From: (The Tech Lion) Subject: FZ BIBLE - BRIEFING COURSE CHECKSHEET Level F Date: 28 Aug 1999 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <37c5baa4944546503bd78ddeebffe986@anonymous.poster> Distribution: Galactic Confederacy - All Planets Sender: Secret Squirrel Organization: FreeZone Bible Association Mail-To-News-Contact: Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. Newsgroups:,alt.religion.scientology FREEZONE BIBLE TECH POST BRIEFING COURSE CHECKSHEET - Level F ************************************************** I am the Tech Lion. I bring you the checksheets from the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, circa 1981. There are six checksheets in total, levels A through F. Each checksheet is contained in its own separate post. Note that at this time, the Briefing Course was Level 5 and NED was below the Academy Levels. With a thorough study of this material, you too can become a lion of Standard Tech. Yours truly, -the Tech Lion ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoners are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** [Best viewed with a fixed-pitch font such as Courier.] HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 10 FEBRUARY 1980 ISSUE VI Remimeo Saint Hills Only SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE LEVEL F CHECKSHEET HUBBARD CASE REPAIR SPECIALIST (Cancels: BPL 18 Mar 75R II, Rev. 25.3.77: LEVEL FIVE CHECKSHEET- SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE and BPL 25 Mar 77: SENIOR SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE) NAME:_________________________ ORG:__________________________ DATE STARTED:_________________ DATE COMPLETED:_______________ This checksheet contains key technical issues from 1967 to 1979 that are not otherwise covered on the SHSBC courses. It also covers all of the tech needed to fully repair a pc and get him back on the Grade Chart. The auditor learns the tech of verifying and correcting L&N lists, full PTS handllngs, Int RDs, Prepared Lists such as the C/S 53 and the G/F and the FESing and programming of cases. It also includes advanced hatting on the E-Meter and how it works. PREREQUISITES: (1) Student Hat or PRD (2) New Era Dianetics Course (3) New Era Dianetics Internship (4) Class IV (5) SHSBC Level A course (6) SHSBC Level B Course (7) SHSBC Level C Course (8) SHSBC Level D Course (9) SHSBC Level E Course. PURPOSE: To provide the student with all the tech from 1967 to 1979 necessary to fully repair any case. LENGTH: Full time (9:00 am - 10:30 pm) - 4 1/2 weeks Part time (9:00 am - 6:00 pm) - 6 1/2 weeks Foundation hours = 10 1/2 weeks. STUDY TECH: This course is studied per HCO PL 25 Sep 79, Issue I - IMPORTANT, SUCCESSFUL TRAINING LINEUP, with full use of study tech. R-FACTOR: The Theory and Practical Sections of this course are done concurrently. The student audits daily either during his practical time or outside of course hours while continuing through the theory section of the checksheet. EP: Certainty that you can repair a case and get it back on the Grade Chart. PRODUCT: An auditor who has the key tech from 1967 to 1979, who fully understands the E-Meter and who can repair a case and get it back on the Grade Chart. CERTIFICATE: SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE - LEVEL F HUBBARD CASE REPAIR SPECIALIST. SHSBC LEVEL F: THEORY SECTION ============ INTRODUCTION 1. HCO PL 7 Feb 65 KSW Series 1, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING _______ Reiss. 21.8.80 2. HCO PL 17 Jun 70R KSW Series 5, TECHNICAL DEGRADES ________ Reiss. 30.8.80 3. HCO PL 14 Feb 65 KSW Series 4, SAFEGUARDING TECHNOLOGY ________ Reiss. 30.8.80 ============ CHRONOLOGICAL THEORY 1. HCOB 2 Jan 67 DATING - FORBIDDEN WORDS _________ 2. HCOB 22 Mar 67 ALTER-IS AND DEGRADED BEINGS _________ 2A. DEMO: How a degraded being becomes one. _________ 3. HCOB 30 Jun 67 EVIDENCES OF AN ABERRATED AREA _________ 3A. ESSAY: How to apply the evidences in the above HCOB to the programming of a case. _________ 4. HCOB 19 Aug 67 THE SUPREME TEST _________ 4A. DEMO: The Supreme Test of a thetan. _________ 5. HCO PL 15 Aug 67 DISCIPLINE SPs & ADMIN HOW STATISTICS CRASH _________ 6. HCOB 18 Sep 67 SCALES _________ 6A. DEMO: How the various scales interrelate. _________ 7. HCO PL 1 Oct 67 AKH USES OF ORGS _________ 8. HCO PL 16 Oct 67 AKH SUPPRESSIVES AND THE ADMINISTRATOR _________ 9. HCOB 9 Jan 68 MONEY PROCESS _________ 9A. DEMO: How the Money Process restores havingness on money. _________ 10. HCOB 12 Mar 68 MISTAKES, ANATOMY OF _________ 11. HCOB 20 May 68 OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE _________ Reiss. 5.3.74 11A. CLAY DEMO: The overt-motivator sequence. _________ 12. HCO PL 18 Jun 68 ETHICS _________ 13. HCO PL 29 Jun 68 ENROLLMENT IN SUPPRESSIVE GROUPS _________ 14. BOOK: INTRODUCTION TO SCIENTOLOGY ETHICS _________ 15. HCOB 26 Aug 68 REHAB & CORRECTION _________ 16. HCOB 28 Aug 68 OUT TECH _________ 16A. DEMO: What happens when tech goes out. _________ 17. HCOB 31 Aug 68 WRITTEN C/S INSTRUCTIONS _________ 18. HCOB 23 Sep 68 DRUGS & TRIPPERS _________ 18A. DEMO: "Chemical Release" and what it does. _________ 18B. HCOB 14 Oct 68 THE AUDITOR'S CODE _________ 18C. DRILL: The Auditor's Code - verbatim. _________ 19. HCO PL 21 Oct 68 CANCELLATION OF FAIR GAME _________ 20. HCOB 1 Nov 68 HIGH TA _________ 21. HCO PL 15 Nov 68 CANCELLATION OF DISCONNECTION _________ 22. HCOB 26 Dec 68 THE THIRD PARTY LAW _________ 22A. CLAY DEMO: The Third Party Law. _________ 23. HCOB 8 Jan 69 DRUGS AND INSANITY - NON COMPLIANCE AND ALTER-IS _________ 23A. DEMO: How drugs lead to alter-is. _________ 24. HCOB 3 Mar 69 CASE GAIN COMPLETING LEVELS _________ 24A. DEMO: What you know if a standard level doesn't produce case gain. _________ 25. HCOB 5 Apr 69 NEW PRECLEARS THE WORKABILITY OF SCIENTOLOGY _________ Reiss. 26.5.70 25A. DEMO: The ways "no auditing" can occur. _________ 26. HCOB 6 Apr 69 FUNDAMENTAL AUDITING _________ 27. HCOB 22 Apr 69 I SOMATICS AND OTS _________ 28. HCOB 26 Apr 69 SOMATICS _________ Rev. 11.7.78 29. HCOB 30 Apr 69 AUDITOR TRUST _________ 30. DEMO: How to make a safe auditing environment for the pc. _________ 31. HCOB 24 Jul 69R SERIOUSLY ILL PCS _________ Rev. 24.7.78 32. HCOB 27 Jul 69 ANTIBIOTICS _________ 33. HCOB 11 May 69 II FORCING A PC _________ Rev. 12.10.69 33A. DEMO: What happens if you force a pc. _________ 34. DEMO: How to handle a pc who doesn't want to go on. _________ 35. HCOB 29 Mar 70 AUDITING AND ETHICS _________ 35A. DEMO: Why you don't audit a pc undergoing ethics. _________ 36. HCOB 28 May 70 CORRECTION LISTS, USE OF _________ 37. HCOB 8 Jun 70 LOW TA HANDLING _________ 38. HCO PL 8 Sep 70RA EXAMINER'S 24 HOUR RULE _________ Rev. 24.10.75 39. HCOB 28 Nov 70 C/S Series 22 PSYCHOSIS _________ 40. BOOK: 0-8 THE BOOK OF BASICS _________ 41. HCO PL 13 Jan 71 EXAM 24 HOUR RULE _________ 42. HCOB 5 Mar 71 C/S Series 25 THE FANTASTIC NEW HGC LINE _________ 43. HCOB 30 Apr 71 AUDITING COMM CYCLE _________ 44. HCOB 23 May 71RI Basic Auditing Series 1R THE MAGIC OF THE COMMUNICATION CYCLE ________ Rev. 4.12.74 45. HCOB 23 May 71R Basic Auditing Series 2R Issue II THE TWO PARTS OF AUDITING _________ Rev. 6.12.74 46. HCOB 23 May 71 Basic Auditing Series 3 Issue III THE THREE IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION LINES _________ Reiss. 1.12.74 47. HCOB 23 May 71R Basic Auditing Series 4R Issue IV COMMUNICATION CYCLES WITHIN THE AUDITING CYCLE _________ Rev. 4.12.74 48. HCOB 23 May 71RV Basic Auditing Series 5R THE COMMUNICATION CYCLE IN AUDITING _________ Rev. 29.11.74 49. HCOB 23 May 71VI Basic Auditing Series 6 AUDITOR FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND _________ 50. HCOB 23 May 71 Basic Auditing Series 7 Issue VII PREMATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS _________ 51. HCOB 5 Feb 66 Basic Auditing Series 8 "LETTING THE PC ITSA" THE PROPERLY TRAINED AUDITOR _________ Reiss. 23.5.71 52. HCOB 23 May 71X Basic Auditing Series 9 COMM CYCLE ADDITIVES _________ 53. HCOB 23 May 71R Basic Auditing Series 10R Issue VIII RECOGNITION OF THE RIGHTNESS OF THE BEING _________ 54. HCOB 23 May 71IX Basic Auditing Series 11 METERING _________ 55. HCOB 18 Jun 71 II C/S Series 46 DECLARES _________ 56. HCOB 23 Jul 71R ASSISTS _________ Rev. 16.7.78 57A. DEMO: The steps of Post Purpose Clearing. _________ 58. HCOB 8 Aug 71 C/S Series 55 THE IVORY TOWER _________ 59. HCOB 24 Aug 71R ASSISTS ADDITION _________ 60. HCOB 15 Sep 71 C/S Series 60 THE WORST TANGLE _________ 61. HCOB 21 Oct 71 ASSISTS IN SCIENTOLOGY _________ Reiss. 21.9.74 61A. DEMO: What an assist is. _________ 61B. DEMO: The steps of an assist. _________ 62. HCOB 24 Oct 71R FALSE TA _________ Rev. 26.1.77 63. HCOB 25 Oct 71 DRUG DRYING OUT _________ 64. HCOB 25 Oct 71 AUDITOR FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND _________ 64A. DRILL: What to say when you don't understand the pc. _________ 65. HCOB 12 Nov 71RA FALSE TA ADDITION _________ Rev. 26.1.77 66. HCOB 15 Feb 72R FALSE TA ADDITION 2 _________ Rev. 26.1.77 67. HCOB 18 Feb 72R FALSE TA ADDITION 3 _________ Rev. 26.1.77 68. HCO PL 13 Mar 72 PRODUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT ORDERS AND PRODUCTS _________ 69. HCO PL 23 Mar 72 FULL PRODUCT CLEARING LONG FORM _________ 70. HCO PL 4 Apr 72 ETHICS _________ 71. HCO PL 9 Apr 72R CORRECT DANGER CONDITION HANDLING _________ Rev. 1.12.79 72. HCO PL 3 May 72 ETHICS AND EXECUTIVES _________ 72A. DRILL: A "3 May PL" handling. _________ 73. HCOB 10 May 72 ROBOTISM _________ 73A. DEMO: The cause and cure of robotism. _________ 74. HCOB 20 Jul 72II DISTRACTIVE AND ADDITIVE QUESTIONS AND ORDERS _________ 75. DEMO: How additive and distractive questions, orders or comments affect the pc. _________ 76. HCOB 15 Nov 73R FEAR OF PEOPLE LIST - R _________ Rev. 4.12.73 76A. HCOB 21 Nov 73 THE CURE OF Q&A - MAN'S DEADLIEST DISEASE _________ 77. HCOB 23 Nov 73R DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA _________ Rev. 26.1.77 78. HCOB 15 Dec 73 THE CONTINUOUS MISSED W/H AND CONTINUOUS OVERT WITH DATA ON DEGRADED BEINGS AND FALSE PTS CONDITIONS _________ 78A. DEMO: A continuous missed withhold. _________ 78B. DEMO: A continuous overt. _________ 79. HCOB 17 Feb 74 C/S Series 91 MUTUAL OUT RUDS _________ 80. HCOB 31 may 74 UNHANDLED DRUGS AND ETHICS _________ 81. HCOB 1 Nov 74R ROCK SLAMS AND ROCK SLAMMERS _________ Rev. 5.9.78 82. HCOB 5 Nov 74 DRUGS, MORE ABOUT _________ 83. HCOB 12 Jan 75 QUADS REINSTATED _________ 84. HCOB 29 Mar 75R ANTIBIOTICS, ADMINISTERING OF _________ Rev. 23.10.78 85. HCOB 23 Apr 75R VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA _________ Rev. 26.1.77 86. HCOB 27 Jul 76 PTS RUNDOWN AND VITAL INFO RD POSITION CORRECTED _________ 87. HCOB 10 Aug 76R R/Ses, WHAT THEY MEAN _________ Rev. 5.9.78 88. HCOB 20 Oct 76 II PTS HANDLING _________ 89. HCOB 6 Dec 76 ILLEGAL PCS, ACCEPTANCE OF HIGH CRIME BULLETIN _________ 90. DEMO: The three categories of illegal pcs. _________ 91. HCOB 13 Jan 77RA HANDLING A FALSE TA _________ 92. HCOB 24 Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP _________ 93. HCOB 26 Jan 77 FOOTPLATES USE FORBIDDEN _________ 94. HCOB 5 Feb 77 C/S Series 100 JOKERS AND DEGRADERS _________ 95. HCOB 1 Mar 77 II CONFESSIONAL FORMS _________ 96. HCOB 1 Mar 77 FORMULATING CONFESSIONAL QUESTIONS _________ 97. HCOB 7 May 77 LONG DURATION SEC CHECKING _________ 98. HCOB 31 May 77 LSD YEARS AFTER THEY HAVE "COME OFF OF" LSD _________ 99. HCOB 23 Jul 78 C/S Series 101 LIST OF PERCEPTICS _________ 100. HCOB 13 Sep 78 II CLEARS, OTS AND R/Ses _________ 101. HCOB 26 Aug 78R MORE ON DRUGS _________ Rev. 5.10.78 101A. HCOB 1 Dec 78 PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT STEP _________ 102. HCOB 5 Dec 78 C/S Series 105 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS - ADDITIONAL DATA _________ 103. HCOB 6 Dec 78 REVIVIFICATION _________ 104. HCOB 3 Feb 79 II CONFRONT TECH HAS TO BE PART OF THE TR CHECKSHEET _________ 105. HCOB 3 Feb 78 CHANGE THE CIVILIZATION EVAL _________ Reiss. 8.2.79 106. HCOB 9 Feb 79 HOW TO DEFEAT VERBAL TECH _________ 107. HCOB 15 Feb 79 VERBAL TECH PENALTIES _________ 108. HCOB 5 Mar 79R DIANETIC CLEAR FALSE DECLARES _________ Rev. 6.3.79 109. HCOB 24 Sep 79 Cramming Series 19 FLYING RUDS IN CRAMMING _________ 110. HCOB 21 Dec 79 C/S Series 107 AUDITOR ASSIGNMENT POLICIES, CRAMMING ASSIGNMENT POLICIES _________ 111. TAPE: 6207C19 SHSBC-172 THE E-METER _________ 112. BOOK: UNDERSTANDING THE E-METER. _________ END OF SHSBC LEVEL F THEORY SECTION SHSBC LEVEL F: PRACTICAL SECTION ============ L&N VERIFICATION AND CORRECTION: *1. HCOB 11 Apr 77 LIST ERRORS CORRECTION OF _________ *2. HCOB 17 Mar 74 TWC CHECKSHEETS - TWC, USING WRONG QUESTIONS _________ 3. CLAY DEMO: 1. A standard listing question. _________ 2. The usual reason for a self list and how to handle. _________ 3. How using a question which directly or indirectly calls for items in the pc's answers can turn a 2WC into an L&N process. _________ 4. A random stray thought. _________ 5. A non-standard listing question. _________ 4. DEMO: How to reconstruct a list. _________ 5. HCOB 20 Apr 72 II C/S Series 78 PRODUCT PURPOSE AND WHY AND W/C ERROR CORRECTION _________ 6. CLAY DEMO: The manifestations an out-list produces. _________ 7. HCOB 30 Sep 68 LISTS _________ 8. DEMO: why you only get one F/N per type or list. _________ 9. HCOB 15 Dec 68RA L4BRA _________ 10. DRILL: A. Verifying or checking past L&N. _________ B. Checking for a possible out-list after an ethics interview, PTS interview, 10 Aug. 2WC, cramming action, why-finding, Dianetic auditing, post purpose clearing, product clearing, condition assignment, and handling what is found. _________ C. Reconstructing a list. _________ D. Handling the situation of a pc giving a nonstandard listing question as a "self list" (i.e. random stray thought). _________ E. Finding and correcting the earlier out-list to handle a self list (various situations). _________ F. Handling a sudden pc blow-up while correcting lists. ________ G. What to do if key lists such as Grades III and IV are not reading. _________ H. Locating and handling a wrong indication. _________ I. Hatting a pc on L&N, verifying and correcting so pc will know what an out-list is. (NOTE: This hatting would be with the use of source references.) _________ ============ HANDLING THE PTS: 1. HCOB 31 Dec 78 II OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING _________ 2. HCOB 31 Dec 78 Issue III DUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING, PTS C/S-1 _________ 3. DRILL: Doll drill the PTS C/S-1. _________ 4. HCO PL 7 May 69 POLICIES ON "SOURCES OF TROUBLE" _________ 5. DEMO: Demo each PTS Type A-J. _________ 6. HCOB 10 Aug 73 PTS HANDLING _________ 7. DRILL: Drill a 10 Aug with a coach. _________ 8. HCOB 24 Apr 72 I C/S Series 79 PTS INTERVIEWS _________ 9. DRILL: Drill a PTS interview with a coach. _________ 10. BPL 5 Apr 72RC PTS TYPE A HANDLING Issue I _________ 11. BTB 11 Nov 77 HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS _________ Reiss. 10.12.77 12. TAPE: PTS cassette - CAN WE EVER BE FRIENDS? _________ 13. CAN WE EVER BE FRIENDS? BOOKLET _________ 14. DRILL: Drill with a coach handling a Type A sit. Include "coaching" per the above BTB. _________ 15. HCOB 24 Nov 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY _________ 16. DEMO: Demo the correct handling if the S&D item turns out to be a group or condition or incident. _________ 17. HCOB 16 Aug 69R HANDLING ILLNESS IN SCIENTOLOGY _________ Rev. 25.9.78 18. DRILL: Drill the full procedure of S&D with a coach, including doing a represent list. _________ 19. HCOB 17 Apr 72 C/S Series 76 C/SING A PTS RUNDOWN _________ 20. DEMO: The EP of the PTS RD. _________ 21. HCOB 9 Dec 71RC PTS RUNDOWN, AUDITED _________ 22. DEMO: The 3 stages of handling PTSness. _________ 23. HCOB 3 Jun 72RA PTS RUNDOWN, FINAL STEP _________ Rev. 8.12.78 24. HCOB 20 Jan 72R PTS RD ADDITION _________ Rev. 8.12.78 25. DRILL: Drill with a coach each of the steps of the PTS Rundown. _________ 26. HCOB 29 Dec 78 THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RD _________ 27. CLAY DEMO: The EP of the Suppressed Person RD _________ 28. HCOB 30 Dec 78R SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN PROBLEMS PROCESSES _________ 29. DRILL: Drill the Suppressed Person RD with a coach, including the first action. _________ 30. HCOB 16 Aug72 PTS RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST _________ 31. DEMO: Demo the handling of each line of the PTS Correction List. _________ 32. DRILL: Drill assessing and handling the PTS Rundown Correction List with a coach. _________ 33. HCOB 15 Dec 73 THE CONTINUOUS MISSED W/H AND CONTINUOUS OVERT WITH DATA ON DEGRADED BEINGS AND FALSE PTS CONDITIONS _________ 34. HCOB 20 Oct 76 II PTS HANDLING _________ 35. DEMO: False PTSness. _________ ============ INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN: 1. HCOB 4 Oct 78 Int RD Series 1 INTERIORIZATION HANDLING SIMPLIFIED _________ 2. DEMO: Why you would begin Int by running engram chains. ________ 3. HCOB 4 Jan 71R Int RD Series 2 EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA THE INTERIORIZATION RD REVISED _________ Rev. 24.9.78 4. DEMO: (A) Exteriorization. ________ (B) Interiorization. ________ 5. DEMO: How the beginning of exterior is interior. _________ 6. DEMO: The procedure for getting the Int button that you will run. _________ 7. DEMO: (A) Earlier beginning and (B) earlier incident and how each relates to running Int. _________ 8. CLAY DEMO: Each step of the Int Rundown, including full Dianetic EP of a chain. _________ 9. CLAY DEMO: The EP of the Int Rundown. _________ 10. HCOB 30 May 70R Int RD Series 3 INTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE 2 WAY COMS _________ Rev. 23.9.78 11. DEMO: Two Way Comm on Int. _________ 12. HCOB 24 Sep 78R I Int RD Series 4RA URGENT IMPORTANT THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN _________ Rev. 21.2.79 13. DEMO: When you would use the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. _________ 14. DEMO: Each step of the End Or Endless Int Repair RD. _________ 15. HCOB 6 Dec 78 REVIVIFICATION _________ 16. DEMO: Revivification. _________ 17. DEMO: "Returning" to an incident. _________ 18. HCOB 25 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 5 QUAD COMMANDS FOR INT BUTTONS _________ 19. DRILL: The steps of the End Of Endless Int Repair RD, assessing various buttons and flows, untll you feel confident doing it. _________ 20. HCOB 11 Apr 70R Int RD Series 6 AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR ________ Rev. 23.9.78 21. HCOB 6 May 70R Int RD Series 7 BLOWS AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR _________ Rev. 24.9.78 22. DEMO: What happens when you audit a pc past exterior. _________ 23. HCOB 20 Aug 70R Int RD Series 8 INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN MUSTS _________ Rev. 23.9.78 24. HCOB 13 Jan 71R Int RD Series 9 EXTERIORIZATION _________ Rev. 24.9.78 25. HCOB 16 Dec 71RB Int RD Series 10 C/S Series 35RB INTERIORIZATION ERRORS _________ Rev. 24.9.78 26. DEMO: Four of the errors that could lead to excessive Int Repair and how you would prevent each. _________ 27. E-Meter Drill #22 _________ 28. E-Meter Drill #25 _________ 29. HCOB 15 Nov 78 DATING AND LOCATING _________ 30. DRILL: (A) Dating Drill #1. ________ (B) Locating Drill #1. ________ 31. DRILL: (A) Dating Drill #2. ________ (B) Locating Drill #2. ________ 32. HCOB 24 Sep 71R Int RD Series 11 INTERIORIZATION RD CORRECTION DRILL: DATE TO BLOW/LOCATE TO BLOW _________ Rev. 24.9.78 33. DRILL: A. Clearing "Exteriorization" on a pc. _________ B. Rehabbing number of times exterior. _________ C. Assessing the Int buttons and getting the Int button you will run. _________ D. Handling an Int button that is reading on an MU. _________ E. Handling an unreading Int button list. _________ F. Running an Int button, using the exact Int and R3RA commands, going earlier commands and R3RA procedure to full Dianetic EP, until you can do so flublessly. _________ G. Reassessing the Int button list, using various situations that could arise. _________ H. The full steps Of the Int RD in sequence, handling various situations, until you can run it flublessly. _________ I. 2-Way Comm session on Int/Ext. _________ 34. HCOB 11 Apr 71RC IMPORTANT, L3RF, DIANETICS AND INT RD REPAIR LIST _________ Re-rev. 21.9.78 35. DRILL: Assessing and handling the various items on the L3RF that would apply to Int RD bogs. _________ 36. HCOB 29 Oct 71RA Int RD Series 12 INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST REVISED _________ Rev. 24.9.78 37. DRILL: Assessing and handling various situations on the Int RD Correction List until you feel confident at it. _________ 38. HCOB 24 Sep 78 II Int RD Series 13 PREASSESSMENT, AESPs AND INT _________ 39. DEMO: Why Preassessment and AESPs are not used in running Int. _________ 40. HCOB 17 Dec 71RB Int RD Series 15 C/S Series 23RB INTERIORIZATION SUMMARY _________ Re-rev. 24.9.78 41. DEMO: The purpose of the Int Rundown. _________ 42. HCOB 16 Oct 78 II Int RD Series 16 C/S Series 102 C/S CHECKLIST OF INT ERRORS _________ 43. DEMO: Each of the two major errors that can occur most frequently on running Int and how you would prevent each. _________ 44. DEMO: The use of the C/S Checklist for Int errors. _________ 45. HCOB 25 Sep 78 II Int RD Series 14 STARRATE CHECKOUTS FOR INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN _________ 46. OK TO AUDIT INT: Do the starrate checkouts and clay demos, per Int RD Series 14, for your "Okay to Audit Int". _________ ============ PREPARED LISTS: GENERAL: 1. HCOB 3 Jul 71R AUDITING BY LISTS REVISED _________ 2. HCOB 14 Mar 71R F/N EVERYTHING _________ 3. HCOB 24 Oct 76R C/S Series 96R DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS _________ *4. HCOB 10 Jun 71 I C/S Series 44R C/S RULES PROGRAMMING FROM PREPARED LISTS _________ *5. CLAY DEMO: Why you handle out-Int then out-lists then out-ruds as covered in C/S Series 44R. _________ C/S 53: 6. HCOB 24 Nov 73RD C/S Series 53RL LF _________ Rev. 30.10.78 7. HCOB 24 Nov 73RD C/S Series 53RL SF _________ Rev. 30.10.78 8. HCOB 30 Oct 78 C/S Series 53 USE OF _________ 9. HCOB 13 Dec 78R PC SET-UPS AND C/S 53 _________ 10. DEMO: The purpose of the C/S 53. _________ 11. DEMO: What situation and type of pc calls for a C/S 53 SF and what situation and type of pc calls for a C/S 53 LF. _________ 12. DRILL: How a read on a question concerning Dianetics is handled on a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear. _________ 13. DRILL: Handling each line of the C/S 53 LF. _________ 14. DRILL: Handllng each line of the C/S 53 SF. _________ LX LISTS: 15. HCOB 25 Nov 71 II RESISTIVE CASES FORMER THERAPY _________ Rev. 21.9.74 16. HCOB 9 Jun 60 THE BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF SCIENTOLOGY VERSUS OVERTS _________ 17. HCOB 20 Sep 78 II LX LISTS HANDLING _________ 18. HCOB 2 Aug 69R "LX" LISTS _________ Rev. 4.9.78 19. HCOB 5 Nov 69R LX 3 (ATTITUDES) (USED BEFORE LX 2) _________ Rev. 4.9.78 20. HCOB 3 Aug 69R LX 2 _________ Rev. 22.8.78 21. HCOB 9 Aug 69R LX 1 (CONDITIONS) _________ Rev. 21.8.78 Reiss. 4.11.78 22. DEMO: How the LX Lists handle out of valenceness. _________ 23. DEMO: When 220 H is used. _________ 24. DRILL: LX 3 Handling. _________ 25. DRILL: LX 2 Handling. _________ 26. DRILL: LX 1 Handling. _________ 27. DRILL: 220 H Handling. _________ GREEN FORM: *28. HCOB 8 Dec 78 II GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF _________ 29. HCOB 7 Apr 70RB GREEN FORM _________ 30. DEMO: What kind of case manifestations a GF is used to handle. _________ 31. HCOB 30 Jun 71RB EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD _________ 32. DEMO: What kind of case manifestations a GF 40 is used to handle. _________ 33. DRILL: Handling each line of the Green Form. _________ 34. DRILL: Handling each line of the Green Form Expanded. _________ L1X (HIGH/LOW TA LIST): 35. HCOB 1 Jan 72RB L1X HIGH-LOW TA LIST REVISED _________ Rev. 10.2.77 36. DRILL: Handling each line of the L1X. _________ REPAIR CORRECTION: 37. HCOB 16 Oct 78 REPAIR CORRECTION LIST _________ 38. DEMO: When the repair correction list is done. _________ 39. DRILL: Handling each line of the Repair Correction List. _________ ============ PRACTICAL REQUIREMENT: 1. FES and Program a folder. _________ ============ LEVEL F AUDITING REQUIREMENTS 1. LISTING & NULLING VERIFICATION AND CORRECTION: A. Verify and correct L&N lists, PTS interviews, why finding, etc. to a good result with consistent well dones on your auditing of the action. ________ 2. PTS HANDLING: A. Do a full PTS handling on a pc using whatever PTS handling tech is needed to produce a good result and fully handle the PTS condition. ________ 3. INT/EXT HANDLING: A. FES of an Int RD and any repairs of Int including an Int Rundown Table. ________ B. Audit an Int RD or End of Endless Int Repair RD to EP of Rundown. ________ 4. C/S 53: A. Handle a C/S 53 Short Form or a C/S 53 Long Form to EP of the action. ________ 5. REPAIR PROGRAM: A. Audit a Repair Program to EP of repair. ________ 6. PREPARED LISTS: A. Audit at least 5 of the following lists to EP of the lists: 1. L1C ________ 2. WCCL ________ 3. LCRC ________ 4. L4BRA ________ 5. PTS RD Correction List ________ 6. Int RD Correction List ________ 7. Green Form ________ 8. Expanded Green Form 40ED ________ 9. LIX Hi-Lo TA List Revised ________ 10. Student Rehab List ________ 11. Repair correction List ________ 7. VIDEO: A. Audit on the video to a pass (must include an assessment). (NOTE: The auditing and practical requirements can be started as soon as the practical section for a particular action is complete.) ________ ============ STUDENT COURSE COMPLETION A. STUDENT COMPLETION: I have completed the requirements of this checksheet and I know and can apply the materials. STUDENT ATTEST:____________________________ DATE:________________ I have trained this student to the best of my ability and he/she has completed the requirements of this checksheet and knows and can apply the cheeksheet data. SUPERVISOR ATTEST:_________________________ DATE:________________ I have worn my hat of "C/S as a Training Officer" and trained this student to the best of my ability and he/she has completed the auditing requirements of this checksheet and knows and can apply the checksheet data. STUDENT C/S ATTEST:________________________ DATE:________________ B. STUDENT ATTEST AT C & A: I attest: (a) I have enrolled properly on the course. (b) I have paid for the course, (c) I have studied and understand all the materials of this cheeksheet, (d) I have done all the drills on this cheeksheet, (e) I can produce the results requlred in the materials of the course. STUDENT ATTEST:____________________________ DATE:________________ C & A:_____________________________________ DATE:________________ C. STUDENT INFORMED BY QUAL SEC OR C & A: I hereby attest that I have informed the student that to make his provisional certificate permanent he will have to be interned within one year. QUAL SEC OR C & A:_________________________ DATE:________________ D. CERTS AND AWARDS: 1. Issue Certificate of SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE LEVEL F, HUBBARD CASE REPAIR SPECIALIST (Provisional). C & A:_____________________________________ DATE:________________ 2. Ensure that the student has fully completed SHSBC Levels A, B, C, D, E and F. If so, then issue Certificate of HUBBARD SENIOR SCIENTOLOGIST - CLASS VI AUDITOR (Provisional). C & A:_____________________________________ DATE:________________ (Route this form to Course Admin for filing in Student's folder.) L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER As assisted by Melanie Seider Murray Commodore's Messenger And Special Compilations Unit for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA BDCSC:LRH:SCU:MSM:kjm:bk Copyright © 1980, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED