Type = 3 iDate=1/9/64 Volnum=2 Issue=37 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-37 The PE Course    6409C01 SHSpec-37 The PE Course Here is some data from the field of study that relates to the PE course: New people hear incomprehensible words and don't return. That's it. That is the reason why you have fifteen people on Monday who dwindle to two people on Friday. What has been discovered here is the act that exists prior to the overt and which illumines the overt-motivator and O/W sequences. "Before there is an overt, there is a non-comprehend." So the overt-motivator sequence goes: 1. A misunderstood word. 2. A non-comprehend. 3. A belief that it is OK to commit an overt. 4. The commission of the overt. 5. The withhold of the overt. 6. A blow -- an attack or a withdrawal. This can be big or small. 662 [See also HCOB 8Sep64 "Levels II to IV: Overts -- What Lies Behind Them?"] A critical thought is a justifier, a lessener of the overt, and therefore a symptom of an overt. If you ask the PC for an overt and he gives a critical thought, of course you don't leave it there. You ask for the done. Having gotten that, you could ask for the non-comprehend, and, behind that, for the misunderstood word. Get the nattery student to find (on his own, before the next course-time) all of his misunderstoods in previous courses or studies and get them cleaned up. Someone who can't do anything about anything is reasonable about it all. This is a disease that a civilized person gets into. "Being reasonable" doesn't solve anything. You "can't do anything about it", so you get reasonable about it. Being reasonable is what someone does who can't make his goals anymore. If you really find out what the score is, you don't have to be reasonable. You can do something about it. If a guy is having trouble understanding and is nattering about scientology before he has had time to find anything to natter about, there is a word or words in a prior related subject that was misunderstood. Someone who has misunderstood words in a field that is allied to scientology, will be unable to learn scientology. This is why someone who is a psychologist has trouble learning scientology. He could do some clay table processing to handle it. Or you could assign him a self-audit, looking up the words in psychology that he didn't understand. This takes care of the natterer in the PE course, as a very precise action. If you get someone in the PE course who is trying to get it but can't, ask him for the word that you have used that he didn't understand. If the guy is simply trying and failing to grasp a word, he just has an in-context misunderstood word. Find it, and he will brighten up. Then there is the perfect PE student who sits and nods but hasn't a clue. This is handled by having people give written examples of the point that you have made, taken from real life. This permits a return flow and lets you spot the fellow who is utterly glib and can't apply, the fellow who hasn't connected. Get him to give you a list of words that he hasn't understood since starting the course. Take up those words and clean them up. Probably some other people on the course haven't got them either. Suppose that you were offered a course, to teach you all about automobiles, and you had never seen one, but you had sort of vaguely heard about them. You had heard that they travel over the ground at tremendous speeds. This sow ded rather neat and intriguing, so you decided to take the course. Then, suppose you got hit with three nights in a row of how neat cars are and how fast you can go in them and how intriguing they are, and you never got word one about what an automobile is, what makes it work, or what its parts are? So when you teach scientology, teach it. An overt against scientology is a justification for not having understood some word or concept in scientology. Keep it simple and keep it defined. As much as possible, keep it familiar. People like the familiar. People don't like things that are totally new. The public likes the old, with maybe a little bit of improvement, not new subjects. So you had better represent scientology as what it is, which is the only conservative study in the field of the mind. It follows the traditional patterns of philosophy, religion, and the mind. Your own interest in it may have come from your recognition, in it, of the philosophy of Greece and Rome, and of faculty psychology. 663 People justify not having understood a subject, so they commit the overt. That shows that the subject is no good. Present-day psychologists think of a man as a machine. Psychology has a stable datum: "Perception depends on association and sensation." According to the psychologist, there is no perception in the absence of sensation and association. That is, a machine, in the absence of someone tickling its gears and certain things making other things happen, is incapable of noticing anything that is happening. This notion puts conditions upon being able to perceive anything, and it is not true. It would be true of a machine with nobody in charge, but it is not true of a being. A being does not require sensation with association in order to perceive. Only if a person were a piece of meat would this be true. "Before I can look at a field of hay, I'd have to have received a sensation from [it] and [to] have associated it with my childhood." A robot would have to do that. It would have to have associative memory, etc. Psychologists believe that Man is a robot. When you say that "perception is engaged upon by the being himself as a means of communication with the universe around him and other beings," you would have been welcomed by the sixteenth century faculty psychologists, but you are damned by the moderns. You have introduced volition: volitional and non-volitional acts. "You have set up the individual as seeing what he wants to see and not seeing what he doesn't want to see. You have set up the whole mechanism of power of choice, and you have set up the dignity of the individual. And that they want nothing to do with, because they, ... in not understanding Man, have gone the route of the overt. [See earlier part of this tape: pp. 661-2, above.]" "That's why psychiatry cuts out brains. They've got to make nothing out of Man, because they haven't understood him." And the misunderstood word that it goes back to is "psychology". Every psychiatrist is in the frame of mind of a con man. They are ARC broken with their own subject. They know it doesn't work. This is where their contempt for Man comes from. They dominate thought in universities. They teach that Man is no good. He is just a machine. Such a philosophy became "necessary" when leaders entered wars that killed off thirty million people at a crack. This philosophy justifies the overt. "You have to have a philosophy that Man is no good, in order to go on committing overts." "So ... Man's mental subjects first didn't bother to understand anything about Man, and so then began to commit overts, and then employment was found for these blokes by fellows who had to have their overts justified": the Hitlers and the Stalins. Man is not more degraded than he was. It is just that Man's mental sciences have "departed from the traditional, which had to do with the dignity of Man." Wundt made his big mistake at Leipzig, in 1879, and Pavlov and psychiatry came riding in. Scientology is in the great tradition of the dignity of Man. The ideas that we are moving along with are the traditional ideas. These ideas have to do with attention, perception, power of choice, and motivation of behavior. We do not go on the basis of how wicked everyone is. We just ask what these things are. The idea that men are animals was always there to be bought, but it wasn't until 1879 that it got taken up. So modern psychology is the upstart subject. Modern psychology and psychiatry came from the Russian and the German -- two groups of people who have no enviable reputation for humanitarianism. If the Germans had just stopped with 664 music and cameras, we would be fine. But every once in awhile, they got careless with guns. Psychiatry came from Germany and modern psychology came from the Russians. Psychology is really a sub-study of scientology, and, as such, it is our property. After all, psychologists can't even define "psychology". It should have its spelling changed to psyche-ology -- study of the soul -- so as to reflect its true and traditional meaning. It is the psychiatrists and "psychologists" who are the radicals. Scientologists and the traditionalists. We are the conservatives. Psychiatry, psychology, philosophy, and religion and all subsumed in scientology. The radical approaches have had their chance and have failed to produce results. They should stand aside in favor of the more traditional approach. Psychology, as psyche-ology, should be seen as being part of scientology. The eyes can see by putting something there to be perceived, as well as by perceiving what is there. Learning nomenclature is equivalent to learning what is there. Treat the PE course as an area where people can learn the language and find out what is there to be named, and students will come up smiling. If they don't understand the words, they blow, natter, and commit overts. Thus we build our own opposition.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=3/9/64 Volnum=2 Issue=38 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-38 Clearing -- What It Is    6409C03 SHSpec-38 Clearing -- What It Is "Clear" means what it meant in Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science, which is the same as what it means on adding machines. Computers have complex circuits. Sometimes a drop of solder gets dropped in, which short-circuits the circuits and adds some wrong constant factor to the computer. In mechanical adding machines, if you never pushed the "clear" button after the previous operation, you would get the old total added in. That is the uncleared answer, where old data modifies PT data. The mind, likewise, will add old answers into current computations and get wrong answers. A person's memory will be bad in the area where the old answer is stuck. Amnesia is all the "held-down fives", adding up to a total blank. Memory is not a broad condition. It is spotty as a leopard. A person has bad memory in an area of aberration. A traumatic experience is surrounded by locks, so sometimes it is hard to find. There is no such thing, however, as a uniformly good or bad memory. The worse off someone is, the more areas of no-memory there are. [Insanity becomes a way of obfuscating overts, as well as a motivator and a justifier for them. If we could get a person to see the overt, all that insanity would become unnecessary.] If you want to improve someone's memory, you must ask, "Memory on what?" A person is aberrated in the area where his memory is poor. There is a fairly good-sized piece of nuttiness occluding some area of his experience and memory. All you have to do is to monkey with it a little, and it will start to clear. Psychiatry errs by trying to make sense out of the incomprehensible. It can't be done, by definition. You should not try to figure that "square shapes make people nervous", because some patients were nervous around doors. Instead, you should find out how come the patients got nuts on the subject of doors. You don't try to make sense out of the incomprehensible. All you have to do is to understand that he [the person who has presented you with the incomprehensible] doesn't understand it, and to start looking for where it came from. 665 People are far more normal than they are crazy. [Cf. H.S. Sullivan] Nobody is totally crazy. Other "mental sciences" go crazy on this fact, because of Man's thirst for "allness", which is just the craving to identify A with A. Psychiatrists, going A=A=A, think that there is such a thing as a total insanity, and that therefore there is such a thing as the state of being insane. Even in his legal systems, Man has to have something called "insanity". This is not correct: A person is insane in one or more areas or subjects. There is no such thing as total insanity. A gibbering idiot who asks for a glass of water when he is thirsty is sane in that area. The sentence, "This man is insane," requires three dots at its end to show that it is incomplete: Psychiatrists have never completed the sentence so that it reads properly and accurately as, "This man is insane on the subject of _______ ." But if psychiatrists knew that much about the subject of insanity, they could cure it. It is the missing link. Actually, they have never defined their terms. If you ask a psychiatrist, "What subject is this guy insane on?", he would say, maybe, "Exhibitionism!" Bull pucky!! That's a condition, not a subject. You can't classify insanities, because no insanity is the same, on the same subject, as any other. To finish the sentence, "This man is insane on the subject of _______ ," psychiatrists would have to observe the patient. Then they would see that there was no similarity to others' insanity. Find the subject on which a person is insane, find the source of the subject, and he will have cognitions and the aberration will blow. "If you are in an area where the PC is cogniting, you must therefore be in an area where the PC was aberrated." You are tracking down and "clearing" a "held-down five". A cognition is a returned memory. When the PC is cogniting, it is an indicator that he is getting rid of held-down fives. And he will be remembering better in that area. If a person never cognites, you aren't tracking down any held-down fives. "Clear" means "on any given subject, not nuts anymore", especially where the person has been pretty nuts. You could say, for example, "On the subject of children, this person is clear." You would have to put it into the framework of a relationship of some kind. When you have hit enough stuck fives, you can call the guy a clear, which means "a cleared being, with a cleared ability to think". A guy who has been cleared in a given area of aberration can't go nuts in that area again. It took a fantastically off-the-wall set of circumstances to aberrate the person in the first place. To aberrate him again, you would have to get the same weird circumstances all together again, and then some, because now he is educated, too. He knows how it happened. A cleared person, or clear, would be a person with no obvious aberrations and with a majority of areas cleared, who has a cleared ability to think. The basic business of an auditor is to use scientology tech to locate areas of aberration in the being, and then to follow those areas down until the person recognized an earlier causation for the condition. He would then be unable to reconstruct his nuttiness in that area, because the thing that had him aberrated in the first place is gone, and he also knows that he has been nuts in that area, so when he sees something approaching that could be a recurrence of the condition, he pre-understands what might happen again, and it won't happen. Having had the experience [and being aware of it] is like being inoculated. He couldn't go nuts again in that area if he tried. Therefore clearing is stable. 666 The state of total causation is not the same as the state of clear. The state of total causation is OT, which is different from being unaberrated. Clearing is something that applies to the mind. It is related to a finite state of existence -- the ability to survive well in everyday existence, in the universe, across time. When we try to make clear an absolute, we go beyond that into another area that has the side-effects of clear, although you are not trying to fix the guy up. The final result is total resumption of beingness at total causation, which isn't necessarily in the physical universe, in finite time. Clearing is an assist to finite existence, not some supernatural thing. Man doesn't leap from a state of total aberration to a state of total divinity. It is a long walk, which starts with the guy's present environment. The gradient scale only breaks down when the PC gets into running the things that make up the mind: GPM's. Now you are handling uncommon, unnatural problems, like, "Why did the being make a time track? What is he doing in the physical universe?", etc. An individual who had no time at all would not be normal! It takes a different framework to explain this. Now you have an individual who, through his understandings of what is around him and his exact handling of the masses and significances in his immediate vicinity, has a gradual emergence and cognition of what is going on. We are knocking out his concept of existence and replacing it with total knowingness of existence. That individual is emerging towards causation, not towards being cleared. He is going towards a point where he causes the past, not where he is cleared of the past. The aberrations you are taking away from him on R6 are not timed aberrations. That is what makes them build up, and that is why they are rough. They can't be blown by meter dating; they date "now". However, you can date and blow an implant. A GPM isn't something that happened in the year 2681 B.C. That is quite different from something that happened within the universe, that you can fit in on the time track. If you find an engram, all you have to do it date it, and it goes, "Bzzt!" The PC wouldn't have a prayer of getting it back. After the guy is clear, you begin to ask, "Where is the time coming from, that you are dating the clearing in?" Now you are into R6 and OT. The guy is "more causative over the universe; less worried about what the universe is doing to him." You are going from the finite to the infinite. The field of re-creation of the individual, or the individual's rising up towards total cause, is a long and arduous road. You don't run out of GPM's very fast. The point is, that there is a separation point between the finite universe and the world of total beingness. People going towards clearing are interested in physical well-being and their relationships with other human beings. They are interested in accomplishing finite goals in the physical universe, like keeping a job, etc. If a person going up the other track hasn't totally followed the clearing track, he is still interested in those things, too, although perhaps not so aberratedly. But only people who are interested in clearing are interested in finite physical universe goals. 667 If someone is "insane", you remove the individual areas of aberration as they become accessible and leave a growing core of sanity that was always there. "Somewhere along the line, he ceases to be interested in becoming clear of his past ... and he begins to be very sincerely ... interested in causation: personal, individual causation." What is the individual's relationship to and responsibility with regard to the physical universe? The individual is also capable of going nuts in this direction and thinking that he is God, but only if he isn't really past the gates on the road. Clearing ceases when the individual can recognize his basic GPM's and knows where they came from, etc. Ordinary clearing procedures won't touch GPM's, so clearing ceases. Now you go into running GPM's. The person soon gets over being interested in blowing out the electric light or wondering if he could do this, etc. He gets more serious-minded about the situation as it becomes more real to him and more natural to him. He stops worrying about other people getting to be OT. The end of the road is in view, and it is a finite road. So the two roads are different. One has to do with processing somebody within the limits of time and experience, deleting things that keep the individual from getting right answers in existence. The other is different. Auditing changes; the individual's responses to auditing change. You can still shift the pre-OT back a little onto the other road. If you do this too much, he collides with the next GPM and it jams the meter. The locks are now all on top of GPM's, not on traumatic life experiences. [Charge on a subject could lead to misunderstanding a word on the subject. Clarification of the word would cause dropping away of some locks on the subject. This could apply to GPM words also.] It isn't how big or how little a person's aberrations are that counts. It is how many aberrations he has. The closer the aberrations are in subject to each other, the more there are. These aberrations are not necessarily [based on] dramatic or interesting experiences, either, although the PC may try to make more out of them than is actually there.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=15/9/64 Volnum=2 Issue=39 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-39 Scientology and Tradition    6409C15 SHSpec-39 Scientology and Tradition You have to understand something about policy. Policy is not just something that LRH just dreamed up. It is something that has been worked out and that has held true over a period of time. If someone who was supervising staff knew all the policies on central orgs that have been worked out over the years, and if he did what they said, he would never have to solve a single problem. Looking over any scene in an org and the policies for the area, LRH could routinely give the policy covering that situation. It is interesting for an organization as young as this one to have this much policy. Policy makes communication possible between two points. This is its main function, not forcing people to obey orders. In the absence of policy, you don't have communication between two points, because the two points are not agreed on anything. Tradition is, likewise, an agreement. The above points about policy, therefore, also cover a civilization. A civilization has mores and guides to conduct, which are agreed upon and which assist the general survival of the individual and the majority of the group. Policy is, or should be, based on experience and should lead towards survival. 668 So we have policies, customs, and procedures. These are sequential doingnesses. If you don't know and follow these, you fall out of agreement with the people who are following them, and you will feel strange. You might have a better way to do something than the agreed-upon way, but if your way is at wide variance with the accepted way, the others may shoot you. If a society is too dissonant, it is no longer a civilization, because it does not have agreements. There are all kinds of ways of getting married these days. This bunch of mishmashes shows that there is something wrong with the institution of marriage as it now stands. The rise of animalistic psychology has violated the individual's right even to have customs. Behaviorism invalidates the idea that people should have customs. There are only supposed to be pushbutton responses. One is supposed to react to stimuli, etc. Instead of policies, you have manipulation. People and societies object to manipulation, especially hidden manipulation. It violates the right to have a right way to do things. It denies the individual the right to any sense at all. It is no longer based on considerations of survival. The dignity of Man involves the ability to decide policy with others. Policy and customs are things that make sense, at least at the time that they are formulated. Customs and policy look odd when they persist after the problem that they were created to handle has vanished. When a tradition that originally made sense loses its sense, it may now have, as its rationale, "politeness", or some such thing. People tend to carry solutions into the future after the problem is licked. Policies can conflict if realities are different. For instance, in Miami, during the second world war, American planes had a habit of practicing dive bombing on hips entering harbors. They got fired on by a Dutch ship returning from the South Pacific. In scientology, we appear to be out of step. But what we are out of step with is the new technology of control, which assumes that men are animals that should be handled by having their buttons pushed. LRH was taught at Princeton that law proceeds from the customs of the people. Law that proceeds only from a central source and ignores or seeks to change people's customs will either be ignored or will bring on a revolution, as with Prohibition. The Civil Rights Act also sought to change customs by legislation. It violates the First Amendment and other amendments of the Constitution. It violates the right to a jury trial, something that no one seemed to notice. This produced a breakdown in communication, which resulted in disorder and rioting, because it was a violation of custom and an attempt at a central enforcement of custom. The way to keep the peace is to keep the customs of the people. Military governors had this fact laid on them with an axe, since this was the way to keep civil bodies in back of the front lines under control. Having them out of control was embarrassing. When you violate the expected survival pattern of an area, you have said, "Die!" Bucking a custom is bucking a theta comm line. You have cut the comm line between point A and point B. Now their actions don't mesh, since they are operating on different policies. 669 Custom and policies are methods of bringing about communication and agreement along certain matters that lead to a higher level of survival. If policy leads to a higher level of survival, it is good policy. Poor policy leads to a lower level of survival, and bad policy leads to complete disaster. This accounts for the ebb and flow of civilizations. Civilizations could die out because their customs have become antiquated, but far more often civilizations are smashed by the fact that the central government or an external source (an invasion) has smashed the customs of the civilization. Today, on this planet, communism is engaged upon this process, using the Wundtian psychology of 1879. Scientology is not in conflict with the customs of the planet or the universe. Quite the contrary: If you can communicate with anyone on the subject of scientology, he will agree with you, unless he misunderstands a word, since you are talking to him out of the traditional technologies of healing and the human spirit, and the traditional philosophies and psychologies: "Know the truth, and the truth will set you free!" This is an ancient policy of psychology that is now being violated. For instance, Washington is now claiming that the government has the right to lie! This violates the custom of "tell the truth" and the policy of the courts. Governments justify government lies in all sorts of ways, but individuals aren't supposed to lie. It is legal for governments to lie but not for the individual to lie. This is bad news. The man in the street will agree with you, as long as you don't use words that are strange to him. He will agree on ideas such as the idea that Man has a right to be free, to control his life, etc. Our target is not to make an insane person quiet but to make him sane. That has been the target of mental healing since the Stone Age, but not in the last half-century. That is why we are looked upon as dangerous by the new faddists, who are interested in manipulation, not freedom. They would argue with the idea that it is good for people to be free, an idea that has never been contested in civilized society. Try asking a psychiatrist, "What are you trying to do with your patient?" He will never tell you that he is trying to make him sane. He will obfuscate. The slave philosophy was practiced in Sparta. Communism is similar, but bolder. "We have made progress in how to accomplish goals which Man has had as long as he has been Man." What we have developed that is new is a technology to attain the traditional goals of philosophy and religion. Scientology's way of expressing Man's basic goals and our organizational methods may be new, but not the basic goals of scientology, which are the goals of Man. We can improve on the idea behind the witch doctor: healing by manipulation of symbols. We have the advantage of being able to communicate and have a session. By "witch doctor" we do not mean someone who uses an African black magic juju, but a real healing witch doctor. In the absence of orthodoxy, anything can be called unorthodox. A society that has no right conduct is a society in which anyone can be punished and criticized, by art critics, scientific agencies, etc., "because he is not conducting himself rightly." You can no longer comply; there is nothing to comply with. "They pretend there is a custom there, when there isn't any, ... that there is a '1-2-3-4' procedure, and then will never tell you what it is, and yet punish you because you don't comply with it." The material wealth of a society doesn't demonstrate its longevity or endurance. Greece's greatest art [and philosophy] was produced in its decline. 670 The communication of custom is itself a technology. When it breaks down, the custom can be abandoned. Conversely, when the custom itself has broken down, you get communication breaking down. We get a breakdown of a civilization when its customs break down because of a failure to communicate them. You get no cooperation when people don't know the customs on which they operate. The means of communication of customs are no longer taught in this civilization. This is where study tech and misunderstood word tech fits in. So you could be remiss in teaching scientology by using words that are strange and misunderstood. If you do this, you have not established communication. Being comprehensible comes ahead of being effective, since comprehensibility makes your effectiveness apparent. "If you're truly comprehensible, [people] will forgive you almost anything, as witness my life." So the proper order of importance is: 1. Comprehensibility. 2. Necessity (demand). 3. Effectiveness.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=22/9/64 Volnum=2 Issue=40 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-40 A Review of Study    6409C22 SHSpec-40 A Review of Study There are no textbooks on how to study, even in schools of education. LRH plans to write one that would revolutionize the field of study and education. In Johannesburg, tests on school children showed a decrease in I.Q. that was more marked, the longer they stayed in school. The longer a person studies, of course, the more words he runs into that he doesn't understand and the more confusion he piles up. Artists, writers, etc., in the work-a-day world have this peculiarity: The successful ones have never taken a course in their art field or even finished college. At a party given in New York for professional writers, LRH did an informal survey to determine the educational background of the guests. He found that most of them had either been expelled from college or had never attended college in the first place. The one exception was a man who piped up and said that he had obtained a PhD in literature. He turned out to be a literary agent, a failed writer. In the years following, LRH found out that writing courses don't teach writing. They teach some technology that writers don't use and various gimmicks that writers also don't use. Writers do have and use a technology, but writing courses don't teach it. The trouble is that writers are professional liars. When then tell you how they write, they tell the most incredible tales: They never really say what they do. So there are a lot of pretended technologies in the area. In any technical subject, technology builds up in the area of correction. Such technologies as photographic retouching or correction lists tend to be more complex than the technologies that they correct. If you have the technique of how to do it in the first place, everything will move smoothly from there on. But if technology is missing, not known, or not practiced, we will now get a complicated technology arising as a lower-scale subject that will be corrective of the upper-scale subject. Medicine is another example of a corrective technology. The upper-scale technology would be that of making bodies properly in the first place. 671 As practiced today all education is a corrective technology. It is trying to correct its own failed corrections. There is duress in the field to get students to learn. This must be an effort to correct the students' failure to get the material in the first place, caused by early confusions. Duress, in education, is a substitute for the missing technology of the misunderstood word and the cause of the failure of education. The duress makes it impossible for the student to use his education. He is left on a suppress and an only-one basis, because the duress has caused him to go out of ARC with the subject, so he does a non-application of the information. He might even get weird and revengeful towards his subject. Schools keep kids in line until they are old enough for the police to take over the job. "Freedom from" is fighting something or worrying about it, not true freedom. [One way in which you can have a misunderstood is by getting what the writer is saying but, having misunderstood or missed something (perhaps earlier), not getting what the writer is driving at.] How does the state suffer from mis-education? In Russia, many students were given on-the-job training for key posts. But after their training, 100% of the students left the posts that they were trained for. What must have happened is that, 'way back in school, the communist love of changing the meanings of words got in there. The English upper, governing class lost their influence by being educated to death. So the continuation of a culture depends on having a technology of study. The government is trying to bring in law and order, while creating disorder, delinquency, and stupidity in the schools. Once again, scientology and dianetics collide with an area where there is a pretended technology. Unlike the area of medicine and drugs, the field of education is not one of vested interest, because there is not as much money in it. When you are teaching teachers about study technology, you should recognize that you are moving them up from Level 0 to Level I. [See pp. 521-523, above for a description of Level 0; p. 479, above, for a description of Levels I and II; and p. 462, above, for a summary of Levels and Classes I-IV.] You can tell the teachers, "The I.Q. of your children could be increased by study, instead of decreased," or "Your school could run with less upset," or "Juvenile delinquency is caused by mis-education." This will be very acceptable to them, and they will never think to ask where this data and knowledge is coming from, because they never think about anything in the first place. You haven't realized that they can't see where it is coming from, because they can't see at all! This is because they have been trained into stupidity. When you fail to communicate to someone about scientology, it is because you are talking to them above the level at which you should be talking to them. You've got to give them the idea that there are data, that data can be comprehended, and that they can learn something. Then you can give them the idea that there is knowledge. People don't expect anything to work, because nothing ever has. They don't think that there is anything to know. If we are unreal to them, it is because everything is unreal to them. We have a high command-value over them. Scientology could probably put the whole society into some kind of obedience basis, but that is not our purpose. 672 You would have a win if you approached someone on the following gradient: 1. Getting him into a state where he could learn. 2. Showing him that there was something to be studied. 3. Showing him that there was a body of information about study. 4. Showing him that there was a body of information to study. This hasn't been our normal approach. We have generally overlooked the fact that if someone can't learn, he can't even receive your message. In fact, his basic PTP's have to do with not knowing. If he knew that there was some way to learn about anything, he would be very interested. If he could know that there was some way to gather data, he would be on your side, because he could apply this to his PTP's. You would teach him that the first step to knowing about something is to observe it. Both you and he have probably taken it for granted that he is already doing that, when he isn't. You could ask him something like, "Have you ever taken a really good look at what your wife is doing?", or some such. When you are teaching someone about study, you take the obvious and expand it, as an introduction to the field. In dissemination, you are not up against society's ignorance, cussedness, or unwillingness to be helped, but against incorrect study tech and charge on study. This jams your comm line. Incorrect study tech prohibits people from learning that there is more to know, thus stultifying the intellect, creating stupidity, and discouraging observation. Therefore study is an excellent dissemination tool. When disseminating, stay simple. Concentrate on something like, "One learns through observation, which is accomplished by observing." Tell them about the value of observing, gaining familiarity, etc. Don't start with the ARC triangle: The person that you are disseminating to doesn't know that knowledge hasn't already all been found out. He has to come to realize that he can learn and that there is more to know. Since he first tried to learn something, he has been subjected to a technology that stultifies the intellect. He has weird ideas about study that make him flinch from the idea of learning things. You have to make him reach by giving him the obvious, which he can see. Take the obvious points and get studious about them. You can get away with being studious about what is obvious. A person isn't going to get anywhere except by observation, anyway. Let him get complex about the subject of observation. He will only wind up back at observing. He will get to the fact that you observe by observing, after he blows through the complexity. By reach and withdraw of observation, he gets more familiar, e.g. with his wife. Thus, study can bring him out of it.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=29/9/64 Volnum=2 Issue=41 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-41 Gradients    6409C29 SHSpec-41 Gradients Gradients are vital in all areas of scientology -- and life. "Gradient" is a concept that has bypassed many scientologists, as evidenced by the difficulty that some of them have in pulling withholds. If you knew gradients well, you would never have trouble with auditing PCs. What you are really having trouble with isn't what you appear to be having trouble with. The same applies to a PC or a student. If you are not getting case gain on a PC, it could be a mistake in the gradient. You can't get someone 673 over a trouble that he isn't having. So if you process his problem and he doesn't get better, you have him over his head on what he can confront and handle. What he complains of may not be the real problem at all. Some processes, like, "What could you confront?", handle this automatically. This doesn't mean that you don't have to follow a gradient in your address to the case. You should plan it on a gradient. Processes are all designed with the idea of starting with a little and moving up to a lot. The classification program is designed the same way. As the auditor moves up in class, he can handle more difficult PCs and more of the PC's case. You can handle just about anything by tackling the first fundamental thing first and taking on more and more, bit by bit. In lots of research, people have never gone to the fundamentals. They have never asked what they were looking for or where to approach it, or observed some obvious basics. For instance, you can examine sound (a gross vibration) with light (a fine vibration), but you can't examine light with sound. You can't look at it with anything but itself. The only thing that can look at color (light waves) is you. (The "color wheel" can't be a circle. The same color appearing at the other end of the spectrum must be a matter of harmonics.) This gets into "taste". You are the only "thing" that can evaluate color harmonics. When you don't know about gradients, you try to build a castle on top of a palace on top of a condition that you call the PC's case, without going to the fundamentals, knowing what you are looking for or where to approach it, or observing some obvious basics. This happens because you never walked up the gradient and never saw the fundamentals of th PC's case. You only wind up with a notion of the fantastic complexities of existence. If one's observations are nonsense, then one's solutions will be nonsense. And if you keep trying to observe the totality of the case without observing one little thing about it, you will never find the gradient that leads to observation of the case. Approach a case with the question, "What is he doing that I can understand?" You won't be able to remedy the case unless you can find one thing to handle at a time, on the case. To remedy a case, find one thing you can understand about the case and fix it. Then find another. As this proceeds, the case will become simpler. Don't try to grasp or handle the whole damned case in two days. The PC is always at the top of a self-created gradient of complexity that he hasn't climbed, and he tries to get the auditor there, too. So you get suckered in on it and try to solve the whole case overnight. Thus you get a lose. Now, take overts: You ask the PC if he has ever committed a crime that could send him to jail if it were discovered. That is flying to the top of the building, jumping the gradient, and making the auditor feel as though he can't pull overts. No. You pull overts on a gradient. What gradient would work? First you have to take into consideration the fact that you are pulling the PC's overts on a comm line, which may be pretty tenuous to start with. The comm line must be sturdy enough to hold the level of charge, or overt, that we want to have come over on it. First build up the comm line. Then start getting some little overts that come across easily, leading to bigger and bigger overts, always pulling overts of a magnitude that the PC can confront. There are two gradients: 1. The PC's willingness to talk to the auditor. 2. The level of overt that he is willing to tell. 674 There are degrees of willingness to talk to the auditor. You can't expect a PC who is unwilling to talk to you to tell you some big overt. Once you have the comm line in, the PC will be able to tell you as much as he himself can confront, which will increase, the more he tells you. People can generally confront thought more easily than they can confront masses or things. So on the PE course, stick to definitions, of things like "life" or "body", not necessarily even definitions of scientology terms. You can blow tons of charge with nothing but definitions. Don't get into heavy bank stuff. Use a light gradient. Definitions about thoughts are easier for people to grasp than definitions of masses. If someone can't see the data that you are giving him, he can't apply it, and he flies up to the top floor of the building, adds complexities to the data, and then considers that it is complex and that there is no fundamental there. So he invents a bunch of nonsense with regard to it, misses it entirely, and never gets any result with it. So be careful about gradients in training. The student has to be able to see and apply what you are talking about. What you want to watch for in a PC is glibness, unreal answers, and no comm lag. Trying to find a gradient to enter in on with that fellow is fantastic, because he is already stuck in the top floor, but unreal. The gradient had better be a low, slow approach. You have to find something about the case that you can grasp, then go ahead. The time to start looking for something in the case that you can grasp is when the case gets into some difficulty, some lack of advance. Undercut the case on the basis of ability. If you undercut on the basis of sanity, you may insult the PC. Find out what the PC can really do and get him to do it better. When a PC doesn't advance, find a lower gradient. Find something about the PC that you can grasp. The next time you feel queasy about pulling a PC's overts, look the situation over. Do you have a comm line there to pull the overts on? When you do, the next stage is "What could the guy himself confront?" Approach the PC gradiently with questions like, "What have you done?" and "Why wasn't that an overt?" You have to keep the comm line in while pulling the overts, by pulling them gradiently. You can [err by] asking the PC for more overt than he himself can confront having done. As long as you are asking for overts he can confront, the comm line will stay in and your manner won't even matter. Asking for things that he can't confront only restimulates him. It is not a matter of politeness. When we pick up points, in the gradient of living, that the person has bypassed and gotten stuck on and get him to understand them, we call this clearing. At those points, the PC had wrong answers or omissions. When those are cleared up, he can confront and live life easily. Don't be so dedicated to the gradient that you fail to observe when someone climbs it very fast, as can happen. A complicating factor that hasn't been recognized is people's prior education or knowledge of some area or activity. This is generally explained as "natural talent" or a "knack". You can get mistaken ideas about the difficulty of auditing or about your ability to audit, when the real problem is only that of approaching the case on the right gradient. It is trebly important to train students on the right gradient, so that people can win at it and know that they can do it and keep on doing it. 675  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=13/10/64 Volnum=2 Issue=42 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-42 Cycles of Action    6410C13 SHSpec-42 Cycles of Action "The importance [relative value or worth] assigned to a datum is as important as the datum." This is evaluation of importances. Cycles of action are a fundamental of which one must be aware. There is no particular crisis relating to this topic, except insofar as auditors have been failing to get their questions answered. We are talking about a cycle, in the sense that a wheel going around and coming back to the same place is a cycle. The word "cycle" has picked up some odd connotations, as in the modern short story, which tries to give an appearance of no-change by starting and ending in the same place, in the same mood. In the field of mechanics, a cycle is a total revolution. In physics and engineering, a cycle is the motion between the end of one wave and the end of the next wave, i.e. the motion during one wavelength. There is an old definition of "cycle", [that has more to do with what we are talking about], that is a philosophical concept that doesn't involve the word "cycle". This concept is found in the "Hymn to the Dawn Child" in the Vedas. It expresses that there is a nothingness from which comes something that grows, matures, decays, and returns to nebulosity and nothingness. (Johann Templehof went to India and got people from Krishnamurti's group interested in scientology. This annoyed Krishnamurti.) The concept of the cycle of action gives us lots of applicable wisdom. A cycle of action is a plot of consecutive incident against time. From R6, we know that time is a commonly-held consideration. It is a big GPM, with a lot of root-words with an end-word -- "time" -- connected to them. It is an agreed-upon progress that we are all making and moving forward. In view of the fact that we are all in present time, since there is nowhere else to be, and that we don't really move in time, the incident, as it goes forward, appears to be plotted against time. It is the incident that makes the time. Old humanoids have no time, because little happens and there is no future. Kids' days are interminable because a lot happens. You could boil this down to tolerance of incident. It is one's tolerance for incidents that give one the impression of time going fast or slow. When a person has an increase in his tolerance for incident, life seems to slow down. "If you measure ... time by the amount of incident occurring and then didn't have any incident, ... you wouldn't have any time." It is not that the more incident, the more time you have, necessarily. You are dealing with a false commodity, for one thing, and, for another thing, how much time you have depends on the consideration of whether a lot of incident makes a lot of time or little time. You can practically monitor how much time you have by your consideration of how busy you want to be. Sometimes there gets to be too much incident, so there gets to be not enough time. You can manufacture time by deciding that you can confront being busier. "It's the consideration of how much incident makes how much time that gives or subtracts time from one's existence." It is how much you decide that you can tolerate or confront. If you have the consideration that you can be busier or that you have enough time to do something, you can and will. "You can consider time long or short," and it will be. You can also get up to a point where you consider time long or short, without measuring it against incident. You could get high enough toned to consider that evening was a couple of years away and live a couple of years before evening. [Since you would thus be out of agreement with other beings, it would seem that to do this, you would have to have a considerable tolerance for being alone for long periods of time!] 676 The three [actually five] different attitudes towards time, here, are: 1. Unconscious. 2. Incident monitors the person's time. Here the person is at the total effect of time, and he is habituated to incident monitoring his time. But it is a certain speed of incident that he is used to having monitor his life. When the pace changes, he gets a reverse consideration. The person never affects, changes, or even considers the incidents. This is homo sapiens. 3. Person monitors time by willingness to confront incident. Here, at the state of Release, the person considers one of two things: a. If I get busy, time goes faster. b. If I do nothing, time will go faster. The first of these two considerations is commonest. Here, the being gets the idea that he can monitor time by his willingness to confront incident. He can change his own pace by changing incident. 4. Person just postulates time. This occurs around Level VI. Here, the person's considerations about time alone determine the amount of time he has. He doesn't have to depend on exterior incident to consider whether much or little time goes by. He can make a party last a long time, if he wants to. 5. Pan-determined time. At the level of OT, the being might have a pan-determined attitude towards time which would monitor the time of others, as with Sleeping Beauty. Mesmerism provides a lower-scale example of a similar phenomenon. With mesmerism, you can put someone into total rapport, where he feels and thinks the feelings and thoughts of the person who has him mesmerized. The mesmerizer can pinch his own back, and the mesmerized person will leap convulsively and have fingernail marks on his back. This is a form of physical pan-determinism. It is quite unethical to do this on some poor sap who has only a shred of self-determinism left, but it is a lower harmonic of the upper-level pan-determinism over time. To considerations about how much time is passing, you could add other considerations, like the consideration that the actions people are engaged in are happiness-producing actions. In an area where such a consideration had been made, everyone would think he was doing fine. You could also have the opposite consideration: that the actions people are engaged in are misery-producing actions. In this case, people would feel as though they were committing overts by acting. This would change people's considerations of time. The main culprit in doing this is the newspaper, which puts out this consideration by reporting only bad news. On a pan-determined basis, but using a very low-grade, finite comm line, the newspapers are spreading the idea of a worthless series of incidents. This makes time worthless to people. If a society depends a lot on whether they feel their cycle of action should or shouldn't proceed, this consideration will do something to time and to the amount of doingness. 677 An action is simply a motion through space having a certain speed, especially volitional or intended motion. It has a bad name, in some quarters, e.g. in literature or psychology. In civil defense, during crises, any individual in action, during an atomic attack, would be put out of action. A local authority, who is supposed to act, is not a being. The idea is: There must be no action (intended motion). "The prevention of motion is fairly prevalent in mental healing." The psychiatrist thinks that someone is cured when he becomes inactive. A person who has a label and who is active must be restrained. In mysticism, the wise or enlightened person is supposed to be totally motionless. People would like to believe this, if they are scared of OT's. The "mystical mystic" is a case type. He is "reasonable", but he won't act. So the idea of time and whether incidents or action should occur gets messed up. Action has become a dirty word. You get an insane generality, here: the attitude that "No incidents should take place," or "Lots of incidents should take place." Below this, you get, "It's all going on and there's nothing I can do about it. It's all happening to me. It has nothing to do with me." This is the sign of a civilization on the decline. Even the person who says, "It has nothing to do with me," has to admit that it does have something to do with him when he is driven to it. If you approach him closely enough with action and you will get a "cornered rat" effect. Then you get an uncontrolled response like a bar-room brawl. Action gets a bad connotation because it can produce destruction and pain. "When people cannot confront pain, ... they are also refusing to confront action, and when [this happens], they cease to confront incident, and they won't advance a cycle of action, and their sense of time goes [out]." By telling sick people to stay quiet, doctors are prolonging the time for them. Telling them to have activity of some sort would make time pass more quickly. This has a remarkable effect on healing. Where more action is demanded of a person than he can confront, pugnacity sets in. So you get destructive action, which is more action than anyone can confront, as with Hitler, who created too much action. This gives people the false idea that the cycle of action always ends in decay and death, because this is what it looks like in the physical universe. It is here that we depart from the cycle of action depicted in "The Hymn of the Dawn Child". We are taught this on every hand. You have so many examples of cycles of action that end in death and disaster, that you get reluctant to complete a cycle of action. This leads to such foolish ideas as "I mustn't complete a cycle of action on the PC, because it will injure him." This is the worry of an auditor who never completes auditing cycles. That is what keeps people from arriving. They are afraid to get to the final point. Or there could be something wrong with the person's considerations of "cycle" or "action". Confrontation of incident may be low. For instance, some auditors can't confront too rapidly changing a PC or too slowly changing a PC. This could lead to overrun, if one can't confront changing the process, or underrun, if one thinks that completing cycles of action means killing PCs. Any of these difficulties with the cycle of action means trouble with the auditing cycle, one way or another. If an auditor's comm cycle is out, after he is up the line a bit, then this is why. It is not the complexity of the process. The auditor has to have his auditing cycle in for sure, by the time he is auditing R6. 678 There are: 1. Considerations of cycles. 2. Considerations of action. 3. Considerations of cycles of actions. In scientology, a cycle of action is simply from the beginning to the end of an intended action. [I.e. the start of the cycle of action would be the first appearance of the intention to do something, or of the intention to begin doing it now.] You can also have an other-determined definition of cycle of action: From the moment Mother looks at me to where she whips me. The self-determined cycle of action is from the beginning to the end of an intentional action. The way to take care of trouble with the cycle of action is itsa on its elements.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=20/10/64 Volnum=2 Issue=43 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-43 Levels -- The Reasons for Them    6410C20 SHSpec-43 Levels -- The Reasons for Them LRH had a cognition: Khrushchev was overthrown because Russia went into a "compulsive duplication of Great Britain and the U.S. and tried to hold an election." The term "raw meat" applies to: 1. Lack of processing. 2. The PC's opinion of what he is. Someone who has actually started on R6 must not be returned to clearing or getting definitions audited, etc. He is sitting in an item and could pick up some other item out of sequence -- some end-word that is out of sequence. This could give him nasty somatics. So there are solid technical reasons why PCs progress up the levels. The original reason for levels was to stretch auditors out to what they were capable of. It became obvious that PCs didn't gain well when run above their level, despite their eagerness to be run on R6. The reason why John Campbell parted company with LRH was his devotion to the machine. He thought the ideal civilization was machines tending machines. People who consider that they can formulate infallible plans for a Utopia don't think that people should have power of choice, since it disrupts the utopian plans. But the ideal plan has hardly been found, on the political front, as one can see in any newspaper. Furthermore, since absolutes are unobtainable, the ideal state will never be achieved. Beings are not all alike, so who could judge when perfection had been attained? You would never get complete agreement. Man is capable of his own judgment. This alone keeps the absolute from being attained. For instance, what is the "perfect" piece of music? All the way down the line, the individual never completely loses his individuality. Integrity to himself is the last resort of a thetan. The individual can only be pushed so far. Richmond Kelly Turner commanded the USS Astoria cruiser, in World War II. He was a Captain Bligh-type guy. Very grim. LRH knew him. [Maybe the source of Mr. Roberts.] Nothing on the Astoria worked. The crew was on a "white mutiny", in which the crew acts only under direct orders, takes no initiative, and executes nothing that is needed unless directly ordered to do exactly that. That was their way of getting even. "A thetan never gives up." Russia is one big white mutiny. It is not that there is anything wrong with having rules and having people comply with them. What is wrong is using duress continually to deny people any judgment or initiative with regard to the rules. 679 The gradient of ability, relative to rules, is: 1. Doesn't obey rules because he doesn't know them. 2. Total adherence to rules, based on understanding of them. 3. Varying the rules, based on a higher understanding. What gets interesting and can get troublesome, is when you follow the rules with variations. If you are trying to learn some subject, follow a plan, or something. There are two conditions that are a variation from the "must do it": 1. Total ignorance and rebellion, based on aberration. 2. Skill and judgment enough to know which rules can be varied and how. This latter condition is reached when you know the game all the way around. The amateur tries to find the perfect instrument to do it. The pro knows how to make use of what he's got and the rules. In order to vary the rules successfully, you have to know the rules cold. Otherwise you will fail, because you are operating out of ignorance and rebellion. [LRH tells an anecdote about an old Chinese carpenter who resists using a guard on his band saw. He knows what he is doing.] You've got to earn the right to vary the rules, in life or in auditing. In confronting variation from the rules, the manager, supervisor, or whoever, has to be able to differentiate between the two sources of variation: ignorance or familiarity. If he doesn't, "judgment is denied the individual [who could exercise it]," and the supervisor gets into trouble. Are you dealing with ignorance or virtuosity? You can enforce the rule against the person who varies it for the first reason, with impunity, because life is assisting you by punishing stupidity and ignorance anyway. But don't shoot the second type of variation down. This person has earned the right to vary the rule. Whether the person knows his business or not can be seen from his results. If he is consistently getting results and protests the rules, we can see that he is a virtuoso. If he is consistently unable to get results, he needs more rules, not less, since his departure from the rules doesn't get good results. The only way you will progress is over his dead body. But he never dies, so you can't win using force and duress against ignorance. You must educate. On the other hand, if you combat virtuosity instead of ignorance, and you create leaders for a revolution that will unseat you. The people who have been exported to this planet all fall into two and only two classes: 1. Rebellious geniuses. 2. Stupid criminals. There is no in-between. The latter rebel destructively and stupidly; the former rebel intelligently. They give trouble to the stupid state, which thinks that it has the perfect answer. One gives reactive trouble, and the other gives intelligent, self-determined trouble. You had better recognize the difference between the two. When you try to handle self-determined, intelligent trouble with force, this is handling thought with mass, and it doesn't handle well, since power of choice is the main power the person has. So use duress on the former, but never on the latter. All protest is not the former, exclusively. Our question in scientology is, "Why should some people stay debased, stupid, and protesting?" 680 Becoming an OT has to do with power of choice and power of observation. Therefore, no wave of a magic wand will produce an OT, since it would just be another effect on the person. Buddha tried to wave a magic wand and produces slaves -- a horrible example of a postulate gone wrong. The Asia Minor OT [J.C.] who turned leaves into loaves and fishes, or whatever, just impressed everyone to the point that they are still overwhumped. This is probably not what he intended. The unpopularity of scientology levels comes from an unfamiliarity with the road to be walked. You've got to get the guy to where he can talk to an auditor enough and tolerate control enough and be keyed out enough from the mass that he is sitting in, and under enough discipline to confront the objects in the bank necessary to run out to resolve his case. That may take quite awhile. The easiest thing to do is to unburden the case by getting locks off. You do this by: 1. Handling the auditing environment. First you unburden the session. Then get the PC educated into what he is supposed to do and willing to talk to the auditor. You have to explain this to him and show him the auditing comm cycle. Get what auditing is over to the PC. This is getting the PC "sessionable". [LRH invents the term "sessionable".] 2. Handling the between-sessions environment. a. Preparation. Handle PTP's at first just by finding out what they are, before actually auditing them. We can ask the PC what the parts of his environment are [Cf. expanded dianetics]. This alone helps him to sort out his problems. It gives some gain. Get the PC to straighten out his environment so he is not sitting in his office with his house right outside the window, while he is in the auditing room. This is not auditing the environment. It is just getting the PC to identify its parts. At this point, you don't want his problems with his job. You just want his job named as a part of his environment. You are getting him sessionable, which might take several sessions. b. Auditing. Then you ask the PC for problems with the parts of the environment mentioned above. Find one that his attention is stuck on. Ask him what communication he hasn't completed to those terminals. You handle problems very lightly, but wind up with the period between sessions being clean enough so that it doesn't keep coming up at the start of each new session. Again, this may take several sessions. 3. Beginning, approach to the bank. Now we are going into the PC's past and future. In (1) and (2), above, we were broadening the perimeters of the PC. We continue this now by beginning to handle the PC's past and future, helping him to orient himself better. We could run, "Give me something that happened in the past, with date and place." This does the same for the PC's past environment that you have done for his present environment. At what is now Level I, you begin ARC 681 straightwire: orienting the PC to his past -- repetitive processes. If the PC gets to this point, he can be audited easily. 4. Clay table healing. Using this, you can straighten out the concern that the PC has about the body. 5. On up the levels. In completing the levels, you are handling locks on GPM's, so they get all straightened out, ready for R6. Someone who hasn't been brought up through the levels isn't ready for R6 and will get into trouble.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=27/10/64 Volnum=2 Issue=44 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-44 The Failed Case    6410C27 SHSpec-44 The Failed Case The Book of Case Remedies handles the failed case. Look up the symptoms and handle as directed. But there is one case that will always be a failed case. The reason lies not with the auditor, scientology, or the tech. In 1954, LRH researched people who had turned against dianetics and scientology to find the common denominator. He found about twenty-one people who had been in dianetics and scientology but had worked against it and caused a lot of trouble. Seventeen of the twenty-one had criminal records. Also, they had had auditing but had gotten no case change. There might have been twenty-one for twenty-one, but LRH got tired of looking after seventeen. Recently, LRH found out the other factor in the totally failed case: "The totally failed case commits more overts between sessions [in PT] than can be picked up in a session." He is the "continuous PT overts" case. He doesn't as-is things well. He takes a long time to get at anything. He takes no responsibility for anything. He is hard to get in comm with. Etc. In Freudian terms, he is the "detached case" [Dissociative Reaction? Schizoid personality?] He admits to fantastic crimes, but doesn't really consider he did them. He is really saying, "Society forced me to commit ... ," or "My hand stole the watch ... ," etc. He says, "I picked up the pocket book," but means "My hand picked up the pocket book." Such a case can't as-is the overt because there is a lie in his statement of it. It is incomplete. He says, "My hand stole the watch ." but the correct statement is, "I saw the watch and stole it with my hand." He has put an alter-is on the line. He didn't do it. It "happened". Then there is the guy who is putting up a social front and never admits anything he has done, because he doesn't want to look bad to the auditor. This is partly a matter of getting in a good comm line. You can get real overts off the case by asking for horrendously exaggerated overts, [like, "Have you murdered any little children lately?"]. It is a trick. For another gradient, you can ask, "What are you willing to talk to me about?" (You can audit all the sexual overts off the case that you like, without restimulating GPM's, because "sex" is not in the GPM's or end-words as such, though it forms locks on GPM end-words and root-words. Sex is a humanoid activity, and the GPM words don't necessarily refer to humanoid activities.) 682 But the real failed case commits so many overts in PT you don't have time in session to get them all off. The failed case is continually committing real PT overts. He is so irresponsible that the overts don't react on the meter, because they are just not potentially real to him. The source of small reads in R6 is running the PC where he isn't, which means leaving BPC where he is. If he is getting no reads on any list you are using to correct this situation, either the items on the lists are unreal, because he's got no reality on GPM's, being totally uneducated, or he's got it all suppressed. If you are running a prepcheck on a PC, and he runs out of answers on a button, e.g." suppress", don't push him on that button just because you are getting TA on it. You will just restimulate the rest of the buttons! TA action, in a prepcheck, is on the process [i.e. the whole prepcheck], not on the button you happen to be running at the moment. If the prepcheck is not flat when you reach the end of the buttons, go through it again. "I know of no auditing action where a PC who has been getting proper TA action in the session, who says, 'I don't have any more answers to it,' has ever had any further answers to it." There are indicators in the physical appearance and meter behavior of the PC who is running O/W, that there are more answers than he is willing to give. Only in this case do you press the question home. This is not applicable to PTP's. Withheld PTP's won't hurt the PC. They will only be withheld if they are connected to an overt, and you will get that on O/W buttons. So watch out for overrun. The slowest rate of change, in a PC, is at the start of the case. The case that is winning accelerates in rate of change, as you audit it up the line. Cognitions of a given magnitude come faster. Comm lag decreases. So you have to be careful not to overrun the PC. The failed case, however, doesn't change at all. You can check rate of change of a case by checking to see how many hours it takes for a person to have a fundamental cog of some kind. At first, perhaps, it takes 25 hours. Later, perhaps, it only takes an hour. Then you get the person who audits almost by inspection. The increased rate of cognition goes along with a decrease in the comm lag. Another thing you will notice is the PC's physical posture and mannerisms. If there is no change in these over time, if the PC keeps returning to a posture or mannerism, then he is not experiencing a rate of change of progress. Another bad indicator in this respect is when a non-optimum condition persists. When you see that, you know that the case needs remedying. The other bad indicators would be there, too. As an auditing supervisor, you should expect to see some change within a few days. One way to spot what overts the failed case is committing between sessions is to listen for what he complains of in others. The way you would handle the failed case would be to extend your zone of influence to include everywhere the case goes between sessions, for long enough to prevent the continuous overts, long enough to pull the PC out of it. This would be a very thoroughgoing solution and change, but it is about all you could do. You do what you can. There is no fast process to undercut the case, either. The furthest south process you could use to benefit the case would be justifications. But you still have to get a comm line established first. 683 Commoner than the continuous PT overt case is the person who continually committed overts in the past and has this in restimulation. The case that has lots of past overts but isn't doing them in PT is easier to handle. The proper approach to this case is: 1. Get in comm with the PC. 2. Get more and more overts, on a gentle gradient. If the case keeps getting off the same overt, it has become a problem, as far as the mechanics of it go. A problem is postulate-counter-postulate. Therefore it floats in time. This is a problem about the overt. It wasn't an overt, in his view. It was justified, so, in this situation, you can use: 1. "What have you done?" 2. "How have you justified it?" or 3. "How wasn't that an overt?" This is not a repetitive process. Ask, "What have you done that was a harmful act?", and really get an answer that both of you agree was a real overt. This is not a repetitive question. It is one question that might take 25 hours of arguing back and forth about "What is an overt?", etc. -- chitter-chat -- to get answered. When you've got it, then ask, "How was that not an overt?", and keep going on that one for as long as it takes to really get that answered. You want to get "what he really thought was unharmful about it.... Why he really had to do it." At the end of this process, he will really cog. Don't run these two questions as a repetitive process. It can take a long time to get them answered. You are asking the questions right into the guts of aberration. You are not going up on it on some gradient, hoping some accident will occur. You are going right down the center of the road, after something that answered that question. An unchanging condition comes from a postulate-counter-postulate. So "an overt which created ... or ... sought to solve an obsessive problem, hangs in time and becomes both an overt act and a PTP." Most overts are committed as solutions. This gives you another inroad to the case that keeps committing PT overts. Handle the overt as a PTP that the PC is trying to solve. You could find out, "What PTP are you trying to solve with overts?" Or, "What have you done recently that was pretty anti-social?", then "What problem were you trying to solve by doing that?" It would be an odd-ball problem. The trouble with such a case is that you are likely only to get a bunch of motivators. Repetitive questions don't work if the question you ask the PC or his answer to it isn't real to him. The fact that the PC is out of comm with you makes finding the PTP that the PC's overt is intended to solve uncertain of result. However, on ordinary cases, it works very well to find what PTP the guy is trying to solve with his overts, and doing so blows lots of overts into view that the PC might never otherwise have suspected. Not all overts are efforts to solve problems. Some are accidental; some are out of misunderstoods. Getting the justifications off unlocks the problem aspect, takes a lot of locks off, etc. The PC will cognite on the problem, and the effect can sometimes be magical. None of the above will work with a truly failed case type, although it may sometimes nudge such a case. The only thing you can do with the failed case is to restrain him somehow from committing overts, long enough to get him audited, long enough so that he will quit committing the continuous PT overts. 684  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=3/11/64 Volnum=2 Issue=45 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-45 Programs    6411C03 SHSpec-45 Programs LRH went on a flat-out research excursion between 22Jan63 and April of 1964, a skull-buster of up to 18 hours a day on the meter. This resulted in the material necessary to get someone running on R6. Then he saw that the low end of [what was to become] the grade chart -- the bridge -- was starting to get unreal to him. He was beginning to pass out of any interest in Levels 0-IV. He was understanding people's insanity so well that he "was just as-ising everything -- left, right, and center. [He] 'didn't have to do anything about it.'" It was beginning to look silly to him. He noted this attitude growing in him. He realized that this was not OK, that a bridge from Level 0 to Level VI had to be put together. This project was completed in the period from April to November of 1964, with The Book of Case Remedies, clay table healing, and clay table clearing. During that period of wrap-up, LRH realized that the subject of study and education has to be clarified and improved, so that the material that he had researched could be communicated. Study tech started from the viewpoint of what material should be communicated and how it should be communicated. LRH never published his notes for this project, and he has twice lost and found them. All this is why LRH hasn't himself gone totally OT and departed. The other recent work that LRH has done has been setting out organizational programming, as laid out in recent policies. It is based on selling books, as a dissemination tool. The money received from selling books and, more importantly, memberships, goes into a sealed account for book advertising. The more books are sold, the more students and PCs will come in. Names of book buyers who haven't come into the org in three to four months are sent to local franchise-holders. They can no longer teach HQS unless they become City Offices. [For a description of City Offices, see p. 300, above.] So they will become city offices, at which time they will have book accounts. This is all based on the idea of pyramiding. By 1968, R6 should be getting taught in central orgs. Training at Saint Hill would be purely organizational. The HAS course is now one week of PE plus thirty to forty nights of more theory on how it is: basic data. There will be a book of PE lectures, with words defined, etc. The PE evening has one period of reading the text, one period of discussing the words, with attention to people who have earlier misunderstood words or subjects, etc., and a third period in which the students write up whatever examples of what was in the text that they can give, from life. This gives quiet people a chance to say something. The PE textbook covers the whole field of ontology very thoroughly. This is applied philosophy. That is how you can describe scientology to people. Your advertising for the PE course is just that people can learn how to get along better in life than they have been. People are generally aware that they can get along better. The philosophy of "Man is an animal" is saying, "There is nobody there to do anything about anything." How can a cell cure a cell? The book that the PE students are being taught from is available for them to have and read. The phenomenon of getting more and more out of LRH's writings, each time you reread them -- instead of going into boredom -- is "only true of fairly searching truths ... and material in which new thought matter can be found. It is not true of [books that aren't] designed around the provocation of thought." People go into agreement, instead of boredom. 685 (Public presence is created. It is not "natural".) LRH also intends to write a book, telling students and how to study and teach what they are studying and teaching, how to handle slow students, etc. That would answer all academic questions with regard to scientology. It would be a textbook on study. And if it worked for education, it would give ue a stable datum that some part of scientology worked, showing that it is a workable subject. The only trouble that LRH is having with this project is making the textbook complicated enough for college professors to respect it and use it. These people look down on things that are easily understood. Things like awe and reverence shouldn't be mixed in with education. "I know that if [a college professor] sees something simply phrased, in its totality of simplicity, then he will immediately relegate it to the first grade ... teacher. I know better than to use 'prerogative' when I mean 'right', [but the professor] absolutely dies if he doesn't have an adverbial clause modifying a participial phrase of some character, ... which syntaxes itself to death." People have the idea that there are certain poses and pretences and styles that are necessary. However, when you enter a falsity into a subject, it may endure longer, but it won't work right. If something isn't running right or is overly hard to handle, there is a lie connected with it. If the PC's PTP keeps hanging up and ot handling, despite your correct attempts to handle it, you can be sure that there is a lie connected with it. Either the PC isn't hung up in a PTP, or the PTP being put forward by him is a known and outrageous lie. Or it is continuing to be a PTP because the PC has told someone some falsehoods, connected with it. We cannot as-is it because it doesn't have in it what it is supposed to have in it. Anyhow, the problem is how much LRH will concede to the professors in order to get the comm line and study tech in, without going into too much falsity. A book of policies is also being published, which will help to ensure that organizational expansion can occur in an orderly fashion. Early on, some guys thought that scientology was "a business where you made a lot of bucks. No. Scientology is an activity which, if done well, gives you the additional embarrassment of getting rid of money." LRH used to amuse himself at parties by telling people's fortunes by looking at their banks, wearing a bath towel on his head, with a Woolworth diamond. You can't observe the PC without occupying the viewpoint of the auditor. 686  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=10/11/64 Volnum=2 Issue=46 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-46 PTP's, Overts, and ARC Breaks    6411C10 SHSpec-46 PTP's, Overts, and ARC Breaks There is another style of auditing between Level 0 and Level 2 [See HCOB 6Nov64 "Styles of Auditing"]. It is a version of Guiding Style, without repetitive commands. It is a guiding style that goes into itsa: coffee-shop style. [LRH is talking about Guiding Secondary Style, here. This is outlined in HCOB 12Nov64 "Scientology II. PC Level 0-IV; Definition Processes", p. 2.] (You can herd PCs into line by multiple acknowledgment.) The styles of auditing parallel the return of self-determinism to the auditor. Progression upwards through the styles of auditing goes along with an increase in the auditor's ability to occupy a viewpoint and therefore observe. The error in training is to demand more of the lower-level auditor than he can possibly deliver, e.g. having a Level 0 auditor finding out from the PC what is troubling him, before having him talk about it. Listen style is the hardest for the instructor to judge and, at first, for the student to do, because it is so simple that the student adds all sorts of complexities. You must adjust your supervision to this simplicity. There are three [actually six] barriers to case improvement: 1. PTP's. 2. PTP's LD. 3. Overts and withholds. 4. Overts and withholds LD. 5. ARC breaks. 6. ARC breaks LB. These are potentially present in any session at any level. We don't try to handle them at Level 0 and 1. They come into action at Level II, with the things given in The Book of Case Remedies. The woof and warp of any case is composed of a certain mental makeup of combination of a chronic or continuous nature. In any PC, there is a chronic case mess-up. Then you have those things that keep the basic aberrations from unraveling. These are the things that keep the case from being entered and that prevent the PC from being in session, given that he does have an auditor. Any of these things can be chronic or immediate, continuous or temporary. An overt act will go into action only when a restraint is put on it, in the form of some sort of withhold. The person becomes guilty, etc. Since you have to have secrecy, you have to have censure. [And with no censure, there is no no need for secrecy.] When a being doesn't think an action is good, he goes into being made guilty. Hence the overt-motivator sequence. [Hence the connection between the feeling of guilt and, on the one hand, feeling that one has done wrong, and, on the other hand, the feeling that one will be punished.] The overt is prior to the withhold. You should classify overt, withhold, and missed withhold processes all under "overts". There are lots of things to know about overts and lots of processes for running them. The present existence of a problem is worse than its problematic nature. The PTP's floatingness in time is what is peculiar to it and what makes it get in the way of auditing. It was looking at the PTP that got LRH into discovering GPM's. On a political-philosophical level, the problem appears as dialectical materialism, which says that force vs. force produces ideas. Dialectical materialism is making a philosophy of and deifying the problem. Although dialectical materialism says that force vs. force produces ideas, it is actually the other way 'round, since, actually, idea vs. idea produces force. The idea that force makes 687 ideas is just an expression of the Man from Mud theory. If neither postulate of a problem overcomes the other, force accumulates on them, and the forces will counter-oppose. If they are in balance, they will hang up in time. Only those problems that are held in this delicate balance hang up and become PTP's. To get rid of a problem, one postulate or the other must give way. If one side can overbalance the other, the problem slips and doesn't remain a PTP. [Past problems may be "solved" by overbalancing, without really being resolved. These may still exist in the past, but they are not floating up to PT. PTP's still have an exact balance on both sides.] The Cold War of Russia vs. the U.S. has slipped, since the idea of co-existence crept into the U.S.S.R.. If, as an auditor, you realize that not every problem needs to be handled, but only the ones that are so delicately balanced, your job will seem easier, since there have been lots of problems in a thetan's whole existence. The balance is actually so delicate that any little nudge will change it and let it slip away. You sometimes see a PC struggling to hold onto a PTP that has been a way of life, after the auditor has knocked it off its pins. The PC has still got tremendous accumulated forces involved in its solution. A routine is something you use to change an aspect of the PC's case. It always works, unless there is a PTP, overt, or ARC break in the way. An ARC break is actually a tickling of some major restimulation of something in R6. List 1 is adequate to key it out. It is a direct short-circuit into the bank. There are actually very few things in chronic restimulation in the bank. The primary one is difficulties with communication. That is the primary end-word that gets into restimulation. There is no real reason why anyone should communicate with anyone about anything. When you run, "Recall a time you communicated," you are actually running 268 GPM's all at once. So no wonder the PC feels better afterwards! And when something goes wrong with your comm cycle, that upsets the PC. Exactly what the PC does at that point is probably the root-word. When you quiet it down by locating and indicating the BPC, you just drop it back to its former status. You haven't done anything for the PC's case, but you have made him auditable. The big buttons in the bank are: 1. Communication. 2. Time. 3. Havingness. These things, like time, problems, and bits of items like havingness are the things that are in chronic restimulation. But the aberrative value of havingness, compared to communication and time, is miniscule. Communication is 'way back on the series. Communication and time are in restimulation all the time, or, for one thing, there wouldn't be any time. That is one reason why waiting is so upsetting. That means that you go after ARC breaks with a feather touch to key them out. Don't audit them, or you will mess the PC up by keying in "communication" harder. Knowing that these three phenomena are what keep a case from being audited keeps you from being confused by all the possible manifestations, which do, in fact, boil down to these categories [PTP's, O/W, and ARC breaks]. The PC can be a troublesome case, a trouble source, because he has someone on the other side of him who doesn't want him to improve. He will try to get better to prove the other person wrong, which gives him a PTP, resulting in no case gain. 688 Overts carry a lot of different reactions, depending on things like the person's responsibility level. They are a source of change, not fixedness, in a case. The case shifts, does well at times, gets sporadic results, etc. The PC won't let himself get any better. He has odd computations, like the idea that if he gets strong, he might commit overts. You would get the same manifestation of roller-coaster gain in a PTS condition, if there is someone in the person's environment who keeps knocking him down whenever he gets better. The mechanism is a withhold. When a person has a tremendous number of overts that remain constant, he is trying to solve a problem with overts. That is the usual reason for the overts. The overt can be on the part of the person or of society, over the course of an intensive or a longer cycle. You have to get sufficient gain to get the PC up high enough so that the gates don't get closed in your face, by his committing more overts before you get to audit him again. The reason the psychiatrist damages people is that his problem is that of preventing people from damaging other people. Your problem, then, would be a social problem, in dealing with the continuous PT overt case. You would have to solve this problem before you could make progress with the case. The no-change overt case goes up and down a little, unlike the PTP case. The PC may refrain from committing overts for awhile. So overts cause change on graphs constantly, but not steadily. With a fluctuating graph, you could also be facing a PTS situation. The main problem relating to overts is whether the PC will be damaged by motivators. Running overts can backfire, if you let the PC get off only whole-track overts, because they are safe, or miniscule overts, critical thoughts, etc. Such a PC is dodging a continuous PT chain of overts. The PC with continual out-rud is ARC breaky if you try to get him to put his attention elsewhere, because when you take his attention away from the charge of the out-rud, it hits him. He's got to have it remedied before he can be run on a routine. Fortunately, not all PCs need much remedying. The Book of Case Remedies is basically just a batch of methods for putting in ruds. You can be as nice as you want about pulling withholds, but remember that it must be done, and that fact may put you beyond niceness once in awhile, e.g. you might have to say something like, "OK. Come back for some more auditing when you have decided to tell me what you have done. That's LF'ing!"  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=17/11/64 Volnum=2 Issue=47 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-47 "Styles of Auditing"    6411C17 SHSpec-47 "Styles of Auditing" [Reference: HCOB 6Nov64 "Styles of Auditing".] Getting the different auditing styles clarified and formalized will make learning to audit easier. Over the years, many auditing styles have developed to deliver different processes. Repetitive commands came in in 1955-56, along with TR's. Muzzled auditing followed, to handle auditors who messed up PCs with interruptions, comments, etc. More recently, with LRH's work on the comm cycle and the discovery that auditors weren't really listening, listen style was developed. For prepchecking and sec checking, where you steer the PC around, another style was developed: guiding style. Now that we have all the processes, all the styles are there, in order of developing an auditor's skill, as he goes up the levels. The higher you go, the more precise your auditing is, but also the higher you go, the more sloppy your auditing may look. 689 At the level of R6, the PC is going through so much and changing so fast that the auditor has to be able to shift and change rapidly in order to keep up with the PC and his mind, and in order to do just what is necessary to keep the PC running down the bank. A PC has to be up aways to be able to have all-style auditing. For the PC to be up to standing all-style auditing would require a high level of confidence in auditors and acquaintance with different styles of auditing. So the unpredictability of all-style auditing would throw the PC off, if this was the first style he had encountered. Auditing the PC at lower levels would give him more certainty. If you ran R6 on raw meat, you might get away with it, but the first mess you got into would be the end of the PC. He's got no confidence in auditing and no reliance on scientology's ability to handle PTP's, to fix him or rescue him, etc. There is a case factor also preventing a new PC from being audited on R6. The worse off someone is, the more "important" he is and the more exaggerated his ideas of his ability are. He's got hidden standards, out-confront, etc., etc. There isn't much you could do if you put the PC on R6 and he spun, so don't do it. You are making yourself the effect of his bank. Most people start their auditing in total desperation, in fear of going out the bottom. Getting up to the point where they know that they won't get any worse (Release) is a major improvement. It doesn't necessarily take a long time to do this. You might tend to overrun the PC unless you observe well and note the acceleration of gain that occurs. Don't cut off PC cogs. Furthermore, you are handling a level of case that is voluntarily trying to improve, which means that there is some spark of responsibility for self-improvement and some idea that the person can do something about it. People can go so far downscale that they think nothing can be done about anything. Then you get a socialist or a communist state to take care of them. One reason why governments call scientology a fake is that they have the opinion that nothing can be done, [and scientology is claiming that it can do something]. Through a PC's course of auditing, we must keep the PC winning so that "self at cause" keeps coming up. It is easier to make someone better than to make him worse. He resists getting worse but doesn't resist getting better. When he realizes that he can and must do something to get better, and that he will not get worse, be will be a Release. The auditing styles can be plotted against the most likely win for the PC at a given stage of his auditing. How you audit a PC is at least as important as what you audit. Just the mechanics of auditing are therapeutic, regardless of the process they are applied to. First the PC discovers that he can talk to someone. Then he discovers that he can answer a question when he is asked one. there is some 8C in this that is beneficial, as well as duplication, which he has fallen away from. He can't be anything, because he can't duplicate anything. Unless you have gotten someone out of this kind of condition, he can't confront existence. A thetan can only be what he can see. He can only see what he can duplicate. It is hard to get duplication of an accident or a crime, because a person can't be it. Therefore, he can't see it. This leads to a "slight occupational liability as an auditor. You are looking at a PC, all the time, that you don't particularly want to be. You're trying to improve him, aren't you?! Fortunately, it isn't necessary for you to be willing to be aberrated, to get well," because we have the whole anatomy of the reactive bank, and 690 there is no sense in it. If the PC hadn't made the reactive mind and the GPM's, he would be virtually unaberratable. There would be no dwindling spiral, because the thetan would have to determine to have something wrong with him. A thetan had to decide to be aberrated. He did it, but almost accidentally. Having done it, he was too stupid to get out of his trap. There are different degrees of aberration, based on the locks and the tendency of the reactive mind to group, bunch up, and get into restimulation. There are some basic things that can go wrong with a thetan, which are above the level of the bank and GPM's. These include duplication and communication. Duplication and communication can be aberrated, regardless of end-words. There are end-words there too, but these are high-level ideas common to all thetans, with or without banks. A PC should be able to communicate and duplicate pretty well. They do improve, up to the point where he can confront his bank. At Level 0, the PC knows that he has communicated because the auditor received the communication. At Level I, the PC knows he has received a communication, because he has answered it and the auditor is satisfied with the fact that he has answered the communication. If the auditor lets the PC receive a communication or question that he doesn't answer, the PC is unsatisfied, because, knowing that he didn't answer the question, he starts doubting his ability to receive a communication. At this level, he finds that not only can he answer a question, but also he can answer it repetitively. This is a big change for many people. When a PC can answer a question repetitively that is even better than just being able to answer a question. That is why we say, "I will repeat the auditing command." [See Abridged Style below.] Guiding style. At this level, we are handling the PC's finding out that there is something there. To the PC, the whole world is reasonless. He is starting out at a lower harmonic of the truth, namely that there is nothing there and that he has no reason to be upset about anything. He says, "I feel nervous today," and sees no cause for it. The biggest cog here is that there are causes for things. For one thing, he will realize that he is not just natively stupid or that life doesn't have to be a mess. Something could be causing the condition he is in. The PC needs to get the idea that conditions don't just happen, but are caused by things, and that be is "no longer just a pawn. If things cause things, you might be able to predict. If things cause things, you might be able to do something about something. If things cause things, you might be able to do something about yourself!!!" Guiding Secondary Style. This comes out of guiding style auditing. Steer plus itsa is the process that goes with it. You find it and bleed it (Remedy A and B). Level II locates causes. Without knowing the cause, a person is dispersed all over the universe. Finding the cause, and then doing something about it, is terrific. Abridged style. When he has learned all that, it is safe to run him on an abridged style. We can look and see what is going on. The reason why, at Levels I and II, you always say, "I'll repeat the auditing question," when the PC hasn't answered it is that you are teaching the PC that he can receive and answer an auditing question. At Level III, this is not necessary anymore, and it may be irritating to the PC. He already knows that he can get the command. So you have abridged style, in which the auditor and the PC can look and see what is going on. This is an abridgement of lower, not upper styles. The PC says he has a PTP. You don't guide him 691 into it. You just ask, "What is it?" It usually blows, so you then drop it. The PC can as-is things more easily now. You audit purely against a finite result to the point of getting to happen what you want to have happen and no further. The PC learns that when he gets audited, something happens. Direct style. Now we've got direct style auditing. Getting the exact result applies even more, here. You go direct to the result.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=15/12/64 Volnum=2 Issue=49 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-49 Communication: A Gradient on Duplication    6412C15 SHSpec-49 Communication: A Gradient on Duplication Level 0 and Level I are laid out, and the materials exist for Levels II, III, IV, and VI. [See HCOPL 11Dec64 "Full Table of Courses and Classifications".] The PE course is back down below Level 0, and the HAS course is in the academy, with a strict curriculum. It includes axioms and other bits and pieces. HQS is what old HCA/HPA was. When you go all the way to the top, it is then very easy to see what lies between you and the bottom. That is what has happened. Mow we can see what an auditor has to go through and achieve to get all the way up. Unnecessary parts of training have been eliminated without leaving gaps that people could fall into. You can tend to discount how much auditing you have had, when you get up near the top. That would be one reason why you would think you could take a new PC and run him at once on R6, thinking that he is where you are, as a case, when he isn't. A person who is "perfect" and has no problems: 1. Is very delicate. 2. Commits overts. The case who never finds anything to audit because he is "perfect" must be audited very delicately. A person may get a full complement of motivators from something, yet still assert that is was right. If such a person were to admit to or confront a single little fault, i.e. give up a service fac, it would be, to him, the final degradation. He is very overty, but he is at a point where, if he admitted that he had ever done anything wrong, he would slip over the edge of degradation that he has been clinging to and start asserting his rightness by being even wronger, like a kid breaking windows who keeps on doing it, trying to assert the rightness of what he is doing. Manifest insanity is a confirmation of an error. You have to increase the case's responsibility by a series of steps. The only trouble you have had with PCs has come from not going up through the steps necessary to keep the PC winning, getting gains that are real to the PC. The Book of Case Remedies is the totality of Level II (overts and PTP's), but the PC has to be gotten up to the point where he can be run on the processes in The Book of Case Remedies. There are certain things senior to the bank, on which a thetan would be able to be aberrated, whether he had a bank or not, though without a bank, the thetan could get unaberrated again without auditing. The design of the bank is what gives the thetan the dwindling spiral. But if a thetan weren't aberrated and had no designed reactive mind, he could determine to spin in on a spiral, now that he has that skill, because he has done it. But he couldn't have realized how much trouble he would get into. He is capable of miscalculating, which is a fascinating ability to have. The thetan is natively capable of getting into more trouble than he can see. A thetan is capable of having these things happen or 692 making things happen to himself. He is capable of setting up masses to suspend in time. The masses -- GPM's -- create time. But it is difficult for a thetan to aberrate himself to such a degree that he can't recover. The only way he could recover is to block out duplication. (Cf. the Axioms: that which you don't as-is will endure forever.) If a thetan is unwilling to duplicate something, it will endure. The only way a thetan can erase something is to be willing to duplicate it. E.g., if you are unwilling to be like a person, you will get madder and madder at the person, to the point where he will disappear, not by being as-ised, but because you can't see him anymore. He is still there. Thus you have a universe. A thetan is nothing, and he is unwilling to be something, so you get masses, and they endure because the thetan won't as-is them. So he makes a bank, which tells him what he should and shouldn't be willing to duplicate. This bank had two halves: 1. The cowboys in the white hats, which he was willing to duplicate (so they disappeared). 2. The cowboys in the black hats, which he wasn't willing to duplicate (so they became more real and solid). This leads to the dwindling spiral. Communication can be a lower gradient on duplication that leads to more willingness to duplicate, as well as the other way around. The rough part of the bank is duplication. You could take some other part of the comm formula, drill it, and start to knock out the duplication hang-up. With communication, you might get over the obsession not to duplicate, without getting an obsession to duplicate. You knock out the ferocity of, "Don't ever be that!", as when you say to yourself, "I must never never never be a bum on skid row," [and then you must obsessively duplicate the bum by becoming one.] You get out of compulsive and inhibited actions by communication. If a person can't stand the thought of an auto accident, he won't be able to duplicate a car, communicate with it, or control it, and he will crash. The remedy would be to have him touch a car. This shows why touch assists and processes of communication with aberrated body parts, or whatever, are so effective. "You become what you resist." In other words, "That which you are unwilling to duplicate will persist and eventually overwhelm." This is not to say that you have to obsessively duplicate either. Mere experiencing of something is non-therapeutic. Communication with something is therapeutic. If you are afraid of being an alcoholic, don't try it out. Communicate with alcoholics or with something relating to this subject. Then the refusal to duplicate clicks out. Give the alcoholic a bottle or a glass to communicate with. But don't let him experience it. Run reach and withdraw on it, or on photos of skid-row bums. Wilson, a newly-appeared political figure, has a 48 hour comm lag between his saying, "I will never ... " and his doing it. He is nearly nuts, and never notices that he is doing this. If he's "agin" it, he is going to be doing it to be it. "Why was I so angry about it yesterday? I'm it!" "The bank says that 50% of existence must be shunned ... and the other 50% is, 'Love it! Gotta be it! Cherish it!' So, of course, the universe will eventually become the 50% you mustn't have anything to do with." You do not have to experience something in order to duplicate it. The things that bug you are the things you mustn't be or have anything to do with. And if you can't comm with something, you can't hold it off. How do you keep one boat from smashing another if you mustn't have anything to do with a boat hook? 693 There are gradients in the field of duplication. Making drawings is a duplication and telling about them is communication, so that would help out a kid who was having trouble. You could get him up to drawing what he didn't like about school, drawing school in 3D, etc. [Cf. Play Therapy, in which the kid is encouraged to "demonstrate", with toys, the various aberrative parts of his life.] Just don't make it too steep a gradient. Having to experience is an out-gradient. You collapse terminals with the thing that you are experiencing. How can you hold anything off if you can't communicate with it? [Also, if you can't duplicate something, you can't handle it.] Putting it all on a communication activity would be less likely to go too steep. 8C is a steep process, because it asks the PC to communicate with MEST, which is the one thing he doesn't want to duplicate. Also, this process is run duplicatively. Therefore, communication -- like, with the cowboys in the black hats -- is the key that unlocks duplication. It is what you monitor a case by and what you try to solve first, not only with regard to levels, but also at the beginning of every session. You could use a gradient of duplication, instead of a gradient of communication, though it is hard to assess the gradient properly, using duplication, and the PC will hit too steep a gradient and blow. If you approach the whole thing on a communication gradient, you will give the PC a very gentle gradient. "Communication" as a word, happens to be part of the reactive bank: an end-word. But this doesn't matter. However, just because you have gotten the PC past Level 0, it doesn't mean that you have got rid of his reactive mind or his peculiarities as a thetan. You will never get rid of the latter. A cleared thetan, without a bank, will still have slump spots, centered around communication, duplication, making things, unmaking things, persistence, any value that time might be, and value there is to experience, etc. He will make and unmake pictures of things. He will have an aberratable pattern that isn't planned. Then he could just look at this small aberration, and it would as-is. He as-ises things very easily because he doesn't have it all hanging on earlier similars in a bank. There are certain factors in a person, regardless of his experiential track, for instance the fact that "communication knocks out refusals to duplicate." This comes up in a lot of cognitions. A non-duplication decision goes along with non-communication actions. 8C is hard because "you're asking him to communicate with MEST, and that is the one thing he will not be.... It makes quite a process." 8C also handles unwillingness to duplicate. A clever auditor always reestablishes the PC's communication where it ought to be, before going on to do anything else. So if a PC is not in comm, you must find out why. We know the key points: withholds, PTP's, and overts. They all have out-of-comm to them. An overt is a regretted communication. A PTP is a started but not completed, and thereafter refused communication. A withhold is an unwillingness to communicate. If you partially communicate, with an unwillingness to communicate, you've got a missed withhold. This is a particular kind of problem. 694 A broader look at this area is given by the fact that the PC has a PTP because he is unwilling to duplicate something or someone. You've got to be careful not to throw the PC into the bank with no gradient. If the PC gets misemotional, you are on an out-gradient, because the person is experiencing something, rather than communicating. Push a person into a situation where there is a no-duplication decision and no communication with that, and: Powie! He interiorizes into that very point. This can also throw the PC into GPM's and end-words of duplication and communication and their negatives. Communication is the solvent that handles non-duplication. As you audit the PC normally, you've got a destimulative factor: you are putting the PC more thoroughly in comm with his bank, without throwing him into it, i.e., without experiencing it. If you skip the communication, you will get the obsessive duplication, the experiencing, the dramatization. You could develop a process that would do this to the PC. One such process would be, "What wouldn't you mind going out of ARC with?" A more direct one would be, "What don't you like? Duplicate it," though the latter would be therapeutic on some PC's. Or, by making a guy wrong, you can prove to him that he is duplicating something that he has said he would never duplicate. This is the psychiatric approach: "You hate your father, so you are being him, aren't you?" The reason why you can't just process a PC all the way North with communication is that you have to pay attention to the complexity of the bank, e.g. service facsimiles. The bank is complex enough, so that the PC will have to confront and undo it. You have to pay attention to the PC's physical peculiarities. The PC is going to run into some corner of the bank, and you have to pay attention to it. You must find areas that the PC can as-is and walk him into them. But you are not just auditing the PC vs. the bank. There is the environment, full of other people's banks, etc. So you have to make a fast gain. You have to have enough of a gradient so that the PC knows that he has made a gain, and enough gain so that he won't get squashed before the next session. You can get rid of bad habits in the PC, not by a direct attack on them, but by a general comm process, washing out all unwillingness to duplicate. [If a thetan could duplicate, he wouldn't need a habit to handle it. Cf. earlier data on a circuit as a substitute for confront. See p. 47, above.] A person getting extricated from his own bank is also mixed up with other banks. Also, he is still eating. Don't advise people to experience life. If you find some guy that is awfully slow to bring up the line, why, don't bring him up yourself. He has had plenty of time to do himself in, and some people have simply done a better job of it than others. 695  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=2/3/65 Volnum=2 Issue=53 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-53 Technology and Hidden Standards    6503C02 SHSpec-53 Technology and Hidden Standards "Economics and organizations are a matter of the MEST universe. Let me give you a tip: If someone around you or your organization is having trouble with organizational matters, you just processed them subjectively too long. It doesn't matter how long you process them subjectively now. They are not going to go anyplace. The trouble with them is objective. You want to give the objective-type processes, not subjective." Organizational tech is being formed up into courses for the business world. It has taken two to three years to plow this line. Now that we have a product to put on the line, it will go like a crash. Dissemination techniques have been worked up out of the materials of scientology, which have only to be written up and issued. LRH has found all the points where organizations don't expand and found what makes them not expand, what contracts them, etc. You end up with formulas that you can give to the janitor to apply to his job, and he will look them over and see that they make sense. His willingness to work was jammed by his ignorance of the law that governed that work, under its various conditions. All you have to do is to know and use the formulas. If you apply them backwards, you shrink and collapse. It is no longer a question of our arriving before everything blows up. We have made all our deadlines. The questionable period is behind us. Organization is important to build scientology up to civilization level. Our intentions are good, so we will make it. It is now a foregone conclusion that we will make it. As soon as the materials are in your hands, you can't help but make it. In the human race and in the mind, there is a barrier called the hidden standard. "When anyone is critical, they are apparently criticizing against a hidden standard of behavior. They seldom tell you what ... " the behavior should be -- only what it shouldn't be. Or, if they say what the behavior should be, it is in antipathetic terms. There is no definition of a "normal" person. [Hence "abnormal" is defined against a hidden standard.] The communist ideal would be anonymous. This is weird. A person who is doing a job should make known that he is the one doing it. If someone isn't known, he gets no reward. It is possible to develop odd tests for deciding what is good or right, e.g. choosing a doctor for appointment to a hospital on the basis of his sports career. "Examination and selection of personnel gets into trouble continually, for lack of a ... proper standard." The hospital blames the medical school for not training good doctors. But the hospital is setting up a hidden standard and blaming the school for not delivering, without saying what they want delivered. Marriages are made miserable by the hidden standards that spouses run on each other. They don't make clear what they want, when they say that they want a "good spouse". E.g., the wife says, "You are not an adequate husband." The husband says, "I guess I'm not an adequate husband," but the wife's standard remains hidden. She doesn't describe it to him. You could handle marital problems organizationally by finding hidden standards. Auditors come up against this often. "You, as an auditor, have to face up to PCs who are running a hidden standard on you all the time." What you are looking at is not really a standard, but a perverted standard. It is not a real standard. "Nobody's 696 ever acknowledged this standard [and that] holds it apart from the time track." The auditor should acknowledge the standard, so that it doesn't get parked on the time track. "The standard is the collection of non-acknowledgments [that the individual has]. If you want to end a cycle of action, acknowledge. If you don't want to end a cycle of action, don't acknowledge." In auditing, if you don't want to end a cycle, you half-acknowledge, as a way of keeping someone going. A full acknowledgment of a cycle ends it. Non-acknowledgment keeps it going. That is why people tend to get uglier, not prettier. No one ever says, "My, you look ugly today!" One reason why a person gets fixed on human bodies is that no one said, "Oh, I see you are a man, this lifetime!" This datum is very applicable to registrars, as well as auditors. "If you acknowledge the person before he arrives, ... he won't arrive." Nobody will appear for training or processing, if you acknowledge heavily. The right way to handle a letter from someone who announces his intention to come for training or processing is to be courteous and not too definite. Give some information, but not solid acknowledgments. People generally work towards a beingness. They don't function so well just being a post. This is a question of acknowledgment, which ends cycle on the post. "Retirement is an acknowledgment of [a person's] total active life;" it ends the life. In many cases, it ends life in any form. Military commissions act as an invitation to overthrow one's superiors, because a commission is not granted by saying, "Thank you for having been a (lower post). You now have the right to work toward (commissioned post)." A corporal would function much better if, on attaining his new rank, he were to be congratulated, not on being a corporal, but on having been a private, and on having attained the right to work towards becoming lance corporal. If a person's rank or position is bestowed as an accomplishment, rather than as a challenge or a becomingness, then the cycle has been ended before it began, by being prematurely acknowledged. "The only way a person can get in trouble is to be George Smith, while he's pretending to be [his post. There is the post, which] is a set of beingnesses and lines and actions and policies all by itself, ... and there's a being, who runs the" set of beingnesses, lines, actions, and policies which is the hat. George Smith must not operate as George Smith, when he is supposed to be being or attaining, say, the post of D of T. There is a hat, and then there is a being who runs the hat. To get a hat on, you must put it in a category of being in the process of being attained. Once it is attained and acknowledged, it ends. So, as an auditor, you have to be careful what and how and when you acknowledge. If Arthur says that he has had a horrible day at school, LRH doesn't acknowledge with, "Good!" He would use something more sympathetic and really acknowledge it, so that it could go onto the backtrack. You have the power to put someone's past on the past track and to give them a future. If you want to kill them dead, acknowledge everything with a crash. This gives them no future. Be a little doubtful about someone's future plans. Don't use certain, solid acknowledgments. Then give the discussion a good acknowledgment. Recognize that a datum like this, with a lot of uses, could easily "gang agley", on the back track. It would get perverted, messed up, etc. From this datum could arise such things as hidden standards and amnesia. Getting shot is too solid an acknowledgment of a lifetime, so one forgets it. That is the basic mechanism behind non-recall of past lives. Things that aren't acknowledged, because they are totally out of agreement, while the good things 697 are acknowledged -- these unacknowledged things bring about a condition where everything disappears out of the person's past except the non-acknowledged things that people thought were silly, or that they protested, or that they were upset about. "This gives you a decay of personality as a person ... moves along the" time track, whether the person has GPM's or not, though without GPM's, the person could do and undo the aberrations, almost at will. A person should know that he has a tendency to collect all those things that were never acknowledged. That is because the individual has some dependency on the comm formula. As long as a person has any desire to communicate, he will be liable to malfunction of certain parts of the comm formula. And when these parts go awry, things do go weird. A person could regulate his conduct by knowing what parts of the comm formula were good, and what parts were bad -- which parts would natively get him into trouble and which wouldn't. "If you're gonna associate with your fellow beings, ... you're ... going to have to use the communication formula," one way or another. You will have to know how it works, the part that acknowledgment plays, etc. The comm formula can have things go wrong with it, so there is a potential for native aberration. There is a direct source of direct aberration plus the native aberration of beings. The two can work together. GPM's, which are agreed-upon aberration, can hold lesser stuff (native aberration, e.g. failed acknowledgments, etc.) in place and give them aberrative force and importance. Insanity could be two things: 1. The person's collection of unacknowledged things. 2. Outright GPM commands to be nuts. A crazy person is doing a lot "of things that have never been agreed with, and therefore have never been acknowledged." [You don't have to agree with something in order to acknowledge it.] Where you have both factors working together, the GPM's make the unacknowledged things very solid and very much in force. You know that the PC will run into aberration of this sort at Levels VI and VII. [The latter is power processing.] He runs into the collection of non-agreed-with things. The bank itself has lots of charge. The non-agreed-with things (locks) carry very little charge. The PC assigns the values wrong-way-to, especially at first, because he assigns aberration to what he can confront. So you've got: 1. The bank. 2. The accidents and incidents of livingness. The power of these two is eight billion to one. But it appears to be the reverse, because that is all the thetan can confront. You can key out the locks and pat the bank back into place. This in itself is a fantastic improvement over what anyone has been able to accomplish before. There are hidden standards about what we are supposed to be accomplishing. Nobody will admit that you have reached any state, because they have never told you what state you were supposed to reach in the first place, amongst your fellow human beings. This kind of a cycle takes place: You finish the PC up in a session; he feels good. Then he runs into the human race after the session. They run a hidden standard on him and try to make him prove that he is now in a better state. 698 The hidden standard interferes with delivery. There is no point in talking to someone about clear or release. You've got to talk scientology in terms that are real, in relation to the goals of the person to whom you are talking, or you will trip all over his hidden standards. About the only standard you could have for clear is F/N at clear read. The standard for release is, "Do you think that you will get any worse?" People have hidden standards about who you should be to audit them, what condition they should be in, in order to have had a case gain, etc. You could run, "Who would I have to be to audit you?" and acknowledge the dickens out of it. For any condition you have described as a better condition in scientology, there is a hidden standard. And a hidden standard exists even for known standards. For instance, you say, "We require a pink sheet," but they keep bringing you green ones, saying, "Is this what you want?" What happens is that the individual, with his concatenation of non-acknowledged ideas, adds up to a non-observational point. He can't observe from this point. He can't tell where he is or what you are saying to him about how he should be, etc. [Cf. earlier material on service facs as a substitute for observation, "safe assumptions", etc. See HCOB 6Sep63 "Scientology Five -- Instructing in Scientology Auditing: Instructor's Task; D of P's Case Handling", HCOB 160ct63 "R3SC Slow Assessment", and pp. 497 and 499, above.] The PC will keep trying to bail himself out, provided you don't overwhelm him with things to bail or give him nothing. Just give him things to bail with, within his understanding and ability to confront, and he will eventually float. In that way, you don't Q and A with his hidden standards. "You never realize how much better you are than yesterday, because you are experiencing negative gain. [It is] no longer wrong with you, so of course you are not now worrying about it." Just attesting a level and getting a certificate acknowledges the entire level: the session, the auditing, etc. The attestation keys it out and puts it on the back track. This way also, the PC doesn't get stuck in a win, a hidden standard. Because of hidden standards, the only safe way to evaluate case progress is a mechanical method, such as a meter, and a completed cycle of processes. It so happens that if the PC does complete the cycle of processes, he will have case gain, and this can be strung out along levels with such basic processes that you don't have "different" PCs all the time. An unwritten standard is hidden. You may feel that there is a hidden technical standard. This is an alter-is. What has happened is just that there is material that has not yet been released. Nobody is trying to hide any technology. Your best answer to the PC's hidden standards is to hold to your standard technology and just take the PC on up the line with no Q and A. 699  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=9/3/65 Volnum=2 Issue=54 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-54 The New Organizational Structure    6503C09 SHSpec-54 The New Organizational Structure Expansion shows up weaknesses. It is like turning on a magnifying glass. The problem that a person has, who is not doing well in business, is that he is being and not doing. To understand an org, you must understand the formula of life: Living is having and following a purpose. ["Livingness" has to do with the doingness of life.] Here is a further test of an org: Could you take a central org pattern and reduce it to city office size [See p. 300, above, for description of what a city office is.], and have it still work? If the big pattern doesn't smoothly reduce, it won't smoothly expand. Brief org structure: Div 1: Idea. HCO: Issues data on processing. Div 2: Management. Training and processing services. Div 3: Pick up and police. Collects money and takes care of MEST. They are interlocked, so they stick together, but: Divs 1 & 2 don't organize MEST. Divs 2 & 3 don't handle communication. Divs 1 & 3 don't train anybody in anything. The ED of each board is the assistant ED of another board, higher in the hierarchy and located elsewhere. He judges only on statistics.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=16/3/65 Volnum=2 Issue=55 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-55 The Progress and Future of Scientology    6503C16 SHSpec-55 The Progress and Future of Scientology In 1950, people used to yammer at LRH about fixing up the organization. He was caught flat-footed when DMSMH was published. No one expected it to be a best-seller, but it was. And it stayed at the top of the list for months. The publishing firm that published it was overwhelmed by it. When others set up the foundation and asked LRH to run it, he said, "OK." But he had no management control. He proposed some ideas then, which are only now being put into action. Until about July, 1950, his attitude was, "Well, I just wrote it." The name "LRH" was getting very popular, but he was trying to avoid the hat. But he was setting the place up, giving eight hours or so of lecture a day, getting the building, the furniture, etc. The building had three main railroad lines -- one on each side. LRH used to fix up PCs that other auditors couldn't handle. He started the HAS course, using the data straight out of Book One. The students all went onto the original HCA course. The word "Hubbard", in "Hubbard Dianetic Auditor" and in other titles, was chosen by the Elizabeth and L.A. auditors. LRH went along with it, with certain misgivings. A few days before the publication of DMSMH, Palmer, at the Explorer's Club, offered LRH an expedition to the Dodecanese Islands, south of Greece, to find a sunken ship with statuary. The deeper into 1950 it got, the better the expedition looked! The organization took more and more of LRH's time. LRH was still telling people this kind of thing. The general manager said to LRH, "You must front up the organization. These people are depending on you." LRH found out that Joe Winter was squirreling, telling people that dianetics was developed by some nonexistent group of scientists and that auditing was an art with nothing scientific about it. Contemporary subjects were things like psychodrama [Moreno et al.]; these things looked good, but they didn't work. 700 So two hours after the first meeting [of the Dianetic Foundation?], LRH put his time on the line and took responsibility for the development of the subject, rather reluctantly. He wasn't prepared to make his life an open book, because it was too incredible for people to believe, and they would call him a liar. LRH is not in bad favor with Washington senators, etc. In 1955, if he had wanted to, LRH could have gotten legislation passed that would have protected scientology. The FBI was very nice, when he wanted to find out who, out of about 200 staff people, were communists. They told him who were not communists: about thirty out of 200! There was an airplane waiting to take LRH to St. Louis and put him in a spin-bin. Fortunately, the people who were sent to get him weren't as well trained in combat as he was. He took care of them. This all occurred subsequent to LRH taking on his hat. It has taken fifteen years to get to a state where the hat could be worn, because LRH's hat assaults the foundations of the society we live in by talking about freeing Man, bettering Man, etc. Ours is a philosophy that says that people can't be lied to -- that we can see through the black magic spells. This is an interesting civilization, because people don't know who they are, where they are, where they are going, or what they are doing. You start laying truth on the line, and confusion starts to blow off. The early days of dianetics followed that rule. We got through it, because, in July [1955], LRH wore his hat of being him, and no one has been able to throw him off it since. LRH is also capable of occupying a subordinate role. LRH worried for awhile that he was one of those guys who can only lead and cannot follow. However, he was delighted to find out, in the Navy, that he was also an excellent subordinate. But to occupy a top-dog role ... all the way up -- you know: there's no government or any mystic vision back of you -- and confront everything simultaneously, and stand there regardless of the dead cats, the alarm clocks, and bricks, and everything else which are coming your way ... -- that took some doing: And that's all you look at when you look at this early history. [It was] a stable datum, going into a very very aberrated world.... From where I looked, it looked awful lonesome, occasionally. It [took] some doing," and some confront. We have changed things in the world. We have changed psychology, for one thing. It wasn't done alone. Early staffs took a beating at times, e.g. in Philadelphia, when fifteen or twenty cops came to arrest LRH as a witness in a bankruptcy hearing. By the time the Federal Marshalls got to LRH, they were utterly demoralized. They took him downtown, before a judge, and there was great embarrassment, when the lies from the Wichita Foundation were uncovered. But we have been standing still, waiting for the dead cats to clear from the air. Our early history is that of trying, at first unsuccessfully, to just hold a position. Putting in dianetics as a stable datum blew off enough confusion in the society so that we could move. For a long time, it was impossible to hold a position stably. Hence the way the early Foundations moved around. LRH was standing there as a being, but as an organization, we couldn't stand up. LRH's idea was to do his research and get it to the point where there was dependable gain there for every case -- easily attainable and deliverable. He paid no attention to the dead cats. That may have been rough on people. The group has been asking him to advance a line into society, while he has been fixing up the technology so that it could be delivered. He has kept organizations running, but he has not put much time in on organization, comparatively. 701 In the early days, "the reason we didn't deliver was that there was no way to enforce the way to do it." Dianetics got enturbulated because unstraight tech, poorly delivered, prevented case advance. And "there wasn't any way you could discipline the administration of the technology." To discipline the administration of the tech, the following is required: 1. You've got to have the technology, and not hidden standards. 2. You've got to be able to make it known. 3. You have to police its use, i.e. to make sure that it is that technology that is applied. That is the 1-2-3 of an administration. Early on, we lacked not only the tech to handle simple things, like O/W and PT concerns of the PC, but also the means to see that what we did have got applied. Dianetics was not, and we are not, just an idea, a book, a copyright, or a nice philosophy lying in a book on a shelf. We are bringing live human beings up to recognition of their own beingness, and that is a live action. We don't face it, because it is easier to confront a concept than a live being. We have never been anything but beings, going through society. When we started up the line, it was the enturbulation of the trillions starting to blow. We had more ways to knock out the whole track than to get the overt out of the last hour. We had started to make a hole in the collective aberration of mankind. It was we, as beings, making the hole, not the idea, not with good tools, not with administration to enforce what tech we had. You are perfectly right to say, "It's Ron's fault that it didn't all go smoothly." "I should have been an OT who came to earth and got ahold of someone named Moses and said, 'Hey, Moses! Here are some rules. Now you go back and front for me.' Is there anything wrong with that story? Can you imagine anyone doing that, if he had all that power? No, no! This didn't happen. It just required more nerve to stand up by yourself." The people who attacked us are dead or in terrible shape. The organizations that attacked us are weaker. We have held the fort successfully, and we can now begin to do what we want, rather than what we have to do. We are holding our position as an organization now. We are able to get tech applied. Our organization takes the form we want it to take. In 1950, LRH said, "It will go as far as it works." He has been pushing the tech to its limit, despite pleas to take over the admin. "Things are becoming more orderly." Now LRH is in a position to put in administrative form and structure. We had gotten ourselves to a position where we were holding ourselves from expanding. Now the instructor can wear his hat, in the course. "The action of administration is simply smoothing out the enturbulence of the environment." When you introduce someone to scientology, he can run into lots of confusion with the other people in his environment. He has changed, and they haven't. As an individual, he goes through what scientology, as a group, has gone through. However, it won't take him fifteen years to get up to a point where he can hold his case gain! There is a terrific relationship between the environment, the individual, and the speed with which a process works. The earlier auditing on a case is "a race between the auditor and [the PC's] environment." That was true of the introduction of dianetics and scientology into the environment, also. That was also a race. 702 The guy who has an early win in scientology tells his friends, and confusion blows off, which may spin him in. He gets inval, etc. He has put in a stable datum and can't hold his position in the resultant confusion. You've got to get a process working on somebody, that is effective enough so that the environment won't knock him down faster than you can pull him up. You have to deliver to him the kind of technology that he can somehow stand up with. You must not unsettle him, e.g. with R6. You want him to be stable. Furthermore, you want to give him some administrative protection. Today, you have been given weapons of administrative protection for your PC, as well as a method of forcing a PC to take action and not keep messing up in his environment. We are more powerful and things are more stable than ever before, and will continue to be so, as long as we follow the channels of the administrative system, as long as our mutual understanding of the existing situation and the lessons of what we have been through are applied. We have had lines that were blocked. LRH is pulling out the blocks, now, putting in comm lines, etc. The trick is to avoid unsettling lines that are already in and working. The goal is an accelerating curve. We are past the critical point of organizational case gain. Now we can hold our gains. Now we have to get in comm lines and put policy to work. If you want to strengthen an organization, just find the blocks to expansion and pull them out. Open up your comm lines, put your barriers on the edges of the lines to channel them, and put life into the group. Last summer, LRH changed the whole org board to make it more workable. This action resulted in smoother flows and less upset. We are about to complete that reorganization, without cutting out any working lines, but paralleling them. Duplicative functions are being cut out, so there is less traffic. All we ask of a staff member is to discipline his comm line. There is no vast rush to get the tech all published. We need to get the organizational lines in first, so that when we hit the society with new material, there will be lines for the traffic to flow on. The levels checksheets and processes are ready for release. The processes are simpler than you would expect. Earlier technology was more advanced in some instances than later tech. For instance, the material in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course is Level VII material. The old technology was workable, ever since Excalibur was written in 1938. But the chances of it being received, followed, or applied were remote. We are now moving ahead to some law and order, which smooths things out. Man was too far down to know that he was confused. Now he can come up through the confusion.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=30/3/65 Volnum=2 Issue=56 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-56 ARC Breaks and Generalities    6503C30 SHSpec-56 ARC Breaks and Generalities The problem of getting materials out has to do with LRH's pen fingers and the short (only 24 hour) day. Nevertheless, expansion is going rapidly. What is interesting is the number of false data that you can get, that create a false impression. For instance, you can get the datum that "they say", when only one guy said it. We were thrown a curve last year. It was reported to LRH from at least two sources that the gradation program was unpopular. In fact, the gradation program alone was responsible for last year's organizational upsurge. LRH let the gradation program wobble and modified it, whereupon a decline set in. Most people think that it was the price shift at the start of the year 703 that caused the decline. But the decline was coincident with LRH leaving for vacation. When investigated, it was found that registrars were using the confusion caused by the price shift to deny service. They sold a lot of auditing, saying, "The price will be prohibitive in thirty days," and everyone went into agreement with it. The registrars also confused the public about what they could get with what, in terms of memberships. Furthermore, there wasn't a price rise. The price dropped! Unlike registrars in central orgs, LRH never talked about money. Someone would come in to a central org thinking about auditing, and someone at the org who had money problems himself gratuitously gave the would-be PC money problems. LRH never talked about money, yet people force a discussion of money on him. If processing works, the person who gets it is more able to have money. Since registraring to get money was never something that LRH had to do, he is considering removing interviews with the Reg as part of the Reg's hat. It must have been something added on the line that suppressed the inflow of money. It must have been the selling. LRH used to explain every datum at least nine times in a lecture, before study tech came out. That got around misunderstood words, because the material was put in various ways. When telling students to do something, he has found that they will do what he said, so he has to be sure that he tells them what to do very very clearly. Instruction is basically trying to cover all of it so thoroughly that there are no gaps and no room for question on how to do it. An old process gets all the quirks and weird ways to do it ironed out as it gets used. People in the L.A. org got the odd idea that a Class VI auditor would only audit Level VI material. No. Class VI auditors can run Level 0, only they would use E-meters, assess for the exact thing to run, etc. An auditor uses all the tools of the trade that he has mastered. If a Class VI auditor were doing a touch assist on a burned area and he could see that the area was not getting better fast, i.e., that there was no TA on the process, he would know that the PC must have something connected with the injury, like a withhold or an overt. Having the PC point to where it happened and where it is now is having him contact the environment and letting the whole incident come into view. Now the touch assist can go to work. Never accept rumor as something on which to base any action or decision, except to investigate. Use statistics, which are particularities. If you don't have stats for each individual, you get chaos, because it is a generality. An organization will cause ARC breaks amongst its staff, if you can't get a statistic on everybody present, week in and week out. People will protest an organization as a slave-driving system, in the absence of stats. The stat has to be on each individual, or it is worthless. It must also be compared with former stats. This is what it takes to keep some activity or organization going for a long period of time. The Galactic Confederacy had a pretty good org board. The org lasted eighty trillion years. Its only flaw was not having any provision for change or improvement. It had two billion staff members in the central org. LRH set himself the problem of making an org board that could cover from one person to two billion. When things aren't staticized, you get rumors, injustice, and authoritarianism, because a generality is operating. Earth organizations commonly attribute success wholly to the man at the 704 top, when in fact he is only 60% or 70% responsible. General MacArthur didn't win the war, though he was a bright cookie. In Korea, he didn't win, because he wasn't a good politician. He disobeyed a condition formula. He was in emergency and didn't promote. Public opinion is made out of someone's hat. The moral is, that when you try to explain a condition with generalities that do not apply, you muck up the whole situation. That is how Russia will take the U.S. They have better propaganda. They are promoting communism, and who is promoting democracy? Wilson and Johnson are reorganizing economies in a period of decline -- emergency -- when they should promote what they cam eventually deliver, be prepared to deliver it, etc. They are advertising a crisis. "If you don't want to be something, don't postulate it." If you yell, "Crisis!", you will get a crisis. Apply the proper conditions formula. U.S. business operates an though it is in a perpetual condition of emergency. It uses heavy promotion, etc. American businesses never apply the condition for normal when they get there. So they never get out of emergency. In emergency, you handle with a sledge hammer. In normal, you handle with kid gloves. All this has to do with dealing with what is actually going on. But you can never find out what is actually going on from having just a mass of something. There is nothing to compare it with. You can only find out what is happening with the individual bits of something, never with the masses. You get in trouble when you generalize what should be particular. In scientology, we do make general statements about men. We can only get away with doing this because we have studied many individuals. When we say about "men" is actually a description of a thetan. There is another interesting fact about generalities. We used to know fairly little about ARC breaks. Now we know that "an ARC break is a generality that should be a particularity." It was a single, but it was called a many. "Only an ARC break can worsen a graph," during processing, which makes an ARC break more serious than a PTP: "If there's no graph change, there's a PTP." There is nothing wrong with a generality per se, only with one that should be a particularity. If you get a generality when asking for an ARC break, get the PC to particularize it. You can fail to find the BPC by taking a generality as the BPC, instead of going on to find out who "they" is. You would still have to get the specific "who", and it may take several of these steps to get it. E.g.: Aud -- Is there an ARC break? PC -- Yes. The instructors are mean to me. Aud -- Who is "the instructors"? PC -- Pete. Aud -- There is BPC. Has he failed to answer you?, etc. PC -- No. It is actually the students. Aud -- Who is "the students"? PC -- Agnes ... I'd forgotten completely! She said I was a lousy auditor, yesterday! "What is basically wrong with [the R6 Bank]? All the GPM's are generalities!" That is why people ARC break so hard on R6. The above datum concerning generalities also solves loss. The loss of something produces a generality of where it could be. When you lose something, it could be anywhere, which makes it a generality. This is a lie, so the person ARC breaks. "One of the ways to cure yourself of a [loss] is [to] remember that [the thing that was lost] can only be in one place, not in thousands of places. 705 "It's an 'everywhere' that should be a particularity." [It gives the individual an unflat listing question about "where?"] "The test of 'What was the BPC?' is: 'When it is located, does the PC cheer up?'" If you have to locate it more, you haven't found the BPC.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=6/4/65 Volnum=2 Issue=57 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-57 The Org Board and Livingness    6504C06 SHSpec-57 The Org Board and Livingness [Reference: HCOPL 3Apr65. Not available in OEC volumes.] HCOPL 3Apr65 gives basic organization in detail. The present org board is an old Galactic Civilization board with a couple of departments missing. The org board is a philosophical machine. A command chart covers only one aspect of organizational functioning. A true org board must take care of what happens. If a function is not expressed on the org board, it will be worn by everybody, unknowingly. When you put a box on an org board, it will be filled. Men cannot work as a team without policy. Even bad policy will at least make a team, if it is followed. Policy is the extant agreement of the group. Without this agreement, you only get individual action. If an organization is better organized than other organizations, it wouldn't have to do anything spectacular about the other organizations [by way of competing with them or battling with them]. Every war traces back to wild out-policy. If we come up the line as people, as individuals, and also as part of the team, we won't get into all the trouble we got into as roarin', screamin' individuals, 'way back on the track. We will be able to make it all the way, because we will be able to keep order all the way. Case stability depends upon the smooth organization of individuals. Without an organization, the tech would drop out, in time. The organization must be close to flawless. Once you have put the organization in concrete and started it rolling, if it is almost right, you have had it, because it will become an all-devouring monster, and it will fail by the germs of its own destruction. And what destroys almost any organization is its own germs. It's the things it laid in. It's the things you did, not the things that were done to you. The only way you can come down is for having made a mistake yourself. There must always be that prior mistake. Sometimes it is very slight and unpredictable, apparently. When a curve goes down, there are lots of errors. There is no one major error. You must have understandings, not understanding. There are 265 x 6 separate dynamic urges in Man and 265 x 6 x 18 separate causations. There was an effort to make them so numerous that no one could embrace them. [Actual GPM's?] Organizational policy must be comprehensible. The org board must express: 1. Function. 2. Duties. 3. Sequences of actions. 4. Authorities. The org board gives the cycle of raw meat to OT: the cycles of actions that a person would undertake, from the public. It became a public org board, too. The public enters from the left and proceeds to the right. 706 In life: 1. You must have an impulse into a channel. 2. The edges of a channel must be held firm. 3. The barriers in the channel must be removed. 4. The non-compliance of forwardings in the channel must be taken care of. 5. The distractions must be removed from the borders of the channel. 6. There must be some place for something going down the channel to arrive at. This is the definition of life. Life, without that channel, won't exist. That is livingness: going along a certain course, impelled by a purpose, with some place to arrive. This also gives us all the levels of the gradation program. Clear is a baby OT. His next bank is the physical universe. The first point on the org board is the Office of LRH. This used to be HASI. This deals with: 1. Authority 2. LRH's material. 3. LRH's signature. The main thing about this department is the issuance of conditions. The first cog is that there is a condition. Hence, this is the entrance point for raw meat. He thinks others will take care of him. However, he must recognize his condition, or he will die. Others tell him that his condition is that he will die. Scientology says, "You don't have to die, or get sick, etc." All processes from that point on contain a condition. After you have a condition, you had better communicate with it. Hence the next department is the Department of Communications, and the name of the level is"communication". The next level is "perception": the Department of Inspections and Reports. Communication must precede perception. The next point is orientation. The individual finds out that he has been living in a nightmare. This is the Department of Compilation. After you have accumulated notes, you can put them together and hand them to people, so that they can get oriented. [Cf. these Briefing Course notes.] Perceptions get compiled into understandings, so the next department is understandings, i.e. the Department of Publications. This department publishes what is to be understood or what is understood. Understanding is just telling yourself what is understood. The next department, the Department of Promotion, is under "purposes". The only thing the Prom-Reg ever handles is purposes. The PC, at this level on the gradation chart, has arrived at "purposes", i.e. R6. He has gotten rid of false purposes; he has achieved the state of clear, in its new 1964 definition. [See tape 6409C03 SHSpec-38 "Clearing -- What It Is", pp. 664-667, above.] The above is all under HCO. HCO is a double-barreled division. It comprises the following: HCO Div 1 Communication Sec 707 HCO also comprises: Dissemination Div 2 Understanding HCO Dissem Sec Compilations Publications Promotion Orientation Understanding Purpose If you cross two divisions on a hat, from that point on, you have jammed the ability of an organization to expand. Don't have one person on hats in two different divisions. Therefore six people are necessary, in order to have an org: one for each division. When an organization gets fairly big, you cross departmental hats at your peril. Org Div 3 [Energy] [Org Sec] Dept. of Organization Dept. of Finance Dept of Materiel Direction Energy Body Personnel feeding Personnel housing Division 3 has to hold things together, e.g. the physical plant. It is also involved in financial planning. Tech Div 4 [Activity] [Tech Sec] [Tech Services] [Dept. of Training] [Dept. of Processing] Estimation Activity Production [Later: Prediction] (Here, you get a result, not a product.) Division 4 has to do with what you do, the doingness. There has been a neglected factor [on the Galactic Confederation org board]: the product. An organization has to qualify the product. It must find out what made the product fall down. [I.e. there is a need for a "lost battles" division.] You must not let the person who trains students examine them. Qual Div 5 [Enhancement] [Qual Sec] [The last two departments, above, were originally in reverse sequence] 708 Scientology is the ability to change conditions. But we have to decide what conditions we want to change. You have to convince people that the product of scientology is valuable. The alternative is sitting on an island, out of communication. [It is the product that is distributed.] Distribution Div 6 [Clearing] [Distribution Sec] [Dept of ?] Clearing (Starts the Org Board all over again.) Product You can take your life and find out which division is missing. Note that there are six divisions and sixteen departments. To expand the org board, each department would have primarily six sections, with sixteen sub-sections. Each one of these subsections, in turn, may have six "divisions", with sixteen "departments". Each divisional head knows all the department hats in his division, and something about all other departmental hats. This gives you, basically, six hats and a staff member hat. There should be two admin personnel for every tech person. If any hats below you on the org board are empty, you are responsible for them.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=13/4/65 Volnum=2 Issue=58 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-58 The Lowest Levels    6504C13 SHSpec-58 The Lowest Levels Research is not wrapped up. A new datum has emerged, and research is going South. [LRH is researching power processing.] It is not surprising that the more one discovers in the upper reaches, the more understanding one has of fundamentals that apply to the bottom. You've got R6EW. That is holding you nicely. "I'm putting the capper on the R6 GPM plot." R6 has developed into a series of star-rated processes. The first is the method of cleaning up out-ruds on yourself. It is a solo ruds process. Two-terminal auditing is too slow, at Level VI. Solo auditing all the GPM's on R6 takes about three months, at three to four hours per day. The end product of this auditing is clear, as we knew it in the earliest days: no reactive bank at all. A thetan experiences a sense of unfamiliarity at this level, and he runs into problems, like "How do you handle a body?" He has to learn to postulate with great rapidity. It is a condition of "too aware". He has to get used to reading people's minds. He finds that absolute zero is a proper temperature. Everything else is hot. It is in tiny, but observable motion, and it is bothersome, at first. He needs re-familiarization. He is not quite sure what he can do. His framework on whom he must fight changes. He can start wondering about his sanity, because previously sensible things seem foolish. He can also get solutions. He can do analyses of situations that were previously blank puzzles. The road to OT is one of familiarity. A clear has trouble "trying to reconcile what has been going on in [his] life with what [he is] now. [He is] not really able to think very straight about how confused [he was].... Sometimes it's hard to understand why somebody else is confused." For instance, try to "wrap your wits around some guy's saying, 'But we gotta get the Republicans back 709 in power!'" You know they are nutty, too, since you erased your confusion and don't have it around anymore as a standard. "Clear is not necessarily a very tolerant state, but it is not a very antagonistic state, either.... It's not negative.... One is far more positive about things than he ever was before. His reactions are far more vivid." You have to realize that a thetan can become aberrated without being implanted or having GPM's. But what really made him unable was GPM's, which gave him wrong purposes and smashed him down, so that he couldn't have any purpose of his own. All his own real purposes are suppressed. When you get out into the open, your own purposes show up, and you start doing what you would like to do, not what your bank wants you to do. In scientology, we have been working with what the thetan wants. We only fail with other people when we treat them as other than a thetan, a being. All thetans want out, even those that are in an insane asylum, who fight everybody who comes in the door. Beings are basically good. One reason why the being has consented to have a bank is that it prevents everyone else from being bad. That is so far-fetched that no one would ever look for it as the philosophical fundamental in back of the aberration of Man. There is aberration that a thetan can get into, based on his ignorance, his unfamiliarities, his decisions based on no data, etc. Scientology is built straight around what might happen to a thetan. GPM's gave him reverse purposes. He decided that, to keep others and himself good, he should have a bank to prevent himself and them from being bad. The idea was that Man is bad, and we have to do something to him to make him good. So we all have to agree to have a bank to keep us from being bad. But the bank cut off the thetan from all familiarity with himself as he was. The decision to do that -- to create a bank -- "somehow put him into a condition where he couldn't conceive of how he had been. It was a cut-off." He is like a guy in a coal pit who doesn't believe that there is a sun [or Plato's cave metaphor in The Republic]. He thinks that what he is in is a normal environment. He will say, "Look. You can see there is no sun or light. That's proof!" That was the barrier that made someone unsalvageable, before we knew about it. "As you come up the line, your R gets ... violated [by the wog world]. The higher you get, the more your R is susceptible to violation, but, fortunately, the more capable you are of standing up to invalidation. It doesn't mean anything to you." It is vital that someone improve on a gradient, since a PC's "case gain must not outrun his capability of handling the new reality." You can't travel the road to truth halfway. [See the tape: 6211C01 SHSpec-207 "The Road to Truth", pp. 325-329, above.] It is vital that LRH reorganize and perfect organizations now, because we are at the make-break point, where it requires a hard push at first, shifting over to a runaway forward motion. If we released a public book right now, we would cave ourselves in. The orgs have to be able to expand rapidly, before a flood of new people hits it. We can push the boom-button any time. All of a sudden, LRH made a discovery that found the answer to cases that wouldn't run successfully on Level 0 [Power processing]. There are two levels below Level 0: 1. Conditions processes. 2. Existence processes. Existence is below conditions. This antiquated the plans for a boom. So there have been changes: There are three conditions processes. 710 Auditing the case on these below-zero processes is a walk in the park. However, it may take a Class VI to run them, because what flies off the case comes off so fast that the velocity might be too much for a co-auditor or a lower-level auditor. These processes handle the no-case-gain case. They were developed to handle cases that LRH had formerly handled with justice and ethics. These are the new conditions processes, which could be run at any point on a case, and which have an exact end-point, beyond which they won't run further. Below the conditions processes is existence processing. An existence process is one in which a person recognizes something about existence. Mimicry gets at this sideways. Having these processes makes it hard to write a new public book, because they should be included in the discussion, but not enough is known about them yet to write about them. Since the new membership pricing system was created, based on the idea of having a new public book, the pricing is premature, which backs it up on the orgs. We will get the orgs to back up and get their organization and sign-up line well in hand. "Look around here and find something really real to you," is a process at the existence level. It was a wildcat process from upper-level tech that belongs at or towards the bottom. You get a person to find one thing that is really real, in the room. A basic undercutting command might be, "Are you?" "Something like that.... It's a familiarity, without contact or communication, and without an awareness of what familiarity is arriving. You get the shut-off? Because, as you've gone South, you've dropped orientation, you've dropped perception, ... communication, ... conditions, and you're [now] in existence.... That existence must be without any of th other things....[So] what is this level called 'Existence'? How would you audit something without understanding, orientation, perception, communication, or the recognition of a condition? ... What do we have left?" We don't know, but we will! The new organizational plan is going in faster than it has been released. You can't keep an org out of it. Despite its current incompleteness, it is a big magnet that is trying to take existing departments and put them on it. It is unique, and it works because it is a parallel-line org board, not a vertical org board. "It operates left and right, not up and down." One odd characteristic is that each repeating department, as you go across the board from left to right, has nothing to do with the functions that follow it but "includes all of the functions which precede it. [Just] try to squeeze into a department, comfortably, some action which follows it on the ... board, to the right." You get trouble. "Try to get into the orientation department something about understanding.... Well, that has its own departmental functions, but ... the next one to ... the right [is] purposes. Now, let's put [purposes under understanding]. In other words, we're going to have purposes before we have understanding." You get a mess, organizationally or in auditing. E.g., "If you try to put something about promotion under understanding, why, people just sit around and 'understand' that there should be some promotion." 711 It was working with the org board that brought to light the lower sub-zero levels, because the org board is "not an org board at all. It's a philosophic machine, to which an organization is easily adapted.... It's an all-devouring monster. Anything that comes near it gets changed for the better." It gives answers to questions that we have had trouble with before, like personnel. An ad is kept placed; people come in; they get hired; they work for two weeks with a staff hat; they go to review; etc. It all gets done without having to go through any executive. An applicant who calls up for a job gets a call two days later, saying, "Come on in." He gets a meter-check (for TA). Then he is routed through F.P. to his place of work for a two week temporary assignment, at the end of which he goes to review and is either kept on or told that he needs more training for the job. Even if review boots him out, he remains an applicant, needing some more preparation before he can have the job. Review also tells the labor exchange about him, to see if he can get other employment right away. Review also has a displaced person division, to give him a meal ticket, get him on a PE course, or co-audit, until he can function. Then he is hired on a provisional basis for a year. Review maintains a file of these people for periods of crush labor. The only way this whole system won't work is if you don't man up the posts. This employment system is also great for procurement. People come to work and stay to study. Thus anything that gets near the organization begins to move. This new organizational structure improves things for the better, whether people like it or not: It has to be completed before we release the Field Staff Member program, which will give back-up to field auditors. Private practice a la MD's must be wrong, since it is failing. It takes quite a team to process PCs. It is possible to process PCs in an organization, but not in individual practice. Suppose you had dissemination technology that would make it so anyone you talked to would immediately become a scientologist? It exists! It is only two or three weeks old, not yet released. The person who resists and protests it is the easiest to get. And if FSM's are sending in all sorts of cases, even very low-level cases, the organization must be able to handle them right off the bat. All auditors that were ever trained are now to be called FSM's. The pay is ten percent of the fee of the person you send in. A Center is a nucleus of an organization. If it moves even vaguely in the direction of an org board, it will wind up becoming an organization so fast, it won't know what happened. There is a policy that you can't be retrained for a level that you have already obtained. This goes along with the policy that a checksheet can't be changed, once you are on it. There are at least twelve levels above Level VI, and St. Hill will be teaching those. 712  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=27/4/65 Volnum=2 Issue=59 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-59 Awareness Levels    6504C27 SHSpec-59 Awareness Levels [LRH makes several observations on recent organizational out-points.] Wherever the public impinges on the organization, it enturbulates and erodes. It is the public that is in a confusion. We are putting the stable datum of an organization or a scientologist into the middle of the confusion. An individual cannot stand alone against the public in the midst of this confusion. He will get knocked appetite-over-tin-cup by the public, unless backed up by the organization. Every scientologist and org in the world is connected with the suppressive thing called "the society", so they would skid if left by themselves. You are dealing with a psychotic society. "There are thirty-two levels below 0, and the average public is at least fifteen levels below 0....And neurosis starts at ten [levels below 0]." It goes only a few levels down, then becomes psychosis. "Psychosis is an inability to observe. And that's your public." Last year, when LRH first had a total reality on the exact character of the reactive mind; on exactly how it was there and exactly what it was calculated to make an individual do, he was shocked. Knowing that shock is an indication that there is something wrong with what he is shocked with, he went over the structure of the bank, suppressed, challenged, and ARC broke it. The shock was not actually with the reactive bank, but with the pretenses that had been made, about the character of Man. "I haven't cognited [heavily] for ages." LRH can't get his own TA up. Masses affect his body, but not him. Here is some more data that LRH has found, on the subject of clear: A clear's time track is gone, so the eidetic memory talked about in Book One is there only if he puts it there. A clear recalls, not with pictures, but by knowing. "Pictures are completely unnecessary for any kind of a recall at all. [This is] probably the only change there's been, from the definition of a Book One clear." There are also energy phenomena, mentioned several years after Book One, like heating things up by looking at them. A clear can make something warm by staring at it. As a person goes on up, he takes both the new abilities and the lost disabilities for granted. The negative gain is gain by absence, and the positive gain is regaining his natural abilities, after all, so he may not notice the change, unless he mocks up what was wrong with him last week. So don't expect your PC always to be telling you what a wonderful auditor you are. That is a bank phenomenon that will destimulate in three to ten days. The person's increased awareness may not be all pleasant. He can look at some dynamic or sphere of existence and see it clearly, with a shock. "The common denominator of behavior is degree of awareness." That is what is held in common by all life. There is no such thing as being aware or not aware. It is all degrees of awareness -- a gradient, like all the scales: The difference between person A and person B is degree of awareness, or awareness of different things. There are certain things of which one would become aware in order to get, or as one got, a case advance. If you skip one or two or three of those, you can't become aware of this higher one. LRH plotted the Scale of Awareness to get the bridge down to homo sapiens, not having noticed the gap that he had created, between himself and the low-level PC. That is how he got thirty-two 713 levels of awareness below Level 0. He suddenly found himself looking at the human race and it was a horrible shock. It felt weird. He got over it in about twenty-four hours, realizing that if you could deal with the average public PC, you could process a dog. "You are at least ten or twelve levels below communication, with the average public PC." The problem is: How do you process, when you don't have a comm line? Another problem is that as someone comes up in awareness, he goes through anti-social bands, as well as inoffensive ones. There are bands amongst them that are passive and propitiative. These are resting places, in which society doesn't worry about you; i.e. it doesn't try to suppress you. These lower levels are jammed together, and it is a bit hard to tell the order, down near the bottom. The Awareness Scale measures what a person could become aware of. "If you find a person anyplace on [the Awareness]-Scale, ... then the next action which you have to do ... to give him a case gain, is to make him aware of the next level above that." For instance, someone below suffering might have a case gain by being made to suffer. You wouldn't necessarily process him up to this awareness. The lowest type of process you would use is mimicry. He would be aware that he was doing it because you were doing it. "Awareness is always a matter of increasing perimeter [of reality]." You get concentric circles of awareness. For instance, a psycho is only aware out to his fist. Beyond that is delusion. Awareness can invert and "increase" into delusion, which puzzles you, since the person seems to be getting nuttier. Delusion is inverted awareness. "You've got to increase his awareness in the direction of sanity or reality." Process in the direction of something real. A person who is improving gets more and more aware of what is going on, inside a wider and wider perimeter. You could get a guy aware of a wall two feet in front of his face, and it could be a vast improvement. You can do this with 8C, increasing the distance to the wall when the PC touches it. Communication begins to come in. "You can have action without awareness: [I.e. you can have the situation where] what the individual is aware of and what [he] is doing are not the same thing -- ever." Hence you get long-term headaches. "Therefore the observation of conduct ... will not diagnose [a] person, unless you have a little, secret [awareness] scale of your own. In other words, you'd have to know the secret of what the MEST universe dictates, as a gradient scale" of awareness. Observation of conduct will not lead to a solution of the situation, and Man falls down in thinks that it will. The field of psychology, etc., being entirely based on observation and labelling of conduct, comes up with inaccurate diagnoses and messed-up solutions. You can't watch a patient and decide that he is a "gymnastico potico" and a firebug who is compulsively attracted to water on that account. The reason this girl keeps going to the water fountain is because she is thirsty. She may be stuck in a French Foreign Legion engram in the Sahara. Therefore, the remedy might have nothing to do with water, fire, etc. The moment you grasp this principle, you get the stable datum: "Don't draw and conclusions from conduct." All unexpected conduct tells you is that "you don't know about something. But that is something to know." Labelling is bad science and leads to no solution. "All science [is, is the discovery that, or all science had to find out, to become science is that] when something isn't working, you haven't got the answer." This explains the advance of the physical 714 sciences. The mental sciences got parked, by substituting authoritarian statements for searching for a workable answer. If, as an auditor, you base what you do on what the PC is doing, you will go nuts, too. For instance, if the PC is nattering and the auditor agrees with the natter and takes the PC's data as a truth, nothing happens. Conduct can be used only as an indicator that, since the PC "is behaving in some way [that] you didn't expect, ... there is something about him that you didn't know." That you can ask the PC, regardless of whether it is a missed withhold or not. "What don't I know about you?" will resolve the situation. Labelling it won't. Never just label conduct that you don't understand. Know that you don't know what is going on and find out. Also consider what the PC can find out about himself. The nuttier someone is, the harder he is to handle. He is less aware and you are less aware of what you don't know about him. Also, the nuttier the PC is, the harder it is to get his attention so that you can find out what he is aware of and what is going on and what you don't know. The "don't knows" are fabulous. You have to push to get the person to become aware enough -- to get him high enough on the Awareness Scale -- so that you can find out enough, So you can find out what you don't know about the person. The game would be, "What can I find out about this person, and what can he find out about himself?" By increasing that awareness scale, the person will get saner and saner, more and more aware, more and more himself. He can hit dynamic situations which he becomes aware of with a shock. "You have to eat humble pie to begin this subject at all. You have to know that there is something in the universe you don't know. And that, for a person who is 'way down scale, is the most dangerous utterance that he could possibly make." He is so totally sealed off from things that "if everyone realized how blind he was [he thinks], they'd just eat him up. So he compensates for his unawareness by automatic mechanisms of pretense. [He lacks the] courage ... to say, 'Well, I don't know anything about that.' And yet he can't resolve any situation until he says, 'Well! Whaddya know! I've got an area where I don't know.'" Therefore, "When you see somebody behaving oddly, ... the only thing you know is that ... there's something you're certainly unaware of and [that] he is probably unaware that he is unaware of. He'll cover that up with a pretended awareness which doesn't exist [i.e. delusion]." Having gone through despair on the subject, a person can come up to a realization that "there is something you can know ... about anything you confront.... You can know that you don't know, and that is the first thing you should know about it." Now you can take the action necessary to find out, and, in the process of finding out, the whole thing will clarify. The amazing thing about aberration is that if you did find out about something, e.g. the internal government of Russia, it would either go clear or collapse. Just finding out what a situation is as-ises that situation. Running an engram out of an organization or an individual is just continuing to pull into view what people didn't know about the individual or organization. The only way in which you could fail to pull something into view is to suppose that you knew all there was to know about it and that there was nothing more to learn. A clear has become broadly aware of where he is unaware. When he spots something like this, he decides that: 1. He should find out. or 2. It doesn't make any difference. You can decide whether it is worth finding out, and if you do start finding out, it will collapse. 715  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=11/5/65 Volnum=2 Issue=60 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-60 ARC Breaks and PTP's -- The Differentiation    6505C11 SHSpec-60 ARC Breaks and PTP's -- The Differentiation Releases are being made with power processing, with LRH D of P'ing and MSH CS'ing. It is getting very routine to get keyed-out clears in under fifty hours. We know that we can audit anybody 34 awareness levels below Level 0. [Note: at this time, the Awareness Scale was apparently in its present (1976) form.] The bulletins covering the power processes are too simple to be anything but confidential. The processes are too pure and simple to be generally released. They require both a great deal of training and a high case level. Therefore, power is to be made confidential. Power processes can only be audited in organizations. There is not enough control or sense among people like Homer and Berner to do it in the field. The idea of running end-words on raw meat!! It just overwhelms the PC and is tough to straighten out. Clay table processes have been taken out of the processing line-up. When people process raw meat with the clay table, they neglect one thing rather uniformly: getting the questions answered. Only a few processes are left on students' auditing checksheets. The international situation has improved. In the U.S., the senate and house are attacking, or are on the verge of attacking, the FDA. In Victoria, the report on the Inquiry is delayed. It will doubtless fizzle out. People probably thought LRH was exaggerating, when he said that we were going to take the planet. But he has always meant exactly that. We are now just at the edge of dissemination as a phase in the development of scientology. Having the Minus-0 Awareness Level Scale is a great help in dissemination. The press will support you on "need of change", so you press this. They will go along with this. Whatever the press says is a protest. "Revolutions are popular until you give them the change that is to be made into. Then they cool off." The Scale of Awareness is a scale of what a person, group, or organization can be aware of. It is new. Having the Minus-0 Awareness Level Scale opens the door to bringing a person "right up the line to release on study alone, because it has a trick: If you can locate what a person is aware of on that scale, you only have to tell him about the next level, and he will become aware of that and experience a case change." Therefore, you can get case improvement by education. Don't confuse the level a person is at with his conduct. For instance, someone dramatizing hysteria, i.e. being hysterical, isn't necessarily, or even generally, aware of hysteria. Therefore, he isn't necessarily at the level of hysteria. We do know that a being must be aware -- and we mean analytically aware -- of something, to be at that awareness level. Something someone is dramatizing is above where he is and is overwhelming him. What he is aware of can be discovered he what he "talks about or seems to be alert to." There are lower levels than 34 below zero. But power reaches to the bottom and gives a release. The two levels below level -34 [Unexistence] are False Causation [-35] and Reasonableness [-36]. These levels are below Uncausing [-32]. The human race generally is near the bottom end of the scale. A person who is aware of being hysterical is pretty high-toned [relatively speaking]. You can't pull an overt off the person at Uncausing. There "aren't any". "It just happens." "What will be, will be." 716 Religions fail by being below a perception of God. "The greatest ARC break operation that has ever been pulled in the history of the human race: The God who is everywhere [with] no mass [ -- a] total generality ... total unlocatability ... total power ... total causation." Will you please, please differentiate between ARC breaks and PTP's? Ninety percent of the PCs that you are doing ARC break assessments on are in fact in PTP's. The ARC break is usually after a PTP, unless it is a flagrant case of BPC. A PTP is postulate/counter-postulate. The PC is at war with something. He is not just worrying about something he doesn't like. He is agin something. For instance, a husband has an argument with his wife. One wants to go to the movies, and the other doesn't. This is a war, not an ARC break. But it could lead to an ARC break on both sides. Running the ARC break wouldn't help, though it would run. But running the problem will help. You could find the problem, where you might not ever find "the BPC". [So the sequence is: 1. Problem. 2. Overt. 3. ARC break.] If you clean up the BPC, the case won't improve, because the PTP is unhandled. They won't necessarily even feel better. You have to do something about the fractured postulate. The condition of someone in a PTP isn't ARC broken, it's war. A postulate/counter-postulate adds up to war. "It would have done Hitler no good to have run him on an ARC break." He might have been on a PTP, though. Probably it would have required power processing to stop him, though. One commits intentional overts as "a solution to a problem." When you define an overt as a solution to a PTP, you can solve any case. When overts are defined as ARC breaks, they are closed to solution. The resolution of the case is, "Who have you been mean to?" Process the PC at cause -- always. A person commits intentional overts for only one reason: they are solutions to problems. Knowing this, even low-level cases are open to solution. But when you define an overt or series of overts as an ARC break, you close the case to a solution. Because a case is usually struggling along at a low cause-level, the question, "Have you committed an overt?" will be hard for him to answer, because he has never committed an overt, because it was all vitally necessary and therefore totally justified. You should ask the more penetrating question, "Why is it so vitally necessary and why is it justified?" It is because there was a problem requiring a solution [the solution being the overt]. What throws you is that the problem is so buried in the past that it is impossible to see the connection between the overts and the problem. The problem is frequently on the past track . Often it has nothing to do with PT. The person is still solving a problem relating to an earlier relationship. It is still PT to him. Hence it is still a PTP to him. If you trace it back, you will find that it made sense, somewhere earlier, in a screwy sort of way. A guy who is always smashing up his car might be solving a problem with Daddy, who never let him use the car, by making the car unuseable. "You look on a lot of things as overts which are, in actual fact, vitally necessary solutions to urgent immediate problems of survival. The only thing wrong with them is ... 'When?'" You could ask a guy, "When?", with a finger snap, and get, say, "1932". Then you could ask, "What problem did you have in 1932?" You will get many, many manifestations, but amongst them will not be disinterest. If you told 717 someone the right problem, he would change his conduct, having cognited that his solution was nuts. These solutions are daffy, because of dropped-out time. The solution is to an ancient problem, which is gone, leaving an overt. To get the major problem on someone's track may take a power process. But if the person has some fundamental problem in his life, it has formed innumerable locks, which have moved up to PT, and they are the overts and withholds that he is dramatizing in PT. If you are clever, you can get at these locks. You don't have to ask for overts, if you ask for solutions to the problem. The old process: "Tell me a problem./What solutions have you had?", modified to "What solutions have you put into effect to solve [that problem]?", could be reworded as, "How have you attempted to solve that problem?" So you can just use: "Tell me a problem." "What solutions did you put into effect to solve this problem?" This would give you O/W. Or you could use: "What have you done to solve that problem?" "How have you attempted to solve that problem?", or "What would solve the problem?", or "What action of yours was a solution to the problem?" Some such process would get the overts off. Any action the person took to solve the problem was to some degree an overt, because it was against another postulate. An ARC break is a charge that has been restimulated on the back track, which hasn't moved into full consciousness and therefore hasn't been identified. The PC avoids the area. "An ARC break is BPC [and] hasn't anything to do with solutions to problems. [A guy] who is failing to complete a comm cycle because somebody won't acknowledge it ... only has, really, the BPC of a missed withhold:" an inadvertent missed withhold. A missed withhold can be inadvertent, not intended. It looks and feels much like an actual missed withhold. If you won't acknowledge the fact that the PC has answered the question, you bypass the charge of his answer. But the better part of it is that you have given him a problem, since he intended to answer it. This is a PTP, by definition. He is trying to solve it [by force]. Then he ARC breaks, but that is secondary. It will solve rapidly by asking, "What problem have you had in auditing?", especially on a PC who has been roughed up by not being acknowledged. Eventually, the PC would give you, "The problem of getting someone to listen to me." Then, to get the PC's overts on auditors, ask, "Then how did you go about solving it?" You get a string of overts by getting PTP's. For instance: "What problem have you had with me about auditing?" "Well ... Very often you didn't seem to listen to me." "Well, how did you handle [solve] this?" "I stopped telling you right answers." [So the PC has an ARC break, a PTP, and a missed withhold!] You can be misled by the BPC and the fact that, yes, there is an ARC break. But the ARC break isn't fully clean-up-able unless you find the problem that it is based on. If you clean up the problem and the problems that the PC has had in his auditing, a whole string of ARC breaks and a whole string of overts will blow. 718 This is the case because awareness of problems is 'way South -- below minus thirty-four. Cause [overts] is 'way North. So if you try to pull problems directly with O/W, the PC would already have to be so high-toned that it wouldn't have any effect on him if you did pull the problems. You can discuss problems with anybody. It seems to be the case that where there is life, there are problems. Where are ARC breaks and BPC, of course. To get an ARC break, just throw an end-word into restimulation. Get a total generality hitting the person outside his awareness, and you will see an ARC break on the generality of it. The whole bank is the most total generality that one can state that is still the truth. When a generality in the bank is restimulated, the person cannot identify the threat, and he feels terrible, not knowing. This is a true ARC break. The PC cannot locate the source of this horrible feeling. It isn't because he is sick to his stomach. It is that he doesn't know why he is sick to his stomach. If you give someone a wrong item off a GPM, he will go from Tone 40 to Tone -40 so fast that he looks like a dive bomber: That is an ARC break. But someone who is ARC broken with an instructor really has a problem and some overts which were solutions. Auditors can get stuck in the win of successful ARC break assessments and do them on people who really have PTP's. They will get loses that way. Problems are far more common than real ARC breaks. An experimental, non-therapeutic, but very educational process is, "Invent a problem." You will see black masses show up, as the PC's bank collapses on him. If you ran, "Invent a solution," and the solutions that the PC gave you were all really invented solutions, the mass would also move in. But if you ran, "Think of (or recall) a problem/solution," the mass would move off. You could do, "Think of a problem./ Invent a solution," and the mass will move in. Any totally new inventedness tends to collapse the bank. If you started knocking out a bunch of whole-track problems, you would find the mass going away. Similarly with whole-track solutions. The near-far action of it is very interesting. This makes Problems of Comparable Magnitude able to bring mass in, if you are really inventing, which is hard to do. The main message is that "you can move mental masses around with the idea of problems and solutions." Why? Because of the basic definitions of problems and solutions. A solution is an effort to bat a problem away, which usually fails. The problem, being postulate/counter-postulate, puts the opposite postulate across from you in a hurry, when you think of it. A person's problem is thought of as a mass. He calls a PTP "it" because it is an "it" to him: a mental mass that he tries to bat away. Postulate/counter-postulate gives you a mass. "So, whether he sees it or not, [when a person gets a problem showing up, he] gets a mass show[ing] up, and whether he realizes it or not, the thing he tries to do about it is to do something about it to move it away from him. But his effort ... will move it closer to him. So he's in a situation, when he has a problem, that he has to do something about something ... to get rid of the something which is moving in on him." This phenomenon of mass moving in happens in life, too. The PC normally responds by trying to do something to it to push it away. But that effort will move it closer to him. The guy has a "huge, fundamental" problem. You get it and ask, "Well, all right. Is that your problem?", and he will say, "Well, 719 no. Really the problem was something else." You ask the same question again, and he says, "No. My problem was so and so and so." The PC denies each problem as he as-ises it. They are as-ising in the course of getting down to the main problem. Sometimes you have a problem of missingness. There is nothing there to confront. This leads to a "Where is it?" This kind of problem fringes into a generality and borders on the ARC break. This is where the problem fringes on an ARC break. That is why problems and ARC breaks appear to be cousins. "It's gone," and "Where can I find it?" are borderline to the ARC break. So it is easy to confuse them. But failures to solve ARC breaks should have clued you in to the fact that there is something else wrong. Fifty percent of the reactive bank is devoted to the compulsion to make a reactive bank. On every process except R6, you should ask about problems, not ARC breaks, unless you realize that you have goofed in the comm cycle. In that case, LRH would ask about specific parts of the formula, not do a long list. You don't have overts in the absence of a problem. The problem may be gone, but the solutions are still forthcoming. You can run responsibility on problems, problems and solutions, and any number of things. The basic mechanism of the mind is that "it needs a problem situation to lock up time. [Nothing] else can stop [a person] on the time track." For instance, World War II is still being fought in literature. It was a problem with a lot of solutions, and civilization is to a large degree still stuck in it, as witness the Sunday Supplements, TV programs, etc. A night club could be mocked up like an air raid shelter and make a fortune. World War II was a postulate/counter-postulate that is still more real to people than PT. "Any point of the time track where a civilization is stuck [is seen] as more real than any new period." It is the same with PCs. If your PC isn't paying close attention, you can assume that the PC is stuck somewhere in back time. You can get his attention by finding out where he is locked in time and entering that prior time period. If you trigger the back time period, you will find yourself there with him. You get the PC's overts by going after problems, but, if he is below causation, he won't recognize them as overts, because they are necessary solutions. Just ask for the problem.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=18/5/65 Volnum=2 Issue=61 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-61 Organization and Ethics    6505C18 SHSpec-61 Organization and Ethics [References: HCOPL 1May65 III "Organization -- The Design of the Organization", and the policy letters on staff status: pp. vi-vii in OEC Vol. 1.] Staff status policy letters have been issued. On the new org board, we will remedy an old evil by putting after the person's name his certification and classification as an auditor, his grade as a PC, and his staff status. In the past, in trying to appoint someone at a distance, LRH had trouble knowing who was there. Now, copies of org boards will be exchanged between orgs, and it will be easy, in filling posts, to see who is qualified for promotion. To be a staff member in Tech, one needs to have a technical certificate that covers basics of the organization. An admin terminal needs a basic cert on the org. Then he is qualified as provisional (Staff Status I). They can be transferred without permission. Staff Status II is "general staff member". This individual has worked for and attained a solid position. From 720 there on, it goes up to "in-charge" (Head of a sub-section. This is the lowest exec rating.). An "officer" is in charge of a section. For instance, the cramming officer is in charge of the cramming section. Then there are titles that are not associated with rank or status, e.g. "communicator". A post can also have "deputies". A post assigned locally is "deputy". One assigned from St. Hill would be "acting" for awhile. Then the "acting" prefix is removed, and the person has full status. "Acting" or "deputy" do not refer to rank. They refer to permanency. A deputy is somebody who is in there temporarily. A small breath of air could dislodge him. "Acting" denotes a St. Hill appointment. After a short time, up to a year, the "acting" prefix is dropped. Then the person becomes the "(title)" without the prefix. A "Deputy HCO Exec Sec" is someone holding the post until confirmed. It is not at all permanent. "Acting HCO Exec Sec" is a St. Hill appointment and therefore official. To be an "acting", the person would have to have the appropriate staff status for the post. This is not true of a deputy. But a deputy doesn't draw the pay of an acting. You put a person on a post to see how they do. You can't wait, to fill posts, for someone with the proper staff status. So we have the "deputy" rating. This appointment must be confirmed by St. Hill, to get an "acting" rating and full pay. "Acting" applies until a person knows his hat cold and can apply it. Policy letters are pouring out, covering everything from organizational theory to nit-picky details of minor hats. Ethics is there to hold the lines and to get technology in, i.e. to make it possible for tech to go in. That is its sole purpose, and it is fabulously successful in fulfilling that purpose. "Ethics is the tourniquet before the doctor arrives." Its purpose is to quiet the turbulence down long enough to allow the auditor to come in. You carry ethics in until you get tech in. It has looked like the publication of someone as an SP has the same effect as a public hanging. Cancelling someone's certs has the effect of getting him back in, all straightened up, within two to two and a half years. Not cancelling the certs results in his going off into the wilds and never showing up again. Peter Crundall, for example, had his certs cancelled five or six years ago, when he was screaming and howling about something. He had to get 500 hours of auditing at his own expense. Now he is being the featured lecturer at an org. It took about two years for him to get his auditing started, and he got it all handled. So it is an unkind thing to do, not to bring order into a scientology area. Man has a tremendous reaction to "justice". The purpose of ethics is to get in tech. But Man's law and Man's justice is not like that. Man wants to squash people who get in his way. His "justice" has no end product, save punishment. It does not straighten out the community. Therefore it doesn't work. Police forces have bad morale, because there is no end product of penal action. People know this and react against it. And some, on an A=A=A basis, will react against ethics in scientology the same way: You jar people's banks when you present the idea of ethics. Be that as it may, a greater proportion of people in scientology today favor a decent ethics system than are batting back at it. This is because they see that a good ethics system will give them better training, processing, and a better grip of on scientology. You can't sentence someone to technology or to getting better. You can sentence him to not getting better. No one is forcing us to help people. If someone keeps getting in the way, it is pretty normal to stop wanting to assist him. 721 If you feel like blowing up organizations, you should very carefully look up the justice actions of organizations and huge governments etc., and compare these things. If you do this, you find some astonishing data. The taut ship, the viciously conducted regiment, the harshly run empire -- all these survive and flourish with high esprit de corps almost forever. The sloppy ones succumb rapidly. LRH got interested in this phenomenon while reading Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. The only long periods of progressive rule, recovery from barbarian attacks, and freedom from internal upsets were periods when the emperor was a nut. The "good" emperors got killed within a few months. This didn't jibe with LRH's experience in handling discipline on a ship. He realized that what works for a small, intimate group to keep the peace is different from what is needed for a big group which gets lots of confusion. In an org, the points of enturbulation are the ones where the public impinges, e.g. the line of getting the PC from the Reg to the D of P. This line keeps going out. LRH used to wonder if there was something wrong with us, to allow us to get enturbulated in this way. Then he looked at society in general and saw how much worse off their condition is. Society is deteriorating. We are gradiently doing better and better. As we expand, we reach straight out into the tumult of society. We had to have tools to extend our reach so that we could get our jobs done in time. LRH found that as people moved up towards OT, a certain disdain occurred. He saw that ethics would be necessary, so that OT's would take orderly bites out of people, when they got annoyed by the disaster to that extent. There is a need for an ethics system, because a sufficiently powerful being, annoyed at something, is "liable to straighten [it] up with such thoroughness that hardly anybody would ever recover.... And unless they have some orderly method of straightening things up," they will straighten things up in their own way, and it will make a Hell of a mess. The laws of ethics need to be known and understood. They need to be predictable. They cannot be capricious. The question is, "Are you for just shooting somebody down without warning, or do you want ethics? Do you want law that just freakishly strikes down everybody in sight, or do you want the kind of law that says, "Here is the path, narrow as it may seem.'?" In acting on these lines, we have ethics rattling around in the orgs. People are getting used to the tools. You can give someone a shock with a heavy use of ethics. It can be very effective, used lightly. Used in this way, ethics backs up tech most amazingly. LRH has just discovered the PTS case: its cause and handling. Never audit a PTS. The rollercoaster case is one that we have never been able to handle before. He is connected to an SP, and until ethics makes him disconnect or handle the SP, he will continue to rollercoaster. Ethics can label the suppressive, if nothing else. You give the PTS case the policy letter covering PTS'ness. You don't have to issue an ethics order unless tech doesn't go in, i.e. unless he can't or won't handle or disconnect. You can insist that a PTS bring the SP in, if necessary, for auditing. If things went that far, you could threaten the PTS person with not getting the SP audited unless the PTS person gets him in before he is labeled an SP. 722 Suppressives are pretty crazy. The SP has got to fight. He is back on the track, fighting the Ugbugs. He is in an old PTP. He is taking the actions, in PT, that would solve the problem with the Ugbugs. He is back on the track, fighting an enemy that no longer exists." 99.999999999% of his attention units are at some exact, precise past period of the track, and in that ... instant, he is fighting off something and is trying to handle something by some means, [which are] the [ones] he is using in PT." He has no problems with you, and vice versa." He isn't up there with you, and you aren't back there with him...." That's the whole anatomy of psychosis: "Given associative restimulators and A=A=A, you've got a mad-dog type." He's just defending himself, in some mad insanity, against things which are no longer there." [Hence the use of power processes on psychotics.] You can assume that the SP has problems in PT, but those are not the problem that he wants to solve. That problem is on the back track, and it is loaded with cross-associations and identifications. He misidentifies anyone who approaches or tries to help him, in an effort to defend himself. He is driven down to the first dynamic to such a degree that no one must get any better. When he is driven down into the first dynamic, he must destroy all around him. No one must get any better, because they are the flying saucer people. Once scientology is known to be an effective way to help people, watch out! International City [See pp. 604-609, above.] is being looked at by a group connected to the U.N. We are having an effect. The true anti-scientologist isn't trying to be convinced. He is trying to stop you! You are the green alligator he is fighting 7000 years ago, and if you (or anyone else -- they are all the green alligator) got any better, you would be stronger, and that would tear it, and you would eat him up (he thinks). Insanity is just a total stuckness on the track in a fight. This is a point that you prove instantly and utterly when you are running power (Class VII) processes on someone. Power handles the SP and the insane. The SP can be processed to sanity in under fifty hours, but you had better have the organization and the ethics to hold things together. You have to label PTS's and SP's, to get the tech in. "An ethics action lasts until, tech is in.... You use English to get tech in.... You stop it when you've got tech in," even if stopping at that point leaves unfinished cycles of action along the way. "It's not a question of 'Where does the ethics proceed?' ... It's, 'How long do you have to hold the area down?'" An organization will run, as long as it has channels, and as long as particles on the channels don't carom off the sides of the channels and collide with the working parts of the organization. If you can bring that about, you can have an organization that would have a total capability of pouring through it practically the whole of the human race. Lacking clean and definite flow channels, your volume stays small because of all the barriers and stoppages that occur. If the channel isn't kept open, you can't handle the load. Scientology "is probably the only outfit that ever hit this planet that meant exactly what it said and was doing exactly what it was doing [and what it said it was doing] and was doing exactly nothing else." Scientology doesn't have the time to do half the things that it has been accused of. An SP, saying, "I never said that!", believes that he really didn't. And he is right, in a sense." How the Hell could he say anything? He hasn't been there for seven trillion years." 723 "I'm sure that [many entheta-ish people believe] that we've ... gone stark, staring mad, with all this 'justice'. No. We're just having a little fun with justice, just now, and when we learn about it, why, we'll be able to control fairly well a wide sphere of public in such a way that they don't all get destroyed.... The main danger to them is not ethics. It's having their silly heads blown off because they make somebody mad." You've got to have ethics in to handle non-scientologists. If you put discipline in right at the start, you can work very nicely with non-scientologists. Make sure that they know what ethics is, how it works, etc. Society is losing its grip. We are putting in order, to make an orderly show for the future.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=25/5/65 Volnum=2 Issue=62 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-62 The Five Conditions    6505C25 SHSpec-62 The Five Conditions "If it isn't written, it isn't true" is laid down, so that rumors and verbal orders don't foul things up. "A condition is an operating state." Each condition has a formula that must be applied, in order to change the state [for the better]. Don't mis-apply formulas. If you know the conditions and their formulas, you blow a lot of the mystery that the rest of the world is sitting in. EMERGENCY Emergency is the most common state on this planet. It is the condition of stats going the wrong way (usually down) over some significant period. For instance, it is declared by a down stat for four consecutive weeks. If a stat that should go up goes down, or vice versa, you've got Emergency. The condition has to be declared by Secretarial Executive Directive, which is a causative order. Certain steps then have to be done. The first action is: promote, if an organization, or produce, if an individual. When this has been done, but not before, economize. Don't economize on promoting. If you do, you "inhibit getting out anything, in order to produce enough money to raise the stat." If this happens, you will find yourself smaller and weaker after recovering from the crisis. (Taxation is a page out of Das Kapital: "From each according to his ability to pay; to each according to his need.") Don't economize until after you have promoted or produced. If an artist in need of money economized first on materials, he would have little or nothing to draw with; therefore he would have little to sell, so he would have trouble getting out of the financial hole. After promotion is well in hand, economize and prepare to deliver. If you apply the Affluence formula and economize, when you are in Emergency you will either stay in Emergency or, if you recover, the organization will be smaller and of less scope. Also, part of the Emergency formula is to change your operating basis, or you will head back into another condition of emergency. You've got to stiffen discipline. You have to stop going down to the pub every night. Do your homework. Be a little more regular on the job. Work a little harder. Don't goof quite so much. If the activity does not come out of the condition of emergency after that state has been assigned, then you have to use discipline, because life itself is going to discipline the individual very cruelly. [Cog: That is why protecting a person from the consequences of his actions is out-ethics. You should give the person a consequence beforehand, that parallels life but anticipates it.] If the steps of Emergency are not taken successfully (even if they are taken), 724 and the condition of Emergency is prolonged, it has to walk forward into an ethics matter, because someone must be sitting on most of the comm lines, goofing like crazy. There must be some ethical problem involved, for the condition to be continuing. NORMAL OPERATION This is the next condition up from Emergency. It isn't a stable, unchanging state, because everything in the MEST universe either expands or contracts. Nothing stays really unchanging. There are "laws" against it. So in order for Normal Operation to be a stable state, it must be a continual small increase. There must be a "gradual, routine increase". The way you maintain a small increase is to just let everything continue. Don't change anything. Don't put in any harsh discipline. Ethics and justice is mild and reasonable. Carefully observe every slightest rise of a statistic to see what bettered it and do that. For every slight worsening, find out why. Usually it is something non-standard. Remedy it. Jockey, change, and repair, back and forth. Keep an OIC board. This keeps your improving statistics going up. A statistic that stays level isn't Normal Operation. It's Emergency, because one should be expanding, if only to keep up with inflation. The stat must keep pace with the world around it. For instance, a salary that doesn't rise over two to three years is a "stable" (really a down) statistic and will tend to crash. What looks level is really declining. If one then economizes, which is the Affluence formula, then you will really be in an Emergency: Continuing this practice will result in collapse, sooner or later. Matter, and everything else in this universe, obeys these laws or conditions. The Roman Empire went into Affluence brought about bv Julius Caesar, but it violated the AFFLUENCE FORMULA They didn't deliver, and they didn't economize. Instead, they squandered the wealth of the Empire on so-called conquest. They treated the condition as Normal. Julius Caesar violated the commercial Pax Romana Normal Op, which was stable, by going off conquering tribes, etc. Britain was trading with Rome very happily. Then Caesar came over and fought, added Britain to the Empire, gave them slavery, not civilization, and the Empire collapsed. In the year 0 A.D. or 1 A.D., the Chinese conquered Russia in Siberia, driving people West. A wave of displacement took place, with the Russians driving Eastern European peoples into Western Europe. Rome didn't handle them; it didn't resettle them, or whatever, They had boundaries to defend, so they resisted the barbarian invasions and got overwhelmed. It was all a matter of the wrong condition being applied. The Russians, who were in Emergency, didn't apply that condition either. There is no such thing as a no-condition state. A state of emergency persists until it is handled. Even if one loses, one gets stuck in the incident and goes on. Even after something has gone down to collapse, it persists. The condition continues all the way down, even beyond death. "The dwindling spiral is really just applying the wrong formula for the condition." 725 AFFLUENCE The condition of Affluence is one which is dangerous, surprisingly enough. For instance, a gambler who hits it big is in danger of getting himself in debt instantly. The first thing to do now is economize. You must economize first. Then make very sure that you don't buy anything with any future commitment to it [E.g. installment purchases]. Don't hire anybody with any future commitments. That is all part of that economizing. Clamp it down. Find every bill and debt you can pay and pay them. Now, invest the remainder in service facilities. Make it more possible to deliver. Discover what caused the condition of Affluence, and strengthen it. Conduct research to discover what caused it. It is something you are doing, no doubt. POWER AND POWER CHANGE The condition above Affluence is power change. For instance, someone is very successful and gets a promotion. The correct formula is usually violated. The new man errs by changing things. The formula for Power Change is, just because power has changed, "Don't change anything." "A new broom sweeps clean," violates this formula. If the operation was successful as it was running, the new exec would be silly to change things. But that is what people usually do. It is easy to inherit successful hats. Just step in the boots and don't walk. All the pressure points will come to you to make changes. But the person before you must have resisted these successfully. If your predecessor didn't sign it, don't sign it. Don't do anything. Keep your eyes open. Learn the ropes. See how the place is running. Apply Normal Operation to it, if it is in Normal Op. There are only two circumstances that need replacement: success or disaster. If it is successful, there is nothing to change. If someone can keep an organization doing well, he is eventually promoted creditably and moves up to a higher power position. He would be leaving his organization [or his post] in a condition of Power. If you move into the position of someone who left in disgrace, so the place is in Emergency, just apply the Emergency formula: promote, for starters. Keep the promotion going until stats start to rise. Then economize like mad. A condition of Power is most interesting. It is peculiar, in that it apparently belies what you would normally think or expect to do as an operating thetan, because that is a condition of power. What you mustn't do is disconnect. That will bring about catastrophe, for you and for anyone else. "It's the violation of that condition alone that's brought about implanting, trapping and an antagonism towards thetans." A guy who becomes powerful on Wall Street and disconnects from his old home town friends exemplifies this. They resent it. People are, in fact, so used to the Power formula being violated that they don't expect celebrities that they used to know to talk to them. They think you are going to disconnect. It is hard to get people to continue talking to you, because they feel that you are superior. You have to break down the communication barrier. When you come back from Saint Hill, people may be in awe of you somewhat. Again, it is up to you to break down the comm barrier. People will be sure that you don't want to be in comm anymore. Beings in the universe fully expect you to violate the Power formula. If an organization gets to the point where it is fully self-sufficient, in no need of PCs, students, etc., and disconnects from those around it, people in the community will start thinking about implants, mistakes, and violating any freedom a thetan might have. They will get very suppressive. They are being denied service, for one thing. One of the most dangerous things we could do would be not to make what we know available. 726 When you move out of a position on a Power Change, the only way you can disconnect is to "take ownership and responsibility for your connections." The condition of Power Change is a fellow assuming a position that has been held from Power. To disconnect, you have to make a record of all of your lines. You show what is there, so that the replacement can then see what not to change. Make a record of your whole post, or you will be stuck with a piece of that post to the end of time. Also, you might check in once in awhile, to see how your replacement is doing. A guy gets a time track by not taking responsibility for something. In this universe, it is a foul trick to permit death. People write a Last Will and Testament, but they don't take responsibility for their former positions by transferring their lines and writing up the post for their successors. [Probably also have trouble checking in from time to time!] Do all you can to make the post occupiable. For fun, look at the condition of a government and the formula it is applying. (Keynes' economic law is "Increase want.")  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=8/6/65 Volnum=2 Issue=63 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-63 Handling the PTS    6506C08 SHSpec-63 Handling the PTS LRH is working on the final plots of R6 GPM's. Some corrections have been needed. He has found three GPM's run out of the middle of the bank by mistake, which turned on bursitis. He has the first six GPM's of the track run out absolutely correctly. Doubt and wonder about ethics is appearing in some places. All we are doing is developing systems to handle the public. Students and staff are colliding with ethics, which has the benefit of giving them familiarity with it. "If you don't have a system of law and order, you will never have law and order. You will just have cruelty, duress, suddenness, revenge," sudden acts of surprising retribution, etc. Without uniform justice, you would get chaos, especially with OT's in operation. Clausewitz said that war is a means of bringing about a more amenable frame of mind on the part of the enemy. In his ignorance of this principle, FDR kept World War II going after Germany and Japan were ready to surrender, by demanding unconditional surrender. This was a costly and stupid thing to do. If you fail to halt war when a more amenable frame of mind has been reached, you are a fool. War should not go beyond that point. This principle should be kept in mind by scientologists and orgs, when under attack. There are elements of the society that are at war with scientology, because they are stuck in past incidents of fighting enemies. You should take action against someone who is trying to keep you from doing your job, but how much action? Just enough to being about a more amenable frame of mind. All you want to enforce on the entheta artist in the environment is a certain degree of politeness. Don't get fixated on the entheta. We want to bring service to the 80+% who are doing well and contentedly. Since fixating on the 20% who are snarling and fuming takes attention from the 80%, we should simply cut comm with the 20%. Once there is a set procedure for handling SP's, once the executive can enforce a little more politeness on his environment, the exec can then reach, because he has a method of doing so. Now there is something he can do about it. 727 You want the auditor and the executive in a frame of mind to service the 80%, not the 20%. Execs tend to wind up with the entheta comm, because they are supposed to handle it. One tends to get fixated on the "maybe" cases -- the ones that aren't running perfectly smoothly. There are only two sources of difficulty with cases: 1. The auditing comm cycle. 2. PTS. You can make mistakes everywhere else and still get by. Of course, there is also the GAE as a source of difficulty. You can check out both: the auditor to review to have his comm cycle checked out and the PC to ethics to see if he is PTS. The D of P doesn't get a chance to talk in detail to the auditor and the PC. This can be done in Qual. You don't just let the poor comm cycle continue, hoping that it will get better. If the auditor is uncooperative, he goes to ethics, until he has a more amenable frame of mind. In an exec cannot handle the isolated goofers, he will get savage towards everybody. If you cannot handle the criminal, you pass suppressive laws that penalize everybody. [Inspection before the fact.] Governments police everybody because of the goofs of a few. Most arbitrary rulings by any authority result from failures to handle the guy who goofed, with subsequent desperation and savagery. [Cf. earlier statement by LRH that an organization is only necessary when there is a failure to handle an individual. See p. 328, above.] A PC who just won't run on average processing is PTS or an SP, inevitably and invariably. LRH found that we couldn't handle the PTS individual with auditing, especially with processing below the level of Power processing. PTS's are likely to come to you for help, so you had better know that they need ethics or power processing. Anything else will make the PTS individual rollercoaster, because someone is ARC breaking him faster than you can fix him up. When you say that "a person has been suppressed by the environment faster than you could process him out of it," what you mean is that there is an SP in the environment who wrecks his gains. The PTS PC often doesn't spot the SP. You must get the PTS individual to ethics and find the SP. Suppressive persons commonly speak in total generalities. They broaden and generalize entheta, so their identity broadens and generalizes. People commonly can't spot the SP because of the generality around him. Check the PTS individual for who he is connected to that doesn't like scientology. Do this check on a meter, and watch it fall off the pin. Have the PT individual handle or disconnect. If you get the wrong person, the PC won't handle or disconnect. If you are right, he will. The PTS gives enough trouble, so that you may not care to help him forther. But when you do attempt to find the SP, you should hunt and punch around enough to get a good result. If you find the right person as the SP, the PC's face will light up, the TA will blow down, and the PC will then handle or disconnect with VGI's. No TA = no case gain = PTS or SP. Trying to process a PTS will: 1. Raise his tone. 2. Thereby double the SP's attacks on him. 3. Therefore cave him in worse than he was to begin with. You can tell a PTS by looking for roller-coaster: periodic gains and collapse. No gain ever, or no TA (less than ten divs) = SP. That is all you need to look for. You've got to have ethics to handle this. 728 With this data, you can make releases, handle students' cases, Free Scientology Center cases, etc. You don't have to slam the door in anybody's face. The PTS gets told to handle or disconnect before he gets more auditing. The SP gets told that he has a very rough case, which can only be handled at St. Hill. "In a couple of years, we'll have auditors here who can handle you here," you could say. "In the meantime, stay away, because it's very restimulative to you." This is true, too! It is an unkindness not to label someone suppressive, who actually is an SP. One way to handle someone who sends in entheta comm is simply to deadfile him. You have to bring about a more amenable frame of mind on his part before you audit him or comm with him. Don't let auditors go on flubbing. Send them to ethics, so that they realize the importance of applying the tech right. Know also that we will have an impact on this society; that organizations will fold up under the onslaught of the technology, no matter how nice and theetie-weetie we are. We've got to hold the line and give service while we expand. We would like to have organizations smoothly reorganize. To run power processing, we need all the back-up of the organizations: ethics, D of P, and full admin. There is no one nastier than someone who has been dished by power processes, by the way. It would be disaster to have someone trying to run power in the field. It isn't the D of P'ing or the auditing that is hard to do. It is the fact that it needs to become an assembly line, which requires a high degree of perfection of organization. Even on lower-level processes, it is best to have a team, to handle PTS's, SP's, and admin. Psychoanalysis had a certain degree of workability. It got across the idea that psychosomatic illness stems from the mind. The mind monitors and dominates structure. "If the mind is left alone, in a large number of cases, the endocrine treatment [as in the time when LRH psychoanalyzed half of a group of people who were taking male hormones and found that those he talked with responded better to the hormones than the others] will not monitor structure.... But when you remove a few psychic blocks, ... all of a sudden ... it bites, and monitors structure.... You could change ... diet, exercise, ... operating environment ... -- anything," and it would make no difference. LRH just used Freudian analysis on that project: "what we would call, today, 'straightwire'." But as a subject, psychoanalysis has failed, because the individual practitioner had no way to ride herd on or handle the PTS's and SP's in his practice. Furthermore, he had no free time or attention to do research. He might have discovered power processing if he had. The subject never grew, because it never developed an organization that would carry forward the research. Our danger is only that, as we move forward, the technology will get shattered by alter-is. That must be guarded against. Then the technology must be applied. Now it collides with society, psychiatry, doctors, etc." You say, "All I want to do is go free.' OK. You go into a condition of power. Now the most serious thing you can do is to disconnect. It's the quickest way to bring about a collapse. You have been woven into the race and the universe too long to just suddenly pack it up. You pack it up; it'll pack you up." 729 We have a double route [to enlightenment]: by study and by processing. We haven't begun to explore what can be done by study alone. One area you can't go through with study and thought alone is the R6 bank. Mere study won't help a person, beyond release. He'd finish up at Level V [Grade V]. There is a tiger between release and clear. You aren't going to go through the H6 bank by just changing your mind. That has to be gotten rid of utterly. Release might or might not occur just from the cognitions you would get from increased understanding. The Gradation Chart actually goes as many as seventy levels below -34. The interpretation of the scale is tricky, because it is what the person is aware of, not what he manifests. That a person is always "numb" does not place him at -10 on the scale [Numbness]. What is important is, "Is this person aware of the fact that he is always numb?" If a guy could only be aware of false causes, without knowing that they were false, then he would be at "false cause" on the scale. If he knew that a false cause was false, he would be above that level, as when he is willing to accept your statement that babies come from under cabbage leaves, because it is a false cause. Let's say the guy says, "Hey: What do you know: I just realized that I'm always after changes!" Well, there he is, at -4 [Need of Change]. You might say that the PC's level on the Awareness Scale is his "cognition level". The guy who never cogs is just not being trained or processed at the level where he could cognite. He is over his head. Cogs come on a gradient, too. Power processing takes anyone, no matter where he is, and "yanks them up with a thud to [Level] IV. "The PC recovers a terrific ability to know, to be aware, without necessarily attaining any more [knowledge] than [he] knew before." Probably, this will just be redoubled at clear and OT. Here, also, he can create things, which he couldn't do before. He will not know more about how to do that by having been [a clear or an OT], but his present level of beingness is such that his ability to grasp and act upon the potential [of a situation], to assimilate and accomplish at that particular line [whatever line he is in] is just lightning-fast. He only knows what he knew before as well as he knew it before. No matter how clear you clear him, he only knows what he knew before. You don't increase his knowledge. You increase his awareness of his present [environment]. An individual will never make it without being trained in something." The first thing he's going to be aware of, as he moves out of a comatose Wog state into a higher level of action, ... is scientology.... It's the first thing there to be aware of, ... to study, and [it] leads to a higher ability level." The cruelest thing you could do to somebody would be to audit him all the way to clear with no auditor training. "He has this terrific potential to know, and you haven't made it possible for him to assimilate the technology which has brought him to this state." It puts him in a dreadful confusion. He has no understanding. He wonders, "How did I get here? Where's "here'?" It would be better to audit him up to release, then train him up as far as he's been audited (Level IV), then give him tools to go on up to clear, then give him an organization to use those benefits in. He needs to know how others function. Let him know. Then you have given him a familiarity with the existence around him. He has increased his span of knowledge of what is in scientology. He has increased his organizational scope. He has come up to an understanding of the 730 usefulness of the various tools of scientology, and he has also found out that these new states are moving up into a type of civilization that can also exist. This will raise his responsibility. With all this, you are not going to have a lot of catastrophe. You are going to have happy people. This is taking a totality of responsibility. You must take responsibility for powerful knowledge. Look what happened to the atom bomb. The nut who invented that took no responsibility for it. We have a powerful technology. for the first time, we have a total grip on knowledge of the universe and can bring people up with an express elevator. We take as much responsibility as possible. You have to take responsibility for knowledge to the degree that it is powerful. We had better measure up to our power, in all ways.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=29/6/65 Volnum=2 Issue=64 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-64 The Well-Rounded Auditor    6506C29 SHSpec-64 The Well-Rounded Auditor MSH audited LRH to first-stage release on 24Feb63. They went ahead. He went keyed-out OT. Then he did more research and plowed himself into the R6 bank. Then he developed power processes. Power processes were totally predicted, not empirical. "There they should be, ... and there they were." LRH ran the power processes solo. When he got to the end, all that was there was beginning of track and the R6 bank. He backed off and looked for processes that would enable someone to have an ability back. He got third stage release (Va). [See HCOB 28Jun65 "Releases, Different Kinds", HCOB 12Jul65 "States of Being Attained by Processing", HCOB 5Aug65 "Release Stages", and pp. 733-738, below.] You can run it too far: into the bank, i.e. into R6EW. But now you are at the correct end of A third stage release can go into and out of the R6 bank at will. He is also able to have selective abilities. [This probably made Class VI easier.] We are getting an interesting reaction from orgs: "Why are you sending us a Class VII [Note: At this point, a Class VII is a power auditor.]? We're releasing all the people we want on 0, I, and II." The differences between the stages of release are basically differences of stability. The fellow has been gotten to a state where he can postulate, when he is released. At Level IV, a person can remain a keyed-out clear until he makes a postulate wrong-way-to and keys himself in again, and the R6 bank kicks him in the teeth. A power release is more stable. We still don't get a keyed-out OT at will, although it does occur sometimes, during power processing. It is easy to overrun a first stage release. We have cleared many people, by the Book One definition of "clear", and then overrun them, because the auditor didn't recognize a floating needle. After that, the PC could get very ARC breaky. All that could be done with a PC like this is to run him on power and bring him to a higher degree of stability. Power can also be overrun. If you overrun power and then audit someone on ordinary processes within power processing, you would really be in trouble, because where is only one thing there to hack at, and that's the H6 bank. You could audit some selective abilities with power plus -- run him up to third stage release, playing tag with the R6 bank -- then go on to audit R6. 731 It is highly unlikely that a person will make clear, unless he has been released on power. The route through the bank is too hard, when it lies across an engram that will revivify. You are sitting in an engram, trying to run R6, and it won't as-is properly. That is the trouble with it. It is interesting to watch raw meat on power. They don't know about the R6 bank. They feel wonderful and full of awe, because they don't know what the Hell happened or what is going on, after being run on power processes. Technical advances are out of this world, administratively. R6 and power look very simple and elementary. The trick in instructing Class VII [Note: Class VII is now power auditing] is to get the simplicity of the processes and procedures duplicated, when the students are used to complexity. Confusion has to blow off. You run power processes muzzled. The study materials have more to them than would at first appear to be the case. The evaluation of importances is one area. For instance a darkroom worker who works for LRH on weekends knows lots of tricks, but he doesn't know fundamental importances. LRH spotted the similarity to new auditors who aren't fully trained in fundamentals. They want tricks and short-cuts, all of which are interesting, but unimportant. It isn't the tricks that get anyone anywhere. That is what psychiatry and psychology do. They collect tricks like stamp collectors, but they have no effective standard basic tech. "I have never heard one of them utter one essential piece of information that would have led to the resolution of a case. Fantastic hors d'oeuvres; no main course." So the study phenomenon is "There's the fellow who knows it and can do it, and the there's the fellow who knows all the tricks and can't do it." It is out evaluation of importances. You can take a basically sound piece of data, e.g., that a PC who never looks at the auditor or who slews around to sit sideways in the chair is ARC broken, and twist it to something like, "Never acknowledge a PC until he looks at you." If you did this on power, the PC would go "round the bend. He'd go on automatic. There is mainline information, and then there are tidbits. An auditor in training should differentiate between: 1. Mainline data, which is very senior. 2. Data you should know to apply the senior data. 3. "Parsley" data: data that, if you use it, it will make you look very clever. Nice data, but of no great value. When someone like LRH shifts a senior datum, people go adrift. For instance "Audit the PC in front of you," was senior, before grades and organization. An org auditor doesn't audit the PC in front of him at all. The auditor now audits the process. If he sees BI's or runs into trouble, he sends the PC to review. There is a policy letter now, with all the things on it that could be wrong with the PC [HCOPL 7Apr70RA "Green Form"]. It is asking too much to expect the auditor to pick up the right one in session, with no form, out of 44 possibilities, especially when the PC may have overts on that auditor. The PC should be repaired by some other auditor. The auditor may be part of what is wrong. Hence the PC needs another auditor. 732 Review auditors must be experts in assessment. They pick up any read and straighten out whatever needs to be fixed. Whatever the problem is, it is not standard tech that is the problem. The review auditor is in a different division [Qual]. The D of P [apparently covers also the CS post at this time] is forbidden ever to interview a PC or talk to an auditor about a PC. Only what can be statisticized is the concern of the D of P: total TA, process run, hours in session, etc. If the auditor is trying to talk to the D of P about cases, he gets a job endangerment chit. If a PC doesn't gain in processing, there are reasons why. But knowing little tricks won't tell you what they are. You can't put beings together again with a cute little trick. The auditor's job is to audit standard processes on the PC, with a standard comm cycle, on a standard gradation program. The D of P does standard D of P'ing. He goes over the session and checks TA for the session. He picks up the next folder. The PC's goal is "Not to have too much trouble in this session." The total TA was 27 divs for a 2 1/2 hour session. The PC is not in trouble -- continue the process. Next folder: no goals or gains. PC restive; didn't want to run any processes. How many hours were wasted here? All morning and all afternoon. The PC was ARC broken through it all. Auditor to ethics and PC to review. Handled in this way, cases keep winning. If the PC rollercoasters, he goes to review, then to the examiner, then to ethics. If the PC can't spot the SP, ethics just keeps working it over. There is someone who uses generalities that keep the PC from spotting him. If you get the right one, the PTS's face lights like a Christmas tree. If you get the wrong one, it won't, and it is like indicating the wrong BPC. The condition doesn't change. That is the only time ethics lays an egg. When the PTS situation is handled, the PC goes back to the HGC, and the auditor takes up from where he left off. "Ethical standard matches case level." Ethics has as a purpose making people better, not punishing people. Suppose the Org Exec Sec sees declining stats in the HGC -- processing is not as successful as before. Now is the time to look at all the review chits. He finds that auditing cycles are out on several auditors. He tells the D of P. The D of P sends these auditors for special training and gets their comm cycle in. Lower classed auditors have lower ethical standards. To be an excellent review auditor, you must be a crackerjack assesser, be able to make the E-meter sit up and sing, know the processes called for on the Green Form, be able to audit routine auditing on the grades, be able to CS any folder, know when to send a PC to review and when to review auditors, know when a process is flat, know what GI's and BI's can be read from a folder, know what process should be run next, know what is good TA and poor TA, and be a cryptographer, so you don't get misunderstoods. You should know which auditor to assign to which PC. Your auditors are not all releases, and you know that there are quirks that make auditor A audit poorly with certain PCs. If you drop out one of those skills, you are that much less a complete auditor. There is no review for power processing, so power processing is done in review, with two Class VII's, CS'ing each other. An auditor in training is not being trained as a one-man-band. He gets tired and quits auditing, if he tries. But he should be able to do the above actions, so that he understands what is happening when he audits. 733 You only change the standard pattern of the session when the PC gets non-standard. The PC goes to review when he is a flat ball-bearing. The auditor should know how to do a Green Form, not because he is going to do one in standard session, but because, as the org grows, more review auditors will be needed. The effects of out-tech are slower to appear in the HGC (maybe six months) than in the academy (a few days). People are always fighting to own this planet. That's silly! Why don't they just go ahead and own it, as we are doing?  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=27/7/65 Volnum=2 Issue=65 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-65 Stages of Release    6507C27 SHSpec-65 Stages of Release One of the interesting things about releases is that we have been making them for years and auditors have been going on by them, running more processes. There were probably releases being made in 1951. From 1957 on, when LRH made lots of keyed-out clears at an ACC (The 19th American ACC (6Jan-14Feb58): Tech Bulletins Vol. III, p. 204], auditors should have observed what was happening. The longer they cleaned cleans, the more upset the PC became. In exoneration, they didn't realize that it is not OK to run a process beyond a floating needle. This goes from ground zero to clear. "Our main problem ... is overrun." If someone got an F/N on Self-Analysis, it would be a goof to run more recall-type processes. The first level of the case is recognition of the environment. So if you asked a person to look around and spot where he was, and the needle floated, you can't run any CCH's. Or if you got an F/N on the first objective process, the rest of them are null and void. If you go on, you are cleaning a clean. [This is the groundwork for Quickie Grades.] Even on power, if the needle floats, even if the expected EP isn't there, you end off. Fortunately, you can run the rest of the power processes. But when one process goes free, that's it for that process. "Our main problem ... is overrun." This has happened many times to LRH. LRH says he was overrun so much that he "must have been running other people's banks." R6 is the exception to ending off when you get an F/N, because all other processes deal with key-out of the R6 bank, whereas R6 is total erasure. This doesn't apply to GPM's. When you get an F/N, you can't contact them, and you are in trouble. "R6 is the only process which is dealing with a total erasure. All other[s deal] with locks on R6. [The levels ultimately begin] with the reactive bank. There's just the guy [and] the possibility that he could get aberrated.... On top of that, the R6 bank is built, and then on top of [that] is built a tremendous accumulation that we know as "end words', ... and on top of those is erected a whole series of whole track incidents and other types of GPM's, known as "implants'." [See Fig. 28] The latter prevented permanent releases, by restimulating the original bank (the R6 bank). Engrams are among and on top of implant GPMs. Secondaries are on top of those, with locks on the top. Engrams are restimulations of end-words. End-words are restimulations of the R6 bank. The whole trick in running R6EW is to get only end-words, not to pick up R6 material itself. Surrounding the lot is the physical universe, which could also be considered a sort of bank. 734 FIGURE 28: STRUCTURE OF THE BANK [GRAPHICS INSERTED] What you are doing with a PC is carving away at this stack of stuff. It contains significances and masses, spaces and energies. It is also plotted against time. But that is all there is in it. The machinery and circuits in it are just combinations of energies and significances, and, as such, they are just a special case of the above. This combination of energies and significances comprises a mass that sits there in its own made-up space, plotted against the PC's experiential track, known as time. There is nothing else in the bank, although the bank says there is. Freud and psychoanalysis were popular because they had more R6 in their technologies than other systems. They had some written end-words, on which they were basing everything. By "transference", Freud meant that the PC flipped into another valence. The Freudians recognized recovery in terms of "release of affect", by which they meant an emotional discharge, especially grief. They didn't recognize other emotions besides grief. Nor did they recognize underlying engrams. "All anyone has ever been trying to do when he was sincerely trying to help somebody with his mind, was reduce the effect of this thing called 'the reactive mind' [or the 'subconscious 735 mind' or the 'unconscious mind'] upon the individual himself." There are many such psychotherapies on the whole track. If anyone discovered scientology by himself, he probably freed himself and took off. There is no trace of such an occurrence in the bank, however. There are many instances on the track where people attacked the GPM's of the R6 bank, chewed an item or two out, or crushed one, or some such. They would take a picture of the area where someone had been and hit a big clapstick in front of the photograph, to make it look like it exploded. They did this when the thetan was anaten or comatose. The thetan would get the idea and take his own picture of his misemotional or painful experience, and smack it with a couple of beams and snap out of it. That is what psychotherapy was in the Galactic Confederacy. There were also suppressive technologies, which are easily mistaken for helpful technologies. Implanters developed techniques to have effects on people. There are many technologies calculated to have an effect on people. When a suppressive studies scientology, he does so from the viewpoint of trying to have an effect on someone. The SP evaluates his action as an auditor by how much effect it had on the PC, not by whether it made the PC better. The whole subject of alchemy was devoted to throwing the whole R6 level into restimulation -- throwing the guy into his R6 bank and letting the guy cook, thereafter. The alchemists had no other goal. Their books, writings and practices make it obvious. It was the lead of human beings that they wanted to transmute into the gold of spirit. Transmutation of metals had nothing to do with alchemy. It was transmutation of life that they were talking about. Their books are full of R6 dichotomies. If you get one of the guys who has been into alchemy on power, and all that comes off is dichotomies. He has been plowed into R6 since time immemorial. You will have to find the practice that got him into it and fish him out. Hypnotism is another practice that is only intended to make people more compliant, not to better them. "You have to wake people up to make them better, not put them to sleep." You don't want suggestibility. You want self-determinism. Some states, on the whole track, had a thought tower to pick up hostile thoughts and record them, so that the person indulging in "crimethink" would be turned in for brainwashing. This is a swindle. There never was such a thing. A person was implanted with that idea and placed under a compulsion to report to the police if he had a bad thought. There was another idea, on the whole track, for controlling thetans. You would take a "piece of a thetan" and keep it in a lab. If the thetan escaped, they would touch the piece of a thetan with hot rods. This was also a swindle. The rule still holds, that processing a PC who is determined to succumb won't work, because there isn't enough agreement in the session. That is why you have an argument with hypnotists: your purpose is different from theirs. The common denominator of suppressive technologies is lies. The common denominator of good technology is truth. "The whole test of sincerity is, 'Is the fellow doing what he says he's doing? Or is he doing something else?' These two questions have to be answered about any government, movement, or individual: 'Is there a falsity on the line?'" All these downgrade subjects have a falsity on the line. They say they are trying to make people well, but their statistics show what is really occurring. 736 People "assume that the psychiatrist is there to help the person ... and he isn't. [It's an apparency. As mentioned above, the question is,] 'With psychiatry in charge, is the world saner?' No. Their stats are ... not just down. [They are] runaway down.... Since psychiatry has entered the field of criminology, ... crime ... is fabulously on the increase.... There's a falsity on the line. What you understand he's doing is not what he's doing." Psychiatric research is done by deep-sixing every scrap of data that doesn't agree with the theory being pushed. If you tried that in engineering, bridges and buildings would collapse. But if some "scientist, is telling you, "Oh. Well, you have to be very learned to know about this," you may swallow it, if you are not careful. This is also true in the field of art. As an auditor, you know that when the PC finds and articulates the problem, it blows. Saying that it is something else won't do it. So you see that the basic crime in this universe isn't making or destroying things. It is altering truth. "Any subject has a few alter-ises in it. Otherwise it would just disappear." But how many alter-ises does it have? That is the question. If it has many, it will harm, instead of helping people. It will prove to be striving to create effects on people. Subjects with a lot of alter-is are harmful, and subjects with relatively little alter-is are helpful. Evil practices are identified by the falsity that is connected with them. "The worse off a PC is, the more he thinks he's got in his mind." He gets on an additive line. "He collects and accumulates therapies ... like a pack rat." The medical student who "gets" every disease he reads about is "on an additive line, and in the direction of 'additive', ... we actually approach evil. On the direction of subtraction, we approach good." Therefore scientology is based on truth. "The isness, not the alter-isness, is what we care about." It is "What is in the mind?", not, "Why is it in the mind?" "Cleaning a clean brings about the manifestations of evil, [because, since] there's not anything there to be cleaned," the PC has to put something there. You are therefore adding. It is adding, because there is nothing, there to be cleaned. Therefore, the PC and the auditor have to put something there, before anything will happen. There are only five or six kinds of things in the mind. When you are out of one of them, you have to put something there to run it out. There is a reactive mind, with certain elements. When you have disconnected the PC from that class of element, he has ceased to be an effect of it, and you can regard it as gone. The R6 GPM's won't disappear by someone changing his mind or postulates, because the R6 bank is a tangle of boobytrapped postulates. There wouldn't be anything else in the mind if the R6 bank weren't there. There would be no thing or isness. A PC gets a full, "no blanks" time track, with solid locks, because it all relates somehow to some secondary or engram somewhere on the track. You start with the R6 bank. Then, on top of it, you get a wogginess and wooziness on the subject of postulates. He accumulates R6EW locks. Then his own goals, as locks, get stacked up on this. And implants are overlaid on top of this. Then you get whole track engrams, then secondaries, then locks. Eventually, with time, when the thetan finally became human, everything was a lock on something earlier in the bank, and he made a picture of it. "Yesterday runs like an engram." "He couldn't look at anything in the universe, right now, without it hanging up on some experience he's had that he didn't like.... There's the bank." So the thetan gets a full time track. 737 The thetan is also surrounded by the physical universe, which gives him problems. Additionally, there are other people's universes, which are different, experientially. This can also give him a PTP that doesn't have anything to do with a mental image picture ... or reactive bank, but it can restimulate the reactive bank and [thus] be harder to solve." A PTP can exist as such, independent of the bank. If you get your hand caught in a clothes wringer, it is a PTP. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the bank. The fact that a thetan's attention is stuck on a PTP keeps him from putting his attention on anything else, so he makes no gain. You can usually handle the problem on the basis that it is a problem because he doesn't think he can handle it. He has entered a lie into it, so he doesn't try to do anything about it, so it continues to be a problem. The lie in a problem is: 1. That it exists and is a problem. or 2. That one can do nothing about it to handle it. If the auditor could get the PC to confront the problem, to take it apart and get its elements and take the lies out of the problem, the PC could probably confront it, and it would cease to be a problem. However, the problem isn't necessarily entirely in the PC's mind every time. An ARC break is a situation where the PC feels under some sort of attack from an unknown source. In its inception, an ARC break is actually an incomplete cycle of action. In all likelihood, there is some big lie entered into it. But the main upset is that the PC couldn't complete what he was doing. A PC isn't auditable when he is in an ARC break, because he can't put his attention on anything else. It is presence of time that makes a PTP. As human beings, all of us have, to some degree, an under-the-gun existence. "The amount of duress that a person is under is proportionate to the degree that he thinks it threatens his survival." You can tolerate quite a bit of it, unless you are on the skids already. When the PC is upset, the auditor can't get away with making mistakes. When the PC is feeling good, he can get away with some. If you have managed to get the PC disconnected from his ARC breaks, PTP's, etc. and then go on auditing him on them, you are invalidating his ability to confront. You are giving him the idea that he ought to be bothered by them. When you see the F/N, don't give two more commands. Don't get him to itsa some more. Send him to the examiner. Let the PC have his win. One more command and you are cleaning a clean. He is out of that out-rud. The connectors to the bank are gone in that area. In trying to find an overrun after the fact, "you're looking in the 'gone-ness' for the 'what went-ness' ... and you're looking through a mass of, 'It wasn't there anyway-ness', afterwards." A release isn't just disconnected from the bank. He has erased a stratum of it. In rehabbing, you are getting rid of additives. Third stage release [Grade Va] leads the PC through the physical environment contact with the bank and ends up cutting off the R6EW top. Just going off the top of those floating end-words, you can get the PC off of what pins him into those end-words. You can just separate that. Each of the Grade V and Va processes is run to F/N. There are four processes on Va, one having to do with people, one with where the PC has been, etc. Power processing is very close to the truth. Therefore it must be run very standardly. 738 After running Va, there is nothing between the PC and the [R6] bank itself. Now, of course, he can dive off the shade of this, and he has no protective coating between him and the R6 bank. It stands there, naked and raw. He's got the R6EW spans that are lying in and amongst the GPM's, etc. He can run those like a shot. R6EW can run to F/N. There is actually a Fourth Stage Release on R6EW. Running GPM's, one can go to F/N, thus getting a "Fifth Stage Release" by running GPM's. But these aren't important. The state of clear is what is important. You don't want to go free of the body and leave some of the bank around to key in later. In rehabbing, you get the liability that you may find yourself working on the next stage up, and the rehab process is not calculated to handle the next stage.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=9/9/65 Volnum=2 Issue=66 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-66 Classification and Gradation    6509C09 SHSpec-66 Classification and Gradation We have twenty people going for clear. We are really getting an assembly line going. The world is going downhill, but we are reversing the curve. All the laws passed to hit Mr. Big end up hitting the worker. The effect of the [East Grinstead City] Council's refusal to permit building as soon as needed is to make the staff work harder, in very little space. The Maharaja of Jaipur, who used to own St. Hill, wanted to build forty cottages and a polo field. The city planners denied him permission, so he sold St. Hill to LRH. Furthermore, the council never meets. They didn't meet all August, during the best building weather. Technical advances now consist of improvements in application of the existing technology. A technology that cannot be applied is not useful. Some things aren't even meant to be applied e.g. pure mathematics. LRH, while he was in college, suggested applying an abstruse form of mathematics to aerial navigation. He was told that he would be flunked out of college if he continued. This mathematical principle was later developed, by the Navy, into Loran. We have had more technology than we have had application. There was a bug in the application, which was not teaching auditors to recognize F/N's. So the only thing holding up scientology has been the failure on the part of auditors, to know or recognize the floating needle. The trouble that we had with R2-12 was that it is too fast. You have to be on your toes, because your PC will go release, perhaps before you have finished the first list. Overrun on K-2-12 can be terrible. Unfortunately, it was done regularly. We overran our success point by many years, on this process. The main trouble you have today isn't getting a result. It is recognizing that you have gotten it. Saint Hill students have had trouble getting classified for Levels III and IV, because of the problem of auditing someone up to Grades 3 and 4. People went release before they got to the processes required for those classification levels. Tech exists. Now we need to get it applied. We have enough tech. On a world basis, we need the technology of dissemination supplied. This tech is in the FSM appointment letter, if you can see it, and it is also released elsewhere. We are used to being improved or fixed by being passive and letting things be done to us. But the individual is what we are interested in as a final product. It is interesting how long it can sometimes take for the individual to find himself. Somewhere around Fourth Stage Release [R6EW E.P.], the individual finds himself with 739 an answer to the question, "Who am I?" -- namely, "I'm me," not as an intellectual knowledge, but as a total connection with self, all the way back. What has disappeared is all the times when the individual has been various identities. The gains he gets can seem microscopic, yet full of impact, as he goes up the line. These gains can get incredibly simple. As things blow and stops get as-ised, the individual feels that he could always have done whatever ability he has just attained. He could have, but he didn't! So any commentary about the ability of a thetan has to come off as an invalidation by understatement. Any assertion of ability is thus an invalidation. "You could make the wildest statement you could possibly dream up and then assert that as your own ability. [Eventually] you'd have to get it off your case as invalidation of self." Recovery from illness could be related to dissemination. You might have a pain in the head and not know it until you become aware of it, and it blows, so that you feel much better. What the PC assigns as a gain is generally a great understatement of the real gain. The Route: The Bridge. When you first say to someone, "We will make you better," they immediately ask, "Better what? A better bank robber? Or is my lumbosis going to be better?" The difficulty is in trying to communicate what we are trying to do in scientology to someone who has no inkling that that sort of thing can happen. Telling someone who thinks that he is a body that he is himself is very hard. People tell each other that Man is an animal, and when he dies, he is gone -- dead. This happens, even though they don't believe it of themselves. Man has only believed that he is an animal for the past 75-90 years. Psychology has changed since DMSMH was published. It used to say that Man's intelligence and condition couldn't be changed. It is therefore difficult to tell someone on the street that he can get better. You have to show him. You can use a graph [The Classification and Gradation Chart], showing that there are these various states, so he sees that there is a place to go. He can get a reality on the level just above where he is. By visualizing the graph, he will see which way to go. However, it is unlikely that he will have any reality on the levels beyond the next level up. Life is improved on a gradient, not by leaps into OT from DB. If you buy the idea that you could become OT by inspection, etc., then you are also buying the idea that you don't have anything to do with life. Because it is you and your awareness that is improving not the attendant and appendant machinery with which you are surrounded. We are handling life. You must give an individual a gradient that is real to him. For instance, to a sick man, not hurting is real. After you have handled this, then you could get him to consider sitting up. If you ignore the gradient, you can advance a person more rapidly than he can tolerate. When you promise a person that he will made too big a jump in too little time, you set him up to get a big lose. People on this planet were not issued an instruction book on themselves. How do you learn about yourself? You learn by studying one lesson at a time, by getting one improvement at a time. You can advance a person beyond his tolerance rate, in processing. 740 The bridge we have is across an actual chasm. The way across is by the bridge, not off the edge. The Gradation and Classification plan is designed to prevent people from going into the abyss. The grade chart prevents loses by providing a gradient. Ethics is the traffic cop. The chart has an elastic bottom. Some people start from zero; some people start from lower states. Level -34 is Unexistence. There are states "way below Unexistence on the awareness scale, but someone in one of these states won't be able to read the chart. As a person at a given level on the awareness chart improves, he is likely to become aware of the next level. But he can't skip levels. His position on the awareness chart is not a question of his behavior or what he is dramatizing. It is what he as a being is aware of. "A person ... at Unexistence, when he improves, becomes aware of disconnection [Level -33]. Misconnection would be an improvement over no existence at all. He gets the idea that he's disconnected from things. He becomes aware of -- alert to -- the fact that in life, he is actually disconnected." A person at Fixidity [Level -27] won't find power real, but he will become aware of ridicule or Glee [Level -26]. Laugh at him, and he'll notice. The Awareness Scale doesn't show what the guy is dramatizing. It is not his behavior that counts. It is what he, himself, as a being, is aware of. It is what he's aware of, not what you are aware of about him. If the person is aware that he is Introverted [Level -11], he can then and only then become aware of the fact that he is numb [Numbness = Level -10]. At this level, the individual gets no reaction from life. Need of Change [Level -4] is a very high state. "Most homo sapiens wonder how they can endure the thing they can't change." The one thing scientology does do for sure is to change conditions. So someone has to be up to Level -4 before he can become a scientologist. A person who has to be helped may not be aware of help or the possibility of it. Someone who only wants to receive help and doesn't want to give it, isn't really up to the Help level [Level -11. Being aware of help is a six-flow operation. A person who is unwilling to help others is not up to Help on the Awareness Chart. Someone moving up the chart through the levels does achieve the awareness at each level. Above that, the person has recognition. He sees where he is. His orientation becomes better. He begins to recognize himself and others for what they are. He gets up to where he can communicate, then perceive, then get oriented. You can't find out where you are unless you can perceive where you are. Then comes understanding, then enlightenment. "Enlightenment never takes place before understanding." People think it can and modern universities are dedicated to it. Above that, a guy "gets a return of his energy, ... an adjustment. He becomes aware of the fact of a body, and that he is not a body. He [gets to where he can] predict. He goes into action. He [sees himself as] capable of production. He knows a result when he sees one. He can review the things of his life and take care of it. He regains his ability. His own purposes start coming out straight. (He didn't ever realize he was really running on other people's purposes.) He gets a clearing of his entire past and other purposes and a realization of himself. And then he goes into a state where he is capable of power [comprising Conditions, Existence, and Source -- the top of the Scale of Awareness]. But by the time he gets into that state, he is, of course, totally responsible and can be trusted with it. Otherwise, he won't make it." 741 The grades approximate these steps. The Gradation Chart parallels and makes possible the attainment of these awareness levels. There are four states of release up to Grade 6. Then you get clear. This is another state of release. An OT is capable of operating, with or without a body. He is himself; he is independent of the universe around him. The only thing that stands in the way of just getting a person to become of each level, one after another, is the machines and odds and ends that he has around him and that have to be dealt with. It is hard for a person to get close to himself [and confront these things]. You have to know the secret of dealing with these things. The actual length of time that it took to find and develop the bridge is more than fifteen or thirty years. It would be hard for most people to believe how long it has taken. But, anyhow, it has been done.  L. Ron Hubbard