 31Aug61 What is Auditing? .............................................. 88 5Sep61 Principles of Auditing ......................................... 92 6Sep61 Subjective Reality ............................................. 95 7Sep61 Reality in Auditing ............................................ 99 12Sep61 Clearing Breakthrough ......................................... 102 13Sep61 Sec Check and Withholds ........................................ 103 19Sep61 Q and A Period: Prehav, Sec Checks, ARC Break Processes ....... 104 20Sep61 Q and A Period: What is Knowable to the Pc; Attention, Etc. ... 106 21Sep61 Smoothness in Auditing ......................................... 108 26Sep61 Teaching the Field -- Sec Checks ............................... 110 27Sep61 Q and A Period: State of Beingness ............................. 112 28Sep61 Grades of Auditors ............................................. 113 4Oct61 The Prior Confusion ............................................ 114 4Oct61 Moral Codes: What is a Withhold? ............................... 115 5Oct61 Sec Checking -- Types of Withhold .............................. 118 10Oct61 Problems Intensives ............................................ 120 11Oct61 Problems Intensive Assessment .................................. 123 12Oct61 Problems ....................................................... 124 17Oct61 Problems Intensives Procedure .................................. 126 18Oct61 Valences -- Circuits ........................................... 128 19Oct61 Q and A Period -- Flows ........................................ 132 24Oct61 Clearing ....................................................... 134 26Oct61 Security Checking -- Auditing Errors ........................... 137 31Oct61 Rudiments ...................................................... 137 1Nov61 Formation of Commands .......................................... 138 2Nov61 How to Security Check .......................................... 139 8Nov61 Checking Case Reports .......................................... 141 16Nov61 Points in Assessing ............................................ 144 22Nov61 Reading the E-meter ............................................ 144 23Nov61 Auxiliary Prehav 3D Scale ..................................... 145 28Nov61 Havingness ..................................................... 147 29Nov61 E-meter Tips ................................................... 149 6Dec61 Sec Checks Necessary ........................................... 150 vii 12Dec61 Sec Checks in Processing ....................................... 152 14Dec61 Anatomy of Problems ............................................ 154 20Dec61 Upgrading of Auditors .......................................... 158 10Jan62 Sec Checks -- Withholds ........................................ 160 11Jan62 How to Audit ................................................... 162 16Jan62 Nature of Withholds ............................................ 164 23Jan62 Basics of Auditing ............................................. 167 24Jan62 Training -- Duplication ........................................ 170 30Jan62 In-Sessionness ................................................. 173 1Feb62 Flows .......................................................... 175 6Feb62 Withholds ...................................................... 179 7Feb62 Missed Withholds ............................................... 183 12Feb62 Prepclearing ................................................... 184 14Feb62 Directing Attention ............................................ 187 15Feb62 Prepchecking ................................................... 190 20Feb62 What is a Withhold? ............................................ 191 21Feb62 Use of Prepchecking ............................................ 192 22Feb62 Prepclearing and Rudiments ..................................... 194 27Feb62 Prepchecking ................................................... 196 27Feb62 Auditor's Code ................................................. 197 1Mar62 Model Session I ................................................ 200 1Mar62 Model Session II ............................................... 202 19Mar62 The Bad "Auditor" .............................................. 203 19Mar62 Mechanics of Suppression ....................................... 205 21Mar62 Prepchecking ................................................... 208 21Mar62 Prepchecking ................................................... 210 27Mar62 Prepchecking Data .............................................. 210 29Mar62 CCH's .......................................................... 212 29Mar62 Q and A Period ................................................. 214 3Apr62 The Overt-Motivator Sequence ................................... 215 5Apr62 The Sacredness of Cases -- Pan-determinism, Self-determinism, Other-determinism .............................................. 219 4Apr62 As-isness: People Who Can and Can't As-is ...................... 222 17Apr62 Auditing ....................................................... 224 17Apr62 How and Why Auditing Works ..................................... 225 19Apr62 Gross Auditing Errors .......................................... 228 19Apr62 Determining What to Run ........................................ 229 26Apr62 Professional Attitude; Rundown on Prepchecking ................. 230 1May62 Missed Withholds ............................................... 232 2May62 Prepchecking [Demo Tape] ....................................... 234 2May62 (Above, continued) ............................................. 234 3May62 Craftsmanship -- Fundamentals .................................. 234 3May62 Prepchecking ................................................... 236 15May62 New Training Sections .......................................... 237 15May62 New TR's ....................................................... 240 17May62 Auditing Errors ................................................ 241 17May62 Prepchecking ................................................... 242 22May62 Missed Withholds ............................................... 244 23May62 Check on "What" Question + Havingness Probe .................... 245 23May62 Fish and Fumble -- Checking Dirty Needles ...................... 245 24May62 E-Meter Data -- Instant Reads (I) .............................. 246 24May62 E-Meter Data -- Instant Reads (II) ............................. 247 29May62 Question and Answer Period ..................................... 248 29May62 Security Check Prepchecking .................................... 249 30May62 Getting Rudiments In [Demo Tape] ............................... 251 30May62 (Above, continued) ............................................. 251 31May62 Value of Rudiments ............................................. 251 31May62 Middle Rudiments ............................................... 251 viii 12Jun62 Middle Rudiments ............................................... 256 14Jun62 Future Technology .............................................. 258 14Jun62 Listing ........................................................ 259 19Jun62 Question and Answer Period ..................................... 262 21Jun62 Model Session Revised .......................................... 262 21Jun62 Question and Answer Period ..................................... 265 26Jun62 E-Meter Quality ................................................ 267 26Jun62 Prepchecking ................................................... 269 28Jun62 Rudiments ...................................................... 271 28Jun62 Question and Answer Period ..................................... 273 10Jul62 Repetitive Rudiments and Repetitive Prepchecking (Part I) ....................................................... 275 (Part II) ...................................................... 278 12Jul62 Meter Reading .................................................. 280 12Jul62 Meter Training ................................................. 282 17Jul62 E-Meter Reads and ARC Breaks ................................... 285 17Jul62 Anatomy of ARC Breaks .......................................... 287 19Jul62 The E-Meter .................................................... 289 26Jul62 Prepchecking ................................................... 291 9Aug62 Clearing ....................................................... 294 14Aug62 Rock Slams and Dirty Needles ................................... 296 14Aug62 World Clearing ................................................. 298 21Aug62 Basics of Auditing . ........................................... 301 18Sep62 Directing PC's Attention ....................................... 303 18Sep62 3GA: Dynamic Assessment by Rock Slam ........................... 305 20Sep62 Listing Lines .................................................. 308 20Sep62 Geriatrics ..................................................... 309 2Sep62 Current Trends ................................................. 311 3Oct62 Prepchecking a Goal (Part I) [Demo] ............................ 312 3Oct62 Prepchecking a Goal (Part II) [Demo] ........................... 312 4Oct62 Modern Security Checking ....................................... 313 9Oct62 Future Org Trends .............................................. 315 9Oct62 Instructor's Bugbear ........................................... 318 30Oct62 Prehav Scales and Lists ....................................... 321 1Nov62 The Missed Missed Withhold ..................................... 323 1Nov62 The Road to Truth .............................................. 325 13Nov62 The Difficult Case ............................................. 329 13Nov62 Entrance to Cases .............................................. 332 15Nov62 Terminals ...................................................... 335 15Nov62 Clearing Technology ............................................ 340 20Nov62 Fundamentals of Auditing ....................................... 342 27Nov62 Routine 2-12 (Part I) .......................................... 346 27Nov62 Routine 2-12 (Part II) ......................................... 348 29Nov62 R2-12 -- Theory and Practice (Part I) .......................... 351 29Nov62 R2-12 -- Theory and Practice (Part II) ......................... 354 11Dec62 R2-12 Data ..................................................... 357 11Dec62 Phantom Rock Slam .............................................. 359 13Dec62 R2-12 Data -- Needle Behavior .................................. 362 13Dec62 Repair of R2-12 ................................................ 365 8Jan63 R2-10 and R2-12 ................................................ 368a 8Jan63 Case Repair .................................................... 370 10Jan63 R2-12 .......................................................... 372 10Jan63 How to Audit ................................................... 373 15Jan63 Dead Horses .................................................... 376 15Jan63 R2-12 Nevers ................................................... 378 16Jan63 TR-0 ........................................................... 380 ix 13Feb63 X-Unit: Ruds and Havingness [Demo] ............................. 381 13Feb63 Discussion by LRH of X-Unit: Ruds and Havingness TVD ........... 381 19Feb63 Rundown on Processes ........................................... 381 20Feb63 Talk on TV Demo: Finding Rocket Reads .......................... 381 21Feb63 R2 and R3: Current Auditing Rundown ............................ 382 7Mar63 When Faced With the Unusual, Do the Usual ...................... 382 20Mar63 Ruds and Havingness Session [Demo] ............................. 383 26Mar63 Case Repair .................................................... 383 27Mar63 Sec Checking [Discussion + Demo] ............................... 385 18Apr63 Directive Listing [Part I] ..................................... 386 30Apr63 Directive Listing [Part II] .................................... 386 16May63 The Time Track ................................................. 389 23May63 State of OT .................................................... 392 28May63 Handling ARC Breaks ............................................ 396 29May63 Programming Cases [Part I] ..................................... 398 30May63 Programming Cases [Part II] .................................... 402 11Jun63 Engram Chain Running ........................................... 406 12Jun63 ARC Straightwire ............................................... 409 13Jun63 Levels of Cases ................................................ 413 18Jun63 Beingness ...................................................... 416 19Jun63 Summary of Modern Auditing ..................................... 421 25Jun63 Routine 2-H .................................................... 424 26Jun63 Listing Assessment for Engram Running [Demo. Part I] ........... 426 27Jun63 Listing Assessment for Engram Running [Demo. Part II] .......... 427 9Jul63 The Free Being ................................................. 427 10Jul63 Auditing Skills for R-3-R ...................................... 432 11Jul63 ARC Breaks ..................................................... 434 16Jul63 Preliminary Steps of R-3-R [Demo] .............................. 438 16Jul63 Tips on Running R-3-R .......................................... 438 17Jul63 Dating ......................................................... 440 18Jul63 Errors in Time ................................................. 443 24Jul63 ARC Breaks and the Comm Cycle .................................. 446 6Aug63 Auditing Comm Cycles -- Definition of an Auditor ............... 453 7Aug63 R-2-H Fundamentals ............................................. 456 8Aug63 R-2-H Assessment ............................................... 462 14Aug63 Auditing Tips .................................................. 465 15Aug63 The Tone Arm ................................................... 469 20Aug63 The Itsa Line .................................................. 472 21Aug63 The Itsa Line (Continued) ...................................... 475 22Aug63 Project 80 ..................................................... 477 27Aug63 Rightness and Wrongness ........................................ 480 29Aug63 The TA and the Service Facsimile ............................... 484 29Aug63 The Service Facsimile .......................................... 489 3Sep63 R3SC ........................................................... 495 4Sep63 How to Find a Service Facsimile ................................ 492 5Sep63 Service Facsimile Assessment ................................... 498 10Sep63 Destimulation of a Case ........................................ 501 11Sep63 Service Facs and GPM's ......................................... 505 12Sep63 Service Facs ................................................... 510 17Sep63 What You Are Auditing .......................................... 513 18Sep63 Saint Hill Service Fac Handling ................................ 517 25Sep63 Summary II: Scientology 0 ...................................... 521 26Sep63 Summary III: About Level IV Auditing ........................... 524 15Oct63 Essentials of Auditing ......................................... 526 16Oct63 The Itsa Maker Line ............................................ 530 17Oct63 Levels of Auditing ............................................. 532 22Oct63 The Integration of Auditing .................................... 534 x 5Nov63 Three Zones of Auditing ........................................ 539 7Nov63 Relationship of Training to OT ................................. 541 27Nov63 TVD 25: Auditing Demo and Comments by LRH ...................... 544 28Nov63 Seven Classifications of Auditing .............................. 544 3Dec63 Certifications and Classifications ............................. 548 4Dec63 TVD 24: Basic Auditing ......................................... 551 5Dec63 Basic Auditing ................................................. 552 10Dec63 Scientology 0 .................................................. 555 12Dec63 Summary of OT Processes ........................................ 558 31Dec63 Indicators ..................................................... 567 7Jan64 Good Indicators ................................................ 570 9Jan64 Bad Indicators ................................................. 574 4Feb64 Auditor Self-Criticism ......................................... 570 6Feb64 Comm Cycle in Auditing ......................................... 581 25Feb64 What Auditing Is and What It Isn't ............................. 585 3Mar64 Auditing and Assessment ........................................ 588 5Mar64 Case Analysis -- Healing ....................................... 591 9Mar64 Summary of Lower Levels ........................................ 594 17Mar64 The Road to Perfection ......................................... 598 19Mar64 Flattening a Process ........................................... 601 24Mar64 International City ............................................. 604 10Apr64 How to Manage a Course ......................................... 609 14Apr64 The Classification and Gradation Program ....................... 610 16Apr64 Auditing by Lists .............................................. 611 21Apr64 Problems and Solutions ......................................... 614 28Apr64 Wisdom as an Auditor ........................................... 618 30Apr64 Effectiveness of Processing .................................... 621 19May64 The PC and Getting Auditing to Work ............................ 624 9Jun64 The Cycle of Action: Its Interpretation on the E-Meter ......... 627 16Jun64 Communication, Overts, and Responsibility ...................... 631 18Jun64 Studying: Introduction ......................................... 636 30Jun64 Cause Level, OT, and the Public ................................ 638 2Jul64 O/W Modernized and Revised ..................................... 642 7Jul64 Dissemination .................................................. 645 9Jul64 Studying -- Data Assimilation ................................. .646 15Jul64 Organizational Operation ....................................... 647 28Jul64 Campaign to Handle Psychosomatic Ills .......................... 649 30Jul64 "Psychosomatic" -- Its Meaning in Scientology .................. 652 4Aug64 A Summary of Study ............................................. 654 6Aug64 Study -- Gradients and Nomenclature ............................ 656 11Aug64 Study -- Evaluation of Information ............................. 658 13Aug64 Study and Education ............................................ 659 1Sep64 The PE Course .................................................. 661 3Sep64 Clearing -- What It Is ......................................... 664 15Sep64 Scientology and Tradition ...................................... 667 22Sep64 A Review of Study .............................................. 670 29Sep64 Gradients ...................................................... 672 13Oct64 Cycles of Action ............................................... 675 20Oct64 Levels -- The Reasons for Them ................................. 678 27Oct64 The Failed Case ................................................ 681 3Nov64 Programmes ..................................................... 684 10Nov64 PTP's, Overts, and ARC Breaks .................................. 686 17Nov64 Styles of Auditing ............................................. 688 15Dec64 Communication: A Gradient on Duplication ....................... 691 2Mar65 Technology and Hidden Standards ................................ 695 9Mar65 The New Organizational Structure ............................... 699 xi 16Mar65 The Progress and Future of Scientology ......................... 699 30Mar65 ARC Breaks and Generalities .................................... 702 6Apr65 The Org Board and Livingness ................................... 705 13Apr65 The Lowest Levels .............................................. 708 27Apr65 Awareness Levels ............................................... 712 11May65 ARC Breaks and PTP's -- The Differentiation .................... 715 18May65 Organization and Ethics ........................................ 719 25May65 The Five Conditions ............................................ 723 8Jun65 Handling the PTS ............................................... 726 29Jun65 The Well-Rounded Auditor ....................................... 730 27Jul65 Stages of Release .............................................. 733 9Sep65 Classification and Gradation ................................... 738 21Sep65 Out Tech ....................................................... 741 14Oct65 Briefing to Review Auditors .................................... 745 19Jul66 About Rhodesia ................................................. 747 21Jul66 Dianetic Auditing .............................................. 750 26Jul66 The Classification Chart and Auditing .......................... 754 28Jul66 Dianetic Auditing and the Mind ................................. 757 2Aug66 Suppressives and GAE's ......................................... 759 4Aug66 Dianetics, Scientology, and Society ............................ 762 16Aug66 Releases and Clears ............................................ 765 18Aug66 Study and Intention ............................................ 769 23Aug66 Organization ................................................... 770 25Aug66 The Anti-Social Personality .................................... 773 1Sep66 Gradients and ARC .............................................. 776 8Sep66 States of Identity ............................................. 780 1Nov66 Government and Organization .................................... 786 29Nov66 "OT" and "Clear" Defined ....................................... 789 6Dec66 Scientology Definitions [Part] II .............................. 793 13Dec66 Scientology Definitions [Part] III ............................. 798