Type = 3 iDate=18/9/62 Volnum=1 Issue=189 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-189 Directing PC's Attention    6209C18 SHSpec-189 Directing PC's Attention "Instead of reaching for an argument, reach for an E-meter." To straighten out arguments, put the person or persons on a meter. Pull missed withholds on a nattery person. Just sit him or her down as though no natter had occurred and ask, "What have we failed to find out about you? What have I failed to find out about you? In this session, have I missed a withhold on you?", etc. When you use an E-meter, get something done. You can do a great deal with it, so use it to get somewhere. The rules of auditing are to keep you from doing ineffective things. Men have been talking to men for thousands of years, and the general result of these discussions has been nil. How can we use talking in auditing to get something to happen? The rules by which you audit are the rules of an effective path to an accomplishment of reaching someone, bettering someone, reaching an agreement, and improving existence. But it is a highly circumscribed path. There have been almost numberless efforts in the past to cure people or make them better. Almost all schools of healing have involved talking or listening. There is an effort to reach. Axiom 10 applies throughout. We can now make this same talk effective. Auditing has to do with the comm formula. This is the most fundamental fundamental of scientology. When someone says something and someone acknowledges it, if the statement is true and the acknowledgment is received, mental charge can blow, de-intensify, eraser be eradicated. It is on this fact alone that auditing works. It isn't what is said. It is Axiom 10. The cycle of auditing follows this pattern: 1. The auditor's question or command directs the PC's attention to a certain area of bank, causing a momentary restim. 2. The PC, perceiving the area of bank that has been restimulated, responds by verbalizing. 3. When he is acknowledged and receives the acknowledgment, he knows that he has responded. 4. That area of the bank blows. 304 Most auditing rules exist to maintain the purity of the auditing cycle. The tech exists to determine what should be restimulated, in what sequence. If you have done the auditing cycle right and you know what buttons should be hit and what responses should be given, then you only need add repetitive question and response and the proper sequence of questions, each followed by the same cycle, to obtain the state of release, clear, theta clear, or OT. That formula is the only reason anyone gets out. There can be numberless departures from the auditing cycle. Other activities, like selling and teaching, have their own cycles, which are different from the auditing cycle. If the auditor has spent lifetimes being a salesman, he may use the wrong sort of comm cycle and end up selling the PC an engram. Or you may get someone who thinks forgiveness of sins makes people better. This person won't use the proper auditing comm cycle. He will do something else. Auditing is basically a cycle of command that operates as an attention-director, eliciting a response from the PC and getting the PC to as-is the restimulated area. The PC knows he has done so when he receives an acknowledgment from the auditor that it has occurred. That cycle, all by itself, is sufficiently powerful to get gains, no matter what words or process is used. The mere fact of directed attention and the acknowledgment that the PC has directed his attention -- that fact by itself is therapeutic. There need be no significance in the command. The repetitive action adds duplication to the formula. This increases the effectiveness of the communication. The person will become aware of the existence of another being; he will become aware of mass and of whether his attention is easy or hard to shift. His awareness will increase and his attention will become freer. In essence, those are your CCH's. It is the non-significance of directed attention. The CCH's present different ways of directing the PC's attention with minimal significance. Your worst-off PC does well on these, because he discovers that there is matter, energy, space, time, and another being in the universe. This can be a great shock to him. How does the great criminal live with himself? By knowing that he is the only one, that there is no one else in the universe. You can't tell someone in that condition to think of the significance of this or that, because the significance would never arrive. He can't duplicate it. He can duplicate the fairly non-significant action of simply directed attention. This is a new idea in the communication cycle: a communication without significance, beyond the significance of what the PC's attention is directed to. [Linguistic analysts refer to the "performance" aspect of language, apart from the mere significance of the words.] Many an activity has directed attention, but has not done so duplicatively. That is one of the secrets of scientology processing, and why it works. This was not discovered before scientology because earlier practitioners couldn't duplicate. You could run a duplicative process on one object, but two is better because it makes space and adds duplication. You need to have two things to use. You need two to make space. We live in a two-pole universe. You can't make space with just one spot. You also need two things to have duplication. This applies to Op Pro by Dup. The two points, book and bottle, give you space. "I don't care how you run [Op Pro by Dup]. Run it." 305 "You could direct attention repetitively, in a duplicative fashion [or] in almost any fashion, and achieve a renewed awareness on the part of another being [of] yourself and ... the world around him.... There's no further significance than that," and that is the whole result of the process. This increased awareness improves I.Q., alertness, etc. Wherever you have a communication line set up, you have some kind of response system on this line, and it will go through some kind of cycle. Knowing that different cycles of action exist, you will see that the auditing comm cycle is unique, and you will realize that the question or command directs the PC's attention by pulling his bank up around his ears. The auditing comm cycle operates independent of the intention of the PC. It is more responsive to the practitioner than it is to the PC. "Any outsider has more control over the person's reactive bank than the person himself. It's on that fact that auditing is based.... The common denominator of the reactive bank is other-determinism." So auditing requires an auditor separate from the PC to be very effective. And when the auditor isn't following through the cycle of action of auditing, then nobody else will adjust the bank for the PC. An auditor who won't help the PC out by adjusting the bank for him is leaving him in the soup. The auditor must control the PC's attention, if the PC is to be able to as-is anything in the bank. Otherwise the PC obeys the bank, and auditing is not occurring. There are no good PC's and bad PC's. There are only good and bad auditors. The good ones know and keep in the cycle of auditing. If the auditing cycle isn't followed, auditing doesn't occur. A PC whose attention cannot be controlled, cannot be directed into areas of significance that reactively don't want any attention directed there. Say the PC has a goal, "Never to look." If you can't control the PC's attention, you will never find it, because the bank has more authority over the PC than the auditor does. All goals lists contain goals of this character. If you look over the goals list of a PC whose goal is being easily found, you will find an absence of those goals that command the PC's attention to go the other way. You will find no "Never to look" or "To be silent". These goals cause trouble until they are located. The PC whose attention can be directed by the auditor, on the other hand, will have a great many of these. There are no good or bad PCs, only auditors who do or don't use the auditing comm cycle and get it executed. Sometimes an auditor has to work harder than at other times, that's all. You should look over your auditing with the question, "Is the PC's attention being directed by me, and can I count upon the fact that it is?" If you do this, you will learn a lot about your auditing and what is going on with that PC, and the relationship between your auditing and what is going on with the PC.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=18/9/62 Volnum=1 Issue=190 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-190 3GA: Dynamic Assessment by Rock Slam    6209C18 SHSpec-190 3GA: Dynamic Assessment by Rock Slam The rock Slam is so-called, because it is achieved when the auditor is approaching what we once called "The Rock". There is something earlier than the Rock: a goal. If it were called a "goal slam" you would have it. It is producing a lot of random needle motion because of currents being set up amongst the items and identities that the person has assumed or fought in the process of executing the goal. The individual has no way to go towards or 306 away from the goal. He is in a state of agitation. It is a thetan convulsion. In the absence of a slamming needle, you may well see convulsions of the body, when the convulsion gets to a great degree of solidity. This is surmise, with some evidence behind it. That is called an epileptic fit. If it went beyond that, to enter the physical universe around the person, you would get other effects. First the physical universe gets enturbulated; auditors drop commands; people have accidents. Further on, you could get poltergeist phenomena. You get enMEST in any case. What this is, is obsessive and random motion, or a postulate that is in a state of producing obsessive and random impulses when restimulated. One may well get one's goal restimulated in the course of life. So the rock slam is the goal track. The PC's interest follows the track of the goal and therefore also the slam. The PC is being reached as a case when he is rockslamming. Don't ARC break a PC while he is rockslamming! You won't get away with things that you could get away with when he wasn't rockslamming, so your auditing had better be smooth. The case will hang up if you bungle it during that time. The PC's interest is very much on his case and the distraction is severe if you yank his attention out of session. He goes from Tone 30 to minus 8.0 with no curve, and it is hard to clean that up. Dynamic assessment is an intense activity, and it should be so regarded by the auditor, since, as the PC goes down the track, he is unknowingly running into all the items that you will later list. You will find his detested person, which will make him very happy. You will take a lot of edges off the case. You will find the dynamic that slams, and this means a great deal to him. Now we find the item, and here is something that is enormously significant to him. It explains all sorts of things. Then you find the goal, beside which all else pales. This gives the PC gradient gains, which is an improvement over ordinary 3GA. A nervousness can build up while you are tiger-drilling [See p. 295a] the 850 goal list. The tension that built up when we were assessing by elimination was enough to break the PC's and the auditor's heart. The PC was so nervy and ARC breaky, he was almost impossible to audit. If you tiger drill a list, the goals, but not the Goal, are being erased as you go along, and the PC feels better and better. But this is still not good enough or fast enough. There is such a terrific attention line here that any little wiggle is super-upsetting. Doing dynamic assessment by rock slam eliminates most of the liabilities. It goes into the goal line, not direct for the goal, and it goes by a gradient of interest, with the PC an active participant, making gains every few hours. Also, a successful dynamic assessment by rock slam makes the PC feel great. The auditor doesn't really care about this, because the end product is getting the goal. The auditor can get distracted by the spectacular successes that he is getting, but anything other than going for the goal is a waste of time. If you are going to get to be a Class IV auditor, you have to do it fast. To clear earth, you have to be able to find a PC's goal in a week. This is something LRH can do, so you have to learn to be that effective. This is an upgrade. LRH wants Class IV's to handle a group co-auditing to clear, per the program for world clearing. 307 That is the only way to get it done as fast as it needs to be done. This would produce fifty clears in one year. When the technology is trimmed a bit more, you should be able to get it done in twelve and a half hours. But to do this, you have to be pretty slick as an auditor. There is a point of diminishing returns, where it is done so fast that it is unreal to the PC. As a PC's listing continues, his interest in the goal ebbs and fades. It is brought back by tiger-drilling. It takes one minute, on the average, to clean up a goal by tiger drilling. At 460 down the list of 850, that's 450 minutes or seven and a half hours, plus rudiments, to get to the goal. That is not bad, and that was the place where the second goal was found on one PC. But the first goal is rockier to find. Many PCs will never find one without a dynamic assessment by rock slam. So we are looking for a positive and efficient method of finding goals on all PCs in a fairly predictable amount of time. Some ACC's found PCs running for six weeks without finding a goal. This was very disappointing. Dynamic assessment by rock slam has the luck factor of whether the list you are assessing is complete. If no item assesses out unmistakably, the list was incomplete. There is no other reason. We know that if we can get a dynamic that rockslams when the PC considers committing overts against it, we can then list what represents that dynamic on a dwindling rock slam. We can assess that list to get an item. The goal will be an overt against that item, in one shade of meaning or another, as given on the list. The tough point is the entrance point: trying to find the first slam. There is a new caper: "the most detested person". This is experimental at present. "Who or what have you detested?" could get it, but you may or may not get an item, or what looks like an item. A short cut is to say, "What do you wish was not part of existence?" Oil him up by getting a list. Then ask, "What isn't part of existence?" This will serve you as an item, if it will develop a rock slam. You assess it by "Consider overts against _______ ." You will find that the common denominator of all dynamics and items is that the person will not admit that they are part of existence. They are things from which the PC has individuated. So when you get the slamming item, you might build it back to a dynamic, when all else fails, by asking, "What part of existence does _______ belong to?" This could give a rock slam when the list is assessed. Then you could list, "What part of existence does a _______ represent?" This could give the dwindling slam. The normal way is to ask, "What opinionated person have you detested?" Assess the list with "Think of doing bad things to _______ ." Get down to an elimination by rock slam. Get one person (often the first on the list). List, "What part of existence does _______ represent?" This gives a list of dynamics on which there will be rock slams. Assess with, "Think of doing bad things to _______ ." If you are lucky you will get an unmistakable rock slam on one dynamic. Then the list of the item will be a dwindling slam, down to a dirty needle. Assess that with, "Think of doing bad things to _______ ." One will fire well, and now we have the PC's goals line on that item. You list with, "What goal might you have that would be an overt against _______ ?" That will go also by dwindling rock slam. Then list line six. In a high percentage, the goal will be number 1, 2, 3, or 4 on that list. Just tiger drill each goal. 308 There is an action that must precede any dynamic assessment by rock slam. The PC must first list 850 goals and find and list every goal ever listed on the PC and tiger drill the whole list. First, however, you tiger drill the tiger drill buttons, e.g. "On the word 'suppress' has anything been suppressed?" etc., down to flatness or cognition. This is a must on anyone who has been audited much. You should also be sure to get the PC to tell you the consequences of your clearing him. It could be so horrendous that the PC will never give you his goal. Work the suppress and the careful buttons hard. "Careful" is especially likely to turn on a rock slam, when the rock slam is off. The command you use to tiger drill early goals is, "In auditing on the goal _______ , has anything been suppressed?", etc. Thus a goal that has been buried will begin to read again. You can also use, "Since (date goal was found), on (goal), has anything been _______ ?" Don't ever discard old goals. The case can be stalled from that point forward.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=20/9/62 Volnum=1 Issue=191 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-191 Listing Lines    6209C20 SHSpec-191 Listing Lines [The original four lines used in 3GA listing from goals: want, not want, oppose, and not oppose, are augmented by the addition of a Create, Curious about, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit scale attached to each one, making twenty combinations, then each of these reduplicated in an "effect" form, making forty listing lines in all. A PC was allowed to list only four items before going on to the next list. This process was carried to the E.P. of F/N at clear read for each goal found. Having a large number of lines served the dual purpose of making the auditing question as clear and precise as possible and keeping the PC fluid on the lines. Before doing this listing, you have to tiger drill the goal until it reads. Much more detail is given in this tape, particularly concerning gain and sensation and their significance in listing goals.] What happens if you overlist is the following sequence: 1. The line flows in a direction where it isn't reaching anything and it is trying to come back. That is the comm lag. 2. He feels that you are getting him to reach too far, and it is indescribable. At this point, he is fishing for the right item. 3. If he goes on from there, the backflow starts to hit. He no more than announces something than he invalidates it. All these manifestations are just bank manifestations. One problem that arises in self-listing these lines is that pain and sensation will appear on the wrong lines. This occurs because, in order to give himself the command, the PC has to go into other valences and give the command to another valence. This louses up where the pain and sensation belong. He goes into the "oppose to list the "want" and vice versa. So he gets the sensation and pain in the wrong places. 309 Just before the PC goes clear, his TA won't necessarily be near clear read. The last two or three days of listing are the tough ones. The PC rollercoasters a bit. He gets very worried just before the needle goes free. He is afraid he will have no game if he gives up the goal. You have to persuade him through this to the "There is nothing there" point, where he is free to make some new games. Early on in clearing, somatics tend to be dull and persistent. In the middle of listing, they fade in and out. By the end, they flash on and off. That is a symptom of winding up. The somatics may make the PC resist the end of clearing because he doesn't want them. Beware also the PC feeling wonderful when he is not yet clear. This is the manic phase. He will drop. He will also tell you that "It is blown," many times before he is clear. But when he is really clear, the needle is free and will stay free until you find the next goal. He may start looking right away. Listing can be done by HCA's [Class II auditors. See HCOPL 21May62 "Training -- Classes of Auditors".], if they are well-supervised.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=20/9/62 Volnum=1 Issue=192 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-192 Geriatrics    6209C20 SHSpec-192 Geriatrics Gerontology never solved geriatrics, but we have. You should understand that one of Man's longest searches has been a search for longevity. Geriatrics is the study of living longer. LRH's research at Oak Knoll naval hospital suggested that the mind could change the body more than the body and physical substances could change the mind. "You can always get function -- or thought -- to monitor structure, but you can't always get structure to monitor thought." Medicos got this messed up because it is usually so obvious when structure monitors thought. If you cut a guy's leg off, you generally, but not always, see his thought change. But if you don't get rid of the psychic traumas, you won't change someone's structure or function. Change the psychic condition and the structure can change. These conclusions are very valuable in the field of geriatrics. Metchnikoff studied geriatrics as he felt the years creep up. He found that, theoretically, sour milk could extend life indefinitely, but he died before age seventy. It is odd that there is all this interest in geriatrics, given that a thetan is indestructible. This is actually interest in preserving the body, which, as it ages, irritates the thetan by restricting his activity. A PC doing well generally looks younger. One that is doing poorly looks older. In the process of doing a dynamic assessment on goals [See previous tape] , you will see rapid change when you get the dynamic and the item and the goal. As a PC gets listed on the goal, he or she looks younger. If things go sour, the PC looks older. We don't know the theoretical age limit for a body, so we don't know how long a clear should live. It should be longer than "normal" anyway. If you clear somebody around age thirty, you will probably add thirty to forty years to his life. If he goes clear at seventy or eighty, you might add only five or six years. Probably, the older they are, the less you could add to the life-span. 310 The field of geriatrics has the problem of researchers dying out without leaving records and dying out before the length of time it takes to produce results, so the researchers are always getting challenged. Age is normally determinable by the condition of certain body parts, functions, and cellular structures. If you were to examine someone physiologically, then clear him, then re-examine him, you would find that the person was physiologically younger. This pre-determines that they will live longer. People get interested in scientology when you tell them about its geriatric aspects. You would think that insurance companies would be interested in the idea of changing someone's life-expectancy, but they are not. They are only interested in figures, which are based on expectancy of claim payments, all figured out by averages, etc. Since the risk is spread out amongst many individuals, they don't care about making individuals live longer. They could even be against it, since it could cost them money. So you can get a reverse philosophy on this point. Socialist states and insurance companies realize that if we weren't kicking off regularly, things would be in a terrible state. But most people would be far more interested in living longer than they would be interested even in being healthy, since being healthy would cost them a service facsimile. People wish they could live longer, even if they don't believe it is possible. Just doing a problems intensive would increase a person's life expectancy. Most people are fighting living longer, even if they say they want to. LRH's experiments with horticulture, using tomato plants, produced some tomatoes that were kept in constant temperature and humidity and which were not injured in any way. They grew to sixteen feet, grew enormous numbers of tomatoes, and lived longer. LRH found that the life span and resistance to blight of a tomato plant is directly related to the amount of punishment -- the amount of clipping, handling, topping, pruning, etc. People thought he was interested in horticulture, but he wasn't. He was interested in geriatrics and longevity. A plant that is abused will become ill and will die sooner. Abuse determines: 1. Longevity 2. Susceptibility to illness. If you can delete abuse, e.g. by running engrams, you pick up the characteristics of not having been abused in the first place, i.e. health and longevity. This would apply equally well to human bodies. Dianetics also pointed to this conclusion. [See Science of Survival, Book II, p. 23.] In humans, if you delete -- audit out -- abuse, or the consideration that one has been abused, you effect the same change in longevity as not having been abused would have made. So in disseminating scientology, you can talk about longevity and preventing illness. On a planet that is very fixated on bodies, these are good avenues of approach. Dianetics corresponds to deleting abuse from a person's life, which is equivalent to avoiding abuse in the tomato plants. Depression gives rise to symptoms just like an illness. You can, as a dissemination approach, use "Maybe you are not sick. Maybe you are just depressed." You use that instead of "suppressed". The person will get very interested. Then give him a problems intensive. His "sickness" will frequently disappear. You don't tell the person that you will cure anything. You are only interested in removing the suppressions of life. 311 We have to have a bridge from raw meat to clearing, and the bridge has to have reality in it. The person must be brought to a reality on the mind and life. Say you are running a clinic, giving problems intensives, using repetitive prepchecking. People will come out at the other end looking and feeling younger and no longer sick. This is an area that we have just neglected, with our emphasis on clearing. In Book III of DMSMH, it says that if you can parallel what the mind is doing, you can reach the mind and do something for it. This is a trick to parallel what a raw meat's mind is doing. He is thinking, "How sick (or well) am I? How young (or old) am I?" So "How are you?" means "How sick are you today?" A common hidden standard is "Do I look, feel, or appear younger?" If most people are fixated on the body (and they are), you can use this fact to get in comm with them. In effect, you are getting a guy in session, according to the definition of "in session", before you officially get him in session. Age is normally hooked onto the body by the thetan himself, using engrams and secondaries. The limitation on what thought can do for structure is only the thetan's consideration. The reason you have trouble defining scientology to people is that there is no datum of comparable magnitude in this universe. So they always put up a datum of incomparable magnitude and hang you right away in a suppression and a disagreement. "Oh, it's like Christian Science." "No," you say. Right there you are hung with a suppression of him. It puts you into a disagreement. Never let him choose the datum of comparable magnitude to scientology. Give him one -- his ruin, himself, what he owns, his family, his sick mother or wife, his health, etc. This is what is really of comparable magnitude to scientology for him.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=25/9/62 Volnum=1 Issue=193 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-193 Current Trends    6209C25 SHSpec-193 Current Trends The main difficulty we are having right now is not clearing people, 2500 years after it was proposed ss a possibility. Clearing is not something you achieve because of faith or right belief or any such trap. Our only interest in discipline is in getting the job done. We do need a certain number of safeguards to see that it is done right, since doing it wrong not only doesn't get it done, but also gives the subject a bad reputation. People need to realize that clearing is a precise activity, not something done casually by the untrained. LRH knows we are successful when we get attacked by squirrels and when we get counterfeited. "Concept therapy" is one such counterfeit, picked up in 1952 or so. The chief movers in that appeared at the clearing congress, unfortunately. The ethics of clearing are the effectiveness of clearing. He who hasn't been trained cannot do it and should not try, since he can bungle it. You can have an unfortunate win when you have a flukey lucky break. We want technology that works on everybody. Dynamic assessments [See pp. 305-308, above.] have this broad applicability. It becomes unethical to clear somebody non-standardly in order to keep the rules in use. "You clear somebody according to the rules and take advantage of every lucky break," as long as you realize that it will probably never recur. But don't go looking for the break and drop the rules. Broad clearing technology must be preserved as it is and safeguarded. 312 Confusion occurs when an action that should have occurred did not. All of a sudden extraordinary solutions are being required. Whenever an extraordinary solution is demanded of you, in auditing, it is only because the usual has not been followed. "The unusual [is] demanded of you because the usual has not been done." When you see a demand for an extraordinary solution, you should: 1. Fix whatever is wrong with the PC. 2. Get the auditor straightened out. That is vital, or the errors will just continue. 3. Find out who dropped the ball in training the goofy auditor and everyone along the line who certified him, and get them to handle. If you only handle the immediate situation and never handle the source of the confusion, that confusion and worse will continue to occur. When it seems that the situation is totally out of your control, remember that "you can always turn a force around and make it serve you." This principle is used in judo. Tennis players also do this. This is a trick that is particularly adapted to this universe. So when you hear that AMA certified "auditors" are going to clear the U.S. Army Air Force, set yourself up as a small civil defense rescue unit; publicize what is happening. Be very prepared to scream. Set up this civil defense unit "to take care of the emergency". This may give the would-be malefactor second thoughts, if you make it very clear to him that you are prepared to handle the disaster. We are walking into an emergency situation. The demand is going to produce an enormously confused area. In fact, it has already started to, for LRH, the same as it did in 1950. It will all come out all right as long as we hold to the standard and keep the show on the road and don't tolerate any bad clearing. It won't come out right if we all say, "Well, my job is just to audit." Japan has just blossomed as a new area of interest. It is a vital, energetic country that will need translated material, etc. A nation that is whipped in war will go from the force band into thought. The thetan never gives up, so conquest is still their purpose. No political philosophy will handle that situation. They already have some communistic ideas, along with an emphasis on individuation and independence. Buddhism was the first civilizing influence in Japan. Suddenly now there is an embrace of scientology, coming from the west with a total impact.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 2 iDate=3/10/62 Volnum=0 Issue=15A Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHTVD-15A Prepchecking a Goal Part I    6210C03 SHTVD-15A Prepchecking a Goal Part I [First part of this demo is occupied with LRH pulling a withhold. Then he prepchecks the item "a murderer"]  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 2 iDate=3/10/62 Volnum=0 Issue=15B Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHTVD-15B Prepchecking a Goal Part II    6210C03 SHTVD-15B Prepchecking a Goal Part II [Continuation of the above. LRH prepchecks the goal "to know". Good TR's, good example of absence of Q and A.] 313  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=4/10/62 Volnum=1 Issue=198 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-198 Modern Security Checking    6210C04 SHSpec-198 Modern Security Checking We have had dissensions and upsets over the last twelve years. Things now are more even and more easily handled, but we still have occasional upsets. There was an HCOB on a new style of sec check we have [HCOB 12Sep62 "Security Check Again". This involves looking for rock slams with commands with the wording, "Consider committing overts against _______ ."] This HCOB points the way to a resolved case and to peace and quiet, while we get cases cleared. For a long time, we have tried to find out what made some people nervous, obsessed, and prone to revolt and cutting their own throats. We have wondered if there was some international group that was closely opposed to the advance of scientology. The answer is, "No." Communism has some goals which would make you nervous if you knew about them, such as the goal to take away everything of yours. This leads to a total games condition. Socialism is also nutty. It rewards people for not working. It says, "If you are working real hard, you should share with people who won't help you." Another antipathetic philosophy is that of the South American division into ricos and pobres. Capitalism has one small group owning everything. Democracy goes like this: "Take a ... bunch of uninformed people and take the mean of their opinion and say that [it is] valid and therefore disregard it, and then do things and tell them it's their fault.... It's the perfect mechanism to prevent revolt. No better one has ever been invented. It's a self-perpetuating machine that is pure idiocy." You are given a choice of voting between two goons you wouldn't let clean your chicken coop and then if everything goes wrong, it is your fault. "All government is merely a substitute for the disabilities... of the individuals in the population." In an absence of understanding of the human mind, you inevitably have government, and you have as much government as you have crime, until the whole government is crime. There is nothing a government does that has not been done privately at one time. This includes fire departments, police, etc. Police forces [that are a part of government] have nothing in common with public safety. The more government you have, the less liberty you will have because government is a non-producer. The laws that the government passes against crime apply to you, who are in theory honest hired men. Next thing you know, you haven't even got yourself anymore. But there is no international group that faces and opposes Dianetics and Scientology, except to the degree that aberration opposes sanity. A medium-good auditor gets chewed up from time to time. An excellent auditor never gets chewed up. The only enemy of Man is his aberration. You just need to audit, that's all. If people attack you, it is because you are not auditing them. What they want is relief from their own misery and agony, and you are giving them no auditing. Once you have embarked on this sort of thing, you are in for it if you don't carry through with it. In the past, when we have not executed our commitments, we have been in trouble. You have to make some kind of arrangement whereby auditing can occur. A PC who has a screaming ARC break can be smoothed out just by auditing him smoothly and well, though, true enough, he has missed withholds for you to clean up. PC's ARC break over no auditing. Auditing can also be conducted so as to amount to no auditing of any kind. Making auditing occur and making it possible is an even stronger action than pulling missed withholds, although that is necessary too. Auditing is pure magic. 314 The pretense of auditing without auditing is pure poison. It is dangerous to be almost an auditor, going through the motions of auditing without really listening to the PC, etc. A PC will put up with a relatively poor auditor, but not with a pretended auditor. All the things you are having trouble with are resolvable with auditing. Therefore you must not fall short as an auditor. In Last night's TVD, it turned out that the PC had set up the room in such a way that the meter wasn't secure. It bounced around and had to be fixed. When it was fixed, the PC's needle cleaned up. The above truth applies regardless of the dynamic you are addressing. You can't counterfeit the intention to audit. If you have that, you will win. If you don't, you won't. Even if the PC doesn't perceive the intention, you should handle the situation by auditing. Put in the hope factor and the R-factor and audit. What causes the apparent revolt against dianetics and scientology, when it occurs? It is a particular sort of missed withhold: a missed dynamic, item, or goal. It doesn't much matter what it is. The person is a thetan who is basically good. An appeal directly to the thetan bypasses all the garbage and secures his cooperation, if you truly intend to audit him. All the crimes, wars, and insanity in the world are not caused by the individual himself. They are caused by the misapprehensions of that individual. The greatest misapprehensions of all are his considerations of the dynamic and item, as a result of his carelessly postulated goal. We are dealing here with human behavior. If an individual exists and can be reached, anything wrong he does thereafter is the result of his not being reached or audited. Here is what makes him tough to reach: 1. His goal. 2. His item, which is his pet antipathy. 3. His dynamic, in which he has included all the badness of existence. "He's fighting against shadows which are quite real to him." A person's goal may commit scientology to the status of being -- in his consideration -- his oppterm, whether it makes any sense or not to you, the scientologist. You can't predict this just from knowing the goal. It involves the PC's interpretation of the goal and his track experience. You match up to his oppterms, in his universe. A rockslamming case is one who would get a rock slam on, "Consider committing overts against:. 1. Scientology. 2. Ron. 3. The organization. 4. Me. (The auditor)" If you get a rock slam on any of those four commands, the person considers you an enemy. He is not unauditable, but the meter behaves oddly. It is rockslammers who have made things unpeaceful for the last twelve years, not governments, psychiatrists, or some international organization. These people make up not more than twenty percent of an organization. 315 [If psychiatrists or psychologists had come up with results like ours], they would have published our case histories, with graphs and all. Nevertheless, they would undoubtedly rock slam, because they have a basic disagreement with what we are doing. The psychologist has agreed that Man is an animal, a meat robot. There is an earlier fundamental that makes this a lie. "Psychology" means "study of the psyche". If you talk to a psychologist, don't get into a discussion about whether Man is an animal. Talk about the derivation of "psychology", their fundamental name. You will thereby blow off their disagreement with us and clear up something that was definitely antipathetic to themselves. The individual existed before the goal. The goal is less fundamental than the individual. It is only the antipathetic goal that gives you trouble. [Cf. Expanded dianetics: evil purposes.] Don't reward the rebel. Put him on the meter and check the four commands given above. If someone rockslams on one of those, don't hire him or enrol him on a co-audit. You could enrol him on a sub-co-audit, hang the rock slam around his neck, and he won't cause any trouble because you have as-ised the fact that he is a rockslammer. Rockslammers will dramatize in a 1.1 manner if you don't get them audited. You get an emergency telephone call, and they write down the message for you. Then, as they leave the room, their coat brushes it off into the wastebasket. You don't see it, but later on they can prove that they wrote it down for you. They will also agree with you about doing all the silly things you mention, and they will dissuade you somehow from doing all the right things. Knowing these principles, you can understand human behavior much better. In an organization, a clearing co-audit, a marriage, or any other group, you have a sure-fire way of testing for the person who has to be straightened out. It is the person who rockslams when the group or person is mentioned in "Consider committing overts against _______ ." It is not one bad act that makes a rock slam. It takes a long accumulation of overts. The thing that a person rockslams on may be so suppressed that it has to be thoroughly tiger drilled [See p. 295a] before it rockslams. Find and handle rockslammers. Neither snuff them nor let them foul up the non-rockslammers. We are in the weird situation that if we lose, everybody loses, while if we win, everybody wins. So it is an overt act for an auditor not to pick up and pay attention to a rockslammer, because if he omits to do this, he is letting the person lose and making it possible for everybody to lose. The rockslammer will only win if you do something. Only finding a goal will make a rockslammer go straight.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=9/10/62 Volnum=1 Issue=200 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-200 Future Org Trends    6210C09 SHSpec-200 Future Org Trends If scientology organizations did nothing cohesive and had no central control, but only had people doing processing, and if, combined with this situation, there were other people with a vested interest in making slaves, we could get thrown on the dung heap and scientology could end up being practiced with electric shock by governments. On the other side, we could have a completely different picture: a well-unified scientology with sufficient international esteem and force to overcome any attempt to use it wrongly. 316 Buddhism, for lack of a plan, ended up being an enslaver of people. Some thought needs to be given to scientology's future to make sure that scientology doesn't end up like Buddhism. In Buddhism, nirvana became like a GPM. Look at a picture of nirvana sometime. It looks like someone surrounded with valences -- a GPM. Lamaism, with more ghosts and devils, became like another GPM. Zen Buddhism was based on the idea that if you are hit, you know. Much of it is a dramatization of Axiom 10. The Indian rope trick is mass hypnotism. The East never had a technology that did anybody any good. They knew a few answers, but they all wound up in the soup. So this is the first time on this planet and maybe in this universe, when sentient beings could better themselves without worsening someone else. We are looking at tremendous force, not as in bullets, but force of knowingness: theta force. In this universe, one is used to seeing good people being squashed. It starts to look like goodness is weak, not a force, and that evil is strong. That is this universe's lesson, but it is not true. The reverse is true, even though this universe would like us to believe otherwise and seems to provide numerous "proofs" to the contrary. If you block a theta comm line and tap it, you can suck a certain power off it that is residual in it. But it will explode in very short order. The way an organization gets in bad shape is by individuation. An org commits overts against other orgs and gets into a games condition with them, then starts considering itself strange and different. Then it can't communicate anymore or function anymore. This cycle is an interesting phenomenon which one can see every day. Overts are followed by the still after the confusion -- the withhold. The quiet moment on the battlefield is the one that sticks. So the stable datum is likely to be whatever someone thought after the fight was over. This is not necessarily what holds it still at all. One dramatizes the withhold. It is not the overt but the withhold that is the source of action. For instance, Bill shoots Joe and doesn't tell the police. He fires; Joe falls; Bill feels remorse and says, "I mustn't tell the police," and that, not the shooting, is what he dramatizes. As time goes on, he is no longer sure what he mustn't tell. To get rid of the source of pronouncement of his guilt, he commits more overts [-- against the police]. His "I mustn't tell the police" equates to individuation from the police. He also mustn't be Joe, the victim. That is another individuation. He might be able to tell you the withhold, "I mustn't tell the police," but he will probably not be able to spot or as-is the [prior overt], since it is at the level of action. Committing an overt results in an individuation. The more separate we are, the less we can communicate and the less we can understand. If you want a laugh, get someone to "explain" something to you in an area that he has overts on. Using symbolic logic, where instead of numbers you are using meanings, all mathematics can be derived from ARC. In the absence of ARC -- i.e. when there are many overts -- there is no understanding or knowledge. Overts lower A, which lowers the other two: R and C. Someone who is totally stupid in an area has overts in that area. In the absence of ARC, there can [by definition] be no knowledge. 317 You can always apply these mechanics backwards. You can make someone feel that he has done something if he has a withhold about it. If we tell someone that we will burn him in the electric chair, he will dream up a crime to fit the punishment, even if he continues to protest his innocence. [Cf. the Jews in German concentration camps, who felt they must have somehow betrayed their Fatherland.] Also, if you tell someone not to touch something enough times, he will start to believe that it is dangerous, whether it is or not. This is because you have told him not to communicate with it, and the definition of dangerousness is "not to be communicated with". Logic is two-poled. There are two sides to an equation. The mind also operates on a two-poled basis. Thus, when describing scientology to someone, if you keep on saying that it isn't like this, that, or another thing, he will get the idea that it simply isn't. You have to dream up something scientology is just like, so there will be a datum of comparable magnitude. You will find that the more ARC he has towards the thing you compare scientology with, the better he will understand scientology. So the best strategy is to compare scientology to himself, his highest ARC terminal. This will intrigue him, at least. "You want things better, right? So does scientology. You probably have a lot of basic wisdom about life, some buried, but really there. You have observed things. Scientology ia like you. You like to be free. Scientology wants that." You would be surprised how effective even so crude an argument could be with people. It doesn't even matter if his understanding of scientology is correct or not. He will get some A, R, and C. In the absence of any ARC, you have no observation and no knowledge of the object or thing. Something you feel something about, have a tiny reality on, and have communicated slightly to the vicinity of -- that thing would be something that you would understand only slightly, but you would know it existed. There is an understanding that goes along with each step of the tone scale, up to total ARC, which is total understanding. This leads up to being part of everything, which is the booby trap of nirvana. The reverse of individuation is enforced association. One can obsessively become something. There is a cycle here. Overts first lead to individuation, then goes on through the cycle to obsessive identification with the thing overted against. [For more detail on this cycle, see pp. 242-242a, above.] PC's associate themselves with their own oppterms, in varying degrees. This phenomenon occurs throughout existence. "What you resist you become," is here more accurately stated as, "That against which you have overts, you become." One becomes more and more individual and individuated up to a limit, at which point, the harder one tries to individuate, the more one becomes a sort of fake version of that against which one has overts. This shows up in dynamic assessment [See pp. 305-308.] and clearly shows up with the item. This is how the person rockslams. If an organization overts against another one, it becomes more and more individuated, until it becomes a lower-level beingness. A thetan will run a whole cycle this way. That is why you get the "dead thetan" at 2.0. He is obsessively being what he was once part of. 318 We must keep the above mechanism of individuation in mind and look at the organizational plan that says that one scientologist is a field auditor and another is a staff member. This plan gives us a source of inadvertent withholds. If we are planning anything broad in the way of organizations, we have to eliminate any incipient individuation, or we will get a fake scientology. Scientology must be a single org in which the members freely participate. [Yet] scientology orgs must never individuate from scientology. They must never be allowed unhandled overts, or scientology will crash like every other attempt to help Man. The HCO 10% tends to further individuation, since it makes "HCO" different from the org. Philosophers say that every organization's ethic is strongest at its inception, but actually, there ia no reason why its ethic shouldn't get much higher. To accomplish this, you must set it up such that organizations are not made different from each other, in order to avoid the incipient inadvertent withhold which would lead to no true scientology being in existence. [Here, LRH goes into describing at some length an ideal scene for lower level scientology organizations.] Looking further ahead, when you have cleared everyone, the scientology centers will be political centers and scientology will be the government.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=9/10/62 Volnum=1 Issue=201 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-201 Instructor's Bugbear    6210C09 SHSpec-201 Instructor's Bugbear An auditor clears as fast as he is bright and as he delivers good quality auditing, and he clears as slowly as he flubs. If all is not going well, look to what is wrong with the auditor, not the PC. There is nothing wrong with PCs. Some PCs require more cleverness on the part of the auditor than others. Apparently, the individuality of life was all attained by goals. That doesn't mean people are individuals because of goals. It means that they are odd individuals because of goals. A goal is a symptom of individuation. So each person acts differently in processing. But there is no goal too difficult to be found. If you can discover a goal, "never to be discovered", why, you have a damned good technology. Auditing quality is not "associated with sternness or... immovability or ... with being able to repeat the auditing command or [the idea that] "the auditor must always be right". An instructor watching half a dozen auditors may think that he needs a half a dozen new rules to overcome these students' peculiar difficulties. Actually, a11 he needs is "a tremendous ability to detect variation from the standard rule." This variation is sometimes so clever and well hidden that one never spots it. An auditor can leave the session on the forward track by leaving the PC at time point A and progressing to point G as fast as possible. The auditor is actually leaving the session, by way of the future time track instead of the door. The auditor is running the session process and the PC is still stuck in the first rud that the auditor couldn't confront and therefore didn't handle. In an effort to avoid facing the confusion in a session, the auditor unwittingly refuses to set up a session. He ignores and evades some part of the session that he has had trouble with. Now the PC is trying to get into session, while the auditor tries to run [from] the session. 319 The PCs who give you the most trouble are the ones who do the least. They don't explode at you. They don't walk out. They are just never in session and auditing never bites. They make no forward progress. The "good" PC is produced by an auditor who never gets the PC into session enough to ARC break them. Everything is all sort of shallow, dusted off but not investigated, etc. There was no communication and no understanding present. The auditor was trying to avoid ARC breaks, so there was no ARC at the outset and the whole session was an ARC break. Standard auditing is the cycle of "asking the auditing question of that PC who is sitting in that chair, getting a response or answer from that PC, which is then understood by the auditor and is acknowledged by the auditor in such a way that the PC knows he ... did properly answer." When this is interfered with, weirdnesses creep in. It is a terribly simple cycle, and "terribly simple people -- such as myself -- don't seem to have too much trouble with it. More brilliant people figure their way through... and arrive at some kind of a mutated answer to it that produces a no-auditing situation, and how they manage to do this is the subject of an instructor." This is the instructor's nightmare. The instructor must observe the departure from the simple comm cycle and get the auditor to see what he is doing. The instructor has to point out to students their errors "in such a way that they realize that they are not doing what they should be doing." Where do all these oddball considerations come from, apart from goals, which is a source that we already know about? Man can rise above his aberrations anyway. He doesn't have to dramatize his aberrations to the full. It is not good enough to say that his goal and his item oppose his being a good auditor, even though he will perhaps never be fully expert until these are out of the way. There is another element, however. The auditor has a fixed idea left over from some group or philosophy or activity, about what is supposed to happen or what he is supposed to do to make something happen when he audits. For instance, he may have been part of a society which supposed that there was no reason why you couldn't decide to be anything you wanted to be and immediately become it. According to this view, all men were evil because they couldn't do this. That's rather a familiar one on the track. This is a weird way of making nothing out of thetans. An auditor with this kind of background operates on the basis that the PC is weak because he doesn't just make up his mind to go clear and do it. Another oddball consideration is, "Why should you ask anybody a question? They already know and they know you know ...." Wait a minute! Those are the people who think that everybody knows all about them, to whom every minute is a missed withhold. This is the consideration, "Well, that is obvious to me, so it should be obvious to him." Then there is the consideration that the auditor has to control the session and that that means, "never let the PC originate" or "Never confess that you didn't understand the answer" or "Never check anything the PC tells you is out (like a rud)." So this auditor is doing a basic not-is of auditing the whole time he is auditing. And it will be found that he has never examined his fixed idea. With this auditor, the instructor must: 1. Find the fixed idea. 2. Get the auditor to look at it. 320 A person can get the impression of knowing from an impact, so if you have committed a fantastic number of overts against a thing, you conceive that you know something about it, but it's an inverted knowingness. It's the total cycle of individuation," and the PC returns on the reverse curve of inversion, back to the center of impact. [See pp. 242-242a for a more detailed description of this cycle.] At this point he "knows" that he knows. But -- ask him, say a psychiatrist, what he knows, and he can't tell you anything that he knows. If you kept it up, things would get very interesting, because you would "de-individuate him out of an obsessed interiorization into whatever he's doing." You would be reversing the cycle until he again knows he doesn't know. When you "try to teach [such an individual] something to know, ... that room has already been rented. It has occupants. You can't, because he already knows,"at the level of impact and obsessive interiorization. So you have to reverse that cycle and convince him that there is something he doesn't know. This is the guy who greets everything you tell him with, "Yes, I know." So you say to him, "Everybody hates you," and you will get, "Yes I know.... 0h. Now wait a minute! ... Well, I knew if I knocked long enough, somebody would open that door! Hello!!" If you press such an auditor long and well enough as an instructor, he will eventually cognite either that he "knows or that he doesn't know, and a new piece of certainty will be added to his auditing." Don't leave these fixed ideas uninspected by the auditor. Just ask him to inspect his own considerations about why he is doing, must do, or should do what he is doing wrong. Take his cockeyed, memorized answers, acknowledge, and then give the question again. Break down his machinery, and he will finally see some screwy alter-is that he has added into what he really should be doing. Ask him, "What puzzles you in a session?", and you will get an item of alter-is and confusion. It is usually something he has added which wasn't taught. "All additives occur in the absence of understanding or the presence of misunderstanding." Idiocy equals all additives and no understanding. "Understanding is the reason for no additives.... Misunderstanding is the reason for ... additives." Know this! Misunderstandings get picked up on meters as disagreement, a no-comprehension of. Education by disagreement is a fascinating approach. Hence, while word clearing on a meter, you don't ask, on spotting a read, "What didn't you understand there?" You ask for the symptom of the lack of understanding: "What is the disagreement there?" In life, with respect to knowledge, "disagreement occurs after the misunderstanding." Get the auditor to spot his disagreements, and you will find his misunderstoods. If you get him to give you "twelve things in that bulletin you agree with," you will inevitably get the twelve things they disagree with. "A person cannot do what he does not understand." Increase a person's understanding (ARC) of what he is doing, and he will do it better. An auditor is not evil. There is something he misunderstands or doesn't understand about "the function of the auditor or the cycle of auditing action.... You can't understand psychiatrists ... because you don't realize that they haven't any goals. [They] aren't doing anything that you would think they should be doing." 321 A goofing auditor can get really wild in his computations. You have to spot it and get him to spot it. For instance, you could get a computation like this: 1. I'm trying to straighten out this PC's mind. 2. Therefore I have to correct the things that they think. 3. The only way to correct anything is to change it. 4. So to change the PC, I have to correct him. 5. So I have to tell the PC something different every time he says something. "If you do not understand what is going on in a session, you won't be able to handle that session. At the bottom of all error is misunderstanding." You restore understanding of something by deleting the disagreement with it. Then you can study it and do things with it, etc.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=30/10/62 Volnum=1 Issue=204 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-204 Pre-hav Scales And Lists    6210C30 SHSpec-204 Pre-hav Scales And Lists [LRH comments on Z unit progress. (See HCOPL 8Dec62 "Training -- Saint Hill Special Briefing Course -- Summary of Subjects by Units"). The SHSBC at that time had a new streamlined form, consisting of V, W, X, Y, and Z units, with Z being the most advanced unit. The material of the Z unit consisted of additional clearing data, the form of the course, and scientology plans. Auditing requirements were goal found on self and goal found on PC. This would give a Class IV certificate if all check sheets complete, a Class III cert if Y unit complete and above auditing requirement completed, a Class II cert if Y unit auditing requirements met (R2-12 (See page 339, below), CCH's, Assists, and Prepchecking) and only X unit checksheets complete. Also some general comments on rigorous training. See also HCOB 13Oct62 "Processes".] Any former data on the subject of assessing scales was prior to the experience of nulling goals. We have learned that items can disappear from a list without being out or appear on a list without being in. All nulling of lists is therefore to be done as follows: We have a scale or list from some source and we have a lot of words, verbs, terminals, or whatever. Old style assessment by elimination is superseded by a new style that is much faster then tiger drilling the items. It is done by reading each item in turn. The ones that produce a disturbance of the needle, not necessarily an instant read at this point, are in. The time to judge whether it is a proper read is when it is still in at the end. Keep the questionable ones in until you have eliminated most. Having assessed each line, mark the ones that read, no matter how they read, in. This means that they disturbed the needle. When the PC is in a rock slam area, the PC is all over the place. The read can be early, late, etc. For instance, a read could appear latent because the rising portion of a rock slam could obscure the first part of the read. If the PC is out of session, you may get prior reads. But goals almost always instant read. In assessing a scale, the time to get picky about reads is when you have an item still in and it is one of the few remaining. Now you get nice about it. Rocket reads are consistent; rook slams are not. The item with the slam has far more authority than the auditor. The to may sit there, cogniting silently, having forgotten the auditor altogether. 322 On a dynamic assessment, as you go down the list, pay attention to the PC's somatics on the different levels. You would be foolish to go headlong down the items list and pay no attention to the somatics that the PC is getting. You may find the PC's valence at one of these levels. He is likely to hit an item which is where he has been for millenia, and if you don't watch what you are doing, you will go on, leaving him there. Standard assessment by elimination is not likely to work, except with a really good auditor who maintained real two way comm with the PC, no inval or eval, no out ruds, etc. Items on the rock slam chain must be right. Therefore, the procedure must be revised. The revised version is easy to do, especially if you can see the meter read. It does require precise meter reading. The PC must know what you are doing and what you are trying to find, or the whole list can be a protest. Be sure you can read the list before you try to assess it, so that you can give the items right. If the PC is a rockslammer on scientology and you give an item wrong, the item could rockslam. At the very least, it can make the PC protest. A wrong or irrelevant item on a list, read back to the PC, is being asserted by the auditor and protested by the PC. Therefore, it will read. The PC may get caught up in an oppterm and may get protest reads from that. Another phenomenon is everything on the list reacing. That is by-passing the item. All the items can stop reading, too. Either one of these two phenomena indicates that the mid-ruds of the session, not the list, are out. One item in every now and then is what looks right. If the mid-ruds are out, the PC is handling the out-rud on down the list and everything can read on that out-rud. When this happens, the auditor's voice, reading anything, creates a greater effect on the PC and the item has a greater effect on the meter. The PC is vulnerable as in Bridge, because a partial win becomes a missed withhold. So the auditor's voice, no matter what he says, will produce a reaction. The PC really has a missed withhold, whichever rud is out. If this phenomenon is increased further, nothing will read. However, if you put session mid-ruds in too often, the PC will be driven out of session by cleaning cleans. If you assess for awhile without noticing that nothing was reading, when you see the column of X's the next time through, call these items again, to be sure. This system is to prevent reads from being wiped out by out-mid-ruds and to let you select the right item by tiger drilling [See p. 295a for tiger drill procedure]. It is best to err on the side of having too many items left in to be tiger drilled. You should leave, say, five items in. Mid-ruds may not be out enough to screw up the session, but they may be out enough to screw up a particular item. So the procedure is: 1. Assess by elimination to a few (between three and eight) items, keeping mid-ruds in. 2. Start tiger drilling, using a six-button tiger drill, unless the PC is protesty, in which case you can make it seven by adding "protest". After tiger drilling, you are looking for a slam. If an item stays in with a mere dirty needle, circle it, but don't necessarily buy it. Buy the biggest read. You should get a bigger read on the right item and a smaller read on the wrong item, after tiger drilling. You don't necessarily do this with a big polish operation, because you don't have the same need to be precise as with a goal. Just tiger drill it enough to make sure 323 This should not take more than three minutes. Don't pay any attention to pain and sensation while you are doing this. Just dust them off. If you can't make up your mind, tiger drill them harder.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=1/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=206 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-206 The Missed Missed Withhold    6211C01 SHSpec-206 The Missed Missed Withhold [LRH enumerates the many bulletins that have come out on missed withholds, starting in February, 1962. In spite of all this, the subject has not been duplicated by students. People keep picking up withholds, instead of missed withholds.] All ARC breaks stem from missed withholds. "I don't know exactly how to get this across to you except to be brave, squint up your eyes, and plunge." Get the missed withhold. A missed withhold is a withhold that people nearly found out about but didn't. You want to find out what people almost found out. A withhold is something a PC did and isn't talking about. It is not missed unless someone nearly found out about it. The missed withhold has nothing to do with what the PC did or is doing. It's not the PC's action. It is the other person's action and the PC's wonder about it. It often shows up as a recurring withhold, one which the PC keeps giving you. The charge keeps coming up because of the restimulation, as yet unlocated, of someone possibly finding out. "A missed withhold has nothing to do with the PC. it is another person's action and the PC's wonder about it.... Forget that it is even a withhold.... You are looking for exact moments in the ... lifetime of this PC when somebody almost found out and he's never been sure since whether they did or they didn't. We don't care what they almost found out. We only care that they almost found out something. That is the address to a missed withhold. It's an other-person-than-the-PC's action. It's an other person's action." The PC is stuck in the unknownness of the uncertainty as to whether someone else knew. This blows when the PC spots it. A missed withhold is an overt and a withhold plus a mystery. The magnitude of the overt has nothing to do with its evaporation. The degree of mystery is what holds it in place. If you want to know what is sticking a thetan to something, look for the mystery sandwich. Even overts themselves wind up in the mystery of whether you should have done it. This causes withholding of further action. All things boil down to right conduct. So when you ask the PC for missed withholds, be alert for whether the PC is giving you withholds or missed withholds. The number of withholds a person has on the whole track is undoubtedly staggering. You don't need to get them all to clear somebody. The whole anatomy of a game is O/W. You gather energies by the mechanism of O/W which result in solid-mass terminals, making a game possible, etc. In spite of all that, you don't have time enough to run nut all the PC's overts, even for one lifetime. General O/W does have its uses. It is useful for getting the PC into session and smoothing things out, but it is generally too lengthy. So to see a case go, "Sproing!", Ask the PC for "nearly-found-outs". "When I tell you to pick up a PC's missed withhold, I want you to pick up another persons action, not the PC's. And it is best characterized as 'nearly found out'.... You are running the almost-discovered track." 324 "You'll never see anybody quite so upset as somebody who has been just barely missed. Look at a pedestrian who was not hit," or a bear that is biting at a bullet [that just missed him], or an exam that you failed by one or two points. "It's the nearness of the miss" that counts. It is a mis-estimation of effort or thought. A thetan's main attention is on estimation of thought, effort, and look. He wants to know how much look is a look. His certainties are all based on proper estimation of thought, effort, look, etc. When an error is made here, it is upsetting. How much knowledge is knowingness? That is an estimation. How much emotion does it take to be emotional? Enough to create the desired effect. What is a proper symbol? Etc. You can estimate everything except how much mystery constitutes a mystery, because that is a mystery! You are now into the no-estimation band, and it is all mysterious. The not-knowingness of it is upsetting. Not-knowingness that is probably known is especially painful, because of the multiple not-know flows involved. Take a not-knowingness and play with it both ways: They knew, but they didn't or couldn't have known. You know they knew, but you know they didn't know. The four-way flows of a missed withhold are painful to a thetan. This is the stuff of which insanity is made. Insanity in the effort band of the know to mystery scale is "can't reach/must reach". Insanity in the mystery band is a "did/didn't; must/mustn't know". That is what a missed withhold is and what it is doing to the PC. "It's just pure mystery mucilage, ... and the thetan will stick right to it." Getting just the overt and withhold off, when there is an added mystery of a missed withhold, doesn't produce an as-isness of the section of track where the PC is stuck, because "the PC is not stuck with the overt [or] the withhold. The PC is stuck with the 'almost found out', so of course nothing as-ises [if you only get the O/W's] and you get a recurring withhold." You could get remarkable results running, "Get the idea of people nearly finding out about you." You could run this on three flows. This process would free up track that the PC had never seen before, but which had been right in front of his nose. So when pulling missed withholds, it is not what the PC did which is of interest. When pulling withholds, "get the name, rank and serial number of the person who missed it. [I] couldn't care less what was missed. I don't want the PC's action. I want the PC's guess about the other guy." Get who the PC thinks might know, etc., etc. If you have gotten off his overts on something and he still feels a bit weird about it, you are apt to think that he must have more overts, so you keep after him for more. This will send him around the bend, since you are essentially cleaning a clean. You have to find: 1. Who nearly discovered the overt. 2. When. 3. How often. This is what is needed to complete the cycle that was started when the overt was almost discovered. Just as far as time is concerned, it is a mystery sandwich. The thetan is wondering whether a certain punitive track is going to happen. It doesn't, so that time doesn't exist. The result in the creation of mocked-up track that never actually appears on the track and therefore hangs up in time. Not dropping the other shoe is like producing a missed withhold. 325 So you don't ask, "What have we failed to find out about you?" ask, "What have we nearly found out about you and when did we nearly find it out?" The first gets withholds; the second gets missed withholds. The worst type of missed withhold is where the PC is asking himself, "Which one of my crimes did he (maybe) discover?"  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=1/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=207 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-207 The Road to Truth    6211C01 SHSpec-207 The Road to Truth It is very difficult to go around remembering all the time. You get stuck! Pontius Pilate asked, "What is truth?" Truth is a very near ultimate in its most severe interpretation. Lots of people have stated what truth is without realizing that they are putting an absolute where there is actually a maybe. Truth is a relative commodity. The best approach to truth is contained in the mathematics used in connecting telephone switchboards. They don't select out subscribers with arithmetical truth. Arithmetic is a theoretical truth. It is only theoretical because there is no commodity connected with it. It is a truth of symbols. Errors only turn up when people say the symbols mean something in reality. "Two apples minus two apples equals no apples," is a magician's trick. A no-apple is a relative thing. There is still something of an apple. You can say, "Well, there are no apples on the table after you take two apples off." That is true, as long as you accept time as a truth, which is adventurous! The statement is only true for one particular time and place, yet it passes as a truth. It is a truth, but a relative one. No thetan since apples came into existence has utterly as-ised an apple. So "Two apples minus two apples equals no apples," is only relative, unless it presupposes some kind of magic. We have become used to accepting such things as true. The abstract 2-2=0 is true, but it is true only because we have set it up that way. The person who adventures out on the road to truth adventures with great desperateness. It is an adventurous step. A philosopher who seeks to discover and teach truth is taking his life in his hands, as well as the lives of many others. Therein lies his responsibility. It is adventurous because it is the only track you have to go the whole way on. There is no short stop on the way to truth. You have to walk to the end of the road. Otherwise, all manner of difficulties and upsets will beset you. There is no such thing as a relative philosophical truth that is safe, if it doesn't approach the actual composition of the subject matter it addresses. If you address the subject of the physical universe through the physical sciences, you will find weird things in your path. The savants of these sciences use the phrase, "exact science" with great impudence, considering the complete difference between what is given as truth in two different fields, like chemistry and physics. There is an article in The Encyclopedia Britannica at the turn of the century that wisely said that people wouldn't find out much about time and space until they studied in the field of the mind and got the conceptual basis that preceded time and space. Physics has gotten the world in trouble by building weapons that can be used by men who aren't sane. 326 There are workable truths. which gives the "exact sciences" a bloated notion of themselves, because they deal in workable truths. In the field of the study of Man, people try to use, as a workable truth, the notion that no one can do anything about Man because he is merely an animal. This idea started as a revolt against religion's control of men's faith. Psychology is a study that is peculiarly religious and was so until 1879, when Wundt theorized that Man has no soul. Up to that point, psychology had been a religious study, looking at the will, reason, etc. Somebody moved in on it in the spirit of revolt. Just as the advances of the "exact sciences" have, here and there down the track, blown up religion, so the "exact sciences" have now entrenched themselves in a total falsehood concerning the mind. At the same time, they have developed an unworkable psychology to back up the "exact science" of blowing up the planet. That gives you some of the liabilities of embarking on the road to truth and not going towards truth. Gautama Siddhartha discovered how to exteriorize without discovering the laws governing it or how to let someone else exteriorize at will. How many hundred million people did he condemn to slavery by not walking all the way down that road? Because half-truths have been used and misused ever since. Knowing this, it takes a brave man to go in that direction. He knows that the traps and upsets of existence are composed of half-truths and that all efforts to enlighten can be employed to enslave and entrap, by the fact of two-way flow. Aesop's Fables originally had no morals. They were just amusing stories. This is pertinent to what you are doing, because in the microcosm of a single person, you have the macrocosm of the universe. The universe proceeds from basic postulates. You can go on from these basic postulates to spot the goals of gold and lead and the methods of livelihood of quartz and schist. They aren't alive, but they follow a behavior pattern. All flies wash their faces in the same way. It is wonderful, the way some postulates stick! Moss or Man, you are looking at the same cumulative structure, based on some intentions and dedications. You could reanalyze the world of chemistry or physics on the basis of postulates and intentions. One of the booby traps of studying science is the sort of statement typified by, "Nobody knows what electricity is." This is in fact just a remark, not even a postulate! But everyone takes it as a truth, so they go into agreement with it and therefore are debarred from discovering more truth. People have been telling other people for a long time that they can't find out about truth. The idea of the unknowable has some use, but only to let people see that you don't have to know all about something before you start to find out about it. Emmanuel Kant used the concept of the unknowable differently. He said that the unknowable would never be known by anybody. Well, how did he find out about it? Even by philosophic examination, it is preposterous. If you can't experience it at all, how can you know it exists to be not-known? There are some roads that are agreed to be closed. For instance, there is an idea that it is bad to know about the human mind. ["Some things it is better not to know...."] If you are alive, you know something about the human mind. What is really dangerous is to find out nothing more about it. In the last few days, the cobalt-60 was close to spreading across the steppes of Russia and [the plains of] the U.S. Because of what? Because it 327 is so dangerous to begin to know anything about the human mind. People recognize that it is dangerous, to some degree, but they recognize what is really dangerous. If you know of the existence of something, it is dangerous not to know all about it. People concede that they don't know anything at all about it. That is an idiotic premise. In the field of the mind, they are already aware of the existence of figure, think, calculate in other beings, so they are already started on the road to knowledge of the human mind. It is very dangerous to go no further. So the search for truth isn't the province of a few. Everyone has started to know something about it. But not to know more about it than they do will cause them to die. That doesn't even seem startling, it is so accepted. If a group decides to go all the way on the road to truth, the more they know, the less dangerous it is. What is really dangerous is to suppose that people think, and to know nothing more about it than that. It is also very dangerous to be spotted as one who is walking towards truth, unless you go the whole way. It is booby trapped. Everyone is very suspicious of anything being known, because people who have jumped up and said something was known have often lied. If they pretended to know more then others, they have committed overts. If they found some partial truth and never got any further, but instead spread bric-a-brac in all directions as The True Wisdom, they have committed the overt of consigning perhaps billions of people to slavery. So there is no substitute for walking the track. LRH has never doubted that he would bring off this study, though he has often wondered whether or not the time factor would upset things. We needed a few clear years. If you have a reputation for knowing, you enter into a mechanism called the missed withhold. If you seem to have the gift of knowing about the mind, people think you know the truth, and to them, the only truth that exists is themselves: a first dynamic truth. This includes their own aberrations, their ideas about rightness of conduct, etc. So you run into missed withholds. A scientist wants to get away from right and wrong because he is blind to the possibility that there could be an exact right conduct. The idea of right conduct has been a particular concern of eastern philosophers. It has been ignored in the west. All considerations of behavior and the O/W mechanism are primarily based on ideas of right and wrong conduct. In back of the O/W mechanism is the idea that right conduct can exist. This is the saving grace of any race of beings. Survival is the monitoring factor of rightness of conduct. The behaviorist would try to tell you that right conduct is a first dynamic matter, that it is not survival, but self-preservation. This misses the boat. A person commits overts, not because of self-preservation, but because of survival. That is his rightness of conduct. The difference is that, in fact, one acts out of more than one dynamic. Right conduct is always a group activity, not an individual one. No matter how much a person speaks of integrity to himself, his ideas of his own rightness are based on the concepts of the group to which he belongs. So we get third dynamic aberration of right conduct as underlying all O/W and missed withholds. The only thing senior to O/W is the pure mechanics of existence, as given in the early Axioms. Those early Axioms are very close to absolute truth. [A thought: Absolutes are unattainable because the only absolute is a static and that is nothing, hence it is unattainable, because it cannot be had.] 328 The aberrations a person engages in are his efforts to discover right conduct, with the handicap that mores change from group to group and lifetime to lifetime. So there is no road to truth on the subject of right conduct. If you realize that a thetan's aberrated condition results from: 1. A search for right conduct; 2. An effort to adhere to codes of right conduct; 3. The breaking of codes of right conduct, then you are walking the road to truth. Moral statements are the entrance of arbitraries into conduct, not truths. This fact is unknown to legislators, who always try to say that their laws are true. But in making the laws, they no longer even consult the customs of the people, but instead try to reverse the social order. However, laws which don't evolve from the customs of the people: 1. Operate as a total tyranny. 2. Are totally unenforceable. Prohibition was a good example of this fact. This concerns you, because you are in the business of determining truth from right conduct or "now-I'm-supposed-to's". People think that right conduct is truth; they think they have some data, when they don't. Your period of peril is past. There was a time when -- taking you as a unit of truth -- there was a question whether or not your state of understanding of yourself [could be] materially improved by study and processing. However, it is now clear that if anyone will sit still and if the auditor does the right processing, this will occur. We started out with everyone stupid as Hell on the subject, including LRH, originally. Now we have gotten to the point where someone can know all about where he has been, what he has done, and where the Axioms look to him like clearly-stated obvious things. We are essentially in the business of individuals. Don't forget that. No matter what you are trying to do or handle, whether it is a world government, or whatever it is, you will never, in your whole history, handle more than sn individual. If you fail to handle an individual, then you will have to set up all sorts of groups and laws to do it. The raison d'etre of most earth organizations is the fact that they could not handle an individual. This brought about their construction, not their demise. This isn't true of all third dynamics, only the aberrated ones here on earth. This is actually an inverted third dynamic. They couldn't handle the first dynamic, so they developed an organization not to have to do it. Despite that scientology is the one activity on this planet that doesn't follow this rule, there still tends to be an organization that gets pulled in and grows up around LRH. At times this organization fails to deliver service, due to shortage of time or material or personnel. But on the whole, we are handling the individual. Russia shoots individuals and loves the masses. This is aberrated. You can handle the individual if everything you do is individually tailored to serve his needs, so he is not overlooked. Whenever you fail to handle an individual, you set up an upset. So you will set up an organization, laws, and all sorts of O/W to do it. We are probably the only organization today going in the direction of a clear third dynamic. We use O/W only to park an individual until we can handle him. 329 "There is no truth in the mass of things [and] no truth in moral codes. Truth isn't to be found there, only agreements." There is no truth apart from the individual. If there is any truth, you are it. If there is any truth to be known, you will know it. When someone almost caves in because you have confronted him and made him wonder what you do know, i.e. when you have missed a withhold on him, your only mistake is not to reach him as truth. You are at that moment confronting the road to truth, and you have got to travel it, because you have already started to. There will be many a PC that you will start to process, many a person that you will tell about scientology, of whom you will say, "Why did I get up this morning?!!" If someone says, "I heard that Ron doesn't believe in God," the wrong thing to do is to unload, jump off the road. You handle it. All your disasters anyplace will stem from the instant you backed off, turned around, did something else, and set up an organization to handle this jerk. You will only fail when you don't try, because if you make some stab at it, he won't go away. You will be surprised to find that you will pick him up somewhere down the track. Many times you will think you have failed when you haven't. The only mistake is to try to go backwards on the road to truth. That is dangerous. If you fail to stand up to someone who is mad at you because of his missed withholds or to the guy in the PE course who says, "It can't be true because Ron doesn't believe in God," that is when you fail: catastrophes occur; people get mad at you. You cave in. But that can be changed or handled. If you fail to handle an individual, you end up setting up an org to handle masses, but not individuals. Individuals only stand up [and yap] in order to be handled. There is truth to be found, and there is a road to truth. You have that in you, and every time you look at a human being, you see it in him. Rut you don't find truth in the mass of things and in moral codes. Since you understand what [human nature] is about, the more you know and understand it, the less these factors [like having to handle a banky individual] will trouble you. But every little fellow has started on the road to truth. His only stupidity is not to keep going. We are almost there. The main road and the thorns are behind us. We only retreat from our position to the degree that we don't realize that you can't start a case, you can't embark on clearing a planet or an individual and do it diffidently, without to some degree seeing it through to a final conclusion. Your only disasters will stem from failure to follow that road all the way through.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=13/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=210 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-210 The Difficult Case    6211C13 SHSpec-210 The Difficult Case A Problems Intensive [See p. 292] is apparently capable of producing a Book One MEST clear, if it is done right. It has done so on a couple of PCs. If this is not happening elsewhere than at St. Hill, it may be that people elsewhere don't know what a free needle is. Peoples' TA's have been gotten to clear read with no mention of F/N. So pay some attention to this. It could be that it was happening without being reported. The aspect of a case depends on the way the case is handled, generally. How the case is handled has a great deal to do with how rough the case looks. Say case A and case B are similarly tough cases. If case A gets a lot of usual actions, a good hope factor, a good R-factor, and case B gets unusualness and wrong actions, case A will run easily and case B will run rough and break anybody's heart. 330 Psychiatric classification, behavior in life, etc. have no bearing on how hard or easy the case will be to handle. The same goes for scientology classification schemes. We make our own tough cases: the Black V, theetie-weetie, etc. It doesn't matter. The length of time to handle the case doesn't compare to the state of the case. All cases are hard, actually. Some are made more difficult by preconceptions and classifications that don't really apply. The technology has by-passed the difficulties. The case that you will have trouble with is always a spook and a surprise to you. It is not the psychiatric disaster case. The tough ones are the ones who look sane and able and lie like Hell, because they don't do the commands. They get upset if you keep at them to see if they did the command. That just makes them feel accused, and they get harder to audit. You can spot this kind of case by observing that, after a short period of modern auditing, the case hasn't recovered. This case either: 1. Hasn't done your commands, or 2. You haven't audited the case. This case interrupts the auditing cycle. The most extreme example of this kind of case is the individual who can't communicate at all, or the case that can't hear or that has no command of the language that you are using. But that is simple. You recognize the out-of-communication state that he is in and know that you would get nowhere with a subjective process like straightwire. But you miss the case who ostensibly speaks and understands English but never answers the question or executes the commands. There is actually a gradient of this which, at its top level, includes every case. Sooner or later, any case won't do the command. The "spook" is the one who never does the command and always does something else. What is happening is that he is on a circuit. He is being a wired set of valences. The PC is out there somewhere and has nothing to do with the auditing at all. Don't let your PC sit there in a sort of comfortable, relaxed puzzle. Find out what is going on, but don't chop up the PC. Auditors sometimes sense that the PC isn't executing the command, and they start harassing the PC, chopping him up, because they know something is wrong. They don't feel in good 2WC with the PC. So you move in and get insistent with the PC. Then the TA moves even less. This case is the last one in the world to admit that he is not doing the command. He could even get TA. Say he is running the command through an electronic incident, because he knows that if it changes, he is better. How do you handle this case? You watch the TA while you are running the PC's right havingness process, or you can run another process that has something to do with the physical universe, like Op Pro by Dup, SCS, or CCH's. If you get good TA with that, flatten that. The reason you don't notice the TA is that the PC is off the meter. But if the PC gets a lot of TA in the rudiments and little in the body of the session, you know at once that the PC never does the auditing command. It is self-evident that this is the true state of affairs if you run the PT environment, e.g. with, "Look at the _______ ," and the TA moves, while a Problems Intensive gives zilch TA. Here you will see that the PC can get TA. 331 Such people have a short span into the past. Reality on what went on in the world ceases five minutes to five days ago, or so. In the body of the session, you are trying to send him out of PT. If all PCs were like this tough case, we would clear people with ruds, since TA action gives a direct index of case change. "If you don't get as much TA action in the body of the session as you do in running the rudiments, please realize" that the process is not running. "TA motion mirrors directly and immediately the amount of change which is being secured. [It is a] direct index of how much bank is changing or shifting." So you handle the difficult case by giving ruds and havingness sessions. A case with good reality on the bank wouldn't get good TA on ruds. TA on havingness or any CCH or contact process means that the PC is becoming aware of the walls of the room. "What wall?", indeed! His concept of mass is being shifted by confronting his environment. It is not bank mass that is giving TA. It is the mass of the walls of the room. The PC is in no shape to be audited, because where is he going to be audited from? Furthermore, he doesn't have the stability of PT to audit against. So any attempt on your part to get him to address the track throws him into confusion. He can't answer the auditing question because he has no point of reference. Cases are audited against the reference point of PT. Oddly enough, the memory of eight million years ago totally depends on knowing it was sight million years from a specific time, e.g. PT. A guy who is stuck in an electronic incident of three million years ago will get TA when you get him to look at his immediate vicinity. Otherwise, hs will run a Problems Intensive from a point three million years ago, which is an unstable point. So you are running a confusion against an instability. But two confusions never made a stability. "A case that is wildly out of PT seldom answers the auditing command or executes it, and auditing depends exclusively on getting the... command executed." The auditing cycle must occur every time the auditor opens his mouth. On "Recall a time you communicated," if the time he commed is up the track from where he is stuck, he can't recall it, because it hasn't happened yet. So he has to do something else. So, for instance, he mocks up a psychoanalyst against the auditor. Or he holds the two back corners of the room. He does these things because he doesn't want to wasts the auditor's time. TA action on ruds and on the body of the session is the only reliable indication of this type of case. In this situation, it becomes important to prepare a case. Don't try to plow the ground with a Cadillac. It is the wrong vehicle. If the PC isn't doing the command, don't harass him. Do objective processes. When the motion goes out of the TA, do the body of the session with subjective processes. The gradient scale of toughness of cases is proportional to the amount of TA they get on PT or near-PT processes, ruds and havingness. To get good reality on this point, take a PC who has been having an awful time with 3GAXX and run some PTP's or some such, and watch the TA fly. [First mentioned in tape 6210C23 SHSpec-202A "3GAXX". Also mentioned in tape 6210C23 A "3GAXX Following the Rock Slam" and 6210C25 SHSpec-209 "3GAXX Secondary Pre-hav Scale". These tapes are confidential. The process lists and handles some types of implants. It unburdens the case and locates goals. See also pp. 332-335, below, and HCOB's 8Nov62 (Listing Pack II) and 11Nov62 "3GAXX: Straightening Up 3GAXX Cases" for more on 3GAXX running.] The PC must be there 332 before you audit him. The auditing cycle requires the presence of the PC. So give him lots of ruds and havingness and a Problems Intensive on a close-to-PT problem he can confront. This type of PC will get sensation on a list, all right, because he would get sensation from two days ago, it is that unreal. He has sensation because he is in the middle of a confusion with no referral point, no PT. How do you expect him to be anywhere but in a confusion? That's what sensation basically is: the PC in a confusion. Give him PT. Then you can run him.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=13/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=211 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-211 Entrance to Cases    6211C13 SHSpec-211 Entrance to Cases [LRH starts by referring to a recent bulletin: HCOB 11Nov62 "3GAXX -- Straightening Up 3GAXX Cases".] The subject of entrance to cases is becoming broad and encyclopedic. There is a new routine: R3-21. [See also p. 356, below.] The original 3GA was highly workable, but insufficiently delineated, Routine 3-21 is 3GA plus all the improvements, like tiger drilling. It would probably work on any case that was well-prepared, but we can't count on a case being well-prepared. Preparation would be done with CCH's and prepchecks. There have been frailties in the preparation of cases that have made it necessary to develop things that weren't really vital. We rediscover havingness every six months, it seems. It has been six months since the last time. No matter how tricky your auditing question is, if the PC isn't there, it won't reach him or alter his case. No unusual solution will get to him either. So, when faced with the unusual, do the usual, the very ordinary. The tricky developmental work has had uses and has brought us forward. On a well-prepared case, tiger drilling the 850-goal list is easy. The PC doesn't protest all the time. The PC who is not well-prepared isn't doing the commands and has a dirty needle. He never completes the auditing cycle. The reads you get while tiger drilling aren't coming from the po confronting anything. They are coming from some automaticity. Even if the case is well-prepared, you could still have difficulty doing R3-21. The goal could be absent from the list, or on the list but so unreal to the PC that it would never answer up if confronted. So you need a process that overcomes the PC's enturbulated PT environment, etc. This process is 3GAXX. 3GAXX is designed to totally grab the PC's attention and interest and to keep it where the rock slam is. It will always be true that a rock slam will produce interest. It is sort of a forced in-sessionness. Interest follows a rock slam. You are overwhelming the so-called "natural defenses of the mind". You use the rock slam channel, find the goal, find the pairs of items all along the channel by their rock slams. You can pretty well overwhump almost anything in the PC if you can get on the trail of a rock slam. You will be asked to do miracles -- to audit in noisy environments, on poorly-prepared cases. For that you need very powerful processes. 3GAXX is what you need. It is designed to capture the PC's interest so much that he can only tell you what is in front of his face. 333 There are three bank elements that are handled in 3GAXX: 1. The rock slam channel. 2. The goals channel. 3. A set of pairs that lead from the dimmest beginnings of the GPM up to the tiniest pair in PT. The route between these pairs is travelled from PT back to the beginning. The procedure is to 1. Find the goal. and then 2. Find items that have built up by the existence of this goal. This is a path marked by rock slams. 3GAXX has rules, such as the rule that the PC's interest follows the rock slam. Since this is true, the PC has no choice but to be in session. Suppose the PC is protesting mid-ruds whenever you get off the rock slam channel. This would be because he is only in session as long as you are on the rock slam channel, where he can't help being interested. It could also be because he has been beaten with mid-ruds to a point where he can't stand them. When you are getting his pre-hav level items (by listing "W/W would (pre-hav level)?", the answers come ripping off his circuits. When havingness is low, circuits key in. Someone who is in indifferent contact with PT has his circuits keyed in. Circuits are GPM items or their cousins, aunts, or uncles. 3GAXX deals out the circuits that the PC would normally be using anyhow, so he has no choice but to give them to you, and thus you do get an auditing cycle. You start out with a dynamic assessment. [See pp. 305-308 for the general procedure.] Use these questions: 1. "What isn't part of existence?" 2. "Who or what have you detested?" 3. "Who or what would you prefer not to associate with?" In listing and nulling these, follow the rock slam. [Note: These commands might be the precursors of later PTS rundown tech. LRH recognizes the enturbulative effect of environmental factors on auditing, though as yet there appears to be no official form of ethics handling. There seems to be an attempt to handle all of it through tech.] So you are doing 3GAXX and now you call his attention to PT to get mid-ruds in -- and you have a God-awful time. Nothing quite cleans up. If you have goofed and invalidated one of his items, you will really be in the soup, since he is allergic to PT, which is where he would have to be to clean it up. So a process as beefy as 3GAXX must be done with expertise, particularly when used on a PC who is not well set up for it. You have no leeway for error when you have overwhelmed the natural defenses of the mind. That is why untrained auditors shouldn't try to run these high-powered processes. With R3-21, you can find the PC's goal, whether he is ready to find it or not, by entering the case with Dynamic Assessment by Rock Slam. An additional method of entering the case is Roll Your Own Pre-hav. [See HCOB 7Nov62 "Roll Your Own Pre-hav".] The pre-hav scale, to be exact, must be given by the PC in his own words. So find the pre-hav level and ask the represent question. Get a list and find the item, which will be his perfect individual pre-hav level. This procedure gets rid of the necessity for huge long assessments, and you will probably wind up with a rock slam this way. You will list, "Who or what would do that?", and get a 334 terminal or oppterm -- it doesn't matter which. The assessment can be done simply by calling each level, assessing by elimination down to a few items, tiger drilling those items to one and saying, "Consider committing overts against _______ ." This should turn on the slam. So you get the item, which is "the protagonist or antagonist in the game which pursues from the fellow having had a goal in the first place." They are like a pair of dumbbells. There is also another pair of dumbbells: the not-pair, pinned to the positive items electronically, e.g.: W/W would smoke? W/W would not smoke? [W/W would oppose smoking?] [W/W would oppose not smoking?] POSITIVE ------------------------------ NEGATIVE You can, however, safely ignore the negative items. You could find the item, get the oppose, represent, oppose that, represent that, etc., etc. You are not trying to clear somebody this way, although you could, theoretically, by going back item by item down the rock slam channel. It would be hard, though, lacking the goal. It is easier to go down aways, pick up the goal, and then list it. Unburden the goal. Then find it and work with it. If you kept discharging the case and at the same time disorienting the case, you would get further and further from finding the goal. You would really just be enturbulating the case, say, if you kept giving the PC items that didn't slam. He would keep getting fuzzier and more confused. This could occur when you went by "detested person", etc. [See p. 333. See also p. 243, above.] There is a pair there, which you have ignored if you go on to the dynamic assessment and the represent, etc. So your rule is to make a pair. When you get an item that rockslams, you oppose it. If it is still hot, you represent it. This isn't all that smooth, when the PC is not clear. The items can be out of order. You have to pick your way through it. The test by which you go is, "What is still slamming?" It will slam if you run, "Get the idea of committing overts against [it]."/withholding from [it]." If it still slams, it hasn't been opposed, even if you think you got the oppterm. The GPM straightens out only because you have gotten the PC to recognize the matter, energy, space, and time that the item consists of. It has been recognized and placed where it should be placed. The PC has seen what it is opposed by and has gotten sensible about it. This goes back to the earliest laws of the mind that LRH formulated; namely, that things are composed of: 1. Identities. 2. Similarities. and 3. Differences. [This is from Dianetics: The Original Thesis and DMSMH. See note on p. 198, above.]" "A GPM is in a state of total identification when you [first] greet it.... Every ... item is every other ... item. When you list, you are bringing about a similarity from an identity.... By causing [the PC] to find the item they [the other items] were all pinned to in the first place, differentiation takes place, and the thing starts blowing apart." Just calmly finding that the PC is a rockslammer and telling him, will make him significantly saner right there. "He was mad at the whole environment. Now he knows what he's mad at specifically [e.g. scientology, 335 Ron, etc.]. Now if we find, "Who or what was mad at (whatever he was slamming on: scientology, or whatever)?", we would have a pair [that] would tend to blow [because] a slam is the meter manifestation of a games condition. It's the unsuccessful effort to withdraw from the thing he must attack." It takes two items, minimally, to make a package. "One stick won't burn. It takes two to make a fight." Every package has at least two items and really four, including the "not" pair, i.e. you also have to find out what wasn't against scientology and what scientology isn't. A rockslammer is only bad off before he has been detected. When he finds out what his target really is: scientology, and then finds out what would attack that target, he will feel better. He will start to shed that valence, and he can be someone else. But the more rock slam you leave behind you, by leaving items, the more the rock slam will diminish. The PC's attention is on those by-passed items, and he can't confront the items ahead of him. Since he only slams on things that can become real to him, the slam fades out. So you had better get all the things that he can confront. If you have available parts of his line plot with unopposed items, you can free up more of his attention by filling in those blanks. So here's why you are doing 3GAXX. You are releasing sufficient attention from fancied opposition in the environment so the PC is not distracted and going back-track from the ruffled point of the environment. As you go on, he will get less and less confused and more and more able to find his goal. Eventually, you find the goal, after you have a hatful of items by a variety of methods. You could take a goal like "to dance on eggs" that fired only three times, but which rocket reads once in awhile. You can do a represent list on that goal to get a similar goal and pull apart goals. You can list for the goal that a given item would have. [Cf. expanded dianetics "wants handled" rundown.] But unless all this improves the PC's presence, alertness, and available attention, you would do better to just give him a Problems Intensive and CCH's.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=15/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=212 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-212 Terminals    6211C15 SHSpec-212 Terminals There is an item on the bulletin board about Nixon. We really clobbered him! "I hit him because he hit Mary Sue. [He was] using the U.S. secret service as sort of a private Gestapo ... all over Washington," which didn't seem right. You will notice that after country A has defeated country B, customs of country B will show up in A. Almost anyone will take on the color of his oppterm. This is horrible but true! People tend to think of themselves as the cowboy in the white hat and the oppterm as the cowboy in the black hat. However, the only real to tell whether you are dealing with a terminal or an oppterm is whether it turns on pain or sensation. Pain shows that it is a terminal; sensation shows that it is an oppterm. Some people get tangled up because they consider themselves to be the guys in the black hat. If you get a terminal on the oppterm side or vice versa, the consequence is great confusion. Such an item, a combination terminal, turns on pain and sensation. This is a deteriorated package. Mark it in the center of the line plot. It's legitimate. It is a new terminal that has attributes of both terminal and oppterm, a sort of end of the road, a combination terminal which is a lock on both the terminal chain and the oppterm chain. 336 In national life, you get succeeding generations of politicians performing as combination terminals. The U.S. defeats Germany. Then, somewhere up the track, there is a tendency towards Democratic Fascism in the U.S. It is OK for a democracy to exist, as long as we can also operate a gestapo. "It's that sort of thing that I tend to keep an eye on." You may not realize it, but you are all members of a secret society: You have been for a very long time. It is the SPG. You can enlist anyone. There are no dues. Only performance is required. It is the Society for the Prevention of Government! It is interesting that Man hasn't yet realized that government is the cause of his wars. A "pure" government attacks an S.P. government, thus producing a combination terminal. The "pure" government henceforth isn't so pure. Keep this up, and you will get what we have, in the way of a government. LRH recently received an invitation to be part of a group that is supposed to figure out what should be done with governments and Man and atom bombs. All the group is doing is meeting, in the hope that someone will come up with a solution. All they are doing is to get people in communication. They haven't approached governments! The reason why government occupies so much of people's attention is that governments have spokesmen and salesmen, while individuals do not. [Democracy is highly publicized, but in a democracy] everything is the people's fault, so the head of the government has no responsibility. But the people have no real choice. This is a real mess. With salesmen, you get more and more government. Individuals become less and less. The end of this process is totalitarianism. The only reason you collide with government is that you are selling the idea of the individual. You see that bettering things by handling the individual is a workable system, so you push it. This puts you up against the government, because it is for the government. This makes you a revolutionary in a totalitarian world, whether you intend to revolt or not. The perfect reply to a communist is to tell him that you are an anarchist. That is the one thing that he cannot handle. He is claiming that communism wants to do away with the state, and you force him to say that government is necessary. Thus you turn him into a conservative. Anarchy has always been rampant in countries just before the communists took over. Anarchy is the one thing that the communist fears. He has so many overts on anarchists that they have almost become sacred to him. Similarly, the U.S. government is becoming more and more communistic, e.g. with its tax laws. Things won't get straightened out in the political arena. They will just get more and more confused. You can predict the politics of the future by looking at the opposing sides and combining the least desirable characteristics of both. Combination terminals in politics occur because the least admired characteristics tend to persist. "That Which is least admired tends to persist." We are going to get the worst of Russia and the U.S. combined into a super state, unless we stop it. This is also the fate of any individual. Livingness alone will not lead to a new, highly desirable state, because the above mechanism will occur. In the course of handling cases, you will get a look at the eventual fate of any individual you process, in the absence of further processing. Suppose you could locate the chief terminal and the chief oppterm in an individual, without in any way relieving them. You could take 337 the least desirable characteristics of both and get the combination terminal the person would become in a few generations. Those terminals and oppterms that are near the top will produce a new pair. But first, they will produce a new single terminal: the new combination terminal. As the GPM flies off, you will see that this had been taking place. The freedom that is there to be freed is fantastic, because all cases are in a very deteriorated state. When we first discovered the tremendous power that the basic postulate of an individual could exert over him, in the course of creating the sections of the GPM, we tended to see it as something brand new, despite the fact that it is mentioned in the definition of the first dynamic in Dianetics: The Original Thesis.["I. The dynamic of self consists of the dynamic thrust to survive as an individual, to obtain pleasure as an individual, and to avoid pain. It covers the general field of food, clothing and shelter, personal ambition, and general individual purpose." p. 31. See also Advanced Procedures and Axioms, p. 42 and p. 270, above.] A thetan does various basic things, following the laws governing theta as formulated in the Axioms. However, he also splinters off and postulates some portion or specialization of them. He tries to go forward with this specialization as an individual purpose and, trying to effect this purpose, moves on with a lot of accumulated mass and things like terminals, oppterms, combination terminals, items, upsets, etc. Thus the thetan builds up a section of the GPM. Then he postulates something else and builds up another section of the: GPM. That dwindles out. It gets blown up thoroughly, and the thetan gets sort of out of it. He forgets it utterly. Then he makes up a new individual purpose. Actually, all these purposes are in controversion to the basic laws of this universe, theta, and the purposes of thetans. And if there is any reason why it builds up mass, it is that it is an alter-is of the Axioms. The thetan is an individual, already in a games condition with his fellows and the universe. Then he decides to be even more individual and makes a basic postulate. It is this basic postulate that we are dragging up as a goal. This postulate is counter to the agreements on the structure of the universe, as contained in the Axioms, so the thetan is now individuated out to the degree that he has pitted himself against the whole lot. What we are finding out, as we find items, turn on somatics, and clear the individual, is that he hasn't gotten away with it. There is the GPM, and it is killing him. He can't even execute his individual purpose or goal, because it fights his own more basic agreements, postulates, etc. He has called himself a liar by violating these agreements, e.g. the Axioms, and thus he has departed into super-individuality. As the individual goes forth, postulating a new goal, he is flying in the teeth of all his former agreements. So now he gets to a point where he explodes out of the bank. Then he postulates a new individuation, a new basic purpose. He lives this one out. When he finally gets out of it, he adds it to the old stuff that he has accumulated. Each new purpose gets messed up faster and faster. He finds more and more things he can't do and that he can no longer confront. Eventually, he won't even explode out of the mass anymore. One day he says, "Row come it's all black?" And he won't get out of the GPM again. 338 This is Hell: an oblivion of total pain and sensation. "What's 'Hell'? In religions, they'll have some metaphorical method of trying to communicate, [but] if they were talking about a Hell, this is Hell.... They recognize there is something waiting for them in the future and they try to shorten it up ... and say it's the next life and this time you'll die and you'll go to it. Well, that's just enthusiasm!" The only alternative to this grisly picture is scientology, but people have been "saved" before, too many times on the track, e.g. by the auto-da-fe of the Inquisition. That's why they are decidedly reluctant to be "saved" by scientology. Someone who gets mad at scientology and refuses further processing is a fool. He isn't aware of his future of total pain and sensation, which is Hell. But thetans have a long history of being sold pie-in-the-sky, so they are likely to be skeptical about what scientology has to offer. Someone who has been sold on heaven and hasn't found it, and who knows that Hell is possible, begins to regard the idea of freedom with some doubt. He has been "straightened out" before, and has been cheated. This area of betrayal comes up in the course of clearing someone. The offer of help restimulates this area, and the PC will fight help all the way, until he gets reality on what is happening. The kindest way to handle him is to give him a fast reality on the fact that you mean business. Do something for him subjectively, so that he will realize that he is on some kind of a real road to truth. The PC whose trust level is shot alter-ises commands, doesn't answer, etc. The auditor can feel uncomfortable about this. The healing sciences haven't helped, with their general ineffectiveness in most things. No wonder the PC's trust level is so low! This is the main thing that gets in the way of dissemination. The individual has fought the physical universe and the laws of the physical universe after agreeing to them. He now alter-ises them. Since those laws concern matter, energy, space, and time, he starts accumulating MEST. That is what puts MEST in his bank. Then he makes an individual purpose that has nothing to do with these other purposes. He tries to go up against these other purposes with this individual purpose. That causes a lot of mass to accumulate. Then he does this again, and again, etc. All this is true, but this activity must have been based on a very low level of confidence and trust anyway. To have gone to all this trouble, with all the individuation, etc., the thetan must have had a very low level of trust and confidence. He must have thought that what was going on was detrimental, or he wouldn't have taken all this trouble to individuate from it. Most PCs are mad at the physical Universe, to some degree. Now here is something I've never told you before, but it follows from the sixty-four lectures of the 1952 Philadelphia Lectures. The physical universe will stay there for the individual until the individual gets back to the first individuating goal that he made, after agreeing to the Axioms. At this point, you would think that the PC would hit total OT, but he won't. He still has to handle the Axioms. You will now have to back up through the Axioms. The PC, at this point in processing, would start telling you about the Axioms even if he had never heard of them. They are getting ready to blow. 339 The individual's agreement to the Axioms, his contribution to the Axioms to that degree, is in all probability his first basic trust. You may have to go back to the Axioms and run them. Sooner or later the PC will collide with them, going backward. [The purposes that you will run into at first] are all purposes that are individuations from the basic purpose. You have to go a long way back to pick up more than the first dynamic. Even today, the fellow is generally on an inversion of the first. You will find that there are seven dynamics that will invert on you. You must reverse the inversion process before the PC gets to a straight first dynamic. He then has to go quite a ways before he gets a sight of the other dynamics. That is what you are tackling. In every PC, there is a deteriorated trust in everything, not only in his fellow man, but also in organizations, group activities, and any effort to do something for him. He starts to get nervous when you start to do anything for him because he knows that that has always been dangerous for him. You are reversing his experiential track, so he is going back into areas that he thinks are dangerous, and, thinking these areas are dangerous, he is nervous. This applies to every PC. What is important is your skill as an auditor: the smoothness of your model session, the positiveness of what you are doing, the fact that you can produce a result in the PC in which he has a reality. These things make him realize that you are going in the direction of freedom. The PC may be so downscale that when he sees that he is going towards freedom, he can't have it because it looks too good, and you get into another wriggle-wraggle. You can add to the above phenomenon the idea that if you existed and if you freed Man and did things for the physical universe, then this person couldn't execute the first goal you will run into in processing him. (This "Goal One" is not the first goal that the PC made. It is the first one you find.) With this addition, you've got a rockslammer. His distrust is not built just on goal one. It goes earlier and is built on the quicksand that everybody is made of. To handle him, you have to find the oppterm to what he is rockslamming on. Then it tends to blow up. His "whole viewpoint on the subject of scientology will shift." [See HCOB 23Nov62 "Urgent -- Routine 2-12, Opening Procedure by Rockslam, An HPA/RCA Skill". This bulletin gives R2-12 procedure. At this point, R2-12 is also known as "3GAXX for Rock Slammers". Evidently it is a form of 3GAXX that can be done by a lower than class IV auditor. Many other bulletins and tapes on R2-12 follow.] A soon as your auditing is less than perfect, you rekindle or permit to remain all the morass of distrust that has been generated down the track, all the betrayals of promises of heaven, all his experience of Hell. You can flub a little, but if you let the case drift too far out without a win and you will key in the whole background of "There is no heaven," and you will pay the price. The individual's reality on Hell is much greater than his reality on heaven. Thus, the longer you take to produce a result on a PC, the harder it is to get the result because of the distrust factor. 340 You can't say positively that a person isn't a rockslammer because he may have to be processed awhile before it shows up. Some rockslammers are below being rockslammers at first. The PC may at first simply be nattery, and then you have to rely on intuition. There is no absolute test of absolution except persistent case progress. Rockslamming relates to the degree of overting in your direction and his belief that if you did not exist, he could achieve his basic goal. Once you discover and he discovers that he is a rockslammer, the discovery of it tends to pull its teeth. All you have to do is to list the oppose list to the thing on which he is rockslamming, and it will blow up in smoke. If it's "an auditor", write an opposition list to "an auditor" and get the first PT package. A capable auditor should be able to straighten this out in two or three hours. You can list a goal against any terminal or oppterm that rockslams. Sometimes you will wind up with the person's goal. If so, opposition it. Unhandled rockslammers will frequently become combination terminals. Squirrels, for instance, combine scientology with something else because they realize that they are as crazy as a loon to be attacking it.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=15/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=213 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-213 Clearing Technology    6211C15 SHSpec-213 Clearing Technology We are pretty well there, technologically, although things can still be sorted out and neatened up. More data keeps appearing, of course. When you are on top of the mountain, you can see alternate routes up. Just don't forget the way you got there and could get others up. One reason you don't like to see long goals lists is that you don't like having to tiger drill every goal. It takes an average of a minute per goal, even when the case is running well. If the case is not well-prepared, the PC will have a persistent dirty needle. We used to call this the PC's needle pattern. It means that ruds are out, and it is not OK. This dirty needle that you see on goals lists won't clean up with mid-ruds. Persistent dirty needle and a dirty read -- an instant read that goes "Bzzzt!" on the needle -- are not the same thing. If ruds are in and the PC is well-prepared, a dirty needle means the list is incomplete. Or you could have listed from the wrong question, e.g. the wrong pre-hav question. Actually, if you use the right question and the item is on the list, even if it is the PC's first list, when you null it, the dirty needle, if any, disappears. After a PC is prepared, the only reason thereafter that a dirty needle occurs and mid-ruds don't handle it is that the list is not complete. The item is the missed withhold that dirties the needle. Therefore, assuming a prepared PC, there are two variables that cause dirty needle on nulling: 1. Wrong question. 2. List incomplete. This makes it a little more difficult. You may have to use trial and error to discover what it is. [Details on assessing goals. There is a new experimental process: you can assess the long list of goals, then only tiger drill the ones that stay in after the single assessment. The PC should let the auditor know if pain turns on. Pain goes deeper than the meter, and it may indicate the presence of the item when felt or a few items earlier on the list.] 341 You can get the PC to list goals from terminals and oppterms, using the commands: "What goals would (terminal) have?" and "If you were (oppterm), what goal of yours would be impossible to achieve?" Just having the PC write out a goals list is very therapeutic, even on raw meat. Reading something once has minimal restimulation. Beyond three times, you have started running a process. So you can go over a goals list once, and the only thing hot enough to give the PC somatics will be the goal. So watch for the somatic while on that assessment. Another method of goals finding is known as the prepcheck! You will get an early MEST clear with enough use of the method described in HCOB 21Mar62 "Prepchecking Data -- When to Do a What". A lot of people sit around not looking. They do, not look. That is their motto. A problem that has shown up is that after two or three Problems Intensives, the PC keeps saying that such and such is his goal, and he wants to know what to do about it. In other words, you tiger drill the PC until his goal reads! The vital part is to assess the right problem. If you run the right one smoothly, run it, don't Q and A, keep ruds in, the PC will tend to go MEST clear and the goal floats into view. It could take four or five Problems Intensives. This would be a very simple way to do it. It may not work on all oases. Maybe if we added a Routine 2 button or two to the Problems Intensives, using Roll Your Own Pre-hav [See pp. 333-334, above] against a Problems Intensive, [we might find the goal this way.] The only thing wrong with a Problems Intensive is to find a truly self-determined change. On the Queen Elizabeth, Reg Thorpe was auditing LRH, and LRH only found two real self-determined changes, this lifetime. So we can assume that most PCs are answering fallaciously. We should realize that there is a trick built into the Problems Intensive. You get the PC to give you a change that he believes to have been self-determined, then you find the prior confusion and the determination for that change. So there is probably something wrong with the question. There shouldn't be a trick to it. You should just use "change", not "self-determined change" We formerly asked for self-determined changes so as not to have him give engrams. However, the prepcheck buttons are powerful enough to run the PC through engrams. He won't get stuck in an engram anyway, if he doesn't have a missed withhold. That is what sometimes makes PCs curl up in a ball and go into an engram while you are tiger drilling: the missed withhold. Pull the missed withhold, and he will come right out of the dramatization. The PC's effort to withhold is what pulls him back into the incident, because he can't be in PT. So you could ask for "times you decided to change". Then the PC doesn't have to tell you a lie to answer. A bad assessment can give you no TA, so, in handling Problems Intensives, keep your eye on the TA. You should get TA in the first twenty minutes on the first button. If not, drop the first change and do a new assessment. 342  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=20/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=215 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-215 Fundamentals of auditing    6211C20 SHSpec-215 Fundamentals of auditing There are probably thousands of rules you could go by in auditing, but the way to audit has only a few fundamental basic rules, without which auditing does not occur. These are the senior data of auditing: 1. Auditing is a third dynamic activity. 2. The basis of it is communication. 3. Audit the PC in front of you. Violate those, and you have had it, no matter how many other rules you are following. Never neglect those few little fundamentals. An auditor can forget about communication and sit there as an individuated island. In this case, no matter what is right about what he does, he won't be auditing the PC. Don't be a first dynamic using no communication to audit a book or a nothing. If the auditor and the PC are a group, and if they are in communication and the auditor is auditing the PC in front of him, then auditing will occur and results will be obtained. One day, "all of a sudden a long blue spark hits you, ... and you say [to yourself], 'Maybe if I ask the PC I can find out," and communication starts to occur. What a St. Hill graduate misses, when he gets back into the field, is any feeling that auditing can happen. People don't know that there is a right way to audit. Also, St. Hill graduates have gotten over being nervous or self-conscious about auditing. If you overlook these few little fundamentals of auditing, you then need thousands of rules to handle whatever comes up. There is a right way to audit, described above. Relatively muzzled auditing, uniformity of sessions -- these are desirable if an auditor is going to add a bunch of nonsense into the lineup. But muzzled auditing is just a curative measure to prevent people who don't know the above basics from adding nonsense that has nothing to do with auditing. The other part of the situation is that the human race knows nothing of third dynamic activities or communication. What passes for communication in the wog world is unduplicatable. There are no completed cycles of communication, and communication consists exclusively of a dispersed mish-mash of invalidation and evaluation. The rules about Q and A, TR-4 and a host of others are to keep these aberrated habits out of the session. If you didn't have TR-4, the green auditor would slip right into think-think, figure-figure, evaluation, invalidation, etc. None of these have anything to do with the communication cycle. "Compute" should not be part of the doingness of the auditor. [Cf. the old definition of an auditor, "One who listens and computes", in HCOB 26May59 "Man Who Invented Scientology"] The answer to the PC's origination that "Black is white" is Thank you." It is not "Oh, no it isn't!" or "That's a neat thought," or whatever. Every time the PC asks you to do something, it is because you have done instead of acknowledged, when the PC originated. The PC has begun to control you. You have driven him out of session and into thoughts about the PT environment by not letting a communication cycle occur. "To the degree that you break down the communication cycle, you break down the third dynamic activity. You individuate the PC, and after that he starts running the session." He has gone on a self-audit. You will have trouble with the PC in direct ratio "to the number of times you have not permitted the PC to originate." 343 Because the PC is aberrated, it is very easy to individuate him. It is quite a trick to keep the PC from individuating and going on a self-audit. As the PC gets better, he is less susceptible to individuation. His thinkingness should get more under the auditor's control as he goes along. If the PC gets interrupted by the auditor, such that his communication cycle keeps getting messed up, his thinkingness will get less and less under auditor control. The number of times that you have to get the mid-ruds in is a direct index of the amount of thinkingness that a PC, individuated from the session, has been engaging in. That is how the auditing third dynamic gets broken down into two first dynamics. "Two first dynamics do not make a third dynamic." They make a games condition. An auditor's perception is not the perception of an individual looking at another individual. It is a third dynamic perception. There is a knowingness about whether the PC is in session or not that an auditor will have when he is genuinely perceptive or intuitive. An auditor's "perceptivity" is bad to the degree that he departs from the third dynamic back to the first dynamic. Thetans communicate on the same wavelengths used in space opera. You can spot an ARC break before the PC knows he has it, if you are attuned to this form of communication. You used to know and recognize other thetans by their feeling or wavelength and not by their bodies. Dolls know each other, despite not having names, as a rule. It is done by direct perception. You can forge a passport, but try to forge a wavelength! This is not MEST communication, and it doesn't require or use MEST or even wavelengths as a via. ESP investigators like Rhine err by testing ESP against MEST and by entering "proof" into the computations. Proof is one of the most aberrative buttons on the track. If you walk through a forest with a gun concealed in your pocket, you will not see a bird or a squirrel. Why? Because you are emanating menace as long as you have the gun, and the game gets the communication, even if the scientist doesn't. The animals don't have to see the gun. Some thetans evidently emanate more than other thetans. This is also true of PCs. You apparently get more of a relay from some than from others. This is a fascinating subject, as long as you don't pull it down into MEST through the button called "proof". We tried to process people along this line. The biggest indication we have that it exists is the effect of auditing on unaudited third parties. Say PC A is having trouble with person B. We process A. He doesn't have any communication with B. Yet the problem with B evaporates. Furthermore, frequently B often then tries to communicate with A! This is so true that you could legitimately chew out A's auditor for not having solved B's problem with A. Similarly, an RI will always produce trouble for you. If you are deathly afraid of oil companies, rest assured that you will get bum stock, short changed, etc. Process the PC, and the oil company will stop giving the PC a hard time. There is, then, a perception factor, but "when the individual is in a games condition on the third or fourth dynamic -- [say] with women -- ... he can't perceive. Perception can't bridge across [a] games gap." So the auditor makes a mess of it every time he audits women. One's perception in such a case inverts, and one reads a "good" wave as a "bad" one, or vice versa. The auditor can't perceive what is happening, so he dubs it in. He "writes script" in session. He thinks and figures, etc. The PC 344 is an enemy, and therefore the auditor doesn't dare to confront or read him. The more the auditor is in this state, the less reliable perception there is and the more substitute perception you will find, taking the form of think. Think = substitute perception. Look, don't think. Direct perception "only gets invalidated by those who are to some degree in a games condition with what they are trying to audit or perceive." They can't confront, so they can't perceive, so they do a "think" instead of a "look". They "figure it all out." You have to figure out the way the GPM goes. It is complicated, and aberration doesn't emanate, so you need the meter as an aid. "But as far as the PC is concerned, you should be able to read him pretty directly. But if you can't confront him -- if you don't want to; ... if you don't want anything to do with him -- you are going to get a substitute in there, and that substitute is "think", and you're going to go into a consideration of 'What is going on?', and [you] get script writing at its worst:" the auditor sees an ARC break when there isn't one, he doesn't see one when it is present, etc. Tension and complicatedness in a session divides the auditor's attention and cuts down auditor perception, thereby impairing his performance. If the auditor takes some weird action, you know that his perception dropped out. The session will be as clumsy as with the sort of limitation of perception that occurs when one gives a demonstration session and has one's attention split up. LRH has experienced that. He flubs in TV demonstrations more often than normally. So that gives him some reality on what a less perceptive auditor lives with. When you don't acknowledge the PC's origination, he will cut down his transmission power, which will make it that much harder for you to perceive him. He will also go off on a self-audit. So you get two individuals "conducting a disrelated activity. One fellow is busy nulling the list, and the other fellow is trying to keep his rudiments in." The PC tends to individuate to the degree that you Q and A with him and prevent him from blowing something by not just letting him get it off and acknowledging. A lot of auditors think that if the PC mentions something, it means that you have to do something about it so that the PC can blow it. No. The fact that you say or do something in response to a PC's origination, or anybody's origination, tells him that he hasn't gotten it off. He hasn't blown it. It is all a communication activity. When something is fully communicated and the communication cycle is complete, it is blown. The degree that a PC can't blow things is the degree that he has been Q and A'd with. After you have a and A'd three or four times in the session, what is the use of trying to patch it up? Now you have to have rules to cure the ARC break. What the Hell were you doing getting an ARC break in the first place? The rules for getting out of swamps are LRH's a and A with auditors who got into them through not knowing fundamentals. An ARC break occurs fifteen to ninety minutes before most auditors perceive it, and then they try to clean up the ARC break that has just happened, which is the wrong one to be cleaning up. It is inexcusable for the PC to find out that he has an ARC break before the auditor does! Where is the auditor? 345 What is wrong with the auditor's perception when the PC, mired as he is in the bank, can perceive better than the alert auditor? The PC never forgives this, because it proves to him conclusively that the auditor has individuated and that he is not in a third dynamic situation and doesn't have an auditor. It is unforgivable because the PC doesn't forgive it. If that is what your auditing is like, you won't have sessions. You will have dogs' breakfasts. But if you are alert, you will find out ages before the PC does that something is wrong. Don't harass the PC when there is nothing wrong. But if your own perception is up and the PC doesn't feel right to you, just get in 2WC with him to find out how it is going. And persist enough to be sure, without badgering him. There is "nothing wrong with making a mistake in ... session. The only thing that is unforgivable is [for] the PC [to] catch ... it before you do." Perception, then, comes above technical perfection, because you can always handle a mistake if you find out about it before the PC does. E.g. the auditor says, "Is something going on there?" (just light 2WC). The PC says, "No." Auditor: "Well, did you have a thought of some kind there?" PC: "No. I ... well, actually, yes. You used the wrong command." That is OK, because you spotted it first, before it turned into an ARC break that the PC, incidently, would have attributed to something later in the session, if you hadn't spotted it at its inception. If the PC could be relied on to spot the correct source of an ARC break by himself, he wouldn't need an auditor at all, because he would just blow his ARC breaks by inspection. If he has got one, he has misassigned it. Q.E.D. The degree of the apparent ARC break is related to the number of unobserved ARC breaks that have preceded it. The first ARC break in session is always quite previous to where the PC thinks it is. This is true of lists, where the pain turns on before the PC notices it. The PC is always late, because the bank is instantaneous and he isn't. He wrongly attributes what is happening. To ask him to think anything at all is miraculous. If he knew what was going on, he wouldn't need an auditor. The communication cycle of homo sapiens consists of: 1. I originate. 2. You invalidate. 3. I not-is. An auditing session is based on a far simpler communication cycle than homo sapiens imagines. You have to audit the PC in front of you, not the meter. The final step of matching up the items must be done by the PC, not the meter. If you go on the basis of, "If the PC said it, it isn't true," you are again being homo sap. There are some things on which the PC isn't right. He is never right on a misemotional point. But on what the score is, and on whether it is the right item, yes. He can tell you that correctly. You could assess a list without the meter, if you did it very carefully, asking the PC where the pain was. There is no substitute for putting the PC in session and auditing him. If you get tangled up in all the rules, it is just that many rules between you and the PC that are forbidding auditing. If those rules are used to prevent a third dynamic, to interrupt or upset a communication cycle, or to get out of auditing the PC in front of you, then those rules are not for that session. There are many styles of auditing, but there is no substitute for auditing. What is auditing to the PC? It is alleviation of his upsets and reaching his basic purposes and doing down the GPM. He 346 won't let you near his bank and he won't forgive you if you don't run it out. Nevertheless, if he is making gains and getting someplace, the PC will take anything off of you. On the other hand, your auditing could be the last word in technical perfection, but if you are not using it to get somewhere with the PC, he will be ARC broken all the way. There is a right way to audit. It is directly, straightforwardly. The good auditor uses the tools that he has to get something done. The bad auditor doesn't know that there is a right way, but thinks that there are thousands of right ways and that he has to dream up a new one in session. That is just another way to figure-figure your way out of giving a session. The more you add to the basics of auditing, the less it will work. The auditor who audits smoothly by pattern gets the most done. Rules are valid, but should never interferes with the three basics discussed in this lecture: 1. Auditing is a third dynamic activity. 2. The basis of it is communication. 3. Audit the PC in front of you.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=27/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=218 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-218 Routine 2-12 (Part 1)    6211C27 SHSpec-218 Routine 2-12 (Part 1) Poor R2-12! The first and fundamental error of R2-12 showed up. LRH made a mistake by giving some leeway on List One. Don't add motivatorish items to the list! The list must contain only nouns: no verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. When LRH expanded List One, it escaped his notice that a lot of practice with 3GAXX would invite a lot of things to be entered onto the list by the PC, even though R2-12 says that it is not the PC's list. So List One, issue two, must contain only scientology nouns. R2-12 is to put the case in condition so that it can progress towards clearing, as well as being in itself a clearing process. What we are fighting in clearing today is slow progress. With R3-21, you will sooner or later get the item that is holding up the case [See p. 332, above], but with R2-12, you will get it sooner. You are looking for the items that pin the PC to present time. You want to eradicate the items that have been keyed in by present time, which now hold the PC in a PTP. In R2-12, you don't just oppose any item that once rockslammed. You always start from scratch, no matter what has been done previously. You take List One, even if it was done before. Start with the first list. Find what rockslams. Oppose it, etc. The main discovery is that any time you get a whisper on a list, you can represent it and get a rock slam on it. The rationale of R2-12 is that as long as the GPM is keyed in in PT, the PC is left with a full PTP and will show no case gain. You don't have to find his goal to set him straight. This is all based on the observation made in 1949 that what needs to be run to resolve the case always has a little tag sticking out, like a taxi-meter flag. There are lots of these little tags sticking out, but most come out easily and can be thrown away. However, every once in awhile, you get one that is tied to something. It was also known that case gain won't occur over a PTP. The GPM would be the biggest PTP a person could have. The only way you get rid of it is to identify it very thoroughly in its various parts. [This is what the tag gets stuck in.] 347 If part of the GPM is in PT, walking around, and the other part is buried in the bank, The PC will go around feeling that it is the visible part that is keeping him from getting clear. He never looks to see what is opposing it. And that item will remain so undisclosed that the person could go all the way to clear and still have it. He might, by a fluke, key out the rest of the GPM and still have that buried part of the GPM pair. This gives you a by-passed item par excellence. The probability that he would go clear under these circumstances is very miniscule, to be sure. It takes awhile to build up a rock slam. It is not from PT directly that the PC gets the rock slam. It is from confusing PT with some opposition mass in the bank. The PC hasn't even seen the terminal in the bank that faces the opposition mass. He has made a mistake. He has mistaken something in the environment for an opposition mass in the bank, and he can't see his terminal in the bank. He thinks he is opposed to something in PT, when it is just an oppterm that he has confused it with. He is in this oppterm, but he never puts it on the list, so it never blows, and he doesn't opposition it. You will get a recurring item, as the PC lists. It recurs because something is missing -- namely, the other half of the package, the half that he is being. A person doesn't look at things that he is stuck in. That is how the bank accumulates. The person is too close to it to look at it. The recurring item, lacking an oppterm to balance it, creates a PTP in itself. With this condition, the PC will make little or no case gain. If the PC weren't pinned to PT, he would still have this trouble. It is part of every case, to some degree. Let us define a rockslammer as anyone who slams in PT on any item that is part of the GPM. At first, neither we nor he can determine which item he is slamming on. One fine day, you make a list on something and it doesn't immediately go out on tiger drilling. The tiger drill is what saves our bacon. It tells us whether the worm is still in the ground. In R2-12 you pick up the trace, list it out, and get a slamming item. If the item was accurately assessed, and if it doesn't go out with the tiger drill, then it must be stuck in the GPM. Therefore, you can represent it, and you will get a slam. So one fine day, he accidentally puts an item on his present time environment list. Now he is no longer able to not confront it. When you oppose it, he now doesn't feel bad about it. You have discharged the mass. Here is another place where R2-12 differs from 3GAXX. R2-12 deals with the tags, the locks to PT, and blows them. On R2-12, the items blow up and go, "Pffft!" On 3GAXX, items stay in there in concrete and brass, because you are diving into the bank to find the fundamental goal; you are reaching for deeper items. 3GAXX delivers goals, but not PT. When you have an item that is in PT, you will get more fireworks. The amount of case gain that you will get from R2-12 is sometimes fantastic. All the PC's lifelong worry has evaporated. Watch out for doing a misassessment on List 1A and getting deeper than you intended. This is not likely to happen on List One, where he doesn't make the list. If the question was, "In PT, what have you been upset about?" and he gives you something like dragons or spaceships, just pretend to write it down. Don't put it on the list. You will get a terminal and an oppterm from such an item, but they won't do the PC much good in PT. You could use them to get goals, but that doesn't get rid of PTP's. You could 348 get a big read on an item like this, bigger than you would normally get on a List One or a List 1A. If you take up dragons, you are not handling any PT restimulation. You will be led astray if you don't keep in mind that R2-12 is an effort to "locate one of the GPM items, as it seems to be in PT to the PC ... and find its [oppterm], and if you ... succeed, ... you've taken away the PTP." The PTP is below the PC's recognition of what it is that he is worried about, which is why you wouldn't get the PTP by running PTP's. There is heavy charge on this. Anything with a rock slam has heavy standoffishness connected with it. A rock slam item is like a guy at night shining a flashlight in your eyes. You can't see who it is, and you don't want to look at it, but you have to. The PC can't look at a rock slam item and he can't look away from it. Unless you get it out of PT, he doesn't have enough attention units to look at the bank. If he can be sufficiently aware of the piece of the GPM that is in PT to be nervous about it, he can cognite on it. Other things, equally part of GPM's, are so buried that he can't even slam on them. They are too tough for him. They won't read or be real to him, until later, when the case is unburdened more. "A person who's getting [off] motivators is being an oppterm to himself. He's out of valence. He's not even in his own terminal line." He will therefore turn on sensation all over the place. The terminal is always at cause. If you try to list something causative for the oppterm, e.g., "Who or what would [the oppterm] oppose?" or "Who or what would [the oppterm do something to?" instead of "ho or what would oppose [the oppterm]?" you will get a total stuck needle, misemotion, etc. [This is the "wrong way to" phenomenon.] If you get rid of a problem on which the PC has great reality, the PC will have a tremendous resurgence. When you do a skilled R2-12, that is the result that you will get, even though the PC doesn't even know that he has the problem. In order to handle the problems in his environment, he must not have a problem on scientology. The session is closer to the PC than the rest of his environment. Therefore, in doing R2-12, you take his scientology problems away before you take the other environment problems away. Get them out of the way, and watch the PC's relief! If you aren't seeing it, you are doing something wrong.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=27/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=219 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-219 Routine 2-12 (Part II)    6211C27 SHSpec-219 Routine 2-12 (Part II) LRH has been auditing R2-12 for about eighteen months, now, and he has made all the mistakes. The procedure, as now released, is the no-mistake way to do it as an invariable action. Even when it is done perfectly, it will occasionally lay an egg. Why? Because you might pick up an item on the first assessment that isn't part of a GPM, and the clean-up that it gets on tiger drilling may not clean it up entirely. In that case, you are "currying a dead horse," i.e. you are not going anywhere. The source of the dead horse is some withholds or something on the item, when it is not part of the GPM. What is a dead horse? It is a list, whether a represent or an oppose list, that contains no wide slams, after you have gotten mid-ruds in for the session. If you have gotten nothing but dirty reads and dirty needles and nothing has slammed by the time you get up to fifty items, you will lay an egg. The best thing to do is to carry it to fifty items, and if there is no slam, abandon it. 349 The likeliest way to get a dead horse list is a wrong assessment. The auditor doesn't check, if he is in doubt about a read, he missed reads, ARC breaks the PC, etc. You can also have an item reading on an ARC break because the PC doesn't understand the word. The E-meter "is a reality indicator." Another way to get misassessment is for the auditor to misduplicate what the PC said on listing and to write down something else. Then, when the auditor assesses it, the PC will protest it, since it is not what he intended. If you don't understand what the PC said, you have to get it understood, even if he ARC breaks every time you ask him. The way you ask a PC to repeat something is to take responsibility for not understanding, in a way that doesn't challenge the PC. You can ask him to spell it. That's fine, unless he can't spell. Do not repeat the item after the PC! It will drive him around the bend. It can make him feel like he is spinning, and it tends to shut him up. Don't ask, "Did you say _______ ?" That causes him to protest and can leave a mark on the list. It also looks like you are correcting him. Also, never point to an item on a list. Don't ever point towards a PC anyway. [Cf. not pushing in anchor points] The thetan will put his theta beams against that finger, and his theta beams will get bent. This includes pointing to list items. It makes wrong items stay in. A PC must be able to put anything on a list, but he must never be allowed to take anything off. If he wants a word changed, take it down and add it as a new separate item. E.g. the PC says, "Oh, that should be 'a cow' and not 'the cow'." Acknowledge and add "a cow" to the list, at the bottom of the list, and leave "the cow" on the list. If you null a list that has given you a persistent dirty needle and then oppose that, you won't wind up with much. The invariable actions of R2-12 eliminate that pretty well. If you are listing on a list and nothing is slamming, get your mid-ruds in. But don't get them in when the PC originates. If the auditor isn't sure whether or not he is doing it right and has a guilty conscience about it, that auditor is very vulnerable, because he thinks he might be committing overts. Therefore, he tends to withdraw from his PCs. Even an auditor who is doing letter-perfect auditing can be shaken up by a PC who snarls about mid-ruds being put in. Treat this as an origin. When the PC is protesty, keep him talking. Don't punish him with the missed withhold question. But get it handled sneakily by finding what you haven't found out about -- his state of mind, or something. Then go ahead and get the mid-ruds in. That is the way to handle this situation, not with Q and A. The next big source of dead horses is an incomplete list. If the PC says that last item he gave you is it, that is a sure sign that the list is incomplete and that there is a slamming item coming up. Don't quit listing when the PC tells you that the last item he gave you was it. What he means is, "That is the last safe item." The list is incomplete and the rock slam is just over the horizon, and the PC has chickened out. Don't ever quit until the list is complete. The PC will never forgive you for not getting the item, however much he protests further listing. So get the list done. That is the only road out, unless the PC has a legitimate beef. For instance, if the PC insists that an item is reading on protest, check "protest", clean it up, and recheck it. Don't take items from what the PC is giving you as protest or 2WC. That is robbing the PC! 350 In the process of listing a list, you are liable to run into a dwindling or sporadic rock slam. If you don't get an item that slams while listing, you don't have a list. The classic dwindling rock slam is common. Don't stop listing just because the rock slam stops. You can get mid-ruds in and ask the question you are listing from to see if it reads. That is not certain, but it is a good indicator. The proof that a list is incomplete is that when you are nulling and the needle is dirty, when you ask, "Did you think of something?", the PC gives you something that doesn't clean up the needle. If you find yourself having to keep using this question to clean the needle, it is an indicator that the list is incomplete. It also invites more items. The PC's ARC breaks about not completing the list do not stem from the auditor or auditing flubs. They come entirely from the PC's unwillingness to confront. When a list is complete, the PC will be willing to go on listing forever. He only balks when the list is incomplete. So "any balk by a PC is an indication of an incomplete list." So you keep going, on a list, until you don't have to get mid-ruds in to null it. On assessing a list, two consecutive items in almost always means that the mid-ruds have gone out. The list will be more than ten to twenty items long, but some PCs go for long lists -- 500 items or so. 80-150 items is more usual. Anything that restrains a PC or keeps him from giving a complete list will wreck R2-12, as well as 3GAXX. The more you harass or worry a PC, the less you will get done. Don't ever yap at a PC about his dirty needle. It does no good. Never stop a PC from listing. You can get as many as three dwindling rock slams from one item. There is an accidental on List One. Since you didn't just do a list, mid-ruds aren't in. So get them in before you assess List One. One reason not to let the PC add items to List One is that once you start, the PC is listing, and you will have to let him list it out, or you will have a dirty needle. So just don't start. In R2-12, what you are trying to do is to find a tag, first in scientology, then in the present time environment, off of a GPM that is hooked into PT by the A = A = A nature of the bank. You are doing this because if it is there, the PC has a chronic PTP. Recognize that the other side of the package -- the side that opposes the PT item -- is keyed in all the time. Recognize also that it is a lie to say that it is in PT. It is only keyed in to PT. The moment you start your represent list, the PC will fly out of PT. That's fine. On "represent", what else is there to list? On the represent list, very likely the PC will go back track. Recall: 1. Identities. 2. Similarities. 3. Differences. [See p. 198, above.] The PC has the GPM mass identified with a PT item. The PTP is in PT because of A=A=A. The GPM item is identified with the item in PT, minds being what they are. When you represent anything, you are peeling identifications off of it. This is not true of opposing. Listing is auditing. By taking anything someone is worried about and by representing items, the PC will see similarities instead of identities. Get the represent off first. That helps him differentiate. You could do this as an assist, not even on the meter, using, e.g., "What does a bellyache 351 represent to you?" Also, many PT items don't have opposites, you need the "represent" step for them also. In fact, any time you say, "Who or what would _______ ?", you are really doing a represent list, so it is therapeutic, because it separates out items. It separates what is true from what is false. The more identified a person is with something, the more items will come off of that thing. As you list or null, you are auditing like crazy. This is solid auditing and about the soundest and most condensed auditing you can do. It produces the most gain per auditing hour. So long lists are lots of auditing. Every time you null, you are differentiating. Done right, getting items, it is fantastic.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=29/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=220 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-220 R2-12 -- Theory and Practice (Part I)    6211C29 SHSpec-220 R2-12 -- Theory and Practice (Part I) There are many indicators and few stabilities about lists. There is only one absolute rule about lists that we have as a stable datum: a list must be nullable. There is a difference between an indication and a rule. The following gives some indications. First of all, where there is no rock slam on the list, you have a dead horse list. Dead horses consume most of the auditor's time in R2-12, so this is of interest. But if, after fifty items with no rock slam, if the PC is still interested, go on to seventy or eighty. If there are no rock slams by then, unload. A list with no slam won't produce an item. On the other hand, a rock slam on a list doesn't guarantee that you will find an item. A nullable list is a list that you can go down without getting mid-ruds in every eight to ten items, to clean up a dirty needle. If you find that you have to put in mid-ruds this often, that is an indicator that you may be on a dead horse. The study of what makes a non-nullable list is a point of orientation from which to study assessment. There are three sources of a non-nullable list. The first is wrong source. The thing from which the list is being listed is improper. There is no way to establish this on an early List One assessment. The item could be one that merely parallels the GPM without ever leading into it. It can also be wrong source because you are opposing the wrong item. Maybe it rockslammed and turned on sensation. You list from it. Then, when you null, the needle gets dirty even after you have extended the list. It could have looked perfect when you listed it and still not be nullable. What happened was that the item's rock slam wasn't solid. It was a lock on the GPM. A rock slam needs something to lean on, for you to wind up with something by using it. When you have a reliable item -- a wall to discharge against -- you will find the opposed item. If you have a clean needle on an item, that is not a reliable item. If you oppose it, the list is never going to end. You are cutting out paper dolls from the GPM; you are just picking off locks from the GPM. If sensation turned on, however, be sure to continue to list until the somatic turns off, even if the list goes nowhere. You can settle for a light case of sensation. Get off the horse and find another item from your List One. Dead horse lists do produce some gain. PCs can cognite, etc.. Don't stay with it forever. Unload when the PC feels pretty good. If the PC has no interest, gets no cognitions, and has no rock slams, this guarantees that the list is a dead horse. However, the presence of these indicators doesn't guarantee a nullable list. 352 Another way to foul up and get a non-nullable list is to audit the case in the presence of tremendous missed withholds. That's rare. Getting ruds in should be enough to handle this situation. Actually, it is really the missing item that gives the PC a feeling of having a missed withhold. The third source of trouble is the incomplete list. An incomplete list may look like a non-nullable list. If you find this to be the case, unload. It is a rule that a list must be nullable. So, at the point where you find that a list is non-nullable, go back to List One. A nullable list is one where items go out easily and the needle stays pretty clean and cleans up easily if it gets dirty during nulling. It is a good idea to check "suppress" about once a page as you null, because a suppressed list Acts like a complete list. You don't have to go over what you have nulled if "suppress" reads. Just clean up the "suppress" button. Get used to how many items need to be listed before you get rock slams. This depends on how identified the case is. The more jammed up and messed up the PC is, the longer the list will go. The odd case that is very heavily identified may go 150 items before rockslamming. Another lighter case may go fifteen or twenty items. The TA doesn't necessarily indicate the degree of identification. Mass doesn't necessarily equal identification, and some items are massier than others. What if the PC has an item, "Solid steel"? The "dead thetan" case will require a lot of listing. He will need represent lists by the carload, getting no rock slams. The PC will feel better, and eventually the List One will get hotter and hotter. The mechanics of it are that, essentially, we have a new therapy. Listing is Auditing. LRH knew that listing on a goal was auditing. Now it is clear that listing in general is Auditing. Listing an opposition list to anything that continues to rockslam (i.e. a reliable item) is auditing. The more magnitudinous the read; the more reality the PC has on the thing. Anything that reads is safe to list. You could develop a process for, say, a sick PC. You could find out what is bothering him. He says, "My liver." You check it for read. If it reads, you do a "represent" list, with, "What would represent a liver to you?" Pretty soon he has no more liver trouble. You could even assess it by interest without a meter. The thing that combines interest and reality is the rock slam. It is also a ridge wherein everything is identified. The dynamics are collapsed (e.g. the food faddist). When you hit the button, you get an automatic release. It is not that the PC is thinking. [So, to summarize what makes a non-nullable list: 1. Wrong source. (a) Faulty assessment, e.g. of List One. (b) The thing from which the list is being listed is improper. This may not be auditor error. On early List One assessments, there is no way to be sure that you have the right thing to oppose or represent. The item could be one that merely parallels the GPM, without ever leading into it. (c) Using a non-RI to oppose. It could look perfect when you list it and still not be nullable. 2. Auditing the case in the presence of many missed withholds. This is rare. 3. List is incomplete.] 353 An indicator for a nullable list is that it comes out with interest and positiveness. So the rule is that a list must not be continued that is being invalidated by the PC. That is overlisting. Another indicator of overlist is comm lag, or groping for items. That is a danger sign. Don't worry about these phenomena in R2-12, but do pay attention to these last two when listing goals. Invalidation is not OK in any case. Inval is preceded by comm lag and then the PC groping for the "right way to word it". All will produce a non-nullable list from that point on. [So the signs of overlisting, in order of appearance are: 1. Comm lag. 2. Groping for items. 3. PC invalidation of the list.] The invalidation can be fairly faint -- just a questioning, a doubt, a hesitancy About the items. The list might have been nullable earlier. You can try to null the earlier part. list is not nullable if: 1. It does not produce a rock slam, and 2. If it is being delivered [by the PC] with great uncertainty." However, "the most uncertain person in the world, listing from a proper source, will be the most certain person you ever saw." Good indicators in listing are: 1. Interest. 2. Certainty. 3. Rock slams. Bad indicators are: 1. No rock slams. 2. Uncertainty. We aren't too concerned, in R2-12, with whether we get an item or not. Many cases are below rockslamming. So you just keep assessing. You keep listing. The PC's out-of-session appearance is no concern of yours, as long as he stays interested while he is in session. He may well get fancy somatics if you quit in the middle of an opposition list. Just complete each cycle to the best of your ability. Some PCs will run fifteen lists off of List One with no rock slam, then get one on the list itself, which continues to rockslam. Make sure the PC isn't thinking of items and then suppressing them. All the items he thinks of should go on the list. R2-12 is itself a therapeutic activity. If we also get a reliable item, slamming persistently and get the opposition list listed to an RI, the PC will feel marvellous. How often this happens is monitored by the accuracy of the auditor. An auditor who is doing it all right should expect to be dead on the beam about fifty percent of the time. This is due to the A=A=A factor. If you are batting fifty percent, i.e. half of the "represent" lists you do, wind up with an Rl and half of the opposition lists get an RI, you are good. A poor auditor may get an RI ten percent of the time, and someone will have to straighten out the case sometime. But the case will feel better and make gains. Fifty percent of the time there isn't a reliable item there to get, so when listing, you are only being therapeutic. The PC will feel almost as good, even if there isn't an RI from the GPM on his R2-12 list. 354  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=29/11/62 Volnum=1 Issue=221 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-221 R2-12 -- Theory and Practice (Part II)    6211C29 SHSpec-221 R2-12 -- Theory and Practice (Part II) R2-12 bridges over easily into 3GAXX: step four of R3-21 [See p. 332, above and p. 356, below]. But the purpose of R2-12 is to cure the great big PTP's that are impinged on the GPM. The PC's bugbear, that which he "must destroy", is half of a dumbbell package of the GPM. The PC looks only at one side of the package. He never says, "Who am I?" Everyone accepts this, because the PC's objection to the other side looks "reasonable". The green auditor in particular is likely to think, "Of course!", and pay no further attention to it because it doesn't seem aberrative. This is clearest when rockslammers can't find rock slams on other rockslammers. This reasonableness is your most fruitful source of error. This is a sort of mutual out-rud, a tacit consent. The mechanics of the situation is that whenever a person has his attention fixated on some PT thing, that thing represents a piece of one side of the GPM. Its opposing piece or side lies hidden. A rockslammer is dramatizing the other half of the dumbbell. The first half is being represented in PT by scientology, the PC's wife, the boss, etc. The PC never asks himself, "What would oppose _______ ?", because he opposes it and he has keyed in some unconfrontable terminal. But the PC is being audited over a considerable PTP. His fixation prevents him from going back track. He is dramatizing the other terminal. The thing he is fixated on in PT is not part of the bank. It is a substitute for, a lock on, the GPM item, that keeps the GPM item in continuous restimulation. Therefore, because one side is restimulated, hidden, and out of sight, we have the PC's terminal. The PC never recognizes this, but he does dramatize this. The rock slam on an item means overts against, withholds from, fixation on, reality on, and a games condition with, the item. So we find that the PC gets sensation when we call the item. We list, "Who or what would oppose _______ ?" and we get a rockslamming terminal. If the original thing didn't rockslam, we do a "represent" list to get something that steadily rockslams. Either way, we get a package that will discharge. You can do other things with the package. You could represent each, sending the PC deeper into the bank, or you could get goals with the items you find. Why is it called a GPM? It is" a mass which is composed of identities which oppose identities, and they are so delicately faced against each other on the track that they don't slip.... Neither has ever overwhelmed the other." They finally make up a big black mass. The identities in the GPM are round black ridges. They are black. They are round. They do have mass. They do oppose each other. This is not allegorical. The anatomy of a problem is item vs. item, postulate vs. postulate. It is a game where you have two sides equally opposed. A problem doesn't become a problem until one is unable to overwhelm and won't be overwhelmed. It is a matter of balance. "Don't underestimate the age of a pair of items in the GPM. [The] whole thing is built ... basically on the alter-isness of goals." It has gone on for trillions of years. You may say, "Why not resolve it all by just finding the PC's goal?" Because it doesn't immediately resolve the PT items, that's why, so you are trying to audit someone with a screaming PTP. The by-passed items are primed into PT and are beyond the PC's reach or confront. So the PC doesn't list to a free needle after you get the goal. The opposed items could have been there for trillions of years. 355 The game before that, likewise, etc. It takes a long time to get in that condition. The PC has lived many lives corresponding to each pair. To the main pair are accumulated thousands of lesser ones, also opposed [in groups of two]. The GPM would be easy to plot if all the pairs were neatly aligned in the bank, on a neat time track. But the PC is a case of "Scrunch!". The reactive mind has no time. This is also one of the highest characteristics of a thetan. A thetan has no time. The bank is the lower-scale mockery of this. To the PC, the whole of the GPM is now. So when you null, things react in this instant; hence instant reads. The analytical mind would require time, so analytical reads are latent. The most aberrative thing is time. To the bank, a hundred million years ago is now. So if time is all the same, what differentiation can we use to work on? In theory, whenever you say, "Boo!" to the PC, the whole reactive mind reacts. But this is an unattainable absolute, a nonsensical statement. In actual fact, the situation, as we look at the meter, is only saved by the reality of the PC. "The meter reads on what the PC has reality on, not what the PC is momentarily in." There is free track alongside the GPM, and the PC can move along it. Dianetics is the study of that free track. Free track is timed. The reality of the PC is governed by the PC's tolerance of force. A thing reads because it most closely approximates a PC's limit of reality on force. You can always run against the ceiling of that limit. That ceiling is marked by the rock slam. That is how much force the PC can confront. A person "is as sane as he can tolerate force. Not use force, [necessarily]. Tolerate it." If you run around banning bombs, you won't get much support, because the bulk of the population don't believe in them. There is too much force to confront in one of them, so people don't confront them, and they are not real. If the populace could tolerate force, they would long since have torn the governments of the U.S. and Russia to shreds. Wars occur because people can't tolerate force, so they have no reality on what they are doing. They don't know how much force they are going to turn loose. It is an irresponsible action. The amount of force a person will throw out is no measure of sanity, but how much he can confront is. As the person comes down the track through the GPM, he has become less and less capable of tolerating force. So the PT terminals and oppterms usually seem quite insurmountable to the PC, until [they are] audited on R2-12. All PCs suffer from some reaction like this. They think that there is more to it than there is. That is one of the guiding idiocies of a thetan. For instance, a PC will think that he has some huge, dramatic withhold to account for the fact that his ruds keep being out. Then he finally spots the withhold that he thought the instructor's tie was crooked. Drama, i.e. dramatic, heavy events in PT, seldom has Anything to do with the degree on enturbulation of the PC. He is trying to match the significance, in PT, of the drama that does exist in the GPM. Auditors do this sometimes. They hound the PC because he has a dirty needle. 356 PCs have been "good" for hundreds of years. Underlying it will be the reverse, but it takes some time for the PC to confront this fact. You do find dramatic stuff in the GPM: magnitudinous overts, etc. But you don't pull them out bit by bit. They come out as packages. PCs try to match up with the GPM. It restimulates them to believe that they must be guilty of something, but they can't put their finger on it. It is in the GPM. If you know this, you will realize that some of the tech for freeing people on this planet is utterly outrageous. What we are doing is quite fantastic. PCs can get quite upset doing this, i.e. being audited, so it requires an auditor who can go steadily on to complete the job. There is no room for an auditor who quits because the PC twitters or gets a somatic. He has to complete the cycle of action that is in progress. We could clear somebody, albeit slowly, by continuing to find and oppose RI's. More importantly, as you go down the rock slam channel, the PC will eventually find his goal. But a goal is senior to items. It is easier to find the goal first and then, from it, to find the RI's. You would now be doing R3-21. So R2-12 cuts into R3-21 at a place determined by the extent to which R2-12 is run. You could go into 3GAXX, using the pre-hav scale to get more items. If you did R2-12 and had the case flying, you might find the PC coming up with his goal after six packages had been found. If you have a PC who is very stacked up and identified, it may take a good deal longer. You could just keep finding items until the PC goes clear, doing nothing with his goal. Of course, if you ignore it and don't acknowledge it, he is thrown into protesting the goal, and he won't go clear. When the PC may have had a wrong goal found and/or run, you must get rid of the wrong goal as a senior action to R2-12, since that is now his PTP. You run "Wrong goal" with big tiger [See p. 295a, above.] if it has just been found. You prepcheck it if it has been listed. When you have a PC who has had bad auditing and has been "all fouled up ever since that session" do R2-12. It will handle it. An item was loused up, not the PC. Items are senior to any other auditing except goals. R2-12 is also usable as an assist. If the PC is bothered by something, you could ask, "What illness of yours have you been interested in?" The PC answers, "My lumbosis." You ask, "All right. Who or what does your lumbosis represent to you?" That would use the principle of R2-12. The question could be unmetered and unnulled. If the PC is interested in it, it is identified like mad. He must have an A=A=A about it. If the PC has a psychosomatic illness, he must have the past in PT. Therefore there is instantaneousness connected with it. Therefore it has some connection with the GPM. If the PC has an engram chronically is restimulation, one tag end of it must be headed into the GPM. Otherwise it would destimulate in three to ten days after going into restimulation. To do an assist on chronic somatics, i.e. timeless somatics that didn't disappear in three to ten days, the first thing you have to know is that they are hooked up to the GPM. The GPM, or any part of it, can never be educated out of anybody. That is the source of repetitive criminality. Nothing will cure it, short of getting rid of the GPM. The criminal has been a criminal longer than one life. "He's straight in the middle of [an] identity 357 of the GPM. He knows what stores are for: to put in trucks at night." He can't be handled by do-gooders. Some processes can key out the valence, remarkably enough. That we can have MEST clears is fantastic luck. Matter, energy, and space are also in the GPM. Probably the GPM has mass simply because time is nothing, but the energy, space, and matter isn't nothing yet. This makes an interesting mathematical proposition. If time were actually zero, there would be no matter or energy, and possibly no space. So there is only an apparency of no time in the A=A=A nature of the bank, and although there is an apparency of no matter, there is mass. There is an apparency of no energy and no space, but in actuality there is energy and space. So matter, energy, space, and time are in the GPM. Whenever you restore any differentiation, even from identity to slight similarity, you get more matter, energy, and space, because you get more time. Things cease to read instantly and you start to get prior and latent reads. The case that has been a dub-in case may get very upset to find himself going black. As you get more differentiation, you get more mass. Smooth auditing is essential in handling the GPM. Otherwise, the PC's ability to confront the increasing matter, energy, space, and time in his bank is repressed, so he would tend to hang fire. Auditing could take the place of the PTP. Some cases see that they are being asked to confront more than they care to. They will turn off the reality that has been turning on and momentarily get worse. The more the PC lists, the more matter, energy, space, and time is materializing. Probably the only thing that permits the process to work is that there is more time. Time permits escape from the pressure of the increased mass, etc., as past time becomes differentiated from PT. So the PC is not so stuck in the mass, energy, and space.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=11/12/62 Volnum=1 Issue=222 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-222 R2-12 Data    6212C11 SHSpec-222 R2-12 Data [Much of the data in this lecture is given in HCOB 15Dec62 "Urgent -- R2-12, The Fatal Error" and HCOB 30Dec62 "Urgent -- Important -- Routines 2-12 and 2-10: Case Errors -- Points of Greatest Importance".] Don't overuse 2WC, e.g. "Did you just think of something?", in mid-session. "Have you thought of anything?" tends to put responsibility on the PC. This tells him to self-audit. If the PC says that he has forgotten something, don't say, "What was it?" Give the missed withhold question. Cleaning a needle is just fundamental auditing. You could do it thoroughly with an eighteen button prepcheck "In auditing", or even just "suppress" and "invalidate" as a prepcheck assist. You could assess the eighteen buttons and run what reads best. That would clean up a needle. A very high TA will also be brought down with this basic stuff. Don't spend a lot of time fixing up the case before you audit it. You can also clean up a needle with R2-12. If a case doesn't move on R2-12, assume that he is a rockslammer and take the largest read on List One and oppose it. Or just do an oppose list on scientology. [Cf. the green form handling, "What are you trying to prevent?"] There is no disgrace in being a rockslammer. Some people have lied about whether it 358 was pain or sensation, so as not to seem "declasse". So LRH checks "untruth", because if you write a backwards list, it is useless, as well as hard on the PC. There are two ways to approach the persistent dirty needle. If you don't have someone to do R2-12, pull missed withholds, etc. Do a prepcheck of sorts to clean the needle, and teach the auditor to get missed withholds. If these attempts to clean the needle go on too long, there is a point where the PC's anxiety about no auditing dirties the needle. So don't overrun this repair action. No-auditing can be counted on to dirty a needle. The PC can also get anxious if nothing is reading on nulling. He can be afraid that you are going to go into mid-ruds and get a dirty needle from that. The first symptom of a session blowing up is the PC getting a little bit critical of the auditor. This is the only thing LRH stops at when putting in mid-ruds. It is always the sign of an O/W underlying it. To neglect it lets it multiply into a screaming ARC break later. So pick up "critical" with "missed withhold" at once. This is fundamental! Any indication of missed withholds makes LRH go after them. You don't use "missed withhold" to punish the PC but to prevent the PC from blowing up. In R2-12, one mistake you can make is not to know what a rock slam looks like and therefore to neglect a rockslamming item. The auditor knows that it reacted, so he represents it. This isn't invariably disastrous. The command value of a rockslamming item is terrific. But the PC's Attention is not on the slamming item. It is on what opposes it in the GPM. So, when you do a represent list, it takes the PC's attention off the item that claims it and it drives the PC around the bend. If you really get mad at someone, when he is rockslamming on something, represent it instead of opposing it. He will practically go out the bottom. Another goof would be to null the opposition list just to the point where all the reads are gone, without finding the item. Then quit, just short of getting the package. This leaves a hidden pair in PT. The PC will feel better, but there is still something there. Nulling the represent or oppose list makes it easier for the PC to extend it. You can get to a point where a list can be nulled even though it is incomplete. Just continue the list, and you will see another rock slam turn on, and the rock slam on the original item you were opposing will come back. Another error that people are making is abandoning lists that had rock slams on them. They can get into this mistake by representing instead of opposing a rockslamming item. The list will go nowhere, because there is nowhere to go, except to the original item. Sometimes an item which didn't rockslam at first will unburden enough when you start to represent it to start rockslamming. So check for this, when the "represent" list gives a dirty needle and no item. "The less attention one has in PT, the more one is likely to go down [the] tone scale." As the PC takes his attention off past incidents to handle PT, these past incidents collapse in on him and he dramatizes. This is applicable to the fact that we have found the worst attention trap there is: RI's represented in PT. The rock slam is caused by the fury and franticness of the PC's attention and opposed attentions. 359 Never fail to pair an item, once found. If you only find one item of a rockslamming pair, especially if you do this several times, after awhile you will get no rock slams. That amount of attention is absorbed in the bank, and all you will get will be dead horses, thenceforth. This isn't terribly serious, since we can take the folder and go back to find the incomplete packages. If you don't do this, the packages can add up to a point where the PC won't go clear. An auditor who repairs a situation like this gets all the residual gain. The PC will already have gotten gains; he will have felt much better, even before the repair. It is not dangerous to put R2-12 in clumsy hands, as long as good records are kept and common ordinary good auditing gets done. Doing R2-12 right is last in order of importance. If you simplify this down to the bare minimum, omit mid-ruds and anything at all complicated, you have R2-10, to be run on a heavily supervised co-audit basis. The only place you will have trouble is deciding whether to represent or oppose an item that rockslams cyclically, so you don't know if it is an RI. Learn what one of these cyclic dirty needle opposition lists looks like. Then you will know what you are listing.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=11/12/62 Volnum=1 Issue=223 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-223 Phantom Rock Slam    6212C11 SHSpec-223 Phantom Rock Slam The phantom rock slam is a special manifestation of R2-12. This is not a rare manifestation, and it causes trouble. There is a rule about this: You mustn't grab rock slams from ruds. Get them from R2-12 or case records, e.g. old sec checks, List Ones. The phantom slam will attach itself to various terminals and anything and everything in rudiments. You can wind up with this peculiar phenomenon: opposing something that isn't a rockslamming item. When this happens, in R2-12, you may get a rock slam in the oppose list, but it will be a cyclic proposition. The rock slam becomes a dirty needle, becomes a clean needle, every two or three pages. This cycle never ends. The list is unnullable. This phenomenon is peculiar to the opposition list. You could make this happen by taking a list of unreading items and insisting that the PC oppose one of them. The PC will go ahead and do it, but the list is unnullable. In R2-12, it is an enemy that is helping the PC. [I.e. scientology, an auditor, etc. Anything from List One that the PC rock slams on.] Therefore, the PC can't accept the help. The enemy is right here and now in this session. List One is also right here and now. It is what is being used on the PC: auditors, E-meters, sessions, etc. If List One isn't used, these things are never located. The most crude manifestation of a failure to locate rockslamming items to oppose is the phantom slam, which comes and goes. You will only get dead horses doing lists from other sources. If the PC is on record as having slammed on List One, but you can't turn on the rock slam now, tiger drill three or four main points of the list until one ticks, then go ahead and oppose it. It will turn on a continuing rock slam and get you a reliable item. 360 The case that slams on this and that is the puzzler. It confuses the auditor. You eventually realize that the rock slam has nothing to do with what you are listing or nulling. It turns on incidentally. It will turn on more powerfully on a heavily charged list, that has some rock slams on it anyhow. The phantom rock slam is generated by some tiny withhold and not by some item on the list. The test of the phantom rock slam is, "Do you get one rock slam in nulling that stays in, or does the PC rockslam on ruds or mid-ruds, especially since big mid-ruds. The latter is a more powerful rudiments action than is in a regular model session. If you see a rock slam turn on during a ruds action with a time-limiter, like, "Since your last session," you have a phantom rock slam. Sometimes the PC graduates upstairs to having a phantom rock slam, as his case unburdens. The rock slam can be absent at first. Then it develops first into a tame rock slam, then gets frantic, then cools off again, as the case unburdens. Then, when you hit the item, it is there again in force and blows. The rock slam tends to stay the same size, but it changes speed. A phantom rock slam is any slam that turns on in ruds or general O/W. It is caused by any withhold the PC has from you or the remainder of the dynamics. Every now and then, you will be fixing up someone's line plot, done in a co-audit or something, and out of twenty-four packages, only one will rock slam. You may think, "Well, the charge is blown." No. It was a phantom slam all the way. Fortunately, there is a solution. A phantom rock slam is turned on by something in the immediate, instant PT of the session. It is turned on by something immediately in or in the vicinity of the session. Something right here. It is not a fight with the D of P, because he is down the hall. The way you smoke one out is to get every possible element of which the session consists. With the PC's help, you make a special list, which must include every part of the PC (his name, "myself", badges, symbols, tables, etc.). [Cf. the expanded dianetics present time environment list.] With this list, you will get the PTP that is "right present in the session". The phantom slam will show up on the list. The PC won't help much, because, since he slams on the item he can't see it. He has overts on what it will be, so he can't perceive it. So you may have to suggest some items. The majority of items will probably be first dynamic items. The item could be "me", but it could translate as "my mind" or some such thing. But as you continued to get more and more packages, the item would gradually change in character [e.g. to include more dynamics]. The rock slam gets gradiently more sudden and more constant. Finally, the PC could just blurt out the item. The only test of whether you have found the source of the rock slam is that the rock slam doesn't recur. So you can't tell for several sessions whether you have got it. So the phantom rock slam item is an even more immediate version of the List One items. It is something so much in PT and so disturbing to the PC, that it is a total PTP, a very screaming one, because it is so close to the session. This PTP blocks him from getting gains. It was in 1956 or so when LRH isolated the PTP as that which prevents case gain. The GPM was discovered via the PTP. The closer to auditing and PT the PTP is, the less gains are obtained from auditing. That is why List One is a cure. Note that we include other dynamics besides the first dynamic in 361 List One. There are other dynamics in PT. You can point at the PC and say, "me," or point at yourself and say, "we," to get the point across. Ordinarily, careful attention to List One will get the phantom slam and clean it up. So the proper procedure is: 1. Complete running List One. 2. Make a session List One. If you run into a phantom rock slam after completing List One and cleared up all the slams on it, what you should do is to go over with the PC all the parts of the session, so you can locate the in-session rockslamming item. Keep your eye on the meter so that you can steer him and pick up something he thinks of that turns on a slam. 3. Just go on finding reliable items. Do this to the best of your ability. Don't buy anything that doesn't stay in pretty well, and make lists long enough to be complete. Get your packages, difficult though this may be. You will see the slam turn on more frequently, and get progressively less frantic, until one day the PC volunteers the item, which slams beautifully and can be opposed. 4. Pick up all past incomplete or dead horse lists. Go back to all those lists that appeared to give lots of bonus packages and no RI's. Now you will be able to find some RI's. R2-12 should have a positive result. Everything shouldn't just go up in smoke. Here is another point. You can represent massless things -- ideas, conditions, etc. -- and you will get nice massy rockslamming items. But if you oppose significances, you can get in trouble. If a significance rockslams, you do oppose it. But you are actually opposing a nothing, an idea. So get the item -- the identity -- that opposes the significance. E.g. "mouse" could oppose "attack". Then oppose the item you got (e.g. "mouse") right back, to get a second solid item (e.g. "cat") with which to make up a package. Otherwise, you don't have two terminals. This is the original 3DXX. List long enough on the "oppose" list to the significance to get the item. You can have a package consisting of a significance opposing a significance, but it is not much of a GPM package. Significances easily go blank, so the rock slam can wash out, doing the oppose list. The rock slam isn't really gone. It is just submerged. Complete the list with a mass. When you have the item opposing the significance, see if it has pain or sensation connected with it, so you know which way to oppose it. Then oppose it and get the other mass. Rule: If the list is nullable and rockslamming, you can find a juicy item on it. A list can be nullable and still incomplete. Don't use invalidated items for anything. If the PC is invalidating the items that he is giving you -- yes, that's a valid test. But don't use the invalidate button for other purposes than to clean off real inval. Don't use it to keep from having to complete the list. PCs may try to get out of completing lists by invalidating items. Just go on and get the item, after you have finished nulling the list or checking mid-ruds. Sometimes a PC can't give you more items until you have finished nulling the list. 362 The basics of auditing cover most of the difficulty a person will have. The danger of R2-12 is that the auditor can get a result that he and the PC are happy with, without doing it right and getting all the available gain. The residual gain is 1000% worth.  L. Ron Hubbard