Type = 11 iDate=13/1/77 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=25/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HANDLING A FALSE TA   Remimeo Tech & Qual All Levels All Auditors All Tech Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 JANUARY 1977RB Remimeo RE-REVISED 25 MAY 1980 Tech & Qual All Levels All Auditors All Tech Checksheets (This revision removes the data not written by myself which inferred one would use aluminum tubing to remedy a false TA. It also removes reference to any specific brand of hand cream.) (Revisions in Script) (Ellipsis indicates deletion) HANDLING A FALSE TA Ref: HCOB 8 Jun 70 LOW TA HANDLING HCOB 16 Aug 70R C/S Series 15R, GETTING THE F/N TO THE EXAMINER HCOB 24 Oct 71RA FALSE TA HCOB 12 Nov 71RB FALSE TA ADDITION HCOB 15 Feb 72R FALSE TA ADDITION 2 HCOB 18 Feb 72RA FALSE TA ADDITION 3 HCOB 16 Feb 72 C/S Series 74, TALKING THE TA DOWN MODIFIED HCOB 23 Nov 73RB DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA HCOB 24 Nov 73RD C/S 53RL SHORT FORM HCOB 24 Nov 73RE C/S 53RL LONG FORM HCOB 19 Apr 75R OUT BASICS AND HOW TO GET THEM IN HCOB 23 Apr 75RA VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA HCOB 24 Oct 76RA C/S Series 96RA, DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS HCOB 10 Dec 76RB C/S Series 99RB, SCIENTOLOGY F/N AND TA POSITION HCOB 21 Jan 77RB FALSE TA CHECKLIST HCOB 24 Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP HCOB 26 Jan 77R FOOTPLATES USE FORBIDDEN HCOB 30 Jan 77R FALSE TA DATA HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-METER DRILL 5RA BTB 24 Jan 73R II EXAMINER AND FALSE TA BOOK: E-METER ESSENTIALS BOOK: INTRODUCTION TO THE E-METER OWNER'S MANUAL, HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL MARK VI, HOW TO SET UP YOUR MARK VI E-METER It has recently been discovered that auditors have been mishandling false TA by assessing with the meter to find what the cause of the false TA is instead of directly checking the pc themselves. A recent example of this is the original False TA Checklist (HCOB 29 Feb 72RA Revised 23 April 75 now HCOB 21 Jan 1977RB, FALSE TA CHECKLIST) was being used by assessment on the meter to try to find the pc's false TA cause. The false TA was not remedied as the auditor never even felt the pc's hands: Never even checked the pc's grip: Never felt what the pc's hands felt like with cream on them: The auditor just checked the lines on the meter and when a read was obtained the pc was asked and nothing came of it. The false TA, now being unhandled, due to the auditor's confusion caused the pc HCOB 13.1.77RB - 2 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 to be audited over further false TA and drove the pc into desperation. I had to jump in and handle this one. All I did was check the grip and I found that the can size was way too big and part of the pc's hand (the palm cup) was not touching the can thus causing the TA to read higher = false TA. The cans had to be reduced to 11/4 inch diameter ... tubing! This particular pc was also misapplying hand cream. The quantity was incorrect and the way the pc was putting it on was not handling the false TA. This pc needed to put hand cream on extensively then wipe off the hands with Kleenex and then put a bit more on and rub it all over the hands and ensure that the thumbs were being covered. One more factor that messed up the case was the sensitivity was set too high and consequently F/Ns were missed and the TA shot up. Once in a while a pc will sit with his legs crossed for some time, cutting off circulation and causing a false high TA. This corrects itself when legs are once again returned to the normal sitting position. So you have to watch it. Make sure that the sensitivity is set correctly for that pc so you don't miss the F/Ns. NONE OF THIS WAS DONE BY AUDITOR ASSESSING A LIST. IT WAS DONE BY OBSERVING THE PC'S HANDLING OF CANS AND POSITIONS AND SEEING WHAT IT DID TO TA POSITION. The main point here was the auditor thought that a false TA was think and would register on the meter. That is as silly as asking the meter if you should buy ice cream today or not. The meter can't answer when the answer is required of the preclear. How the hell would the meter know if the pc's hands were dry or cold. The auditor has to feel them, touch them, check for dryness by feeling them. Do they FEEL dry? Do they FEEL cold? Are the pc's feet so cold that no circulation gets through? Do you knew without feeling them? Does the hand cream you are using dry up? How do you know without feeling the pc's hands? I have known a pc to say no it hasn't dried up because the pc hated wearing cream and didn't want to put more on. So feel the hands. Don't just ask the pc and then assume that that is it. You will mess up cases and won't handle the false TA. False TA is in the physical universe. It is something that really exists. When you start checking for meter reads you are violating this law. It is in the physical universe not the pc's think or bank. It can badly mess up a case to not find the cause of false TAs and then carry on with auditing. Understanding the meter and what the meter reads on and understanding false TA and what causes it are the basics behind finding a false TA and remedying it so that the pc can happily continue on with auditing and advance. If you think that you have solved a false TA yet the pc still has high or low TA F/Ns then you haven't solved it at all and you had better roll up your sleeves and get bright and go in there and find it. And the way you do this is to check the pc. What do the hands feel like? What type of clothing is the pc wearing? Feel for tight clothes. Don't just take the pc's word. Maybe they like wearing tight shoes but look at that 4.5 F/N. Let them wear tight shoes out of HCOB 13.1.77RB - 3 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 session but get rid of those tight shoes in session so you can get an accurate reading meter. Don't use this to hassle pcs and interject it into sessions whenever you please. When you see a false TA phenomena note it down and the C/S will include it in the program to be handled. This is covered in HCOB 10 Dec 76RB F/N AND TA POSITION. There is no pc on this planet or any planet who wants to experience over-repair and misery due to false TAs. You will be doing pcs a great service to handle it for them so they can happily be audited after that. Don't Q&A with the pc's considerations just find what "in the physical universe" is causing the false TA and remedy that in the physical universe. Note: The False TA Checklist has been rewritten and issued as HCOB 21 Jan 77RB. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:bk Copyright $c 1977, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=10/12/76 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=25/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 99RB SCIENTOLOGY F/N AND TA POSITION   URGENT -- IMPORTANT Remimeo All Auditors All Interne Supervisors All C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 DECEMBER 1976RB Remimeo RE-REVISED 25 MAY 1980 All Auditors All Interne This issue is re-revised Supervisors to update reference HCOBs All C/Ses for False TA. URGENT -- IMPORTANT C/S Series 99RB SCIENTOLOGY F/N AND TA POSITION Through verbal tech just located, it has been found that some auditors have been ordered to disregard all F/Ns that were above 3.0 or below 2.0 on the meter. Auditors have also called F/Ns which were ARC break needles, thus falsely indicating to the pc. These two actions -- disregarding actual F/Ns because the TA was not between 2.0 and 3.0 and calling "F/Ns" that were actually ARC break needles -- have upset many preclears. The outnesses here are: A. not considering pc indicators as senior and B. not noting pc indicators when calling an F/N and C. ignoring and giving junior importance to the technology covered in false TAs. (See list of references at end of this HCOB or the Subject Index of the HCOB Volumes.) Auditors have even been led to falsify worksheets (giving TA as in range when it actually was not when calling an F/N) because they might "get in trouble" for calling an F/N in the wrong range, such as 1.8 or 3.2. The CORRECT procedure for out of range F/Ns is: 1. Look at the pc's indicators. 2. Call the F/N regardless of its range. 3. Mark down the ACTUAL TA position. 4. Handle the false TA at the earliest opportunity when it will not intrude into the current cycle on which the pc is being audited. (You don't interrupt a Quad R3RA, for instance, to handle false TA; you complete it and then, when directed by the C/S, you handle the false TA.) 5. On any pc you suspect has had his F/Ns disregarded because of false TA, you C/S for and get run a repair and rehab of this error. E-Meter cans can monitor or change TA position when the palms are too dry or too wet or when the cans are too big or too small or when the wrong hand cream is used. The E-Meter does not read on hand moisture along as was long believed by people in electronics. But TA depends upon resistance to electrical current in the palms, leads, and meter as well as its main resistance which happens to be mental masses or lack of them. HCOB 10.12.76RB Re-revised 25.5.80 - 2 - To simply tell some interne "Always disregard an F/N not in correct range" is to set him up for loses and set the pc up for crashes. The correct information is that an F/N which isn't in range is accompanied by pc indicators that indicate whether it is an F/N or not. AND indicator you better get the false TA handled fast as soon as it won't interrupt the current cycle. AND you always note where it F/Ned so the C/S can C/S for false TA handling. Where an ARC break needle (which looks like an F/N) is observed, whether it is in range or out of range (2.0 to 3.0 or below 2.0 or above 3.0) you LOOK at the pc and establish the pc's indicators before falsely calling an F/N. A pc who is about to cry is NOT an F/Ning pc and if you indicate an F/N to that pc you will further the ARC break and suppress the emotional charge that is about to come off. REPAIR Where the above matters have not been fully understood and errors have occurred on pcs, it must be assumed that: 1. Auditors have falsified their worksheets as to TA position and thus built up withholds and make themselves blowy. 2. That every pc who has ever had high or low TA trouble has had F/Ns disregarded and ARC break F/Ns falsely indicated. 3. That a briefing and drilling of all internes and auditors must occur on this HCOB. 4. That a brief program or clean-up of disregarded F/Ns and falsely called ARC break F/Ns be done on every pc. 5. That every such pc be considered as having false TA troubles and these must be C/Sed for and corrected. 6. That all auditors and internes be drilled on all HCOBs relating to pc indicators. SAMPLE CLEAN-UP C/S Disregard TA position, use only F/Ns and pc indicators in doing this C/S. 1. It has been found that some of your F/Ns (release points) may have been disregarded by past or present auditors. 2. Have you ever felt an F/N (release point or end of an action) had been bypassed on your case? 3. Find and rehab the overrun of the release point to F/N. Check for any other bypassed F/Ns and rehab them. 4. Have you ever felt an F/N should not have been indicated by the auditor when it was? 5. Find the point and get in suppress on it and complete the action. Check "Are there any other F/Ns which should not have been indicated by the auditor when they were?" and handle as above. HCOB 10.12.76RB - 3 - Re-revised 25.5.80 6. Find and run the ARC breaks bypassed, with ARC break handling. 7. Find and handle the false TA in totality. DIANETIC F/Ns An F/N seen by the auditor in running R3RA is not called until the full Dianetic EP is reached. An auditor running R3RA is NOT looking for F/Ns. He is looking for the postulate which is sitting at the bottom of the chain he is running. The EP of a Dianetic chain is always always always the postulate coming off. The postulate is what holds the chain in its place. Release the postulate and the chain blows. That's it. The auditor must recognize the postulate when the pc gives it, note the VGIs, call the F/N and end off auditing that chain. An F/N seen as the incident is erasing is not called. The pc does not have to state that the incident has erased. Once he has given up the postulate, the erasure has occurred. The auditor will see an F/N and VGIs. NOW the F/N is called. F/Ns are not indicated until the EP of postulate off, F/N and VGIs is reached. It's the postulate -- not the F/N that we are going for in New Era Dianetics. POWER F/Ns F/Ns are disregarded in power. Each Power Process has its own end phenomena and is ended only when that is obtained. REFERENCE HCOBs FOR FALSE TA HCOB 8 Jun 70 LOW TA HANDLING HCOB 16 Aug 70R C/S Series 15R, GETTING THE F/N TO THE EXAMINER HCOB 24 Oct 71RA FALSE TA HCOB 12 Nov 71RB FALSE TA ADDITION HCOB 15 Feb 72R FALSE TA ADDITION 2 HCOB 18 Feb 72RA FALSE TA ADDITION 3 HCOB 16 Feb 72 C/S Series 74, TALKING THE TA DOWN MODIFIED HCOB 23 Nov 73RB DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA HCOB 24 Nov 73RD C/S 53RL SHORT FORM HCOB 24 Nov 73RE C/S 53RL LONG FORM HCOB 19 Apr 75R OUT BASICS AND HOW TO GET THEM IN HCOB 23 Apr 75RA VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA HCOB 24 Oct 76RA C/S Series 96RA, DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS HCOB 10 Dec 76RB C/S Series 99RB, SCIENTOLOGY F/N AND TA POSITION HCOB 21 Jan 77RB FALSE TA CHECKLIST HCOB 10.12.76RB Re-revised 25.5.80 - 4 - HCOB 24 Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP HCOB 26 Jan 77R FOOTPLATES USE FORBIDDEN HCOB 30 Jan 77R FALSE TA DATA HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 13 Jan 77RB HANDLING A FALSE TA OWNER'S MANUAL, HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL MARK VI, HOW TO SET UP YOUR MARK VI E-METER PC INDICATORS HCOBs References: HCOB 29 Jul 64 GOOD INDICATORS AT LOWER LEVELS HCOB 28 Dec 63 INDICATORS PART ONE, GOOD INDICATORS HCOB 23 May 71R VIII RECOGNITION OF RIGHTNESS Rev. 4.12.74 OF THE BEING HCOB 22 Sep 71 THE THREE GOLDEN RULES OF THE C/S HANDLING AUDITORS HCOB 21 Oct 68R FLOATING NEEDLE L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit LRH:RTCU:djm Copyright $c 1976, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit   Type = 11 iDate=6/12/76 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=27/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ILLEGAL PCS, ACCEPTANCE OF HIGH CRIME BULLETIN   Remimeo All Registrars All Case Supervisors All Ds of P All Auditors GO  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 DECEMBER 1976R Remimeo REVISED 27 MAY 1980 All Registrars (Also HCO PL 6 Dec 76R) All Case Supervisors (Revisions in Script) All Ds of P All Auditors GO ILLEGAL PCS, ACCEPTANCE OF HIGH CRIME BULLETIN It shall be a Committee of Evidence offense for a Case Supervisor or Auditor to C/S or accept for processing and process any pc: 1. Who is terminally (fatally) ill, regardless of what the org or Registrars may have promised or asserted. Such diseases as advanced cancer are included. 2. Who has an extensive psychiatric history which includes heavy drugs, or shocks of various kinds, or so-called psychiatric brain operations or institutionalization. 3. Who has been denied processing by the Guardian Office for reason of past history or connections or current state as it may affect the safety and security of the org. It shall also be a Committee of Evidence offense for any ED/CO, Org Exec Sec, Technical Secretary, Director of Processing or other executive or staff member to bring pressure or persuasion upon any Case Supervisor or Auditor to process such persons. It is not that such cases cannot in many instances be handled. It is that neither Scientology nor the org, but doctors and psychiatrists, have brought about the condition and such conditions are outside the zone of responsibility of the org. Registering such pcs is already illegal, but where it has occurred intentionally or accidentally, no one has the right to force such persons upon Case Supervisors or Auditors for any reason. Any promise made by an org to such a person or his relatives is not binding upon an organization or its staff and such promises are also a Comm Ev offense. Special Petition may be made by the person concerned to the Guardian Office, the representatives of which may act to correct injustices or erroneous use of this policy Letter. But the Guardian Office itself does not have the right to persuade or insist that Case Supervisors or Auditors accept the person for processing unless it is very clearly demonstrated that the person does not fall under any of the above three categories. Doctors are too often careless and incompetent, psychiatrists are simply outright murderers. The solution is not to pick up their pieces for them but to demand medical HCOB 6.12.76R - 2 - Rev. 27.5.80 doctors become competent and to abolish psychiatry and psychiatrists as well as psychologists and other infamous Nazi criminal outgrowths. Society and police agencies should deal with such offenses. It is not up to Scientologists to salvage the wreckage created by these professions, but to prevent it from happening in the first place by reforming a degraded society. Until such time as doctors have become fully competent and psychiatry and psychology have been recognized for what they are and abolished, Case Supervisors and Auditors are actionable for surrendering their rights and handling such. It is not that they cannot. They must not. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by Ellen Grover AVC I/A for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:LRH:EG:nt:nsp Copyright $c 1976, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by Ellen Grover AVC I/A for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=23/4/75 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=25/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA   Remimeo Tech & Qual All Levels All Auditors All Tech Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 APRIL 1975RA Remimeo RE-REVISED 25 MAY 1980 Tech & Qual All Levels (This issue is re-revised to update All Auditors references and delete reference All Tech to a specific brand of hand cream.) Checksheets (Revisions not in Script) VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA Ref: HCOB 8 Jun 70 LOW TA HANDLING HCOB 16 Aug 70R C/S Series 15R, GETTING THE F/N TO THE EXAMINER HCOB 24 Oct 71RA FALSE TA HCOB 12 Nov 71RB FALSE TA ADDITION HCOB 15 Feb 72R FALSE TA ADDITION 2 HCOB 18 Feb 72RA FALSE TA ADDITION 3 HCOB 16 Feb 72 C/S Series 74, TALKING THE TA DOWN MODIFIED HCOB 23 Nov 73RB DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA HCOB 24 Nov 73RD C/S 53RL SHORT FORM HCOB 24 Nov 73RE C/S 53RL LONG FORM HCOB 19 Apr 75R OUT BASICS AND HOW TO GET THEM IN HCOB 23 Apr 75RA VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA HCOB 24 Oct 76RA C/S Series 96RA, DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS HCOB 10 Dec 76RB C/S Series 99RB, SCIENTOLOGY F/N AND TA POSITION HCOB 21 Jan 77RB FALSE TA CHECKLIST HCOB 24 Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP HCOB 26 Jan 77R FOOTPLATES USE FORBIDDEN HCOB 30 Jan 77R FALSE TA DATA HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 13 Jan 77RB HANDLING A FALSE TA OWNER'S MANUAL, HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL MARK VI, HOW TO SET UP YOUR MARK VI E-METER After further and more extensive tests vanishing creams have proven unsuitable as a solution to dry hands. In some cases vanishing creams have actually dried out pcs' hands and caused a false high TA. Some hand creams have been workable when applied to a pc's hands, rubbed in and any excess wiped off. A cream called Locorten was found workable but it contains cortisone which burns the eyes if you rub them with your hands. Further tests are underway on Locorten without cortisone but these are not yet complete. Another hand cream formula was found 90% effective upon test and is somewhat similar to the Locorten formula without cortisone. Its formula is: 75 grams Emulsified Cetomacrofolis Wax (80% cetostearyl alcohol and 20% cetomacrofol 1000) 100 grams Cetyl Alcohol 20 grams Sorbitol Solution - 70% 1 gram Sorbic Acid up to 500 grams water. HCOB 23.4.75RA - 2 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 You could have this cream made up by any pharmacist. A NOTE ON FOOTPLATES Footplates obscure F/Ns and reads. Their use is hereby cancelled. FALSE TA HANDLING It has never been OK to call a pc's attention to his hands or TA or meter during a session. Therefore when handling a false TA get the TA in range with hand cream or can size or grip before session. Don't check for hand cream or can grip or change cans during the session except as directed on correction lists such as a C/S Series 53 under false TA. Otherwise it throws the pc out of session and puts his attention on his TA. Use the session for auditing. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit LRH:RTCU:bk Copyright $c 1975, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit   Type = 11 iDate=18/3/75 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=25/8/81 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Cramming Series 15R METER USE IN QUAL   Remimeo Cramming Officers All Qual Personnel  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 MARCH 1975R Remimeo REVISED 25 AUGUST 1981 Cramming Officers (Revised to delete the reference All Qual to Why Finding as it is currently Personnel suspended as part of the Cramming procedure, and to make reference to additional Cramming tools recently developed which are carried out as metered actions.) (Revisions in Script) (Ellipsis Indicates Deletion) Cramming Series 15R METER USE IN QUAL Ref: HCOB 20 Aug 81 Cramming Series 4 CRAMMING TOOLS With very few exceptions, all Cramming actions done in Qual must be done on a meter. This means metered rudiments, checks for misunderstoods, scouting for areas of uncertainty, completion of clay demos (verifying it by F/N) and word clearing, etc., to name a few of the many tools of Cramming. (Ref. HCOB 20 Aug 81 Cramming Series 4, CRAMMING TOOLS) It also means that in Cramming False Data Stripping, Crashing Mis-U Finding, and the Product Debug Checklist, etc., are done on the meter, regardless of how they may be done elsewhere. The only exceptions to this would be where an action is specifically designed to be done off the meter (e.g., Method 9 Word Clearing), or those specific instances where someone may need to be crammed off the meter as given in HCOB 21 Aug 81 Cramming Series 5, HOW A CRAMMING OFFICER ENSURES THAT HE HAS NO BACKLOGS. Neglect of the full use of the meter in the past has led to half done, ineffective and often repeat Cramming cycles as the real cause of the trouble and the person's MUs were never found in the first place. . . . Every Cramming Officer must know and use all his tools. This includes metering. The meter reveals all. Use it. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by Research and Technical Compilations Unit Accepted by the BDCSC:LRH:RTC:bk BOARD OF DIRECTORS Copyright $c 1975, 1981 of the by L. Ron Hubbard CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED of CALIFORNIA  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by Research and Technical Compilations Unit Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA   Type = 11 iDate=23/11/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=25/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA   Remimeo Tech & Qual All Levels All Auditors All Tech Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 NOVEMBER 1973RB Remimeo RE-REVISED 25 MAY 1980 Tech & Qual All Levels References to footplates and All Auditors any specific brand of hand cream All Tech have been deleted. Checksheets (Revisions not in Script) DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA References: HCOB 8 Jun 70 LOW TA HANDLING HCOB 18 Aug 70R C/S Series 15R, GETTING THE F/N TO THE EXAMINER HCOB 24 Oct 71RA FALSE TA HCOB 12 Nov 71RB FALSE TA ADDITION HCOB 15 Feb 72R FALSE TA ADDITION 2 HCOB 18 Feb 72RA FALSE TA ADDITION 3 HCOB 16 Feb 72 C/S Series 74, TALKING THE TA DOWN MODIFIED HCOB 23 Nov 73RB DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA HCOB 24 Nov 73RD C/S 53RL SHORT FORM HCOB 24 Nov 73RE C/S 53RL LONG FORM HCOB 19 Apr 75R OUT BASICS AND HOW TO GET THEM IN HCOB 23 Apr 75RA VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA HCOB 24 Oct 76RA C/S Series 96RA, DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS HCOB 10 Dec 76RB C/S Series 99RB, SCIENTOLOGY F/N AND TA POSITION HCOB 21 Jan 77RB FALSE TA CHECKLIST HCOB 24 Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP HCOB 26 Jan 77R FOOTPLATES USE FORBIDDEN HCOB 30 Jan 77R FALSE TA DATA HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 13 Jan 77RB HANDLING A FALSE TA OWNER'S MANUAL, HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL MARK VI, HOW TO SET UP YOUR MARK VI E-METER A couple of years ago some auditors were solving high TA problems by putting hand cream on the pcs' hands when they were calloused and talcum powder on a pc's hands when they were too wet. Since no research had been done they were censured. Research has now been done on this matter of dry and wet hands. Apparently when a person has taken certain medicines or chemicals, or uses detergent soaps or is in contact with certain chemicals (such as those in some furniture polishes) the ordinary skin oils vanish. These oils are needed to make an electrical contact with the cans. When these oils are absent, there is no adequate electrical contact and the "TA is high". When a person is deficient in certain minerals or vitamins such as magnesium or B Complex, his hands can be excessively wet. Either of these two conditions in hands can produce an incorrect TA position. HCOB 23.11.73RB - 2 - Re-Rev. 25.5.80 The dry condition produces a false high TA. The overly wet condition produces a false low TA. The TA depends on normally moist hands. This does not mean the meter works on "sweat". It does mean the meter works only when there is a correct electrical contact. Too much and too greasy hand cream could produce too low a TA. Vanishing creams don't work as they are found to actually dry out the skin after repeated application and so produce a falsely high TA. Too much powder or drier could produce too high a TA. Therefore one must not go to extremes. DRY HANDS The excessively "dry" hand is seen as shiny or polished looking. It feels very dry. The correct treatment is to use a hand cream, but not a greasy hand cream or vanishing cream. A good hand cream rubs all the way into the skin and leaves no excess grease. This restores normal electrical contact. Such a hand cream would only have to be applied once per session -- at session start -- as it lasts for a long while. Hand cream is never applied during session. If a cream leaves smears on a can, it is too heavily applied or too little absorbed. Hand cream is usually smeared on, rubbed in and can then be thoroughly wiped off. The hands will usually produce, then, a normal TA and meter response. WET HANDS Anti-perspirants can be applied to too wet hands. There are many brands of these, often a powder or spray. It can be wiped off after application and should work for two or three hours. If the TA then goes too high, use hand cream on top of it. SUMMARY While much work could be done still, the above is enough for a practical result. WARNING Hi TAs and Lo TAs do not widely F/N. If you are getting wide persistent F/N with the TA too high (above 3) or too low (below 2) you have a pc whose hands are too dry or too wet. Using this HCOB should correct it and in future sessions you should continue the remedy on that pc. HCOB 23.11.73RB - 3 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 NOTHING in this HCOB excuses the misreading or falsifying of a TA. Get the TA in normal range with this HCOB before you start calling processes ended. CS-53RL and the False TA Checklist HCOB 21 Jan 1977RB are your tools for handling too high and too low TAs. The only other conditions I know of that make an auditor mess up a pc's TA are: (a) A discharged meter (registers high). (b) An incorrectly set meter by trim button. (c) A "fleeting F/N" where the pc F/Ns so briefly the auditor misses it and overruns. (d) Bad TRs. (e) Unflat processes. (f) Overrun processes. (g) Heavy drugs or medicines. False TA often comes to light when the auditor runs out of reasons it is hi or low and it dawns on him that he is dealing with false TA. In the latter case he should know all MATERIALS ON THIS SUBJECT OF FALSE TA (given on HCOB 21 Jan 1977RB FALSE TA CHECKLIST as references) AND REMEDY THE FALSE TA SITUATION AND THEN RESUME NORMAL AUDITING. He must not go on calling hi or low TA F/Ns just by assuming the TA is false. Given a contact the meter always tells the truth. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit LRH:RTCU:djm:bk Copyright $c 1973, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit   Type = 11 iDate=10/6/73 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=3 rDate=12/8/81 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Cramming Series 10RB CRAMMING   Remimeo Qual Secs Cramming Offs Execs Tech Qual KOTs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 JUNE 1973RB ISSUE I RE-REVISED 12 AUGUST 1981 Remimeo Qual Secs Cramming (Revised to delete Why Finding Offs as part of the Cramming Procedure.) Execs Tech (Revisions in Script) Qual KOTs Cramming Series 10RB CRAMMING The datum that "Qual does not take orders" solves the Admin Cramming dilemma of the staff member crammed four times on the Dev-T Pack. It is up to Qual to handle, fully and totally. This means, not following the exact order, but locating the real cause of the trouble and handling it at once. Qual's function is correction. By policy Qual does not take orders on What to do to correct. Where an exec wants certain material covered, that's okay. Cover it. But find out exactly what needs to be handled and cram on that! And on a repeat order, realize you did not get to the actual source of the outness or the wrong area was addressed. So this time really work it over. Several staff have been crammed several times on the Dev-T Pack. Means Qual takes orders. The PRODUCT of Qual Admin Cramming is a functioning producing staff member who can produce on post. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by Research and Technical Compilations Unit Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA BDCSC:LRH:RTC:bk Copyright $c 1973, 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by Research and Technical Compilations Unit Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA   Type = 11 iDate=5/4/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=24/9/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AXIOM 28 AMENDED   Remimeo HAS Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 APRIL 1973R Remimeo REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1980 HAS Course (Revisions in Script) (Revised to include the full list of the component parts of Communication.) AXIOM 28 AMENDED AXIOM 28. COMMUNICATION IS THE CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF IMPELLING AN IMPULSE OR PARTICLE FROM SOURCE-POINT ACROSS A DISTANCE TO RECEIPT-POINT, WITH THE INTENTION OF BRINGING INTO BEING AT THE RECEIPT-POINT A DUPLICATION AND UNDERSTANDING OF THAT WHICH EMANATED FROM THE SOURCE-POINT. The formula of Communication is: Cause, Distance, Effect, with Intention, Attention and Duplication WITH UNDERSTANDING. The component parts of the full Communication cycle are: Observation, Confront, Consideration, Intention, Attention, Cause, Source-point, Particle or Impulse or Message, Distance, Estimation of Distance, Control (Start-Change-Continue-Stop), Direction, Time and Timing, the Velocity of the impulse or particle or message, Volume, Clarity, Interest, Impingement, Effect, Receipt-point, Duplication, Answer, Acknowledgement, Understanding, Nothingness or Somethingness. A non-communication consists of Barriers. Barriers consist of Space, Interpositions (such as walls and screens of fast-moving particles), and Time. A communication by definition, does not need to be two-way. When a communication is returned, the formula is repeated, with the receipt-point now becoming a source-point and the former source-point now becoming a receipt-point. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr Copyright $c 1973, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=30/1/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=5 rDate=13/9/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 46RD METHOD 9 WORD CLEARING THE RIGHT WAY   Remimeo All Supervisors All Word Clearers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JANUARY 1973RD Remimeo REVISED 19 DECEMBER 1979 All RE-REVISED 13 SEPTEMBER 1980 Supervisors All Word (Revisions in Script) Clearers Word Clearing Series 46RD METHOD 9 WORD CLEARING THE RIGHT WAY (Cancels BTB 30 January 1973RA Word Clearing Series 46RA METHOD 9) (Ref: M9 PICTURE BOOK -- which will be issued in due time as part of a special course. HCOB 23 March 78RA Revised 14 Nov 79, Word Clearing Series 59RA, CLEARING WORDS.) Word Clearing Series 46RB was the first HCOB which gave the full and correct use and handling of M9. It was revised 19 Dec 79 to include developments on how one goes about clearing a word. This revision is on page 7, section 7 "CLEAR THE WORD". There were five other changes, all minor. This 13 Sept 80 revision (of Step 8 of the procedure and the examples of correct M9 that follow) serves as 4 clarification and elaboration of the fact the Method 9 Word Clearing must be done with comprehension of the material being word cleared. Earlier write-ups on this subject, not by myself, stated that the person's Mis-U was that word on which he stumbled. This is not the case. It is only occasionally the word on which he stumbles that is misunderstood. Usually, as was covered long since in study Tech, it is the earlier word or symbol which has caused the stumble or twitch or blink or omit or mispronunciation or what have you. HISTORICAL Method 9 word clearing was first developed in a pilot project which sought to teach people to read who were not reading in their native tongue. The first versions of M9 were not correctly written up but the technology nevertheless began to spread in use. It was found that not only non-English students didn't know what they were reading but as the educational standards of the culture deteriorated, it was found that people reading in their native tongue could benefit with the use of M9. It was then found that college students could not get through M9. And the latest survey has demonstrated that 31 school teachers taken at random throughout the school systems flunked M9 on their common reading materials. What has apparently happened here is that we have drifted down in literacy to a point where the culture can't read or hear. In a technical culture such as this, one should not ask further why it is failing. Because there are not enough supervisors to personally M9 all the people on the planet, much less a medium, size class, has to be done on a turnabout basis by the students themselves. This caused a difficulty with M9 because one was asking students who couldn't read to understand how to do the Method 9 which would find the things which prevented them from reading. Here again we have the chicken and egg problem. Therefore, the procedure has been demonstrated in a picture book which will be HCOB 30.1.73RD - 2 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 issued in due time as a part of a special course. This picture book shows the student how to M9 another student and he can, after being drilled by the Supervisor on the picture book. So this has also been solved. M9 is probably the top key method of word clearing today. You would be utterly amazed to find somebody who habitually reads Western stories cannot pass an M9 on them. He sees, "He mounted his roan (a type of horse)" and he understands from this, "He roamed around the mountains." He has become so accustomed to not-ising his inability to understand what he is reading that he thinks it is ordinary. Isn't that the way everybody reads? M9 brings it home forcefully to him that he really doesn't understand what he is reading. This is not why one uses it. One uses it to produce somebody who can read. But, like one of the English teachers who was M9ed on his own text, although he may begin with hostile protest that of course he knows what he is reading, he soon gets into the real reality of it and sees where he is at. His willingness to continue then has, already been secured. It will be found that the simple things are the main things on which he stumbles. Thus M9ing is usually preceded by M8 as covered in the new basic comprehensive reading course. This shows him by picture book how to use a dictionary and gets him to define the simple words of the language. Commas, semicolons, even capital letters will be found to be commonly misunderstood. The usefulness of M9 has gone then from a way of spotting the points whirl a foreign language student is falling down to detecting and handling the professors and the rest of the culture. It is an extremely important method of word clearing and should be learned very well. HOW TO LEARN METHOD 9 Method 9 word clearing is a way of finding the words a person doesn't understand in a book or other written material by having him read it aloud to the word clearer. It is very simple and precise and it can be done by students on one another with great success as will as by a professional word clearer. Method 9 does not require expertise and it does not require a meter as many other methods of word clearing do. Method 2 word clearing is very similar to Method 9 but it requires the use of a meter to pick up the misunderstoods. The virtue of Method 9 is that, while it is very thorough and effective, it is not restricted in use to those who can operate a meter and who have other expertise needed for Method 2. It can therefore be learned very easily and used very broadly. To teach M9 the Supervisor gets the student through the picture book version of M9, which will be issued in due time as part of a special course and drills him so that he can do Method 9 word clearing and he can M9 other students. One can also learn how to do it all by himself hy going through this picture book and this HCOB. MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS A student, when reading by himself, often does not know he has gone past misunderstood words. But whenever he does go by misunderstood words, he will have trouble with what he is reading. A misunderstood word keeps a person from duplicating what the written material, actually say. It causes the Communication Formula to go out. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 3 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 A word can be misunderstood in many different ways and it is important that these different types of misunderstoods are known to the person doing Method 9. A word can be misunderstood because of a false (totally wrong) definition, an incorrect definition, an incomplete definition, an unsuitable definition, a homonymic (one word which has two or more distinctly separate meanings) definition, a substitute (synonym -- a word which has a similar but not the same meaning) definition, a no (omitted) definition, a rejected (by the person himself, usually due to a false datum) definition or an invented (by the person himself, usually due to a false datum) definition. This is covered more fully on HCOB 17 Jul 79 Issue I, THE MISUNDERSTOOD WORD DEFINED. If a person has habitually gone past many, many misunderstood words in his reading or his education (which most everybody in this present culture has), not only will his ability to read be lowered but also his intelligence. What he himself writes and says won't be understood, what he reads and hears he won't understand, and he will be out of communication. The probability is that he will have sunk back to the first dynamic, the world will look like a very peculiar place to him, he will feel that he is "not understood" (how true!) and life will look a bit miserable to him. He can even appear to others to be criminal. At best he will become a sort of robot or zombie. So you see, it is very important to clear misunderstood words. Lack of the ability to communicate probably underlies the causes for the current drug culture. You will be amazed that somebody who appears to be a criminal idiot all of a sudden begins to look comparatively like a genius after he has been M9ed. WHY METHOD 9 WORKS A student who understands all the words on the page he is reading will be able to read the page aloud perfectly. He will feel bright and alert and will fully understand what he reads. But when a student passes a word or symbol he doesn't understand, the misunderstood causes an interruption of his voice or physical beingness. His voice may change, or he may stumble on a word or make a face or squint his eyes or react in some other way. This is easy to understand if you remember that a person can go blank after he passes a word or symbol he doesn't understand. He may make a mistake in his reading right there at the point of the misunderstood, or he may continue reading past the misunderstood and make a mistake on a later word or symbol. He will feel duller and he will try to make up for the dull feeling by reading with more effort. This will always be expressed by a non-optimum action of some kind which must be noted and handled at once by the word clearer. A non-optimum reaction is anything the student does besides read the page easily, naturally, and perfectly. Examples of some of the non-optimum reactions that may show up are: 1. Student adding a word or leaving out a word or changing a word in the sentence he is reading. 2. Student stumbling on a word or saying it incorrectly. 3. Student pausing or reading more slowly. 4. Student frowning or looking uncertain. 5. Student going stiff or tensing a body part, such as squinting his eyes or tightening the grip of his hands, or biting his lip or some other physical reaction. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 4 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 6. Student reading with effort. 7. Student reading with a glib, robotic attitude (which is how he gets after he has been forced to read "correctly" by someone who doesn't know anything about Mis-Us). Other manifestations can occur. Note that the above is not a complete list of reactions but is intended to give an idea of what to look for. In all fairness, one can stumble when reading if he is trying to read in a dim light or he is having eye trouble or the print or handwriting or pencilled corrections in the text are very hard to make out. Thus it is necessary to do M9 word clearing only in bright light and if the fellow is supposed to be wearing glasses, he should be wearing glasses, and the material being M9ed must not contain smudges and deletions itself. All possible reasons why he cannot see the text and unclear text must be removed. Otherwise, the student will simply say he couldn't see it or the light was bad or some other wrong why. Anytime the person makes an error in his reading or reacts in some non-optimum way, a misunderstood will ALWAYS be found just before that point or sometimes at that point itself. Example: The student is reading the page aloud. He reads, "Raymond walked home slowly and thoughtfully," then he frowns. The other student, who is M9ing him says: "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" (If the student wonders why he was stopped, the word clearer tells him what reaction he noticed.) The student looks over what he has read. He feels uncertain about the word "slowly". He tells this to the word clearer and the word "slowly" is looked up in the dictionary and used in sentences until the student fully understands it. When the word that was misunderstood is located and cleared, the student will brighten up and will begin reading clearly and correctly once again. THE GLIB STUDENT Glibness is often trained into students by the current educational methods used in schools. The student is drilled to suppress or go by misunderstood words and to robotically answer back with what the book says. If he can do this, he is said to be a "good student" and a "good reader". With this method, a student's understanding of what he has read is actually considered to be separate from the act of reading. If the educators bother with comprehension at all, it is only to measure memorization, not understanding. In today's schools, students are actually instructed to go right on past words they don't understand; to figure out how to say them and to continue reading whether they understand the text or not. One textbook even advises, "If you find a hard word, read it as best you can and continue to read." Students are expressly drilled to suppress reactions such as mispronouncing words, substituting one word for another, inserting extra words, repeating words, and omitting words. These reactions indicate misunderstoods have been bypassed, but under heavy drilling a student can learn to become robotic enough to suppress even these reactions, and read on, leaving misunderstoods piled up behind him. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 5 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 In all fairness, his teachers were not just trying to victimize him. The discovery of the effects of a misunderstood word and the reasons for such stumbles had not been discovered. Teachers did not know about them. Thus they invented various drills to force the student not to make these "comprehension errors". They did not have the tech or even know what caused these manifestations. You hate the reasons for them in Method 9 and in Study Tech. You can spot a glib student on Method 9 because he sounds and looks robotic when he reads. One step to take on such a glib student is to ask him if he has ever been taught to suppress reactions on words which, when he read them, he did not understand. One is asking him to take the "suppress" off. He will tell you immediately that he has been when this is true, and some emotional reaction can occur. One simply lets him talk about it until the charge seems to be off of it and then gets him to start his M9ing again. Some of it may be left, of course, but he will gradually get into it and become more honest and more there. He thinks, of course, when you're M9ing him that you simply want him to utter certain sounds. This is what he has been trained to expect. If he is supposed to read aloud, he is supposed to utter certain sounds. These sounds, of course, are meaningless to him but that doesn't matter. Previously, his whole purpose and training pattern in reading aloud was narrowed into getting passed. So it may be necessary for the Supervisor to take up why he is being M9ed. But even though he is reading like a robot and suppressing everything, you will be able to see the suppression deepen when he hits the really big Mis-Us. He reads them even more robotically than he does the other parts of the text, so these too can be detected. As soon as he has found a few of these things out and found out what you are trying to do, he will begin to respond much more readily with M9. Method 9 on common reading materials will show up a student's lack of reading comprehension and show up his misunderstoods so that he can really see it for himself. It may be an entirely new idea to him that written pages and sound waves communicate something. Another method, an extreme one, of handling the extensively mis-trained glib student is to get him to read a paragraph and then, employing a method known as "clay table", get him to demonstrate it. He won't be able to do so. Furthermore, he will realize he isn't able to do so. It was just sounds. METHOD 9 ON COMMON READING MATERIALS To do Method 9 on common reading materials, the student chooses a paperback book or something that he reads for his own pleasure and he reads it aloud to the word clearer. If he cannot read it perfectly, it is because he has gone by misunderstood words. At first it may not be real to the student that he has misunderstood words. But after he has found and cleared a number of them using Method 9, the student will realize that he does have misunderstood words and that his misunderstoods are getting in the way of his ability to read. When the student reaches the point of realizing that he does actually have misunderstood words on the materials he commonly reads for his own pleasure, he becomes very willing to find his own misunderstood words and he can usually do so easily. Method 9 of common reading materials can be ended at this point. The student is now much more aware of and able to find and handle his own misunderstoods and he is on his way toward reading naturally, correctly and with understanding. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 6 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 HOW TO DO METHOD 9 1. STUDENT AND WORD CLEARED SIT ACROSS FROM EACH OTHER. The student and the word clearer sit across from each other at a table or desk. Each person has his own copy of the text to be word cleared. The word clearer must be able to see the student and the page in front of him at the same time. 2. DICTIONARIES ARE AVAILABLE. A good, simple English language dictionary, and any other dictionaries the student may need are available. (Above all things, do not use what is called a "dinky dictionary". This is different than a simple well-expressed dictionary. A dinky dictionary is what you commonly get off the paperback racks in drug stores. It quite often defines word A as word B and then defines word B as word A. It also omits all the alternative definitions and all the technical definitions. Always have to hand, at least in the classroom, the most extensive and voluminous set of dictionaries anybody ever heard of on all the subjects ever heard of under the sun, plus any encyclopedias that you can round up.) 3. STUDENT RECOGNITION OF MISUNDERSTOODS. Before the student starts reading, he should be told that if he sees a word he doesn't know the meaning of, he should stop and look the word up and clear it instead of going on past it. And the student should be encouraged to find and clear misunderstood words himself. M9 brings about the ability to do this, so that the student will find and clear his own misunderstoods in future. The word clearer on M9 would never prevent the student from clearing a word that the student recognizes as misunderstood. Correctly done M9 will bring about the ability of the student to find and clear his own misunderstoods. ... (If you don't want to spend ten years M9ing one page, it is best to get him through Method 8 on simple English words. This will be part of a special course which will greatly improve someone's level of literacy.) 4. STUDENT READS THE TEXT ALOUD TO THE WORD CLEARER. The student reads the text aloud to the word clearer. He is not on the meter. While the student reads, the word clearer follows his own copy of the same text, watches the student and listens to him. The word clearer must be very alert and see or hear any non-optimum reactions of the student while he is reading. 5. NON-OPTIMUM REACTION EQUALS MISUNDERSTOOD WORD. A non-optimum reaction by the student to what he is reading is the clue to the word clearer that the student has encountered a misunderstood word. The word clearer and student must now locate the exact misunderstood word or symbol. It will be found just before or sometimes at the point the non-optimum reaction occurred. 6. FIND THE MISUNDERSTOOD. If it is not obvious to the student that he has reacted and he just continues reading, the word clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" It is the duty of the word clearer to steer the student to the misunderstood. It is either at the point of the non-optimum reaction or before it. The point is that the student must be steered onto it. And it then is looked up. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 7 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 The student may be able to spot his misunderstood word right away and tell the word clearer what it is. Or he may have difficulty finding it and the word clearer will have to help him find it. The word clearer helps the student by getting him to look earlier and earlier in the text from the point where he reacted until the misunderstood work is found. The word clearer can also spot-check the student. Spot-checking means choosing words from the text the student has already read and checking with him to see if he knows the definitions of those words. If the student is uncertain about any word or gives a wrong definition, then that word is taken up and cleared in the dictionary. 7. CLEAR THE WORD. Once the misunderstood is found it must be fully cleared in the dictionary. The person will be hung up on the definition of the word as it is used in the context of what is being word cleared, which will not necessarily be the first definition given in the dictionary. To try and clear any other definition before clearing the one he is stuck in would cause him to try and clear a word over misunderstoods. Therefore he would rapidly go over the definitions to find the one that fits the context and clear that first. Then the remaining definitions would be cleared. This is how a word is cleared: The first step is to look rapidly over the definitions to find the one which applies to the context in which the word was misunderstood. One reads the definition and uses it in sentences until one has a clear concept of that meaning of the word. This could require ten or more sentences. Then one clears each of the other definitions of that word, using each in sentences until one has a conceptual understanding of each definition. The next thing to do is to clear the derivation -- which is the explanation of where the word came from originally. This will help gain a basic understanding of the word. Don't clear the technical or specialized definitions (Math., Biology, etc.) or obsolete (no longer used) or archaic (ancient and no longer in general use) definitions unless the word is being used that way in the context where it was misunderstood. Most dictionaries give the idioms of a word. An idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the ordinary meanings of the words. For example "give in" is an English idiom meaning "yield". Quite a few words in English have idiomatic uses and these are usually given in a dictionary after the definitions of the word itself. These idioms have to be cleared. One must also clear any other information given about the word, such as notes on its usage, synonyms, etc. so as to have a full understanding of the word. If one encounters a misunderstood word or symbol in the definition of a word being cleared, one must clear it right away using this same procedure and then return to the definition one was clearing. (Dictionary symbols and abbreviations are usually given in the front of the dictionary.) HCOB 30.1.73RD - 8 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 8. READ THE SENTENCE OR PARAGRAPH AGAIN. The word cleared then asks the student to read once again the sentence in the text in which the misunderstood word or symbol was found. The student does so. The word clearer must now ensure that the student understands the sentence and/or paragraph that contained The misunderstood. If the student does not originate this The word cleared must ask him to tell him what the sentence or paragraph means. He does not just let the student continue reading with no comprehension of the text that contained the misunderstood. If the student still doesn't understand the sentence or paragraph there will be another misunderstood word or symbol probably earlier in the text, that needs to be found and cleared. Only when he fully understands the section of the text that contained the misunderstood does the student continue on with the M9. He would continue reading from the sentence that had the misunderstood in it, not just the point where he had the non-optimum reaction. Any further non-optimum reactions are handled by finding the next misunderstood word or symbol and clearing it, as above. 9. METHOD 9 IS CONTINUED UNTIL THE TEXT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. Method 9 is continued until the text to be word cleared is completed. 10. STUDENT GOES TO EXAMINER AT THE END OF METHOD 9 WORD CLEARING. The student is always sent to the PC Examiner at the end of a Method 9 session. And that's all there is to doing Method 9! METHOD 9 CAUTION When the word clearer has misunderstoods of his own on the material being word cleared, he tends to go "wooden" and just sits and does nothing to handle the student. The word clearer must always clear his own misunderstood words or else when the student stumbles on a word, the word clearer won't even see it or hear it because of his own misunderstoods. He can miss the student's stumble and never get the student's misunderstood word. The word clearer can also miss a student's reactions when he has so much attention on the page that he becomes unaware of the student or doesn't even look at the student. When students are M9ing each other on the same study materials, they do NOT first just read the materials as this will only give them misunderstoods. They take the materials being word cleared one paragraph or section at a time and M9 each other on it. This is done by a student first M9ing his twin on one section, and then getting M9ed on what he just word cleared his twin on, plus the next section. It then turns around again. The twin gets M9ed on what he just word cleared the other student on, and on the next section. In this way one person is not constantly leading. Unless the M9ing reversals are done in this fashion, misunderstoods could be missed. The whole text would be covered in this way. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 9 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 EXAMPLES OF STUDENT REACTIONS AND THEIR CORRECT HANDLING There are many, many different kinds of reactions that can occur when a student passes a word he doesn't understand. There are also many different ways a student will respond to Method 9. All that is needed for success with Method 9 is for the word clearer to understand Method 9 and to apply it exactly according to this bulletin. Given here are some examples of student reactions and correct handlings by the word clearer: A. The student changes a word in the sentence. Example: The page says: "The boy then reached down and patted his dog." The student says: "The boy than reached down and patted his dog." The word clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" The student looks at the words "then", "boy" and "the". He knows those words. So he looks in the sentence before that one. In that sentence he sees the word "collie". Be's not sure what that is. He tells the word clearer and they clear the word "collie". The word clearer now has the student re-read the sentence that had the misunderstood in it and the following sentence. The student does this and the word clearer ensures he now understands the sentences. They continue on with the M9 starting with the sentence that has the word "collie" in it. B. The student adds an extra word. Example: The page says: "The child went to school." The student says: "The child went to the school." The word clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" The student looks over the sentence. He says he understands all the words, but thinks the sentence should say, "A child went to school" rather than, "The child went to school." The word clearer says, "Okay, let's spot-check some words. What does 'the' mean in this sentence?" The student looks blank for a moment and doesn't say anything. The word clearer says, "All right. We're going to look up the definition of 'the'." "The" is then looked up and cleared. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 10 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 After clearing the word "the" the word clearer has the student take a look at the sentence again and tell him what it means. The student now understands the sentence perfectly so the M9 is continued from that sentence. C. The student leaves out a word. Example: The page says: "Robert then visited the city." The student says: "Robert visited the city." The word clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" The student reads over the sentence. He can't find anything he doesn't understand. The word clearer asks him to look over the next earlier sentence for a misunderstood word. The student can't find any there, either. The word clearer has the student keep looking earlier and earlier in the text and finally the student spots the misunderstood word in the first sentence of the page. The word found is then cleared. The word clearer now has him re-read the sentence that the misunderstood was in. The student reads the sentence and frowns. The word clearer says: "All right, is there another word or symbol there that you don't understand?" They look even earlier in the text and find another word that the student went by that he didn't understand. The word is cleared fully and the word cleared has him read the earlier passage where the misunderstood was found again. The word clearer then has the student tell him what that passage means. The student does so and now understands the passage, so the M9 is continued from that point in the text. D. The student leaves off a part of a word, such as an "s" or an "ed" at the end. Example: The page says: "There was a huge pile of assorted tools in the woodshed." The student says: "There was a huge pile of assorted tool in the woodshed." The word clearer says, "That's it. You left the 's' off 'tools'. Have a look over that sentence or page and tell me what word or symbol was misunderstood." The student says, "I don't have any misunderstood words on this page." The word clearer acknowledges him and asks him once again to have a look for the misunderstood word or symbol. The student looks over the entire page but still says he has no misunderstoods. So the word clearer starts spot checking the student on the definitions of the words on the page. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 11 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 The word clearer asks, "What's the definition of 'tools'?" The student says, "It means 'implements of work'." The word clearer says, "That's fine. What's the definition of 'assorted'?" The student gives it to him correctly, so the word clearer simply backs up the sentence words one by one, getting the definition of each one until he hits the word "was". Student says, "It's something you saw with." The word clearer says, "Let's have a look at 'was' in the dictionary." Each definition of "was" is then cleared and it is suddenly discovered that the person has never understood that it had anything to do with the conjugation of the verb "to be". After this is fully cleared up the word clearer has the student re-read the sentence and tell him what it means. The student says: "There was a huge pile of assorted tools in the woodshed. Oh yes, I understand that, it means that there was a large pile of different sorts of tools in the woodshed. That makes sense." The word clearer now has him continue on with the M9. E. The student stumbles on a word or says it incorrectly. Example: The page says: "I think I'll go shopping." The student says: "I th-think...." The student stops after he stumbles. The word clearer says, "Is there some word or symbol there that you don't understand?" The student says, "Well, it just doesn't make sense." The word clearer asks, "What doesn't make sense?" The student says, "I don't see why it says 'think' here." The word clearer says, "All right. Let's have a look at 'think' in the dictionary." "Think" is then looked up in the dictionary, but the student can't seem to get it, even though he understands all the words in the definition. The word clearer asks, "Tell me, what part of speech is 'think' in that sentence?" The student says, "Uh, I don't know." The word clearer says, "Okay. Well, right here in the dictionary it says 'Verb'. What does that mean to you?" Student: "Mm..." (long pause). The word clearer says, "All right." He gets a grammar book and says, "Have a look at this definition of 'verb'." "Verb" is then cleared but while clearing it, the student says, "Hey, I always thought you could only have one verb in one sentence and that sentence has two verbs in it. Somebody threw me a curve." And as he has cognited and has now got it straight M9ing continues. He uses it in sentences until he's really got it, then they go on to the next definition of "think" in the dictionary. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 12 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 After all the definitions of "think" are cleared the word cleaner has the student re-read the sentence. The student does so, with no error. The word clearer asks him what the sentence means and the student tells him accurately with understanding. The M9 is continued from that point in the text. F. The student hesitates or pauses while he is reading or begins reading more slowly. Example: The page says: "The sun was shining on the flowers." The student says: "The sun----was shining on the flowers." The word clearer says, "That's it. What word or symbol was misunderstood just before that point?" The student very carefully looks back over the page, but he can't find any words he doesn't understand. The word clearer says, "Okay. I'll spot-check you." He gives the student a thorough spot-check, but no misunderstood words are found. The word clearer then asks, "Show me where you were last doing really well on this text." The student shows him. It's three paragraphs back. The word clearer says, "Good. We're going to check from this point back for any misunderstood words." He extensively spot-checks the student in that area, and the student's misunderstood word is finally found and cleared. After ensuring that the student understands the part of the text where the misunderstood was found, the M9 is continued from the sentence in which the misunderstood occurred. G. The student frowns, looks uncertain, goes stiff, or in some way shows lack of comprehension. Example: The page says: "The family ate dinner together every night." The student says: "The family ate dinner together every night." While the student is reading, there is a slight look of uncertainty on his face. The word clearer says, "That's it. Look over this section you've just read and tell me what word or symbol has been misunderstood." The student says, "But why did you stop me?" The word clearer says, "You were looking uncertain as you read that last sentence." The student says, "Well, actually, I did have some attention back on the sentence before last." The word clearer says, "Okay. Was there any misunderstood word or symbol there?" HCOB 30.1.73RD - 13 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 The student says, "I have some attention on the word 'for', but I've looked that up before." The word clearer says, "Well, let's have another look at it." "For" is then cleared and the student realizes that he hasn't fully cleared all of the definitions when he had previously looked it up. Each definition of "for" is cleared fully and then the word clearer asks the student to re-read these sentences and tell him what they mean. The student has a good grasp of the material and so the M9 is continued from the sentence that had the word "for" in it, with the student reading smoothly and effortlessly. H. The student tenses his body in some way. This could be tightening his grip, squinting, tensing his jaw, jerking his body, stiffening any body part, etc. 1 -- The page says: "The girls were delighted to see one another." The student says: "The girls (tightens the muscles in his jaw) were delighted to see one another." The word clearer says, "That's it. Look back over this section you have just read. Was there a misunderstood word or symbol there?" The student looks at the page a long time. The word clearer can see he is looking earlier and earlier on the page. Finally the student says, "I can't see any words I don't understand, but this line seems a bit strange to me: 'It was Christmas Eve. Alice was listening to "Silent Night" when Carol came into the room.'" The word clearer says, "All right. Let's do a spot-check in that area. What does 'Carol' mean?" The student says, "That's a girl's name." The word clearer says, "Good. What do the quotation marks show in that sentence?" The student says, "Hm. Well, someone said 'Silent Night' to Alice." The word clearer says, "All right. I want you to read this section in the grammar book on quotation marks." The student reads the section aloud and says, "Oh, I see. 'Silent Night' is a song and you use quotation marks around the names of songs. I've got it now!" The word clearer says, "Great," and has the student give some examples of the use of quotation marks. They then return to the text. 2 -- The page says: "The men walked quietly through the dockyard." The student says: "The men walked quietly through the dockyard." (Student leans forward and looks at the page more intently.) The word clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" The student looks over the sentence. "Well, I've never seen 'dockyard' used like that before. It doesn't make sense." HCOB 30.1.73RD - 14 - Re-Rev. 13.9.80 The word clearer acknowledges him and has him look it up. The student reads the definition and starts brightening up. He turns to the word clearer and says, "And all this time I thought a dockyard was a place where you built docks, I never could understand why....." 3 -- The page says: "The car drove off, leaving a trail of dust in the air." The student says: "The car drove off, leaving a trail (student squints his eyes at the page) of dust in the air." The word clearer says, "Is there some misunderstood word or symbol in that area?" Student looks bewildered. "No, the sentence just doesn't make sense." Word Clearer says, "All right. What is the definition of 'trail'?" "Oh, that's the impression of a horse hoof where a horse has been." The word clearer says, "Okay, look up the word 'trail'." The word is cleared and the student sees that he had a totally wrong definition. The word clearer now has him read that sentence again and tell him what it means. The student is still confused about the sentence and thinks it means that the car drove off a cliff or something. They clear the word "off" fully and find that the sentence now makes perfect sense to the student. The M9 is continued from that sentence. I. The student yawns, suppresses a yawn, gets watery eyes, etc. The page says: "A bright red apple was on the table." The student says: "A bright red apple was (yawn)..." The word clearer says, "Okay. Let's find the word or symbol that was misunderstood in this section." The student says, "I'm not sure I have the right definition for 'bright'. Could we look it up?" The word clearer says, "Sure," and they look up the word "bright". The student then re-reads the sentence and tells the word clearer what it means. The M9 is continued from that sentence. J. The student begins reading with more effort. This includes reading very carefully or unnaturally or robotically or reading in such a way as to show that the words have no meaning to him, or that he doesn't understand what he is reading. The page says: "The families were having a picnic on the beach." The student says: "The families were having a picnic on the beach." HCOB 30.1.73RD - 15 - Re-rev. 13.9.80 The student reads the page correctly, but he is being very careful not to make any mistakes. The word clearer says, "That's it. Let's find the misunderstood word or symbol that you didn't understand before this sentence." The student says, "Yes, I started feeling uncomfortable while I was reading the sentence before last." The word clearer says, "Good. Let's look just before that for the misunderstood word." The student finds his misunderstood and it is cleared. After ensuring that the student understands this section of the text, the M9 is continued from the sentence where the student found the misunderstood. The important point for the word clearer to remember is that WHERE THERE IS A STUDENT REACTION, A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD WILL BE FOUND, USUALLY JUST BEFORE THE POINT HE REACTED. The misunderstood word can always, always be located with good communication, persistence and a totally standard application of Method 9 tech, as given in this HCOB. If the student can't easily achieve this, he must go to the Supervisor for help. TRs AND M9 To be a very successful M9 word clearer, one's TRs must be in. One has to be able to TR-3 the question and get the actual misunderstood, yet at the same time, one should never go robotic or rote on the Method 9 procedure. For example it may happen that half-way through a sentence, the student stops, smiles, and then continues on. Upon questioning, you find that a bulletin he has read many, many times before is now finally making sense. You wouldn't then ask him for him misunderstood. Just acknowledge his win and carry on with your word clearing with your TRs in and your application of this bulletin 100% standard. The wins and gains of those you word clear will by no means be slight. QUARRELS OR UPSETS It occasionally happens that the students doing the word clearing get into a quarrel or upset. If this happens, you know that one of two things has happened, either: 1. "Misunderstoods" that were really understood were forced off on the student, or 2. Actual misunderstoods were not detected and were passed by. 1. If this happens, you can clean up any falsely looked-up words by asking him if he was made to look up words he understood. If this is the case, the student will brighten up and tell you the word or words he was wrongly made to clear. This done, the M9ing can be resumed. 2. If the above doesn't handle it, then one knows that misunderstoods have been missed. Have the twin who is doing the word clearing take him back to when he was last doing well and then come forward in the text, M9ing as he goes, picking up the missed misunderstoods. It will usually be found that several misunderstoods have been missed, not just one. HCOB 30.1.73RD - 16 - Re-rev. 13.9.80 WORKSHEETS Worksheets are a written record of the word clearing session. They contain the student's name, the word clearer's name, the date and the name or title of what is being word cleared. The word clearer keeps worksheets during the word clearing session and writes down which words have been looked up and cleared and any other important information concerning the word clearing. Worksheets are stapled to the student's exam form when word clearing is complete. They are filed in his pc folder. TEACHING THE STUDENT TO DO METHOD 9 This is done using this HCOB or the M9 Picture Book (which will be issued in due time as part of a special course). This is a simple picture book which is handed to the student. He goes through the book and then does some M9 drilling as contained in the back of it. The Supervisor checks him out and corrects him if needed, using only the data in the M9 Picture Book and this HCOB. No verbal Tech or opinions are thrown in. The end result of a well done Method 9 is a student who is certain he has no misunderstoods on that material so that he can easily study the material and apply it. Method 9 is a great civilization saver. It is easy to do. It's fun and it gives tremendous gains. It is vital that Method 9 is done correctly, exactly by the book. Otherwise, people will be denied the enormous wins that can be attained with it. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr:nc:dr Copyright $c 1973, 1979, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=19/6/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=15/2/81 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 37R DINKY DICTIONARIES   Remimeo Student Hat Supervisors Word Clearers Cramming Officers Tech Qual Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JUNE 1972R Remimeo REVISED 15 FEBRUARY 1981 Student Hat Supervisors (This HCOB has been revised Word Clearers to delete the recommendation Cramming of the WORLD BOOK DICTIONARY, Officers as in 1976 it underwent a Tech major revision so that it now Qual contains many grammatical and Auditors other errors and the entry defining C/Ses Dianetics was removed. In its place this HCOB recommends some good dictionaries to use.) (Revisions not in Script) Word Clearing Series 37R DINKY DICTIONARIES (Dinky: Small, insignificant) In learning the meaning of words small dictionaries are very often a greater liability than they are a help. The meanings they give are often circular: Like "CAT: An Animal." "ANIMAL: A Cat." They do not give enough meaning to escape the circle. The meanings given are often inadequate to get a real concept of the word. The words are too few and even common words are often missing. HUGE dictionaries can also be confusing as the words they use to define are often too big or too rare and make one chase through 20 new words to get the meaning of the original. HCOB 13 Feb 81 DICTIONARIES contains considerable data on the subject of dictionaries and their use. There is no one dictionary that is perfect for all; on the contrary, each person must find a dictionary that is the correct gradient for him. Following are the dictionaries recommended in HCOB 13 Feb 81, Word Clearing Series 67, DICTIONARIES as being the best dictionaries available. From these one should be able to find a dictionary that suits him. WEBSTER'S NEW WORLD DICTIONARY FOR YOUNG READERS, published by William Collins, is a very good simple American dictionary. It does not contain derivations, but is very good for those students who do not have a large vocabulary. (When using this dictionary the student would look up the derivations in a larger dictionary.) The OXFORD AMERICAN DICTIONARY is an excellent dictionary. It has very good definitions and is simpler than the college-sized dictionaries listed below. It does not contain derivations. It is published in paperback by Avon Books, a division of the Hearst Corporation, 959 Eighth Ave., New York, New York and in hardback by Oxford University Press, New York. HCOB 19.6.72R - 2 - Rev. 15.2.81 There are two American college dictionaries recommended: THE RANDOM HOUSE COLLEGE DICTIONARY REVISED EDITION published in the U.S. by Random House Inc., New York and in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto and WEBSTER'S NEW WORLD DICTIONARY OF THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE COLLEGE EDITION published by Simon and Schuster, New York. These are both one-volume dictionaries and are higher gradients than the beginning dictionaries. A person with a limited vocabulary may find the definitions too complicated. These two dictionaries do give good derivations. One of the best American dictionaries is the FUNK AND WAGNALLS NEW COMPREHENSIVE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL EDITION. This dictionary is published by Publishers International Press in New York City at 9 Madison Ave. and in Los Angeles at 1543 West Olympic Blvd., 90015. This is a two-volume set and is one of the best American dictionaries you'll find. The CHAMBERS TWENTIETH CENTURY DICTIONARY (printed in Edinburgh, Scotland) is a good English dictionary. The definitions are quite thorough but few examples are given. It is suitable for fairly literate students. The two-volume set published by the Oxford University Press called THE SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY is an excellent dictionary, especially for the English. This dictionary is based on THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY, which is the largest and most comprehensive English dictionary in existence. Although many students will not use THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY as their only dictionary (as it is quite large, comprising over 12 volumes), it is an invaluable reference dictionary and is sometimes the only dictionary that correctly defines a particular word. The Oxford University Press also puts out a smaller Oxford dictionary called THE CONCISE OXFORD DICTIONARY. It is a one-volume dictionary and uses a lot of abbreviations in its definitions. The definitions are very good and it gives good derivations. I have found these dictionaries listed above to be better than most. (And they aren't determined on a course of propaganda to re-educate the public unlike Merriam Websters and World Book dictionaries.) Little pocket book dictionaries may have their uses for traveling and reading newspapers, but they do get people in trouble. I have seen people find a word in them and then look around in total confusion. For the dinky dictionary did not give the full meaning or the second meaning they really needed. So the dinky dictionary may fit in your pocket but not in your mind. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:bk Copyright $c 1972, 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=19/4/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 77 Keeping Scientology Working Series 8 "QUICKIE" DEFINED   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Mill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 APRIL 1972 Remimeo REISSUED 30 AUGUST 1980 (Reissued as part of Keeping Scientology Working Series) C/S Series 77 Keeping Scientology Working Series 8 "QUICKIE" DEFINED The reason an auditor can say he doesn't "quickie a rundown" (and none ever say they do) is because he has no definition for the word QUICKIE. The word has been used to designate rundowns that were not completely and fully done. It is not a slang word. In the dictionary you will find "Quickie also quicky: something done or made in a hurry. Also: a hurriedly planned and executed program (as of studies)." What happens in auditing, for instance, is a "Grade Zero Expanded" is "done" by just doing a single flow to its first F/N. That is obviously "quickie". A more subtle one is to do a "PTS Rundown" with no Ethics action to begin and no check for stability, holding gain and not ill a week or two after the RD. Only if both these actions were done would one have a "Complete PTS Rundown" as it would give a PRODUCT -- A PC no longer PTS. So what makes a Quickie "completion" quickie? Is it length of time? Not necessarily. Is it fewness of processes? Not necessarily as power can be done quickie simply by not hanging on for the EP and only going to F/N. To define COMPLETE gives us the reverse of Quickie. "COMPLETE: To make whole, entire or perfect; and after satisfying all demands or requirements." A Completion is "the act or action of completing, becoming complete or making complete". So "completing" something is not a loose term. It means an exact thing. "End after satisfying all demands or requirements" does not mean "doing as little as possible" or "doing what one can call complete without being detected". Anything that does not fully satisfy all requirements is QUICKIE. HCOB 19.4.72 - 2 - Reiss. 30.8.80 So "quickie" really means "omitting actions for whatever reason that would satisfy all demands or requirements and doing something less than could be achieved". In short a quickie is not doing all the steps and actions that could be done to make a perfect whole. Standard auditing actions required for ages that auditors cleared each word of each command. Yet when they went quickie they dropped this. When this was dropped, GAINS ON 75% OF ALL PCS LESSENED OR VANISHED. We are right now achieving spectacular wins on pcs just by clearing up commands and words on all lists. We are finding that these pcs did not recover and NEVER BEFORE HAD BEEN IN SESSION even though previously "audited" hundreds of hours. By omitting an essential action of clearing commands, processing did not work because the pc never understood the auditing commands! So quickie action did not save any time, did it? It wasted hundreds of hours! Quickie Programs are those which omit essential steps like Vital lists or 2wcs to get data. FESs for past errors are often omitted. To slow down the torrent of quickie actions on clearing commands HCO PL 4 Apr 72 Issue III ETHICS AND STUDY TECH has Clause 4 "An auditor failing to clear each and every word of every command or list used may be summoned before a Court of Ethics. The charge is OUT TECH.' Ethics has to enter in after Quickie Tech has gotten in. Because quickie tech is a symptom of out-ethics. HCO PL 3 April 72 (Est 0 Series 13) DOING WORK and HCO PL 4 Apr 72 (Est 0 Series 14) ETHICS are vital know-how where a C/S is faced with Quickie actions -- or flubby ones that will not cure. Essentially Quickie Tech is simply dishonest. Auditors who do it have their own Ethics out in some way. To be sure their confront is down. There are numerous remedies for the quickie impulse. The above mentioned Policy Letters and plain simple TR 0 are standard remedies. TR 0 properly done and completed itself usually cures it. Quickie study in '67 and '68 almost destroyed auditing quality. LRH ED 174 INT which really pushes in Study Tech will achieve the primary really for quickie -- the auditor didn't understand the words himself. Wherever Quickie tendencies or false stats (the quickest quickie possible) show up, the above PLs had better be gotten into full use fast. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:mes:rd:bk Copyright $c 1972, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=27/3/72 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=3 rDate=9/11/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Corr List 3RB AUDITOR CORRECTION LIST AUDITOR RECOVERY  Type = 12 iDate=27/3/72 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Auditors All C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MARCH 1972RB Remimeo ISSUE III All Auditors REVISED 9 NOVEMBER 1980 All C/Ses (Cancels BTB of 27 March 1972R Issue III, same title.) (Revised to clarify the use of this correction list and to align with recent technical developments.) (Revisions in Script) Study Corr List 3RB AUDITOR CORRECTION LIST AUDITOR RECOVERY Reference: HCOB 24 October 76R C/S Series 96R DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS This list is designed to get the auditor back in the chair. Assessed properly with good assessment TRs, this list will allow the auditor to recognize which way his tech has been out. The list can be assessed Method 3 or Method 5. A second bracket in the handling shows the further actions to be done after the list has been F/Ned on all Reading Items. It can be followed up by other auditing/Debug actions as adjudicated by the C/S or Cramming Officer to fully handle areas the auditor is having difficulty with as disclosed by the assessment of this list. NAME: _________________________________ DATE: _________________________________ AUDITOR: ______________________________ 1. GIVEN A WRONG WHY? _______ (L4BRA and handle.) 2. GIVEN A WRONG WHY FOR AUDITING FAILURES? _______ (L4BRA and handle.) 3. CRAMMING GAVE A WRONG WHY? _______ (L4BRA and handle.) 4. GIVEN A WRONG ETHICS CONDITION? _______ (L4BRA and handle.) 5. TOLD YOU WERE PTS AND YOU WEREN'T? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N. L4BRA if any trouble.) 6. AS AN AUDITOR HAVE YOU HAD AN ARC BREAK? _______ (ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N.) HCOB 27.3.72RB III - 2 - Rev. 9.11.80 7. UPSET WITH A C/S? _______ D OF P? _______ TECH SEC? _______ SENIOR EXEC? _______ (ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N.) 8. AS AN AUDITOR HAVE YOU HAD A PROBLEM? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 9. PROBLEMS WITH PCs? _______ (Do C/S Series 50, HCOB 15 July 71.) 10. AS AN AUDITOR, HAS A W/H BEEN MISSED? _______ (Pull it, 2wc E/S to F/N.) 11. OVERTS ON PCs? _______ (Pull them, 2wc E/S to F/N.) 12. W/Hs ABOUT PCs? _______ (Pull them, 2wc E/S to F/N.) 13. AUDITING WITHOUT STUDYING THE FOLDER AND UNDERSTANDING THE PC'S CASE? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 14. AUDITING WITHOUT AN FES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 15. BREAKING THE AUDITOR'S CODE? _______ (2wc what E/S to F/N.) 16. HAD SOME SORT OF OUT ETHICS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 17. DISCUSSING PCS' CASES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 18. AUDITING A PC OVER AN: ARC BREAK? _______ (ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N.) PROBLEM? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) W/H? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) OVERT? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) OUT ETHICS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 19. OUT 2D? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 20. OUT 2D WITH PCs? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 21. EVALUATION? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 22. INVALIDATION? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 23. FORCED A PC TO RUN A PROCESS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 24. DISINTERESTED? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle any out ruds.) HCOB 27.3.72RB III - 3 - Rev. 9.11.80 25. FALSELY PASSED TRS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 26. FLUBBED COMMANDS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 27. NOT AUDITING FOR THE PC? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 28. DIDN'T WRITE IT DOWN ON THE W/S? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 29. FALSIFIED A W/S? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 30. AUDITING FOR SPECIAL FAVORS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 31. COLLECTED FALSE BONUSES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 32. DIDN'T STARRATE PROCESSES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 33. DIDN'T WANT THE LIST TO READ? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 34. CALLED AN F/N WHEN THERE WASN'T ONE? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 35. DIDN'T CALL AN F/N WHEN THERE WAS ONE? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 36. SAID THE LIST F/NED WHEN IT DIDN'T? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 37. DOG CASES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N. Pull all W/Hs.) 38. RABBITED? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 39. GOT DESPERATE? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 40. SQUIRRELLING? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 41. TRIED UNUSUAL SOLUTIONS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 42. AUDITING WITHOUT A METER? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 43. COFFEE SHOP AUDITING? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 44. USING NON-STANDARD PROCESSES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 45. USING CONFIDENTIAL PROCESSES ON LOWER LEVEL PCs? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 46. AUDITING ORG PCS OUTSIDE THE ORG? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) HCOB 27.3.72RB III - 4 - Rev. 9.11.80 47. C/SING IN THE CHAIR? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 48. AUDITING WITHOUT A C/S? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) 49. AVOIDING CRAMMING? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 50. DIDN'T GET ALL OF THE WITHHOLDS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 51. AUDITED UNSESSIONABLE PCS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 52. MOONLIGHTING? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 53. SHOULD BE RETRAINED? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N. STUDENT REHAB LIST.) 54. PTS TO SOMEONE IN THE ENVIRONMENT? _______ (2wc to F/N.) (C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling.) 55. NEVER AUDITED? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 56. NO HELP FROM A D OF P? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 57. TROUBLE WITH TECH SERVICES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 58. AUDITING A WRONG C/S? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 59. AUDITING A WRONG PROGRAM? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 60. LOSSES ON PCS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 61. WERE YOU TAKEN OFF AUDITING? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 62. A PC YOU FAILED TO HELP? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (3 Way Help/3 Way Failed Help Triple or Quad.) 63. AUDITING AN NCG? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 64. COULDN'T HELP A PC? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (3 Way Help/3 Way Failed Help Triple or Quad.) 65. AN EARLIER TIME YOU FAILED TO HELP? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 66. COULDN'T SOLVE IT? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 67. CAN'T GET A PC IN SESSION? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 68. MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS IN AUDITING? _______ (Find and clear them, each to F/N.) HCOB 27.3.72RB III - 5 - Rev. 9.11.80 69. MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS IN DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY? _______ (Find and clear them, each to F/N.) 70. COULDN'T UNDERSTAND THE TECHNICAL TERMS? _______ (Find and clear them, each to F/N.) 71. AN EARLIER SIMILAR SUBJECT WAS MISUNDERSTOOD? _______ (2wc, find what word in the subject was Mis-U and clear it up. Clear each word to F/N.) 72. WAS YOUR TRAINING INADEQUATE? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N and STUDENT REHAB LIST.) 73. RUSHED THROUGH COURSES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N and STUDENT REHAB LIST.) 74. SEEKING STATUS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 75. YOU HAD DISAGREEMENTS? _______ (Find out what, find the Mis-U words and clear to F/N.) 76. EARLIER PRACTICE IN YOUR ROAD? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for GF 40 Expanded Handling.) 77. AFRAID OF AUDITING SOMEONE? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (Fear of People RD.) (Note: Do not run R3RA on a Clear or OT.) 78. TROUBLE WITH: TR 0? _______ TR 1? _______ TR 2? _______ TR 2 1/2? _______ TR 3? _______ TR 4? _______ ASSESSMENT DRILLS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (TIP for handling.) _______ 79. YOUR TRS WERE INVALIDATED? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N. Rehab any win.) 80. COULDN'T GET YOUR QUESTION ANSWERED? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 81. COULDN'T GET PAID? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 82. COULDN'T MASTER AN E-METER? _______ (2wc, find out what he didn't understand about it and clear up to F/N.) 83. METER IN THE WRONG PLACE? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 84. NOT ENOUGH DRILLING ON PROCESSES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 85. COULDN'T GET READS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 86. WEREN'T SURE OF E-METER READS? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) HCOB 27.3.72RB III - 6 - Rev. 9.11.80 87. CAN'T TELL AN F/N? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 88. WORRIED ABOUT TA? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 89. COULDN'T F/N A LIST? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 90. COULDN'T TELL AN R/S? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 91. TROUBLE WITH THE ASSESSMENT? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 92. TROUBLE WITH L&N? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 93. NOBODY TO AUDIT? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 94. PREVENTED FROM AUDITING? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 95. FORCED TO AUDIT UNDER BAD CIRCUMSTANCES? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 96. NOT GETTING ANY CRAMMING? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 97. WAS TOLD TO RETRAIN WHEN IT WASN'T WARRANTED? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) 98. TECH DOESN'T WORK FOR YOU? _______ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (Note for further handling by Qual.) 99. TECH DOESN'T WORK ON YOU? _______ (C/S 53RL GF M5 and handle.) 100. SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR EYESIGHT? _______ (2wc what E/S to F/N.) 101. RESTIM? _______ (C/S 53RL.) 102. TROUBLE WITH YOUR OWN CASE? _______ (C/S 53RL.) 103. SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _______ (2wc what and if no joy GF M5 and handle.) L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Update assisted by Mission Issues Revision BDCSC:LRH:KM:nc Accepted by the Copyright $c 1972, 1980 BOARD OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Update assisted by Mission Issues Revision Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=27/3/72 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=4 rDate=31/3/82 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  STUDENT CORRECTION LIST -- REVISED Study Corr List 1RC   Remimeo Tech Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MARCH 1972RC Remimeo ISSUE I Tech RE-REVISED 31 MARCH 1982 Qual (Revised 28.1.81 to change distribution of issue and to update, clarify and broaden the handlings on the list. Further revised 31.3.82 to include missed withhold handling to include and to add questions 39 and 40 to the list.) (Revisions in Script) STUDENT CORRECTION LIST -- REVISED Study Corr List 1RC The Student Correction List is designed to help locate the reasons a student is not doing well on course. The list is normally done in Qual. It is assessed Method Five and handled as indicated. A second bracket in the handling shows the further actions to be done after the list has been F/Ned on all reading items. It must be done by an auditor who can make a prepared list read. PC NAME: ______________________________ DATE: _______________________________ AUDITOR: ______________________________ COURSE: _______________________________ 0. DO YOU HAVE A REASON YOU ARE NOT USING STUDY TECH? _______ (L&N "What reason do you have for not using study tech?") (Handle the reason for the person not using Study Tech with cramming or retread of BSM, Student Hat or PRD as applicable.) 00. HAS A WRONG WHY BEEN FOUND FOR YOUR NOT USING STUDY TECH? _______ (L4BRA and handle.) 000. HASN'T A WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST BEEN DONE? _______ (Get it done.) 0000. DID YOU HAVE TROUBLE AFTER WORD CLEARING? _______ (WCCL and handle.) 1. CONCERNING COURSE DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK? _______ CONCERNING COURSE HAVE YOU ARC BROKEN ANOTHER? _______ CONCERNING COURSE HAVE OTHERS ARC BROKEN SOMEONE ELSE? _______ QUAD PCs ONLY: CONCERNING COURSE HAVE YOU ARC BROKEN YOURSELF? _______ (Handle each of the above with ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N.) 2. CONCERNING COURSE DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM? _______ CONCERNING COURSE HAVE YOU GIVEN A PROBLEM TO ANOTHER? _______ CONCERNING COURSE HAVE OTHERS GIVEN A PROBLEM TO SOMEONE ELSE? _______ QUAD PCs ONLY: CONCERNING COURSE HAVE YOU GIVEN A PROBLEM TO YOURSELF? _______ (Handle above with Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N.) HCOB 27.3.72RC I - 2 - Re-rev. 31.3.82 3. CONCERNING COURSE HAVE YOU HAD A W/H? _______ CONCERNING COURSE HAS ANOTHER WITHHELD SOMETHING FROM YOU? _______ CONCERNING COURSE HAVE OTHERS HAD A WITHHOLD FROM SOMEONE ELSE? _______ QUAD PCs ONLY: CONCERNING COURSE HAVE YOU HAD A WITHHOLD FROM YOURSELF? _______ (Handle by pulling it E/S to F/N.) 4. CONCERNING COURSE HAS ANOTHER COMMITTED AN OVERT ON YOU? _______ CONCERNING COURSE HAVE YOU COMMITTED ANY OVERTS? _______ CONCERNING COURSE HAVE OTHERS COMMITTED OVERTS ON SOMEONE ELSE? _______ QUAD PCs ONLY: CONCERNING COURSE HAVE YOU COMMITTED AN OVERT ON YOURSELF? _______ (Handle any overt found by pulling it E/S to F/N.) 5. ARE YOU STUDYING OVER WITHHOLDS? _______ (Pull them E/S to F/N.) 6. DO YOU HAVE OVERTS ON FELLOW STUDENTS? _______ (Pull them E/S to F/N.) 7. DO YOU HAVE OVERTS ON SUPERVISORS? _______ (Pull them E/S to F/N.) 8. DO YOU HAVE OVERTS ON COURSE MATERIALS? _______ (Pull them E/S to F/N.) 9. DISAGREEMENTS WITH THE COURSE? _______ (2WC disagreements with course E/S to F/N.) (Complete the handling per HCOB 19 Jan 66 DANGER CONDITIONS TECHNICAL DATA FOR REVIEW AUDITORS if needed.) 10. DISAGREEMENTS WITH YOUR SUPERVISOR? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 11. DISAGREEMENTS WITH THE COURSE MATERIALS? _______ (Get the disagreements -- Word Clear the materials until fully handled, taking each M/U found to F/N.) 12. PTS TO SOMEONE IN THE ENVIRONMENT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for PTS handling.) 13. TOLD YOU WERE PTS AND YOU WEREN'T? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- L4BRA if any trouble.) 14. HAVE YOU BEEN MADE FUN OF FOR NOT UNDERSTANDING SOMETHING? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 15. DID YOU FALSIFY YOUR STATS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N, handle as a W/H.) (Get the stats corrected.) 16. DID YOU FALSELY ATTEST TO THE PREREQUISITES OF THIS COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle as a W/H.) 17. DID YOU FALSELY ATTEST TO A COURSE COMPLETION? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle as a W/H.) (Handle the False Attest with Ethics, Cramming, Retread or Retrain on the course materials as applicable.) 18. STUDYING UNDER DURESS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 19. ARE YOU UNDER THREAT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If any misemotion or evidence of a PTS situation, PTS Interview and handle.) HCOB 27.3.72RC I - 3 - Re-rev. 31.3.82 20. NOT STUDYING ON YOUR OWN DETERMINISM? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If any indication of PTSness do PTS Interview and handle.) (Route person to the the Reg to get signed up for the correct service or to the Ethics Officer for further handling as appropriate.) 21. SEEKING STATUS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 22. HAVEN'T HAD METHOD ONE WORD CLEARING? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for M1 Word Clearing.) 23. NO METHOD ONE IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for M1 Word Clearing in own language.) 24. ARE THERE MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS IN DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY? _______ (Find and clear them, each to F/N.) 25. AN EARLIER SIMILAR SUBJECT TO DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY WAS MISUNDERSTOOD? _______ (2WC -- find what word(s) in the subject(s) was misunderstood and clear each word found to F/N.) 26. ON COURSE ARE YOU NOT USING METHOD 3 WORD CLEARING? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Have pc study, M4 and drill BTB 7 Feb 72R W/C Series 31RA M3 WORD CLEARING and HCOB 23 Mar 78RA Word Clearing Series 59RA CLEARING WORDS.) 27. NOT GETTING ANY WORD CLEARING? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Use Word Clearing tech to find and handle any area of confusion, M/Us, etc.) 28. DON'T KNOW HOW TO CLEAR WORDS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Have pc study, M4 and drill HCOB 23 Mar 78RA Word Clearing Series 59RA CLEARING WORDS. Then clear any words still misunderstood due to not having known how to clear a word.) 29. WORD CLEARING TECH DIDN'T WORK ON YOU? _______ (WCCL and handle.) 30. NOT GETTING ANY CRAMMING? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (To Qual for cramming if necessary.) 31. NEVER DID STUDENT HAT OR BASIC STUDY MANUAL? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get it done.) 32. MISUNDERSTOODS ON THE STUDY MATERIALS? _______ (Clear the M/Us and retread as needed.) 33. STUDY TECH DOESN'T WORK ON YOU? _______ (2WC to find what didn't work and handle it appropriately to F/N and a win.) 34. NO DICTIONARIES AVAILABLE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Find and clean up any M/Us from this -- each to F/N.) (Have him get some dictionaries.) 35. DICTIONARIES TOO COMPLICATED TO FOLLOW? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Find and clean up any M/Us from this -- each to F/N.) (Have him get some simple, dictionaries.) 36. TROUBLE USING A DICTIONARY? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Have pc study and M4 HCOB 23 Mar 78RA W/C Series 59RA CLEARING WORDS.) 37. NO DICTIONARY AVAILABLE IN YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Find and clean up any M/Us -- each to F/N.) (Have him get a dictionary in his native language.) HCOB 27.3.72RC I - 4 - Re-rev. 31.3.82 38. GOING PAST WORDS YOU CAN'T DEFINE? _______ (Pull the missed withhold of going past MUs, as a missed withhold, E/S to F/N. Then clear the MUs, each to F/N.) 39. DO YOU HAVE ANY WITHHOLD ABOUT GOING PAST MISUNDERSTOODS? _______ (Handle as above.) 40. HAVE YOU GONE PAST MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS OR ABBREVIATIONS IN YOUR WORK? _______ (Pull the missed withhold of going past MUs, as a missed withhold, E/S to F/N. Then clear the MUs, each to F/N.) 41. CAN'T FIND DEFINITIONS OF SCIENTOLOGY TERMS? _______ (Get which terms and clear each to F/N.) 42. NO PACK OF MATERIALS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get the pack of materials.) 43. MATERIALS MISSING FROM PACKS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get the missing materials into the pack.) 44. PRINTED MATERIALS DIFFICULT TO READ? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If there are M/Us from a bad printing job, clear each to F/N.) (Also, ensure the proper org terminals are notified of the situation.) 45. TROUBLED BY TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Find and clear any confusions this caused to F/N.) (Also, ensure proper org terminals are notified of the situation.) 46. EARLIER FAILED OR INCOMPLETE COURSES? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for Student Rehab List.) 47. DISINTERESTED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle with M4 or other methods of word clearing if necessary.) 48. OUT 2-D? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle as a W/H.) 49. OUT 2-D WITH SUPERVISOR? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle as a W/H.) 50. OUT 2-D WITH ANOTHER STUDENT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle as a W/H.) 51. TROUBLE WITH DEMOS? _______ (Find out why and handle to F/N and a win.) 52. ARE YOUR CLAY DEMOS TOO SMALL? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Have pc study, W/C M4 HCOB 10 Dec 70R I CLAY TABLE WORK IN TRAINING in Qual.) 53. DON'T HAVE A CHECKSHEET? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get the student a checksheet.) 54. DOING OTHER WORK IN CLASS TIME? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle as a W/H.) 55. BREAKING STUDENT'S GUIDE TO ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle as a W/H.) 56. DISAGREEMENTS WITH STUDENT'S GUIDE TO ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Clear up any M/Us.) 57. NO SUPERVISOR FOR THE COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Report the situation to the Qual Sec for handling.) HCOB 27.3.72RC I - 5 - Re-rev. 31.3.82 58. SUPERVISOR THERE BUT DOING SOMETHING ELSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If warranted, report it to the Qual Sec for handling of the supervisor.) 59. CAN'T HEAR THE SUPERVISOR? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If the supervisor's TRs are out notify the Qual Sec of this for handling.) 60. TROUBLE LISTENING TO TAPE? _______ (Find out why and handle to F/N.) (If necessary, handle with Word Clearing on the relevant tape(s).) 61. YOU DON'T SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE YOU ARE STUDYING IN? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle any M/us found each to F/N.) (Pgm for Method 1 in languages he speaks -- earliest one learned first.) 62. PHYSICALLY ILL? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Do full Assist Checklist for injury and Illness -- HCOB 1 Feb 81 and pgm for New Era Dianetic Case Completion if pc is not yet Clear or OT.) 63A. ARE YOU ON DRUGS? _______ 63B. ARE YOU ON MEDICINE? _______ 63C. ARE YOU ON ALCOHOL? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for full drug handling according to person's case level, or repair of it if drug handling has been done. Complete any drug handling if unflat.) 64. IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR PERSONAL LIFE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle any out ruds.) (If any evidence of a PTS situation -- pgm for a PTS Interview.) 65. THE COURSE ROOM IS TOO HOT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 66. THE COURSE BOOM IS TOO COLD? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 67. THE COURSE ROOM IS TOO NOISY? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 68. POOR VENTILATION IN THE COURSE ROOM? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 69. BAD LIGHTING IN THE COURSE ROOM? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 70. SOME OTHER COURSE ROOM DISTRACTION? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 71. UPSET BY NOT BEING ABLE TO SMOKE ON COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Handle any ARC break.) (Pgm for full drug handling according to person's case level, or repair of it if drug handling has been done. Complete any drug handling if unflat.) 72. SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR EYESIGHT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Handle with auditing -- Dianetics, Effort Processing, Rising Scale Processing -- and/or Medical.) (No Dianetics is run on Clears or OT's.) 73. ARE YOU REALLY SUPPOSED TO BE DOING SOMETHING ELSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get him properly TIPed or if an out-ethics situation, send him to the Ethics Officer for handling.) 74. HAS SOMEBODY SAID YOU SHOULDN'T BE STUDYING? _______ (2WC F/S to F/N.) (If any PTS situation evident -- pgm for PTS Int.) (Can also run out times he was prevented from studying -- R3RA Triple or Quad.) (No Dianetics is run on Clears or OTs.) HCOB 27.3.72RC I - 6 - Re-rev. 31.3.82 75. NO TIME TO DO THE COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 76. HAVE YOU ALREADY DECIDED YOU WON'T FINISH THE COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get the student properly targeted for course completion or if out-ethics, send him to the E.O. for handling.) 77. ANY OTHER CONSIDERATION ABOUT FINISHING THE COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 78. AFRAID TO USE WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 79. DID YOU THINK YOU WERE STUDYING SOMETHING ELSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 80. DO YOU HAVE SOME TRICK METHOD OF STUDYING? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Find the 1st subject where pc started using this method and pgm to handle the subject with M1 Word Clearing to EP. Then use Word Clearing to find and clear any M/Us on the current subject being studied.) 81. DO YOU USE A MEMORY SYSTEM? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Find the 1st subject where pc started using this system and pgm to handle the subject with M1 Word Clearing to EP. Then use Word Clearing to find any M/Us in the current subject.) 82. ARE YOU STUDYING FOR SOMEONE ELSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If any evidence of a PTS situation, do a PTS Int and handle.) 83. ARE YOU STUDYING TO BE SOMETHING YOU DON'T WANT TO BE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 84. NOT GETTING ENOUGH TO EAT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 85. ARE YOU ON A DIET? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If diet classifies as an "Other Practice" handle it per Section H of the Exp GF 40.) 86. TOO TIRED TO STUDY? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 87. HAVE YOU BEEN INVALIDATED ON COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 88. HAS STUDY BEEN INVALIDATED TO YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 89. HAVE MATERIALS BEEN INTERPRETED FOR YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 90. HAS SOMEONE TOLD YOU WHAT THE WORDS MEAN? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Reclear any words as necessary -- taking each word to F/N.) 91. HAVE YOU INTERPRETED MATERIALS FOR SOMEONE ELSE? _______ (Get off the W/H E/S to F/N. Find out why he felt he had to do it and clean it up to F/N.) 92. ARE YOU GETTING DATA FROM SOME OTHER SOURCE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N, watch for M/Us or confused areas and handle with Word Clearing or False Data Stripping.) 93. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN VERBAL TECH? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (False Data Stripping as necessary.) 94. NO HELP FROM THE SUPERVISOR? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If necessary, report the situation to the Qual Sec.) HCOB 27.3.72RC I - 7 - Re-rev. 31.3.82 95. NO HELP FROM THE COURSE ADMIN? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If necessary, report the situation to the Qual Sec.) 96. NO TWIN? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Work out a handling.) 97. TOO MANY INTERRUPTIONS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle any protest.) (If there is an outpoint on the course, report the matter to Qual Sec for handling.) 98. RUSHED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle any protest.) 99. IS THE SUPERVISOR NOT AVAILABLE WHEN YOU NEED HIM? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Report the situation to the Qual Sec for handling.) 100. DISTRACTED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If there are distractions which warrant handling, report it to the supervisor and/or Qual Sec.) 101. HAVE YOU HAD A FREQUENT CHANGE OF SUPERVISORS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 102. DON'T LIKE THE SUPERVISOR? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (General O/Ws on supervisor.) 103. DON'T LIKE A FELLOW STUDENT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (General O/Ws on student or each student if pc mentions more than one.) 104. HAVE YOU BEEN MADE TO HAVE A TWIN YOU DIDN'T WANT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 105. HAVE YOU GONE ON TO ANOTHER SECTION OF STUDY WITHOUT FULLY GETTING AN EARLIER SECTION? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Handle earlier section with Word Clearing, restudy, and any needed drilling.) 106. SKIPPED GRADIENT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Handle as in 105.) 107. ARE YOU CONFUSED BY ANY PART OF THE MATERIALS? _______ (Find what and handle with Word Clearing.) 108. NOT STUDYING FOR APPLICATION? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 109. NO PRACTICAL ON YOUR COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Report the situation to the Qual Sec if necessary.) 110. HAD YOU MADE IT, AND SOMEONE SAID YOU HADN'T? _______ (If so, get off the inval, then rehab.) 111. HAS SOMEONE SAID YOU MADE IT WHEN YOU HADN'T? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Report it to Qual for handling.) 112. HAVE YOU SAID YOU MADE IT WHEN YOU HADN'T? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N -- handle as a W/H.) 113. SELF-INVALIDATION? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for Ser Facs handling.) 114. LACK OF MASS WHEN YOU STUDY? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Notify supervisor for handling or send to Cramming if necessary.) 115. UNREAL TARGETS SET FOR YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get him correctly targeted.) 116. DON'T USE A DEMO KIT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Notify supervisor for handling or send to Cramming if necessary.) HCOB 27.3.72RC I - 8 - Re-rev. 31.3.82 117. WOULD YOU RATHER BE STUDYING SOMETHING ELSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get him correctly TIPed if appropriate.) 118. YOU DON'T LIKE TO PARTICIPATE AS A STUDENT? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Student Rehab List if appropriate.) 119. ARE YOU MIXING YOUR COURSE STUDIES WITH SOME OTHER SUBJECT OR PRACTICE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Pgm to handle the other subject(s) or practice(s) with M1 Word Clearing. Word Clear HCO PL 24 May 65 STUDENT'S GUIDE TO ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR.) 120. HAS THE SUPERVISOR REFUSED TO LISTEN TO YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. If any upset or misemotion, handle as an ARC break.) 121. IS SOMETHING DISTRACTING YOU FROM STUDY? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (If necessary, work out a handling.) 122. ARE YOU ON THE WRONG COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get him properly TIPed if appropriate.) 123. IS THERE A MORE BASIC COURSE YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE FIRST? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Get him properly TIPed.) 124. DID YOU KNOW IT ALL ALREADY? _______ (2WC F/S to F/N.) 125. DID YOU HIT A WIN AND LOSE IT? _______ (If so, rehab.) (Check for PTSness and handle, if appropriate.) 126. CAN'T YOU REMEMBER THE DATA? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Handle with Word Clearing and either Cramming or retread on the data he can't remember.) 127. RESTIM? _______ (C/S 53RL) 128. TROUBLE WITH YOUR CASE? _______ (C/S 53RL) 129. IS THERE SOME OTHER REASON YOU CAN'T STUDY? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for Student Rescue Intensive as appropriate.) 130. SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _______ (2WC what, and if no joy, GF M5 and handle.) Re-revised by L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International LRH:DM:nt:bk Copyright $c 1972, 1981, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  Re-revised by L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International   Type = 11 iDate=18/2/72 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=2 rDate=25/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FALSE TA ADDITION 3   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 FEBRUARY 1972RA Remimeo ISSUE I RE-REVISED 25 MAY 1980 (References for footplates have been deleted.) (This issue is re-revised to update the references.) FALSE TA ADDITION 3 Ref: HCOB 8 Jun 70 LOW TA HANDLING HCOB 16 Aug 70R C/S Series 15R, GETTING THE F/N TO THE EXAMINER HCOB 24 Oct 71RA FALSE TA HCOB 12 Nov 71RB FALSE TA ADDITION HCOB 15 Feb 72R FALSE TA ADDITION 2 HCOB 18 Feb 72RA FALSE TA ADDITION 3 HCOB 16 Feb 72 C/S Series 74, TALKING THE TA DOWN MODIFIED HCOB 23 Nov 73RB DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA HCOB 24 Nov 73RD C/S 53RL SHORT FORM HCOB 24 Nov 73RE C/S 53RL LONG FORM HCOB 19 Apr 75R OUT BASICS AND HOW TO GET THEM IN HCOB 23 Apr 75RA VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA HCOB 24 Oct 76RA C/S Series 96RA, DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS HCOB 10 Dec 76RB C/S Series 99RB, SCIENTOLOGY F/N AND TA POSITION HCOB 21 Jan 77RB FALSE TA CHECKLIST HCOB 24 Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP HCOB 26 Jan 77R FOOTPLATES USE FORBIDDEN HCOB 30 Jan 77R FALSE TA DATA HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 13 Jan 77RB HANDLING A FALSE TA OWNER'S MANUAL, HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL MARK VI, HOW TO SET UP YOUR MARK VI E-METER A meter is a meter. Meters are used to measure water, natural gas, and many other things. An E meter is used to measure a pc. If you rig a meter up so as to falsify its reads you get a wrong result. You could rig up a water meter so it read that twice as much water had flowed and then sit around and wonder all week why the swimming pool never filled up. The ACCURACY of a meter depends upon its being honestly set up and honestly used. The HONESTY of the auditor determines his results. The whole field of psychotherapy was dishonest from the days of witch doctors to psychiatry. Falsified data came from lack of knowledge of the mind. This made its practitioners DISHONEST. HCOB 18.2.72RA I - 2 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 We do not and must not follow that fatal road. The technology we have WORKS to definite positive predictable results. Results are obtained if the auditor has honestly studied and understood his materials and honestly applies them. Falsifying study leads to falsifying meters and this gives bad results on pcs. HONEST use of the materials and the meter gives an honest result. One who does not know his materials and who cannot do his drills then thinks he has to make a meter cheat. HONEST use of the meter by an HONEST auditor is the route to GOOD RESULTS. LOW TAs A bad practice has arisen to "beat" the low TA. This is to have the pc wipe his hands every few minutes to get the TA up above 2.0. Not only does this distract the pc and yank him out of session, but it is by inference putting his attention on the meter, a thing a good auditor does NOT do in a formal session. The pc's attention must be on his own case in a session, not on the meter or his hands. But the best answer is to get the pc up scale so he doesn't have perspiring hands. Overwhelming TRs is the commonest reason for low TAs. Not all the hand wiping in the world will cure poor TRs. Some auditors "spook" (leap off the road like a horse frightened by something blowing along) at the very thought of high or low TAs. This is because they haven't got the TRs to handle a low TA nor the tech to handle a high one. Making a meter read falsely low with cream or falsely high with talcum powder or wiping hands continually will not handle the pc's CASE. That is what the auditor is there to do, not make his session look good! The funniest one I have ever heard was a Solo auditor who had high TA trouble. So he used to fill up a bathtub with scalding water, fill the bathroom full of clouds of steam and then sit in the bath, holding onto his electrodes "Solo auditing." It gave him a lower TA but it sure didn't give him any case result. We maybe ought to have a contest as to who can come up with the most comical actual instances of falsifying meter reads. HCOB 18.2.72RA I - 3 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 One "auditor" "solved it" by just calling F/Ns whenever she got tired of the pc regardless of TA position. After a year or more of this she saw the light and put herself in Ethics. The funny part is that her co-auditor had been doing the same thing on her! HONEST TA IS THE BEST POLICY. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit LRH:RTCU:bk Copyright $c 1972, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit   Type = 11 iDate=12/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=25/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FALSE TA ADDITION   Remimeo Add to E-Meter Books Studies Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 NOVEMBER 1971RB Remimeo RE-REVISED 25 MAY 1980 Add to E-Meter Books This issue is re-revised to update references. Studies Checksheets (Revisions not in Script) FALSE TA ADDITION References: HCOB 8 Jun 70 LOW TA HANDLING HCOB 16 Aug 70R C/S Series 15R, GETTING THE F/N TO THE EXAMINER HCOB 24 Oct 71RA FALSE TA HCOB 12 Nov 71RB FALSE TA ADDITION HCOB 15 Feb 72R FALSE TA ADDITION 2 HCOB 18 Feb 72RA FALSE TA ADDITION 3 HCOB 16 Feb 72 C/S Series 74, TALKING THE TA DOWN MODIFIED HCOB 23 Nov 73RB DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA HCOB 24 Nov 73RD C/S 53RL SHORT FORM HCOB 24 Nov 73RE C/S 53RL LONG FORM HCOB 19 Apr 75R OUT BASICS HOW TO GET THEM IN HCOB 23 Apr 75RA VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA HCOB 24 Oct 76RA C/S Series 96RA DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS HCOB 10 Dec 76RB C/S Series 99RB SCIENTOLOGY F/N AND TA POSITION HCOB 21 Jan 77RB FALSE TA CHECKLIST HCOB 24 Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUNDUP HCOB 26 Jan 77R FOOTPLATES USE FORBIDDEN HCOB 30 Jan 77R FALSE TA DATA HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 13 Jan 77RB HANDLING A FALSE TA OWNER'S MANUAL, HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL MARK VI, HOW TO SET UP YOUR MARK VI E-METER Regardless of can size, cold E-Meter electrodes tend to give a much higher tone arm reading particularly on some pcs. Until the cans warm up, the reading is generally false and is false in the direction of high. A chilled pc almost always has a high TA until he or she gets warm. Just throwing a coat over the pc's shoulders can bring down a TA in a cool room. But some pcs are "cool blooded" and the shock of ice cold cans can drive the TA up and it takes a while to drift down. This has a great effect on examinations where the cans are used very briefly. A practice which gets around this is for the auditor or Examiner to hold the cans briefly until they are warm and then give them to the pc. A variation is for the auditor or Examiner to put the cans under his armpits while setting up. This warms them. There are probably many other ways to warm up cans to body temperature. HCOB 12.11.71RB Re-revised 25.5.80 - 2 - FOOTPLATES Tests show that footplates do not read on the meter. The use of footplates is thereby cancelled. PCs WHO FALSIFY Some pcs (rare) take mistaken pride in being able to push the TA up by straining or tensing. By just moving into the body the TA can be sent up by an otherwise exterior pc. Some pcs also take a road out by "getting an F/N at will." They have various tricks that do this, the main one being to "think of something else" and get an F/N. Any of these (rare) pcs are manifesting out-of-sessionness. They aren't in session. The definition of in session is "interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor." Remedy that and they cease such tricks. Usually they aren't being run on what they are interested in or have comm blocks or withholds or no confidence. They are easy to detect and easy to handle. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit LRH:RTCU:djm Copyright $c 1971, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit   Type = 11 iDate=24/10/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=25/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FALSE TA   Remimeo Add to E-Meter Books, Studies, Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 OCTOBER 1971RA Remimeo RE-REVISED 25 MAY 1980 Add to E-Meter Books, Studies, (This issue is re-revised to include Checksheets data on the Mark VI meter.) (References to footplates have been deleted) (Revisions not in Script) Ref: HCOB 8 Jun 70 LOW TA HANDLING HCOB 16 Aug 70R C/S Series 15R, GETTING THE F/N TO THE EXAMINER HCOB 24 Oct 71RA FALSE TA HCOB 12 Nov 71RB FALSE TA ADDITION HCOB 15 Feb 72R FALSE TA ADDITION 2 HCOB 18 Feb 72RA FALSE TA ADDITION 3 HCOB 16 Feb 72 C/S Series 74, TALKING THE TA DOWN MODIFIED HCOB 23 Nov 73RB DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA HCOB 24 Nov 73RD C/S 53RL SHORT FORM HCOB 24 Nov 73RE C/S 53RL LONG FORM HCOB 19 Apr 75R OUT BASICS AND HOW TO GET THEM IN HCOB 23 Apr 75RA VANISHING CREAM AND FALSE TA HCOB 24 Oct 76RA C/S Series 96RA, DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS HCOB 10 Dec 76RB C/S Series 99RB, SCIENTOLOGY F/N AND TA POSITION HCOB 21 Jan 77RB FALSE TA CHECKLIST HCOB 24 Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP HCOB 26 Jan 77R FOOTPLATES USE FORBIDDEN HCOB 30 Jan 77R FALSE TA DATA HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 13 Jan 77RB HANDLING A FALSE TA OWNER'S MANUAL, HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL MARK VI, HOW TO SET UP YOUR MARK VI E-METER FALSE TA Some pcs have a very difficult time in auditing due solely to can (electrode) outnesses. Some auditors have heavy losses because they do not realize the troubles that can come from electrodes and thus remedy them. TA USE The TA must be between 2 and 3 for a correct F/N. When the TA is reading falsely a pc can be butchered. Example: Auditor talking the TA down. It gets to "3.1" by his meter. So he gets the pc to talk a bit more to get the TA between 2 and 3 and F/N. The TA suddenly rises to 3.8. Pc and auditor go desperate. What has happened is that the TA was a false read. It was really reading 2.9 and HCOB 24.10.71RA - 2 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 F/Ning but for reasons given below it read "3.1". Thus the auditor overran the F/N and by keeping on invalidated the release, pulled the pc's attention out of session and demanded more than the pc had to give. Example: Auditor two-way communicating with pc to get the TA up from "1.8". The TA suddenly sinks to 1.6, pc goes into apathy. What happened was a missed F/N. For reasons covered below the TA at 1.8 was false and was really at 2.1 and F/Ning. Example: Pc being asked for an earlier similar incident because TA is at "4.0". Pc can't get one, gets desperate, TA goes to 5.0. For reasons given below the TA was at 3.0 but was reading falsely at "4.0". Some cases get upset at the very idea of F/N when these mistakes are made. More than one case has missed all his wins for a year because of a false TA. So it is very important to know how a false TA comes about and how to avoid it. A properly set up meter with cans (electrodes) fitted to a pc who is holding them properly IS ALWAYS CORRECT. However, totally false tone arm readings can exist and an auditor must know how these come about. TRIM A meter can be improperly trimmed (not set at 2.0 with the trim knob) and can give a false TA position. Further, when a meter is not left on a minute or two before trimming, it can drift in the session and give a slightly false TA. The trim can be quietly checked in mid-session by snapping out the jack where the cord goes into the box and putting the TA on 2, seeing if the needle is now on SET. If not, the trim knob can be moved to adjust it. The jack is quietly slipped back in. All without distracting the pc. DISCHARGED A cadmium cell meter discharges very suddenly when it does go flat. In mid-session the meter can run out of battery. The TA will cease to act well and may go very false. The remedy is to keep a meter charged at least one hour for every 10 of auditing for 240 AC volt charging current, or 2 hours for every 10 of auditing on a 110 AC volt charging current. (1 hour for every 6 of auditing with a Mark VI.) HCOB 24.10.71RA - 3 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 A meter lasts much longer than this in practice but the above is very safe. Before each session snap the knob over to TEST. The needle should hit hard on the right side of the face. It can even bounce. Thus guarantees lots of charge in the battery and no chance of a meter going flat in session. If the needle doesn't snap to the right hard or if it doesn't quite get there on TEST, then that meter will go flat in mid-session and give false TA and no reads or TA on hot subjects. ONE-HAND ELECTRODE A single hand electrode with two terminals separated by a rubber works. BUT it always gives a falsely high TA. A Solo auditor who does not know this can get a release point and go half mad wondering why he is F/Ning at 4.0! The answer is to make a "single hand" electrode out of two small cans (about 3 3/4 inches by 2 1/8 inches or 9 1/2 cm by 5 1/2 cm) (or even smaller for a very small handed pc). Glue a thin circle of foam rubber solidly to the bottom of one can so it reaches out slightly around the bottom. (Don't glue it up the sides.) Put the alligator jaw clips one to each can. Now put the can bottoms together and hold them in one hand. Mark the TA (1)-meaning one hand (such as 3.75 (1)). Now take the cans one in each hand and mark the TA (2)-meaning two hands (such as 3.0 (2)). Audit with them in one hand. Keep your worksheets with (1) marks (such as 3.5 (1)). Check at start and middle and end by taking a can in each hand and putting down the 2 can read (such as 2.5 (2)). It is too much trouble to totally change cans and the distraction can change the TA read. This two small can arrangement is not quite accurate. It gives a lower TA than big cans. But the difference is slight. It can scare you with a 1.9 when trim is 2.0 and real TA is 2.0. If this happens check with big cans. (As an added tip a Solo auditor usually keeps the back of his hand on his leg while Solo auditing. The small 7 1/2 volt current gives a tingle to the leg that is distracting when one's hand is moist. put a piece of foam rubber in a plastic sack. Lay the sack on the leg, put your hand on this pad. It insulates the area and is very comfortable.) MOIST HANDS When a pc's hands sweat a lot you will get a low TA. Contrary to 19th century superstition the meter does not work on sweat. Very sweaty hands as found on nervous persons gives a false TA. It goes low. HCOB 24.10.71RA - 4 - Re-Rev. 25.5.80 Many "low TA cases" are just sweaty hand cases. Paper handkerchiefs (Kleenex) are a standard item for an auditing room -- for grief charges and burning eyes, etc. These should be available. If the TA is low, check if the pc's hands are wet. If so have him wipe them and get a new read. It is usually found that the 1.6 was really 2.0. Or the 1.6 was really 1.8 and the trim was 1.8 = 2.0. Have the pc wipe hands, check and correct trim before you bypass all a "low TA's" F/Ns! TAs can go low. Invalidation of the pc, lousy TRs can drive one low. If so the TA comes back up on repair. But don't brand a case a low TA case until you make sure his hands are dried and the meter trimmed. Also, very small cans or cans too small for the pc can give a slightly low reading. DRY HANDS Some pcs have extremely dry hands, usually from industrial chemicals such as chlorine in dishwater or skin scale. This can give a wildly high TA. The pc can be worries to death with high TA repairs when in fact he just doesn't have contact with the electrode. A quick test is have the pc put the cans under his armpits and you'll see if it's his calloused or chemically dried out hands. ARTHRITIC HANDS A rare pc is so crippled with arthritis that he doesn't make contact fully with the cans. This gives a high TA. Use wide wrist straps and you'll get a right read. SLACK GRIP Sometimes a rare pc lets his hands go slack on the cans, particularly if they are the wrong size cans, too big. This gives a mysterious "high TA." It is false. The TA will come down only to 3.2 and F/N and of course an overrun then really gives a high TA. And the pc goes a bit frantic and begins to believe things don't erase or release. Keep the pc's hands in sight. Check the pc's grip. Get smaller cans. CAN SIZE The most common fault is wrong can size. HCOB 24.10.177RA - 5 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 For a normal or large handed pc the can size is about 4 7/8ths inches by 2 5/8ths inches or 12 1/2 cm by 7 cm. This can be altered as big as 4 1/2 inches by 3 inches diameter or 11 cm by 8 cm. This is standard. This can is too large for people with small hands. These should use a can 3 3/4 inches by 2 1/8th inches or 9 cm by 5 cm diameter or thereabouts. A small child would be lost even with that can. So a small 35 mm film can could be used. This is 2 inches long by 1 3/16ths diameter or 5 cm by 3 cm. This works but watch it as these cans are aluminum. They do work but test for true read with a slightly larger can and then trim to adjust for the aluminum if any different. Cans of course should be STEEL with a thin tin plating. Regular soup cans. Can size to match the pc avoids slack can grip or tiring the hands into going slack, giving the auditor 3.2 F/Ns and trouble. COLD PC A pc who is too cold sometimes has a falsely high TA. Wrap him in a blanket or get a warmer auditing room. The auditing environment is the responsibility of the auditor. LATE AT NIGHT Between 2 and 3 A.M. or late at night a pc's TA may be very high. The time depends on when he sleeps usually. This TA will be found normal in regular hours. RINGS Rings on the pc's hands must always be removed. They don't influence TA but they give a false rock slam. FLOATING TA Many an auditor before now has gone a bit mad trying to handle a floating TA. They are not very common and are startling. What happens is the pc is so released the needle can't be gotten onto the dial. The needle is swinging wider than the meter dial both ways from center and appears to lay first on one side then the other. The TA can't be moved fast enough to keep the extreme floating needle on the dial. This gives a false TA of sorts as it can't be read. Some auditors seeing it for the first time have even sent the pc out of the room so they could "adjust" the meter or get another one! Thus the very highest state of release can be invalidated as where is the TA? HCOB 24.10.71RA - 6 - Re-rev. 25.5.80 RUSTY CORRODED CANS You'd think soup was very expensive the way some auditors hold onto old cans. Corroded cans can falsify TA. Get new ones now and then. TIGHT SHOES And then there was the vain lady who wore shoes too small for her feet. She removed them every session. The session went well each time. Then she put on her agonizing shoes and went to the Examiner and the C/Ses and auditors all went mad trying find out why every exam had a high TA. Tight shoes. The E-Meter is accurate. It is a lovely instrument. You have to fit the pc to it. Good luck. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit LRH:RTCU:bk Copyright $c 1971, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revisions assisted by LRH Technical Compilations Unit   Type = 11 iDate=16/8/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=2 rDate=4/9/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TRAINING DRILLS REMODERNIZED   Remimeo Courses Checksheets Professional TRs Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 AUGUST 1971RA Remimeo ISSUE II Courses REVISED 5 JULY 1978 Checksheets RE-REVISED 4 SEPTEMBER 1980 Professional TRs Course (Revisions not in Script) (This Bulletin has been revised to fully define TRs and to include data on the cycle of communication upon which the TRs are based.) TRAINING DRILLS REMODERNIZED This HCOB cancels the following: Original HCOB 17 Apr 61 TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED Revised HCOB 5 Jan 71 TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED Revised HCOB 21 Jun 71 III TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED HCOB 25 May 71 THE TR COURSE (REFERENCES: HCOB 5 Apr 73R AXIOM 28 AMENDED Rev. 4.9.80 HCOB 23 Sep 79 CANCELLATION OF DESTRUCTIVE BTBs AND BPLs ON TRS HCOB 24 Dec 79 TRS BASICS RESURRECTED HCOB 18 Apr 80 TR CRITICISM HCOB 5 Apr 80 Q & A, THE REAL DEFINITION) This HCOB is to replace all other issues of TRs 0-4 in all packs and checksheets, excepting those TRs Booklets specifically designed for Div 6 Courses. TRS DEFINITION The term "TRs" is an abbreviation for Training Regimen or Routine. TRs are also often referred to as Training Drills. While each individual TR drill has its own specific purpose, the overall purpose and definition of TRs is given here fully and finally: TRS ARE METHODS OF DRILLING THE COMMUNICATION FORMULA AND BECOMING EXPERT IN ITS HANDLING AND USE. That definition applies to any TR. At times over the years when it has been dropped out or obscured or misunderstood, auditor training quality and results have suffered. Therefore, this full and final definition is to be posted in LARGE letters in any course room where Professional TRs are taught. It should be emblazoned upon the foreheads and minds of TR Course Supervisors and all students on TRs Courses in training to become auditors. It should be known broadly and understood and emphasized. In 1971, due to the following factors, I found it necessary to modernize TRs 0 to 4. 1. The auditing skill of any student remains only as good as he can do his TRs. HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 2 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 2. Flubs in TRs are the basis of all confusion in subsequent efforts to audit. 3. If the TRs are not well learned early in Scientology training courses, THE BALANCE OF THE COURSE WILL FAIL AND SUPERVISORS AT UPPER LEVELS WILL BE TEACHING NOT THEIR SUBJECTS BUT TRs. 4. Almost all confusions on Meter, Model Sessions and Scientology or Dianetic processes stem directly from inability to do the TRs. 5. A student who has not mastered his TRs will not master anything further. 6. Scientology or Dianetic processes will not function in the presence of bad TRs. The preclear is already being overwhelmed by process velocity and cannot bear up to TR flubs without ARC breaks. THESE FACTORS HOLD VERY TRUE TODAY AND ALWAYS WILL. Academies were tough on TRs up to 1958 and have since tended to soften. Professional TRs Courses are not a tea party. The TRs given here should be put in use at once in all auditor training, in Academy and HGC and in the future should never be relaxed. A more gradient approach to TRs is taught on specially packaged co-audits for those with no prior technical training, where the same degree of flawlessness and skill demanded of a professional auditor is not demanded of the untrained co-auditor. And there is still another gradient of TRs found on courses for new public in Division 6, where the person is getting his first experience in handling communication in his life and livingness. But on a Professional TRs Course for auditors absolutely standards are lowered. PROFESSIONAL AUDITORS IN TRAINING ARE GIVEN REAL TRs -- ROUGH, TOUGH AND HARD. To do otherwise is to lose 90% of the results. There is nothing pale and patty-cake about TRs. THIS HCOB MEANS WHAT IT SAYS. IT DOES NOT MEAN SOMETHING ELSE. IT DOES NOT IMPLY ANOTHER MEANING. IT IS NOT OPEN TO INTERPRETATION FROM ANOTHER SOURCE. THE A-R-C TRIANGLE As TRs are methods of drilling the communication cycle, one cannot expect to master TRs without familiarity with that cycle. And basic to the drilling or any real use of the comm cycle is an understanding of Affinity, Reality and Communication, which make up the ARC Triangle. There is no attempt here to repeat all of the existing data on the ARC Triangle and its use. Any student put on TRs must first have done a sound study of this theory. The data exists in the books: THE PROBLEMS OF WORK, Chapter 6: Affinity, Reality and Communication THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THOUGHT, Chapter 5: The ARC Triangle HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 3 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 DIANETICS 55! and in various HCOB Bulletins in the Technical Volumes. A student ready for TR drills would know and would have demonstrated how Affinity, Reality and Communication interrelate. He would be familiar with how one improves the level of ARC by first raising one side of this important triangle in order to raise the next side and the next, and how ARC brings about Understanding. When he has that data he's better prepared to handle the comm cycle. THE FULL CYCLE OF COMMUNICATION Communication Defined If one were to put it very simply, it could be said, correctly, that communication is the interchange of ideas across space. A finer statement of this is given in the following definition from Axiom 28: COMMUNICATION IS THE CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF IMPELLING AN IMPULSE OR PARTICLE FROM SOURCE-POINT ACROSS A DISTANCE TO RECEIPT-POINT, WITH THE INTENTION OF BRINGING INTO BEING AT THE RECEIPT-POINT A DUPLICATION AND UNDERSTANDING OF THAT WHICH EMANATED FROM THE SOURCE-POINT. The simplest statement of the formula of communication is CAUSE-DISTANCE-EFFECT. When we do a close inspection of this formula and the cycle involved, its many elements come to view. The Parts Of The Full Communication Cycle The full cycle of communication is made up of these components: Observation, Confront, Consideration, Intention, Attention, Cause, Source-point, Particle or Impulse or Message, Distance, Estimation of Distance, Control (Start-Change-Continue-Stop), Direction, Time and Timing, Velocity, Volume, Clarity, Interest, Impingement, Effect, Receipt-point, Duplication, Answer, Acknowledgement, Understanding. It also includes Nothingness or Somethingness. Each TR drill is designed to train the student in one or more of these various components, until he has become expert in handling each part of the communication cycle and the communication cycle as a whole. When a student understands and has fully demonstrated the basic theory of communication in clay, including the theory of the ARC Triangle and how it works in practice and the use of the communication cycle and all of its parts, he is well equipped to begin his training in TRs. DRILLING TRS ON A PROFESSIONAL TRS COURSE The student first studies the TR, clears any misunderstood words in it and makes sure he understands it. Then he DRILLS it. He must DO TRs. HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 4 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 If during the drilling he has questions about the TR, he restudies it and gets right back onto drilling it. AT NO TIME MAY A COACH OR SUPERVISOR GIVE A VERBAL INTERPRETATION OF THE HCOB. All queries and questions are handled by referring the student to the HCOB, getting him to restudy or re-word clear the drill. Then getting him to DO the drill. In addition to this Bulletin, the supervisor may have the student and his twin study, in HCOB 18 Apr 80 TR CRITICISM, the section on the specific TR drill they are trying to do. ON PROFESSIONAL TRS, DONE THE HARD WAY, STUDENTS DRILL EACH TR TO A PASS, ONE AT A TIME. This is the rough, tough way it was done earlier, in the '60s, with results. The earlier action of getting a student through each TR itself, one at a time, and increasing the gradient of toughness as he does that TR, is what has proven successful. IF A STUDENT HAS TROUBLE AND HANGS UP AND CAN'T PASS AN UPPER TR, HE HASN'T MADE IT ON THE LOWER TRS. THIS HAS BEEN PROVEN CONCLUSIVELY. START HIM BACK AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TRS AGAIN. HE RE-DRILLS EACH TR UNTIL HE DOES IT COMPETENTLY TO A PASS. If he then hangs up on the lower TRs, you would put him all the way back to restudy ARC and the cycle of communication, as there will be something there he hasn't grasped. TRs are coached and supervised with attention and with the intention of getting the student to win. By win we mean honestly mastering each TR as he goes. There's got to be a supervisor THERE to ensure this occurs. Lax, permissive coaching or lax, permissive supervision have no place on a Professional TRs Course. They are simply an extension of the permissiveness of modern education where nobody winds up educated. This is not how we train. Permissiveness is nothing more than a symptom of the inability to confront. A professional TRs Course is TAUGHT and taught HARD, not permissively. The above points are those which make up the expertise of how it is done. There are not many of these points but they have to be emphasized. TRAINING DRILLS 0-4 THESE TRS ARE DONE EXACTLY PER THIS HCOB WITHOUT ADDED ACTIONS OR CHANGE. NUMBER: OT TR 0 1971 REVISED 1980 NAME: Operating Thetan Being There THEORY: OT TR 0 is the drill which provides an undercut to the actual use of the communication formula. For any communication to take place, it requires somebody there. On OT TR 0 the student is drilling simply being there as potential Cause or Source-point or potential Effect or Receipt-point. COMMANDS: None. HCOB 16.8.7R11A II - 5 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 POSITION: Two students sit facing each other with eyes closed, a comfortable distance apart -- about three feet. PURPOSE: To train the student simply to be there comfortably. The idea is to get the student able to BE there comfortably in a position three feet in front of another person, to BE there and not do anything else but BE there. TRAINING STRESS: Students sit facing each other with eyes closed. There is no conversation. This is a silent drill. There is NO twitching, moving, confronting with a body part, "system" or vias used or anything else added to BE there. One will usually see blackness or an area of the room when one's eyes are closed. THERE, COMFORTABLY. This does not mean the student is supposed to be completely unfeeling or unaware. And he does not get into a figure-figure or go into weird additives or considerations. There is NO complexity to this drill. It means exactly what it says -- simply BE THERE, COMFORTABLY. Students do not coach each other on OT TR 0. The Supervisor does the coaching, covering the whole classroom, spotting any twitches, squirming, etc., and flunking them. If a student goes to sleep or starts boiling off, the supervisor gets him back onto the drill. He simply keeps the students at it. PATTER: None for students. Supervisor starts the drill with "Start" and uses "That's it" to terminate the drill. When he needs to flunk a student he uses "Flunk" and indicates what the flunk is on. When a student can BE there comfortably for some time, the drill is passed. NOTE: OT TR 0 would only be coached on a student by this twin if the student had flunked a later TR and been put back onto OT TR 0. It is then up to his twin to get him through, coaching him as the supervisor would, with the supervisor also keeping an eye on it. This means the student coach (who would have his eyes open for this coaching) sits across from the student who is doing OT TR 0, observing him and flunking twitches, squirming, etc. During this coaching, the coach would use "Start" "Flunk" and "That's it" as given in the Patter section above. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in June 71 to give an additional gradient to confronting and eliminate students Confronting with their eyes, blinking, etc. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in August 1971 after research discoveries on TRs. Further revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1980 to clarify coaching of OT TR 0 and emphasize the drill as a gradient to actual confronting. NUMBER: TR 0 CONFRONTING REVISED 1961 RE-REVISED 1980 NAME: Confronting. THEORY: On TR 0, in addition to potential Cause or Source-point or potential Effect or Receipt-point, the following parts of the comm cycle are entered in: Observation, Distance, Consideration Attention, Confront. COMMANDS: None. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other with eyes open, a comfortable distance apart -- about three feet. PURPOSE: To train student to confront another person with auditing only or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to be there comfortably in a position three feet in front of another person, to BE there comfortably and CONFRONT and not do anything else but BE THERE AND CONFRONT. HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 6 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 TRAINING STRESS: Have student and coach sit facing each other, neither making any conversation or effort to be interesting. Have them sit and look at each other and say and do nothing for some hours. Student must not speak, fidget, giggle, be embarrassed or anaten, or exhibit any reactive body motion which would be distractive to a preclear. TR 0 requires some coaching. It can be done uncoached for an initial period to accustom students to confronting and to permit some time for student to get through the initial manifestations he may encounter when first doing the drills. Thereafter, the drill is coached on a student by his twin, and vice versa, on a turnabout basis. It will be found the student tends to confront WITH a body part, rather than just confront, or tends to use a system of confronting rather than just BE there. This can show up in any number of ways including fidgeting, giggling, twitching, or any distractive motion or manifestation. Flunks are given for those as they are indications of non-confront, and they would be taken up and coached on the drill. Automatic body functions which are not distractive, such as normal breathing, swallowing, blinking, are not taken up by the coach or the supervisor. To clarify what has been known in the past as "Blinkless TR 0", the statement should be made that this does NOT mean the person never blinks. It is defined here finally and in full to mean that when a person's TR 0 is in he doesn't exhibit manifestations of inability to confront, including blinking nervously or flinching or doing anything else that would be distractive to a pc and shows a non-confront. PATTER: When TR 0 is coached, coach uses "Start" to begin the coaching period. He uses "Flunk" when the student shows any manifestation of non-confront, indicates what the non-confront is, and uses "Start" to begin the drill again. "That's it" is used to terminate the drill. NOTE: The drill is mis-named if Confronting means to DO something to the person. The whole action is to accustom an auditor to BEING THERE three feet in front if another person without apologizing or moving or being startled or embarrassed or defending self. Confronting with a body part can cause somatics in that body part being used to confront. The solution is just to BE there and CONFRONT. On a Professional TRs Course the student passes when he can just be there and do a straight, uninterrupted 2 hours of good, acceptable confront. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be "interesting". Revised by L. Ron Hubbard April 1961 on finding that SOP Goals required for its success a much higher level of technical skill that earlier processes. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in August 1971 after research discoveries on TRs. Further revised in 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard to clarify "Blinkless TR 0" and coaching, and to include theory on the communication cycle. NUMBER: TR 0 BULLBAIT REVISED 1961 RE-REVISED 1980 NAME: Confronting Preclear Bullbaited. HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 7 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 THEORY: On TR 0 Bullbaited the student drills being there as potential Cause or Source-point and being there as Effect or Receipt-point, with Duplication, He is also drilling Observation, Distance, Consideration, Attention, Confront and particularly confronting a preclear who is being Cause of Source-point. The gradient of confront is increased on this drill, with emphasis on the fact that the student is confronting a preclear no matter what the preclear says or does. COMMANDS: Coach: "Start" "That's it" "Flunk". POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart -- about three feet. PURPOSE: To train student to confront a preclear with auditing or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to BE there comfortably and confront a preclear in a position three feet in front of the preclear without being thrown off, distracted or reacting in any way to what the preclear says or does. It is on TR 0 Bullbaited that the student learns to CONFRONT A PRECLEAR. TRAINING STRESS: After the student has passed TR 0 and he can just BE there comfortably and confront, "bull baiting" can begin. Anything added to BEING THERE AND CONFRONTING THE PRECLEAR is sharply flunked by the coach. Twitches, sighs fidgets, anything except just being there is promptly flunked, with the reason why. PATTER: Student coughs. Coach: "Flunk! you coughed. Start." This is the whole of the coach's patter as a coach. Coach then repeats whatever he had said or does that caused the student to react. He continues to coach the student on that "button", flattening it to a win for the student before going on to another button or other bullbaiting. Button: An item, word, phrase, subject, voice tone, mannerism, anything that causes a person to react, causes him discomfort, embarrassment, upset or to laugh uncontrollably, etc. It is called a "button" because when you push it you get a reaction. PATTER AS A CONFRONTED SUBJECT: Bullbaiting is done on a gradient, giving the student lighter situations to begin with so student is not plunged into overwhelm at the start. Coach gets the student through the lighter situations and confronting those, then gradually stiffens the gradient, giving the student more and more to confront. The coach may say anything or do anything except leave the chair. The student's "buttons" should be found (these will be spotted by the coach during drilling) and each button flattened before it is left. A button is never left unflat. Any words that are not coaching words may receive no response from the student. If the student responds, the coach is instantly a coach (see patter above). Student passes when he can BE there comfortably and confront a preclear without being thrown off or distracted or reacting in any way to anything the coach says or does. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be "interesting". Revised by L. Ron Hubbard April 1961 on finding that SOP Goals required for its success a much higher level technical skill than earlier processes. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in August 1971 after research discoveries on TRs. Further revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1980 to emphasize the purpose of TR 0 Bullbaited and to include data on "buttons" and the comm cycle. NUMBER: TR-1 REVISED 1961 RE-REVISED 1980 NAME: Dear Alice. HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 8 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 THEORY: On TR 1, the student is using Observation, Consideration and confront as previously drilled. He is also drilling being Cause or Source-point, awareness of Effect of Receipt-Point, and as Cause getting a Message (or Impulse or Particle) across a Distance to Receipt-point with Attention, Interest, Control, correct Direction, correct estimation of Distance, Time and correct Timing, correct Velocity, correct Volume, Clarity and Impingement, and with the Intention that it is received and duplicated at Receipt-point. PURPOSE: To train the student to deliver a command newly and an a new unit of time to a preclear without flinching or trying to overwhelm or using a via, and to deliver a command with the intention that it is received. COMMANDS: A phrase (with the "he saids" omitted) is picked out of the book "Alice in Wonderland" and read to the coach. It is repeated until the coach is satisfied it arrived where he is. In other words it must be received by the coach. POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: The command goes from the book to the student and, as his own, to the coach. It must not go from book to coach. It must sound natural not artificial. Diction and elocution have no part in it. Loudness may have. The coach must have received the command (or question) clearly and have understood it before he says "Good". The operative word here is received. The communication must be received at Receipt-point as when that has occurred duplication can take place. Any datum that every command must sound exactly like the last command is false. Each question or command is delivered in a new unit of time. When that does not occur the same tonality will be noted, command after command, and the student appears robotic. A command delivered naturally is one that is delivered newly in a new unit of time. Don't buy an unchanging student or a wrongly done TR. If a student is unchanging (delivers 3 or 4 robotic TR-1s in a row) flunk him, coax him to do it correctly, make sure he knows and understands the drill and do all possible to get him delivering a command naturally that arrives. But if there is still no change, put him back on OT TR 0 as he hasn't made it on his lower TRs. PATTER: The coach says "Start", says "Good" without a new start if the command is received. He says "Flunk" if the command is not received. "Start" is not used again. "That's it" is used to end the activity or to terminate for a brief discussion. Any discussion is kept to a minimum. If student has a question it is acknowledged, student studies the TR again for any necessary clarification and is put back on the drill. If session is terminated for a discussion, coach must say "Start" again before it resumes. This drill is passed only when the student can put across a command naturally, without strain or artificiality or elocutionary bobs and gestures, and when the student can do it easily and relaxedly. When the coach thinks the student has done it he asks the student if he has done it. If the coach is satisfied that he is receiving the commands, each newly in a new unit of time, and the student is satisfied that he has done it, he passes on to the next TR. HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 9 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, April 1956, to teach the communication formula to new students. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard 1961 to increase auditing ability. Further revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1960 to emphasize the purpose of the drill and to include theory on the comm cycle. NUMBER: TR 2 REVISED 1978 RE-REVISED 1980 NAME: Acknowledgements. THEORY: On TR 2, the student is using all of those parts of the comm cycle previously drilled. He is also drilling switching from Cause (Source-point) to Effect (Receipt-point) in order to receive, Understand and Duplicate the preclear's Answer, and then back to Cause to give the Acknowledgement. The real emphasis here is on the drilling of Control (the Start-Change-Stop of a communication), is he uses the Acknowledgement to bring the communication to a full stop. Timing, Velocity, Volume and Impingement also enter into this drill. PURPOSE: To teach the student that an acknowledgement is a method of controlling preclear communication and that an acknowledgement is a full stop. The student must understand and appropriately acknowledge the comm and in such a way that it does not continue the comm. COMMANDS: The coach reads lines from "Alice in Wonderland" omitting the "He saids" and the student thoroughly acknowledges them. The student says "Good", "Fine", "Okay", "I heard that", anything only so long as it is appropriate to the pc's comm -- in such a way as actually to convince the person who is sitting there as the preclear that he has heard it. The coach repeats any line he feels was not truly acknowledged. POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: Teach student to acknowledge exactly what was said so preclear knows it was heard. Ask student from time to time what was said. Curb over and under acknowledgement. Let student do anything at first to get acknowledgement across, then even him out. Teach him that an acknowledgement is a stop, not beginning of a new cycle of communication or an encouragement to the preclear to go on and that an acknowledgement must be appropriate for the pc's comm. The student must be broken of the habit of robotically using "Good", "Thank you" as the only acks. To teach further that one can fail to get an acknowledgement across or can fail to stop a pc with an acknowledgement or can take a pc's head off with an acknowledgement. PATTER: The coach says "Start", reads a line and says "Flunk" every time the coach feels there has been au improper acknowledgement. The coach repeats the same line each time the coach says "Flunk". "That's it" may be used to terminate for discussion or terminate the session. "Start" must be used to begin a new coaching after a "That's it". HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to teach new students that au acknowledgement ends a communication cycle and a period of time, that a new comm and begins a new period of time. Revised 1961 and again in 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard. Further revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1980 to include theory on the comm cycle. NUMBER: TR 2 1/2 REVISED 1978 RE-REVISED 1980 HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 10 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 NAME: Half Acks. THEORY: The same parts of the comm cycle are drilled on TR 2 1/2 as on TR 2, with one exception; the emphasis here is on drilling Acknowledgement and Control in such a way as to bring about the "Continue" (or "change") part of the Control cycle. PURPOSE: To teach the student that a half acknowledgement is a method of encouraging a pc to communicate. COMMANDS: The coach reads lines from "Alice in Wonderland" omitting the "He saids" and the student half acks the coach. The coach repeats any line he feels was not half acked. POSITION: The student and coach are seated facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: Teach student that a half acknowledgement is an encouragement to the pc to continue talking. Curb over-acknowledgement that stops a pc from talking. Teach him further that a half ack is a way of keeping a pc talking by giving the pc the feeling that he is being heard. PATTER: The coach says "Start", reads a line and says "Flunk" every time the coach feels there has been an improper half ack. The coach repeats the same line each time the coach says "Flunk". "That's it" may be used to terminate for discussion or terminate the session. If the session is terminated for discussion, the coach must say "Start" again before it resumes. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in July 1978 to train auditors in how to get a pc to continue talking as in R3RA. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1980 to include theory on the comm cycle. NUMBER: TR 3 REVISED 1961 RE-REVISED 1980 NAME: Duplicative Question. THEORY: On TR 3 the student is drilling using all the parts of the comm cycle, with emphasis on getting a communication duplicated and completed. PURPOSE: To teach a student to duplicate without variation an auditing question, each time newly, in its own unit of time, not as a blur with other questions, and to acknowledge it. To teach that one never asks a second question until he has received an answer to the one asked. COMMANDS: "Do fish swim?" or "Do birds fly?" POSITION: Student and coach seated a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: One question and student acknowledgement of its answer in one unit of time which is then finished. To keep student from straying into variations of command. Even though the same question is asked, it is asked as though it had never occurred to anyone before. Duplicating the auditing question without variation in a new unit of time does NOT mean a robotic duplication of tone of voice, command after command. It means that the original question asked is asked in a new unit of time without variation of the question. Any idea that the student must give every command sounding exactly like the last command is a false datum and only serves to mis-train the student into robotic delivery. HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 11 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 The student must learn to give a command and receive an answer and to acknowledge it in one unit of time. The student is flunked if he or she fails to get an answer to the question asked, if he or she fails to repeat the exact questions, if he or she "Q and As" with excursions taken by the coach. Q and A means: Asking a question that is based on the last answer. It never completes any cycle. (Ref: HCOB 5 Apr 1980, Q & A, THE REAL DEFINITION.) The student is also flunked for robotic delivery of the question or command. PATTER: The coach uses "Start" and "Flunk". "That's it" is used to terminate the session. "Start" must be used to begin a coaching session again after a "That's it". The coach is not bound after starting to answer the student's question but may comm lag or give a commenting type answer to throw the student off. Often the coach should answer. Somewhat less often the coach attempts to pull the student in to a Q and A or upset the student. Example: Student: "Do fish swim?" Coach: "Yes" Student: "Good" Student: "Do fish swim?" Coach: "Aren't you hungry?" Student: "Yes" Coach: "Flunk" When the question is not answered, the student must say, gently, "I'll repeat the auditing question", and do so until he gets an answer. Anything except commands, acknowledgement and as needed, the repeat statement is flunked. Unnecessary use of the repeat statement is flunked. A poor command is flunked. A poor acknowledgement is flunked. A Q and A is flunked (as in example). Student misemotion or confusion is flunked. Student failure to utter the next command (or with a long comm lag) is flunked. A choppy or premature acknowledgement is flunked. Lack of an acknowledgement (or with a distinct comm lag) is flunked. Any words from the coach except an answer to the question, "Start", "Flunk", "Good" or "That's it" should have no influence on the student except to get him to give a repeat statement and the command again. By repeat statement is meant, "I'll repeat the auditing command." "Start", "Flunk", "Good" and "That's it" may not be used to fluster or trap the student. Any other statement under the sun may be. The coach may try to leave his chair in this TR. If he succeeds it is a flunk. The coach should not use introverted statements such as "I just had a cognition." 'Coach divertive' statements should all concern the student, and should be designed to throw the student off and cause the student to lose session control or track of what the student is doing. The student's job is to keep a session going in spite of anything, using only command, the repeat statement or the acknowledgement. The student may use his or her hands to prevent a 'Blow' (leaving) of the coach. If the student does anything else than the above, it is a flunk and the coach must say so. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956, to overcome variations and sudden changes in sessions. Revised 1961 by L. Ron Hubbard. The old TR has a comm bridge as part of its training but this is now part of and is taught in Model HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 12 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 Session and is no longer needed at this level. Auditors have been frail in getting their questions answered. This TR was redesigned to improve that frailty. Further revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1980 to include the definition of Q and A, flunks for robotic delivery of question, and to include theory on the comm cycle. NUMBER: TR 4 REVISED 1961 RE-REVISED 1980 NAME: Preclear Originations. THEORY: On TR 4 the student drills handling another's origination of a communication cycle as well as handling his own cycle of communication, and ensuring that both of these cycles are completed. All the parts of the cycle of communication come into play is this drill. PURPOSE: To teach the student not to be tongue-tied or startled or thrown off session by originations of preclear and to maintain ARC with preclear throughout as origination. COMMANDS: The student runs "Do fish swim?" or "Do birds fly?" on coach. Coach answers but now and then makes startling comments from , prepared list (see Attachment of this HCOB, taken from the Preclear Origination Sheet at the back of The Book of E-Meter Drills). Student must handle originations to satisfaction of coach. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: The student is taught to hear origination and do three things. 1. Understand it; 2. Acknowledge it; and 3. Return preclear to session. If the coach feels abruptness or too much time consumed or lack of comprehension, he corrects the student into better handling. PATTER: All originations concern the coach, his ideas, reactions or difficulties, none concern the auditor. Otherwise the coach's patter is the same as in TR 3 ("Start", "Flunk", "That's it" and "Start" to resume the coaching session after a "That's It"). The student's patter is governed by: 1. Clarifying and understanding the origin. 2. Acknowledging the origin. 3. Giving the repeat statement "I'll repeat the auditing command", and then giving it. Anything else is a flunk. The auditor must be taught to prevent ARC breaks and differentiate between a vital problem that concerns the pc and a mere effort to blow session. (TR 3.) Flunks are given if the student does more than 1. Understand; 2. Acknowledge; 3. Return pc to session. Flunks are also given for too abrupt a shift of attention or too slow a shift of attention back to the session, or for failure to return the pc to session at all. Coach may throw in remarks personal to student as on TR 3. Student's failure to differentiate between these (by trying to handle them) and coach's remarks about self as "pc" is a flunk. Student's failure to persist is always a flunk in any TR but here more so. Coach should not always read from list to originate, and not always look at student when about to comment. By Originate is meant a statement or remark referring to the state of the coach or fancied case. By Comment is meant a statement or remark aimed only at student or room. Originations are handled, Comments are disregarded by the student. HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 13 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 The coach uses the Comments & Originations Sheet, attached to this issue, choosing items at random to drill the student in handling. When the student has mastered 1. Understanding; 2. Acknowledging; 3. Returning pc to session, the gradient is upped and the student is flunked for any part of the comm cycle being out. This would include non-confront, failure to get a communication across, using a half acknowledgement improperly (and thus inviting the pc to continue endlessly when the pc isn't even answering the question asked) when a full stop acknowledgement is required, failure to encourage the pc to continue when it is necessary, failure to get the question answered or to deliver each command in a new unit of time, as well as any flub in handling preclear originations. The drill is passed when the student can handle cycles of communication smoothly and naturally. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956, to teach auditors to stay in session when preclear dives out. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1961 to teach an auditor more about handling origins and preventing ARC breaks, Further revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1980 to include theory on the comm cycle. As TR 5 is also part of the CCHs it can be disregarded in the comm course TRs despite its appearance on earlier lists for students and staff auditors. ROBOTIC TRS Stiff, unnatural TRs are robotic TRs. Students and auditors who haven't mastered the TRs will handle communication robotically. Anatomy Of A Robot It can be said of robots that: 1. They don't know what a comm cycle is. 2. They have never really passed OT TR 0. 3. They have never really passed TR 0. 4. They have never really passed TR 0 Bullbait. 5. They don't do TR 1 in a new unit of time each time they give it, so they all sound alike and they probably have TR 3 mixed up with TR 1, or they are stuck in an unflat 0 Series (OT TR 0, TR 0, TR 0 BB). 6. They don't realize their TRs are addressed to the person in front of them but are probably addressed to the instructors for a pass. And so, with a combination of the above, these students and auditors will look like robots. They would never get the product of a pc interested in his own case and willing to talk to the auditor. And it's possible that they don't know that that is their product. The point is, however, that it would be almost impossible for any student or auditor to go on looking like a robot if he actually did the TRs. HCOB 16.8.71RA II - 14 - Re-Rev. 4.9.80 The remedy for robotic TRs is to put the student back onto restudy of the basics, the ARC Triangle and the cycle of communication, and then to re-drill the TRs from OT TR 0 on up, each one this time to a real pass. With these standard actions done he will reach the EP and wind up a Valuable Final Product. VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCT AND END PHENOMENON OF TRS ON A PROFESSIONAL TRS COURSE The PRIMARY VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCT of TRs is: A Professional auditor who with comm handling alone can keep a pc interested in his own case and willing to talk to the auditor. The SECONDARY VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCT of TRs is: A person with the session and social presence of a professional auditor and that presence can be summed up as a being who can handle anyone with communication alone and whose communication can stand up faultlessly to any session or social situation no matter how rough. The END PHENOMENON of TRs is: A being who knows he can achieve both of the above flawlessly and from here on out. With honest drilling of the cycle of communication on TRs these skills are fully achievably. And any being mastering these skills is capable in the extreme. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr Copyright $c 1971, 1978, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=19/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 52 INTERNES   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JULY 1971 Remimeo REISSUED 7 JULY 1981 C/S Series 52 INTERNES The word INTERN or INTERNE means "An advanced graduate or a recent graduate in a professional field who is getting practice experience under the Supervision of an experienced worker". An Interneship then is serving a period as an Interne, or an activity offered by an org by which EXPERIENCE can be gained. Interneships have been arranged this long while for every auditing class. The apprenticeship of an auditor is done as an org Interne. C/Ses very often have Internes on their lines and sometimes have trouble with getting them to audit. The WHY of this is that the Interne seldom knows the definition of the word "Interne" (which is as above). They sometimes think they are still students. They do not know this fact: A COURSE GRADUATE BECOMES AN AUDITOR BY AUDITING. That means LOTS of auditing. The failure of "auditors" is that they go from one level to the next, HDC to IV to VIII, without ever becoming an auditor for that Class. Thus you can get a silly situation where a Class IX can't audit or C/S well. Thus you get tech going out. An HDC graduate who doesn't then audit under an experienced Case Supervisor who knows and demands the standard actions rarely gets to be a HDC AUDITOR. It takes tons of hours to make a real Dianetic auditor who can toss off standard sessions and get his routine miracles. So if an HDC doesn't INTERNE, but simply goes on to the Academy Courses or SHSBC he has skipped his apprenticeship as a Dianetic Auditor. If he gets his Class VI and never Internes but goes on to VIII -- well, we now have somebody who has long since lost touch with the reality of why he is studying. Therefore you CAN'T take a Class VI graduate who was never a Dianetic Auditor and Interne him as a VI. He'll goof-goof-goof. So you have to Interne him as a HDC. WHEN he can turn out flawless Dianetic sessions on all kinds of pcs you can Interne him as a IV etc. In other words you have to catch up all neglected Apprenticeships. I don't care if the guy is an VIII, if he wasn't ever a Dianetic Auditor and a Class VI Auditor and isn't Interning as an VIII then he is only a provisional. Flubby auditors are the biggest time wasters a C/S has. If auditors on his lines aren't good, he'll take forever to get his C/S work done. And he won't get results. The answer is, regardless of Class as a course graduate, a C/S MUST INTERNE HIS AUDITORS FOR EACH INTERNESHIP MISSED ON THE WAY UP. The "ok to audit" system is used. One takes any graduate and Internes him on the lowest Interneship he has missed. He reviews his material, gets his drills checked, gets his misunderstood words cleared and gets an "ok to audit" for that level. If he goofs he is crammed. And sometimes wholly retreaded. The "ok to audit Dianetics" would be his first okay. This suspends if be has to retread. When he then has turned out pcs, pcs, pcs, pcs, 5, 6, 8, 10 hours a day for weeks and weeks and is a total success as a Dianetic Auditor, he can go on up. At first as a Dianetic Interne he is part time studying Dianetics. Then as he gets flawless and while he is getting experience and practice on Dianetics, he can gradually phase over into re-studying his next Interneship, usually IV or VI. Then one day he is word cleared, checked out on his drills, and he qualifies for "ok to audit" for IV or VI. Now it begins all over again. Flubs-Cramming, midnight oil, audit audit cramming audit audit new word clear new drill work audit audit audit audit 5, 6, 8, 10 hours a day. Now he if a IV or VI auditor. His next real step is a VI or VII Interne at an SH. If he has been a good IV Interne Auditor his VI Interneship after his SHSBC will be a VII Interneship. VII is an Interne activity. When he's an Auditor that can do VI and Power, he is ready for VIII and IX. If he is going to be a good VIII-IX auditor he will Interne in an AO or SH under an experienced C/S. Now when he goes to his own org, you have a real honest to goodness C/S. And as a C/S he must know how you use Interneships to make auditors. Wherever this function is neglected, you don't get auditors. You get doubtful students and out-tech. On Flag C/Ses have to catch up every missed Interneship to make a high volume high quality auditor. The world renowned Superiority of Flag Auditors is built just like I am telling you here. There is no reason just that same quality can't be built in any org. One does it by the Interne method. By using this method you get IN tech and high volume. Any auditor in any org that is limping and fumbling simply has never been properly Interned. The way to remedy it is to set up a good Cramming that uses only HCO Bs and has them available (and no verbal tradition), a Good Word Clearer and a Qual "okay to audit" Interne system. The Internes are a Section in Qual. They have a Course Supervisor. They study and audit cram audit cram study audit, audit audit audit. And one day you have IN tech and high volume high Class auditing all over the place. Otherwise you just have a bunch of students, in doubt, chewing on their misunderstood words and failed tech. There IS a right way to go about it. It is by Interneship. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER BDCSC:LRH:nt:rd Copyright $c 1971, 1981 Accepted by the by L. Ron Hubbard BOARD OF DIRECTORS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA   Type = 11 iDate=30/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=4 rDate=26/3/81 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RE GR 40XRE  Type = 11 iDate=3/12/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Class IV Grad Auditor Checksheets SHSBC Level F Checksheets Class IV Grad and above auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1971RC Remimeo RE-REVISED 26 MARCH 1981 Class IV Grad Auditor CANCELS HCOB 3 DEC 71 Checksheets HANDLING SHEET SHSBC Level F (Revisions Not in Script) Checksheets Class IV Grad and above auditors C/Ses EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RE GR 40XRE The Expanded Green Form 40RE is used with the Resistive Cases Assessment on a resistive case to precisely locate and solve its resistiveness. The assessment of the Resistive Cases will direct the auditor to the type of the pc's resistiveness. Further assessment is then done in the section of the Expanded Green Form 40RE appropriate to what has read on the Resistive Cases Assessment and handlings are given for what has been found. This list provides a fast and direct method for solving resistive cases. Before using this list on any pc the auditor must have first checked out on HCOB 8 Dec 78 II GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF. RESISTIVE CASES ASSESSMENT (If this assessment has just been done on the Green Form #40 question, it is not repeated. Go right into the Expanded Green Form 40RE assessments.) Assess Method 5 the following Resistive Cases. If any item reads, go to its corresponding section on the Expanded Green Form 40RE and assess Method 5 all the items in that section. Assess the section on the Expanded Green Form 40RE that corresponds to each reading item. When all sections corresponding to the reading Resistive Cases items are assessed you will have a full picture of the pc's resistiveness. Then, if you have C/S okay, take up each reading section on the GF 40XRE in the order in which they are listed below and handle reads per the instructions given. Otherwise, return to the C/S for programming. IMPORTANT NOTE ON HANDLING READS ON THIS LIST: A. Recalls, as well as R3RA Preassessment and Engram running have been added to the handlings on some sections of the list. Where these are included on a handling, use the Recall steps on Dianetic Clears, OTs and anyone who is on the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. Do not run any Dianetics on such pcs or OTs. (This applies to any of the items or sections where Recalls and R3RA Narrative and Engram running are given as handlings.) B. If this list is done as part of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive and if it is established in that Intensive that the pc is not yet Clear, the pc should then, on completion of the DCSI, be run on the R3RA steps if necessary (providing the flows read when checked). C. Cases in the Non Reference Zone would not receive this list. D. All cases other than those listed in A and C above are run HCOB 30.6.71RC - 2 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 on the R3RA Narrative and Engram running handlings. (NOTE: Recalls would not be run on these cases unless specifically ordered by the C/S. This might be done, for example, on a case where the pc was not yet capable of running engrams and required a more gradient approach.) *A-1. WENT DIANETIC CLEAR AND NEVER ATTESTED? _______ *A-2. HAVE HAD ENGRAMS RUN AFTER BEING DIANETIC CLEAR? _______ B. DON'T WANT AUDITING? _______ C. AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT? _______ D. OVERWHELMED? _______ E. CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY? _______ F-1. SUPPRESSED? _______ F-2. CONNECTED TO AN ANTAGONISTIC PERSON? _______ G. SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL? _______ H. HAVE NOT HAD AUDITING? _______ I-1. SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS? _______ I-2. HAVE TAKEN DRUGS? _______ J. FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? _______ K. HAVE BEEN PART OF EARLIER PRACTICES? _______ L-1. OUT OF VALENCE? _______ L-2. ARE YOU BEING SOMEONE ELSE? _______ M-1. PRETENDING TRAINING OR GRADES NOT ATTAINED? _______ M-2. PRETENDING "STATES" NOT ATTAINED? _______ N. AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT? _______ O. MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING? _______ SECTION A -- WENT DIANETIC CLEAR AND NEVER ATTESTED *If items A-1 or A-2 read, 2WC to F/N and return folder to the C/S. (Items A-1 and A-2 are not assessed when doing a DCSI.) SECTION B -- DOESN'T WANT AUDITING B-1. DO YOU NOT WANT AUDITING? _______ 2WC to find out why not. It will be an out-rud or an out-list. Handle appropriately. B-2. ARE YOU REFUSING AUDITING? _______ 2WC to find out why. It will be an out-rud or an out-list. Handle appropriately. B-3. ARE YOU PROTESTING AUDITING? _______ Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. B-4. DO YOU DISLIKE TALKING TO AN AUDITOR? _______ If so, run "Look at me. Who am I?" to F/N. Then "What could you say?" to F/N. HCOB 30.6.71RC - 3 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 B-5. HAS NO ONE ASKED WHAT YOU REALLY WANT? _______ Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. B-6. HAS THERE BEEN ANYTHING WRONG WITH F/Ns? _______ Find the fault and handle with False TA HCOBs. Rehab any overruns due to false TA. SECTION C -- AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT C-1. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT? _______ Find out which and handle to F/N. C-2. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN ARC BREAK? _______ ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N. C-3. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER A PROBLEM? _______ Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. C-4. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER A WITHHOLD? _______ What was the withhold? Who missed it? E/S to F/N. C-5. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN OVERT? _______ What was the overt? E/S overt to F/N. C-6. ARE YOU LYING TO PEOPLE? _______ Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. C-7. DO YOU HAVE SECRETS? _______ 2WC what secrets E/S to F/N. C-8. ARE YOU HERE FOR REASONS NOT DISCLOSED? _______ If so, L&N "What was your original reason for coming here?" R3RA Triple or Quad if an evil purpose. Program for EXDN. (On a Dianetic Clear or OT, do the L&N step only.) If the person's reason for being here is suspect, such as to harm or get data for another agency, etc. HCO must be notified after the section. The person may not admit to having a discreditable reason for being in the org and so might need a special HCO Confessional to find out all the data. C-9. DO YOU HAVE AN EVIL PURPOSE? _______ L&N "What evil purpose do you have?" R3RA Triple or Quad. Program for EXDN. (On a Dianetic Clear or OT, do the L&N step only.) SECTION D -- OVERWHELMED D-1. HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY AUDITING? _______ Run out the incident of overwhelm R3RA Narrative Triple or Quad. (On Flow 1, acknowledge what the pc says and continue with R3RA Narrative commands 2-9, A-EYE.) F2: Return to the time you caused another to be overwhelmed by auditing and tell me when you are there. F3: Return to the time others caused others to be overwhelmed by auditing and tell me when you are there. F0: Return to the time you caused yourself to be overwhelmed by auditing and tell me when you are there. (Progress Program.) HCOB 30.6.71RC - 4 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 (On a Dianetic Clear or OT 2WC for data and use the appropriate correction list to locate and indicate the by-passed charge.) D-2. HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY LIFE? _______ Handle as in D-1 with Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, substituting "by life". (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Dianetic Clears or OTs. D-3. HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY FAMILY CONNECTIONS? _______ Handle as In D-1 with Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, substituting "by family connections". (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Dianetic Clears or OTs. D-4. HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED ON YOUR POST? _______ (ON YOUR JOB?) Handle as in D-1 with Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, substituting "on your post" or "on your job" whichever is appropriate and has read. (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Dianetic Clears or OTs. D-5. ARE YOU RESTIMULATED IN YOUR CURRENT ENVIRONMENT? _______ Run out the time he felt restimulated in his environment R3RA Narrative Triple or Quad. (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Dianetic Clears or OTs. SECTION E -- CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY E-1. ARE YOU CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY? _______ L&N "What are you trying to prevent?" R3RA Triple/Quad preventing _______ (item). 2WC committing continuous overts and pull them, E/S to F/N. On a Dianetic Clear or OT the handling is: L&N "What are you trying to prevent?" 2WC committing continuous overts and pull them, E/S to F/N. E-2. DO YOU KEEP ON GOOFING? _______ Handle as in E-1. E-3. ARE YOU COMMITTING CONTINUOUS OVERTS IN LIFE? _______ Handle as in E-1. SECTION F -- SUPPRESSED CONNECTED TO AN ANTAGONISTIC PERSON F-1. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO SOMEONE HOSTILE OR ANTAGONISTIC TO SCIENTOLOGY? _______ PTS Interview. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling. F-2. ARE OTHERS ANTAGONISTIC TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING? _______ PTS interview. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling. F-3. HAVE YOU BEEN SUPPRESSED BY ANOTHER? _______ 2WC to F/N. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling including a PTS C/S-1 per HCOB 31 Dec 78 III, EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1. HCOB 30.6.71RC - 5 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 F-4. DO YOU MAKE GAINS AND THEN LOSE THEM? _______ PTS Interview. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling including a PTS C/S-1 per HCOB 31 Dec 78 III, EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1. F-5. DO YOU RECEIVE GAINS OR BENEFITS FROM BEING ILL OR DISABLED? _______ 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S. SECTION G -- SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL G-1. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL? _______ 2WC to find out what the illness or symptoms are. Return the folder to the C/S. Program per HCOB 24 Jul 69R SERIOUSLY ILL PCS and BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-2. IS YOUR BODY ILL? _______ 2WC "What seems to be wrong with your body?" to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-3. ARE YOU MENTALLY ILL? _______ Handle as a withhold. E/S "Is there an earlier time you were mentally ill?" to F/N. R3RA Narrative Triple/Quad. Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA Triple/Quad. Omit the R3RA Narrative and engram running steps on a Dianetic Clear or OT or a person being run on the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. On a Dianetic Clear or OT, the C/S would determine any other handling needed. If the list is done as a part of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive and if it is established in that intensive that the pc is not yet Clear, the pc should then, on completion of the DCSI, be run on the R3RA steps if necessary (providing the flows read when checked). G-4. DO YOU HAVE ANY BROKEN BONES? _______ 2WC to F/N. Medical treatment followed by a program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-5. DO YOU HAVE ANY INFECTIOUS DISEASE? _______ 2WC to get the data on what it is to F/N. Medical treatment followed by a program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-6. DO YOU HAVE ANY HIDDEN ILLNESSES? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-7. DO YOU HAVE ANY TOOTH DECAY? _______ 2WC to F/N. Dental treatment followed by a program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-8. DO YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICALLY DAMAGED PARTS? _______ 2WC to find out what, to F/N, Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-9. DO YOU HAVE ANY BODY PARTS MISSING? _______ 2WC to find out what, to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. HCOB 30.6.71RC - 6 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 G-10 HAVE YOU HAD ANY BODY PARTS REMOVED? _______ 2WC to find out what, to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. SECTION H -- HAS NOT HAD AUDITING H-1. HAVE YOU NOT HAD AUDITING? _______ L&N "Who or what would prevent auditing?" Triple or Quad Ruds and overts on the item. H-2. HAVE YOU BEEN SELF AUDITING? _______ 2WC to find out when the pc first started self auditing. Do an L1C on the prior upset. If the prior upset was in auditing, use the appropriate correction list. H-3. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED IN AN EARLIER LIFE? _______ 2WC to F/N. C/S to program to handle any overrun or other difficulties with past auditing. If needed. SECTION I -- SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS HAS TAKEN DRUGS I-1. ARE YOU SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. (E/S if needed "Is there an earlier time you were seeking the same thrill attained from drugs?") A. If the pc has had the Purification Rundown, Survival Rundown or a Drug Rundown, FES the actions and fully repair any errors found including use of the appropriate repair list (i.e. Survival RD Repair List, L3RG for Dianetic errors, End of Endless Drug Rundowns Repair List, etc. If needed, complete the Rundown(s)). B. If the pc has not had these Rundowns, Advance Program for the Purification Rundown, Survival Rundown and: 1. For Pre-Clears: Full Drug handling per C/S Series 48RD. 2. For Dianetic Clears: The Scientology Drug Rundown. 3. For OT III or above: The OT Drug Rundown. I-2. HAVE YOU TAKEN DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Handle as in I-1. I-3. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO TAKE DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Handle as in I-1. I-4. HAVE YOU NEVER TAKEN DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. (E/S if needed "Is there an earlier time you never took drugs?") I-5. ARE YOU CURIOUS ABOUT DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. (E/S if needed "Is there an earlier time you were curious about drugs?") I-6. HAS MEDICINE ACTED AS DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Handle as in I-1. HCOB 30.6.71RC - 7 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 I-7. HAVE YOU REVERTED TO DRUGS? MEDICINE? ALCOHOL? _______ 2WC to F/N any reads. Handle as in I-1. SECTION J -- FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY J-1. HAVE YOU HAD A FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? _______ Handle per Note at bottom of Page 1. Triple or Qual Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.) F-1: "Recall a time you had a former therapy before Scientology." F-2: "Recall a time you gave a former therapy to another." F-3: "Recall a time another gave a former therapy to another or others." F-0: "Recall a time you gave yourself a former therapy." Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on having a former therapy: F-1: Return to the time you had a former therapy and tell me when you are there. F-2: Return to the time you gave a former therapy to another and tell me when you are there. F-3: Return to the time others gave a former therapy to another or others and tell me when you are there. F-0: Return to the time you gave a former therapy to yourself and tell me when you are there. Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple or Quad. J-2. HAVE YOU HAD MEDICAL THERAPY? _______ Handle as in J-1, substituting "Medical Therapy". J-3. HAVE YOU HAD PSYCHIATRIC THERAPY? _______ 2WC to F/N. Find out the nature of the therapy. Note: Report it to HCO after session. (Ref. HCO PL/HCOB 6 Dec 76R ILLEGAL PCS, ACCEPTANCE OF) HCO must handle in liaison with the C/S before any more auditing is delivered unless clearance for auditing has already been obtained with evidence in the folder. A. If pc has okay to be processes and if no electric shock, insulin shock or other type of shock or heavy drug therapy is involved, C/S programs for handling per HCOB 13 Jun 70, C/S Series 3, SESSION PRIORITIES, other applicable C/S Series, and per note at bottom of Page 1 of the GF 40XRE. Program might include: Handle as in J-1 and per note at bottom of Page 1 of GF 40XRE substituting "Psychiatric Therapy". B. If pc has okay to be processed and psychiatric treatment involved electric or insulin or other shock or heavy drug therapy, the C/S programs the case for handling per: THE BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES; applicable C/S Series including HCOB 13 Jun 70, C/S Series 3, SESSION PRIORITIES; and all Tech Volume references on shock. HCOB 30.6.71RC - 8 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 J-4. HAVE YOU HAD PSYCHOLOGY THERAPY? _______ Handle as in J-1, substituting "Psychology Therapy". J-5. HAVE YOU HAD DENTAL THERAPY? _______ Handle as in J-1, substituting "Dental Therapy". J-6. HAVE YOU HAD ELECTRIC SHOCK? _______ 2WC to F/N. Find out the nature/extent of the electric shock. A. If pc has been electric shocked at the hands of psychiatrists, handle per J-3. B. If pc received electric shock accidentally or some such, and it is more than a minor shock, the C/S programs the case for handling per: THE BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES; applicable C/S Series including HCOB 13 Jun 70, C/S Series 3, SESSION PRIORITIES and all Tech Volume references on shock. C. If pc has received only very minor shock do nothing more than the 2WC to F/N. SECTION K -- HAS BEEN PART OF EARLIER PRACTICES K-1. ARE YOU CURRENTLY DOING ANY BODY PRACTICES? _______ Handle per note at the bottom of Page 1. Triple or Quad Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.) F-1: "Recall a time you took part in body practices." F-2: "Recall a time you caused another to take part in body practices." F-3: "Recall a time another caused another or others to take part in body practices." F-0: "Recall a time you caused yourself to take part in body practices." Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on body practices: F-1: Return to the time you took part in body practices and tell me when you are there. F-2: Return to the time you caused another to take part in body practices and tell me when you are there. F-3: Return to the time others caused another or others to take part in body practices and tell me when you are there. F-0: Return to the time you caused yourself to take part in body practices and tell me when you are there. Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple/Quad. K-2. ARE YOU CURRENTLY DOING ANY EXERCISES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Exercises". K-3. ARE YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICING ANY RITES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Rites". K-4. ARE YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICING YOGA? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Yoga". HCOB 30.6.71RC - 9 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 K-5. DO YOU HOLD ANY EASTERN BELIEFS? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Eastern Beliefs". K-6. ARE YOU DOING ANY MENTAL EXERCISES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Mental Exercises". K-7. DO YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICE MEDITATION? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Meditation". K-8. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER PRACTICES BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Practices Before Scientology". K-9. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER RELIGIONS? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Religions". K-10. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER RITES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Rites". K-11. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EXERCISES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Exercises". K-12. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN HYPNOTISM? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Hypnotism". K-13. HAVE YOU HELD EASTERN BELIEFS? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Eastern Beliefs". K-14. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER INDOCTRINATIONS? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Indoctrinations". K-15. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER SCIENTIFIC PRACTICES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Scientific Practices". K-16. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN ELECTRONIC PRACTICES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Electronic Practices". K-17. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER THOUGHT PRACTICES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Thought Practices". K-18. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER SPIRITUAL PRACTICES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Spiritual Practices". K-19. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EASTERN RITES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Eastern Rites". K-20. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EASTERN PRACTICES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Eastern Practices". K-21. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER IMPLANTING TECHNIQUES? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Earlier Implanting Techniques". K-22. HAVE YOU PRACTICED WITCHCRAFT? _______ Handle per note at the bottom of Page 1. Triple or Quad Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.) HCOB 30.6.71RC - 10 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 F-1: "Recall a time you had witchcraft practiced on you." F-2: "Recall a time you practiced witchcraft on another." F-3: "Recall a time another practiced witchcraft on another or others." F-0: "Recall a time you practiced witchcraft on yourself." Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on practicing witchcraft. F-1: Return to the time you had witchcraft practiced on you and tell me when you are there. F-2: Return to the time you practiced witchcraft on another and tell me when you are there. F-3: Return to the time others practiced witchcraft on another or others and tell me when you are there. F-0: Return to the time you practiced witchcraft on yourself and tell me when you are there. Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple/Quad. K-23. HAVE YOU CAST SPELLS? _______ Handle per note at the bottom of Page 1. Triple or Quad Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.) F-1: "Recall a time a spell was cast on you." F-2: "Recall a time you cast a spell on another." F-3: "Recall a time another cast a spell on another or others." F-0: "Recall a time you cast a spell on yourself." Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on casting spells. F-1: Return to the time a spell was cast on you and tell me when you are there. F-2: Return to the time you cast a spell on another and tell me when you are there. F-3: Return to the time others cast spells on another or others and tell me when you are there. F-0: Return to the time you cast a spell on yourself and tell me when you are there. Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple/Quad. K-24. ARE YOU DOING SOME EXERCISES BETWEEN SESSIONS? _______ Handle as in K-1, substituting "Exercises". SECTION L -- OUT OF VALENCE ARE YOU BEING SOMEONE ELSE If Items L-1 or L-2 read, the handling is LX3, LX2, LX1 and 220H if necessary. HCOB 30.6.71RC - 11 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 Ref: HCOB 2 Aug 68R "LX" Lists HCOB 5 Nov 69R V, LX3 (Attitudes) HCOB 3 Aug 69R LX2 (Emotional Assessment List) HCOB 9 Aug 69R LX1 (Conditions) HCOB 20 Sep 78 II LX LIST HANDLING (In running the LX Lists on a Dianetic Clear, OT or a person receiving the DCSI, do not do any engram running. Use the recalls on the LX Lists only. If, as a result of a completed DCSI, it turns out the pc is not Clear, be should then be run on the R3RA steps of the LX Lists if necessary providing the flows read when checked.) SECTION M -- PRETENDING TRAINING OR GRADES NOT ATTAINED NOTE: If more than one item below reads (i.e. say M-1 and M-3 both read) handling one item with the Recalls or R3RA actions also serves to handle the other reading item(s) because the handling is the same for all items in this section. Items M-4 and M-5 have additional 2WCs which are done if either M-4 or M-5 reads. M-1. ARE YOU PRETENDING? _______ Handle per Note at bottom of Page 1. Triple or Quad Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.) F-1: "Recall a time another pretended to you." F-2: "Recall a time you pretended to another." F-3: "Recall a time another pretended to another or others." F-0: "Recall a time you pretended to yourself." Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on pretending: F-1: Return to the time another pretended to you and tell me when you are there. F-2: Return to the time you pretended to another and tell me when you are there. F-3: Return to the time others pretended to another or others and tell me when you are there. F-0: Return to the time you pretended to yourself and tell me when you are there. Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple/Quad. M-2. ARE YOU PRETENDING TRAINING NOT ATTAINED? _______ Handle as In M-1. M-3. ARE YOU PRETENDING ATTAINMENTS IN LIFE NOT REALLY ATTAINED? _______ Handle as In M-1. M-4. ARE YOU PRETENDING GRADES NOT ATTAINED? _______ 2WC to find out the Grades the person is pretending to have attained and F/N the 2WC. Then handle as in M-1. Note for C/S. C/S is to program as needed for handling. (Ref. HCOB 31 Aug 80, KSW Series 25, PROGRAMMING AND HANDLING CASES WHO HAVE BEEN QUICKIED OR FALSELY DECLARED.) HCOB 30.6.71RC - 12 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 M-5. ARE YOU PRETENDING "STATES" NOT REALLY ATTAINED? _______ 2WC to find out the "states" the person is pretending to have attained and F/N the 2WC. Then handle as in M-1. Note for C/S. C/S is to program as needed for handling. (Ref. HCOB 31 Aug 80, KSW Series 25, PROGRAMMING AND HANDLING CASES WHO HAVE BEEN QUICKIED OR FALSELY DECLARED) SECTION N -- AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT N-1. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT? _______ 2WC to find out what Grades the pc feels are out. Indicate it. If no F/N, "Is there an earlier time you were audited over that/those out Grade(s)?" Note for C/S. Program to handle the out-Grade(s). N-2. IS YOUR DIANETICS INCOMPLETE? _______ 2WC to F/N. Note for C/S. Program to handle. NOTE: No Dianetics would be run on a Dianetic Clear or OT or on a person being given the DCSI. N-3. DO ENGRAMS FAIL TO ERASE? _______ "L3RD Rundown" done using an L3RG per instructions in BTB 10 June 1972R I, Rev. and Reiss. 6.6.74 THE L3RD RUNDOWN. (R-Factor: "We are looking for engrams contacted in your early auditing and not fully handled.") Assess L3RG Method 5 with the preface "In your early Dianetics _______ ?" Handle per L3RG instructions and the BTB. (On a Clear or OT simply indicate the read. If no F/N you may do an L3RG if needed, however do no handling beyond indicating the reading questions, to F/N.) N-4. IS YOUR COMMUNICATION GRADE OUT? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 0 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-5. IS YOUR PROBLEMS GRADE OUT? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 1 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-6. IS YOUR OVERT/WITHHOLD GRADE OUT? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 2 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-7. DO YOU HAVE PERSISTING ARC BREAKS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 3 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-8. ARE YOU ANXIOUS ABOUT CHANGE? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 3 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-9. DO YOU HAVE SERVICE FACSIMILES? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 4 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-10.DO YOU HAVE FIXED IDEAS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 4 or to handle the unflat Grade. HCOB 30.6.71 RC - 13 - Re-rev. 26.3.81 N-11.ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT BEING RIGHT OR WRONG? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 4 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-12.HAVE YOU FAILED TO ATTAIN OTHER GRADES? _______ 2WC to F/N. Note for C/S. Program to handle the Grades he failed to attain. N-13.HAVE WINS ON GRADES BEEN BY-PASSED? _______ Rehab each to F/N. SECTION O -- MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING O-1. HAVE YOU HAD MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING? _______ Find and clear the misunderstoods or do a WCCL prefaced with "In Auditing". Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. O-2. HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING WHAT WAS GOING ON IN A SESSION? _______ Clear this up with word clearing on the action that wasn't understood. Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. O-3. HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING AN AUDITOR? _______ 2WC to F/N. Handle any MUs with word clearing on the area the pc didn't understand. Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. O-4. HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE IN AUDITING BECAUSE OF MISUNDERSTOODS? _______ Find the misunderstoods and clear them up. Note what actions were done over misunderstood words and handle with the proper repair list if needed. Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Approved by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA BDCSC:LRH:jk:dr:bk Copyright $c 1971, 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Approved by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA   Type = 11 iDate=19/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 46 Keeping Scientology Working Series 18 DECLARES   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JUNE 1971 Remimeo ISSUE II REISSUED 30 AUGUST 1980 (Reissued as part of Keeping Scientology Working Series) C/S Series 46 Keeping Scientology Working Series 18 DECLARES It is the C/S's responsibility that a pc or Pre-OT is sent to Declare? This is not an Admin point I'm making. It is a technical point. Every so often a pc is found hung up in not having declared and attested the state attained. A Declare Completes his cycle of action and is a vital part of the action. One never forces or feeds one to the pc. I recall one org where the entire tech and income structure crashed, the C/O and several personnel had to be removed because they were forcing "clear cogs" on their Dianetic pcs who hadn't had them (and then telling them they couldn't be audited further on Scientology) (Connie Broadbent, ASHO), March '70). So this goes 2 ways. THE PC OR PRE-OT WHO KNOWS HE MADE IT MUST BE SENT TO EXAMS AND C & A TO ATTEST. THE PC OR PRE-OT WHO HASN'T MADE IT MUST NEVER BE SENT TO EXAMS TO DECLARE AND ATTEST. This gives us a third: PCs AND PRE-OTs WHO HAVEN'T MADE IT MUST BE HANDLED UNTIL THEY HAVE MADE THAT SPECIFIC DECLARE, EVEN THOUGH IT MEANS SIGNING UP FOR MORE AUDITING. TRUTH is the keynote, the essence, the point here. All the "PR" (slang for promotional talk) in the world will not supplant truth. The pc KNOWS he made something. Therefore he must be sent to declare it whether it's a standard grade or not! The pc who hasn't made it KNOWS he hasn't and so when forced to declare or ordered to attest tends to cave in. His concept of the validity of the org and honesty of Scientology depends on this, and really on this alone. HCOB 19.6.71 II - 2 - Reiss. 30.8.80 The correct declare or not declare decision of the C/S is a vital C/S action. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt:bk Copyright $c 1971, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=11/4/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=5 rDate=31/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  L3RG DIANETICS AND INT RD REPAIR LIST   IMPORTANT Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 APRIL 1971RD Remimeo REVISED 14 JULY 1978 RE-REVISED 31 MAY 1980 (Only changes are in question numbers 74 and 78) (Revisions in Script) I M P O R T A N T L3RG DIANETICS AND INT RD REPAIR LIST This list includes the most frequent Dianetic errors. A high or low TA and a bogged case can result from failures to erase a chain of incidents. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPAIR A CHAIN OR ENGRAM WITHOUT USING THIS LIST as it can have different or several errors. REMEMBER TO CLEAR EACH WORD ON THIS LIST. IF A QUESTION READS AND THE PC SAYS HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND IT, CLEAR IT AND REASSESS (don't explain it and take it as it read on a misunderstood not on a fact). RUNNING PCS ON DIANETICS WITHOUT A FULL AND COMPLETE DN C/S 1 INDOCTRINATION IS A FOOLISH ACTION. TAKE ANY READ FOUND TO F/N BY FULL REPAIR OF IT PER THE INSTRUCTIONS. 1. WAS THERE AN EARLIER SIMILAR INCIDENT? _______ Indicate it. Run the chain to full EP. 2. WAS THERE NO EARLIER SIMILAR INCIDENT? _______ Indicate it. Determine if the chain erased or if the last incident needs to be run through again. Complete the chain to full EP by indication or by running it to full EP. Scn handling would include Date/Locate if needed. 3. WAS THERE AN EARLIER BEGINNING? _______ Indicate it. Handle with R3RA and complete the chain to full EP. 4. WAS THERE NO EARLIER BEGINNING? _______ Indicate it. Complete the chain to full EP R3RA DEF on last incident if unflat. 5. WAS AN F/N INDICATED TOO SOON? _______ Indicate it. Run the last incident (or chain) to full EP. 6. DID THE AUDITOR STOP JUST BECAUSE THERE WAS AN F/N? _______ Indicate it. Complete the chain to full EP using commands DEF on the last incident run. 7. WAS AN F/N INDICATED TOO LATE? _______ Indicate it. Get off the postulate made at the time of the incident. Indicate the overrun. (Scn handling would include D/L if needed.) Then, if the pc jumped to another chain, get last incident pc ran on the jumped-to chain and do an L3RG on it. HCOB 11.4.71RD - 2 - Re-Rev. 31.5.80 8. WAS THE POSTULATE BY-PASSED? _______ Indicate. Get the postulate. Indicate that the chain was overrun. (Scn handling would include a D/L if necessary.) If pc jumped chains, handle as above. 9. HAS THE INCIDENT ERASED? _______ Indicate. Get the postulate made at the time of the incident. Indicate the overrun. (If any difficulty, Scn handling would include a D/L.) 10. WAS AN F/N NOT INDICATED AT ALL? _______ Indicate. Get off the postulate if not already given. Indicate the overrun. (D/L by Scn auditor if necessary.) If jumped chains, handle as in 7. 11. WAS THERE NO CHARGE ON THE ITEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? _______ Indicate it, and that it shouldn't have been run. Scn handling would include D/L if necessary. 12. DID YOU JUMP CHAINS? _______ Indicate it. Reorient to the original chain. Find out if it erased and get the postulate if not previously given. Indicate the overrun, or run the chain to full EP. Then locate last incident pc ran on the chain he jumped to. As this has now been restimulated but not run, do an L3RG on it. Scn handling would include D/L if necessary. 13. DID YOU JUMP FLOWS? _______ Indicate it. Reorient to the original chain and take it to full EP using commands DEF. If necessary and the pc is still upset about the other flow, do an L3RG on it. 14. WERE THERE FLUBBED COMMANDS? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. 15. DID THE AUDITOR GOOF ON A SEQUENCE OF COMMANDS? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. 16. DID YOU NOT HAVE A COMMAND? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. 17. DID YOU HAVE A MISUNDERSTOOD ON THE COMMAND? _______ Find it and clear it. 18. SHOULD THE INCIDENT BE RUN THROUGH ONE MORE TIME? _______ Indicate it. R3RA DEF on the incident, run chain to full EP. 19. TOO LATE ON THE CHAIN? _______ Indicate it. Get the Earlier Similar incident and complete the chain with R3RA to full EP. 20. WAS A CHAIN NOT COMPLETED? _______ Indicate it. DEF on the incident, fun chain to full EP. 21. INCIDENT GONE MORE SOLID? _______ Indicate it. Check for earlier incident or earlier beginning and complete the chain to full EP. HCOB 11.4.71RD - 3 - Re-Rev. 31.5.80 22. WAS AN INCIDENT SKIPPED? _______ Indicate it. Find out what it was, run it and complete the chain to full EP. 23. WAS AN INCIDENT LEFT TOO HEAVILY CHARGED? _______ Indicate it. Find out what it was, run it through again. Complete the chain to full EP. 24. DID YOU SAY SOMETHING WAS ERASED JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE TIRED OF RUNNING IT? _______ Indicate it. Complete the chain to full EP with R3RA DEF on the last incident run. 25. STOPPED RUNNING AN INCIDENT THAT WAS ERASING? _______ Indicate it. DEF on the incident and erase it. Get full EP. 26. WENT PAST BASIC ON A CHAIN? _______ Indicate it. Get full EP. Then, if pc jumped to another chain, get last incident pc ran on the jumped-to chain and do an L3RG on it. Scn handling would include D/L if necessary. 27. WAS AN EARLIER MISRUN INCIDENT RESTIMULATED? _______ Indicate it. Find out what it was and do an L3RG on it. 28. DID TWO OR MORE INCIDENTS GET CONFUSED? _______ Indicate it, sort it out with an L3RG on it. 29. WAS AN IMPLANT RESTIMULATED? _______ Indicate it. If no joy do an L3RG on the time of the restimulation. 30. WAS THE INCIDENT REALLY AN IMPLANT? _______ Indicate it. If necessary do an L3RG on it. Scn handling would include D/L if needed. 31. WRONG ITEM? _______ Indicate it was a wrong Item and that all other actions connected with it were wrong. If it is from an L&N list or if any question or difficulty, turn the pc over to an Scn auditor who is classed to do an L4BRA. 32. NOT YOUR ITEM? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. 33. NOT YOUR INCIDENT? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. L3RG if any trouble. 34. DID THE PREASSESSMENT ITEM GOTTEN HAVE NO CHARGE ON IT? _______ Indicate the item was uncharged and should not have been taken up and all items connected with it should not have been run. (Scn handling would include D/L if necessary.) 35. WAS THERE ANOTHER PREASSESSMENT ITEM THAT SHOULD HAVE READ? _______ Get what it was and note its read as the pc gives it. Find out if the Preassessment item taken up is uncharged. If so handle as above. If not, continue with the action you are on to EP and handle the new item given in its order. HCOB 11.4.71RD - 4 - Re-Rev. 31.5.80 36. WAS THE ORIGINAL ITEM ALREADY HANDLED? _______ Indicate that the original item was already handled and that items connected with it should not have been run. (Scn handling would include a D/L if necessary.) 37. (OMIT WHEN RUNNING DRUGS) WAS THERE NO INTEREST IN RUNNING AN ITEM? _______ Indicate it, and that it shouldn't have been run. Scn handling would include D/L if needed. 38. WAS THE SAME THING RUN TWICE? _______ Indicate it. Spot the first erasure, indicate the overrun. Scn handling would include D/L if needed. 39. WAS THERE A WRONG DATE? _______ Indicate it. Get the correct date and run the incident (if unflat) and chain to full EP. 40. WAS THERE NO DATE FOR THE INCIDENT? _______ Indicate it. Get the date and run the incident (if unflat) and chain to full EP. 41. WAS IT A FALSE DATE? _______ Indicate it. Get the correct date and run the incident (if unflat) and any chain to full EP. 42. WAS THERE AN INCORRECT DURATION? _______ Indicate it. Get the correct duration and run the incident (if unflat) and any chain to full EP. 43. WAS NO DURATION FOUND FOR THE INCIDENT? _______ Indicate it. Get the duration and run the incident (if unflat) and any chain to full EP. 44. WAS THERE A FALSE DURATION? _______ Indicate it. Get the correct duration and run the incident (if unflat) and any chain to full EP. 45. DID YOU RESENT DURATIONS? _______ Indicate it. E/S to F/N. Run the incident (if unflat) and any chain to full EP. 46. WAS AN EARLIER DIANETIC UPSET RESTIMULATED? _______ Locate what it was, indicate it. Sort out with an L3RG if necessary. 47. WAS AN EARLIER ARC BREAK ON ENGRAMS RESTIMULATED? _______ Indicate it. Sort it out with an L3RD. 48. WAS THERE AN ARC BREAK IN THE INCIDENT? _______ Indicate it. Run the incident, if unflat, to full EP. 49. WERE YOU PROTESTING? _______ Indicate it, clean it up E/S to F/N. 50. DID THE AUDITOR DEMAND MORE THAN YOU COULD SEE? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. If any difficulty, turn the pc over to an Scn auditor classed to do an L1C if necessary. 51. DID THE AUDITOR REFUSE TO ACCEPT WHAT YOU WERE SAYING? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. If any difficulty, turn the pc over to an Scn auditor classed to do an L1C as necessary. HCOB 11.4.71RD - 5 - Re-Rev. 31.5.80 52. WERE YOU PREVENTED FROM RUNNING AN INCIDENT? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. Run the incident (if unflat) to full EP. If any difficulty turn the pc over to an Scn auditor classed to do an L1C on it. 53. DID THE AUDITOR SIMPLY STOP GIVING COMMANDS? _______ Indicate it. Complete the chain by running the last incident found DEF to full EP. 54. WAS A COGNITION INTERRUPTED? _______ Indicate it. Get the cognition and any postulate connected with it. (If any difficulty at this point turn pc over to an Scn auditor for an L1C.) Continue chain if unflat, or indicate the overrun. 55. WAS THERE A POSTULATE THAT WAS NOT EXPRESSED? _______ Indicate it. Get the postulate and indicate the overrun. (Scn handling would include L1C or D/L if needed.) 56. WERE YOU DISTRACTED WHILE RUNNING AN INCIDENT? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. Run the incident (if unflat) and any chain to full EP. If any difficulty, turn pc over to a classed Scn auditor for L1C. 57. WERE YOU AUDITED OVER AN ARC BREAK? _______ PROBLEM? _______ WITHHOLD? _______ Indicate it. If you are trained to do so, handle the out-rud. If not, turn the pc over to an Scn auditor classed to handle out-ruds. Do not pull W/Hs before the engram or chain is repaired or it will mush engrams. 58. WERE YOU HELD UP BY THE AUDITOR? _______ Indicate it, E/S to F/N. 59. WAS AN ITEM SUPPRESSED? _______ Indicate it. Get the suppress off E/S to F/N, then run the item and any chain to full EP. 60. WAS AN ITEM INVALIDATED? _______ Indicate it. Get the inval off E/S to F/N, then run the item and any chain to full EP. 61. WAS AN ITEM ABANDONED? _______ Indicate it, get the item back and run the item and any chain to full EP. 62. WAS A CHAIN ABANDONED? _______ Indicate it, get the chain bask and run to full EP. 63. WAS THE ITEM ORIGINALLY MISWORDED? _______ Indicate it. Get the correct wording and give it to him. Handle to full EP if unflat. 64. WAS THE WORDING OF THE ITEM CHANGED? _______ Indicate it. Get the correct wording and give it to him. Run it (if unflat) to full EP. 65. WERE YOU RUNNING AN ITEM THAT WAS DIFFERENT THAN THE ONE ASSESSED? _______ Indicate it. Get the item the pc was actually running, handle to full EP. Then L3RG on the item actually assessed. HCOB 11.4.71RD - 6 - Re-Rev. 31.5.80 66. STUCK PICTURE? _______ Indicate it. Do an L3RG on it. You can also unstick it by having him recall a time before it and a time after it. 67. ALL BLACK? _______ Spot the black field or picture. Get the correct duration. If no go, L3RG on it. 68. INVISIBLE? _______ Spot the invisible field or picture. L3RG on it. 69. CONSTANTLY CHANGING PICTURES? _______ Indicate there was a misassessment and a wrong item was taken off the list. Get the correct item and run it, or L3RG on that session. 70. WHEN YOU SAID IT WAS ERASED DID IT STILL HAVE A MASS? _______ Indicate it. DEF, checking for earlier beginning, run to erasure and full EP. If necessary do an L3RG on it. 71. WAS THERE A PERSISTENT MASS? _______ L3RG on it. 72. WAS THERE TROUBLE WITH A PRESSURE ITEM OR PRESSURE ON AN ITEM? _______ L3RG on it. 73. DID YOU GO EXTERIOR? _______ Indicate it. Handle if you are an Scn auditor. Turn the pc over to an Scn auditor for a full Int RD or become a classed Scn auditor and handle. 74. WAS YOUR INT RD MESSED UP? _______ If so, indicate it to pc. If properly trained to do so, do an Int RD Correction List (HCOB 29 Oct 71RA). If Int Correction has already been done on the pc get an FES of the Int RD and its corrections. When all errors are corrected the C/S may order the End of Endless Int Repair RD per Int Series 4RA. 75. WERE YOU AUDITED OVER DRUGS, MEDICINE OR ALCOHOL? _______ Indicate it. L3RG on that time, then verify all chains to ensure they erased. Note for C/S attention to verify if Objectives and all other points of full drug handling have been done. 76. WAS A PAST DEATH RESTIMULATED? _______ Indicate it. If it doesn't blow run it out Narrative Secondary R3RA. 77. DID YOU ATTAIN SOME STATE AND IT WAS INVALIDATED? _______ Indicate it. Return folder to C/S for handling. 78. DID YOU GO CLEAR AND NOBODY WOULD LET YOU DECLARE? _______ If so, 2WC to F/N. Send the folder to C/S for programming. One would never simply send the person to Declare without having done a full and complete Dianetic Clear Special Intensive which showed beyond any doubt that the person was indeed Clear. To do otherwise can wreck the person's chances for making any case gain. 79. WAS THERE NOTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE? _______ Indicate it. Continue the action you were on. HCOB 11.4.71RD - 7 - Re-Rev. 31.5.80 80. WAS THIS LIST UNNECESSARY? _______ Indicate it. If it doesn't F/N turn the pc over to an Scn auditor for a rehab or become an Scn auditor to handle. 81. WAS THE REAL REASON BEEN MISSED? _______ Indicate it. Locate the real reason and handle. 82. WAS SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _______ Locate what it is and sort it out. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:ldv:dr Copyright $c 1971, 1978, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=16/3/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=16/2/81 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Keeping Scientology Working Series 27 WHAT IS A COURSE?   Remimeo Course Super Course Course Super Checksheets LRH Comm to Enforce.  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 MARCH 1971R REVISED 29 JANUARY 1975 Remimeo REISSUED 16 FEBRUARY 1981 Course Super Course (Revisions remain in Script, p. 2) Course Super Checksheets (Reissued as part of Keeping LRH Comm to Scientology Working Series) Enforce. (Also issued as HCO PL same date, same title.) Keeping Scientology Working Series 27 WHAT IS A COURSE? In Scientology a course consists of a checksheet with all the actions and material listed on it and all the materials on the checksheet available in the same order. "Checksheet Material" means the Policy letters, bulletins, tapes, mimeo issues, any reference book or any books mentioned. "Materials" also include clay, furniture, tape players, bulletin boards, routing forms, supplies of pink sheets, roll book, student files, file cabinets and any other items that will be needed. If you look this over carefully, it does not say, "Materials on order" or "except for those we haven't got" or "in different order." It means what it says exactly. If a student is to have auditing or word clearing rundowns or must do auditing those are under ACTIONS and appear on the checksheet. A course must have a Supervisor. He may or may not be a graduate and experienced practitioner of the course he is supervising but HE MUST BE A TRAINED COURSE SUPERVISOR. He is not expected to teach. He is expected to get the students there, rolls called, checkouts properly done, misunderstoods handled by finding what the student doesn't dig and getting the student to dig it. The Supervisor who tells students answers is a waste of time and a course destroyer as he enters out data into the scene even if trained and actually especially if trained in the subject. The Supervisor is NOT an "instructor" that's why he's called a "supervisor." A Supervisor's skill is in spotting dope-off, glee and other manifestations of misunderstoods, and getting it cleaned up, not in knowing the data so he can tell the student. A Supervisor should have an idea of what questions he will be asked and know where to direct the student for the answer. Student blows follow misunderstoods. A Supervisor who is on the ball, never has blows as he caught them before they happened by observing the student's misunderstanding before the student does and getting it tracked down by the student. It is the Supervisor's job to get the student through the checksheet fully and swiftly with minimum lost time. HCOB 16.3.71R - 2 - Rev. 29.1.75 Reiss. 16.2.81 The successful Supervisor is tough. He is not a kindly old fumbler. He sets high checksheet targets for each student for the day and forces it to be met or else. The Supervisor is spending Supervisor Minutes. He has just so many to spend. He is spending Student Hours. He has just so many of these to spend so he gets them spent wisely and saves any waste of them. A Supervisor in a course of any size has a Course Administrator who has very exact duties is keeping Up Course Admin and handing out and getting back materials and not losing any to damage or carelessness. If Paragraphs One to Three above are violated it is the Course Administrator who is at fault. He must have checksheets and the matching material in adequate quantity to serve the Course. If he doesn't he has telexes flying and mimeo sweating. The Course Admin is in charge of routing lines and proper send off and return of students to Cramming or Auditing or Ethics. The final and essential part of a course is students. If a course conforms with this HCOB exactly with no quibbles, is tough, precisely time scheduled and run hard, it will be a full expanding course and very Successful. If it varies from this HCOB it will stack up bodies in the shop, get blows and incompetent graduates. The final valuable product of any course is graduates who can apply successfully the material they studied and be successful in the subject. This answers the question What is a Course? If any of these points are out it is NOT a Scientology Course and it will not be successful. Thus, the order "Put a Course there!" means this HCOB in full force. So here's the order, WHEN OFFERING TRAINING PUT A COURSE THERE. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt:bk Copyright $c 1971, 1975, 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=10/12/70 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=10/2/81 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CLAY TABLE WORK IN TRAINING   Remimeo All Levels Training Tech Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 DECEMBER 1970R Remimeo ISSUE I All Levels REVISED 10 FEBRUARY 1981 Training Tech Qual Cancels: BTB 22 Apr 70R CLAY TABLE DEMO CHECKOUTS BTB 30 Oct 70R CLAY DEMO BTB 6 Jul 71R CLAY DEMO ERRORS Issue II (Revised to include the valid data from the above BTBs, to add a section on "Handling Clay" and to delete references to the Instructor's use of Clay Table as a method of instruction. Instructors have been replaced in the Academy by Supervisors. References to Clay Table use in the HGC have also been deleted as this data is still contained in HCOB 17 Aug AD14 SCIENTOLOGY I TO IV CLAY TABLE WORK IN TRAINING AND PROCESSING and is not needed in this particular bulletin.) (Revisions in Script) (Ellipses indicate Deletions) CLAY TABLE WORK IN TRAINING (Ref: HCOB 11 Oct 67 CLAY TABLE TRAINING) THE ONLY REASON ANY STUDENT IS SLOW OR BLOWS LIES IN FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND THE WORDS USED IN HIS OR HER TRAINING. You will find that students at any level in any course will benefit greatly from Clay Table work on definitions. The importance of this will become apparent as you study our ... educational technology, now mainly to be found on the Study Tapes. THE CLAY TABLE A Clay Table is any platform at which a student, standing or sitting, can work comfortable. In an Academy it may be 3 feet by 3 feet or 5 feet by 3 feet or any larger size. Smaller sizes are not useful. ... The surface must be smooth. A table built of rough timber will serve but the top surface where the work is done should be oilcloth or linoleum. Otherwise the clay sticks to it and it cannot be cleaned and will soon lead to an inability io see clearly what is being done because it is stained with clay leavings. In the Academy castors (wheels) can be put on the legs of both the clay table and the clay container where they will be moved a lot. Large classes should have several clay tables. HCOB 10.12.70R I - 2 - Rev. 10.2.81 CLAY Several different colors of clay should be procured. The best source is a school supply house where educational supplies are sold. Artists' clay is not as good as the school type. (Ask for kindergarten clay.) A receptacle, also of wood or metal and having a separate stand of its own of any type, is also valuable. It should have subdivisions in it for the different colored clays. The amount of each color is not important so long as there is at least a pound or two of each color in a small class. ... In the Academy colors are only used to make a student see the difference between one object and another and have no other significance as the objects in the mind are not uniformly colored. While "ridges" are black, they can become white. Engrams may be a number of colors all in one engram, just as Technicolor is a colored motion picture. However, some persons see engrams only in black and white. So the color in the Academy is for instruction only, assisting to tell the difference between one object or another. ... USE ON COURSES Any part of the mind or any term in Scientology can be demonstrated on a Clay Table. This is an important point to grasp. The use of the table is not just for a few terms. It can be used for all definitions. The ingenuity of ... the student and his understanding of the terms being demonstrated are the only limits on a Clay Table. Simplicity is the keynote. Nothing is too insignificant or unimportant to demonstrate on a clay table. Anything can be so demonstrated if you work at it. And just by working on how to demonstrate it or make it into clay and labels brings about renewed understanding. In the phrase "how do I represent it in clay" is contained the secret of the teaching. If one can represent it in clay one understands it. If one can't, one really doesn't understand what it is. So clay and labels work only if the term or things are truly understood. And working them out in clay brings about an understanding of them. Therefore one can predict that the clay table will be most used in a practice or organization which understands the most and will be least used in an organization that understands the least (and is least successful). Let us look over the level of simplicity of the terms to be used in a course of instruction. Let us take BODY. All right, make a few lumps and call it a body and put a sign on it "BODY". Now that doesn't seem to be much to do. But it is a lot to do to forward understanding. HCOB 10.12.70R I - 3 - Rev. 10.2.81 Let us make a yellow ring of clay beside the body or on it or in it and label it "A Thetan". We can thereupon see the relationship between the two most used terms in Scientology, "Body" and "Thetan". And cognitions will result. The student's attention is brought right to the room and the subject. Getting the student to do this by himself . . . produces a new result. Getting the student to do it 25 times with his own hands almost exteriorizes him. Getting the student to contrive how it can be done better in clay or how many ways it can be done in clay drives home the whole idea of the location of the thetan in the body. ART is no object in clay table work. The forms are crude. Take a large lump of clay of any color, and cover up both "thetan" and "body" with it and you have MIND. Take every part of the mind and make it in clay by making a thetan, making a body and making one or more parts of the mind (Machine, facsimile, ridge, engram, lock, what have you -- all Scientology terms) and get the student to demonstrate in clay what it is and we begin to clarify what we're about. Get a student to make a Present Time Problem. Make him put in all its parts represented in clay (boss, mother, self) and have each one done with a body, a thetan and a mind and some rather remarkable insights begin to occur. The quantity of things that can be made has no limit. LABELLING CLAY DEMONSTRATIONS Any part of the mind can be represented by a piece of clay and a label. The mass parts are done by clay, the significance or thought parts by label. A piece of clay and a label are usually both used for any part of the mind. A thin-edged ring of clay with a large hole in it is usually used to signify a pure significance. Everything is labelled that is made on the clay table, no matter how crude the label is. Students usually do labels with scraps of paper written on with a ball-point. ... The procedure should go -- student makes one object, labels it, makes another object, labels it, makes a third object and puts a label on it and so on in sequence. If a student makes all the masses of his demonstration at once, without labelling them, he is sitting there with all those significances stacking up in his mind instead of putting down each one (in the form of a label) as he goes. The correct procedure is label each mass as you go along. SIZE OF CLAY DEMOS The size of the demo can be important. A clay demo should be rather large. (One or two inches high is usually inadequate.) Large demos help to increase the HCOB 10.12.70R I - 4 - Rev. 10.2.81 student's reality on what he is demonstrating. More reality means more affinity and communication and therefore more understanding. CHECKOUTS The clay demonstration must show that the student's understanding of the materials being demonstrated is present. The clay shows the thing, not the labels or the imagination. If a student's clay demonstration isn't correctly done or doesn't show what is to be demonstrated it must be flunked with reference to the material. In such case, the student must be referred to the correct Bulletin, Policy, Book or Tape reference from the materials of the course. Another student's demo is never referred to or used as an example. HANDLING CLAY Clay is messy. Until we fund or unless we find a totally non-oily clay, precautions must be taken to keep students clean, and if not clean, cleaned up afterwards. Therefore the course administrator can provide liberal quantities of cheap cleaning tissue and odorless solvent. The clinging quality of clay and the odor of bad solvents could put an end to the great value of clay table work. So safeguard against this. The principal thing is to GET EVERY SCIENTOLOGY TERM MADE IN CLAY AND LABELS by the individual student. You will see a new era drawn in training. You will see Academy blows vanish and time on course cut to one fifth in many instances. These are desirable attainments in any course so Clay Table work is serious Academy business. Ingenuity and understanding are the only limits on the use of the clay table and the attainments of excellent results with it. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA BDCSC:LRH:nc Copyright $c 1970, 1971, 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA   Type = 11 iDate=8/10/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 20 Keeping Scientology Working Series 19 PERSISTENT F/N   Remimeo C/Ses All Auditors Level 0 HGC Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 OCTOBER 1970 Remimeo REISSUED 30 AUGUST 1980 C/Ses (Reissued as part of All Keeping Scientology Working Series) Auditors Level 0 HGC Checksheet C/S Series 20 Keeping Scientology Working Series 19 PERSISTENT F/N A FLOATING NEEDLE can persist. This fact tells you at once why you cannot do three major actions in a row in the same ten minutes. This was the bug behind "Quickie Grades" (0 to IV in one session. This also occurred in power when it was run all in one day). The auditor would attain a bonafide full dial F/N. The pc was still cogniting, still in a big win. The auditor would "clear the next process command", he would see an F/N. He would "clear the next process command", and see an F/N. BUT IT WAS THE SAME F/N! Result was that processes 2 and 3 WERE NEVER RUN ON THE CASE. This is really what is meant by "Quickie Grades". In 1958 we got real Releases. You could not kill the F/N for days, weeks. Several processes had this effect. Today's real Clear also goes this way. You couldn't kill the F/N with an axe. By running a lot of Level Zero processes, for instance, you can get a real swinging unkillable F/N. It not only gets to the Examiner, it comes in at the start of the next day's session! Now if in one session you ran all of Level Zero and went on up to Level One, you would just be auditing a persistent F/N. The pc would get no benefit at all from Level One. He's still going "Wow" on Level Zero. If you ran Level Zero with one process that got a big wide floating F/N and then "ran" Level I, II, III and IV, you would have just a Level Zero Release. The pc's bank was nowhere to be found. So next week he has problems (Level I) or a Service Fac (Level IV) and he is only a Grade Zero yet it says right there in Certs and Awards log he's a Grade IV. So now we have a "Grade IV" who has Level I, II, III and IV troubles! A session that tries to go beyond a big dial-wide drifting floating F/N only distracts the pc from his win. BIG WIN. HCOB 8.10.70 - 2 - Reiss. 30.8.80 Any big win (F/N dial-wide, Cog, VGIs) gives you this kind of persistent F/N. You at least have to let it go until tomorrow and let the pc have his win. That is what is meant by letting the pc have his win. When you get one of these dial-wide F/Ns, Cog, VGIs WOW you may as well pack it up for the day. GRADUAL WIDENING In running a Dianetic chain to basic in triple you will sometimes see in one session a half dial on Flow 1, 3/4 of a dial on Flow 2, a full dial on Flow 3. Or you may have 4 subjects to two-way comm or prepcheck in one session. First action 1/3 dial F/N. Then no F/N, TA up. Second action a dial F/N. Then no F/N. Third action 3/4 dial F/N. Fourth action full dial-wide floating swinging idling F/N. You will also notice in the same session -- long time for 1st action, shorter, shorter, shorter for the next three actions. Now you have an F/N that anything you try to clear and run will just F/N WITHOUT AFFECTING THE CASE AT ALL. If you audit past that you are vasting your time and processes. You have hit an "unkillable F/N", properly called a persistent F/N. It's persistent at least for that day. Do any more and it's wasted. If an auditor has never seen this be bad better get his TR 0 bullbait flat for 2 hours at one unflunked go and his other TRs in and drill out his flubs. For that's what's supposed to happen. F/Ns on pcs audited up to (for that session) a persistent F/N always get to the Examiner. If you only have a "small F/N" it won't get to the Examiner. However, on some pcs maybe that's good enough. May take him several sessions, each one getting a final session F/N a bit wider. Then he gets an F/N that gets to the Examiner. After that, well audited on a continuing basis, the F/N lasts longer and longer. One day the pc comms into session with a dial-wide floating swinging F/N and anything you say or do does nothing whatever to disturb that F/N. It's a real Release man. It may last weeks, months, years. Tell him to come back when he feels he needs some auditing and chalk up the remaining hours (if sold by the hour) as undelivered. Or if sold by result, chalk up the result. If the F/N is truly persistent he will have no objections. If it isn't he will object. So have him come back tomorrow and carry on whatever you were doing. HCOB 8.10.70 - 3 - Reiss. 30.8.80 SUMMARY The technical bug back of Quickie Grades or Quickie Tower was the Persistent F/N. This is not to be confused with a Stage 4 (sweep, stick, sweep, stick) or an ARC Broke needle (pc Bad Indicators while F/Ning). This is not to be used to refuse all further auditing to a pc. It is to be used to determine when to end a series of major actions in a session. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:rr:rd:bk Copyright $c 1970, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=28/8/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=27/1/81 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HC OUT-POINT PLUS-POINT LISTS RB  Type = 11 iDate=6/1/79 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Tech Qual C/Ses HGCs Cramming Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 AUGUST 1970RB REVISED AND REINSTATED 27 JANUARY 1981 Remimeo Tech CANCELS HCOB 6 JAN 79 Qual C/Ses (Revisions in Script) HGCs (Ellipsis indicates Deletion) Cramming Officers HC OUT-POINT PLUS-POINT LISTS RB (Reference Data Series HCO PLs) (Revised to include additional out-points issued since original HCO B) Because of the fantastic workability of the HC Out-Point Plus-Point Lists I am happy to announce their reinstitution for general use. The Out-Point Plus-Point Lists were originally issued in August of 1970 and since then, Data Series which contain additional out-points and plus-points have been released. So I am taking this opportunity to expand and update the Out-Point Plus-Point Lists. These lists will not be restricted to any one particular rundown. Such is their power that auditors, C/Ses and Qual terminals should put them to use wherever applicable. The HC Lists are capable of straightening out someone's thinking as many will attest -- and in a drugged, illiterate culture such as ours this makes these lists a valuable tool indeed! The ... lists are used: (a) To assess for a read. (b) Clear up with 2-way comm. PROCEDURE One assesses the Out-Point List and goes as far as a good read. One clears that up to F/N VGIs (very good indicators). He then leaves off that list for now. One then takes up the Plus-Point List. One assesses it as far as one needs to go to get a good read. One then takes that up with the preclear with 2-way comm until there is an F/N and VGIs. One now resumes where he left off on the Out-Point List and assesses until he gets a new good read. He takes that up with 2-way comm until he gets an F/N VGIs. One now takes up the Plus-Point List where he left off until he gets a good read. He takes that up with 2-way comm until he gets an F/N VGIs. In this way the lists are alternated. They can be done over and over. HCOB 28.8.70RB - 2 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.1.81 These are the elements of illogic and insanity on the Out-Point List. They are the elements of logic and sanity on the Plus-Point List. The lists may be done on Clears and OTs. A meter must be used. It is done exactly by the Auditor's Code. Never tell the person what he thinks. Never invalidate what he has said. Just acknowledge and let him/her tell you about it. The reads of course disclose things which have charge on them. Take a good read. 2-way comm on: "Any example of _______ in your life?" to F/N. Assess again. Same process. Continue as long as you have TA on it. Stop with any win. Can be done to full F/Ning assessment on both lists. The list items can be used in 2 ways. A. They can be called off straight. B. They can be given a prior statement. In A one would say, "Knowing something is right _______ " noting read or lack of it. "Knowing a datum is correct _______ " noting read. In B one would be directing the person's attention to some sphere of action like "In your work knowing something is right" noting read, etc. One would go on using this same prior statement on all the assessment until the whole subject, "work," was cleaned up. That would be a work consultation. Or one could say, for marriage problems, "In marriage knowing something is right" "In marriage knowing a datum is correct _______ ." One uses the same subject for both Out-Point and Plus-Point Lists until that one subject is cleaned up. ALWAYS FINISH OFF WITH THE PLUS-POINT LIST. HCOB 28.8.70RB - 3 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.1.81 OUT-POINT LIST 1. Omitted Fact _______ 2. Omitted Terminal _______ 3. Omitted Data _______ 4. Omitted Location _______ 5. Omitted Matter _______ 6. Omitted Energy _______ 7. Omitted Space _______ 8. Omitted Form _______ 9. Missing Scene _______ 10. Missing Person _______ 11. Changed Sequence of Facts _______ 12. Changed Sequence of Data _______ 13. Changed Sequence of Particles _______ 14. Changed Sequence of Locations _______ 15. Changed Sequence of Objects _______ 16. Changed Sequence of Spaces _______ 17. Changed Sequence of Forms _______ 18. Twisted Ideas _______ 19. Dropped Out Time _______ 20. Incorrect Time _______ 21. False Time _______ 22. Invented Time _______ 23. Condensed Time _______ 24. Rushed Time _______ 25. Endless Time _______ 26. Waiting Time _______ 26a. Added Time _______ 26b. Unexpected Time _______ 27. Delusion _______ 28. Hallucination _______ 29. False Fact _______ HCOB 28.8.70RB - 4 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.1.81 30. False Terminal _______ 31. False Being _______ 32. False Datum _______ 33. False Location _______ 34. False Matter _______ 35. False Energy _______ 36. False Space _______ 37. Fixed Idea _______ 38. Altered Importance _______ 39. Altered Value _______ 40. Decreased Importance _______ 41. Decreased Value _______ 42. Over Valued _______ 43. Too Important _______ 44. Too Insignificant _______ 45. Things all the same _______ 46. Not Associated _______ 47. Everything Different _______ 48. Wrong Terminal _______ 49. Wrong Location _______ 50. Wrong Time _______ 51. Wrong Event _______ 52. Wrong Target _______ 53. Wrong Objective _______ 54. Wrong Goal _______ 55. Wrong Space _______ 56. Wrong Form _______ 57. Impossible Occurrence _______ 58. Impossible Terminal _______ 59. Impossible Time _______ 60. Impossible Event _______ 61. Unbelievable Idea _______ 62. Unbelievable Action _______ 63. Unbelievable Event _______ HCOB 28.8.70RB - 5 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.1.81 64. Unbelievable Circumstance _______ 65. Unbelievable Being _______ 66. Wrong Source _______ 67. Incorrect Origin _______ 68. From Wrong Place _______ 69. From Wrong Person _______ 70. Wrong Authority _______ 71. False Source _______ 72. Conflicting Data _______ 73. Contrary Facts _______ 74. Impossible Situation _______ 75. Not Matching Reality _______ 76. Added In-Applicable Data _______ 77. Added In-Applicable Facts _______ 78. Added In-Applicable Terminals _______ 79. Added In-Applicable Matter _______ 80. Added In-Applicable Energy _______ 81. Added In-Applicable Space _______ 82. Added In-Applicable Form _______ 83. Added In-Applicable Event _______ 84. Assumed Identities Not Identical _______ 85. Facts Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _______ 86. Data Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _______ 87. Things Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _______ 88. Actions Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _______ 89. Events Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _______ 90. Circumstances Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _______ 91. Assumed Similarities Not Similar _______ 92. Facts Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _______ 93. Data Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _______ 94. Things Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _______ 95. Things Grouped Into The Same Classes Not Similar _______ 96. Actions Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _______ 97. Events Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _______ 98. Circumstances Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _______ HCOB 28.8.70RB - 6 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.1.81 99. Assumed Differences Not Different _______ 100. Facts Assumed To Be Different Not Different _______ 101. Data Assumed To Be Different Not Different _______ 102. Things Assumed To Be Different Not Different _______ 103. Actions Assumed To Be Different Not Different _______ 104. Events Assumed To Be Different Not Different _______ 105. Circumstances Assumed To Be Different Not Different _______ PLUS-POINT LIST 1. Knowing Something is Right _______ 2. Knowing a Datum is Correct _______ 3. A Known Being _______ 4. A Correct Location _______ 5. A Known Form _______ 6. Something About Which All Data is Known _______ 7. Events in Correct Sequence _______ 8. Things in Proper Order _______ 9. Actions Done in the Right Way _______ 10. Data in Proper Alignment _______ 11. People in the Right Places _______ 12. Things Correctly Counted _______ 13. A Known Time _______ 14. A Correct Time _______ 15. An Exact Time _______ 16. A Proper Time _______ 16a. Expected Time _______ 16b. Adequate Time _______ 17. Known Times _______ 18. Something Correctly Located in Time _______ 19. A Past Time _______ 20. A Well Timed Action _______ 21. A Person at the Right Time _______ 22. A Truth _______ 23. Something That is True _______ 24. A Factual Location _______ HCOB 28.8.70RB - 7 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.1.81 25. Telling the Truth _______ 26. The True Facts _______ 27. A True Object _______ 28. A Truthful Being _______ 29. Knowing the Truth _______ 30. The Correct Importance _______ 31. Something that was Really Important _______ 32. Something that was Unimportant _______ 33. Knowing What was and What wasn't Important _______ 34. Things more Important than Others _______ 35. Things Less Important than Others _______ 36. Knowing the Relative Importance of Things _______ 37. Things Alike _______ 38. Things Similar _______ 39. Things Different _______ 40. The Right Answer _______ 41. The Right Target _______ 42. The Correct Goal _______ 43. The Correct Person _______ 44. The Right Direction _______ 45. The Correct Objective _______ 46. The Right Intention _______ 47. Something Believable _______ 48. A Credible Fact _______ 49. Something You Knew was Plausible _______ 50. Obviously Factual _______ 51. Acceptable Datum _______ 52. An Acceptable Person _______ 53. A Believable Location _______ 54. A Believable Form _______ 55. Acceptable Energy _______ 56. Acceptable Sensation _______ 57. A Feeling of Rightness _______ 58. Correct Source _______ 59. Correct Origin _______ HCOB 28.8.70RB - 8 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.1.81 60. From Right Place _______ 61. From Right Person _______ 62. Correct Authority _______ 63. True Source _______ 64. Data in Agreement _______ 65. Facts Align _______ 66. Possible Situation _______ 67. Matching Data _______ 68. Matching Reality _______ 69. Adequate Data _______ 70. Adequate Terminals _______ 71. Adequate Matter _______ 72. Adequate Energy _______ 73. Adequate Space _______ 74. Adequate Form _______ 75. Applicable Data _______ 76. Applicable Facts _______ 77. Applicable Terminals _______ 78. Applicable Matter _______ 79. Applicable Energy _______ 80. Applicable Space _______ 81. Applicable Form _______ 82. Applicable Event _______ 83. Assumed Identities Are Identical _______ 84. Facts Assumed To Be Identical Are Identical _______ 85. Data Assumed To Be Identical Is Identical _______ 86. Things Assumed To Be Identical Are Identical _______ 87. Actions Assumed To Be Identical Are Identical _______ 88. Events Assumed To Be Identical Are Identical _______ 89. Circumstances Assumed To Be Identical Are Identical _______ 90. Assumed Similarities Are Similar _______ 91. Facts Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _______ 92. Data Assumed To Be Similar Is Similar _______ 93. Things Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _______ 94. Things Grouped Into Proper Classes _______ HCOB 28.8.70RB - 9 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.1.81 95. Actions Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _______ 96. Events Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _______ 97. Circumstances Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _______ 98. Assumed Differences Are Different _______ 99. Facts Assumed To Be Different Are Different _______ 100. Data Assumed To Be Different Is Different _______ 101. Things Assumed To Be Different Are Different _______ 102. Actions Assumed To Be Different Are Different _______ 103. Events Assumed To Be Different Are Different _______ 104. Circumstances Assumed To Be Different Are Different _______ L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA BDCSC:LRH:nt:jh:nsp:bk Copyright $c 1970, 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA   Type = 11 iDate=26/8/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=22/9/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 17R Keeping Scientology Working Series 15 INCOMPLETE CASES   Remimeo Tech Qual C/Ses Class VIII Checksheet Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 AUGUST 1970R Remimeo REVISED 22 SEPTEMBER 1980 Tech Qual Revised and Reissued as part of C/Ses Keeping Scientology Working Series. Class VIII Checksheet (Revisions in Script) Class VIII (Only revisions are under Quickie Grades and Actions, second paragraph, "OT IV" to "Grade IV", to align with the discovery that one must not run Dianetics on a Clear or OT, and in fifth paragraph, same section, to align with New Era Dianetics.) C/S Series 17R Keeping Scientology Working Series 15 INCOMPLETE CASES OVERSHOOTING and UNDERSHOOTING are two very defeating errors in C/Sing. OVERSHOOTING would be defined as going beyond a completion or completing a completion. In such a circumstance the pc for instance reaches an F/N VGI point in Review and then the C/S decides to handle the case in Review. Example: 2 or 3 sessions have been goofed. Review patches them all up to F/N VGIs all okay. Then a C/S C/Ses to Review the case to repair the errors. The case feels invalidated, caves in, needs further repair. I have seen more than one folder where this cycle has been done three times! In one of these an action had to be taken to patch up a goof so the pc could go back onto a grade. The goof was patched up to F/N VGIs. The correct action would have been to put the pc back on the incomplete grade. But no, a new Review cycle was laid out, audited, pc caved in. A new cycle to repair this was entered in upon. It was successful. The pc got F/N VGIs at Exam. The C/S ordered a new Review of the case, the case caved in, was then patched up and finally got an F/N VGIs. And was ordered to be reviewed.......... Studying what was wrong with the cases I found the above. I ordered an assessment of a list, got "unnecessary actions" and got the cases back onto the incomplete cycle of the grade and they did fine. This can be done with a grade. It was the fault of early Power. UNDERSHOOTING would be to leave a cycle incomplete and go off to something else. HCOB 26.8.70R - 2 - Rev. 22.9.80 Example: Case sent to Review or given a Review session to repair goofs. One goof is handled but there are three to handle. Case returned to the grade before being set up. This can be so bad that the case never made any grade at all. The modern Repair (Progress) Pgm as outlined in this C/S series takes care of this. QUICKIE GRADES AND ACTIONS Quickie grades left us with a totality of incomplete cases. You look over a folder and you see the pc at "Grade IV". The folder is thick. He has had lots of auditing. He has aches and pains, problems, makes people wrong. Probably he could be audited for another thousand hours without ever coming right! Unless there was an orderly program to complete his case level by level on the Class and Grade Chart. It would take a Repair (Progress) Pgm and then an Advance Pgm that included each grade to completion. He would have to have his ruds put in, any flubs at once handled session to session, just to complete Dianetics. Finally, his chronic somatics gone, he would simply F/N on the Health Form (now the Original Assessment Sheet) and you would have a well and happy pc who remained that way. That would complete his Dianetics with his attestation. And so on right on up the Grades, each one done fully to the voluntary declare for that grade as per the Grade and Class Chart. In doing Dianetics, Grades, etc. you still have to get in ruds and handle the case so it is set up for each major action and repair the flubs at once when they occur. While completing an action you have to keep the case running, not audit over ARC Brks, PTPs, W/Hs and flubs. The best answer is NO FLUBS. But when they occur they must be repaired in 24 hours. When repaired (and not re-repaired and re-re-repaired with overshoots) you get the case back on the same cycle that was incomplete. COMPLETE CASES A case is not complete unless the lowest incomplete Grade Chart action is complete and then each completed in turn on up. As you look over current folders who have had years of auditing, some of them you generally don't find any completed actions and you do find overshoots on Reviews. It is not the least bit hard to handle these cases. This C/S series shows you how. Auditing and Life Repairs (Progress), Advance Pgm completing fully each incomplete grade. HCOB 26.8.70R - 3 - Rev. 22.9.80 The C/S is blessed who follows these two rules: RECOGNIZE A COMPLETION OF AN ACTION AND END IT OFF. RECOGNIZE AN INCOMPLETE ACTION AND COMPLETE IT. Don't overshoot, don't undershoot. Follow the rules. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:rr:rd:dr Copyright $c 1970, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=25/6/70 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=3 rDate=27/9/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 12RB Keeping Scientology Working Series 9 GLOSSARY OF C/S TERMS   Remimeo C/Ses Tech Qual Keeping Scientology Working Technical Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 JUNE 1970RB Remimeo ISSUE II C/Ses RE-REVISED AND REISSUED 27 SEPTEMBER 1980 Tech (Revisions in Script) Qual Keeping Scientology Working Technical Checksheet (This bulletin has been revised to give additional references for handling cases who have had "Quickie" Grades; to delete the reference to expansion of the Non- Interference Zone in regard to Dianetic Clears, as this was misinterpreted by some to mean no Grades could be run on a Dianetic Clear whereas it is Dianetics that is not to be run on Dianetic Clears; and to update the bulletin and include it in the Keeping Scientology Working Series.) C/S Series 12RB Keeping Scientology Working Series 9 GLOSSARY OF C/S TERMS REFERENCE: HCOB 5 Apr 77 EXPANDED GRADES HCOB 24 Sep 78 III DIANETIC CLEAR HCOB 22 Jun 78R NED Series 2R NEW ERA DIANETICS FULL PC PROGRAM OUTLINE THE CLASSIFICATION, GRADATION AND AWARENESS CHART HCOB 1 Dec 78R PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT STEP HCOB 23 Jun 80 CHECKING QUESTIONS ON GRADES PROCESSES HCOB/PL 27 Aug 80 Keeping Scientology Working Series 21 EXAMPLES OF QUICKYING AND FALSE DECLARES HCOB/PL 28 Aug 80 Keeping Scientology Working Series 22 HOW TO HANDLE THE QUICKIE IMPULSE HCOB/PL 29 Aug 80 Keeping Scientology Working Series 23 HOW NOT TO MISS OUT ON GAINS FROM YOUR AUDITING HCOB/PL 30 Aug 80 Keeping Scientology Working Series 24 WINS, "STATES" AND GRADE CHART DECLARES HCOB/PL 31 Aug 80 Keeping Scientology Working Series 25 PROGRAMMING AND HANDLING CASES WHO HAVE BEEN QUICKIED OR FALSELY DECLARED When this bulletin was first issued in 1970, the RECOVERY PROGRAM included: The pack of LRH EDs 100 INT 10 May 70 LOWER GRADES UPGRADED 102 INT 20 May 70 THE IDEAL ORG 103 INT 21 May 70 FAST FLOW GRADES CANCELLED 104 INT 2 Jun 70 AUDITING SALES AND DELIVERY PGM NO. 1 106 INT 3 Jun 70 WHAT WAS WRONG 107 INT 3 Jun 70 ORDERS TO DIVISIONS FOR IMMEDIATE COMPLIANCE HCOB 25.6.70RB II - 2 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.9.80 10 SH 6 Jun 70 SH PCS 108 INT 11 Jun 70 AUDITING MYSTERY SOLVED 101 INT 21 Jun 70 POPULAR NAMES OF DEVELOPMENTS which comprised the program to recover full use and results of EXPANDED LOWER GRADES. (With the revision and reissue of this bulletin in 1980, LRH EDs 106R INT and 107R INT have been updated and reissued. A new Classification and Gradation Chart is being issued and the full Keeping Scientology Working Series is being released, all of which are to be used to again recover and maintain full use and results of EXPANDED LOWER GRADES.) PROGRESS PROGRAM: What was called a "Repair Program" on the first issue of the C/S Series (HCOB 24 May 70, now HCOB 23 Aug 71, C/S Series 1, AUDITOR'S RIGHTS) has since been renamed a PROGRESS PROGRAM. It has been found that case gain which has not been earlier achieved can be consolidated by a PROGRESS PROGRAM. It can take 25 hours or more, and can be done by any Classed Auditor who is qualified to run the needed processes, as long as it is C/Sed by a qualified C/S who has also starrated the C/S Series and the HCOBs referenced at the beginning of this issue. The PROGRESS PROGRAM is quite a technical development in itself. It is the answer to a pc who had "Quickie Grades" and didn't actually reach full abilities in earlier Scientology auditing. It is followed by an Advance Program which follows below. ADVANCE PROGRAM: This is what was called a "Return Program" in the first issue of C/S Series 1. The name has since been changed from "Return" to "Advance" as more appropriate. It gets the pc really up to where he should be. It may take 50 hours or more. EXPANDED LOWER GRADES: Pcs won't like being told they "have to have their lower grades rerun". Actually that's not a factual statement anyway. The lower grades harmonic into the OT Levels. They can be run again with full 1950-1960 to 1970 processes as given on the Saint Hill courses all through the 1960s. These are now regrouped and sorted out and are called EXPANDED LOWER GRADES. See also HCOB 5 Apr 77, EXPANDED GRADES and HCOB 22 Jun 78R, New Era Dianetics Series 2R, NED FULL PC PROGRAM OUTLINE. There are no Dianetic or Scientology single or "Quickie" lower grades anymore. DIANETIC CLEAR: The state of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics. It is not however attained by feeding people cognitions; Clears are made through auditing. A Dianetic Clear must not be run on engrams, R3RA or any version of R3R or Dianetics. HCOB 25.6.70RB II - 3 - Rev. & Reiss. 27.9.80 After Dianetic Clear, you can and must run Grades 0-IV if the pc has not yet had Scientology Grades. You do not run the pc on the R3RA section of the new Service Fac handling, however. He can be given Touch or Contact Assists (as can Clears and OTs), but not a Dianetic Auditing Assist nor any Dianetic auditing. A Dianetic Clear does the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown if he has not had these. He is given the Scientology Drug Rundown (unless he has previously completed a full NED Drug Rundown or other Dianetic Drug Rundown). He is run on Expanded ARC Straightwire and Expanded Grades 0-IV, to full Ability Gained for each Grade not previously standardly declared. When each Grade has been fully handled to Ability Gained, the next step is the Solo Auditor Course at a Saint Hill or Advanced Org. A Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course, but, upon completion of the Solo Auditor Course, goes directly onto OT 1. CLASSIFICATION CHART: This chart "Classification and Gradation Chart" has been reissued many times. All issues are more or less valid. All the processes listed in the Processes Run Column and more are used in Expanded Lower Grades. The chart is valid. QUICKIE GRADES: Persons were too demanding to be done quickly. On many cases these grades as given were valid but a large number of cases needed Expanded Lower Grades. 20 minutes from Grade 0 to IV and 5 minutes Power was far more than many could stand up to. These and all others who haven't fully made it need a PROGRESS PGM and an ADVANCE PGM "to pick up all the latent gain they missed". DIANETIC PCS: Dianetic pcs should be audited on New Era Dianetics until no somatics, then go up through ... Expanded Lower Grades to Power, R6EW, Clearing Course and OT Levels. TRAINING: Any pc who has trouble needs training and the amount of time required in Expanded Lower Grades and so on makes it cheaper to be trained. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:sb:rd:nc:dr Copyright $c 1970, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=21/6/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 9 Keeping Scientology Working Series 10 SUPERFICIAL ACTIONS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JUNE 1970 Remimeo REISSUED 30 AUGUST 1980 (Reissued as part of Keeping Scientology Working Series) C/S Series 9 Keeping Scientology Working Series 10 SUPERFICIAL ACTIONS One of the reasons Scientology tended toward disuse in the late 1960s was not its workability. It was a growing cultural disinclination to do things thoroughly. "Fast, quick results" was interpreted as seconds or minutes. In old psychotherapy as practiced in the 18th Century it required ONE YEAR of weekly consultation to see if anything could be done about a case and FOUR MORE YEARS to produce a meager superficial result. Compared to that two or three hundred hours of processing was nothing. As we began to dominate this field in terms of persons handled and results obtained, psychiatry invented "instant psychiatry" by which no result was gotten in no time. SPEED became the primary consideration of the culture. Jet planes, fast cars "saved time". But an old Chinese, when told by a driver that he had saved 4 minutes in speeding back from town asked, "What are you going to do with the 4 minutes?" Time itself is a basis of aberration. Dropping time out is the consideration of factory managers of production lines as "the faster something can be made the more you have of it". But look at this again. Something can be done so fast it isn't done at all! The difference between a very fine camera and a cheap one is speed of manufacture. Cheap cameras don't get their parts carefully machined of matched -- they don't fit together -- they break, cease to work. A fine Run can be told by the lack of tool marks on the hidden places. A cheap gun's inner bolt is a mess of scars. It isn't smooth in operation. It didn't take much time to make but it also jams and freezes up when you try to use it. Maybe you've heard of "hotter than a 2 dollar pistol". A 2 dollar pistol is "hot" because it's so quickie made it usually blows up and blows off a hand. There is a point where SPEED is simply a cover for a cheap worthless product. Let us take a filthy room. A lazy housekeeper comes in and sweeps a few bits of dust under the carpet, leaves soot all over the windows and garbage on the mantle and says it's clean. Somebody else not afraid of work spends an hour at it and leaves a really clean room. SHORT PGMS A short pc program is economically and efficiently for the birds. HCOB 21.6.70 - 2 - Reiss. 30.8.80 In the first place a C/S has to know the extent of his tech will to be able to think up light processes in quantity. It one heard a C/S say, "But I don't have time to spend an hour doing a long program for the pc," one is listening to something peculiar. If one spent an hour or two doing up a real long 20 action program to repair the pc, then for the next 20 C/Ses it takes only a few minutes to look over the session and order the next action on the list. If one had no program one would have to study the folder each time. One actually saves C/S time by doing long programs both to repair and to get the pc back on the Class Chart where he'd gotten to. Further, auditing is sold by the hour and it WASTES money and income and pcs to short program them. "Yes but we sell result! If we can get 200 pcs done in 100 auditing minutes we would make #18,233 clear profit........" Well the cruel answer to that was when orgs began to do that on lower grades they didn't attain the result on the pc and stats went DOWN! Power was once priced against the fact of 50 to 100 hours of auditing. It retained the price and by cutting out all End Phenomena or real gain it was at last being given in 20 minutes. And after just so many years of this economic dishonesty, SHs crashed! They had sold out the real value of the product for a quick buck. The "field" became "ARC Broken" and few takers came to an SH. It is a very long hard road back. And it is very costly one. "Quickie Grades", instead of making fortunes for one and all, crashed the whole Scientology network. BECAUSE QUICKIE RESULTS ARE LAZY AND DISHONEST. Let's just face up to the facts of life! Selling out the integrity of the subject for a buck wrecks the subject. SUCCESS The real stat of an org is Success Stories. Honest grades and time spent in C/Sing and in auditing to obtain them add up to success for the individual, the org, its field, the country and the planet. The time it takes to process somebody is how long it takes to get each single result available. It is not how slowly or quickly it is done. A book is not a good book if it takes 7 years to write. And a bad book isn't always written in 2 weeks. It takes as long to write a good book as you get a good book. The result is the result and TIME IS JUST AN ENTERED ARBITRARY. A person who overwhelms at Grade IV is an easily overwhelmed person. It might take 50 hours just to repair the case and the person's life. That might be 20 or 30 steps on the program. If the C/S can't dream up 8 or 9 ways to repair past auditing and 15 or 20 ways to repair a life, then it's time to go back and read THE ORIGINAL THESIS, EVOLUTION OF A SCIENCE, DMSMH, 8-80, 8-8008 and listen to a hundred or so SHSBC tapes. HCOB 21.6.70 - 3 - Reiss. 30.8.80 "Yes, but I have no time to _______ ." Well, that's also saying "It can't be done well." But there is time. If anyone looked over his area he would be able to throw out the time-wasting actions if it comes to that. "Look. I'm the C/S, the D of P and have to audit 3 _______ ." That's a statement that the job has already been done so badly that no persons show up to take over the extra hats! And the no-result programs cripple the economics and that becomes no help. I have seen Mary Sue take over an HGC that had tons of unsolved cases and too few auditors and have watched her solve one case at a time and within 2 weeks have 35 auditors and no backlogs and in six weeks no unsolved cases! She was using the "old", "historical", "background", "we don't use them anymore" processes! So it not only can be done, it is the thing to do. That org's stats soared. It became solvent. It ran at a high run and was a happy org. SICK PCs When there are sick people on a list one doesn't just "give a Dianetic Assist" and send to a doctor and write them off. If one knows his tech, there was a reason the person got sick. One also knows a sick person goes into overwhelm easily. One can do a touch assist, a contact assist, two-way comm, ruds on the accident, ruds before the accident, Dianetic Assist, medical treatment, life ruds, HCOB 24 July '68, two-way comm on suppression, 3 S & Ds, assessment for area of illness, prepcheck on area, ruds on area, hello and okay with the affected area, reach and withdraw from area, two-way comm, recall on persons similarly ill, location of the postulate that caused it with itsa earlier itsa, prepcheck on the body or its part, more HCOB 24 July '69, more ruds, assessment of failed purposes, two-way comm on the sickness. That's not a program. It's just a helter-skelter list of a lot of things to do. It would not greatly matter what order they were done in but lighter actions should be the earlier. And in a program auditing repair comes before life repair. EXPECTANCY Now if a C/S or an auditor has a magical complex, he expects ONE process to run a person from wog to OT VI and in ONE minute. The missing knowledge is "gradient scales". Stairs and ladders have steps and rungs. It takes TIME to climb a tower. The magical complex thinks of processes as incantations or charms. A person C/Sing would always be trying to find THE process the Pc should be run on. The think is that THE process, once discovered, would take no time at all and the pc would HCOB 21.6.70 - 4 - Reiss. 30.8.80 magically become well! Pardon me, but that's pure goofiness. And it would set the C/S up for constant FAILURE. One sees such a person scrambling through processes, trying to guess "which one which one which one. Oh there's one! Now we run it for 3 minutes on the pc. Oh dear. It didn't work. He isn't well. Let's see what's here still. Scramble scramble. Oh, here's one. This green paper is probably the right color. Auditor! Run this on the pc. Oh dear, it didn't work. He isn't well yet. So! We will take these 5 major processes and run them all in one session and add six grades. Do that! Do it! It's a desperate situation. Oh dear, the pc blew. Well I guess the subject doesn't work or I'm a failure .... ...." That is NOT how one should C/S. If a workman was supposed to cure an ox hide and was told salt would do it and he had a magical complex, what would he do. Well, he might take a small salt shaker and sprinkle the corner of the hide (thinking the right thought) and find that the hide rotted in a few days. He could then conclude salt didn't cure ox hides. If someone kept hammering at him to cure ox hides with salt and he kept sprinkling the corner (knowing it wouldn't work) he'd get a very odd idea about his orders! But who would suspect that this workman thought it was magic! An honest rubbing of salt all over and into the ox hide is the meaning of "salt will cure ox hides"! But that would take work. It would take TIME! It would have to be honestly and thoroughly done. But one would have cured ox hides and gotten shoes and a profit and pay and everything for one had a product. Magical thought in auditing isn't likely to give anyone a product of really able people! SHORT-CUTTING PROCESSES Processes can be short-cut as well as programs. Take an early (means basic, useful, useable) version of Rising Scale. There are 18 pairs. Each pair should be run to F/N, Cog, VGIs. An auditor told to run Rising Scale can run along the 18 pairs until one F/Ns. And leave it. The process has been short-cut. And with that shortcut went its ability to restore fertility: So one hears Rising Scale will sometimes restore fertility or change eyesight. Orders it done. It is done to 1 F/N. No real result occurs. Or take Dianetics. Dianetics can be chopped "to save TIME". First feeble flutter of an F/N, no Cog, no VGIs, auditor barking "Did it erase? Did it erase?" Final result, no real gain. There goes the subject. Half an hour to run chain, no extra 30 seconds for the real F/N, the Cog, the VGIs. SO ONE WASTES A RESULT FOR THE SAKE OF SAVED TIME. HCOB 21.6.70 - 5 - Reiss. 30.8.80 THE AGE It is a symptom of the age that there is no time. But in the Data Series PLs one finds that "omitted time" is a basic insanity. That a body lives only about 70 years puts an awful limit on Man. Man's Empires endure at most only about 300 years if that. 70 years is not enough time to make a real career and 300 years is not enough time to even groove in a civil service. Man pays for it with poor lives and rotten governments. But it doesn't take 70 years or 300 years to process a pc. A year maybe up to homo novis. A few years to OT. Even traveling it casually slow. 25 hours to repair someone's life and 50 to 100 hours to get him up to no somatics with Dianetics is pretty satisfactorily fast. What's this take? A week to repair. 2 to 4 weeks for full Dianetics. At 25 hours a week. That's very little. And it's enough to tell him to get trained so he can have all he wants. SPEED LIABILITY When speed is the consideration, not results, you get a very cheap camera or car. And you can expect it to fall apart very soon. You also get a cheap reputation. We are in the Leica and Cadillac and Rolls Royce product class without trying. Why settle for "Quickie Grades"? You get no students that way and that's the heavy org income. You get no expanding field. And you won't ever get a cleared planet. We've learned all this the hard way. So let's not let it go unheeded. The place to handle the situation is with C/Sing. And to gain the co-operation of C/Ses to make results real results by insisting that speed is the fast road to poverty in the long run. If the C/S burden is too heavy, start pushing training. Then you'll get help. Honest C/Sing gives an honest result. It takes as long to correct a case as it takes. It takes as long to make a person well as it takes. It takes as long to get a real lasting grade result as it takes. And that's a lot longer than the time spent on it in the late 60s. HCOB 21.6.70 - 6 - Reiss. 30.8.80 ALL pcs "have to be OT tomorrow". Why let them C/S their case by demanding it only take 2 minutes? Self C/Sing is no more effective than self auditing. Registrars as well as pcs try to grab the C/S hat. "I will sell you a marital intensive because you have such a bad cold." And Execs, "Run this staff member on money......" Well, a C/S's hat is the C/S's. And he should wear it for honest results. And damn others trying to C/S and wreck his job. THERE ARE NO CONSIDERATIONS WHICH FORGIVE ANY RESULT THAT IS NOT THOROUGH AND HONEST FOR EVERY PROGRAM OR GRADE. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dz:rd:bk Copyright $c 1970, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=16/6/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 6 Keeping Scientology Working Series 20 WHAT THE C/S IS DOING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 JUNE 1970 Remimeo REISSUED 30 AUGUST 1980 (Reissued as part of Keeping Scientology Working Series) C/S Series 6 Keeping Scientology Working Series 20 WHAT THE C/S IS DOING In DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH considerable stress is placed on the words and phrases in engrams. This is still functional. However as I did further research I found that (a) many pcs were unable to get the words in the engram and (b) the apparent force of the words was derived wholly from the pain, emotion, effort contained in the engram. In Standard Dianetics the words in an engram play no major role in the auditing. The use of the words to de-aberrate and concentration on phrases in engrams is valid but junior in force to the pain, misemotion, etc. in the engram. Thus if you run out the force the words drop into insignificance. This is often how the pc gets cognitions: the words and meaning concealed in the engram are changing value and devaluating. The pc can then think clearly again on a subject previously pinned down by the force. Get the force out and the words take care of themselves and need no special handling. The meaning of things plays a secondary role in processing to forces. Thetans find counter-forces objectionable. Almost all chronic (continual) somatics have their root in force of one kind or another. In that the handling of things with bodies involves force to greater or lesser degree, incapability and derangement of mental values is proportional to the thetan's objection to force. This objection descends down to a wish to stop things. It goes below that into overwhelmedness in which propitiation and obsessive agreement manifest themselves. LOW TAs The low TA is a symptom of an overwhelmed being. When a pc's TA goes low he is being overwhelmed by too heavy a process, too steep a gradient in applying processes or by rough TRs or invalidative auditing or auditing errors. A low TA means that the thetan has gone past a desire to stop things and is likely to behave in life as though unable to resist real or imaginary forces. HCOB 16.6.80 - 2 - Reiss. 30.8.80 HIGH TA Chronically high TAs mean the person can still stop things and is trying to do so. However, all one has to do is restimulate and leave unflat an engram chain to have a high TA. High TA is reflecting the force contained in the chain. An "over-run" means doing something too long that has engrams connected with it which means an engram chain with too many engrams on it being restimulated by life or auditing. Hence Over-run. If this overrun persisted unhandled eventually the pc would be overwhelmed and one, in theory, would have a low TA. MENTAL MASSES Mental masses, forces, energy are the items being handled by the C/S on any pc. If the C/S loses sight of this he can wander off the road and go into the thickets of significance. Engrams, secondaries, locks all add up to mental masses, forces, energies, time, which express themselves in countless different ways such as pain, misemotion, feelings, old perceptions and a billion billion thought combinations buried in the masses as significances. A thetan can postulate or say or reason anything. Thus there is an infinity of significances. A thetan is natively capable of logical thought. This becomes muddied by out-points held in by mental forces such as pictures of heavy experiences. As the masses and forces accumulated and copied from living build up, the logic potential becomes reduced and illogical results occur. PC SEARCH The pc is continually searching for the significance of a mass or force -- what is it, why is it. The C/S is easily led astray by this. All forces in the bank contain significances. All forces can be unburdened and lightened up by the various procedures of auditing. The search of the pc is for significance. The action of the C/S is reduction of forces. THE E-METER The E-Meter records what force is being discharged in every slash, fall and blowdown. The amount of TA per session is the C/S's index of gain. HCOB 16.6.70 - 3 - Reiss. 30.8.80 Note that a discharged process no longer gives TA and gives case gain. The amount of significance recovered or realized by the pc only shows up as cognitions. As the TA works off the case, then one has two indicators: 1. There is needle and TA action. 2. The pc cognites. One shows that force is coming off. Two shows that thought is releasing from force. BACKWARDS C/Sing If a C/S processes toward significance only he will get cases that do not progress. The needle action detects not so much significance as where the force is. Diving toward significance the C/S winds up shortening grades, looking for "magic one-shot buttons" and overwhelming cases by shooting them on up the gardes while levels remain loaded with force. RELIABLE INDICATORS When a pc gets no more TA action on Level I he will have made Level I and will know it. He will therefore attest to "No problems". The reliable indicators are TA action and cognitions while a level is still charged. Diminished TA action and cognitions mean the purpose of the level has been reached. A feeling of freedom and expansion on a subject is expressed in a normal TA and a loose needle. The pc will now attest to an ability regained. F/N ABUSE To process only to F/N and even chop off the cognitions on a process abuses the indicator of the F/N. You can find many pcs who bitterly resent F/N indications. They have been: A. Not run on all the processes of a level; B. Still have force on the subject; C. Were chopped off before they could cognite. The ARC Break in this is UNFINISHED CYCLE OF ACTION. The proper End Phenomena for a process is F/N Cognition VGIs. Now look at that carefully. That is the proper end phenomena of a PROCESS. It is not the end phenomena of a LEVEL or even of a TYPE of process. HCOB 16.6.70 - 4 - Reiss. 30.8.80 Let us say there are 15 possible Scientology processes for orienting a pc in his present location. To run one of these 15 and say, "F/N that's it. You're complete." is a Quickie impatient action that rebounds on the pc eventually. If there are 15, run 15! Possibly the pc on no. 12 will cognite he's really right where he is. Only then could you cease to work at it. An F/N Cog VGIs tells you a process is finished, not a whole class of actions! Thus 2 1/2 minutes from 0 to IV is not only impossible, it is murderous. It will result in an overwhelm, a low TA or a high TA eventually. Level I says, amongst other things, "Problems Processes". There are certainly half a dozen. Each would be run to F/N Cog VGIs. When these and the other processes of the Level are run, the pc will come to have no further reaction to problems and will be able to handle them. A cognition on lower levels is not necessarily an ability regained. Thirty or forty cognitions on one lower level might add up to (and probably would) the realization that one is free of the whole subject of the level. It is safe to run more processes. It is unsafe to run too few. PC ABILITIES It is not enough for the pc to have only negative gains of deleting force. Sooner or later he will have to begin to confront force. This comes along naturally and is sometimes aided by processes directly aimed at further confront. "What problem could you have?" sooner or later is needed in one form or another. What force can the pc now handle? All auditing in a body -- and any living in a body -- makes a being vulnerable. Bodies break, suffer, intensify pain. Sooner or later a pc will go Exterior. The Interiorization Rundown must be ordered as the next action or you will have a pc with a high TA. 2-way comm Ext-Int must be given in a following session (not the same one) so the full cognitions will occur. After this the pc is less subject to the body and his ability to confront force will improve. Do not be too worried or surprised if after this the pc has some minor accident with the body. Exterior he forgets its frailty. However, such things are minor. He is "learning how to walk" a new way and will run into chairs! He gets this figured out after a while. Pcs sometimes improve their ability to handle force while interior so as to have mysterious headaches or new body pressures. Invitably they have been exterior and need Interiorization run. They were just using too much force while still inside! HCOB 16.6.70 - 5 - Reiss. 30.8.80 Thus force is the thing, significance very secondary. Force of course is made up of time, matter, energy, flows, particles, masses, solids, liquids, gasses, space and locations. All this gets inherently handled in processes published long since. The pc tends to dive for the thought imbedded in the force. He will tell you he's being processed to find out who his parents were or why he is sterile or who did him in, etc., etc. The C/S who chases after this is a deerhound illegally chasing mice! C/S PURPOSE The C/S is there to make certain that the pc makes gains and attains the actual abilities of the level. The C/S is for the pc. C/S auditor control exists only to keep the auditing standard, the TRs good, the processes ordered done and to End Phenomena each one. No other reasons for C/Sing exist. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt:rd:bk Copyright $c 1970, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=15/1/70 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Keeping Scientology Working Series 17 HANDLING WITH AUDITING   Remimeo Registrar's Hat Ltr Reg Hat OES Hat Tech Sec Hat Qual Sec Hat Dir Success Hat Dn C/S Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JANUARY 1970 Remimeo ISSUE II Registrar's REISSUED 30 AUGUST 1980 Hat (Reissued as part of Ltr Reg Hat Keeping Scientology Working Series) OES Hat Tech Sec Hat Qual Sec Hat Dir Success Hat Keeping Scientology Working Series 17 Dn C/S Checksheet HANDLING WITH AUDITING There is no reason or excuse not to actually HANDLE a pc's desire or complaint with auditing. By handle is meant finish off, complete, end cycle on. To give you an idea of the reverse -- in admin we sometimes find terminals that refer despatches to others, let them drift, give excuses why not. This all adds up to NOT HANDLING. This is the basic reason for DEV T (Developed, meaning excessive, traffic). Like the stationery company writes somebody in the org to please specify the number of sheets wanted. So whoever's hat it is refers it to somebody else who refers it to another who fails to answer. In this way, the org can look industrious while accomplishing nothing. Nobody HANDLES it. You can get a similar situation going with pcs. Nobody HANDLES the pc. And if you keep this up, your whole area fills up with unhandled pcs, the org's repute goes down and stats eventually crash. The org is being paid to HANDLE pcs. It is not being paid to put them off or explain or let them drift away. Here is an example from the early 1960s. An org had it going that anybody who was feeling bad and demanding help got a review. The review consisted of a Green Form to F/N. While this would clean up an ARC Brk or PTP or a poor prior session, it sure wasn't about to remedy a feeling of nausea. So a pc would cone in with a feeling of nausea. He would be sent to Review, get a Green Form and F/N on an ARC Break. Then Review would shrug off the fact that the pc was still nauseated by saying all it could do was a GF! In short, it wouldn't handle the pc. Another recent case -- pc with migraine headaches. Got some (evidently poor) Dianetic Auditing. No change. When the pc's friend complained, he was told it was "the illegal life she was living" and no action was taken. So the pc went to another org and there they refused auditing due to painkillers (instead of waiting 2 or 3 days until it wore off). These are cases of NOT HANDLING. The idea of non-handling can also go into fees. A pc once paid a Franchise for auditing to be done in an org. The Franchise did not forward the fee so the org sent the pc back home. Service and HANDLING are the same thing. When you give service you handle. HCOB 15.1.70 II - 2 - Reiss. 30.8.80 There are thousands of ways of not handling. Letting backlogs occur in Tech and Qual is probably the most serious to org income and to field repute. Also if a person is goofed up in Tech he probably is suffering and to be put off in Qual for any reason at all is a severe blow to the org. A 3 hour Qual backlog is too long. So, part of HANDLING cases is HANDLE N - O - W ! I recall a Qual backlog I once found of 10 pcs. They were of all varieties -- but the main fault was just nobody had the idea except the pcs that they should be handled NOW. And HANDLED. I sat down and did four of them in the next four hours and grabbed off auditors from Admin and Exec areas and handled the rest. Within 6 hours of finding this backlog, they were all HANDLED, happily, finally and wholly satisfied. What was required was (a) a determination to handle cases, (b) a surety they could be handled and (c) the actual handling. All three points are needful. Only two things prevent the above. When the help factor is low in the org or its auditors, there is no real determination to handle cases. A commercialism enters where the payment of the money is more interesting than the delivery of the service. This is self-defeative. One has to have the money but one won't continue to get money unless one is vitally interested in actually delivering service -- which means actually handling the cases. The certainty that one can handle case, depends in the main upon good training and exact application of the technology. There can be an awful lot of tech to apply but the point is to apply the tech that is applied with exactness. "Squirrelling" is not really different processes -- it is careless, incomplete, messed up auditing procedure. An auditor auditing a process that reads with excellent TRs to an F/N with good indicators seldom has any loses. But even given good procedure, one occasionally gets a lose. This tends to reduce one's certainty that he can get a result on a pc. Usually it isn't one's own pcs that cause this -- it's hearing about some pc who didn't get a result, but not hearing the whole story. If one's command of the subject of auditing is poor he doesn't recognize why there was a lose. A pc lies about having eaten or slept or is being audited on someone else's determination or some such thing and because of these, the pc gets a lose. This causes the auditor to have a lose. Some auditors can get 20 wins and 1 lose and then mourn only about the 1 lose. What is missed here -- with pc loses -- is that it is almost always a short-term lose. They lost in this one but nobody thinks to KEEP AT IT WITH DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY UNTIL IT'S A WIN. I've seen somebody audited for years before he finally and forever lost his chronic trouble. He would get better and then relapse, never quite so bad. And finally he recovered totally. So there must be some idea extant amongst auditors that all "wins" in auditing must be fast, total and appreciated volubly. This isn't always the case. In fact, it is in the minority. HCOB 15.1.70 II - 3 - Reiss. 30.8.80 So an auditor's and an org's certainty should depend only on being certain of eventual permanent result and to be very extra happy when it is fast, total and appreciated. To handle a case one keeps at it. So the pc got an intensive. So the pc wasn't handled in that intensive. Well, one doesn't just dust it off and say that's it forever. The Case Supervisor looks harder and gets the Registrar to get more auditing bought. If Dianetics didn't handle, Scientology will. If this process didn't handle completely, that process may. This is the winning attitude. I know one case that's still goofed up after a decade. The medics put a steel pipe in his leg bone. He won't get it taken out and insists on auditing only. So every few months somebody tries again. Sooner or later this case will be handled. The point is to keep trying to handle, not dream up reasons it can't be. Auditor, brought up with the idea that 5 hours of auditing should always resurrect a decayed corpse haven't been brought up right. Some SP around them has been making demands of the subject and auditing that BUILD IN LOSES. Girl with migraine, 15 hours of Dianetics, still has migraine. Okay. So we don't brush her off. We get her to buy a good long Scientology intensive and do a full "GF 40". Still has migraine. So we now do another Dianetic Intensive. We don's mislead her. We say, "Okay, you want to get rid of your migraine. So we'll stay with you if you'll work along with us as long as it takes. It might happen fast, it might happen slow. You might have to go all the way to OT Grades. But we'll try all the way. A Registrar that promises instant miracles is cutting the Tech Sec's throat and the GI as well! The condition can be handled. The whole point is, for the good of the pc and the org it eventually must be handled. There are literally thousands of processes and approaches available for use. The pc expects the condition to be handled. So one way or another one gets the pc handled. To do otherwise is to court disaster for the org. Now and then a pc gets away, nearly always because of errors that get the pc upset with the subject of auditing, never when the org wasn't still trying to handle. A session was goofed and not repaired, somebody in the org inferred the condition couldn't be handled, that's the sort of thing that loses pcs. Keep on trying to handle and you will succeed. Auditing is remarkable enough already not to cripple it by leading pcs to expect instant results every time. But the main point is, you audit a pc with Dianetics and Scientology until the pc's case is handled. And sooner or later, it will be. LRH:jz:rd:bk L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1970, 1980 FOUNDER by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=3/3/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Keeping Scientology Working Series 32 CASE GAIN COMPLETING LEVELS   Remimeo Class VIII Level IV Tech Sec Qual Sec Staff Auditor's Hat  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 MARCH 1969 Remimeo REISSUED 12 APRIL 1983 Class VIII Level IV (Reissued as part of the Tech Sec Keeping Scientology Working Series.) Qual Sec Staff Auditor's Hat Keeping Scientology Working Series 32 CASE GAIN COMPLETING LEVELS Anyone who interprets "the real gains of a case consist of going up the levels" (which is true and was stated in order to prevent over-review) as meaning that the level a case is on is not to be conclusive or put the pc into good case condition, has a tech alter-is going. The registrar can use "You need the next level" but when Tech or Qual buy this as an excuse not to run levels right or to get gains on any given level it's time to look this fact over HARD. ANY LEVEL IS ITSELF CAPABLE OF STABLE CASE GAIN. If a level does not THEN THE CASE IS LOUSED UP ON EARLIER LEVELS and is a standard case of someone with a lower level out! This is all covered in Class VIII. This is true of ARC Straight Wire and OT VI alike. The rule holds. Any level is capable of giving a stable case gain and if it does not THERE IS SOMETHING VERY WRONG with the way it or an earlier level was run. To chase a pc on up the levels to cure an outness on earlier levels is idiocy. It is WASTING AUDITING. It is a shabby excuse for not setting a case up to be audited or auditing badly. To solve an earlier out tech situation one does not "give the next level". If a pc ends up at Level II (or OT II) without a stable gain attained then the set-up of the case or the handling of is SOUR. This is the most elementary situation in case repair. ANY LEVEL is capable of case gain and of being stable, the pc feeling good, etc. The drive to get the next level is very natural but when it becomes obsessive to get a case gain then it isn't the next level that's needed. ARC Straight Wire is more tech than Man ever had before. It produces a stable gain. This is true of every level on up. We have just had a PreOT whose case at every level "was going to be solved by the next level". People kept saying he "needed the next level" to solve his case. Bull. He got all the way to OT II before I caught wind of it. He "had to have OT III" to solve his case according to the Qual Sec. HCOB 3.3.69 - 2 - Reiss. 12.4.83 That case probably never made ARC Straight Wire! One or more earlier levels or ruds or 7 cases are out. That's the trouble with that case. If you now let him go on to OT III he'd cop it. The tech you are handling is capable of giving spectacular gains at every level. If it does not then the case has missed somewhere, comes under 7 resistive cases or out ruds or one or more missed or overrun levels. This is one of these things which seems to have been going around ("needs the next level to solve his case") for some time without my finding out about it. Sure they need their next level. But do they have their levels up to where they are? If they aren't in good shape at the end of any one level then there's a miss on the case and it must be repaired by standard tech. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:hk:ei:rd:iw Copyright $c 1969, 1983 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=29/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=31/5/80 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LIST CORRECTION -- THE SHORT L4   Class VIII Class III and above  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 SEPTEMBER 1968R REVISED & REISSUED 31 MAY 1980 Class VIII Class III and (Changes not in Script) above LIST CORRECTION -- THE SHORT L4 (Only valid for a list recently done) This list is the shorter version of the standard L4BRA. Its use is for sorting out the error in a current listing and nulling action or on a recently done L&N list. It contains the most common errors that foul up L&N actions. Its virtue is in its brevity which itself can increase results by pinpointing the error quickly, thus enabling the auditor to handle it quickly. Assess the list M5. If the situation does not resolve completely use an L4BRA. 1. WAS IT THE FIRST TIME ON THE LIST? (Indicate and give pc his item.) 2. WAS THE LIST INCOMPLETE? (Complete the list and give the pc his item.) 3. WAS THE ITEM BYPASSED? (Locate which one.) 4. WAS THE ITEM SUPPRESSED? (If so, the list may have to be nulled with Suppress, the nulling question being "On (item) has anything been suppressed?". Rehab the item by getting the Suppress button in on the item if necessary and clean it up and give it to the pc again.) 5. WAS THE ITEM INVALIDATED? (If so, the list may have to be nulled with Invalidate, the nulling question being "On (item) has anything been invalidated?". Rehab the item by getting the Invalidate button in on the item if necessary and clean it up and give it to the pc again.) 6. WAS THE QUESTION MEANINGLESS? (If so, check for MUs on the question. If question still meaningless indicate it to the pc.) 7. WAS THE LIST OVERLISTED? (If so, indicate the list was overlisted. Get the item by nulling the list with Suppress, the nulling question being "On _______ has anything been suppressed?" for each item on the overlong list. Give the pc his item.) 8. WERE ITEMS THOUGHT OF THAT WEREN'T PUT DOWN? (Add them to the list. Renull the whole list and give the pc his item.) 9. WAS IT LISTED OUT OF SESSION? (Reconstruct the list from recall and add the items to the list. Get the item and give it to the pc.) HCOB 29.9.68R - 2 - Rev. & Reiss. 31.5.80 10. WAS THE ITEM DIFFERENT WHEN SAID BY THE AUDITOR? (Find out what the item was and give it to the pc correctly.) 11. WAS THE ITEM NOT GIVEN TO YOU? (Find what the item is, clean it up with Suppress and Invalidate and give it to the pc.) L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:jp:de:bk Copyright $c 1968, 1980 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=13/9/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=16/2/81 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Keeping Scientology Working Series 26 OUT TECH AND HOW TO GET IT IN   Remimeo Vital data for Tech Secs Ds of P HGC Training Officers Ds of T Course Supervisors All Students Tech/Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 SEPTEMBER 1965R Remimeo REVISED AND REISSUED 16 FEBRUARY 1981 Vital data for Tech Secs Revised and Reissued as part of Ds of P Keeping Scientology Working Series. HGC Training Officers (Also issued as HCO PL same Ds of T date, same title) Course Supervisors (Revisions in Script) All Students Tech/Qual (Paragraph three under the ASSESSMENT section on page 4 of this HCOB has been revised to update and expand upon the use of Prepared Lists in handling cases.) Keeping Scientology Working Series 26 OUT TECH AND HOW TO GET IT IN The term "OUT TECH" means that Scientology is not being applied or is not being correctly applied. When Tech is IN we mean that Scientology is being applied and is being correctly applied. By TECH is meant technology, referring of course to the application of the precise scientific drills and processes of Scientology. Technology means the methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science or art itself. One could know all about the theory of motor cars and the science of building them and the art of designing them and still not be able to build, plan or drive one. The practices of building, planning or driving a motor car are quite distinct from the theory, science and art of motor cars. An auditor is not just a Scientologist. He or she is one who can apply it. Thus the technology of Scientology is its actual application to oneself, a preclear or the situations one encounters in life. Tech implies USE. There is a wide gap between mere knowledge and the application of that knowledge. When we say tech is out, we might also say "While that unit or person may know all about Scientology, that person does not actually apply it." A skilled auditor knows not only Scientology but how to apply the technology to self, pcs and life. Many persons auditing have not yet crossed over from "knowing about" to "applying." Thus you see them fooling about with pcs. When a skilled auditor sees a critical pc he knows BANG -- pc has a withhold and pulls it. That's because this auditor's tech is in. Meaning he knows what to do with his data. Some other person, who knows a lot of Scientology, has had courses and all that, yet sees a critical pc and then tries to add up everything he knows about pcs and stumbles about and then decides on a zero pc it's a new thing that's wrong that's never been seen before. HCOB 13.9.65R - 2 - Rev. & Reiss. 16.2.81 What's the difference here? It's the difference between a person who knows but cannot apply and a skilled technician who can apply the knowledge. Most golfers know that you have to keep your eye on the ball just before, during and after you hit it. That's the basic datum of powerful, long drives down the fairway. So if this is so well known then why do so few golfers do it? They have arrived at a point of knowing they must. They have not yet arrived at a point of being able to. Then their heads get so scrambled, seeing all their bad drives which didn't go down the fairway, that they buy rabbits feet or new clubs or study ballistics. In short, not being able to do it, they disperse and do something else. All auditors go through this. All of them, once trained, know the right processes. Then they have to graduate up to doing the right processes. Observation plays an enormous role in this. The auditor is so all thumbs with his meter and unfamiliar tools he has no time or attention to see what goes on with the pc. So for 15 years lots of auditors made releases without ever noticing it. They were so involved in knowing and so unskilled in applying, they never saw the ball go down the fairway for a 200 yard drive! So they began to do something else and squirrel. There was the pc going release, but the auditor, unskilled as a technician for all his knowledge of the science never saw the auditing work even though even the auditing done that badly did work. Do you get the point? You have to know your tools very very well to see past them! An auditor who squirrels, who fools about with a pc, who fumbles around and seldom gets results just isn't sufficiently familiar with a session, its patter, his meter and the mind to see past them to the pc. Drill overcomes this. The keynote of the skilled technician is that he is a product of practice. He has to know what he is trying to do and what elements he is handling. Then he can produce a result. I'll give you an example: I told an auditor to look over a past session of known date on a pc and find what was missed in that session. Something must have been missed as the pc's tone arm action collapsed in that session and ever afterwards was nil. So this auditor looked for a "missed withhold from the auditor in that session." The ordered repair was a complete dud. Why? This auditor did not know that anything could be missed except a withhold of the hidden overt type. He didn't know there could be an inadvertent withhold wherein the pc thinks he is withholding because the auditor didn't hear or acknowledge. This auditor didn't know that an item on a list could be missed and tie up TA. But if he did know these things he didn't know them well enough to do them. A second more skilled auditor took over and bang! The missed item on the list was quickly found. The more skilled auditor simply asked "In that session what was missed?" and promptly got it. The former auditor had taken a simple order "Find what was missed in that session" and turned into something else: "What withhold was missed in that session?" HCOB 13.9.65R - 3 - Rev. & Reiss. 16.2.81 His skill did not include applying a simple direct order as auditing looked very complex to him as he had so much trouble with doing it. You can train somebody in all the data and not have an auditor. A real auditor has to be able to apply the data to the pc. Importances play a huge part in this. I had a newly graduated darkroom photographic technician at work. It was pathetic to see the inability to apply important data. The virtues of ancient equipment and strange tricks to get seldom required effects were all at his fingertips. But he did not know that you wiped developer off your hands before loading fresh film. Consequently he ruined every picture taken with any film he loaded. He did not know you washed chemicals out of bottles before you put different chemicals in them. Yet he could quote by the yard formulas not in use for 50 years! He knew photography. He could not apply what he knew. Soon he was straying all over the place trying to find new developers and papers and new methods. Whereas all he had to do was learn how to wash his hands and dry them before handling new film. I also recall a 90 day wonder in World War II who came aboard in fresh new gold braid and with popped eyes stared at the wheel and compass. He said he'd studied all about them but had never seen any before and had often wondered if they really were used. How he imagined ships were steered and guided beyond the sight of land is a mystery. Maybe he thought it was all done by telepathy or an order from the Bureau of Navigation! Alter-is and poor results do not really come from not-know. They come from can't-apply. Drills, drills, drills and the continual repetition of the important data handle this condition of can't-apply. If you drill auditors hard and repeat often enough basic auditing facts, they eventually disentangle themselves and begin to do a job of application. IMPORTANT DATA The truly important data in an auditing session are so few that one could easily memorize them in a few minutes. From case supervisor or auditor viewpoint: (1) If an auditor isn't getting results either he or the pc is doing something else. (2) There is no substitute for knowing how to run and read a meter perfectly. (3) An auditor must be able to read, comprehend and apply HCO Bs and instructions. (4) An auditor must be familiar enough with what he's doing and the mechanics of the mind to be able to observe what is happening with the pc. (5) There is no substitute for perfect TRs. HCOB 13.9.65R - 4 - Rev. & Reiss. 16.2.81 (6) An auditor must be able to duplicate the auditing command and observe what is happening and continue or end processes according to their results on the pc. (7) An auditor must be able to see when he's released the pc and end off quickly and easily with no shock or overrun. (8) An auditor must have observed results of his standard auditing and have confidence in it. CASE REACTION The auditor and the Case Supervisor must know the only six reasons a case does not advance. They are: (1) PC is Suppressive. (2) PC is ALWAYS a Potential Trouble Source if he Roller Coasters and only finding the RIGHT suppressive will clean it up. No other action will. There are no other reasons for a Roller Coaster (loss of gain obtained in auditing). (3) One must never audit an ARC Broken pc for a minute even but must locate and indicate the by-passed charge at once. To do otherwise will injure the pc's case. (4) A present time problem of long duration prevents good gain and sends the pc into the back track. (5) The only reasons a pc is critical are a withhold or a misunderstood word and there is NO reason other than those. And in trying to locate a withhold it is not a motivator done to the pc but something the pc has done. (6) Continuing overts hidden from view are the cause of no gain (see number 1, Suppressive). The only other possible reason a pc does not gain on standard processing is the pc or the auditor failed to appear for the session. Now honestly, aren't those easy? But a trainee fumbling about with meter and what he learned in a bog of unfamiliarity will always tell you it is something else than the above. Such pull motivators, audit ARC Broken pcs who won't even look at them, think Roller Coaster is caused by eating the wrong cereal and remedy it all with some new wonderful action that collapses the lot. ASSESSMENT You could meter assess the first group (1) to (8) on an auditor and the right one would fall and you could fix it up. You could meter assess the second group (1) to (6) on a pc and get the right answer every time that would remedy the case. You have a C/S Series 53 which lists any general thing that can be aberrated in a thetan and you have a Green Form which covers the things bugging a case. Plus there are dozens HCOB 13.9.65R - 5 - Rev. & Reiss. 16.2.81 of other Prepared Lists which are designed to handle various things that can be wrong in a case, an auditing action or a session. HCOB 29 April 80 PREPARED LISTS, THEIR VALUE AND PURPOSE, summarizes the various types of Prepared Lists and their use. When I tell you these are the answers, I mean it. I don't use anything else. And I catch my sinning auditor or bogged down pc every time. To give you an idea of the simplicity of it, a pc says she is "tired" and therefore has a somatic. Well, that can't be it because it's still there. So I ask for a problem and after a few given the pc hasn't changed so it's not a problem. I ask for an ARC Break and bang! I find one. Knowing the principles of the mind, and as I observe pcs, I see it's better but not gone and ask for a previous one like it. Bang! That's the one and it blows completely. I know that if the pc says it's A and it doesn't blow, it must be something else. I know that it's one of six things. I assess by starting down the list. I know when I've got it by looking at the pc's reactions (or the meter's). And I handle it accordingly. Also, quite vitally, I know it's a limited number of things. And even more vitally I know by long experience as a technician that I can handle it fully and proceed to do so. There is no "magic" touch in auditing like the psychiatrist believes. There is only skilled touch, using known data and applying it. Until you have an auditor familiar with his tools, cases and results you don't have an auditor. You have a collected confusion of hope and despair rampant amongst non-stable data. Study, drill and familiarity overcome these things. A skilled technician knows what gets results and gets them. So drill them. Drill into them the above data until they chant them in their sleep. And finally comes the dawn. They observe the pc before them, they apply standard tech. And wonderful to behold there are the results of Scientology, complete. Tech is IN. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA BDCSC:LRH:ml:ldm:mes:bm:bk Copyright $c 1965, 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA   Type = 11 iDate=30/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=30/12/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art Series 1 ART   Remimeo Saint Hill Executives Saint Hill Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 AUGUST AD15R Remimeo REVISED 30 DECEMBER 1979 Saint Hill Executives (Only revision is series number.) Saint Hill Students Art Series 1 ART For some fifteen years I have been studying, amongst other branches of philosophy, the subject of ART. The reason for this is: Art is the least codified of human endeavors and the most misunderstood. What is Art? is one of the least answered of human questions. Art abounds with authorities. It was chosen because "that field containing the most authorities contains the least codified knowledge." The obvious invitation is to answer the question and codify the subject. This has now been done. The subject was originally brought up in a conversation with Donald H. Rogers at 42 Aberdeen Road, Elizabeth, New Jersey, in 1950. As this zone of human activity seemed to stand outside the Field of Dianetics and Scientology, I thereafter worked with it on a casual basis. Having published 15,000,000 words between 1929 and 1941, I was not unacquainted with the arts. Since 1950 I have worked with other arts than that of literature in order io make an advance on the general subject of ART. I have made a breakthrough at last in this matter. And I find it is applicable to what we are doing and therefore also has practical value. To make it a matter of record rather than a filed sheaf of notes, I am publishing these findings as an HCOB. I also feel they will be of some assistance in forwarding Scientology. As in the case of all "pure research" (by which is meant study without thought of possible application) there is a sudden payoff in these answers including the better dissemination of Scientology and the rehabilitation of the artist. My incidental studies in the fields of photography and music materially assisted these discoveries. Approaching the state of Clear has also assisted in comprehending this rather vast subject of ART. It is adventurous to state one has solved such a sweeping subject but here at least are the fundamentals and basics. The following are rough notes but are in fact the basics of that branch of activity we call ART. THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ART BASIC DEFINITION ART is a word which summarizes THE QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION. HCOB 30.8.AD15R - 2 - Rev. 30.12.79 It therefore follows the laws of communication. Too much originality throws the audience into unfamiliarity and therefore disagreement, as communication contains duplication and "originality" is the foe of duplication. TECHNIQUE should not rise above the level of workability for the purpose of communication. PERFECTION cannot be attained at the expense of communication. Seeking perfection is a wrong target in art. One should primarily seek communication with it and then perfect it as far as reasonable. One attempts communication within the framework of applicable skill. If perfection greater than that which can be attained for communication is sought, one will not communicate. Example: A camera that shoots perfectly but is not mobile enough to get pictures. One must settle for the highest level of technical perfection obtainable below the ability to obtain the picture. The order of importance in art is: (1) The resultant communication (2) The technical rendition. (2) is always subordinate to (1). (2) may be as high as possible but never so high as to injure (1). The communication is the primary target. The technical quality of it is the secondary consideration. A person pushes (2) as high as possible within the reality of (1). A being can take a lot of trouble with (2) to achieve (1) but there is a point where attempting (2) prevents (1). If the ardures of (2) prevent (1), then modify (2), don't modify (1). Perfection is defined as the quality obtainable which still permits the delivery of the communication. Too much time on (2) of course prevents (1). It is usually necessary to lower a standard from absolute perfection to achieve communication. The test of the artist is how little it is lowered not how high it is pushed. A professional in the arts is one who obtains communication with the art form at the minimum sacrifice of technical quality. There is always some sacrifice of quality to communicate at all. The reduction of mass or time or impedimenta or facilities toward the ability to render a result is the exact measurement of how much technical perfection can be attempted. The rule is HCOB 30. 8.AD15R - 3 - Rev. 30.12.79 if one is being too perfectionistic to actually achieve a communication, reduce the mass, time, impedimenta or facilities sufficiently low to accomplish the communication but maintain the technique and perfection as high as is reconcilable with the result to be achieved and within one's power to act. No communication is no art. To not do the communication for lack of technical perfection is the primary error. It is also an error not to push up the technical aspects of the result as high as possible. One measures the degree of perfection to be achieved by the degree of communication that will be accomplished. This is seen even in a workman and tools. The workman who cannot accomplish anything but must have tools is an artistic failure. "Art for art's sake" is a complete paradox as a remark. "Art for the sake of communication" and "Attempted perfection without communicating" are the plus and minus of it all. One can of course communicate to oneself, if one wishes to be both cause and effect. One studies art only if one wishes to communicate and the search for artistic perfection is the result of past failures to communicate. Self improvement is based entirely on earlier lack of communicating. Living itself can be an art. The search for freedom is either the retreat from past failures to communicate or the effort to attain new communication. To that degree then the search for freedom is a sick or well impulse. Searching for and discovering one's past failures to communicate an art form or idea about it will therefore inevitably rehabilitate the artist. However, due to the nature of the Reactive Mind, full rehabilitation is achieved only through releasing and clearing. How much art is enough art? The amount necessary to produce an approximation of the desired effect on its receiver or beholder, within the reality of the possibility of doing so. A concept of the beholder and some understanding of his or her acceptance level is necessary to the formulation of a successful art form or presentation. This includes an approximation of what is familiar to him and is associated with the desired effect. All Art depends for its success upon the former experience and associations of the beholder. There is no pure general form since it must assume a sweeping generality of former experiences in the beholder. Artists all, to a greater or lesser degree, need comprehension of the minds and viewpoints of others in order to have their work accepted; since the acceptability of a communication depends upon the mental composition of the receiver. Scientology then is a must for any artist if he would succeed without heartbreak. HCOB 30. 8.AD15R - 4 - Rev. 30.12.79 In any art form or activity one must conceive of the beholder (if only himself). To fail to do so is to invite disappointment and eventual dissatisfaction with one's own creations. An artist who disagrees thoroughly with the "taste" of his potential audience cannot of course communicate with that audience easily. His disagreement is actually not based on the audience but on former abilities to communicate with such audiences or rejections by a vaguely similar audience. The lack of desire to communicate with an art form may stem from an entirely different inability than the one supposed to exist. Professionals often get into such disputes on how to present the art form that the entirety becomes a technology, not an art, and, lacking progress and newness of acceptance, dies. This is probably the genus of all decline or vanishment of art forms. The idea of contemporary communication is lost. All old forms become beset by technical musts and must nots and so cease to communicate. The art is the form that communicates not the technology of how, the last contributing to the ease of creating the effect and preservation of the steps used in doing it. A form's reach, blunted, becomes involved with the perfection alone, and ceases to be an art form in its proper definition. A communication can be blunted by suppressing its art form: Example: bad tape reproduction, scratched film, releasing bits not authorized. This then is the primary suppression. On the other hand, failing continuously to permit a non-destructive communication on the grounds of its lack of art is also suppressive. Between these two extremes there is communication and the task is to attain the highest art form possible that can be maintained in the act of communicating. To do otherwise is inartistic and objectionable. These, therefore, are the fundamentals of ART. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by Maggie Sibersky LRH Comps I/C for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:LRH:MS:dr Copyright $c 1965, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Revision assisted by Maggie Sibersky LRH Comps I/C for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=10/6/60 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Keeping Scientology Working Series 33 WHAT WE EXPECT OF A SCIENTOLOGIST   MA  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 JUNE 1960 MA REISSUED 12 APRIL 1983 (Reissued as part of the Keeping Scientology Working Series.) Keeping Scientology Working Series 33 WHAT WE EXPECT OF A SCIENTOLOGIST We inherited, when we began, a great many hidden errors in the society, so deeply laid they seemed right. "Everybody knows that...." is a tombstone of progress for it contains uninspected lies that bring the wittiest of us to grief. "Everybody knows that Man is Evil" was only one of the many things we found wrong, exposed and dropped from our own knowledge. However, in the field of what is expected of a Scientologist, we have for ten years carried along an inherited error. It is this: "Everybody knows that a specialist in a science hangs out a shingle and, if a professional, becomes a private practitioner." Now listen. Psycho-analysis was developed in 1894 by Sigmund Freud. Everybody who studied it was expected to hang out a shingle and start practising. It took half a century for psycho-analysis to become generally known by the people. Yet how could it miss? Its tenet was that if you were sexually uninhibited you would be happy. The psycho-analyst took his cue from the medico of his day. If you could heal you were a healer with a shingle. Well, I'm afraid a lot of us have bought this too. If we were trained in Scientology as a professional we should hang out our shingle as a practitioner. With all due respect to the Scientologist in professional practice (where they have every right to be) this is not a true idea. It is a borrowed idea. It's as old as the witch doctor. A Scientologist is the being three feet behind society's head. And society runs on eight dynamics, not in a sick room. Some of us, of course, would become professional practitioners. But a professional Scientologist is one who expertly uses Scientology on any area or level of the society. A housewife who does not have professional level skill in Scientology could not expect to run a wholly successful family or keep order in her neighborhood and keep her family well. A factory foreman could not possibly handle his crews with full effectiveness without professional Scientology skill. The personal assistant to a corporation executive could not do a fully effective job without being a professional Scientologist. A corporation president without a certificate will someday fail. And the head of a country would go to pieces if he didn't know Scientology from a professional angle. How can these people handle life if they have no expert knowledge of how to handle life. Now we don't expect everyone in the world to become trained auditor. But we expect the people who are making the world to have a knowledge of how to make it go. HCOB 10.6.60 - 2 - Reiss. 12.4.83 A trained Scientologist is not a doctor. He is someone with special knowledge in the handling of life. We have many, many personal success stories in Scientology. They begin with a book acquaintance and bloom when professional skill enters the background. These people, small people, big people, drove a wedge for themselves into companies, societies, with Scientology and then took over control of the area. They succeeded where they never would have dreamed they could. And every time one of us drives in such a wedge, we all win because the world is brought nearer to a sane and decent world. The factories, the marts of trade, the homes, the neighborhoods, these are the places we want trained Scientologists. In that way alone, we're on the busy, still healthy communication lines of the world. Some of us need to run centers and schools just to give the rest of us service when required. Training at a pro level must continue and must be kept good. And service and communication must be given. Hence, we have Central Organizations on every continent and HCOs. But if we avoid the throbbing comm lines of the world and act like doctors, we will not win soon enough as a group. Any trained Scientologist can win to success in society. Heightened IQ, a knowledge of life, a forthright attitude -- with these things it is easy for him or her to improve a social or business position, to get higher pay, to exert wider personal influence. This we know we can do, ws have done it so often so let's improve the ability. Process people weekends, run a co-audit some evenings of the week at home, but get on the active lines of the world and make your presence felt. It takes full training to do it. It's been done from our books alone but not always well. It takes tough Academy training to make a Scientologist, so don't go at it half armed. And stop feeling apologetic because you are not a "full time auditor". We are the auditors to the world, not to a handful of the sick. We are not doctors. We are the world's trouble shooters. When we make a company win, the whole world wins, when we make a neighborhood win, we all win. A full time Scientologist makes life better wherever he is. And that is enough pro activity for anyone. What do we expect of you? To become the best Scientologist that can be and to get on the comm lines of the world and bring a big win where it counts. We don't expect you to hang up a shingle as a doctor and have a private practice. We'll respect you if you do. But we'll respect you just as much and even more if you get trained as a pro and go out and up in the world of action and of life. Hit for the key spots by whatever means, the head of the women's club, the personnel director of a company, the leader of a good orchestra, the president's secretary, the advisor of the trade union -- any key spot. Make a good sound living at it, drive a good car, but get your job done, handle and better the people you meet and bring about a better earth. HCOB 10.6.60 - 3 - Reiss. 12.4.83 And stop feeling hangdog because you "aren't auditing full time". Nobody expects you to. We'll keep centers going to service your needs, some of us, we'll provide ammunition and books. And the rest of us had better invade every activity there is on a high level of success and make our influence felt on the comm lines of the world. Scientology is the only game on Earth where everybody wins. So let's help the world win. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:js:rd:iw Copyright $c 1960, 1983 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=27/12/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TRAINING AND OT   Remimeo BPI PreOT Solo Auditors Solo Courses Solo NOT, Auditing Course Ds of T Registrars C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 DECEMBER 1982 Remimeo BPI PreOT Solo Auditors Solo Courses Solo NOT, Auditing Course Ds of T Registrars C/Ses TRAINING AND OT On Solo levels you deserve the best auditor you can get: You. Auditor training is highly recommended whether you plan to audit professionally or not. "Getting trained", as a Solo auditor, does not simply mean to do the Solo courses. Training up to the level of a Class IV/NED auditor who knows his business is the most positive assurance there is that you will make it to OT. It's all right for these guys in lower grades to be pcs -- that's fine. But there comes a point as you move up the Grade Chart when your lack of auditing skill starts hitting you in the teeth and you won't make it to OT at all. You're walking straight into the tiger's lair on New OT VII and you'd better be good! Recently some Solo NOTs auditors reported that they were just giving themselves a session a week "to keep their ruds in". What was actually occurring was that they were trying to make it to OT without being sufficiently trained, and giving as an excuse that, well, they're just keeping their ruds in. If those Solo NOTs auditors knew what was ahead of them up the line they sure would not be monkeying with that. The plain truth of it is, if anybody is really going to make it to OT he has to know how to audit. That's the long and short of it. You wouldn't put yourself and your case in the hands of an untrained or poorly trained auditor, would you? You owe yourself the best auditor in the world on Solo, and that is you. So get trained. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:rm:lw Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=13/10/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 116 ETHICS AND THE C/S   Remimeo All C/Ses All Auditors Ethics Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 OCTOBER 1982 Remimeo All C/Ses All Auditors Ethics Officers C/S Series 116 ETHICS AND THE C/S (Ref: HCO PL 18 Jun 68 ETHICS HCO PL 17 Jun 65 STAFF AUDITOR ADVICES HCO PL 1 May 65 STAFF MEMBER REPORTS HCO PL 22 Jul 82 IMPORTANT Corr. & Reiss. 26.8.82 KNOWLEDGE REPORTS HCO PL 29 Apr 65 III ETHICS REVIEW HCO PL 30 Jul 65 PRECLEAR ROUTING TO ETHICS HCO PL 4 Jul 65 PC ROUTING REVIEW CODE HCOB 24 Apr 72 I C/S Series 79 PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB 29 Mar 70 AUDITING AND ETHICS HCOB 25 Jun 70 C/S SERIES 11 HCOB 28 Oct 76 C/S Series 98 AUDITING FOLDERS, OMISSIONS IN COMPLETENESS B.T.B. 7 Nov 72R V Auditor Admin Series 20R MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS HCO PL 16 May 65 II INDICATORS OF ORGS HCO PL 7 May 69 POLICIES ON "SOURCES OF TROUBLE" HCO PL 16 Oct 67 Admin Know-How #16 SUPPRESSIVES, AND THE ADMINISTRATOR HOW TO DETECT SPs AS AN ADMINISTRATOR HCO PL 23 Feb 78 BOARD OF REVIEW) It has just been brought to my attention that over the last few years a C/S had been advising staffs that C/S approval was required before somebody could be handled in Ethics! (The real problem he was solving was that he had an out-ethics situation of his own going on and didn't want an Ethics Officer anywhere around. He has since been removed from post.) The above was not known at the time C/S Series 115 was written and it's possible some people could use HCOB C/S Series 115 to inadvertently or otherwise deny needed ethics actions on a person. Technically, it is very proper indeed to get a C/S okay before somebody meddles with a case, regardless of the circumstances. But let's put this into a proper framework: if some pc is standing over a body with a smoking gun in his hand it certainly does not require a C/S okay to take him to jail! HCOB 28 Sep 82, C/S Series 115 does not specifically state that C/S okay is required before someone can get ethics handling, but people could alter-is it and say, "See, this person has an out-ethics situation but he can't be sent to Ethics because he is on the Grade Chart." HCOB 13.10.82 - 2 - HANDLING PC ETHICS To handle pc ethics, a C/S must, first of all, have data. He must ensure that the various reports and worksheets, such as for Cramming or Word Clearing or Product Debug actions, do get filed in pcs' folders, as such reports often alert the C/S to existing ethics situations. (Ref: HCO PL 28 Oct 76, C/S Series 98, AUDITING FOLDERS, OMISSIONS IN COMPLETENESS, and BTB 7 Nov 72R, Issue V, Auditor Admin Series 20R, MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS.) For example, the C/S sees a report that the pc has an unhandled PTS situation. He would have the pc routed to Ethics via Review. (Ref: HCO PL 29 Apr 65, Issue III, ETHICS REVIEW and HCO PL 4 Jul 65, PC ROUTING REVIEW CODE.) Once the pc's ethics handling in complete, he's returned jack to auditing lines via Review, and copies of any Ethics interview must be filed in his pc folder. When ethics action on a pc is originated by a terminal other than the C/S (a lower condition, Court of Ethics or Comm Ev), the D of P should be advised and make note of this in the pc's folder. The pc's auditing is then suspended until the action is complete. (Ref: HCO PL 29 Mar 70, AUDITING AND ETHICS.) When the pc is off auditing for any of these handlings there must be a tight liaison maintained with Ethics and/or Review (via the D of P) to ensure pcs aren't lost off lines or kept waiting interminably for handling. Where any auditing handling such as a Confessional, etc., is recommended by a Court or Comm Ev, C/S okay must of course be obtained and the C/S would oversee the action from his hat. PC PROGRAMS AND ETHICS There is a difference between a program -- which is a general plan for the case -- and the day-to-day C/Sing which, of course, is gauged to keep the program going forward. Thus it is often found that additional steps have to be added to a program to handle outnesses as they turn up, without violating the program itself. Example: One pc had gotten into ethics trouble and was given a repair program to unsnarl him, the first step of which was to get up through the conditions which he was already on. He got hung up at Doubt, couldn't get through it and virtually went off post. Step one of the program was then unbugged by pointing out that the Doubt would either be false data or PTSness. The PTS condition was then found and, by report, the pc was then able to get up through the conditions. Thus the program discovered an earlier tech outness: a PTS pc was being audited on grades. Because of this an additional step had to be added to the program, Step 1A to get the PTSness handled. With that resolved the remainder of the program could be continued. That is an example of a program in action which is unsnarling the case, but it requires considerable alertness. From it it can be seen that C/Ses are necessary and valuable on an ethics line, but they must know what they're doing. HCOB 13.10.82 - 3 - HOW MUCH ETHICS IS CORRECT? There is (or can appear to be) a conflict of targets between a C/S and an Ethics Officer. An Ethics Officer is trying to get in discipline and a C/S is trying to improve a case. But it is true that an out-ethics pc does not make case gain. So one could say that one measures the amount of ethics which must go in to satisfy the viewpoint of the Ethics Officer who is charged with maintaining discipline and to still keep in Rule 4 of HCOB C/S Series 115 to C/S the pc for his own case gain. In normal operating practice, the way I handle ethics in relationship to C/Sing is to: 1. Take the ethics actions necessary for the benefit of discipline in the group, and when this has been done: 2. Salvage the being independently of the organizational requirements. So I would say that a C/S must not forbid ethics actions but that he follows Steps 1 and 2 above, in that sequence. For it is very certain that tech won't go in unless ethics is in. Thus the two viewpoints (Ethics Officer and C/S) are maintained. HCO BOARD OF REVIEW As the pendulum can swing too far in either direction (too much or too little ethics), there is a third port of call in this scene. That is the HCO Board of Review action. The HCO Board of Review exists in Department 21. In an org, the Board is convened by any LRH Comm or KOT who appoints a Chairman and two other members. Its function is to look into injustices or technically incorrect findings and cancel any miscarriage of justice or incorrect handlings. (Ref: HCO PL 23 Feb 78, BOARD OF REVIEW.) A properly established HCO Board of Review is obviously necessary as a point of recourse to keep some sanity in between the ethics actions and the C/Sing. SUMMARY The data in this HCOB and in the references listed at the beginning should resolve any conflict between a C/S and Ethics and prevent a majority of pendulum-swings from occurring. The basic datum upon which all of these references are founded is just this: TECH WILL NOT GO IN WHEN ETHICS IS OUT. As a note, with mis-use of this datum it can also go to total ethics, no tech! In one org, many years ago, the C/Ses and auditors handily got rid of all the evidence of their out-tech and their inactivity and put themselves on a long loaf by simply sending every pc that came on the lines over to the Ethics Officer. The pcs, unhandled, then moved out of the org and no cases were finished at all. So there can be abuses both ways in case handling and ethics. Ethics can be over-used or it can be not used at all when needed. A C/S has simply got to know his stuff and steer a sane path on the subject. HCOB 13.10.82 - 4 - It is the correct ethics and the correct tech action used in the correct amounts, that result in winning pcs. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=28/9/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 115 MIXING RUNDOWNS & REPAIRS   Remimeo All C/Ses All Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 SEPTEMBER 1982 Remimeo All C/Ses All Auditors C/S Series 115 MIXING RUNDOWNS & REPAIRS (REF: HCOB 6 Mar 74 INTROSPECTION RD, SECOND ADDITION INFORMATION TO C/SES (Section: "Integrity") HCOB 3 Jun 71 II C/S Series 42 C/S RULES HCOB 20 Nov 73 II C/S Series 89 F/N WHAT YOU ASK OR PROGRAM HCOB 26 May 71 C/S Series 38 TRS COURSE AND AUDITING MIXING MAJOR ACTIONS HCOB 20 Jun 71 C/S Series 47 THE SUPREME TEST OF A C/S HCOB 4 Aug 71R POST PURPOSE CLEARING Rev. 26.11.74 HCOB 17 Dec 81 POST PURPOSE CLEARING REVIVED HCOB 20 Dec 71 C/S Series 72 Reiss. 27.9.77 USE OF CORRECTION LISTS HCOB 16 Jun 70 C/S Series 6 WHAT THE C/S IS DOING (Section: "C/S Purpose") HCOB 8 Aug 71 C/S Series 55 THE IVORY TOWER DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH Book Three, Chapter III, The Auditor's Role SCIENTOLOGY 0-8, THE BOOK OF BASICS Book One, Chapter 3, Consideration and Mechanics.) WHEN C/SING A RUNDOWN ONE C/SES THAT RUNDOWN, NOT A MIXTURE OF DIFFERENT RUNDOWNS. EACH RUNDOWN IS ITSELF AND NO OTHER, AND EACH RUNDOWN HAS ITS OWN REPAIR. To do otherwise is violent and actionable out-tech. EXAMPLES OF MIXED RUNDOWNS AND REPAIRS Recently one particular (now removed) C/S was found to have an "anything goes" pattern of C/Sing and programming cases. This C/S mixed rundowns one with another into hash and did not do the standard rundown or repair it standardly as its own rundown. Example: A case was being run on Post Purpose Clearing and got up through the L&N step. The C/S decided something was wrong with the purpose that had been listed and ordered an Expanded Dianetics action on it. The result was an evaluated-for and caved in pc. PPC is just PPC, it is not mixed with other rundowns. Example: A Pre-OT on the level of Solo III was solo auditing as per the directions given in the OT III materials. At one point the Pre-OT ran into some BPC. Instead of C/Sing for the repair list for that level, the C/S took parts of another rundown (Audited NOTs) and wrote out C/S instructions for the solo auditor to run solo, as part of OT III. Before this was caught by another HCOB 28.9.82 - 2 - C/S and handled the Pre-OT had dome a number of attempted solo sessions and gotten her case into quite a snarl. OT III and New OT V (Audited NOTs) are two entirely separate rundowns and must not be mish-mashed together. Example. A Pre-OT was left incomplete on a NOTs Drug RD and put onto the HRD. Then, with the HRD only half done, was put onto a rundown of HC lists "on your marriage", and then put onto yet another action. Needless to say, the end product of these mixed rundowns was a totally and utterly messed-up case. Example (taken from earlier C/S errors): A pc was C/Sed for Book One Dianetics, was audited halfway down a chain and was left there. Then, because he was upset, was C/Sed to be "repaired" by flying Scientology ruds instead of a Dianetics Repair prepared Example: A pc on Grade IV was given a wrong item, got upset, was "repaired" with an O/W session! And blew. Example: A pc was started on NED and, with it incomplete, was begun on Scientology Grades. Then, with Grade 0 incomplete, was C/Sed to begin Book One auditing, and when this bogged was "repaired" with an L&N prepared list! The result in all these cases was a thoroughly snarled up case. It required expert C/Sing and auditing to handle and can cause a lot of trouble (including for the C/S found doing it). Mixing rundowns or repairs for rundowns as in the above examples is out-tech of a very serious nature and must not be done. It is the job of the C/S to make sure it doesn't happen and handle it when he finds other doing it. CORRECT C/SING The right way to go about C/Sing is: 1. Ensure the pc is set up for rundown "X". 2. C/S the pc standardly through rundown "X". 3. If trouble, repair the pc using the repair action or repair list designated for rundown "X". 4. Get rundown "X" completed to its full EP and attested. Then you can C/S the case for rundown "Y" or rundown "Z" or whatever the next grade or level on the Grade Chart is that pc's next step. When you find a case where "C/Sing" has not followed the proper Grade Chart or the case has been snarled up with each rundown interrupted with something else or wrong repairs used, the following is the proper procedure: A. Go back in the folder to find where the case was doing well. (Or spot it on a meter with dating and get the data that why if folders are unavailable or suspected false.) B. Plot out the rundowns run but incomplete. C. Spot the wrong prepared lists that were used to "repair". D. Program the case to: i) Complete each action in sequence of incompletes OR use the correct prepared list to repair it. HCOB 28.9.82 - 3 - ii) Get the case back onto an Advance Program that follows the Grade Chart. CRAMS, PPC AND CONFESSIONALS It would be thought that, by this, no one could ever cram a person or do a PPC or require a confessional. There is a dicey point here. If a case cannot be crammed or Post Purpose Cleared or have a current withhold pulled while he is on a rundown, then no one could be hatted or corrected or gotten back if blown. This is why it is mandatory to get a C/S okay to cram or PPC or pull O/Ws on a pc. The safe rules for giving a C/S okay are as follows: RULE ONE: DO NOT do or permit a cram or PPC or Qual Why Finding on a pc who is NOT at a rest point or win on an RD. Get the pc to a rest point or win on his current RD before these are done. RULE TWO: ALWAYS require ruds be flown before a cram or PPC. RULE THREE: ALWAYS use only the repair actions or prepared lists for the RD the pc is ON, not some other "repair" action for some other RD or some action that is squirrel tech. RULE FOUR: ALWAYS C/S the pc for his own gain, not for any other purpose. The purpose of auditing is to help the pc, not to remedy social or organizational ills. If this is followed, those same ills vanish. If this is not followed, the ills multiply. The purpose of auditing is to help the pc become more able as a being and has no part of discipline or "getting even". RULE FIVE: It is the C/S who C/Ses the case, NOT the pc or his or her spouse or the Ethics Officer or some senior. RULE SIX: All cramming, PPCing, withhold pulling and even coffee shop auditing must be part of the pc's auditing folder. RULE SEVEN: Get the pc on the Grade Chart and keep him progressing up it smoothly, repairing what he is on with what was designed and intended to repair it and not with something else. RULE EIGHT: C/Sing and auditing are very straightforward procedures, well laid out. If no one in the near infinity of years behind us in this universe came up with a precise and double system to unsnarl a being -- and they didn't -- the auditor in the chair and the C/S are not going to find any new and wonderfuls off the cuff. Or any "different" cases or pcs either. RULE NINE: C/Sing and auditing are a straight silver path to a golden future for the pc. It is there to be followed step by step with standard tech and all side trips lead only into grief and thorns. RULE TEN: All C/Ses and Auditors are trusted beings. They earn that trust by being very standard. When they depart from standard tech, when they mix up RDs or repairs, they betray that trust, the pc and themselves and block the way to a better being and far better universe. RULE ELEVEN: Standard, straight tech will get the pc there every time. It is only auditors and C/Ses who fail and they fail only when they don't apply completely available, fully published HCOB 28.9.82 - 4 - standard tech. So don't scatter around on the Grade Chart or mix RDs or use wrong repairs, and handle the hell out of it when you find another has done it. And when you find it, report it swiftly to the Senior C/S Int and the new Inspector General N/W via Flag. Standard Dianetics and Scientology tech has never been known to harm anyone. Pretending to apply it when not doing so is applying something else and falsely calling it Dianetics and Scientology. Thus non-standard actions become a violation, not only of trust but of trademark and copyright law and can be actionable. RULE TWELVE: You are safe and secure doing standard tech. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Data collected by Cmdr R. Mithoff Snr C/S Int Adopted by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL P.S. What happened to the "C/Ses" and "Auditors" who did the above examples? Don't ask! This is a bulletin not a horror movie! CSI:LRH:RM:dr/iw Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Data collected by Cmdr R. Mithoff Snr C/S Int Adopted by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   Type = 11 iDate=26/8/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PAIN AND SEX   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 AUGUST 1982 Remimeo PAIN AND SEX (NOTE. This HCOB probably won't increase my popularity but would be very remiss if I did not pass on an important discovery.) There are two items in this universe that cause more trouble than many others combined. One is PAIN. The other is SEX. One should know more about these things. They may have applications but they are used by destructive beings in great volume to cave others in. Despite the false data of Freud, psychologists, psychiatrists and other criminals, they are not native to a being. They are only artificial wave lengths. They have exact frequencies that can be manufactured. A being or a machine can synthesize either one. Pain becomes a lock on a being's abhorrence for misalignment of his own electrical flows. It is a lock upon unconsciousness which shuts off knowingness. Sex is a lock on and perversion of the "joy of creation" which involves a whole being and expands him, but by using just one wave length, sex, this can be perverted and he contracts. When pain enters a scene a being withdraws, contracts and can go unconscious. When sex enters the scene a being fixates and loses power. Destructive creatures who do not want people big or reaching -- since they are terrified of punishment due to their crimes -- invented pain and sex to shrink people and cut their alertness, knowingness, power and reach. Thus you see people who are "experiencing" either pain or sex introverting and not producing much. Pain and sex were the INVENTED tools of degradation. Believe it or not, a being can be so overwhelmed by either, that he or she becomes an addict of it. Priests become flagellants and cut themselves to pieces with self-whipping. Torturers drool over pain. Lovers are very seldom happy. People do the most irrational things when overcharged with sex and prostitutes use it as a knowing stock-in-trade. Combined, pain and sex make up the insane Jack-The-Rippers (who killed only prostitutes) and the whole strange body of sex -- murder freaks, including Hinckley, and the devotees of late night horror movies. Under the false data of the psychs (who have been on the track a long time and are the sole cause of decline in this universe) both pain and sex are gaining ground in this society and, coupled with robbery which is a hooded companion of both, may very soon make the land a true jungle of crime. HCOB 26.8.82 - 2 - Go into an asylum or a prison and look at the increasing institutional population and know what you are looking at. In the main, there are pain and sex addicts, decadent and degraded and no longer capable. They were sent on that route down through the ages by the psychs and here they are still in the psych's hands! And do they get well or go straight? Oh no. Whether in prisons or insane asylums they just get worse. And the psychs in both places rub their bloodied hands as they turn their products loose again upon the remaining population! It's no accident. And the stocks-in-trade of psychs are PAIN and SEX. They will even tell you it's "natural" to steal! To compound their felony -- if that is possible -- they tell you it's the body doing it. Another crashing big false datum on top of all their other lies. These are data which emerged from recent thorough research of the whole track. This is not theory or some strange opinion. It is provable electronic fact. The waves are just synthesized. They are the most used tools in the campaign against beings in furthering the general goal of those creatures whose sole ambition is destruction. The universe does not happen to be either destructive or chaotic except as such obsessed creeps make it. Statements it is otherwise are just more false data from the same suspect "authorities". It fits their purposes to make seem natural what they make artificially. The universe only seems that way to a being because such loathsome psychotics make it seem so. They destroyed every great civilization to date and are hard at work on this one. The one thing they can't stand is the light of truth so, despite their objections, one must turn it on them. Only in its glare do their lies wither. It is the potent weapon they can't fend off. These facts may not be very palatable. But they could clean up some mysteries for you. For wherever there is a mystery (and both pain and sex have been these for Man) there are answers. As both pain and sex could have messed up your life, the above may be some answers you've been looking for. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=25/8/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art Series 10 THE JOY OF CREATING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 AUGUST 1982 Remimeo Art Series 10 THE JOY OF CREATING Force yourself to smile and you'll soon stop frowning. Force yourself to laugh and you'll soon find something to laugh about. Wax enthusiastic and you'll very soon feel so. A being causes his own feelings. The greatest joy there is in life is creating. Splurge on it! L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=10/8/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OT MAXIMS    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 AUGUST 1982 OT MAXIMS For some time now I've been engaged on a path of OT research, resulting in the new OT Levels and which will result in never before dreamed of states of being for Thetans. These new OT Levels and others to follow will advance a Thetan to levels he hasn't even imagined for eons. And hear this! In order to help you along the road to OT, I'm going to release the following OT data that you can use to pull up your theta bootstraps and get along up the road. These are OT Maxims! Know them well!! THE POWER (defined as light-year kilo-tons per microsecond) OF A THETAN IS MEASURED BY NOTHING ELSE THAN THE DISTANCE (defined as spherical spatial length) AROUND HIM IN HIS ENVIRONMENT THAT HE CAN CONTROL. And that is the power of a thetan; the totality of it, believe it or not. WHEN A THETAN EXERTS THIS POWER UNCLEVERLY, HE BRINGS ABOUT DESTRUCTION. And thus you get a Fascist State that destroys itself. It's got the control but not good sense. And so that is where good sense and judgement enter in. WHEN GOOD SENSE AND GOOD JUDGEMENT ARE NOT ADDED INTO CONTROL, CONTROL GETS A BAD NAME. And that is where you get the idea that people shouldn't control. A WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR CONTROL OR ANOTHER'S IS TO DO IT ON A GRADIENT. If a thetan is having trouble controlling things, get him to control things on a gradient and he'll snap right out of it. DEFINITIONS GOOD CONTROL: Harmonious alignment. BAD CONTROL: Disharmonious alignment. And by the way, you have art here, too: WAR: Bad control having to be exerted because good control wasn't exerted. And this also defines destruction. HCOB 10.8.82 - 2 - So there you are! Use these maxims well. Our future depends on it: L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:gal Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=11/7/82 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  QUESTIONABLE AUDITING REPAIR LIST   Remimeo All Auditors All C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 JULY 1982 Remimeo ISSUE I All Auditors All C/Ses QUESTIONABLE AUDITING REPAIR LIST Ref: HCOB 8 Mar 62 THE BAD AUDITOR HCOB 15 Mar 62 SUPPRESSORS HCOB 26 Oct 76 AUDITING REPORTS Issue I FALSIFYING OF This list is for use in cleaning up pcs who have been audited by a questionable auditor. Often a questionable auditor or SP falsifies the worksheets and thus errors made in the session would not necessarily be visible in the pc's folder. If a pc has been found to have been audited by a questionable auditor or by an SP, that auditing should be FESed and any needed repair actions done. Additionally the C/S can order this prepared list assessed on the pc to detect hidden errors in the auditing. This prepared list would ordinarily be done Method 5. This assessment may be prefixed by the line "IN YOUR AUDITING WITH _______ (Name of auditor) ....." or used without the prefix. 1. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG ITEM? _______ (Repair the list with L4BRA.) 2. WERE YOU GIVEN SOMEBODY ELSE'S ITEM? _______ (Handle as in 1.) 3. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG INDICATION? _______ (Handle as in 1.) 4. DID YOU EVER THINK IT WAS ONE THING WHEN THE AUDITOR SAID IT WAS ANOTHER? _______ (Indicate the BPC and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 5. WERE YOU AUDITED OVER AN ARC BREAK? _______ (Fly the ARC break.) 6. WERE YOU AUDITED OVER A PRESENT TIME PROBLEM? _______ (Fly the PTP.) 7. WERE YOU AUDITED OVER A WITHHOLD? _______ (Pull the W/H.) 8. WERE YOU PERSUADED TO GET THE SAME WITHHOLD OFF MORE THAN ONCE? _______ (Usually comes from a false or protest read so find out which it was. E/S to find if pc had same thing happen before. Indicate to pc it did erase -- for pcs, when this happens think they cannot erase.) HCOB 11.7.82 I - 2 - 9. DID YOU AND AUDITOR AGREE IN ANY WAY NOT TO PUT SOMETHING DOWN ON THE WORKSHEET? _______ (Get it fully and enter it on current worksheet.) 10. DID AUDITOR PUT SOMETHING ON WORKSHEET YOU DIDN'T WANT? _______ (Find out if there is any false entry on worksheet.) 11. WERE YOU THREATENED WITH BLACKMAIL? _______ (Handle.) 12. DID YOU FEEL YOU WERE RUNNING THE SESSION? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 13. WAS THERE SOME KIND OF MYSTERY? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 14. DID THE AUDITOR EVALUATE FOR YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 15. DID THE AUDITOR TELL YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT YOUR CASE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 16. WAS THERE ANY INVALIDATION OF YOUR CASE OR GAINS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 17. DID THE AUDITOR GIVE YOU A PROBLEM? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 18. WAS THE AUDITOR CHATTERING AT YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 19. WERE YOU DISTRACTED BY THE AUDITOR? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 20. WAS YOUR COMMUNICATION CHOPPED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 21. DID THE AUDITOR GET ANGRY AT YOU? _______ (If this happened indicate it is illegal to do so. 2WC E/S to F/N. Clean up any ARC Break.) 22. WERE ORIGINATIONS IGNORED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 23. WERE THERE AUDITOR'S CODE VIOLATIONS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 24. WERE YOU TOLD SOMETHING READ WHEN YOU DIDN'T SEE HOW IT COULD HAVE? _______ (Get what, indicate it was a false read. ITSA E/S to F/N.) 25. WERE YOU TOLD THAT SOMETHING DIDN'T READ ON THE METER WHEN YOU FELT IT SHOULD HAVE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Note for C/S.) 26. DID YOU FEEL AN F/N SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN INDICATED WHEN IT WAS? _______ (Find the point and get in Suppress on it and complete the action. Check "Are there any other F/N, which should not have been indicated by the auditor when they were?" and handle as above. Then find and run the ARC Breaks bypassed, with ARC Break handling.) HCOB 11.7.82 I - 3 - 27. WAS AN F/N OR RELEASE POINT BYPASSED? _______ (Find and Rehab the overrun of the release point to F/N. Check for any other bypassed F/Ns and rehab them.) 28. WERE YOU PREVENTED FROM GETTING OFF A WITHHOLD? _______ (Indicate the BPC, then pull the W/H.) 29. WAS AN OVERT OR WITHHOLD NOT ACCEPTED? _______ (Get what, get off any protest and inval and clean it up E/S to F/N.) 30. DID THE AUDITOR TRY TO PULL A WITHHOLD THAT YOU DIDN'T HAVE? _______ (Indicate if so. 2WC E/S to F/N.) 31. DID YOU FEEL GUILTY AFTER HAVING GOTTEN OFF A W/H? _______ (Get what. Get off any protest and inval and clean it up E/S to F/N.) 32. WERE YOU MADE TO WITHHOLD SOMETHING? _______ (Indicate. Then clean up the W/H E/S to F/N.) 33. WERE YOU MADE WRONG FOR SOMETHING YOU SAID? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Clean up any ARC Break to F/N.) 34. DID THE AUDITOR TRY TO DOMINATE YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 35. DID YOU GO PTS TO THE AUDITOR? _______ (Indicate. 2WC to F/N. Note for C/S for further handling.) 36. WERE YOU RUN ON SOMETHING THAT WAS ACTUALLY PART OF THE AUDITOR'S CASE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 37. DID THE AUDITOR TALK TO YOU ABOUT HIS/HER OWN CASE OR PROBLEMS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 38. DID YOU EVER HAVE THE IMPRESSION THAT THINGS YOU'D SAID IN SESSION HADN'T BEEN REPORTED TO THE C/S? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 39. DID THE AUDITOR FAIL TO DO A NEEDED REPAIR? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Note for C/S.) 40. WERE YOU GIVEN UNNECESSARY REPAIRS? _______ (Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N.) 41. WERE YOU FORCED TO RUN SOMETHING OVER PROTEST? _______ (Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N.) 42. DID YOU EVER FEEL THAT THE AUDITOR HAD SOME OTHER MOTIVE THAN TO HELP YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 43. WERE THERE FLUBBED COMMANDS OR OTHER TECH VIOLATIONS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 44. WERE YOU PREVENTED FROM EXECUTING AN AUDITING COMMAND? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) (Note for C/S.) HCOB 11.7.82 I - 4 - 45. WAS A PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT? _______ (Get in suppress on it and complete the action.) 46. DID THE AUDITOR SYMPATHIZE WITH YOU INSTEAD OF BEING EFFECTIVE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. If an action left unflat, get in suppress on it and complete the action.) 47. DID THE AUDITOR RABBIT? _______ (Handle as in 46.) 48. WERE YOU PERMITTED TO END PROCESSES OR SESSIONS ON YOUR OWN VOLITION? _______ (Handle as in 46.) 49. DID YOU COMMIT ANY OVERTS ON (name of auditor) OR THE AUDITOR? _______ (Pull the overts.) 50. DID YOU GO INTO AGREEMENT WITH THE AUDITOR ABOUT SOMETHING? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER as assisted by Senior C/S FLB LRH:MM:gal Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER as assisted by Senior C/S FLB   Type = 11 iDate=11/7/82 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  QUESTIONABLE AUDITING   C/Ses Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 JULY 1982 C/Ses ISSUE II Auditors QUESTIONABLE AUDITING Every once in a while a C/S finds himself in the position where he's had an auditor of questionable reputation on his lines, and he is now faced with the task of cleaning up pcs audited by that auditor and ensuring there are no hidden errors on pcs he has audited. HCOB 11 July 82 Issue I QUESTIONABLE AUDITING REPAIR LIST was written for this purpose, but there is an additional handling that should be done as well. The handling is as follows: A. Explain the Auditor's Code (R-factor). B. Ask the pc if any of the following were violated in any way by the auditor (or any auditor). C. Read to the pc (on a meter) the Auditor's Code line by line. Clear up all reads. This will of course detect and clear up code breaks on pcs and get them back in the correct frame of mind about being audited. Very few auditors, of course, get into the situation described above. And of this we can all be proud. But for those who have strayed we have these tools to remedy the matter. I hope they are of some help to you. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER as assisted by Mike Eldredge Commodore's Messenger LRH:ME:gal Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER as assisted by Mike Eldredge Commodore's Messenger   Type = 11 iDate=10/5/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OT LEVELS   BPI  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 MAY 1982 BPI OT LEVELS Psychotics deal with doing people in. Their whole mission in life is destruction. They inveigh against lower level gains and seek to discredit them since these run contrary to their aberrated purpose. But when it gets to Clears and OT levels, psychos go berzerk! They are, it happens, terrified of punishment for their own crimes. The thought of someone being sensible or powerful enough to punish them (the way they would do) is more than they can stand. You can, with the utmost certainty, identify a criminal psychotic by the way he vilifies or degrades or seeks to stop Clears and OTs from coming into existence. It is lost on him that immorality and crime in others stem from the very things he is doing to them. So look well at psychs and anti-religious campaigners. They are speaking from their own blackened souls, and they speak from terror. That people when they grow saner are less inclined to vengeance is an argument they cannot assimilate. They know if they had the power to torture and kill everyone they would do so. Thus the psychs with their rantings and electric shocks wear their own brand clearly marked on them by their own conduct in life. Recognize them for what they are: psychotic criminals -- and handle them accordingly. Don't let them stop Man from going free. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:bk Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=6/5/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE CAUSE OF CRIME   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 MAY 1982 Remimeo THE CAUSE OF CRIME They say poverty makes crime. They say if one improved education there would be less crime. They say if one cured the lot of the underprivileged one would have solved crime. All these "remedies" have proven blatantly false. In very poor countries there is little crime. The "improving" education, it was tailored to "social reform," not teaching skills. And it is a total failure. The fact that rewarding the underprivileged has simply wrecked schools and neighborhoods and cost billions is missing. So who is "they"? The psychologist and psychiatrist of course. These were their crackpot remedies for crime. And it's wrecked a civilization. So what IS the cause of crime? The treatment of course! Electric shocks, behavior modification, abuse of the soul. These are the causes of crime. There would be no criminals at all if the psychs had not begun to oppress beings into vengeance against society. There's only one remedy for crime -- get rid of the psychs! They are causing it! Ah yes, it's true on cases and cases of research on criminals. And what's it all go back to? The psychs! Their brutality and heartlessness is renowned. The data is rolling in. Any more you pick up off a criminal or anyone, send it in. On crime we have an epidemic running on this planet. The wrong causes psychs assign for crime plus their own "treatments" make them a deadly virus. The psychs should not be let to get away with "treatment" which amounts to criminal acts, mayhem and murder. They are not above the law. In fact there are no lairs at all which protect them for what sane society would sanction crime against its citizens even as science? They should be handled like any other criminals. They are at best dramatizing psychotics and dangerous, but more dangerous to society at large than the psychotics they keep in their offices and looney bins because they lie and are treacherous. Why the government funds them I do not know. They are the last ones that should be let loose to handle children. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:bk Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=8/5/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OP PRO BY DUP -- END PHENOMENA   Remimeo Tech Qual Level 1 Cksheet SRD TRs & Co-Audit Cksheet HQS Cksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 MAY 1982 Remimeo Tech Qual Level 1 Cksheet SRD TRs & Co-Audit Cksheet HQS Cksheet OP PRO BY DUP -- END PHENOMENA The following quote is from my comments to the C/S on a session of Opening Procedure by Duplication: "This is the first time I have seen Op Pro by Dup stressed as the Ext [Exteriorization] process. Pcs Ext on many, many processes. The reason Op Pro by Dup has an EP of Ext is because we did not have Int-Ext* then and had to end it off on the first Ext." "In the presence of heavy overts ... it is possible the pc won't Ext on it [Op Pro by Dup]." A, B and C below are possible EPs for Op Pro by Dup. The definitions given can be found in the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, unless otherwise noted. A. Flattened comm lags and no more change on the process (per Professional Auditor's Bulletin 48). FLAT PROCESS: 1. A process is continued as long as it produces change and no longer, at which time the process is flat. 2. A question is flat when the communication lag has been similar for three successive questions. Now that's a flat question. The comm lag might be five seconds, five seconds and five seconds. We would still say with some justice that the question lag was flat. However, the process lag would not be flat until the actual normal exchange lag was present. The question would no longer influence the communication factors of the preclear when the process was flat. B. A real big win with F/N, Cog, VGIs and ability regained. BIG WIN, F/N dial-wide, Cog, VGIs (from HCOB 8 Oct 70 C/S Series 20, KSW Series 19, PERSISTENT F/N). COG (Cognition), a pc origination indicating he has "Come to realize." It's a "What do you know, I ... " statement. Something a pc suddenly understands or feels. "Well what do you know about that?" ABILITY GAIN, pc's recognition that pc can now do things he couldn't do before (from HCOB 28 Feb 59 ANALYSIS OF CASES). Compare to ability regained. C. Exterior with an F/N, Cog, VGIs (per THE PHOENIX LECTURES, page 246). EXTERIOR, the fellow would just move out, away from the body and be aware of himself as independent of a body but still able to control and handle a body. *Int-Ext-Int-Ext Rundown, or Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown (also known as Interiorization or Int Rundown): A remedy designed to permit the pc to be further audited after he has gone exterior. HCOB 8.5.82 - 2 - If A, B or C occurs, it shows the pc has been released on the process, and the process should be ended at that point. Nothing in this HCOB should be used to quickie Op Pro by Dun. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Mission Issues Revision I/C LRH:SW:bk Copyright $c 1974, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Mission Issues Revision I/C   Type = 11 iDate=26/4/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE CRIMINAL MIND AND THE PSYCHS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 APRIL 1982 Remimeo THE CRIMINAL MIND AND THE PSYCHS It has often been noted (and reported routinely in the papers) that criminals "treated" by psychologists and psychiatrists go out and commit crimes. It could be suspected that these "practitioners" used Pain Drug Hypnosis and other means (under the guise of treatment) to induce the criminal to go out and commit more crimes. And possibly they do. But I have just made a discovery that sheds some light on this scene. Morality and good conduct are sensible. That is the theme of "The Way To Happiness." It follows (and can be proven) that immorality and bad conduct are stupid. This bears out under further investigation. One could lay aside the ancient Greek speculations of "Good and Bad" and go on an easier and less contentious logic of "Bright and Stupid." Anything that a criminal seeks to obtain can be obtained without crime if one is bright enough. Criminals, as police can tell you, are usually very, very stupid. The things they do and clues they leave around are hallmarks of very low IQ. The "bright" criminal is found only in fiction. Now and then a Hitler comes along and begins a myth that the highly positioned are criminal -- but Hitler (and Napoleon and all their ilk) were stupid beyond belief. Hitler destroyed himself and Germany didn't he? And Napoleon destroyed himself and France. So not even the highly placed criminals are bright. Had they really been bright they could have accomplished a successful reign without crime. The bones of old civilizations are signboards of stupidity. The jails are bursting with people so stupid they did bad things and even those uncleverly. So let us look at psychs again -- what they call "treatment" is a suppression (by shocks, drugs, etc.) of the ability to think. They are not honest enough, these psychs, being just dramatizing psychotics themselves for the most part, to publish the fact that all their "treatments" (mayhem really when it is not murder) make people more stupid. These actions of shock and crazy evaluative counselling etc. lower IQ like an express elevator going down to the basement. They do not tell legislators this or put it in their books. This is why they say "no one can change IQ." They are hiding the fact that they ruin it. So the psych in prisons is engaging in an action (shocking or whatever) that makes people who are already criminal even stupider. HCOB 26.4.82 - 2 - Although they obviously tell their victims to go out and commit more crimes (the psychoanalyst urged wives to commit adultery for instance), they would not have to do this at all to manufacture more crime. Their "treatments" make the criminals more stupid. The stupid commit more crimes. It is pretty simple, really, when you look at it. Why does the state support psychiatrists and psychologists? Because the state is stupid? Or does it want more citizens robbed and killed? It's one or the other. Take your choice. One is bright and is moral and honest and does well or one is stupid and does badly. The answer to crime is raising IQ. But only the Scientologist can do that. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dfg Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=16/4/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MORE ON PTS HANDLING   Remimeo HCO Area Sec Hat Dir I&R Hat E/O Hat MAA Hat Tech/Qual Ds of P PTS Pack  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 APRIL 1982 Remimeo HCO Area Sec Hat Dir I&R Hat E/O Hat MAA Hat Tech/Qual Ds of P PTS Pack (Excerpted from an LRH despatch of 10 Aug 1973. Also note there are additional tools developed since this despatch was written for handling PTSes, e.g. Can We Ever Be Friends cassette, Suppressed Person Rundown, etc.) MORE ON PTS HANDLING Ref: HCOB 10 Aug 73 PTS HANDLING HCOB 20 Oct 76 PTS DATA HCOB 31 Dec 78 II OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING BPL 31 May 71RG PTS AND SP DETECTION, ROUTING Re-Rev. 13.11.77 AND HANDLING CHECKSHEET PTS is a connection to an SP. That is true. But what may be overlooked is that persons of the middle class (which is a culture, not an income bracket, to which belong all the puritan hypocritical mores of the cop and the get-a-job-be-a-moderate-plugging-success) frown very terribly on anything that the least bit tries to make a better world. The middle class wants the world of a job and order and even hypocrisy and cops because they are AFRAID. They hold their narrow views because any other views may disturb their 20 year house mortgage, the store, the job. So when someone decides to make a better world they look on him as a direct menace even though the dull middle class world is a sort of slavery and suicide. It is the middle class that tries the hardest to keep the down-and-outer out and down, who go along with a cop America and hate support of anything not their class. And nearly every PTS you have will be found one way or another to be PTS to the middle class. As a group, not as individuals, the middle-class parent world suppresses anything different. So you have PTSes. The bulk of your PTSes may very well be PTS to a class, the middle class of which their particular SP is simply a member. Few of them realize this or even that the middle class (bourgeoisie) ARE very suppressive to anyone who tries to do something in the world besides support the system. My attitude in this is that both the capitalist and communist are alike old hat and a bore, that they've made a ruddy mess of things, exhausted the planet and, with their senseless wars, smashed up mankind. I have sometimes heard that less PTSes are found than are found people with the question "Do you have problems in your environment?" reading on a meter. I began to wonder about it. Then I heard of PTSes being simply transferred or demoted. Now listen, these people are PTS and there must be a total grasp on that tech. It IS a tech. It is definitely out-tech to either (1) transfer someone who is PTS to another area yet still keep the person on one's lines or (2) to put someone who is PTS on a lower post, AS A MEANS OF HANDLING, as it is not handling at all. HCOB 16.4.82 - 2 - The person has to handle. If he does so he will begin to get well and cease to have problems. The reasons he cannot handle are because he tries to do it in the heroic fashion that is required in a disconnect. Handling can be very, very gradient. I have seen a case where the person was simply coached to give his parents good roads and good weather and not take up any entheta and have seen the person pull right out of it and get well. It doesn't have to be an explosive handling. It can be very gentle. All you want is the person at cause and that is attained on a gradient toward the SP. The whole crux of PTSes is HANDLE. And the misunderstood on it is how gently one can handle. Many of them are caught up in the mystery of why they are snarled at and have no conception of the Middle Class as a formidable and jealous force that goes psychotic when it feels anyone may get away from the treadmill and threaten their uneasy and doomed lives. One tries to find what it is and then persuades them into handling. That's the tech. EVERY ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE CAN BE STRAIGHTENED OUT. EVERY ONE OF THEM SHOULD BE. Every one who reads on "problems in your environment" is to some degree PTS. Most of them don't even know what the letters PTS stand for. So there is an educational step, the PTS/SP Checksheet. It does not mean they have been connected to ogres. It means they are suppressed by someone or something, OFTEN FAR EXTERIOR TO THEIR PRESENT POSITION OR AREA. So there is an educational step. The tech is in HCO PLs and HCOBs. It is perhaps given more directly herein, as it applies to that exact scene. So go to it. Really get a grip on it. And handle the hell out of them yourselves. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Mission Issues Revision 2nd LRH:BM:dr Copyright $c 1973, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Mission Issues Revision 2nd   Type = 11 iDate=13/4/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  STILL NEEDLE AND CONFESSIONALS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 APRIL 1982 Remimeo STILL NEEDLE AND CONFESSIONALS REF: HCOB 11 Apr 82 SEC-CHECKING IMPLANTS The still needle which does not react on ordinary things it should react on is an indicator of withholds. This is covered in the recent HCOB of 11 April 82 SEC-CHECKING IMPLANTS but there is more data. The "withhold" can be partially gotten off and one can get a strange F/N. It is strange because, while it is an F/N, it is less than normal width and has a sort of spring on each end, as though the needle was hitting a spring or cushion. It is not a nice flowing F/N. And if you look close you can see it is sort of springing back. It is not flowing clean. The F/N also tends to stop too soon, does not carry over. It indicates the subject of the withhold or area of life is still somewhat withheld. When you clean the withholds up all the way on the subject or area being sec-checked, you get a free flowing F/N. As it is fatal to miss a withhold, realize it is also fatal to miss part of a withhold. Although the person is always a party to the withhold, it is not necessarily true that he or she committed the overts being withheld. It still registers as a still needle. And still behaves when partly clean with that F/N. However, the person, in all cases so found, is either the one who committed the overts personally or was withholding for somebody else. It won't clean up just by seeking to shift the responsibility and get off the hook. It may even go "stiller." The is-ness of it is the is-ness of it. This tech is new. It resulted from research I did on sec-checks with the Mark VI E-meter. It may or may not apply to the Mark V, but the probability is that it does. The Mark VI however is dead on with this subject. See a chronically still needle in answer to your questions? It tends to indicate a withhold. See an F/N that does not flow and springs at the end? The subject you are sec-checking is not fully clean. Nice to know, eh? Good hunting! L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=11/4/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SEC-CHECKING IMPLANTS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 APRIL 1982 Remimeo SEC-CHECKING IMPLANTS (The end of Auditors missing withholds while sec-checking!) An implant is an enforced command or series of commands installed in the reactive mind below the awareness level of the individual to cause him to react or behave in a prearranged way without his "knowing it." There are several methods of implanting. IMPOSED SILENCE: The simplest and most common implant -- and its lightest but not least deadly form -- is the command to withhold. Implants could be said to be "methods of preventing knowledge or communication" and this can extend to the point of the person himself denying himself the data. The commonest "imposed silence" is probably the threatened child -- an "if you tell, you will be punished." Or simply ordering him not to tell. This tends to occlude his own memory and can be classified as an implant. HYPNOTISM: This is without physical duress. Western hypnotism is effective on only about 22% of the people on whom it is attempted. It requires some cooperation from the subject and he often can tell you he has been hypnotized, even when he cannot tell you the content of the implant at once. It can be exposed and erased rather easily when found, often by simply recall of the content. Psychiatrists and psychologists use it and they are not very expert. DRUGS: These are often used, by psychiatrists and psychologists in connection with or independent of hypnotism to increase the percentage of effectiveness and to deepen the effect. Anyone who has been given psychiatric drugs -- or street drugs -- can be suspected of having been implanted. For most of the drugs alone produce a trance state and environmental incidents can "go in" as an implant. The intensity of a received engram is increased when the subject is on drugs. For example, an auto accident, on a drugged person, makes a heavier engram than if he were not on drugs. Any druggie who has also been in the hands of psychiatrists or psychologists can also be suspected of having been implanted by them. Anyone psychiatrists or psychologists have given drugs to directly is a definite suspect of having been implanted by them. ELECTRIC SHOCK: Although they pretend it is the shock that is the "therapy" (their word for mayhem and murder), an electric shock was usually just a method of implanting their "patient." The criminals usually accompany the shock with hypnotic suggestions to the unconscious person before, during and after shock. This is why persons who have been "electric shocked", sometimes go and commit crimes. It could be concluded they have been told to do so while being shocked. (There is no therapeutic reason for shocking anyone and there are no authentic cases on record of anyone having been cured of anything by shock.) DRUGS AND SHOCK: It is stated by psychiatrists and psychologists that they have to drug patients before they shock them to prevent them from breaking their teeth and spines from the convulsions. This is a lie. The reason they shock patients (with electricity or insulin or other means) is, by their own texts, to produce a convulsion. (They do this because the Greeks did it, no other reason, and the Greeks did it because a convulsion is "evidence" the person has been visited by a god.) The real reason psychiatrists and psychologists give drugs before shock HCOB 11.4.82 - 2 - is to hide from the patient he has been shocked and to deepen the implant. One can find people who do not know they have been shocked -- think they only have been drugged. Yet below that drugged state one can find, with careful search, one or a hundred vicious shocks and implants. PAIN - DRUG - HYPNOSIS: Using administered pain, drugs and hypnotism the psychiatrist, psychologist and other criminals such as CIA or other government agents, seek to cause victims to become robots and commit crimes or act in an irrational way. "PDH" is the psychiatrists' gift to the police state. PDH is not very effective but it is very damaging to the person. BRAINWASHING: This is a wrong use term to describe implanting by deprivation and physical and mental duress. It is said to be based on the Pavlov dog experiments (but was not developed by Pavlov). The theory is that when a victim is subjected to enough punishment, he will forget his former allegiances and can be "re-educated" politically. Despite the usual advertising lies of psychiatry and psychology (criminals seldom tell the truth) the workability of "brainwashing" is laughable. Dianetics can undo "brainwashing" rather rapidly when detected. To call the remedy for brainwashing "brainwashing" merely shows public ignorance of what "brainwashing" is. NON-EXISTENT IMPLANTS: Part of the criminal tricks of implanting is to give the person an "implant" that doesn't happen. The motions are all gone through but the content is blank. It introverts the person and sometimes makes him pull implants up from his past where they may exist. NEEDLE BEHAVIOR When encountering an implant in a session, an auditor may be baffled by not getting any reads on it. BUT there IS a needle manifestation that no implant, no matter how buried, can escape. New research on this subject has revealed that: IN THE PRESENCE OF AN IMPLANT THE NEEDLE CAN GO STILL. This is because of the hidden and withhold character of the implant. One runs into a track area where "nothing registers on the meter." Things which should register do not. Example: The question, "How old were you then?" would ordinarily get some sort of read. In the presence of an implant, it does not. The needle simply goes very still and unreacting. It is different than the normal needle reaction of the same pc. The pc too can begin to go vague and unresponsive, very introverted and not reacting. But with or without this pc reaction, the needle goes quite still. An auditor sometimes has to work like mad to get the needle responding. It is VERY easy at this point to miss a withhold! The auditor, faced with an implant in the pc he does not suspect, can see this still needle and suppose there is nothing there and writes "clean needle" on the worksheet. And this is a mistake. For one thing, if you cannot get an area of track (or list) to F/N, there is something wrong. (One can of course have a false read or a suppress or an assert or out session ruds to prevent an F/N.) HCOB 11.4.82 - 3 - This still needle will not respond. If one puts in ruds, asks for false reads, asserts, one may continue to get that same still needle. If so, it means an implant -- any one of the above listed methods. One should work with various questions now that concern the possibility of an implant. One could even draw up a prepared list that would cover all angles of an implant. Confronted with a still needle that should react but doesn't, one begins with, "Is there something you are not supposed to tell?" and continues on with various approaches ("Ever see a psychiatrist or psychologist?" "Did anyone give you drugs?" "Is there something here that you yourself don't know?", etc.). Sooner or later, as the auditor guesses and fishes his way through this, the still needle will jar loose and, slightly at first, begin to respond as he gets off the obscure trail and onto the main road of it. The art is to GET THAT NEEDLE ACTIVE AGAIN. It will only get active when you find out what it is that is making it so unresponsive. Something there has frozen the person's wits and comm and he himself may know nothing of it. Oddly enough, the person is not likely to blow up at you as he will when you are missing a withhold he knows about. He just gets more and more introverted. The end phenomena, so far as the meter is concerned, occurs only when the needle is no longer so unresponsive. It is now reading with small falls, falls and even blow downs and, when you have it all, F/Ns. One must beware of mistaking out ruds for an implant, but in no case, once you have a real still needle before you that won't react, is it anything but one of the implants listed above. If you understand this data I am giving you and use it cleverly, there goes the danger of missing withholds! Pretty good, huh? You're welcome! L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:dr Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=31/3/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Series 11 Word Clearing Series 68 BASIC STUDY MISSED WITHHOLD   Remimeo Tech/Qual Supervisors Divs 4 & 6 Hat, STO & SSO Ethics Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 MARCH 1982 Remimeo Tech/Qual Supervisors Divs 4 & 6 Hat, STO & SSO Ethics Officers Study Series 11 Word Clearing Series 68 BASIC STUDY MISSED WITHHOLD I think I have spotted the basic missed withhold on study which may underlie why many execs don't study. They go by MISUNDERSTOODS all the time in their work! It is probably the missed withhold of going past MUs and of course those MUs won't then clean up because they are also a missed withhold. So, probably, a reason MUs don't clean up is that they are also a missed withhold. Also, accumulating missed withholds of having gone past MUs, the student is likely to blow course or study (whether that blow is by sudden departure from course room, failure to attend course or to study and neglecting to study on post or get hatted). The remedy is to get off the withhold of having gone past MUs, handling it as a missed withhold earlier similar to F/N (per HCOB 11 Aug 78, Issue I, RUDIMENTS, DEFINITIONS AND PATTER). Then clear the MU word(s) to F/N. The above has now been added to the various student correction lists and word clearing correction list. It will handle the majority of students, providing the handling of the missed withhold and of the MU and the correction list itself is well done. But there are two possibilities which would require further handling: A) The student has other missed withholds or out-ethics on course or in his studies or B) The student has gone by MUs in earlier subjects. In the case of (A) get a Student Confessional done and in the case of (B) get Method One Word Clearing done. (On Public Courses or on persons new to Scientology there are lower gradients which should be used, such as THE BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES, Remedy A, Remedy B, Remedy C, Remedy H, Remedy I, Remedy J.) Both MUs and missed withholds can cause upsets and blows. By handling both the missed withhold of having gone past an MU and the MU itself, we can prevent blows, recover students and greatly improve student attendance. HCOB 31.3.82 - 2 - I think we have here the answer to many a course supervisor's difficulties, to staff and execs who don't study and the means to bring about higher competence and success for all! L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International LRH:DM:bk Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International   Type = 11 iDate=25/3/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OBJECTIVES NOT BITING   Remimeo C/Ses Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 MARCH 1982 Remimeo C/Ses Auditors OBJECTIVES NOT BITING Ref. Tape 5511C08 SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING, Issue 5, Level 2 HCOB 19 Mar 78 QUICKIE OBJECTIVES This HCOB contains data on Objectives, based on current folder study, which is VITAL to C/Ses. A major reason for the quickying of Objectives is running too-steep-a- gradient Objectives on cases that need lower gradient Objectives first. (Running too steep a gradient can also lead to grinding on with no change.) During a study of folders of pcs currently being run on Objectives during Purif and pcs being run on Objectives after Purif, there were cases who were said to be "flattening" processes such as S-C-S and Op Pro by Dup in very short amounts of time (like 20 mins, 40 mins). These cases were not getting any real EP -- more an assertion that they were done or a very minor win, often just a statement from the auditor that the process was "flat" -- sometimes the process was ended on pc protest. Those same cases, when put on very low gradient Objectives, started running the process and winning like mad! By low gradient Objectives, I mean: Mimicry; PT Differentiation (getting the pc to tell the difference between objects by actual touch); Dangerous Environment Process ("Look around the environment and find something that isn't being a threat to you."); "Notice that ..."; "Feel my arm. Feel your arm."; the Animal process and other Objective processes for invalids and children (such as those given in the Introductory and Demonstration Processes and Assists pack). On those cases, these low gradient Objectives bit, turned somatics on and off and the pc ended up with a real cognition and very good exam report. One of the pcs went through the Treason and Enemy conditions in session on the Objective process, PT Body Orientation (Have the pc locate a part of his body and recognize it as such). He had thought that he was "brown hair" (his hair color is brown) and went up through various recognitions that he wasn't body parts and that he wasn't his past and arrived at the cognition that he really is a thetan -- which was quite a win! The folders reviewed and handled as above were not all heavy druggies, nor were they what would be called especially rough cases; some were what would be called "average" cases on a Class IV org's or mission's lines, these days. These were ordinary people who hold jobs, etc. This is further confirmation of the necessity to undercut due to the deterioration of society. Indeed, the world -- thanks to psychologists, drugs and TV -- is going down the tubes. Today a high percentage of cases starting out in auditing have a very short attention span and can only respond to very light processes. HCOB 25.3.82 - 2 - C/Ses and auditors who have been used to handling the cases of persons who have had Scientology processing and training could easily overlook just how low one has to go to undercut the cases or beginning pcs today. One very experienced C/S, who has mainly C/Sed for Scientologists and upper level cases in recent years, was somewhat shocked to find that processes ordinarily reserved for the more difficult cases a decade ago, were necessary for the majority of beginning pcs today. Sometimes we as Scientologists tend to overlook how far we have progressed and how rapidly society is going down. Undercutting cases has been necessary since the early '50s and will go on being continuously necessary in the future. So auditors and C/Ses are again alerted to this. Success with beginning pcs and lower level cases is dependent on correctly choosing a process that the pc can do and make gains on. It is also necessary to be able to detect when a pc is not running a process successfully because it is too high. WHEN TO UNDERCUT In 1955, London, I gave a dissertation on Objectives not biting in the second lecture of the Hubbard Professional Course (Tape 5511C08). The main points were as follows: A. When a pc is being run on too high a process, the auditor is running the process on a machine; no matter how brightly the pc may answer, the process is being run on a machine. B. If you are running the pc too high, there are two things missing: communication lag and cognition; the pc will trot like a well-trained horse through the whole process, without any communication lag, without any cognitions. Thus we have the rule: AN OBJECTIVE PROCESS THAT PRODUCES A COMMUNICATION LAG, WILL PRODUCE A COGNITION; A PROCESS THAT DOES NOT DEVELOP A COMMUNICATION LAG, WILL NOT PRODUCE A COGNITION. The only thing that has changed since 1955 is how far one must undercut today, to get a process that is within the ability of the pc to do and which will produce change. CAUTIONS Not every case needs to be undercut as far as those described above; on the other hand, some cases will have to be undercut lower than those described. C/Ses and auditors can also err in the other extreme and try to re-run all of a pc's Objectives over again (as has already happened in some areas). Doing so is out tech and results in the pc grinding on and on or becoming protesty -- sometimes surprisingly so. There is a vast difference between flattening a process that is producing change and forcing on over pc protest or other bad indicators (or a lack of good indicators). Objective processes (or any other processes for that matter) that have been run to EP, must not be run again; it violates the Auditor's Code to do so. HCOB 25.3.82 - 3 - SUMMARY C/Ses and auditors should look over cases being run on Objective processes and if these are not running very well and going to a full EP, then there are either auditor errors or the case is being run on too high a gradient or the same process or processes are being run again after they have already been flattened. This data, hot off my research line, is being issued to you now (pending a full publication regarding Objective Processes) so that faster and better results can be obtained on pcs being run on Objective processes and in Objective Co-audits, right away. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International LRH:DM:bk Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International   Type = 11 iDate=13/3/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  INTRODUCTORY AND DEMONSTRATION PROCESSES   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 MARCH 1982 Remimeo INTRODUCTORY AND DEMONSTRATION PROCESSES Reference: HCOB 12 Nov 81RA GRADE CHART STREAMLINED Rev. 18.1.82 FOR LOWER GRADES Introductory and Demonstration Processes are those processes commonly used by orgs and auditors on new pcs; these processes belong at step 0 of the NEW GRADE CHART. Their use ranges from giving a person new to Dianetics and Scientology his first interest and reality on auditing on through what has been previously known as "Life Repair". Without such processes, auditors, FSMs and Scientologists would have nothing to get a new pc started with, to get his first wins in auditing and to get hope that his case can be handled. The necessity for this is described in THE BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES. People would have a problem if they thought new pcs should instantly be shunted onto the purification Rundown. Actions such as these were published on the bottom of the original (SH) Grade Chart. But, when Ron was working on streamlining the New Grade Chart, he discovered that Introductory and Demonstration Processes had fallen out of the line up and he promptly restored them to use. There is a very real need for such processes in disseminating, in coffee shop auditing and in situations requiring assists. Every Scientologist should be able to run processes on people for the purposes of demonstration and to help with an assist. In HGCs, in missions and in field auditing, Introductory and Demonstration Processes and Assists are vital and every auditor and C/S needs these processes to prepare new pcs' cases for major Grade Chart actions, to repair their immediate life and conditions and to bring them up through the lower awareness levels to a personal reality that auditing really works for them and awareness of the way to personal freedom. If these processes were not included on the Grade Chart and no mention was made of them, people could get the idea that they had been abandoned or even start altering them or squirrelling by inventing their own. As an example, Ron discovered a mis-use of the WHITE FORM: some auditors were flying to F/N by 2WC or Ruds, whatever read on it and were calling this a "Life Repair". (This is not OK as by doing that, these charged items would no longer read when a NED auditor came to assess them -- as the read had been taken to an F/N by getting off the surface charge -- and the NED auditor would have lost his Dianetic indicators.) Introductory and Demonstration Processes and Assists do not include processes that are part of another Grade or rundown; it is out tech to use processes that are part of a Grade or rundown outside of that Grade or rundown. Ron arranged the sequence of the Grades and rundowns for maximum gain for the pc. HCOB 13.3.82 - 2 - But, Introductory and Demonstration Processes, Assists and Group Processing can be run on any new pc (provided only that the pc isn't in the middle of an intensive or auditing program). Parents will find the processes for children of great value -- not only to handle misemotion or tantrums of a child because of a key-in -- but also to improve the child's memory, intelligence, personality and general tone level. Book One auditing was so popular in the '50s that whole congress halls of people were filled with Book One Seminars and co-audit Book One auditing. Ron pointed out the value of Book One auditing a couple of years ago and today, Book One auditing is spreading like wildfire again. Many a Book One auditor would be able to improve his results considerably by using some of the simple but very effective Introductory Scientology processes that Ron developed in the early '50s to increase Book One results. And after the pc has had some Book One auditing, there are even more wins and gains available for him in Introductory and Demonstration processing. Some cases may even need a little case preparation with Introductory and Demonstration Processes in order to be able to run Book One techniques successfully. So it is a wise Book One auditor who is also well versed in Introductory and Demonstration processing. There is a vast sea of technology that Ron has developed under the heading of Introductory and Demonstration Processes, Assists and Group Processing. Ron is having these collected up and complied from the earlier publications and tapes so that he can publish them in books to make them easily and readily available for auditors and Scientologists to use. In the meantime he has had some or these -- 101 Introductory and Demonstration Processes, including 15 processes for children and an animal process for pets (!) and 65 assists -- made available in the Introductory & Demonstration Processes and Assists Pack. The pack even contains articles by Ron on how to get a pc into session, basic theory of auditing and how to run the processes. Anyone can use it; auditors and C/Ses will find it essential. It's a boon to FSMs and Scientologists. Parents will wonder how they survived without it! New pcs can get such wins from it that they will demand that their friends must experience this, too -- and don't be surprised if they get a pack and start auditing their friends!! While Ron has been busy researching new OT levels at the top of the Bridge, he has also made Standard Tech, a better gradient and lots, lots more wins more readily available at the beginning of the Bridge. Use it and watch out for the results. The processes are simple and easy to use but the results can be mighty spectacular! L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International LRH:DM:pc Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International   Type = 11 iDate=10/3/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CONFESSIONALS -- ETHICS REPORTS REQUIRED   Remimeo All staff Ethics Officers Auditors Case Supervisors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 MARCH 1982 Remimeo All staff (Also issued as an Ethics Officers HCO PL, same date) Auditors Case Supervisors CONFESSIONALS -- ETHICS REPORTS REQUIRED Ref: HCO PL 2 Apr 65 URGENT URGENT URGENT, FALSE REPORTS HCO PL 1 May 65 STAFF MEMBER REPORTS HCO PL 17 Jun 65 STAFF AUDITOR ADVICES HCO PL 7 Mar 65R III OFFENSES & PENALTIES Rev. 24.10.75 HCO PL 16 May 80 II ETHICS, SUPPRESSIVE ACTS, SUPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY & SCIENTOLOGISTS HCO PL 5 Mar 68 JOB ENDANGERMENT CHITS HCO PL 24 Feb 69 JUSTICE It has recently been noticed that there was an omission on the part of ministers doing Confessionals: they were not writing reports to Ethics on matters relating to the offences of others that were revealed during a Confessional. Doing so, is required per HCO PL 17 Jun 65 STAFF AUDITOR ADVICES and is implicit in HCO PL 2 Apr 65 URGENT URGENT URGENT, FALSE REPORTS and in HCO PL 1 May 65 STAFF MEMBER REPORTS. Apparently this was due to a failure to differentiate between a pc "getting off" only other people's withholds and a pc revealing knowledge of another's overt or crime against Scientology, its organizations or Scientologists. A person who only talks about others' overts or withholds is often withholding an overt of his own or engaging in a Black PR campaign. But a person who has knowledge of another's overts or crimes against Scientology should have made out an ethics report himself and having failed to do so, would have a withhold of knowing about another's offence and not having reported it, even if it were only suspected. There are various reasons why a person might withhold from reporting the offences of another: similar overts or withholds of one's own; fear of consequences or retaliation from the person being reported on; not having all the facts and so only suspecting the offence and not being certain enough, are among more common reasons. None of these are valid because a staff member can only be disciplined for making a knowing false report or for a no report. And if the matter is only suspected, the report should say so and it is the Ethics Officer's hat to investigate and determine the facts. Thus, when a minister discovers that a pc has knowledge of an overt or crime against Scientology or against the codes of the Church but has not reported the matter to Ethics, this should be handled as a withhold and must be the subject of an ethics report. This applies both to HCO Confessionals and to any other session. HCOB 10.3.82 - 2 - OFFENCES AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY OR ITS CODES BY ANOTHER PERSON THAN THE PC, MUST BE REPORTED TO ETHICS FOR INVESTIGATION (EVEN IF ONLY SUSPECTED OR WHEN FULL FACTS ARE NOT KNOWN). This is important because persons who get off their own overts have a higher responsibility level than those who don't and these last, who don't get off their overts, are sometimes only detectable and handleable by the reports of others. The more serious the ethics offence, the more necessary and vital it is that such reports be made. Failure to make such a report can result in the pc (or staff member) being named as an accessory or at least being charged with condoning the offence. There is another side to this. Some pcs, viciously, can begin a Black PR campaign against another by "getting off the other's withholds" which are false. Some people unfortunately, can be very wily and spread all sorts of rumors or trouble in this way. Doing so is the very lifeblood of such criminal organizations as the FBI and Interpol. So the ministers reporting all overts reported by the pc serves a triple purpose. A) It catches actual crimes by others which might otherwise remain undetected. B) It gets rid of withholds from the pc which he knows he should have reported and C) It gives evidence of a Black PR campaign in progress against principal people of Scientology and executives. The use that the Ethics Officer puts these reports to is very precise. They are: In case of (A) he can at once investigate and sec check the others named and get Ethics in. In the case of (C) he can order a full rollback of the rumor or report and usually catch a real tiger operating in an org or area with Black PR designed to paralyze the place. So the reports are VERY valuable. An honest executive would be very foolish to discourage these from being filed and even more foolish not to make sure they get fully followed up and investigated. Doing this is a heavy blow to criminals and to the enemy who seek to stop Scientology. For instance, finance crimes cannot occur without collaboration or someone noticing. Black PR with its false reports is covering up real withholds and overts, which, remaining undetected, can cave the whole place in. HCOB 10.3.82 - 3 - A person can be helped by Scientology only when he has clean hands with it. One cannot be helped by it when he has overts against it, its principal names or organizations. So this policy assists greatly, not only in protecting execs but in saving people. It must NOT be looked on as a way to victimize anyone. It is an instrument of salvage. And on an organizational strata, no org can prosper when its staff has overts. Recent investigation has shown that below EVERY outness in an org or down stat there lay heavy withholds and overts. The many should not be penalized by the criminal few. By following these policies, ethics investigations will be speeded, statistics raised and a much cleaner, happier and more productive environment will be achieved. Only the guilty will ever protest such reports and that, too, is indicator for urgent action. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International CSI:LRH:DM:bk Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International   Type = 11 iDate=7/3/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CONFESSIONALS INCLUDED IN EXPANDED GRADE 2 PROCESSES   Remimeo Level II Checksheets Supervisors Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 MARCH 1982 Remimeo Level II Checksheets Supervisors Auditors C/Ses CONFESSIONALS INCLUDED IN EXPANDED GRADE 2 PROCESSES Ref: BTB 15 Nov 76 0-IV EXPANDED GRADE Issue IV PROCESSES -- QUADS PART D -- GRADE 2 PROCESSES HCOB 8 Sep 78RA MINI LIST OF GRADE 0-IV Re-rev. 6.3.82 PROCESSES Scientology Level Two covers the vital survival technology of dealing with contra-survival acts of commission and omission (overts and withholds) and this includes the technology of Confessional procedure. It is on Grade 2 processing that a pc is audited to relief from the hostilities and sufferings of life, using all of the technology which applies at that Level to achieve the result. Therefore, any list of Expanded Grade 2 Processes must include: 1. A Joburg (HCO PL 7 Apr 61RB, Rev. 22.10.80, JOHANNESBURG CONFESSIONAL LIST REVISED). 2. Any other prepared Confessional List which may be C/Sed for the case by the Case Supervisor to ensure that the pc is fully cleaned up on this lifetime overts and withholds. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International LRH:DM:bk Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International   Type = 11 iDate=6/3/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CONFESSIONAL TECH POLICIES   URGENT Remimeo All orgs All staff Executives Ethics Officers Auditors, C/Ses Supervisors D of T HCO Tech/Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex U R G E N T HCO BULLETIN OF 6 MARCH 1982 Remimeo All orgs All staff (Also issued as Executives HCO PL, same date.) Ethics Officers Auditors, C/Ses Supervisors D of T HCO Tech/Qual CONFESSIONAL TECH POLICIES (Effective on Receipt.) (Adds to and Amends HCO PL/B 28 Nov 78, AUDITORS WHO MISS WITHHOLDS, PENALTY) Recent investigations into failures of executives and staff to produce constructive products (and who produced no products and overts products), into case failures and into training failures, all revealed the following common denominator: missed withholds (including offences of a criminal nature and High Crimes against Scientology, its churches and members and against Standard Tech and Policy) and the omission of Confessional Technology. EXECUTIVES AND CONFESSIONAL TECH Any executive found to be discouraging or forbidding Confessionals or refusing to permit the tech to be applied or omitting the application of it or dismissing persons who seek to get tech or policy in is subject to immediate suspension from post, is to receive a Confessional and a Comm Ev on a charge of: NON-COOPERATION WITH ENFORCING CONFESSIONAL TECHNOLOGY. By issuing an order to omit Confessionals or that could be applied as such or failing to keep the tech in or refusing have a Confessional, the person has at that moment just by act, automatically suspended himself from post and his orders would not apply. It is thereafter only subject to HCO Board of Review. It is a High Crime for an executive to penalize auditors, C/Ses, Tech/Qual or Ethics Officers for following HCOBs or HCO PLs, especially when it is due to the executive's withholds. (It is also a High Crime to falsely charge an executive with the above.) MINISTERS AND CONFESSIONAL TECH A pastor or minister who refuses to hear the Confessionals of persons or who recommends or urges persons not to hear Confessionals or who omits to hear Confessionals can be suspended at once as a minister until he himself has received a Confessional and refusing, remains suspended until reinstated by an HCO Board of Review. Such a person is subject to being declared and expulsion from the Church. HCOB 6.3.82 - 2 - ETHICS OFFICERS AND CONFESSIONAL TECH Ethics Officers must be ministers and the failure of an Ethics Officer to train himself to hear Confessionals subjects him to post removal and Comm Ev. CASE SUPERVISION AND TRAINING AND CONFESSIONAL TECH On any failed case or training failure (Tech or Admin training) a Confessional is required on those responsible (i.e., auditors C/S, Supers, Word Clearers, D of T or other Tech/Qual personnel involved). A failed case pc or failed student is also required to receive a Confessional as it has long been known that No Case Gain in auditing or in training is due to continuous overts and withholds. Any Solo auditor who red-tags is sent to Review and Cramming and any Solo C/S and Solo Course Super whose pcs or students are red-tagging must be given a Confessional. Any minister whose pcs are red-tagging, get sick after auditing, blow or are dissatisfied with their results or lack gains, must be given a Confessional. REPORTS Anyone who refuses a Confessional or who refuses to answer a reading question should be turned over to the Ethics Officer and the Guardian's Office notified then and there. Any anti-Scientology overts or intentions disclosed are to be reported to the Ethics Officer and the Guardian's Office. PENANCES A minister who misses withholds on a parishioner is required to receive Confessionals himself (including a "Joburg" Confessional and an Auditor Confessional) and if repeated is subject to Comm Ev. A parishioner who knowingly withholds during a Confessional is also subject to being named an Interested Party at the minister's Comm Ev. A parishioner who knowingly withholds during an HCO Confessional is subject to double penances. The charge (in addition to any other charges) is: NON-COOPERATION WITH ENFORCING CONFESSIONAL TECHNOLOGY. BENEFITS Those who apply Confessional Technology are highly valued and produce great gains for their pcs and produce an improved environment generally. HCOB 6.3.82 - 3 - Confessional Technology and its application is essential to the attainment of spiritual freedom, heightened responsibility and causativeness and the betterment of conditions. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International for the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY CSI:LRH:DM:pc INTERNATIONAL Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International for the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   Type = 11 iDate=18/2/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE BODY COMMUNICATION PROCESS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 FEBRUARY 1982 Remimeo THE BODY COMMUNICATION PROCESS (This was previously issued as HCOB 7 Feb 69, authorized by L. Ron Hubbard. It contains an objective process developed under the case supervision of L. Ron Hubbard. In addition to its original use, this process has proven to be very effective in helping drug addicts to overcome withdrawal symptoms. The original issue was later incorrectly revised, then cancelled by others, resulting in lost LRH Tech. It is hereby restored to full use and reissued as an HCOB at the request of L. Ron Hubbard.) PURPOSE: To enable the Thetan to re-establish fuller communication with his body. The degree of communication attainable on a gradient scale is limited only by the level of awareness of the Thetan. INTRODUCTION: The Life Static "has the ability to postulate and to perceive." -- From Scientology Axiom One (Definition). Thus there is an OUTFLOW and an INFLOW. The Thetan, to operate a mest body in a mest environment, outflows THETAN - MIND - BODY. The inflow is likewise BODY - MIND - THETAN. To and from all parts of the body messages and perceptions flow by way of the brain, spinal cord and the network of nerves. Throughout the life of the body there is a continual flow of electrical impulses through the brain and nervous system. This fact enables the body to be ready to serve the will of the Thetan at all times. Masses, ridges, charge and unbalanced flows can build up in relationship to the body, resulting in transient or chronic breaks in communication between Thetan and body. This may be in respect of the whole body, or, more usually, with a specific body part or area. Thus occur transient or chronic pains and disorders in the body. These flow lines in the body are the pathways by which the psychomatic disorders and illnesses are created by the Thetan. They are also the pathways by which the Thetan is informed of the state of his psychosomatic creation. Thus the Life Static and its OUTFLOW and INFLOW related to a body. METHOD: "Bringing the static to view as-is any condition devaluates that condition." -- Scientology Axiom 19. HCOB 18.2.82 - 2 - The individual lies on his back on a couch, bed, or mattress on a table. In an intensive the position may be varied to advantage by lying face downwards at alternate sessions. The clothed body with shoes removed gives satisfactory results. For optimum results, men in brief shorts, women shorts plus a bra, naturally in a warmed room. First the purpose is cleared. A dictionary is kept present and available for use. Purpose given to be cleared is, "COMMUNICATION WITH MY BODY." Auditor gives the command, "Close your eyes," and acknowledges the action with "Thank you." Auditor: "Start of Session." Then: "This is the process." Auditor places his hands on the individual's shoulders with a firm but gentle "A.R.C." grip, using an "agreed" firmness. That is a firmness which the Auditor knows is as agreeable to the individual as it is to the Auditor. The Auditor must BE there with INTENTION and ATTENTION. i.e. have good TRs in throughout. This is to achieve optimum A.R.C. and the best results. The command is: "Feel my hands." ("Feel my hand" on the occasions when one hand is applied.) The individual's reply is acknowledged with "Thank you," (or "Good," "Fine," "Alright" or "O.K."). He continues to complete similar cycles down the body, over the chest, front of chest, sides of chest, hands on both sides of abdomen at the waist, then one hand going around the abdomen in a clockwise direction. (Clockwise because this is the direction of flow of the large bowel.) One hand placed over the upper abdomen pointed vertically towards the head. Both hands on the small of the back, one from each side and lift firmly. A hand over each hip with firmer pressure on these bony parts. Down one leg to the knee with both hands. Down the other leg to the knee with both hands. Back to the other leg and down over the calf, the lower calf, the ankle, the foot and the toes. The other leg from the knee to toes similarly. Then work upwards in a flow towards the shoulders. Down each arm. Back to the shoulders. Both hands behind the neck, one from each side. Sides of face. Forehead and back of head. Sides of head. The Auditor will know where next to place his hands or hand. An infinite variety of placings is available avoiding, of course, only the actual genital areas in both sexes. So the process proceeds up and down the body. As A.R.C. builds up, even as early sometimes as after the first command, the Auditor will notice that something is happening with the individual. It may be a comm lag, a slight suffusion of the face, a somatic or twitch of the body, or in some way he will know that a communication is available to him. He should then ask, "What happened?" The individual describes what just happened or what is happening. The Auditor leaves his hands in position with exactly the same pressure sustained while the individual is talking. The communication is acknowledged and the Auditor continues with the process. HCOB 18.2.82 - 3 - The process is terminated with "That's it!" immediately after acknowledgement of the first COGNITION. The Auditor will know whether one session is sufficient, or whether a further session is needed towards flattening the process. An Auditor's Report is written up immediately after the session. It should include a record of moments of Emotion or Misemotion, any comm lags, individual's appearance, somatics, how he is doing, physical manifestations (e.g. yawning, body twitching), the cognition achieved, whether or not a flat point has been reached, and the presence or absence of good indicators. After a successful session good indicators are apparent ;n both Auditor and the individual who has experienced the Body Communication Process. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Dr. Steve Jarvis, M.B., Ch.B. Reissued by Senior C/S International LRH:DM:SJ:sdp:bk Copyright $c 1969, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Dr. Steve Jarvis, M.B., Ch.B. Reissued by Senior C/S International   Type = 11 iDate=19/1/82 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HIGH SCHOOL INDOCTRINATION   Remimeo Tech Qual SRD, Level I, NED, SHSBC Checksheets Upper Indoc TRs Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JANUARY 1982 Remimeo ISSUE II Tech Qual SRD, Level I, NED, SHSBC Checksheets Upper Indoc TRs Checksheets HIGH SCHOOL INDOCTRINATION (Excerpted from the ACC Preparatory Manual for Advanced Students in Scientology, Copyright 1957.) REF: HCOB 4 Oct 56 HIGH SCHOOL INDOCTRINATION PAB 152 THE FIVE LEVELS OF INDOCTRINATION 15 Jan 5 HCOB 7 May 68 UPPER INDOC TRs The following chapter on High School Indoctrination has been excerpted from the ACC Manual and published in HCOB form to ensure its data is easily available to students on Upper Indoc TRs. There are five levels of auditor indoctrination, five levels of skill in which he must be versed. One of these is High School Indoctrination. Every auditor has, from time to time, found himself in difficult and peculiar circumstances while auditing a preclear. How about the PC who makes a perfectly frank sexual pass at you? What about the time you said, "Walk over to the wall?" and the preclear looked at you intently and asked, "Are you a Theta clear?" Then there's the pc who sits down, presumably to be audited, and launches forth: "Oh, what a pretty tie you're wearing today. I got one just like it for my husband -- except it's green instead of blue, the one I got for him I mean. And it was supposed to be three-fifty, but I got it at wholesale for two-ninety-five because I know the owner of the store. I went to his daughter's wedding last week. My niece was supposed to be a bridesmaid, but right at the last minute..." Non-stop. Or perhaps you've run into a "Tone Twenty": "Do I see that wall? Why, I can see right through the wall! I can see the entire MEST universe, any time at all. Right now the Solar System looks about the size of a printed period to me." Unreality, unreality, unreality. So what did you do? Did you get a trifle tensed up when the PC started to paw you affectionately? Did you get a little brusque, as you scraped him or her off with a putty knife? Did you get decoyed into a discussion of the history of your case and current state of exteriorization by the chap who wanted to know if you were clear? A little huffy, maybe? And what about the preclear who talks, and talks, and talks, and talks? Ever sat there wondering, "Is this a 'preclear origination?' Should I acknowledge? Should I ignore it? Is there any way of gagging her, till I can get 'Locate the ceiling' out? Maybe HCOB 19.1.82 II - 2 - she's blowing locks. Or is this her present time problem? And if so, which of the sixteen items she's covered in the last three minutes is it?" Perhaps you've got the obsessive talker taped, but how do you make out with the fake Tone Twenty? A little baffled about how to have him find a wall without bringing forth torrents of anguished protest? "You're invalidating me! You ought to be running me on 8-0. You're just trying to stick me in my head, because you're a Black Five yourself. All my theta perceptics just turned off! What do you do then? Well, here comes the United States Cavalry to the aid of the stopped, badgered, and harassed auditor. It's called High School Indoctrination. And it should never happen to homo sapiens; he'd never survive it. Auditors, fortunately, are sterner stuff than homo sap. They come out of it, bright as a dollar, crying, "Bring on the lions!" Here's how it goes. An instructor, who will act as preclear, leads a student-auditor to a large, secluded room. As soon as the words, "Start of session" are out of his mouth, the instructor-preclear may drop to the floor in a dead faint, burst into a wild grief charge, bolt for the door, or balk like a donkey with a glazed, blank stare. Or perhaps he may just stroke the student-auditor's hair, murmuring, "You're awfully cute, really. Why don't we drop this pretense ..." Whatever the instructor-preclear elects to do by way of randomity. If the student-auditor bogs utterly, a soft-hearted instructor-preclear might say, "End of session," and give him a couple of tips. Tougher instructor-preclears frown on this, and believe in letting the student-auditor work his own way out of the situation, though he plow through 76,000,000,000,000 years of track, year by year, to accomplish it. The instructor-preclear may run from manic enthusiasm to deepest apathy in a fraction of a second, and if the student-auditor doesn't instantly detect the change in "case level," and handle it properly, he will be hearing from the instructor-preclear. One of the more unsettling things the instructor-preclear does is to behave like a nice, sane, high-toned preclear for minutes at a stretch. The student-auditor knows this state of affairs can't last for long. He will get thoroughly tensed up, expecting from instant to instant the next horrid outburst. It's like marching a lighted firecracker around the room. When the strain becomes obvious, the instructor-preclear will say, "End of session." And he may say, "What are you all tensed up for? Relax. Start of session." Three seconds later, he's throwing an epileptic fit on the floor, complete with froth. There is a second step of High School Indoc which is run seated. By this time the student-auditor has a fair certainty that he can cope with a preclear's going out of control on a general physical level. The seated form takes a more insidious turn. Some very simple process, Locational, or "Look at me. Who am I?" is used. The instructor-preclear will go out of control much more subtly. He will try to get the student-auditor to change the process, on one pretext or another. The nastiest thing to most student-auditors on seated Indoc is an avalanche of highly personal criticism and button pushing aimed directly at the student-auditor. When he winces noticeably, the instructor-preclear pursues the same topic to the bitter end. "Your hands smell funny. Don't you ever wash them? There's a lot of dirt under the nails, too. Careful you don't scratch me, and start an infection." Or, perhaps, "If Scientology's so good, what are you still wearing glasses for?" In other words, the HCOB 19.1.82 II - 3 - instructor-preclear opens up with both barrels on anything he suspects the student-auditor might actually be a little sensitive about. When a student-auditor has survived this phase of High School Indoc, and discovers that he can still give an auditing command and see that it is executed, he has achieved a nearly unshakable poise and composure! It may sound inhuman, but it's not out of reach. Students are arriving at this goal every day -- students who mumbled, and students who fidgeted. Students who couldn't confront or control a PC, and ran a process on the nth. level of abstraction. (You know, they were "running 8C on a preclear for an hour," not having this preclear walk over to that wall, right now.) They can make every minute of a session count now, because everything they do in session is AUDITING. This is the routine expectancy for a present day ACC graduate. It can be taught anyone who is willing to learn it. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Research & Technical Compilations Unit LRH:RTC:bk Copyright $c 1957, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Research & Technical Compilations Unit   Type = 11 iDate=19/1/82 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  NEW -- STREAMLINED CLASSIFICATION AND GRADATION CHART   BPI Auditors C/Ses Tech/Qual Registrars Dissem Execs Orgs & Missions Magazine insert  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JANUARY 1982 BPI Auditors C/Ses Tech/Qual Registrars Dissem Execs Orgs & Missions Magazine insert NEW -- STREAMLINED CLASSIFICATION AND GRADATION CHART Ref: HCOB 12 Nov 81RA GRADE CHART STREAMLINED Re-rev. 18.1.82 FOR LOWER LEVELS HCOB 12 Dec 81 THE THEORY OF THE NEW GRADE CHART HCOB 14 Dec 81 THE STATE OF CLEAR TEMPORARY ISSUE (This is a temporary issue of the New Streamlined Class & Grade Chart. The full final issue will be in this general pattern.) Technical advances made by L. Ron Hubbard have resulted in a streamlined Class and Grade Chart, giving a better, faster Bridge, both on the training side and the processing side of the Chart. These are being published in the attachments so that all may benefit from these advances right away. Attachment #1: The Grade Chart (Processing). Attachment #2: The Class Chart (Training). Until the full final Chart can be printed, this issue is provided for Scientologists, for registration, auditing and C/Sing purposes. It may be reproduced in magazines or reproduced on lightweight paper for mailings or as an insert. Registrars and orgs can take these mimeo sheets and with scotch tape make a larger chart and display them. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International LRH:DM:bk Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Senior C/S International   Type = 21 iDate=23/1/83 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITOR TRAINING PREREQUISITE   URGENT -- IMPORTANT Remimeo All Orgs All Missions Tech Qual HCO All C/Ses Supervisors Auditors All Auditor Training Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 23 JANUARY 1983 Remimeo All Orgs All Missions Tech Qual HCO All C/Ses Supervisors URGENT -- IMPORTANT Auditors All Auditor AUDITOR TRAINING PREREQUISITE Training Checksheets This Policy Letter MODIFIES: The Class Chart, of HCOB 19 Jan 1982, NEW -- STREAMLINED CLASSIFICATION AND GRADATION CHART in its Prerequisites Sections for: Academy Levels 0-4, NED Course, HRD Auditor Course, NED for OTs Advanced Courses Specialist Course, Class IV Graduate Auditor Course, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, Class VII Auditor Course, Class VIII Auditor Course, and the Class IX, X, XI and XII Auditor Courses. (These named courses are defined as "Professional Auditor Courses.") THE PROFESSIONAL TR COURSE IS A PREREQUISITE FOR ALL PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR TRAINING COURSES BEGINNING WITH LEVEL 0 AND INCLUDING NED AUDITOR TRAINING AND ANY OR ALL AUDITOR TRAINING COURSES ABOVE THOSE LEVELS. This now becomes firm, irrevocable policy, borne out of the hard, cold truth recognized many years back that YOU CANNOT TRAIN AN AUDITOR WHO HAS NOT DONE A TRs COURSE. Additionally, IT IS A COMM EV OFFENSE TO DRAG OUT A PROFESSIONAL TR COURSE ENDLESSLY as, taught and supervised standardly per my HCOBs on the subject, getting a student auditor's TRs in to professional level is not an interminable activity. In 1950 it was found that raw public had no slightest idea of a communication cycle and you could not possibly make auditors out of them without it. The solution to this which was worked out and which proved very, very effective was the TRs Course. After that was introduced and particularly when Hard TRs were forced through for professional auditors, the problem was solved and did not exist thereafter as long as auditors were trained in auditor TRs. TRs are key and basic to any other auditor training. From time to time over the years the vital importance of professional TRs as a requisite in auditor training has been alter-ised, not-ised or even cross-ordered, which has always necessitated putting it back in by hammer and pound and emphasis and more emphasis and then more re-emphasis. Thus, the rule, THE PROFESSIONAL TR COURSE IS A PREREQUISITE FOR ALL PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR TRAINING COURSES, should be set forth in concrete. HCO PL 23.1.83 - 2 - Auditors beginning their training should be put through the Professional TR Course before starting any other auditor training checksheet. Auditors now in training who have not had the Professional TR Course should, at their first next Class completion (before receiving certification on their current level of training) be required to take a Professional TR Course. Any "auditor" who has been "trained" without a Professional TRs Course had better be put onto one and gotten through it forthwith or risk suspension of certificates. The importance is this: In-TRs are key not only to technical effectiveness at all levels of the Bridge but key as well to the effectiveness of every other sector of Scientology operations. Train with them rigorously. Use them implicitly. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted as Official Church Policy by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:LRH:sk Copyright $c 1983 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted as Official Church Policy by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   Type = 11 iDate=26/12/81 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  POST PURPOSE CLEARING FOR MANAGEMENT TEAMS AND EXECUTIVES   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 DECEMBER 1981 Remimeo POST PURPOSE CLEARING FOR MANAGEMENT TEAMS AND EXECUTIVES References: HCOB 17 Dec 81 POST PURPOSE CLEARING REVIVED HCOB 4 Aug 71R POST PURPOSE CLEARING Rev. 26.11.74 The two necessary ideas a management team or executive must have: 1. That a long term view as well as immediate remedies is vital. 2. That an increase in state and betterment of organization health is desirable. Management staff members or executives who do not have these concepts or intentions have no business on a management team or on post as these two basics are why they are there. A member of management or an exec can always short-sightedly operate for a quick profit (i.e. get lots of service sold but none delivered; buy a cheap machine that will look good on an FP but will break down in a month; do a fast, bad job to get up stats and then involve others for months trying to handle the botch; falsely reassure seniors that all is well when, in a short time, a crash will expose them; operate on short term stats and ignore the gradual drift down over the months). When only short term views are taken, disaster is being courted. A betterment of the organization and its prosperity has to be intended by management or an executive in order to bring it about. When a management team or an executive has other-intentioned items at work, they harm or destroy not only the organization but also themselves. (I.e., not have to work so hard; be powerful personally; get even with others; have more time for the family; keep up with my golf; live better; wear better clothes; escape the ethics officer; and of course simply intending to do the place and staff in.) Upper echelon intentions bring about the state or the division, org or network not only in the present but in the future. If they intend to make things go right, they will, of course, observe their area and study successful policies and actions of proven worth and apply them. The state of state, long term, of an executive or management team gives a definite revelation of their real intentions. SUMMARY Where any management team or executive is failing, it will be found that their view is very short term and they are other-intentioned on post. HCOB 26.12.81 - 2 - In management and executive post purpose clearing, one has to keep these two things in view. A good manager or executive works hard hour by hour to keep the show on the road but always with a long term view as well. And he intends that org and staff will prosper. The auditor in post purpose clearing will get a lot of glib answers. The stats, the honest ones, and the true long term performance of the executive, measured by the health of his zone of responsibility tell the tale and should be consulted when in doubt. The PPC auditor must be sure these two principles above are really the case and if not, handle the executive so that they are. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:pc Copyright $c 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=17/12/81 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  POST PURPOSE CLEARING REVIVED   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 DECEMBER 1981 Remimeo POST PURPOSE CLEARING REVIVED Reference: HCOB 4 August 71R Revised 26 Nov 74, Tech Volumes, Volume VIII, page 363 Recently some new technology, known as De-oppression, was developed for and is being used on orgs. (Deop is part of mission tech and is the subject of Flag Orders.) There is a piece of good technology that has fallen out of use: It is Post Purpose Clearing. It is quite successful in raising the general tone level and production of orgs. All by itself it produces an increase in production. It should be undertaken, for sure after a De-oppression of an org is done. And, factually, it should be done in any case. The tech of it is contained in the reference HCOB. But to that HCOB could be added additional steps. PPC 12A. One asks, "What is your intention toward your post?" One takes this to F/N. PPC 12B. One asks, "What is your post product?" One takes this to F/N. PPC 12C is done, "What is your intention in getting out that product?" To F/N. PPC 12D "What volume of product do you intend to get out?" To F/N. PPC 12E "What degree of quality do you intend your products to have?" To F/N. PPC 13 and PPC 14 are as given in the reference HCOB. There is an added note to Post Purpose Clearing. It probably accidentally got swept aside when some Quals abused What, How and Why in questions and got org staff snarled up because these were listing questions. Qual was arbitrarily forbidden to use such listing questions and this may have influenced this action of Post Purpose Clearing, so necessary to orgs and the tech got lost. The result has been, in some cases, confused and unproductive staffs. Also, some seniors, not knowing how their own departments or divisions were supposed to run, tended to knock off hats and put people on posts doing the wrong things, resulting in a "Hey, you," org board. The remedies for these two errors are quite plain. 1. When any step results in a BD F/N result. Indicate it to the pc. In case of any bog, treat the TWC pc statements as though they were L&N items. Any bog can be repaired with an L4B. 2. In the case of executives and seniors, clear them on the various posts over which they have command, using the. OEC volumes for reference. This will tend to make them hold the form of the org. Various outnesses will be found by any Qual attempting to do this on an org. They may discover, for instance, that the org has no hats: but this should not stop them, although it should be remedied fast as well. HCOB 17.12.81 - 2 - By adding the intention step, Qual is certainly going to collide with a few rock slams regarding products or the org. But this is all to the good: We don't want rock slammers messing up products or the org. Any plants or people of evil intentions will show up, though PPC is not intended as an ethics cycle. PPC is an organizing step and should not be used to stop production. But, at the same time, it should not be forbidden because it is an organizing step. The speed with which a PPC can be done is not forever. At PPC 2, if the person is set up to have one as in this step, the PPC should, for most posts, simply sail along like a June breeze. With a VGIs at the end. QUAL'S OBJECT IN GETTING THIS DONE ON A STAFF AND NEW STAFF MEMBERS IS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF PRODUCTION OF THE ORG AND TO INCREASE THE PRODUCTION OF THE ORG. It is quite true that the pay of the org depends upon the individual quality and volume productivity of each individual org member. A PPC well done throughout an org inevitably should raise, by making a better org org income and pay. Remember that orgs which have had the highest stats were those orgs which ran closest to OEC Policy. This is an historical fact, borne out time after time. So in all Post Purpose Clearing, your main reference is Green on White, the Policy Letters and these should be handy and referred to in any case where the duties of the staff member are unclear. It will also come about that you are handling someone who holds two or three posts. In that case, clear all of them but add a step PPC 12F "Is there any conflict with your other hats and posts?" If it reads, "What are the conflicts?" and "How are you going to resolve that?" All cautions and directions in the reference HCOB apply in doing any Post Purpose Clearing. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL BDCSI:LRH:bk Copyright $c 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL   Type = 11 iDate=15/12/81 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  NEW GRADE CHART PC/PRE OT PROGRAMMING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 DECEMBER 1981 Remimeo NEW GRADE CHART PC/PRE OT PROGRAMMING Do NOT take people in progress of following the old grade chart off in the middle of an action and put them on the new chart. Example: Someone half through NED taken off and put on Scientology grades. Complete the major action of the program before any change of the action on the PC or Pre OT. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:bk Copyright $c 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=14/12/81 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE STATE OF CLEAR   All C/Ses All Auditors Tech/Qual Registrars Dissem Orgs and Missions "The Auditor" BPI  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 DECEMBER 1981 All C/Ses All Auditors Tech/Qual Registrars Dissem Orgs and Missions "The Auditor" BPI THE STATE OF CLEAR There has been some confusion lately on exactly what is the state of Clear. The confusion was introduced by a statement, not mine, that the State of Clear had harmonics, which is to say there were different states of Clear. This is not true. Although it is quite impossible to obtain an absolute in this universe, the state of Clear is, actually, about as close as one can come to it. I have given some time to it, lately, and have come up with a definition which fits all cases. It is as follows: A CLEAR IS A BEING WHO NO LONGER HAS HIS OWN REACTIVE MIND. The only exception, very, very, very rare, is one who didn't have a reactive mind in the first place. The Book One definition of Clear is valid. I believe I know what has been happening that caused the confusion. Without invalidating the case gain of anyone (and NED for quite some time now has been making true and valid Clears) a few pcs and technical personnel have been mistaking the state of RELEASE for that of CLEAR. You see, there are an awful lot of gains that can be made with auditing. Few people, walking on the street, have any idea whatever of how much better they can get. It is really a question of how much better is better. A person hits a floating TA that simply won't turn off, his wife and girl friend oo and an on how much better he looks, he hasn't kicked the cat for days and is no longer coughing. He says, "By golly, I must be Clear!" even though he really can't pass the test. So the technical people, seeing him glow. say, "I don't want to invalidate this guy," and they let him declare and he goes to an SH or AO and falls on his head when he starts to climb the next ten light years to OT. He was just a RELEASE. There are MANY levels of release. It means simply that one has lost a fixation or an aberration of one kind or another. One should get a reality on the light years of gain obtainable between the guy on the street and the state of Clear. HCOB 14.12.81 - 2 - It's simply that we are too good at making Releases today. So I looked over this problem and found an outness in the line up which I have described more fully in HCOB 12 December 1981, THE THEORY OF THE NEW GRADE CHART. There has just been a change in the Grade Chart (HCOB 12 November 1981 which has been reissued as HCOB 12 November 1981R Revised 14 December 1981 to correct an error in it where someone else redefined Clear). This change in the Grade Chart will go far to handling personal misconceptions. Scientology Lower Grades can produce an abundance of wins. These releases go far to straightening out one's environment and life and set one up to have, most usually, a far easier run of it in New Era Dianetics. Scientology Lower Grades sometimes exteriorize a person but to date, to my knowledge, have never produced a Clear: That was not their purpose. Remember that with Dianetics Book One techniques, I could produce Clears. But it took decades of development of auditor training skills and precise statements of processes to bring it up to where others could. That point has now been with us for some time in developed training technology and New Era Dianetics. We are making Clears today with NED, make no mistake about it. But it should prove even easier to do so once the pc's own life and environment have been straightened out with all those releases available lower on the new chart. There is even another chance at Clear if the person misses it in NED. He still can go on to an SH for his Solo Auditor's Course and an AO for the old Clearing Course. It is even being worked out now so that he can begin his Solo Auditor's Course right in his local org -- he'll need it to go on to OT. A tiny percentage of people who haven't made it, want to declare themselves Clear as a status symbol but when they try to go on to OT it catches up with them and in any event can be handled. The releases, given good auditing and a cooperative pc, are there to be had and in cases that have not been wiped out by the psychs or who can be gotten into communication by an auditor and cooperate, the state of Clear is there to be had. And it is just as worth while as it ever was. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:bk Copyright $c 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=12/12/81 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE THEORY OF THE NEW GRADE CHART   All C/Ses All Auditors Tech/Qual Registrars Dissem Execs Orgs & Missions "The Auditor" BPI  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 DECEMBER 1981 All C/Ses All Auditors Tech/Qual Registrars Dissem Execs Orgs & Missions "The Auditor" BPI THE THEORY OF THE NEW GRADE CHART The effectiveness of auditing, according to records and results, tests and hours in session, has increased enormously in the past thirty-four years (1947/1981). This is due to research -- a casual estimate of the time I have put in on this approaches now a hundred thousand hours and half a century. In that time, as could be expected, there have been breakthroughs and breakthroughs and it can be expected that, because of these, the line-up from time to time would change. It is probably remarkable that the Grade Chart has not changed more than it has. Improvements in auditor training as well as technical revelations have contributed to these refinements. In the final analysis, it is the individual who receives the benefits from this. Increased percentage of results, shortened time to obtain them, more stable gains, broader application. But it probably has not occurred to anyone that for the past thirty-two years, I have been researching DOWNWARDS. That's right. Remember that I myself was producing results thirty-two years ago. So what has been happening? As broader and broader numbers of people were being addressed, more and more types of cases had to be handled. Meanwhile, the society itself was going downhill. Outside the perimeter of Dianetics and Scientology, the level of cases was DECLINING. More and more problems were being generated by the Establishment for its population: The psychologists were let loose on the schools and educational levels began to collapse; the doctors and psychologists and psychiatrists began to flood drugs into the culture; assisted by the FBI, crime statistics began to go out the roof; crushed by tax people, the economy began to generate more and more problems for the individual; the psychiatrist stepped up his program of injuring people and then compounded the Establishment tolerated felony of covering up his crimes by drugging his patient and keeping it a secret from him that he had been electric-shocked; soldiers began to be brainwashed, not just by the enemy but by their own governments. No need to go on, even if there are hundreds more, for this is not a rabble-rouse, it is just a brief comment on the society's decline and because members of that society were being audited as they came in and because each year the average case found was rougher than last year's cases, it affected the line-up of the Grade Chart. 1949 is not 1981. The key word of all this is UNDERCUT. In research, whatever other considerations existed, there was always the necessity to go into a lower UNDERCUT of the cases. HCOB 12.12.81 - 2 - Book One, DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH, contains the bulk of the elements and philosophy that we use today. Of course there have been MANY breakthroughs that were not downwards, but upwards. However, the bulk of work has been devoted to finding where current cases were at and undercutting them to get positive results. Don't be unduly alarmed by what I am saying about the social decline as it may influence Dianetics and Scientology: We are WAY out ahead of it. As the society went down, our percentages of successful handlings were going up and up. And this shift in the Grade Chart is part of a program to keep it so. The main change in the New Grade Chart is that Dianetics and Scientology have been switched around. One gets his Scientology, per this chart, before he gets his Dianetics. Chronologically, then, Dianetics came before Scientology; and it would seem natural that one would give Dianetics to a pc before he gave him Scientology auditing. But wait, Scientology ARC Straight Wire and Grades were developed as an undercut to Dianetics. It was Dianetics that made the first Clears. Scientology Grades do not make Clears, even though they sometimes exteriorize a person. So this has now been made real on the New Grade Chart. Lower Scientology Grades have been placed below NED. There are other technical reasons for this change: The pc usually needs a lot of work on his life, his relationships to his environment today before he has an easy time confronting his bank as in NED. By giving him Scientology first, things are made much easier for him when he sails into NED and when he goes Clear. The Scientology Lower Grades unburden an awful lot of bank and environment when properly applied to a cooperative pc and can give him wins, wins, wins in his normal life. This makes, too, for a happier end result. In most cases, it shouldn't add to time in session, but on the contrary, can shorten it up. Also, there should be no particular reason to give lower grades after a person has gone Clear if his life problems have already been unburdened. What is happening, with this New Grade Chart, is that one is correcting the relative positions of NED and Scientology lower grades. I trust we can look forward now to even more Clears coming off the line. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:bk Copyright $c 1981 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER   Type = 11 iDate=5/12/81 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 7 SETTING UP AND USING A TAPE PLAYER  Type = 12 iDate=25/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Students Supervisors Course Admins  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 DECEMBER 1981 Remimeo Students CANCELS BTB 25 Nov 71R Supervisors Tape Course Series 7 Course Admins SETTING UP AND USING A TAPE PLAYER Tape Course Series 7 SETTING UP AND USING A TAPE PLAYER Years ago I found that student comprehension and tape playing quality went hand in hand. (Ref. HCO PL 6 May 71 AUDIENCE ALERTNESS AND TAPE PLAYERS) I made some experiments with this and I found that on bad quality equipment most of the students went to sleep, but as the quality of the equipment improved their comprehension also improved. And that students got the best grades on high quality equipment. The tape player must be of high quality to reproduce the sound without adding to or distorting what is one the tape. Poor quality sound is difficult and annoying to listen to and causes misunderstoods by preventing the listener from hearing exactly what is said. The poorer the equipment, the poorer the comprehension. The better the equipment, the better the comprehension. This also applies to the headphones. Course tapes must always be listened to through high quality, high fidelity headphones. This permits the listener to be undisturbed by other noises in the area, as well as prevents others from being disturbed by the tape being played. High fidelity headphones permit the listener to have his undivided attention on the tape and produce a pleasant and easy to listen to sound which closely duplicates what is spoken on the tape. THE TAPE PLAYER CONTROLS In an Academy you may find both tape players and tape recorders. A tape recorder is a machine that records sound onto tape and also can play back the sound. A tape player is a machine that only plays back the sound that is already recorded on tape. Tape recorders should, in effect, be converted to tape players by having the "record" button removed or sealed up, so that it cannot be used. It will erase the tape and lose the valuable materials on the tape if pushed accidentally by the student. Tape recorders and tape players come in many makes and models. The controls and switches are arranged in various places and the machines are of various styles. Following is a description of the basic controls of a tape player. The arrangement of these controls will vary from machine to machine but their functions will be the same on most machines. 1. On/Off Switch or Power Switch. 2. Volume Control (often in combination with the On/Off Switch). 3. Tone Control (omitted on some machines). HCOB 5.12.81 - 2 - The tape controls of a tape player are usually in the form of a switch which is turned to various positions or in the form of a series of buttons. SWITCH TYPE CONTROLS: STOP REWIND PLAY PAUSE FAST FORWARD BUTTON CONTROLS: PAUSE FAST REWIND STOP PLAY FORWARD 4. PLAY (sometimes called FORWARD): Press this button or turn the switch to this position to play the tape. 5. FAST FORWARD: Rapidly runs the tape forward without playing the tape. 6. REWIND: Rapidly runs the tape back without playing the tape. 7. STOP: Stops the tape. Always stop the tape before fast forwarding or rewinding the tape. Also bring the tape to a complete stop after fast forwarding or rewinding the tape before playing the tape. 8. PAUSE: Use to temporarily pause a tape that is being played. On a machine with a Pause Button, press the Pause Button to hold the tape; press the button again to release it. On a machine that has a switch with a Pause Position turn the switch to the pause position to pause the tape then back to play to play the tape. 9. FOOT PEDAL: This is exactly the same as the Pause Button is function except that it is operated by the foot. Academy tape players should have a Foot Pedal so the student can have his hands free to look up words, take notes, demonstrate something with his demo kit, etc. (Most tape players do not have Foot Pedals, but they can and should be installed on tape machines that don't already have them.) HCOB 5.12.81 - 3 - CAUTION: If you are using a tape recorder that has a RECORD BUTTON, never press this button, as it will erase the section of tape being played while the record button is pressed. (The record button is used when recording something onto a tape. But when it is used with a pre-recorded tape, it will also erase any section of that tape that is played.) The Record Button is usually red. SETTING UP THE TAPE PLAYER 1. The tape player is set on a steady bench, table or platform at a comfortable height so the student can easily operate the controls, take notes, etc. 2. The tape player should be set up so that the student is facing the Course Supervisor, rather than having his back to the Supervisor. This enables the Supervisor to see how the student is doing and he can easily spot if the student has gone dull or sleepy from a misunderstood word. 3. The tape machine is plugged in and switched on to check if the power is on and that the machine is operating. 4. Plug in the headphones. 5. Plug in the foot pedal and position it on the floor so that it can comfortably be reached by the foot. 6. The tape is put on the tape player and the colored leader is threaded around the tape guides and playing head and in between the capstan and rubber pinch roller as shown the following diagram. reel of empty tape reel tape tape guide tape guide capstan (pulls the playing head tape forward and regulates (picks up the sound recorded the speed of the tape when on the tape.) being played.) rubber pinch roller (holds the tape firmly against the capstan when the tape is being played.) Be sure not to twist the tape as it is threaded past the head and guides. The tape should come off the reel flat and lie flat against the guides and should go onto the empty reel without a single twist. HCOB 5.12.81 - 4 - 7. Set the speed at which the tape will be played at the correct speed for the tape. (The usual speeds for a tape player are 7 1/2, 3 3/4, or 1 7/8 inches per second or their equivalent, 19, 9.5, or 4.8 cm per second.) Most of the tapes you will play are played at 3 3/4 inches per second (9.5 cm per second). 8. Run the tape to the beginning of the lecture and set the tape counter at zero (unless your machine is not equipped with a tape counter). 9. Play the tape. Adjust the Volume and Tone Controls as needed, while playing the tape. POINTS ON THE USE OF THE TAPE PLAYER a) To rewind a tape or to fast forward it always press the stop button first. And after rewinding the tape or fast forwarding it press the stop button and wait for the tape to stop before pressing the play button. Suddenly jerking the tape forward or back can cause it to break or stretch or the tape can even come off the reel and get caught in between the side of the reel and the wound tape. b) The magnets inside headphones can erase part or all of a tape so never leave headphones lying near a tape. c) Keep dirt and dust away from the tape machine and when not in use replace the cover on the tape machine. d) Handle a tape gently. Don't do anything that would cause it to become stretched, tangled or broken. Be sure to place the tape in its correct box when done and don't permit loose ends to protrude from the tape box. e) Don't leave long loose ends sticking out from a reel when playing a tape. These could get caught in the machine. f) After the tape has been played store it in its box without rewinding it. Rewinding the tape serves no purpose and fast winding causes the tape to be wound rather sloppily. This can cause the tape to distort. Tapes store better and last longer when wound at playing speed. g) Never put a piece of paper or anything else into the tape to register your place. Use the tape counter to find your place. h) Always switch the tape player off when not in use, even on short breaks. This lets the machine cool off and helps to prevent it from overheating. i) At the first sign of any fault with the tape player or a tape report it to the Course Admin or your Supervisor. j) Never twist or knot the headphone cord as this may lead to inner wire breakage. k) If a word or phrase cannot be understood call the Supervisor, or check a good transcript, if one is available. l) If the sound becomes blurred or of poor quality ask the Course Admin to clean the playing head across which the the tape moves. The playing head must be cleaned regularly as it picks up some of the coating from the tape which results in a blurred, poor quality sound. HCOB 5.12.81 - 5 - m) If you cannot clearly hear the tape or the quality of the recording is poor tell the Course Admin or your Supervisor. The playing head may need to be cleaned or the tape player may need to be demagnetized. You may also have a bad tape. Don't jeopardize your comprehension of the materials by listening to a lecture through poor equipment. Get it handled or switch to a better machine. n) Consult the instruction book or manual if you need additional information on the particular tape player or tape recorder that you are using. o) If a student has trouble running the tape player or has difficulty with it, he should be run on Reach and Withdraw on the tape player by another student as a drill per HCOB 10 Apr 81 REACH AND WITHDRAW. He should also be word cleared on this HCOB, and also the tape player manual if needed. TAPE COURSES (Tape courses are courses that are taught in languages other than English where the materials have been translated and recorded on tape.)' 1. Mark the tape counter reading of each item on the checksheet as you come to that item on the tape. This gives you a reference by which you can find any item later on. 2. If a word or phrase cannot be understood the student should call the Supervisor. The Supervisor listens to the tape and if he can't distinguish what is being said, he gets hold of the English text and locates the word or phrase and using a good foreign language dictionary translates the word or phrase for the student. 3. If a student bogs or can't understand something on a translated tape, he is first word cleared. If the confusion does not resolve the translated tape is compared to the English material and if found to be a translation error the Supervisor or Word Clearer makes a note of the translation error by entering it on a card which is then kept in the tape box for that tape. He also sends a report to the Translations Secretary at New Era Publications. The vast majority of the technology of Dianetics and Scientology is recorded on tape. Use good equipment and use it properly so that you can hear these materials in their utmost clarity. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Research & Technical Compilations Unit LRH:RTC:bk Copyright $c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard  L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Assisted by Research & Technical Compilations Unit