From: (The Tech Lion) Subject: FZ BIBLE - BRIEFING COURSE CHECKSHEET Level E Date: 29 Aug 1999 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: Distribution: Galactic Confederacy - All Planets Sender: Secret Squirrel Organization: FreeZone Bible Association Mail-To-News-Contact: Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. Newsgroups:,alt.religion.scientology FREEZONE BIBLE TECH POST BRIEFING COURSE CHECKSHEET - Level E ************************************************** I am the Tech Lion. I bring you the checksheets from the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, circa 1981. There are six checksheets in total, levels A through F. Each checksheet is contained in its own separate post. Note that at this time, the Briefing Course was Level 5 and NED was below the Academy Levels. With a thorough study of this material, you too can become a lion of Standard Tech. Yours truly, -the Tech Lion ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoners are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** [Best viewed with a fixed-pitch font such as Courier.] HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 10 FEBRUARY 1980 ISSUE V Remimeo Saint Hills Only SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE LEVEL E CHECKSHEET HUBBARD TECHNICAL DISSEMINATION SPECIALIST (Cancels: BPL 18 Mar 75R II, Rev. 25.3.77: LEVEL FIVE CHECKSHEET- SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE and BPL 25 Mar 77: SENIOR SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE) NAME:_________________________ ORG:__________________________ DATE STARTED:_________________ DATE COMPLETED:_______________ This checksheet contains the chronological development of Dianetics and Scientology technology from December 1963 to 1966. It also covers all theory data on the subject of Rehabs, Study Tech, and LRH development or Organisational Technology. The student gets a practical experience in handling study difficulties and in reaching out into his environment with Scientology Technology. PREREQUISITES: (1) Student Hat or PRD (2) New Era Dianetics Course (3) New Era Dianetics Internship (4) Class IV (5) SHSBC Level A course (6) SHSBC Level B Course (7) SHSBC Level C Course (8) SHSBC Level D Course. PURPOSE: To provide the student with a background of the chronological development of tech from December 1963 to 1966 and to teach him developement of study tech and Scientology organizational tech with practicle application in his environment. LENGTH: Full time (9:00 am - 10:30 pm) - 4 1/2 weeks Part time (9:00 am - 6:00 pm) - 6 1/2 weeks Foundation hours = 10 1/2 weeks. STUDY TECH: This course is studied per HCO PL 25 Sep 79, Issue I - IMPORTANT, SUCCESSFUL TRAINING LINEUP, with full use of study tech. R-FACTOR: The Theory and Practical Sections of this course are done concurrently. The student audits daily either during his practical time or outside of course hours while continuing through the theory section of the checksheet. EP: Knowing you can sucessfully apply Scientology technology to your environment. PRODUCT: An auditor who has a background of the chronological development of tech from Dec 1963 to 1966, can handle study difficulties and who knows he can use the technology of Scientology in his environment. CERTIFICATE: SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE - LEVEL E HUBBARD TECHNICAL DISSEMINATION SPECIALIST. SHSBC LEVEL E: THEORY SECTION ============ INTRODUCTION 1. HCO PL 7 Feb 65 KSW Series 1, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING _______ Reiss. 15.6.70 2. HCO PL 17 Jun 70R KSW Series 5, TECHNICAL DEGRADES ________ Reiss. 9.4.77 3. HCO PL 14 Feb 65 KSW Series 4, SAFEGUARDING TECHNOLOGY ________ ============ CHRONOLOGICAL THEORY 0A. TAPE: 6311C28 SHSBC-324 SEVEN CLASSIFICATIONS ________ 0B. DEMO: Why you approach the man in the street as effect. ________ 0C. TAPE: SHSBC-328 6312C10 SCIENTOLOGY 0 ________ 0D. ESSAY: Several ways so handle a dangerous environment for a new person. ________ 1. HCOB 14 Dec 63 CASE ANALYSIS HEALTH RESEARCH ________ 2. HCOB 28 Dec 63 INDICATORS PART ONE: GOOD INDICATORS ________ 3. CLAY DEMO: "Indicators". ________ 4. TAPE: 6312C31 SHSBC-1 INDICATORS ________ 4A. DEMO: Why you audit and C/S by GIs. ________ 4B. DEMO: The 3 grades of BIs and action to take. ________ 5. TAPE: 6401C07 SHSBC-2 GOOD INDICATORS ________ 5A. DEMO: What to do if a GI is missing in session. ________ 6. TAPE: 6401C09 SHSBC-3 BAD INDICATORS ________ 7. DRILL: From the tape: "List all the BIs and solutions for them, that would be present if a homo sapiens was shoved into your auditing room". ________ 8. CLAY DEMO: "Good Indicators" and "Bad Indicators". ________ 9. HCOB 21 Jan 64 METER LEVEL WARNING ________ 10. HCO PL 24 Jan 64 CASE SUPERVISOR ________ 11. TAPE: 6402C04 SHSBC-4 AUDITOR SELF-CRITICISM ________ 12. TAPE: 6402C06 SHSBC-5 COMM CYCLE IN AUDITING ________ 12A. ESSAY: How an auditor is there to handle the pc's comm cycle, not his own. ________ 13. TAPE: 6402C25 SHSBC-6 WHAT AUDITING IS AND WHAT IT ISN'T ________ 14. CLAY DEMO: The difference between destimulation and erasure. ________ 15. HCOB 1 Mar 64 METER READS, SIZE OF ________ 16. DEMO: Why you only accept big reads at Level V and VI. ________ 17. TAPE: 6403C03 SHSBC-7 AUDITING AND ASSESSMENT ________ 18. HCOB 4 Mar 64 CLASS II MODEL SESSION ________ 19. TAPE: 6403C05 SHSBC-8 CASE ANALYSIS - HEALING ________ 20. HCOB 10 Mar 64 BASIC AUDITING NON-READING METERS - METER FLINCH ________ 21. TAPE: 6403C10 SHSBC-9 SUMMARY OF LOWER LEVELS ________ 21A. DEMO: How the 2 pole nature of the universes relates to auditing. ________ 22. HCOB 15 Mar 64 OVERWHELMING THE PC ________ 23. DEMO: How charge becomes no cognite. ________ 24. HCOB 15 Mar 64 II EVERYTHING READING ________ 25. TAPE: 6403C17 SHSBC-11 THE ROAD TO PERFECTION ________ 25A. DEMO: How to provide someone with a gradient scale of wins. ________ 26. HCO PL 18 Mar 64 HGC ALLOWED PROCESSES ________ 27. TAPE: 6403Cl9 SHSBC-12 FLATTENING A PROCESS ________ 28. DEMO: Why a process is flattened. ________ 29. TAPE: 6403C24 SHSBC-13 INTERNATIONAL CITY ________ 30. HCO Inf Ltr 2 Apr 64 TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE ________ 31. DEMO: The types of people and how to tell them by their motives. ________ 32. HCOB 7 Apr 64 ALL LEVELS Q AND A ________ 33. CLAY DEMO: How unfinished cycles of action are all that loused up cases. ________ 34. HCOB 10 Apr 64 ALL LEVELS AUDITING SKILLS ________ 35. TAPE: 6404C10 SHSBC-14 HOW TO MANAGE A COURSE ________ 36. HCOB 13 Apr 64 TONE ARM ACTION ________ 37. DEMO: Echo metering and echo invalidation. ________ 38. DEMO: How a pc becomes meter dependent. ________ 39. HCOB 20 Apr 64 MODEL SESSION LEVELS III TO VI ________ 40. HCOB 23 Apr 64 AUDITING BY LISTS ________ 41. TAPE: 6404C21 SHSBC-17 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ________ 41A. ESSAY: How to work out a solution for someone. ________ 42. The AUDITOR Iss I May 64 THE WORKABILITY OF SCIENTOLOGY ________ 43. DEMO: Who makes the session and why this is so. ________ 44. HCOB 19 May 64 CLASS II MODEL SESSION ________ 45. TAPE: 6405C19 SHSBC-20 THE PRECLEAR AND GETTING AUDITING TO WORK ________ 46. DEMO: Why you mustn't let a person motivate. ________ 47. DEMO: How to get someone to confront his actual overts. ________ 48. TAPE: 6406C09 SHSBC-22 CYCLE OF ACTION - ITS INTERPRETATION ON THE E-METER ________ 49. TAPE: 6406C16 SHSBC-23 "COMMUNICATION" - OVERTS AND RESPONSIBILITY ________ 50. CLAY DEMO: What happens to a pc's communication and responsibility when he has overts. ________ 51. TAPE: 6406C18 SHSBC-24 STUDYING, INTRODUCTION ________ 52. TAPE: 6406C30 SHSBC-25 CAUSE LEVEL, OT AND THE PUBLIC ________ 53. TAPE: 6407C02 SHSBC-26 O/W MODERNIZED AND REVIEWED ________ 54. DRILL: How to handle a person who doesn't think his overt is an overt. ________ 55. DRILL: How to handle a sick, blown person. ________ 56. TAPE: 6407C07 SHSBC-27 DISSEMINATION ________ 57. HCOB 7 Jul 64 JUSTIFICATIONS ________ 58. DEMO: How overts and Justifications handling bring up the cause level of the pc. ________ 59. HCOB 8 Jul 64 MORE JUSTIFICATIONS ________ 60. TAPE: 6407C09 SHSBC-28 STUDYING - DATA ASSIMILATION ________ 61. HCOB 10 Jul 64 OVERTS - ORDER OF EFFECTIVENESS IN PROCESSING ________ 62. DEMO: Why a person becomes lazy and inactive. ________ 63. HCOB 12 Jul 64 MORE ON O/Ws ________ 64. HCOB 24 Jul 64 TA COUNTERS, USE OF ________ 65. DEMO: The use of TA counters. ________ 66. TAPE: 6407C28 SHSBC-31 CAMPAIGN TO HANDLE PSYCHOSOMATIC ILLS ________ 67. HCOB 29 Jul 64 GOOD INDICATORS AT LOWER LEVELS ________ 68. TAPE: 6407C30 SHSBC-32 PSYCHOSOMATIC - ITS MEANING IN SCIENTOLOGY ________ 68A. DEMO: How to handle someone who gives you a lot of bad news. ________ 69. TAPE: 6408C04 SHSBC-33 A SUMMARY OF STUDY ________ 70. TAPE: 6408C06 SHSBC-34 STUDY - GRADIENTS AND NOMENCLATURE ________ 71. TAPE: 6408C11 SHSBC-35 EVALUATION OF INFORMATION ________ 72. TAPE: 6408C13 SHSBC-36 STUDY AND EDUCATION ________ 73. HCOB 14 Aug 64 PREPCHECK BUTTONS ________ 74. DEMO: Why the time limiter should be used. ________ 75. HCOB 14 Aug 64 MODEL SESSION LEVELS III TO VI ________ 76. HCOB 17 Aug 64 CLAY TABLE WORK IN TRAINING AND PROCESSING ________ 77. CLAY DEMO: The only reason a student is slow or blows. ________ 78. HCOB 18 Aug 64 CLAY TABLE WORK COVERING CLAY TABLE CLEARING IN DETAIL ________ 79. HCOB 24 Aug 64 SESSION MUST-NOTS ________ 80. CLAY DEMO: The session must-nots. ________ 81. TAPE: 6409C01 SHSBC-37 THE PE COURSE ________ 82. TAPE: 6409C03 SHSBC-38 CLEARING - WHAT IT IS ________ 83. HCOB 7 Sep 64 CLAY TABLE LEVELS ________ 84. HCOB 7 Sep 64 II PTPS, OVERTS AND ARC BREAKS ________ 85. DEMO: Why PTPs, Overts and ARC Breaks must be handled. ________ 86. HCOB 8 Sep 64 OVERTS, WHAT LIES BEHIND THEM? ________ 87. CLAY DEMO: The cycle of an overt. ________ 88. HCOB 9 Sep 64 CLAY TABLE HEALING ________ 89. HCOB 9 Sep 64 II CLAY TABLE CLEARING ________ 90. HCOB 12 Sep 64 CLAY TABLE, MORE GOOFS ________ 91. TAPE: 6409C15 SHSBC-39 SCIENTOLOGY AND TRADITION ________ 91A. ESSAY: Why comprehensibility is vital to Scientology courses. ________ 92. TAPE: 6409C22 SHSBC-40 A REVIEW OF STUDY ________ 93. CLAY DEMO: Why a student gives up studying. ________ 94. HCOB 27 Sep 64 CLAY TABLE CLEARING ________ 95. TAPE: 6409C29 SHSBC-41 GRADIENTS ________ 96. TAPE: 6410C13 SHSBC-42 CYCLES OF ACTION ________ 96A. DEMO: The gradient scale of reactions toward time. ________ 97. HCOB 17 Oct 64 CLAY TABLE DATA ________ 98. HCOB 17 Oct 64 II GETTING THE PC SESSIONABLE ________ 99. DEMO: The action of educating the pc. ________ 100. HCOB 17 Oct 64 III CLEARING WHY IT WORKS ________ 101. TAPE: 6410C20 SHSBC-43 LEVELS - THE REASON FOR THEM ________ 101A. DEMO: The 2 basic types of personalities on Earth and the type of trouble you handle with each. ________ 102. TAPE: 6410C27 SHSBC-44 THE FAILED CASE ________ 103. DEMO: "Why a case fails". ________ 104. BOOK: THE BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES ________ 105. HCOB 13 Sep 67 REMEDY B ________ 106. DEMO: The application and use of remedies. ________ 107. HCOB 1 Nov 64 MORE CLAY TABLE CLEARING GOOFS ________ 108. TAPE: 6411C04 SHSBC-48 COMMENTS ON CLAY TABLE TVD BY LRH ________ 109. HCOB 6 Nov 64 STYLES OF AUDITING ________ 110. DEMO: Each style of auditing. ________ 111. TAPE: 6411C10 SHSBC-46 PTPS, OVERTS AND ARC BREAKS ________ 112. HCOB 12 Nov 64 DEFINITION PROCESSES ________ 113. HCOB 16 Nov 64 CLAY TABLE LABEL GOOFS ________ 114. TAPE: 6411C17 SHSBC-47 STYLES OF AUDITING ________ 115. HCOB 10 Dec 64 LISTEN STYLE AUDITING ________ 116. HCOB 11 Dec 64 SCIENTOLOGY "ZERO" PROCESSES ________ 117. TAPE: 6412C15 SHSBC-49 COMMUNICATION - A GRADIENT ON DUPLICATION ________ 117A. ESSAY: How communication is the key to duplication and how to apply it. ________ 118. HCOB 26 Dec 64 ROUTINE 0-A (EXPANDED) ________ 119. My Philosophy 1965 ________ 120. TAPE: 6503C02 SHSBC-53 TECHNOLOGY AND HIDDEN STANDARDS ________ 121. CLAY DEMO: "The common denominator of all hidden standards". ________ 122. CLAY DEMO: A hidden standard. ________ 123. HCOB 5 Mar 65 II BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES APPLICATION OF TECH ________ 124. TAPE: 6503C09 SHSBC-54 THE NEW ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ________ 125. HCOB 10 Mar 65 WORDS, MISUNDERSTOOD GOOFS ________ 126. CLAY DEMO: What happens when a person gets a misunderstood word. ________ 127. TAPE: 6503C16 SHSBC-55 THE PROGRESS AND FUTURE OF SCIENTOLOGY ________ *128. HCOB 29 Mar 65 ALL LEVELS ARC BREAKS ________ 129. TAPE: 65C3C30 SHSBC-56 ARC BREAKS AND GENERALITIES ________ 130. DEMO: A generality and what that has to do with an ARC Break. ________ 131. HCOB 2 Apr 65 THE ROAD TO CLEAR ________ 132. HCOB 4 Apr 65 ARC BREAKS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS ________ 133. DEMO: The full handling of a "withholdy pc that ARC breaks a lot". ________ 134. HCO PL 5 Apr 65 II THE NO-GAIN-CASE STUDENT ________ 135. TAPE: 6504C06 SHSBC-57 ORG BOARD AND LIVINGNESS ________ *136. HCOB 7 Apr 65 PREMATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ________ 137. DEMO: Premature acknowledgement and its effect. ________ 138. TAPE: 6504C13 SHSBC-58 THE LOWEST LEVELS ________ 139. HCOB 18 Apr 65 HOW TO APPLY LEVEL PROCESSING ________ 140. TAPE: 6504C27 SHSBC-59 AWARENESS LEVELS ________ 141. HCO PL 5 May 65 CLASSIFICATION, GRADATION AND AWARENESS CHART ________ Reiss 4.7.70 142. TAPE: 6505C11 SHSBC-60 ARC BREAKS AND PTPs, THE DIFFERENTIATION ________ 143. DEMO: What would happen it you ran a pc on an ARC Break when it's actually a PTP. ________ 144. HCO PL 17 May 65 CCHs ________ 145. TAPE: 6505C18 SHSBC-61 ORGANIZATION AND ETHICS ________ 146. TAPE: 6505C25 SHSBC-62 THE FIVE CONDITIONS ________ 147. DEMO: The five conditions. ________ 148. HCO PL 27 May 65 PROCESSING ________ 149. DEMO: The oldest rules we have. ________ 150. HCOB 4 Jun 65 CLASS II MODEL SESSION ________ 151. TAPE: 6506C08 SHSBC-63 HANDLING THE PTS ________ 152. HCO PL 17 Jun 65 STAFF AUDITOR ADVICES ________ 153. DEMO: What is out when a pc won't run. ________ 154. HCOB 18 Jun 65 CLEAR AND OT BEHAVIOUR ________ 155. HCOB 28 Jun 65 RELEASES, DIFFERENT KINDS ________ 156. DEMO: The different kinds of release. ________ 157. TAPE: 6506C29 SHSBC-64 THE WELL-ROUNDED AUDITOR ________ *158. HCOB 30 Jun 65 RELEASE, REHABILITATION OF ________ 159. DEMO: How to regain a former release or released OT. ________ 160. HCO PL 1 Jul 65 II COMM CYCLE ADDITIVES ________ 161. DEMO: Comm cycle additives. ________ 162. HCOB 3 Jul 65 MODEL SESSION REVISED ________ 163. HCOB 12 Jul 65 STATES OF BEING ATTAINED BY PROCESSING ________ 164. HCOB 21 Jul 65 RELEASE REHABILITATION ________ 165. DEMO: A) The definition of release. ________ B) 1965 Rehab Procedure. ________ 166. TAPE: 6507C27 SHSBC-65 STAGES OF RELEASE ________ 167. DEMO: The relation of good to truth. ________ 168. DEMO: Why a person must be able to confront and handle physical universe problems before he can confront his bank. ________ 169. HCOB 27 Jul 65 AUDITING BY LISTS ________ *170. HCOB 2 Aug 65 RELEASE GOOFS ________ 171. DEMO: The 9 release goofs listed and how to handle. ________ 172. HCOB 3 Aug 65 AUDITING GOOFS BLOWDOWN INTERRUPTION ________ 173. DEMO: The rule about blowdowns and why. ________ 174. HCOB 5 Aug 65 RELEASE STAGES ________ 175. DEMO: The five stages of release. ________ 176. HCOB 30 Aug 65 RELEASE STAGES ________ 177. Sep 65 THE AIMS OF SCIENTOLOGY ________ *178. HCOB 13 Sep 65 OUT TECH AND HOW TO GET IT IN ________ 179. CLAY DEMO: The 5 GAEs. ________ 180. DEMO: The 6 things which can be wrong with a pc. ________ 181. HCOB 27 Sep 65 RELEASE GRADATION ADDITIONAL DATA ________ 182. DEMO: The grades of release. ________ 183. HCOB 29 Sep 65 CYCLICAL AND NON-CYCLICAL PROCESS CONCLUSIONS ________ 184. DEMO: How to end a cyclical and non-cyclical process. ________ *185. HCOB 29 Sep 65 II THE CONTINUING OVERT ACT ________ 186. DEMO: What is occurring with the person who is not making gains. ________ 187. HCOB 1 Oct 65R MUTTER TR ________ Rev. 24.2.75 188. TAPE: 6510C14 SHSBC-68 BRIEFING TO REVIEW AUDITORS ________ 189. DEMO: The 3 key data for review auditors. ________ 190. HCO PL 14 Oct 65 POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE ROUTING ________ 191. BTB 21 Oct 65R RELEASE REHABILITATION ________ 192. HCOB 5 Nov 65 FIVE WAY BRACKET ON HELP ________ 193. HCOB 7 Nov 65 RELEASE REHABILITATION ERROR ________ *194. HCOB 8 Nov 65 SUPPRESSIVES AND HIDDEN STANDARDS ________ 195. DEMO: Why finding a suppressive on a pc's case will lead you to a chronic problem on the case. ________ 196. HCOB 16 Nov 65 II COMMANDS FOR UPPER INDOC ________ 197. HCOB 19 Nov 65 PROBLEMS PROCESS ________ 198. HCO PL 19 Nov 65 AUDITING REPORTS ________ *199. HCOB 24 Nov 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY ________ 200. CLAY DEMO: The 3 types of PTS. ________ 201. HCOB 1 Dec 65 CCHs ________ 202. HCO PL 23 Dec 65 SUPPRESSIVE ACTS ________ 203. HCOB 27 Dec 65 VITAMINS ________ 204. BOOK: SCIENTOLOGY: A NEW SLANT ON LIFE ________ 205. CLAY DEMO: Past, Present and Future. ________ 206. HCO PL 30 Dec 65 PTS AUDITING AND ROUTING ________ 207. HCOB 19 Jan 66 DANGER CONDITIONS TECHNICAL DATA FOR REVIEW AUDITORS ________ 208. HCOB 21 Jan 66 S & D ERRORS ________ *209. HCOB 28 Jan 66 S & D DATA, HOW A SUPPRESSIVE BECOMES ONE ________ 210. DEMO: The mechanism of suppression. ________ 211. Certainty Vol 13 No. 2 PSYCHOTICS ________ 212. HCOB 5 Feb 66 S & D WARNING ________ 213. DEMO: What could happen if an S & D item is missed. ________ 214. HCOB 5 Feb 66 II LETTING THE PC ITSA" ________ 215. HCOB 9 Feb 66 RELEASE GRADES ________ 216. HCO PL 10 Feb 66 II TECH RECOVERY ________ 217. DEMO: What to look at when the pc is cogniting on a process. ________ 218. HCOB 11 Feb 66R FREE NEEDLES, HOW TO GET THEM ON A PC ________ Rev. 22.2.79 219. DEMO: What the auditor requirements are to get free needles on pcs. ________ 220. HCOB 12 Feb 66 THE"DANGEROUS AUDITOR" ________ 221. DEMO: The actions and omissions of a dangerous auditor. ________ *222. HCOB 21 Feb 66 DEFINITION PROCESSES ________ 223. Certainty Vol 13 No. 3 Mar 66 WHAT IS GREATNESS ________ 224. HCO PL 8 Mar 66 HIGH CRIME ________ 225. DEMO: High Crime violation. ________ 226. HCOB 3 Apr 66 DIANETIC AUDITING COURSE ________ 227. HCOB 10 Jun 66 S & D COMMANDS ________ *228. HCOB 10 Jun 66 II S & D - THE MISSED ITEM ________ 229. CLAY DEMO: What happens to a pc and bank when an item is missed on a listing process. ________ 230. TAPE: 6606C19 SHSBC-69 ABOUT RHODESIA ________ 231. HCOB 20 Jul 66 THE TYPE TWO PTS ________ 232. TAPE: 6607C26 SHSBC-71 CLASSIFICATION CHART AND AUDITING ________ 233. DEMO: Why Grades 0-IV are in the sequence they are in. ________ 234. TAPE: 6608C02 SHSBC-73 SUPPRESSIVES AND GAEs ________ 235. DEMO: How a suppressive becomes one. ________ 236. HCOB 10 Aug 66 ERRORS OF STUDENTS ________ 237. TAPE: 6608C16 SHSBC-75 RELEASES AND CLEARS ________ 238. DEMO: What happens when you audit past a release on a level. ________ 239. TAPE: 6608C18 SHSBC-76 STUDY AND INTENTION ________ 240. CLAY DEMO: Intention. ________ 241. HCOB 22 Aug 66 FLOATING NEEDLES, LISTING PROCESSES ________ 242. CLAY DEMO: What has occurred when the needle floats during listing. ________ *243. HCOB 23 Aug 66 SERVICE FACSIMILE ________ 244. DEMO: Service Fac as a computation and a related doingness. ________ 245. TAPE: 6608C23 SHSBC-77 ORGANIZATION ________ 245A. TAPE: 6608C25 SHSBC-78 THE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY ________ 246. TAPE: 6608C27 GRADIENTS AND ARC ________ 247. DEMO: Demo how affinity undercuts reality. ________ 248. TAPE: 6609C08 SHSBC-80 STATES OF IDENTITY ________ 249. BOOK: THE BOOK INTRODUCING THE E-METER ________ 250. HCOB 20 Sep 66 MINUS SCALE RELEASES ________ *251. HCOB 21 Sep 66 ARC BREAK NEEDLE ________ 252. DEMO: An ARC Break needle, the pc and the bank. ________ 253. HCOB 27 Sep 66 THE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY, THE ANTI- SCIENTOLOGIST ________ 254. DEMO: The difference between the anti-social and social personalities. ________ 255. HCO PL 12 Oct 66 EXAMINATIONS ________ 256. TAPE: 6611C01 SHSBC-81 GOVERNMENT AND ORGANIZATION ________ 257. DEMO: The importance of 2WC in government. ________ 258. TAPE: 6611C29 SHSBC-82 OT AND CLEAR DEFINED ________ 259. CLAY DEMO: OT. ________ 260. HCOB 30 Nov 66 ASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILES ________ 261. TAPE: 6612C06 SHSBC-83 SCIENTOLOGY DEFINITIONS II ________ 282. CLAY DEMO: The definition of power. ________ 263. DEMO: How Justification shows self-determinism, not pan- determinism. ________ 264. TAPE: 6612C13 SHSBC-84 SCIENTOLOGY DEFINITIONS III ________ 265. DEMO: What happens when anyone tries to cut a pure theta line. ________ END OF SHSBC LEVEL E THEORY SECTION SHSBC LEVEL E: PRACTICAL SECTION ============ BARRIERS TO STUDY 1. HCOB 25 Jun 71R Rev. 25.11.74 BARRIERS TO STUDY ________ 2. DRILL: Find at least 3 people who show manifestations of one or more of the 3 barriers to study and handle them with study tech. ________ ============ STUDENT RESCUE INTENSIVE 1. HCOB 23 Nov 69RB STUDENT RESCUE INTENSIVE ________ Re-Rev 4.9.78 2. HCOB 9 Nov 67 REVIEW AUDITORS BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES REVISION OF REMEDY A REMEDY B AND S AND Ds ________ 3. DRILL: The steps of a Scientology Student Rescue Intensive. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ ============ PREPARED LISTS 1. HCOB 15 Nov 74 STUDENT REHABILITATION ________ 2. DEMO: When a Student Rehab List is done. ________ 3. DRILL: Handling the Student Rehab List. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ ============ FALSE DATA STRIPPING 1. HCOB 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8 EstoSeries 36 FALSE DATA STRIPPING ________ 2. DEMO: When False Data Stripping is done. ________ 3. DRILL: False Data Stripping procedure. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ ============ STUDENT CONFESSIONALS 1. HCOB 15 Nov 72 II STUDENTS WHO SUCCEED ________ 2. BTB 24 Dec 72RA CONFESSIONAL FORM 5 STUDENT CONFESSIONAL LIST ________ Rev. 10.3.77 3. BTB 29 Nov 61 STUDENT PROCESSING CHECK AND 2ND DYNAMIC PROCESSING CHECK ________ Amended & Reiss. 9.7.74 4. ________ 5. ________ ============ PRACTICAL REQUIREMENT 1. Find a student who is having study difficulties and handle to a very good result. ________ ============ ADDITIONAL REFERENCES 1. The Word Clearing Series. ________ 2. Study Tech including: A. The Study Tapes. ________ B. BTB 26 Jul 63R TRAINING TECHNOLOGY COACHING MATERIAL ________ Rev & Reiss 6.12.74 C. BTB 14 Sep 69 I LEARNING PROCESS EDUCATION BY EVALUATION OF IMPORTANCE ________ Reiss 4.7.74 D. BTB 14 Sep 69 V LEARNING PROCESSES EDUCATION BY DUPLICATION AND REPETITION ________ E. BTB 10 Dec 70R THE LEARNING DRILL ________ Rev & Reiss 10.8.74 ============ THIRD DYNAMIC HATTING 1. BTB 7 Feb 71 ADMINISTRATIVE TRAINING DRILLS - ADMIN TRs ________ Reiss 16.7.74 2. BTB 7 Feb 71-1R ADMIN TRs CORRECTED ________ Rev & Reiss 17.7.74 2A. BTB 7 Feb 71-2 ADMINISTRATIVE TRAINING, DRILLS ________ 3. DRILL: A. TR MEST 0 _____ TR PEOPLE 0 _____ B. TR MEST 1 _____ TR PEOPLE 1 _____ C. TR MEST 2 _____ TR PEOPLE 2 _____ D. TR MEST 3 _____ TR PEOPLE 3 _____ E. TR MEST 4 _____ TR PEOPLE 4 _____ 4. HCO PL 23 Oct 65 DISSEMINATION DRILL ________ 5. HCO PL 12 Dec 79 AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL FSMs ________ 6. DRILL: The Dissem Drill until you are very comfortable with doing it. ________ 7. HCOB 15 Sep 59 DISSEMINATION TIPS ________ 8. SO ED 1316 INT NEW FSM TRs - CONTROLLING A CONVERSATION ________ 9. DRILL: Each of the FSM TRs. ________ 10. Tech Dictionary - word clear "Field Auditor". ________ 11. HCO PL 9 May 65 FIELD AUDITORS BECOMES STAFF ________ 12. HCO PL 2 Jan 65 FRANCHISE: WHO MAY HAVE IT AND HOW TO MAINTAIN IT, AD15 ________ 13. HCO PL 31 Jan 69 HUMANITARIAN OBJECTIVE AND GUNG HO GROUPS ________ 14. HCO PL 25 Jul 69 II DIANETIC COUNSELING GROUPS 2 ________ 15. FLAG ORDER 137 THE SEA ORGANIZATION ________ 16. MAG ARTICLE BOOTS IN THE SKY ________ 17. CLAY DEMO: The purpose for having Scientology Third Dynamic Organisations and functions. ________ 18. ________ 19. ________ ============ PRACTICAL REQUIREMENT 1. Contact a raw public and sell him a book or select him for a Dept 17 service at a local org or mission. ________ (NOTE: The auditing and practical requirements can be started as soon as the practical section for a particular action is complete.) ============ STUDENT COURSE COMPLETION A. STUDENT COMPLETION: I have completed the requirements of this checksheet and I know and can apply the materials. STUDENT ATTEST:____________________________ DATE:________________ I have trained this student to the best of my ability and he/she has completed the requirements of this checksheet and knows and can apply the cheeksheet data. SUPERVISOR ATTEST:_________________________ DATE:________________ I have worn my hat of "C/S as a Training Officer" and trained this student to the best of my ability and he/she has completed the auditing requirements of this checksheet and knows and can apply the checksheet data. STUDENT C/S ATTEST:________________________ DATE:________________ B. STUDENT ATTEST AT C & A: I attest: (a) I have enrolled properly on the course. (b) I have paid for the course, (c) I have studied and understand all the materials of this cheeksheet, (d) I have done all the drills on this cheeksheet, (e) I can produce the results requlred in the materials of the course. STUDENT ATTEST:____________________________ DATE:________________ C & A:_____________________________________ DATE:________________ C. STUDENT INFORMED BY QUAL SEC OR C & A: I hereby attest that I have informed the student that to make his provisional certificate permanent he will have to be interned within one year. QUAL SEC OR C & A:_________________________ DATE:________________ D. CERTS AND AWARDS: Issue Certificate of SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE LEVEL E, HUBBARD TECHNICAL DISSEMINATION SPECIALIST (Provisional). C & A:_____________________________________ DATE:________________ (Route this form to Course Admin for filing in Student's folder.) L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER As assisted by Melanie Seider Murray Commodore's Messenger And Special Compilations Unit for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA BDCSC:LRH:SCU:MSM:kjm:bk Copyright © 1980, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED