Type = 3 iDate=6/2/64 Volnum=2 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-5 Comm Cycle in Auditing    6402C06 SHSpec-5 Comm Cycle in Auditing The magic of communication is all that makes auditing work. If you sat down at a one-hand electrode E-meter, You would be amazed at this fact: You would get no tone arm motion beyond, perhaps, a brief residual flurry at the very start. With another auditor, you would get 175 TA divisions; with yourself, you would get two. It works this way because the thetan in this universe has begun to consider himself mass, so he is subject to the laws of physics. Consequently, he can't as-is much mass. He has to have a second terminal to discharge the mass, or energy, against. If an auditor thinks he is MEST, he is apt to get the condition of the PC, because he mocks up or envisions the PC's charge in himself, making himself a matched terminal. But that is not what makes auditing work. It is all consideration. No backflow actually hits the auditor. 582 The ability to hold a position in space or to hold two terminals apart, is a definition of power. In the auditing situation, there is an apparent exchange of energy, from the PC's point of view, which doesn't hit the auditor, but because thetans think of themselves as terminals, you get an exchange of energy going on. Nothing hits the auditor, and it as-ises, as far as the PC is concerned. But you have set up a two-pole system, and that will bring about an as-ising of mass. It isn't burning the mass; it is as-ising the mass. That is why there is nothing hitting the auditor. The magic of auditing is contained in the comm cycle of auditing. You are concerned with the smooth interchange between these two poles, which is necessary for as long as the PC considers himself to be matter and therefore considers that he must discharge against something. Eventually, the PC will get up to a point where he no longer considers himself matter. When a lot (half) of the bank is gone, the meter will no longer "read on a sneeze". When a PC cognites that he is not MEST, the auditor can't knock any energy off, and the meter goes dead. Running R6, the meter only reacts when the PC decides what something is. You have to ask the PC if that is it. When the PC looks and decides if that is it or not, only then does the meter read. The PC is advancing away from the automatic physical energy manifestations of the physical universe. You get to a point where you have intention. A GPM is just "a method of limiting the person's ability to intend." That is the whole idea behind implanting: to foul up intention by fixing it so that every time a thetan intends positive, he gets negative, and vice versa, so he can't decide. If you talk to a person, and every time he says, "Yes," you say, "No," he will get to an indecisional state of mind, where he can no longer intend, "Yes," fully. This wears him down; it breaks his spirit. This is the whole idea behind implanting: to get a being unable to effectively intend or determine anything successfully. "He intends to write, but something is intending that he not write." Therefore, he can't write. All ideas of power of choice, self-determinism, etc., stem from the ability to intend something. The more enMESTed someone is, the more trouble they have with intention. (With the two-pole arrangement, a person can be influenced without his knowledge.) The difficulties of auditing are just the difficulties of the comm cycle. You can hit the parts of the comm cycle as buttons. The auditor must permit a smooth flow between himself and the PC, if matter is to be as-ised by the PC, using the comm cycle. When you don't permit a smooth flow between yourself and the PC as terminals, you get a no-as-ising of matter. Part of the trick is knowing what has to be as-ised, but that is a matter of technique. If the auditor is capable of getting the PC to be willing to talk to him, he wouldn't have to hit a particular button in order to get TA action. Basic auditing and the comm cycle is senior to the technique. The fundamental entrance to the case is not in tech, but in the comm cycle. In case supervision, you can look at the points of the comm cycle that are missing in the PC's case and heal those points up. There can be the comm cycle between the PC and the auditor, and between the PC and the auditing room. You can address the PC's comm between himself and the environment by looking at what he is worried about. With an unconscious person, pick up his hand and have him touch the pillow, your arm, etc., giving the command at the same time. You are just getting him in comm with the auditor and his surroundings. But now you are into technique. 583 "Communication is simply a familiarization process based on reach and withdraw." When the auditor speaks to the PC, he is reaching; when he ceases to speak, he is withdrawing. When the PC hears you, he is a bit withdrawn. He reaches towards you with the answer. He is in a withdraw, as he looks for the answer. He reaches the answer and reaches the auditor. It is a communication exchange that as-ises energy and registers on the E-meter. No meter action occurs in the absence of that exchange, namely the comm cycle. If the comm cycle isn't in, the PC self-audits, and you get no case gain and no TA. That is the fundamental discovery of dianetics and scientology. It is so simple that everyone has overlooked it, because MEST is very complex stuff, being composed of atoms, molecules, wavelengths, etc. It is so complex that nobody can understand it. People who are ploughed into matter, who think as matter, think very complexly. "They cannot observe the simplest things with which they are confronted. They observe none of this." "The ease with which you can handle a comm cycle depends on your ability to observe what the PC is doing." Your inspection of what you are doing should have ended with your training. Now all observation should focus on the PC." The comm cycle you watch is the PC's." The true touch of genius, that makes an auditor that can crack any case, is the auditor's ability to observe the comm cycle of the PC and repair its various lacks. This consists of asking a question that the PC can answer, observing that the PC has completed the answer to it, acknowledging the PC, and then giving the PC something else to do. That is the auditing comm cycle. [See also p. 450, above, for an illustration.] This includes clearing the auditing command, so that the PC can answer the question. Ask the question in such a way that the PC can hear it. And know whether the PC is answering that question. "You can tell when the PC is finished....[It is] a piece of knowingness, ... an instinct." You should know, without having to ask the PC if he is finished. Then, knowing that he is finished, you use the acknowledgment to tell him that he has said it, using only the right amount of stop to stop that cycle, not the whole session. Then you give him something else to answer. When you don't see when he is finished and therefore fail to acknowledge, he thinks he is not done and looks for more. He even takes up humming! If you don't give him something else to answer, he will go on automatic. He will self-audit, with no TA action. The degree of lack of TA action measures the degree of self-audit that the PC is indulging in. Get your comm cycle good enough so that you don't have to pay attention to it, and give your attention to the comm cycles of the PC. Spend your basic auditing doing nothing but repairing the basic communication inabilities of the PC, and you will be a genius: You will crack 99% of the cases that walk in. For instance, the case that goes on and on with his comm. You may think that you are acknowledging him, but he never gets it. It is up to you to get that communication acknowledged, so he knows that it is heard. Or take the PC who takes twenty minutes to answer the auditing question, and then, in that answering, doesn't answer it. The very smart auditor knows that he would have to do three processes, because: 1. The PC cannot have an auditing question. He didn't answer it, so he never got it. This gives you the first process: "What auditing question wouldn't you mind being/should you be asked?" 584 2. Since he can't have auditing, he is wasting it, so after you have a comm line going, you can run wasting auditing. Run it as a concept, since you can't expect such a case to recall anything. You could use: "Get the idea of you wasting auditing,"or "What could you do here that would waste auditing?", or "What could an auditor do here that would waste auditing?" and maybe get him to waste communication. Elementary havingness is the ability to do. 3. Run, "Who would I have to be to audit you?" 4. After that, perhaps you could work on his memory. You would see the whole case change. Take a PC who is sitting there not saying anything. Find what the PC is doing and dream up something accordingly, e.g., "What could you say to me?" You get a long comm lag, then he says something. Build it up until you've got him in communication with you. Then inspect the rest of his comm cycle for other wrongnesses. Maybe now you have to find out whether he can have an auditor. It is what the PC isn't doing that the auditor might be able to get him to do that determines the auditing question. If you are alert, you will see these little disabilities showing up. For instance, someone stammers. Obviously, he is having trouble communicating. "Don't ask the PC to do things the PC can't do." For instance, the auditor asks, "From where could you view catfish?" The PC says, "Uh ... I'm sorry, I've never viewed any catfish." The auditor has asked the PC a question he couldn't answer. He is guilty of not having cleared the question. Clear questions beforehand to make sure the PC can do it, before asking it. Always respect the PC's saying that there aren't any more answers. Otherwise, you give the PC loses. Your entrance point to the case is where the PC breaks down in his comm cycle with the auditor and with the environment. For instance, if the PC can't look at the auditor, you could run, "If you looked over here, what would (or might) you see?" These are the ways you crack cases. There are tons of processes that you could use. Suppose you are running SCS on a PC who, you find, can't stand still. Don't ignore the disability. Take something else to remedy it, e.g. "Stand still/Don't stand still," which gets rid of automaticities. If the PC knows that he has the disability, he can itsa about it, because it is real to him. But often what the person is worried about is not what he is bugged with. You could still trigger the bank and run it out on an automaticity, as in dianetics, but then you would get a PC who gets better and doesn't know about it. PCs will run off a total automaticity of what is wrong with them, and they won't even listen to themselves talk. An auditing session is highly artificial. But it is only artificial because it approximates, to such harsh, staggering reality, the exact points of contact with beings and existence, like a Lycoming engine in a Model T Ford. Auditing highlights the exact important points of communication. Here is a capsule version of what is wrong with the mind: The only thing really wrong with people is that they have withdrawn from communicating. The individual has gone out of contact. He has stopped looking. The last time he looked, there were three sabre-tooth tigers ready to bite him. Of course, he believes that there are still three sabre-tooth tigers there. He does this 585 throughout enough trilennia, and he's got an awful big stack of tigers, all of which have left. But he doesn't know this fact. He can't be sure that they have left. A person who withdraws from contact with tigers all the time and refuses to contact the area doesn't see whether the tiger is still there or not, but keeps mocking it up just to be sure. The tigers, actually, are gone. But this individual is in a condition of total withdrawal. He is "safeguarded" with automatic bank, with automatic beingness. A valence stands where he ought to be. Total withdrawal is a capsule summary of aberration. A thetan has, as his remedy for safety, shortening his reach. When he gets to the point of zero reach, he inverts it, into an inverted withdrawal, and you get the cycle of the dynamics, coming on down. He comes away from actual reach to zero reach, but he still has to reach, so he figures out some other way to reach. A zero of what he is doing always has a remedy that is lower. So you can get an inversion of an inversion of an inversion of withdrawal. This shows up in an auditing session right away, in the PC's inability to talk to the auditor about pertinencies. So you must remedy his communication by reaching him, in order to get him to reach. With a person who is on a compulsive outflow, you have to get him there, before you can run anything, e.g. by "Touch that chair." You have to have a session before you can have a technique. This is how to get one: you use, observe, and remedy the communication cycle. And after you have remedied it, notice that it has been remedied. Note that the PC is now able to communicate with the auditor, and notice what else needs to be done. Sometimes the remedy of the outpoint happens so fast that you are astonished. Don't overrun it. If things are going all right, don't remedy them. If things are going all wrong, find what you can fix up and fix it up. "If the PC is fully in session, you can run almost anything, and [he will] sail." But no technique by itself will put the PC in session. The auditor has to do it.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=25/2/64 Volnum=2 Issue=6 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-6 What Auditing Is and What It Isn't    6402C25 SHSpec-6 What Auditing Is and What It Isn't LRH is the first survivor of the Battle of the Goals Plot. GPM's contain trickery and treachery. That is why no one, hitherto, has figured them out. Routine 3 didn't bite deep. Even running "oppose" didn't get much depth of bite. When you move it into "solve", you are beginning to get into dangerous areas. The tiger can bite your head off, but you can't get back at him. In R6, you are handling pure starving tigers. [For definition of R6, see p. 568, above.] Someone who could handle the oppose line easily will find enough aberration to make a powerful being unpowerful on the actual GPM line, quantitatively and qualitatively. The data of this lecture is valuable at all levels, but it is vital at Levels V and VI. It is so simple that you may think that there is nothing there to grasp. There is also confusion that blows off as one attempts to grasp it. The following is a pure piece of data that is incredibly difficult to TR-3 over to somebody. I am going to tell you: 1. The difference between auditing and assessing. 2. The difference between destimulating and erasing. 3. The difference between a PTP and an ARC break. 4. The targets of the auditor, which are: a) The PC. b) The bank. 586 The auditor speaks either to the PC or to the bank. Auditing and the auditing cycle is addressed to the PC. Assessing is addressed to the bank. When the auditor talks to the PC, he often restimulates the bank; he has an influence on it, but he is still talking to the PC. Sometimes, during an assessment, the PC talks, and the auditor must acknowledge the origination, but these are separate actions. Auditing ... has only two products: destimulation and erasure., [See also pp. 486-487, above, for illustrations of destimulation and erasure (or "discharge").] You can get the PC out of it, or you can use the PC to wipe it out. The first is destimulation; the second is erasure. Destimulation gets the dogs that are barking at the PC to lie down and be quiet, and the PC to "come away from there". Auditing wipes out the dogs. Don't try to erase a PTP. That requires auditing, and PTP's prevent auditing. You destimulate PTP's, so that you can audit. You can get the PC to dust himself off (destimulation), or you can use the PC like an ink eraser (erasure). Some auditors specialize in trying to erase everything but never really get anything erased. It is OK to erase anything, as long as you complete your cycles of action. But the lower levels of auditing are practically all destimulation, not erasure. If an auditor can't destimulate a PC, he can never take up his own cycle of action, because the PC's restimulation takes charge. If the PC is elsewhere when you start the session and the cycle of action, you will never complete the cycle of action that you start. Destimulation is the only action that you can undertake to get a PC located and oriented. Don't try to audit, when all you should, or can, be doing is a destimulation. "Where did it happen? Where are you now?" is a destimulation. So is a prepcheck. Since an auditor can't complete his cycle of action unless he first destimulates the PC, destimulation is a very important skill. Running engrams, RI's, implant GPM's, etc., are all erasure. Even in destimulation, a tiny amount of erasure takes place. Just the PC's attention on the subject for a short time brings about erasure of a bit of it. The fact that a certain amount of the incident runs out during destimulation is shown by the fact that a PC experiences somatics during assists. We just hit the key-in [and erase that]. You can also destimulate something and then run out the incident. You could use effort processing, or run the engram. [Cf. running locks, secondaries, and engrams on subjects.] If you do this, though, complete the cycle of destimulating first, or you will leave some attention stuck on what you were destimulating, which, in the course of destimulating, you also restimulated somewhat. Not completing the destimulation cycle will make it that much harder to erase what you wanted to erase. You don't want the PC to come out of a destimulation attempt involving Mata Hari with his feet still all tangled up in silk stockings and old German documents. Complete cycles of actions, once started. If you start to erase something, erase it. Don't abandon it in order to go erasing something else. In Level VI, ideally, when you get a GPM, you erase it. This is complicated by the fact that that GPM is connected to the one above it and the one below it. But you could erase the middle. In practice, you consider the whole first series of goals one action and erase that, or half the first series, then the rest of it. [See p. 591, below, for an explanation of the goals series.] 587 "The heart of certainty is arrival [at the end of a cycle of action]. The anatomy of uncertainty is a failure to complete a cycle of action." Rapid methods of destimulation are necessary. For instance, since-mid-ruds are needed to keep incipient BPC cleaned up and out of the road for the rest of the session. Life is restimulative. The purpose of ruds is destimulation. When the PC brings up something that is not in the auditor's main line of action, the auditor destimulates it and goes back to his main action. Case analysis is the tech that destimulates unwanted resurgences of case. Its purpose is handling PTP's as they arise. The activity of figuring out where GPM's fit, which has been called case analysis, we now call track analysis. Case analysis is a wide-level activity that can be used at any level. It is just finding what the PC is sitting in and getting his considerations. So while you are working on one GPM, if the PC gets his attention on another one, destimulate it with case analysis and go back to the first action. Otherwise. leaving him stuck in one mass, you let him go to another mass, and he will get over-restimulated. The rule applies to all levels. Make up your mind about what you are doing and complete your cycle of action. What is auditing? Auditing is "the action of asking a PC a question which he can understand and answer, getting an answer to that question, and acknowledging him for that answer." And then also, when the person originates, auditing involves understanding and handling that origination. That is all auditing is. It is TR-0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. When that occurs, TA action occurs and sanity occurs. Auditing is not assessing. Auditing may have the purpose of making someone feel better, but that has nothing to do with the definition of auditing or with what auditing is. The fact that someone feels better after an assessment does not mean that it was auditing. Therefore, from the above definition, you can't have self-auditing. "The technique is scientology, but auditing is this one ... action." If you understand the above to apply to all auditing, you will be fantastic as an auditor. You will find gold at the end of the rainbow. Nothing is very difficult about getting a result, if you just do what is in that definition. What makes the PC better is not the technique you use. It is simply the auditing comm cycle. "Auditing is a cycle of action.... And that two-terminal aspect, which is what this physical universe consists of, is what gives you tone arm action and is what makes a PC better. It's not a technique that makes a PC better, and it never will be.... Auditing is the "carrier wave' ... that handles anything and everything" for the PC. There is another activity an auditor can do, besides auditing: assessment. Auditing goes mainly to the PC; "assessment never goes to a PC." It goes to the bank. Therefore, by definition, it is not auditing. You can never assess a PC who thinks that he is being addressed. If you are trying to assess and the PC is trying to communicate with you, or if he thinks that you are trying to communicate with him, you will get messed up. When the auditing cycle is out, assessment cannot occur, in that the PC hasn't understood that it is not an auditing cycle that he is engaged in, and he can't just sit there and be assessed. He is nervous and restimulated, and his mind is darting all over the place. Even so, if you ask the question just where the mind is, it reads, through all his mental busywork. 588 R2H is not really an assessment, even though you go down a prepared list, because you are really asking the PC those questions, and setting up 2WC about things that have occurred in the comm cycle. If a PC gets ARC broken during an assessment, it is because he has originated something, which you haven't acknowledged. He does not get ARC broken because you are assessing. Sometimes you sandwich auditing in with the assessment, but they are still two separate activities. The TA action that you get when you find an actual RI occurs when you have an auditing cycle going. It does not occur without the auditing cycle. An assessment, even of a correct RI, is not what gives TA action. It is the auditing comm cycle that gives TA. That is why, when you ask, "Is that your item?", you get TA action, in the form of a big blowdown. It is not because the PC contacts the item. He is already in the middle of it. So on solo auditing, the PC would get needle actions but not TA action. Assessment doesn't give you TA action. An ARC break assessment is given when the PC has an ARC break. This assessment list has other uses, but the ARC break assessment simply consists of assessing the list, getting the read, and indicating it to the PC. During an ARC break, you must not audit! "An ARC break is when the auditing comm cycle cannot take place.... It isn't anything else." The PC is upset and accusative. He won't talk to you. If you force a comm cycle at that time, you will only deepen the ARC break. At that point, you do nothing else but an ARC break assessment. When you have a real ARC break, you assess it, always. Know your tools so that you can do the right assessment, whether it be a session ARC break or an ARC break from the particular action that you are on. As long as you are addressing, with auditing, an area of disability in the PC, you will get TA.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=3/3/64 Volnum=2 Issue=7 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-7 Auditing and Assessment    6403C03 SHSpec-7 Auditing and Assessment The most complete body of knowledge there is is at Class VI. It took fantastic amounts of auditing to get it and codify it. Fortunately, it is codified, unlike other levels. For instance, prehav levels are mostly items out of actual GPM's or locks thereon. You are used to regarding assessment as something you use to find something to audit. More recently, you have regarded assessment also as a way to find the source of an ARC break. "Assessment is an activity which is totally independent of auditing." As you move up from Class IV, you find that assessment commingles with auditing. ARC breaks can occur because of the auditor's failure to recognize the difference between assessment and auditing, and failing to shift his gears from one to the other, or schizophrenically trying to do both at the same time. You must keep them separate. For instance, if the PC originates during your assessment, you must instantly shift into an auditing cycle to handle it. Then you return to the assessment. "Assessment is addressed to the PC's bank. It is not addressed to the PC." When auditing occurs during the assessment, it is because the PC got restimulated by something assessed. So the PC is now in need of an auditor to duplicate it, so that it can as-is. The auditor must really understand, duplicate, and acknowledge, so that the PC knows that he has been understood. All bad assessing, where the meter isn't operating properly, comes about because the auditor can't shift gears smoothly and rapidly enough, between auditing and assessing. 589 An auditor can get the idea that assessment is impossible, if he has made mistakes in assessing that resulted in the needle tightening up. The failure, in this case, is really an auditing failure, e.g. the auditor's inadvertent question of the PC, "Is it all right if we assess this list?", an auditing question, since it has not been fully handled, will now get in the way of a successful assessment, in some cases. The question went to the PC, an analytical being. The PC now expects to answer. He may also be insufficiently indoctrinated not to think that he should answer the assessment questions too. But if you don't complete the question cycle, you tend to direct the rest of the assessment at the PC, not the bank. Now the PC feels as though he should be answering each item assessed. You will be assessing through the PC's withheld comm. When the auditor starts to assess, many PCs go on an automatically withholding state of mind. They got into this state of mind because the auditor disobeyed certain tenets, e.g. the rule that when you ask the PC a question before you assess, you should be sure that the PC has answered it to his satisfaction and that he gets acknowledged, and that everything is handled first, before you start the assessment. And when you have assessed and have gotten an item, and you ask the PC, "Is that your item?", this is an auditing question, which may take awhile for the PC to answer. You have just put him into the middle of his long-standing whirlpool, so don't be amazed if it takes awhile for him to complete the cycle. He could be going, "Yeah: Yeah: That's why ... etc., etc., etc.," without having answered the question, Is it your item?." "Assessment must never interrupt the auditing cycle, but the auditing cycle may at any time interrupt the assessment.... Therefore the auditing cycle is the senior action." That doesn't mean that you necessarily spend more time auditing than assessing in any given session, especially in R6. Auditing is senior because auditing errors can wreck assessment. The auditor has two lines going out: one to the PC and one to the bank. When these lines cross, you get sparks. In assessing, you might use the form, "Is it ... ?", which has the form of a question. But don't expect an answer, during the assessment. There is no one home in the bank. Don't fool around with entities. Using questions in assessments can bother a PC. Sometimes it works better to use statements, so as not to make the PC think that he should answer. "You won't get any reaction from the bank if the PC intervenes," but you don't want the PC on a withhold or a decision not to be involved or something that gets in the way. The PC has to sit there with his ruds in and no co-operative "assistance", and in good comm with the auditor, if his bank is to be addressed. Keep in comm and keep your cycles complete. If the PC is in good comm with the auditor, you can then address the bank easily. Therefore, the way to put yourself in good comm with the bank is to put yourself in comm with the PC. But the PC being in good comm doesn't have to mean that the PC is talking. The auditors who assess PCs well are those who are in good comm with the PCs. Repairing assessments, when what is wrong is out-comm, will make things far worse. It invalidates things found on assessment, etc. If assessment goes out, repair the comm cycle. Don't just look for BPC in general. Clean up the comm cycle. 590 On any case, there is always BPC to be found. That doesn't mean that you should spend much time looking for it. You could spent a lot of time trying to clean the question, "Have I misassigned the bypassed charge?", because the read you would keep getting is from your assigning the BPC to bank phenomena, not session outnesses. It could go on reading for twelve hours: In the presence of a session ARC break, you can go on finding other BPC continually without the PC feeling any better. And you will invalidate and suppress all sorts of auditing work that was done. So "ARC break assessments should begin with, 'Is it a session ARC break? Is it an R6 ARC break? Or is it an R4 ARC break?" It can be as crude as, "What list do I use...." Present-time upsets always seem more important to the PC than past events, however tremendous the past events may be. (Never use heavy steel electrodes.) Ninety-nine percent of your assessment trouble is really auditing cycle trouble. Assessment errors, themselves, can be so productive of upset that the fact that there can be another source of ARC breaks can easily be ignored. Even with the comm cycle in perfectly, with the auditor and the PC in complete rapport, the session can go up in smoke because of an assessment error, especially on a wrong goal. For instance, if the PC's item has been bypassed, all you should do, if the PC ARC breaks, is to assess. Don't try to WC it with the PC. "You must not audit [or] address remarks to the PC in the presence of an ARC break.... You never ask the PC a single question, nor do you acknowledge anything the PC says." Experience has taught me that you cannot communicate with somebody who is out of communication. Don't audit in the presence of an ARC break. Don't ask a question; don't acknowledge what the PC says. You assess. If you get confused and go into shock when the PC suddenly throws the cans at you, take a break. That is better than sitting there, slack-jawed. Don't stay near the PC. Don't try to talk to the PC. Get your wits sorted out, find where the ARC break started, and go assess. Find the BPC, indicate it. Get back in comm with the PC, and go on doing what you were doing. "The meter will read during an ARC break, [but only] on what is causing the ARC break." If you find some BPC on a case ARC break list and the PC doesn't go VGI's, know that there is something else. There is a session ARC break or some different case ARC break. R2H can be done either as an ARC break assessment or as an assessment for BPC, where you stay in comm with the PC during the assessment. Everything from Level IV on up depends on accurate assessment. So the auditor must be able to shift rapidly and smoothly from assessment to auditing. Just because R6 is mostly assessing, don't think that you can delete auditing from the session. If you try, you will have a disaster. "You assess when you assess. You audit when you audit.... Don't ever do them both at the same time.... Assessing is straight from ... auditor to bank." 591  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=5/3/64 Volnum=2 Issue=8 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-8 Case Analysis -- Healing    6403C05 SHSpec-8 Case Analysis -- Healing Ian Tampion audited PCs on TV for the benefit of the Victoria legislature, at some hearings in Australia. This is the ultimate TVD! The legislators were very interested. LRH has started running his goals plot: the research activities have left holes in his bank. There are [about 350] different goals series, in sets of 42. Since the same things went in, over and over, if you run one too deeply, you can drop through into the next series. You also get awful somatics if you do this. The goals series are consecutive, and it just goes in, over and over again, with different GPM's. Same line plot; same goal series. They just go on and on. So if you run out one, you are convinced that you couldn't possibly have run it out, because it is sitting on one of the same GPM's of an earlier series, so it looks like all the goals are still alive, there. So if you run one too deep, you fall through, into an earlier goals series. So you can leave BPC by going on to the earlier one, which gives you bad somatics. You've got 42 goals in a series, for a total of 15,000 GPM's. They get bigger and bigger as you go back. Early track RI's are about the size of a mountain. If you don't get the first (PT) series right, the PC will go into a sad effect of great magnitude with great speed. It will take only four or five seconds, from where where you found the wrong GPM to start from, to the toboggan. This can happen because you may well not have completed the current series. Only some of the 42-goal series closest to PT is formed [because the current series has not yet been completed]. Therefore it is easy to fall back into the next series. Also, the PT GPM itself is truncated, so you can get the first actual goal, but it is hard to get the first actual GPM. Everyone has the same actual line plot in common. We learned our lesson well before the track began. The consequences of running these GPM's out of order and with wrong line plots are pretty horrendous, which is why we are not broadly releasing the line plots. Incidentally, there are no 2D goals on the actual GPM line plot, as far as LRH has been able to tell. There are plenty of implant goals on the 2D, however. Case analysis tells you how to become a healing wizard and upset the AMA. Man has no real tradition of healing. There is a lot of charlatanism. The AMA is into plumbing, not healing, anyway. Of course, doctors are necessary -- like plumbers. They never reveal their stats, or -- not often enough. You hear that 600 people have received kidney transplants. What you don't hear is that all of them were dead within two years. Previous attempts to heal overts have consisted of things like calling for repentance. This is not an adequate process. Man got healing closely associated with structure and became successful, where structure is concerned. He knew nothing of disease. Infection may or may not have to do with bacteria. There are too many variables to say for sure. The fact that you can see the bugs under a microscope is insufficient. LRH has found that infection many be the result of a GPM. Healing is done by the body. The doctor merely arranged the parts so that they could go back together and hoped that the individual would do the rest. Until you have solved the problem of how the individual influences his own healing process, you can do nothing broadly about healing. So the healing professions have tended to be monopolists or frauds. The modern medicos and psychiatrists have gone towards a monopoly. They have also made research a lucrative profession, but they tend to keep the door shut on a 592 real search into healing by others, not part of their club. Authority has become "fact" in courtrooms. We don't communicate with the medicos, not so much because they are evil as because they have certain stylized ways of thinking into which we do not fit. They use research as a way of raising money, which is another incomprehensible. We would have been incomprehensible anyway, because we have gone forward on the basis that there is such a thing as truth, and that using what we know of it, we can help our fellow man. Our real goals as scientologists are unreal to the public, so there has to be a bridge. We do want some way to bridge in to the fellow on the street. Healing can be a part of the lower part of such a bridge, because it is real to people. Freedom from psychosomatic illness is something that we can produce easily at lower levels, even though healing isn't our main interest. This makes the monopolists attack us. The second thing that we need to know about healing is: if you are going to heal, heal. Don't heal "in order to _______ ." You would gain great acceptance in a community if you worked on that, avoiding or handling the attacks of the monopolists, and escaping the wrath of the frauds. If you do go in for healing someone, make sure that you also teach him a little and broaden his horizon beyond his goal of getting rid of his lumbosis. You do have a technology for healing any chronic disease or illness, provided that you can read a meter and keep the auditing comm cycle going. A chronic disease is a disease that exceeds its expected duration. But don't assume that because you can see that someone is sick from something, you should heal it. To say what someone is suffering from is very adventurous. The person's mental mechanisms can bring about and perpetuate virtually anything. Actually, all illness is psychosomatic, even broken bones. It shows poor judgement to put one's body in a position where its bones can be broken, after all. The genus of psychosomatic illness is in suggestion [the hypnotic variety]. And suggestion comes down to postulation. Nothing can be suggested to the individual [with any effect] that he has not earlier postulated himself. Thus an overt would be to key in something that the person had already postulated for himself. The person must have willed the destruction of bodies before he could get his body in bad shape. It really isn't what has happened to a person that brings about a psychosomatic illness. It is what the person is willing to have happen [e.g. to another]. But it is neither possible nor necessary to trace a psychosomatic illness back to the individual's basic intention to have it, to cure a psychosomatic illness. Though all psychosomatic illnesses are self-caused and stem from early thetan postulates, the key-in of such an illness can be other-determined. He doesn't have to have a key-in to make his postulates come true, but when one of his early postulates sometimes mysteriously materializes in the physical universe and he doesn't know anything about it, it is necessary for something else around him to key it in. He did it himself and knew he did. But if it is happening and he doesn't now know that he did it himself, it must be the result of a key-in. Hypnotism, for instance, is merely a key-in of a person's earlier postulates. [Cf. HCOB 10Aug73 "PTS Handling"] 593 To keep an environment calm, you must be careful of what gets keyed in. For instance, a war environment is restimulative enough to cause the keying in of a lot of brutality. A thetan is unbelievably numerously pre-postulated!! With 15,000 GPM's, each containing 16 RI's, with locks galore, there is lots to be keyed in. So when you heal psychosomatics, you are not dealing with the thetan's basic postulations, unless you are auditing at Levels V and VI. Below Level V, basic postulates are out of reach of the thetan. They are neither necessary nor possible to use, in handling psychosomatic illness. It is fortunate that you don't require them. Here are the steps in the formation of a psychosomatic illness: 1. The thetan postulates it, i.e. he postulates that it could be done or that it could happen. This was trillenia ago, probably. 2. Then he did it to someone else. 3. Then he could and did have it keyed in on himself, and he got the experience. The key-in could be anything. It could be something quite mild: a symbol, for instance. Step (1)would be taken up at Level VI if anywhere. But trying to handle illness at Level VI is too restimulative. Someone who is sick is probably not up to any part of it, and you don't do Level VI partially, anyway. Handling Step (2), getting the basic overt on the track, is equally a matter of going 'way back and is therefore probably impossibly difficult to get at. But you can easily handle Step (3), picking up the key-in in PT, which is some tiny motivator or a small overt that keys in the big overt, and you can make the person well by using it. To cure somebody, find the most recent key-in that you can get your hands on, or "the latest overt on that subject." [Again, Cf. HCOB 10Aug63 "PTS Handling"] Don't try to heal with heroic methods. Take care of the key-ins, even though you know, correctly, that there is far, far more behind it. You want the lightest key-in that you can approach. By the nature of the case, you won't be able to reach that big postulate, until the case as a whole is up to Level VI. Try to pick up the key-in that is as close to present time as you can get, not as far back as you get. If the recent key-in is too heavy to confront, e.g. if it is something three lifetimes ago, you can even pick up the key-in of the key-in. Go easy; use a feather duster: The lightest of methods is what succeeds in healing. Curing bunions is not the same game as restoring to a being his full powers. But it is a useful skill, and a very "lightly-lightly" one. You are not trying to get to basic. The "heroic" measures indulged in by desperate doctors are just physical dramatizations of a needless search for basic. Cutting out the brain to handle things is the effort to arrive at prime postulate dramatized as a physical action. The mystery is how something can be keyed out. But it can, and it heals the PC to do so. He is likely to get the somatic back when he gets up to Level VI, but there, you will be running it out. 594  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=9/3/64 Volnum=2 Issue=9 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-9 Summary of Lower Levels    6403C09 SHSpec-9 Summary of Lower Levels There has to be a bridge between Level 0 and Level V. Level V is becoming a catch-all level of everything necessary before Level VI. We are in danger of getting up to the esoteric levels of VI and leaving no bridge, resulting in thirty to forty OT's and nothing else. Someone off the street is in no position to recognize any part of an actual GPM. "Scientology progresses on reality.... The lower levels are the contest of achieving reality." You have to achieve a reality before you can make anyone better. There has to be a bridge to clearing. "It's done by gradients." The PC must be walked from a position of no-recognition of reality through recognition of some reality, eventually to an ultimate reality, by gradients. If you skip a step in a gradient, you get an unreality. Unreality is associated with charge. They are the same thing. An RI that is too overburdened with charge (inval, suppress, etc.) will be unrecognizable to the PC, no matter how obvious it may be to the auditor. A person with too much charge on his case can't understand or achieve reality. He must have reality and understanding to go free. Understanding is related to reality, per the ARC triangle. Therefore, understanding is related to charge, which you have to get off a case first in order to clear it. Someone who has got lots of charge will do very silly things. Stupidity comes about from charge, i.e. unreleased, unresolved, stored masses of energy. For this reason, you can't get a person to solve his problems by mere significance. The significances don't enter into it. It is a person's overcharged environment that makes a person too stupid to solve his problems. The way out of the problem of not having a bridge is to attain consistency of result. It breaks an auditor's heart for results to vary from PC to PC. To get a consistent result and to get a reliable bridge to clear, you have to attack the common denominator of aberration in all PCs, not the particular quirks of particular PCs. Otherwise, results won't be consistent. And the least common denominator of all aberration is charge. If charge is what causes stupidity, then obviously what we should attack is charge. So the lower levels, Levels 0 through IV, have to be aimed at getting off charge, in the absence of any ability on the part of the PC to face the actual source of the charge and erase it. We can't get anything but trouble from trying to put the PC into the actual cause of the charge. So, at the lower levels, you don't erase much charge. You get the PC out of the charge. Destimulation is what we must aim for at Levels 0-IV, so that the PC will be moved out of masses of charge. We destimulate by attacking key-ins. We are not trying to get rid of the charge. We are trying to pull the person out of it. The person can't recognize the actual goal until he is separated from the key-ins that stupefy him. To get the pea under the mattresses, i.e. the bank under the key-ins and upsets, you have to move the mattresses out of the way. [Another analogy: There is a drain at the bottom of a murky pool. The PC can't see it or find it, but he can drown trying. What you have to do is to clean away most of the water and guck. Then the PC can find the drain and let the water and muck drain off.] 595 You have to understand an RI for it to blow, since it is a thought, not the symbols that represent it in English. That is why session ARC breaks, inval, or whatever can prevent RI's from blowing. Life is all jammed up for a person with RI's and GPM's. "The guy with his attention gruesomely and howlingly concentrated on some little [tiny piece of mattress ticking (see above) must be shown that he can do something about the mattresses.] He can do something about it, and he gets a big reality and a hope factor, and his confidence resurges on this basis: if he could get his attention off just one [piece of mattress ticking] for a few minutes, it would make him feel so different and so interestingly alive, compared to how he has felt, that now he gets a big upsurge in reality, and you can get him to tackle [a lot more]. You've got a gradient." In some cases, the environment is so charged that the person can't take any attention off of it. In this case, you have to give the person a change of environment, to a non-restimulative environment. Here is an analogy: Say you have a lion tamer faced with four ferocious lions, and all he has is a weak chair, and he is running out of blank cartridges. You are trying to interest him in a bite-proof suit, but he can't put any attention on it. You have to handle the lions first, lion by lion, and then sell the overwhelmed trainer the lion-proof suit. [This would be a Type 3 PTS handling.] The next level up, above total overwhelm [Level I] is the person who is so engrossed in his PTP's that he is obsessively solving everything, solving his PT. Such a person goes around with wild strings of sol5ti/.s i. hi1 haadann the time: "If I do ... I could ... and so-and-so wouldn't ... and then I'd ... and they'd ..., etc." His solutions are so pyramided that you don't dare touch any corner of the pyramid, or the lot will collapse. You can handle this PC by using your lowest level of actual processing, with itsa on solutions, which takes over the automaticity of it. [See also pp. 576-577, above, on auditing problems and solutions, as well as 6404C21 SHSpec-17 "Problems and Solutions", pp. 614-618, below.] Level II is the first processing level. It contains repetitive processes and objective processes. Here, there is a danger of restimulating GPM's, unless you use only things that are not in actual GPM's. Is there something that isn't in an actual GPM and can therefore be processed with impunity? Yes. Nouns and most pronouns. Some pronouns are in goals, but at Level II you are far enough from the GPM that pronouns are generally safe. But farther along, you had better avoid such pronouns as "myself". "I" appears as a rare item in GPM's, also. But nobody has goals in the form, "To be a (noun)." Nowhere in GPM's do you have noun terminals and oppterms. there are only "-nesses", "-ities", and "-tions": adjectival and adverbial forms. So you can process noun terminals with impunity. "Think of a communication," would perhaps lead you straight into a GPM. "Think of a communicator," would not. That is the missing secret of why the twentieth ACC made clears. Nouns were processed in brackets. Nouns can only be locks. Therefore, when you process them, you get key-outs. You would key out actual GPM's by keying out locks on RI's. Adding a pronoun or a noun can make an unsafe process safe. 596 What is an actual GPM or an actual RI? It is a mass with significance. That is what you need to know at Level IV. Therefore a key-in is and will always be a mass with significance -- almost anything, in short, that you could think of. So masses with significances key in actual GPM's, which is why an environment is restimulative. PT is one huge mass of restimulators. Present time is a haunted area! It is not the significance that keys in the GPM or the RI. [So to key one out, you have to get masses plus significances.] If you have an actual RI with a significance and someone keeps throwing the significance at you, it will key you in. So a process like, "How could you help?/How could I help?" would throw the PC into the RI. To make it safe, you have to put in " ... help you (or me)," so that you've got a mass plus significance. Running masses with significance is important because, since masses with significance key in actual GPM's, running them keys out actual GPM's. At Level I, the mass with significance that the PC gets accustomed to is the auditor. "Recall a terminal," would be a good process. ARC straightwire works because, and as long as, you have a terminal, a pronoun like "someone" or "something" in it. And for the same reason, you can prepcheck a mass that has a significance, as long as it's there and you are running it. You can run it in brackets, etc. At Level II, you have the PC do objective processes. This fact, plus the fact that control, communication, and havingness contain basic laws of life, make 8C a high-level workable process. The laws of life, like control, communication, and havingness, are senior to GPM's. But it is the wall that makes 8C workable. It was the wall which, since it was a mass with a significance, had keyed in actual GPM's. So when you get the PC familiar with the wall, the wall keys out and the GPM destimulates. The auditing cycle itself is helpful and beneficial, as well. The auditing cycle is probably the basic process that makes Level II. The PC's awareness of the auditor as a friendly, helpful mass with a significance is also destimulative. This awareness of the auditor tends to destimulate masses in general for the PC. Furthermore, the auditor is not just a mass with significance but also involves a hope factor. This is a two-pole universe, as Bucky Fuller once taught LRH in Elizabeth, N.J. The two-pole nature of communication showed up when LRH tried solo auditing himself on a line plot. He could go through it, but there was no TA. One terminal gives no TA. One terminal plus a thousandth of a terminal gives a bit of TA, etc. The auditor has to be real to the PC for there to be a session and TA. Early on, this isn't true, so it is up to the auditor to remedy the unreality of the auditor to the PC [i.e. to help the PC to find the auditor]. Reality should increase with auditing. A new process introverts the PC enough, so that at first the auditor is less real to the PC. So at first, you could get less TA than when the PC gets used to the process. Early on, the PC is so charged up that he has no reality on any other terminals, and there is no terminal for him to discharge against. He is a mobile standing wave. Such an "only one" gets no TA, since there is no one else around. Charge has accumulated on this PC to the point where no other terminal exists. He is trapped in the standing wave of no-flow. This is an animated standing wave that blocks all incoming and outgoing flow. The PC is stuck in a series of wins or loses. He has lost a terminal that he could 597 talk to, so he solves it by being in continuous communication with that terminal. Now, if people aren't that terminal, they are nobody. Or, he wasn't in comm with that one either. He mustn't be there and he mustn't communicate. There are tremendous key-ins involved here. To get TA, we would have to rehabilitate other-terminal-ism. At Level II, we would do it with pronouns, since we can't assess for terminals. At Level III, you would assess by observation, discussing things on a list with the PC and getting all his considerations. You don't do much with the assessment. This applies to R3SC slow assessment and R2C, assessment by dynamics, etc. Along with a terminal, we get a period of time. Time is very important, to the degree that you can destimulate a somatic by dating it. This works because "all restimulation depends on a mistake in time." The PC thinks that the time something occurred is now. His head hurts in 1964, because he got clobbered in 1944. The basic lesson that you are trying to teach about engrams is that the PC's time is awry. The only thing that fouls you up in handling an incident by just dating the incident and having it blow is the fact that it has already been wrongly dated, e.g. the PC already wrongly dated it. You can find the date of the wrong dating. You can find what the wrong date was. There can be several wrong dates. Then you can find the actual date on which the incident occurred. In view of the fact that you cannot easily run terminals that have not been accurately assessed, we can use this time factor at Level III, especially if an assessment has been done by a higher-level auditor, to get something to run in Problems Intensives, which involve getting the time of the incident, terminals, etc. [Problems Intensive is explained on pp. 134 and 249, above, and in HCOB 9Nov6l "The Problems Intensive -- Use of the Prior Confusion".] We have made Class IV a clearing level. It is an assessment-type process to make a keyed-out clear, using prepchecks. You use R3. Do a list of the PC's goals, find one that stays in. So what if it is an implant goal or a wrong goal? It stayed in. Do a terminals list for that goal. Both goal and terminal lists should be short lists, listed to a clean needle. You don't get somatics from wrong goals. You get them from right goals that are suppressed or invalidated. So you list for the terminal with, "Who or what would have (the goal)?" Find a terminal that is a noun, then prepcheck it up to a point of high-level cognition or no more TA. Then do another goals list, and find another terminal. This cycle, repeated, will give us a clear, by keying out the actual GPM. Keep the goals lists for later on. You could use higher-classed auditors to do the assessment steps. The only thing that can key in an actual GPM is a mass with a significance. So prepchecking the mass plus significance tends to key out the locks that keep the GPM connected to PT. Keep it light, in agreement with the PC's reality, so that you don't get him protesting or invalidating the actual goal. If you sum up the terminal into a service fac, you probably have another family of processes to use. The terminal was [what the PC was using as a make-guilty mechanism. This is a cousin to O/W.] So if the terminal won't prepcheck, you could use service fac brackets on it: "How could you make yourself right/others wrong about it?" However, it is not likely that you will have to do this. 598 You can key out actual GPM's. Actual GPM's are keyed in only by masses with significance, and oddly enough, there will be only one mass with significance in the environment that is really raising the devil with the PC. When you get that one, you can key him out. You can fish him out of the bank, so that he can go back and clean up the actual GPM's.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=17/3/64 Volnum=2 Issue=11 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-11 The Road to Perfection    6403C17 SHSpec-11 The Road to Perfection LRH has had a gamble on time going since January of 1963. The question was, "Could he complete the job before the roof fell in?" He neglected organizations and scientologists until February of 1964, in order to research full time. MSH caught the brunt of it. August marked the point at which he found out that it could be done. The materials were there. From then, until January of 1964, the material was labelled, codified, and put together, so that it could be communicated. At the same time, a bridge had to be created from the man on the street up to a reach for the upper levels, one that would be real to the man on the street. That was a more difficult operation. A person has to be walked forward with wins at every step that are real to the person, so that he will keep going forward and not get discouraged. Some PCs, in fact most PCs, cannot have a win that amounts to anything at all. The tiniest of wins is all that would be tolerable to such a person. At apathy, there is a low acceptance level of a win, e.g. "Nothing terrible happened to me today," would be the highest acceptable level of win to such a person. So you may have to rehabilitate the PCs ability to have a win, too. For this reason, it is more difficult to get someone from Level 0 to Level IV than to get him from Level V on up. He has no certainty yet. It is easier to climb Mont Blanc with an experienced mountaineer than it is to climb a foothill with a girl in a tight dress and spike heels. There is a political problem, in that we are faced with a world that is getting more and more pessimistic and bent on giving people no wins. The acceptance level of win dwindles away to practically nothing. Anyway, LRH did the job in time, so now he is working out organization, classification, etc. Basic auditing has been put into good condition. It has been rough, but it has made seasoned individuals. Things don't have to be smooth, if they are certain. Giving someone a gradient series of wins can be interfered with by his having minor ARC breaks and stopping auditing for awhile. Or, there is someone who is "open-minded". A win isn't available, and you get discouraged and give up. Seeing that no win is available, you don't create one. Dissemination hangs up on this one point -- the available win. You write off someone if you see no win available. But that is monitored by your acceptance level of a win. You have to be able to accept a level of win that is so low that it is real to the public person. The scale of win is a gradient scale. It is important to anyone trying to get somewhere with scientology. It has two sides: an outward win of assisting someone and an inward win of being assisted. It is a win for someone if he assists and a lose if he fails to assist, based on his intention to assist. If an auditor helps a PC and the PC doesn't recognize the change, in order to feel good about it, the auditor must have a certainty of observation that requires 599 no agreement from the PC that something has been done. You have to be able to see and be certain of having seen a win in a PC whose acceptance of wins is so low that he doesn't know that he has had one. Your certainty level has got to be high. That is an almost impossible level to attain, but if you don't attain it, you will go into agreement with the PC on acceptability of wins. Comfort, a relaxed frame of mind, and some serenity about things, requires that you know the exact situation and know that it is the exact situation. True self-confidence and poise, as opposed to the ability to endure or suffer, depends on the ability to conceive the truth of any situation. Knowing the truth of the existing situation is the only thing that supports self-confidence. Most departures from the truth come about as an effort to attain safety and self-security, from a fear of what might happen to him. Man's civilization forces lies on him at many points, by making telling the truth uncomfortable or even fatal. It promulgates the idea that "if you said nothing but the truth for 24 hours, you would lose everything.... But if one fails to announce truth, one is, to that degree, protecting a lie." At this point, a person begins to surround himself with lies. So society brings the individual to tolerate lies. It sees virtue in lies. It aids lies. Recognition of the truth is therefore converted into enduring, the truth. This is a downscale mockery of an upscale item. Recognition of the truth in a situation is the only way to as-is the situation. However, one can be confronted with so much truth that one cannot as-is it, and one gets swamped by it. This discourages a person from recognizing truth, also. It leads to a not-is of truth. It is a lack of gradient that brings a person away from recognition of truth and makes him less clear-sighted. There is no gradient, and you've got to have one. Time enters into it, since it is part of a gradient. For instance the French Revolution was the result of ramming in a couple of major truths too fast. Political freedom is OK. People could be educated to advantage. But there was no gradient, so the French people ended up more debased after the revolution than before. The truth of the situation wasn't gradiently recognized or approached. There was no evolution from darkness to dazzle. The "True Believer" has no real reality with the truth that he espouses. Truth requires reality, which is the ability to assimilate truth. If someone reaches with no gradient, with no reality, they wind up with no reality on truth. It is not ever assimilated. Assimilation depends on cause-distance-effect, on communication, and on an even balance of mind (affinity), while assimilating. Truth without ARC is denied to the individual and can wrong and harm him. Truth must go hand in glove with understanding. If there is no understanding, truth is not truth to anyone. It is just truth. All truths are attainable. Transcendentalism, the notion that the truth transcends our ability to understand, is a lot of baloney. There is no point in studying the route to truth if you don't know what the truth is. Studying the truth when one has no idea of what the truth is, when one has no idea of what one is looking for, is like looking for Memphis without having any idea that there are any towns called Memphis, or even that there are any towns. It is an idiotic activity: "Let's all sit down and study how we can get to GMPSXGRTZ." And then nobody ever asks, "What is GMPSXGRTZ? What do you mean, 'how to get there'? Is it a road across space? Is it measured 600 by time? Is it a space-time journey that we are making? What kind of a journey is this, to GMPSXGRTZ???" The answer is, "We11, no.... Let's just discuss how to get to GMPSXGRTZ."!! The above totally bogs down philosophy. Kant "solved" it by saying that you could never find out what GMPSMGRTZ is. He cut off speculation. The work of all current gurus, adepts, and of Lao Tze, etc., is all concerned with how you approach truth, with no idea of what truth is. This is ridiculous! LRH performed the flatworm experiment in 1938, and found that memory was transferable in a monocell. LRH points out that current experimenters in the area will quit soon, because their results will shortly get bizarre enough, as with the advent of past lives in the Wichita Foundation, so that their appropriations will be cut off, since their researches will be too unreal to their money sources. We are in an optimum condition, with regard to knowing what truth we are trying to approach, since we can demonstrate by exteriorization a separation between the person and the body. We know that we are going towards the free individual. We know [that our road to truth is] the creation of such an individual. We know that there is no difference in orders of life between a man and a vegetable. We know what truth we are trying to attain. Everybody has some sympathetic harmonic with that truth. What is their reaction to it? It depends on their reality on the approach to this truth. We know that life is right there where the PC is sitting, so to get to truth, "a journey across time and space" is not really required. The journey consists of undoing the lies by which the person has walled himself in. All we have to do to recover the individual and his ability is to undo the turns for the worse that he has taken. We are traveling a road that has been followed, only backwards: the Way, the Tao, whatever. We know what it is. "It is the road that the individual has followed from a degree of perfection and beingness and self-ness ... on down to a disintegration, forgettingness, bluntingness, until he's in the state you find him in.... All the auditor has to do is walk him back that road. It's all there; it's all meter-marked." We are taking each lie in turn that landmarked a further degradation and undoing it. We are recovering the individual and his potential. So the road to truth adds up to: 1. The individual's potential. 2. The situations in which the person's potential got lessened, and what has happened to this individual. 3. How this individual is related to the rest of the universe. 4. What we can do to restore the potential of that person. That is all part of the truth. "Truth, from the viewpoint of the auditor, is what actually happened, or the situation that actually exists at any moment in the state of beingness of an individual." It is not "the ultimate that we are seeking to attain". It is not something transcendental. Truth is "that which exists." The road to truth might be better called the road to perfection or to an ultimate truth. Truth is "usually all hedged up in so many 'pitches' and so many directions that people want you to go, so many curves on the line, that you can't separate the wheat from the chaff." 601 We know where we are going and how to get there, what it takes but "we have not mastered an estimation of the individual's ability to conceive of truth." You may be talking to a grocer about scientology, but actually "you are talking to him about the road to perfection ... the composition of himself.... Who are you? What do you consist of? What potentials [do] you have? What potentials ... have you robbed yourself of? Where are you going? What is life? What is your relationship ... on any dynamic? You may be using the word, 'scientology', but these are the things you have embarked upon to discuss. And the unanswered question is, 'What can he recognize?'" We need to master the estimation of a person's ability to assimilate truth. It is not hard to overwhump someone with a big chunk of truth, e.g. by exteriorizing him. You have had the experience of exteriorizing someone and then having him say, "Omigawd: I'm me and it's it:!", and then, "two hours later, "What exteriorization? I wasn't exteriorized! Well, possibly something happened, but I don't know.' You've shot [the guy] momentarily into the rarefied air of [being able to] see it, ... but he couldn't have it. So you can show people things they can't have, and [that's] how you generate an unreality." If we had no gradient between wog and OT, we would soon get very unreal to everybody but ourselves. You can show people things they can't have, thus generating an unreality. The common denominator here is "hit with too much truth, the individual degrades. You hit this [guy], he exteriorizes, "Bang!" He says, 'I'm me! I'm a spirit! I don't have mass. A body is a body! I'm different than it!' Two hours later, he's harder to process." His ability to win has been exceeded, and he has lost. It puts you on a withhold not to lay the truth before people. So, lay out the truth, "but provide the road ... by having levels of acceptable truths or realities that an individual can attain.... Establish and rehabilitate his ability to win, ... so that, eventually, ... he can have truth, and that way, you won't just throw [the person] into a complete, frothing, ecstatic, worshipping apathy." [This is the condition of the True Believer.] In the past, when people got some truth, they built up secrecy about it. But the route must exist and must be wide open, not cloaked in secrecy. Training and skill do have to be there, but there is no other effort at secrecy. The main point is to provide a gradient scale to get people up to a higher reality. The route must exist, wide open, even if 100% of the people don't travel it.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=19/3/64 Volnum=2 Issue=12 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-12 Flattening a Process    6403C19 SHSpec-12 Flattening a Process An auditor can lay aside some basic fact, do something else, and then wonder why he is having trouble. Flattening a process is such a fact. There are two aspects to ending a process, both having to do with what you are doing with the process: 1. Fixing the PC up so that he can be audited (rudiments). 2. Auditing the PC. This gives you two different endings. In rudiments, you are doing just enough to cure the elsewhereness of the PC. You don't want any PTP to get in the road of auditing. Use the "ruds kit" to brush off PT hassles. Destimulate the PC and get on with what you started as a major cycle. Not knowing this, you will never complete a cycle of action on a PC. You will keep on having to audit out-ruds, never finishing a cycle, because you don't use tools of destimulation to push the out-rud out of your road. 602 The other extreme is to abandon a prepcheck or some major action because the PC had a little cognition about something. Don't use a ruds-like whisk broom on a major action. You don't end off in three minutes, with a little bitty cog. You use the TA and you get action off the area. You have to unflatten a subject before you can flatten it, running all the TA out of it. That is main-body-of-the-session auditing. Main-session auditing is all done with the TA, never as with the rudiments. If you use the wrong approach, you will get the wrong ending, and the PC will go nowhere. You have to restimulate the PC to audit him. You only leave major actions when the TA is off. You don't chicken out and say, "Oh, it is seeming a bit better now, is it? Fine! That's a cog, so we will end off now." Flunk!! Auditing by list is like R2H. You could use a sec check list, carefully not impinging on the PC, not restimulating anything to audit. But that is not the way to handle the body of the session, where you really want to handle things. The approach you use in the ruds is to restimulate nothing, so that you can get in and audit something else later. Auditors who treat bodies of sessions like rudiments damage the PC, because they leave processes unflat. All sorts of charge will have been left bypassed, if this happens. The effect of this is dramatic and fast-acting in R6. It is less so at lower levels. But the long term result is the same. You could run, "What process has been left unflat?", and get considerable gain. What happens if you start a prepcheck on one thing and shift to another thing before you finish? For one thing, the PC's ability to be prepchecked will suffer. He will be harder to prepcheck. also, if you prepcheck with a bad comm cycle, the tool would get blunted. You could even prepcheck prepchecking, or prepcheck each prepcheck button. The basic reason why a prepcheck button goes out is an incomplete cycle of action. Thetans have a bug on continuing. They like to see cycles continue. That gives the longevity and mass of the physical universe. At a low level, any case is subject to the cycle of action. "Fatalism is a total subjugation of the individual by the cycle of action: 'What will be, will be.'" The individual is at total effect. People are in agreement with the cycle of action, but not because it is ultimate truth. However, it only fades out 'way up there. At higher levels, you can widen your time-span and do various odd things with time. Everybody is used to and in agreement with the cycle of action, so it is a reality, but not a truth, that you use in auditing. Violations of it bring about an unreality. That is what happens if you start an auditing cycle with a PC and don't finish it. The PC is parked in the middle of some incompletely as-ised mass, which he carries on into the next process, and so on. Things start looking more and more complicated to the PC as these incomplete cycles stack up. Freedom is real to him as "completing a cycle of action". So there is both the mass that he hasn't as-ised and the incompleteness of the cycle. The idea of a win usually goes along with the cycle of action. One wins when one accomplishes something, even if it is just the accomplishing of still being there. The upper echelon of this comes under intention. 603 Intention is part of, but senior to, the comm cycle. "It has in it every power the thetan has," including the power to throw lightning bolts, to hold a position, to make something continue, to do away with something, strength, accomplishment, and wit. When you are half-shot as a thetan, when you are pretty bad off, but not yet in a body, when you are pretty gummed up with mass, your intention is still quite good enough to intend the E-meter across the desk, or a crayon into the air, or the telephone receiver off the cradle. The ability to intend is all there is to a thetan's power. All you have to do to weaken a thetan is to foul up his intentions, which you can do by blunting or giving him loses on his intentions. Weakness is the only thing that traps the thetan, that holds him down, etc. So the main thing we have to watch in auditing is that we don't weaken the PC's own intention. Never blunt the PC's own intentions. To avoid doing this, we must differentiate between the PC's intentions and his bank dramatizations. Dramatizations are not intended. Validate the PC, not the bank. You don't ruin a PC by blunting his intentions, but you can key in incidents where his intention was blunted, if you interrupt a cycle of action half way through. Failure to complete auditing cycles validates the bank and blunts the PC's intentions. Getting the PC's goals for the session, if possible, is important in this regard. You should at least get them cared for as ruds, before getting the body of the session going, so that his GI's are in and his attention is free, so that he has had a win. In every PTP, the PC's intention has been blunted. A person makes no progress when he has a PTP, because his intentions are blunted. He has an intention, which something else counters with equal force, so that it hangs up in time. Level V demonstrates this marvellously. "Oppose" was the way the power of the thetan was knocked out, by taking his goals and intentions and implanting an automatic blunting mechanism. The implant GPM's themselves oppose each other. Opposition is the keynote of an implant, and it is the only way in which they are aberrative. They have too little mass to be really upsetting by themselves. It is what has been done to intention that is upsetting. Children get spoiled, not because the get all the want, but because they get their reactive intentions validated, e.g. they get rewarded for tantrums, and they get their analytical intentions opposed. I.e. the child is not allowed to do what he wants analytically. The auditor who only pays attention to a PC when he ARC breaks is doing the same thing. PCs don't turn nasty. They get overwhumped by the bank when their own intentions are blunted, and the bank dramatizes. A person who is weakened is unable to hold anything at a distance, so everything collapses on him. If you don't so anything about the PC's intentions, you get the PC's dramatizations. The auditor's intention is valuable to the session. Because he is less susceptible than the PC to dramatization in the PC's bank, his intention is senior to the PC's. But if the PC's intention is neglected, it weakens, and we get an increased chance of dramatization. The PC's analytical intentions are also valuable to the session. Down deep, the PC intends to get freedom and a return of power (i.e. a return of intention). He can now go all the way, if he works along a certain path. The intention for him to arrive is sotto voce in the PC and more explicit in the auditor, since the auditor isn't getting distracted by the bank. The PC can mix up freedom and escape, and not want to confront things. A person is weak to the degree that he has allowed his intention to be blunted and strong to the degree that his intention is free. 604 Thetans become worried about and hold back their intentions because they have been convinced that their intentions are out of their control and that they can cause bad effects as a result. If you asked a PC, "What intentions do you have to keep under wraps?", you would get a roaring automaticity. Scientology can get ahead partly because people attacking scientology have no idea what our intentions are. "A world of no wars, no insanity, etc." is very unreal to them. They think, "That couldn't be their real intention," so they attack nonexistent intentions, which is why they come off looking like asses. If a case is recovering, he is really just removing his blunted intentions, i.e. he is removing the obstacles that he has put there or agreed to. A doingness intention has time added to it. Therefore it is tied into the cycle of action. A pure intention doesn't necessarily involve time or a cycle of action, or space. You could make an intention in the past, present, or future. Time and space are the result of intention, which is senior to them. As a PC comes downscale to "normal" levels, though, his agreement with a cycle of action results in the disappearance of his intention out of the cycle of action. If you take someone who is having a terrible time, you can show him cycles of action, with short-sessioning, CCH's, etc. Eventually his own intentions start to free up out of the MESTiness of it all. The only way the auditor can foul this up is to leave his own cycles of action incomplete. If we are going to have wins, we must validate analytical intention, knock out dramatizations, and complete cycles of action, by flattening processes, within the reality of the process involved, and in accordance with how much is there to be flattened. If you can get an auditing cycle completed, you will get a win. If you don't, you will get a lose. It is that simple.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=24/3/64 Volnum=2 Issue=13 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-13 International City    6403C24 SHSpec-13 International City A communication is necessary to stop fights, as well as to start them. The communications that start fights generally occur over distances that are quite great. The distances set up high voltages and the terminals have to shout too loudly, so the communication is imperfect. Great distance in communication enters confusion and misunderstoods. They have to shout at each other, so they consider that they are mad at each other. The leaders have the illusion that they are far enough apart to shoot at each other with impunity. One can blow up Moscow without destroying Washington. It is an illusion of security, lent by distance. But this is no longer true. None of these national governments can really operate broadly for everyone's benefit, but they try to go out and influence areas beyond their borders. The result is continual brushfire wars, e.g. Vietnam, where Washington and Moscow fight by proxy. The ultimate result is to bring about a dangerous environment. In its obsession with "defense", the government absorbs tax money and spends it on arms. So we get economic upset and inflation because of a shortage of goods. Peace doesn't pay. Literally. If money won't buy things, it inflates. We are told that there are plenty of products in the U.S., but the inflation continues, because the U.S. dollar has gone international, and there is too little production elsewhere. Inflation leads to communism and no 605 money. It leads to slavery, because no one can keep up with it. So everyone, therefore, has to turn to communism. Russia, however, has never succeeded in feeding its own people. One reason for this fact is Russia's defense budget and the large army that they maintain. Another is the fact that the communistic worker is perpetually on strike because he gets no reward for his labor. Politics has entered into economics, where it doesn't belong. National degradation results from things like draft laws, which put people in a "no choice" scene, being where they don't want to be and doing things that they don't want to do. This leads to apathy. The governments are at war, not the individual. American and Russian farmers, when in comm, get along very well. Only when depersonalized as soldiers can people act for the organizations of earth and slaughter each other. The planet is going to blow up or otherwise become very unpleasant unless some changes are made to bring about peace. This has been a long think, [this question of how to promote peace -- ] ever since Egypt, in political spheres. A perhaps impractical but interesting solution is based on the fact that the two sides of the body would, perhaps, be at war, except for the fact that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa. So if Washington governed the U.S. from Moscow and Moscow governed Russia from Washington, the chances of war would be immensely reduced! Advancing the cause of peace pays nobody, as things stand now. And war does pay. "The more trouble there is, the more importance the political figure has.... Man deifies what causes trouble." Marie of Rumania had a very peaceful. prosperous government. But she didn't get lots of publicity or admiration. In the U.S., the war presidents are the ones who get remembered, not the peace presidents. The common citizen, however, doesn't make his personal fortune out of such chaos. If Man is to make any real forward progress, he must have peace. The only way that a government would lay off income tax, for instance, would be if it weren't being faced with demands for military appropriations. Length of time since the last war determines the state of calm of a country. The easiest program for international sanity would be one of reducing strife and dissonance in the environment, making a less threatening environment, with less fixation on an unconfrontable future. A person with no future acts weird. Man is tied to the idea that he lives only once. This gives him a certain irresponsibility for the area he lives in. [Cf. Neville Chamberlain: "I bring you peace -- in our time."] Man won't buy the idea that he will live again. There is too much responsibility in this idea. To have an effective world peace program, the following problems have to be solved: 1. The importance of the politician must be maintained. He has to keep his importance, or he won't support the program. 2. Continued activity for manufacturers and industry, so that the economy won't collapse without war industries. 3. Shortening of the comm lines among the capitols of the world, so that there is greater understanding. 4. Reduction of individual nations' initiatives for waging war 5. Reduction of the danger in the environment. 6. Offering some startling, dramatic objective that is very complicated to bring about. You need some attractive, constructive, and hard-to-achieve goals. 606 The solution would have to be big enough to make the problem of war seem soluble. LRH put this together initially as an exercise on capacities of OT's. One of the things that we have to remember is that we have a base, called "earth". We don't want the base any more enturbulated than it has to be, nor do we want the base so aware of itself as a base that it will resent being one. Also, there are exercises that one should be able to do to improve one's skill. They should not be of a hostile nature, at least towards this planet. I am being "very vague -- purposefully so -- but I think you understand me." It takes a long time to develop a technology. We have the assets of our technology, so our interest in a peaceful earth is not only altruistic, but also a "first" dynamic interest in its continuance, so that our technology can survive. Earth also has value as a base because, for one thing, it is in a nice, quiet backwater of the galaxy and likely to be overlooked by others in the galaxy. So LRH dreamed up a project on which thetans could work together. Its name became "The International City Project". LRH reached the conclusion that if all the nation's capitols were in one geographical area, all the major problems mentioned earlier would be solved. The governments would be far less prone to go to war. They would be close enough to each other to communicate easily. There would be no false security from distance. There would be a pleasant social atmosphere, with constant parties with heads of states, not just diplomats. The bombing of such a city would become a rather remote possibility, "particularly if you never let people who seemed to be angry at each other leave the capitol at the same time!, This would create a problem of a long comm line to the home country. You would have to prevent the development of a new capitol in the home territory, by having the comm line go directly to separate states or counties. The comm lines from the governments would not go on a via to one major city or central point inside their countries, but would go to all the states, prefects, counties, or whatever. This would also prevent revolution in the home country. It would require building lots of comm lines. Also, building the new capitols in a new place would take an immense amount of building. Additionally, you would have an international parliament of earth, housed in a completely bombproof bunker under a mountain. It would have appropriate representation, based on population, production, etc. There would be plenty of politicking to keep the politicians happy. The one-world-togetherness idea is a popular one on earth. If elementary steps are taken, the rest might follow easily. One preliminary step would be. 1. All governments turn over nuclear weapons and supplies to the U.N. immediately. 2. Have the U.N. and all governments select a site for and construct an international city, preferably in North Africa, on the Mediterranean coast, where land reclamation can expand its area and its comm lines can be easily centered. 3. Persuade all governments to move their capitols to International City, complete with heads of governments, confesses, and parliaments. Prohibit a secondary capitol or even a comm relay center within the country itself. 607 4. Secure comm lines and command lines from International City to each internal county or state. Regard each of these counties or states as an autonomous unit, under control of the government in International City. 5. Reorganize the U.N. on a formula recognizing land area, population figures, and production value. Remove all favored nations categories and the exercise of special privileged and the veto by a few. "Form the U.N. into a judiciary division, two houses, and an executive branch. Key officials [are] to be popularly elected ... within the nations that they represent, and by voting by both upper and lower U.N. houses for the head of the U.N." Reform the U.N. charter into an instrument specifically engaged in governing the heads of nations and international affairs. Forbid, in the charter, all interference with individuals or smaller communities. 6. Forbid all warlike treaties of "mutual assistance". 7. Create a small, effective military force for the U.N., abolishing all other war facilities. 8. Persuade international monetary activities to stabilize economics. 9. Limit what a national government should be up to in the U.N. We go ahead with this plan on the basis that a general agreement among scientologists would push all the individual efforts into a coordinated activity, so that they would count. Here is a big plan that is sufficiently sloppy so that if it went pretty far awry, if everybody were moving in that direction, you would have some possibility of attaining the final objective. It has good "figure-figure" value. It is a sufficiently interesting plan that it would cause a lot of conversation. It also has a kind of lonely individuality, in that no one else is doing anything at all for world peace. It coheres what could be lots of individual actions. It is feasible, because it doesn't have to be done perfectly to be done. Ideas from scientology occur and appear in the world to a surprising degree. So there is more chance of this plan coming to pass than one might think. If scientologists were involved in bringing about what amounts to a complete political revolution of earth, there would be good dissemination in it. Scientologists would be available to handle personal upsets, etc., so their influence would get expanded. Keep the word "scientology" parked somewhere on the fringes of this thing, and we would get a monopoly on mental healing within the boundaries of International City. The main virtue of this plan is that there has been a complete void of ideas for world peace, and this is an intriguing one. It is something which, if adopted, would certainly make the planet less dangerous. It has its liabilities, but they are outweighed by its advantages. Someone could, perhaps, try to take over the central government and become a dictator, but this would be pretty hard to do. Hitler failed to take over the world. True, the International City arrangement does put all the political control in one place, "but it also puts into that [place] a lot of wily guys." Not being able to attain their political objectives by war, "they will try to attain them by diplomacy, and they would welcome the proximity of other capitols and a large legislature to lobby in.... They are not about to give this up [for] a dictatorship." They wouldn't cooperate with such a dictator. 608 What about national revolts? Well, "that possibility would be equally apparent to the head of every state in International City, and I think he would tend to govern in such a way that it wouldn't happen." The political government of International City itself would be independent of the U.N. It would have enough force to balance any house guards or bodyguards that might be around. The product of this city government is the safety and security of individuals in International City. It would be kept as itself by being made very profitable, not political. International City would originally be financed "in such a way that it itself becomes a property which becomes very profitable to some people, it doesn't matter who. They would consider it a governmental responsibility because it is profitable. The Russians would hate this last bit, but then they are always goofing up in that area anyway. "The way to have a calm International City is to make sure that the ownership of the land and property of International City brings in money to a small group who sit as a council in International City and make sure that things remain nice and peaceful and profitable." No politics would be involved. This makes International City a Hell of a piece of bait for some construction company. "After it has built its buildings, it is going to draw rent on [them] from here on out.... A member of that construction company is going to sit on the governing board of that city with no government over its head, and all it has to do is sit there and keep the peace in International City.... You've put a very hard core of very hard-headed guys who want to make awful sure that they keep dragging down the rent, you see, from the white house!" You are also splitting up political control. "If you want to see a lousy capital, take a look at a capitol that is owned by the government. Governments take very bad care of [things they own], because there's no profit in it for anybody." Our direct public interest in International City would be limited to acting as a clearing house for information concerning it. Overtly, it is something for scientologists to support, help out on, and talk about, just like everybody else. Covertly, it is a training ground for the budding OT, a nice exercise for him. It becomes very fruitful. It gives him something useful to do. Perhaps the main thing that this plan offers is some hope for people. It gives the scientologist a town. It puts a piece of this planet into his hands to be interested in. I chose the location I did because it is where the oldest comm lines on the planet were located. There is a lot of coast and country in the area between Tunis and Tripoli. Many old comm lines have gone through that area. It should be fun for scientologists and OT's. It should create a fantastic amount of new wealth in a desert. It is busy. "It's a broad fourth dynamic method of de-dangerizing the environment -- as a process." Just saying that a feasible plan does exist puts in some hope, and to that degree, it de-dangerizes the environment. There is more future in it. It is a method of disseminating to the heads of nations in one small area, all at once. We have had trouble with governments recently. They have been disrespectful. We shouldn't stand for it. The way you can really upset a government is to move its capitol. The fact that you are talking about moving all the earth's capitols depowers the nations of earth with regard to scientology. Even if they agree that it 609 is a good thing to do, removing the nations' capitols from their positions makes the nations weak. A terminal is as powerful as it can hold its position. You are threatening them with not being able to hold their position. It puts scientology in a position of being of comparable magnitude the governments of earth, rather then just being of comparable magnitude to a single government, since it would be controlling the positions of all the governments of earth. They don't know the tech, so they couldn't explain the odd feeling that they would get at the idea of moving. They don't know that it is very important to hold a position if you want power. Just espousing such a plan would lead to a shift of relative power between you and the government. They would feel as though they were slipping. If we hold to this as a central agreement, it will eventually come about. It depends for its power on interest. There is no moneyed group behind this, but there is "a huge vacuum provided ... that would pick up such people and put them into it. [But] then they are not now, i.e. won't then be, ... 'in back of' it, behind it. They're in it. We are in back of it."  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=10/4/64 Volnum=2 Issue=14 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-14 How to Manage a Course    6404C10 SHSpec-14 How to Manage a Course [Some of the data in this tape is also covered in HCOPL 10Apr64 "Scientology Courses".] There are three zones of responsibility in course management: 1. Providing valuable subject materials. Scientology now embraces and culminates anything desirable in the fields of religion, mysticism, spiritualism, or mental sciences, so we have valuable subject materials. 2. Organizing and codifying the materials so they are highly effective and comprehensible. LRH and MSH have figured out the right form and organization of a bulletin. There are twelve headings. 3. Instructing the student in those materials, to a high level of competency and comprehension. The largest potential randomity comes in (3), above. Students need individual handling, to clarify their individual misunderstoods. There are no slow students. There are only slow instructors. A fast course is well instructed. A slow course is poorly instructed. A bad course gets bad enrollments. If you want a full course, give a well-instructed course. We do have to develop methods of handling students who throw lots of complication and questions into learning the materials. The instructor's attitude should be very tough and very helpful. He should be able to discriminate between a student who is genuinely confused and is putting in some arbitrary of his own, and a student who is merely being an obstructionist. The instructor must not be concerned with the student's knowledge of inessentials, but must be very tough about the student's knowledge of essential material. Examine essentials only. Don't bother with inessentials. Instruction is fast to the degree that the instructor gets the essential data through to the student and gets the student off of his concern with bric-a-brac. (Ill health depends on the broken dramatization of a GPM.) 610  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=14/4/64 Volnum=2 Issue=15 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-15 The Classification and Gradation Program    6404C14 SHSpec-15 The Classification and Gradation Program The classification program applies to auditors. For PCs, there is the gradation, or levels, program. Such a program became necessary as it became evident that no one was bringing people up the line from no reality to higher levels. The levels became necessary to bring the general public up the line on a gradient. What gave auditors trouble was that PCs didn't know anything about what they were doing or where they were going. In the West, there is no tradition of philosophy in practical life. The healing tradition is one of failed help. Since time immemorial, members of the public have had nothing but failed help. That is what the member of the public compares us to: psychiatry, etc. So people have no tradition of treatment, healing, improvement, ability, etc. There is no tradition of self-betterment. Our biggest task is to define scientology to people, where there is no datum to compare it to, no gradient, and no common communication ground, so they can't get their wits wrapped around scientology. The PC just sits there in the midst of confusion, getting "processed", without knowing what processing is. So we have to create, not only a science, but also a communication. Eighty percent of untrained people will vanish because they never got out of earlier practices that they didn't like. Auditors were losing these PCs because of not getting the PCs educated to know what they were in. Furthermore, the auditor in the field was upset about PCs having to take a formal course, to get up to Class IV. So there is a compromise. The PC must get educated as he gets processes, but the training is done by the auditor, and the PC must pass training requirements. LRH proposes a checksheet to go before each grade, on which the PC will get checked out, before going on to the next level. The PC learns definitions. He gets an idea that there is something here that aligns with his goals. The PC failed in his goals a long time ago and is in apathy unless someone else helps him. Going on up to Level IV, the PC would have to be trained on a clay table. This would never have been possible without line plots and goals plots. Even now, the PC needs good training to understand GPM's and to be able to follow commands about them. What's more, when he gets on up the line, he won't be a completely ignorant OT. There are three routes to getting up the line: 1. The PC route. 2. The co-auditor route. 3. The classed (professional) auditor route. On the PC route, a grade is something a PC has, that compares with the levels of scientology. The PC is not well-disciplined. LRH says that he has found it hard to audit someone right off the street or even to get him to answer a sensible question. Such a person re-interprets it, etc. This gets straightened out as he goes up the grades. Each grade has an ability that the PC attains. The PC's conquest of the environment is the index of his grade. This gives him a measure of his advancement. The grades are a gradient scale of confront of the environment. For instance, at Level III, the PC is not always dwelling on things that happened in the past. He has relative freedom from the past. There is a difference between hurting and worrying about hurting. At Level IV, the PC has stopped trying to make everybody wrong and himself right. Thus the levels are defined in terms of "abilities regained". Processing improves confront of the environment; so does training. Training gives the PC something to look forward towards instead of providing merely negative gain. A book can evaluate for a PC without the auditor having to. 611 An auditor can process a PC up to the Class that the auditor is trained to. The second route is that of the co-auditor. On this route, a person isn't classified, but receives a certificate as a co-auditor. He may not charge for his processing or call himself a professional. He has been through the training courses, but he hasn't been classified. The co-auditor can get an HCA certificate, but not an HPA certificate. Someone who goes on through the academy and gets classed, gets the HPA certificate. He has been formally trained, examined, judged competent to audit PCs, etc. A person can co-audit, getting auditing in exchange for auditing. Sooner or later he will either get up to getting professional Class VI auditing or he will get on a Class VI course at a central organization and go up that way. The professional or classed auditor gets his training, gets his classification, and now has some selectivity about his co-audit. He probably gets audited by another pro. He is likely to get more precise processing this way, and any errors would be remedied quickly. He would probably get up the levels rapidly. Furthermore, PCs can help him get further trained by getting him more PCs. There are points in training that are easily overlooked or forgotten, no matter how much they are emphasized and stressed. These get straightened up when auditors come to Saint Hill. The classifications for auditors are stiffened up, changing the original issue to this degree. Someone can go to the academy and get his certificate, but when he wants to be classed, he has to be good at that level. If someone has certificates up to Level IV but no classifications, he would have to get classed up from Class I on a tough requirement for actual performance. All training and all courses depend on: 1. Having valuable material or data to impart. We've got that in scientology. 2. The material must be codified. In must be in a condition in which it can be imparted to others, so that it communicates. 3. The material must be instructed, because the questions that will arise will be individual to the student. Instruction consists of handling those questions by showing where the correct answer is. The second point is being handled now: to clarify, codify, and simplify the available material down to the necessary amount. There are only about thirty operations that cover all of auditing at all levels. Instruction is the most random area, since different levels of application and understanding may be demanded of the person being checked out on a certain piece of data. Education should not be merely to keep someone occupied.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=16/4/64 Volnum=2 Issue=16 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-16 Auditing By Lists    6404C16 SHSpec-16 Auditing By Lists The Auditor is a success as a magazine. Fred Hare is the editor. One of the goals series has turned out to be nonexistent. Why does it always take LRH to find these things? It puts a lot of responsibility on him. This puts some extra strain on his case. He is currently in a zone of over-correction, looking so hard for things wrong that all he finds is invalidation of what is right. 612 Auditing by list is done at Level III, the needle level. Lower levels are tone arm levels. Few auditors getting started in auditing are aware of the skill needed for good metering with the needle. Unlike the TA, the needle can be upset by session events, although the TA can show if the PC is not getting gain. But the process has a lot to do with the TA, too. The needle registers first the session and second the process or reaction of the PC. A TA is "not a direct representation of the reaction of the PC to the session." The TA does not analyze the session beyond saying whether the PC is getting gain. "Not so the needle, [which] first and foremost registers the session and secondarily registers the process or reaction of the PC." The only difficult manifestation of the needle for the auditor to learn to cope with is the dirty needle. Its source is always the auditor, nothing else. It traces back to the auditor's failure to handle the auditing comm cycle, or the larger auditing cycle. The absolute of never having the PC's needle dirty is unattainable, but it is the auditor's reaction that produces the dirty needle, by not accepting his answer, not acknowledging, cutting his comm cycle, or whatever. Level III is almost totally devoted to needle. At this level, if you follow the needle, you will get TA action, and if you don't, you won't. The PC may have no charge on a question. He may have no interest in it. If so, the needle will not register. If you miss seeing the no-reaction and give the question again, you get a read by virtue of the PC's considerations, protest, or whatever. The first reaction of the needle is to the session. The second reaction of the needle is to the process or question. If the auditor overlooks this, the PC goes out of session, and the needle will never clean up on the question, etc. Therefore, you don't let auditors at Level III assess anything, since if they don't realize the read-on-session-first rule, they can foul up ARC break assessments repeatedly and worsen the ARC break. The Mark V E-meter is beautifully balanced to read maximally on thought and minimally on body motions. It reads just below the PC's reality, at a level where the PC can have reality. The meter has a greater degree of workability than you will ever need, so calls for improvement are passe. A bad meter won't give you needle response on thought. When a needle is moving fast, you can miss reads because the inertia of the needle prevents a manifestation. If the needle is quiet, it is more sensitive. If someone can really handle a meter at Level III, he will have no trouble with assessments at Level IV. At Level III, you have to learn to keep the needle clean by keeping the session good, so the session at no time gets in the road of the needle reads that you ars getting as you audit. Cleaning a clean causes the PC to go against the session. The needle is now not reading his bank. It is reading his reaction in the session. The auditor must know first that this can happen and second what to do when it does and how it manifests. LRH claims to have made all these errors, with the additional difficulty of not knowing that they were mistakes. 613 Any change of pace of the needle is a read. It will be discoverable by the PC if it read on the meter. On Level VI, there comes a time when the PC stops reading well on the meter anyway, because he doesn't have much reactive mind left, and the PC's postulates in session are what give rocket reads. If one has an ability with which one has lots of problems, there is reactivity mixed up in it, giving problems and taking the power out of the ability. Getting rid of the reactivity gives a person the full scope of his ability. The magnitude of his performance is then much greater. A PC who fears that he will lose his creative ability by getting rid of the bank needs to know this. At Level III, of course, there isn't too much of a problem. The being is mostly reactive, and the needle behaves pretty well on reactivity and doesn't get in your face too much on the session. "Somebody can still be upset about the session and sometimes still even read a bit on the needle.... At Level III, the reactive read is larger than the analytical read." But you have to be able to keep the needle clean by keeping the comm cycle straight. And you have to be able to tell when the PC is running right and not in need of session-correcting. Don't harass the PC when things are going all right, and above all, don't blame the PC for the strange behavior of the needle. Be aware that something has happened in the session that is showing up on the needle. Knowing these data, you can do auditing by list. Auditing by lists has nothing to do with assessment. "On auditing by lists, you are not interested in which level or item of the list reads [best]. You are simply interested in going down the list and making sure that each one in turn is cleaned up if it reads. You're not trying to go down a list and find one of those levels!" Assessment means reading down a list to find which item reads best, because that is the item. Auditing by list is no effort to find the item. It is just "making sure that each question, taken up in turn, is no longer reading, which requires ... reading the question to find out if it reads, and then continuing to get answers until [the question] no longer reads, noticing ... that the question is no longer reading, and passing on to the next." Differentiation between reads on the list question and session reads caused by the PC's reaction to something going on in session is a necessary part of this action, so you clean up the right things. [On the above, cf. Method 3 and 5 list handling.] What if the needle gives one indication and the PC says something else? For instance, the PC may say, "No," and the meter reads. Then clean up possible session outnesses with "protest", "inval", and "cleaning a clean". Then recheck the question. This keeps the PC from being invalidated by your insistence on something's being there. "These lists [by which you are auditing] are nothing more than the plus-minus misdemeanors and upsets that a [person] could have." An auditor should be able to make up a list for a particular PC. Only a few prepared lists can be done over and over again. L1 and L4 are the lists used for auditing by list, with the questions asked for a broad scope. You can alternately clean L1 and L4 and keep getting different areas cleaned up. Rudiments and prepchecking are, in fact, a kind of auditing by lists. "Level III is that level where you clean the list.... If [one] can get through that, then [he] can assess." At Level IV, you are using a list in a different way. You are looking for the level to use in looking for a service fac. 614 The reads that you get at Level III are much tinier than what you will get at Level VI, so don't take little reads at Level VI. A PC who has been ARC breaky gets all his BPC cleaned up and will come up shining, when audited by list on L1 and L4.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=21/4/64 Volnum=2 Issue=17 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-17 Problems and Solutions    6404C21 SHSpec-17 Problems and Solutions There are some research maxims standing apart from and monitoring the body of scientology, having to do with how you figure it out. Excalibur was a whole book-full. Some of these maxims are in Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science. These maxims give the rationale and the how of how you figure it out. Every once in awhile, one of them gives you a grip on existence. For instance, one maxim was, "Take a body of knowledge that has produced bad effects and results. You move it out and pay no further attention to it." You can eventually corral the truth by elimination, by this approach. You use this all the time when analyzing cases. You see what didn't work, so you don't run the PC on that. The reverse maxim doesn't happen to be workable. Something having been true in one instance doesn't prove that it has any wide workability. Auditors who don't realize this get stuck in a win with some offbeat process or approach, and wind up with failures. In trying to pilot a way through the goals plot, when items read one day and not the next, when they checked out and then turned out to be something else, LRH had a datum to cover the situation: "A problem is as complex as it presents potential solutions." It is the number of solutions, not their complexity, that determines the complexity of a problem. This defeats the idea of the "one shot clear", beautiful though the dream may be. The problem of government must be terribly complex, since it has had many many solutions. It is not that a big solution equals a big problem. It is that a complex problem equals many solutions. This could be the situation that you are faced with when a PC doesn't respond well to processing. It could be that you have a complex case on your hands that will only be resolved by a complexity of processes. If a person's problem in life has required many solutions, then it must be very complex and will require a complexity of processes to resolve. Simple solutions don't work on complex problems. You don't resolve all political problems by voting democratic. There is another maxim: "A solution must be as complex as the potentials of the problem." In this context, "potentials, means "threats along the dynamics. Here, you are talking about a dangerous problem. For instance, a problem that has the potential of knocking out survival along various fronts is a big problem. You will get defeated if you offer a simple solution. If a person has a dangerous problem and you give him a simple solution, he will reject it. Problems that are simple don't become dangerous. Only complex ones do. They require complex solutions. If this were not the case, the person would have solved the problem already. A problem wouldn't be dangerous if the problem hadn't been allowed to coast along pretty far. The proper course of action in handling a problem is to find out all aspects of the problem that must be solved. There are bound to be some that are not apparent at first. Find how many solutions will be needed. You could look it over by dynamics. The procedure is: 1. Get what the immediate pressure is. Indicate that there has to be a solution. 2. Get the situation differentiated out into its component problems. Indicate the necessity for a solution for each. 615 This takes the confusion out of the situation. Just getting the guy to sort it out makes him feel better, because he can now at least see the area better. Also, you have put the buffer of needed solution" in front of every element of it. The PC will be half way handled just by that action. Then you can find solutions on a gradient. He could start gradiently to see which problem could be solved now. This makes Level 0 a breeze, when it is usually rough. Level 0 is rough because most people's problems are so big that they don't know they have them. They don't look at the importances in their vicinity at all! Man is in this condition because no solutions have been possible. Simple solutions to complex problems fail. The International City idea is good and complicated. It has to be, because of the size of the problem that it is trying to solve. The usual solution, "Vote Republican!." is utterly useless. As you go up the levels, it may appear that you are confronting more complex problems, but actually both problems and solutions become simpler, as you go up the levels. As you go up, you are actually confronted with fewer problems and fewer demanded solutions. The psychologist and psychiatrist think that you go down through Man's psyche to the bottom. They are wrong. You are there. You have to go up, to heightened awareness. A person on his way up has to get more and aware of kinds of awareness and of existence. His only route is up. Psychiatrists think that you have to go down in Man's psyche to get to rock-bottom motivations, etc., through three or four sub-volitional layers. This is untrue. You don't go down in Man's psyche. You are there. There isn't any hidden, deep motivation. All you have left is the individual, and he is motivated. You have to go to higher levels. "This fellow hasn't got an unconscious to be probed. He is unconscious." The psychiatrists are looking for the wrong thing. They are looking for the hidden depths below a guy's level of awareness. Those "deeper levels of unconsciousness" that they are looking for are sitting in the chair right in front of them. It is not the recesses that are hidden. You can't get the individual further down, with drugs, etc., and learn anything. In order to discover anything about the individual, you've got to make the individual more aware, not make him less aware, in order to find out more about him. Psychiatrists are asking the fireman in a ship to help them find the fireman. And the fireman, having lost his identity and beingness, will willingly try to help out by looking for himself. You are looking for Man's spirit, but he is the spirit. A thetan's increasing awareness of his beingness, his awareness of existence, and the problems and solutions of life are what delineate the seven levels of processing. You could draw up the levels just by asking people at various levels, "What is a problem to you?" If a person's awareness of his relationship to existence is increased, you can bring about a heightened condition of livingness, performance, ability, etc. And that is the only way to do it, regardless of claims for drug enlightenment or high performance on drugs. Drugs reduce awareness. People can think that they perform better when drunk or drugged. That is because they are less aware of their condition. 616 The "logic" that if we became a little less conscious, we would be a lot better off has been extant since the beginning of this universe. The "final solution" to problems has been to become unaware of them. The penultimate solution is, "I'm doing right," the assumption that whatever you are doing is right. So if someone wants to improve himself, he has two courses: 1. To become more aware. 2. To become less aware and hope that you don't get run over. The latter is treacherous. It is hoping that everything will be all right. Hope substitutes for control, confront, awareness, and certainty. "I'll just forget about it and hope that it doesn't bother me. I'll become less aware," is the idea. For instance, women in the 19th century fainted as a solution. This is like the "black panther" mechanism, only worse, because one is not simply ignoring the black panther; one is becoming unaware. People get somewhat terrified when you reverse the flow on them and get them to confront all the things of which they have become unaware. The trick of becoming unaware is that you never actually get there. "This universe [is] a progress towards less and less awareness. It's the route to total sleep. And the trick ... is that it's so rigged that you never get to sleep. The lower you go, the more problems you've got, because now the littler problems seem bigger." Becoming unaware of the big problem brought the thetan less power or force. It reduced his confront. So now he is less able to confront little problems, so the little problem now seems as big as the big problem seemed one stage back. It seems far more threatening. The power and threat of the big problem is vested now in the smaller one. There was a bigger problem of the same gradient that he had ceased to confront: [say, a gale]. He became unaware of it almost purposely, and this put him into a confront only of a slight wind. But the big problem was full of terror, so the breeze is full of terror. There is the trick of uncovering hidden memories. Occasionally you can uncover memory by trickery, and increase the PC's awareness slightly, and he will lose a little fear, but it doesn't improve his condition much. He just shifts to another fear. ["symptom substitution"] "All little fears are irrational and are based on a bigger fear." Freud pointed this out. This happens because "the individual solves the bigger fear by becoming less aware. You can find the bigger fear that caused the lesser fear. This is what Freud was looking for. But you can also throw the PC into the bigger fear and knock him for a loop, by not bailing him out. You mustn't increase a person's awareness beyond his ability to confront. He has the choice either to cognite or to bolt. He is very likely to bolt. That is why analysands commit suicide in analysis, when they do. Don't process by reaching into the deeper states to find the fears that motivate this individual. "There is no deeper subconscious for the individual to go [into]." If you exteriorize a person without taking off the charge of why he was in his head, if you take him out of his head and make him confront problems that he had gone into his head not to have to confront, you will find that now you can't get him out again with a can opener. 617 You can put someone into a higher level of awareness. He now becomes aware of the problems that he has not handled. This alone makes it necessary for him to progress by gradients. You will make it as long as you let him sit down for awhile and enjoy the view. He is a victim of self-created charge, great masses of it. When he gets more aware, he backs off from it. You have to take charge off by getting TA action. Then he can easily move up to where you can get more charge off. It is not a spectacular activity. As the PC moves up the line, his problems look bigger, but only because he can see more. "Reduce the complexity of the problem by reducing yesterday's solutions." This is the key to processing. A person at Level 0 has dangerous problems and must have complex solutions. How do we get around all this? The old solution is what he is sick from. Cures, cures, cures: It is no use to solve somebody's problems for him. What gets us away from this is that we aren't giving people solutions. The basic error is the most fundamental part of the problem that can be as-ised, because of the chain of solutions. As an auditor, you "are not giving the PC new solutions for his livingness. You are taking out of existence old solutions, which now exist in the form of problems.... You're as-ising what has been solved in the past [and caused the person to] become more unaware.... You're as-ising old problems." You are as-ising past solvents. You are backtracking the way he came down. Running solutions is running yesterday's problems. You are taking out the old think that made him drop doing and be [un]aware. On R1C and R1CM [This is R1C with the meter. You follow the BD after you complete the cycle of action you were on. See p. 623, below.] you are backing the PC through yesterday's problems, by getting his solutions. If you run such a thing as a problem, you are running it below its proper level of awareness. Here is the trick: A problem, by definition, is something that you can't confront, and a solution is a way by which you don't have to confront something. So your effort to handle the problem is to solve it, and if the way in which you solve it is to become less aware of it, you have moved into lower awareness levels. You are looking at yesterday's solutions. Whether you are running problems or solutions, you are actually running solutions. When you ask for problems, you are asking for something that the PC couldn't confront. When you ask for solutions, you are asking for something that the PC could confront. Running problems requires you to confront only the PC's no-confront. Therefore, you don't run problems. You run solutions, which latter really are problems, but which can be confronted. "It's the difference between running no-confront and confront ... , [though you are actually running the same thing, from a different point of view.] If you call them problems, then you are saying the individual couldn't confront them. If you [call them] solutions, then you are saying [he] could." So when you run solutions, you get rid of the problems that he sets up to avoid confronting things, by backtracking his solutions. When you do this, the PC becomes more aware and more capable of confronting, up to the point where he can confront the problems that made him decide to become unaware in the first place, and he finds that those, in turn, were solutions, so he finds out what that was a solution for, etc., and he is all set to move on out to freedom. This way out is Route 2. 618 This principle holds true all the way up. GPM's were very complex solutions, which must have had complex problems behind them. The main problem was an unwillingness to confront. So you don't ask the PC to confront it all at once. You do it gradiently. That is why levels are there. They are there on the basis that the individual, at any given time, is at his lowest level of awareness. You bring him up from there, not down." [You] reduce the complexity of the problem by reducing yesterday's solutions." You've got to walk him back up into further awareness for him to hold his own in the environment he has now entered. That is how to process someone. That is why a manic sometimes turns on, where the PC gets boosted up a bit too high for him at a particular time. So realize that you are getting off the charge that debars the individual from confronting the problems that he has. The most complex being you will confront is the lowest-level PC. If you reduce the complexity of the problem by as-ising yesterday's complex solutions, you can get charge off, and the PC can act better now, because his awareness level came up. When you first ask for a datum, you won't get it, but you will get off charge. Then, when you ask for the datum again, since you have gotten charge off the area, you will get it. This is how processing works. "The road into this universe is successive unawarenesses, and the road out is successive awarenesses.... He got himself into trouble by solving himself into trouble.... There are no lower levels of awareness for you to explore. There are only upper levels." The road out is not spectacular. You take the PC out via the road he came in: successive unawarenesses undone.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=28/4/64 Volnum=2 Issue=18 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-18 Wisdom as an Auditor    6404C28 SHSpec-18 Wisdom as an Auditor Australia is in only one difficulty: They have yet to follow an instruction or order. Scientology is under investigation by the Australian government, which should beware, because when you cut a theta comm line, you will get an explosion. This is because the secret of power is that truth is on a theta line. Power is truth. You can extend untruth in a certain direction and derive power from it for a certain time, but what you are really deriving power from is the amount of truth in the situation. Censorship is a cutting of a theta line. So is failure of the mail, interruptions, etc. No government ever survives a war. You get a new regime, at least. The government that caused or allowed the war cuts the natural being-to-being comm line and gets thrown out as a result. The violence of the war is secondary in effect to this: the result of cutting the natural theta-line between people. The effect of this is obscured because the same being or state may still be there. The war itself is temporary. The real effects of the war last much longer, when the violence recoils upon those who started it. This is the mechanism that gives people their almost pathetic belief in retribution. You have to cut or interfere with a flow before you get much of an explosion as a result of a flow. The cutter of the ARC will explode, sooner or later. 619 The whole auditing cycle is based on this, and this is the mechanism that causes the ARC break that results from a cut comm line. This can happen in auditing, with a rough auditing comm cycle. A cut theta line in session gives rise to an ARC break. It is always the auditor who started it, and he usually started it much earlier than he would have thought. The result is that you get a dirty needle, then a stuck TA, then an ARC break, maybe 1 1/2 hours after the first auditor mistake. If the auditor doesn't realize what he has done, he is confused and mystified about where this explosion came from. That is why the auditor should tape his sessions and find the point where he cut the PC's comm line. A cut ARC line is similar to a cut itsa line. The comm lag can be an hour, which makes it hard to spot. The first minor mistake is the starting point which permits further mistakes, PC loss of ARC, etc. The auditor can see it coming before the ARC break hits. His error there is to ignore it and hope it will go away. This is the black panther mechanism. You can make a lot of mistakes, but never be dishonest about your mistakes, or you become unreal to others. The mistake should be handled when the first signs of it show up. In looking for the point of cut comm, you can find all sorts of by-passed charge. You could take someone and treat this as a front-rank auditing problem, by running, "When has your ARC been cut?" This can't be run as the only process, since it is an out-of-ARC process. You could knock a PC to smithereens with a process like, "Look around here and tell me something you could go out of ARC with." Anything similar to that will do someone in, because it cuts his comm line, right and left. "Look around here and tell me something you don't have to have," would be a killer, too. The way the psychologist gets in trouble is in not knowing this datum, nor the datum that a thetan never gives up. A thetan never gives up. He says he does, and that fools people, but he never really does. The way to handle a revolutionary is to channel his revolution slightly, not to stop him in his tracks with force. People get fooled because the guy will say he has given up, but this is window dressing. If you see a nation that can't produce, you know that it is composed of people who are unwilling to do or support what they are being required to do or support. (Cf. Castro) There can be communication, but if there is no reality or affinity, and no ARC returned from people to government, you would only get a shadow of return flow from the people. You can make a tremendous number of mistakes, but don't be dishonest about them. That breeds unreality. Self-immolation isn't the answer, either. Complete ignorance results in great bravery and lots of opinions. A system of education based on non-inspection, like that of scholasticism, results in something like the Dark Ages. It cuts the ARC of knowledge. Part of being a wise individual is being able to perceive when and where one's ARC is being cut. This would be a person's ability to exercise wisdom. When there is a problem with a group, wisdom consists of discovering what A, what R, and what C is being cut between what terminals. You could locate the problem in the group by finding the area of maximal confusion, e.g. the area of maximal number of dispatches, and minimal production. There must be two terminals, where one is trying to flow ARC and the other is trying to cut it, or both are trying to flow some ARC and also cutting it. Get the terminals involved and find what is being cut by which (it could be both). Locate the cut A, the cut R, and the cut C. Then unblock the ARC. 620 All PTP's are suspended and non-delivered communications. You can't run out a PTP by running undelivered communications, because the person with the PTP went ahead and solved it, which stuck it. You can't solve the problem for him and have any beneficial result. Solving others' problems doesn't work. [Witness the poor results obtained in marital counselling.] Give someone a hand? Sure. So how do you unravel a messed-up being? You have to find what his ARC for his environment is. You will find that his C is to nobody; it is at people. His R is continually changing and full of doubt, so it is shot, and his A is a toss-up between his hating everybody and/or their hating him. A one-shot, very limited process you could use to alter it is, "What communication have you been unable to deliver?" This is not a repetitive question, and it should not refer to the past, because the guy wants to do it right now: If you keep trying C without R and A, you spin in, because of the incomplete cycle of communication. This could have something to do with people getting spun in by prayer. They can't locate the terminal [God, J.C., Virgin Mary, Saints, etc.] so all the communications go undelivered. How does Q and A, a failure to complete a cycle of action, tie in with cutting ARC? An incomplete cycle of action causes an undelivered communication, which involves a cut theta line. Thus it is inevitable that you will blow up as his auditor. "I have two different frames of reference by which to look at an auditor's auditing. One is teaching him how to do it and whether he is doing it the way he should be doing it, and the other is, 'What did he do that is making him do it wrong?'" i.e.: 1. What is he doing wrong? 2. What is happening in the session that throws him off, so that he errs?. Under the second heading, "I always assume he knows perfectly how to do it, but that something is disturbing him.... I start looking for something that has gone adrift in his auditing.... I don't immediately then go into the subject of dressing him up on the subject of drills.... You have to have two frames of reference: a critique of his ability to handle preclears and a critique of his ability to handle drills." If he knows how to do the drill, he has fouled up on handling a PC. It could be as corny as giving the PC an undelivered communication, with an R-factor that says, "We won't cover what we were on last time, because we have finished that," when the PC had more to say. An overt act is the other side of the coin from the undelivered communication. It is a communication that one didn't want to deliver but did deliver. What saves your bacon in auditing is that the overt act is worse than the undelivered communication, in terms of aberrative value, because you have now perverted the theta line by causing it to deliver harm. This really mucks up a theta-line. Our materials are not a dramatization of parts of the bank, luckily. LRH has gone through moments of fear that such things as the tone scale were based on implants or GPM's. They are not. We understand the situation that we are looking at so well that we sometimes err by injecting more into things than are there. All the other data about problems are true, but a problem is still basically an undelivered communication. An overt act [actually, a withhold is not a problem. It is a withdrawal from putting out an ARC line, because you know that you will abuse it. It is a self-discipline to prevent abuse of ARC. The basic withhold is, "don't cause harm". This is more fundamental than 621 GPM's. It is a complex reason for undelivered communication. O/W is an undelivered communication. The thetan delivered it far too well, so he had better not deliver any other comm along that line, and he better not have delivered that one. Look at a person with a lot of PTP's. You could say the following about him: 1. He is having an awful time, for whatever reason, because 2. He is braking himself because he might communicate, and therefore he is withholding because.... These are all rationales. Basically: 1. He is in that state. 2. He is there because he hasn't delivered a communication. (The ARC break process depends on regretted communication.) The only way you can run an out-of-ARC process is to make it an alternate process with a positive side. It is then barely workable. It doesn't necessarily run well. The only difficulties in this universe or out of it are based on these factors: What comm aren't you delivering because you have delivered lousy comm? You may have to approach it through A and R, but you want to increase C.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=30/4/64 Volnum=2 Issue=19 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-19 Effectiveness of Processing    6404C30 SHSpec-19 Effectiveness of Processing The Australian flap was caused by one PC, Wern, who had a psychiatric history and couldn't have passed a sec check. He got run on Level VI material, flipped out, and went to court. The legislature has been investigating. Upper-level materials have been appearing in court. A document has turned up showing collusion and plans for how witnesses should testify. The org is ignoring instructions to use the document, because of their lawyer's advice. The lawyer is protecting the government of Victoria! And cables keep coming through, begging for money. This has interrupted research. It shows what happens when an org goes off-policy and you can't get orders executed. Policy has been developed out of past errors. When it is ignored, errors appear and trouble follows. Jane Kember took two years to put Johannesburg back together after they went off-policy. The effectiveness of processing and effective processing is you, the auditor, bringing about a desired effect on the PC. That is your one activity. This applies also to your activities as an instructor, a lecturer, or just to the way in which you produce an effect on someone you are talking to. One can produce an effect through threat of destruction and by destruction. That is fifty percent of existence. Fifty percent of all effects in this universe are produced by force. If we study that fifty percent, we will find that "nearly all mental healing activities drift into it." This includes electric shock, etc. It is the solid form of effect. Psychiatrists do not realize that they are trying to influence thought. They have no definition of thought. They don't even think that anything is there thinking. They are trying to influence matter. Man, to them, is matter, and they are using matter to influence matter. They are actually in the field of physics. So an auditor runs a danger in operating in the remaining fifty percent, producing beneficial effects. The danger is that the auditor will leave the other fifty percent on automatic and occasionally drift over into it. Thus everything may be fine for awhile. Then the auditor suddenly explodes. 622 [This may be the mechanism of failed help = destroy.] An auditor, in blowing up at a PC never has and never will have a good effect on the PC who provoked it. What cures you of doing that is finding, on Level VI, that you did have it all upside down and backwards and that you did actually skip a whole Code on the PC. Ultimately, you keep to the Auditor's Code for your own good as an auditor, since violating it makes auditing much harder. Taken at random, fifty percent of effects would be destructive. Fortunately, by the laws of life, it is the other fifty percent that has lasting benefits. Eradication has to be 100 percent to be effective. A purity of destruction would be a not-thereness, but destruction doesn't go in that direction. It leaves a pile of rubble. An as-ising of a situation is not looked on as destruction. It is seen as a constructive, beneficial action. Actually, it is an ultimate in the fifty percent-destruction bracket. If you want to free someone, you don't just blow up the jail he is in and create a shambles. So the effect that you are trying to produce on the PC is simply to set him free by as-ising that which is keeping him caged, without knocking him around or leaving rubble around. It is actually pretty easy to do. The way you would leave rubble around would be by giving advice but not as-ising anything. You have launched an other-determined action. You have set up conflict between two or more other terminals. Life could be handled by setting it into more violent counter-motions, as in war. This leaves lots of debris. Those are the mechanics by which life handles its problems, i.e. counter-motions, terminals vs. terminals, etc. As an auditor, you are being asked to decry and put aside the standard dramatizing actions that life is prone to. You are asked to assume a better, more workable discipline. You are asked to find out what the problem is, what considerations they have had about the problem, and what they have done to solve it. We find that these are the building blocks of the prison: 1. The problem itself. 2. What they have said the problem was, or what has caused it. 3. Solutions they have had. That is all the cage is built of: 1. Conceive the problem was there. 2. Alter-is it. 3. Keep on solving it. There doesn't have to have been a problem before someone conceived of it, since a thetan is always capable of postulating. Then he justifies it, assigns it to someone other than himself and makes that person cause, and then starts solving the wrong problem. He will submerge the problem. The solution now becomes a problem to him. So he solves that one, etc., etc. Eventually all he knows about it is that he is unhappy, abstracted, and can't concentrate. That is the prison that he has built. As an auditor, your art is in as-ising these bits and pieces, rather than adding to them by giving him new solutions. If you give the PC a command that would as-is some problems and you fail to discover that the PC is doing something other than the command you gave him, he won't improve. You may then change processes, still get no improvement, and end up mad at the PC. You would thereby have slipped over into the other fifty percent of effect-production. 623 The only reason why an auditor would start this cycle would be from failing to understand that he is supposed to be knocking out aberration, not letting the PC add to it. Another deficiency in delivering processing to the PC is where the auditor fails to realize that a problem has gone. green auditor may not know that things blow by as-ising, just by the PC's inspecting things and communicating them to the auditor. There could be too little horsepower in the problem for the PC even to cognite, it is so insubstantial. There is nothing more to it than its isness. Be on the lookout for the problem's having blown on the comm cycle alone, before you have a chance to "handle" it. The new auditor may never realize that this as-ising is what his training in TR's, comm cycle, etc., are for. Ideally, you want the PC to blow by inspection, remember. On the other hand, the auditor can get so used to things blowing, fast that he gets a shock when something doesn't. He has run into one of life's little problems that, instead of floating free, has roots. Problems come in two kinds: 1. Loose problems. 2. Problems that have roots. Some things that worry people don't have deep roots. Then there are a fee subjects and items that are just little flags, which turn out to be very deeply anchored indeed, and which don't blow. Don't mistake the one for the other. If you do, you will get overrun or unflat processes. (R1CM is R1C with the meter. Follow the BD, after you have completed your cycle of action.) It is a mistake to take up something that has a flag that goes all the way to China but gets no needle reaction or TA BD -- only a clean rise, when it is mentioned, although it is something that does bother the PC. It may be an obvious condition, like the PC's wife leaving him, or his lumbosis. But the more you talk about it, the more trouble you have, because as you force the PC into a recognition of the reality of that condition, you pin him to his most fundamental bank. The condition will be something the auditor brought up. It is an unreal subject to the PC. The only cage that the PC can as-is is the one that he is aware of. You can force the PC into oddball modifications. This is where testing dead-ends, because you can read deeper into the psyche than the PC can as-is. [LRH recounts a papier-mache incident.] The PC's head may be made of papier-mache, and this may be very obvious to the auditor, but the auditor must not evaluate for the PC. The PC can't as-is anything that he isn't aware of, and if he is not aware that his head is made out of papier-mache, and if it doesn't read on the meter, don't try to handle it. If you do, you can restimulate the PC without any hope of destimulating him. "If it reads on the meter, it has a potential of being real to the PC." The meter has the value of only reading on things that are real to the PC. If it doesn't read, it is unreal or it is well suppressed. "You can as-is in a PC what [he] has reality on." This takes a bit of cage away, so he can see more and as-is more. You could do almost anything on a PC if you audited him on what he could recognize, things he had reality on. That is the magical trick. Everybody has some level of reality on A, R, and C, so they can get something out of processes involving ARC, no matter what level the PC is at. Stick to what is real to the PC. 624 "'Look around here and find something that's really real,' ... is probably one of the most nebulous [commands] ever [given]. But [the PC] walks over and picks up that wire over there and he says, 'That is very, very, very real:' I don't know what he means, but it means he can recognize a ... wire. I don't know what he means! I don't even know what he means when he says he can recognize it: But it means to me, for the benefit of just the process itself, that he can see it, recognize it, and direct his attention to it. Great! That's all I'm asking. I don't care what else he means.... What goes on in the PC's head when he answers that question? Wow!" Who knows? (Who cares?) The only time you would care is if the guy was being glib. Beware of the PC who runs glibly, rattling off answers, etc. It is an automaticity of a circuit answering for the person. The PC may come up to awareness of somatics that he has had all along. Learn to look at a PC from the viewpoint of what the PC can see. The auditor's ability to estimate what he has as-ised is part of his effectiveness in auditing. "You've got to know what you've [already just] taken care of, and therefore you have to know how it is taken care of. It is taken care of by being perceived and as-ised, and that's the only way it is taken care of. You ask the PC to look at something you know he can look at. He looks at it, and he as-ises it, and that's the end product of [all] auditing." It is all very well to have theories about what is wrong with the PC, as long as you don't try to get the PC to as-is your concept of what is wrong. Actually, the division of the world into the destructive and the constructive is an artificial one. At the top of the scale, there is only the free, since as-isness is destruction. [Paradoxically, what, at a lower level, is viewed as constructive (as-ising) is actually destructive, and what, at a lower level, is viewed as destructive (force, suppression) is actually constructive, in that not-is-ness causes persistence.] Auditing is simple, because it evades the complexities of life by undermining them. If auditing were a solution to life, it would have to be as complicated as life. Fortunately, it isn't. It is an as-ising of life.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=19/5/64 Volnum=2 Issue=20 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-20 The PC and Getting Auditing to work    6405C19 SHSpec-20 The PC and Getting Auditing to work Any auditor who is having a hard time making auditing work has a mystery about how auditing can occur, whether he knows it or not. He has assigned some value to auditing that is different from and extraneous to the actual value of auditing. He looks for something more complicated than what is there. If a student is having trouble, a third of the time it will resolve if you ask him why auditing doesn't work and remove that barrier to his understanding of why it does work. The session will be unmanageable to the auditor if he has trouble with his comm cycle, doesn't understand why auditing works, and the PC introduces normal or extreme amounts of randomity into the session, with his own out-comm-cycle. As an instructor, you have to get as much confusion out of this as possible. A person who can't get auditing to work is likely to have hidden standards. You can ask: "Why doesn't auditing work?" and "Why does auditing work?" and 2WC it. A person can't understand why it works because he understands why it doesn't work, and he is caught in this. Discussing why auditing doesn't work is not quite auditing, because 625 you are taking TA blowdowns on what he has told you and getting him to relate these blowdowns to the question of why auditing doesn't work. You are steering him towards a cognition that will straighten out his auditing. Another third of the time, you can fix the erring auditor by getting him to discuss help. You do rot get him to discuss failed help, because you will run into the line plot. He may spot some weird stable datum on help that impedes his ability to help or be helped. Take up whatever BD's you get independently, and clean them up, so he will start using the comm cycle. The comm cycle is [almost] too easy to use, as long as the auditor's intention towards the PC is good, and he is trying to assist the PC. The things that make a person unable to use the comm cycle are those things that make a person believe that he cannot or should not assist. PCs who get no TA action also have one of these buttons awry, so this procedure works well on PCs, too. The third category is more esoteric. It is very interesting. It could be called, "Life Among the Lowly." (This was the subtitle of Uncle Tom's Cabin.) People who are being hounded by life, who are under duress, tend to offer up super-sympathy and grief at the same time that they are knocking someone's head off. There is a mechanism here, by which the lowly hold the lowly down, which is pretty vicious. It is the "Poor you!" mechanism, how you, he, or they were wronged. It is the victim syndrome: "You are a victim." This is the common denominator of sociology. It is why someone can never get out of the slum; it is how people get trapped. We had this ourselves in the early days of dianetics. LRH got away from it, seeing that if you can't take responsibility for your own actions, if you can't recognize the cause of your own difficulties, then you are in a trap and will continue in a trap forevermore. For any "war against poverty" to be effective, it would have to contain an understanding of why people in groups remain poor. "An individual must accept his own responsibility and his own ability as cause before he can run off his overts. You can't get off overts if you can't recognize yourself as cause. You can't get out of a rat race unless you recognize your overts." You keep someone in a rat race if you don't let him recognize his overts, e.g. by saying, "Poor you! Look how you have been wronged!" You are telling the person that he was incapable of cause. You are directing his attention to moments when he was not at cause and pointing out to him that he doesn't cause things. They just happen to him. You put him into the dwindling spiral and hold him on the bottom of the heap forever, by "convincing him that he has been wronged, and that he himself never wrong[ed] anybody.... 'You never had a chance!'" How does a person become obsessed with a problem? "Obsessed with a problem" describes 90% of your PCs. They are stuck in some problem, via the O/M sequence. They never recognize their own overt in the area, so they get stuck in it. There are several systems that can be used to unpin them. Chief among these is the O/W system. You can't get your hand cut off in a buzz-saw without reaching for the buzz-saw and somehow putting yourself in the vicinity of the buzz-saw. Invented overts, as in a guilt complex, That is just another alter-is, so watch out for this and be sure that the PC doesn't give you untruths. All dwellingness on a subject is associated with overts against that subject. You cure it with one or another version of O/W. This is 626 something that is part and parcel of life, which is senior in its power even to GPM's. You could be free of GPM's and still be subject to the consequences of your overts. So it is always safe and indicated to audit O/W. Auditors do this industriously but not always well. They can make a complete mess of it, chopping comm cycles, buying trivia as overts, having mutual out-ruds, etc. The reason tacit consent enters auditing, when it does, is because of the victim syndrome mentioned above. It has entered the session to some degree. When this happens, there is some thread of "Poor you: You've been wronged!" in the session. If the auditor sits there and buys motivators, he is not auditing the PC at cause. He is "auditing the PC at effect, and so the PC will not get better." Nothing can hold onto a thetan. If he gets caught, he must have grabbed hold and forgotten that he has grabbed hold, to be trapped. What he grabbed hold with is overts. It is his own actual GPM's that are holding him. If you don't get him to spot his overts, you are dramatizing "Life Amongst the Lowly", the reason why people cannot get out of slums, the victim syndrome. Slums operate on the basis of, "You can't do anything about it. Luck is all that can help. How you have been wronged!", etc. That is why you see numbers rackets and lucky charms in slums. "You can't do anything," is the message of social welfare, labor relations, the "war on poverty", etc. A thetan basically doesn't want to commit overt acts. When he does commit them, he pulls himself back and withholds himself. How does this affect the auditor who can't audit? It is not as simple as, "They believe that they have been wronged, so you have to get their overts off." It is that "this person has been so wronged that [he has] no longer any concept of an overt." The Christian ran into this from another angle, with the idea of repentance. He wanted people to admit guilt, which is an inversion. People get off false overts in an effort to repent enough. This doesn't free them. The "guilt complex" leads to an inversion, where the person isn't getting off actual overts, but is really bragging about overts that he would never have the guts to commit. Don't let the PC do this. Check for untruths. If a guy is in a victim valence, you get him to define an overt act and then get him to tell you why it isn't an overt. You will get an automaticity! There is no reality on it as an overt act. So you have to follow the reality scale and find something, possibly quite mild, that he knows and feels is a real overt act. Do this on a discussion basis, getting why it wasn't an overt act, not as an auditing action. Once you get something the person really considers to have been an overt act, you might run out his justifications for having done it. [See HCOB 7Ju164 "Scientology III and IV: Justifications" and HCOB 8Ju164 "Scientology III and IV: More Justifications"] You then proceed on a gradient. Nobody in prison has ever committed a crime. 627  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=9/6/64 Volnum=2 Issue=22 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-22 The Cycle of Action: Its Interpretation on the E-meter    6406C09 SHSpec-22 The Cycle of Action: Its Interpretation on the E-meter The most confused, maligned area around is the auditor and the cycle of action. It is a difficult subject because it is all over the GPM's. It is not natural. You scientologists, being a cut above the naturalness of normality, of course see something slightly wrong in the whole idea of time and its forward progress. In his auditing, LRH found himself in an interesting state: looking at a zero or absence of time. He found it not wholly pleasant, because without time, there is a lot of other stuff missing. He had a pressure on the face that turned out to be not from something, but from utter nothingness there. This was very peculiar. It was an escape from the time-stream which, at the same time, was more natural than being in the time-stream. At one time, a thetan was quite capable of moving back in time to straighten out goofs. Then he slipped into the time stream and has been moving along with it ever since. You therefore have a natural antipathy for the idea that time is there or that something has a beginning, a middle, and an end, because this cycle is an authoritative action laid down by time. But you are processing in the physical universe, through and across the agreement of the physical universe. You are apparently going along with the time-stream and processing a bank that lays the time-stream in with an axe. You are trying to resolve a subject, the bank, that is cycles of action to a terrible degree. Mary Baker Eddy erred by shooting for too high a gradient. As long as you are processing through MEST, you must take account of the cycle of action, even though it is not true at the highest levels. Unless you pay attention to this, you jam the bank, and the PC will get into horrible difficulties: high TA, etc. The proper, precise order of things is very important, particularly at lower levels of things, especially with regard to the bank. The bank is fiendishly precise. The PC has to come up through confusion to confront this much order. One of the keynotes of order, and the bank, is that things have a beginning, continue, and have an end. "There the cycle of action is violated in the PC, the order of his bank is violated, and therefore it doesn't as-is. So the road out follows the cycle of action. Where the auditor has nothing to do with the cycle of action, he has trouble, because he has thrown the PC below the fiendish demands of the bank. We have found empirically that what you have to do is to parallel the cycle of action. There is no detriment involved in doing so. Every time you process a PC without paying attention to the cycle of action, you are processing the PC against the bank. As a result, the bank will jam, which will be manifested on the E-meter as a high TA and a badly-acting needle. A PC who is not running well has, first and foremost, violated the cycle of action. This is a broad enough statement to be fairly meaningless unless you get more details. You could also say that the reason a case isn't living right is that the cycle of action is being violated. There are two ways in which a cycle of action can be violated, in life: 1. Too slavish an obedience to it, where the individual was out of agreement with it in the first place but is forced to follow it. [2. Ignoring it.] 628 All the "blessings" of the machine age lie in the first zone. Don't follow a cycle of action to the extent of overwhelming someone's power of choice. Oddly enough, there is one zone where a person's power of choice can be overthrown and he can be improved. By following a cycle of action repeatedly, to a point where the person is used to it, you will then begin to as-is enough bank to compensate for the loss of power of choice that you started with, which will when return. You could force a PC through SOP 8C against his power of choice, but only so long as you repeated the cycle of action. It isn't the person's power of choice that gives him reactivity. Power of choice and self-determinism get imprisoned in reactivity. A cycle of action is the prison. So following and running [and running out] a cycle of action will bring about nothing but a freeing of power of choice, whether the PC consents to it or not. You have the determinism of the thetan -- his power of choice -- versus the fiendish cycle of action and precision of the bank and this universe. The biggest overwhelm and loss of power of choice in this universe is in time. This universe is a trap, because having started here, you inevitably get to there: That is an overwhelm, because there is nothing that you can do about it. The thetan knows that wherever he may be in space at 8:55, in ten minutes he will be at 9:05, no matter how much he protests. You can do something about being moved in space, so space is less overwhelming. Hence movement in space from point A to point B is a smaller gradient. You can approximate the action of time with the cycle of action. Progress through time is paralleled by the cycle of action. It is very close to a process you might call "Make some time.' This is a very funny process. You can start the PC at point A and move him to point B and have him run into confusion between distance and time. He has the illusion of moving through time. In doing this drill, one differentiates space from time and thus obtains a new level of observation and freedom. This improves the individual's power of choice, at least to the degree that he has increased freedom to observe. As a person gets out of overwhelm relative to something, he can perceive what is happening to it, instead of what it is doing to him. O/W, in its essence, has never been understood. O/W is not a lesson in morality. It is a lesson in causality. It is really a lesson in "What power of choice have you exercised in life?" However, it is hard to get someone to admit that he has done something wrong, because society tries to get him to restrain admission of overts, which is a big overwhelm. Justifications refute the cause of the individual. To justify is to state that one had no power of choice, and therefore, not being responsible, committed no overt. In running justifications, you are getting the PC to own up to having been cause. When you go for overts, you are going up against the social mores as the point of overwhelm. You just choose this as the point of overwhelm. Society tries to get the individual to withhold overts, in an effort to suppress him. "In lower level processing, you're choosing... society as the point of overwhelm [of the PC] and you are running O/W: ... You want the individual's revolts against this overwhelm as an expression of his power of choice." Some point of agreement with society can be found in the course of running O/W, that will undo attention from society. The mechanism is: 1. One does things. 2. One can't own up to them. 3. One then gets caved in on because of this. 629 You could ask, "What third dynamic activity have you gone along with?" Weirdly enough, this would eventually lead into overt acts. The individual gets free to the degree that he can step back and look at the situation. When we apply this [sort of process] to the sixth dynamic, we get a much more subtle level, one that is much less easily perceived: freedom from the time-stream; freedom from the cycle of action. Time and the cycle of action are so woven into the PC, regradless of what level he is at, that even your address to the third dynamic, junior though it is to the sixth dynamic, is involved with the sixth dynamic. The PC is shooting someone across space, standing on matter, in an action across time. There is a sixth dynamic agreement that is overwhelming. This is going on no matter what the PC is doing. So in processing a person, if you violate that to an enormous degree, by out-cycles-of-action, the person won't know what it is that is being violated, but his tolerance of that violation is terrible. There are quits a few cycles of action that you could violate. One is the auditing comm cycle. That is the first one that shows up on a meter, even on a low-level PC. The dirty needle you get expresses the jam-up of energy in the PC's bank because of the violation of that cycle of action. There is a disagreement with the reactive bank when the cycle of action is violated. The meter measures energy manifestations taking place in the PC's bank. If the PC has one erg of attention or awareness and you are asking him to confront 8000 gallons of reality, he won't be able to do it. For instance, if you take a non-scientologist and tell him that he is the source of all his problems, he can't confront it. On the other hand, if a guy has tons of awareness or attention available, and you ask him to confront one pint of reality, he is going to view it as pretty unimportant. "Just look at the horrible conflict between Russia and the U.S.!" "Yes? well, what about it? So what?" When the individual's attention level and the reality to be perceived are more or less balanced, cognitions occur. You could violate some things, which wouldn't be expressed on the meter, because they would be above the PC's reality. But violating the comm cycle will be real to the PC. Another cycle of action that you could violate is a process cycle of action. This one is expressed, not on the needle, but on the TA. So: 1. The auditing comm cycle is expressed on the needle. 2. A process cycle of action is expressed on the tone arm. If you get TA motion on something, you have found an overwhelm that the PC can potentially get on top of, providing that you don't leave him in a state of half-overwhelm, but complete the process cycle. If you get TA going on some subject or area and keep on the subject until there is no more TA action, you have done completed cycle of action on the subject. At that point, the PC will no longer be overwhelmed by the subject. If the subject is real to him at all, it will register on the TA, at least slightly, and the PC will be able to overcome the overwhelm that he has experienced in that area. He will process to wins, as long as you don't leave him in a state of half-overwhelm on the subject by failing to complete the cycle of action. He will object to not being brought through it, and the meter will react by freezing up. It won't freeze up immediately, but it will freeze up as you continue to leave unflat processes behind. 630 You can go on past the point where TA action has ceased. People don't usually err in this direction. More often, they take an hour to get the subject in full view and the TA well started, and then they quit. This goes against both the PC's self-determinism and the cycle of action of the bank, which is what locks up the TA. The trick is to find the point at which TA action ceases. If the PC is stuck, you can go back through his folder and complete the old cycles of action that were incomplete. When you do this, the bank will unjam. Don't ask yourself, "What will produce TA action on this PC?" That is an easy question. What you should be asking is, "What has produced TA action?" Process in the direction of ARC. Let the PC tell you about his problems long enough to find something that moves the TA, and then get into that, with an in-ARC process or something about solutions. Always flatten what has moved the TA, no matter how long ago it happened. Flatten what you get TA motion on. This cycle of action is the only zone or area where you can overwhelm the PC's power of choice [legitimately]. Don't evaluate for him, but finish your cycles of action!! You can be smooth and slippy about it. Direct the PC's attention back into the area and run the process to a flat point. Find out what is real to the PC before you start, by getting him to itsa on anything and watching for TA, e.g. on the White Form. If you are having trouble getting TA on a new PC and you can't find any unflat processes from his earlier auditing, you still want to know what has given TA action. If it wasn't an earlier process or something in life, suspect immediately that the PC was involved in some other practice analogous to scientology, that did get TA, but was left unflat. Now crank up the sensitivity to +128, and ask, "What other mental practice have you been [in]?", and watch the needle like a hawk: Be specific. Ask all kinds of things and sort out what cycle was incomplete there. Flatten the earlier practice when you find it. Get the TA off of it. "All you have to do, if you don't get TA action on the PC, is find out what gave him TA action that wasn't completed." If he is an old PC, suspect [not an earlier practice, but] objective-type processes. When looking over auditing for unflat processes, you may find a lot of them and have to choose which one to start with. In this case, you have to be careful, especially if you are advising someone else what to audit [case supervising], where you have less control and ease of observation on the things you check. You want to be more certain and take fewer risks, under these circumstances. And one thing that you can be certain of is that any objective process that gave TA will give TA, if it is unflat. "The objective process is the one that's most likely to have stuck the guy ... because it's right here in the physical universe ... and it's closest to the sixth dynamic. Subjective processes are the least likely" to have hung-up TA. The PC could have cognited later on a subjective process, in the course of running something else. In advising auditors (case supervising), give advice that is very down-the-middle and certain, and if the auditor tells you that it didn't work, find out in what way he failed to take your advice. 631 Meter manifestations at Level VI are different from the Level IV ones. You are used to TA action taking some time to occur, or run out, below Level LI. But two to three sessions worth of TA (at levels 0-IV) occurs in ten to fifteen seconds at Level VI, and that's all the TA action there is to be had. You don't even see all the TA action that occurs. Some of it doesn't go through the meter. The TA action flattens fast at higher levels. Don't overrun the guy. You will drag in TA from somewhere else if you do. If you let the PC go on and on, you will get TA action from the next item or bank, which violates the cycle of action. All the bank objects to at Level VI is overrun -- the cycle of action being extended beyond its end. If you overflatten TA action, you get an exaggeration of the dirty needle that looks like a small rock slam, a sharp-edged dirty needle, a "tocky" needle. The dirty needle expresses TA action prevented from being completed. The tocky needle results from taking more charge off an item then is really there. It expresses the fact that the TA action is all completed. If you continue, you can finally drive it to a stuck needle and a stuck TA. When you ask, "Am I invalidating a correct line-up?", the needle smooths out. If you are dealing with the thing that enforces a cycle of action on the PC and on life, it objects to a cycle being overrun. It resists a created cycle of action that isn't really there. If an item has been left charged, a new item won't read properly until you clean it up. Suppose you haven't left anything charged, but the new item is suppressed or something. In this case, when you look for an earlier charged item, the needle will go tocky. All the bank objects to at Level VI is the cycle of action being extended beyond its proper end. The bank raises Hell when you create a cycle of action that wasn't there. The needle will show you that this is happening by getting tocky, and you can indicate the overrun and continue to the next cycle.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=16/6/64 Volnum=2 Issue=23 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-23 Communication, Overts, and Responsibility    6406C16 SHSpec-23 Communication, Overts, and Responsibility People who have been in processing for some time can forget the degree to which other people are wrapped up in and in contest with, their environments. This is the direct key to the case! Your first job, as an auditor, is to find out what the PC's environment is. You should also be able to recognize that PCs can get down to the level of where their only concern is to handle some problem in their environment. This PC is not going to OT, just to a sigh of relief. A contest is not necessarily fisticuffs. It is just that there are different ways of reacting to the environment. At lower levels, anything the PC is doing is an effort to handle the environment. This effort could even amount to catatonia or complete immobility. The method is not necessarily smart. But down to the lowest rung, the person is still in contest with his environment and trying to handle it. A thetan never gives up. The methods he uses are solutions. Their frailty is so great that you can unsettle them quite easily. The more irrational the solution, the more easily it is unstabilized. It is amazing that this fact hasn't been realized much sooner, by earlier practitioners. An irrational solution has more points to it. Therefore, it is harder to maintain. A madman works at staying mad. The only requisite to unstabilizing this solution is communication. There has to be contact to do it. A probable reason why 632 earlier practitioners didn't see how easy it was to unsettle the irrational solution was that the first step, getting into communication, was so difficult. A person could have so much trouble with this point that he forgets that if he could communicate, would be simple to unsettle the aberrated solution. Psychotherapy parks on the subject of communication. Therapists get so frantic that their efforts to achieve communication get more and more frantic and brutal, culminating, eventually, in electric shock and prefrontal lobotomies. Part of the trouble is that the psychotherapists think that they can reach the patient by doing something to his brain. [Gestalt and "touchie-feelie" therapies satisfy this same need of the therapist's to reach the patient, in a less destructive, but equally ineffective way.] To do anything for a person, you must be in communication with that person. You must be reaching him and receiving comm from him. Don't assume, however, that communication solves all. Communication is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for helping someone. In the lower levels, where scientology breaks down, it is in the area of effort to communicate to the being. That is why the auditor gets weird notions about what he should do to and for the person. That is where every psychotherapy breaks down, and it is true for scientology too. You have to keep acknowledging the PC and giving the next auditing command. That is what you have trouble getting across to lower-classed auditors, and that is why you work on keeping the comm cycle in. You are working along a communication channel, in order to accomplish a result with the PC, so you must keep the channel in good repair. What makes a level, in scientology, is a gradient scale of what communication can be entered in upon with the PC. For instance, at Level 0 a PC can't yet be talked to. Once you are reaching the PC and he is responding to you, you can take up the goofiest solutions he has for his environment. You are trying to alleviate his contest with his environment. The fact that he is in contest with his environment barriers communication from his environment. A person solves his environment by withholding from it. He will eventually solve the fact that he is being communicated to from his environment during auditing by moving you out of his environment. The PC is having trouble with his environment. He is not having trouble with you. Therefore you can't be part of his environment. You are thus no longer part of his normal environment. Hence, he will talk to you, even if to no one else. He says, "There are human beings and I don't want anything to do with them. And then there are auditors. They are different!" So the auditor takes on holy proportions. [This seems to be the real explanation of "transference".] Similarly, attacks on scientology make scientology supernatural to justify their overts on us. [Scientologists can't be considered normal people, or the overts would not be justified.] The Melbourne Inquiry goes along this way. The organization has taken on a supernatural aura. If you can reach and talk to people when others can't, you will immediately assume some special status with the PC who is aware of this. Don't bother to deal with this issue with the PC. [Unlike psychoanalysis, which dwells on the "transference".] Once you have your communication line in, use it to handle whatever contests the PC has going with the environment. You can use whatever you know of the communication formula to get some communication established, then gradiently improve it and move into other processes. 633 Just getting into comm with the PC is likely to give him some benefits, but don't stop with that. Communication isn't the end-all. It is merely the channel. Now you are set up to do something for the case. Scientology is the only discipline that can uniformly: 1. Accomplish a comm line. 2. Use it to increase communication. and then 3. Do something for the individual. Don't stop when you establish communication, even though the mere establishment of a comm line is beneficial. The PC will look better around you because he is in ARC with you, so don't forget that he may still be batty around others. If you don't do something for the PC, you may find that, while he is calm and sane in your vicinity, he is just as nutty in his environment as ever. You may feel that you have cured his battiness, when it is only resolved around you. So you don't believe him when he talks about how bad life is. Don't "make the mistake of saying, 'I've cured him because I can now talk to him.'" All you have done is to set him up to now do something for him. Communication is the beginning, not the end. Now, after establishing communication, you must find out what, in his environment, is dangerous and menacing, and what means he is using to combat these elements. You shouldn't use "Problems and Solutions" too long, beyond the opening part of the case, or you will restimulate the problems and solutions in his GPM's. Problems and Solutions isn't the basis of his activities with his environment at all. It is what the PC does to solve his environment that keeps him obsessed and pinned-in against the hostile elements in his environment. How do you know that you haven't handled the PC's PTP? He is going to do something about it, so it is not handled. That is the biggest index you have. So you want to find what the individual is continuously doing in his environment. This falls under the heading of O/W, not problems, because the more he does about the problem he is stuck in, the more he will be obsessed by it and the more he will be stuck. What brings about an undue concentration on a subject and a conviction that a person has a tremendous conflict with his environment? It is because he doing something about it all the time. For instance, a person who is hung up on the U.N. must be doing something to or about the U.N., this lifetime. A person's way of fighting some part of the environment can take innumerable forms. He feels that he had better not communicate with the environment because he is going to commit overts. He is mucking up his communication with the environment, therefore, because his communication with the environment is a series of overts. So therefore he has to not communicate with the environment, because it is an overt against the environment. So he had better have some kind of wild solution, so he won't have to communicate with his environment. [In summary: 1. An individual keeps doing things to solve his environment. This doingness amounts to a continuous series of overts. 2. So the individual considers that his communicating with the environment is an overt. 3. Therefore, he has to stop communicating with the environment. 4. So he develops wild solutions, so that he won't have to communicate with the environment (like not looking).] 634 This is not at the communication level. It is just riding on the comm line. The individual has put up a screen against tigers, so he can't see the tigers. He just knows that he has to fight in that direction. This may take different forms, e.g. never looking in that direction. Someone who doesn't look at something has something there that he is doing something to or about. He does low-level overts, because he is afraid that he will do high-level overts. The bank is manufactured in such a way that: 1. The individual is forced to commit overts. 2. He gets in trouble after committing those overts. People are kept insane because the bank enforces commitment of overts and insures insanity if the individual does commit overts. Even if the individual didn't have a bank, he would get into trouble by committing overts, because committing overts violates the communication formula. This is above the bank. There are two mechanisms above the bank: 1. The communication formula. [Cf. axiom 51] 2. O/W. That puts the auditor in the driver seat early on, because he has two things that are superior to all the aberration that the PC can muster. O/W is one of the frail spots of auditors. You would expect the perpetuators of any trap to talk a lot about invasion of privacy and how people should keep their withholds, so they seize E-meters. The most craziness is at the door to sanity. Auditors' reticence in pulling withholds is based on a fear of breaking down the communication channel. They preserve communication so well that they never do anything with it. An auditor can pussyfoot on getting overts from a PC, because he wants to preserve the comm line, but he hasn't done anything with it. The fact is that if the PC is pinned into something, he must have originated something that got him connected to the thing. Then, once he is pinned to it, he gets into an obsessive "do" to straighten it all out. This gives him more worries. When a person is pinned, he thinks that he can unpin himself by more doing. Actually, he can unpin himself by stopping obsessive doing. Anyone can get caught in this mechanism, since it is the basic mechanism of entrapment. What the individual originally did may not have been intentional, but he starts having to do more and more to handle it. Sometimes the doingness in resisting a thing is to blow, having failed to handle it. So if the person can't leave physically, he may, for instance, get groggy, or show people that he shouldn't be allowed to stay around. There are innumerable ways in which a thetan can leave without leaving physically, all the way down the neurotic/psychotic spiral. For instance, if one cannot leave a marriage physically, one may leave non-physically. Complication stems from the number of ways in which a thetan can leave without leaving physically. For instance, a thetan can make others sorry they didn't let him leave. He can appear nasty, where he was happy before. Psychotherapy could be called a study of ways of leaving without leaving physically. So the sequence is: 1. An individual commits overts. Asserted Thereness | 2. He commits more overts to get out of previous | overts. | V 3. He invents solutions to not leaving. Asserted Not-Thereness 635 All this occurs on comm channels. Being on a comm line, it is resolved by communication. O/W (regretted reach or action), and the communication formula are senior to the bank. The bank boobytraps this. The word "withhold" is in the bank, so you shouldn't use it. It is too restimulative and gives false TA (i.e. TA unrelated to discharge) by virtue of just moving banks around. In running withholds, therefore, substitute for "withhold" "what (the PC) didn't say". Use ""What haven't you said?" "One of the principal factors that you bat your head against ... in a case, is the inability of a case to admit any action or take any responsibility for action." If a case can take no responsibility for any action ever committed, that case has had it. That's any act, not just an overt act. "A lost soul that's being shredded between the worlds with a soundless wail is the person who can take no responsibility for any action he has ever done." That is where a case ceases to be in range of any assistance. The case must be able to take some responsibility for some action, in order to be salvageable. This makes those things that you can't talk to pretty irresponsible, doesn't it? Well, they are. "I can imagine a conversation, if you could achieve one, with a spider." The utter irresponsibility of any action ever undertaken by the spider would be amazing. Inability to communicate is an index of irresponsibility. "As the ability to communicate drops out, responsibility for action, as a factor, falls," and vice versa. They rise and fall together. A stutterer has some deteriorated area of communication and therefore a deteriorated area of responsibility. A madman is as mad as you can't get into communication with him. The biggest problem with the madman is how you can get in comm with him: what gradient of comm to use, and how you put it to him that you want to find out what part of his environment he can be responsible for. You could get in comm with him, one way or another. He would eventually differentiate you from the rest of the environment. Then you would have to find out where a guy is stuck and what he is stuck in, then find "what responsibility can he take ... for his own actions in that zone or area," expand that perimeter, and you would return his sanity. All you are interested in at lower levels is "responsibility for own actions or responsibility for lack of actions." The real difficulty is the getting into comm and really finding what he would take responsibility for. An undercut would be to get a "done", by reason of placement: "Where have you been that you know you have been?" Even though "communication" is in the bank, the formulas of communication are superior to the reactive bank. Responsibility is also superior to the bank. It is the woof and warp of being a thetan. The questions are: "Can you decide to do something and do it? Can you be somewhere at will? Can you be in or out of something on your own determinism?" The overt-motivator sequence is not an ultimate truth, but it goes out, as a consideration, higher than any other consideration. It is still a truth after other things have become lies, before it becomes a lie. It gives you all levels of processing and cases from Level IV on down. If you've got those two factors [communication and responsibility], you've got all lower levels of processing. 636 There is no real reason for you to be in the dark about why you are not making progress with a case. Whatever other factors are present, these factors are more present. There is one thing that gets in your road. Someone can have a GPM keyed in to such a degree that it is driving him "round the bend. At lower levels, you had better leave it alone. LRH has tried reading a PC a list of words that might be causing the condition. If one read, LRH told the PC that that word was an integral part of the reactive bank that was influencing him, and the PC ceased to be obsessively worried. This is a bit dangerous, though. If a person is glibly telling you what he has done in an area, it may be that he is not really taking responsibility for that. The rebuttal, in this case, is to get the PC to explain, at length, how he has not really done this thing. Eventually, it begins to dawn on him how he did have something to do with it. This is an indirect approach to a lower-level case. You can't run it too long, because it is an out-of-ARC process. At a little higher level, you could run, "What reasons did you have for doing that?", as long as you don't let him get into inventing them.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=18/6/64 Volnum=2 Issue=24 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-24 Studying: Introduction    6406C18 SHSpec-24 Studying: Introduction If you can't learn anything, you can't find out how to do anything. If an auditor can't learn anything, he will never know how to audit. This is very fundamental, but all great successes are built on fundamentals. Better than fifty percent of scientology consists of the discipline, technology, and know-how of application. You could give the commands of scientology processes to another group of mental technicians, and they would get no results. "Failure to duplicate = failure to understand = failure to apply." LRH and Reg dreamed up a course having to do with business and commerce, with scientology applied to them. Reg executed the course, and it has been very successful. It is a good-will gesture. The only trouble is that everybody tried to get into the act, teaching their own courses to the same end. Reg wasn't worried about others duplicating the course. People are aware, even with a perfect duplicate course, that they are not taking the real course in salesmanship. Even on the copyist, this enters enough in the way of an overt or something like this, so that he then goes into an obsessive alter-is, and then it is true that they can't duplicate it. Professors in universities cause the loss of technology by writing their own books on their subjects instead of teaching the real source material, which they alter-is. There were thirteen heavier-than-air methods of flight. The fixed-wing configuration wasn't necessarily the best, though it was one of the easier ones to manufacture. The fixed-wing system won out; the other twelve have lost, even though some were more efficient than the one that was easy to do. In civilizations, it is customary for a body of knowledge to come into existence, then for some part of it to be duplicated and developed and other parts of the tech to get lost. Civilizations die out because they lose their technology, apart from one gimmick that has nothing to back it up. 637 "Technology ... gets lost because people can't study." Civilizations tend to rise to a peak. Then, under stress of combat or whatever, they lose their technology, because no one studies it. For instance, the technology of the British silversmiths got lost when the Labor government taxed silver out of existence. One problem with study is the amount of false knowledge around. If a person studied without any judgement of what he was studying, or any evaluation of it, he would study very poorly. Study has to do with one thing, basically: willingness to know. In order to study, one must first be willing to know. Without a willingness to know, you can get systems that add up to no knowledge. In scientology, we have one thing that is not easy to put into texts: the discipline of how you do it. It is easy to transmit by example and is at least fifty percent of what we are doing. This is a frailty for the future success of what we are doing. It is the most likely thing to get lost. What needs to be learned is not the commands of processes. It is how to apply them. In scientology, one is learning the doingness, not the processes. The processes won't work in the absence of the doingness: TR's, comm cycle, metering, etc. LRH decided to learn about study by doing a course in photography. He had done the course up to the third lesson, already, and wondered why he stopped there, and why he occasionally bogged down, e.g. in the parts about optics and chemistry. He realized that he didn't know anything about photography, despite having done it since age twelve. He realized that he had entered the course in a tolerant state of mind, willing to learn a few gimmicks. And he realized that this attitude was incredibly arrogant. He had always thought that the trouble he had had with photography was that they kept changing the methods. He realized that the basics and fundamentals in the subject, which he didn't know, had been present in the subject since 1860! At that point, knowing that there was something to learn, he really started to study. From three books in 3 1/2 years, he sped up to eight books in two weeks. Arrogance and tolerance: the attitude that, "I know all about it, but I'm willing to learn a few tricks," prevents a person from studying. LRH's standards of criticism have shifted. What he was willing to take pictures of changed utterly. He mastered fundamentals and reached a position of judgment and opinion on it. Previously, he had had no judgment, only fixed ideas. There is a big difference between an opinion and a fixed idea or prejudice. One has fixed opinions when one lacks understanding of an area. In the absence of knowledge, judgment becomes fixed ideas. LRH's former ideas on photography had not been resulting in a finished picture. Also, before this realization, he was the victim of external conditions. If there was no sun, he could not take a picture. After this realization, knowing your tools and darkroom tech, you are not monitored by conditions around you. The breakthrough was, "There really is something there to learn!" This is a prime condition necessary for study. So the first barrier to learning is the consideration that you know all about it, and you won't let your certainty that you know be affected by the fact that you are not getting a result. Judgment depends in freedom from fixed opinions and on no need to protect yourself from your lack of knowledge in some area. Judgment is impossible in the presence of fixed opinions. To judge, one must know what one knows and what one does not know. Judgment depends on knowledge. It is not what a person knows. It is what he can do. 638 An auditor's ability to learn, then depends first on his willingness to learn. "I know all there is to know," and "I get no results," shows lack of judgment on one's own skill. It is a silly statement. Status has a lot to do with this. One considers he must appear wise or clever or whatever, and pretends knowingness to give this appearance. But in the presence of genuine knowledge, a real esteem takes the place of a false, self-generated esteem. It comes down to a test of what a person can do. There is no argument with competence. Psychiatry serves as a wonderful example of this. To be a good critic of some area, you would have to know what could and what couldn't be done in that area. A person who already knows something about an area can learn more about it without feeling challenged, threatened, or insulted by the suggestion that he learn it, unlike someone who doesn't know all about it, but wants to think that he does. The only place our technology might break down is from unwillingness to learn it, stemming from the belief that one already knows it all. This is one of those stupid fundamentals that stays in because nobody bothers to as-is it. There is always a first lesson to teach, a basic entry point to learning a subject. On the subject of study itself, this datum is fundamental. Where you fail in instruction, you always omitted the first datum to teach.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=30/6/64 Volnum=2 Issue=25 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-25 Cause Level, OT, and the Public    6406C30 SHSpec-25 Cause Level, OT, and the Public What is wrong with you is this: You are so bird-dogged onto the glories of OT that you are going to leave the rest of the world suspended between the lower rung of OT and the ground. The bottom rung of OT does not sit on the ground. There is a large gap. So there has to be another ladder there. The lower ladder could be called "cause level". [See Fig. 267 A person can't vanquish the sun and stars who is having a Hell of a time with his wife. FIGURE 26: CAUSE LEVEL AND THE LADDER TO OT [GRAPHICS INSERTED] We have had the definition of causativeness for a long time. "If you could imagine an expansion of reach from an inverse self -- a not-imagined, unbelieved self, which he can't reach, because it ain't, because he doesn't know, he actually sort of has to reach in, in order to reach out -- if you can imagine a reach that is this confused, that a person doesn't even know which direction to go to get it, you've got Level O" and 99% of the human beings on the planet. 639 They are following the Pied Piper of science. The blind alley of science is that Man is intelligent meat, a machine. This leaves out the being himself. According to this view, Man is a thinking brain nothing more. There are two kinds of sciences: 1. Classification, or naming things. 2. Extrapolative: a science that derives answers. Modern science is just a classification science. E.g. biology is nothing but classification. It doesn't let you learn anything. To modern science, the science of Man is just another classification science. "When they don't know anything, they name everything.... If you don't know the right name for the non-existent parts of the brain, then you know nothing about the mind." They go on the basis that Man never creates. They try to understand the mind on the basis of the law of conservation of energy, i.e. that nothing is ever created or destroyed. From that viewpoint, Man doesn't make any sense." Something would have to be done to him before he could do anything to anybody else." This isn't true, so neither is stimulus/response theory. Since Man isn't really understandable on the basis of his never creating, the stimulus/response mechanism is likewise untrue. After making wrong assumptions about the mind, modern science can't understand it, so they sweep it aside as an incomprehensible subject: the humanities. So we just classify and appoint authorities is it and say that it is an unworkable field. Then the scientologist comes along and says, "Heresy: Man is not a machine. He's a thetan, a being!" 'We've taken that as our basic ... assumption, because we can demonstrate it." This violates the idea that the scientist has that nothing is ever created or destroyed. The fact is, however, that Man mocks up his own mind. This disagrees with the law of conservation of energy. When you say, "mind", the scientist receives, "brain". When you say that you can run out a troublesome part of the mind, he thinks that it would be easier to cut out part of the brain. He has already accepted two falsehoods: 1. Man is a machine. 2. Man never creates anything. You can prove the scientist wrong by getting a result on a preclear. That is a difference between us and the humanities. Form is more important to the non-scientologist than the result. "They have no end results, so they've begun to believe there are no end results in the field of the mind.... You ... say, 'An end result can occur in the field of the mind.... You have to follow ... a very exact discipline to get this end result,' and they don't believe that." The end result is more important to us than how you arrive at it. They lost interest in end results because they couldn't produce any. They couldn't produce any end results because they couldn't accept these basic premises: 1. Man is a being independent of his body. 2. He is capable of creating his private universe, including his mind, complete with mass and spaces. We cure a leukemia case, and the doctors say, "They couldn't have! It must have been misdiagnosed in the first place." You ask, "Why couldn't he have had leukemia?", and the answer is, "He couldn't have had it, because it is incurable." I.e. leukemia is incurable, by definition. They are trying to protect authority in an unworkable rationale that they themselves, down deep, know has failed. Their question is, "How long can we put up the big bluff?" All analysts know that they aren't getting results. 640 To get workable results, one must accept two things: 1. A being is an independent thing that can exist independent of a body. 2. A being is capable of auto-creation, all by his lonesome. By doing this, he builds a mind. A person's own universe, or his bank, is not stuck in his skull but is plastered all over the physical universe. The "scientific" premises about the origin of Man require at least as much assumption as our premises about Man's nature. The "life springing from an electrified sea of ammonia" bit is at least as bizarre as the Virgin Mary story. Science starts assuming that Man is an inflow mechanism. The reverse is actually true. The former assumption won't cure anyone. The latter assumption will, always. If you want to help a man, don't get him to inflow. Get him to outflow. That is why scientists cannot make Man well or solve the problems of the mind. Man is actually an outflow mechanism. You solve his problems on the basis of outflow. If you want to prove this, watch what happens if you run someone on an inflow, e.g. "Think of a motivator." This will give you a high stuck TA and a PC who feels worse and worse, sicker and sicker, fuzzy and foggy, etc. Actually, Man's basic action is outflowing, and his basic error was an outflow. He is restraining himself from outflow because of his experience of causing bad outflows. He learned not to outflow, so he decided to inflow only. Then he thought he could only inflow. Then he caved in. We get an end result by operating on this assumption. We rehab the ability to outflow and win. However, society and religion train people to operate on this reverse basis. We are really in the line of religion, rather than science, if "science, means "conservation of energy". Science has only recently, i.e. in the past hundred years, presumed to have anything to do with the field of the mind. In space-opera, of course, science took over the mind, but without comprehension, so you got oddball damaging actions. However, space-opera science was capable of more damage than modern science. Our assumptions about the nature of Man are violently opposed to the assumptions of science. That is the first ladder that you have to jump with people. They have to get past the current belief that if you stuff something in the body, something beneficial will occur. This is something that has confronted us in the past few weeks wi h violence. Practically no one comes to St. Hill who is low on causativeness, since it takes outflow and causativeness to get here. Out in central organizations or in the world at large, you run into more non-communication than is comfortable. If you flee the non-scientology world after standing it for just so long, "it's the level of causation that gets [on] your nerves. It isn't that they don't talk your language. It's their non-communication. It's the fact that they don't seem to connect with anything." People have to be gotten up to recognition of the world around them. Total introversion has to be changed to slight extroversion before there is any way that they can as-is items. A guy can't go OT until he has been gotten out of his total introversion. The grades enable the individual to break through to the environment. They get a person reaching, causative to a degree, extroverted, and able to as-is. A person has to be able to cause, slightly at least, before he can as-is something. When a person can't as-is the bank, he is the effect of it. A small percentage of the Level IV co-auditors were Type B when they started. They weren't 641 really low on cause, but only when they were spot-on on the exact item with all ruds in could they as-is it. These were people who had had a fair amount of auditing. If you put a green PC into a GPM, even spot-on, he would do nothing to the GPM. The GPM would make him sick. You can take a Type A PC, who can usually as-is anything, and, if he is underfed, run down, or underslept, so that his body is soaking up energy, he will run poorly, with a packed-up meter. If someone can't as-is his personal problems, he won't be able to as-is a GPM. This barriered a lovely idea that LRH had, which only works on him. If he finds himself thinking too hard about something, he can always skip down through the end-words and pick out the one that has gotten into restimulation, and let it blow down . This is a bit heroic: He thought that you could just take someone at Level IV and assess the end words, but you can't. The meter packs up almost at once. When a person cannot as-is his bank because his cause level is too low, he will be the effect of his bank and he will get no disappearance of that is worrying him. So whatever process you use, your whole task is to put the PC more at cause. You run O/W to raise someone's cause level, since O/W is a big barrier to his cause level, in that he has done something he regrets and, furthermore, isn't communicating about it. You run O/W to raise his certainty of having done, not just to as-is regretted doingness. You will find that it is probably that few of your PCs have been answering the auditing question, since, while you are looking for something they have done, they are looking for an explanation of what happened to them. Some PCs go plunging madly into the bank, searching madly for some answer that explains it all. Such PCs invent things or give things that they are not sure of, in an effort to find the "right" answer. A11 you have to do is be sure the PC is certain that he did the thing, without alter-ises. In other words, you want an as-ising of doneness. "All you want is the answer to your ... question, 'What have you done?', not 'What have you done [that is] bad, antisocial, etc.'" "I ate breakfast, and that is probably why ... " is not an answer to the auditing question. "As auditor, all you have to do is police and make sure the person is certain he did do that." "It isn't the quality of the deed. It's just whether or not he has done it." Just make sure the PC is sure that he did that. Otherwise, O/W will not work. So you build up the person's idea of what he can cause and what he can reach, until he can reach the lowest rung of the upper ladder. You can convert SOP 8C and run it in such a way that the PC is sure of doing it. Distance has to do with reach, So on SOP 8C, you get a wider perimeter of what a person can reach Then, [on subjective processing] you get a gradient of what the PC can as-is in his mind." The object of all lower level processing, up to Level VI, is to raise the cause level of the individual." Don't expect recognition or appreciation from society around you, when they don't even recognize themselves as existing. We don't really have opponents except ourselves, if we neglect the lower ladder that people need to climb before getting on the ladder to OT. O/W is the only thing that will key out a GPM without the PC's having to pay attention to the GPM. This is because O/W is senior to the bank and can therefore make a key-out clear. Then you can erase the bank. To as-is, a person must have done something. Promote the idea of raising cause level, not so much the idea of going OT. People could understand that. 642  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=2/7/64 Volnum=2 Issue=26 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-26 O/W Modernized and Revised    6407C02 SHSpec-26 O/W Modernized and Revised There are two stages to auditing: 1. Get into comm. 2. Do something for the PC. It is notorious that few scientologists will inquire deeply into exactly what someone did. This is because, in order to do something for someone, one must have a comm line, which is supported or made possible by reality and affinity. And where a person is too demanding, the affinity tends to break down. So the auditor doesn't want to break the affinity line. Hence, he never gets into the second stage of processing, the one after a comm line has been established, in which the auditor does something for the PC. The PC may feel miraculously better just from having a comm line established. But the two stages are like walking up to the bus and driving off. If you don't drive off, you never arrive anywhere. Any upset the PC has is actually so delicately balanced that once you have gotten in communication with the PC, it is easy to do something about the upset. Batty ideas and doingnesses are particularly easy to get rid of, since they are based on very slippery logic. You could have the guy's case fall apart before your eyes, just from your asking, "What are you doing that is sensible?" and "Why is it sensible?" Once your comm line and auditing discipline are perfect, so you don't disturb the comm line, you can forage around amongst his aberrations to great effect. A comm line is only valuable to the extent that you can use it to move around in the morass which he calls his ideas. If you used the process given above, aberration would fall to pieces. Use perfect discipline to keep in the comm line. Audit well. Get your comm cycle in. Let your cycles of action be completed. Then you can do something for the PC. The discipline of auditing is what makes it possible for you to do something for the PC, unlike other therapies. That is all it is for, in fact. This gets you up to the door. [Now you have to go through it.] The magic of auditing and the difficult part, is to get in comm with the PC. Once you have done that, doing something for the PC is very easy, since his aberrations are so delicately balanced. If you are not in comm with the PC, he presents himself as accused by you. He justifies himself. A PC who is in comm with the auditor won't be trying to justify himself and uphold his status. You can go out of comm with a PC by not doing anything for him. You lose the R-factor with the person and you go out of comm. A process is simply a combination of mental mechanisms which, when inspected, will pass away. All auditing is subtractive. It consists of as-ising things on the case. You can over-audit, by trying to get more TA action from a process when you have gotten it all. You can under-audit by leaving off before getting all the TA action out. It takes only observation of the PC. When you have done something for the PC, you will have gotten the TA action off the process. If you have done something for the PC, TA action will cease, and it won't stop until then. Don't do something for the PC after you have already done something for him, on a particular process or in a particular area. If you go on in the area, you will only restimulate something else in the PC. If you are clever, you will run a process that cyclically runs out of TA, and end it there, at the end of a cycle. In R-6, you develop a 643 sensitivity for when an item is dead, and you will leave it. If you ask for it one more time, you are dead. You will get a tocky needle and an ARC breaky PC. At lower levels, you can get one thing run out, acknowledge it very well, and go on using the same process in a way which makes it a whole new minor cycle within your major process cycle. Auditors who can't do this have to run lots of different processes. But they could get much more out of one process, if they got slick at directing attention. You don't necessarily change the process when the PC has cognited, if it is a general process that can apply to lots of areas. Get the cognition out of one area, then find another area. You don't have to change the process. You can just change the subject of the process. If you use this approach, you have to ask yourself all along, "Have I done something for the PC?" If you notice that the PC's answers are dodgy, recognize that your comm line isn't established. Some processes, such as "What could you say to me?/What would you rather not say to me?" do two things at once: both getting into comm and doing something for the PC, e.g. by getting off withholds. All this is a prelude to O/W, because O/W is the greatest comm line wrecker that an auditor has to deal with. Withhold running is peculiar, in that it can put in a comm line, but it is avoided for fear of breaking down a comm line. It can get confusing, when the same process that puts in the comm line to the PC also does something for the PC. This tends to cause a confusion in which the difference between putting in a comm line and doing something for the PC gets lost. O/W is senior to the bank. That doesn't mean that when the bank is gone, you will still have O/W. It means that O/W keys out the bank. Handled rightly, it puts in the comm line. But if the auditor permits the PC to sit there with withholds in the session, instead of protecting his comm line, as is his intention, he ends up destroying the comm line by missing the withhold and letting the PC ARC break. Another thing that makes O/W dicey is that the word, "Withhold" occurs in the bank. Furthermore, "withhold" is an out-of-ARC process and cannot be run by itself. "Done", fortunately, does not appear in the bank, so you can run "Done/Not done". However, the common denominator of the bank is "done"." Done" is a high order of lock on all forms of reactivity. "Done to" is another part of the bank, unless the auditor uses a specific name with it, that is not in the bank. [See p. 595, above, re use of nouns in processes.] A PTP can be created by a failure to complete a comm cycle. A method of handling PTP's would be to ask the PC, at start of session, "Are there any communications you have left incomplete?" The PC would then rattle off several, and not register further on PTP's. The reason why he hasn't completed the communication is because of the overts he has against what he has the PTP with. You never have a PTP with something that you don't have an overt on. So first a PTP is based on or connected to an incomplete comm cycle, then to a done. This follows the pattern of what to do in auditing. [See p. 642, above.] That is the way the bank stacks up. Even a psychosomatic illness is based on an incomplete communication. In extremis, you can handle psychosomatic illness as a PTP. You can handle it non-adventurously with, "What communication to or about the illness haven't you delivered?" Or you can ask, "What comm haven't you completed to the blumjum?" The more adventurous 644 cycle is the done. And notice that you have just got the same cycle as that of auditor to PC: establish comm, then do something. The severity of the illness has nothing to do with the speed of release of it or the difficulty of handling it. The "What communication hasn't been completed?" is easy. It requires nothing of your auditing discipline, but it is the "lick-and-a-promise". The done takes more skill, knowledge, and perseverance. The session patter could go like this: Auditor: PTP? PC: Yes. Auditor: Any comm you haven't completed? PC: Blah blah. If the PTP is then gone, then there is no need to continue. If the PTP is not gone, then get off the PC's overts. There are seventeen ways to get off series of overts. There are: Overts in chains. Recurring withholds. Recurring overts. Basic-basic of something. Etc., etc. You have to ask the proper questions to get the overts. Suppose the PC keeps giving you the same (often minor) overt? It is part of a chain. You need to ask the right question and audit by chain. You must also be prepared to find no overt at the bottom of the chain. But Man is basically good, despite his reactive bank. The bank is only composed to make a man commit overts, which is against his better nature. The bank is the perfect trap, because having committed the overts, the individual won't go on communicating. You do not want to talk to people that you have wronged. You withhold to prevent further overts. That is the fundamental think of Man, before he goes so far downscale that he dramatizes obsessively. "What have you done?" has two branches: 1. What have you done that is socially reprehensible and prevents you from communicating with others? 2. Just having done something. Both are valid. But watch out for the PC using the process to look for an explanation of what has happened to him. This PC will give suppositional answers, which you don't want. He will invent things he hasn't done to get rid of the consequences that he is experiencing. He is trying to find a good enough overt to explain what is occurring in his life. He will often go far backtrack to find it. Steer this PC back to where he belongs. All you want is what he is absolutely certain that he has done, so you have to make sure that he is certain he did the thing. If the auditor is asking A and the PC is doing B, the communication factor is out, so the auditor won't do something for the PC. You might ask, "What are you quite positive that you have done?" O/W is likely to be the biggest area of recovery for the PC, provided the auditor isn't too tender and will steer the PC. You have to observe when the PC thinks that it wasn't an overt. If the guy gives you something he did as an overt but obviously doesn't feel that it was an overt, then you must ask, "Why wasn't this an overt?", and get itsa. Then you might ask, "Was this really an overt, after all?" At this point, you might get the glee of insanity. Then you might get a long worry about this, with TA action. Eventually, he will realize that it was an overt. Meanwhile, you are raising the cause level of the PC. You could go into "done" in numerous other categories. However, you may fail, in trying to direct somebody in these fields. 645  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=7/7/64 Volnum=2 Issue=27 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-27 Dissemination    6407C07 SHSpec-27 Dissemination LRH took pictures of the circus, at the request of its management. He projected them on a 12' x 12' screen in the ring and had a party. He told the elephant man, who had a swelling on his knee, how to do a touch assist two weeks ago. It worked. If someone asks you for help, do something for him." I never tell anybody anything.... People come to see me wherever I go.... Putting a practice together has always been a mystery to me -- how anybody could miss." The only thing an auditor has to solve is the problem of what to live on while he is building a practice. It could take three to five months. Get in contact with people. Join social clubs. People listen to you because you seem to know your business. Dissemination is not a problem with LRH, because he doesn't make it a problem. Name and reputation don't matter. It is what you can do that counts. LRH has signed things Rene Lafayette, Ken Martin, Kurt von Rocken, Winchester Remington Colt, etc. There is no easy way to do anything. There are some ways that are not as hard as others. Being a pro in any field takes work, of one sort or another, physical or otherwise. You have to invest some of yourself in it. You have to know how you are going to use the data. You had better know all there is to know about your subject if you hope to be able to solve a technical problem that may or may not have been covered in what you have been studying. You may find that the problem is actually very simple. Even though you know that what you are studying is inapplicable to what you are going to be doing, go ahead and learn it well. If it is part of a formal course, finish studying it if you are in training, because you are liable to find out that its principles do apply after all, when you get "round the corner. After you have completed the study, make your adaptions. Put some of yourself in it. Ask yourself, "How will I use this stuff? How will it apply to me?" Study does you no good whatever, unless you go through this process. Students in many fields: engineering courses, economics, etc., don't consider what application they will put the data to, which is one reason they have trouble learning it. Solutions are evolved, not from inspiration, but from observation, inspection, data, and familiarity. Reach and withdraw runs off the barriers that prevent you from observing something. You can overdo the studying by spending far too long gathering data. This would indicate some defect in getting familiarity with what you are studying. To gain knowledge or understanding of something, you need to be in touch with it. ARC = U. You can get too concentrated on one line and get so withdrawn that you lose touch with other things. That is why LRH periodically goes charging off into contact with different areas. Once in awhile, you ought to go look and see how people operate, so that they don't get unreal. In building a practice, you've got to work at it, but you can't force it out of its own time-frame. "I'm not a creature of ivory towers. I get impatient with sitting at a desk, snowed under with dispatches. That's why we have scientology." 646  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=9/7/64 Volnum=2 Issue=28 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-28 Studying -- Data Assimilation    6407C09 SHSpec-28 Studying -- Data Assimilation These are the points to watch in assimilating data: 1. Nomenclature: Knowing what a word means. 2. The subject matter itself: arrangement and understanding of the subject matter. Part of the issue of nomenclature is knowing what a definition means. We can't use psychiatric terms in scientology, because the field of psychiatry has a different basis and purpose than ours, and their terms have implications that would give utterly unwanted twists to our knowledge, if we used them. It doesn't matter that they are the "authorities". An authority, in fact, is someone who can produce a result. The world has elected people as authorities on subjects, when these people can't do the subjects. So if you recognized these authorities, you would get all crossed up with fields that had failed, and that would enter a degree of failure into scientology. So we leave their technology and nomenclature alone. We get results, so we are the authorities. The existing terminology is actually false, since it is from a field that gives no result. Our terminology has evolved and has become fixed on the printed page. We have to safeguard what we've got, or knowledge gets wiped out. We must first try to evolve nomenclature cleverly, so that it won't conflict with earlier terms. Then we must carry it forward as a standardized item to maintain a constant. Another responsibility is to avoid developing too many new terms. Any technical field has specialized terminology. They are all snob languages, showing a superior understanding. You don't dare use carnival terminology in front of a circus performer, when referring to the same thing. As one becomes more expert in a field and gets more familiar with a subject, his terminology becomes less formal and serious. It becomes more like slang, having passed through a phase of formal terms. We short-cutted this process by leaving out the pompous formal nomenclature stage. Reverence for nomenclature is symptomatic of being at the novice stage of memorizing the terms. Knowledge is tremendously dependent on nomenclature. This fact is almost never appreciated by teachers and students. They are trying to talk and use a language that they don't know. This can get so bad that they think the subject is incomprehensible or that they are incapable of understanding it, when in fact they just haven't grasped the meaning of some symbols being used to designate things. Or their grasp is fumbly, not instantaneous. As a person goes on studying past a point of uncomprehended nomenclature, he stacks up the opinion that he doesn't know about it, carried on forward from the one term that he didn't totally grasp. He thinks he doesn't know or can't know a subject, when in fact he only doesn't grasp the nomenclature. The basic lie that makes incomprehension persist is that it is the subject that is not understood, when it is a word that is not understood. A person will develop an automatic comm lag at the point of the non-understood word. He will misassign the lack of understanding to whatever area it appears in. A comprehension of the nomenclature used is vital, in studying anything. You put yourself in the soup as soon as you leave one word not understood behind you. 647 Besides the subject of nomenclature, we have the subject matter itself: the arrangement and understanding of it, i.e. what is being named. One should get a very thorough grasp of the thing under discussion. A person can misunderstand something that he has read because it conflicts with the usual idea, or he can even find it unbelievable. If you don't agree with something that is true, it is either a misunderstood or there is a button that you are running into. When you find something unbelievable, be sure you know what you are unbelieving. First be sure that you have understood the words used. Then be sure that you have got the thing, the phenomenon, right. Ninety percent of the time you will find that you had something in crosswise. In the other ten percent of the cases, you can handle it by setting up examples of how it applies to you and to life. Get examples of how it is that way and how it isn't that way. You will generally find, then, that some button was in the way of your grasping it. Following this sort of routine, you will find yourself able to study. Former methods of study, what few there have been, have not been very successful. When there is no training available, about the only reliable method of studying is to read everything you can find on the subject, from cover to cover. In studying scientology, it is imperative to know how to study, since we are studying that which we are studying with. To classify students as fast or slow or bright or dull is to make a false classification, since this classification leads to no improvement of anyone's ability to study. There are students who can memorize words and pages virtually at a glance. But this does not guarantee that they will be able to do anything with what they memorized. You can find out, by seeing whether they can define the words. The direction and end purpose of study is understanding. With an unknown word or phenomenon in the middle of a subject, you will have mystery and non-application. One of the primary criticisms of modern education is that it doesn't immediately result in application. You should be able to take any textbook direction and, if you have understood it, apply it directly and effectively without familiarity. If you also have familiarity, as in studying auditing while auditing, you should be a whiz.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=15/7/64 Volnum=2 Issue=30 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-30 Organizational Operation    6407C15 SHSpec-30 Organizational Operation Your practice as a scientologist can carry you into the fields of organization and business. Your perimeter of action goes out wider than just processing people. It includes the economic woof and warp that makes the trap that keeps civilizations interiorized into themselves. It includes relationships on dynamics beyond the first dynamic. We don't evaluate for the PC. However, outside of an auditing session, advice can be valuable and non-evaluative. The individual has eight dynamics. You can handle his first dynamic in auditing, but he has stresses and impacts reaching him from the second, third, and other dynamics. Only two things give you trouble: 1. Significance. 2. Mass. When someone can't confront mass, he goes into significance, figure-figure, etc. And sometimes, but not necessarily, handling mass is a substitute activity for one unable to handle significances. Also, some people who can handle mass very well can't think. But 648 there is no reason why someone can't do both. Occupationally, a person could be in a position where he mainly handles one or the other and considers that he mustn't do the other, or that he can't. Society tells you that you mustn't confront certain things. If you accept this dictum, you can find yourself up some blind alley someplace. When life offers a person no reward, he will lose interest in playing the game anymore. Destruction of a reward factor is more contributive to a psychosis than punishment. You could have conflict between fourth dynamics, if Terrans came into conflict with another race of beings. The fifth dynamic tends to be out of comm with people. So does the sixth. Man finds the seventh dynamic unreal. One this planet, the eighth dynamic is the subject of nuttiness. Up the line, the common denominator is understanding and communication. The only reason why you have trouble inside a dynamic or one dynamic against another, is lack of communication and understanding, with it or of it. The less communication and understanding is feasible, the more trouble you would have in doing something with it. The reward and punishment factors are out to the degree that the communication or understanding is out. The English and Germans keep having wars because of differences in culture, slight those these differences are. Understanding can exist, even in the absence of significant communication, on the fifth dynamic or at least between men and the fifth dynamic. There is not much mutual understanding within the fifth dynamic. There is a lot of mutual warfare. This doesn't mean that the "Law of the Jungle" is senior or the only one operating. There are also assistive factors in the fifth dynamic: points of high understanding, as in symbiosis. We are in the field of looking over the dynamics and finding out how far communication is out and how far understanding is out. The easiest way to square somebody around in life is to process him. However, sometimes you have to start out by approaching a person with advice, before he will even get processing. You can advise someone who is going to get processed to move out of his normal environment for a week, and so on. You may have to give him very complicated advice, to match the complexity of his problems. As you move up into dynamics besides the first, you may find that you have things to handle that you can't handle by getting all involved into processing. When you depart from handling a first dynamic, practically speaking, you have advice or instruction as the main activity. Instruction is more directed advice. You use this on the upper seven dynamics. So training, instilling cultural patterns, etc., becomes part of a scientologist's activities. Advice is casual, undirected instruction. Basically, it is what you use everywhere but on the first dynamic. When people ask for advice, go ahead and evaluate, if advice is all you can get them to have. It would be irresponsible not to give advice, if the person can't get some processing. Within the reality you've got and the data you've got, give the best and least partisan advice you can. You only get into trouble when you move away from being pan-determined in the advice you give, or, for that matter, in whom you will process. Remember, though, that advice that isn't partisan is unacceptable. Do give advice, but don't spend a whole lot of time mulling it over. Just don't pretend to be completely detached. If a guy wants you to get mad at his 649 mother-in-law, you don't have to, but you don't have to pretend that you are detached and no part of the conflict, either. Bleaugh!! Look interested and give advice. You can offer advice urging communication. If that is not accepted, realize that you don't know much about the situation and you might as well give the person something that he can and will apply and do. Estimate the degree of understanding that can occur in the situation and advise that. [Presumably, this would also apply to communication.] Don't assume that you know very much about the situation or that you can give him the perfect solution. If you had the perfect solution, the person wouldn't take it. He would only take as much as he could apply. So give him what he can apply and do. The equation is: What is the best advice you can give him that will be taken? When you know that a person will take a particular piece of advice, put pressure on and put in the hope factor. Advice is anything that you can deal off the cuff that the person can do, that is more beneficial to him than what he is doing. The point is: Handle it! You can do a lot besides processing a person. Hunt and punch around for what he will accept. Don't assume that everything you are told is true. And don't get partisan. The advice you give can be slightly destructive. Just don't give advice that is widely destructive. 1. Try to bring about auditing. 2. If you can't bring about auditing, try to bring about communication. 3. If you can't bring about communication, try to bring about understanding. Give the individual something practical. Give him something to do. In this way, you will lessen the amount of people's troubles that you listen to. Even if people don't do what you say, you will have catalyzed the situation, and it will have smoothed out. If they don't want to handle it, they will stop talking to you, anyway. The fact that you are helping the people in your vicinity handle life does put you kingpin and aces up, and you actually occupy a role that you will increasingly occupy as scientology rolls along.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=28/7/64 Volnum=2 Issue=31 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-31 Campaign to Handle Psychosomatic Ills    6407C28 SHSpec-31 Campaign to Handle Psychosomatic Ills There will be a small popular textbook on the handling of psychosomatic illnesses. Healing is nobody's monopoly. If it becomes anyone's monopoly, it will be the monopoly of those who can produce results. He who can do the job should be the authority. There are three [actually four] aspects or types of illness: 1. Predisposition, e.g. rats carrying disease, impure water, etc. 2. Precipitation. 3. Acuteness, i.e. acute illness or injury. 4. Prolongation, i.e." any illness that goes beyond its expected term." When there is an acute injury or illness, one that exists right now, but is temporary, then there is a job for a medico. He is the authority in that field. That is where he is trained. We should grant him that beingness. If someone gets cholera, he is sick. Get the medico. Where the medico errs is in trying to take in terrain that is broader than the sphere of his authority. 650 There are two other things that happen in illness: The predisposition or cause of it. The medico is just faintly into this. It is more the province of the public health officer, who is often an engineer, not an M.D. Efforts to handle predisposition factors are put on a physical level: TB testing, industrial health programs, etc. Medicine can't often determine the length of time involved in predisposition. It begins with an indeterminate point, as far as medicine or doctors are concerned, with a physical cause, e.g. a germ or malarial mosquito, or the alcohol that a drunk driver who injured himself drank before he drove. Such things are what the medico attributes predisposition to. They are physical things, not mental ones. The other area of illness is prolongation: the perpetuation of an illness, the failure to recover speedily, by the expected term of the illness. Doctors know the expected duration of the acute phase of an illness. They have no way of estimating the period of predisposition, unless they can establish a disease contact. Even that is not really accurate, since a person can be predisposed to a certain illness before contacting germs. contact with the germ is really precipitation of the illness. So medicos are only slightly involved in predisposition. They have acute illness as their exclusive purview, and they are totally ineffective in the area of prolongation. Prolongation is a fuzzier area, since the treatment of the illness can contribute to it. The medicos' whole idea of prolongation is: 1. Treatment not soon enough. 2. Improper treatment. 3. Complications. But prolongation can only be co trolled to a limited extent by medicine. If an illness enters the stage of prolongation, with complications setting in, the medicos tend to go into apathy, just like the patient, because there are elements in the prolongation of the illness that they can't control. Medicos understand predisposition by physical means; they understand the acute phase in physical terms. In scientology, we would say that the cycle of action would be from the first contact [with the predisposing factor] to the end of the expected normal term of the illness. The doctor can handle this cycle, but sometimes complications occur -- because of poor or absent treatment, in his view. Again it is physical, but the medico tends to be rather apathetic about it or to go into frantic activity, e.g. repeated operations or "heroic" measures. "Shock", or postoperative shock, is a physical thing to a doctor. Usually, he can neither prevent it nor do anything about it. He neglects any possible mental influence. When you say "illness" and "healing", the M.D., of course, thinks of a physical address to these, since this is what he means by these terms. However, most doctors know that they are up against something else when they are dealing with psychosomatic illness. If you say, "psychosomatic healing", this is way out to the doctor. How the doctor somes to recognize the existence of psychosomatic illness is a puzzler, since this type of illness is not started by a physical contact. The faults that the doctor finds with psychosomatic healing are only that: 1. It encroaches on his field. 2. He doesn't understand it. The psychosomatic healer tends to overreach himself and to enter the field of physical healing, in which he is not trained, and he 651 tends to inhibit or prohibit treatment of physical illness, when it exists. For example a doctor will, therefore, condemn a chiropractor. He will point out that the chiropractor adjusted the slipped disc of ten patients and of course nine of them felt better. But he did the same thing with the tenth patient, who was really suffering from TB, which, undiagnosed by the ignorant practitioner, subsequently caused the death of the patient. Therefore a chiropractor is dangerous, to the doctor. That is the professional M.D.'s professional objection in its entirety. This argument is neatly handled by us if we send sick patients to an M.D. before we handle them. The M.D. also recognizes that when he gets into the field of psychosomatic illness, he is in a never-never land he knows not of, because it is not purely physical. An auditor can't do much with someone who is acutely physically ill. Such a person has too much PTP and not enough ability to as-is. Heavy, acute illness is a PTP, and you can't audit over a PTP, so don't try. Get the PTP handled first, by a doctor if necessary. Then the field of prolongation of illness belongs to scientology. Don't audit over a high temperature. You could perhaps use a very simple process: reach/withdraw from the pillow, perhaps, and see if it works. But that's all. The proper approach is to try to put such a PC in communication at a very low level. If you don't get a sudden resurgence, leave it. There is no point in trying to complete whatever action you were on, because the PC is too distracted by his body problem to as-is what you were on. Prolonged illness is in the field of psychosomatic healing, i.e. scientology. A touch assist shifts the PC's attention off of the place where the PC decided to stop the shock wave, and it discharges that part of the incident. Thus a touch assist allows the incident to run through. The places where the shock wave did go to can be run out. If you continued the touch assist, you would put the PC back at the beginning of the incident again. Then you would have to run the incident out again. [The reason why an engram persists is that it contains a lie. The PC has tried to stop the motion, and with the stuck picture, has apparently done so. But actually, the PC did not stop the incident or the movement of the shock wave through the body, so it has to be run through to be as-ised.] So, when accepting a PC for auditing, you would be wise to have him get a good physical exam first, so that any acute physical illness can be treated before you start auditing him. However, if the PC has an "untreatable" illness, there is no point in telling the doctor that you are going to heal him. You are not talking about the same kind of healing, so you will just get into a big disagreement. You can get into communication with the doctor on the basis of his expertise in his area. Get him to write a report on his findings. Don't appear to challenge him in his field. When you are in the field of psychosomatics, you are in the field of prolongation of illness. Your argument with the M.D. takes an interesting turn, at this point. There is nothing that he can do. You can tell him, "This is a question of psychosomatic illness. There is probably some mental condition holding the illness in place." He can agree with you, in oversimplified terms. You can tell him that it is more complicated than that, and he will agree. It is something that has exceeded his cycle of action, so he has to become the effect of it. 652 If you can do something about psychosomatic illness when the doctor can't, he will be glad to send those patients to you, because those are the patients he can do nothing about, which makes him feel like a fraud and gives him loses. These are the patients whose illnesses go on longer than they should. You can tell the doctor a simplified version of what you will do, as one specialist to another. Then you get your result, and the doctor will look on you with awe. The M.D. knows that the "psychiatrist is a failure, because (among other things) he can't handle -- never solved -- the problem of prolongation for the M.D." If scientology made its position completely clear to the medical doctor, namely, that we are not interested in trying to heal obvious physical injury and illness, our view would become much realer to the M.D., and we would be seen as doing him a service, in handling the "crocks". Just agree to the truth that a skull fracture, for example, is nothing that psychosomatic healing should be practiced on -- that there is a purview that belongs properly and exclusively to the M.D. and surgeon -- and he will stop fighting you instantly. Psychosomatic healing actually has an old tradition, older than the M.D.'s. This includes witch doctoring, "magic", etc. Naturally it is the oldest tradition. It has truth behind it, because it is the tradition of the spirit. This is just a small part of scientology, but it is where we belong in the field of healing.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=30/7/64 Volnum=2 Issue=32 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-32 "Psychosomatic" -- Its Meaning in scientology    6407C30 SHSpec-32 "Psychosomatic" -- Its Meaning in scientology Medical treatment lies in what they call "psychic trauma". Within 24 hours of LRH's setting out a program of helping the medicos, they goofed with a Saint Hill student (Bill Webster-Johnson). They gave him the wrong blood-type during a transfusion and thereby possibly cost him his life. That's pure damn foolishness! In the first place, they monkey around when they get outside their limited proper field. This caused LRH to take a sharp look at possible cooperation and made him question it. Legislatures pass laws about things that they know nothing about. "There's nothing in the Constitution that says you have to be sane to be a citizen, and yet ... if you are pronounced insane, you are no longer a citizen and have no civil rights whatsoever." The right to say who is insane is given to people with no training in the field of the mind, who think that the mind is the brain. By law, they do not have to be trained in anything but medicine, anyway. There is no bill or law that says that psychiatrists can practice in the field of the mind, only that one must be an M.D. Psychiatrists do not have to be licensed, and the term, "psychiatrist" has no legal standing. To train an animal, you wait for the animal to do something and then say the command word and reward the animal. Association, according to Pavlov and Thompson, is a concatenation of [events], by which one reaches a conclusion. Freudian psychiatry is not currently practiced. None of the current practitioners was trained by Freud, and the original system may have called for more intelligence on the part of the practitioner than seems to be used now. Freud probably used savvy and word-association to cone down on the problem. Free association is the lengthy procedure. For contemporary Freudians, amassing "enough" data appears to be their system. 653 But by the time one amasses enough data one is simply confused. You need a chance to apply the data. Technology is dicey stuff. The more vias it goes through, the more errors it becomes subject to. LRH handles lots of tech queries from students, instructors, MSH, etc. The right to practice depends, ideally, on the ability to do, not on some state legislator's decisions. Promoters and lobbyists determine what laws and appropriations shall be made anyway, in order to get more money for their department or industry or whatever. That is why there are periodic attacks on scientology. It is being used as an example of "How bad it all is, over there." If you hit someone, mentally or physically, with enough force, duress, or bad news, you can make him give you something: Mass: A physical blow Significance: Saying how bad it is. E.g., "Is seepage troubling your loved ones?" This is a mortuary bad news come-on for expensive caskets. Blackmail is based on the same principle. So is taxation and the draft. The medical doctor uses this technique in disease-fighting campaigns that scare people with how bad it is. Instead of getting their income from curing people, they use the scare tactic as a large source of funds. If you understand how this law operates, you can usually put together a good defense or counter-attack. This scare tactic is also used by patients: "I'm so bad off, you've got to give me...." With the next bad news artist you run into, ask him boldfacedly, "What am I expected to give you?" You will stop him cold in his tracks. This "completely discombobulates" him. You apply the second half of the law that he is operating on (albeit unknowingly) before he is ready for it. You complete the cycle unexpectedly. You may not get a sensible answer to your question, but you will change what he is doing his attention. He may not doing this consciously. He may have you misidentified and be dramatizing something. He surely doesn't expect your response. "If you can make people laugh when they're crying and cry when they're laughing, then you would know something about the human mind." This is an interesting point. But "knowing the mind doesn't mean manipulating the mind." The medical profession means something else by psychosomatic healing than what you mean by it. They mean "the mind's influence on the body", but they consider the mind to be the brain. So "psychosomatic" means the brain's or the nervous system's effect on the body. This is like saying that the switchboard is the causative element of the phone company. So "psychosomatic" has come to mean "the body's effect on the body". Thus the subject of psychosomatic illness has disappeared as a meaningful subject. The word, "psychosomatic" actually means "psyche -- soul, plus soma -- body", so a proper definition of "psychosomatic" would be "a thetan's influence on the body". That is our definition, but not the medicos'. The first downgrade was to translate "psyche" as "mind". The thetan had lost his identity and had become identified with the masses and machinery of the mind. The second downgrade was to make "mind" mean "brain and nervous system". This makes "psychosomatic" mean about what "the influence of the switchboards and telephone lines on the government" would mean. That is what the M.D.'s mean. Since the brain and nervous system are part of the body, you are just dealing with the body's influence on the body. Case has just fallen out of it. 654 A better term, then, might be "spiritual healing", or the spirit's influence on the body. You can educate or process someone to recognition of the effect he as a being is having on his You could ask him for times in his life when he was ill, following being upset. He might comm lag a long time, but getting a few of these out of the way will improve someone's case. We have advanced beyond the tradition of psychosomatic healing because we recognize three stages of influence: The thetan (psyche) influencing the mind (psycho), which then influences the body (soma). We recognize that the mind is doing something to the body. Some retained memory has held a pain or an experience in place, keeping the body ill or predisposing the body to illness or injury. You wouldn't have a somatic (body feeling) of feeling good, because it would be you that felt good. Dianetics was at the level of mind over the body. But even here, the mind was not totally causative. We had to recognize that something was doing something that was not the mind. We recognized that the thetan existed and could influence the mind to make it stop influencing the body for the worse, and that makes us different. We have found the thing that the thetan can influence: the mind. He may not be able to influence the body directly, but he can influence the mind which, in turn, is influencing the body. This is more effective than earlier healing practices, because asking the thetan to influence the body directly is too great a gap for him to jump. Scientology handles predisposition to illness, and we are the only ones who can, just as we are the only ones who can handle prolongation of illness.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=4/8/64 Volnum=2 Issue=33 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-33 A Summary of Study    6408C04 SHSpec-33 A Summary of Study There has not been a technology of education or study. There was a school technology, but it didn't have much to do with education. Education seldom has much to do with school. Education, as opposed to schooling, takes into account the relative importance, i.e. the applicability, of the data being taught. Schooling has no real thought of applicability. For instance, there are people in art who think that knowing names and dates is knowing something about art, when they couldn't tell you what a picture was painted with. In education, mass and significance must be balanced. Don't get too much significance for the mass. When you get into significance vs. mass, you get into action. Action could be defined as significance versus mass of some kind. The reason why one engages in action is that one has a purpose of achieving or avoiding something. In education, when the significance is never added to the mass, you get a jammed curriculum. There is no doingness. A significance that has nothing to do with the mass that you are now confronting is a disrelated datum. All it does is to throw you a curve. School is expert at doing this. You could have a school system that would teach, but that wouldn't educate anyone or train anyone for anything, because it failed to add any mass or doingness to the significance. The data in such a school system is all curiosa. It is not of any use. That is why you almost never turn an artist out of a university. Universities separate significance from action, so that the student gets introverted, with no confront of the subject. You can't have education if you detach doingness from significance. If you do this, you get a highly impractical person who never leaves school: a professor. 655 For someone to teach who cannot do is a terrible mistake. Instructors in scientology should be able to audit. Any trouble an instructor has in teaching has at least a little to do with inability in the area. A person merely writing reports of people who can do is too far removed from the mass to write a good textbook. When you have thoroughly learned something, you can use your textbook knowledge to think, and you will get a better result than the pure textbook approach would give. LRH also found that the pure darkroom training that he had had wasn't enough in itself to make a good photographer. There is ample evidence of this fact in the daily newspaper pictures, which are mostly by untrained photographers. Photography has the common denominator of the public taste. It is a new subject -- only a little over a century old. It hasn't had time to get snobbish. When a subject is all mass and no significance, it also fails. Professionalism has to do with significance, doingness, and mass. You need all three to get a final result. Education would treat these three things equally. This isn't a new thought, but the photography course confirmed it for LRH. Professionalism is sweated for. Professionals work hard. Dilettantes don't. You don't have to have done everything that has been done to be a pro. You don't have to have made a human mind to fix one up, or to have built an E-meter to know how to operate one. This would be an overstress on doingness. The way to keep things in balance is to design the course such that if someone isn't going to do something, you strip the significance out of it. Doingnesses become converted to significances if one isn't going to perform them. You should never thus convert doingnesses to only significances, i.e. never take something that is never more to be performed and describe it far beyond necessity. You can work it in the other direction and convert a significance to a doingness, if you take something that has been done but isn't currently being done and teach someone to do it, e.g. Bromoil prints. The doingness and mass of a subject that should be taught are the currently applicable doingnesses and masses of the subject. The significances that should be taught are enough background so that the individual doesn't get stuck in the doingness, so that the doingness has a framework, and the principles behind it are clear and understood. This is a little more significance than you would expect. That is why you show the student how the subject evolved, what other doingnesses there have been, and the principles behind the doingnesses. Then he can think, as well as perform a mechanical act. That is the difference between a pro and a practical man. When a doingness changes, the guy who has grounding in the subject can understand why and evaluate it properly. A professional, therefore, can advance, where a practical man without theoretical grounding would become antiquated or obsolete. A [mere] theoretician could be well-taught, but he is seldom educated, since his doingness would be missing. He might have some other doingness that would be useful. E.g. he could be an art expert who knows nothing about art but whose doingness is the detection of the age of canvasses. Or whatever. Most of the protest of the young is that they are being schooled, not educated. An instructor could think someone was doing simply because he was in motion. But if the motion has nothing to do with what the student will be doing, it reacts like a significance, and the student will feel bored and stuck, as though he was up against something that he couldn't move through. 656 Education should be the activity of relaying an idea or an action from one being to another in such a way as not to stultify or inhibit the use thereof. It permits the recipient to think on and develop the subject and not to become antiquated on the subject. The information is loose and flexible in his head, not fixed in such a way that it relates to only one thing. The basic thing wrong with education has been that it never defined what it was trying to do. It got confused with schooling. Education got in trouble the second it started to do something that it didn't define. By starting with the thetan as the basis of our theory, we exceed the reach of other subjects. We have to process someone to get him to understand, because the thetan is relatively incapable of understanding in a degraded state. There appears to be a close relationship between mis-education and aberration. You could get resurgences in many areas of a case just by getting someone to find and define misunderstood words from life.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=6/8/64 Volnum=2 Issue=34 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-34 Study -- Gradients and Nomenclature    6408C06 SHSpec-34 Study -- Gradients and Nomenclature Bulletins are now being written in a form that is easier to understand, since LRH started to study study. Scores on exams have gone from 5% in the go's to 60% in the 90's, since this material started to be communicated. The aim is to improve the ability of the student to learn by altering the methodology of teaching. This is an unusual approach. We are now handling the student's subjective reaction to the subject by changing the method of teaching. The usual way to change the student's reaction to the subject was by punishment, the normal physical universe method. The grade system is a punishment system. On rare occasions, the participation of the student has been invited by some teachers. Education is not normally very successful, although educators don't often recognize or admit this fact. In scientology, we have the unusual situation of being able to see the end product of our education in action. This makes it easy to see how well the students learned the material. In studying study, LRH avoided fields where the student's ability to apply what he learned is readily observable. We have instantaneous inspection of the results of our study. This is quite rare. Most fields of study expect the student to be very amateurish. In the field of photography, you get results almost as rapidly as in studying auditing, which made it a good comparative field for studying. Auditing is a complicated activity. In teaching it, we apply the principle of gradient scales, which was discovered long since. We have someone learn a fairly simple basic action very well. Then we add a second action, etc. Modern universities usually err by entering the gradient at too high a point and assuming that the students already know basics that they don't, in fact. Modern education is the art of teaching on an out-gradient. Our basic gradient on education is to start by getting someone there. This is a step that elementary school teachers overlook and that works very well when used for five or ten minutes a day, brief a time though that is, at the start of the day. For instance, you could run, "Look at that wall," etc. The fact that a body is there doesn't prove that the person is there. Nobody is smart where he is not, so getting the person there raises I.Q. 657 You always have to start with an action that is simple enough so that the student can get it rather easily. Otherwise, he will feel spinny and confused as he goes on. You could discover whether this had happened with a person by checking on the E-meter for early difficulties in studying dianetics or scientology. If you got TA and continued reads as the person discussed it, you would know that there was something there that bad never been resolved. The difficulties that men have with their minds are those which have ridden forward with them into the present. Those are the ones that must be handled. You can always get one read on a difficulty or confusion that someone has had in the past, simply because it is pictured on the track as having been a difficulty. But it won't keep reading, if it hasn't ridden forward in time. As an auditor, you are only interested in the things that the person never resolved, which are active now. Those things will read repetitively. This applies to clearing up someone's difficulty in studying, because the confusions that the person had which are now cleared up have no power to confuse him now. ARC must have preceded all misemotion and bad reaction. The confusion that sticks the student in PT is never his basic confusion. If a student really can't learn something, then there is a lower point on the gradient that the student skipped. At that point, he had enough confusion to be overwhelmed. That second point is the one that you will get on the meter. You won't get the earliest point. This follows the pattern of the mind. A person doesn't have trouble from what he knows is wrong. What the student is very confused about, which the instructor can't seem to teach, is not the right point to try to clear up. The way to handle this student is to go back and find the word in the earlier material that wasn't understood. You can pinpoint within a few words the exact spot at which a student started to have trouble, then look earlier and find the skipped gradient. If there is some word that a student doesn't understand, with violence, you look before that. You go back as far as you need to. The physiological manifestations will be feeling headachy, spots in front of the eyes, walls getting closer, a spinny, weird feeling. The skipped gradient can even be in an allied subject. When a word is misunderstood, words right after it vanish. Teaching is relaying data to a person that he can receive and understand, in such a way that he will be able to use the data. That is the definition that was given the other day (See p. 656, above), to fit in with this exact rationale that we are discussing now. Instruction would consist of guiding a student along a known gradient, not dreaming up solutions to his confusions. Good instruction consists in backtracking to find the point where the student thought he understood, when he didn't. "Study is a concatenation of certainties, ... a string of confidences and competences." So before you help a student out, let him get in trouble. "Never trouble trouble 'til trouble troubles you." That is the difficulty of group study. Teachers have to make an average of trouble for the whole class. Don't ever help a student before be runs into trouble. It is interesting that it was in 1947 that LRH started investigating the effect of a mis-learned word on life, following the data from Commander Thompson on word-associations. LRH established that when he cleared up some words, what had been troubling a person ceased to trouble him, though he could well have new problems. 658 Another aspect of the misunderstood word phenomenon can be that the word or phrase used can be inadequate, leading to omitted data. One can get hung up by being deprived of some information, e.g. by a typographical error. So it could be omitted data as well as misunderstood words [that causes trouble for the student]. The fault could be in the text. The common ingredient is that something is not understood.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=11/8/64 Volnum=2 Issue=35 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-35 Study: Evaluation of Information    6408C11 SHSpec-35 Study: Evaluation of Information Psychologists are working for advertisers in order to find out what makes people tick: motivational research. But they are the wrong people to go to, since they don't know what the real buttons are. A scientologist could be much more successful at motivational research, degrading though the use of knowledge of the mind for such purposes would be. In order to live calmly in the midst of confusion, a person must have the basic answers. Then the confusion doesn't bother him 90% of the time, and the other 10% of the time he can do something about it. Knowledge is achieved by study. The subject of words boobytraps a person's efforts to find out about the world. The individual generally assigns to the wrong part of the study material the reason why he can't study it, because the right part is something that he isn't confronting, and he feels he can't confront it. So he disperses and confronts something else. Study could mean the same thing as inspection, i.e. observation to find out something about something. A person can observe something directly, or he can get knowledge on a second-hand basis from the printed page. The second system speeds up the amount that you can learn, since you don't have to do all the basic leg-work. Even when you have direct experience, it is best to have some fruits of others' observations and experience from which to profit. Illiterate cultures don't survive as well as literate ones. Those who do not know, who do not understand, get overwhelmed and tossed out. Between the two extremes of: 1. No observation necessary because one knows everything (a dying civilization or individual). 2. No observation possible (because the words aren't known). lies the middle ground of knowing the words and staying alert. Never become complacent about what you know and you will survive nicely. This applies especially to someone who knows more than those around him. This danger, of stultifying because of thinking that there is no more need to observe, faces scientology. The person who survives is the one who can observe, understand, and do. Second hand observation in particular has to be very well understood. The understanding has to increase in proportion to the directness of the observation. Understanding is a substitute for mass in studying something. There are two things to understand about second hand observation and understanding. The understanding can be indirect because of: 1. Time. 2. Being relayed by someone else. The difficulties of second-hand observation are innumerable, so part of our understanding must be evaluation of the reliability of the information that we are being given. That is where the bulk of beings get fouled up. Evaluating an information source is a matter of experience, among other things. You must be able to go 659 on past something you know you don't understand, being prepared for any misunderstood phenomena and knowing the source of these phenomena. What a person studies and the way in which he studies, should depend on what he wishes to do with the information. Specialized words are used for specialized observations. You can approach a subject at various levels. You can think that you know more than you do, if you have had a superficial contact with the subject. But how much do you want or need to know about the subject? Do you want to be able to discuss it at parties, or to use it for something, and if the latter, for what do you want to use it? For instance, art could be used as a discussion topic, as interior decoration, as investment, as something that one will teach others to appreciate, or as something that one will create oneself. Study that winds up only in understanding with no activity is OK. There is a lot of it around in society. But don't make a habit of it. You can think that you know all about it, when you can't do it. That is not very pro-survival. Neither is the consideration that the subject is too complicated for you to ever use it. Doingness does require much more understanding than lookingness. If you are studying for doingness, study on a gradient. Give the student a series of doingnesses that he can do and have wins at. Doingness increases understanding, as well as the other way around.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=13/8/64 Volnum=2 Issue=36 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-36 Study and Education    6408C13 SHSpec-36 Study and Education Education is acquiring a knowingness in a subject and an ability to act in that area. The whole subject of education has, as its end, the accomplishment of certain doingnesses. Study that doesn't have that intention is only directed towards acquaintance, dilletantism, or doodle-daddling. That is not really education. Education is to accomplish certain things with that subject. If a person is educated in a subject, he can accomplish the results of that subject because he knows that subject. This is why "education" in schools isn't really education at all. You can't really separate education from some role, some professional doingness, as the end in view. That is the modern quarrel with "education" in schools. Much is spent to educate students, but they don't get educated. People don't get educated in arithmetic because it doesn't have an end product. It could have an end product, but the end product hasn't been defined or described. In universities, the student is expected to use higher mathematics to solve problems that could actually be solved with arithmetic, if arithmetic hadn't been degraded by being thought of as nothing but groundwork for higher mathematics. As the purpose of a subject deteriorates or is purported to deteriorate, the subject itself disappears. If the individual learning the subject has no purpose for the subject, it will die away in him. A live study is one that has use. A dead study has no use. You can cause a subject to die away, either by making its use die away or by omitting its purpose as part of the educational process. [I.e. not telling students what the subject is for. This brings to mind the dissemination formula. This is related to the fact that you need a purpose to study something. Getting a person's ruin and applying the formula gives him a purpose for looking at the subject of scientology.] 660 It is possible to become obsessive in the study of some subject that has no use. In talking about scientology, people will think of it as a subject only when they see that it has a purpose that is real to them as an attainable purpose. For an educational subject to continue to exist, it must have a purpose that can be seen to be an attainable action to the individual addressed, in his view. The value of a subject depends upon the value of attaining its stated purpose. A culture is held together only by education. The achievement of an education is remunerated to the degree that: 1. Its service is understood to be valuable. This shows that some odd services are thought to be valuable, e.g. undertaking, which has survived as a technical line for thousands of years. 2. It is understood. A continuing need for a subject will preserve the subject, but its technology must be relayed which it will be if it is needed. One could destroy a subject by destroying its purpose or by destroying its technology, or by adding things to its technology that are unnecessary. In educating a person in a certain subject, the longer it takes to get to the point of using the subject, the more opportunities there are to fail at it. This is is the reverse of the too-steep gradient. [Cf. the analogy of the "runway". If it is too short, you can't take off, but if it is too long, you are likely to damage the plane on the ruts and stones before you can take off.] True knowledge gives correct emphasis. Merely theoretical knowledge will give a wrong emphasis. This can result in technology getting lost, as would happen if, for instance, you studied three weeks on how to make E-meter varnish, and other such matters. Unrealities enter when you teach solutions to problems that don't exist or when you fail to solve problems that do exist. By experience, you learn where the problems are. It is hard to teach a subject with which you have no immediate personal experience. This is one reason why education gets a bad name, since most professors don't know what they are talking about. [Those that can, do; those that can't, teach.] All subjects wind up in a finite doingness. If a subject doesn't wind up in a finite doingness, a person cannot be educated in that subject. Anything that winds up in a specific doingness can be educated. Education in the absence of the mass with which the technology will be involved is hard on people. It makes them feel squashed, bent, sort of spinny, bored, exasperated, sort of dead. Pictures of the mass would help. You would expect the greatest incidence of suicide and illness where people were studying a subject whose mass was absent. Too steep a gradient gives a different physiological reaction: a confusion and reelingness. The bypassed definition gives a blank, washed-out, not-there feeling, followed by a nervous hysteria. The eventual manifestation of this is a blow from the subject. [For a summary of these study manifestations, see Fig. 27, below.] To remedy the absence of mass, supply mass. To remedy the too-steep gradient, find the last point that was well understood and find the misunderstood right there or just after. To remedy the misunderstood word get it defined and used. 661 FIGURE 27: MANIFESTATIONS OF STUDY PROBLEMS Absent Mass 1. Squashed feeling. 2. Bent feeling. 3. Feeling sort of spinny. 4. Boredom. 5. Flatness. 6. Peeling sort of dead. 7. Exasperation. 8. Headaches. 9. Stomach aches. 10. Eyes hurting. 11. Dizziness. Too Steep a Gradient 1. Confusion. 2. Reelingness. Bypassed Definition 1. Blank, not-there, washed-out feeling. 2. Followed by a nervous hysteria. 3. Followed by a blow from the subject. This is the final manifestation. Gradients are more involved with doingness, though they do hang off in the subject of significance. But it is the action that we are interested in. The misunderstood word is the most important thing in establishing someone's doingness. The restoration of doingness depends only on getting the misunderstood word defined and understood, though to do well or with talent may vary from person to person. A person, say, doesn't know a word in psychology, so he can't move over into scientology. The misunderstood word opens the gate to education, so it is the most important aspect of study tech.  L. Ron Hubbard