Type = 11 iDate=8/6/61 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=22/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  E-METER WATCHING ARE YOU WAITING FOR THE METER TO PLAY DIXIE?   Remimeo Tech Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 8 JUNE 1961R Tech REVISED 22 FEBRUARY 1979 Qual (Revisions in this type style) E-METER WATCHING ARE YOU WAITING FOR THE METER TO PLAY DIXIE? I have been a bit surprised by the length of time it is taking people to do assessments on the Prehav, on Security Checks and goals. A query into this, which may reveal more, has discovered that students wait patiently for the meter to react, which Mary Sue has noticed. It dawns on me that auditors believe they are doing an analytical assessment on the Prehav, etc. This is wrong. The Prehav Scale is not a picture of analytical thought. It is in the order it is in because it is a picture of reactive thought. It is how the reactive mind is stacked up. (See Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health for the chapter on the reactive mind.) Now an E-Meter reacts only on the reactive mind. A Clear doesn't react because he is able to be conscious. An aberree reacts because he can't think without thought exciting the reactivity of the reactive mind. This, being composed of mass, energy. space, time and thought, responds to tiny electrical impulses. If your auditing was not aimed at reactivity it would not register on a meter. Thus, you run what reacts because it reacts and is therefore part of the reactive mind. The reactive mind responds instantly on data a billion years ago. How is this? Time in the reactive mind is out of order. So is space. So is matter, so is energy. Pin a sign on the reactive mind: "Out of Order." It connects wrong connections. Hence, the E-Meter. What is wrong with the pc is not known to the pc. Therefore if a pc knows all about it, it isn't wrong with him. That's why you never run what the pc says. You run only what the meter says. Example: pc is sure his current general Prehav Level that should be run now is "Order or Command." "Order" rapidly vanishes. "Command" follows suit. CONQUER stays in. This is an actual example. I just assessed it a few minutes ago on a pc who is in pretty good shape. He didn't like CONQUER. He said Order and Command were long track. Somebody running a Q and A on his assessment would have said, perhaps, the pc knows best. so we'll run Order. Even if it doesn't fall. But when I said it was CONQUER that we were going to run as only it now fell, the pc sighed and gave in. Finding the Conquer level questions produced a very responsive meter needle. It was wrong with the pc because he didn't know about it. It was part of his reactive mind. Order and Command were analytical responses prompted by an entirely different thing CONQUER. If Order or Command had been run the pc would have had a lot of auditing time wasted on him. Now, why are assessments wrong sometimes? Because the auditor is persuaded by the pc, not the meter. If the pc and the meter agree, so what. You can still run it. But only if the meter says so, for only then is it reactive. 1 Now, what about slow assessments? Well, the auditor thinks the pc must consider things before he answers, waits for the pc to answer and waits for the question to sink in so the meter will react. This is entirely wrong. Based on a misunderstanding of assessment, the meter and the reactive mind. 1. The pc does not have to be given a chance to think before the needle responds. 2. The pc does not have to answer or say one word to make the needle respond. 3. All needle response is reactive. 4. There is no time in the reactive mind. 5. If the pc knew what was wrong with him it wouldn't be wrong. 6. Only the meter knows. 7. The auditor has more control over the pc's reactive mind than the pc since the pc is influenced by the reactive mind responses and the auditor is not so influenced. The meter responds instantly. The reaction you will get on the needle starts to occur on the needle instantly after you utter it. There is no need to sit there afterwards waiting for the needle to respond again, for it won't until you push that button again. The only wait is caused by letting the needle come back at the end of a fall. This may take one second. Therefore: TO WAIT MORE THAN ONE SECOND BEFORE UTTERING THE NEXT WORD ON THE LIST IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF AUDITING TIME. All the response you want will begin to occur instantly after you utter a goal, terminal, level or security question. Thus the maximum time between questions on the Prehav Level is at most a three-second interval of silence while you digest the data. Further, on an assessment for a Prehav run on the General Scale (as in Routine 2, HCOB 5 June 1961), you do not now say, "Do you..." or any other dunnage. You just say the level itself, note response, put a pencil point down on the level if it responds, say the next word, etc., etc. Takes about 5 minutes to run the Primary Scale up and down to find its level. You start at the bottom. You just say the word. If it responds you dot the sheet (using different symbols to tell them apart like dots, X's, lines). Then go back down the scale touching only those you marked going up. Add another dot if they still fall or react. Then play off those left one against the other, saying a level only once each time. The remaining level is now the only one that reacts. So you assemble your 5-way bracket and carry on with auditing. The pc doesn't have to say a word throughout the whole assessment. You can even ask him politely not to, as breath going in and out in speech can vibrate the needle. When you assess over into the Secondary Scale of the level you found, you do exactly the same as above. You read them all off once, then only those that reacted, eliminate them and you've got it. (And, by the way, if you go over the Secondary 2 Scale, you then don't only run levels on that Secondary forever; in each new assessment you use the Primary Scale again to find a new Secondary Level to assess.) This is also true of a Joburg. If you're going to get a reaction on the needle, it will come fast. No waiting. If you get a reaction you clear that reaction, not the pc's whole life. The moment the needle is null, you go on to the next question. Of course. in a Joburg, the pc talks. He better! All auditing actions except the CCHs are now done in Model Session. And all auditing actions and questions are done effectively, neither frantically rushed nor slowly. So it boils down to this. Weeks can be added to Joburgs and assessments if you think you have to wait for a needle response. What are you waiting for? The whole action only requires a second. Don't wait for the E-Meter to play Dixie. It was made in the Nawth. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:imj.rd.jk Copyright $c 1961, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 3  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=22/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  E-METER SENSITIVITY SETTING   Remimeo Tech Qual All Auditors E-Meter Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 NOVEMBER 1965R Remimeo REVISED 22 FEBRUARY 1979 Tech (Revisions in this type style) Qual (Ellipsis indicates deletion) All Auditors E-Meter Checksheets E-METER SENSITIVITY SETTING (Ref. HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 24Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-METER DRILL 5RA -- CAN SQUEEZE) When preparing for a session, an auditor sets up his E-Meter as per E-Meter Drill 4. The sensitivity is set for 1/3 of a dial drop on a correct can squeeze per HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-METER DRILL 5RA CAN SQUEEZE. This is done for each individual pc and at the beginning of each session before starting the session, and with the pc on the cans, per HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST F0R SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER. There is no set sensitivity setting for a pc at any grade level. It is determined by the pc's can squeeze at each session. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:kjm Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 4  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=10/2/66 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=22/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TECH RECOVERY   Remimeo Tech Hats Qual Hats Ethics Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 10 FEBRUARY 1966R Remimeo ISSUE II Tech Hats REVISED 22 FEBRUARY 1979 Qual Hats (Revisions in this type style) Ethics Hats TECH RECOVERY (Ref -- HCOB 7 Feb 79R, E-METER DRILL 5RA -- CAN SQUEEZE) My study of a Nov 1965 plummeting HGC Completion Statistic indicates certain policies are necessary in all HGCs and Qual Divisions. The following errors were found: 1. The HGC ceased to look for former release grades to rehabilitate and ignored opportunities to do so on the basis that "outer orgs have rehabbed them already." This came out in the Comm Ev held on a D of P of that period. Of course, if the HGC failed to rehab earlier grades or earlier life overruns) it could achieve no later grades or Grade V. This alone would have ended completions promptly on all grades and wiped out the graph. 2. Invalidation of the appearance of a free needle and invalidating any auditor who "thought he saw one." This wiped out all Release attainments and made for total overrun of all pcs of all grades. This error existed for 15 years so it is not surprising that it got back in again. 3. Whenever an overrun occurred, "rehabilitation of it" was done by running different new processes instead of standard rehab routine as in HCOBs, i.e. doing ARC break, PTPs, rudiments, anything but a real rehab of that process that was overrun. 4. Abandonment of standard tech in favor of unusual solutions. This is always present when a collapse of tech occurs. 5. One SP was found in the middle of all this but after his departure the statistic did not recover so one can assume another SP was in the middle of it still or that the HGC remained PTS and didn't separate from the SP found because he was so convincing, so reasonable and so persuasive as to why a tech statistics must remain down. It is interesting that (1) above -- Ceasing to rehab lower grades -- would be absolutely fatal to any upper grades. Therefore this becomes policy: NO UPPER GRADE OF RELEASE MAY BE BEGUN NEWLY ON A PC UNTIL ALL LOWER GRADES ARE FULLY REHABBED TO FREE NEEDLE. THIS APPLIES TO ALL GRADES 0 TO VII. Regarding (2) -- Invalidation of what a free needle is -- and thus running past all free needles, let it be noted that this is an Auditor's Code break -- continuing a process that has ceased to practice change -- and is therefore a crime. This was wrong too long to be allowed to go wrong again. Thus we get the policy: AN AUDITOR WHO HAS BEEN FOUND TO HAVE OVERRUN A FREE NEEDLE ON A PRECLEAR MUST BE GIVEN AN ETHICS CHIT; AND IF THE ACTION IS SEVERAL TIMES REPEATED, ETHICS MUST ORDER A FULL 5 REVIEW OF THE AUDITORS CASE INCLUDING AN EYESIGHT TEST AND CONDUCT A THOROUGH ETHICS INVESTIGATION AND HEARING. Note that a meter run with too high a sensitivity does not give a marked change when the needle floats. A meter cranked up to 128 sensitivity looks like a floating needle all of the time at a casual glance on most pcs. On the other hand, if the sensitivity is set too low then the free needle may not be seen. Thus the sensitivity must be set for 1/3 of a dial drop on the can squeeze for each session. Then a free needle will be plainly visible. Also, meters go out of 5,000 ohm calibration and don't read on the M and F "Clear" reads and change of electrodes can change M and F "Clear" reads. A free needle, if a process is overrun, vanishes with just one extra command so an auditor must be alert. Please also note that this has been part of the Auditor's Code for ages -- running past a flat point of a process has been forbidden since the first formulations of the Auditor's Code. Regarding (3) -- Rehabilitation by using other processes -- the HCOBs on rehabs are very explicit. To run another process would clobber the pc. Thus we get the policy: REHABILITATIONS MUST BE DONE BY REHABILITATING THE PC ONLY ON THE PROCESS OVERRUN AND ONLY BY STANDARD HCOBs ON REHAB PROCEDURE. Re (4) -- Unusual solutions -- we get the policy: ANY AUDITOR ACCEPTING AN UNUSUAL SOLUTION WITHOUT FILING A JOB ENDANGERMENT CHIT OR FOUND USING AN UNUSUAL SOLUTION MUST BE CHARGED WITH A CRIME AND GIVEN AN ETHICS HEARING. FAILING TO REPORT AN UNUSUAL SOLUTION ADVISED OR USED IS ALSO SO HANDLED. AN UNUSUAL SOLUTION IS ONE EVOLVED TO REMEDY AN ABUSE OF EXISTING TECHNOLOGY. On (5) -- Statistic failing to recover after an SP is spotted in a department gives us the 2 policies: WHENEVER AN SP IS DISCOVERED AND DECLARED IN AN ORGANIZATION ALL HIS ASSOCIATES IN THAT PORTION OF THE ORG MUST BE CHECKED OUT FOR OR GIVEN AN S & D. And WHEN AN SP IS DISCOVERED IN AN ORGANIZATION, IS DISMISSED OR REMOVED AND THE STATISTIC DOES NOT RECOVER, ANOTHER SP MUST BE LOOKED FOR. It is noted that the general condition of the Completion Statistic of Dec 65 to Jan 66 could be attributed to the above gross errors. It is now certain that (1) rehabilitation of earlier grades. (2) free needle and (3) rehabilitation by standard practice are primary targets in our technology for anyone seeking to mess it up and that unwitting tampering with these three things and lack of HCO enforcement on them will reduce HGC statistics and prevent their recovery. Of course one could also go mad in the opposite direction -- (1) rehabilitate earlier grades endlessly on a pc regardless of how many times a free needle had been obtained. (2) call any loosening up of a needle a free needle and (3) refuse to even 6 2-way comm with a pc under repair for overrun for fear it violates standard procedure for rehab. The middle course is the correct course in this case. Relax and just be very sure the pc has been properly rehabbed to free needle on each grade up to the one one is going to start by demanding the awards of Release that were granted and if these weren't ever awarded, then do the rehabs necessary grade by grade. The only sticky point in this is that if a pc had ever been run on a higher grade without rehab of a lower, one must rehab "from the top down" at times, tackling the highest overrun first, but nevertheless doing all of them that were bypassed eventually. The way to recognize a free needle is watch for one. When it happens you will see one. Then you will never afterwards wonder. The free needles available on a case can all be swallowed up by a failure to rehab all grades ever bypassed or overrun. If no free needles show up on a case at all then partially rehab any grade available for rehab back and forth until one has one of them go free needle and then get a free needle on the remainder. Life can also be an overrun and a pc never audited will respond to a rehab of "something overdone." This doesn't mean the pc went release before Scientology -- it means that purpose overrun then jams -- rehab of life situations of overrun consists of hitting the purpose that was overrun and when this is hit, the pc goes Release in PT and was not a Release in the past. An example is an overrun located in 20 AD when the person, alert to Christianity, decided to be good, made it and then overran it for 1945 years. When the purpose was found (to be good) and dated and the overrun spotted the needle went free. Rough auditing, bad TRs, "letting the pc itsa," etc., can swallow up free needles. Also a totally ARC Broke meter that won't read at all with bad indicators all over the place won't record a read, looks sometimes like a floating needle, the difference being the pc has total bad indicators -- sour, mean, sad, etc. A free needle occurs most often after a big cognition and the unskilled auditor looks at the pc who is being bright and interesting and just doesn't see the needle float, asks more questions and overruns, and the free needle vanishes -- when a pc is cogniting, look at the meter not the pc. And the instant the TA starts up and the needle goes sticky suspect an overrun and check. As for doing something else rather than standard procedure for rehab, plain ignorance can cause it. The auditor's desire to help the pc if unaccompanied by solid tech background leads to wild efforts, new processes and anything but cool standard procedure. When the person checking out pcs is also the Case Supervisor, unusual solutions creep in. The most errors I've seen made by a Case Supervisor were made after pc had seen the pc or talked with the auditor. Cases have to be run by report only and auditors have to be supervised and their sessions listened to by somebody else besides the Case Supervisor. Tech is tech. There is such a thing as standard tech. Pc wild tales and hollow eyes and auditor hobbyhorses have to be kept off Case Supervisor lines. So there must be a person who checks out pcs and supervises auditors and their auditing performance but who never opens his or her face to suggest instructions about the pc and only writes down that the auditor is rough or the process is flat or the process is overrun. The Case Supervisor lives in an Ivory Tower. Sounds strange but unless it's done that way, wild departures from standard rehab procedure and from standard tech in general will occur. Hell, all psychiatry went down that drain -- the desperate patient, the desperate measures. Squirreling stems from the Case Supervisor being the auditor supervisor and the pc interviewer. Oil, water, being in two divisions, Commies and Fascists dogs and cats, won't mix. Neither will the personal contacter of auditors and pcs and the Case Supervisor ever successfully stay crossed. The individual practitioner breaks down only because he does both auditing and case supervision. Auditing is an organization action which is why today we have field staff members and HGCs. Additional notes of things discovered in the investigation of the plummeted statistic on completions were: 7 1. Auditors rabbiting out of uncertainty and so stumbling past end phenomena and floating needles. 2. Case Supervisor getting auditors to ask leading questions on Pr Pr 2 -- "Ask the pc if he is interested in Medical Practices." 3. D of P: "Find out what the needle is floating on." 4. Case Supervisor: Told auditor that a floating needle was not the end phenomenon of a process in which "the TA had to be run out." 5. Lack of knowledge and understanding of the technology and not knowing the difference between such things as anaten, secondaries and engrams by Case Supervisor, D of P, and so confusing auditors. Of course the one thing one can't technically overcome is an SP keeping an area messed up. His case doesn't improve because of his intentions and overts and fear of people getting better or being bigger than he. When an SP dominates an area, only ethics actions can handle. The primary indicator of the presence of an SP in an org is a plummeting statistic immediately after he starts handling a portion of it. Indifferent leadership, even inaction, can't drive a statistic down. Only active suppression can. So watch the statistics and don't get reasonable when they fall. Either outside the org suppression has been brought down on that portion of the org, making it PTS or there is an SP there. The final answer is what happened just before the statistic fell. If a new appointment was made and it fell, unappoint it fast. If nothing cures the down statistic find the SP or handle the PTS situation because one or the other is there. Completions stayed down for 15 years. Then we found auditors never noticed free needles. Now for heaven's sakes, 15 years was enough. Don't repeat the error! It does work you know. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: ml.rd.jh.jk Copyright $c 1966, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=11/2/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=22/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FREE NEEDLES, HOW TO GET THEM ON A PC   Remimeo Tech Qual All Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 FEBRUARY 1966R Remimeo REVISED 22 FEBRUARY 1979 Tech Qual (Revisions in this type style) All Auditors (Ellipsis indicates deletion) FREE NEEDLES, HOW TO GET THEM ON A PC (Ref: HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-METER DRILL 5RA -- CAN SQUEEZE Rev. 15.2.79 HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 3 Sep 78 DEFINITION OF A ROCK SLAM) Free needles can lie obscured only by overruns and auditor goofs in the rehab session and ARC breaks in past auditing. When a TA goes up or is up it means an overrun in life or on a process or grade of release. The only place you can't get an overrun is at Grade VII. All grades below that are subject to overrun. Life subjects are subject to overrun before Scientology. The mechanism is this: one conceived a purpose. He or she succeeded in it, then kept on and overran it. In auditing one hits the purpose and the overrun of it and gets a free needle on it. That doesn't mean the person was a Release then. It means that the spotting of the purpose and the overrun by auditing produces a free needle today. It may be necessary to find whole track overruns on some pcs in rehabilitation of grades. If a lot of levels have been run past free needle it may be necessary to take apart the mess like a bundle of yarn to get the first free needle. In such a case one rehabs any grade the pc has been run on that the pc can remember. One handles this briefly until the pc is happy but not necessarily to free needle. One then finds another overrun, does the same. One goes on and on looking for moments the pc felt good about processing at one or another time. If you keep this up, suddenly you will see a free needle on the pc! Establish what grade it is free on, then quickly get the needle free on the remaining overrun grades (but not grades pc was never run on). It may be necessary to take into account a whole track overrun of a purpose or even the purpose to get Release, Clear or OT. It is all very quick, deft auditing, very much on procedure using standard rehab tech -- but no repetitive grind. If you set the sensitivity too low you won't see the free needle (floating needle) and if you set the sensitivity too high it will obscure every free needle as the needle is too loose already for the auditor to see any change. So you always set the sensitivity for each session for a 1/3 of a dial drop when the pc squeezes the cans and you will be able to easily recognize free needles when they appear. Pcs are most apt to go free needle after a big cog. So don't be so engrossed in looking at the pc during cognitions. Keep an eye on that needle. And if it goes free, don't ask anything else. Just gently give the pc a "That's it" and without a chop of comm, ease the pc off to "Declare?" in Qual. (Or if a field auditor, start the next grade.) 9 Gently, gently, smooth TRs get you free needles. A dirty needle is caused by one of three things: 1. The auditor's TRs are bad. 2. The auditor is breaking the Auditor's Code. 3. The pc has withholds he does not wish known. If a needle goes dirty in a rehab session, do an L1C right now and quickly find why. Rehabs are not a substitute for processes. If a grade hasn't been run, you can't rehab it of course. In rehab, never use a new process to cure an overrun. Rehab the process that was overrun, not new ruds. And see HCO Pol Ltr 10 Feb 1966 on this subject. You can get free needles on pcs. It just requires standard TRs, standard tech, standard rehab and wanting to get one and letting a pc have one. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ml.rd.jk Copyright$c 1966, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 10  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=12/2/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ADMIN KNOW-HOW THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF LEADERS   Org Exec Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 FEBRUARY 1967 Org Exec REISSUED 22 JULY 1979 Course CORRECTED & REISSUED 4 SEPTEMBER 1979 (HCO PL 12 Feb 67 Admin Know-How THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF LEADERS reissued as an HCOB; as well as existing in HCO PL form.) ADMIN KNOW-HOW THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF LEADERS A few comments on POWER, being or working close to or under a power, which is to say a leader or one who exerts wide primary influence on the affairs of men. I have written it this way, using two actual people to give an example of magnitude enough to interest and to furnish some pleasant reading. And I used a military sphere so it could be seen clearly without restimulation of admin problems. The book referenced is a fantastically able book by the way. THE MISTAKES OF SIMON BOLIVAR AND MANUELA SAENZ Reference: The book entitled: The Four Seasons of Manuela by Victor W. von Hagen, a biography. A Mayflower Dell Paperback. Oct 1966. 6/- Simon Bolivar was the liberator of South America from the yoke of Spain. Manuela Saenz was the liberatress and consort. Their acts and fates are well recorded in this moving biography. But aside from any purely dramatic value the book lays bare and motivates various actions of great interest to those who lead, who support or are near leaders. Simon Bolivar was a very strong character. He was one of the richest men in South America. He had real personal ability given to only a handful on the planet. He was a military commander without peer in history. Why he would fail and die an exile to be later deified is thus of great interest. What mistakes did he make? Manuela Saenz was a brilliant, beautiful and able woman. She was loyal, devoted, quite comparable to Bolivar, far above the cut of average humanoids. Why then did she live a vilified outcast, receive such violent social rejection and die of poverty and remain unknown to history? What mistakes did she make? BOLIVAR'S ERRORS The freeing of things is the reverse unstated dramatization (the opposite side of the coin) to the slavery enjoined by the mechanisms of the mind. Unless there is something to free men into, the act of freeing is simply a protest 11 of slavery. And as no humanoid is free while aberrated in the body cycle, it is of course a gesture to free him politically as it frees him only into the anarchy of dramatizing his aberrations with NO control whatever and without something to fight exterior and with no exteriorization of his interest he simply goes mad noisily or quietly. Once as great a wrong as depraving beings has been done there is of course no freedom short of freeing one from the depravity itself or at least from its most obvious influences in the society. In short one would have to de- aberrate a man before his whole social structure could be de-aberrated. If one lacked the whole ability to free man wholly from his reactive patterns, then one could free man from their restimulators in the society at least. If one had the whole of the data (but lacked the Scientology tech), one would simply use reactive patterns to blow the old society apart and then pick up the pieces neatly in a new pattern. If one had no inkling of how reactive one can get (and Bolivar of course had no knowledge whatever in that field), there yet remained a workable formula used "instinctively" by most successful practical political leaders. If you free a society from those things you see wrong with it and use force to demand it do what is right, and if you carry forward with decision and thoroughness, and without continual temporizing you can, in the applications of your charm and gifts, bring about a great political reform or improve a failing country. So Bolivar's first error, most consistent it was, too, was contained in the vital words "you see" in the above paragraph. He didn't look and he didn't even listen to sound intelligence reports. He was so sure he could glow things right or fight things right or charm things right that he never looked for anything wrong to correct until it was too late. This is the ne-plus-ultra of personal confidence, amounting to supreme vanity. "When he appeared it would all come right" was not only his belief but his basic philosophy. So the first time it didn't work, he collapsed. All his skills and charm were channeled into this one test. Only that could he observe. Not to compare with Bolivar but to show my understanding of this: I once had a similar one. "I would keep going as long as I could and when I was stopped I would then die." This was a solution mild enough to state and really hard to understand until you had an inkling of what I meant by keeping going. Meteors keep going -- very, very fast. And so did I. Then one day ages back I finally was stopped after countless little stoppings by social contacts and family to prepare me culminating in a navy more devoted to braid than dead enemies and literally I quit. For a while I couldn't get a clue of what was wrong with me. Life went completely unlivable until I found a new solution. So I know the frailty of these single solutions. Not to compare myself but just to show it happens to us all, not just Bolivars. Bolivar had no personal insight at all. He could only outsight and even then he did not look or listen. He glowed things right. Pitifully it was his undoing that he could. Until he no longer could. When he couldn't glow he roared and when he couldn't roar he fought a battle. Then civic enemies were not military enemies so he had no solution left at all. It never occurred to him to do more than personally magnetize things into being right and victorious. His downfall was that he made far too heavy use of a skill simply because it was easy. He was too good at this one thing. So he never looked to any other skill and he never even dreamed there was any other way. He had no view of any situation and no idea of the organizational or preparatory steps necessary to political and personal victory. He only knew military organization which is where his organizational insight ceased. He was taught on the high wine of French revolt, notorious in its organizational 12 inability to form cultures, and that fatally by a childhood teacher who was intensely impractical in his own private life (Simon Rodriguez, an unfrocked priest turned tutor). Bolivar had no personal financial skill. He started wealthy and wound up a pauper, a statistic descending from one of the, if not the, richest man in South America down to a borrowed nightshirt to be buried in as an exile. And this while the property of Royalists was wide open, the greatest land and mine valuables of South America wide open to his hand and that's not believable! But true. He never collected his own debt of loans to governments even when the head of those governments. So it is no wonder we find two more very real errors leading to his downfall. He did not get his troops or officers rewarded and he did not aim for any solvency of the states he controlled. It was all right if there were long years of battle ahead for them to be unpaid as no real riches were yet won, but not to reward them when the whole place was at his disposal! Well! The limit of his ability consisted of demanding a bit of cash for current pay from churches -- which were not actively against him at first but which annoyed them no end -- and a few household expenses. He could have (and should have) set aside all Royalist property and estates for division amongst all officers, their men and his supporters. It had no owners now. And this failure cost the economy of the country the tax loss of all those productive estates (the whole wealth of the land). So it is no wonder his government, its taxable estates now inoperative or at best lorded by a profiteer or looted by Indians, was insolvent. Also, by failing to do such an obvious act he delivered property into the hands of more provident enemies and left his officers and men penniless to finance any support for their own stability in the new society and so for his own. As for state finance the great mines of South America, suddenly ownerless, were overlooked and were then grabbed and worked by foreign adventurers who simply came in and took them without payment. Spain had run the country on the finance of mine tithes and general taxes. Bolivar not only didn't collect the tithes, he let the land become so worthless as to be untaxable. He should have gotten the estates going by any shifts and should have state operated all Royalist mines once he had them. To not do these things was complete, but typically humanoid, folly. In doing this property division he should have left it all up to officers' committees operating as courts of claim without staining his own hands in the natural corruption. He was left doubly open as he not only did not attend to it, he also got the name of corruption when anybody did grab something. He failed as well to recognize the distant widespread nature of his countries despite all his riding and fighting over them and so sought tightly centralized government, not only centralizing states but also centralizing the various nations into a federal state. And this over a huge land mass full of insurmountable ranges, impassable jungles and deserts and without mail, telegraph, relay stages, roads, railroads, river vessels or even foot bridges repaired after a war of attrition. A step echelon from a pueblo (village) to a state, from a state to a country and a country to a federal state was only possible in such huge spaces of country where candidates could never be known personally over any wide area and whose opinions could not even be circulated more than a few miles of burro trail, where only the pueblo was democratic and the rest all appointive from pueblo on up, himself the ratifier of titles if he even needed that. With his own officers and armies controlling the land as owners of all wrested from Royalists and the crown of Spain, he would have had no revolts. There would have been little civil wars of course but a court to settle their final claims could have existed at federal level and kept them traveling so much over those vast distances it would have crippled their enthusiasm for litigation 13 on the one hand and on the other, by dog eat dog settlements, would have given him the strongest rulers -- if he took neither side. He did not step out and abdicate a dictatorial position. He mistook military acclaim and ability for the tool of peace. War only brings anarchy, so he had anarchy. Peace is more than a "command for unity," his favorite phrase. A productive peace is getting men busy and giving them something to make something of that they want to make something of and telling them to get on with it. He never began to recognize a suppressive and never considered anyone needed killing except on a battlefield. There it was glorious. But somebody destroying his very name and soul, and the security of every supporter and friend, the SP Santander, his vice-president, who could have been arrested and executed by a corporal's guard on one one-hundredth of available evidence, could suborn the whole treasury and population against him, without Bolivar, continually warned, loaded with evidence, ever even reprimanding him. And this brought about his loss of popularity and his eventual exile. He also failed in the same way to protect his military family or Manuela Saenz from other enemies. So he weakened his friends and ignored his enemies just by oversight. His greatest error lay in that while dismissing Spain he did not dismiss that nation's most powerful minion, the Church, and did not even localize it or reward a South American separate branch to loyalty or do anything at all (except extort money from it) to an organization which continually worked for Spain as only it could work on every person in the land in a direct anti- Bolivar reign of terror behind the scenes. You either suborn such a group or you take them out when they cease to be universal and become or are an enemy's partner. As the Church held huge properties and as Bolivar's troops and supporters went unpaid even of the penny soldiers' pay, if one was going to overlook the Royalist estates, one could at least have seized the Church property and given it to the soldiers. General Vallejo did this in 1835 in California, a nearly contemporary act, with no catastrophe from Rome. Or the penniless countries could have taken them over. You don't leave an enemy financed and solvent while you let your friends starve in a game like South American politics. Oh no. He wasted his enemies. He exported the "godos" or defeated Royalist soldiers. They mostly had no homes but South America. He issued no amnesties they could count on. They were shipped off or left to die in the "ditch" -- the best artisan in the country among them. When one (General Rodil) would not surrender Calloa fortress after Peru was won. Bolivar after great gestures of amnesty failed to obtain surrender and then fought the fort. Four thousand political refugees and four thousand Royalist troops died over many months in full sight of Lima, fought heavily by Bolivar only because the fort was fighting. But Bolivar had to straighten up Peru urgently not fight a defeated enemy. The right answer to such a foolish commander as Rodil as Bolivar did have the troops to do it, was to cover the roads with cannon enfilade potential to discourage any sortie from the fort, put a large number of his own troops in a distant position of offense but ease and comfort and say, "We're not going to fight. The war's over, silly man. Look at the silly fellows in there, living on rats when they can just walk out and sleep home nights or go to Spain or enlist with me or just go camping," and let anybody walk in and out who pleased, making the fort Commander (Rodil) the prey of every pleading wife and mother without and would-be deserter or mutineer within until he did indeed sheepishly give up the pretense -- a man cannot fight alone. But battle was glory to Bolivar. And he became intensely disliked because the incessant cannonade which got nowhere was annoying. Honors meant a great deal to Bolivar. To be liked was his life. And it probably meant more to him than to see things really right. He never compromised his principles 14 but he lived on admiration, a rather sickening diet since it demands in turn continuous "theater." One is what one is, not what one is admired or hated for. To judge oneself by one's successes is simply to observe that one's postulates worked and breeds confidence in one's ability. To have to be told it worked only criticizes one's own eyesight and hands a spear to the enemy to make his wound of vanity at his will. Applause is nice. It's great to be thanked and admired. But to work only for that? And his craving for that, his addiction to the most unstable drug in history -- fame -- killed Bolivar. That self offered spear. He told the world continually how to kill him -- reduce its esteem. So as money and land can buy any quantity of cabals, he could be killed by curdling the esteem, the easiest thing you can get a mob to do. He had all the power. He did not use it for good or evil. One cannot hold power and not use it. It violates the power formula. For it then prevents others from doing things if they had some of the power so they then see as their only solution the destruction of the holder of the power as he, not using power or delegating it, is the unwitting block to all their plans. So even many of his friends and armies finally agreed he had to go. They were not able men. They were in a mess. But bad or good they had to do something. Things were desperate, broken down and starving after 14 years of civil war. Therefore they either had to have some of that absolute power or else nothing could be done at all. They were not great minds. He did not need any "great minds," he thought, even though he invited them verbally. He saw their petty, often murderous solutions and he rebuked them. And so held the power and didn't use it. He could not stand another personality threat. The trouble in Peru came when he bested its real conqueror (from the Argentine), La Mar, in a petty triumph over adding Guayaquil to Columbia. Bolivar wished to look triumphant again and didn't notice it really cost him the support and Peru the support of La Mar -- who understandably resigned and went home, leaving Bolivar Peru to conquer. Unfortunately, it had already been in his hands. La Mar needed some troops to clean up a small Royalist army that was all. La Mar didn't need Peru's loss of Guayaquil -- which never did anybody any real good anyway! Bolivar would become inactive when faced with two areas' worth of problems -- he did not know which way to go. So he did nothing. Brave beyond any general in history on the battlefield, the Andes or in torrential rivers, he did not really have the bravery needed to trust inferior minds and stand by their often shocking blunders. He feared their blunders. So he did not dare unleash his many willing hounds. He could lead men, make men feel wonderful, make men fight and lay down their lives after hardships no army elsewhere in the world has ever faced before or since. But he could not use men even when they were begging to be used. It is a frightening level of bravery to use men you know can be cruel, vicious, and incompetent. He had no fear of their turning on him ever. When they finally did only then he was shocked. But he protected "the people" from authority given to questionably competent men. So he really never used but three or four generals of mild disposition and enormously outstanding ability. And to the rest he denied power. Very thoughtful of the nebulous "people" but very bad indeed for the general good. And it really caused his death. No. Bolivar was theater. It was all theater. One cannot make such errors and still pretend that one thinks of life as life, red-blooded and factual. Real men and real life are full of dangerous, violent, live situations and wounds hurt and starvation is desperation itself especially when you see it in one you love. This mighty actor, backed up with fantastic personal potential, made the mistake of thinking the theme of liberty and his own great role upon the stage was enough to interest all the working, suffering hours of men, buy their bread, pay their whores, 15 shoot their wives' lovers and bind their wounds or even put enough drama into very hard pressed lives to make them want to live it. No, Bolivar was unfortunately the only actor on the stage and no other man in the world was real to him. And so he died. They loved him. But they were also on the stage too, where they were dying in his script or Rousseau's script for liberty but no script for living their very real lives. He was the greatest military general in any history measured against his obstacles, the people and the land across which he fought. And he was a complete failure to himself and his friends. While being one of the greatest men alive at that. So we see how truly shabby others in leaders' boots amongst men must be. MANUELA SAENZ The tragedy of Manuela Saenz as Bolivar's mistress was that she was never used, never really had a share and was neither protected nor honored by Bolivar. Here was a clever, spectacular woman of fantastic fidelity and skill, with an enormous "flair," capable of giving great satisfaction and service. And only her satisfaction ability was taken and that not consistently nor even honestly. In the first place, Bolivar never married her. He never married anybody. This opened up a fantastic breach in any defense she could ever make against her or his enemies who were legion. So her first mistake was in not in some way contriving a marriage. That she had an estranged husband she had been more or less sold to was permitted by her to wreck her life obliquely. She was too selfless to be real in all her very able plotting. For this marriage problem she could have engineered any number of actions. She had the solid friendship of all his trusted advisers, even his old tutor. Yet she arranged nothing for herself. She was utterly devoted, completely brilliant and utterly incapable of really bringing off an action of any final kind. She violated the power formula in not realizing that she had power. Manuela was up against a hard man to handle. But she did not know enough to make her own court effective. She organized one. She did not know what to do with it. Her most fatal mistake was in not bringing down Santander, Bolivar's chief enemy. That cost her everything she had before the end and after Bolivar died. She knew for years Santander had to be killed. She said it or wrote it every few days. Yet never did she promise some young officer a nice night or a handful of gold to do it in a day when duelling was in fashion. It's like standing around discussing how the plainly visible wolf in the garden that's eating the chickens must be shot, even holding a gun, and never even lifting it while all one's chickens vanish for years. In a land overridden with priests she never got herself a tame priest to bring about her ends. 16 She was a fantastic intelligence officer. But she fed her data to a man who could not act to protect himself or friends, who could only fight armies dramatically. She did not see this and also quietly take on the portfolio of secret police chief. Her mistake was waiting to be asked -- to be asked to come to him, to act. She voluntarily was his best political intelligence agent. Therefore she should have also assumed further roles. She guarded his correspondence, was intimate with his secretaries. And yet she never collected or forged or stole any document to bring down enemies either through representations to Bolivar or a court circle of her own. And in an area with that low an ethic, that's fatal. She openly pamphleteered and fought violently as in a battle against her rabble. She had a great deal of money at her disposal. In a land of for-sale Indians she never used a penny to buy a quick knife or even a solid piece of evidence. When merely opening her lips she could have had any sequestrated Royalist estate she went to litigation for a legitimate legacy never won and another won but never paid. They lived on the edge of quicksand. She never bought a plank or a rope. Carried away by the glory of it all, devoted completely, potentially able and a formidable enemy, she did not act. She waited to be told to come to him even when he lay dying and exiled. His command over her who never obeyed any other was too absolute for his own or her survival. Her assigned mistakes (pointed out at the time as her caprice and play acting) were not her errors. They only made her interesting. They were far from fatal. She was not ruthless enough to make up for his lack of ruthlessness and not provident enough to make up for his lack of providence. The ways open to her for finance, for action, were completely doorless. The avenue stretched out to the horizon. She fought bravely but she just didn't take action. She was an actress for the theater alone. And she died of it. And she let Bolivar die because of it. Never once did Manuela look about and say, "See here, things mustn't go this wrong. My lover holds half a continent and even I hold the loyalty of battalions. Yet that woman threw a fish!" Never did Manuela tell Bolivar's doctor, a rumored lover, "Tell that man he will not live without my becoming a constant part of his entourage, and tell him until he believes it or we'll have a new physician around here." The world was open. Where Theodosius, the wife of Emperor Justinian II of Constantinople, a mere circus girl and a whore, ruled harder than her husband but for her husband behind his back -- and made him marry her as well, Manuela never had any bushel basket of gold brought in to give Bolivar for his unpaid troops with a "Just found it, dear" to his "Where on Earth...?" after the Royalist captives had been 17 carefully ransomed for gaol escapes by her enterprising own entourage and officer friends. She never handed over any daughter of a family clamoring against her to Negro troops and then said, "Which over-verbal family is next?" She even held a colonel's rank but only used it because she wore man's clothing afternoons. It was a brutal, violent, ruthless land, not a game of musical chairs. And so Manuela, penniless, improvident, died badly and in poverty, exiled by enemies and deserted by her friends. But why not deserted by her friends? They had all been poverty-stricken to a point quite incapable of helping her even though they wanted to -- for she once had the power to make them solvent. And didn't use it. They were in poverty before they won but they did eventually control the land. After that why make it a bad habit? And so we see two pathetic, truly dear, but tinsel figures, both on a stage, both far removed from the reality of it all. And one can say, "But if they had not been such idealists they never would have fought so hard and freed half a continent," or "If she had stooped to such intrigue or he had been known for violent political actions they would never have had the strength and never would have been loved." All very idealistic itself. They died "in the ditch" unloved, hated and despised, two decent brave people, almost too good for this world. A true hero, a true heroine. But on a stage and not in life. Impractical and improvident and with no faintest gift either one to use the power they could assemble. This story of Bolivar and Manuela is a tragedy of the most piteous kind. They fought a hidden enemy, the Church; they were killed by their friends. But don't overlook how impractical it is not to give your friends power enough when you have it to give. You can always give some of it to another if the first one collapses through inability. And one can always be brought down like a hare at a hunt who seeks to use the delegated power to kill you -- if you have the other friends. Life is not a stage for posturing and "Look at me!" "Look at me." "Look at me." If one is to lead a life of command or a life near to command one must handle it as life. Life bleeds. It suffers. It hungers. And it has to have the right to shoot its enemies until such time as comes a golden age. Aberrated man is not capable of supporting in his present state, a golden declared age for three minutes, given all the tools and wealth of the world. If one would live a life of command or one near to a command, one must then accumulate power as fast as possible and delegate it as quickly as feasible and use every humanoid in long reach to the best and beyond his talents if one is to live at all. If one does not choose to live such a life then go on the stage and be a real actor. Don't kill men while pretending it isn't real. Or one can become a recluse or a student or a clerk. Or study butterflies or take up tennis. For one is committed to certain irrevocable natural laws the moment one starts out upon a conquest, either as the man in charge or a person near to him or on his staff or in his army. And the foremost law, if one's ambition is to win, is of course to win. But also to keep on providing things to win and enemies to conquer. 18 Bolivar let his cycle run to "freedom" and end there. He never had another plan beyond that point. He ran out of territory to free. Then he didn't know what to do with it and didn't know enough, either, to find somewhere else to free. But of course all limited games come to end. And when they do their players fall over on the field and become rag dolls unless somebody at least tells them the game has ended and they have no more game nor any dressing room or houses but just that field. And they lie upon the field, not noticing there can be no more game since the other team has fled and after a bit they have to do something and if the leader and his consort are sitting over on the grass being rag dolls too, of course there isn't any game. And so the players start fighting amongst themselves just to have a game. And if the leader then says, "No, no" and his consort doesn't say, "Honey, you better phone the Baltimore Orioles for Saturday" then of course the poor players, bored stiff, say, "He's out." "She's out." "Now we're going to split the team in half and have a game." And that's what happened to Bolivar and Manuela. They had to be gotten rid of for there was no game and they didn't develop one to play while forbidding the only available game -- minor civil wars. A whole continent containing the then major mines of the world, whole populations were left sitting there, "freed." But none owned any of it though the former owners had left. They weren't given it. Nor were they made to manage it. No game. And if Bolivar had not been smart enough for that he could at least have said, "Well! You monkeys are going to have quite a time getting the wheels going but that's not my job. You decide on your type of government and what it's to be. Soldiers are my line. Now I'm taking over those old estates of mine and the Royalist ones near by and the emerald mines just as souvenirs and me and Manuela we're going home." And he should have said that 5 minutes after the last Royalist army was defeated in Peru. And his official family with him, and a thousand troops to which he was giving land would have moved right off smartly with him. And the people after a few screams of horror at being deserted would have fallen on each other, sabered a state together here and a town there and gotten busy out of sheer self protection in a vital new game, "Who's going to be Bolivar now?" Then when home he should have said, "Say those nice woods look awfully Royalist to me, and also those 1,000,000 hectares of grazing land, Manuela. Its owner once threw a Royalist fish, remember? So that's yours." And the rest of the country would have done the same and gotten on with the new game of "You was a Royalist." And Bolivar and Manuela would have had statues built to them by the TON at once as soon as agents could get to Paris with orders from an adoring populace. "Bolivar, come rule us!" should have gotten an "I don't see any unfree South America. When you see a French or Spanish army coming, come back and tell me." That would have worked. And this poor couple would have died suitably adored in the sanctity of glory and (perhaps more importantly) in their own beds, not "in a ditch." And if they had had to go on ruling they could have declared a new game of "Pay the soldiers and officers with Royalist land." And when that was a gone game, "Oust the Church and give its land to the poor friendly Indians." You can't stand bowing back of the footlights forever with no show even if you are quite an actor. Somebody else can make better use of any stage than even the handsomest actor who will not use it. Man is too aberrated to understand at least 7 things about power: 19 1. Life is lived by lots of people. And if you lead you must either let them get on with it or lead them on with it actively. 2. When the game or the show is over, there must be a new game or a new show. And if there isn't somebody else is jolly well going to start one and if you won't let anyone do it the game will become "getting you." 3. If you have power use it or delegate it or you sure won't have it long. 4. When you have people use them or they will soon become most unhappy and you won't have them any more. 5. When you move off a point of power, pay all your obligations on the nail, empower all your friends completely and move off with your pockets full of artillery, potential blackmail on every erstwhile rival, unlimited funds in your private account and the addresses of experienced assassins and go live in Bulgravia and bribe the police. And even then you may not live long if you have retained one scrap of domination in any camp you do not now control or if you even say, "I favor Politician Jiggs." Abandoning power utterly is dangerous indeed. But we can't all be leaders or figures strutting in the limelight and so there's more to know about this: 6. When you're close to power get some delegated to you, enough to do your job and protect yourself and your interests, for you can be shot, fellow, shot, as the position near power is delicious but dangerous, dangerous always, open to the taunts of any enemy of the power who dare not really boot the power but can boot you. So to live at all in the shadow or employ of a power you must yourself gather and USE enough power to hold your own -- without just nattering to the power to "kill Pete," in straightforward or more suppressive veiled ways to him as these wreck the power that supports yours. He doesn't have to know all the bad news and if he's a power really he won't ask all the time, "What are all those dead bodies doing at the door?" And if you are clever, you never let it be thought HE killed them -- that weakens you and also hurts the power source. "Well, boss, about all those dead bodies, nobody at all will suppose you did it. She over there, those pink legs sticking out, didn't like me." "Well," he'll say if he really is a power, "why are you bothering me with it if it's done and you did it. Where's my blue ink?" Or "Skipper, three shore patrolmen will be along soon with your cook, Dober, and they'll want to tell you he beat up Simson." "Who's Simson?" "He's a clerk in the enemy office downtown." "Good, when they've done it, take Dober down to the dispensary for any treatment he needs. Oh yes. Raise his pay." Or "Sir, could I have the power to sign divisional orders?" "Sure." 7. And lastly and most important, for we all aren't on the stage with our names in lights, always push power in the direction of anyone on whose power you depend. It may be more money for the power, or more ease, or a snarling defense of the power to a critic, or even the dull thud of one of his enemies in the dark, or the glorious blaze of the whole enemy camp as a birthday surprise. If you work like that and the power you are near or depend upon is a power that has at least some inkling about how to be one, and if you make others work like that, then the power-factor expands and expands and expands and you too acquire a sphere of power bigger than you would have if you worked alone. Real powers are developed by tight conspiracies of this kind pushing someone up in whose leadership they have faith. And if they are right and also manage their man and keep him from collapsing through overwork, bad temper or bad data, a kind of juggernaut builds up. Don't ever feel weaker because you work for somebody stronger. The only failure lies in taxing or pulling down the strength on which you depend. All failures to remain a power's power are failures to contribute to the strength and longevity of the work, health and power of that power. Devotion requires active contribution outwards from the power as well as in. 20 If Bolivar and Manuela had known these things they would have lived an epic, not a tragedy. They would not have "died in the ditch," he bereft of really earned praise for his real accomplishments even to this day. And Manuela would not be unknown even in the archives of her country as the heroine she was. Brave, brave figures. But if this can happen to such stellar personalities gifted with ability tenfold over the greatest of other mortals, to people who could take a rabble in a vast impossible land and defeat one of Earth's then foremost powers, with no money or arms, on personality alone, what then must be the ignorance and confusion of human leaders in general, much less little men stumbling through their lives of boredom and suffering? Let us wise them up, huh? You can't live in a world where even the great leaders can't lead. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rd.gal Copyright $c 1967. 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 21  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=14/11/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DRUG AND ALCOHOL CASES PRIOR ASSESSING   Remimeo New Era Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 MAY 1969RB REVISED 21 JULY 1978 Remimeo RE-REVISED 5 OCTOBER 1978 New Era Dn RE-REVISED 14 NOVEMBER 1978 Checksheet (Revisions in this type style) DRUG AND ALCOHOL CASES PRIOR ASSESSING Those cases which have been long and habitually on drugs, medicine and alcohol sometimes suffer from a "SOMATIC SHUT-OFF." They appear anaesthetized (unfeeling) and sometimes have "nothing troubling them" whereas they are on drugs, drink or medicine and are in reality in a suppressed physical condition and cannot cease to take drugs or drink or medicine. One can find, in such a case, a very high TA which doesn't seem to reduce. The TA can be brought down by auditing the drug and alcohol engrams as a chain. Any such case took up drugs, alcohol or medicine because of unwanted pain or sensation or misemotion. You can use that as a stable datum which resolves the situation. All it requires is a special assessment called a PRIOR ASSESSMENT. For the person looked on drugs, alcohol or medicine as a cure for unwanted feelings. One has to assess what was wrong before or prior to the cure. (NOTE: Prior assessment is done after narrative running and preassessment with R3RA running of the drug, medicine or alcohol.) Using the drug list obtained on the Original Assessment, take up the largest reading this lifetime drug, medicine or alcohol and ask the pc the following preassessment question: "Prior to taking (the drug, medicine or alcohol) were there (preassessment item)?" Take the largest reading item from the preassessment and ask the pc: "What (item) did you have prior to taking (the drug, medicine or alcohol)?" Continue with a full handling of the preassessment per HCOB 18 Jun 78R, New Era Dianetics Series 4R, ASSESSMENT AND HOW TO GET THE ITEM and HCOB 15 Jul 71 RB, New Era Dianetics Series 9RA, DRUG HANDLING. In doing this assessment, you must grab the read and mark it plainly as it occurs. If you just list and then go over the list the person may be back in present time and, as these are now cut off by the masses of drug or alcohol engrams on top of them, they won't read again. So you must catch the read as the person first mentions it. You choose the longest read and find and run the chain by R3RA as in any other New Era Dianetics auditing. The only difference is the assessment time period. You are listing for a time before they went on drugs, alcohol, or medicine. 22 The above prior assessment steps are done on each drug, medicine or alcohol that has read. They are handled in order of largest read. (Ref: HCOB 15 Jul 71RB, NED Series 9RA, DRUG HANDLING.) The running out of the chain of unwanted feelings they had before going on drugs or alcohol or medicine removes the reason they started taking drugs, or medicine, smoking marijuana or drinking. The compulsion to still use drugs or drink is lessened and they can come off it. This can also be used as a working rule to get earlier than any "curative" activity. Almost anything which comes later is a cure for something earlier. It could be said that the present time being is a compound of past cures. To handle, the action would be the same as for drugs, alcohol, or medicine. Preassess the unwanted pains or feelings before the cure and run the longest reads by R3RA. As there will be more than one chain involved, you of course take your next longest read and run that next, just as in any assessment. The general term for this type of assessment is PRIOR assessing, not because it is done before auditing but to determine what the pc was suffering from before he used a harmful cure." L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.rd.lfg.mdf.dr Copyright$c 1969, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 23  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/8/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=25/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HANDLING ILLNESS IN SCIENTOLOGY   Class VIII Checksheet Class VIII Class VIII C/S Book Class IV Grad Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 AUGUST 1969R REVISED 25 SEPTEMBER 1978 Class VIII Checksheet Class VIII (Revisions in this type style) Class VIII (Ellipses indicate deletions) C/S Book Class IV Grad Checksheet HANDLING ILLNESS IN SCIENTOLOGY Sickness is of course the result of engram chains in restimulation. One has to ask, however, what causes restimulation to occur? The answer is out-ruds plus a suppressive environment or situation. Therefore, obviously, if one wanted to really handle handle handle sickness and do some miracles, one would use the lot of one's weapons. Don't mistake that Dianetics (HCOB 24 July 1969R SERIOUSLY ILL PCS) can all by itself practically bring the dead to life to all intents and purposes and it can be used all by itself. However, when that doesn't work completely, then the Class VIII Case Supervisor and well-trained Scientology auditors can step in. Let us examine the basic full dress parade routine of what Scientology and Dianetics could be used. 1. Put in life ruds (as given below). 2. 3 S & Ds. 3. Narrative handling and full preassessment on the sick area, run Triple or Quad, plus other Dianetic Assist actions and any needed medical treatment. (See HCOB 2 April 69RA, Rev. 28.7.78, DIANETIC ASSISTS, which cautions against overwhelming a sick pc with too much restim.) 4. NED for OTs (on OT III and above). Obviously this illness hasn't a chance at all. It disappears in 1. Or in 2. Or in 3. Or in 4.... The system is obvious. You take away the current out-ruds and the illness can destimulate. You take away the suppressions and destimulation is more positive. You erase all the engrams and the source is gone. You do the second,... third, and zero flows and the overts and sympathies are also vanished. On ruds alone you can of course get a recurrence. You also risk a recurrence on the S & Ds. The motivators go on the engram chains. The overts and sympathy for like illness goes on the second,... third and zero flows. 24 LIFE RUDS As the person with out-ruds makes no real gain it is wise to put ruds in "In life." This is done with "In life have you had an ARC break?" "In life have you had a problem?" "In life have you had a withhold?" If the person has had much auditing you ask after each of the "In life" questions "Was that present in an auditing session?" S & Ds The full parade for three S & Ds (as given in HCOB 19 January 1968 in the Class VIII pack) is as follows: 3 item S & D Fly a rud. Assess Withdraw from Stop Unmock Suppress Invalidate Make nothing of Suggest Been careful of Fail to reveal Take the 3 that read best (null to 3 items). Use the one that read most first. Test one of these items in these two questions to see which question then reads best. "Who or what has attempted to.......... you?" "Who or what have you tried to.......... List the best reading question by the laws of listing and nulling. BE EXACT IN FOLLOWING THOSE LAWS or you'll make the person even sicker! Use each of the 3 this way. Prepcheck any item that does not F/N until it F/Ns or proves not to be the correct one in which event correct the list. If the list item does not F/N on being found and indicated, you prepcheck it to F/N. DIANETICS The New Era Dianetics HCOBs fully cover assists and Dianetic handling of body problems and illnesses. This rundown is what could be known as beating an illness to death. Handling it medically and spiritually should bring home a winner every time. 25 This full approach is recommended only when one has encountered a resistive situation. Very often a Dianetic Assist precedes all this. Usually the Dianetic handling is done without the ruds or S & Ds. But when you have somebody whose "lumbosis" has not surrendered to Dianetics, you have this full approach to fall back on. It's nice to have a full arsenal. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ldm.ei.rd.jk Founder Copyright $c 1969, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 26  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=7/4/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=8/12/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  GREEN FORM   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet Class IV Grad and above Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 7 APRIL 1970RB REVISED 8 DECEMBER 1978 Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet (Revisions not printed in a different type style) Class VI Checksheet Class IV Grad and above Auditors GREEN FORM C/Ses The Green Form is used to detect the peculiarities and elements of a pc's life which are causing case trouble or preventing gains. (It is not used to cure high or low TA.) You can assess it Method 3 and handle, not going beyond the first F/N, but its real use is Method 5 and send to the C/S for programming. It can also be used in combination with the Expanded Green Form 40RD to precisely locate and solve any resistiveness of a pc's case. Directions for use of the Green Form and the Expanded Green Form 40RD are given in HCOB 8 December 78 II, GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF. It is vital, before using these lists, that any auditor or C/S first checks out on the above issue. PC NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: _________________________ AUDITOR:_______________________________________ 1A. HAVE YOU NOT HAD SUFFICIENT SLEEP? _______ 1B. ARE YOU PHYSICALLY TIRED? _______ 1C. HAVE YOU NOT HAD ENOUGH FOOD? _______ 1D. ARE YOU HUNGRY? _______ 1E. HAVE YOU DRUNK ALCOHOL? _______ 1F. HAVE YOU TAKEN ASPIRIN? _______ 1G. HAVE YOU TAKEN TRANQUILIZERS? _______ 1H. HAVE YOU TAKEN DRUGS? _______ Do not audit a pc who has not had sufficient food or rest or who has taken aspirin or drugs. If one of the above questions reads, assess no further; take the question up with the pc. If he is tired, send him home to rest, if he is hungry, send him to get well fed, and if he has taken drugs, he will have to dry out for the time specified in HCOB 17 Oct 69RA, DRUGS, ASPIRIN AND TRANQUILIZERS. 2A. HAVE YOU GONE EXTERIOR IN AUDITING? _______ If the pc is Clear, Dianetic Clear or OT and has not had an Int RD, do the End of Endless Int Repair RD per Int Series 4R. Do not run any Dianetics. Otherwise, if the pc has never had an Int RD, give him a standard Int RD per Int Series 2. 27 2B. HAS YOUR INT RD BEEN MESSED UP? _______ Do an Int RD Correction List Revised (HCOB 29 Oct 71 RA). If Int Correction has already been done on the pc get an FES of the Int RD and its corrections. When all errors are corrected the C/S may order the End of Endless Int Repair RD per Int Series 4R. 3. HAS THERE BEEN A LIST ERROR? _______ Find out which and handle with an L4BRA. 4A. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK? _______ Handle with ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N. 4B. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK WITH THE ENVIRONMENT? _______ ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N or Remedy B if ordered by the C/S. (Ref: BTB 14 Aug 68R, REMEDY B -- ENVIRONMENT AND "NEW STYLE.") 4C. DO YOU HAVE A PRESENT TIME PROBLEM? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 4D. HAS A WITHHOLD BEEN MISSED? _______ Get what, who nearly found out, what they did to miss it, E/S M/W/H to F/N. 4E. WAS THERE A WITHHOLD THAT KEPT COMING UP? _______ Who wouldn't accept it, who said it still read. Indicate it was a false read. 2WC the concern. 4F. HAVE YOU COMMITTED AN OVERT? _______ Pull it, E/S to F/N. 5. ARE YOU EXPERIMENTING? _______ Get time, place, form and event E/S to F/N. 6. ARE YOU ALTERING TECH? _______ Get time, place, form and event E/S to F/N. 7. ARE YOU DOING SOMETHING ELSE WITH TECH? _______ Get time, place, form and event E/S to F/N. 8. HAVE YOU TYPED, HANDWRITTEN OR TAPED COPIES OF ANY CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS? _______ Get time, place, form and event E/S to F/N. 9. ARE YOU HERE TO GET DATA FOR SOMEONE ELSE? _______ Get what, when, all, who E/S to F/N. 10. DO YOU HAVE A CRIMINAL RECORD OR CRIMES FOR WHICH YOU COULD BE ARRESTED? _______ Note all crimes, with what, when, all and who and handle with E/S to F/N. 11. ARE YOU HERE TO BE CURED OF SOMETHING NOT MENTIONED? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 12. DO YOU HAVE UNPAID DEBTS TO ORGS? _______ Get time, place, form and event E/S to F/N. 13. DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF A CRIME AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY? _______ Get time, place, form and event E/S to F/N. 28 14. ARE THERE IGNORED ORIGINATIONS? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 15. HAVE YOU BEEN SELF-AUDITING? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N or L1C on the prior upset. If prior upset was in auditing, use the appropriate correction list. 16A. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED BY A NONSTANDARD AUDITOR? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 16B. HAS THERE BEEN A NONSTANDARD PROCESS? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 16C. HAS THERE BEEN A BAD AUDITING COMM CYCLE? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. L1C if necessary. 16D. HAVE THERE BEEN CODE BREAKS? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 17A. IS THERE AN ENGRAM IN RESTIMULATION? _______ L3RF and handle. (On a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear, indicate the read. You may do an L3RF if needed, however do no handling beyond indicating the read. See HCOB 30 Oct 78 C/S Series 53, USE OF for further data on handling reading Dianetic items on Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears.) 17B. IS A PICTURE NOT ERASED? _______ Handle as in 17A above. 18. IS THERE AN ENGRAM EXACTLY MATCHING PT DANGERS? _______ Run it out Triple or Quad. (On Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears, handle as in 17A above.) 19. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE PERSON? _______ 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S for instructions on further handling if needed. 20. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE GROUP? _______ 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S for instructions on further handling if needed. 21. IS THERE AN ENVIRONMENTAL MENACE? _______ 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S. 22. ARE YOU HERE BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE DEMANDED IT? _______ 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S. 23A.DO YOU HAVE A HIDDEN STANDARD? _______ L&N "What hasn't been handled?" L&N "Who or what would have (item above)?" Run O/W on the item. 23B.WHAT WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN FOR YOU TO KNOW SCIENTOLOGY WORKS? _______ Handle as in 23A above. 24. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SCIENTOLOGY WORKED? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 25. CAN'T YOU STUDY? _______ Assess and handle a Study Green Form. 29 26. HAS ANYTHING BEEN SUPPRESSED? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 27. HAS ANYTHING BEEN INVALIDATED? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 28. HAS ANYTHING BEEN EVALUATED? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 29. HAS ANYTHING BEEN RUSHED? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 30. HAS ANYTHING BEEN MISSED? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 31. HAS A PROCESS BEEN LEFT UNFLAT? _______ 2WC for data to F/N. Return to C/S. 32. HAS A PROCESS BEEN OVERRUN? _______ Rehab. 33. HAS A RELEASE BEEN BYPASSED? _______ Rehab. 34. HAVE YOU BEEN OVERREPAIRED? _______ Repair Correction List. 35. HAVE YOU GONE DIANETIC CLEAR? _______ Date/Locate. 36. IS THERE ANYTHING UPSETTING ABOUT THIS REVIEW? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 37. IS THIS LIST UNNECESSARY? _______ Indicate. If no F/N rehab or Date/Locate. 38. IS THERE SOMETHING THAT HASN'T BEEN HANDLED? _______ Find out what and handle or return to the C/S. 39. IS THERE SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _______ Find out what and handle or return to C/S. RESISTIVE CASES ASSESSMENT Assess Method 5 the following resistive cases. If any item reads, go to its corresponding section on the Expanded Green Form 40RD and assess Method 5 all the times in that section. Assess the section on the Expanded Green Form 40RD that corresponds to each reading item. When all sections corresponding to the reading resistive cases items are assessed you will have a full picture of the pc's resistiveness. Then, if you have C/S okay, take up each reading section on the EXGF 40RD in the order in which they are listed below and handle reads per the instructions given. Otherwise, return to the C/S for programming. A-1. WENT DIANETIC CLEAR AND NEVER ATTESTED _______ A-2. HAD ENGRAMS RUN AFTER BEING DIANETIC CLEAR _______ B. DOESN'T WANT AUDITING _______ 30 C. AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT _______ D. OVERWHELMED _______ E. CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY _______ F-1. SUPPRESSED _______ F-2. CONNECTED TO AN ANTAGONISTIC PERSON _______ G. SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL _______ H. HAS NOT HAD AUDITING _______ I-1. SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS _______ I-2. HAS TAKEN DRUGS _______ J. FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY _______ K. HAS BEEN PART OF EARLIER PRACTICES _______ L-1. OUT OF VALENCE _______ L-2. ARE YOU BEING SOMEONE ELSE _______ M. PRETENDING TRAINING OR GRADES NOT ATTAINED _______ N. AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT _______ O. MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING _______ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nc Copyright $c 1970, 1974, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 31  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=11/4/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=23/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 6 AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet C/Ses Auditors Tech Secs Qual Secs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 APRIL 1970R Remimeo REVISED 23 SEPTEMBER 1978 Class IV Grad (Revisions in this type style) Checksheet C/Ses (Ellipsis indicates deletion) Auditors Tech Secs Qual Secs Interiorization Rundown Series 6 AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR (Ref: HCOB 4 Jan 71R Int RD Series 2, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED HCOB 24 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN HCOB 26 Jun 78RA New Era Dianetics Series Issue II 6RA, URGENT IMPORTANT, ROUTINE 3RA ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS HCOB 7 Mar 75 EXT AND ENDING SESSION.) On Flag where we do a lot of auditing on pcs when I took over C/Sing after 8 months off C/S lines, I found a very high percentage of cases had been audited past exterior. It was a very high percentage. Many of these pcs (most of them VAs or on OT levels) had various symptoms: Headaches Body aches and pains Effort Pressures from environment. The common denominator was "audited over exterior." The main symptom of this was high TA at session start or TA up at Examiner after F/Ns, cog, VGIs at session end. Not all however suffered from high TA but all who had high TA after lots of auditing had been audited past exterior. The first (1970) version of the above-referenced HCOB (now HCOB 4 Jan 71R) re exteriorization and interiorization was tested and written as the breakthrough which permits auditing after exteriorization and going on up the grades. The check even after this showed such a high percent of cases had been audited past exterior on Dianetics, Scn, Power, Clearing or OT grades that I wish to bring the point home emphatically to C/Ses that it is of major importance to handle this situation by checking for it and running interiorization. NOTE: Per HCOB 12 Sep 78, URGENT IMPORTANT, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTs, Clears and OTs and Dianetic Clears would not now be audited on the routine interiorization RD (Int RD Series 2), as they are not to be run on Dianetics. Dianetic Clears, Clears and above may be audited on the End of Endless Int Repair RD, which runs Int by Recall. (Ref: HCOB 24 Sep 78, Issue I, Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD.) A Clear or OT who then has any further unresolving Int problems should, as soon as possible, be handled at an AO. 32 The standard C/S for any other pc who has exteriorized in auditing, has high TA, headaches, body aches, heavy pressures or discomfort (any of these), is to order a check on interiorization, exactly per the steps given on HCOB 4 Jan 71R, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED. Then, if Int is found to be charged, the person is given the Int Rundown. When the Int Rundown steps are completed, in a separate session some time within the next few days, this C/S must be done: 1. Two-way comm on interiorization and exteriorization. This pushes the cognition further. The pc may not have added it all up yet. Don't evaluate. Just question and listen with no Q and A. Pcs or pre-OTs can go up to higher grades after exteriorization if interiorization is run. This is even true of Dianetic Clears. For Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears. however, Int can only be run using the End of Endless Int Repair RD as referenced above. We are far more successful in early auditing (such as Dianetics and lower grades) than we think! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.ei.rd.kjm Copyright $c 1970, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 33  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/5/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=24/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 7 BLOWS AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheets Tech/Qual All Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 MAY 1970R Remimeo REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1978 Class IV Grad (Revisions in this type style) Checksheets Tech/Qual (Ellipsis indicates deletion) All Auditors C/Ses Interiorization Rundown Series 7 BLOWS AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR (Ref: HCOB 4 Jan 71R Int RD Series 2, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED HCOB 24 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT, END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD HCOB 7 Mar 75 EXT AND ENDING SESSION) I have found a major cause of blows from classes, orgs and Scientology. Overts are of course a primary cause but many have overts and don't blow, so why do such people blow? A case audited past exterior, particularly if it is not acked, tends to get stuck on exteriorizing. This can (but doesn't always by any means) cause the person to take himself away! Three recent "blows" all fell in this category. One who was trying to blow, when audited on interiorization, changed his mind. An amazing number of pcs go exterior on modern auditing. Modern processes, Dianetics and Scientology are very fast. Some haven't even realized it, didn't know what it was. When they go exterior and you keep on auditing them without running interiorization as per HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Int RD Series 2, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED, they become stronger as thetans while being reinteriorized and they get odd somatics, particularly in the head. Uncomfortable they want OUT. Trying and failing to get out (since interiorization has not been run) in desperation they leave an org or class, body and all, without being exterior as a thetan. If you rehab exterior and run an Interiorization Rundown the dramatization ceases. The excuses such "blows" give you would fill a large book. Yet it is only that they are seeking to exteriorize, can't, so they "exteriorize" by leaving, body and all. The Interiorization Rundown is given in HCOB 4 Jan 71R. For Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears, the handling is the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. (HCOB 24 Sep 78, Issue I.) 34 A person couldn't be audited past exterior, you know. But if given an Interiorization Rundown he or she can be. When they have been audited past exterior without an Interiorization Rundown you will have trouble with the case, the TA and with blows. So use the interiorization tech. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.ei.rd.kjm Copyright$c 1970, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 35  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/5/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=3/12/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MAY 1970R Remimeo REVISED 3 DECEMBER 1978 (Revisions in this type style) UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS Reference: HCOB 3 Dec 78 UNREADING FLOWS Never list a listing question that doesn't read. Never prepcheck an item that doesn't read. These rules hold good for all lists, all items, all flows, including Dianetics. A "tick" or a "stop" is not a read. Reads are small falls or falls or long falls or long fall blowdown (of TA). A preclear's case can be gotten into serious trouble by listing a list that doesn't read or prepchecking an item that doesn't read or running an item or flow that doesn't read. On a list, this is the sort of thing that happens: The list is "Who or what would fly kites?" The C/S has said to "List this to a BD F/N item." So the auditor does list it without checking the read at all. The list can go on 99 pages with the pc protesting, getting upset. This is called a "Dead horse list" because it gave no item. The reason it didn't was that the list question itself didn't read. One does an L4BRA on the pc to correct the situation and gets "unnecessary action." On a list that is getting no item you don't extend. You correctly use L4BRA or any subsequent issue of it. If you extend a "dead horse list" you just make things worse. Use an L4BRA and it will set it right. This weird thing can also happen. C/S says to list "Who or what would kill buffalos?" The auditor does, gets a BD F/N item "A hunter." The C/S also says to list as a second action "Who or what would feel tough?" The auditor fails to test the question for read and lists it. Had he tested it, the list would not have read. But the list comes up with an item, "A mean hunter." It has stirred up charge from the first question and the item "A mean hunter" is a wrong item as it is a misworded variation of the first list's item! Now we have an unnecessary action and a wrong item. We do an L4BRA and the pc is still upset as maybe only one or the other of the two errors read. In a Dianetic "list" one is not doing a listing action. One is only trying to find a somatic or sensation, etc. that will run. The item must read well. Or it won't produce a chain to run. In actual fact the Dn list Q does usually read but one doesn't bother to test it. But an item or flow that doesn't read will produce no chain, no basic and the pc will jump around the track trying but just jamming up his bank. The moral of this story is: 36 ALWAYS TEST A LISTING QUESTION BEFORE LETTING THE PC LIST. ALWAYS MARK THE READ IT GAVE (SF, F, LF, LFBD) ON THE WORKSHEET. ALWAYS TEST AN ITEM FOR READ BEFORE PREPCHECKING AND ALWAYS CHECK AN ITEM AND FLOW BEFORE RUNNING RECALLS OR ENGRAMS. ALWAYS MARK THE READ AN ITEM GAVE (SF, F, LF, LFBD) ON THE WORKSHEET. CHARGE The whole subject of "charge" is based on this. "Charge" is the electrical impulse on the case that activates the meter. "Charge" shows not only that an area has something in it. It also shows that the pc has possible reality on it. A pc can have a broken leg, yet it might not read on a meter. It would be charged but below the pc's reality. So it won't read. THINGS THAT DON'T READ WON'T RUN. The Case Supervisor always counts on the AUDITOR to test questions and items and flows for read before running them. The auditor, when a question or item or flow doesn't read, can and should always put in "Suppress" and "Invalidate." "On this (question) (item) (flow), has anything been suppressed?" "On this (question) (item) (flow), has anything been invalidated?" If either one read, the question or item or flow will also read. The Case Supervisor also counts on the AUDITOR to use Suppress and Invalidate on a question or item or flow. If after this there is still no read on the question or item or flow, that's it. Don't use it, don't list it. Go to the next action on the C/S or end off. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz.ka.rd.jk Copyright $c 1970, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 37  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/5/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=23/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 3 INTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE 2-WAY COMM   Remimeo C/Ses Tech/Qual Auditors Class IV Grad Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 MAY 1970R Remimeo REVISED 23 SEPTEMBER 1978 C/Ses (Revisions in this type style) Tech/Qual Auditors (Ellipsls indicates deletion) Class IV Grad Checksheet Interiorization Rundown Series 3 INTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE 2-WAY COMM The Interiorization Rundown Revised (HCOB of 4 Jan 71R, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED) is ALWAYS followed by a final session with "2-way comm on interiorization- exteriorization." If the interiorization auditing has to be repaired, that is done first of course. BUT AN INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN IS NEVER COMPLETE UNTIL AN ADDITIONAL LATER SESSION IS GIVEN ON 2-WAY COMM ON INTERIOR-EXTERIOR. A C/S in repairing cases should always look to see if a pc: 1. Has exteriorized at some time during auditing. 2. If the pc has exteriorized and has not had an Int RD, Int must be checked, per HCOB 4 Jan 71R, and if charged the only C/S that can now be done is the Interiorization Rundown (except on Clears or above, who get the Recall version). 3. If an Int Rundown has been given, then the C/S must check to see if a later session was given on "2-way comm Int-Ext." 4. If this 2-way comm was omitted, or not in a separate session, then "2- way comm on Int-Ext" must be ordered even if there have been several intervening sessions. THE PROCESS As an auditor you would give the pc an R-Factor that you are going to go over the subject of interiorization and exteriorization with him. Get him to tell you how he feels about these, based on the Int button(s) that was assessed and run, and on the subject of Int in general. The two-way comm session is always taken to F/N. COG It is usually the case that the pc did not fully cognite when he had the Int Rundown. His TA may stay high after an Int session. O/R is of little use to get it down. What's missing is the 2-way comm session. In it the pc usually cognites and things then go right. 38 The current C/S and auditor error is trying to do everything briefly and all at once. Ordering an Int Rundown and 2-way comm on it in the same session would be part of such an erroneous trend. The 2-way comm must be another session preferably on another later day. It is a flagrant C/S error to omit "2-way comm Int-Ext" after an Interiorization Rundown session. The signal to order a check on Interiorization per HCOB 4 Jan 71R is pc went exterior in auditing or has been found to have gone exterior. Auditing will not run well when the pc is audited past or after exteriorizing. If charged, an Int Rundown must now be ordered. If unsuccessful it must be repaired. Successful or repaired, an Int Rundown must be followed by the 2-way comm session. Two-way comm must be done with exact TRs. The auditor must not Q and A. He must not evaluate (tell the pc what it's all about). Two-way comm is a precision process. The pc is kept talking, not by giving him commands. He is kept on the subject of Int-Ext (or the 2-way comm subject), not encouraged to leap about by Q and A. You cannot consider an Interiorization Rundown complete unless followed by 2way comm. If the case hasn't had it following his Int Rundown he must be ordered to it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz.ka.rd.kjm Copyright $c 1970, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 39  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=20/8/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=23/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 8 INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN MUSTS   Remimeo C1 VIII Chksht C/S Chkshts C1 IV Grad Chkshts C/Ses Tech/Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 AUGUST 1970R Remimeo REVISED 23 SEPTEMBER 1978 C1 VIII Chksht (Title has been changed from C/S Chkshts Exteriorization RD Musts to C1 IV Grad Interiorization Rundown Musts) Chkshts C/Ses (Revisions in this type style) Tech/Qual (Ellipses indicate deletions) Interiorization Rundown Series 8 INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN MUSTS (Reference: HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Int RD Series 2 EXT AND HIGH TA, THE INT RD REVISED) An Interiorization Rundown must be: 1. COMPLETED IN AS FEW SESSIONS AS POSSIBLE, WITH EACH SUCCEEDING SESSION GIVEN ON THE NEXT CONSECUTIVE DAY. 2. RUN SO AS TO COMPLETE ANY FLOW ON ANY READING BUTTON IN ONE SESSION. (This means you do not leave a chain half run.) 3. RUN WITHOUT FLUBS. 4. FOLLOWED BY A FINAL SESSION OF 2-WAY COMM RUN TO F/N, COG, VGIs. COMPLETING THE RUNDOWN ON AN INTENSIVE BASIS Originally, when only "went in" and "go in" were assessed on the Int Rundown, the rule was that the entire rundown was to be given in one session. The reason for this was that there is a frequent chance of ruds going out between sessions and of course they cannot be put in until the Int Rundown is complete as it's "auditing a pc past exterior." This is still true. However, with the full array of Int buttons now to be assessed and any reading button run on Quad or Triple Flows, and with re-assessment of the Int buttons, the one session rule may not be workable without "quickie-ing" the rundown, which must not be done. Thus, allowance must be made for sufficient time to get the rundown done fully while still completing it as rapidly as possible, to safeguard against out-ruds situations cropping up before it is complete. The safest way to accomplish this is to ensure that the Int Rundown: 1. Is completed in as few sessions as possible. 2. After the first session each succeeding session is given on the next consecutive day. 40 3. Plenty of time (2 to 5 hours) must be allowed for each daily session. 4. The auditor must make sure the pc DOES have the necessary time for this before starting the rundown. 5. Any one flow on any reading Int button MUST be completed in one session. (You do not end a session with a chain only half or partially run.) 6. There are no session breaks taken. (Unless pc has a physical PTP, in which case he can be given a MINIMAL break to handle it and return right back to session.) FLUBLESS Auditors who have occasional flubs -- Dn failures to flatten chains or run them to chopped EP instead of a correct F/N postulate off and VGIs at basic HAVE NO BUSINESS RUNNING INT RUNDOWNS. Flubs in any event are just corny. They are particularly messy when they occur in the INT RUNDOWN. The Int Rundown is auditing by the book! (Ref: HCOB 4 Jan 71R Int RD Series 2 EXTERIORIZATION & HIGH TA, THE INT RD REVISED HCOB 26 Jun 78RA II NED Series 6RA URGENT IMPORTANT ROUTINE 3RA, ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS HCOB 16 Sep 78 POSTULATE OFF EQUALS ERASURE) Flubs mar any auditing result. They make a real mess on an Int Rundown as review auditing over an exteriorization if the rundown is not complete, is difficult and results in high TA. Yet one franchise invalidated the pc's cog, made the pc do it all in clay, left chains incomplete and took a week over it! And then wondered why the pc was unhappy! NO FLUBS! FOLLOW WITH 2-WAY COMM A day or two or a week after the Int Rundown (not less than a day nor more than a week), an Int Rundown MUST BE FOLLOWED BY A TWO-WAY COMM SESSION. The reason for this is that there is a cognition delay on almost all cases. The 2way comm blows off locks, etc. and the pc usually gets a big cog and never afterwards worries about exteriorization. If the Int Rundown is not done in DAILY sessions, flubbed, not followed by 2-way comm in a later session, the pc can get hung up on the subject. The auditor doing 2-way comm must have experience and know-how on 2-way comm. (See HCOB 21 April 70, "2-WAY COMM C/Ses," HCOB 3 July '70, "C/Sing 2-WAY COMM," BTB 10 July '70, "2-WAY COMM -- A CLASS III ACTION.") All 2-way comm sessions go to end phenomena of an F/N. It is often found the subject of interiorization-exteriorization is still charged. But it should be checked for read as in all items and subjects used in auditing. The rule is 41 you don't audit things that don't read. Suppress and Inval buttons can be put in to get a read. If you audit things that don't read, the TA is liable to go up. A nicely done 2-way comm on interiorization and exteriorization blows the pc to present time and cleans him up nicely. The Interiorization Rundown is to be done when it is found the pc has been audited past exterior, providing of course one of the Int buttons reads on checking. If reading, the RD HAS to be done before review auditing, ruds or anything else. So it's dicey -- a delicate proposition. An... Interiorization... Rundown is about the hottest thing that's come along for some time. It solves, for instance, the total goal of Buddhism. It is the key to immortality. It's pure theta gold. So respect it by running by the book, exactly, perfectly and to a total win. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr.rd.dr Copyright $c 1970, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 42  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/1/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=24/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 2 EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED   Remimeo HGC Auditors Scn Chkshts AOs C1 VIII Chkshts C1 IV Grad Chksht  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 JANUARY 1971R Remimeo REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1978 HGC Auditors Scn Chkshts (Revises and replaces HCOB AOs 22 Mar 70 of same title by C1 VIII changing clearing of commands Chkshts and wording of commands in C1 IV Grad Exteriorization Intensive.) Chksht (Revisions in this type style) (Ellipsis indicates deletion) Interiorization Rundown Series 2 EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED (This bulletin has been revised 24 Sep 78 to give the new, simplified Int Rundown Revised, which deletes the Recall and Secondary steps, includes the full array of Int buttons and the New Era Dianetics Int command. It corrects and replaces all previous issues on the original Int Rundown and all previously issued Int Rundown commands. It includes notes on the new "End of Endless Int Repair" Rundown.) Ref: HCOB 25 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 5 QUAD COMMANDS FOR INT BUTTONS HCOB 24 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 4 URGENT IMPORTANT, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN HCOB 4 Oct 78 Int RD Series I INTERIORIZATION HANDLING SIMPLIFIED HCOB 12 Sep 78 URGENT IMPORTANT, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTs Cancels: BTB 30 Dec 71 IMPORTANT, INTERIORIZATION RD COMMANDS BTB 10 Jul 69R II EXTERIORIZATION REMEDY BTB 15 Feb 72 I AN OPTIONAL INT RD STEP BTB 13 Mar 73R HANDLING INT/EXT NOTE: Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears are NOT audited on this Int Rundown as they are not to be audited on Dianetics. The reference for handling repair of out-Int on these pcs and pre-OTs is HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4 URGENT IMPORTANT, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN. For a long while we have known that if you audit a person after he or she has exteriorized, you often get a high tone arm, somatics and an upset case. The answer has been to cease to audit a person after exteriorization has occurred. This is so much a fact that five out of five "in trouble" cases I recently examined had every one of them been audited for some time after they exteriorized. The TA had or had not gone high but the cases were bogged. They revived at once when the fact of exteriorization was located. F/N, VGIs and when rehabbed (by counting number of times) somatics ceased. 43 The rule has been -- don't audit after a pc has exteriorized. This is one of those very fundamental things that seems to defy research and yet if not solved will keep things messed up. Persons who exteriorize on lower grades need their upper grades and yet if audited further may mess up. This places a limit on auditing and yet the person may still have aberrations and somatics. But the fact of having exteriorized bars the road. So I got to work and made a breakthrough on it. Hurrah! It has now been fully vindicated by long tests and is now released for general use. EXTERIORIZATION Exteriorization is defined as the act of moving out of the body with or without full perception. It is the fact of this act which proves that the individual is not a body but an individual. This discovery in I952 proved beyond any question the existence of a thetan, that the individual was a thetan, not a body, and disproved that Man was an animal and that he was a spiritual being timeless and deathless. Techniques have existed since 1952 that exteriorize a person. These are not now used because (a) the person, still being aberrated and not Clear, soon returns to his body and (b) when audited thereafter has trouble. This is a major problem a thetan sometimes has at death. How to exteriorize? He makes it eventually of course but he should be able to do so at once. But, in my research, I found it unreasonable that a person would be hard to audit just because he had exteriorized and had re-interiorized. For he has obviously done just that at every death and birth and must have done so hundreds of billions of times. So why should a recent exteriorization then make him hard to audit? Yet it did. My asking of that question was the first breakthrough. The rest soon followed. ENGRAM BEHAVIOR We know in Dianetics that if you continue to run the last part of an engram which has in fact an earlier beginning which isn't being run and is ignored the TA will go up. The reason for this is that the first of a chain or the first part of an experience or a first experience (basic on a chain of incidents) has to be run for the chain or incident to erase. If you only ran the end of incidents you would get a high TA and no erasure. If you only ran incidents late on the chain you would get a high TA. Pcs are uncomfortable, feel under pressure, when their TA is high (above 3.5 or up). If you don't erase incidents or chains of incidents when auditing (or key them out as in release) you get a perpetually high TA. High TA cases have been "overrun" on something. That however is a very oversimplified explanation. The truth is that they have been run on something that didn't erase. The something has an earlier beginning than was detected or an earlier incident. In life one, having engrams about it, adds new incidents in living until something is "overrun" or done too often. The TA is therefore high. 44 A TA records MASS. Mental mass has a higher electrical resistance and so measures more "ohms" of resistance, an electrical term for the trouble electricity has in passing through something. The more resistance the more units of resistance are recorded on the meter. The TA actually measures resistance. Thus, the end of an incident can be restimulated. If the beginning of it is never touched then one will just accumulate more and more mass. THE MISSED BEGINNING What has happened here, as regards exteriorization is that we have concentrated on EXTERIORIZATION. If one is IN something, he must have gotten into it. Therefore the beginning of an exteriorization is the INTERIORIZATION. The being went into something before he went out of it. Exteriorization occurs at death. That's an engram. Interiorization occurs at birth, that's an engram. So when somebody goes exterior he is actually liable to key-in having gone interior in the first place. Get it? So when you exteriorize somebody or he exteriorizes during auditing he gets keyed-in a bit and without having audited earlier INTERIORIZATIONS, he has been put in the last part (exteriorization) of an incident which began with interiorization. Not only are you touching on something (exteriorization) late on a chain (which has hundreds of billions of like incidents ahead of it), you are also touching something which is late in the incident (which began with interiorization). On both counts then, the TA may go high. THE REMEDY The remedy is to audit out interiorizations (i.e., times the person went in) using the correctly assessed Int button. If this is done, then the pc can be audited all you want after exteriorization. Auditing the interiorizations with R3RA, Quad or Triple Flows, restores the possibility of auditing a pc after an exteriorization has occurred in auditing. INT RUNDOWN REVISED BY STEPS Based on recent researches, the original Int Rundown has been newly revised and simplified. A full array of Int buttons has been added. The Recall and Secondary steps have been deleted, so the pc gets to the basic of any Int trouble on a faster route. Int chains are run using a simpler R3RA command for Int, and each chain taken to full New Era Dianetics EP. The revised rundown follows. 45 THE PROCESS THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED The case supervision directions for an Interiorization RD are to be done by a Scientology auditor who is also a Hubbard New Era Dianetics Auditor. He must have an excellent command of metering, TRs, R3RA, the theory of Int and the Int RD commands, and he must know and be able to recognize an F/N, a postulate and full Dianetic EP when these occur. 1. Omit ruds of any kind and do NOT attempt a rapid L1C. The TA will just go up out the roof on any type of ruds or list. Simply start the session and go right onto the following steps. 2. With the pc on the meter, have him read pages 1-3 of this bulletin (HCOB 4 Jan 71R), through the section entitled "The Remedy." Clear up any confusion. Handle any misunderstood words. Help the pc do a simple demo of the theory that: "In" is the earlier beginning or the earlier similar incident of "Out." (This is not to be a clay demo nor complex. Keep it simple, just ensure the pc gets it.) 3. Clear EXTERIORIZATION with the pc as THE ACT OF MOVING OUT OF THE BODY WITH OR WITHOUT FULL PERCEPTION. Make certain he's got it. Demo it, if necessary. 4. Check for having been audited after exteriorization. (TA should come down and F/N, cog, VGIs.) 5. Rehab (rehabilitate) this condition by getting or counting the number of times exteriorized. You should get F/N, cog, VGIs. 6. Assess the following lost of Int buttons. (Do NOT clear the buttons first.) INT BUTTONS GO IN WENT IN PUT IN INTERIORIZED INTO SOMETHING WANT TO GO IN CAN'T GET IN KICKED OUT OF SPACES CAN'T GO IN BEING TRAPPED FORCED IN PULLED IN. If none of the Int buttons read on this assessment, get in Suppress, Invalidate and Misunderstood on the Int button list. (Do not omit this basic rule of assessment. Ref: HCOB 15 Oct 73RA, C/S Series 87RA, NULLING AND F/NING PREPARED LISTS.) 7. Then clear and demo ONLY the button that reads. If the pc seems disinterested or unhappy with the button that reads, check False. 46 CAUTION: The pc may have an MU which caused a particular button to read. Thus ensure the button is not reading on an MU, and if a button has read on an MU then clear it and reassess it. Don't give the pc a wrong item or even monkey around with a wrong item. The above actions help you ensure getting the CORRECT Int button. It is important, in clearing the reading buttons, that the pc understands you will be auditing times he WENT IN or WAS BEING TRAPPED, etc. and NOT "was in" or "was already trapped" or "was stuck in," etc. You will be auditing the actual times the action of moving in occurred. THE ABOVE CLEARING STEPS ARE VITAL, AS THE PC WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THE INT RD OVER MISUNDERSTOODS OR ON A MISASSESSED INT BUTTON. TO AUDIT HIM OVER MUs CONSTITUTES A BREACH OF THE AUDITOR'S CODE. ON THE OTHER HAND, DO NOT OVER DO THESE CLEARING ACTIONS, AS YOU ALREADY HAVE A PC ON YOUR HANDS WHO IS IN TROUBLE. NOTE: If none of the Int buttons read even when Suppress, Invalidate and Misunderstood are applied, do NOT clear them and do NOT continue the Int Rundown steps. 8. When the largest reading button has been cleared per Step 7, take that button and run it R3RA Quad. (TRIPLE IF PC IS ONLY TRIPLE.) Each flow is taken to full Dianetic EP, using the command: "Locate a time when you (Int button). " EXAMPLE: Int button with largest read: FORCED IN Run: FI 1: Locate a time when you were forced in. (To full Dn EP) FI 2: Locate a time when you forced another in. (To full Dn EP) FI 3: Locate a time when others forced others in. (To full Dn EP) FI 0: Locate a time when you forced yourself in. (To full Dn EP) (NOTE: The Quad command wordings for each of the Int buttons are listed on: HCOB 25 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 5, QUAD COMMANDS FOR INT BUTTONS.) DO NOT EVER RUN A PC ON FLOW ZERO FOR THE FIRST TIME ON INT. A TRIPLE PC CAN BE QUADED UP AFTER INT HANDLING IS COMPLETE, BUT IT IS NEVER DONE ON INT HANDLING OR INT REPAIR. 9. When all four flows on the reading button have each been run to full EP, reassess the Int button list per Step 6. If another button now reads, repeat Steps 7 and 8. Should you have a persistent F/N after the four flows on the first button have been run, reassess the next day per Step 6 and if any button then reads, repeat Steps 7 and 8. If, on the other hand, you now have an F/Ning Int button list, it is safe to end off the Int Rundown. 10. Otherwise, you continue to assess the Int button list per Step 6 and to run any reading item R3RA Quad (or Triple) per Steps 7 and 8, until the entire Int button list is F/Ning on assessment. 47 DO NOT OVERRUN THE INT RUNDOWN. See section below on "Vital Data on Int RD End Phenomena." CAUTION: ANY FLOW ON ANY READING BUTTON MUST BE RUN TO EP IN ONE SESSION, AND THE INT RUNDOWN MUST BE COMPLETED IN AS FEW SESSIONS AS POSSIBLE. 11. The final step, which is done after the final session, preferably on another later day, is a 2-way comm session on Int/Ext. (Ref: HCOB 30 May 70R, Int RD Series 3, INTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE 2-WAY COMM.) RUNNING INT WITH R3RA The R3RA steps and procedure are standard except that they address the subject of "interiorization" (expressed as any one of the buttons on the Int button list). Note that New Era Dianetics preassessment is not included in the revised Int Rundown, nor is the running of AESPs. (See HCOB 24 Sep 78 II, Int RD Series 13, PREASSESSMENT, AESPs AND INT.) In running the Int chain (or chains) it is important to run the actual "going in" action which would be near or at the beginning of the incident. Thus, if the pc is running an incident where he is "already in," ensure you check for an earlier beginning to the incident to pick up the "going in" type of action. The questions to find an earlier beginning when running R3RA are: "Is there an earlier beginning to this incident?" or "Does the one we're running start earlier?" or "Does there seem to be an earlier starting point to this incident?" The earlier similar command when running R3RA is: "Is there an earlier incident when you (Int button)?" Each flow must be taken to basic and the full Dianetic EP of: F/N, postulate (postulate off = erasure), and VGIs. The auditor must have an excellent command of New Era Dianetics tech. (Reference for New Era Dianetics R3RA commands and procedure is: HCOB 26 Jun 78RA II, NED Series 6RA, URGENT IMPORTANT, ROUTINE 3RA, ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS.) VITAL DATA ON INT RD END PHENOMENA Exteriorization is not the EP of the Int Rundown. If it happens that the pc goes exterior during the RD, you end off gently as in any other auditing. But that is not the EP, and you may have to pick him up again later and complete the Int RD or handle it with the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. THE EP OF THE INT RUNDOWN IS NO MORE CONCERN OR TROUBLE WITH EXTERIORIZATION OR INTERIORIZATION. This is generally accomplished by auditing the pc to an F/Ning Int button list. But there is another phenomenon that can occur while running Int. IT IS VITAL THAT AN AUDITOR DOES NOT MISS THIS SHOULD IT HAPPEN. 48 It goes like this: You're auditing along and suddenly some mass discharges, down comes the TA, you suddenly have a floating TA, and that's it. The pc has hit the EP. If you proceed past that point you're in trouble. You DON'T then reassess the Int button list and you DON'T continue running Quad Flows, even if all the flows have not yet been run on one reading button. You do nothing but take your paws off the meter and gently end the session. If you do otherwise you can mess up a case. It isn't exteriorization. Exteriorization could occur at the same time; however we could not care less because exteriorization is not the EP of the process. But at ANY point at which the above phenomenon occurs on the Int RD -- mass moves off, the TA comes crashing down and you can't keep the needle on the dial because the TA itself is floating -- you end off the rundown because you have the EP. What has happened here is that you've blown the stuck flow of "going in." Int sends the TA up because the person has plowed deeper into more and more mass and come out of less and less mass. You have been auditing the pc on what has been, for eons, a stuck flow of obsessively going in. At any point in the auditing that stuck flow can suddenly give way. It heaves in the opposite direction, and the stuck flow of "going in" vanishes. When that happens it's the end of the process, as that is all you want to accomplish with the Int Rundown. If you were then to check the Int button list (which you DO NOT DO AT THIS POINT) you would find the Int buttons all F/Ning. FUTURE AUDITING When the pc has attained the EP of Int, either on the above phenomenon or by reassessing the Int buttons and running them on the flows to an F/Ning Int button list, one should now be able to audit the pc even after exteriorization. However, HCOB 7 Mar 75, EXT AND ENDING SESSION would still be applied. WARNING The Int Rundown is a major case action and should only be run when the pc is rested and in good physical shape. THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown (HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN) is the superbly workable new process just developed to handle any needed Int repair. It resolves any Int troubles that might persist even after a pc has had an Int Rundown done totally standardly. It does not replace the Int Rundown; rather, it complements it, when necessary, as it runs Int by Recalls. We audit out the Int engrams on the Int Rundown. Then if repair is needed, the End of Endless Int Repair RD can be used to clean it up smoothly with Recalls. It is the answer to overrepair of Int on any pc. Additionally, it can be used for handling Int repair on Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears. 49 The above HCOB, 24 Sep 78 I, fully covers the purpose and use of this valuable new repair rundown. SUMMARY If a pc goes exterior on Dianetics or any Scientology auditing you must, as his next session, check the Int buttons for read, and if any read, clear them and do the new, vastly simplified and revised Int Rundown using the above C/S. With this done the pc... can go on being audited. And if repair is needed, the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown is the answer. These new developments and refinements give us a simpler, more thorough tech for resolving Int than we have ever had before. The way is open to more powerful OTs. All fundamental discoveries are essentially simple ones. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1971, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 50  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=13/1/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=24/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 9 EXTERIORIZATION   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 JANUARY 1971 R Remimeo REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1978 Class IV Grad (Revisions and Additions in this type style) Checksheet (Ellipses indicate deletions) (Revised 24 Sep 78 to give current data on references covering exteriorization and its handling.) Interiorization Rundown Series 9 EXTERIORIZATION On reviews of field-given exteriorization intensives during the past year, I found many cases had been flubbed. On researching this I found the following: 1. The remedy was being used as an effort to exteriorize people. People exteriorize in any normal auditing. What was needed was a remedy to be able to audit them thereafter without driving their TAs up. 2. Auditors evidently skimped their HDC Courses and did not know WHY one went to an earlier beginning or earlier incident. Thus they didn't know why you had to run interiorization. 3. HCOB 22 Mar 70 EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, (now HCOB 4 Jan 71R, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED) must have been studied only for the rote commands. The theory of it was not studied. 4. Common Dianetic goofs got in the road of the rundown, the auditor failing to repeat the chain in asking for an earlier incident.... (Ref: HCOB 26 Jun 78RA, Issue II, New Era Dianetics Series 6RA.) 5. The exteriorization intensive was being stretched over several sessions. As only it can be audited, between sessions PTPs, etc., would intervene.... (Current ref: HCOB 20 Aug 70R, Int RD Series 8, INT RD MUSTS.) 6. Clearing the command was flubby and the pc often thought interiorization meant "being in and trying to get out" and so the wrong end of the incident (the end) was being run. 7. People who hadn't been exterior at all and whose TAs were normal -- not high -- were being run on it. 8. It was being sold as a special rundown to exteriorize people, not just to enable them to go on being audited. The number of Exteriorization Rundown flubs is excessive. Therefore new HCOBs and a new pack have been issued. These include: HCOB 4 Jan 71, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, REVISED, (now HCOB 51 4 Jan 71R EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED) which contains the theory and NEW COMMANDS nobody can goof. HCOB 6 Jan 71, STARRATE CHECKOUTS FOR EXTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE. (This data is now in HCOB 25 Sep 78, Issue II, Int RD Series 14 STARRATE CHECKOUTS FOR INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN.) HCOB 5 Jan 71, GOING EARLIER IN R3R AND EXTERIORIZATION INTENSIVES. (This issue has been cancelled by BTB 10 Dec 74, Issue VIII.) Commands and procedure for running New Era Dianetics in an Interiorization RD are now contained in: HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Int RD Series 2, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED. HCOB 26 Jun 78RA, Issue II, New Era Dianetics Series 6RA, URGENT IMPORTANT, ROUTINE 3RA, ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS. The glaring outness is Dianetic... skill. A Dianetic auditor who can't run a flubless Dianetic session and get all... flows down to F/N studied in doubt, audits in doubt and ought to be in a condition of doubt until he retreads and actually reads the text and does the drills. Dianetics... is just too easy to be flubbed. After patching up many of these done in the field I became very alert to the state of training. A new Course Supervisor course has been done and is being issued. Obviously, auditors are no longer required to be starrated on new materials before they audit them. This omission must be remedied at once. NO AUDITOR MAY AUDIT MATERIALS OR APPLY HCOBs ON WHICH HE HAS NOT BEEN STARRATED. No HGC or C/S may order an auditor to run a process if that auditor has not been starrated on its theory and practical first. As for Dianetics, an auditor who cannot routinely carry a chain to an F/N VGI cog and erasure... may not retain his certificate unless retreaded and his certificate is suspended until he is retreaded. (Full New Era Dianetics EP is covered in HCOB 16 Sep 78, POSTULATE OFF EQUALS ERASURE.) For people to goof up using these clean positive tools is inexcusable. The results are there to be obtained. WE OBTAIN SPECTACULAR POSITIVE RESULTS WITH THESE SAME MATERIALS DAILY WHEREVER THEY ARE ACTUALLY STUDIED AND APPLIED. Please correct flubby auditing wherever you find it. Auditors must be checked out and drilled on new materials. Courses must be precisely taught. People who flub must be crammed until they don't. And those who still flub must be retreaded. The materials when applied produce great results. When they are not applied they don't. SO APPLY THEM! CORRECTLY. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd.kjm Copyright $c 1971, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 52  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/3/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=13/1/75 aRev=2 arDate=12/12/78  C/S Series 28RA-1RA USE OF QUADRUPLE DIANETICS   Remimeo NED Grad Checksheet C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 MARCH 1971-1RA Remimeo ADDITION OF 13 JANUARY 1975 REVISED 12 DECEMBER 1978 NED Grad Checksheet (Revisions in this type style) C/Ses (Ellipses indicate deletions) C/S Series 28RA-1RA USE OF QUADRUPLE DIANETICS With the introduction of QUADRUPLE DIANETICS the problems of how to C/S it arise. This rule is followed: ... THE FOURTH FLOW -- 0 -- MUST BE RUN ON ALL ITEMS FORWARD FROM THE FIRST DIANETIC ITEM EVER RUN ON THE CASE IF THE PC IS QUAD AND THE FLOW 0 READS. Where a case has already had Flows 2 and 3 run on Singles, one goes back and runs Flow 0 on those items if it reads. Where a case has only been run on Single Flow Dianetics (Flow 1) one goes back to the first Dianetic item ever run of which record can be found and does F2, F3, F0 in that order checking the command for read before running it, and then verifying the F1. If you fail to "quad up" a pc and start with the first item never run on that flow and if you suddenly begin to run Quad on a pc who is Single or Triple without picking up and running the original items which were Single or Triple into Quad form, you will stir up and bypass all the charge that was on that flow originally. To suddenly begin Quad without catching the pc up is to invite catastrophe as the charge bypassed will kick the pc in the teeth, and hard. Example: Joe was run on Single Flow for six months. His auditor finds a new item and suddenly decides to run it Quad. Six months worth of Flow 2, Flow 3 and Flow 0 will now restim because it is bypassing that charge. The auditor's proper correction action is to indicate to the pc what has happened and catch up the missing flows on all the earlier items run THAT NOW READ. To C/S a case for Quad Dianetics it is best to first lay out a Scientology repair, making sure the case is flying, then list out the items already run on Single and Triple. Then get them run so that all four flows are complete on each item in sequence from first to last. This includes any LX items, former practice, drugs or any other engram running. These, like Dianetic items, are listed in their correct sequence of former running. Then the missing flows are run if they read. A rehab step of the flows already run is not necessary. This rehab of a flow already run to EP is usually used only when there is question about its having gone to postulate off, F/N and VGIs (erasure). 53 In C/Sing for Quadruple one COMPLETES any flow of an item found that did not erase. This is indicated on the item list. DOING THE LIST The item list is done by the auditor in his admin time for well done time credits. All former Dianetic items ever run are listed and what flows have been run on them and to what end phenomena. Example: Engram List 3 Sept 69 Sadness (exact wording that was used) F1 4 Sept 69 A Bored Feeling F1 Bogged 6 Sept 69 An Apathetic Outlook F1 Bogged 6 Nov 69 LX Agonized F1 F2 F3 7 Nov 69 Former Therapy F1 F2 F3 F2 Bogged 9 Nov 69 Earlier Practices F1 Bogged 10 Nov 69 A Horrible Sadness F1 Bogged 5 July 70 Int RD F1 F2 F3 F3 Bogged 6 July 71 An Awful Pressure F1 Bogged Such a list is then handled from the earliest forward by: (a) Completing the bogged flow and (b) Completing the missing flow, if it reads. INT RUNDOWN If the TA on the pc is currently high or the pc is having Int troubles, Int is handled before any other action is done. The fourth flow is never suddenly introduced on Int if the pc has been run on Triples. The fourth flow on Int is then audited in its proper sequence when one gets to it in Quading, IF IT READS. Note that a drug chain also makes a high TA if in existence or unflat. AUDITOR CHECKOUT BEFORE RUNNING NEW ERA DIANETICS QUADRUPLE EVERY AUDITOR HDC,..., IV, VI, VII, VIII AND C/Ses MUST BE A GRADUATE OF THE HUBBARD NEW ERA DIANETICS... COURSE.... FLUBS If any auditor has a poor record of getting Dianetics results, of bogged flows, etc., he needs a New Era Dianetics retread. His drills and TRs are out or he is committing gross auditing errors. Dianetics gives remarkable results only when flawlessly done. The commands must be precisely given and all commands are used. It is NEVER shorted "because the pc did it." 54 THUS ANY NEW ERA DIANETICS AUDITOR TO... QUAD A PC'S UNRUN FLOWS MUST: (A) HAVE A RECORD OF GOOD FLUBLESS NEW ERA DIANETIC AUDITING or (B) MUST HAVE A RETREAD UNDER A COMPETENT SUPERVISOR and (C) MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE HUBBARD NEW ERA DIANETICS GRADUATE (CASE SUPERVISOR) COURSE OR HAVE CHECKED OUT FULLY ON THE QUAD ISSUES. C/Sing Quad Dianetics, with the above, otherwise C/Ses the same as NEW ERA DIANETICS. It should be realized Dianetics is its own field of C/Sing. This remains the same in Quad Dianetics. PROMOTION Quad Dianetics should be promoted only when you have Dianetic auditors, the auditors checked out and okayed to audit as above and when you CAN DELIVER. IVs or VIs should be available to do the Progress Pgms and steps. UPPER LEVELS When the IVs, VIs, VIIs, VIIIs or IXs are checked out as above, they should use Quad Dianetics to handle any and all engram steps called for in general auditing. That they are upper level auditors does not make it less necessary to do the above. RESULTS Quad Dianetics, including the rerun actions, produces some very startling new gains. Well done Dianetics always has produced fine results. Quad Dianetics almost doubles the gain. REMEDIES Any and all Dianetic Remedies and general technology remain in full use. They are not changed at all. Only the Zero Flow is added in each case. Good luck. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh.rb/lfg.jk Copyright $c 1971, 1975, 1978 by L. Run Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 55  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=15/3/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=6/1/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Data Series 21R DATA SERIES AUDITING   Remimeo Admin Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 15 MARCH 1971R Remimeo Issue II Admin Students REVISED 6 JANUARY 1979 (Revisions in this type style) (Ellipses indicate deletions) Data Series 21R DATA SERIES AUDITING HCOB 24 July 1970, DATA SERIES, and HCOB 28 August 1970 RA, HC OUTPOINT PLUS-POINT LISTS RA are CANCELLED. Whenever a student cannot grasp or retain the data of the DATA SERIES policy letters, he must be programmed for Method One Word Clearing, the PRD, any of the various student repairs, New Era Dianetics, etc. He can also be given Super Power. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb Copyright$c 1971, 1974, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 56  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/4/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=13/1/75 aRev=4 arDate=12/12/78  C/S Series 32RA-1RC USE OF QUAD DIANETICS   Remimeo NED Grad Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 APRIL 1971-1RC Remimeo ADDITION OF 13 JANUARY 1975 NED Grad REVISED 25 JULY 1978 Checksheet REVISED 2 OCTOBER 1978 REVISED 12 DECEMBER 1978 (Revisions in this type style) C/S Series 32RA-1RC USE OF QUAD DIANETICS With the introduction of Quadruple Dianetics it is mandatory important urgent that one does not audit four flow items until one has brought all earlier Dianetic items into four flows, checking each flow for a read, of course, before running it. TRIPLE This also applies to Triple Dianetics. On a case where only Flow One (Single) has been run, you don't suddenly run a Triple (F1, F2, F3) such as on the LX Class VIII Lists until one has run the earliest Dn item ever run (or that can be found) on Dn Triple and then on forward on Triple up to the LX. QUAD However, one would now not bother to run only Triples forward. He would locate the earliest Single or Triple (if no Single Flow) item and run it Quadruple by now running the missing flows if reading. INT RD In doing an INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN one mustn't suddenly introduce the 4th flow (F Zero). If the case has only had Triples in Dianetics one mustn't suddenly introduce a Flow Zero on INT. The case should be done on Triple Flow INT. THEN all earlier Dn items in sequence run are: (a) Listed from W/S or Folder Summaries. (b) Brought up to current by running in all the missing flows of Quad if reading. (c) The INT RD fourth flow is audited in when one gets to it IF IT READS. The moral of the story is: RUN ONLY FLOWS THAT INSTANT READ WHEN CALLED. REASON Auditing additional flows while earlier items remain Single or Triple restimulates the missing flows and stacks them up as mass. They can make a pc uncomfortable until run. All the missing flows (that were not run) are still potential mass. 57 This mass restimulates like something too late on the chain when a flow not run on earlier items is run on later items. Auditing itself is a sort of time track. The earliest session blows the later sessions. FULL FLOW TABLE Before running Quad Dianetics one makes a table of earlier items run. Like this: FULL FLOW TABLE Flow Date Item Previously Run Must Run 2.3.62 Guf Shoulder F1 F2, 3, 0 3.3.67 Gow in Foot F1 F2, 3, 0 30.4.67 Chow in Chump F1 F2, 3, 0 29.9.68 LX Anger F1, 2, 3 F0 LX Peeved F1, 2, 3 F0 4.10.69 Feeling Numb F1, 2, 3 F0 5.9.70 Int RD F1, 2,3 F0 9.10.70 Feeling of Goof F1, 2, 3 F0 10.10.71 Dn Assist on Head F1 F2, 3, 0 FLOWS F1 is FLOW ONE, something happening to self. F2 is FLOW TWO, doing something to another. F3 is FLOW THREE, others doing things to others. F0 is FLOW ZERO, self doing something to self. R3RA COMMANDS Standard R3RA commands are used on Quad Dianetics. They are the subject of another HCOB. MULTIPLE SOMATIC ITEMS The question will come up, do we Triple or Quad multiple somatic items. The test is, did the flows already run go to EP when they were originally run. If they did, include them. If they didn't run exclude them. This does not mean you omit everything that didn't run. REPAIR While auditing this FULL FLOW DIANETICS you will find various chains that did not go to EP when originally run. These are included and should be concluded to EP. This means one has to find out if they bypassed the F/N, went too early, jumped the chain, etc. Usually an L3RF assessed on that faulty action will give the answer. It is easy to take these old flubbed chains to EP unless you work at it too hard. Usually the reason they didn't is visible on the old worksheet. The auditor forgot to ask for earlier beginning or jumped the chain or tried to run it twice forgetting he'd run it before. Corny errors. 58 RESULT The result of doing a FULL FLOW DIANETIC ACTION on a case is quite spectacular. The shadowy remains of somatics blow, mass blows and the pc comes up shining. OFFERING FFD Offering the public Full Flow Dianetics must include the cost of FESing, FF Table making, and C/S work since it is sometimes lengthy. The auditing can be remarkably brief. The greatest amount of time is usually spent on the C/Sing and the table making. FFD is offered to the public in intensives as per HCOB 31 May 1971R, C/S Series 39R, STANDARD 12 1/2 HOUR INTENSIVE PROGRAMS. Admin time spent on C/Sing, FESing and FF Table making should be deducted from the intensive hours purchased by the pc. This must be made known to the public when purchasing the service. When offering FFD it should be called Quadruple Dianetics -- 4 times more powerful than previous auditing. ... A C/S must liaise with the Dissem Sec and Treasury Sec on selling it or he'll find the org is losing money doing the C/Sing and tables. WARNING When doing Quadruple Dianetics on some cases it may be found that many chains are now missing or are just copies of the original. Don't be disturbed. Pc says they're gone now they're gone. Just F/N the fact and carry on with the next flow or item. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd.lfg.kjm.jk Copyright $c 1971, 1975, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 59  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=4/12/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD EXGF 40RD  Type = 11 iDate=3/12/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet Class IV Grad and above Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1971RB REVISED 1 DECEMBER 1974 Remimeo CANCELS HCOB 3 DEC 71 HANDLING SHEET Class IV REVISED 15 FEBRUARY 1977 Grad REVISED 4 DECEMBER 1978 Checksheet Class VI Checksheet (Revisions not Printed in a different type style) Class IV Grad and above Auditors C/Ses EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD EXGF 40RD The Expanded Green Form 40RD is used with the Resistive Cases Assessment on a resistive case to precisely locate and solve its resistiveness. The assessment of the resistive cases will direct the auditor to the type of the pc's resistiveness. Further assessment is then done in the section of the Expanded Green Form 40RD appropriate to what has read on the Resistive Cases Assessment and handlings are given for what has been found. This list provides a fast and direct method for solving resistive cases. Before using this list on any pc the auditor must have first checked out on HCOB R Dec 78 Iss II GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF. RESISTIVE CASES ASSESSMENT (If this assessment has just been done on the Green Form No. 40 question, it is not repeated. Go right into the Expanded Green Form 40RD assessments.) Assess Method 5 the following resistive cases. If any item reads, go to its corresponding section on the Expanded Green Form 40RD and assess Method 5 all the items in that section. Assess the section on the Expanded Green Form 40RD that corresponds to each reading item. When all sections corresponding to the reading resistive cases items are assessed you will have a full picture of the pc's resistiveness. Then, if you have C/S okay, take up each reading section on the EXGF 40RD in the order in which they are listed below and handle reads per the instructions given. Otherwise, return to the C/S for programming. A-1 WENT DIANETIC CLEAR AND NEVER ATTESTED _______ A-2 HAD ENGRAMS RUN AFTER BEING DIANETIC CLEAR _______ B DOESN'T WANT AUDITING _______ C AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT _______ D OVERWHELMED _______ E CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY _______ F-1 SUPPRESSED _______ F-2 CONNECTED TO AN ANTAGONISTIC PERSON _______ 60 G SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL _______ H HAS NOT HAD AUDITING _______ I-1 SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS _______ I-2 HAS TAKEN DRUGS _______ J FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY _______ K HAS BEEN PART OF EARLIER PRACTICES _______ L-1 OUT OF VALENCE _______ L-2 ARE YOU BEING SOMEONE ELSE _______ M PRETENDING TRAINING OR GRADES NOT ATTAINED _______ N AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT _______ 0 MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING _______ SECTION A -- WENT DIANETIC CLEAR AND NEVER ATTESTED If item A-1 reads, Date/Locate. If item A-2 reads, 2WC to F/N and return to the C/S. SECTION B -- DOESN'T WANT AUDITING B-1 DO YOU NOT WANT AUDITING? _______ 2WC to find out why not. It will be an out-rud or an out-list. Handle appropriately. B-2 ARE YOU REFUSING AUDITING? _______ 2WC to find out why. It will be an out-rud or an out-list. Handle appropriately. B-3 ARE YOU PROTESTING AUDITING? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. B-4 DO YOU DISLIKE TALKING TO AN AUDITOR? _______ If so, run "Look at me. Who am I?" to F/N. Then "What could you say?" to F/N. B-5 HAS NO ONE ASKED WHAT YOU REALLY WANT? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. B-6 HAS THERE BEEN ANYTHING WRONG WITH F/NS? _______ Find the fault and handle with false TA HCOBs. Rehab any overruns due to false TA. SECTION C -- AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT C-1 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT? _______ Find out which and handle to F/N. C-2 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN ARC BREAK? _______ ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N. C-3 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER A PROBLEM? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 61 C-4 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER A WITHHOLD? _______ What was the withhold? Who missed it? E/S to F/N. C-5 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN OVERT? _______ What was the overt? E/S overt to F/N. C-6 ARE YOU LYING TO PEOPLE? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. C-7 DO YOU HAVE SECRETS? _______ 2WC what secrets E/S to F/N. C-8 ARE YOU HERE FOR REASONS NOT DISCLOSED? _______ If so, L&N "What was your original reason for coming here?" R3RA Triple or Quad if an evil purpose. Program for EX DN. (On a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear, do the L&N step only.) C-9 DO YOU HAVE AN EVIL PURPOSE? _______ L&N "What evil purpose do you have?" R3RA Triple or Quad. Program for EX DN. (On a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear, do the L&N step only.) SECTION D -- OVERWHELMED D-1 HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY AUDITING? _______ Run out the incident of overwhelm R3RA Narrative Triple or Quad. (On Flow 1, acknowledge what the pc says and continue with R3RA Narrative commands 2-9 A-EYE.) F2: Return to the time you caused another to be overwhelmed by auditing and tell me when you are there. F3: Return to the time others caused others to be overwhelmed by auditing and tell me when you are there. FO: Return to the time you caused yourself to be overwhelmed by auditing and tell me when you are there. (Progress Program.) (On a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear 2WC for data and use the appropriate correction list to locate and indicate the bypassed charge.) D-2 HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY LIFE? _______ Handle as in D-1 with Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, substituting "by life." (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Clears and above. D-3 HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY FAMILY CONNECTIONS? _______ Handle as in D-1 with Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, substituting "by family connections." (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Clears and above. D-4 HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED ON YOUR POST? (ON YOUR JOB?) _______ Handle as in D-1 with Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, substituting "on your post" or "on your job" whichever is appropriate and has read. (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Clears and above. D-5 ARE YOU RESTIMULATED IN YOUR CURRENT ENVIRONMENT? _______ Run out the time he felt restimulated in his environment R3RA Narrative Triple or Quad. (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Clears and above. 62 SECTION E -- CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY E-1 ARE YOU CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY? _______ L&N "What are you trying to prevent?" R3RA Tripe/Quad preventing (item). 2WC committing continuous overts and pull them, E/S to F/N. On a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear the handling is: L&N "What are you trying to prevent?" 2WC committing continuous overts and pull them, E/S to F/N. E-2 DO YOU KEEP ON GOOFING? _______ Handle as in E-1. E-3 ARE YOU COMMITTING CONTINUOUS OVERTS IN LIFE? _______ Handle as in E-1. SECTION F -- SUPPRESSED CONNECTED TO AN ANTAGONISTIC PERSON F-1 ARE YOU CONNECTED TO SOMEONE HOSTILE OR ANTAGONISTIC TO SCIENTOLOGY? _______ PTS interview. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling. F-2 ARE OTHERS ANTAGONISTIC TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING? _______ PTS interview. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling. F-3 HAVE YOU BEEN SUPPRESSED BY ANOTHER? _______ 2WC to F/N. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling. F-4 DO YOU MAKE GAINS AND THEN LOSE THEM? _______ PTS interview. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling. F-5 DO YOU RECEIVE GAINS OR BENEFITS FROM BEING ILL OR DISABLED? _______ 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S. SECTION G -- SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL G-1 ARE YOU SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL? _______ 2WC to find out what the illness or symptoms are. Return the folder to the C/S. Program per HCOB 24 Jul 69R SERIOUSLY ILL PCs and BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-2 IS YOUR BODY ILL? _______ 2WC "What seems to be wrong with your body?" to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-3 ARE YOU MENTALLY ILL? _______ Handle as a withhold. E/S "Is there an earlier time you were mentally ill?" to F/N. R3RA Narrative Triple/Quad. Then do a full preassessment on it. G-4 DO YOU HAVE ANY BROKEN BONES? _______ 2WC to F/N. Medical treatment followed by a program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. 63 G-5 DO YOU HAVE ANY INFECTIOUS DISEASE? _______ 2WC to get the data on what it is to F/N. Medical treatment followed by a program per BTB 2R May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-6 DO YOU HAVE ANY HIDDEN ILLNESSES? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program per BTB 2R May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-7 DO YOU HAVE ANY TOOTH DECAY? _______ 2WC to F/N. Dental treatment followed by a program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-8 DO YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICALLY DAMAGED PARTS? _______ 2WC to find out what, to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-9 DO YOU HAVE ANY BODY PARTS MISSING? _______ 2WC to find out what, to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-10 HAVE YOU HAD ANY BODY PARTS REMOVED? _______ 2WC to find out what, to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. SECTION H -- HAS NOT HAD AUDITING H-1 HAVE YOU NOT HAD AUDITING? _______ L&N "Who or what would prevent auditing?" Triple or Quad ruds and overts on the item. H-2 HAVE YOU BEEN SELF-AUDITING? _______ 2WC to find out when the pc first started self-auditing. Do an L1C on the prior upset. If the prior upset was in auditing, use the appropriate correction list. H-3 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED IN AN EARLIER LIFE? _______ 2WC to F/N. C/S to program to handle any overrun or other difficulties with past auditing, if needed. SECTION I -- SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS HAS TAKEN DRUGS I-1 ARE YOU SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. (E/S if needed "Is there an earlier time you were seeking the same thrill attained from drugs?") Advance Program for a Drug RD or to complete it. (On Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears, indicate the item. Do no further handling.) I-2 HAVE YOU TAKEN DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. If pc has had his Drug RD do a Drug RD Repair List. L3RF if needed. Advance Program for a Drug RD or to complete it. (On Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears, handle as in I-1.) I-3 DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO TAKE DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. If pc has had his Drug RD do a Drug RD Repair List. L3RF if needed. Advance Program for a Drug RD or to complete it. (On Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears, handle as in I-1.) 64 I-4 HAVE YOU NEVER TAKEN DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. (E/S if needed "Is there an earlier time you never took drugs?") I-5 ARE YOU CURIOUS ABOUT DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. (E/S if needed "Is there an earlier time you were curious about drugs?") I-6 HAS MEDICINE ACTED AS DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. If pc has had a Drug RD do a Drug RD Repair List. L3RF if needed. Advance Program to handle all reading drugs, medicine and alcohol with a full Drug RD or to complete it. (On Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears, handle as in I-1.) I-7 HAVE YOU DRUNK ALCOHOL? _______ 2WC to F/N. If pc has had a Drug RD do a Drug RD Repair List. L3RF if needed. Advance Program for a Drug RD or to complete it. (On Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears, handle as in I-1.) SECTION J -- FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY (If any item in this section reads on a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear, indicate the reading item, let the person tell you about it if he wishes, and indicate the F/N. Do no further handling.) J-1 HAVE YOU HAD A FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on having a former therapy. F1: Return to the time you had a former therapy and tell me when you are there. F2: Return to the time you gave a former therapy to another and tell me when you are there. F3: Return to the time others gave a former therapy to others and tell me when you are there. F0: Return to the time you gave a former therapy to yourself and tell me when you are there. J-2 HAVE YOU HAD MEDICAL THERAPY? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in J-1, substituting "medical therapy." J-3 HAVE YOU HAD PSYCHIATRIC THERAPY? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in J-1, substituting "psychiatric therapy." J-4 HAVE YOU HAD PSYCHOLOGY THERAPY? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in J-1 substituting "psychology therapy." J-5 HAVE YOU HAD DENTAL THERAPY? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in J-1, substituting "dental therapy." J-6 HAVE YOU HAD ELECTRIC SHOCK? _______ 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S for okay to run out the electric shock Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in J-1, followed by a preassessment of the electric shock. 65 SECTION K -- HAS BEEN PART OF EARLIER PRACTICES (If any item in this section reads on a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear, indicate the reading item, let the person tell you about it if he wishes, and indicate the F/N. Do no further handling.) K-1 ARE YOU CURRENTLY DOING ANY BODY PRACTICES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple to Quad on body practices. F1: Return to the time you took part in body practices and tell me when you are there. F2: Return to the time you caused another to take part in body practices and tell me when you are there. F3: Return to the time others caused others to take part in body practices and tell me when you are there. F0: Return to the time you caused yourself to take part in body practices and tell me when you are there. K-2 ARE YOU CURRENTLY DOING ANY EXERCISES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "exercises." K-3 ARE YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICING ANY RITES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "rites." K-4 ARE YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICING YOGA? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "yoga." K-5 DO YOU HOLD ANY EASTERN BELIEFS? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "eastern beliefs." K-6 ARE YOU DOING ANY MENTAL EXERCISES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "mental exercises." K-7 DO YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICE MEDITATION? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "meditation." K-8 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER PRACTICES BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier practices before Scientology." K-9 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER RELIGIONS? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier religions." K-10 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER RITES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier rites." K-11 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EXERCISES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier exercises." K-12 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN HYPNOTISM? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "hypnotism." K-13 HAVE YOU HELD EASTERN BELIEFS? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "eastern beliefs." 66 K-14 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER INDOCTRINATIONS? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier indoctrinations." K-15 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER SCIENTIFIC PRACTICES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier scientific practices." K-16 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER ELECTRONIC PRACTICES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier electronic practices." K-17 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER THOUGHT PRACTICES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier thought practices." K-18 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER SPIRITUAL PRACTICES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier spiritual practices." K-19 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EASTERN RITES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier eastern rites. " K-20 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EASTERN PRACTICES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier eastern practices." K-21 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER IMPLANTING TECHNIQUES? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "earlier implanting techniques." K-22 HAVE YOU PRACTICED WITCHCRAFT? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on practicing witchcraft. F1: Return to the time you had witchcraft practiced on you and tell me when you are there. F2: Return to the time you practiced witchcraft on another and tell me when you are there. F3: Return to the time others practiced witchcraft on others and tell me when you are there. F0: Return to the time you practiced witchcraft on yourself and tell me when you are there. K-23 HAVE YOU CAST SPELLS? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on using spells. F1: Return to the time a spell was used on you and tell me when you are there. F2: Return to the time you used a spell on another and tell me when you are there. F3: Return to the time others used spells on others and tell me when you are there. F0: Return to the time you used a spell on yourself and tell me when you are there. K-24 ARE YOU DOING SOME EXERCISE BETWEEN SESSIONS? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, as in K-1, substituting "exercises." 67 SECTION L -- OUT OF VALENCE ARE YOU BEING SOMEONE ELSE If items L-1 or L-2 read, the handling is LX3, LX2, LX1 and 220H if necessary. Ref: HCOB 2 Aug 69R "LX" LISTS HCOB 5 Nov 69R V LX3 (ATTITUDES) HCOB 3 Aug 69R LX2 (EMOTIONAL ASSESSMENT LIST) HCOB 9 Aug 69R LX1 (CONDITIONS) HCOB 20 Sep 78 II LX LIST HANDLING (If one of these items read on a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear, indicate the item, let the person tell you about it if he wishes, and indicate the F/N. Do no further handling.) SECTION M -- PRETENDING TRAINING OR GRADES NOT ATTAINED (If any item in this section reads on a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear, indicate the reading item, let the person tell you about it if he wishes, and indicate the F/N.) M-1 ARE YOU PRETENDING? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on pretending. F1: Return to the time another pretended to you and tell me when you are there. F2: Return to the time you pretended to another and tell me when you are there. F3: Return to the time others pretended to others and tell me when you are there. F0: Return to the time you pretended to yourself and tell me when you are there. M-2 ARE YOU PRETENDING TRAINING NOT ATTAINED? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on pretending as in M-1. M-3 ARE YOU PRETENDING ATTAINMENTS IN LIFE NOT REALLY ATTAINED? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on pretending as in M-1. M-4 ARE YOU PRETENDING GRADES NOT ATTAINED? _______ Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on pretending as in M-1. SECTION N -- AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT N-1 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT? _______ 2WC to find out what grades the pc feels are out. Indicate it. If no F/N, "Is there an earlier time you were audited over that/those outgrade(s)?" Note for C/S. N-2 IS YOUR DIANETICS INCOMPLETE? _______ 2WC to F/N. Note for C/S. N-3 DO ENGRAMS FAIL TO ERASE? _______ L3RF Rundown. (R-Factor: "We are looking for engrams contacted in your early auditing and not fully handled." Assess L3RF Method 5 with the preface "In your early Dianetics ______ ?" Handle with R3RA over and over until the entire list F/Ns.) (On a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear, indicate the read. If no F/N you may do an L3RF if needed, however do no handling beyond indicating the reading questions, to F/N.) 68 N-4 IS YOUR COMMUNICATION GRADE OUT? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded or Quad Grade 0. N-5 IS YOUR PROBLEMS GRADE OUT? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded or Quad Grade I. N-6 IS YOUR OVERT/WITHHOLD GRADE OUT? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded or Quad Grade II. N-7 DO YOU HAVE PERSISTING ARC BREAKS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded or Quad Grade III. N-8 ARE YOU ANXIOUS ABOUT CHANGE? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded or Quad Grade III. N-9 DO YOU HAVE SERVICE FACSIMILES? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded or Quad Grade IV. N-10 DO YOU HAVE FIXED IDEAS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded or Quad Grade IV. N-11 ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT BEING RIGHT OR WRONG? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded or Quad Grade IV. N-12 HAVE YOU FAILED TO ATTAIN OTHER GRADES? _______ 2WC to F/N. Note for C/S. N-13 HAVE WINS ON GRADES BEEN BYPASSED? _______ Rehab each to F/N. SECTION O -- MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING O-1 HAVE YOU HAD MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING? _______ Find and clear the misunderstoods or do a WCCL prefaced with "In auditing." Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. O-2 HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING WHAT WAS GOING ON IN A SESSION? _______ Clear this up with Word Clearing on the action that wasn't understood. Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. O-3 HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING AN AUDITOR? _______ 2WC to F/N. Handle any MUs with Word Clearing on the area the pc didn't understand. Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. 0-4 HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE IN AUDITING BECAUSE OF MISUNDERSTOODS? _______ Find the misunderstoods and clear them up. Note what actions were done over misunderstood words and handle with the proper repair list if needed. Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1971, 1974, 1977, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 69  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=22/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY III AUDITING BY LISTS   Remimeo Franchise All Auditors Level III Checksheets Tech Qual C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 JULY 1971R Remimeo REVISED 22 FEBRUARY 1979 Franchise All Auditors (Revisions in this type style) Level III (Ellipsis indicates deletion) Checksheets (Replaces HCOBs 22 May 65 and 23 April 64, Tech and cancels HCOB 27 July 65 all on the Qual same subject.) C/Ses SCIENTOLOGY III AUDITING BY LISTS (Note: We now F/N everything. We do NOT tell the pc what the meter is doing. This changes "Auditing By Lists" in both respects. We do not say to the pc. "That's clean" or "that reads.") (Ref: HCOB 14 Mar 71 F/N EVERYTHING HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 24 Jan 77 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-METER DRILL 5RA CAN SQUEEZE HCOB 8 Dec 78 II GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF) Use any authorized, published LIST. (Green Form for general review, L1C for ARC Brks, L4BRA for list errors.) METHOD 3 Set the sensitivity for 1/3 of a dial drop on a correct can squeeze per E- Meter Drill 5RA (Reference: HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-METER DRILL 5RA CAN SQUEEZE). Have your meter in a position (line of sight) so you can see the list and the needle or you can see the needle and the pc. The meter position is important. Hold the mimeoed list close beside the meter. Have your worksheet more to the right. Keep record on your worksheet. Mark the pc's name and date on it. Mark what list it is on the W/S with time. It remains in the folder stapled to the W/S. Read the question on the list, note if it reads. Do NOT read it while looking at the pc, do NOT read it to yourself and then say it while looking at the pc. These are the L10 actions and are called Method 6, not Method 3. It is more important to see the pc's cans than his face as can fiddle can fake or upset reads. TR 1 must be good so the pc clearly hears it. You are looking for an INSTANT READ that occurs at the end of the exact last syllable of the question. If it does not read, mark the list X. If the list is being done through an F/N and the F/N just continues, mark the question F/N. 70 If the question reads, do not say "That reads." Mark the read at once (tick, SF, F, LF, LFBD, R/S), transfer the number of the Q to the W/S and look expectantly at the pc. You can repeat the Q by just saying it again if pc doesn't begin to talk. He has probably already begun to answer as the Q was live in his bank as noted by the meter. Take down the pc's remarks in shortened form on the W/S. Note any TA changes on the W/S. If the pc's answer results in an F/N (cog VGIs sometimes follow, GIs always accompany a real F/N), mark it rapidly on the W/S and say, "Thank you. I would like to indicate your needle is floating." Do NOT wait endlessly for the pc to say more. If you do he will go into doubt and find more, also do NOT chop what he is saying. Both are TR errors that are very bad. If there is no F/N, at the first pause that looks like the pc thinks he has said it, ask for an earlier similar _______________ whatever the question concerned. Do NOT change the Q. Do NOT fail to repeat what the question is. "Was there an earlier similar restimulation of 'rejected affinity'?" This is the "E/S" part of it. You do not leave such a question merely "clean." It does not matter now if you look at the pc when you say it or not. But you can look at the pc when you say it. The pc will answer. If he comes to a "looks like he thinks he said it" and no F/N, you ask the same Q as above. You ask this Q "Was there an earlier similar ______________" until you finally get an F/N and GIs. You indicate the F/N. That is the last of that particular question. You mark "F/N" on the list and call the next question on the list. You call this and other questions without looking at the pc. Those that do not read, you X as out. The next question that reads, you mark it on the list, transfer the question number to the W/S. Take the pc's answer. Follow the above E/S procedure as needed until you get an F/N and GIs for the question. Ack. Indicate and return to the mimeoed list. You keep this up until you have done the whole list in this fashion. If you got no read on the list question but the pc volunteers some answer to an unreading question, do NOT take it up. Just ack and carry on with your mimeoed list. BELIEVE YOUR METER. Do not take up things that don't read. Don't get "hunches." Don't let the pc run his own case by answering nonreading items and then the auditor taking them up. Also don't let a pc "fiddle the cans" to get a false read or to obscure a real one. (Very rare but these two actions have happened.) BIG WIN If halfway down a prepared list (the last part not yet done) the pc on some question gets a wide F/N, big cog, VGIs, the auditor is justified in calling the list complete and going to the next C/S action or ending the session, except in the case where an F/Ning list is C/Sed for, e.g. C/S 53RL. The auditor does not violate C/S Series 20 PERSISTENT F/N. If he is intending to F/N the list, and the pc is on a big 71 win, the auditor would end off, let the pc have his win, and then in another later session, continue with the list. There are two reasons for this -- one, the F/N will usually just persist and can't be read through and further action will tend to invalidate the win. The auditor can also carry on to the end of the prepared list if he thinks there may be something else on it, if it does not violate C/S Series 20 PERSISTENT F/N. GF AND METHOD 3 When a GF is taken up Method 3 (item by item, one at a time) one ends it at the first F/N (Reference: HCOB 8 Dec 78 II GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF). If the auditor were to continue, it can occur that the TA will go suddenly high. The pc feels he is being repaired, that the clearing up of the first item on the GF handled it and protests. It is the protest that sends the TA up. Thus a GF is best done by Method 5 (once through for reads, then the reads handled). L1C, L3RF, L7 and other such lists are best done Method 3. The above steps and actions are exactly how you do Auditing by List today. Any earlier data contrary to this is cancelled. Only 2 points change -- we F/N everything that reads by E/S or a process to handle (L3RF requires processes, not E/S to get an F/N) or else check for false read if the pc shows manifestations of this, and we never tell the pc that it read or didn't read, thus putting his attention on the meter. We still indicate F/Ns to the pc as a form of completion. L1C and Method 3 are NOT used on high or very low TAs to get them down or up. The purpose of these lists is to clean up bypassed charge. An auditor also indicates when he has finished with the list. An auditor should dummy drill this action both on a doll and bullbait. The action is very successful when precisely done. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd.jk Copyright $c 1971, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 72  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=4 rDate=31/1/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0    Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet All Dn Auditors All C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JULY 1971RC Remimeo Issue III Dianetics RE-REVISED 31 JANUARY 1979 Checksheet All Dn (Revisions in this type style) Auditors All C/Ses (Ellipsis indicates deletion) (This bulletin has been revised only to delete THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS from its title. The New Era Dianetic Drug RD given in this bulletin is its own rundown and a completely separate action from The End of Endless Drug Rundowns Repair List, which is a repair rundown for pcs who were run endlessly on old style drug handling. Ref: HCOB 19 Sep 78R, Iss I, Rev. 31.1.79, THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RDs, and HCOB 19 Sep 78R, Iss 11, Rev. 31.1.79, THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR LIST.) IMPORTANT URGENT C/S Series 48RD New Era Dianetics Series 9RB DRUG HANDLING See: HCOB 28 Aug 68 II DRUGS HCOB 29 Aug 68 DRUG DATA HCOB 23 Sep 68 DRUGS & TRIPPERS Refer: HCOB 19 May 69RB DRUG AND ALCOHOL CASES PR/OR ASSESSING BTB 12 Aug 69R (HCOB 10 Dec 68 Updated) CONFIDENTIAL -- CASE SUPERVISOR ACTIONS (Page 24 Resistive Case 220D) HCOB 2 Nov 57RA AN OBJECTIVE RUNDOWN Rev. 10.5.74, Rev.22.2.75 HCOB 3 Jul 59 GENERAL INFORMATION HCOB 11 Jun 57 TRAINING AND CCH PROCESSES Reiss 12 May 72 HCO Training Bulletin of 6 Feb 57, Pg 5, Tech Vol III HCOB 19 Sep 78R THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG Issue I RUNDOWNS Rev. 31. 1. 79 A person who has been on drugs is one of the "seven types of resistive cases." (These types are found on the Scientology Green Form No. 40.) A person who has been on drugs, alcohol or medicines seldom runs on any other type of engram, seldom goes backtrack well, and is subject to somatic, emotional and perceptic shut-offs making any other type of Dianetic running a vain activity. Drugs since 1962 have been in very widespread use. Before then they were rare. A 73 worldwide spread of drugs occurred. A large percentage of people became and are drug takers. By drugs (to mention a few) are meant -- tranquilizers, opium, cocaine, marijuana, peyote, amphetamine and the psychiatrist's gifts to Man, LSD and Angel Dust, which are the worst. Any medical drugs are included. Drugs are drugs. There are thousands of trade names and slang terms for these drugs. ALCOHOL is included as a drug and receives the same treatment in auditing. By alcohol (to mention a few) is meant whiskey, beer, wine, vodka, rum, gin, etc. -- in other words, any fermented or distilled liquor or drink of any kind or fumes of such with some percentage of alcohol content. Drugs are supposed to do wonderful things but all they really do is ruin the person. Even someone off drugs for years still has "blank periods." The abilities to concentrate or to balance are injured. The moral part of it has nothing to do with auditing. The facts are that: (a) People who have been on drugs can be a liability until the condition is handled in auditing. (b) A former drug user is a resistive case that does not make stable gains until the condition is handled. (c) Auditing is the only successful means ever developed for handling drug damage. DRUG ENGRAMS People who have been on drugs are sometimes afraid of running engrams. In fact, it is almost a way to detect a "druggie." The drugs, particularly LSD and even sometimes antibiotics or other medicines to which the person has an allergy, can turn on whole track pictures violently. These tend to overwhelm the person and make him feel crazy. Some of these people are afraid to confront the bank again. If a person "doesn't like Dianetics" and doesn't want to be run on engrams, it is necessary to put him through the Hard TRs Course and Objectives. If Dianetics has been run but poorly, it should of course be repaired fully with an L3RF (list used to correct Dianetic errors). But if the person still flinches, the Hard TRs Course and Objectives successfully completed will handle. THOSE ON DRUGS Objective Processes are numerous. It may be necessary to run these on a person still on drugs and even put the person through a Hard TRs Course to get the person off drugs. Doing this usually avoids the painful "withdrawal symptoms," particularly present in coming off heroin or psychiatric "treatment" drugs. (Note, some persons have been put on some therapeutic drug by an M.D. -- such as insulin and possibly should remain on it until well advanced into auditing. But these are not the usual drug. It is up to the pc, the auditor and the doctor what should be done in such cases. Tranquilizers are not acceptable, however.) 74 DONE FIRST Drugs are done first. Why? Because drugs make a resistive case! Other Dianetic actions and Scientology as well will get loses if drugs are not handled first. Any current Dianetic case failures are from flubby Dianetic auditing or the person has been on drugs or alcohol which were not handled by Dianetics. It hasn't harmed anyone to omit drug handling. But it made it hard or impossible to get stable case gain. THUS ANY DIANETIC PC WHO HAS HAD DRUG HANDLING OMITTED MUST BE RUN ON DRUGS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BEFORE MORE AUDITING IS GIVEN. I repeat, drugs or alcohol in most instances make a resistive case so the point must be handled before the case will attain and hold case gain. ANY PC WHO IS NOT MAKING IT IN AUDITING SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR A DRUG OR ALCOHOL HISTORY. DISCOVERY In investigating a series of cases who were not making it, I found in each one that the person had been on drugs or alcohol and that drugs or the alcohol had not been run out. Drug data was not covered fully enough in the Dianetics pack. Only Prior Assessment to Drugs was given. Thus I have found several Dianetic pcs were only run on the Prior Assessment to Drugs. This is not good enough as it is only a partial handling. FULL DRUG RUNDOWN Here is the full New Era Dianetics Drug Rundown. 0. The Original Assessment Sheet. Ask the pc each question on the Original Assessment Sheet. Mark all reads. Make sure you get specific and complete answers to your questions. NOTE: On Item E, do not ask the pc for whole track drugs. You want only drugs, medicine or alcohol he has taken this lifetime. 1. Objective ARC. (Ref: HCOB 19 Jun 78 New Era Dianetics Series 3, OBJECTIVE ARC.) 2. Sweat Out Program if LSD or Angel Dust has been taken. This step can be done concurrently with other drug handling. (Ref: HCOB 30 Apr 78 SWEAT PROGRAM FURTHER DATA HCOB 6 Feb 78R LSD AND THE SWEAT PROGRAM HCOB 6 Feb 78R-1 LSD AND THE SWEAT PROGRAM ADDITION) 3. A battery of Objective Processes. This includes CCHs 1-10, SCS on an Object and SCS. (SOP 8C and Op Pro by Dup are included in later steps of the Drug Rundown.) 75 4. Hard TRs Course for ex-drug users or alcoholics. A Hard TRs Course consists of TRs 0-9. (Ref: HCOB 16 Aug 71 R TRAINING DRILLS REMODERNIZED HCOB 7 May 68 UPPER INDOC TRs BPL 18 Sep 78 NEW ERA DIANETICS HARD TRs COURSE) 5. Full Dianetic C/S-1 to educate the pc so he fully understands Dianetic procedure and is able and willing to be audited successfully. (Ref: HCOB 9 Jul 78 DIANETIC C/S-1) 6. Narrative Handling on Drugs -- First. All drugs, medicine and alcohol which the pc has taken in this lifetime have been listed on the Original Assessment Sheet. At this point, choose the best reading drug, alcohol or medicine from the Original Assessment Sheet and run it out R3RA Quad Narrative. (For example: "Return to the time you took whiskey and tell me when you are there.") YOU DO NOT CHECK INTEREST ON DRUG ITEMS. RUN OUT EACH READING DRUG, ALCOHOL OR MEDICINE ON THE DRUG LIST (IN ORDER OF READ) BY R3RA QUAD NARRATIVE FIRST. Otherwise, you can end up spinning the pc way down the track. In running narrative on this lifetime drug, medicine or alcohol individual items you will find that it is easier to do if you run earlier beginning and earlier incident rather than attempt to limit him to the first this lifetime incident he comes up with, as there will usually be more than one incident when he took whiskey, for example. So you always ask earlier beginning but if it is necessary you ask earlier incident with the question, "Is there an earlier incident when you took whiskey?" Pcs commonly tend to wind up way back down the whole track at this stage of their auditing and that is not what you're aiming for here either. What you're interested in is this lifetime, this body. But this doesn't mean you don't run track on the Drug Rundown; just don't push it. And never insist the pc run any type of chain when he says there's nothing there. When all reading drugs, medicines, alcohols on the list have been run to EP by R3RA Narrative Quad, go on to the next step. 7. Preassessment on Each Reading Drug, Medicine or Alcohol Taken in This Lifetime. A) Choose the best reading drug, alcohol or medicine from the Original Assessment Sheet and do a preassessment on it. "Are (preassessment item) connected with taking (the drug, medicine or alcohol)?" is the preassessment question. B) Take the best reading preassessment item off the preassessment and ask the pc: "What (best reading preassessment item) are connected with taking (the drug, medicine, or alcohol)?" This is the running item list question for that particular drug. You write this 76 question at the top of the page and write down exactly what the pc said, noting any read that occurred when he said it. C) Take up the best reading running item (make sure you noted reads as the pc gave you the items) and run it R3RA Quad. DO NOT CHECK INTEREST ON DRUG ITEMS. D) Handle all reading running items found in Step B in order of read with R3RA Quad. E) Using that same original drug item repeat Step A. F) Repeat Steps B to E. Fa) Using the first original item continue Steps A, B, C, D, E until the Preassessment List simply F/Ns. Fb) Take the next individual drug, medicine, or alcohol item that read on the original list and repeat Steps A to Fa on it until you have handled every item that read on the Original Assessment Sheet. G) When there are no more items unhandled on the original list that read and no further items reading, but there are some unrun original items on the list, null with Suppress and Invalidate buttons. H) Run any now reading items with Steps A to Fb. I) Use up the whole list of drugs in this way, doing the preassessment and Steps B to H on all reading drugs. Reassess the drug list. Handle per above instructions any drug which now reads. This is done until the entire drug list F/Ns when called. (Note: If, during the rundown the pc thinks of other drugs he has taken in this lifetime, add them to the original list with their reads noted, and handle them in turn according to size of read, ensuring you run them R3RA Quad Narrative first.) 8. The Prior Assessment. A) Using the drug list obtained on the Original Assessment, take up the largest reading drug, medicine or alcohol, ask the pc the following preassessment question: "Prior to taking (the best reading drug, medicine or alcohol), were there (preassessment item)?" B) Take the best reading preassessment item and ask: "What (preassessment item) did you have prior to taking (the drug, medicine or alcohol)?" C) Use full preassessment steps and run out all reading running items R3RA Quad. D) Reassess any remaining unrun items found in Step B to see if they now read. If they do, run them. Also check for any more items the pc has to add to the list, and mark down their reads as the pc gives them. E) Repeat above steps on any items that now read. F) When there are no more items to add and no more items reading, but there are some unrun items on the list, null with Suppress and Invalidate buttons. 77 G) Run any now reading items R3RA Quad. H) Reassess the Preassessment List, using the drug, medicine or alcohol in Step A. Follow remaining steps until all reading items are taken to EP and there are no further reads on reassessment of the Preassessment List. I) Take up the next best reading drug, medicine or alcohol from Step A. Repeat Steps B to I. The above prior assessment steps are done on each drug, medicine or alcohol that has read. They are handled in order of largest read. 9. More Objectives. The final step of the Drug Rundown, when all above steps are fully complete, is to run another set of Objectives on the pc. These are: A) SOP 8C B) OP PRO BY DUP run in that order, each to its complete EP. This is done to bring the pc fully into present time, and it will be a present time which he is now far better able to confront. This completes the Drug Rundown. The Sweat Out Program, if not yet complete by this time, is carried through to completion. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:lfg.dr.jk Copyright $c 1971, 1978, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 78  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=24/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Class IV Grad Checksheet Interiorization Rundown Series 11 URGENT INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN -- CORRECTION DRILL: DATE TO BLOW/LOCATE TO BLOW   Remimeo Interiorization Pack Class IV Grad Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 SEPTEMBER 1971 R Remimeo REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1978 Interiorization Pack (Revisions in this type style) Class IV Grad Checksheet Interiorization Rundown Series 11 URGENT INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN -- CORRECTION DRILL: DATE TO BLOW/LOCATE TO BLOW It usually happens that an Interiorization Rundown (also known as Int-Ext RD for Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown) is -- 1. Done when not necessary. 2. Is flubbed in R3RA. 3. Is overrun. UNNECESSARY The Int buttons must be assessed FIRST, then any reading button or buttons cleared. If a button has read on an MU it must be cleared, then reassessed. If an Int button is validly reading, one does the Int Rundown, per HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Int RD Series 2, EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INT RD REVISED. (Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears would be run instead on The End of Endless Int Repair RD as they cannot be run on Dianetics. This rundown is also well suited as a preliminary action for weak or ill pcs who may be unable to run engrams or secondaries. Ref: HCOB 24 Sept 78, Issue I, Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD.) If there aren't any reads on the Int buttons even after Suppress, Inval, Misunderstood and False have been applied to the Int button list, one does NOT do an Int Rundown on the pc as it is unnecessary and classifies as "running an unreading item." When this test is omitted you get an unnecessary Int RD being done on a pc. This will eventually have to be repaired. FLUBBED R3RA When the auditor does not do flubless auditing, errors occur in the auditing itself. These will hang up an Int RD. OVERRUN It usually happens that an Int RD is overrun. The EP is reached on Flow 2, let us say, The auditor keeps on going past the win. This will hang up the rundown. One of the ways an overrun occurs is the pc goes exterior during it. Yet the auditor keeps on. 79 Another way is pc has a big cog, big win. Auditor keeps going on with the RD. REASON FOR ERRORS The Int RD is a simple and precise REMEDY which stabilizes a pc after exteriorizing and permits him to be further audited. When a pc exteriorizes in session it is the end phenomena for that process or action. One gently ends off in any case. If the pc has not had an Interiorization Rundown, it is vital, in his next session, to check Int (as above) as the first action. All manner of physical and emotional upsets can result, including a high TA, if this step is omitted. INT MUST BE CHECKED AS THE NEXT ACTION AFTER THE FACT OF THE PC'S FIRST EXTERIORIZATION. No other auditing is to be done before Int is handled fully or proves to be uncharged upon checking. One reason unnecessary Int RDs get done is that the Registrar sells one. That makes the Reg a C/S. So the C/S and auditor run it. Maybe it wasn't needed. So if it wasn't needed it will eventually have to be repaired. HEADACHES Headaches are a symptom (not every headache is) of a needed or an incorrect Int RD. CORRECTION DRILL The following is the Correction Drill for an Int RD. Ninety percent of the pcs run on Int need it. REQUIREMENTS An auditor before being allowed to go near a pc Int RD correction must have: 1. Word cleared the Int RD pack. 2. Must have good TRs. 3. Must be good with a meter. 4. Must know and use the Auditor's Code. 5. Must have completed the starrate checkouts per Int RD Series 14. 6. MUST DO THIS DRILL ON A DOLL UNTIL HE IS FLAWLESS. Then he can be trusted to do an Int RD correction. This is the drill (written by a Class XII auditor for use on Flag): Drill -- Int-Ext Repair No. 1 80 FAILED INT/EXT RD REPAIR DATE TO BLOW -- LOCATE TO BLOW 1. By C/S or prepared list read, Int appears overrun. 2. Auditor: "We're going to take a look at the subject of going into things and your Int RD." 3. Auditor: "What was the first time in your auditing that you were willing to go into things?" 4. Auditor establishes by pc answer to above and any further 2WC if (a) a flat point exists in or as a result of auditing (or training), (b) the pc feels the Int RD is unflat (c) the pc has misunderstoods on the RD, or (d) the pc never had any trouble with going in and out of things or being audited after exterior. The pc and auditor are satisfied with what they establish above. 5. If (a) flat point, auditor establishes what the point was. If (b) unflat, the auditor does an Int RD Correction List or L3RF, if needed. If it does turn out that the Int RD was overrun or unnecessary, the auditor proceeds per this drill. If (c) misunderstoods, the auditor clears them up with the pc and then finds out if it was overrun, unflat or unnecessary and handles per this drill. If (d) unnecessary, the auditor indicates it was an unnecessary action and gets an F/N. 6. The Int RD was overrun and the flat point has been established per Step 5. The auditor tells the pc, "We're going to date that point in years, months, etc., ago until something blows off -- some mass or energy, etc. I want you to tell me as soon as that happens. Alright?" 7. If the pc is confused about "blow" the auditor can do a demo by putting his hand on the pc's arm and taking it away suddenly. 8. When the pc understands what's expected of him, the auditor establishes the order of magnitude by asking the pc, "Was it years or months ago?" 9. The auditor gets the years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and fractions of seconds ago to a point when something blows and F/Ns. If the pc gives up on this only then does the auditor meter date the flat point to a blow-F/N. 10. If a big BD occurs and the auditor suspects a blow but the pc will not originate it, the auditor can ask the pc if it blew. 11. If no blow occurs the auditor verifies each part of the date and corrects where necessary to a blow-F/N. If still no blow-F/N the auditor then checks for an earlier flat point. If there is one, the auditor dates that point to a blow-F/N. If still no blow-F/N the auditor does an L3RF "On your Int RD" and handles fully. 12. When the date has gone to a blow-F/N and the F/N has been indicated the auditor tells the pc, "Now we're going to spot the exact location where that flat point occurred, until something blows off. I want you to tell me when that happens. Alright?" The auditor is getting the PAST physical universe location. 13. The auditor clears the words stars, planet, galaxy, location, point, if this is the first time Date/Locate is being done on the pc. 14. When the pc understands what's expected of him the auditor begins the Locate steps. 15. The auditor says, "Point to that location." The pc points with his finger until he is satisfied he has the exact direction. Then the auditor goes down the rest of the steps to a blow-F/N. 81 Distance? Exact? What galaxy? What star? What planet? What country? What city? What street? What house? Position on street? What room? Distance from front of house? Where in the room? How far from each wall? How far off the floor? How far from the ceiling? (NOTE: This step is not rote. Use the questions that apply. For example, if it occurred "next door" you wouldn't ask "What galaxy?", etc.) 16. If, while locating, the pc starts running the incident or gives too much "scene" the auditor has the pc point again then continues from where he left off on the locate steps. 17. If at some point on these steps the location turns out to be in the middle of the ocean or in a field, etc., the auditor uses available landmarks or reference points to get the location (i.e. distance from nearest point of land? or distance from the big rock?) down to a blow-F/N. 18. If no blow-F/N, the auditor verifies each part of the Locate step and corrects any necessary to a blow-F/N. 19. If the auditor suspects a blow but the pc doesn't originate it, the auditor asks, "Did something blow?" If the auditor suspects he's gone past a blow he can check "Did it blow previously?" If so and no F/N the auditor rehabs by asking the pc how long ago that happened and gets the F/N. 20. If no blow after verifying the location, or after checking for an earlier location blow, the auditor then has to do an L3RF "On your Int RD" and handle fully. NOTE: A blow is a definite manifestation and the pc must say "something blew" or "it disappeared" or "it's gone" or "it vanished," not "I feel lighter." 82 IMPORTANT The Date/Locate steps must NOT be done robotically. One has to understand the mechanics of how it's done and why. If the pc says "two years ago" on dating, one doesn't then ask "What galaxy?" on the Locate step, as of course it's this one. Or what star, etc., either. If you start asking "What galaxy?" on an incident on Earth the pc is thrown back track. If it happened outside a town in the open you wouldn't ask what city, house, or street or room, either. On dating, it's AGO or it is an actual date. When the pc has it, the auditor doesn't then alter-is it in sequence. Found by years -- months -- days -- hours -- minutes -- seconds and fractions, one doesn't then call it by day, year, month, as it tangles the pc. It's called back in the same order. AND in dating one calls the date found back to the pc if there was no instant blow while it was being found. It usually blows on the call of it after it's known. AND in locating the same thing occurs. If no blow and it seems correct then the location is called back to the pc. The essence of the drill is to bring a pc to PT by erasing the date by spotting and the location by spotting, as the pc is out of PT fixed by both date and location. If the theory is not understood nobody could do it rotely. This is a highly precise action or be done smoothly with good TRs. Its results are phenomenal. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh.kjm Copyright $c 1971, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 83  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=29/10/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=24/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 12 INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST REVISED   Remimeo Auditors C1 IV and above C/Ses Int RD Chksht Cl IV Grad Chkshts  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 OCTOBER 1971 RA REVISED 14 MAY 1974 Remimeo Auditors C1 IV RE-REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1978 and above C/Ses (Revisions NOT printed in a different type style) Int RD Chksht Cl IV Grad Chkshts Interiorization Rundown Series 12 INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST REVISED PC: ______________________________________ DATE: __________________________ PC GRADE: _______________________ AUDITOR: ________________________________ The purpose of this list is to correct an unflat, overrun or otherwise messed up Int RD. This list is used when: A) The subject of Int/Ext reads on a repair list and the Int RD has already been run. B) A bog occurs on the Int RD itself. An L3RF would first be used to detect any Dianetic errors. C) The pc is upset after the Int RD or the End of Endless Int Repair RD, has head somatics, high or low TA, or is not VGIs on the subject of going into things. NOTE 1: Per HCOB 12 Sep 78, URGENT, IMPORTANT, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTs, Dianetic Clears, Clears and OTs are not to be audited on the Int RD as it uses Dianetics. They may be given the End of Endless Int Repair RD as it is a Recall Process. The following list may be assessed on Dianetic Clears, Clears and OTs, however, as: 1) it also applies to the End of Enidless Int Repair RD and 2) the pc may have been run on the Int RD before the above HCOB was issued. If a Dianetic Clear, Clear or OT reads on any question which calls for a Dianetic handling (Ex: Questions 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 29) the Dianetic handling is not done. Do NOT engage in any activity that brings about further engram running. The correct action, if you get a read on one of the above questions, is to indicate it and let the pc tell you about it if he wishes, to bring it to an F/N. Where the handling calls for an L3RF, an L3RF could be assessed, but you must not do more than indicate the reading questions. You must not engage in engram running. Otherwise, the handlings given on the Int RD Correction List may be done on Clears and OTs. A Clear or OT who then has any further unresolving Int trouble would be referred to an AO for handling. NOTE 2. If the pc has had only the End of Endless Int Repair RD do not assess those questions marked with an asterisk (*) (Questions 2, 3, 4, 29) or do any repair action that calls for Dianetics. 84 Assess this list Method 3. Take up each item that reads and get the reading item fully repaired to F/N. Suppress and False can be used as needed to take a question to F/N. Handle each read to F/N. Do not go on to another question leaving one that has not F/Ned. If at any time while doing the list the pc has a big win with F/N, VGIs, acknowledge, indicate the F/N and end off. Do not take the list beyond a major win for the pc. R-FACTOR: We are going to do an assessment concerning the subject of interiorization. (If pc does not understand this R-Factor clear up what the Int RD or the End of Endless Int Repair RD was as he may not have recognized it.) 1. ON YOUR INT HANDLING IS A RECALL FLOW UNFLAT? _______ Assess the following, using the Int button the pc has been run on. Is recall a time when you (Int button) unflat? _______ Is recall a time when you caused another (Int button) unflat? _______ Is recall a time when others caused others (Int button) unflat? _______ Is recall a time when you caused yourself (Int button) unflat? _______ (Assess on Quad pcs only.) For Int RD: Flatten the unflat flow(s) to F/N, cog, VGIs. For End of Endless Int Repair RD: Pick up the unflat flow and handle to four F/Ning flows on that Int button. Then reassess the Int buttons, as the entire RD may not have been flattened and will now need to be. *2. ON YOUR INT RD WAS A CHAIN OR INCIDENT LEFT UNFLAT? _______ Find out which one(s). Handle with an L3RF. *3. (NOTE: ASSESS No. 3 ONLY ON PCs WHO'VE HAD THE ORIGINAL INT RD, NOT THE REVISED INT RD.) IS A SECONDARY FLOW UNFLAT? _______ L3RF and handle. *4. IS AN ENGRAM FLOW UNFLAT? _______ L3RF and handle. 5. WAS SOME PART OF YOUR INT HANDLING MISRUN? _______ Find out what. For Int RD: handle with an L3RF any messed up chains. For End of Endless Int Repair RD: straighten out any messed up recall flows and handle per No. 1 above. 85 6. DID YOU RUN THE CONCEPT OF "BEING IN" OR "BEING STUCK IN" INSTEAD OF THE CONCEPT OF "GOING IN?" _______ Sort it out. Find out what was run. Handle any confusions. If it is established that he didn't run the concept of "going in" on whatever the running button was, check the button for read. If it reads, run the Int RD or End of Endless Int Repair RD properly. Do not run the RD if the button doesn't read. 7. WERE YOU RUNNING AN ITEM THAT WAS DIFFERENT THAN THE ONE ASSESSED? _______ Indicate it. Get the item the pc was actually running and take it to full EP if not yet flat. Then recheck the item that was assessed, put in Suppress and Inval as necessary, and if charged run the item that was assessed (on whichever RD the pc had). 8. DID THE INT BUTTON ASSESSED HAVE NO CHARGE ON IT? _______ Indicate the button was uncharged and should not have been run and all actions connected with it should not have been run. D/L if necessary. 9. WAS THERE ANOTHER INT BUTTON THAT SHOULD HAVE READ? _______ Get what it was and note its read as the pc gives it. Find out if the Int button that was taken up instead is charged. If so, complete any handling on it to F/N. If not, handle as in No. 8 above. Then handle the new item, if charged, on Int RD or End of Endless Int Repair RD, whichever applies. 10. ON YOUR INT HANDLING WERE YOU RUN ON A RECALL FLOW THAT HAD NO CHARGE ON IT? _______ Find out which one and indicate that that flow should not have been run. 11. CAN'T YOU GET IN? _______ If so, L&N to BD F/N item "Who or what was afraid to go into things?" Then run alternate repetitively "What did (item found) do?" "What did (item found) withhold?" to an F/N and a blow. 12. DO YOU HAVE AN OUT-LIST? _______ Handle with L4BRA. 13. WAS THE RUNDOWN DONE OVER AN ARC BREAK? _______ PROBLEM? _______ WITHHOLD? _______ OVERT? _______ Indicate and handle to F/N. 14. WAS THE RUNDOWN DONE OVER SOME OTHER BYPASSED CHARGE? _______ Find out what and handle. 86 15. WAS THE WORDING OF THE RUNDOWN BADLY CLEARED? _______ Fully clear all MUs to F/N. 16. ON YOUR INT HANDLING WAS THERE A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD? _______ Fully clear all MUs to F/N. 17. WERE YOU CONFUSED ABOUT SOMETHING? _______ Clear it up with the correct references. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 18. DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THE RD WAS FOR? _______ Clear this up with correct references. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 19. WERE YOU THINKING OF LEAVING DURING INT? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 20. WERE YOU LEAVING A POST? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 21. WERE YOU TRYING TO GET A POST? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 22. ANYTHING TO DO WITH JAILS? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 23. ARE YOU WANTED ANYWHERE? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 24. ARE YOU AFRAID THAT IF YOU GET OUT YOU WILL CAUSE DAMAGE? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 25. WOULD LETTING YOU OUT BE AN OVERT? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 26. HAVE YOU FAILED TO GET OUT IN AN EARLIER RELIGION OR PRACTICE? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. Note for C/S to handle earlier practices on program. 27. DO YOU JUST MOVE BACK INTO THE BODY AND PUSH AGAINST IT? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 28. WERE THERE AUDITOR ERRORS? _______ Indicate. Sort it out and clean up BPC. If R3RA errors, use an L3RF (except for Clears, etc.), L1C if necessary. 87 *29. WERE THERE ERRORS ON ENGRAMS? _______ Find out what and handle with an L3RF. 30. (ASSESS ONLY ON DN CLEARS, CLEARS OR OTs.) WERE YOU AUDITED ON DIANETICS AFTER GOING DIANETIC CLEAR OR SCN CLEAR? _______ Indicate that he should not have been run on Dianetics after Clear. If no F/N, D/L when he went Clear. 31. HAS INT BEEN NEGLECTED FOR A LONG TIME? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 32. ARE YOU WORRIED BECAUSE INTERIORIZATION CONTINUES TO READ? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 33. ARE YOU CONCERNED BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE REVIEWED? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 34. WAS THE INT RD (END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD) ALREADY FLAT? _______ Indicate. Date/Locate the flat point. 35. WAS YOUR INT HANDLING OVERRUN? _______ Indicate. Date/Locate the flat point. 36. WAS INT HANDLING UNNECESSARY IN THE FIRST PLACE? _______ Indicate. If no F/N, Date/Locate the point he felt good about going into things. 37. DID YOU FEEL FINE ABOUT GOING INTO THINGS TO BEGIN WITH? _______ Indicate it. If no F/N, Date/Locate that point. 38. IS YOUR INT HANDLING PERFECTLY OKAY? _______ Indicate. If no F/N, Date/Locate the point he felt good about going into things. 39. HAS YOUR INT HANDLING BEEN OVERREPAIRED? _______ Indicate. Date/Locate the flat point. 40. HAS INT BEEN RUN SEVERAL TIMES OVER? _______ Indicate. Date/Locate the flat point. 41. HAS THE INT RD CORRECTION LIST BEEN OVERDONE? _______ Indicate. If no F/N Date/Locate the point he felt his Int RD was repaired. 88 42. ON YOUR INT HANDLING DID YOU GO PAST A WIN? _______ Indicate. Rehab the win to F/N VGIs. If no F/N, Date/Locate that point. 43. DURING YOUR INT HANDLING DID YOU GO EXTERIOR? _______ Indicate. Rehab to F/N VGIs. If no F/N, Date/Locate that point. 44. IS THIS ACTION UNNECESSARY? _______ Indicate. If no F/N itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 45. IS THERE SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _______ Find out what and handle. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1971, 1974, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 89  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/12/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=4 rDate=8/12/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PTS RUNDOWN, AUDITED   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet Class IV Grad and above auditors C/Ses Ethics Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 DECEMBER 1971RC Remimeo REVISED 29 JULY 1976 Class IV Grad RE-REVISED 8 DECEMBER 1978 Checksheet Class VI Checksheet (Revisions in this type style) Class IV Grad (Ellipses indicate deletions) and above auditors C/Ses Ethics Officers PTS RUNDOWN, AUDITED References: BPL 5 Apr 72RC I PTS TYPE A HANDLING BPL 31 May 71RG PTS/SP CHECKSHEET HCOB 20 Jan 72R PTS RD ADDITION HCOB 16 Apr 72 PTS RD CORRECTION LIST HCOB 17 Apr 72 C/S Series 76 C/SING A PTS RD HCOB 3 Jun 72RA PTS RD, FINAL STEP HCOB 24 Apr 72I C/S Series 79 PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB 10 Aug 73 PTS HANDLING HCOB 9 Nov 67 REVIEW AUDITORS BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES, REVISION OF REMEDY A, REMEDY B, AND S AND Ds HCOB 19 Jan 68 S&Ds BY BUTTON HCOB 16 Aug 69R HANDLING ILLNESS IN SCIENTOLOGY CASES One remaining problem in cases was "PTS phenomena." PTS means potential trouble source. When someone is suppressed he becomes a potential trouble source. There are numerous HCOBs and PLs on this subject. All of them are true observations and predictions. The cause of ROLLER-COASTER is PTS. Roller-coaster means a slump after a gain. Pcs who do not hold their gains are PTS. S and Ds (for Search and Discovery) was the earlier approach. These are still valid and "3 S&Ds" as a rundown is used in the PTS Rundown without change. Now with the PTS Rundown, this common and all too frequent case condition can be handled. WHO DOES IT There are actually three PTS handlings: 1. This is essentially an ethics action done by the Ethics Officer. Its substance is contained in BOARD POLICY LETTER 5 Apr 72RC Issue I, PTS TYPE A HANDLING. It is usually the first step at any sign of trouble. It is not an audited action, it is an interview. The PTS person is given a program in order to handle the scene. 90 2. This is the PTS RUNDOWN, AUDITED as covered in this HCOB, in HCOB 20 Jan 72R, PTS RD ADDITION and in HCOB 3 Jun 72RA. It is done by an auditor in regular session as described in these HCOBs. ... It can be done by Class IV Grads who are also HNEDAs, HGC Okay to Audits. For an auditor who is not HNEDA, Class IV Grad Okay to Audit HGC by competent interneship to attempt a PTS Rundown would be very risky for the pc as it needs exact listing, exact TRs, exact metering, exact Code keeping and very honest auditing and competent C/Sing. 3. The third handling is THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN, HCOB 29 Dec 78, and HCOB 30 Dec 78R -- the SUPPRESSED PERSON RD PROBLEMS PROCESSES. It is done by a qualified auditor in regular session. Essentially, it handles the OTHER person connected to the pc. Therefore, what you have here is THREE stages of handling PTSness. The first above, the interview, cools off the scene and in many cases that is that. But when the pc is further affected by the connection and roller- coasters, he is given the audited rundown as in 2 above. This usually handles the case of PTSness as a case. But there sometimes remains another person, the SP person or group and its relationship in the real universe to the pc. And this is handled with 3 above. CLEARS, OTs AND DIANETIC CLEARS The Dianetic steps of the PTS Rundown, Audited are not run on Clears, OTs or Dianetic Clears. (Ref: HCOB 12 Sep 78, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTs.) Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears can of course be given the interview step (1 above) and can be given the Suppressed Person Rundown as in 3 above as neither contains any handling of engrams. DEVELOPMENT Early discovery and development of the PTS theory is extensively covered. The recent wrap-up came about through my OT research in November 1971. The principle breakthrough was realizing one should NOT invalidate having known certain people before. This is similar to the past life discovery in 1950. Some people thinking this was "unpopular" frowned on it. Some others were only famous characters so flagrantly that past lives were easily invalidated. But people who don't go past track in Dianetics don't recover. Even running them as "imaginary" as in Science of Survival advices suddenly breaks through for a stalled Dianetic case. In this same way with young men and girls using "I knew you when you were __________" for 2D advantage tended to invalidate having known certain individuals before this life. But now it turns out that the ONLY PTS situation that is serious and lasting and can cause a roller-coaster comes from having known the person before this life. Possibly in the last life or earlier lives one knew persons before that life too. This however shows up in the 3 S&Ds. BREAKDOWN There are only four points of breakdown of the PTS Rundown. 91 1. Improperly audited. Auditor not able to always do a correct list. TRs out, metering out, poor R3RA, just plain untrained or not totally familiar with this rundown. 2. Pc not completely set up. Like: Has TA trouble but no C/S 53 done, is a no change case but no EXGF 40RD done, old auditing not repaired by... proper programming or... pc too tired or too ill for the R3RA. 3. The rundown not fully and completely done, but chopped or left incomplete (pc will still roller-coaster). 4. People who "can't run engrams" -- which means a druggie who hasn't had a full Drug Rundown. There is nothing especially tricky about the auditing of the PTS Rundown except that all auditing should be of flubless quality and when the PTS RD is flubbed by bad lists or poor R3RA or out-TRs or poor metering it really IS a mess. The RD is so powerful that errors in C/Sing and auditing it are especially rough. Currently sick pcs should not be run on the PTS Rundown as a standard practice. It IS what they need BUT you can easily overwhelm a sick pc with engram running. The time to run a PTS RD is when the pc is set up and when it is noted the pc roller-coasters, not when he collapses with a temperature. Roller-coaster can also be caused by a bad Interiorization RD or Int repair, out-lists, bypassed charge of other descriptions. These should be gotten rid of before a PTS RD is attempted. The prerequisites for a PTS RD are covered in 2 and 4 above. It is not restricted to Ex Dn but is a separate RD developed before Ex Dn. BEHAVIOR OF RD Valence shifts occur rapidly and frequently in PTS RDs and should be noted on the worksheet. The R3RA can sometimes be a bit of a long haul on a basic incident. Be sure with an L3RF. But get the postulate off the basic no matter how hard you have to work at it. In the PTS RD incidents can "develop." Missing pieces can appear. A whole new slant can occur on the subject when one goes to F2 after finishing F1. Chronic somatics are likely to appear and be handled on this rundown. And case conditions not previously remedied by other means can be remedied by this rundown. END PHENOMENA There is a point where the pc is absolutely sure he knew the person before this life. This is NOT the EP. A pc can exteriorize on this RD. That is NOT the EP (but can require an Int RD if none has been done before...). THE EP IS A PC WHO IS GETTING AND KEEPING CASE GAINS AND NEVER AGAIN ROLLER-COASTERS. FLOWS You cannot use Flow 1 as any old direction to or from pc. To do this fouls it up. Flow 1 is to the pc. Flow 2 is pc to the person (or place). 92 Flow 3 is the person (or place) to others. Flow 0 is the pc to himself because of the person (or place). If you did F1 R3RA as "Locate a time you knew _________" you might get to the pc, pc to the person or the person to others. You would not get a clean motivator F1. This would leave the PTS chain partially run. This is also true of the ruds. RE-DOS If the pc does not recover, then reasons for failure 1 to 4 above should be checked into. Then the lists and R3RA should be handled with L4BRA and L3RF. Then an overlooked item or person or place should be scouted for and handled. There is no question of the validity of the rundown. It might have missed. "True love" might have been passed over as unlikely but such obsessive attraction is always based on having known (and probably done in) the other person. Then the true EP will be attained where it only appeared to be before. SUMMARY OF REFERENCES Here are the issues that directly cover the rundown: BPL 5 Apr 72RC I PTS TYPE A HANDLING HCOB 9 Dec 71RC PTS RUNDOWN, AUDITED HCOB 20 Jan 72R PTS RD ADDITION HCOB 16 Apr 72 PTS RD CORRECTION LIST HCOB 17 Apr 72 C/S Series 76 C/Sing A PTS RD HCOB 3 Jun 72RA PTS RD, FINAL STEP HCOB 19 Jan 68 S&Ds BY BUTTON HCOB 16 Aug 69R HANDLING ILLNESS IN SCIENTOLOGY HCOB 20 Apr 72 II C/S Series 78 HCOB 15 Dec 68RA L4BRA HCOB 24 Apr 72 I C/S Series 79 PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB 10 Aug 73 PTS HANDLING THE RUNDOWN A. PAST S&Ds: 1. Collect up past S&D items (which should have already been verified on set-ups) or get the pc to tell you them if no folder. _______ 2. On the earliest one ask if known before. If it so reads handle per steps 3-6. If not, pick next item and repeat this check for validity. _______ 3. R3RA Triple/Quad the item using these commands: F1. Locate a time when _______ did something to you. R3RA. F2. Locate a time when you did something to _______ . R3RA. F3. Locate a time when _______ did something to others. R3RA. 93 F0. Locate a time when you did something to yourself because of ________ . R3RA. _______ 4. Triple/Quad ruds and overts on the item using these commands: (a) Did _______ ARC break you? ARCU CDEINR. E/S to F/N. (b) Did you ARC break ________? ARCU CDEINR. E/S to F/N. (c) Did _______ ARC break others? ARCU CDEINR. (d) Did you ARC break with yourself because of _______? ARCU CDEINR. _______ ALWAYS DO A FRESH ARCU CDEINR ON EACH E/S. (e) Did _______ give you a problem? E/S to F/N. (f) Did you give _______ a problem? E/S to F/N. (g) Did _______ give others problems? E/S to F/N. (h) Did you give yourself problems because of _______ ? E/S to F/N. _______ (i) Did you withhold anything from _______ ? E/S to F/N. (j) Did _______ withhold anything from you? E/S to F/N. (k) Did ________ withhold anything from others? E/S to F/N. (l) Did you withhold anything from yourself because of _______ ? E/S to F/N. _______ (m) Did _______ commit an overt (harmful act) on you? E/S to F/N. (n) Did you commit an overt (harmful act) on _______ ? E/S to F/N. (o) Did _______ commit an overt on others? E/S to F/N. (p) Did you commit an overt on yourself because of _______ ? E/S to F/N. _______ 5. Run "Can't Hav/Enforced Hav" with these steps: (a) Clear "can't have", "couldn't have" as DENIAL OF SOMETHING TO SOMEONE ELSE. Clear "enforced have" as MAKING SOMEONE ACCEPT WHAT THEY DIDN'T WANT. Have pc get the idea of these with an example or two. (b) Run on the SP items "can't have/enforced have" as motivator repetitive, then overt repetitive, the Flow 3 terminal to others, others to terminal (four flows of two commands each, or five if pc Quad). (c) After EACH item is handled with the four flows, Objective Havingness should be run. 94 THE COMMANDS: F1. Did _______ run a can't have on you? Tell me about it. Did _______ force something on you you didn't want? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) F2. Did you run a can't have on _______? Tell me about it. Did you try to force something on _______ that he (she, it) didn't want? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) F3. Did _______ run a can't have on others? Tell me about it. Did _______ force something on others they didn't want? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) F3A.Did others run a can't have on __? Tell me about it. Did others force something on _______ that he (she, it) didn't want? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) F0. Did you run a can't have on yourself because of _______ ? Tell me about it. Did you try to force something on yourself that you didn't want because of ______ ? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) --OBJECTIVE HAVINGNESS-- 6. Handle all past S&D items per above steps. _______ B. PAST PTS INTERVIEWS: 7. Collect up all past PTS interview items (which should have already been verified with C/S Series 78 on set-ups). _______ 8. Check known before on earliest one. If it so reads handle as below. _______ 9. R3RA Triple/Quad the item. _______ 10. Triple/Quad ruds and overts on the item. _______ 11. Can't Hav/Enforced Hav on the item followed by Objective Hav. _______ 12. Repeat steps 8-11 on all valid past PTS interview items. _______ C. NEW S&Ds (3 S&Ds): 13. Do 3 S&Ds per HCOB 16 Aug 69R, HANDLING ILLNESS IN SCIENTOLOGY, ASSESSMENT AND L&Ns. _______ 14. Check the first item for known before, handle if it so reads. _______ 15. R3RA Triple/Quad the item. _______ 16. Triple/Quad ruds and overts on the item. _______ 95 17. Can't Hav/Enforced Hav on the item, followed by Objective Hav. _______ 18. Repeat steps 14-17 on the other items if valid. _______ D. TROUBLED/WORRIED: 19. L&N Who have you known this lifetime who has troubled or worried you? to BD F/N item. (Usually includes father, mother, wife or wives, husband, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, lovers.) _______ 20. Check item for known before, if it so reads: _______ 21. R3RA Triple/Quad. _______ 22. Triple/Quad ruds and overts. _______ 23. Can't Hav/Enforced Hav followed by Objective Hav. _______ E. BEEN AFTER: 24. L&N Who have you been after this life? to BD F/N item. _______ 25. Check known before and if it reads: _______ 26. R3RA Triple/Quad. _______ 27. Triple/Quad ruds & overts. _______ 28. Can't Hav/Enforced Hav plus Objective Hav. _______ F. PLANETS: 29. L&N What planets have you known before this lifetime? to BD F/N item. _______ 30. R3RA Triple/Quad. _______ 31. Triple/Quad ruds and overts. _______ 32. Can't Hav/Enforced Hav plus Objective Hav. _______ 33. D of P interview the person AFTER the RD is "complete" to be sure the person is now all right (not PTS). _______ READING FLOWS Each flow of each process on the rundown is checked for a read before it is run. This includes Dianetics, ruds, Can't Hav/Enforced Hav. You do not run unreading flows. REPAIR Auditor errors during the RD are handled with L4BRA, L3RF,... and... C/S 53 if necessary. A really big snarl up on the RD that won't clear up is handled with HCOB 16 Apr 72 PTS RD CORRECTION LIST. 96 If pc gets ill or roller-coasters after the RD is complete the PTS RD CORRECTION LIST HCOB 16 Apr 72 is done and whatever was missed is cleared up. SUMMARY The PTS RD as revised is very direct and powerful. The L&N blows each aspect apart. Don't miss on it with auditor flubs. Get it drilled thoroughly before it is delivered. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.dr Copyright $c 1971, 1974. 1976, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 97  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/12/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=24/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0    Remimeo Int RD Checksheet HGC Auditors C/Ses CL IV Grad Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 DECEMBER 1971RB Remimeo REVISED 19 SEPTEMBER 1974 Int RD RE-REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1978 Checksheet HGC Auditors C/Ses (Revisions in this type style) CL IV Grad (Ellipses indicate deletions) Checksheet C/S Series 35RB Interiorization RD Series 10 INTERIORIZATION ERRORS REFERENCES: HCOB 11 Apr 71RC IMPORTANT L3RF, DN & INT RD REPAIR LIST HCOB 16 Sep 78 POSTULATE OFF EQUALS ERASURE HCOB 4 Jan 71R Int RD Series 2, EXT AND HIGH TA, THE INT RD REVISED HCOB 24 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT, END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD HCOB 24 Sep 78 II Int RD Series 13, PREASSESSMENT AESPs AND INT Almost all the errors in an Interiorization Rundown are Dianetic errors. Most are very ordinary, even corny. IT IS VITAL TO CORRECT AN INT RD ERROR AS A FIRST ACTION. There is one Int RD error that is not a purely Dianetic error and that is the error of doing anything else at all before an Int RD is done properly or an Int RD error is fully corrected. The Int RD error may be... that the Int button run did not read on the meter, or read only because of an MU on the word, yet... was run. (HCOB 4 Jan 71R.) This classifies as "running an unreading item." A common Int error is that the pc is not cleared on the concept of interiorization and the words and commands, so he is being audited over misunderstoods. Or the Int RD could have been overrun. The EP is reached on... F2, let us say. The auditor keeps on going past the win. This will hang up the rundown. One of the ways an overrun occurs is the pc goes exterior during it. Yet the auditor keeps on. Another way is pc has a big cog, big win. Auditor keeps going on with the RD. When a pc is exteriorized by auditing and is then audited further without being given an Interiorization Rundown, his TA will go high or low and he may be very upset. Heavy masses may come in and he may also get ill. Int RD errors also may go back to earlier Dianetic errors, A number of unflat incidents invite the overrun of these if they also occur on a Dianetic chain. To clean up a balled-up Int RD chain or incident one may have to find and clean up the Dianetic error it is sitting on during the clean-up of the Int RD error. Int RD errors, goofs, etc., are handled by using an Int RD Correction List Revised, HCOB 29 Oct 71 RA. 98 This must be excellently metered so that the original error is not further compounded by misassessment of the correction list and a falsely reading item taken up. Auditors who can't run ordinary R3RA with great success should not be let near an Interiorization RD as their lack of smoothness in handling Dianetics will wreck the Int RD. Auditors who cannot read a meter flublessly should not be let near an Int RD or an Int RD Correction List, or The End of Endless Int Repair RD. CLASS IV GRAD, HNED AUDITORS An excellent Class IV Grad, HNED auditor can easily repair a messed-up Interiorization Rundown after a folder study and by use of an Int RD Correction List Revised, HCOB 29 Oct 71RA and, as indicated, The End of Endless Int Repair RD, HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4. A Class IV Grad, HNED auditor with an excellent Dianetic record of wins can be given an Int RD to do or to correct IF HE IS STARRATED ON THE INT PACK AND THE TWO-WAY COMM PACK. REPAIR Wherever you see a TA high and a pc in trouble your first suspicions should be: 1. Audited past Ext in auditing without an Int RD being done. 2. Int RD botched by being unnecessary (none of the Int buttons read or read only on MUs), or overrun or auditor goofs in the session. 3. A previously messed-up Dianetic action has gotten fouled up with the Int RD. 4. The Int command was improperly cleared (such as "means go in and out again" "means trapped" "meant leaving," etc.). 5. Firefights and worries over the high or low TA have ensued after an Int ball-up has occurred. 6. Some major action like grades or items of Power have been run twice. 7. A C/S has hopefully kept on getting the pc audited without detecting the real reason as a flubbed Int RD, and without getting the Int RD and any repair fully FESed. PERCENTAGES The percent of misrun Int RDs is high, many being unnecessary or overrun. The liability of leaving them unrepaired is high. Reasons for high TA are averaging out close to 100% as an unrun or a flubbed and unrepaired Int RD. EXT IN SESSION When a pc exteriorizes in session it is the end phenomena for that process or action. One gently ends off in any case. If the pc has not had an Interiorization Rundown, it is vital, in his next session, to check Int (per HCOB 24 Sep 71R INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN CORRECTION DRILL -- DATE TO BLOW/LOCATE TO BLOW) as the first action. All manner of physical and emotion upsets can result, including a high TA, if this step is omitted. 99 INT MUST BE CHECKED AS THE NEXT ACTION AFTER THE FACT OF THE PC'S FIRST EXTERIORIZATION. No other auditing is to be done before Int is handled fully or proves to be uncharged upon checking. If even years after an Int RD the pc has a high TA or a low TA then Int trouble is at once suspected and the original Int RD and any repair of it is suspect and must be handled. The Int RD Correction List Revised (HCOB 29 Oct 71RA) has been designed to straighten out Int RD errors. L3RF handles the Dianetic errors. Where Int Correction Lists have been done and the pc still has headaches or other Int troubles a thorough FES must be done FIRST on any Int repairs and the Int RD itself BEFORE another correction list or other action is ordered. Isolate any errors and get them cleaned up by an auditor who can read a meter and run and repair Dianetics standardly. If Int troubles persist and the C/S is certain that any and all errors have been fully repaired & cleaned off the line, he orders The End of Endless Int Repair RD (HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4). This should totally handle Int. Or if the C/S is in doubt about how to handle and gets into a mess trying to repair chains, he can cut directly onto the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown and he will get someplace. There is no real trick to either running a correct Int RD or repairing a flubbed one. The whole clue is whether or not the auditor can audit plain ordinary garden variety R3RA, and is able to read a meter. So when ANY auditor audits a pc past exterior and the pc's TA goes high he should be checked out fully on the Int RD Checksheet so he won't continue to commit the error. And when ANYONE is going to run an Int RD he must: A. Be an expert New Era Dianetics auditor and Class IV Graduate. B. Be starrated on all the Int RD Series. C. Be able to read a meter flublessly. And when any C/S is confronted with high TAs or low TAs and doesn't handle at once by getting an Int RD properly run or properly repaired he must be rechecked on the New Era Dianetics pack and the Int RD pack. DN C/S 1 A very careful Dianetic C/S 1 must be done on a previously unindoctrinated pc before he is run on an Int RD. Otherwise it's all too new. A C/S 1 isn't auditing. The pc who can't do what the auditor says or can't correct an erroneous action is lost. 100 A fully safe pc would be one who when he goes Ext in auditing is made to do the Hubbard New Era Dianetics Course at once before he even gets any ruds put in and not audited again until he is a Hubbard New Era Dianetics Auditor. He'd be a pc who was relatively safe. A pc who does what an inexpert auditor says without question can really get fouled up! Uneducated pcs require really flawless topnotch auditors. The auditor who can audit an uneducated pc is a jewel. He really has to know his business. Because the pc does whatever he says. And if he says wrongly, then there goes the session. Ever notice pc corrections in a worksheet? "I think you bypassed an F/N." "This feels overrun." "I had Grade I last year." Such auditors are not fully enough trained to handle wholly green pcs! SIMPLICITY Honest fellows, it's as easy to run an Int RD as it is to run "an ear pain." It isn't even mysterious or tough. IT IS ONLY VERY IMPORTANT TO DETECT WHEN IT NEEDS TO BE DONE OR REPAIRED. There are no mysteries. Some auditors have got me feeling like I'm trying to teach them to chew soft bread! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd.dr Copyright $c 1971, 1974, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 101  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/12/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=24/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 15 C/S Series 23RB INTERIORIZATION SUMMARY   Remimeo Int RD Chksht C1 IV Grad Chkshts  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 DECEMBER 1971RB Remimeo (HCOB 2 December 1970 R Int RD REVISED 30 MARCH 1974 Chksht RE-REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1978 C1 IV Grad Chkshts (Revisions in this type style) (Ellipses indicate deletions) Interiorization Rundown Series 15 C/S Series 23RB INTERIORIZATION SUMMARY Int Rundowns can be hugely successful, but also INTERIORIZATION CAN BE BADLY MISRUN. The following references cover the subject of interiorization/exterior- ization: HCOB 4 Oct 78 Int RD Series 1 Interiorization Handling Simplified HCOB 4 Jan 71R Int RD Series 2 Exteriorization and High TA, The Interiorization Rundown Revised HCOB 30 May 70R Int RD Series 3 Interiorization Intensive; 2-Way Comm HCOB 24 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 4 Urgent Important The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown HCOB 25 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 5 Quad Commands for Int Buttons HCOB 11 Apr 70R Int RD Series 6 Auditing Past Exterior HCOB 6 May 70R Int RD Series 7 Blows -- Auditing Past Exterior HCOB 20 Aug 70R Int RD Series 8 Interiorization Rundown Musts HCOB 13 Jan 71R Int RD Series 9 Exteriorization HCOB 16 Dec 71RB Int RD Series 10, C/S Series 35RB Interiorization Errors HCOB 24 Sep 71R Int RD Series 11 Interiorization Rundown Correction Drill: Date to Blow/Locate to Blow HCOB 29 Oct 71RA Int RD Series 12 Int Rundown Correction List Revised HCOB 24 Sep 78 II Int RD Series 13 Preassessment, AESPs and Int HCOB 25 Sep 78 II Int RD Series 14 Starrate Checkouts for Interiorization Rundown HCOB 17 Dec 71RB Int RD Series 15, C/S Series 23RB Interiorization Summary HCOB 16 Oct 78 II Int RD Series 16, C/S Series 102 C/S Checklist of Int Errors 102 HCOB 26 Jun 78RA New Era Dianetics Series 6RA Issue II Urgent, Important, Routine 3RA, Engram Running By Chains BTB 12 Jan 75 Quads Reinstated HCOB 4 Apr 71-1RB C/S Series 32RA-1RB Use of Quad Dianetics HCOB 21 Apr 70 2-Way Comm C/Ses HCOB 3 Jul 70 C/S Series 14 Two-Way Comm HCOB 17 Mar 74 TWC Checksheets, TWC, Using Wrong Questions The examination of Interiorization Rundowns done in the field discloses that some auditors engaged in running it have not been fully checked out on it. HCO PL 26 Aug 1965 gives the correct way to do a starrate checkout. Clay demos must also be correctly done. These are covered in HCOB 11 Oct 1967 and HCOB 10 Dec 1970 I. These HCOBs on starrates and clay demos, the Int RD Series, the above- listed issues on R3RA, Engram Running by Chains (New Era Dianetics Series 6RA), 2-Way Comm Sessions, and Quads, make the necessary pack for checking out an auditor before letting him near an Int Rundown. And all interiorization materials as above MUST BE CHECKED OUT STARRATE AND IN CLAY before a C/S permits one of his auditors to run it on a pc. UNNECESSARY The Int buttons MUST be assessed before clearing, and then any reading button cleared before it is run. The auditor must ensure that if a button read on an MU it is first cleared, then reassessed for read. If one or more of the buttons is validly reading, one does an Int Rundown per HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Int RD Series 2, Exteriorization and High TA, The Int Rundown Revised. If there aren't any reads, even after Suppress, Invalidate, Misunderstood, and 4alse have been applied to the Int button list, one does NOT do an Int Rundown on the pc as it is unnecessary and classifies as "running an unreading item." When this test is omitted you get an unnecessary Int RD being done on a pc. This would eventually have to be repaired. FLUBBED R3RA When the auditor does not do flubless auditing, errors occur in the auditing itself. These will hang up an Int RD. QUADS OR TRIPLES DO NOT RUN A PC ON FLOW ZERO F0R THE FIRST TIME ON INT. A TRIPLE PC CAN BE QUADED AFTER INT HANDLING IS COMPLETE, BUT IT IS NEVER DONE ON INT HANDLING OR INT REPAIR. (Ref: HCOB 4 Jan 71R.) OVERRUN It usually happens that an Int RD is overrun. The EP is reached on F2, let us say. The auditor keeps on going past the win. This will hang up the rundown. One of the ways an overrun occurs is the pc goes exterior during it. Yet the auditor keeps on. 103 Another way is pc has a big cog, big win. Auditor keeps going on with the RD. (HCOB 24 Sep 71R, Rev. 24.9.78, Int RD Series 11, Urgent, Interiorization Rundown --Correction Drill: Date to Blow/Locate to Blow.) Also see HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Urgent Important, The End of Endless Int Repair RD. REPAIR OF INT If even years after an Int RD the pc has a high TA or a low TA, then Int trouble is at once suspected and the original Int RD and any repair of it is suspect and must be handled. (HCOB 16 Dec 71RD, C/S Series 35RB, Int RD Series 10, Interiorization Errors.) The Int RD Correction List Revised (HCOB 29 Oct 71RA) has been designed to straighten out Int RDs. L3RF handles the Dianetic errors. Where Int Correction Lists have been done and the pc still has headaches or other Int troubles a thorough FES must be done FIRST on any Int repairs and the Int RD itself BEFORE another correction list or other action is ordered. Isolate any errors and get them cleaned up by an auditor who can read a meter and run and repair Dianetics standardly. With any errors cleaned off the line, if Int troubles persist the C/S orders The End of Endless Int Repair RD (HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4). (HCOB 16 Dec 71RB, C/S Series 35RB, Int RD Series 10, Interiorization Errors.) TWO-WAY COMM There is a two-way comm step that follows a day or so after an Interiorization Rundown. An auditor doing this step, preferably the same auditor, MUST BE CHECKED OUT ON TWO-WAY COMM. No C/S should permit any auditor to do any 2-way comm until the auditor has been checked out on: HCOB 21 Apr 70, 2-Way Comm C/Ses HCOB 3 July 70, C/S Series 14, C/Sing Two-Way Comm HCOB 17 Mar 74, TWC Checksheets, TWC, Using Wrong Questions and has been drilled on two-way comm until he can do it correctly and comfortably. PREASSESSMENTS, AESPs NOT USED ON INT The Int Rundown and its repair do NOT include the use of New Era Dianetics preassessment (nor any form of AESPs). The rule is: WHEN HANDLING INT YOU ADDRESS ONLY INT, NOTHING ELSE. DO NOT RUN PREASSESSMENT OR AESPs ON INT. (HCOB 24 Sep 78 II, Int RD Series 13, Preassessment, AESPs and Int.) C/SING INT The correcting of an Interiorization Rundown is far harder than making sure that auditors can do the usual in the first place. Nearly all a C/S's hard work comes from auditors not well trained on courses (indifferent courses) and failing to check auditors out well on the materials before permitting them to deliver a new rundown. 104 The correction of Int is hard since until it is complete, other auditing is inadvisable. One however, gets the Int Rundown done. The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown has vastly simplified the handling of Int repair. (Ref: HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4, Urgent Important The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown.) INT IS A REMEDY The Int RD is a simple and precise REMEDY which stabilizes a pc after exteriorizing and permits him to be further audited. When a pc exteriorizes in session it is the end phenomena for that process or action. One gently ends off in any case. If the pc has not had an Interiorization Rundown, it is vital, in his next session, to check Int (per HCOB 24 Sep 71R, Rev. 24 Sep 78, Int RD Series II, Urgent, Interiorization Rundown Correction Drill: Date to Blow/Locate to Blow) as the first action. All manner of physical and emotional upsets can resuit, including a high TA, if this step is omitted. INT MUST BE CHECKED AS THE NEXT ACTION AFTER THE FACT OF THE PC'S FIRST EXTERIORIZATION. No other auditing is to be done before Int is handled fully or proves to be uncharged upon checking. One reason unnecessary Int RDs get done is that the Registrar sells one. That makes the Reg a C/S. So the C/S and auditor run it. Maybe it wasn't needed. So if it wasn't needed it will eventually have to be repaired. (HCOB 24 Sep 71R, Rev. 24 Sep 78, Int RD Series II, Urgent, Interiorization Rundown Correction Drill: Date to Blow/Locate to Blow). (Repair with an Int RD Correction List Revised HCOB 29 Oct 1971RA and/or an End of Endless Int Repair RD, HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4. The Interiorization Rundown is a REMEDY designed to permit the pc to be further audited after he has gone exterior. In the case of Dianetic Clears or Scn Clears and OTs, as they are not to be audited on Dianetics, the REMEDY would be the End of Endless Int Repair RD. The Int Rundown is NOT to be sold or passed off as a method of exteriorizing a pc. Nor is the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. This is very important. It is general auditing on usual Dianetics and Scientology actions that brings about Exteriorization. When the pc goes or is found to be exterior and Int proves to be charged on checking one then orders the Interiorization Rundown. Otherwise the TA will misbehave. The rundown is a REMEDY USED AFTER EXTERIORIZATION HAS OCCURRED BY REASON OF GENERAL AUDITING. Anxiety to get exterior will prompt a pc to buy and a Registrar to sell an Interiorization Rundown. It is in effect just more auditing as far as the Registrar is concerned. When a pc has gone exterior the Registrar can insist on his buying enough hours for the remedy. The Int Rundown stabilizes the exteriorization and makes it possible to audit the pc further. 105 DISABILITY If an auditor can't smoothly audit a rundown as simple as an Int Rundown, then he is exposed as being unable to run standard Dianetics and should be cleared of his misunderstoods and overts and retrained. The only real trouble one gets into on an Int Rundown stems from the inability of the auditor to run a smooth, good TRed R3RA session. Pcs are not hard to run on it. C/S WINS A C/S cannot win at all if he is continually having to make up for flubby auditing by the auditor. Therefore the C/S must be very sure his auditors are fully checked out on things they are to run before running them. If there is no Qual Staff Training Officer or no cramming, a C/S can fully afford to do the training and cramming himself. Otherwise he will lose far more than that time in C/Sing for auditors not checked out. By the skill of his auditors you know the C/S. Not by his unusual solutions after flubs. The Int Rundown is too easy to do to have any trouble -- the trouble comes when the auditors are not checked out beforehand, starrate and in clay on new things they are to run. L. RON HUBBARD Founder (Updated with recent LRH data by order of L. Ron Hubbard by Training & Services Bureau) Re-revised by L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:MH:ntm.jk Copyright$c 1970, 1971, 1974, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 106  L. RON HUBBARD Founder (Updated with recent LRH data by order of L. Ron Hubbard by Training & Services Bureau) Re-revised by L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=1/1/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=10/2/77 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  L1X HI-LO TA LIST REVISED  Type = 12 iDate=1/1/72 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=17/2/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=22/2/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=25/2/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=3/3/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=13/3/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=1/1/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 JANUARY 1972RB REVISED & REISSUED AS HCOB Remimeo 20 NOVEMBER 1974 REVISED 10 FEBRUARY 1977 (Revisions in this type style) CANCELS BTB OF 1 JANUARY 1972R SAME TITLE L1X HI-LO TA LIST REVISED (Cancels earlier list HCOB 17 Feb 71 and 22 Feb 71 and 25 Feb 71 and 3 March 71 and 13 March 71 and 1 Jan 72.) This assessment has been developed to detect all the reasons for high and low TA. There is nothing unusual about the processes necessary to handle these points. This is the full list and is used when a C/S Series 53RK has been done and the high or low TA persists. Interiorization or a flubbed Interiorization R/D that must be run with WENT IN is the usual reason. Listing errors and out-rudiments are another reason. The list is assessed Method 5. Handle the reads in the order given on HCOB 10 June 71, C/S Series 44R. Any reading questions must be carried to F/N by major action or 2-Way Comm. Can be taken to full F/Ning list. Must be done by an auditor who can make a list read with cramming on TR-1 and cramming on HCOBs 28 Feb 71 C/S Series 24, 9 June 71 C/S Series 41. 20 Dec 71 C/S Series 72, 15 June 72 C/S Series 80, 15 Oct 73 C/S Series 87, 20 Nov 73 C/S Series 89, 6 Dec 73 C/S Series 90 and BTB 16 June 71R Issue II (formerly HCOB 16 June 71R Issue II). HI-LO TA ASSESSMENT 1A. IS YOUR INT R/D UNFLAT? _______ If the pc has had an Int R/D, do an Int R/D Correction List and handle the reads. (HCOB 29 Oct 71, Revised 14 May 74.) If the pc has never had an Int R/D, then give him a standard Int R/D providing you have checked out on the Int-Ext pack and have drilled the procedure. 2A. WAS YOUR INT R/D MESSED UP? _______ Int R/D Correction List. 3A. IS YOUR INT R/D OVERRUN? _______ Int R/D Correction List. 4A. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER EXTERIOR? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 5A. ARE YOU TRAPPED? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 107 6A. YOU WENT IN. _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 7A. GO IN. _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 8A. ARE YOU OUT AND CAN'T GET IN? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 9A. ARE YOU IN AND CAN'T GET OUT? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 10A. ARE YOU URGENTLY TRYING TO LEAVE? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 11A. DO YOU WANT TO GET OUT? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 12A. WERE YOU KICKED OUT OF SPACES? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 13A. YOU CAN'T GO. _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 14A. HAVE YOU EVER INTERIORIZED INTO SOMETHING? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 15A. HAVE YOU EVER GONE INTO SOMETHING? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 16A. DO YOU WANT TO GO INTO SOMETHING? _______ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 1B. IS THERE A LIST ERROR? _______ Do an L4BR on the earliest lists you can find that have not been corrected. Lacking these, do an L4BR in general. You can go over an L4BR several times handling each read to F/N until the whole L4BR gives nothing but F/Ns. 2B. HAS A LIST BEEN OVERLISTED? _______ Find out which and handle with an L4BR. 3B. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG ITEM? _______ L4BR and handle. 4B. ARE YOU UPSET WITH GIVING ITEMS TO THE AUDITOR? _______ L4BR and handle. 5B. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG INDICATION? _______ L4BR and handle. 6B. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG WHY? _______ L4BR on the Why Finding. Get the correct Why. 7B. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN A WRONG PTS ITEM? _______ L4BR on that PTS interview. Watch for earlier out PTS interviews and if they exist, L4BR the earliest one. Watch for earlier S&Ds and if out, correct the earliest of each kind with an L4BR. 108 8B. ARE YOU NOT SATISFIED WITH AN ITEM FOUND ON THE LIST? _______ L4BR. Correct the list. 9B. HAVE READING ITEMS BEEN LEFT CHARGED UP? _______ L4BR and handle if L&N lists otherwise spot them and clean them by taking to F/N. 10B. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN GIVEN A WRONG DATE? _______ Correct the date. L4BR if pc upset. 11B. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN GIVEN A WRONG LOCATION? _______ Correct the location. L4BR if pc upset. 12B. HAVE YOU EVER FELT BAD AFTER A LISTING AND NULLING ACTION IN SESSION? _______ Find what list and L4BR. Handle each session by finding the list and do an L4BR on that list. 13B. HAVE YOU EVER FELT BAD AFTER A WHY FINDING WAS DONE? _______ L4BR on Why Finding. 14B. HAVE YOU EVER FELT BAD AFTER A PTS INTERVIEW? _______ L4BR on the interview. 15B. HAVE YOU EVER FELT BAD AFTER A CRAMMING ACTION? _______ L4BR on the cramming action. 16B. HAVE YOU LISTED TO YOURSELF OUT OF SESSION? _______ L4BR on listing out of session. 17B. DID YOU EVER FEEL YOU WERE NOT GIVEN A CORRECT WHY? _______ L4BR on the Why Finding. 18B. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ASSIGNED A WRONG CONDITION? _______ L4BR on being assigned wrong conditions. 19B. HAS ANYTHING IN LIFE ACTED LIKE AN OUT-LIST? _______ L4BR what turns up. 20B. HAVE TWO-WAY COMM QUESTIONS EVER ACTED LIKE A LIST ACTION? _______ L4BR. 21B. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LABELLED A WHO INCORRECTLY? _______ L4BR. 22B. HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED SOME OTHER TYPE OF BPC ON LISTING AND NULLING ACTIONS? _______ L4BR. 1C. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 2C. HAVE YOU ARC BROKEN ANOTHER? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 3C. HAVE OTHERS ARC BROKEN SOMEONE ELSE? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 109 4C. HAVE YOU ARC BROKEN YOURSELF? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 5C. DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 6C. HAVE YOU GIVEN A PROBLEM TO ANOTHER? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 7C. HAVE OTHERS GIVEN A PROBLEM TO SOMEONE ELSE? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 8C. HAVE YOU GIVEN YOURSELF A PROBLEM? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 9C. ARE YOU WITHHOLDING SOMETHING? _______ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 10C. IS ANOTHER WITHHOLDING SOMETHING FROM YOU? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 11C. ARE OTHERS WITHHOLDING SOMETHING FROM SOMEONE ELSE? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 12C. ARE YOU WITHHOLDING SOMETHING FROM YOURSELF? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 13C. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN ARC BREAK? _______ PROBLEM? _______ WITHHOLD? _______ Indicate it and handle E/S to F/N. 14C. HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SESSION ARC BREAK? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 15C. HAVE YOU EVER ARC BROKEN ANOTHER IN SESSION? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 16C. HAVE OTHERS EVER ARC BROKEN SOMEONE ELSE IN SESSION? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 17C. HAVE YOU CAUSED YOURSELF TO HAVE A SESSION ARC BREAK? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 18C. HAVE YOU EVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH A SESSION? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 19C. HAVE YOU CAUSED SOMEONE TO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A SESSION? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 20C. HAVE YOU CAUSED YOURSELF TO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A SESSION? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 21C. HAVE YOU WITHHELD ANYTHING IN A SESSION? _______ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 110 22C. HAS ANOTHER WITHHELD FROM YOU IN A SESSION? _______ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 23C. HAVE OTHERS WITHHELD FROM SOMEONE ELSE IN A SESSION? _______ Get What. 2WC E/S to F/N. 24C. HAVE YOU WITHHELD SOMETHING FROM YOURSELF IN SESSION? _______ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 25C. IN LIFE HAVE YOU HAD AN ARC BREAK? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 26C. IN LIFE HAVE YOU ARC BROKEN ANOTHER? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 27C. IN LIFE HAVE OTHERS ARC BROKEN SOMEONE ELSE? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 28C. IN LIFE HAVE YOU ARC BROKEN YOURSELF? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 29C. IN LIFE HAVE YOU HAD A PROBLEM? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 30C. IN LIFE HAVE YOU GIVEN A PROBLEM TO SOMEONE ELSE? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 31C. IN LIFE HAVE OTHERS GIVEN A PROBLEM TO SOMEONE ELSE? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 32C. IN LIFE HAVE YOU GIVEN A PROBLEM TO YOURSELF? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 33C. IN LIFE HAVE YOU HAD A WITHHOLD? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 34C. IN LIFE HAS ANOTHER WITHHELD SOMETHING FROM YOU? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 35C. IN LIFE HAVE OTHERS WITHHELD SOMETHING FROM SOMEONE ELSE? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 36C. IN LIFE HAVE YOU WITHHELD SOMETHING FROM YOURSELF? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 37C. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK OF LONG DURATION? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 38C. HAS ANOTHER HAD AN ARC BREAK OF LONG DURATION WITH YOU? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 39C. HAVE OTHERS HAD AN ARC BREAK OF LONG DURATION WITH SOMEONE ELSE? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 111 40C. HAVE YOU HAD AN ARC BREAK OF LONG DURATION WITH YOURSELF? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 41C. DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM OF LONG DURATION? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 42C. HAVE YOU GIVEN ANOTHER A PROBLEM OF LONG DURATION? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 43C. HAVE OTHERS GIVEN SOMEONE ELSE A PROBLEM OF LONG DURATION? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 44C. HAVE YOU GIVEN YOURSELF A PROBLEM OF LONG DURATION? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 45C. DO YOU HAVE A WITHHOLD OF LONG DURATION? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 46C. HAS ANOTHER HAD A WITHHOLD FROM YOU OF LONG DURATION? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 47C. HAVE OTHERS HAD A WITHHOLD OF LONG DURATION FROM SOMEONE ELSE? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 48C. HAVE YOU HAD A WITHHOLD FROM YOURSELF OF LONG DURATION? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 49C. HAVE YOU EVER EXPERIENCED SOME OTHER SORT OF ARC BREAK? _______ ARCU CDEINR. 50C. HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED SOME OTHER SORT OF PROBLEM? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 51C. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY HAVE WITHHELD? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 52C. HAVE YOU EVER NOT-ISED AN OUT-RUD? _______ Get what and handle per above. 53C. HAVE YOU EVER SUPPRESSED AN OUT-RUD? _______ Get what and handle per above. 54C. HAVE OUT-RUDS EVER BEEN INVALIDATED? _______ Get what and handle. 55C. ARE THERE ANY UNDISCLOSED OUT-RUDS? _______ Get what and handle. 56C. HAVE YOU EVER STUDIED OVER OUT-RUDS? _______ Get what and handle. 57C. IS THERE SOME OTHER SORT OF WITHHOLD? _______ Get what and handle per above. 112 58C. IS THERE ANYTHING THAT YOU ARE NOT SAYING? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 59C. IS THERE ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT TO SAY? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 60C. IS THERE SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 61C. ARE YOU PROTESTING ANYTHING? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 62C. DO YOU FEEL SAD? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 63C. DO YOU FEEL RUSHED? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 64C. DO YOU FEEL TIRED? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 65C. DO YOU FEEL UPSET? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 66C. DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU CAN'T GET IT? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 67C. HAS ANOTHER COMMITTED OVERTS ON YOU? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 68C. HAVE YOU COMMITTED ANY OVERTS? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 69C HAVE OTHERS COMMITTED OVERTS ON OTHERS? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 70C. HAVE YOU COMMITTED ANY OVERTS ON YOURSELF? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 71C. ARE YOU NOT-ISING ANY OVERTS? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 72C. HAVE YOU COMMITTED CRIMES? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 73C ARE YOU COMMITTING CRIMES IN PT? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 74C IS THERE SOMETHING YOU DON'T DARE SAY? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 75C. IS THERE A LIE? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 76C. ARE YOU HIDING FROM SOMEONE OR SOMETHING? _______ 2WC to F/N. 77C. DO YOU HAVE CONSIDERATIONS YOU DON'T DARE SAY? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 78C. DO YOU HAVE OPINIONS YOU DON'T DARE SAY? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 113 79C. ARE YOU HERE FOR UNDISCLOSED REASONS? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 80C. DO YOU HAVE UNDISCLOSED PROBLEMS? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 81C. IS THERE SOMETHING YOU'RE NOT TELLING YOUR AUDITOR? _______ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 82C. IS YOUR ATTENTION NOT ON YOUR CASE IN SESSION? _______ 2WC to F/N. 83C. DO YOU FEEL AFRAID TO BE AUDITED? _______ 2WC to F/N. 84C. ARE YOU AFRAID SOMETHING WILL BE FOUND OUT ABOUT YOU? _______ 2WC to F/N. 85C. ARE YOU WITHHOLDING YOUR ACTUAL CASE STATE? _______ 2WC to F/N. 86C. ARE YOU NOT TELLING YOUR AUDITOR YOUR COGNITIONS? _______ 2WC to F/N. 87C. ARE YOU UNWILLING TO TALK TO THE AUDITOR? _______ 2WC to F/N. 88C. DO YOU HAVE DISAGREEMENTS? _______ 2WC to F/N. 89C. ARE YOU AWARE OF SOME OTHER SORT OF OUT-RUD? _______ Get what and handle. 90C. HAS ANYONE EVER TOLD YOU YOU HAD AN ARC BREAK WHEN YOU DIDN'T? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 91C. HAS ANYONE EVER SAID YOU HAD A PROBLEM WHEN YOU DIDN'T? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 92C. HAS ANYONE EVER SAID YOU HAD A WITHHOLD WHEN YOU DIDN'T? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 93C. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN WRONGLY ACCUSED OF HAVING OVERTS? _______ 2WC to F/N. 94C. DO YOU FEEL YOU'RE REALLY DOING FINE? _______ 2WC to F/N. 1D. ARE YOU TAKING OR SMOKING DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Rehab releases on each "drug" taken to F/N. If pc has had a Drug R/D, do L3RD on it and handle. Program the pc for a Drug R/D or verification of it if it is incomplete or there are "no interest" items. 114 2D. DID YOU ONCE TAKE DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Rehab releases on each drug to F/N. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for Drug R/D or verification if incomplete. 3D. HAVE YOU TAKEN LSD? _______ 2WC to F/N. Drug rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for full Drug R/D or verification if unflat. 4D. HAVE YOU DRUNK ALCOHOL? _______ 2WC to F/N. Drug/alcohol rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for full Drug R/D or verification if unflat. 5D. HAVE YOU SMOKED POT? _______ 2WC to F/N. Drug rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for full Drug R/D or verification if unflat. 6D. ARE YOU TAKING MEDICINE? _______ 2WC to F/N. Drug/medicine rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for full Drug R/D or verification if unflat. 7D. DID YOU ONCE TAKE MEDICINE? _______ 2WC to F/N. Drug/medicine rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for full Drug R/D or verification if unflat. 8D. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO TAKE DRUGS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Rehab releases on each "drug" taken to F/N. If pc has had a Drug R/D, do L3RD on it and handle. Program the pc for a Drug R/D or verification of it if it is incomplete or there are "no interest" items. 9D. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO SMOKE POT? _______ Handle per above. 10D. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO DRINK ALCOHOL? _______ Handle per above. 11D. HAVE YOU TAKEN SOME DRUG NOT COVERED? _______ 2WC to F/N. Rehab releases. If pc already had a Drug R/D, do L3RD on it and handle. Program the pc for a Drug R/D or verification of it if it is incomplete and run the new drug just found. 12D. IS YOUR DRUG R/D UNFLAT? _______ 2WC to F/N. L3RD on Drug R/D. Program to flatten Drug R/D. 13D. WAS YOUR DRUG RUNDOWN OVERRUN? _______ Date-Locate the flat point. 14D. WERE THERE ITEMS NOT RUN BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T INTERESTED? _______ 2WC to F/N. L3RD on "your Drug R/D." Program to run the no interest items. 15D. IS THERE A DRUG THAT HAS BEEN MISSED? _______ 2WC to F/N. Rehab releases. L3RD on "Drug R/D." Program to complete the Drug R/D. 115 16D. IS THERE SOME ALCOHOL THAT HAS BEEN MISSED? _______ Handle per above. 17D. HAS A MEDICINE BEEN MISSED? _______ Handle per above. 18D. IS THERE SOMETHING THAT ACTS LIKE A DRUG? _______ Handle per above. 19D. ON YOUR DRUG RUNDOWN IS THERE AN UNFLAT PROCESS ON RECALLS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to flatten the Recalls and L3RD on the Drug R/D. 20D. ON YOUR DRUG R/D IS THERE AN UNFLAT SECONDARY CHAIN? _______ L3RD on the secondary chain. Then L3RD on your Drug R/D. 21D. ON YOUR DRUG RUNDOWN ARE THERE ANY UNFLAT ENGRAMS? _______ L3RD on unflat engrams on your Drug R/D. 22D. ON YOUR DRUG R/D IS THERE SOME MISSED WHOLE TRACK DRUG, MEDICINE OR ALCOHOL? _______ 2WC to F/N. L3RD on Drug R/D. Program to finish the Drug R/D and run the missed drug, medicine or alcohol. 23D. ARE YOUR OBJECTIVES UNFLAT? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to flatten. 24D. WERE YOUR OBJECTIVES OVERRUN? _______ Rehab the releases. 25D. DO YOU STILL FEEL THE SAME ABOUT DRUGS, MEDICINE OR ALCOHOL? _______ 2WC to F/N. If pc has had a Drug R/D do an L3RD. Program to complete Drug Rundown or do one if never had. 26D. IS THERE NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR DRUG R/D? _______ 2WC to F/N. 27D. DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOUR DRUG RUNDOWN HAS BEEN OVER REPAIRED? _______ Date-Locate flat point of repair ot Drug R/D. 1E. IS THERE AN ENGRAM IN RESTIMULATION? _______ Find out which and do L3RD and handle per its instructions. 2E. ARE THERE UNFLAT CHAINS? _______ Find out what chains and L3RD on each. 3E. DO YOU HAVE A STUCK PICTURE? _______ Indicate it. Do an L3RD on it. You can also unstick it by having him recall a time before it and recall a time after it. D/L if necessary. C/S can order Picture and Masses Remedy Dn done after this list is handled -- if necessary. 4E. DO YOU HAVE PICTURES IN RESTIMULATION? _______ L3RD and handle. Pictures and Masses Remedy Dn. 116 5E. DO YOU HAVE MASSES IN RESTIMULATION? _______ L3RD and handle. Pictures and Masses Remedy Dn. 6E. HAS THE SAME ENGRAM BEEN RUN TWICE? _______ L3RD and handle. 7E. YOU CAN'T SEE ENGRAMS TOO WELL? _______ Do L3RD Method 5 and handle. Program for L3RD Rundown if necessary. 8E. IS IT INVISIBLE? _______ Spot the invisible field or picture. L3RD on it and handle. 9E. IS IT ALL BLACK? _______ Spot the black field or picture. L3RD on it and handle. 10E. HAS THERE BEEN A LOSS? _______ Do L3RD on it and handle. Run it out R3R Triple if not run out and still not handled. 11E. HAVE YOU LOST ANYTHING? _______ Do L3RD on it and handle. If not yet run out and still unhandled run R3R Triple. 12E. DO YOU HAVE MISUNDERSTOODS ON R3R PROCEDURE? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for an Auditing C/S-1. 13E. DO YOU HAVE MISUNDERSTOODS ON AUDITING? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program for an Auditing C/S-1. 14E. DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE GOING WHOLE TRACK? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to handle with whole track remedies. 15E. HAVE YOUR DIANETIC ITEMS NOT BEEN TRIPLED? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to Triple Dianetics. 16E. HAVE YOUR DIANETIC ITEMS NOT BEEN QUADED UP? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to Quad Dianetics. 17E. HAVE YOU RUN ANYTHING QUAD WHEN YOU WERE A TRIPLE PC? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to handle with FFD. 18E. ARE THERE ANY UNRUN FLOWS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to put in unrun flows. 19E. ARE THERE ANY MISSED FLOWS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to handle missed flows. 20E. DO YOU BLOW INCIDENTS BY INSPECTION? _______ 2WC to F/N. If 2WC shows Dianetic auditing is charged do L3RD on your Dianetic auditing. 21E. DO YOU HAVE ANY PERSISTENT MASSES? _______ 2WC to F/N. L3RD on persistent masses. 22E. IS SOMETHING ELSE WRONG WITH INCIDENTS? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to handle what comes up. 23E. WERE COMMANDS WRONG? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to handle what comes up. 117 24E. DO INCIDENTS FAIL TO ERASE? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to handle what comes up. 25E. IS IT ALL OK? _______ 2WC to F/N. 1F. HAS THE SAME THING BEEN RUN TWICE? _______ Clean up any protest and inval and rehab to F/N. 2F. HAS THE SAME ACTION BEEN DONE BY ANOTHER AUDITOR? _______ Clean up any protest and inval and rehab to F/N. 1G. ARE YOU DOING SOMETHING WITH THE MIND BETWEEN SESSIONS? _______ Find out what it is. If yoga or mystic exercises or some such, 2WC E/S to first time done, find out what upset had occurred before that and if TA now down, do L1C that period of pc's life. 2G. ARE YOU INVOLVED IN SOME OTHER PRACTICE? _______ Find out what it is. If yoga or mystic exercises or some such, 2WC E/S to first time done. L1C on the prior upset or period of pc's life just before that. 3G. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED PAST EPs? _______ 2WC to F/N. Rehab the EPs that were audited past. 4G. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED PAST A BLOW? _______ 2WC to F/N. Date to blow. Locate to blow. 5G. HAVE YOU EVER PROTESTED AN ACTION? _______ Itsa E/S to F/N. 6G. ARE YOU INVOLVED IN SOME OUT-ETHICS? ____________ Get what. 2WC to F/N. 7G. DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE TO HANDLE YOUR OWN CASE AFTER SESSION? _______ 2WC to F/N. 8G. DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU DON'T HAVE AN AUDITOR? _______ 2WC to F/N. 9G. IS IT NO AUDITING? _______ 2WC to F/N. 1H. ARE THERE WORD CLEARING ERRORS? _______ Do a Word Clearing Correction List, handle all reads. 2H. ARE THERE ANY MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS? _______ Find and clear them up. Use a WCCL, handle all reads. 3H. ARE THERE ANY MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS IN SESSION? _______ Find and clear them up. Use a WCCL if necessary. 118 4H. ARE THERE STUDY ERRORS? _______ 2WC to F/N and add a Student Rehabilitation List (HCOB 15 Nov 74) or full Study Correction List (BTB 4 Feb 72RC) to the pc's program. 5H. ON STUDY IS THERE SOME OTHER KIND OF BPC? _______ 2WC to F/N. Program to handle what comes up. 1I. HAVE YOU EVER HAD TROUBLE WITH YOUR TA OR F/Ns? _______ Use HCOBS 24 Oct 71R, 12 Nov 71RA, 18 Nov 72, 29 Feb 72, 23 Nov 73RA, all on False TA. Then clean up the bypassed charge with 1) Assess for best read a) TA worries b) F/N worries. 2) Then 2WC times he has worried about (item) E/S to F/N. 3) Rehab any overruns due to false TA obscuring F/Ns. 2I. HAVE YOU HAD A FALSE TA? _______ Handle as in 1I. 3I. ARE YOU USING THE WRONG SIZED CANS? _______ Handle as in 1I. 4I. DO YOUR HANDS GET TIRED IN AUDITING? _______ Handle as in 1I. 5I. ARE YOUR HANDS DRY? _______ Handle as in 1I. 6I. ARE YOUR HANDS WET? _______ Handle as in 1I. 7I. DO YOU LOOSEN YOUR GRIP ON THE CANS? _______ Handle as in 1I. 8I. ARE YOU USING THE WRONG HAND CREAM? _______ Handle as in 1I. 9I. HAVE YOU HAD TA HASSLES? _______ Assess for best read (a) TA worries (b) F/N worries. 2WC times he was worried about (item) E/S to F/N. Rehab the overruns due to false TA obscuring F/Ns. 10I. ARE YOU WEARING ANY TIGHT CLOTHING? _______ Handle as in 1I. 11I. IS THERE SOMETHING ELSE CAUSING FALSE TA? _______ Find out what it is and handle as in 1I. 1J. HAVE YOU BEEN SELF-AUDITING? _______ 2WC to first time. L1C on the prior upset or if prior upset was in auditing use the appropriate correction list and L1C on that time. 2J. WAS A WRONG OVERRUN FOUND? _______ Correct it to F/N by indication and rehabbing the right overrun. 119 3J. HAS THERE BEEN AN OVERRUN IN LIFE? _______ Locate, indicate, rehab to F/N. 4J. HAS THERE BEEN AN OVERRUN IN AUDITING? _______ Locate, indicate, rehab to F/N. 5J. HAS THERE BEEN SOMETHING WRONG WITH F/Ns? _______ Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N. Rehab if necessary. 6J. HAVE F/Ns BEEN OVERRUN? _______ Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N. Rehab if necessary. 7J. HAVE F/Ns NOT BEEN INDICATED?. _______ Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N. Rehab if necessary. 8J. HAVE F/Ns BEEN MISSED? _______ Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N. Rehab if necessary. 9J. HAVE AUDITING QUESTIONS NOT BEEN UNDERSTOOD? _______ 2WC, get them properly understood with Word Clearing. E/S if needed to F/N. 10J. COULDN'T HEAR THE AUDITOR? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 11J. COULDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS BEING SAID? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 12J. COULDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS BEING DONE? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 13J. HAVE ITEMS NOT REALLY READ? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 14J. DID YOU SAY SOMETHING MUST HAVE READ? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 15J. WERE YOU STILL UPSET WHEN SOMEBODY THOUGHT IT WAS HANDLED? _______ Find and handle to F/N. 16J. HAVE YOU HAD BAD AUDITING?. _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 17J. ARE THERE INCOMPLETE ACTIONS? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 18J. HAS THERE BEEN ANY INVALIDATION? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 19J. HAS THERE BEEN ANY EVALUATION? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 20J. COULDN'T YOU GET AUDITING? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 21J. HAVE THERE BEEN INTERRUPTIONS? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 22J. DOES YOUR AUDITOR OVERWHELM YOU? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 120 23J. DO YOU FEEL ATTACKED? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 24J. ARE YOU SCARED OF WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN IN AUDITING? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 25J. ARE YOU TALKING TO OTHERS ABOUT YOUR CASE? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 26J. ARE YOU LISTENING TO OTHERS TALK ABOUT THEIR CASES? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 27J. HAVE YOU BEEN LOOKING AT OR LISTENING TO TECH MATERIALS YOU SHOULDN'T? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 28J. ARE YOU WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 29J. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN FALSE READS? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 30J. WERE YOU RUN ON A WRONG C/S? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 31J. DID YOU HAVE A PERSONALITY CLASH WITH AN AUDITOR? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. 1K. IS SOMEONE OR SOMETHING HOSTILE TO YOU? _______ Check for SP with a PTS interview or get a full PTS R/D programmed. 2K. ARE YOU PTS? _______ PTS interview or get a full PTS R/D programmed. 3K. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO SOMEONE HOSTILE TO DIANETICS OR SCIENTOLOGY? _______ PTS interview or get a full PTS R/D programmed. 4K. DO YOU FEEL SUPPRESSED? _______ PTS interview or get a full PTS R/D programmed. 5K. DO YOU HAVE SOME OTHER SORT OF PTS CONNECTION? _______ PTS interview or get a full PTS R/D programmed. 6K. YOU'RE NOT PTS? _______ 2WC to F/N. 1L. SOME SORT OF CAN'T HAVE? _______ Find correct Havingness Process and remedy. 2L. IS YOUR HAVINGNESS LOW? _______ Find correct Havingness Process and remedy. 121 3L. HAVE YOU BEEN RUN ON THE WRONG HAVINGNESS PROCESS? _______ Find correct Havingness Process and remedy. 4L. HAVE YOU BEEN RUN ON HAVINGNESS WITHOUT CONFRONT? _______ Find correct Havingness and Confront Process and remedy. 5L. YOU DIDN'T NEED ANY HAVINGNESS? _______ 2WC to F/N. 6L. YOUR HAVINGNESS IS FINE? _______ 2WC to F/N. 1M. HAS SOMETHING GONE ON TOO LONG? _______ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N on each (or date to blow, locate to blow if qualified). 2M. YOU WENT ON BY A RELEASE POINT? _______ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. 3M. HAS SOMETHING BEEN OVERRUN? _______ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. 4M. THE AUDITOR KEPT ON GOING? _______ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. 5M. HAS THERE BEEN ANY OVERREPAIR? _______ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. 6M. ARE YOU PUZZLED ABOUT WHY THE AUDITOR KEEPS ON? _______ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. 7M. ARE THERE STOPS? _______ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L? 8M. IS THERE SOMETHING ELSE WE SHOULD COVER? _______ 2WC to F/N. 1N. HAVE YOU SEPARATED OUT? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. Then Triple Expanded Grade Two or L10 on Advance Program. 2N. ARE YOU SOMEBODY ELSE? _______ 2WC E/S to F/N. Program for LX Lists. 3N. DO YOU THINK SOMETHING ELSE IS WRONG? _______ 2WC to find what. Note BD item. If BD item is covered by one of the other questions on the list, handle per instructions. Otherwise, GF M5 and handle. 4N. ARE YOU PHYSICALLY ILL? _______ 2WC to find what. Note BD item. 2WC to F/N and get further C/S instructions for handling if necessary. 5N. DID YOU THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THIS ASSESSMENT? _______ 2WC to F/N. 122 1O. HAVE WE BEEN REPAIRING A TA THAT ISN'T HIGH? _______ 2WC to F/N. 2O. HAVE WE BEEN REPAIRING A TA THAT ISN'T LOW? _______ 2WC to F/N. 3O. IS THE METER FAULTY? _______ Get pc to tell you about it briefly. If correct, then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. 4O. IS THERE NOTHING WRONG? _______ Get pc to tell you about it briefly. If correct, then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. 1P. WAS THERE A FALSE EXAM REPORT? _______ Indicate and 2WC to F/N. 2P. HAVE YOU HAD TO WAIT AT THE EXAMINER? _______ Indicate and 2WC to F/N. 3P. HAVE YOU BEEN UPSET BY THE EXAMINER? _______ Indicate and 2WC to F/N. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by Paulette Ausley By order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:PA:nt.lf/nt Copyright $c 1972, 1974, 1977 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 123  L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by Paulette Ausley By order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=20/1/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=8/12/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PTS RD ADDITION   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet Class IV Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad and above Auditors Ethics Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 JANUARY 1972R Remimeo REVISED 8 DECEMBER 1978 Class IV Grad Checksheet (Revisions in this type style) Class IV Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad and above Auditors Ethics Officers PTS RD ADDITION (Refers to: HCOB 9 Dec 71R PTS RUNDOWN, Rev. 8 Dec 78 AUDITED) The only reasons a PTS RD does not work are: C/S error: 1. Not doing one at all. C/S error: 2. Doing one in the middle of another RD. C/S error: 3. Doing one without set-up, including a complete PTS C/S-1. C/S error: 4. The person was not PTS -- which is to say was not chronically ill or roller-coaster and the items or flows didn't read. Auditor error: 5. The RD was badly run auditor-wise. R3R was bad, metering poor, ruds not correctly or fully done. Auditor & C/S error: 6. The RD was quickie, only doing step (a) and brushing it off. C/S error: 7. Even though the whole RD was done fully, there remained on the case an undetected additional person or thing to which the pc was PTS. The rules of PTS are A PERSON WHO ROLLER-COASTERS IS ALWAYS PTS. A PERSON WHO IS CHRONICALLY ILL ALWAYS IS PTS. A PTS RUNDOWN THAT DOES NOT WORK HAS NOT BEEN DONE AS PER 1 TO 7 ABOVE. The remedies to the above are 1. Do it. 2. Pgm it in correct sequence. 3. Set the case up properly so it is running well and past errors handled. 4. Establish how well the person holds his gains before pgming one. If any Q at all, do the RD. 124 5. Cram the auditor on TRs, metering R3RA drills and ruds. Do L4BRA.... L3RF on the pc and handle accordingly. 6. Complete the rundown. 7. 2WC "What is your attention on?" to F/N. On PTS Rundown fly all ruds single; L&N "on the PTS Rundown what being or thing was missed?"; R3RA Triple or Quad on it; fly all ruds and overts on it Triple or Quad; run "Can't Have/Enforce Have" Triple or Quad. If all not very okay now L&N "What other subject or people might have been overlooked on the PTS Rundown?" and handle the item on each step of the rundown per HCOB 9 Dec 71RC, Rev. 8 Dec 78 PTS RUNDOWN. A PTS RD always works. If it works with a relapse there is an error in it as in the numbered paras above. THIS IS VITAL TECH TO THE PC. IT MAKES THE MOST DIFFICULT CASES FLY IF IT IS DONE RIGHT. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.bh.jk Copyright $c 1972, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 125  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/6/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=8/12/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PTS RUNDOWN, FINAL STEP  Type = 12 iDate=24/3/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Class IV Grad and above Auditors Class IV Grad Checksheet Ethics Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 JUNE 1972RA Remimeo REVISED 15 OCTOBER 1974 Class IV Grad RE-REVISED 8 DECEMBER 1978 and above Auditors Class IV Grad (Cancels BTB 24 March 1973R, Checksheet "PTS RD ERRORS.") Ethics Officers (Revisions in this type style) PTS RUNDOWN, FINAL STEP The following is an additional step to the PTS Rundown developed by me and tested at Flag. This step is run after each terminal is run, to prevent bypassing charge. THE STEPS ARE: 1. Select the terminal already run in R3RA and ruds. 2. Clear "can't have," "couldn't have" as DENIAL OF SOMETHING TO SOMEONE ELSE. Clear "enforced have" as MAKING SOMEONE ACCEPT WHAT THEY DIDN'T WANT. Have pc get the idea of these with an example or two. 3. Run on the SP item "can't have/enforced have" as motivator repetitive, then overt repetitive, the Flow Three terminal to others, others to terminal and the Flow Zero of the pc to himself because of the terminal (four flows of two commands each or five if the pc is Quad). Check the flows for a read before running them. Do not run unreading flows. 4. After the terminal is handled with the four (or five) flows of "can't have/enforced have" Objective Havingness should be run. Then the next PTS Rundown item is taken up and run on all steps, as above. THE COMMANDS: F1. Did ______ run a can't have on you? Tell me about it. Did ______ force something on you you didn't want? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) F2. Did you run a can't have on ______ ? Tell me about it. Did you try to force something on ______ that he (she, it) didn't want? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) F3. Did ______ run a can't have on others? Tell me about it. Did ______ force something on others they didn't want? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) F3A. Did others run a can't have on ______ ? Tell me about it. Did others force something on ______ that he (she, it) didn't want? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) 126 F0. Did you run a can't have on yourself because of ______ ? Tell me about it. Did you try to force something on yourself that you didn't want because of ______ ? Tell me about it. (Alternate/repetitive to EP.) ----OBJECTIVE HAVINGNESS---- THEORY The theory is that SPs are SPs because they deny Hav and enforce unwanted Hav. They also deny do and enforce unwanted do. They also deny be and enforce unwanted be. This is why we have never before been able to run Subjective Hav. It collided with SPs, overts, and withholds on them. A very full rundown then would be to start with don't be, must be, go on to don't do. must do, end up with can't have, enforced have. (Not to be run at this time.) Hav alone should handle without resorting to be or do. END OFF AT ONCE AND BEGIN OBJECTIVE HAVINGNESS IF THE TA SOARS OR THE PC CAVES IN. If this does not handle, then do a C/S 53RL at once and handle. PTS RD NOTES With the issue of HCOB 17 Mar 74, TWC, USING WRONG QUESTIONS, it becomes necessary to convert the PTS RD 2WCs for items into L&N questions. Example: Who have you known this lifetime who has troubled or worried you? L&N to BD F/N item. Avoid listing the same question twice. The L&N for places and planets should be restricted to planets only on VA pcs and an L4BRA used at the first sign of trouble. Additional PTS RD items can be obtained from past PTS interviews. Done by L&N the RD is very powerful and direct. The pc must be well set up for it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh.dr Copyright$c 1972, 1974, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 127  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 10 iDate=30/1/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=4 rDate=19/12/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 46RC METHOD 9 WORD CLEARING THE RIGHT WAY   Remimeo All Supervisors All Word Clearers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCOB BULLETIN OF 30 JANUARY 1973RC Remimeo REVISED 19 DECEMBER 1979 All Supervisors (Revisions in this type style) All Word Clearers (Ellipsis indicates deletion) Word Clearing Series 46RC METHOD 9 WORD CLEARING THE RIGHT WAY (Cancels BTB 30 January 1973RA Word Clearing Series 46RA METHOD 9) (Ref: M9 PICTURE BOOK -- which will be issued in due time as part of a special course. HCOB 23 March 78RA Revised 14 Nov 79, Word Clearing Series 59RA, CLEARING WORDS.) Word Clearing Series 46RB was the first HCOB which gave the full and correct use and handling of M9. It has been revised here to include developments on how one goes about clearing a word. This revision is on page 133, section 7 "CLEAR THE WORD." There are five other changes, all minor. Earlier write-ups on this subject, not by myself, stated that the person's Mis-U was that word on which he stumbled. This is not the case. It is only occasionally the word on which he stumbles that is misunderstood. Usually, as was covered long since in study tech, it is the earlier word or symbol which has caused the stumble or twitch or blink or omit or mispronunciation or what have you. HISTORICAL Method 9 Word Clearing was first developed in a pilot project which sought to teach people to read who were not reading in their native tongue. The first versions of M9 were not correctly written up but the technology nevertheless began to spread in use. It was found that not only non-English students didn't know what they were reading but as the educational standards of the culture deteriorated, it was found that people reading in their native tongue could benefit with the use of M9. It was then found that college students could not get through M9. And the latest survey has demonstrated that 31 school teachers taken at random throughout the school systems flunked M9 on their common reading materials. What has apparently happened here is that we have drifted down in literacy to a point where the culture can't read or hear. In a technical culture such as this, one should not ask further why it is failing. Because there are not enough Supervisors to personally M9 all the people on the planet, much less a medium size class, it has to be done on a turnabout basis by the students themselves. This caused a difficulty with M9 because one was asking students who couldn't read to understand how to do the Method 9 which would find the things which prevented them from reading. Here again we have the chicken and egg problem. Therefore, the procedure has been demonstrated in a picture book which will be issued in due time as a part of a special course. This picture book shows the student how to M9 another student and he can, after being drilled by the Supervisor on the picture book. So this has also been solved. M9 is probably the top key method of Word Clearing today. You would be utterly amazed to find somebody who habitually reads Western stories cannot pass an M9 on them. He sees, "He mounted his roan (a type of horse)" and he understands from 128 this, "He roamed around the mountains." He has become so accustomed to not- ising his inability to understand what he is reading that he thinks it is ordinary. Isn't that the way everybody reads? M9 brings it home forcefully to him that he really doesn't understand what he is reading. This is not why one uses it. One uses it to produce somebody who can read. But, like one of the English teachers who was M9ed on his own text, although he may begin with hostile protest that of course he knows what he is reading, he soon gets into the real reality of it and sees where he is at. His willingness to continue then has already been secured. It will be found that the simple things are the main things on which he stumbles. Thus M9ing is usually preceded by M8 as covered in the new basic comprehensive reading course. This shows him by picture book how to use a dictionary and gets him to define the simple words of the language. Commas, semicolons, even capital letters will be found to be commonly misunderstood. The usefulness of M9 has gone then from a way of spotting the points where a foreign language student is falling down to detecting and handling the professors and the rest of the culture. It is an extremely important method of Word Clearing and should be learned very well. HOW TO LEARN METHOD 9 Method 9 Word Clearing is a way of finding the words a person doesn't understand in a book or other written material by having him read it aloud to the Word Clearer. It is very simple and precise and it can be done by students on one another with great success as well as by a professional Word Clearer. Method 9 does not require expertise and it does not require a meter as many other methods of Word Clearing do. Method 2 Word Clearing is very similar to Method 9 but it requires the use of a meter to pick up the misunderstoods. The virtue of Method 9 is that, while it is very thorough and effective, it is not restricted in use to those who can operate a meter and who have other expertise needed for Method 2. It can therefore be learned very easily and used very broadly. To teach M9 the Supervisor gets the student through the picture book version of M9, which will be issued in due time as part of a special course and drills him so that he can do Method 9 Word Clearing and he can M9 other students. One can also learn how to do it all by himself by going through this picture book and this HCOB. MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS A student, when reading by himself, often does not know he has gone past misunderstood words. But whenever he does go by misunderstood words, he will have trouble with what he is reading. A misunderstood word keeps a person from duplicating what the written materials actually say. It causes the communication formula to go out. A word each be misunderstood in many different ways and it is important that these different types of misunderstoods are known to the person doing Method 9. A word can be misunderstood because of false (totally wrong) definition, an incorrect definition, an incomplete definition, an unsuitable definition, a homonymic (one word which has two or more distinctly separate meanings) definition, a substitute (synonym -- a word which has a similar but not the same meaning) definition, a no (omitted) definition, a rejected (by the person himself, usually due to a false datum) definition or an invented (by the person himself, usually due to a false datum) definition. This is covered more fully on HCOB 17 Jul 79 Issue I, THE MISUNDERSTOOD WORD DEFINED. 129 If a person has habitually gone past many, many misunderstood words in his reading or his education (which most everybody in this present culture has), not only will his ability to read be lowered but also his intelligence. What he himself writes and says won't be understood, what he reads and hears he won't understand, and he will be out of communication. The probability is that he will have sunk back to the first dynamic, the world will look like a very peculiar place to him, he will feel that he is "not understood" (how true!) and life will look a bit miserable to him. He can even appear to others to be criminal. At best he will become a sort of robot or zombie. So you see, it is very important to clear misunderstood words. Lack of the ability to communicate probably underlies the causes for the current drug culture. You will be amazed that somebody who appears to be a criminal idiot all of a sudden begins to look comparatively like a genius after he has been M9ed. WHY METHOD 9 WORKS A student who understands all the words on the page he is reading will be able to read the page aloud perfectly. He will feel bright and alert and will fully understand what he reads. But when a student passes a word or symbol he doesn't understand, the misunderstood causes an interruption of his voice or physical beingness. His voice may change, or he may stumble on a word or make a face or squint his eyes or react in some other way. This is easy to understand if you remember that a person can go blank after he passes a word or symbol he doesn't understand. He may make a mistake in his reading right there at the point of the misunderstood, or he may continue reading past the misunderstood and make a mistake on a later word or symbol. He will feel duller and he will try to make up for the dull feeling by reading with more effort. This will always be expressed by a nonoptimum action of some kind which must be noted and handled at once by the Word Clearer. A nonoptimum reaction is anything the student does besides read the page easily, naturally, and perfectly. Examples of some of the nonoptimum reactions that may show up are: 1. Student adding a word or leaving out a word or changing a word in the sentence he is reading. 2. Student stumbling om a word or saying it incorrectly. 3. Student pausing or reading more slowly. 4. Student frowning or looking uncertain. 5. Student going stiff or tensing a body part, such as squinting his eyes or tightening the grip of his hands, or biting his lip or some other physical reaction. 6. Student reading with effort. 7. Student reading with a glib, robotic attitude (which is how he gets after he has been forced to read "correctly" by someone who doesn't know anything about Mis-Us). Other manifestations can occur. Note that the above is not a complete list of reactions but is intended to give an idea of what to look for. In all fairness, one can stumble when reading if he is trying to read in a dim light or he is having eye trouble or the print or handwriting or pencilled corrections in the text are very hard to make out. Thus it is necessary to do M9 Word Clearing only in bright light and if the fellow is supposed to be wearing glasses, he should be wearing glasses, and the material being M9ed must not contain Smudges and deletions itself. All possible reasons why he cannot see the text 130 and unclear text must be removed. Otherwise, the student will simply say he couldn't see it or the light was bad or some other wrong Why. Any time the person makes an error in his reading or reacts in some nonoptimum way, a misunderstood will ALWAYS be found just before that point or sometimes at that point itself. Example: The student is reading the page aloud. He reads, "Raymond walked home slowly and thoughtfully," then he frowns. The other student, who is M9ing him says: "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" (If the student wonders why he was stopped, the Word Clearer tells him what reaction he noticed.) The student looks over what he has read. He feels uncertain about the word "slowly." He tells this to the Word Clearer and the word "slowly" is looked up in the dictionary and used in sentences until the student fully understands it. When the word that was misunderstood is located and cleared, the student will brighten up and will begin reading clearly and correctly once again. THE GLIB STUDENT Glibness is often trained into students by the current educational methods used in schools. The student is drilled to suppress or go by misunderstood words and to robotically answer back with what the book says. If he can do this, he is said to be a "good student" and a "good reader." With this method, a student's understanding of what he has read is actually considered to be separate from the act of reading. If the educators bother with comprehension at all, it is only to measure memorization, not understanding. In today's schools, students are actually instructed to go right on past words they don't understand; to figure out how to say them and to continue reading whether they understand the text or not. One textbook even advises, "If you find a hard word, read it as best you can and continue to read." Students are expressly drilled to suppress reactions such as mispronuncing words, substituting one word for another, inserting extra words, repeating words, and omitting words. These reactions indicate misunderstoods have been bypassed, but under heavy drilling a student can learn to become robotic enough to suppress even these reactions, and read on, leaving misunderstoods piled up behind him. In all fairness, his teachers were not just trying to victimize him. The discovery of the effects of a misunderstood word and the reasons for such stumbles had not been discovered. Teachers did not know about them. Thus they invented various drills to force the student not to make these "comprehension errors." They did not have the tech or even know what caused these manifestations. You have the reasons for them in Method 9 and in study tech. You can spot a glib student on Method 9 because he sounds and looks robotic when he reads. One step to take on such a glib student is to ask him if he has ever been taught to suppress reactions on words which, when he read them, he did not understand. One is asking him to take the "suppress" off. He will tell you immediately that he has been when this is true, and some emotional reaction can occur. One simply lets him talk about it until the charge seems to be off it and then gets him to start his M9ing again. Some of it may be left, of course, but he will gradually get into it and become more honest and more there. He thinks, of course, when you're M9ing him that you simply want him to utter certain sounds. This is what he has been trained to expect. If he is supposed to read aloud, he is supposed to utter certain sounds. These sounds, of course, are meaningless to him but that doesn't matter. Previously, his whole purpose and training pattern in reading aloud was narrowed into getting passed. So it may be necessary for the Supervisor to take up why he is being M9ed. But even though he is reading like a robot and suppressing everything, you will be able to see the suppression deepen when he hits the really big Mis-Us. He reads them even more robotically than he does the other parts of the text, so these too can be detected. As 131 soon as he has found a few of these things out and found out what you are trying to do, he will begin to respond much more readily with M9. Method 9 on common reading materials will show up a student's lack of reading comprehension and show up his misunderstoods so that he can really see it for himself. It may be an entirely new idea to him that written pages and sound waves communicate something. Another method, an extreme one, of handling the extensively mistrained glib student is to get him to read a paragraph and then, employing a method known as "clay table," get him to demonstrate it. He won't be able to do so. Furthermore, he will realize he isn't able to do so. It was just sounds. METHOD 9 ON COMMON READING MATERIALS To do Method 9 on common reading materials, the student chooses a paperback book or something that he reads for his own pleasure and he reads it aloud to the Word Clearer. If he cannot read it perfectly, it is because he has gone by misunderstood words. At first it may not be real to the student that he has misunderstood words. But after he has found and cleared a number of them using Method 9, the student will realize that he does have misunderstood words and that his misunderstoods are getting in the way of his ability to read. When the student reaches the point of realizing that he does actually have misunderstood words on the materials he commonly reads for his own pleasure, he becomes very willing to find his own misunderstood words and he can usually do so easily. Method 9 of common reading materials can be ended at this point. The student is now much more aware of and able to find and handle his own misunderstoods and he is on his way toward reading naturally, correctly and with understanding. HOW TO DO METHOD 9 1. STUDENT AND WORD CLEARER SIT ACROSS FROM EACH OTHER. The student and the Word Clearer sit across from each other at a table or desk. Each person has his own copy of the text to be word cleared. The Word Clearer must be able to see the student and the page in front of him at the same time. 2. DICTIONARIES ARE AVAILABLE. A good, simple English language dictionary, and any other dictionaries the student may need are available. (Above all things, do not use what is called a "dinky dictionary." This is different than a simple well-expressed dictionary. A dinky dictionary is what you commonly get off the paperback racks in drug stores. It quite often defines word A as word B and then defines word B as word A. It also omits all the alternative definitions and all the technical definitions. Always have to hand, at least in the classroom, the most extensive and voluminous set of dictionaries anybody ever heard of on all the subjects ever heard of under the sun, plus any encyclopedias that you can round up.) 3. STUDENT RECOGNITION OF MISUNDERSTOODS. Before the student starts reading, he should be told that if he sees a word he doesn't know the meaning of, he should stop and look the word up and clear it instead of going on past it. And the student should be encouraged to find and clear misunderstood words himself. M9 brings about the ability to do this, so that the student will find and clear his own misunderstoods in future. The Word Clearer on M9 would never prevent the student from clearing a word that the student recognizes as misunderstood. Correctly done M9 will bring about the ability of the student to find and clear his own misunderstoods .... (If you don't want to spend ten years M9ing one page, it is best to get him through Method 8 on simple English words. This will be part of a special course which will greatly improve someone's level of literacy.) 132 4 STUDENT READS THE TEXT ALOUD TO THE WORD CLEARER. The student reads the text aloud to the Word Clearer. He is not on the meter. While the student reads, the Word Clearer follows his own copy of the same text, watches the student and listens to him. The Word Clearer must be very alert and see or hear any nonoptimum reactions of the student while he is reading. 5. NONOPTIMUM REACTION EQUALS MISUNDERSTOOD WORD. A nonoptimum reaction by the student to what he is reading is the clue to the Word Clearer that the student has encountered a misunderstood word. The Word Clearer and student must now locate the exact misunderstood word or symbol. It will be found just before or sometimes at the point the nonoptimum reaction occurred. 6. FIND THE MISUNDERSTOOD. If it is not obvious to the student that he has reacted and he just continues reading, the Word Clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" It is the duty of the Word Clearer to steer the student to the misunderstood. It is either at the point of the nonoptimum reaction or before it. The point is that the student must be steered onto it. And it then is hooked up. The student may be able to spot his misunderstood word right away and tell the Word Clearer what it is. Or he may have difficulty finding it and the Word Clearer will have to help him find it. The Word Clearer helps the student by getting him to hook earlier and earlier in the text from the point where he reacted until the misunderstood word is found. The Word Clearer can also spot-check the student. Spot-checking means choosing words from the text the student has already read and checking with him to see if he knows the definitions of those words. If the student is uncertain about any word or gives a wrong definition, then that word is taken up and cleared in the dictionary. 7. CLEAR THE WORD. Once the misunderstood is found it must be fully cleared in the dictionary. The person will be hung up on the definition of the word as it is used in the context of what is being word cleared, which will not necessarily be the first definition given in the dictionary. To try and clear any other definition before clearing the one he is stuck in would cause him to try and clear a word over misunderstoods. Therefore he would rapidly go over the definitions to find the one that fits the context and clear that first. Then the remaining definitions would be cleared. This is how a word is cleared: The first step is to look rapidly over the definitions to find the one which applies to the context in which the word was misunderstood. One reads the definition and uses it in sentences until one has a clear concept of that meaning of the word. This could require ten or more sentences. Then one clears each of the other definitions of that word, using each in sentences until one has a conceptual understanding of each definition. The next thing to do is to clear the derivation -- which is the explanation of where the word came from originally. This will help gain a basic understanding of the word. Don't clear the technical or specialized definitions (math, biology, etc.) or 133 obsolete (no longer used) or archaic (ancient and no longer in general use) definitions unless the word is being used that way in the context where it was misunderstood. Most dictionaries give the idioms of a word. An idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the ordinary meanings of the words. For example "give in" is an English idiom meaning "yield." Quite a few words in English have idiomatic uses and these are usually given in a dictionary after the definitions of the word itself. These idioms have to be cleared. One must also clear any other information given about the word, such as notes on its usage, synonyms, etc. so as to have a full understanding of the word. If one encounters a misunderstood word or symbol in the definition of a word being cleared, one must clear it right away using this same procedure and then return to the definition one was clearing. (Dictionary symbols and abbreviations are usually given in the front of the dictionary.) 8. READ THE SENTENCE AGAIN. The Word Clearer then asks the student to read once again the sentence in the text in which the misunderstood word or symbol was found. The student does so and if he reads it correctly with understanding, he continues reading the text. Any further nonoptimum reactions are handled by finding the next misunderstood word and clearing it, as above. 9. METHOD 9 IS CONTINUED UNTIL THE TEXT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. Method 9 is continued until the text to be word cleared is completed. 10. STUDENT GOES TO EXAMINER AT THE END OF METHOD 9 WORD CLEARING. The student is always sent to the PC Examiner at the end of a Method 9 session. And that's all there is to doing Method 9! METHOD 9 CAUTION When the Word Clearer has misunderstoods of his own on the material being word cleared, he tends to go "wooden" and just sits and does nothing to handle the student. The Word Clearer must always clear his own misunderstood words or else when the student stumbles on a word, the Word Clearer won't even see it or hear it because of his own misunderstoods. He can miss the student's stumble and never get the student's misunderstood word. The Word Clearer can also miss a student's reactions when he has so much attention on the page that he becomes unaware of the student or doesn't even look at the student. When students are M9ing each other on the same study materials, they do NOT first just read the materials as this will only give them misunderstoods. They take the materials being word cleared one paragraph or section at a time and M9 each other on it. This is done by a student first M9ing his twin on one section, and then getting M9ed on what he just word cleared his twin on, plus the next session. It then turns around again. The twin gets M9ed on what he just word cleared the other student on, and on the next section. In this way one person is not constantly leading. Unless the M9ing reversals are done in this fashion, misunderstoods could be missed. The whole text would be covered in this way. 134 EXAMPLES OF STUDENT REACTIONS AND THEIR CORRECT HANDLING There are many, many different kinds of reactions that can occur when a student passes a word he doesn't understand. There are also many different ways a student will respond to Method 9. All that is needed for success with Method 9 is for the Word Clearer to understand Method 9 and to apply it exactly according to this bulletin. Given here are some examples of student reactions and correct handlings by the Word Clearer: A. THE STUDENT CHANGES A WORD IN THE SENTENCE. Example: The page says: "The boy then reached down and patted his dog." The student says: "The boy than reached down and patted his dog." The Word Clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" The student looks at the words "then," "boy" and "the." He knows those words. So he looks in the sentence before that one. In that sentence he sees the word "collie." He's not sure what that is. He tells the Word Clearer and they clear the word "collie." B. THE STUDENT ADDS AN EXTRA WORD. Example: The page says: "the child went to school." The student says: "The child went to the school." The Word Clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" The student looks over the sentence. He says he understands all the words, but thinks the sentence should say. "A child went to school" rather than, "The child went to school." The Word Clearer says, "Okay, let's spot-check some words. What does 'the' mean in this sentence?" The student looks blank for a moment and doesn't say anything. The Word Clearer says, "All right. We're going to look up the definition of 'the'." "The" is then looked up and cleared. C. THE STUDENT LEAVES OUT A WORD. Example: The page says: "Robert then visited the city." The student says: "Robert visited the city." The Word Clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" 135 The student reads over the sentence. He can't find anything he doesn't understand. The Word Clearer asks him to look over the next earlier sentence for a misunderstood word. The student can't find any there, either. The Word Clearer has the student keep looking earlier and earlier in the text and finally the student spots the misunderstood word in the first sentence of the page. The word found is then cleared. D. THE STUDENT LEAVES OFF A PART OF A WORD, SUCH AS AN "S" OR AN "ED" AT THE END. Example: The page says: "There was a huge pile of assorted tools in the woodshed." The student says: "There was a huge pile of assorted tool in the woodshed." The Word Clearer says, "That's it. You left the 's' off 'tools.' Have a look over that sentence or page and tell me what word or symbol was misunderstood." The student says, "I don't have any misunderstood words on this page." The Word Clearer acknowledges him and asks him once again to have a look for the misunderstood word or symbol. The student looks over the entire page but still says he has no misunderstoods. So the Word Clearer starts spot-checking the student on the definitions of the words on the page. The Word Clearer asks, "What's the definition of 'tools'?" The student says, "It means 'implements of work'." The Word Clearer says, "That's fine. What's the definition of 'assorted'?' The student gives it to him correctly, so the Word Clearer simply backs up the sentence words one by one, getting the definition of each one until he hits the word "was", Student says, "It's something you saw with." The Word Clearer says, "Let's have a look at 'was' im the dictionary." Each definition of "was" is then cleared and it is suddenly discovered that the person has never understood that it had anything to do with the conjugation of the verb "to be." E. THE STUDENT STUMBLES ON A WORD OR SAYS IT INCORRECTLY. Example: The page says: "I think I'll go shopping." The student says: "I th-think..." The Student stops after he stumbles. The Word Clearer says, "Is there some word or symbol there that you don't understand?" The student says, "Well, it just doesn't make sense." The Word Clearer asks, "What doesn't make sense?" The student says, "I don't see why it says 'think' here." The Word Clearer says, "All right. Let's have a look at 'think' in the dictionary." "Think" is them looked up in the dictionary, but the student can't seem to get it, even though he understands all the words in the definition. 136 The Word Clearer asks "Tell me what part of speech is 'think' in that sentence?" The student says, "uh, I don't know." The Word Clearer says, "okay. Well, right here in the dictionary, it says 'verb'. What does that mean to you?" Student: "Mm..." (long pause). The Word Clearer says, "All right." He gets a grammar book and says, "Have a look at this definition of 'verb'." "verb" is then cleared but while clearing it, the student says, "Hey, I always thought you could only have one verb in one sentence and that sentence has two verbs in it. Somebody threw me a curve." And as he has cognited and has now got it straight, M9ing continues. He uses it in sentences until he's really got it, then they go on to the next definition of "think" in the dictionary. F. THE STUDENT HESITATES OR PAUSES WHILE HE IS READING OR BEGINS READING MORE SLOWLY. Example: The page says: "The sun was shining on the flowers." The student says: "The sun ... was shining on the flowers." The Word Clearer says, "That's it. What word or symbol was misunderstood just before that point?" The student very carefully looks back over the page, but he can't find any words he doesn't understand. The Word Clearer says, "okay. I'll spot-check you." He gives the student a thorough spot-check, but no misunderstood words are found. The Word Clearer then asks, "show me where you were last doing really well on this text." The student Shows him. It's three paragraphs back. The Word Clearer says, "Good. We're going to check from this point back for any misunderstood words." He extensively spot-checks the student in that area, and the student's misunderstood word is finally found and cleared. G. THE STUDENT FROWNS, LOOKS UNCERTAIN, GOES STIFF, OR IN SOME WAY SHOWS LACK OF COMPREHENSION. Example: The page says: "The family ate dinner together every night." The student says: "The family ate dinner together every night." While the student is reading, there is a slight look of uncertainty on his face. The Word Clearer says, "That's it. Look over this section you've just read and tell me what word or symbol has been misunderstood." 137 The student says, "But why did you stop me?" The Word Clearer says, "You were looking uncertain as you read that last sentence." The student says, "Well, actually, I did have some attention back on the sentence before last." The Word Clearer says, "okay. Was there amy misunderstood word or symbol there?" The student says, "I have some attention on the word 'for', but I've looked that up before." The Word Clearer says, "Well, let's have another look at it." "For" is then cleared and the student realizes that he hadn't fully cleared all of the definitions when he had previously looked it up. H. THE STUDENT TENSES HIS BODY IN SOME WAY. THIS COULD BE TIGHTENING HIS GRIP, SQUINTING, TENSING HIS JAW, JERKING HIS BODY, STIFFENING ANY BODY PART, ETC. 1- The page says: "The girls were delighted to see one another." The student says: "The girls (tightens the muscles in his jaw) were delighted to see one another." The Word Clearer says, "That's it. Look back over this section you have just read. Was there a misunderstood word or symbol there?" The student looks at the page a long time. The Word Clearer can see he is looking earlier and earlier on the page. Finally the student says, "I can't see any words I don't understand, but this line seems a bit strange to me: 'It was Christmas Eve. Alice was listening to "Silent Night" when Carol came into the room.'" The Word Clearer says, "All right. Let's do a spot-check in that area. What does 'Carol' mean?" The student says, "That's a girl's name." The Word Clearer says, "Good. What do the quotation marks show in that sentence?" The student says, "Hm. Well, someone said 'Silent Night' to Alice." The Word Clearer says, "All right. I want you to read this section in the grammar book on quotation marks." The student reads the section aloud and says, "Oh, I see. 'Silent Night' is a song and you use quotation marks around the names of songs. I've got it now!" The Word Clearer says, "Great," and has the student give some examples of the use of quotation marks. They then return to the text. 2- The page says: "The men walked quietly through the dockyard." The student says: "The men walked quietly through the dockyard." (Student leans forward and looks at the page more intently.) The Word Clearer says, "That's it. Is there some word or symbol there that you didn't understand?" 138 The student looks over the sentence. "Well, I've never seen 'dockyard' used like that before. It doesn't make sense." The Word Clearer acknowledges him and has him look it up. The student reads the definition and starts brightening up. He turns to the Word Clearer and says, "And all this time I thought a dockyard was a place where you built docks, I never could understand why..." 3- The page says: "The car drove off, leaving a trail of dust in the air." The student says: "The car drove off, leaving a trail (student squints his eyes at the page) of dust in the air." The Wold Clearer says, "Is there some misunderstood word or symbol in that area?" Student looks bewildered. "No, the sentence just doesn't make sense." Word Clearer says, "All right. What is the definition of 'trail'?" "Oh, that's the impression of a horse hoof where a horse has been." The Word Clearer says, "Okay, look up the word 'trail'." The word is cleared and the student sees that he had a totally wrong definition. I. THE STUDENT YAWNS, SUPPRESSES A YAWN, GETS WATERY EYES, ETC. The page says: "A bright red apple was on the table." The student says: "A bright red apple was (yawn)..." The Word Clearer says, "Okay. Let's find the word or symbol that was misunderstood in this section." The student says, "I'm not sure I have the right definition for 'bright.' Could we look it up?" The Word Clearer says, "Sure," and they look up the word "bright." J. THE STUDENT BEGINS READING WITH MORE EFFORT. THIS INCLUDES READING VERY CAREFULLY OR UNNATURALLY OR ROBOTICALLY OR READING IN SUCH A WAY AS TO SHOW THAT THE WORDS HAVE NO MEANING TO HIM, OR THAT HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HE IS READING. The page says: "The families were having a picnic on the beach." The student says: "The families were having a picnic om the beach." The student reads the page correctly, but he is being very careful not to make any mistakes. The Word Clearer says, "That's it. Let's find the misunderstood word or symbol that you didn't understand before this sentence." The student says, "Yes, I started feeling uncomfortable while I was reading the sentence before last." The Word Clearer says, "Good. Let's look just before that for the misunderstood word." 139 The student finds his misunderstood and it is cleared. The important point for the Word Clearer to remember is that WHERE THERE IS A STUDENT REACTION, A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD WILL BE FOUND, USUALLY JUST BEFORE THE POINT HE REACTED. The misunderstood word can always, always be located with good communication, persistence and a totally standard application of Method 9 tech, as given in this HCOB. If the student can't easily achieve this, he must go to the Supervisor for help. TRs AND M9 To be a very successful M9 Word Clearer, one's TRs must be in. One has to be able to TR 3 the question and get the actual misunderstood, yet at the same time, one should never go robotic or rote on the Method 9 procedure. For example it may happen that halfway through a sentence, the student stops, smiles, and then continues on. Upon questioning, you find that a bulletin he has read many, many times before is now finally making sense. You wouldn't then ask him for his misunderstood. Just acknowledge his win and carry on with your Word Clearing with your TRs in and your application of this bulletin 100% standard. The wins and gains of those you word clear will by no means be slight. QUARRELS OR UPSETS It occasionally happens that the students doing the Word Clearing get into a quarrel or upset. If this happens, you know that one of two things has happened, either: 1. "Misunderstoods" that were really understood were forced off on the student, or 2. Actual misunderstoods were not detected and were passed by. 1. If this happens, you can clean up any falsely looked-up words by asking him if he was made to look up words he understood. If this is the case, the student will brighten up and tell you the word or words he was wrongly made to clear. This done, the M9ing can be resumed. 2. If the above doesn't handle it, then one knows that misunderstoods have been missed. Have the twin who is doing the Word Clearing take him back to when he was last doing well and then come forward in the text, M9ing as he goes, picking up the missed misunderstoods. It will usually be found that several misunderstoods have been missed, not just one. WORKSHEETS Worksheets are a written record of the Word Clearing session. They contain the student's name, the Word Clearer's name, the date and the name or title of what is being word cleared. The Word Clearer keeps worksheets during the Word Clearing session and writes down which words have been looked up and cleared and any other important information concerning the Word Clearing. Worksheets are stapled to the student's Exam Form when Word Clearing is complete. They are filed in his pc folder. TEACHING THE STUDENT TO DO METHOD 9 This is done using this HCOB or the M9 Picture Book (which will be issued in due time as part of a special course). This is a simple picture book which is handed to the student. He goes through the book and then does some M9 drilling as contained in the back of it. The Supervisor checks him out and corrects him if needed, using 140 only the data in the M9 Picture Book and this HCOB. No verbal tech or opinions are thrown in. The end result of a well done Method 9 is a student who is certain he has no misunderstoods on that material so that he can easily study the material and apply it. Method 9 is a great civilization saver. It is easy to do. It's fun and it gives tremendous gains. It is vital that Method 9 is done correctly, exactly by the book. Otherwise, people will be denied the enormous wins that can be attained with it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr.nc Copyright $c 1973, 1974, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 141  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/4/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=22/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  GRADIENTS IN TRS   TRs Course Checksheet Tech Qual C/Ses Supervisors TA Course Students Cramming Off  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 7 APRIL 1973RA TRs Course REVISED 22 FEBRUARY 1979 Checksheet Tech Qual (This bulletin has been revised C/Ses to incorporate new discoveries Supervisors on the subject of coaching TRs.) TA Course Students Cramming Off (Revisions in this type style) (Ellipsis indicates deletion) (CANCELLED -- see HCOB 23 Sept 79 Volume XII-417) GRADIENTS IN TRS . . . References: HCOB 16 Aug 71R 11 TRs MODERNIZED TAPE: 30 Jun 61 TRAINING ON TRs -- (6106C30) LECTURE ON AUDITING HCOB 3 Feb 79 I CHANGE THE CIVILIZATION EVAL Time after time you're going to find somebody in an organization trying to teach the TRs this way: Go on to TR 0 and stick there. Eight months later he'll still be doing the TR 0. You're going to find that consistently, because the element of ENDURE enters into it. That is improper. TRs are done to improve a person's handling of the cycle of communication. When he sticks somewhere on a TR instead of cycling through them, each one to a win, minor or major, over and over again, you don't accomplish the purpose of TRs. Here is the way you do the TRs. You'll find it very valuable. You do OT TR 0 to a win or a cognition or an improved ability to simply BE THERE. You go on to TR 0. The student hasn't gotten a full pass on OT TR 0. He just got accustomed to it and had a win. You do TR 0 to a win for the student that HE recognizes as a win. You do TR 0 Bullbait to a win for the student that he recognizes as a win. You do TR 1 to a win for the student that he recognizes as a win. You don't try to cure or even necessarily mention faults. When you do flunk the student you handle every flunk with an HCOB, but you concentrate on the student acquiring skills rather than eradicating faults. You can't eradicate a fault from something a person knows little about in the first place. You do TR 2 to a win for the student that he recognizes as a win. You do TR 3 to a win for the student that he recognizes as a win. You do TR 4 to a win for the student that he recognizes as a win. Now you come back to OT TR 0. Get the student better at OT TR 0. Then go 142 through all the TRs again. It's kind of like running CCHs -- they get a little bit of a win at it and you go on to the next one. Each time the student cycles through the TRs he is coached in the direction of increasing the skills he has -- never in the direction of a lose or a flunk. It is very simple. You ensure that the student 1) KNOWS the TRs HCOBs, 2) DUPLICATES the drill, 3) DOES the drill, and then you always, always COACH HIM TO A WIN. There is no reason or use in making the student wrong, he usually is about as wrong as you can get. Unreasonable as it may seem to some, the job of the coach and Supervisor is to make the student right. If you do that, you shorten considerably the time it takes to learn the TRs. In other words, you approach this with a gradient scale. We did learn about gradient scales many years ago and we should continue to apply that knowledge. Eventually, when you use this approach to TRs the student will eventually be able to do a faultless 2-hour OT TR 0, a faultless 2-hour TR 0, a perfect TR 1, an incredibly good TR 2, an error-free TR 3 and an easy, satisfying, flawless TR 4 without Q and A or ARC breaking the pc, which just makes the session flow. And once his TRs are "in" they will stay in for life and he will be able to handle a communication cycle so smoothly and so effortlessly that nobody including himself even recognizes that he is doing it. This is the way to fast, successful TRs Courses, full passes and TR graduates with natural, easy, flubless TRs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jk Copyright $c 1973, 1974, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 143  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/10/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=4/12/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 87RB NULLING AND F/Ning PREPARED LISTS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 OCTOBER 1973RB RE-REVISED 4 DECEMBER 1978 Remimeo (Revisions in this type style) C/S Series 87RB NULLING AND F/Ning PREPARED LISTS (Ref: HCOB 4 December 1978, HOW TO READ THROUGH AN F/N) A prepared list is one which is issued in an HCOB and is used to correct cases. There are many of these. Notable amongst them ts C/S 53 and its corrections. It is customary for the auditor to be required to F/N such a list. This means on calling it that the whole list item by item is to F/N. To F/N a list, you do it Method 3. Somebody's got the wrong idea that it is done Method 5 -- going over and over and over something. A recent C/S of mine on the subject stated: "The reason you're having trouble F/Ning a list is because you don't do M3, handle each read to the end and then reassess M3 and handle each read to the end. It is obvious from your list markings that you were doing M5 over and over, which of course gets into protest. Usually M3 at some point will begin to F/N and that is the reason you do M3. Also, when you miss on a prepared list the F/N stops. So there were a few minor misses on these lists but mostly because you were doing it M5. Also, it takes an R-Factor that you're going to clean up everything on the list." You handle a list Method 3 by calling the line and handling the line. A prepared list should be used to get optimum results on a pc. If a prepared list reveals that more needs to be handled, i.e. engram in restimulation, then it would be handled. (Note: In this case the handling would be to assess the L3RF and handle the reads. WARNING: You would NOT run Dianetics on a Clear, Dianetic Clear or OT. For Clears and OTs you would assess the L3RF and then simply INDICATE the read.) If a more major action was found to be needed it would be programmed for handling, per list instructions. If something hot leaps into view on a prepared list then handle it. It is the wrong think that one has to quickie a prepared list and get it to F/N in a hurry rather than to use it to get optimum results on a pc. All the list must be called a final time. "NONREADING, NON-F/Ning" LISTS Now and them you get the extreme oddity of a list selected to exactly remedy the case not reading but not F/Ning. Of course this might happen if the list did not apply to the case (such as an OT prepared list being used on a Grade IV, heaven forbid). In the case of lists to correct listing, and in particular the C/S 53 Series, it is nearly impossible for this situation to occur. 144 A C/S will very often see that the auditor has assessed the list on the pc, has gotten no reads, and the list did not F/N. A "reasonable" C/S (heaven forbid) lets this go by. Yet he has before him first class evidence that the auditor 1. Has out-TRs in general, 2. Has no impingement whatever with TR 1, 3. Is placing his meter in the wrong position in the auditing session so that he cannot see it, the pc and his worksheet, 4. That the auditor's eyesight is bad. One or more of these conditions certainly exist. To do nothing about it is to ask for catastrophe after catastrophe with pcs and to have one's confidence in one's own C/Sing deteriorate badly. An amazing number of auditors cannot make a prepared list read for one of the above reasons. Putting in Suppress, Invalidation or Misunderstood Words on the list will either get a read or the list will F/N. If a list does not F/N then the subject of the list is still charged or there is something wrong with the list. The moral of this is that prepared lists that do not read F/N. When prepared lists that do not read do not F/N or when the auditor cannot get a prepared list to F/N, serious auditing errors are present which will defeat a C/S. In the interest of obtaining results and being merciful on pcs, the wise C/S never lets this situation go by without finding what it is all about. READING THROUGH AN F/N There is a skill that any auditor who is handling lists should master and that is reading through an F/N. WHEN TAKING A LIST TO F/Ning ASSESSMENT AN AUDITOR MUST KNOW HOW TO READ THROUGH AN F/N. When going down a list that is F/Ning you'll sometimes see the F/N "check" briefly and then continue. The swinging weight of the F/Ning needle has momentum and it will tend to obscure a read. But a sharp auditor will see this "check" or slow in an F/N, know he has a hot item and take it up and handle it. An auditor who can't read through an F/N will miss it and go right on by, and the F/N then kills within the next couple of items. Now he's got a suppressed read and he's going to have trouble F/Ning the list. When this happens, even if you can't read through an F/N, you should go back up the list an item or two and find it. BUT one should be able to read through an F/N. It is the secret of being able to take a list accurately to an honestly F/Ning assessment, with no wasted time or effort. (Ref: HCOB 4 December 78, HOW TO READ THROUGH AN F/N.). THE "RABBIT BUTTONS" To "rabbit" means to run away from the bank. (The term derives from the fact that a rabbit is timid and runs away from just about everything.) 145 Some auditors have been known to "rabbit" from auditing sessions or from certain session actions. This is wholly due to out-TRs or shaky metering and the auditor not knowing how to use his tools. Rabbiting shows up in various ways -- not getting the pc through the engram and not taking a Dianetic chain to full EP, or calling an F/N when it's an ARC break needle, or simply ending off when the going gets rough, etc. It's running away from the action rather than completing it. One of the ways some auditors rabbit from F/Ning a list is by using what have come to be known as the "rabbit buttons." Given a C/S 53 (or other list) to take to F/Ning assessment, the auditor begins assessing and handling the list items but on the slightest provocation (such as a minor protest from the pc), introduces such questions as: "Is the C/S 53 being overrun?", "Is this list unnecessary?", "Do you feel over-repaired?" or something similar. These questions are valid enough when they occur, as they do, at the end of some prepared lists. But used out of sequence they serve to get the auditor out of taking the C/S 53 or other assigned list to F/Ning assessment. Auditor throws in the "rabbit buttons," pc immediately agrees it's "overrun" or "unnecessary," and the auditor ends off, with the majority of the list items unchecked for charge. This is by no means true of all auditors but it has happened frequently enough for these questions, used out of sequence, to be dubbed the "rabbit buttons." And each time an auditor has rabbited in this way from F/Ning a list, something has been found later that should have been handled. Thus: WHEN THE C/S CALLS FOR F/Ning A LIST IT MUST BE TAKEN TO COMPLETION AND NOT QUIT BEFORE THE ENTIRE LIST IS F/Ning, ITEM BY ITEM, ON ASSESSMENT. Any pc protest or upset or apprehension over extensive repair actions or a list having to be F/Ned stems mainly from auditor out-TRs and mismetering (missing reads and calling false reads) when doing repair lists. Any auditor back-off or protest on F/Ning a list stems from these same points plus having to handle pc upset or protest. The solution is for the auditor to polish his TRs and sharpen up his metering. AND learn to read through an F/N. Given good TRs and standard metering, the auditor who can then also read through an F/N will have no difficulty taking a list to F/Ning assessment. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revision 22.3.77 assisted by LRH Tech Expeditor Re-revised 4.12.78 by L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1973, 1977, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 146  L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revision 22.3.77 assisted by LRH Tech Expeditor Re-revised 4.12.78 by L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/11/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=5 rDate=30/10/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 53RL SF SHORT HI-LO TA ASSESSMENT C/S   CI IV Grad Chksht CI VI Chksht C/Ses CI IV Grad & above Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 NOVEMBER 1973RD REVISED 30 OCTOBER 1978 CI IV Grad Chksht CI VI Chksht (Revisions in this type style) C/Ses CI IV Grad & above Auditors C/S Series 53RL SF (Short Form) SHORT HI-LO TA ASSESSMENT C/S The C/S Series 53 Short Form is the basic prepared list used by auditors to get a TA up or down into normal range or to correct case outnesses. A pc who is relatively new to auditing should be assessed on the C/S Series 53 Long Form, which puts the items into full questions. Assess this list Method 5 and handle reads in the order they occur on the list. HCOB 30 Oct 78, C/S SERIES 53, USE OF contains data vital to the proper use of the C/S Series 53 lists. PC NAME _______________________________ DATE ________________________________ A. Interiorized into something _____ Tired _____ Go in _____ Deadness _____ Went in _____ Unconsciousness _____ Put in _____ Can't get it _____ Want to go in _____ Protest _____ Can't get in _____ Don't like it _____ Can't go in _____ D.Drugs _____ Want to get out _____ LSD _____ Kicked out of spaces _____ Alcohol _____ Being trapped _____ Pot _____ Forced in _____ Medicine _____ Pulled in _____ E. Engram in restimulation _____ B. List errors _____ Same engram run twice _____ Overlisting _____ Can't see engrams too well _____ Wrong items _____ Invisible _____ Upset with giving items to _____ Black _____ auditor _____ Loss _____ Wrong date _____ Lost _____ Wrong location _____ F.Same thing run twice _____ Wrong Why _____ Same action done by another Wrong indication _____ auditor _____ Wrong PTS item _____ G.Doing something with mind C. ARC break _____ between sessions _____ Problem _____ Some other practice _____ Withholding something _____ H.Word Clearing errors _____ Some sort of withhold _____ Misunderstood words _____ Not saying _____ Misunderstoods in session _____ False withhold _____ Study errors _____ Withholds gotten off more I.False TA _____ than once _____ Wrong sized cans _____ Overts _____ Tired hands _____ Audited over out-ruds _____ Dry hands _____ Sad _____ Wet hands _____ Rushed _____ Loosens can grip _____ Upset _____ Wrong hand cream _____ 147 J. Auditor overwhelming _____ L.PTS _____ Couldn't hear auditor _____ Suppressed _____ Couldn't understand what was M.Something went on too long _____ being said _____ Went on by a release point _____ Couldn't understand what was _____ Went on past Dianetic Clear _____ being done _____ Overrun _____ Feel attacked _____ Auditor kept on going _____ Something wrong with F/Ns _____ Over-repair _____ Overrun F/Ns _____ Puzzled why auditor keeps on _____ Missed F/N _____ Stops _____ Items really didn't read _____ N.Something else _____ False reads _____ Physically ill _____ Bad auditing _____ O.Repairing a TA that isn't high _____ Incomplete actions _____ Repairing a TA that isn't low _____ Invalidation _____ Faulty meter _____ Evaluation _____ Nothing wrong _____ Couldn't get auditing _____ P.False Exam Report _____ Interruptions _____ Waited at Exam _____ K. Can't have _____ Upset by Examiner _____ Low havingness _____ A. If A or any of the A Group reads on ANY pc (including Dianetic Clear, Clear or OT) who has had an Int RD, do an Int RD Correction List Revised (HCOB 29 Oct 71RA) and handle the reads. If Int correction has already been done on the pc get an FES on the Int RD AND its corrections. When all errors are corrected, the C/S may order the End ot Endless Int Repair RD per Int RD Series 4. If the pc is Clear, Dianetic Clear or OT and has not had an Int RD, do the End of Endless Int Repair RD. Do not run any Dianetics. Otherwise, if the pc has never had an Int RD, give him a standard Int RD per Int RD Series 2. WHEN DOING AN INT HANDLING RUN ONLY THE INT BUTTONS GIVEN ON THE INT RD SERIES HCOBs. Note on the assessment which button(s) have just read on the C/S 53. Other items in the A Group are designed to detect out-Int, but don't embrace the earlier beginning, so do NOT run these. B. If any of these read, do an L4BRA on the earliest lists you can find that have not been corrected. Lacking these, do an L4BRA in general. You can go over an L4BRA several times handling each read to F/N until the whole L4BRA gives nothing but F/Ns. Handle a Wrong Why or Wrong Indication or Wrong PTS item per C/S Series 78. C. Any reading item must be F/Ned. Use standard handlings on rudiments questions. On "Out-Ruds" find which rud and handle. "Feel Sad" = ARC break of long duration so handle the ARC break. If "Deadness" or "Unconsciousness" read 2WC to F/N (E/S if necessary) and then program for the Personal Revival Rundown. D. 2WC to F/N. Do a Drug RD Repair List if the pc has had his Drug RD. (HCOB 19 Sep 78 II) L3RF if needed. Advance Program to handle all reading drugs as soon as possible per NED Series 9R. (The above handling does not apply to Clears and OTs. On these, indicate the read. See HCOB 30 Oct 78, C/S SERIES 53, USE OF for further data on the handling of Dianetic questions which are reading on Clears and OTs.) E. If any of these read, do an L3RF and handle per the instructions. (On Clears and OTs simply indicate the read. Don't run any engrams or seek further to repair. See HCOB 30 Oct 78, C/S SERIES 53, USE OF.) F. Clean up any protest and inval and rehab to F/N. 148 G. Find out what it is. If yogi or mystic exercises or some such 2WC E/S it to first time done, find out what upset had occurred before that and if TA now down do L1C on that period of pc's life. H. If Word Clearing, do a Word Clearing Correction List, handle all reads. If study errors, 2WC E/S to F/N, and add a Study Correction List to the pc's program. I. False TA is wrong cans or other error. Use HCOBs 12 Nov 71RA, 15 Feb 72R, 18 Feb 72R, 21 Jan 77RA, HCOB 23 Nov 73RB, all on false TA. Then clean up the bypassed charge with (1) Assess for best read (a) TA worries (b) F/N worries. (2) Then 2WC times he was worried about (item) E/S to F/N. (3) Rehab any overruns due to false TA obscuring F/Ns. J. These are auditor errors. Low TA is generally caused by overwhelming TRs and incomplete actions. A high TA can be caused by an auditor overrunning F/Ns or failing to call them. Or trying to assess through an F/N and mistaking an F/N right swing for a read. An F/N can be obscured and mistaken for a read if sensitivity too high. These items are all 2WC E/S to F/N. Auditors who made them need cramming badly or retread. Rehab F/Ns that have been missed. K. Can't have or Hav. Find correct Havingness Process and remedy. L. 2WC to F/N. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling. M. Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or Date/Locate. On "Went on past Dianetic Clear" 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S. A qualified C/S who has fully checked out on the materials must adjudicate whether this state has been attained before the preclear may attest to Dianetic Clear. N. 2WC to find what. Note BD item. If BD item covered by one of these categories handle per instructions. If not just 2WC to F/N and get further C/S instructions for handling if necessary. O. Get pc to tell you about it briefly. If correct then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. If false TA handle per 1 above. P. Indicate and 2WC to F/N. Per HCOB 30 October 1978, C/S SERIES 53, USE OF, the order in which reads are to be taken up is built into the C/S 53 itself. You simply start at the top of the list and take up and handle to F/N each read as you come to it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1973, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 149  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/11/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=6 rDate=30/10/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S SERIES 53RL LF   CI IV Grad Chksht CI VI Chksht C/Ses CI IV Grad and above Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 NOVEMBER 1973RE CI IV Grad REVISED 30 OCTOBER 1978 Chksht CI VI Chksht (Revisions in this type style) C/Ses CI IV Grad and above Auditors C/S SERIES 53RL LF (Long Form) The C/S Series 53 Long Form is used to get a TA up or down into normal range or to correct case outnesses. It is exactly the same as the C/S Series 53 Short Form except that it puts the items into full questions so a pc relatively new to auditing can understand what is being asked. Assess this list Method 5 and handle reads in the order they occur on the list. HCOB 30 Oct 75, C/S SERIES 53, USE OF contains data vital to the proper use of the C/S Series 53. NAME __________________________________________ DATE ________________________ A. Interiorized into Are you withholding something? _____ anything? _____ Go in? _____ Is there some sort of Went in? _____ withhold? _____ Put in? _____ Is there something Want to go in? _____ you're not saying? _____ Can't get in? _____ Has someone said you had Can't go in? _____ a withhold when you Want to get out? _____ didn't? _____ Kicked out of spaces? _____ Did you have to get the Being trapped? _____ same withhold off more Forced in? _____ than once? _____ Pulled in? _____ Have you committed any B. Have there been list overts? _____ errors? _____ Have you been audited Have you had an over over outrudiments? _____ listed list? _____ Do you feel sad? _____ Have you been given Do you feel rushed? _____ any wrong items? _____ Are you upset? _____ Have you felt upset Are you tired? _____ with giving items to Deadness? _____ the auditor? _____ Unconsciousness? _____ Have you been given a Do you feel like you wrong date? _____ can't get it? _____ Have you found a wrong Are you protesting location? _____ anything? _____ Have you been given a Is there something you wrong Why? _____ don't like? _____ Have you been given a D. Have you taken drugs? _____ wrong indication? _____ Have you taken LSD? _____ Have you been given a Have you drunk alcohol? _____ wrong PTS item? _____ Have you smoked pot? _____ C. Do you have an ARC _____ Have you taken medicine? _____ break? E. Is there an engram in Do you have a problem? _____ restimulation? _____ 150 Has the same engram been Did you feel like items run twice? _____ didn't really read? _____ Can't you see engrams Have there been false too well? _____ reads? _____ When you look for Have you had bad incidents is it auditing? _____ invisible? _____ Are there any incomplete When you look for incidents actions? _____ is it all black? _____ Has there been any Have you experienced a invalidation? _____ loss? _____ Has there been any Have you lost something? _____ evaluation? _____ F. Has the same thing been Couldn't you get run twice? _____ auditing? _____ Has the same action Have actions been been done by another interrupted? _____ auditor? _____ K. Is there something you G. Are you doing something can't have? _____ with your mind between Is your havingness low? _____ sessions? _____ L. Are you PTS? _____ Are you involved in Do you feel suppressed? _____ some other practice? _____ M. Has something gone on H. Have there been Word too long? _____ Clearing errors? _____ Have you been audited Is there a misunder- past a release point? _____ stood word? _____ Have you gone past Have there been mis- Dianetic Clear? _____ understoods in session? _____ Has something been Have there been any overrun? _____ study errors? _____ Has the auditor kept on I. Do you have a false TA? _____ going? _____ Have you used the wrong Have you been over sized cans? _____ repaired? _____ Do your hands get tired? _____ Are you puzzled why the Are your hands dry? _____ auditor keeps on going? _____ Are your hands wet? _____ Are there stops? _____ Do you loosen the can N. Is there something else grip? _____ wrong? _____ Are you using the wrong Are you physically ill? _____ cream? _____ O. Are we repairing a TA J. Is the auditor over- that isn't high? _____ whelming? _____ Are we repairing a TA Couldn't you hear the that isn't low? _____ auditor? _____ Has the meter been Couldn't you understand faulty? _____ what was being said? _____ Is there nothing wrong? _____ Couldn't you understand P. Have there been false what was being done? _____ Exam Reports? _____ Do you feel attacked? _____ Did you have to wait at Has there been some exams? _____ thing wrong with F/Ns? _____ Have you been upset by Have F/Ns been overrun? _____ the Examiner? _____ Have F/Ns been missed? _____ A. If A or any of the A Group reads on ANY pc (including Dianetic Clears, Clears, OTs) who has had an Int RD, do an Int RD Correction List Revised (HCOB 29 Oct 71RA) and handle the reads. If Int correction has already been done on the pc get an FES on the Int RD AND its corrections. When all errors are corrected, the C/S may order the End of Endless Int Repair RD per Int RD Series 4. If the pc is Clear, Dianetic Clear or OT and has not had an Int RD, do the End of Endless Int Repair RD. Do not run any Dianetics. 151 Otherwise, if the pc has never had an Int RD, give him a standard Int RD per Int RD Series 2. WHEN DOING AN INT HANDLING RUN ONLY THE INT BUTTONS GIVEN ON THE INT RD SERIES HCOBs. Note on the assessment which button(s) have just read on the C/S 53. Other items in the A Group are designed to detect out-Int, but don't embrace the earlier beginning, so do NOT run these. B. If any of these read, do an L4BRA on the earliest lists you can find that have not been corrected. Lacking these, do an L4BRA in general. You can go over an L4BRA several times handling each read to F/N until the whole L4BRA gives nothing but F/Ns. Handle a Wrong Why or Wrong Indication or Wrong PTS item per C/S Series 78. C. Any reading item must be F/Ned. Use standard handlings on rudiments questions. On "Out-Ruds" find which rud and handle. "Feel Sad" = ARC break of Long Duration so handle the ARC break. If "Deadness" or "Unconsciousness" read 2WC to F/N (E/S if necessary) and then program for the Personal Revival Rundown. D. 2WC to F/N. Do a Drug RD Repair List if the pc has had his Drug RD. (HCOB 19 Sep 75 II) L3RF if needed. Advance Program to handle all reading drugs as soon as possible per NED Series 9R. (The above handling does not apply to Clears and OTs. On these, indicate the read. See HCOB 30 Oct 75, C/S SERIES 53, USE OF for further data on the handling of Dianetic questions which are reading on Clears & OTs.) E. If any of these read, do a L3RF and handle per the instructions. (On Clears and OTs simply indicate the read. Don't run any engrams or seek further to repair. See HCOB 30 Oct 75, C/S SERIES 53, USE OF.) F. Clean up any protest and inval and rehab to F/N. G. Find out what it is. If yogi or mystic exercises or some such 2WC E/S it to first time done, find out what upset had occurred before that and if TA now down do L1C on that period of pc's life. H. If Word Clearing, do a Word Clearing Correction List, handle all reads. If study errors, 2WC E/S to F/N, and add a Study Correction List to the pc's program. I. False TA is wrong cans or other error. Use HCOB 12 Nov 71RA, 15 Feb 72R, 18 Feb 72R, 21 Jan 77RA, HCOB 23 Nov 73RB, all on false TA. Then clean up the bypassed charge with (1) Assess for best read (a) TA worries (b) F/N worries. (2) Then 2WC times he was worried about (item) E/S to F/N. (3) Rehab any overruns due to false TA obscuring F/Ns. J. These are auditor errors. Low TA is generally caused by overwhelming TRs and incomplete actions. A high TA can be caused by an auditor overrunning F/Ns or failing to call them. Or trying to assess through an F/N and mistaking an F/N right swing for a read. An F/N can be obscured and mistaken for a read if sensitivity too high. These items are all 2WC E/S to F/N. Auditors who made them need cramming badly or retread. Rehab F/Ns that have been missed. K. Can't have or Hav. Find correct Havingness Process and remedy. L. 2WC to F/N. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling. M. Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or Date/Locate. On "Have you gone past Dianetic Clear?" 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S. A qualified C/S who has fully checked out on the materials must adjudicate whether this state has been attained before the preclear may attest to Dianetic Clear. 152 N. 2WC to find what. Note BD item. If BD item covered by one of these categories handle per instructions. If not just 2WC to F/N and get further C/S instructions for handling if necessary. O. Get pc to tell you about it briefly. If correct then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. If false TA handle per 1 above. P. Indicate and 2WC to F/N. Per HCOB 30 October 1975, C/S SERIES 53, USE OF, the order in which reads are to be taken up is built into the C/S 53 itself. You simply start at the top of the list and take up and handle to F/N each read as you come to it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1973, 1975, 1977, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 153  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=18/3/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=22/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  E-METERS SENSITIVITY ERRORS   Remimeo Tech Qual All Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 MARCH 1974R REVISED 22 FEBRUARY 1979 Remimeo Tech Qual (Revisions in this type style) All Auditors (Ellipsis indicates deletion) E-METERS SENSITIVITY ERRORS (Ref: HCOB 4 Dec 77 CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER HCOB 14 Jan 77 URGENT AND IMPORTANT TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-METER DRILL 5RA CAN SQUEEZE) An auditor must set the sensitivity of an E-Meter exactly right for each pc and each session. The setting is different for almost every pc and can change, session to session, even for one pc. TOO LOW Too low a sensitivity on some pcs (like Sens 1) will obscure reads and make them look like ticks. It will obscure an F/N. Whereas a Sens 16-128 will show reads and F/Ns. A pc can be hindered by the auditor not setting the sensitivity high enough to show reads and F/Ns. Items are missed as well as F/Ns. On almost any pc, a convulsive or incorrect can squeeze can shoot the needle across the dial and cause the auditor to reduce his sensitivity down and down and down until he finally sets it at a point where long falls becomes ticks and F/Ns don't exist. E-Meter Drill 5RA tells one how to do a proper can squeeze. TOO HIGH When auditing a flying pc or a Clear or OT the auditor who sets the sensitivity too high gets weird impressions of the case. "Latent reads" on such a case are common. They aren't latent at all. What happens is that the F/N is more than dial wide at high sensitivity and a started F/N looks like a read as it sweep is stopped by the pin on the right of the dial. Also, the pc can delicately press the cans improperly with his thumbs and forefingers when doing a can squeeze and cause the auditor to push the sensitivity up and up and up. And then with the sensitivity set too high, be unable to keep the needle on the dial and so miss or imagine reads. E-Meter Drill 5RA now teaches how to do this properly. In this way uncharged items are taken up, the case is slowed, overrun and general upsets requiring repairs occur. On a one-hand electrode an OT VII sometimes has a 1/3 dial wide F/N at Sens 2! This would mean a 3/4 dial wide F/N.,..with two cans, A Clear sometimes has a floating TA at Sens 5 or 10 instead of an F/N, He might have to be run at Sens 1 on two cans to keep him on a dial or detect F/Ns, This is a very important matter as the auditor will miss F/Ns, think beginning F/Ns are reads and as the pre-OT is off the dial, miss reads, Thus uncharged areas are run and charged ones are missed. The result is very chaotic to repair. Many lower level pcs also have a need for lower sensitivity settings. SUMMARY Sometimes an easy pc looks very difficult just because of wrong sensitivity settings brought about by wrong can squeeze procedure. Set the sensitivity for the pc for 1/3 of a dial drop on a correct can squeeze per E-Meter Drill 5RA (Reference: HCOB 7 Feb 79R, E-METER DRILL 5RA CAN SQUEEZE). And do the drills. You will be amazed, Don't get repairs, Get wins. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ntm.dr Copyright $c 1974, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 155  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=29/3/75 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=23/10/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ANTIBIOTICS, ADMINISTERING OF   Remimeo Also: FLAG ORDER 2186RA Ship Captains MO's Hat Qual Hats C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 MARCH 1975R Remimeo REVISED 23 OCTOBER 1978 (Revisions in this type style) Also: (Ellipsis indicates deletion) FLAG ORDER 2186RA (This bulletin has been revised Ship Captains MO's Hat to include updated data on Qual Hats NEW oral penicillin.) C/Ses ANTIBIOTICS, ADMINISTERING OF (This cancels FO 2313 "Antibiotics, Further Data" and revises FO 2186.) (Note: This data is given for information alone and is not intended to prescribe or otherwise treat an individual. All prescriptions and treatments should be done in due accordance with the medical laws of any country in which a person seeks treatment.) There are several "antibiotics." These are moulds or chemical compounds which cause bacteria, germs, to be unable to reproduce themselves (hits their 2D) while not destroying the cells of the body. At least that is one of the leading theories of why they work. "Antibiotic" means anti = against, biotic = living beings (such as bacteria). So it's against bugs. Disease is said to be caused by germs or virus. Germs are microscopic cells which breed and have a bad effect on body cells and fluids. Virus is a germ that is too small to be seen in a microscope. Thus there are germ infections and virus infections. Usually one type of germ equals one disease, i.e, typhoid fever. However, an illness can be a compound of several types of germs but this is not usual. Virus diseases respond very badly to most antibiotics. In fact, in the presence of penicillin, a virus sort of suspends action without any real temperature change while the penicillin is present and gets busy again when the penicillin is gone. The effect of most antibiotics on virus is zero. Some claims are made that antibiotics work against virus. Measles is a virus illness. So antibiotics are mainly effective against germs. Venereal disease, pneumonia, wound infections and a long parade of diseases can be cured by antibiotics. When illness is accompanied by temperature, antibiotics is usually the first thought. Antibiotics can however be GROSSLY MISADMINISTERED and in fact usually are even in hospitals. The trick is to get the temperature subnormal with antibiotics within the blood leveling period. Blood leveling means when the antibiotic has gotten into the blood and is actually holding the infection (stopping the bacteria's "2D" from continuing). More of the same antibiotic is given approx, 2 hours prior to blood leveling time. This then brings the temperature right on down to subnormal; continue the antibiotic so that it keeps the temperature subnormal until it just can't keep it subnormal any more and it comes up to normal. It will be found that the patient is now well and not likely 156 to relapse. If blood leveling time is reached (the time is always stated on the instructions and contraindications write-up) and the temperature continues to rise, you have not used the correct antibiotic and must at this point change to another kind of antibiotic. Each antibiotic has its own blood leveling time: penicillin is 24 hours, cephaloridine is 8 hours, streptomycin is 6 hours, etc, Before administering antibiotics you must ensure that you know exactly what toxicity it is (toxic or poisonous quality the antibiotic has to the patient). For example streptomycin can cause pregnant mothers to give birth to children who have impaired hearing. Renal (kidneys; having to do with them) damage can be caused by certain antibiotics if the person has too much of a certain kind of antibiotic. Therefore, prior to administering any kind of antibiotic ensure that you know the patient's full medical history, as well as knowing exactly what the toxicity of the antibiotic is so that you do not damage the patient. If not enough antibiotic is given or if it is the wrong kind for that disease the temperature will not be heavily affected or at best sinks to normal without going subnormal. This condition can go on and on and on and the patient relapses. Also if antibiotics are given too briefly the temperature goes to subnormal, the antibiotic ceases to be given, the patient feels better, then probably relapses -- gets ill all over again. The above important three error situations are: NOT ENOUGH WRONG KIND STOPPED TOO SOON. To these can be added: GIVEN TOO IRREGULARLY. This last is almost always present when you give the patient the bottle. This is a common medical error. The patients aren't doctors, seldom take the medicine correctly and often not at all. Antibiotics should be handed out and seen taken. Where there is a large number ill, the times can be standardized for the group. For instance all get it at 3:00 to 3:30, 9:00 to 9:30, etc. Or even 3 hourly can be done this way. One takes the temperature before giving the pill. (A glass of water or a cigarette before temperature taking gives a false report.) Also in this way one can increase or decrease the dose depending on what the temperature was. In very sick cases one has to watch the temperature more closely. In this way every time the temperature starts to rise from the subnormal where you are holding it, you immediately dose the patient. An antibiotic all by itself cannot depress temperature. It's the reaction of the disease and body that's doing that. TEMPERATURE 98.6 Degs F or 37 Degs C is normal. A thermometer can be a bit off (.1 or.2 high or low) and temperature can vary a bit for "normal" one person to the next. Rising temperature (above normal) is a reaction to a disease. Lowered temperature (below normal) is a reaction to a disease being handled by the body or the antibiotic plus the body. 157 100 Degs F or 37.8 Degs C is well above normal and is a sick temperature. 104 Degs F or 40.5 Degs C is dangerously (possible death) high. 97 Degs F or 36.2 Degs C is very satisfactorily subnormal. Temperature rise is probably a body mechanism to burn up a disease, possibly not, But a slight temperature, a few tenths high, can make a person feel really bad, Then when it gets up higher they feel drifty and with it very high go delirious. A subnormal temperature doesn't much affect how one feels. "Chills" come with high temperature. ADMINISTERING DOSES The general rule when administering antibiotics is: 1. One gives antibiotics until temperature comes down past normal to subnormal and comes up to normal again with antibiotics. After blood leveling time of the first antibiotic the temperature should break (go normal or below), the person going into a sweat, If it doesn't, then it's either not enough antibiotic or the wrong kind. 2. After dosage if the temperature just came down a bit from where it was, that type of antibiotic probably will handle the illness but enough has not been given. Increase the amount being given. If after blood leveling time from the first antibiotic the temperature did not go lower or even rose, it's the wrong antibiotic. You change off to another and start all over again. TAKING EFFECT The blood leveling period of an antibiotic is always stated on the write- up of the antibiotic (in the box, accompanying the antibiotic). The second administration is usually given 2 hours prior to the blood leveling period, Thus if the blood leveling period is 8 hours the second dose is given 6 hours after the first dose. Take the temperature before the dose and within the next 2 hours take the temperature again and you will know whether the antibiotic is working as the temperature should now be leveling and/or falling, If the temperature has not leveled or dropped at this period change the antibiotic, When giving antibiotics FO 2187 "Medical Charts" must be followed. If you don't have a medical chart you don't know and can't see how the antibiotic is working. PAST MALADMINISTRATION If a person in the past has been treated wrongly with antibiotics, i.e. got taken off as soon as temperature reached normal and was not continued as by rule 1 or 2, the germ remains dormant and the area may reinfect at a later date. If more antibiotics are then administered the temperature will go subnormal and then to normal with the antibiotic, In other words, the cycle will complete. At this point the germ has been killed, SESSIONS Before any session, a heavy dose of vitamins should be given, if the person is on antibiotics. 158 KEY PROCEDURE When the temperature goes subnormal keep it subnormal until it just won't stay down with the person still taking the antibiotic. The patient will then be well. The faster you can get the temperature subnormal the better. SIDE EFFECTS Antibiotics have side effects, often very bad. A patient can be allergic to a certain antibiotic, meaning he goes red, gets hives, has bad reactions in varying degrees of severity. If so get him on another antibiotic now. You can test for allergy by scratching the skin and putting a dab of antibiotic on it (not the sugar or protective covering) on a Band-Aid. After a while if the person is allergic to it the area will get red and puffy. This is not usually done unless you are being super cautious. The chloro---- and aureo---- families can affect the sense of balance and early preparations destroyed the sense of balance forever. All oral antibiotics sooner or later give the patient a stomach ache and indigestion. So they should be taken with milk or after a meal, never with just water. The longer you keep them on an antibiotic the harder it is on the patient's system. The operating rule is give enough of the right kind to get a fast cure. If you started on the wrong kind get them on the right kind the moment you detect the error. DISEASE CYCLES Diseases have their own cycles of action and time periods if not given antibiotics. Some run for days, some for weeks, some for a lifetime. Gonorrhea for instance lasts a year in man, five years in a woman. Syphilis has its own cure, not an antibiotic, which is "Ehrlich's Magic Bullet," neo-arsphenamine and Preparation 606, which is a one-shot cure if done right and only kills 1 out of 10,000. Syphilis untreated is a lifetime cycle and drives one crazy, the condition being known as "paresis." Perhaps modern antibiotics will include it as curative. Pneumonia runs about 6 weeks on its own if the patient lives. These disease cycles do not hold true when antibiotics are used. They take as long to cure as it takes to slam the temperature to subnormal and hold it there until it can't be held any longer. 24 to 36 hours is the new cycle for lighter illnesses treated with properly dosed correct antibiotics. More serious diseases require longer but mostly because the areas they infect have poorer blood circulation (such as bone infections). SULFA DRUGS The oldest antibiotics are the sulfa drugs. These are white tablets usually. Enterovioform for stomach illness is a sulfa drug. They have a very heavy side effect of dizziness and sometimes delusion (spiders on the wall). 159 Sulfathiazole is usually now used as a powder to pour in open wounds and it and its brother sulfas are the only ones that can be used "topically" which means as a surface treatment (as different from internal). They follow when taken internally all the rules of antibiotic administration. "Gerontal," a trade name for a water-soluble sulfa, is excellent in kidney infections if the rules of antibiotics are followed. It needs large quantities. You can fall back on sulfa when all else fails. Sulfas are chemical compounds. PENICILLIN Penicillin is the first of the antibiotics made from mould (as in mouldy bread, etc.). It is the USUAL antibiotic. It is growing less effective due to diseases getting used to it and medical misadministration of it. A disease treated with an antibiotic which is not cured, when communicated to another body becomes able in the new body to resist treatment. Thus new antibiotics are continually searched for. However, penicillin is the basic, usual, antibiotic to use. A new penicillin (VK) can be taken orally or injected. It would always need to be prescribed by a physician, and the actual dosage would need to be prescribed by a physician, but it could then be taken under the care of an M.O. (Medical Officer). The oral penicillin VK does work when administered orally (by mouth). Penicillin VK is a potassium salt of penicillin that is stable in stomach acids. It does not have to be shot with a needle. The type of penicillin that does NOT work when taken by mouth is penicillin G. Stomach acids kill it. Penicillin G has to be SHOT with a needle. Procaine penicillin in 1 cc or 2 cc amounts, shot into the buttocks with the person lying down on his stomach (muscles relaxed), lasts for 24 hours when a 2nd shot is given. Other types of penicillin can also work this way. Ordinary penicillin however (penicillin G) has to be shot every 3 hours! Read the literature carefully. If a shot of 24 or 36 hour penicillin hasn't worked in 8 hours to reduce the temperature at least somewhat use some other antibiotic at once. Penicillin is no good, even when shot, for stomach or bowel complaints like dysentery. It is excellent for other types of bacterial infection. It is usually no good for virus infections. Oral versus injections of penicillin depends upon the type of and seriousness of the infection. The injectable penicillin cuts the blood leveling time to about half as compared to the oral penicillin. So the injectable penicillin is faster. If a person is allergic to penicillin some other antibiotic MUST be used. 160 OTHER ANTIBIOTICS Chloro ______ aureo ______ strepto ______ compounds are offered under a variety of trade names. The blank fills "mycin" or "mycetin." Kemacetin or some such spelling is a company trade name for chloro____. Chlorofin is almost the same thing. Read the literature for the strength of each tablet or shot and what it is good for. You can puzzle this out even in a foreign language. Follow the literature. If one doesn't work, another will. Chloro____ or aureo____ handles dysentery, stomach and bowel upsets, some viruses and a lot of other things. VITAMINS B1 should be given when giving antibiotics or the patient gets depressed as all the B1 gets eaten up by antibiotics, just as alcohol or sleeping pills eat up B1. 100 mg of B1 a day is an absolute minimum for a person taking antibiotics. B2 is vital to give anyone with stomach and bowel complaints whether he is on antibiotics or not. Vitamin C is excellent for helping colds and infections. 250 mg is the usual dose a couple times a day. It's much like fruit in that fruit contains a lot of it. If anyone's teeth or gums get sore push in lots of Vitamin C. So B1 and C are usual along with antibiotics. B1, C and B2 are vital to help clear up stomach and bowel complaints along with antibiotics. INTESTINAL BACTERIA Natural intestinal bacteria are vital to digest and handle food. These all get killed off by oral antibiotics and must be replaced. Yoghurt is the usual remedy and one should eat it for several days, a portion a day after getting well with antibiotics. The clever French put these exact bacteria in glass vials for daily dosage. This does the same thing even better than yoghurt. It is called "Biolactyl." NOTE: Under medical supervision, LRH has been handling antibiotics as a ship captain for a long time and has done as well independent biological research. Some of the data (the use of subnormal temperatures) is not known to the medical profession but was discovered by Ron in 1952 when he had to discover it to save an important person's life after two relapses from doctors using older methods. It has since been proven out by many quick successes using antibiotics on ships. A person treating someone on antibiotics must go over this HCOB very carefully as it is very condensed, very precise and means exactly what it says. When this data is not known some get into long illnesses which are needless. A person treating another with antibiotics has to know many other things but the above is very vital. All Div 5 personnel and anyone who will administer antibiotics must starrate, M9, M4 in Qual on this HCOB. Medical charts (see FO 2187 "MEDICAL CHARTS") must be made up so that, in case of any fever, the person will be treated standardly to a speedy recovery. 161 Compiled from the notes of LRH by Kima Jason Snr MO Flag for L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by LRH Tech Comps As assisted by Gene Denk, M.D. Approved by L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:GD:LRHTC:LRH:KJ:nt.rd.dr Copyright $c 1975, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  Compiled from the notes of LRH by Kima Jason Snr MO Flag for L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by LRH Tech Comps As assisted by Gene Denk, M.D. Approved by L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=14/6/77 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=12/6/79 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ADDITION OF 12 JUNE 1979 PAID COMPS SIMPLIFIED -- ADDITION 1 C/S SERIES 81RA AUDITOR'S RIGHTS MODIFIED -- ADDITION 1   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JUNE 1977-1 Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 16 JUNE 1972RA-1 ADDITION OF 12 JUNE 1979 PAID COMPS SIMPLIFIED -- ADDITION 1 C/S SERIES 81RA AUDITOR'S RIGHTS MODIFIED -- ADDITION 1 HCO PL 1 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVES introduces a new 5-hour intensive. This is for the purpose of getting a Dianetic Clear check and rehabilitation only. For the successful completion of this intensive you may count 3 Paid Completion points with a bonus of a further 3 points when the person then re- signs for the next or another service as verified by HCO. The DTS may count a 5-hour Dianetic Clear Special Intensive as a 1/2 on the intensive part of his statistic (see HCOB 16 Jun 72RA, C/S Series 81 RA). L. RON HUBBARD Founder As assisted by LRH:AG:gal CS-5 I/T Copyright $c 1972, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 162  L. RON HUBBARD Founder As assisted by CS-5 I/T   Type = 11 iDate=6/2/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=4/12/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN REPLACES THE SWEAT PROGRAM  Type = 11 iDate=6/2/78 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=16/3/78 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=30/4/78 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 FEBRUARY 1978RA Remimeo REVISED 16 MARCH 1978 RE-REVISED 4 DECEMBER 1979 (Cancels: HCOB 6 Feb 78R-1 Addition of 16 Mar 78, "LSD and the Sweat Program -- Addition"; HCOB 30 Apr 78, "The Sweat Program Further Data." Re-revises and re-titles the original bulletin of this date, "LSD and the Sweat Program.") (Revisions not printed in a different type style) THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN REPLACES THE SWEAT PROGRAM Refs: HCOB 5 Nov 74 DRUGS, MORE ABOUT HCOB 31 May 77 LSD HCOB 25 Oct 71 DRUG DRYING OUT HCOB 2 Jun 71 Study Series 2 Issue I CONFRONTING (This issue has been revised to incorporate data from recent research into the progress of cases in view of the current environmental and drug scene, and to give the full steps of the new Purification Rundown.) (The Purification Rundown does not supplant technology developed and in use especially in Narconon for persons currently on drugs and apt to experience withdrawal symptoms when taken off of them. The rundown would be begun only after such technology was applied.) (While it is being published now as a holding action until the Purification Rundown is issued as an individual package, this issue does contain the rundown as it has been piloted.) (We are not concerned with handling bodies with the Purification Rundown. Our concern is freeing the individual up spiritually, The only dosages recommended are those classified as food. There are no medical recommendations or claims for it. The only claim is future spiritual improvement.) (This data is released as a record of researches and results noted. It cannot be construed as a recommendation of medical treatment or medication and it is undertaken or delivered by anyone on his own responsibility. I receive no percentage of fees for administering this rundown and my development of it is a contribution and gift to my friends.) Glossary: Any words you find in this HCOB which you do not understand can be found in a normal dictionary or in the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary or are explained in the following text. The planet has hit a barrier that prevents widespread clearing -- drugs and biochemical substances. These can put beings in a condition that can prevent case gain. That's the situation today. 163 What would you give for a rundown that undercut every case on the planet and could be administered by technicians who did not require long periods of training? Sweeping breakthroughs have been made recently through my 29 year study of the progress of cases against the environmental factors and biochemical aspect of our current society. One immediate result of this is the Purification Rundown. The Purification Rundown is simply a program to clean out and purify one's system. Based on the original Sweat Out Program, it is a new much more thorough and much faster version of that program, streamlined by the introduction of the sauna bath for sweating, and with a much broader use. It should be clearly understood at the outset that the Purification Rundown is not a substitute for any kind of processing. Rather, because of the biochemical problem that besets society today, it is the undercut that has become necessary to prepare the majority of pcs for making optimum case gain from their processing. In point of fact, the Purification Rundown is for anyone. BIOCHEMICAL FACTORS By "biochemical" is meant: The interaction of life forms and chemical substances. BIO means life; of living things. From the Greek "BIOS," life or way of life. CHEMICAL: of or having to do with chemicals. "Chemicals" are substances, simple or complex, which are the building blocks of matter. We live in a chemical oriented society. One would be hard put to find someone in the present-day civilization who is not affected by this fact. The vast majority of the public is subjected every day to the intake of food preservatives and other chemical poisons including atmospheric poisons, pesticides and the like. Added to this are the pain pills, tranquilizers and other medical drugs used and prescribed by doctors. And we have as well the widespread use of marijuana, LSD, Angel Dust and other street drugs which contribute heavily to the scene. I have even found that there is such a thing as the "drug personality." Drugs can apparently change the attitude of a person from his original personality to one secretly harboring hostilities and hatreds he does not permit to show on the surface. While this possibly is not always the case, it does establish a linkage between drugs and increasing difficulties with crime, production, program execution and the modern breakdown of the social and industrial culture. These factors are all part of the biochemical problem. WHY "PURIFICATION"? We have known since 1968 that it is a mistake to try to do mental and spiritual handling on somebody who has been on drugs. People who have been on drugs do not make case gain until the drugs are handled. In the early '70s the Drug Rundown was developed and put into broad use and it included the auditing out of drugs, medicines and alcohol. 164 In 1977 I issued HCOB 1 May 77 in which I stated that LSD apparently stays in the system, lodging in the tissues and mainly the fatty tissues of the body and is liable to go into action again, giving the person unpredictable "trips." The "restimulation" experienced by people who had been on LSD appeared to act as if they had just taken more LSD. As it has been stated that it only takes 1/millionth of an ounce of LSD to produce a drugged condition and because it is basically wheat rust which simply cuts off circulation, my original thinking on this over the years was that LSD sticks around in the body. That basically is the idea underlying the original Sweat Program. The remedy given was to sweat it out. From the most recent research developments, it now appears that: Not only LSD but other chemical poisons and toxins, preservatives, pesticides, etc., as well as medical drugs and the long list of heavy street drugs (Angel Dust, heroin, marijuana, etc.) can lodge in the tissues and remain in the body for years. Even medicinal drugs such as diet pills, codeine, novacaine, and others have gone into "restim" years after they were taken and had supposedly been eliminated from the body. Thus it seems that any or all of these hostile biochemical substances can get caught up in the tissues and their accumulation probably disarranges the biochemistry and fluid balance of the body. These substances must be eliminated if the person is to get the most possible gains from mental and spiritual processing. The operating rule is that mental actions and even biophysical processes (Objectives, etc.) do not work in the presence of drugs. Drug residues can stop any mental help. They also stop a person's life! THE ONLY REASON WE ARE HANDLING DRUGS AND DRUG DEPOSITS IN THE BODY IS SO THAT THE INDIVIDUAL CAN THEN GET CASE GAIN. APPARENT GAIN OCCURS BY CLEANING UP THE BODY AND CAN BE SEEN AS AN END ALL IN ITSELF. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. DRUGS AND BIOCHEMICAL SUBSTANCES CAN PREVENT CASE GAIN FROM OCCURRING. Only when we have accomplished the biochemical handling can we then go onto the next step, the biophysical handling (the relationship of the being to the body, the environment or universe) and then onto mental and spiritual processing. When you try to move these around and put them out of sequence you get losses. EXAMPLES: Actual tests have demonstrated that a person who has been on heavy drugs requires up to ten times the time to obtain a result which a non- drug person attained in only 6 to 8 hours of processing. Early tests are also showing that the learning rate of a person who has been on drugs is much lower than a non-drug person. The memory of a person who has been on drugs is such as to remove him from fear of consequences. Rate of case gain is enormously retarded by toxic substances such as drugs. The reason we can make a breakthrough with this is because of the "Theta- MEST theory" covered in the text Science of Survival. Older scientific thought believed all life came from matter, a belief which goes back to the ancient Egyptian priests and remains today the dominant belief of chemists, psychologists and psychiatrists. 165 A life form is a combination of life itself and the physical universe. Certain elements in the physical universe are highly antipathetic to life and when introduced into life forms, inhibit proper functioning and even destroy. The being (thetan) of course has potential pictures of these toxic substances and states and as long as they are in the body, these actual substances can restimulate a being. When they are gone from the body, the constant restimulation can cease. So it is actually a spiritual action that is being done. A Case Supervisor should be aware of the fact that he is wasting his time if he ignores the above. The removal of these life-hostile chemical substances from the body of any person apparently speeds, and in some cases even makes possible, case gain. It is even worth doing for its own sake. The Purification Rundown, therefore, is for anyone. There is probably not a pc today who is outside this requirement. THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN The rundown is a tightly supervised regimen which includes: Exercise Sauna sweat out Nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, etc., as well as oil intake A properly ordered personal schedule. An OCA and IQ Test are given the person before starting the rundown and upon its completion. With each of these points kept in and the introduction of the sauna bath for sweating out, it is a refined and streamlined version of the original Sweat Out and can be completed in a Fraction of the time Sweat Outs have taken in the past. Properly scheduled, with exercise and sauna sweat out done 5 hours a day the program can be completed by many in two weeks time. Some pcs may require more than that, some less. When The Purification Rundown is Done: The Purification Rundown could be considered mandatory to any person who has been on LSD or heavy drugs or who has a heavy medical drug history. Such a pc is not likely to get very fast case gain without it. There are many pcs who have had hundreds of hours of auditing, including Drug Rundowns, who have never done a sweat out of any kind. While tremendous gains have been made by such pcs which are not to be invalidated, there is no doubt but what a large majority of them would benefit by the Purification Rundown and benefit even further from future auditing as a result. Additionally, there are those who have done Sweat Out Programs in the past who have not experienced all the gain from it possible, or who have skimped or are incomplete on Sweat Outs. In all cases such as those above, it is a matter for C/S adjudication as to whether or not the person would now do the program. One would not interrupt a case that was running smoothly and making excellent gains progressively. One would not interrupt an ongoing auditing action to throw in such a program randomly. On the other hand, where a pc is consistently not making the expected gains from his processing, or is not continuing up the Bridge on his grades, a C/S might suspect 166 the need for this program and it now becomes a part of the tech of C/Sing to take this into consideration. In the case of a pc who has started and is continuing up the grades, it would require the correct programming. As the Purification Rundown is always done under C/S supervision, it becomes a matter for the C/S to decide. The Purification Rundown and Auditing: Originally, Sweat Outs were used to debar people from processing, so they were then permitted to be done during processing, which was not the most optimum solution. Today, as the Purification Rundown via sauna can take as little as two weeks, it is not done concurrently with auditing. The program is done by itself, intensively, to completion under the daily supervision of the C/S. WARNING This program can be strenuous and should not be undertaken by anyone who has a weak heart or who is anemic. It is therefore absolutely essential that the following rules are strictly adhered to: 1. Any person, before being put on the Purification Rundown, must first have written okay from the Medical Officer or a medical doctor. The C/S and the MO must ensure this prerequisite is kept in. 2. The MO must ensure that no one who has a weak heart or who is anemic is allowed onto the program. These points must be checked before the person starts the program. Where the Medical Officer is trained in testing blood pressure and anemia, the tests can be done by him or her. Where there is no trained Medical Officer to do these tests, they must be done by a reliable medical doctor. People with known heart conditions or high blood pressure or who are anemic, and even those with certain kidney conditions must do a program which is of a much lower gradient. An exercise program and nutrition must be worked out for them with a medical doctor. 3. The Medical Officer tests are continued periodically as the person goes through the program and if any signs of a weak heart or anemia should appear, the person is taken off the rundown and handled medically. EXERCISE AND SAUNA In order to flush the poisons and chemical substances out of the body, the following actions are done. 1. OUTSIDE RUNNING. The first action is outside running. The purpose of this is NOT to generate sweat but to get the blood circulating and the system functioning so that impurities held in the system can be released and are pumped out. Running increases the circulation throughout the whole body, thus: (a) it carries out cell waste more rapidly and (b) causes the circulation to go deeper into the muscles and tissues so those areas which have been stagnant can now get rid of the accumulation of biochemical deposits and, in the case of LSD, the "residual crystals" which have been stored. Running is done on a daily basis once the person has been assigned to this program. It is done in a rubberized or vinyl-type sweat suit. The running should be done on a gradient. If you are so breathless that you can't talk to another while you are running, then you are straining too much, so cut the gradient. 167 2. SWEATING IN THE SAUNA. The second action, following the running, is sweating. A person goes into the sauna to sweat. The impurities can now be dispelled from the body and leave the system through the pores. A sweat suit is NEVER worn in the sauna as this acts as insulation much the same as when a diver wears a wet suit to insulate against the cold of the sea. Wearing a sweat suit in the sauna would insulate against the heat and so inhibit and curtail sweating. Thus far, the use of a dry sauna has proved to be the most successful in inducing profuse sweating on most people. It is possible that some people may sweat more in a wet sauna; it may be that it is an individual matter and it has not yet been fully tested. There is no regulation on the rundown that outlaws the use of a wet sauna. Whichever type of sauna is employed, the whole idea is to use the system which permits the person to sweat the most. Sweating in the sauna is done at temperatures ranging anywhere from 140 degrees to 180 degrees. It is a matter of what temperature the person can take. Usually, but not always, a person beginning the rundown will start at a lower temperature and work up. Then as he progresses he will find he can take increasing degrees of heat. On the Purification Rundown, five hours a day are spent on a combination of running and sweating. There are no arbitraries set as to exact time limits for each, but the bulk of the period would probably be best spent in the sauna after the person had gotten his circulation up with running. One would not stint on the running, however, as the most benefit is obtained from the sweating when the circulation has been worked up so that the impurities are ready to be flushed out. Running and sauna sweat out should be done with another person, as restimulation of past drugs, medicines, even anesthetics, etc., can and often does occur, as the toxins get sweated out. This can include the restimulation of a full-blown "trip" from LSD or other drugs one may have taken. It is a safeguard, therefore, to be accompanied by a partner or twin. Salt and Potassium: Salt (sodium chloride) is not mandatory for every individual on the program. It is only necessary as a treatment if the symptoms of salt depletion (heat exhaustion) occur. These are clammy skin, tiredness, weakness, headache, sometimes cramps, nausea, dizziness, sometimes vomiting or fainting. As potassium is lost in sweating, some of the above symptoms can be from potassium depletion. So, if salt does not handle the above symptoms, then one would switch to either potassium gluconate tablets or "salt substitute" which is mainly potassium. Salt and potassium must be available to anyone who is on the Purification Rundown. Ideally, they would be located very near the sauna, clearly labeled. Liquids: While on this program, it is important that one drink plenty of water which greatly assists in flushing and cleansing the system out. Additionally, with all the sweating done in the sauna it would be dangerous not to replenish body fluids. PERSONAL SCHEDULE It is important that a person on the Purification Rundown maintains a properly-ordered personal schedule. This means that once one has started on the program he must stick to it sensibly and not skip days or do it in a random fashion. It also means that one should get enough sleep. If one proceeds through the program in an orderly fashion it will be faster and more effective. 168 NUTRITION When we speak of nutrition we are not talking about food, as such. We are talking about vitamins and minerals as well, as these are vital to proper nutrition and vital to the effectiveness of this rundown. We are not, however, talking about "diet" in the overused sense of the word. Diet and Food Fads There are NO diets required on this rundown. The person simply eats what he normally eats and he should make sure he gets some vegetables and that the vegetables aren't cooked to death. Vegetables contain a lot of minerals and fiber as well as some vitamins necessary to his recovery. We are not food faddists. However, there is plenty of food faddism going on in society and you can easily start such a fad, so this must be watched on the Purification Rundown. If we don't watch it on all this we'll have people eating banana fronds split into diamonds and star shapes and blessed by some deity or other. Or a fad of "three lettuce leaves criss-crossed with two slabs of peanut butter an absolute must 18 times a day" as the only food a person can have. Food is subject to becoming very faddist and frankly people know very little about it. I wrote an essay on this subject (HCOB 25 Mar 75 DIET, THEORY OF A NATURAL DIET) to the effect that nobody has ever isolated the proper diet for Homo sapiens. It gives the formula of how one would go about finding the exact and proper diet. It tells you that all this diet faddism is based on no data. So, there is no thought here of putting the person on any kind of special diet at all. There are no restrictions on what one may eat. We are not even trying to preach against toxic foods or campaign against diet abuses or junk foods or anything of that sort. We are only trying to handle the accumulation of impurities built up in the body. If you wanted to defend your body against all future impurities then that is another program and not part of this one. What is part of this scene is that a person will need certain nutrition in the form of vitamin intake and minerals. One follows his normal eating habits. There are, however, some additions to the normal eating habits which consist of taking a quantity of "All Blend" oil each day, secondly, drinking lots of water to help flush out the system and thirdly, ensuring that the vitamin and mineral intake is adequate. To put a person on a diet different then that to which he is accustomed is to introduce a sudden change in the midst of these other changes. A change of diet might be just one too many changes and is an additive to this rundown. Oil There is an oil called "All Blend" which has the four essential oils in it (soy, walnut, peanut and safflower oil) which is available in the US in health food stores. If this type of oil is not obtainable elsewhere, one could blend it from these four oils in the proper amounts, or find an adequate substitute. "All Blend" oil would be best but any oil used must be cold- pressed and polyunsaturated. The oil must be kept refrigerated so that it does not go rancid. Toxic substances tend to lock up mainly, but not exclusively, in the fat tissue of the body. (There is no such thing as a fat cell.) The theory, then, is that one could replace 169 the fat tissues that hold these accumulations. The body will actually tend to hold onto something it is short of. Thus, if you try to get rid of something it is short of, it won't give it up. So, in the matter of oil, if the person takes some oil the body might possibly exchange the good oil for the bad fat in the body. That is the basic theory. It is a theory of exchange. It is based on the Have-Waste formulas and processes which were extant in Scientology in the late '50s. That whole body of data applies to this oil's scene. (Ref: PAB No. 123 THE REALITY SCALE 1 Nov 57 Vol III, page 136 HCOB 29 May 58 Special Bulletin STANDARD CLEAR PROCEDURE AND AN EXPERIMENTAL ROAD: CLEARING BY VALENCES, Vol III, page 273 SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008. page 117 ASSOCIATE NEWSLETTER NO. 2, 1953, ca. early May, Vol. 1, page 330 ASSOCIATE NEWSLETTER NO. 7, 1953, ca. late July, Vol. 1, page 412) If one wants somebody to clean up the fat tissue in the body, he had better give the body some fat in order to make up for the fat tissues the body is now releasing or changing. The effort is to get the body to take good oil or fat in exchange for the bad fat it is holding onto. In this way we have some chance of getting the body to release fatty tissue which is impregnated with toxic substances. How Much Oil? The exact quantity of oil needed by the person on the rundown has not been definitely established, but it is very likely somewhere between two tablespoonsful and a half a cup. One tablespoonful of oil is not going to accomplish much. Too little oil won't let the body substitute the fat tissue. If too much is given it can cause diarrhea. One way to test for the right amount of oil for the person would be to put him on a scale and keep a close check on his weight. This should be done routinely in any event when a person is on the Purification Rundown. If the fat is being replaced in the body despite the intake of oil then the weight will not go up. If the body is simply assimilating the oil, with no exchange in fat tissue, the weight will go up. Change in weight would tend to indicate whether or not the body was exchanging old fat tissue for new fat tissue or simply adding new fat tissue. All people, be they fat or thin, have some fatty tissue. Some of course have more fat stored in their bodies than others. On this program we simply want to get rid of the fat that contains the toxic substances, we are not even trying to make people lose weight. (Worth mentioning here is also the fact, particularly in regard to thin people, that while toxic substances lock up mainly in fat tissue it does not mean that the person cannot have drug deposits inside cells.) One could not expect the results that can be achieved on the Purification Rundown without sufficient oil intake. Nutritional Deficiencies Having been an early discoverer and instigator of vitamin therapy over the past 29 years, I know whereof I speak on the subject of nutritional deficiencies. My work covering vitamins and deficiencies, stimulants and depressants and the field of biochemistry goes back to the spring of 1950. Though I have been interested in vitamins primarily only as they might aid, speed or assist auditing, my research along this line has been extensive. This is not to devalue the work and contributions of others in the nutritional fields. 170 It takes a mere skimming of the surface of this subject, however, to recognize that the Purification Rundown will not be effective in the face of a vitamin or mineral deficiency in the person. One of the things that toxins and drugs do is create nutritional deficiencies in the body in the form of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Obviously a C deficiency, a B Complex deficiency and a niacin deficiency are brought about by drugs. There may be other deficiencies that we are not aware of at this time. But that list is certain. Also, alcohol, for example, depends for its effects on a person being able to burn up B1. When it burns up all the B1 in the system the person goes into DTs (delirium tremens) and nightmares. In the case of other toxic substances the probability exists that other vitamins besides B1 are burned up. What we seem to have hit on here is that the LSD and street drugs burn up not only B1 and B Complex (which we assume they do) but also create a deficiency in niacin in the body and that they possibly depend on niacin (one of the B Complex vitamins) for their effect. It is easily seen that there is a wide range of toxic substances which create nutritional deficiencies. It is quite vital that any vitamin or mineral deficiency is being handled while the person is on this rundown. In the piloting and development of the Purification Rundown, the most effective handling for this was found to be starting the person on the following: Vitamin A -- approximately 5000 IU per day. Vitamin B Complex -- approximately 2 caps per day. Ensure the Vitamin B2 and B6 are balanced (approximately the same amount of each). Vitamin B1 -- special additional amounts of B1 are required, 250-500 mg or greater daily, depending on the amount of niacin given. Vitamin C -- 250-1000 mg daily, depending upon the person's tolerance. (As Vitamin C can cause stomach problems or diarrhea, each person's tolerance must be worked out.) Vitamin C has to be increased in proportion to the niacin given. Records exist wherein Vitamin C has become so deficient in a drug user that he used up tens of thousands of milligrams per day before he began to eliminate any. Vitamin C deficiencies result in scurvy. "Live C" from raw onions or raw potatoes is sometimes necessary in addition to synthetic C and were the traditional remedies for scurvy. Vitamin D -- approximately 400 IU daily. Vitamin E -- approximately 800 IU daily. Niacin -- 100 mg daily to begin. It is then increased gradiently to as high as 5000 mg. Particularly B1 and C have to keep pace with it as it is increased in dosage. Cal-Mag -- one glass daily, at least. Multi-Minerals -- (a balanced combination of minerals). These would then be increased proportionately according to need and/or niacin increase as the person progressed on the rundown. 171 A person may have certain vitamin deficiencies which are not handled by the above. When he routes onto the Purification Rundown he should be sent to the Medical Officer or a medical doctor who would determine what, if any, additional vitamin deficiencies he might have. Any such not covered in the above list would then be handled with specific supplements for those deficiencies. Vitamins would be taken after meals or with yoghurt. If taken on an empty stomach they could cause stomach burn. NIACIN Niacin, as one of the B Complex vitamins, is essential to nutrition. It is so vital to the effectiveness of the Purification Rundown that it requires some extensive mention here. It can produce some startling and in the end very beneficial results when taken properly on the rundown, along with the other necessary vitamins and minerals in sufficient and proportionate quantities and along with proper running and sweat out. Its effects can be quite dramatic so one should understand what niacin is and does and have a good R-Factor on it when starting the rundown. Taken in sufficient quantities it appears to break up and unleash LSD, marijuana and other drugs and poisons from the tissues and cells. It can rapidly release LSD crystals into the system and send a person who has taken LSD on a trip. (One fellow who had done the earlier sweat out for a period of months and who believed he had no more LSD in his system took 100 mg of niacin and promptly turned on a restimulation of a full blown LSD trip!) Running and sweating must be done in conjunction with taking niacin to ensure the toxic substances it releases actually do get flushed out of the body. Niacin: Background History Niacin's biochemical reaction is my private, personal discovery. In the middle of the 1950s, I was doing work on radiation and I worked out that it must be niacin that operated on radiation. I was recently told by a doctor that Dianazene formula of that time is remarkably workable today. Niacin runs out radiation. It will often cause a very hot flush and prickly, itchy skin which can last up to an hour or longer. It may also bring on chills or make a person feel tired. The outpoint in medical thinking has been that they thought the niacin itself turned on a flush. So they invented something called niacinamide to keep from turning on this flush. Niacin all by its lonesome does not turn on any flush. What it starts to do is immediately run out sunburn or radiation. So the niacinamide they invented is worthless and it should be mentioned that it is. In 1973 someone got a Nobel Prize for curing insanity with niacin, but it was fairly marked that he didn't know the facts of what was actually happening because it was then promptly abandoned as people found that prolonged quantities of niacin "gave very bad side effects." The truth of the matter is that if one continues niacin, always along with the other necessary vitamins in proper amounts, the bad effects will vanish. In other words, the work I did on this was picked up and misapplied and then abandoned. This is the background history of niacin. Now more recently doctors in megavitamin research have been administering niacin to get people through withdrawal symptoms or get them over bad drug kicks and they have been using enormous doses of, for example, 5000 mg. I have no personal knowledge that such enormous doses are necessary for handling drugs. It is very possible that, given the combination of all the points on the Purification 172 Rundown, many people would be able to handle drugs with lesser amounts of niacin, something under 5000 mgs. Niacin Theory In theory, niacin apparently does not do anything by itself. It is simply interacting with niacin deficiencies which already exist in the cellular structure. It doesn't turn on allergies; it runs out allergies. Evidently anything that niacin does is the result of running out and running through past deficiencies. CAUTION: The manifestations niacin produces can be quite horrifying. Some of the somatics and manifestations the person may turn on are not just somatics in lots of cases, in my experience. I have seen a full blown case of skin cancer turn on and run out. So, a person can turn on skin cancer with this and if that should happen if niacin is continued the skin cancer has run out completely. Other things that may turn on are hives, flu symptoms, gastroenteritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestine), aching bones, upset stomach or a fearful or terrified condition. There seems to be no limit to the variety of phenomena that may occur with niacin. If it is there to turn on by niacin it apparently will do so with niacin. The two vital and proven facts here are: 1. When the niacin was carried on until these things discharged they did run out, as they will do. (Sometimes people chicken out on it and don't finish the course and it leaves them hung up. This should not be allowed to happen.) IT IS A MATTER OF RECORD THAT WHAT TURNS IT ON WILL TURN IT OFF WHERE NIACIN IS CONCERNED. 2. When the niacin dosage was increased and the whole lot of the rest of the vitamins being taken was also increased proportionately, the niacin itself, taken in large amounts, did not create a vitamin deficiency. Increasing Niacin and Other Vitamin Quantities Most persons who have done the Purification Rundown started niacin at 100 mgs a day (some took lesser amounts, depending upon tolerance) and increased the dosage as they progressed. The best results were obtained when niacin was taken all at one time, no split up during the day. Taken with water on an empty stomach it can be very upsetting. It is found to be best taken after a meal or with yoghurt or milk. To increase the dosage, a specific quantity of niacin was administered each day until the effect that dosage produced diminished. One would then, next day, up the dosage on a gradient, say in amounts of 100 mg. In this way you get an overlap of the old dosage becoming useless and the new dosage being needed. This tended to speed up the action considerably when continued each time the effect of the dosage diminished. The other vitamins would have to be increased proportionately to niacin at the same time the niacin is increased as they are interacting in the deficiencies and more are needed. It was found essential that C, B1 and other B vitamins need to be given in ratio to the niacin being fed. In other words, as you up the niacin you would up the B1 and the B Complex. And also as the niacin is upped, the Vitamin C would be upped. These things would have to be kept in ratio. The theory here is that one, by overdosing one vitamin, can create a deficiency artificially of another vitamin. This is a principle I hit upon as early as 1950 and proved it. 173 You can actually create a deficiency in C by administering B and calcium. All you have to do is pump those things to the guy in very very heavy dosages and he will develop the deficiency characteristics of C. His teeth begin to hurt. Then when you give him C the manifestations go away. In other words, an overdose of X and Y can apparently create a deficiency in vitamin Z. The reason for all this is that a vitamin is making certain changes in the body and these changes to occur fully also require the additional vitamin. But that additional vitamin isn't there. So it gives the manifestation of being in deficiency. All of this is my own private theory; it isn't anywhere else and it hasn't been subjected to tremendous and intensive research. But I sure can turn on a Vitamin C deficiency in anybody by overadministering B and calcium. In other words, vitamin rations would have to be in proportion to one another. MINERALS Between 1945 and 1973 I studied the endocrine system. In 1973 it seemed that minerals and trace minerals operating in the blood stream and circulated by other body fluids were a key to glandular interactions. The theory is: Every gland in the body specializes in one or more Minerals and actually that is how they make themselves interact one with another. The endocrine system of the body monitors the endocrine system of the body apparently through minerals. As various drugs upset the whole endocrine system of the body you can see that the moment you start administering vitamins and sweat out and things like that you're going to get a mineral demand in the body. Therefore, there would need to be certain mineral dosages right along with the rest of this package. The principle here is that by giving one or two vitamins in excess amount you can create a nutritional deficiency of another vitamin which isn't being given or isn't being given in enough quantity. Thus, what could slow down the Purification Rundown and make it appear unflat would be a nutritional failure -- a failure to flank the niacin on either side by sufficient amounts of the other needed vitamins and minerals in proportion and a food intake which includes vegetables and oil. In such a case one would be looking at created nutritional deficiencies -- not conditions which were there to begin with to be run out. Not knowing these things is probably what made the medics earlier believe that niacin had side effects. The side effects were probably somatics and manifestations half run out and deficiencies created by not flanking niacin with the other vitamins and minerals and oils necessary to cause a rebuild. CAL-MAG Calcium is a must where any healing or exchange process is involved as it is a basic building block. But more important, it is calcium which affects the nervous system. I do not know the total relationship between calcium and toxic substances (and neither docs anyone else) but it actually exists. The rationale back of this is that calcium in deficiency sets a person up for spasms. Nerve spasms occur in the absence of calcium. A person who thinks he is in high tension or something of the sort may simply have a calcium deficiency. Calcium would be administered in company with magnesium. Magnesium itself has been proven necessary to keep the nerves smoothed out. The proven ratio is one half the quantity of magnesium to the quantity of calcium. Something else odd about calcium is that it has to have an acidic base to operate in. If the system is too alkaline the calcium will not release the positive ion which makes it 174 possible for the calcium to operate in the cellular structure and go through the vein walls and the intestinal walls and so forth. In other words, in an alkaline system calcium is ineffective and inactive. So this brings us up to vinegar, which would add the acidic base. With calcium, magnesium and vinegar, in their correct quantities, in water exactly per the recipe, we have Cal-Mag. That is what "Cal-Mag" is and what it does. I developed and worked this out in 1973 against the very best biochemical background and references and tests. Calcium and magnesium can be taken in order to prevent sore muscles. Cal- Mag has been found to have the added benefit of balancing out the Vitamin B1 taken, as Vitamin B1 taken without calcium can cause serious teeth problems due to causing an imbalance of vitamins and minerals. The Cal-Mag formula, as given in HCOB 5 Nov 74 DRUGS, MORE ABOUT is repeated here: 1. Put one level tablespoon of calcium gluconate in a normal sized glass. 2. Add 1/2 level teaspoon of magnesium carbonate. 3. Add 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar (at least 5% acidity). 4. Stir it well. 5. Add 1/2 glass of boiling water and stir until all the powder is dissolved and the liquid is clear. (If this doesn't occur it could be from poor grade or old magnesium carbonate.) 6. Fill the remainder of glass with lukewarm or cold water and cover. It will stay good for 2 days. NOTE: There is a warning about Cal-Mag. Variations from the above can produce an unsuccessful mess that can taste pretty horrible. It can be made incorrectly so that it doesn't dissolve and become the most unpalatable, ghastly stuff anybody ever fed anybody. Possibly made incorrectly it is even unworkable. Made correctly it is a very clear liquid, quite pleasant to take and palatable. So the directions should be followed very explicitly to produce a proper Cal-Mag, pleasant to take and very beneficial. MANIFESTATIONS Various manifestations turn up on the Purification Program and these can vary widely from person to person. Anything from insect bites to a full blown restimulation of an LSD trip may turn on and these all simply run themselves out and blow as the program is continued. If there are heavy drugs to be flushed out it is not uncommon for the person to experience a restim of whatever the effects of the drug or medicine were when he first took it. Old injuries or old somatics may turn on, flare up for a brief spell and vanish. It is important to note that a given manifestation which turns on may turn on and vanish wholly or partly in any given day. Then it may turn on again the following day but less. If one increases the vitamin and mineral dosage at this time, the manifestation will turn on again. But it will be less. These things don't become more and more violent day by day, they become less and less day by day, providing the whole Purification Rundown is continued properly. At length, the vitamins, minerals, etc. no longer turn the manifestation on and it is gone. There is evidence that no amount of vitamins and mineral dosage above a certain final level for the given individual will turn the manifestation on again. The trick is to take a proper gradient with the vitamins and minerals. When you go out gradient they can turn on awfully hard so don't get in a rush. And don't chicken out either. Emotions that have been shut off may start to reappear. The person can blow 175 through stupidity and become more aware. He may find he can do actions more easily and consequences start to take on a new meaning to him. Memory can return. At first some individuals may feel other-determinism about doing this program but that will gradually change and he or she will want to do it on his own determinism and for his or her own welfare. Most individuals embrace it with enthusiasm. As long as the precautions listed earlier are well taken and the procedure followed exactly as given, the solution to any manifestation is to continue the program until the phenomenon blows. The manifestations become less and less frequent until finally they cease altogether. TRIPS If a person is having trips during the program, he should take a lot of extra Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C in correct ratio to other vitamins as these aid the body, especially the liver in getting rid of the drugs in the system. Normally the vitamins and minerals in the program are sufficient for the body to handle the residual drugs which come out. ADMINISTRATION The advices on the administration of the Purification Rundown are taken from the practical experience of large pilot projects. They should not be lightly disregarded. One may find that people administering the program tend to enter their own fads and hobbies into it, or needing it themselves, avoid delivering it. The Purification Rundown runs best when purely delivered. Any org or person administering it should: A. Get a signed release or quit claim from the person as is usual. B. See that the person understands that the action is being undertaken to help free him as a spirit and is not a medical treatment. C. No medication of a medical nature; vitamins, minerals and oils are food. D. Brief the person as to what he can expect and why, making no promises. E. Getting his promise to follow orders and complete the rundown and not blow it because it's uncomfortable or because he is lazy or has other appointments. Testing A battery of tests should be done on the individual and should be done before and after the Purification Rundown. These would include OCA. IQ, any learning rate tests that may exist and any other tests which would give a before and after picture of the person. These of course, include weight, blood pressure, etc. The Purification Program must be tightly supervised to be successful. The program is done under the close supervision of the Medical Officer, the Purification Program In Charge and the Case Supervisor. Purification Program In Charge The In Charge will be the D of P (for org public) or the DPE or other appointed person (for org staff). The Program I/C must closely supervise each person's progress on the program and must ensure the program is done faithfully and with all points of the program in. When supervising a large group, the Program I/C is assisted by one or more deputies and a Purification Program Admin, who maintains the progress board, handles filing in pc folders and transports folders to and from the C/S. 176 The person's daily schedule must be set up so that he is always running or sweating in the sauna with at least one other person. It is important, especially when a group of people are doing the Purification Program at the same time, that musters and roll calls are held by the Program I/C or his deputy. Where individuals are not doing the program in a group, they should twin up and each twin assumes responsibility for the other and sees that he does the program fully. Anyone not keeping to his schedule or the program as written is handled by the Program I/C with warnings, cramming, chits, or ethics, as needed. THE PROGRAM I/C IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT EVERYONE PARTICIPATING IN THE PROGRAM GETS THROUGH IT CORRECTLY AND COMPLETELY AND ATTESTS TO IT UPON COMPLETION. Medical Officer Before beginning the Purification Program, a person must first get written Medical Officer okay. The Medical Officer gives a person okay to go onto the program only after ensuring that the person's blood pressure is normal and that he is not anemic. The M.O. does these checks himself where he is trained to do so. He also checks for any vitamin and mineral deficiencies the person may have and gets him onto a program of vitamin and mineral supplements to correct this. A thorough medical examination by a doctor may, in some cases, be required before a person is given a medical okay to begin the Purification Program. While on the program, the person daily reports in to the Medical Officer who issues him his vitamins, minerals, niacin and oil and sees how he is doing. Blood pressure and anemia checks are redone as needed. He also writes up any needed medical reports on the person and these are immediately filed in his pc folder for the C/S to inspect. Case Supervisor C/S okay to begin the program is required. The C/S then continues to supervise the progress of each person on the program on a daily basis. It must be noted that this is a fully C/Sed action. Daily Reports Each program participant writes a daily report which includes: 1. How long he jogged. 2. How long he sweated in the sauna. 3. Vitamins taken and in what amount. 4. Minerals taken and in what amount. 5. Niacin taken and in what amount. 6. Cal-Mag taken and in what amount. 7. Salt taken and in what amount. 8. Weight (include any gain or loss). 9. Any occurrences, somatics, restimulations. 10. Wins. 177 The daily reports are given to the Program I/C or his deputy or are placed in his basket. They are read by the I/C to ensure the person is doing the program and then filed in his pc folder, which goes in to the C/S. The C/S verifies each person's daily progress (initialling the daily report and any medical reports to show he has inspected them) and writes orders to correct any out-tech found, such as not taking the right vitamins, etc. The folder is returned to the Program I/C who checks the written C/S and executes any C/S orders, such as getting the person back onto the correct vitamins, getting the person to attest, and so on. The program is run in this fashion until it is completed. END PHENOMENA The purpose of this program is very simply to clean out and purify one's system of all the accumulated impurities such as drugs, insecticides and pesticides, food preservatives, etc., etc. For someone who has taken LSD or Angel Dust this would include getting rid of any residual crystals from the body. When this has been accomplished the program is complete. As the person goes through the Purification Program, one should be able to see an improvement in his physical well-being as he rids the system of its accumulated impurities. Obviously if the person is still feeling the effects of past drugs or chemicals going into restimulation, the program cannot be considered complete and must be continued until all these manifestations have turned off completely. The product of this program is a purified body, free from the impurities, drugs, etc., that had accumulated in it. It is up to the C/S to send the person to attest when the above product has been achieved. A continuation of the vitamins, minerals, oil, vegetables and Cal-Mag, at least at the rate of recommended daily requirements in balanced amounts is wise after the rundown is completed. A sudden cessation of such a heavy vitamin dosage can itself produce a letdown. It is possible the person should come off them on a steep gradient rather than abruptly. Particularly, where drug damage to the brain or nerves has occurred, the body needs these things to rebuild itself. If one doesn't do the above there can be a brief apparency of a letdown. Remember that the person has probably been leading an unhealthy life without proper nutrition, sleep and exercise so it would be a good idea to recommend moderate daily dietetic and exercise disciplines so he will stay healthy, having nothing to do with therapy. If such a letdown occurs the C/S should take the above into account, otherwise he may be puzzled. He will find a certain number skimped the rundown are unflat but the majority of such simply went back to an exerciseless, five packs of cigs a day, vitamin and mineral deprived life. Such regimen recommendations are up to people who specialize in them. No fads please. The C/S must remember that the person should now be restored to any interrupted program or C/Sed for his next level or, if he is also PTS, should be de-PTSed. For most the next C/S would be Objective Processing. The person has not finished his processing with the Purification Rundown. He has just cleared the way to get real case gains. 178 LENGTH OF PROGRAM One should be able to get through the whole program in two weeks at five hours a day. Some will take more and some will take less. If the procedure in this HCOB is exactly followed this will not become a long, drawn-out action. SUMMARY With the Purification Program we now have the means to get rapid recovery from the effects of the accumulation of the environmental chemical poisons as well as the medical drugs and street drugs which inhibit the progress of cases. By reducing the time required for sweat out and increasing its efficiency, we are able to make the Purification Program a single, easily completed step. With the inclusion of vitamins, minerals and oils we are able to work toward restoring the biochemical balance of the body and make it possible for the body to reconstruct itself from the damage done by drugs and other biochemical substances. We have brought the person up to the level where he is now ready for processing and can truly achieve biophysical and then mental and spiritual gain. From this step alone one will see some sparkling results. The Purification Rundown should be ideally followed by auditing. The type of auditing most beneficial for the next step is "Objective Processing." An enormous body of work exists for this next level, none of which is changed by the Purification Rundown. The Purification Rundown only undercuts it. As the world sinks we get below it to prop it up! Let's give this program a total push and take a major step toward a drug- free society and planet! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright$c 1978, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The Purification Rundown has as its sole purpose the handling of the restimulative effects of drugs and toxic residuals on a spiritual being. The Purification Rundown is a spiritual activity based on and administered according to the doctrine and practices of the religion of Scientology as set forth in the writings of L. Ron Hubbard and adopted by the Church. No part of the rundown is intended as the diagnosis, prescription for, or treatment of any bodily or physical condition or ill. The Church is not responsible for the handling of any bodily or physical condition or ill, it being the responsibility of the individual to seek the competent medical advice and treatment of his doctor in such matters. THE BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 179  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/2/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=20/12/79 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN --ERRATA AND ADDITIONS Amendment to HCOB 6 Feb 78RA, THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN REPLACES THE SWEAT PROGRAM   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 FEBRUARY 1978RA-1 ADDITION OF 20 DECEMBER 1979 Remimeo THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN -- ERRATA AND ADDITIONS Amendment to HCOB 6 Feb 78RA, THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN REPLACES THE SWEAT PROGRAM ERRATA In HCOB 6 Feb 78RA, THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN REPLACES THE SWEAT PROGRAM, under "Exercise and Sauna," page 167, in the twelfth paragraph from the top of the page, a clarification was omitted at the end of the last sentence. This paragraph, with the full clarification added, is amended to read: "Running is done on a daily basis once the person has been assigned to this program. It is done in a rubberized or vinyl-type sweat suit when persons are not also being given sauna or steam bath treatment. When the Purification Rundown is being delivered with the sauna, the rubberized or vinyl-type sweat suit is omitted in running but the running is still done and is a necessary part of the rundown." In other words, when the person is doing the Purification Rundown standardly and using the sauna he must also run to work up his circulation prior to going into the sauna, but he does not wear a rubberized or vinyl-type sweat suit when he runs. When a sauna is not available, some but much slower results are obtained by running in a rubberized sweat suit, as in the original Sweat Out Program, which has now been supplemented by my later discoveries. ADDITIONS Exercise and Sauna As stated in HCOB 6 Feb 78RA, the bulk of the 5 hours daily period of running and sauna sweat out is best spent in the sauna after the circulation has been worked up by running. It should be reemphasized here that the 5-hour period is NOT 50% exercising and 50% sauna. The rundown gives best results and works like a bomb with a much lower percentage of time exercising and a much higher percentage in the sauna. Sauna When people get too warm or feeling faint, or when the body temperature gets too high in the sauna, it is permissible for one to go out and take a shower and then go back into the sauna. One could get over-heated to the point of simply keeling over due to the heat, and the handling for this is to take a cold shower. People who are having a hard time spending consecutive hours in the sauna are permitted to do so. A similar manifestation can be caused by lack of salt or potassium, so one must watch for any symptoms of salt or potassium depletion and handle such manifestations with extra salt intake or potassium gluconate tablets, as covered on page 168 of HCOB 6 Feb 78RA. 180 It is advisable not to fall asleep in the sauna as overheating or salt or potassium depletion could occur while one was asleep. Steam Baths Steam baths, at similar temperatures to the sauna, can be used by themselves when available. They serve much the same purpose as the dry sauna and it has been suggested that a steam bath may even work faster, but this has not been tested or confirmed. The steam bath is not preferable to a sauna but produces a similar effect. Either can be used. The same tips and precautions apply to the use of a steam bath as to the sauna. Eucalyptus Oil A small quantity of eucalyptus oil is sometimes added to the steam in a steam bath or similarly used in some saunas. In a modern sauna or steam bath, the procedure is to simply put one or two capfuls of eucalyptus oil in a bucket of water in the room. As it then evaporates (the oil will evaporate before the water does), more can be added as needed. Some people don't like the smell of eucalyptus at all, while others find it pleasant. If the solution is too strong it can cause watering of the eyes or nausea in some cases. Thus, one would survey before using it and, if used, it should be in appropriate small quantities. Used correctly, eucalyptus has been reported to be beneficial in clearing up the lungs and clearing the sinuses. One person has reported his voice smoothing out as a result of using eucalyptus oil in the sauna. It is not a mandatory step on the Purification Rundown, but as an optional step the data given here on the use of eucalyptus oil in the sauna or steam bath should be known. Whether or not eucalyptus is used, it goes without saying that a sauna or steam bath should be kept hygienic and free of odors by scrubbing the room at least once, or oftener, daily. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nc Copyright $c 1978, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 181  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/3/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=14/11/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 59RA CLEARING WORDS  Type = 12 iDate=16/12/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MARCH 1978RA Remimeo REVISED 14 NOVEMBER 1979 (CANCELS BTB 16 Dec 73, Word Clearing Series 51, WORD CLEARING ERRORS.) (Revisions not printed in a different type style) Word Clearing Series 59RA CLEARING WORDS (Ref: HCOB 7 Sep 74 Word Clearing Series 54 SUPERLITERACY AND THE CLEARED WORD HCOB 17 Jul 79 I Word Clearing Series 64 THE MISUNDERSTOOD WORD, DEFINED) In research concerning Word Clearing, study and training done with various groups over the recent past months, it has become all too obvious that a misunderstood word remains misunderstood and will later hang a person up unless he clears the meaning of the word in the context of the materials being read or studied and also clears it in all of its various uses in general communication. When a word has several different definitions, one cannot limit his understanding of the word to one definition only and call the word "understood." One must be able to understand the word when, at a later date, it is used in a different way. HOW TO CLEAR A WORD To clear a word one looks it up in a good dictionary. Dictionaries recommended are The Oxford English Dictionary or the Shorter Oxford Dictionary and Funk and Wagnall's Standard English Dictionary. The first step is to look rapidly over the definitions to find the one which applies to the context in which the word was misunderstood. One reads the definition and uses it in sentences until one has a clear concept of that meaning of the word. This could require ten or more sentences. Then one clears each of the other definitions of that word, using each in sentences until one has a conceptual understanding of each definition. The next thing to do is to clear the derivation -- which is the explanation of where the word came from originally. This will help gain a basic understanding of the word. Don't clear the technical or specialized definitions (math, biology, etc.) or obsolete (no longer used) or archaic (ancient and no longer in general use) definitions unless the word is being used that way in the context where it was misunderstood. Most dictionaries give the idioms of a word. An idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the ordinary meanings of the words. For example, "give in" is an English idiom meaning "yield." Quite a few words in English have idiomatic uses and these are usually given in a dictionary after the definitions of the word itself. These idioms have to be cleared. 182 One must also clear any other information given about the word, such as notes on its usage, synonyms, etc. so as to have a full understanding of the word. If one encounters a misunderstood word or symbol in the definition of a word being cleared, one must clear it right away using this same procedure and then return to the definition one was clearing. (Dictionary symbols and abbreviations are usually given in the front of the dictionary.) EXAMPLE You are reading the sentence "He used to clean chimneys for a living" and you're not sure what "chimneys" means. You find it in the dictionary and look through the definitions for the one that applies. It says "A flue for the smoke or gases from a fire." You're not sure what "flue" means so you look that up: it says "A channel or passage for smoke, air or gasses of combustion." That fits and makes sense so you use it in some sentences until you have a clear concept of it. "Flue" in this dictionary has other definitions, each of which you would clear and use in sentences. Look up the derivation of the word "flue." Now go back to "chimney." The definition "A flue for the smoke or gases from a fire," now makes sense so you use it in sentences until you have a concept of it. You then clear the other definitions. One dictionary has an obsolete definition and a geological definition. You would skip both of these as they aren't in common usage. Now clear up the derivation of the word. One finds in the derivation that it originally came from the Greek word "kaminos," which means "furnace." If the word had any synonym studies, usage notes or idioms, they would all be cleared too. That would be the end of clearing "chimney." CONTEXT UNKNOWN If you don't know the context of the word, as in Word Clearing Methods 1, 5 (when done from a list), 6 or 8, you should start with the first definition and clear all definitions, derivation, idioms, etc. as covered above. "WORD CHAINS" If you find yourself spending a lot of time clearing words within definitions of words, you should get a simpler dictionary. A good dictionary will enable you to clear a word without having to look up a lot of other ones in the process. CLEARED WORDS A CLEARED WORD IS ONE WHICH HAS BEEN CLEARED TO THE POINT OF FULL CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING BY CLEARING EACH OF THE COMMON MEANINGS OF THAT WORD PLUS ANY TECHNICAL OR SPECIALIZED MEANINGS OF THAT WORD THAT PERTAIN TO THE SUBJECT BEING HANDLED. That's what a cleared word is. It is a word that is understood. In metered Word Clearing this would be accompanied by a floating needle and very good indicators. There 183 can be more than one F/N per word. Clearing a word must end in an F/N and VGIs. Off the meter this would be accompanied by very good indicators. The above is the way a word should be cleared. When words are understood, communication can take place and with communication any given subject can be understood. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright $c 1978, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 184  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/9/78 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=31/1/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RDs   Remimeo NED Checksheets All Supervisors All C/Ses All Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 SEPTEMBER 1978R Issue I Remimeo NED Checksheets REVISED 31 JANUARY 1979 All Supervisors All C/Ses (Revisions not printed in a different type style) All Auditors THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RDs (Ref: HCOB 19 Sep 78R THE END OF ENDLESS Iss II DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR Rev. 31.1.79 LIST) The possibility of running a Drug RD flat on a pc is totally zilch and the reason for this is that there have been innumerable cultures in the several universes that were far more drug oriented than this one. And even on a person that's not manifesting drugs and hasn't taken any this lifetime, you can collide with these cultures and universes if you keep pushing it. Over the years some pcs have had Drug Rundowns which stretched interminably into hundreds of hours. And some pcs have had drugs handled once, only to have them rehandled and then rehandled again at some later date in what appear to have been endless Drug Rundowns. This has been largely due to the listing and running of whole track drugs or, through Dianetic auditing errors, the collision with and restimulation of early drug cultures on the track. This endless auditing of drugs can have built up charge which is preventing the pc from getting all the gain possible from his next grade, or it can even act to prevent him from wanting further auditing. There is an end to endless drug handling. We have it now in a rundown which is called The End of Endless Drug Rundowns Repair List. THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR LIST (Ref: HCOB 19 Sept 78R, Issue II, Rev. 31.1.79, same title.) A prerequisite for this rundown is the C/S 53RL to F/Ning list. (The C/S 53 is not included as a part of the rundown itself, but is done separately as a set-up action.) When properly set up, the pc is given THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR LIST and any reading items handled as indicated. This rundown is for those pcs who have previously been run on an old Drug Rundown, done by old style drug handling. (Rarely, if ever, would it apply to a person audited on the NED new Drug Rundown as covered in HCOB 15 July 71 RC, NED Series 9RB, DRUG HANDLING.) THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR LIST resolves the situation for a pc who has been overaudited on drugs, who has been misrun on drugs, who has had an endless Drug Rundown and/or who has bypassed charge on auditing on drugs. 185 It simply and terminatedly cleans up any overrun, misrun or unrun drugs and the charge left with the pc as a result of these. In fairly short order it gets the pc truly completed on the subject, in good shape and ready to continue on his next case action. A lot of cases will now be sorted out and the speed of moving up the Bridge will be greatly increased. NEW ERA DIANETICS DRUG RUNDOWN A SEPARATE ACTION The NED Drug Rundown (HCOB 15 July 71 RC, Issue III, IMPORTANT URGENT, C/S Series 48RD, NED Series 9RB, DRUG HANDLING) is an entirely separate action from THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR LIST. The NED Drug Rundown is for beginning Dianetic pcs or those who have not previously had a Drug Rundown. Its steps have been arranged to prevent the endless running and rehandling of drugs. You can always find more drugs on the track. What you're interested in is this lifetime and this body. This doesn't mean you don't run track on the Drug RD, you just don't push it. Don't ask for whole track drugs. When you list out the drugs, medicine and alcohol a pc has taken, you only want the ones he has taken this lifetime. Objectives are run first on the pc. Each reading drug, medicine or alcohol the pc has taken this lifetime is then run narrative, followed by preassessment then prior assessment and, as a final step. more Objectives are given to bring the pc into PT after the engram running. The full and complete steps are listed in HCOB 15 July 71 RC, URGENT IMPORTANT, C/S Series 48RD, NED Series 9RB, DRUG HANDLING and HCOB 22 June 78R, NED Series 2R, NEW ERA DIANETICS FULL PC PROGRAM OUTLINE. These refined and thorough steps allow the Drug Rundown to be taken to a flat point of freedom from the harmful effects of this lifetime drugs, medicine and alcohol and an F/Ning drug list. Where the old Drug Rundown took hundreds of hours and sometimes had to be repeated, the NED Drug Rundown requires only a few intensives to accomplish the final, finished result. With the tech of these two separate rundowns -- one for the new pc, one for handling the pc who has been run and rerun on drugs old style -- we truly have an end to endless drug handling. THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR LIST is to be put to full use to rapidly handle those pcs who have been stalled and plagued by endless drug handling. I expect each org and mission to get it applied and get such pcs advancing! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1978, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 186  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/9/78 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=31/1/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR LIST   Remimeo All Dn Auditors All C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 SEPTEMBER 1978R Remimeo Issue II All Dn Auditors REVISED 31 JANUARY 1979 All C/Ses (Revisions in this type style) THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR LIST (Ref: HCOB 19 Sep 78R, Iss I, Rev. 31 Jan 79, THE END OF ENDLESS DRUG RDs.) The End of Endless Drug Rundowns Repair List is the rundown for handling a pc who has been overaudited on drugs, who has had an endless Drug Rundown done by old style drug auditing, and/or who has bypassed charge on auditing on drugs. A prerequisite for the rundown is that the pc is first set up for the rundown with a C/S 53RL to F/Ning list. (The C/S 53 is not part of the rundown itself but is required as a set-up action which is done separately.) The End of Endless Drug Rundowns Repair List is then delivered as a rundown in itself. Assess it Method 5 and handle in order of largest read. NOTE: This list can be assessed on Dianetic Clears, Clears and OTs, but where a reading item calls for any Dianetic auditing (items 7 and 9) it is NOT done. (Ref: HCOB 12 Sep 78, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTs.) On Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears the handling on such items is to simply indicate the read. 1. WAS THE DRUG RUNDOWN CONTINUED PAST THE POINT WHEN YOU WERE NO LONGER AFFECTED BY DRUGS? _______ (Indicate. Ask pc if he can find that point.) 2. WAS THE DRUG RUNDOWN CONTINUED PAST THE POINT WHEN YOU WERE RELEASED FROM THE EFFECTS OF DRUGS? _______ (Indicate. Ask pc if he can find that point.) 3. ON THE DRUG RUNDOWN, WERE YOU RUN ON AN UNCHARGED DRUG? _______ (Find which drug wasn't charged and indicate it shouldn't have been run. May be more than one uncharged drug; handle each by indicating on each.) 4. ON THE DRUG RUNDOWN, WERE YOU RUN ON AN UNCHARGED INCIDENT OR ITEM? _______ (Find which and indicate it shouldn't have been run. There may be more than one; handle each by indicating on each.) 5. ON THE DRUG RUNDOWN, WERE YOU ASKED TO LIST WHOLE TRACK DRUGS? _______ (Indicate that this may have restimulated drugs he was not affected by in this lifetime.) 187 6. ON THE DRUG RUNDOWN, WERE YOU PREVENTED FROM GETTING GRADES OR OTHER AUDITING? _______ (Indicate.) 7. ON THE DRUG RUNDOWN, WAS AN INCIDENT OR CHAIN LEFT UNFLAT? _______ (Indicate. Flatten the incident or chain R3RA.) 8. ON THE DRUG RUNDOWN, WAS AN INCIDENT OR CHAIN OVERRUN? _______ (Indicate it. Spot the flat point.) 9. ON THE DRUG RUNDOWN, WAS A CHARGED DRUG NOT RUN? _______ (Find which and handle per NED Drug RD steps.) 10. WAS THE DRUG RUNDOWN CONTINUED PAST THE POINT WHEN YOU FELT THE DRUG LIST WAS F/NING? _______ (Indicate. Ask pc if he can spot that point.) 11. WERE YOU NOT ALLOWED TO DECLARE YOUR DRUG RUNDOWN COMPLETE? _______ (Indicate. Let pc say what he/she wishes on this.) 12. WERE YOU TOLD YOU WERE A DRUGGIE WHEN YOU WEREN'T? _______ (Indicate it, and that pc isn't a druggie.) 13. WERE YOU AUDITED ON DIANETICS OR NEW ERA DIANETICS AFTER DIANETIC CLEAR? _______ (If so, indicate that Dianetic auditing should not have been continued past Dianetic Clear.) 14. ON THE DRUG RUNDOWN, WAS SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _______ (Indicate. Have pc tell you what he/she thinks this was. If no F/N, turn it in to a Scientology C/S to handle.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr.clb Copyright$c 1978, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 188  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/9/78 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=2 rDate=21/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 4RA URGENT -- IMPORTANT THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN   Remimeo Auditors C/Ses CI IV Grad Checksheet Tech/Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 SEPTEMBER 1978RA Issue I Remimeo REVISED 21 FEBRUARY 1979 Auditors C/Ses CI IV Grad (All changes are in this type style) Checksheet (Ellipses indicate deletions) Tech/Qual (NOTE: Some auditors have had trouble with this rundown. It has therefore been extensively revised as per this issue. Before running a pc on this rundown, get the auditor M9ed and M4ed and starrated on the RD. Also make sure that he can operate a meter and do TRs if he has trouble with it in the future. These changes in this RD are considerable and are for immediate use and the earlier rendition of it is not to be used. Out-Int as a case condition along with R3RA audited over and beyond Dianetic Clear are primary reasons for case bogs. The percentage of out-Int may be as much as 75% in any given area. Therefore the Int RD run with NED on non-Clears and the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown are the most important single auditing actions an auditor can do and will produce the most surprising results when the condition is present and is expertly audited.) Interiorization Rundown Series 4RA URGENT -- IMPORTANT THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN We needed a rundown that would handle what, for some pcs, has been an endless trail of repair of repair of repair of Int. I have now fully researched and developed the process to handle this and can release it for broad use. THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN is just that. It is the answer to Int troubles. The rundown consists of running Int by Recall by a very precise and simple method. At first glance it would not seem possible that such a process would handle the more resistive-appearing Int repair problems which keep coming up on some pcs. This appearance is deceptive, however, as the process is very, very effective. It runs lightly and easily on pcs, but with far-reaching results. Skillfully handled, it quite miraculously smooths out and resolves Int on both new pcs and those pcs on whom Int repeatedly kicks in. Of course an Int Rundown has to be run, per HCOB 4 Jan 71 R, but when it is later found that the Int Rundown must be repaired then this rundown is used. It does not replace the original Int Rundown, which has been newly revised with several more buttons and New Era Dianetics commands added (HCOB 4 Jan 71 R). Rather, it complements it. 189 The End of Endless Int Repair RD can be run on Dianetic Clears... as it addresses Int with Recalls.... (NOTE: It can NOT be run on any pc or pre-OT in the Non-Interference Zone (those between R6 Solo and OT III attest). As the End of Endless Int Repair RD is a major action, not a repair action, it is forbidden to be run on anyone in the Non-Interference Zone. Where a person in the Non-Interference Zone has been run on End of Endless Int he should finish up his current Solo level as feasible and get onto his next Solo level. Anyone who has been run on End of Endless Int while on OT III should be finished up as feasible on Solo OT III and gotten onto NED for OTs.) In certain isolated cases this process could be used as a preliminary method for handling Int on pcs who are weak or ill and not immediately up to running engrams or secondaries, or it could be used to cool down out-Int on a new pc who exteriorizes on Objectives and has not yet had a Dn C/S-1 or any NED auditing. But it is not a substitute for the revised Int Rundown and in the above instances you may find the pc may eventually need the revised Int Rundown itself. The prime purpose and use of the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown is, exactly as its name implies, to handle an endless "repair of repair of repair" of Int. If a regular Int Rundown has been done and Int continues to kick in after fully standard Int correction, the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown is the answer. It effectively resolves persistent Int problems. WHEN TO RUN AN END OF ENDLESS INT RUNDOWN When an auditor or C/S encounters out-Int on a case there is a choice of what action to take to handle it. The choice depends on what actions have been taken previously on the case on the subject of Int. The first thing to determine is whether or not Int is actually out. You cannot audit a person on anything else besides Int, if Int is out. You also cannot run anything which is not charged (reading), as to do so hangs the pc with a wrong/uncharged item. An auditor getting a read on the Int section of the C/S 53 must be careful to verify that this is a valid read, and not a false read or protest read. This is very important as you must not audit a pc on Int if it is not charged, and you must not audit a pc on anything else if Int is out. You determine whether the pc has already had an Int Rundown, and whether it was correctly done or flubbed. If it was flubbed were Dianetic errors repaired with an L3RF on the Dianetic chains? Has the pc had an Int Rundown Correction List? (These must be determined because the End of Endless Int Rundown is not a substitute for the Int Rundown, and it does not substitute for an Int Rundown Correction List. Dianetic errors must be repaired with an L3RF.) These must be determined by folder study and FES of the Int Rundown and any repairs of Int Rundown. If the pc has had an Int Rundown and it has been flubbed, you would do an Int Rundown Correction List and handle all of the various actions necessary, providing this is within the normal time span of the rundown. Don't try this months or years later. The End of Endless Int Rundown will not repair flagrant Dianetic errors. If the pc is having or was recently given an Int Rundown which has bogged or failed, then an Int Rundown Correction List including repair of any Dianetic errors is to be done. If the pc still has out-Int despite having had the Int Rundown and it has been repaired and all that is usual and ordinary has been done, then you would do the End of Endless Int Rundown. You must determine whether the pc is a Dianetic Clear, or whether he has become one somewhere along the line. If the pc has had Dianetic Clear rehabbed 190 since the original Int RD, check the dates to determine whether the pc was run on the Int RD by R3R or R3RA when he was a Dianetic Clear. If so this can be repaired by indicating to the pc that he was run on the Int RD on R3R or R3RA after Dianetic Clear. If these Int Dianetic chains are now reading, repair them by assessing an L3RF and indicating. (Do not get into running or continuing any R3R or R3RA on a Dianetic Clear.) If the person is a Dianetic Clear and Int is still out for some peculiar reason best known to Man or beast, the only choice we have is the End of Endless Int Rundown. The way to determine whether Int is out is normally by assessment of the C/S 53 buttons, and it is on this prepared list that out-Int is most often detected. You don't flatten the button, or try to handle the button that was found on the C/S53. This is the one exception on the C/S 53 whereby you do not just F/N it on the C/S 53 and go on. We have to examine the condition of the person on the subject of Int as above, to determine which way to go. Therefore you stop right there with a C/S 53, being careful to verify the fact that you actually have a read on Int, and not a false read or protest read. (And remember that some pcs, especially when Int has been run or repaired when it wasn't charged, can get so protesty on the subject that Int will now give a false read whenever it is mentioned due to protest. An auditor's TRs, metering and obnosis of the pc and whether the pc is in session or not have to be bad for this to occur, or for the auditor to now fail to determine whether it is a valid or false read on Int.) Having determined that you do have a valid read on Int, you would not proceed with the C/S 53, but end off the session. INT RUNDOWN TABLE The following table tells the auditor and C/S which way to go when handling out-Int. Once filled out this table should be kept with the pc Folder Summary in front inside of the pc folder beneath the pgm. And the table should be updated. Yes No A. IS THE READ ON INT A VALID READ? ____ ____ Is there any evidence of the pc having been run on Int due to a false or protest read? ____ ____ Any evidence of the read being caused by a Mis-U word? ____ ____ (If 'yes' on above get 'False read?' and 'Protest?' cleaned up or the Mis-U cleared and recheck the buttons on Section A of C/S 53 to find out if Int is charged.) B. HAS THE PC HAD A FULL INT RUNDOWN? ____ ____ (If 'no' or incomplete, it would have to be repaired and completed. NOTE: The Int RD would NOT be run on a Dianetic Clear, Clearer OT as they are not to be run on Dianetics in any form.) C. HAS THE PC HAD AN INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST? ____ ____ (If not, and there is any evidence of errors or lack of expected result, this should be done before continuing the Int RD or doing End of Endless Int Rundown. And if the pc has had several Int Rundown Correction Lists, realize that either the auditor can't make a list read, or is only getting false reads.) D. HAVE ANY R3R OR R3RA DIANETIC ERRORS ON THE INT RUNDOWN BEEN CORRECTED WITH AN L3RF? ____ ____ (If not, get these repaired, as continuing the RD, or doing End of Endless Int Rundown won't solve R3R or R3RA errors.) 191 E. IS THE PC A DIANETIC CLEAR OR ABOVE? ____ ____ Was the pc a Dianetic Clear when the Int RD was run on him by R3R or R3RA? ____ ____ (If 'yes' to either above, you must not run any Dianetics but if Int is still out after repairing any errors the End of Endless Int Rundown can be done on a Dianetic Clear. It can NOT be done between R6 Solo and OT III attest. If the pc was run on Dianetics on the Int RD after Dn Clear, the first action is to indicate the error of running Dianetics after Clear, and then repair any reading Dianetic Int chain with an L3RF, taking care to handle the reading lines by indication only, and not get into any running of Dianetics. This action alone will often cure any Int trouble on a Dn Clear, but if Int is still reading you can now handle it with the End of Endless Int Rundown.) THE END OF ENDLESS INT RUNDOWN PROCEDURE Having determined that you are going to do the End of Endless Int Rundown from the table above, you proceed as follows: 1. The auditor has the pc demonstrate the various flows. Remember that this must not be arduous because it is actually almost auditing to do this and the person's Int is out. If the pc is a Triple pc, have him demonstrate Flows 1, 2, 3. If the pc is a Quad pc, have him demonstrate Flows 1, 2, 3, 0. (Do not engage in flying ruds, Word Clearing, Touch Assists, Havingness or any other auditing over out-Int.) 2. Assess the End of Endless Int Rundown buttons. Take the largest read. 3. You then proceed to run this button with the End of Endless Int Rundown. This is done by assessing the flows. Take the flow that reads the largest and using the Recall Process that applies to that flow, run it until an F/N is achieved. 4. Then reassess all flows. You'll find the one you ran will be F/Ning. Another flow will be reading. Run the best reading flow by the Recall Process until it F/Ns. You repeat this procedure until all flows F/N. If during the period you are running these flows on that button, the pc has a large cog, F/N, GIs, remember that you may have blown all flows. At that moment without interrupting the pc's cognition you realize that you are finished with assessing the flows of this button. For caution's sake, you check the button to see if it now reads. Of course it will F/N. 5. You now reassess the whole End of Endless Int Rundown button list. The whole list might F/N at this point. On the other hand it might not. If you get a read on this assessment, you treat it exactly the same as you did priorly, (steps 3, 4, 5). You keep this up until you get an F/Ning assessment of the Int buttons. 6. You then wait a week and reassess the Int buttons list again. If you get a read, check for false read, check for protest. Make sure it is a valid read that you have and if it is, you treat that button exactly the same as above and proceed (per steps 3, 4, 5). When you get an F/Ning assessment of the Int buttons after the one week wait, the End of Endless Int Rundown is complete, and the pc is sent to declare. 192 THE INT BUTTONS GO IN WENT IN PUT IN INTERIORIZED INTO SOMETHING WANT TO GO IN CAN'T GET IN KICKED OUT OF SPACES CAN'T GO IN BEING TRAPPED FORCED IN PULLED IN PUSHED IN EXAMPLE: Int button assessed: PUT IN Assess the four flows with the wordings for that button but without using the word "Recall": F1:... you were put in something x F2:... you put another in something LF F3:... others put others in something x F0:... you put yourself in something sf Flow 2 reads best, so run Flow 2 to F/N, using the entire Recall command (i.e. "Recall a time when you put another in something"). Reassess all four flows, as above, using the same Int button.... Examples of the running commands for "PUT IN" would be: If F1 reads: "Recall a time when you were put in something." (to F/N.) If F2 reads: "Recall a time when you put another in something." (to F/N.) If F3 reads: "Recall a time when others put others in something." (to F/N.) If F0 reads: "Recall a time when you put yourself in something." (to F/N.) 193 CAUTIONS AND C/S TIPS The only time you check the button again while assessing flows is when the pc has had a cog, F/N, GIs, at which time you must suspect that the whole button has blown. This by the way happens in Int Rundowns and is the commonest cause of overrun Int. There is another way of addressing this if the pc isn't getting cognitions to amount to anything. When you get all flows on a button F/Ning, you can end off the session and check the next day to see if the flows are still F/Ning. It sometimes happens where you have a not very responsive pc, that it takes several days of assessment of the flows which F/Ned yesterday to carry the F/N through a whole day. These flows often read again the next day. This is because you are running Recall Processes, and Recall Processes are simply key- outs. Therefore you are getting something keying in and keying out and keying in and keying out. This is eventually overcome. Where you are doing this day- to-day handling of the same button, it would be vital to check the button for read before you assessed the flows on it the next day. The one-week wait is a compromise for the 3 to 10 day key-out period; you can't say wait for 3 to 10 days, so it is set at one week. During the rundown there may have been a momentary stir-up of some kind, such as a tiny ripple on an auditor's TRs rendition, or a badly mishandled origin that could cause an ARC break needle, or something like this could happen, so if you wait a week such trouble will key out, before you assess the buttons list again. Or you may have been riding a win, a persistent F/N on one button, when the whole subject of Int is not handled, and you will get environmental restimulation. Remember you are only handling Recalls, and a little more Recalls run will probably blow it for good. So you are waiting a week to see if the environment keys him in again. You reassess a week later and if the buttons are all clean, fine. But if something reads on the week later assessment that must mean an engram or something is pretty close to the surface still. You then handle it again and this time the little point that was missed will turn up and that will be the end of that. You handle the buttons to F/Ning assessment and then that is the end of that. The End of Endless Int Repair. (There is no second wait for another week.) Now of course if during the one-week wait the pc gets keyed-in again or originates or by reason of BIs or manifestation that Int is still out, you would not robotically wait out the whole week before giving the next session, as you now know he is not on a persistent F/N, and you know there is more to handle. And on the reassessment of the buttons after the week wait, the auditor must again be sure that it is a valid read on Int and not a false or protest read before he launches off into running anything again. False reads on the assessment, protest reads, or the pc suffering from something else entirely besides out-Int can cause a false read on assessment of the Int buttons. Hence the necessity to be sure you have a valid read before you proceed. And if the pc is caved in or BIs about it there is a little checklist that tells a C/S what to do about that too. The things that could go wrong are rather simple and are few in number. These are: a) Int wasn't out in the first place, b) The pc has been run on false reads, c) The pc was suffering from something else entirely other than out-Int, d) The auditor's TRs are bad, or broke the Auditor's Code, e) The auditor's metering was bad, giving wrong assessments, 194 f) The auditor overran F/Ns, or reran a flow that just F/Ned invalidating the F/N just gotten, g) Pc had a Mis-U on the word 'Recall' and was trying to run through engrams on the Recall Process, h) The pc had a major cog on the subject of Int, blowing the whole thing and the auditor went on, overrunning the Int Rundown or End of Endless Int Rundown, i) Pc was audited on some other action other than Int while Int was out -- such as rudiments, Touch Assists, Word Clearing or any other auditing or assist action, including illegal 2-way comms about his case or auditing, coffee shop or eval or inval by his 'friends' or others between sessions, j) Errors on the original Int RD weren't repaired before starting the End of Endless Int Rundown. If a C/S can't tell by folder inspection which of these it is he can have the pc interviewed by a D of P to find out, or even get the above assessed to find out which it is. VITAL DATA ON INT RD END PHENOMENA Exteriorization is not the EP of the Int Rundown. If it happens that the pc goes exterior during the RD, you end off gently as in any other auditing. But that is not the EP, and you may have to pick him up again later and complete the Int RD or handle it with the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. THE EP OF THE INT RUNDOWN IS NO MORE CONCERN OR TROUBLE WITH EXTERIORIZATION OR INTERIORIZATION. This is generally accomplished by auditing the pc to an F/Ning Int button list. But there is another phenomenon that can occur while running Int. IT IS VITAL THAT AN AUDITOR DOES NOT MISS THIS SHOULD IT HAPPEN. It goes like this: You're auditing along and suddenly some mass discharges, down comes the TA, you suddenly have a floating TA, and that's it. The pc has hit the EP. If you proceed past that point you're in trouble. You DON'T then reassess the Int button list and you DON'T continue running Quad Flows, even if all the flows have not yet been run on one reading button. You do nothing but take your paws off the meter and gently end the session. If you do otherwise you can mess up a case. It isn't exteriorization. Exteriorization could occur at the same time; however we could not care less because exteriorization is not the EP of the process. But at ANY point at which the above phenomenon occurs on the Int RD -- mass moves off, the TA comes crashing down and you can't keep the needle on the dial because the TA itself is floating -- you end off the rundown because you have the EP. What has happened here is that you've blown the stuck flow of "going in." Int sends the TA up because the person has plowed deeper into more and more mass and come out of less and less mass. You have been auditing the pc on 195 what has been, for eons, a stuck flow of obsessively going in. At any point in the auditing that stuck flow can suddenly give way. It heaves in the opposite direction, and the stuck flow of "going in" vanishes. When that happens it's the end of the process, as that is all you want to accomplish with the Int Rundown. If you were then to check the Int button list (which you DO NOT DO AT THIS POINT) you would find the Int buttons all F/Ning. REPAIRING REPAIR Over the years Int auditing has tended to be flubby. Int repair has been far too frequent and even repetitive on some pcs. Some auditors and C/Ses have decided Int RDs were "delicate" or "difficult" or very special. Well, Int is special and sometimes delicate, but it's not difficult. If an auditor is going to audit the Int Rundown successfully he must be skilled at metering, he must be flubless on R3RA and the commands of the process, and understand the theory of Int. He must know what an F/N is and what a Dianetic EP is and be able to recognize these when they occur. Much of the Int repair needed stems from errors made by auditors (or C/Ses): running Int when it was not needed, running it with the idea it would exteriorize the pc, auditing the RD over misunderstoods, overrunning the RD. These are all violations of the Auditor's Code, many of them then further complicated by Dianetic errors in running or repairing Int. There is another factor regarding the original Int Rundown which must not be overlooked. Although it comes under the heading of "overrunning the Int Rundown," it is sometimes neither seen nor understood. In doing the original Int Rundown it can occur that it completes before all flows are run. EXAMPLE: The auditor runs Flow 1 on engrams on the revised Int RD, then Flow 2, and suddenly gets a wide, persistent F/N and a dramatic resurge of the pc. The TA goes into lower range and the pc is bright and smiling. Then the auditor, if he's an idiot, proceeds to robotically run Flow 3 and Flow 0. The TA goes back up, the pc's chronic headache turns back on and the pc is set up for an endless repair of Int. I have seen this happen several times. The Int Rundown finished itself and nobody noticed except the pc. This is probably the most flagrant cause of Int repair and is peculiar to this rundown. The way to handle this is to rehab the point of completion as best you can and then run the recall version as given above and you will find that it usually comes out straight. The best way to handle, of course, is to do it right in the first place. But if, added to any or all of the above, you get an Int Correction List misassessed so that what's really wrong is missed and a falsely reading item taken up, you wind up with a mess. There is no excuse for overrunning the rundown, for Auditor's Code breaks, poor metering or flubby Dianetic auditing. On the other hand, interiorization, like any other condition connected with engrams, may have many chains connected with it. Thus, the process of day- to-day living can restimulate those chains and throw Int out. A C/S, faced with the possibility of any or all of the above being wrong could find himself staring into a maze. And he could err and order correction list after correction list, ad infinitum. 196 The rule is: THE CORRECT ACTION TO TAKE FIRST, IF SOMEONE IS HAVING TROUBLE WITH INT, IS TO ALWAYS GET A FES DONE ON THE ORIGINAL INT RD ITSELF AND ANY INT REPAIRS THAT HAVE BEEN DONE -- BEFORE ANOTHER CORRECTION LIST IS ORDERED. Very often the answer to the puzzle then leaps out. Get the errors corrected correctly. Any misassessed lists, misrun Dianetic chains, code breaks -- get it all cleaned up by an auditor who can read a meter and run and repair Dianetics flublessly. Don't let any auditor who isn't flubless on these points near an Int pc. With the errors truly and standardly handled and out of the way, if Int then continues to kick in, it's not another Int RD or another Int Correction List, it's the END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN you use. Run it to its EP and that will be the end of the trail of endless Int repair. If the C/S is in doubt about all this and gets into a mess trying to repair chains, he can cut directly onto this repair rundown as above with simply the Recall Processes, and he will get someplace. AFTER AN INT RD OR END OF ENDLESS INT RUNDOWN HAS BEEN COMPLETED ON A CASE AND DECLARED, THE NEXT ACTION MUST BE A C/S 53, ASSESSED AND HANDLED TO F/NING LIST. THIS MUST BE DONE AS THE NEXT ACTION AND MAY NOT BE LEFT NOT DONE. (The reason for this is that there are other things that can be wrong with a case, all of which are covered on the C/S 53, and these too must be handled.) There is no reason now for any pc (or C/S) to continue to be plagued with Int troubles. We have here a rundown which is easily and simply done, which can be run on a Dianetic Clear, or a pre-OT who is NOT on OT III or ANYWHERE between R6 Solo and OT III attest, on fragile pcs or weak or ill pcs, and is a rescue from overrepair. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revision as assisted by LRH Tech Comps LRH:LRHTC:dr.clb.jk Copyright$c 1978, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 197 HCOB 24.9.78RA Rev. 21.2.79 Attachment No. 1 INT RUNDOWN TABLE The following table tells the auditor and C/S which way to go when handling out-Int. Once filled out this table should be kept with the pc Folder Summary in front inside of the pc folder beneath the pgm. And the table should be updated. Yes No A. IS THE READ ON INT A VALID READ? ____ ____ Is there any evidence of the pc having been run on Int due to a false or protest read? ____ ____ Any evidence of the read being caused by a Mis-U word? ____ ____ (If 'yes' on above get 'False read?' and 'Protest?' cleaned up or the Mis-U cleared and recheck the buttons on Section A of C/S 53 to find out if Int is charged.) B. HAS THE PC HAD A FULL INT RUNDOWN? ____ ____ (If 'no' or incomplete, it would have to be repaired and completed. NOTE: The Int Rundown would NOT be run on a Dianetic Clear, Clear or OT as they are not to be run on Dianetics in any form.) C. HAS THE PC HAD AN INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST? ____ ____ (If not, and there is any evidence of errors or lack of expected result, this should be done before continuing the Int Rundown or doing End of Endless Int Rundown. And if the pc has had several Int Rundown Correction Lists, realize that either the auditor can't make a list read, or is only getting false reads.) D. HAVE ANY R3R OR R3RA DIANETIC ERRORS ON THE INT RUNDOWN BEEN CORRECTED WITH AN L3RF? ____ ____ (If not, get these repaired, as continuing the rundown, or doing End of Endless Int Rundown won't solve R3R or R3RA errors.) E. IS THE PC A DIANETIC CLEAR OR ABOVE? ____ ____ Was the pc a Dianetic Clear when the Int Rundown was run on him by R3R or R3RA? ____ ____ (If 'yes' to either above, you must not run any Dianetics but if Int is still out after repairing any errors, the End of Endless Int Rundown can be done on a Dianetic Clear. It can NOT be done between R6 Solo and OT III attest. If the pc was run on Dianetics on the Int Rundown after Dn Clear, the first action is to indicate the error of running Dianetics after Clear, and then repair any reading Dianetic Int chain with an L3RF, taking care to handle the reading lines by indication only, and not get into any running of Dianetics. This action alone will often cure any Int trouble on a Dn Clear, but if Int is still reading you can now handle it with the End of Endless Int Rundown.) 198  L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revision as assisted by LRH Tech Comps   Type = 11 iDate=24/9/78 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 13 PREASSESSMENT, AESPs AND INT   C/Ses Tech/Qual Int Auditors Class IV Grad Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 SEPTEMBER 1978 C/Ses Issue II Tech/Qual Int Auditors Class IV Grad Checksheet Interiorization Rundown Series 13 PREASSESSMENT, AESPs AND INT Although the newly revised Int Rundown uses New Era Dianetics R3RA commands, with the assessed Int button as the running item, the rundown and its repair do NOT include the use of New Era Dianetics preassessment (nor any form of AESPs). In Int you can only address Int. A preassessment addresses something else. Wins are sometimes reported on the use of preassessment on Int but it is a dangerous and dicey procedure. It isn't really directly addressing Int. That actually violates the law that when handling Int you run only Int, nothing else. Using preassessment, whereas you might have one win you'll have five failures along with it. Sure, somebody got some wins on it but the next five guys will cave right in and go over the cliff. The apparency of the win is this: Int flattened and this went unnoticed and then they were running an original item having to do with headaches or some other symptom. This was then preassessed and the person was on the line with R3RA which, of course, can be run after you've done an Int Rundown. So the apparency here is that the use of preassessment handled Int, whereas Int probably had actually flattened first and then the person was able to get gains from the preassessment and auditing that was done. This could go in the opposite direction. For example, with Int still unflat you go into preassessment, and you're not now addressing the subject of Int itself. You are now into chains that are not Int chains, with the Int chains themselves restimulated but not yet run, or not fully run. So it is actually a violation of basic tech and it would very swiftly get into a tangled mess. The rule is: WHEN HANDLING INT YOU ADDRESS ONLY INT, NOTHING ELSE. AND YOU DO NOT RUN PREASSESSMENT OR AESPs ON INT. We have a new, simplified Int Rundown with which to handle it and an extremely workable process in the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown which resolves any persistent Int trouble. R3RA and preassessment can be run in full by the book, exactly per the New Era Dianetics Series, after Int handling has been completed. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 199  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/9/78 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC CLEAR   Remimeo AOs NED Chkshts Tech/Qual All C/Ses All Auditors HCOs Missions  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 SEPTEMBER 1978 Remimeo Issue III AOs NED Chkshts Tech/Qual All C/Ses All Auditors HCOs DIANETIC CLEAR Missions (Ref: HCOB 12 Sep 78 URGENT -- IMPORTANT, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTs) (This bulletin revises the definition of "Dianetic Clear," page 113, Technical Dictionary, and the definition of "Keyed-Out Clear," page 221, Technical Dictionary.) The state of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics. I have now determined there is no such thing as Keyed-Out Clear. There is only a Dianetic Clear and he is a Clear. The state of Dianetic Clear means the pc has erased his Dianetic case or mental image pictures; he has attained the ability to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space and time on the First Dynamic. When this happens the person is not run further on Dianetics. He can be given Touch or Contact Assists (as can Scn Clears and OTs), and can be given NED for OTs once he is OT III. He is not to be given any Dianetic Auditing Assist nor any Dianetic auditing. (He can, of course, receive any actions on the Assist Summary bulletin, excluding R3RA.) The Dianetic Clear, on achieving this state, can be audited on Scientology Grades 0-IV. He would not be run on the R3RA section of service facs, however. On completing Grades 0-IV, he is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course but goes onto OT 1, after doing the solo Auditor Course. Should a pc being audited on Dianetics originate that he has achieved Dianetic Clear, or if a Dianetic auditor thinks this has occurred with his pc, the folders must be routed to an org C/S who is Clear or above and who can adjudicate. (NOTE: No auditor or C/S must evaluate for a pc on this nor feed or coax him to any cognition, which is a comm-evable offense. Clears are made through auditing, not by feeding cognitions to pcs. This is important as someone who has not made Clear will not make it on the OT levels.) Field auditors and missions would route the folders of a pc believed to be Dianetic Clear to the nearest org with a C/S who is Clear, for adjudication and declare of the state. Such submissions must be handled promptly, so there is no delay put on any individual's progress up the Bridge. Once declared, the pc folders must be clearly marked "DIANETIC CLEAR." The pc may then be C/Sed to receive Scientology auditing, per the above. The pc is not, however, given any further Dianetic auditing. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 200  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=25/9/78 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0   Type = 12 iDate=10/12/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo HCG Auditors Scn Chkshts AOs CI VIII Chkshts CI IV Grad Chkshts  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 SEPTEMBER 1978 Remimeo Issue I HCG Auditors Scn Chkshts AOs CI VIII Chkshts Interiorization Rundown Series 5 CI IV Grad Chkshts QUAD COMMANDS FOR INT BUTTONS (Cancels BTB 30 Dec 71 IMPORTANT INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN COMMANDS) Ref: HCOB 4 Jan 71R Int RD Series 2 EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED HCOB 24 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 4 URGENT IMPORTANT, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN NOTE: IN USING THESE COMMANDS (R3RA AND RECALLS) DO NOT EVER RUN A PC ON FLOW ZERO FOR THE FIRST TIME ON INT. HANDLING INT BY ANY METHOD IS NOT THE TIME TO INTRODUCE A FLOW ZERO ON A PC. A TRIPLE PC CAN BE QUADED UP AFTER INT HANDLING IS COMPLETE, BUT IT IS NEVER DONE ON INT HANDLING OR INT REPAIR. INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED The following are the R3RA Quad Flows commands for each of the Int buttons on the Interiorization Rundown Revised. 1. GO IN/WENT IN: F1: Locate a time when you went in. F2: Locate a time when you caused another to go in. F3: Locate a time when others caused others to go in. F0: Locate a time when you caused yourself to go in. 2. PUT IN: F1: Locate a time when you were put in something. F2: Locate a time when you put another in something. F3: Locate a time when others put others in something. F0: Locate a time when you put yourself in something. 201 3. INTERIORIZED INTO SOMETHING: F1: Locate a time when you interiorized into something. F2: Locate a time when you interiorized another into something. F3: Locate a time when others interiorized others into something. F0: Locate a time when you interiorized yourself into something. 4. WANT TO GO IN: F1: Locate a time when you wanted to go into something. F2: Locate a time when you caused another to want to go into something. F3: Locate a time when others caused others to want to go into something. F0: Locate a time when you caused yourself to want to go into something. 5. CAN'T GET IN: F1: Locate a time when you couldn't get in. F2: Locate a time when you caused another to be unable to get in. F3: Locate a time when others caused others to be unable to get in. F0: Locate a time when you caused yourself to be unable to get in. 6. KICKED OUT OF SPACES: F1: Locate a time when you were kicked out of spaces. F2: Locate a time when you kicked another out of spaces. F3: Locate a time when others kicked others out of spaces. F0: Locate a time when you caused yourself to be kicked out of spaces. 7. CAN'T GO IN: F1: Locate a time when you couldn't go in. F2: Locate a time when you caused another to be unable to go in. F3: Locate a time when others caused others to be unable to go in. F0: Locate a time when you caused yourself to be unable to go in. 8. BEING TRAPPED: F1: Locate a time when you were being trapped. F2: Locate a time when you were trapping another. F3: Locate a time when others were trapping others. F0: Locate a time when you were trapping yourself. 202 9. FORCED IN: F1: Locate a time when you were forced in. F2: Locate a time when you forced another in. F3: Locate a time when others forced others in. F0: Locate a time when you forced yourself in. 10. PULLED IN: F1: Locate a time when you were pulled in. F2: Locate a time when you pulled another in. F3: Locate a time when others pulled others in. F0: Locate a time when you pulled yourself in. Each flow must be taken to the basic and the full New Era Dianetic EP: F/N, postulate off (postulate off = erasure) and VGIs. (Ref: HCOB 26 Jun 78RA II, New Era Dianetics Series 6RA, ROUTINE 3RA, ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS.) THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN The following are the Recall Quad Flows commands for each of the Int buttons on the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. 1. GO IN/WENT IN: RF 1: Recall a time when you went in. RF 2: Recall a time when you caused another to go in. RF 3: Recall a time when others caused others to go in. RF 0: Recall a time when you caused yourself to go in. 2. PUT IN: RF 1: Recall a time when you were put in something. RF 2: Recall a time when you put another in something. RF 3: Recall a time when others put others in something. RF 0: Recall a time when you put yourself in something. 3. INTERIORIZED INTO SOMETHING: RF 1: Recall a time when you interiorized into something. RF 2: Recall a time when you interiorized another into something. RF 3: Recall a time when others interiorized others into something. RF 0: Recall a time when you interiorized yourself into something. 203 4. WANT TO GO IN: RF 1: Recall a time when you wanted to go into something. RF 2: Recall a time when you caused another to want to go into something. RF 3: Recall a time when others caused others to want to go into something. RF 0: Recall a time when you caused yourself to want to go into something. 5. CAN'T GET IN: RF 1: Recall a time when you couldn't get in. RF 2: Recall a time when you caused another to be unable to get in. RF 3: Recall a time when others caused others to be unable to get in. RF 0: Recall a time when you caused yourself to be unable to get in. 6. KICKED OUT OF SPACES: RF 1: Recall a time when you were kicked out of spaces. RF 2: Recall a time when you kicked another out of spaces. RF 3: Recall a time when others kicked others out of spaces. RF 0: Recall a time when you caused yourself to be kicked out of spaces. 7. CAN'T GO IN: RF 1: Recall a time when you couldn't go in. RF 2: Recall a time when you caused another to be unable to go in. RF 3: Recall a time when others caused others to be unable to go in. RF 0: Recall a time when you caused yourself to be unable to go in. 8. BEING TRAPPED: RF 1: Recall a time when you were being trapped. RF 2: Recall a time when you were trapping another. RF 3: Recall a time when others were trapping others. RF 0: Recall a time when you were trapping yourself. 9. FORCED IN: RF 1: Recall a time when you were forced in. RF 2: Recall a time when you forced another in. RF 3: Recall a time when others forced others in. RF 0: Recall a time when you forced yourself in. 204 10. PULLED IN: RF 1: Recall a time when you were pulled in. RF 2: Recall a time when you pulled another in. RF 3: Recall a time when others pulled others in. RF 0: Recall a time when you pulled yourself in. Each Recall Flow must be taken to F/N, VGIs. (Ref: HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 205  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=25/9/78 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 14 STARRATE CHECKOUTS FOR INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN   Remimeo HGC Auditors Class VIII Chkshts CI IV Grad Chkshts C/Ses Tech Secs Qual Secs Supervisors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 SEPTEMBER 1978 Remimeo Issue II HGC Auditors Class VIII (Cancels BTB 6 Jan 71R, same title) Chkshts CI IV Grad Chkshts C/Ses Tech Secs Interiorization Rundown Series 14 Qual Secs Supervisors STARRATE CHECKOUTS FOR INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN (Ref: HCOB 4 Jan 71R Int RD Series 2, EXTERIORIZATION & HIGH TA, THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN REVISED HCOB 25 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 5, QUAD COMMANDS FOR INT BUTTONS HCOB 24 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN HCOB 26 Jun 78RA New Era Dianetics Series 6RA, ROUTINE 3RA, ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS HCOB 10 Sep 78 NED HIGH CRIME) INT must be run flawlessly. It is to be done by a Class IV auditor, skilled in the materials of that level, who is also certificate trained on New Era Dianetics and the running of R3RA. BECAUSE IT IS MANDATORY THAT: 1. COMMANDS OF THE INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN BE CLEARED EXCELLENTLY FOR THE PC'S UNDERSTANDING, 2. THE GOING EARLIER COMMAND BE GIVEN FULLY WITH THE ITEM, 3. THE AUDITOR UNDERSTAND FULLY THE THEORY AND COMMANDS HE IS RUNNING. ALL AUDITORS AND THE C/S OF INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWNS MUST STARRATE WITH CLAY DEMOS ON THE THEORY AND COMMANDS OF THE INT RD. ALL AUDITORS MUST HAVE AN "OKAY TO AUDIT INT RUNDOWN" FROM THE DIR OF VALIDITY OR THE QUAL SEC BEFORE THEY MAY DO SO. No auditor may audit a pc on the Interiorization Rundown unless he has passed tough starrate checkouts and excellent clay demos on the materials below, and has an "okay to Audit Int RD" chit from Qual. When he has done so, he is qualified and will be able to deliver an Interiorization Rundown to his pc with the exceptional results for which this rundown was intended. 206 STARRATE CHECKOUTS FOR "OKAY TO AUDIT INT RD" Auditor's Name: ___________________________________ Org: _____________________ I attest: a) I am a Senior Class IV or Class IV Graduate Auditor. b) I am certificate trained on the New Era Dianetics Course and the running of R3RA. Auditor's Attest: _______________________________ Date:________________________ I. The following checkouts are to be done starrate to a pass from the Supervisor or Interne Supervisor. 1. CLAY DEMO: a) Lock _______ k) Interiorization (as went in) _______ b) Secondary _______ l) The picture c) Engram _______ erasing _______ d) Chain _______ m) F/N _______ e) Picture _______ n) Cognition _______ f) Solid _______ o) Erasure _______ g) Erasing _______ p) Postulate _______ h) Caused _______ q) Postulate off = erasure _______ i) Exteriorization _______ j) Interiorization (as being in) _______ 2. CLAY DEMO: (per HCOB 4 Jan 71R) a) Commands for running Int by R3RA, including the going earlier and earlier beginning commands. _______ 3. CLAY DEMO: (per HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4) a) The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown procedure and commands. _______ This auditor has done excellent clay demos on all of the above. SUPERVISOR/INTERNE SUPERVISOR: _____________________ DATE: ____________________ 4. STARRATE: a) HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Int RD Series 2, EXT AND HIGH TA, THE INT RD REVISED. _______ b) HCOB 26 Jun 78RA, NED Series 6RA, ROUTINE 3RA, ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS. _______ 207 c) HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4, URGENT IMPORTANT END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD. _______ This auditor has passed tough starrate checkouts on the above HCOBs. SUPER/INTERNE SUPER: ________________________ DATE: ___________________________ 5. This auditor knows his R3RA and Int procedure cold and can apply it. SUPER/INTERNE SUPER: ________________________ DATE: ___________________________ 6. This auditor has excellent TRs. SUPER/INTERNE SUPER: ________________________ DATE: ___________________________ II. I attest this auditor has been issued an "OKAY TO AUDIT INT RD" chit. DIR VALIDITY/QUAL SEC: ______________________ DATE: ___________________________ (Route this form to Course Admin for student's folder.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk/dr Copyright $c 1971, 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 208  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=29/9/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FESING OF FOLDERS AND FULL FLOW TABLES   FESers All Auditors All C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 SEPTEMBER 1978 FESers All Auditors All C/Ses FESING OF FOLDERS AND FULL FLOW TABLES An FES should contain the name of the auditor and name of the C/S, per existing issues. It now becomes imperative that the name of the auditor be clearly noted on the FFT (Full Flow Table) as well as the FES. In making up FFTs on any Dianetic or NED auditing clearly note the auditor's name, as well as the date and item run by that auditor. Existing FFTs do not need to be redone -- just print in the name of the auditor, in different colored ink (to make it very visible) against the items run by that auditor. On new FFTs add a column on left side of sheet for auditor's name. PC's NAME __________________________________________ FULL FLOW TABLE | AUDITOR | DATE | ITEM RUN | F1 | F2 | F3 | F0 | | (Name) | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Some cases have had unreading items, wrong items, run on them, sometimes the auditor changed the pc's item, or even just decided what to run on a pc. These are grave and can have serious consequences on a case. In order to fully handle such a situation it is imperative that all the data above is available to a C/S or auditor. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dm.dr Founder Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 209  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/10/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  NED RULE   Remimeo NED Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 OCTOBER 1978 Remimeo NED Checksheet NED RULE A NEW ERA DIANETICS AUDITOR MUST UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTION AND PURPOSE OF EACH OF THE R3RA COMMANDS IN A DIANETIC SESSION. A Dianetic session given in the absence of an understanding of the basic laws of the time track and how the R3RA commands handle and control the time track is a chancy proposition. You will not have confidence in yourself as an auditor of New Era Dianetics nor get uniformly good results with R3RA until you know this. No rote procedure, L3RF, TR4, or any remedy or solution can take the place of such an understanding. Every New Era Dianetics auditor is to study the references and demo out what each R3RA command does (showing how it affects the pc and the bank) to a full understanding. The following are your references: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health Dianetics: The Original Thesis HCOB 15 May 63 The Time Track and Engram Running by Chains Bulletin I HCOB 8 Jun 63R The Time Track and Engram Running by Chains Bulletin II HCOB 26 Jun 78RA New Era Dianetics Series 6RA Routine 3RA Engram Running by Chains HCOB 27 Jan 74 Dianetic R3R Commands Have Background Data. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mdf Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 210  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/10/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 1 INTERIORIZATION HANDLING SIMPLIFIED   Remimeo Auditors C/Ses Class IV Grad Checksheet Tech/Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 OCTOBER 1978 Remimeo Auditors C/Ses Class IV Grad Checksheet Tech/Qual Interiorization Rundown Series 1 INTERIORIZATION HANDLING SIMPLIFIED (Ref: HCOB 4 Jan 71 R Int RD Series 2, Exteriorization and High TA, The Interiorization Rundown Revised HCOB 24 Sep 78 I Int RD Series 4, Urgent -- Important, The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown.) Exteriorization Exteriorization is defined as the act of moving out of the body with or without full perception. It is the fact of this act which proves that the individual is not a body but an individual. This discovery in 1952 proved beyond any question the existence of a thetan, that the individual was a thetan, not a body, and disproved that Man was an animal, and proved that he was a spiritual being, timeless and deathless. The issues on exteriorization and interiorization and the handling of out- Int have now been collected into the Interiorization Rundown Series. We have had the remedy for out-Int, the Interiorization Rundown, for some years now, but we have also had pcs who ran into the need for excessive repair of the remedy itself. Much of this need for repair has stemmed from auditor errors in running or repairing Int, and these have been enumerated on other bulletins. Whatever the reasons for repair, a simple, effective method of repairing Int was needed. This need has now been filled with the release of the new End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. With the research that was done to develop this repair rundown which uses Recalls, I have also had the opportunity to reevaluate the original Int Rundown itself. The result is a newly revised Int Rundown. So we have two very effective new tools for handling Int: 1. A simplified Interiorization Rundown 2. The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown, which handles Int repair smoothly and terminatedly by a special method of assessment and running it on Recall flows. The full steps of both of these rundowns are included in issues in the Interiorization Rundown Series. NOTE: Per HCOB 12 Sep 78, "Urgent Important, Dianetics Forbidden on Clears and 211 OTs," Dianetic Clears, Scn Clears and OTs are not to be audited on the Int Rundown as it uses Dianetics. They may be run on The End of Endless Int Repair RD (HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4), as it runs Int on Recalls. Additionally, the basics on exteriorization and interiorization are covered quite fully in the Int RD Series, particularly in HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Exteriorization and High TA, The Interiorization Rundown Revised. Any auditor who is going to go near an Int Rundown or an Int repair action must know those fundamentals cold. He must understand that it is the first of a chain or the first part of an experience or a first experience (basic on the chain of incidents) that has to be run for the chain or incident to erase. In other words, he must understand the principle of getting the earlier beginning to an incident or an earlier incident in order to erase a chain, as in R3RA. He must understand that if one is IN something, he must have gotten into it. And that, therefore, the beginning of an exteriorization is an interiorization. The full theory on this also is covered in the above HCOB 4 Jan 71R, which the auditor should be fully familiar with. There is some further data which you should have, on the subject of Int and flows. Basically, Int is a compound of stuck flows and prior incidents. There is a stuck flow of obsessively going in. In most of the pc's Int engrams you've got an operating trigger that puts him into them. The earlier beginning is always "in." These must be audited out, blown, before you're through with Int. The way this trigger works is, for example: A pc may blow out of his head with F/N, VGIs on Tuesday. But he has not erased the basic on Int. He went out on a "reaction flow" on Tuesday. On Friday he comes in with his TA at 5. What has happened is the flow has retriggered. He's now blown back in on a "re- reaction flow." Any regular auditing and he will plow in deeper. So you've got to handle his Int terminatedly. Prior to now, an Int Rundown has been done by clearing and then assessing the Int buttons "went in" and "go in." If one of them read the Int button was first run on Recall Triple or Quad Flows, next on Secondaries Triple or Quad Flows, and then on Engrams Triple or Quad Flows. This handled Int for many, many pcs. But it is probable that one reason we also got so many Int repairs was that in many of these repair cases the pc never ran any basic. Beginning the Int Rundown with Recalls with the stuck flow of "going in" still in operation you could get a key-out, key-in, key-out, key-in repeatedly and not get to the basic. We had an exteriorization command in the early years which was "Try not to be three feet back of your head," and it exteriorized people. But all that did was unstick the flow and trigger the person out of his head. You're likely to get the same result if you run Int by Recall first crack. You give the command "Recall a time...." and boom, he's out. But he hasn't run the basic on Int. So if you entered an Int Rundown on a Recall basis you could get some of that mechanism cutting in. And you could get repetitive Int, with the engrams he didn't run out keying in. There is another phenomenon that can occur. Time itself can be a stuck flow. You get a certain number of pcs who can't move back on the time track more than minutes. They get stuck on the stuck flow of time. On Recall commands such a pc may F/N very quickly. (Or even on an R3RA command, "Locate a time when 212 you went in," he may run shallow, he may run only locks and F/N quickly.) Then suddenly he hits the skids and goes hurtling backtrack. The flow is reversed and he doesn't fire out of his head, he fires backwards on the time track, on a restim. And you'll have out-Int repeating itself all over again. That's the rest of the mechanism. Addressed in R3RA engram auditing properly done, always getting the earlier beginning and/or the earlier incident, these chains of incidents on the stuck flow of going in can be audited out in an orderly fashion on the majority of pcs. You erase the engrams and you dissolve the obsessive stuck flow of going in, and you have the EP of Int. Or, at some point in the engram auditing the flow gets unstuck enough to heave into reverse, it heaves in the opposite direction and it erases itself and the whole package blows. That, too, is an EP for Int which must not be ignored by the auditor. (See HCOB 4 Jan 71R.) Thereafter, the pc will usually have no more trouble or concern with Int. So we are safer entering the Int Rundown by running engrams to begin with, and running only engrams on that rundown, and that is how the revised Int Rundown has now been set up. We had better run the engram chains and their basics out first and then, if repair is needed, repair them with Recalls, using the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. MORE ON RECALLS Entering Int with Recalls has its liabilities, as described above. But there are also definite advantages in having Recalls as a tool to use, as necessary, in running Int on some cases. You are going to encounter some few isolated instances where the pc can't run engrams for one reason or another. Such pcs can then be audited by the Recall method as given in the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown, using the rundown not as a repair but as a process. Dianetic Clears, Scn Clears and OTs can be handled on out-Int with this method. It can also be used to relieve out- Int on weak or ill pcs until they are up to running engrams. It is not a fast method. Using the Recall system (per End of Endless Int Repair RD) to run out-Int, can go on and on. In time though, by taking the pc up on a gradient, you can eventually get him to a point where he is actually as-ising engrams, blowing them by inspection. The revised Int Rundown is by far the swifter route for handling a pc initially on out-Int. However, the use of Recalls is ideal in the handling of repair of Int, when it is necessary after an Int Rundown has been done. The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown gives the exact method for assessment of the Int buttons and flows and running these on Recalls as a repair action. And here we get a smooth run on the Recall flows and the resolving of any Int troubles. Thus, from this research we get a new, simplified version of the Int Rundown and an invaluable process for any Int repair. Further issues in the Int Rundown Series cover these and other technical data relating to Int. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright$c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 213  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/10/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  REPAIR CORRECTION LIST  Type = 11 iDate=21/12/75 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Class IV Grad Chksht Class VI Checksheet C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 OCTOBER 1978 Class IV Grad Chksht (Cancels and replaces HCOB 21 Dec 75R Class VI Repair List for Prepared Lists.) Checksheet C/Ses REPAIR CORRECTION LIST Use this list to clean up bypassed charge on improperly done or unnecessary prepared lists or repair actions. This list is done when a pc protests a prepared list or repair action, when BIs are present on the subject of repair or prepared lists or when improper past repair or use of correction lists reads on a correction list. Assess this list Method 5 and handle all reads. The EP of this list is charge off the subject of repair and prepared lists and the pc happy about being audited. This list can, if necessary, be reassessed and taken to an F/Ning assessment. The words "prepared list," "repair" and all other words on this list should be fully cleared with the pc before assessing this list on him. However, if the pc is very upset and the words have not yet been cleared, assess the list to handle the charge and check with the pc for any MUs on the assessment. (Ref: HCOB 9 Aug 78 II CLEARING COMMANDS) 1. HAVE YOU GONE EXTERIOR IN AUDITING? _______ If the pc has never had an Int RD, do an Int RD per HCOB 4 Jan 71 R Int RD Series 2 EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA THE INT RD REVISED if you have checked out on the Int Series and are a NED auditor. If the pc has had an Int RD, do an Int RD Correction List Revised (HCOB 29 Oct 71 RA) or end off for C/S instructions to do an End of Endless Int Repair RD per HCOB 24 Sep 78 I URGENT IMPORTANT END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD. 2. HAS YOUR INT RD BEEN MESSED UP? _______ Do an Int RD Correction List or end off for C/S instructions to do the End of Endless Int Repair RD. 3. DO YOU HAVE AN OUT-LIST? _______ L4BRA. 4. HAVE YOU HAD TOO MANY PREPARED LISTS DONE ON YOU? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N or Date/Locate the first successful prepared list. 5. HAVE YOU HAD UNNECESSARY REPAIRS? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N or Date/Locate the first valid repair. 6. HAS AN AUDITOR MISSED A READ? _______ Get what, itsa E/S itsa to F/N, or handle as needed. 7. DID YOU THINK SOMETHING SHOULD HAVE READ WHEN IT DIDN'T? _______ Get what, itsa E/S itsa to F/N, or handle as needed. 214 8. HAS AN ITEM NOT READ WHEN IT SHOULD HAVE? _______ Get what, itsa E/S itsa to F/N, or handle as needed. 9. HAS THERE BEEN A FALSE READ? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 10. WERE YOU TOLD SOMETHING READ WHEN YOU DIDN'T SEE HOW IT COULD HAVE? _______ Get what, indicate it was a false read. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 11. DID THE AUDITOR TAKE UP AN ITEM WITH NO CHARGE ON IT? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 12. WERE YOU GIVEN A PREPARED LIST TO HANDLE HIGH TA WHEN YOUR TA WASN'T HIGH? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 13. WERE YOU GIVEN A PREPARED LIST TO HANDLE LOW TA WHEN YOUR TA WASN'T LOW? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 14. HAS THERE BEEN A TIME WHEN YOU DIDN'T WANT TO DO A PREPARED LIST AND THE AUDITOR DID ONE ANYWAY? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 15. HAS THERE BEEN A TIME WHEN YOU DIDN'T WANT TO GET A REPAIR ACTION AND YOU WERE GIVEN ONE ANYWAY? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 16. WHILE BEING AUDITED ON A PREPARED LIST DID YOU JUST WANT TO GET ON WITH IT? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 17. DID YOU TELL THE AUDITOR SOMETHING WAS HANDLED JUST TO BE DONE WITH IT? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. Note for C/S. 18. HAS OVERREPAIR KEPT YOU FROM GOING UP THE GRADE CHART? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 19. HAVE YOU BEEN TOLD A REPAIR ACTION WOULD HANDLE YOUR CASE WHEN IT DIDN'T? _______ Indicate. 2WC to F/N or 2WC for data. 20. HAS AN AUDITOR MISASSESSED A PREPARED LIST ON YOU? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 21. WHEN YOU HAD A PREPARED LIST DONE, DID IT FAIL TO HANDLE THE BYPASSED CHARGE? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 22. DID A REPAIR ACTION FAIL TO HANDLE WHAT WAS REALLY WRONG? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 215 23. HAVE YOU BEEN ASSESSED BY AN AUDITOR WITH BAD TRs? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 24. HAS AN AUDITOR TOLD YOU YOU HAD AN F/N WHEN YOU KNEW YOU DIDN'T? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 25. DID AN AUDITOR EVER INDICATE AN ASSESSMENT WAS F/NING WHEN YOU KNEW IT WASN'T? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 26. WERE YOU ASKED TO DECLARE A CYCLE YOU FELT WASN'T COMPLETE? _______ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 27. DID YOU EVER FEEL A PREPARED LIST SHOULD HAVE F/NED ON AN ASSESSMENT WHEN IT DIDN'T? _______ Indicate. Rehab the EP or Date/Locate the point. 28. ON A REPAIR ACTION, WERE YOU PREVENTED FROM ATTESTING? _______ Indicate. Date/Locate the EP of the repair. 29. HAS YOUR REPAIR BEEN REPAIRED OFTEN? _______ Indicate. Itsa E/S itsa to F/N or Date/Locate the first successful repair. 30. HAS AN F/N BEEN MISSED? _______ Indicate. Rehab it. 31. HAS A WIN BEEN BYPASSED? _______ Indicate. Rehab. 32. HAS SOMETHING BEEN OVERRUN? _______ Get what. Rehab it. 33. IS THERE SOME OTHER BYPASSED CHARGE? _______ Find what and handle. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mm.dr Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 216  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/10/78 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Interiorization Rundown Series 16 C/S Series 102 C/S CHECKLIST OF INT ERRORS   C/Ses Tech/Qual Class IV Grad Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 OCTOBER 1978 C/Ses Issue II Tech/Qual Class IV Grad Checksheets Interiorization Rundown Series 16 C/S Series 102 C/S CHECKLIST OF INT ERRORS There are two major errors that occur most frequently on Int handling which a C/S must be on the alert for: 1. DOING OR RUNNING ANYTHING ELSE BEFORE AN INT RUNDOWN WHEN ONE IS NEEDED. 2. OVERRUNNING THE INT RUNDOWN. By far the commonest error is number one above. It happens most often at the very beginning of a session on Int itself, by the auditor engaging in two- way comm or ruds or a belabored and overcomplicated clearing of commands, or some other action than getting right onto the running of Int. This is flagrant. When I was C/Sing, it is what I kept running into -- the auditor doing all kinds of preliminary steps before starting Int. It boils down to auditing over out-Int, and it can't be done. You'll get the auditor who says, "But all I did was ask him how he was feeling." That's enough. That's two-way comm, and you can't run anything else but Int when Int is out, and that includes two-way comm. You don't ask the pc how he feels about anything. You just start the Int Rundown. So that's the first major error to watch for: somebody trying to run something else before the Int Rundown itself. The second is OVERRUN. Pc has a big cognition, a big win, TA blowdown, and the auditor misses it, goes right on past it and continues auditing. Or the pc exteriorizes and the auditor continues past exterior. There is vital data on the end phenomena of Int on HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Int RD Series 2, and both C/S and auditor MUST have this data and know and be able to recognize the EP of Int when it occurs. Otherwise it will really mess up a case. Those are the two major violations a C/S (and an auditor) must not permit in the running of Int if it is to be successful. Because they are the most major errors they have been included first on the checklist below. C/S CHECKLIST FOR DETECTING ERRORS ON INT: The following is a checklist to be used in the C/Sing of Int. The C/S checks a bogged session or any session on Int, against this list to detect the exact cause of the trouble, or an error that could be the source of future trouble in ensuing sessions. 1. Doing or running anything else before an Int Rundown when one is needed. (Includes ruds, 2-way comm, L1C, anything.) 217 2. Auditing over out-Int. 3. Overrunning the Int Rundown. 4. Auditing past exterior. 5. Overdoing the clearing steps preceding the actual rundown. 6. Running an Int button that only read on an MU or false read. (Failure to clear an Int button before running it.) 7. Clearing all of the Int buttons before assessment, instead of clearing only the button with the largest valid read. 8. Failure to use Suppress, Invalidate, and Misunderstood on an unreading Int button list. 9. Misassessment of the Int button list. 10. Doing an Int Rundown when none of the buttons have read. (Constitutes running an unreading item.) 11. Auditor can't get reads or make a list read. 12. Not taking the Int Rundown to its full EP. 13. Not understanding the theory of Int and R3RA, and WHY one goes earlier or asks for an earlier beginning to the incident. 14. Running the concept of "was in" or "stuck in" instead of the concept of "moving in" or "going in" (on whatever the reading Int button is). 15. Not repeating the actual button for the chain when asking for an earlier incident. (Not knowing R3RA commands.) 16. Not completing a chain to full Dianetic EP. 17. Not completing any one flow on an Int button in one session; thus ending a session on an unflat flow. 18. Introducing Flow 0 to a pc for the first time on Int Rundown or Int repair(I.e. running a Triple pc on Quad Flows.) 19. Auditing over an earlier Dianetic error. 20. Auditing the rundown "to exteriorize" the pc. 21. Using preassessment or AESPs on Int. 22. Misassessing or incorrectly handling the Int Correction List. 23. Overcorrecting the Int Rundown. 24. Running Dianetics on a Dianetic Clear, Scn Clear or OT. 25. And, on the part of the C/S, attempting to correct a botched Int Rundown without a full FES of the Int RD or any Int repair being done first. 218 The above points are all covered fully in the Int Rundown Series. Cases that are not running well on Int will be found to have had one or more of these errors committed on them. Using the above list to spot and prevent Int errors will make the C/S's job lighter and give both auditor and pc a smoother run on Int. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 219  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/10/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S SERIES 53, USE OF   Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad & above Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 OCTOBER 1978 Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad & above Auditors C/S SERIES 53, USE OF The C/S Series 53 Short Form is the basic prepared list used by auditors to get a TA up or down into normal range or to correct case outnesses. It contains every element that could be wrong with the mind. It is written the way it is because we just want to know if a subject reads in the pc's mind, and if so you handle it to F/N. The C/S Series 53 Long Form is exactly the same as the short form except that it puts the items into full questions so that a less educated pc can understand what is being asked. The questions actually limit its use a bit, but are needed with uneducated pcs. The limit comes about through making the questions a bit too specific whereas the general questions of the short form don't say to what they apply so are less limited. Both the short form and the long form are assessed Method 5. (This means going down the list, calling off the items or questions to the pc, watching the meter and marking any tick, small fall, fall, long fall, long fall blowdown (to what TA). Do not take up instant F/Ns. You can program instant F/Ns, but not off a C/S 53. The order the reads must be taken up is built into the list itself. You can't audit a case on anything if Int is out. Auditing must be very limited if a list is out. If you audit over an ARC break very long the pc will go into a sad effect. If you audit over a problem the pc won't make case gain. If you audit over a withhold the pc will get mad at you. If you look at this and compare it to the C/S 53 you will see that the list itself is built on a declining order of urgency. It is true of the remaining items on the list. There are two ways of using a C/S 53. The first is to simply assess it and indicate the largest read. This is a sort of brush-off but is very useful in handling blown students or pcs, will get off charge and get them back into the org or more comfortable. The other way is its proper use in session. You simply start at the first read and handle it. Go to the next read and handle it, etc. Note that this is at variance with the general handling of prepared lists where you simply take the largest read and next largest read and so forth. That an item reads, with the exception of Int, does not mean you have to do a full rundown at that point. You just have to F/N it. If further actions are needed to take an item to full handling, get it onto the pc's Advance Program. (This includes drug handling, etc. but not, as I've said, Int. If Int reads, you handle it fully because no auditing can take place over out-Int. If he has already had a full Int Rd you would run the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. If he or she is already Clear or OT and has not had an Int RD you would run the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown as the primary action.) The object of the C/S 53 is to key out things that are bothering the pc and get anything you found on the list to an F/N. That something read (except Int) does not mean the auditor doing the C/S 53 must at once run up 110 hours of auditing before he can finish the C/S 53 to an F/Ning list. Auditors who don't realize this can get 220 stuck in on a C/S 53 mostly because they misconceive a C/S 53 to be wholly a case analysis list. Its primary purpose is to get the case rolling so you can do something else that is scheduled on the pc's program. Because it can be made to serve as a case analysis and is sometimes called for by a C/S to help him do a repair or advance program or to confirm it, sometimes misleads the auditor into believing he is not supposed to F/N the list. I have even used a C/S 53 in a D of P interview when the pc wasn't speaking up. Then by getting the reads I could program the pc and unless it was Int reading I would conclude the interview simply by indicating the largest read which would get me my F/N and let the pc go away happy while we really got to work on him in the C/S department. So the C/S 53 is a child of many uses as it does after all, contain all the elements known to us that bring about case foul-ups. CLEARS AND OTS Sections D and E of the C/S 53 can be assessed on Clears and OTs and Dianetic Clears. However do NOT engage in any activity that brings about further engram running. The correct way to handle Clears and OTs if you get a read in Section D is indicate and let him tell you about it if he wishes, to get an F/N. On Section E you can do an L3RF but you must not do more than indicate the item. You must NOT engage in engram running. (Ref: HCOB 12 Sep 78, DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS AND OTs) You realize of course that LSD and some other drugs can apparently stay in the physiological body and release themselves now and then. If a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear got a read on Section D (drugs, etc.) and it didn't clear up easily you would program the person for a Sweat Program and even Objectives. You would not however, do any engram running on the drugs. Even Recalls might be a bit dicey. The Sweat Program and Objectives would however handle, if you got into the goofy situation of heavy or persistent Section D reads on a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear. It would not be very usual but you better know about it. On Section E (engrams and masses, etc.) if you got reads on a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear you could indicate them and if they didn't clear to F/N you could do an L3RF, remembering that the instructions on the L3RF handlings do not apply. Your actions as an auditor would simply be to indicate the read and you would probably get your F/N, providing of course your read wasn't false. The way to program a persistent read on this would be to get the person up to OT I, II and III fast. And then program NED for OTs. But whatever you do don't try to run these reads out with Dianetics. The rest of the C/S 53 (except D and E as above) is quite valid on Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears as it is mostly concerned with think, environment and practices. F/Ning A C/S 53 Unless you run into the necessity to do an Int handling or you goof or get false reads you can F/N a whole C/S 53 rather rapidly. C/S 53 TO F/Ning LIST Getting a C/S 53 to an F/Ning list is done by Method 5ing it, handling any Int RD necessary and handling the rest of the items, each to F/N. You then Method 5 the whole C/S 53 again. You may pick up an additional read or two. You F/N these. Hopefully, if Int is now handled properly, if it did read in the first place, it won't read again. But if it does, you have the End of Endless Int Repair RD which if done already may not have been carried to EP so you simply get it carried to EP, which is an F/Ning Int button list. 221 You then Method 5 the C/S 53 again. You will probably get an F/Ning assessment throughout. If you don't you simply Method 5 it again. The eventual EP of getting a prepared list to F/N will occur unless the meter, the auditor's metering or TRs, or use of the list are badly out. The thing to do in that event is to get another auditor or get liberally crammed or retreaded, as frankly, F/Ning a C/S 53 is a piece of cake. F/Ning a C/S 53 to F/Ning list is relatively easy to do and can produce a remarkable resurgence of case. It's an easy and simple way to do a set-up for a major rundown. BUG Some pcs, particularly those who have a false TA have gotten so bugged by C/S 53s being done on them that when they see an auditor reach for one, they react adversely. The way to handle this is 2WC the C/S 53 itself, E/S, taking the F/Ns and ignoring the TA position and then do a full false TA handling on the pc per HCOB 21 Jan 77RA, FALSE TA CHECKLIST. In essence what you have discovered is the biggest reading item of all without even looking at your meter. No further repair is needed than the above as a C/S 53 will now work like a clock and can be done smoothly and correctly. It will even pick up the latent charge of "Endless C/S 53s" if you do the above. The C/S 53 Series is a wonderful tool and like any tool can be well handled or mishandled. Part of its proper use is understanding exactly what it is and handling it with a good meter, good metering, and good TRs. There is no other document in history that has rounded up so completely the factors which can be wrong with the mind. And also put it, in its short form, on one sheet of paper. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 222  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/10/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  COURSES -- THEIR IDEAL SCENE   Remimeo Qual Divs Tech Divs KOTs All Supervisors HCOs Student Hat FB Action Bu Hat FOLOs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 OCTOBER 1978 Remimeo Qual Divs Tech Divs KOTs All Supervisors HCOs Student Hat FB Action Bu Hat FOLOs COURSES -- THEIR IDEAL SCENE (REFERENCES: HCO PL 7 Feb 65 KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING Reiss. 15.6.70. Reiss. 28.1.73 HCO PL 7 May 69 II STUDENTS GUIDE TO ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR HCO PL 16 Apr 65 THE "HIDDEN DATA LINE" HCO PL 24 Oct 68 SUPERVISOR KNOW-HOW, RUNNING THE CLASS HCO PL 16 Mar 71R WHAT IS A COURSE?) There are two ways a course can be run. It can be in-ethics or out-ethics. An in-ethics course means that HCOBs are applied, verbal data doesn't exist whatsoever, schedules are strictly adhered to, musters are held, the Supervisor applies all the study tech, etc. An out-ethics course would be anything less and sometimes becomes so obviously out-ethics that you see students goofing around on course, late arrivals for roll call, students taking cigarette breaks whenever they feel like it, verbal data running rampant, and a Course Supervisor that does nothing but stand around. There's such a thing as group agreement and if a new student walks into an outethics course room, he will tend to go into agreement with it and join in. There's no in-between point. A course (or any activity for that matter) cannot be run semi-standardly or with "pretty much in-ethics." It must be run with totally standard tech and in-ethics. If this is not the case you'll get a gradually lowered ethics level, admin will go out and standard tech slips down to "some of the tech being applied when we can." When a student or Supervisor goes into a course room and sees things that are out-ethics or nonstandard or "not the way Ron says they should be" and doesn't do something effective to handle the scene then he himself will become part of it; he goes into agreement with it and will actually contribute to the out-ethics. This situation is a widespread thing in our society today. It's not limited to our course rooms. You see it in marriages. It has become an acceptable thing to get divorced, create broken homes, cheat on your spouse. In the world of big business you're told to swindle Mr. X before he swindles you. This is group agreement. It is agreed upon out-ethics. Now, if a course room is run like this you'll get auditors who won't keep auditing appointments, misapply tech, fail to handle their pcs' ethics, give and accept verbal data, have nonstandard admin, etc., etc. You will also train executives who will operate out-ethics, off-policy orgs. Either way, you're setting yourself up for losses. 223 Therefore, it is now a Comm Ev offense for a Course Supervisor or MAA (Ethics Officer) to allow the following out-ethics activities in their course rooms, with the result of declare of being a suppressive person: 1. Does not muster his students in the morning, after lunch, and after dinner, precisely on time, note absences and take action. 2. Permit students to talk to each other or wander around or take unscheduled breaks or goof off during course hours. 3. Permit students to eat or smoke in the course room. 4. Permitting persons to come into the course room and bother students for any reason. 5. Supervisor standing around or sitting at his desk not actively handling students who need help. 6. Not getting students through their course and graduated. It goes without saying that all elements of HCO PL 16 March 71 R WHAT IS A COURSE? should be in on a course. A Supervisor who does not run a course per checksheet, lets students study without dictionaries and demo kits, does not make all materials available and does not fully apply study tech and use Word Clearing is of course suppressive and should be declared, as he is actively blocking Scientologists from having and benefiting from Scientology. Flag and FOLO observers and missions should always have a target to see that this policy letter is fully in. You see, our success in clearing this planet depends upon the success of our courses as this is where we train our auditors, C/Ses, Supervisors and administrators and that is the whole team! L. RON HUBBARD Founder As Assisted by LRH Tech Comps Pjt Ops LRH:MM:dr Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 224  L. RON HUBBARD Founder As Assisted by LRH Tech Comps Pjt Ops   Type = 11 iDate=10/11/78 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=3/12/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PROCLAMATION POWER TO FORGIVE   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 NOVEMBER 1978R Remimeo Issue I REVISED 3 DECEMBER 1978 (Revision in this type style) (Also issued as an HCO Policy Letter under same date and title.) PROCLAMATION POWER TO FORGIVE A Scientology minister who has been duly trained and certified in the Confessional procedure of the Church of Scientology and is in good standing with the Church with his certificates in force, is invested with the power to forgive the admitted sins of an individual to whom he has administered full Confessional procedure. Confessionals have been part and parcel of religion nearly as long as religion has existed. It has been broadly recognized down through the ages that only when a person has owned up to his sins can he experience relief from the burden of guilt he carries because of them. In Scientology we have had, since the early years, procedures whereby an individual is able to confess his withholds and the overt acts underlying them. We have long known that confessing one's overt acts is the first step toward taking responsibility for them and seeking to make things right again. The acknowledgement that follows each confession in Scientology procedure is an assurance to the person that his confession has been heard. Such assurance helps him to end cycle on the bad things he has done and unsticks him from a preoccupation with his guilt over them to where he can then put his attention on constructive activities. That is the purpose of any Confessional. There is another element that further helps the individual to accomplish this, and that is forgiveness. Thus, at the end of a Confessional, when it has been fully completed, the Scientology auditor who has administered the Confessional must inform the person that he is forgiven for the sins he has just confessed, and that he is cleared of these sins and free of them. The statement that is used is: "By the power invested in me, any overts end withholds you have fully and truthfully told me are forgiven by Scientologists." 225 A special certificate is to be issued to each Scientology minister who has been trained and certified on the Level II Course or the Confessional Course to administer Confessional procedure, and who is in good standing with the Church with his certificates in force, investing him with the power to forgive the sins confessed to him by an individual in a Confessional session. Any auditor who is trained to deliver the Ethics Repair List has priority in the issuance of such certificate. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk.nc Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 226  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=10/11/78 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=26/11/78 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PROCLAMATION: POWER TO FORGIVE ADDITION   C/Ses Auditors Tech/Qual Confessional Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 NOVEMBER 1978R-1 C/Ses Issue I Auditors ADDITION OF 26 NOVEMBER 1978 Tech/Qual Confessional Course PROCLAMATION: POWER TO FORGIVE ADDITION Addition to HCOB 10 Nov 78R, Issue I Proclamation: Power to Forgive Reference: BTB 8 Dec 72RC, The Confessional Repair List (LCRC) ON ANY ADVERSE REACTION TO THE PROCLAMATION OF FORGIVENESS, GET THE REST OF THE WITHHOLD OR REPAIR THE WITHHOLD SESSION. When the Scientology minister doing a Confessional or Ethics Repair List acknowledges the confession and informs the person that his confessed overts and withholds are forgiven, the usual response is instant relief and VGIs. Rarely the person may react adversely such as not being able to accept forgiveness or still feeling bad. This is because something has been missed. The person is still stuck in the shame, blame and regret of the unconfessed overt or withhold and will not feel better until all is told. The Scientology minister encountering this in session must get the rest of the withhold or repair the withhold session. Should the person show this reaction later, outside of session, the folder must be turned in to the C/S to handle immediately. An incomplete confession can be due to the following errors: (a) Did not tell "all." (b) Thought of one overt, but told a different overt. (c) Told part of a withhold but not the rest. (d) An overt or withhold was not taken earlier similar to basic. (e) During the session an overt or withhold was restimulated, but not asked for or gotten off. (f) There have been errors in the Confessional such as withholds gotten off more than once, false reads, out-TRs, invalidation, evaluation, etc., and these must be cleaned up. The above categories and the Confessional Repair List are useful to a C/S in correcting any adverse reaction to the Power to Forgive Proclamation, by ensuring that the person gets the full relief and VGIs which invariably accompany a complete confession and forgiveness. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dm.kjm Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 227  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/11/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DATING AND LOCATING   C/Ses Tech/Qual Auditors Class IV and above  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 NOVEMBER 1978 C/Ses Tech/Qual Auditors Class IV DATING AND LOCATING and above (Reference: Book: AXIOMS AND LOGICS Book: THE BOOK OF E-METER DRILLS EM DRILL 22, E-METER HIDDEN DATE, THIS LIFE EM DRILL 25 TRACK DATING HCOB ALL ROUTINES, E-METER ERRORS, 4 Aug 63 COMMUNICATION CYCLE ERROR.) Axiom 30: "The general rule of auditing is that anything which is unwanted and yet persists must be thoroughly viewed, at which time it will vanish." -- The Axioms of Scientology Excerpt from Axiom 38: ". . . Truth is the exact time, place, form and event. . . . Thus we see that the discovery of Truth would bring about an As-is-ness by actual experiment." -- The Axioms of Scientology A thetan knows that if he could remember the exact place a thing had been generated, the exact time and the exact conditions, and the exact person who did it, he would then get a disappearance of the thing. Dating is the action the auditor takes to help the pc spot the exact time something happened. Locating is the action the auditor takes to help the pc spot the exact place something happened. By dating and locating, getting the exact time and place a specific thing happened, the pc is able to blow the mass and energy connected with the occurrence which has hung him up at that point. Date/Locate, as called for in the various prepared correction lists, is a very effective tool for the handling of certain items found to be out on such a list. These could be points of overrun, wins that have been bypassed or invalidated in some way, moments of loss, trauma, painful emotion, or any of various stuck points of this nature. It is also used in the correction of wrong dates or wrong locations given the pc in previous auditing. In any of these cases the pc will be somewhat stuck at these points, or at the very least will have some attention units hung up at these points, and getting the exact "when" and "where" will unstick him. That which is viewed in its own time, place, form and event can be as- ised. WHY YOU DATE AND LOCATE A person can have a wrong date for an incident, or he might have a date totally occluded. He might have a confusion on two incidents, thinking one happened before the other when it is actually vice versa. He could have two incidents collapsed into one, time-wise. Or, more severely, he can be stuck in the time of an incident which acts as present time for him. In other words, that time is still in existence for him in PT. He is seeing things from that point in time. 228 By dating it exactly you blow the stuck viewpoint in time. You see it as a blowdown on the meter and the pc will feel the sudden dissipation of mass. The question might then arise: If you have dated an incident to a "blow" what is there left to blow on the Locate step? The answer is that, in addition to a stuck viewpoint in time, a person can have a stuck viewpoint of location. Since he had the wrong time, he could, as well, have the wrong location, or an occluded location, or a confusion between two or more locations. He could be quite stuck in a past location. That past location is still in existence for him. The point of view from that location is still there for him. So you date and locate. Finding when it was and where it was blows both the time of the incident and the place of the incident. If he's still hung up in either of these he's out of present time and out of present location. Getting the precise date and location blows him out of these into present time. Sometimes during dating the pc spots the correct past location simultaneously with getting the correct date, and it (the location) then blows at the same time. The auditor must know that this can occur and recognize when it does as he would not then rotely try to put the pc through the Locate steps. DATE/LOCATE NOT A ROTE PROCEDURE While Date/Locate is a precise action, it is by no means a rote procedure. The auditor must know the theory of the action if he is to Date/Locate successfully. He must understand that he takes the pc's data and he works with the pc. Robotic application of the steps will not only not produce the desired result but can result in messing up a case badly. BLOW Definition of blow: The sudden dissipation of mass in the mind with an accompanying feeling of relief. (Technical Dictionary.) This definition must be understood by both auditor and pc. It is cleared with the pc before beginning the Date/Locate steps. Have the pc demo it, using a demo kit, if necessary, so he has no confusion on it. A blow is a definite manifestation. Vital data for the auditor is that the pc must say "Something blew" or "It disappeared" or "It's gone" or "It vanished," not simply "I feel lighter." METERING During Dating/Locating the pc is on the meter but the auditor is consulting the pc and getting the pc's answers, while also keeping an eye on the meter. He does not resort to meter dating or meter locating unless the pc himself gives up on one or the other of these steps. A pc can be made more dependent on the meter or can be made more independent of the meter, depending upon the way the meter is used by the auditor. If the pc's case is improving he becomes more independent of the meter. That is the direction you want to go. "RULE: Use the meter to date and verify date correctness by all means but only after the pc has been unable to come up with the date." (HCOB 4 Aug 63, ALL ROUTINES, E-METER ERRORS, COMM CYCLE ERROR.) The same rule would apply to using the meter on the Locate steps. 229 TIME When dating anything you are using a system of measurement of time. There are various systems for measuring time and as time is basically a postulate or consideration there is no absolute system for measuring time. Time can be measured in terms of years ago. It can be measured by year, month and day (1918 AD, January 1st). These two systems are applicable to this planet, as the term "year" is the time it takes this planet to complete an orbit around the sun. In larger whole track dates different systems were used. The whole point is to use the system the pc is using, because the whole point of dating is to blow a past time that the pc is stuck in. And the pc will very often use the dating system of the time period he is stuck in. It doesn't matter what system of time measurement the pc uses. It is important that the auditor accepts and uses the system the pc is using and doesn't try to change it. You're first going to ask the pc, "When was it?". He may tell you in terms of "years ago" or "weeks ago." Or he may say "It was 1890" or "It was the 24th of August 1672." Or he may use an earlier track system of dating. Either way, you take it, and if he has said "High noon on May 2nd, 1912" you don't then ask "How many years ago?" as he has just told you, and your question would be altering the dating system the pc is using. YOU CAN USE ANY SYSTEM OF TIME MEASUREMENT IN DATING; THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT YOU USE THE SYSTEM THE PC IS USING. It is remarkable that a pc can date something that happened earlier than this planet in terms of years ago. He can by some sort of mental computer, but the auditor mustn't require that the pc convert a date to some other system. And when the pc has it, the auditor doesn't then alter-is it in sequence. Found by years -- months -- weeks -- days -- hours -- minutes -- seconds and fractions of a second, one doesn't then call it back by day, year, month, as it tangles the pc. It is called back in the same order. WHEN CALLING BACK A DATE AS AN INDICATION, ALWAYS CALL IT BACK IN THE SAME SEQUENCE THAT THE DATE WAS FOUND OR GIVEN. IMPLANT DATES/ACTUAL DATES Implant dates usually only give small reads whereas actual dates read well. If you suspect that you are getting false dates out of an implant, you meter check "Implant date?" and you'll get a read on that question, and the false implant date will no longer read. The actual date will read well. Meter check if it is: a) a false date from an implant? b) an actual date? and the meter read will tell. DATING THE PURPOSE OF DATING IS TO GET A BLOW OF THE PAST TIME THE PC IS STUCK IN. Whether the pc gives the date, or whether the auditor has to meter date it, you must remember that all you are going for is a blow. Sometimes you will get a blow as easily as the pc saying "It was a long time ago." A blow is accompanied by a BD and F/N. So be alert when dating for a sudden LF or 230 BD and F/N. And if the pc doesn't originate that it blew, ask him so you won't go on trying to date to blow, something that has already blown! Very often a date has to be dated precisely down to the fraction of a second in order to get a blow. If there is no blow on pc giving the date, or on auditor meter dating it, you then call the date back as an indication and it will blow. If it doesn't it is because there is an error in the date, or the auditor altered the date or its sequence in calling it back, or there already was a blow on dating that wasn't noticed and was overrun. Usually a pc will need help from the auditor to start with and the auditor might need to do the whole dating drill on the meter establishing the order of magnitude and every part of the date on the meter. Then the pc's ability improves and the pc starts to become more able to find dates himself. The auditor must be alert for this and accept the pc's data and never challenge, meter check or invalidate the pc's data. Sometimes the pc will blurt the whole date out at once, and the auditor must be ready to write this down accurately and call it back accurately. LOCATIONS AND DISTANCE When locating something you are using direction and a system of measurement of distance. Just as time is basically a consideration, so is distance. And there are many systems of measuring distance, both on this planet and earlier on the track. Distance can be measured in miles, kilometers, light-years, to name a few. In one whole track space opera civilization, intergalactic distances were measured in terms of how long it took a particular spaceship, called a Hylan and intergalactic distances were measured by the number of "days of Hylan space flight." You will probably find that the pc will tend to use the system of measurement of distance that was used at the time of the past location that he is stuck in. Just as a pc can use a sort of mental computer to convert whole track dates into "years ago," he can also mentally convert some distances into "miles." But the auditor never expects him to do so, and never asks him to. YOU CAN USE ANY SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT OF DISTANCE IN LOCATING, THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT YOU USE THE SYSTEM THE PC IS USING. And when you have the distance you must call it back accurately, and not alter-is it in sequence either. WHEN CALLING BACK A DISTANCE AS AN INDICATION, ALWAYS CALL IT BACK ACCURATELY. AND IN THE SAME SEQUENCE THAT IT WAS GIVEN OR FOUND. LOCATING THE PURPOSE OF LOCATING IS TO GET A BLOW OF THE PAST LOCATION THE PC IS STUCK IN. As in dating the auditor may have to help the pc with the meter but usually the pc will be able to find and give the data, and the auditor never resorts to the meter if the pc can get it. And you may get a blow on direction step alone or on the pc realizing it happened somewhere else, or "not here" or "Greece" or whatever. The auditor Must be alert for the LF or BD and F/N and ask the pc if it blew, so as not to go on trying to get a blow of a location that has already blown! Usually if you don't get a blow on finding the direction and distance, you will get a blow on calling the location back to the pc as an indication. If not there is an error in the direction or distance or the auditor altered it in calling it back. 231 In locating, the auditor is getting the past physical location. E.g. the auditor gets the direction, distance, what galaxy, star, planet, country, etc., pinpointing it down to the exact location in space where it happened. But these items are not taken up rotely; one uses the questions that apply. For example, if it occurred "next door" one would not ask "What planet?". Or if the pc has said it's "two years ago" when dating, in locating one doesn't then ask "What galaxy?" as, of course, it's this one. Or what star, either. If you start asking "What galaxy?" on an incident on Earth the pc is thrown backtrack. And if it happened outside a town in the open you wouldn't ask what city, house, or street or room, either. You must use the questions that apply. The pc is of course IN the auditing room. One doesn't ask where he is. And it's never "Who else was there?" or "What else is there?" as these things put the pc down the track. One does not try to run engrams at the same time one is doing the Locate step. It is simply location. Where? What? How far? Location. AND in locating, if there is no instant blow when the location is fully spotted and it seems correct, the location is called back to the pc. It usually blows when it is called back to the pc after it is known. TWO SEPARATE DRILLS There are two separate drills for dating and locating, and which is used depends upon pc ability to find and give the data. The first drill given is where the pc volunteers or gives the data. The second drill is where the auditor establishes all the data by metering. As with all processing, the pc's ability increases as you go along, and the auditor must be alert for this and change from meter dating and meter locating to accepting and taking the pc's data. It can also happen that a pc who was able to find and give the data may run into something particularly heavy and now need assistance from the auditor. The rule is: NEVER RESORT TO THE METER IF THE PC CAN FIND AND GIVE THE DATA, AND NEVER LET A PC STRUGGLE IF HE CAN'T FIND THE DATA. AND NEVER, NEVER USE THE METER TO CHALLENGE, 'CORRECT' OR INVALIDATE THE PC'S DATA. PRELIMINARY STEP Before dating and locating on a pc for the first time you must clear what you will be doing and the words and terms used, so that he understands these and knows what is expected of him. 1. Give the pc an R-Factor that you will be dating the past time of the incident (i.e. when it happened), until that blows. 2. Clear the word "blow" with the pc per the Tech Dictionary definitions No. 1 and No. 2. 3. Clear any misunderstoods the pc has on dates and dating or words used in measurement of time, or numbers (e.g. "billions," etc.). 4. Give the pc an R-Factor that you will be establishing the direction and distance in order to find the past location of the incident (i.e. where it happened), until that blows. 5. Clear the term "direction" and the concept of pointing. Clear the term "distance" and any misunderstoods the pc has on measurement of distance (e.g. miles, light-years, etc.). 232 6. Let the pc know you will be getting answers from him, not the meter, unless it is necessary to help him with the meter. And that if the pc should suddenly get the date or location he should tell you. Also let the pc know that you are dating and locating to get a blow and that when a blow occurs to tell you, as the purpose of this procedure is to get the mass to blow. DATING TO BLOW/LOCATING TO BLOW PROCEDURE BY STEPS PROCEDURE ONE, PC GIVING THE DATA DATING DRILL No. 1 1. R-Factor: "We're going to date the past time when that (______) happened precisely, until the mass blows." 2. Ask the pc when it happened. (If the pc doesn't know, go to meter dating, per Dating Drill No. 2.) 3. Write down the pc's answer. 4. If not already given, have the pc give the rest of the date right on down to the fraction of a second. 5. Call the date back to the pc accurately and in the same sequence in which it was given, and it will blow. (Caution: The blow may occur earlier in the dating steps and the auditor must not go on past a blow. If you suspect a blow and pc hasn't volunteered this, ask him if it blew.) LOCATING DRILL No. 1 1. R-Factor: "We're going to find the past location where (_______) happened precisely, until the mass blows." 2. Get the pc to point to where it happened. (Points with finger in the direction to the past location.) 3. Ask the pc the distance to that location. (This is the distance from where the pc is now to that past location.) 4. If not already given have the pc give the rest of the distance right on down to fractions, until you have a precise distance. 5. Call the distance back to the pc accurately and in the same sequence in which it was given, and it will blow. NB. If the pc starts giving you the location in some other terms such as "On the corner of Times Square, New York," you would of course accept the pc's data, and not ask him to convert that into miles away, or anything else. (Caution: The blow may occur earlier in the locating steps and the auditor must not go on past the blow. Sometimes the blow will occur on asking the pc to point. Sometimes the pc while dating will also get the location and blow it too. If you suspect a blow due to a BD and F/N and the pc hasn't volunteered this, ask him if it blew.) 233 PROCEDURE TWO, AUDITOR FINDING THE DATA BY METERING DATING DRILL No. 2 If the pc didn't know when it happened (on step 2 of Dating Drill No. 1), you go to meter dating. 1. Establish what system of dating or time measurement this date is measured in. Such as "years ago," or by year (i.e. 1918 AD), or some entirely different system. Do not do this if you already know it is a this lifetime date, or a this planet date, as that would be robotic. 2. Establish the order of magnitude. 3. Meter date the date right on down precisely, even to fractions of a second, until you get a blow -- F/N. 4. If no blow -- F/N when the full date is found, call it back to the pc accurately and in the same order it was found and you should get a blow. 5. If you haven't got a blow, there is either an error in the date or some part of the date, or it is not precise enough, or it blew earlier and wasn't noticed. Meter check: Wrong date? Incompletely dated? Implant date? Some part of the date was incorrect? Already blown? and handle what reads, and you will get a blow -- F/N. LOCATING DRILL No. 2 It is rare that a pc can't get the direction and distance, or otherwise pinpoint the exact past location. Should you encounter this, do the same drill as given in Locating Drill No. 1, with the auditor establishing each step by metering. 1. Get pc to point to the location to get direction. 2. Establish what system of measurement of distance (i.e. miles, or light- years, or whatever). 3. Get the distance. 4. Get any remaining increments of distance on down to fractions or decimal points. 5. Call back the distance or location as an indication, and you should get a blow -- F/N. 6. If no blow there has been an error and you should meter check: Is some part of the location wrong? Wrong direction? Wrong distance? 234 Incompletely located? Already blown? and handle what comes up, and you will get a blow -- F/N. CAUTION: In Date/Locate, if it bogs and the auditor can't easily correct the error in dating or in locating, do not continue messing up the pc with wrong dates or wrong locations, as these can be very upsetting to a case. INDICATE TO THE PC THAT THERE IS AN ERROR IN DATING OR LOCATING AND END OFF FOR C/S INSTRUCTIONS. A drill that can be used in locating when applicable is given below. This must not however be done rotely when it doesn't apply. If you knew the incident occurred in the recent past or this lifetime, you would not ask "What galaxy?" as the question wouldn't make sense, and would throw the pc backtrack. Point (pc points with finger) Distance? (including increments of distance to get the exact distance) What galaxy? What star? What planet? What country? What city? What street? What house? Position on street? What room? Distance from front of house? Where in the room? How far from each wall? How far off the floor? How far from the ceiling? continuing with questions which will narrow it down to the precise location, to a blow -- F/N. NOTE: The above steps, particularly, cannot be rote. Listen to the pc and work with him, realistically, to get the location spotted exactly, but do not evaluate for him in any way. If at some point on these steps the location turns out to be in the middle of the ocean or in a field, etc., the auditor uses available landmarks or reference points to get the location (i.e., distance from the nearest point of land? or, distance from the big rock?) down to a blow -- F/N. 235 If, while locating, the pc starts running the incident or gives too much "scene" the auditor has the pc point again, then continues from where he left off on the Locate steps. LIABILITY In dating and locating there is a possible source of BPC, peculiar to dating and locating. A correct date for one incident or mass can act as a wrong date for another incident or mass, as it is a wrong date for it. A correct location for one incident or mass can act as a wrong location for other incidents or masses, as it is wrong for the others. It is peculiar to dating and locating that a right date or a right location can cause BPC by also being a wrong date or wrong location for other incidents or masses. This does not always occur, but is noted here should an auditor or C/S encounter it. Manifestations of this are: a) pc getting upset inexplicably b) getting a read on both "Correct date?" and "Wrong date?" c) TA going up d) increase of mass or pressure. It will relieve on the indication that the date found is a wrong date for other incidents or masses, and on the indication that the location found is a wrong location for other incidents or masses. SUMMARY A CORRECT DATE, ESPECIALLY IF TAKEN DOWN TO SECONDS AND FRACTIONS OF A SECOND, WILL BLOW. A CORRECT LOCATION, ESPECIALLY IF TAKEN DOWN TO MINUTE INCREMENTS OF DISTANCE, WILL BLOW. Date/Locate, when done correctly, quickly and smoothly, works well and is successful. The longer it takes the more it will restimulate all sorts of other things which have nothing to do with the course of action. The Date/Locate steps must NOT be done robotically. One has to understand the mechanics of how it's done and why. The essence of Date/Locate is to bring the pc to PT by erasing the date by spotting and the location by spotting, as the pc is out of PT fixed by both date and location. If the theory is understood nobody would do it rotely. This is a highly precise action to be done smoothly with good TRs. Its results are phenomenal. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:pm.dm.jk Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 236  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/11/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  URGENT -- IMPORTANT L & N LISTS -- THE ITEM "ME"   Auditors, Class IV and above C/Ses, Class IV and above  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 NOVEMBER 1978 Auditors, Class IV and above URGENT -- IMPORTANT C/Ses, Class IV and above L & N LISTS -- THE ITEM "ME" RULE: THE ITEM "ME" MUST BE ACCEPTED ON ANY S & D LIST. RULE: THE ITEM "ME" MUST NEVER BE REPRESENTED. The item "Me" on an L & N list must be accepted as the item, as it is basically the only right item there could be for an identity or valence list. The item "Me" often appears on S & D lists, or similar L & N lists which ask for an identity or valence. If it is not accepted, or if it is represented, it will really mess up the case. (This includes the pronouns, "myself," and "I.") The right thing to do when the pc gives this item, is to accept it as the item for the list, and do not continue that list or take any further action with that item. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dm.clb Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 237  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/11/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 35RF WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST  Type = 12 iDate=21/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=6 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearers Class IV Grad and above Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 NOVEMBER 1978 Remimeo Word Clearers (Cancels BTB 21 July 1971RE Class IV Grad Word Clearing Correction List Revised) and above Auditors C/Ses Word Clearing Series 35RF WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST The WCCL is the list to use when any form of Word Clearing bogs down. Any and all trouble with Word Clearing should be corrected by assessing and handling this list. The WCCL has been designed to parallel errors made in Word Clearing, not study, not the person's case, and it is to be used in Word Clearing sessions to correct Word Clearing errors. If, after the Word Clearing Correction List has been fully handled, there seems to be other bypassed charge connected with the subject of study, a Study Green Form should be done. This list can be assessed Method 3 or Method 5. All Word Clearers are to check out on and use this list to correct Word Clearing errors. 1. IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR CASE? _____ If this list is being assessed during course room metered Word Clearing, end off for C/S instructions, otherwise assess and handle a C/S Series 53. 2. HAVE YOU BEEN WORD CLEARED OVER OUT-RUDS? _____ Find out which and handle to F/N and VGIs. 3. IS A WORD STILL MISUNDERSTOOD? _____ Find out which and get it cleared to F/N. (If Method 1 Word Clearing, clear it E/S to EP.) 4. WAS A WORD IN A DEFINITION MISUNDERSTOOD? _____ Find out which word and get it cleared to F/N. 5. COULDN'T YOU FIND THE ACTUAL MISUNDERSTOOD? _____ Using your meter and 2WC, find the misunderstood word and clear to F/N. (If Method 1 Word Clearing clear it E/S to EP.) 6. DID YOU NOT GET THE BASIC WORD? _____ Find out which word or subject was not taken to EP, locate the misunderstood words and clear each to F/N, going E/S to EP. 7. DID YOU FAIL TO USE THE WORD YOU WERE CLEARING IN ENOUGH SENTENCES? _____ Get the word used in sentences until it is fully understood, to F/N and VGIs. 8. DID YOU NEED TO DEMO THE WORD YOU WERE CLEARING? _____ Get the word demoed to full understanding, F/N and VGIs. 238 9. WERE YOU USING AN IMPROPER DICTIONARY? _____ Find out what word and what dictionary. Get a proper dictionary and clear it to F/N and VGIs. 10. WAS THERE AN EARLIER SIMILAR MISUNDERSTOOD WORD NOT CLEARED? _____ Find out what it is and clear it to F/N. (If Method 1 Word Clearing, clear it E/S to EP.) 11. DID YOU NOT FEEL GOOD ABOUT A WORD WHEN IT WAS CLEARED? _____ Find the word and reclear it to F/N. 12. DO YOU KEEP FORGETTING WORDS YOU HAVE ALREADY DEFINED? _____ Locate the other or related word he didn't define and clear it to F/N. 13. DID YOU HAVE TO CLEAR A WORD YOU ALREADY KNEW? _____ Find out what the word was and indicate. If no F/N get off any protest or inval and rehab to F/N. 14. WAS A WORD OVERRUN? _____ Find out what word and rehab. 15. WAS A WORD READING ON PROTEST? _____ Get which word, indicate. If no F/N handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 16. DID A WORD NOT REALLY READ? _____ Get which word, indicate. If no F/N handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 17. COULDN'T YOU HEAR THE WORD CLEARER? _____ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 18. DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WORD CLEARER SAID? _____ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 19. DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THE ACTION BEING DONE? _____ Find out what it was and handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N or clear it up with correct references to F/N and VGIs. 20. WERE YOU CONFUSED BY SOMETHING? _____ Find out what it was and handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N or clear it up with correct references to F/N and VGIs. 21. WERE YOU PUZZLED WHY THE WORD CLEARER KEPT ON WORD CLEARING? _____ Find out what happened and handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N or rehab the win. 22. ON WORD CLEARING DID YOU FEEL OVERWHELMED? _____ Find out what happened and handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 23. ON WORD CLEARING DID YOU FEEL HOPELESS? _____ Find out what happened and handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 24. ON WORD CLEARING DID YOU FEEL INVALIDATED? _____ Find out what happened and handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 25. ON WORD CLEARING WAS THERE ANY EVALUATION? _____ Find out what happened and handle with its a E/S itsa to F/N. 239 26. ON WORD CLEARING WERE YOU PROTESTING? _____ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 27. DID YOU GET DISTRACTED DURING WORD CLEARING? _____ Find out what happened and handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 28. WAS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE F/Ns INDICATED? _____ Find out what happened and handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N or clear to F/N any words not fully cleared. 29. DID YOU HAVE TO LOOK UP TECHNICAL OR SPECIALIZED DEFINITIONS OF WORDS THAT DIDN'T APPLY? _____ Find out what the word was. Indicate this was an unnecessary action. Correctly clear the word to F/N. (If Method 1 Word Clearing, take E/S to EP.) 30. DID YOU TELL THE WORD CLEARER IT WAS UNDERSTOOD JUST TO GET RID OF HIM? _____ Get the word (plus any others) and clear each to F/N, 31. WAS IT NOT YOUR MISUNDERSTOOD? _____ Itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 32. WAS THERE INVALIDATION OF KNOWINGNESS? _____ Find out what it was, and handle with itsa E/S itsa to F/N. 33. DID YOU USE THE WRONG SIZED CANS? _____ False TA Checklist. Work out the right sized cans with the pc. 34. DID YOUR HANDS GET TIRED IN WORD CLEARING? _____ False TA Checklist. Work out the right sized cans with the pc. 35. WAS A WORD ON THE LIST OF SUBJECTS MISUNDERSTOOD? _____ Find out what it is and clear to F/N. (If Method 1 Word Clearing, take E/S to EP.) 36. IS A SUBJECT STILL MISUNDERSTOOD? _____ Get which subject and which word and clear it to F/N. (If Method 1 Word Clearing, take E/S to EP.) 37. DID YOU NOT GET THE BASIC SUBJECT? _____ Find out what subject is incomplete by 2WC, locate the misunderstood words in it and clear each to F/N. (If Method 1 Word Clearing, take E/S to EP.) 38. IN REGARD TO EARLIER SUBJECTS OR COURSES YOU STUDIED DID YOU FIND ANY OF THEM DIFFICULT? _____ When this question is answered ask this second question: WERE THERE ANY WORDS ON THESE COURSES THAT YOU DIDN'T FULLY UNDERSTAND? _____ Find by subject and get each defined. Then do steps again until both questions F/N. 39. DO YOU STILL HAVE MISUNDERSTOODS ON EARLIER COURSES? _____ Find out which course (or courses) and get each misunderstood word cleared. Then recheck the question and handle until it F/Ns on checking. 240 40. DO YOU HAVE MISUNDERSTOODS ON YOUR EARLIER THAN SCIENTOLOGY SCHOOL OR FAMILY TRAINING? _____ When this question has been answered, ask: WAS THERE ANY WORD IN (SUBJECT NAMED) YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND? _____ Get it fully defined to F/N and all such words cleared up for that subject. Handle all subjects the person has named as above. Then recheck the original question and handle until it F/Ns on checking. 41 WERE YOU BEING WORD CLEARED ON AN UNREADING SUBJECT? _____ Find out what. Indicate. If no F/N rehab or Date/Locate. 42. WAS A SUBJECT OVERRUN? _____ Find out what and indicate. If no F/N rehab. 43. WAS A MISUNDERSTOOD SUBJECT MISSED? _____ Find out which subject(s) and which words and clear each to F/N. (If Method 1 Word Clearing, take E/S to EP.) 44. DID YOU TRY TO MAKE THE LIST F/N? _____ Put in ruds on Word Clearing, each to F/N, VGIs. Rehab any overruns. 45. IS THERE A SUBJECT WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THE LIST BUT WASN'T? _____ Find out what the subject is and clear all misunderstood words to F/N, going E/S to EP. 46. HAS A WIN BEEN BYPASSED? _____ Find out what and rehab. 47. IS THERE SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _____ Find out what and handle or return to the C/S. 48. WAS THERE NOTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE? _____ Indicate. If no F/N rehab or Date/Locate. 49. IS THERE SOME OTHER BYPASSED CHARGE ON THE SUBJECT OF STUDY? _____ Assess and handle a Study Green Form. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nc Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 241  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/11/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITORS WHO MISS WITHHOLDS, PENALTY   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 NOVEMBER 1978 Remimeo (Also issued as HCO PL 28 Nov 78) AUDITORS WHO MISS WITHHOLDS, PENALTY As one of the most destructive things an auditor can do is miss a withhold on a pc and as missing a withhold stems exactly from being inexpert, out- metering, out-TRs, or mutual out-ruds, and as pcs and staff can blow and cause a great deal of trouble when withholds have been missed in Sec Checking or Confessionals, the penalty for missing a withhold on a pc is as follows: Comm Ev, and if found guilty, suspension of certificates until retrained, This penalty has been issued in the past but was omitted in modern compilations. It is no light thing to mess up Sec Checking on a pc. Pcs who blow their auditing in orgs, staff who want to leave, out-ethics mushrooming up in an org can usually be traced to one or more auditors who miss withholds either by their own out-tech or mutual ruds. It is highly possible that the reason husband/wife teams often fail is that they have mutual out-ruds or that they miss withholds on each other. This is no light thing. If this order is not vigorously enforced, lack of enforcement will end up destroying lives, just as it does in the wog world every day. So, get your ethics presence up and make sure that Sec Checking is done correctly, without error and with no missed withholds. This HCOB/PL is retroactive for a decade. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:at.kjm Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 242  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=29/11/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 104 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS   All C/Ses NED Auditors Scn Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 NOVEMBER 1978 All C/Ses NED Auditors Scn Auditors C/S Series 104 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS Well, well. I seem to have been right in Book One about making Clears, but it seems to have exceeded mass reality. WARNING TO NED AND SCN AUDITORS If the case you are auditing has a fantastic win and then seems to go into a decline, beware -- the pc might have become a pre-OT and that funny behavior of the needle and tone arm might have been a floating TA, when he went Clear. NOTE FOR C/Ses I have found some very interesting case phenomena being resolved since past Dianetic Clears are attesting to the state. Some of the manifestations of some of the cases who were audited past Dianetic Clear (unrecognized and unattested to) are: (a) Manifesting PTSness and illnesses until the state was acknowledged and attested to. (b) Appearing to be no case gain, out-ethics cases. (c) Not moving up the Bridge but remaining "parked" at some point. (They have many "reasons" for this.) (d) Becoming inactive as a Scientologist. A C/S should look for these cases and recognize them when he sees them. This in no way means that every PTS or out-ethics case has an unacknowledged state of Clear underlying it but this fact certainly needs to be included in any C/S's case debug line-up. In the cases mentioned above, you will almost always find that the condition started at a certain point in the pc's auditing (or in his last life, as a pc). If you do a thorough folder study and interview the pc you will find that he went Dianetic Clear just prior to the case going awry. (Or, by interview, you might find he went Dianetic Clear in his last life.) (Note: One percent have track dates when they went Clear.) Advance Scheduling Registrars and those working in the Central Files of an org can go through CF folders and ask the org C/S to check the folders of those who have drifted off lines or stopped going up the processing side of the Bridge, as an unacknowledged Dianetic Clear state may just be the cause. CLEAR IN LAST LIFE Some people didn't believe one had lived before this life. Also some people wondered what happened to old Dianeticists and Scientologists who had died. But others used to have the phrase "Well, we'll pick them up in the next lifetime," or "the next time around." 243 Well it seems like the former shouldn't have wondered and the latter were right. We are coming up with quite a few pcs who had gone Clear in their last lifetime during Book One auditing, Goals Processing, etc. This is something that the pc originates or something he has been "wondering about" but invalidated. INVAL/EVAL The state of Clear having been truly attained yet not acknowledged and attested to, can cause an extraordinary amount of invalidation. Evaluation also occurs on this subject and comes from others and even the pc himself. Because of the amount of inval and eval which may exist, a pc will often have to have these buttons put in before he can acknowledge the state he has attained. In this case this would have to be done before the point he went Clear is Date/Located. In some cases you may have to assess a Dianetic Clear Repair List to handle the pc's bypassed charge. ETHICS WARNING It is a comm-evable offense to coach the pc with data about Clear in any way. You also do not evaluate for any pc and try to convince him he has gone Dianetic Clear when he hasn't. You do not turn to "the pc must have gone Dianetic Clear" when you can't easily solve a pc's case. You use the C/S Series in full. Only a C/S who is Clear and who knows the full EP of Dianetic Clear can send a pc through to attest to this state. To send a pc through to attest to Dianetic Clear when he hasn't truly made it is a suppressive act as that preclear will not make it on the OT levels. If the C/S is not a Clear he should send the person or the person's folders to a Class IV Org C/S who is Clear, or to an AO. THE POWER OF AUDITING The power of modern auditing shouldn't be underestimated. It was pretty hot in 1950, but realize there were 28 years of research and development. This has been enormously stepped up. For 28 years, apparently, the power of auditing has been underestimated. With better trained auditors than ever, and with their TRs and metering really in, the C/S who is keeping tech in on his lines can expect a lot more of this sort of thing, so he must be alert to it, without at the same time going delusory or failing to handle cases that really are bogged for quite some other reason. Given standard tech used by standard auditors and C/Sed by standard C/Ses, there is no reason why we cannot Clear the planet. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mm.nc. Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 244  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/11/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CONFESSIONAL PROCEDURE  Type = 12 iDate=31/8/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/Ses Tech/Qual Auditors HCOs Level II Checksheets Confessional Courses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex C/Ses HCO BULLETIN OF 30 NOVEMBER 1978 Tech/Qual Auditors (Cancels BTB 31 Aug 72RB, HCOs Confessional Procedure) Level II Checksheets CONFESSIONAL PROCEDURE Confessional Courses (Ref: HCOB 5 Aug 78 INSTANT READS HCOB 28 Feb 71 C/S Series 24 IMPORTANT, METERING READING ITEMS HCOB 8 Feb 62 URGENT, MISSED WITHHOLDS HCOB 12 Feb 62 HOW TO CLEAR WITHHOLDS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS HCOB 3 May 62R ARC BREAKS, MISSED Rev. 5.9.78 WITHHOLDS HCOB 11 Aug 78 I RUDIMENTS, DEFINITIONS & PATTER HCOB 20 Sep 78 AN INSTANT F/N IS A READ Rev. 9.10.78 HCOB 14 Mar 71R F/N EVERYTHING Corr. & Rev. 25.7.73 HCOB 3 Sep 78 URGENT, URGENT, URGENT, DEFINITION OF A ROCK SLAM HCOB 10 Aug 76R R/Ses, WHAT THEY MEAN Rev. 5.9.78 HCOB 17 May 69 TRs AND DIRTY NEEDLES HCOB 6 Sep 78 FOLLOWING UP ON DIRTY NEEDLES BTB 8 Dec 72RC CONFESSIONAL REPAIR LIST Re-rev. 4.6.77 (LCRC) HCOB 10 Nov 78R PROCLAMATION: POWER TO FORGIVE HCOB 10 Nov 78R-1 PROCLAMATION: POWER TO Add. 26.11.78 FORGIVE -- ADDITION HCOB 28 Nov 78 AUDITORS WHO MISS WITHHOLDS, PENALTY BOOK: THE BOOK OF E-METER DRILLS. SEC CHECKING HCOBS, SEC CHECKING TAPES and TAPE DEMOS since 1961.) "Sec Checking," "Integrity Processing" and "Confessionals" are all the exact same procedure and any materials on these subjects is interchangeable under these titles. (HCOB 24 Jan 1977 TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP.) Withholds don't just add up to withholds. They add up to overts, they add up to secrecies, they add up to individuations, they add up to games conditions, they add up to a lot more things than O/W. You are straightening out somebody on a moral code, the "Now I'm supposed to's." They've transgressed on a series of "Now I'm supposed to's." Having so transgressed, they are now individuated. If their individuation is too obsessive, they snap in and become the terminal. All of these cycles exist around the idea of the transgression against the "Now I'm supposed to's." That is what a Confessional clears up and that is all it clears up, It's a great deal more than a withhold, (HCOB 1 March 77, Iss III, FORMULATING CONFESSIONAL QUESTIONS.) 245 PROCEDURE A Confessional must be done by someone who is a well trained auditor, skilled in TRs, basic auditing and metering, who can make a prepared list read, and who has been fully checked out and drilled on these techniques. Every reading question of a Confessional is F/Ned. The original question must be taken to F/N, not some other question. Here is the basic procedure for a Confessional: 1. Set up the room with the auditor seated closer to the door than the pc, so that he can gently put the pc back in his chair if he tries to blow the session. Ensure all the necessary materials are to hand, per HCOB 4 Dec 77, CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER. 2. Make sure the person is well fed and well rested, that his hands are not too dry or moist, that the cans are the correct size and that the person knows how to hold them. Include all the steps of HCOB 4 Dec 77, CHECKLIST FOR SETTING UP SESSIONS AND AN E-METER. (Also ref: FALSE TA HCOBs.) 3. Start the Confessional, Model Session and rudiments are used. Ref: HCOB 11 Aug 78, Iss II, MODEL SESSION. If the TA is high or low, do a C/S Series 53RL, assess and handle. If you are not trained in doing a C/S Series 53, end off for C/S instruction. 4. Put in any needed R-Factor on doing the Confessional. Briefly explain the meter and the procedure to the person if they are not already known to him or her. The term "I am not auditing you" only occurs when a Confessional is done for justice reasons. Otherwise the procedure is the same. (By "justice reasons" is meant when a person is refusing to come clean on a Comm Ev, B of I, etc., or as part of a specific HCO investigation when the person is withholding data or evidence from such HCO personnel.) A Confessional done for justice reasons is not auditing and the data uncovered is not withheld from the proper authorities. Any other Confessional is auditing and is kept confidential. By F/Ning each question that reads, and by the use of Examiner and review, there is a great deal of case gain in a Confessional. It permits the person to again feel a part of his group. 5. Clear the procedure and the use of the buttons "Suppress" and "False" etc. If necessary as an example run a non-significant question to demonstrate the procedure (e.g, "Have you ever eaten an apple?"). 6. Take up the first question and clear the words backwards. Then clear the full command, noting any instant read that occurs on the command while clearing, as this is valid. See HCOB 9 Aug 78 Iss II, CLEARING COMMANDS, HCOB 28 Feb 71, C/S Series 24, IMPORTANT, METERING READING ITEMS, and HCOB 5 Aug 78, INSTANT READS. Ensure the pc fully understands the question and what it encompasses. 7. With good TR 1 give the person the first question, keeping an eye on the meter and noting any instant read, i.e. SF, F, LF, LFBD. (Ref: HCOB 5 Aug 78, INSTANT READS.) A tick is always noted and in some cases becomes a wide read. (Ref: HCOB 28 Feb 71, C/S Series 24, IMPORTANT, METERING READING ITEMS.) But don't assume you have a read because you get a tick. Put in Suppress and it will either read or the tick will vanish. In a Confessional, even the smallest change of needle characteristic, if it is instant, is checked into 246 before you go on. But NOTE: YOU DON'T TAKE A RISE AS A CHANGE OF CHARACTERISTIC IN SEC CHECKING. 8. Take up each reading question, getting the what, when, where, all of every overt, Find out who missed it or who nearly found out, and what that person did to make the pc wonder if he knew. Get specifics, not general or vague answers. If no F/N, take the overt E/S to F/N. And ensure that the original question that read is taken to F/N before you leave it. 9. For security investigation purposes, get all the exact names, dates, addresses, phone numbers, and any other information that might be helpful in investigating the case further, should this be needed. 10. If the pc gives you three or four overts at once in reply to a reading question, you note them and ensure you take each separate reading overt or withhold to an F/N, or E/S to F/N. 11. Some people you have to ask the exact question. If your question is even faintly off they F/N. Low responsibility of the pc does this. 12. If the person gives off another's overt, ask if he ever did something like that. You want what the person himself has done. 13. DO NOT TAKE UP UNREADING QUESTIONS. a) If a question does not read and does not F/N you can put in the buttons Suppress and Invalidate, asking: "On the question __________ has anything been suppressed?" "On the question __________ has anything been invalidated?" But don't require it to be answered and don't look up at the pc expectantly either. If it's not reading, tell him so and go on. b) If Suppress or Invalidate reads, it means the read has transferred exactly from the Confessional question to the button. (Ref: HCOB 1 Aug 68, THE LAWS OF LISTING & NULLING.) Put in the button (simply get what the pc has to say and acknowledge), then take up the question. Fully clean the question, as in No. 8 above. Then go on to the next question. c) Or, if the question reads and the pc is trying to answer it and is groping, puzzling, baffled and doesn't have any answer, then check False. Ask: "Was that a false read?", in which case it will read and on indication that it was a false read will now F/N. If no F/N, E/S to F/N. 14. FOLLOW UP FULLY ON ANY DIRTY NEEDLE. A dirty needle will either clean or turn into an R/S. It is your hottest string to pull in finding and turning on an R/S. Thus it is not to be overlooked. The area that is producing a dirty needle when questioned for full data will either clean or go into an R/S. The area that gave the dirty needle is considered clean when you can go over it and it no longer produces a dirty needle. If a dirty needle still persists then there is more to the withhold itself or something the pc isn't voicing about the withhold or how he feels about the withhold. But, pushed, with auditor's TRs in, this dirty needle will turn into an R/S or it will fully clean. (Ref: HCOB 6 Sept 78, FOLLOWING UP ON DIRTY NEEDLES, and HCOB 17 May 69, TRs AND DIRTY NEEDLES.) The auditor MUST know COLD the difference between an R/S and a dirty needle. The difference is in the character of the read NOT the size. (Ref: HCOB 3 Sept 78, URGENT, URGENT, URGENT, DEFINITION OF A ROCK SLAM.) A Confessional is not a rote procedure. Your job is to get the data and help the pc. Sometimes you will be thrown curves or may encounter attempts to be led off in the wrong direction. This is simply a sure indicator the subject is withholding 247 and that the withhold is in restimulation. One has to ignore the volunteer misdirections of the pc as the pc is of course misdirecting, and simply get the read E/Sed or the W/H F/Ned. You must use your tools as given in HCOBs, Sec Checking tapes and tape demonstrations since 1961. 15. TAKE THE ORIGINAL READING QUESTION TO F/N. Not some other question. This all comes under the heading of completing cycles of action and getting one auditing question answered before you ask a second question. In going earlier similar to take the question to F/N, always repeat the Confessional question as part of the earlier similar command to keep the person on that question. Example: "Is there an earlier similar time you ate an apple?" 16. On each question be sure you get all the overts. When you have taken a specific chain of overts earlier similar to F/N, then re-check the original question for any read. If it F/Ns, fine. It's clean. If it reads you have another overt or overt chain to clear to F/N on that question. Use False and Protest buttons as needed. Example: Question A: "Have you committed any overts against apples?" Meter reads. Auditor gets an overt, takes it E/S to F/N. Auditor then re-checks Question A. Meter reads. Pc finds another overt against apples. Auditor takes it E/S to F/N. You clean it, getting all, until the original question F/Ns. (Ref: HCOB 14 Mar 71 R Corr & Rev 25 Jul 73, F/N EVERYTHING HCOB 19 Oct 61, SECURITY QUESTIONS MUST BE NULLED HCOB 10 May 62, PREPCHECKING AND SEC CHECKING.) 17. If the person gets critical, realize you have missed a withhold and pull it. It is no light thing to miss withholds and mess up a pc when doing a Confessional. So be alert for any of the 15 manifestations of missed withhold and handle fully should any of these crop up. (Ref: HCOB 8 Feb 62, URGENT, MISSED WITHHOLDS, HCOB 12 Feb 62, HOW TO CLEAR WITHHOLDS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS, HCOB 3 May 62R Rev 5 Sep 78, ARC BREAKS, MISSED WITHHOLDS, HCOB 11 Aug 78 Iss I, RUDIMENTS, DEFINITIONS AND PATTER.) It is wise, particularly when doing a Confessional of any length, to periodically check the question, "In this session has a withhold been missed?" or "Have I missed a withhold on you?". 18. At the first sign of any, trouble in doing a Confessional check for: missed withholds, false reads and ARC breaks, in that order, and fully handle what you get. In the majority of cases the above buttons should resolve the difficulty. If not, handle with an LCRC (BTB 8 Dec 72RC, CONFESSIONAL REPAIR LIST). Use of the above buttons first, however, before resorting to the LCRC, avoids the possibility of getting into an "overrepair" situation. 19. If the pc consistently immediately dives whole track on Confessional questions, use the preface "In this lifetime...", with good R-Factor. This should not be used to prevent him going whole track on the earlier similar command to F/N the question. 20. ONE MUST ALWAYS REPORT A ROCK SLAM IN THE AUDITING REPORT, NOTE IT WITH SESSION DATE AND PAGE INSIDE THE LEFT 248 COVER OF THE PC'S FOLDER AND REPORT IT TO ETHICS INCLUDING THE QUESTION OR SUBJECT WHICH ROCK SLAMMED, PHRASED EXACTLY. (HCOB 10 Aug 76R, Rev 5 Sep 78, R/Ses, WHAT THEY MEAN.) As the R/S is probably the single most important and dangerous read on the meter, it is important that they are carefully noted when doing a Confessional. For a pc to be branded as an R/Ser is a very serious thing. Also for a real R/Ser to be overlooked by an auditor is a catastrophe both to the pc and to those around that particular person. (Ref: HCOB 24 Jan 77, TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP.) Valid R/Ses are not always instant reads. An R/S can read prior or latently. (HCOB 3 Sep 78, URGENT, URGENT, URGENT, DEFINITION OF A ROCK SLAM.) 21. If you want a pc to stop fiddling with the cans you make them put their hands on the table and keep them there. 22. HCO or executives may request a Confessional be done but neither Tech nor Qual are bound by such requests as an FES could reveal that the trouble stems from "out-lists" or other matters needing correction. They should however take cognizance of such requests and do all possible to get the person handled. 23. If a reading question does not go to F/N and bogs or the TA goes high, take up an LCRC (Confessional Repair List, BTB 8 Dec 72RC), assess and handle per instructions. 24. End off any Confessional session and the entire Confessional itself, when complete, with the rudiments which would pick up anything which might have been missed: Half Truth, Untruth, Missed Withhold, Told All, etc. Use the prefix "In this session..." or "In this Confessional...". Take any reading rudiment E/S as needed to F/N. 25. When the Confessional is fully completed, the auditor who has administered the Confessional informs the person he is forgiven for the overts and withholds he has just confessed, using the following statement: "By the power invested in me, any overts and withholds you have fully and truthfully told me are forgiven by Scientologists." The usual response of the pc is instant relief and VGIs. On any adverse reaction to the Proclamation of Forgiveness, get the rest of the withhold or repair the Confessional session at once. (Ref: HCOB 10 Nov 78 R, PROCLAMATION: POWER TO FORGIVE HCOB 10 Nov 78R-1, Addition of 26 Nov 78, PROCLAMATION: POWER TO FORGIVE -- ADDITION.) 26. All worksheets are routed to Tech Services so they can be included in the person's pc folder. (Ref: HCOB 28 Oct 76, C/S Series 98, AUDITING FOLDERS, OMISSIONS IN COMPLETENESS.) 27. EXAMINER. All Confessionals must be followed immediately by a standard pc examination. The folder is then routed to the C/S. The C/S looks for any nonsequitur F/N on some other subject. It's the primary thing he inspects. If a person falls on his head after a Confessional session an LCRC is given. However, an FES to find missing questions that F/Ned on something else is done. Standard C/S rules apply to Confessionals. 249 28. On any bad Exam Report (non-F/N, BIs or nonoptimum statement) after a a Confessional, or on any person who gets sick or upset or does not do well or has a high or low TA, give an LCRC as the very next action. The 24-hour red tag rule must be strictly enforced. AUDITOR ATTITUDE AND TRs If the pc is not in session you won't get the withholds. TRs play a large part in the pc being willing to talk to the auditor. A wrong or challenging auditor attitude can throw the scene off as there is a destroyed comm cycle. If TRs are rough or choppy the pc feels he's being accused. A poor or comm lag TR 2, hidden front the view of the C/S, can also mess up a person in a Confessional. It invalidates his answers and makes him feel he hasn't gotten it off. If suspected, this could be checked by D of P interview or person to the Examiner for: "What did the auditor do?" (Also see HCOB 16 Aug 71R Iss II, Rev 5 Jul 78, TRAINING DRILLS REMODERNIZED.) So TRs must be polished and the auditor, while maintaining good ethics presence, takes the role of confessor when handling the pc's answers and makes it safe for the pc to get off his overts and withholds. Similarly, an auditor who is certain of his tech and does not miss withholds will build the pc's confidence in him. Anyone doing a Confessional should be fully trained and interned by doing a course and interneship in the handling of Confessionals. You had better determine to become an expert in it, since an auditor's inability to handle this is a fast route to "how to win enemies and wrongly influence people." (HCOB 24 Jan 77, TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP.) But even more important is the fact that, in knowing and applying Confessional tech correctly, you are helping the individual to face up to his responsibilities in his group and the society and putting him back into communication with his fellow man, his family, and the world at large. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk/clb Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 250  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=1/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT STEP   Remimeo AOs SHs All C/Ses HCOs Tech/Qual Missions  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 DECEMBER 1978 Remimeo AOs SHs All C/Ses PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR HCOs FOR HIS NEXT STEP Tech/Qual Missions (Ref: HCOB 24 Sept 78, Iss III, DIANETIC CLEAR) The following are the guidelines for programming a Dianetic Clear after he has attested and the state has been declared: 1. If a Dianetic Clear has had no previous auditing on Grades 0-IV, you can run him on Quad Grades 0-IV. You omit the R3RA step of service facs. (Ref: HCOB 6 Sept 78, Iss III, ROUTINE THREE SC-A, FULL SERVICE FACSIMILE HANDLING UPDATED WITH NEW ERA DIANETICS.) 2. If a Dianetic Clear was incomplete on Grades 0-IV prior to the Dianetic Clear attest (i.e. mid-grades), you would complete the unrun grades (Quad or Expanded) through to Grade IV (omitting the R3RA steps on Service Facs). If a pc goes Clear on a grade then you can give him the other grades, but you'd end off that grade and not continue it. 3. If a Dianetic Clear has previously completed Grades 0-IV, he can go directly onto the Solo Auditor Course and OT I. 4. If a Dianetic Clear is an old-timer who has had a lot of pre-grades Scientology processes run (before formal grades existed), you would not run Grades 0-IV after Dianetic Clear attest. He can be routed onto the Solo Audit Course and OT I. The Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course. IMPORTANT -- NEW RUNDOWN There is even an alternate step to Power specially designed for Dianetic Clears called "Super Power" which will shortly be available in Saint Hills. AND NOTE: Power Processing is still very valid and a vital step on the Bridge for those persons not Dianetic Clear. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nc Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 252  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  UNREADING FLOWS   All Auditors All C/Ses NED Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 DECEMBER 1978 All Auditors All C/Ses NED Checksheet UNREADING FLOWS References: HCOB 5 Aug 78 INSTANT READS HCOB 25 May 62 E-METER INSTANT READS HCOB 28 Feb 71 C/S Series 24 METERING READING ITEMS HCOB 8 Jun 61 E-METER WATCHING HCOB 27 May 70R UNREADING QUESTIONS Rev 3.12.78 AND ITEMS EACH FLOW OF AN ITEM OR QUESTION IS CHECKED FOR A READ BEFORE RUNNING IT. UNREADING FLOWS ARE NOT RUN. One of the governing laws of auditing is that you don't run unreading items. It doesn't matter what you are auditing. You don't run unreading items. And you don't run unreading flows. You don't run an unreading anything. Ever. For any reason. Auditing is aimed at reactivity. You run what reacts on the meter because it reacts and is therefore part of the reactive mind. A read means there is charge present and available to run. Running reading items, flows and questions is the only way to make a pc better. This is our purpose in auditing. To run unreading flows, etc. requires the pc to run "analytical" answers or to "run" things that aren't there or to put something there to "run." The most trouble you can get a pc into is running him on uncharged items or flows. For an auditor to sit in session watching a meter that didn't read, looking expectantly at the pc for an answer to an uncharged question, flow or item is a GAE and will wreck cases faster than anything you can do. So you must check questions, flows or items before running anything. If it doesn't read you just say "Thank you" and go on to the next one. You would, of course, use the buttons to ensure nothing was suppressed, invalidated or misunderstood before leaving an unreading item, flow or question. This is probably one of the reasons that it has been observed that I can audit a pc for 2 1/2 hours and get the same result that another auditor might get in 25 hours. There's nothing mysterious about it. I never run a pc on things that aren't charged. And I don't miss reads. I expect no less from you. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 253  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HOW TO READ THROUGH AN F/N   C/Ses Class III Auditors and above Supervisors Cramming Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 DECEMBER 1978 C/Ses Class III Auditors and HOW TO READ THROUGH AN F/N above Supervisors Cramming (Ref. HCOB 15 Oct 73RB, C/S Series 87RB, Officers NULLING AND F/NING PREPARED LISTS) WHEN TAKING A LIST TO F/NING ASSESSMENT AN AUDITOR MUST KNOW HOW TO READ THROUGH AN F/N. This is a skill that, up to this point, has been used routinely only by highly trained auditors or a few very sharp Class IIIs or IVs or above. But with the difficulty auditors have had in F/Ning prepared lists, it becomes obvious that, from Class III on up, all auditors should be trained to read the meter through an F/N. It is the answer to almost any difficulty an auditor has had in taking a list to F/Ning assessment. An F/N speeds up or slows down or does different things while still remaining an F/N and one can read through it. It is done like this: The swinging weight of the needle (F/Ning from an earlier item) has momentum and it will tend to obscure the read on another item. It will almost obscure it, but not quite. You'll see the F/N "check" or slow up briefly and then continue and this means you have a hot item. Any item that would cause an F/N to "check" will be hot. The auditor who can read through an F/N will spot this and handle the item then and there. Then he continues on down the list, missing nothing, handling what is there to be handled and, with this skilled metering, takes it to a genuinely F/Ning list on assessment. And it doesn't take days or even several sessions, necessarily, to do it. If an auditor can't read through an F/N he'll miss this. He's going down the list, the F/N "checks" or slows and he doesn't see it so he goes right on by it. Then, within the next couple of items the F/N kills. He's going to have a hard time F/Ning that list because he's now got a suppressed read. Example: Auditor in assessing starts with an F/N which continues as he goes on down the list calling the items. On, say, item 5 the F/N "checks" or slows briefly. Auditor can't read through an F/N so he misses this and goes on by. On about the 6th or 7th item the F/N packs up, and the auditor is in a quandary because the F/N has turned off but he didn't get a read on items 6 or 7 either. Or he may misduplicate the killed F/N as a read on items 6 or 7 and attempt to take up one or the other of them. Either way he's in for trouble because he's missed the actual item and he may even try to handle a wrong item. He's going to find it difficult to take that list to an F/Ning assessment. The correct action when an F/N packs up this way is to go back up the list and reassess the last several items to find the missed read. But one should be able to read through an F/N. Probably the main reason for pc upset or protest against "overrepair" and being handled again and again with repair lists lies in this factor alone -- the auditor can't read through an F/N. Thus he misses the charged items and takes up items that are uncharged. And the repair goes on interminably, as the charged lines are not found and handled. 254 This is also probably the reason that auditors have been known to back off from having to F/N a list. They "know" from experience that it is a laborious business. The truth is it's not necessary for an auditor to labor over taking a list to F/Ning assessment. It simply requires good TRs and skilled metering, including the ability to read through F/Ns. An auditor can be trained to see a read through an F/N. The drill would be to sit him down in front of a meter with an F/Ning student on the cans and assess the prepared lists in The Book of E-Meter Drills, spotting each time he gets a "check" or a "slow" or any change in an otherwise continuing F/N. He'll find that he can read through an F/N and become very adept at this, and from then on he won't miss. You'll have an auditor who is confident of his ability to F/N a list accurately and thoroughly in one-half the time (and trauma) it would take otherwise. And far fewer "overrepaired" pcs. ("Overrepaired" pcs are usually pcs with actual reads missed and false reads taken up. So "overrepair" is really "misrepaired" or "not repaired.") This is metering at its best and most accurate. We now expect the best and most accurate metering from the auditor who is in the business of F/Ning prepared lists. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 255  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=5/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 105 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS -- ADDITIONAL DATA   All C/Ses Auditors D of P Tech/Qual HCO  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 DECEMBER 1978 All C/Ses Auditors D of P C/S Series 105 Tech/Qual HCO DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS -- ADDITIONAL DATA (Ref: HCOB 29 Nov 78 C/S Series 104 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS HCOB 1 Dec 78 PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT STEP) Since the HCOBs on Dianetic Clear have come out there have been many attests and many cases unbugged, and there will continue to be more Dianetic Clears as pcs continue to get standard processing. This bulletin gives some additional guidelines to help smooth the lines and prevent needless stops for the person who has made Dianetic Clear. It will also help handle the person who hasn't made it so that he may achieve all the gains available to him. UNACKNOWLEDGED DIANETIC CLEARS A person who has reached the state of Dianetic Clear without it being acknowledged can run into difficulties afterwards. You may find that he's been in ethics trouble or had a low OCA or poor case gain since that point. It's not only lack of acknowledgement but also invalidation by running certain processes that a Clear wouldn't respond to, such as engrams, or continuing to run the grades, or continuing Goals Processing, etc. Also, with Clears and OTs who went Clear before they did the Clearing Course and never knew it or spotted it, bypassed charge results because they are running something which is trying to achieve what they have already achieved. It serves as an overrun. In the case where a pc has this unacknowledged, invalidated Dianetic Clear state, you would most likely find a point in his auditing where it looks as if he had made it and a slump occurred afterwards. This point could have occurred many years back. If you don't see a resurgence of the state in an interview or session when the pc mentions when he went Dianetic Clear, the C/S would be to Date/Locate it. (Ref: HCOB 15 Nov 78, DATING AND LOCATING.) ETHICS The fact that a person may currently be in ethics trouble is no basis on which to adjudicate whether or not he has achieved the state of Clear. It is not a criterion to be used to refuse to allow the person to attest. Clear is Clear. When a Clear is audited on R3RA, when the state is invalidated or goes unacknowledged, he can get into trouble. So apply this to your understanding and analysis of cases. The MAA interview and A to J check on the Dianetic Clear Routing Form is not to imply he's out-ethics but will furnish the C/S with data on the case which may or may not come up in a D of P interview. It will also detect the rare case where the person is attempting to attest in order to save money or for status reasons. In one instance it was discovered that the person routing through was actually a plant. These last examples are a very, very small percentage of the cases. 256 METER PHENOMENA When the state of Dianetic Clear has been acknowledged and any inval cleaned off the line, you'll see a very floppy needle at low sensitivity, an F/N that nothing can break up and, in many cases, a floating TA. A low sensitivity setting (1 to 4) will be needed to even keep the needle on the dial, and the TA will be riding between 2.0 and 3.0. You'll find in many cases that the meter now reads on the pc's postulates -- i.e., a Clear's postulates read as a surge. A read therefore does not mean invariably "Yes" or that the question is charged. "No" can read if the pc says it or thinks it to himself as an answer to a question. (Ref: HCOB 18 April 68, NEEDLE REACTIONS ABOVE GRADE IV.) Bear in mind that you might not get the above meter phenomena immediately on a Dianetic Clear where the state has been bypassed, even though the state is valid. In some cases the TA and needle can be packed up prior to Date/Locate of the exact time the pc went Clear. The pc may have out-Int to be handled. (The handling of out-Int on a Dianetic Clear is the END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD, HCOB 24 Sep 78R, Rev. 21 Nov 78, Iss I, Int RD Series 4R.) The person may still be hung up on misrun R3R or Dianetics run after he went Clear, or on some point of eval or inval that has occurred. If, after a Date/Locate has been correctly done, you're still not getting the expected meter phenomena, a C/S 53RL assessed and handled precisely by the book and taken to F/Ning assessment will clean up any remaining charge. You'll then see a full resurgence of the state, with the pc VVVGIs, a floating, floppy needle at low sensitivity, and a floating TA. PRIOR DIANETIC CLEARS AND KEYED-OUT CLEARS The definitions of Dianetic Clear and Keyed-Out Clear in HCOB 24 Sep 78, Iss III, DIANETIC CLEAR, replace the definitions in the Tech Dictionary. The person who attested to Dianetic Clear or Keyed-Out Clear in past years would not necessarily qualify as a Dianetic Clear now, though the chances are good he did make it. Any pc who has attested to Dianetic Clear or Keyed-Out Clear in the past should be called in for an interview and any necessary C/Sing to ascertain the state. This must be adjudicated by an AO C/S or by an org C/S who is Clear. You will find that many of those who attested to Dianetic Clear earlier on actually did make it, and after confirmation of this they will need to be issued Clear certs and Clear numbers and be properly programmed to move on up the Bridge. (See HCOB 1 Dec 78, PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT STEP.) Additionally, where the C/S knows of a case where it looks very likely, from folder study, that the pc went Dianetic Clear but it was unsuspected at the time and never originated, he should have such pcs also called in for confirmation. THE PERSON WHO HASN'T MADE IT Where it is obvious that a person who has already been allowed to attest hasn't attained Dianetic Clear, give the pc a good R-Factor that the person handling the attest cycle didn't have all the data. He must also be given the R-Factor that he is being programmed so as not to be denied any of the gains on the Grade Chart and so that he will be adequately prepared to do the OT levels. The C/S then programs the case so that this can occur and the pc is informed he should continue with his auditing program. In the case where the person wanting to attest clearly hasn't made it, you tell him 257 so. There may be some state he did achieve that he may wish to attest to and he should be allowed to do so. In both the above cases the person very likely has made some big gain or achieved a new ability, so validate that and give him an appropriate acknowledgement on his win. NEXT STEP FOR DIANETIC CLEARS Use HCOB 1 Dec 78, PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT STEP, as a guide when programming the Dianetic Clear for his next action. SUMMARY Keep in mind that a good percentage of the cases you see who by origination want to attest to Dianetic Clear will have achieved the state. If you follow these guidelines and apply the HCOBs on the subject, both those who have attained Dianetic Clear and those who haven't will be able to move on swiftly up the Bridge on the right gradient. C/Ses should maintain their Ivory Towers and use the above data and all will go well in this area. It is already going well-and this additional data will handle the various situations that have come to light. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 258  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  REVIVIFICATION   C/Ses Tech/Qual Class IV Grad Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 DECEMBER 1978 C/Ses Tech/Qual Class IV Grad Auditors REVIVIFICATION Revivification is the bringing back to life of an engram in which a preclear is stuck. The engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the preclear. It is called a revivification because the engram is suddenly more real to the preclear than present time has ever been. He relives that moment briefly. He does not merely recall or remember it. This is not the same thing as the "returning" to an incident or engram that is employed in Dianetic auditing. Return is the method of retaining the body and the awareness of the subject in present time while he is told to go back to a certain incident. Revivification is the reliving of an incident or a portion of it as if it were happening now. This phenomenon can occur in a pc during the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown. (Ref: HCOB 24 Sep 78R, Iss I, Int RD Series 4R, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN.) The pc, being run on Recalls on Int, will often begin by recalling locks but these can trigger into full play an engram in which he may be stuck and the pc may go into a revivification of it. He will actually be answering and acting from the point or points down the track where he has been stuck. Should this happen the auditor simply continues to run the process and get the pc through it. As the pc revivifies he blows through these stuck points on his track and comes out of them, newly, and is now truly in present time. As revivification is apt to occur on the End of Endless Int Repair, auditors must understand and be able to recognize the phenomena and handle it routinely with excellent TRs when it does. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 259  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HCOB 1 OCTOBER 1978, HCOB 6 OCTOBER 1978 ON BRIGHT THINK RUNDOWN WITHDRAWN  Type = 11 iDate=1/10/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=6/10/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 DECEMBER 1978 Remimeo (Also issued as an HCO Policy Letter of same date and title.) HCOB 1 OCTOBER 1978, HCOB 6 OCTOBER 1978 ON BRIGHT THINK RUNDOWN WITHDRAWN HCOB 1 Oct 78, Reiss 11 Oct 78, THE BRIGHT THINK RUNDOWN, and HCOB 6 Oct 78, Reiss 11 Oct 78, Re-Reiss 24 Oct 78, Bright Think RD Series 2, REMEDY OF BUGGED CASES ON THE RUNDOWN, are withdrawn. The process is most effective when preceded by other specific actions necessary to achieving the full gain possible from the process. As such it is being incorporated as one step of a rundown currently under research and is NOT to be used or audited in any way otherwise. After the date of this issue it will be deemed a HIGH CRIME if any auditor is found to have violated the above. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 260  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=8/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet Class IV and above Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 DECEMBER 1978 Remimeo Issue II Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet Class IV and above Auditors C/Ses GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF GREEN FORM The Green Form is a precision tool which covers the things bugging a case that no other list will detect. It is not intended to correct session errors or cure high or low TA. It specializes in picking up the peculiarities and elements of a pc's life which are out of view in normal auditing and which cause a case to behave unusually. The case may not be particularly resistive, just bugged or not making sense and the Green Form is the list to use to sort it out. It is an excellent C/S tool for getting an estimate of a case and getting it untangled. You can assess it Method 3 and handle, not going beyond the first F/N, when ruds won't fly at the start of session, but its real use is to assess Method 5 and then send to the C/S for programming. If the case appears to be resistive or hasn't sorted out after a full handling of all reading items has been done on the Green Form, then the No. 40 question, called the Resistive Cases Assessment, is assessed Method 5. RESISTIVE CASES Each item on the Resistive Cases Assessment has a corresponding section on the Expanded Green Form 40RD. When an item reads on the Resistive Cases Assessment, you go to the section of the Expanded Green Form 40RD which corresponds (by letter) and assess Method 5 that section. You assess one section of the Expanded Green Form 40RD for each Resistive Cases Assessment item that reads. For example, on the Resistive Cases Assessment, Item C "Audited With Ruds Out" and Item I-2 "Has Taken Drugs" read. The auditor will now go to the Expanded Green Form 40RD, assess all of Section C "Audited With Ruds Out" and all of Section I "Has Taken Drugs." Then, depending on C/S instructions, the auditor will 1) return the folder to the C/S for programming of the case based on the reads he has just gotten or, if he has C/S okay, 2) handle the reads per the instructions given for each reading question. HANDLING READS The sections of the Expanded Green Form 40RD have been arranged in the order in which they are to be taken up if reading. Occasionally an item may read on the Resistive Cases Assessment, but give no reads on the assessment of the appropriate section of the EXGF 40RD. (Example: Section G "Seriously Physically Ill" reads on the Resistive Cases Assessment, but when the auditor assesses Section G on the EXGF 40RD, even after putting in the 261 buttons, there are no reads.) If this occurs, check False and Protest and take the item to an F/N. CLEARS, OTs AND DIANETIC CLEARS The Green Form and especially the Expanded Green Form 40RD call for Dianetic handlings (R3RA) on many items. In using these lists on someone who is Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear, NO Dianetic handlings are done on any items, nor is any activity to be engaged in which brings about further engram running. Where Dianetic handlings are called for on items, there are given additional, special handlings for Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears, which consist of indicating the bypassed charge, letting the person tell you about it if he wishes and indicating the F/N. This, of course, cannot be considered a full handling for many items and the Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear should be programmed for NED for OTs as soon as possible to fully handle any areas of case which, due to his case state, are beyond the scope of New Era Dianetics. DRUGS If unhandled drugs are reading, drugs must be fully handled with the NED Drug Rundown as soon as the EXGF 40RD is complete. If a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear is being a resistive case due to unhandled drugs, the answer is to program the person for a Sweat Program and even Objectives. (You do not run engrams.) The Sweat Program and Objectives will handle drugs where they are hanging up a Clear, OT or Dianetic Clear. END PHENOMENA Otherwise, unless you have missed a read, you will have handled the resistiveness of the pc's case upon completion of the EXGF 40RD. The Green Form, used by itself, or with the EXGF 40RD will solve cases that no other list will handle. They will get a pc winning who has been making no or slow case gains due to some peculiarity or element of his life or case, and they will do this faster and more easily than ever before. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 262  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=9/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HCO PL 23 Oct 76, INTERNSHIP AND HGC, and BPL 29 Nov 1976, IMPORTANT -- INTERNSHIP AND HGC SUSPENSION are CANCELLED.  Type = 21 iDate=23/10/76 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 22 iDate=29/11/76 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Orgs All HGCs LRH Comms/KOTs OESes  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 9 DECEMBER 1978 Remimeo All Orgs All HGCs LRH Comms/KOTs OESes Ref: HCO PL 6 Nov 71 Issue III HCO PL 23 Oct 76, INTERNSHIP AND HGC, and BPL 29 Nov 1976, IMPORTANT -- INTERNSHIP AND HGC SUSPENSION are CANCELLED. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by Commodore's Messenger LRH:MOD:clb Copyright$c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 263  L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by Commodore's Messenger   Type = 11 iDate=13/12/76 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=24/9/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PC SET-UPS AND C/S 53   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 DECEMBER 1978R Remimeo REVISED 24 SEPTEMBER 1979 (Revisions in this type style) PC SET-UPS AND C/S 53 (Ref: C/S Series 1 - 10) The original issue of this HCOB stated "A pc set-up before a major action must include a C/S 53RL to F/Ning list." It then named various Flag-only rundowns. It was not intended for distribution to orgs outside Flag, and has been misimplemented to create a shortage of pcs for NED Course students and internes and Class IV Course students and internes, by requiring that these must not audit pcs who have not first had a C/S 53 to F/Ning list. But every major action does not require a C/S 53 to F/Ning list as a set-up. Therefore this clarification is issued. A pc must be set up before a major action. What this set-up consists of is covered in C/S Series 1 - 10. It does not have to include a C/S 53 to F/Ning list. A C/S 53 to F/Ning list is the most thorough way to set up a case, or to repair a case who has had rough auditing. This is because the C/S 53 is a masterpiece in that it contains everything that could be wrong with the mind. A pc who has had much auditing, especially if any of the auditing was not skillfully delivered, will get a remarkable case resurgence from a C/S 53 done to F/Ning list. But a pc who is already flying, or who has not had much auditing, does not require a C/S 53 to F/Ning list and possibly would not even understand many of the C/S 53 lines. It does not have to be done before every major action. To do so would violate the rules of C/Sing and programming of cases, and is an arbitrary. It is very poor show to enter or use arbitraries as these prevent getting any tech done at all! And not requiring a C/S 53 to F/Ning list does not mean that you can audit a pc who is not set up. Follow the rules of programming and C/Sing cases already very adequately covered in the C/S Series, especially in C/S Series 1 - 10. It is very easy to do. L. RON HUBBARD Founder As assisted by Snr C/S Int LRH:DM:gal Copyright $c 1978, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 264  L. RON HUBBARD Founder As assisted by Snr C/S Int   Type = 111 iDate=17/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=301 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RON'S JOURNAL 30 1978 -- THE YEAR OF LIGHTNING FAST NEW TECH   ALL STAFF ALL PUBLIC AUDITOR MAG ORG MAGS CENTRAL FILES INFO PACKS  L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 301 INT 17 December 1978 To: ALL STAFF ALL PUBLIC AUDITOR MAG ORG MAGS CENTRAL FILES INFO PACKS From: RON RON'S JOURNAL 30 1978 -- THE YEAR OF LIGHTNING FAST NEW TECH Hello. I have some exciting news about services. Processing has gotten so fast that actually clearing whole areas is in view. 1978 was indeed the year of tech breakthroughs! If processing had to get more expensive due to inflation, why then it had to be made much quicker and better. Actually processing costs today per result are much cheaper than ever before and will continue to be as the improvements have been so great. It all began with New Era Dianetics. When I look back and remember the hundreds and even thousands of hours some people spent on Book One Dianetics, it's like an old story half-remembered. If one of those 1950 auditors had the tools of NED they would have been bug-eyed at its fast results. Even the 1968 Dianetic auditor would have been incredulous if his preclears had responded with the speed that NED pcs are achieving. It's probably about 100 to 1. But, the 1950-1968 auditors as auditors might even have objected a little bit to NED as it would have run them out of pcs. The overall cost of 1950-1977 processing, despite being cheaper per hour, was much more expensive. Take a Drug Rundown. These used to go on for hundreds of hours and somebody said they would have cost many thousands of dollars to complete. But with NED Drug Rundowns, they go off zip, zip, zip in one or two intensives. NED is so fast that even an incomplete old DRD can be finished up and repaired and ended utterly in less than one intensive. You would be amazed how fast and thorough it is. So it isn't the cost by hour or by intensive; it's how much the whole rundown costs that counts and if it can be given in far fewer hours it is cheaper no matter the cost per hour. 265 NED is cleaning up anything and everything Book One ever mentioned with lightning speed. Of course, when somebody goes Dianetic Clear, he can't be run on more engrams, right? Right! So it's forbidden now to run NED on Dianetic Clears. The main problem of good auditors today is hitting such tremendous wins on pcs that they have to wait 2 or 3 days for the F/N to die down -- if it does. Auditors are getting sore legs from just walking in and out of sessions. It's awful. We are making Clears these days in many cases so fast that Clearing Course bracelet numbers are jumping up by the thousands per month. We are also finding that some old Dianetic pcs had gone Clear and the auditors didn't notice. Incredibly enough, sometimes on a next life basis we are running into Dianetic Clears from 1949 and '50 so even those auditors were better than they thought they were. So we're not only making new ones we're finding old ones -- such is the power of NED. There have been technical improvements and discoveries and advances in '78 that are reaching into every level of tech and speeding it up. The following is just a partial list: (Key: * means the action can be done on a non-Clear or on a Dianetic Clear. ** means the action is for OT III and above only. ++ means it is a new rundown/action.) DISCOVERIES AND ADVANCEMENTS IN TECH IN 1978 1. NED. (New Era Dianetics). A refinement of all previous Dianetic techniques from 1950 up to present time as well as the development of new technique giving much faster results and far higher gain per hour of auditing and speedy resolution of Dianetic cases. Included in NED are twelve brand new developments. They are all contained in far more detail in the NED HCOBs and packs. Due to the extensive changes and improvements in Dianetics, old Dianetic auditors are also training on the NED Course as it only takes 3 weeks for the able student. A. PREASSESSMENT. With the new preassessment tech developed for NED, each illness or condition the pc needs and wants handled gets handled with a new technique. B. NEW DRUG RUNDOWN. This is the answer to a druggy's dreams. Without withdrawal symptoms and in a no pain, no strain rocket ride, he comes right back up to life and living. Where the old DRD took hundreds of hours and sometimes had to be repeated, the NED DRD requires only a few intensives that are a joy all the way according to the avalanches of success stories which poured in on me from over the world during the pilots. With a good NED trained auditor, the cost of a final, finished, completed Drug Rundown has shrunk way below what it did and far below the habit. The Mafia, Drug Enforcement Agency and other criminals hate it, as it's doing them out of a job. Enlightened foreign governments liked Narconon but boy they'll love it now. Indeed, the dead will walk again. C. END OF ENDLESS DRUG RUNDOWNS REPAIR LIST. A lot of people who have had Drug Rundowns old style and have had to have them repeated will be 266 overjoyed to know that they can be finished with rapidity. In fact with new developments, a repair list can be finished off so fast that the rundown has to be sold on the basis of one intensive. This applies only to getting a C/S 53 and the repair list and is done only on those people who have "completed" an old Drug Rundown and does not apply to the NED new rundown in Section B above. If it takes more, that's too bad for the org. If one wants to get his old Drug Rundown handled terminatedly he should ask for the End of Endless DRD Repair List. (Demand a "C/S 53" to begin it and then get the repair.) D. OBJECTIVE ARC. This brand new process introduces the pc to the wide, bright world. E. SWEAT PROGRAM. Some of these new drugs, like the intelligence drug, LSD (developed to poison and paralyze whole cities) or Angel Dust (developed by crooked gamblers to handle race horses and fix races) have a nasty habit of remaining in the body and popping up unexpectantly to send people on "trips." The Sweat Program has been refined to handle this. It is pretty strenuous -- but so is a traffic accident when an unexpected "trip" happens. Everyone who has had the courage to go on a Sweat Program and stay with it has come up bright as a gold nugget. F. POSTULATE OFF AS THE EP OF A DIANETIC CHAIN. The discovery that some old Dianetic auditors had not been actually completing a chain to the correct end phenomena of getting a postulate off opened the door to a lot of residual gain. Pcs with mean reputations keep right on being mean until they get the postulate off. G. RELIEF RUNDOWN. This handles the losses that push people into the despair and shadows of life and wipes away the tears of the ages. H. DIANETIC STUDENT RESCUE INTENSIVE. Those who find study difficult will be delighted with this one. The slow student turns into a blur of absorbed new knowledge. I. PREPARED ASSESSMENT FORM. This NED process list dredges up the unwanted conditions that wait in the future so they can be handled before they hit the pc. J. IDENTITY RUNDOWN. Freud said that people who are detached and to whom things are unreal could never be handled. This one makes him wrong and the pc right. K. DISABILITY RUNDOWN. To a pc, disability can take many guises, anything from an inability to talk to girls to being unable to speak Arabic. We have a way to handle this now and it works. L. DIANETIC REMEDIES. The Dianetic remedies formerly in use in Dianetics have been refined and expanded with New Era Dianetics tech. They're used where the pc is having trouble with secondaries or engrams and speed up the already swift potentials of NED for the pc who might bog on it. 2. SUPER POWER. A super fantastic, but confidential series of rundowns that can be done on anyone whether Dianetic Clear or not that puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing the super power of a thetan. This is the means that puts Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create the New World. It puts world Clearing within reach in the future. This is a parallel rundown to Power in Saint Hills which is taken by the Dianetic Clear. It consists of 12 separate highpower rundowns which are brand new and enter realms of the tech never before approached. Power is still very much in use on the Grade Chart but is for those who didn't go Clear on Dianetics. Super Power will be delivered at Saint Hills within the next 6 weeks as we are right now super grooming the Super Power auditors in a special international course. It will be delivered in almost all languages. The New World Corps is being formed and trained this very minute, candidates for which must be Class IV, OT IIIs. Orgs were once promised Power for their staffs. [See page 301 for a correction to the requirements for New World Corps candidates as given above.] 267 If org staff are very, very good and get on policy and everything, they will one day look up and see a New World Corps team move in on them, and then.... New World Corps mean just that! 3. END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR. Pcs in the past have often had to have their Interiorization Rundown repaired and sometimes more than once. This repair, found while researching upper levels finalizes any seemingly endless redo of interiorization repairs. Pcs on the pilot actions of this have been ecstatic with relief. 4. NEW INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN. When a pc exteriorizes during processing, he can thereafter find it difficult to exteriorize again -- to put it mildly. The new Interiorization Rundown, in good hands, puts a final finish to any such trouble and the pc ceases to have any trouble because of exteriorization or in exteriorizing. 5. DIANETIC CLEARS. Undoubtedly the BIG news that resounded around the world in '78 was the huge numbers of people who were discovered to have made Dianetic Clear. In 1950 and on, people used to ask "Where are all the Clears?" Well, they were right there! In 1978 I discovered that it was deadly to go on running Dianetics on a Dianetic Clear. Such gave the semblance of no case gain! (Naturally.) So when I announced that running Dianetics on a Dianetic Clear was forbidden, people began to look around and lo and behold they had been making Clears with Dianetics and had been going right on by it! The pc who had made it wasn't declared Clear and further Dianetics didn't work on him (naturally). So in 1978, after my announcement, auditors began to check and listen to the pc and found they had real Clears all over the place! Now NED produces far faster gains and many (not all) NED pcs began to go Clear. And the Clear numbers have been running up like one of those computers. Rehabbed and allowed to declare these Dianetic Clears abruptly attained the full results of Clear! Excited avalanches of success stories have been pouring in on me for months in the thousands and from all over the world. And it's interesting that amongst those found there are a few who went Clear on Dianetics in their last life -- in the 50's! (It's quite a scramble locating their last life folder and records so they can go on to full OT!) "Where are the Clears?" There they were! 6. REDEFINITION OF INSTANT READ. Making it easier for auditors to learn metering and giving pcs vastly increased speed of gains due to higher accuracy of metering. 7. CLARIFICATION OF CONFESSIONAL PROCEDURE. Resulting in faster gain in a shorter period of time. 8. SERVICE FACSIMILES REVISITED. The early 60's handling of service facs was revised and overhauled and became the new Grade IV of Scientology processing. 9. POWER TO FORGIVE. Making it possible for the pc to fully end cycle on any shame, blame, regret or guilt of the past. ** 10. NED FOR OTs. The discovery and development of techniques by which the Second Wall of Fire can be overcome. 268 This consists of 29 fantastic new confidential rundowns, delivered by a specially trained OT auditor. The auditors are in training right now from AOs to give NED for OTs to all those who are OT III and auditors already trained on it are delivering it at Flag in Flag's new Advanced Org Division 4A. Some of the miracles of life have been exposed to full view for the first time ever in NED for OTs. The rave success stories coming from this are the talk of the auditing world. ** 11. OT VIH. This rundown was developed and will be available to OT VIIs who have completed their NED for OTs which is a prerequisite for OT VIII. 12. UPPER LEVELS. There are other OT levels above VIII but these will be released from time to time when people are ready for them. We're already higher than Man has ever been and it can get quite stratospheric. TRAINING In I978 giant training strides were made for I was very busy on that as well. The NED Course was brought down to 3 weeks, Class 0-4 Checksheets were carefully shortened back to the 1968 level when auditors were being made at speed but without losing tech which is quite a trick when you come to think of it! When you realize that a large portion of training costs goes into living expenses while taking the course, reducing the length of time of a course gives an enormous reduction in course costs, regardless of what's being charged. Training is also being helped by scholarships. CLASS IV AUDITING ACTIONS THAT CAN BE RUN Class IV Orgs -- those orgs which are in major cities on 5 continents -- have a large variety of public services which they can give. Many of these are very economical and are there for the raw public as well as to keep their fields getting service. Amongst them are the following: 1. GROUP PROCESSING. After an Intro Lecture a successful gradient for raw public is being part of a group who are audited simultaneously. Group Processing can be pretty effective and on a large number of "releases attained" you will find the public reporting great gains made in group auditing. It is an economical way to keep one going even after he's had professional processing. 2. CO-AUDIT. (Cooperative Auditing). A public person is instructed in the rudiments of auditing and under the supervision of a trained auditor, groups of teams audit each other, attaining good gains. ++3. LIVINGNESS REPAIR. This is often the first action taken on a person by a professional auditor and can bring a great deal of brightness back into his life. ++4. NED. (New Era Dianetics). This was the bombshell of '78 and NED auditors (as well as courses) are available in every org. NED consists of at least 12 separate rundowns as noted in the New Discovery section above. It occasionally makes a Dianetic Clear although this must not be promised. The only "trouble" with NED compared to earlier Dianetics is that it produces results very fast. One can achieve more result per hour of auditing time by about 100 to 1 over old Dianetics and when you realize that old Dianetics was the first and remains the only fast and effective processing known to Man you get some idea of where NED is at. It is interesting that when somebody has been skillfully mucking 269 himself up for trillions and trillions of years that a NED auditor can salvage him in under 100 hours! ++5. XDN. (Expanded Dianetics). In '78 improvements on this were undertaken and the full new Expanded Dianetics is being released in '79. It comprises very specialized applications of Dianetics for the more difficult case. *6. QUAD GRADES AND EXPANDED GRADES 0-IV. These are more fully covered in the book What is Scientology? They are the wonder workers which put ability to live back into life. They handle the basics of relationships amongst people and improve one's ability to handle himself and others. For Dianetic Clears, this is usually their first auditing (less the engram running R3RA part of New Grade IV) after attaining Clear and permits them to expand beyond their previously barriered existence. These grades are very far from limited to Clears. ++7. NEW GRADE IV. Grade IV has been improved enormously by including and refining formerly Class VI materials. The engram running part cannot be run on Clears but the listing processes can. It is guaranteed to make the preclear fully and completely right. ++8. REVISED C/S 53. It is quite a technical achievement to put on one side of one sheet of paper everything that can be wrong with a mind. The "C/S" stands for Case Supervisor who is the one, unseen in some Ivory Tower, who tells the auditor exactly what to do between sessions when you're getting audited. This is a primary tool he uses in analysis. In '78 it was polished up and made as bright as the morning star to detect and handle things you didn't even know were wrong but which might have you totally caved in. ++9. GREEN FORM. This tool of case analysis has been improved. ++10. NEW GREEN FORM 40 EXPANDED. This detects and handles any reason why a case might be resistive to processing, thus handling any tendency towards slow gain and making it possible for such cases to make faster gains in future processing. ++*11. STUDY GREEN FORM. This is a rundown which isolates and handles anything that could be wrong with any student or pupil. * 12. STUDENT CORRECTION LIST. This handles difficulties that a student or pupil may have encountered in his studies and frees him up from these, so that he can now study easily. * 13. NEW METHOD ONE WORD CLEARING. This is far more reaching in clearing up past misunderstoods which stuck the person in previously failed subjects he studied. 14. CONDITIONS AND EXCHANGE BY DYNAMICS. This is an auditing action which increases the awareness of exchange and flows on the various dynamics, enabling a person to be at cause over them. ++* 15. THE MARRIAGE INTENSIVE. This is where husbands and wives handle marital difficulties, enabling them to lead happily married lives. It can restore the bloom of spring romance! ++* 16. AUDITOR RUNDOWN. This is an intensive which fully handles any case reasons why an auditor might have difficulty and enables him to move forward without any losses or failures from past efforts to help people stopping him. ++* 17. TEACHER OR SUPERVISOR INTENSIVE. This is for any person involved in teaching or supervising or education and enables him to become a vastly better teacher or supervisor. ++* 18. EXECUTIVE OR BUSINESSMAN'S INTENSIVE. This enables an executive or 270 businessman to face situations of stress with calmness and frees him from past business stresses. ++* 19. MONEY PROCESSING INTENSIVE. This handles the inability to have money resulting in the ability to increase income. ++* 20. PROFESSION INTENSIVE. This enables a person to overcome difficulties that he may encounter in his profession or in any given subject. ++* 2I. FIXATED PERSON RUNDOWN. This enables a person to overcome the condition of having his attention fixated on one person. ++* 22. SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN. This is a magical rundown just now being released to Class IV and other orgs. It utilizes a principle found in an early ACC but never fully developed and released till '78 that one could bring the suppressive in a person's life to communicate to him and seek peace, without ever contacting him. When expertly done on a person who has been the target of suppression by antagonistic people it brings him back to freedom and handles his environment as well. When one realizes that most illness is precipitated by suppression one can understand the need and use of such a miraculous rundown. It's unbelievable until one experiences it. The way to get processing cheaply is, of course, to take the training route and get trained and make your grades at the same time. Training is very fast these days due to the new checksheets. Class IV Orgs teach the Co-Audit Auditors Course, the fast New Era Dianetics Course, the NED Validated Auditor Internship, the NED Case Supervisor Course, the Validated NED Case Supervisor Internship, now have all the shorter checksheets for and teach Class 0-IV, the Permanent Class IV Auditor Internship, the Class IV Graduate Auditor and Case Supervisor Course, the Permanent Class IV Graduate Case Supervisor Internship and will teach Expanded Dianetics Auditor and Case Supervisor courses and internships. They also teach a considerable number of public courses, lists of which will shortly be available from Class IV Orgs as in 1978 Department 17 was ordered to get busy handling and training the public as the pre-wave of the New World. CLASS VI ORGS (SAINT HILLS) The original Class VI Org was located in a beautiful English estate, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex. When a Class VI Org was formed in Copenhagen to service Europe in all languages it was staffed by people from Saint Hill who named it, of course, "Saint Hill." And when the American Class VI Organization was formed it was staffed by people taken from Saint Hill and, of course, they called it The American Saint Hill Organization. The services remain the same in each of the organizations. The following services are given at Saint Hill Orgs: 1. ALL CLASS IV ORG AUDITING ACTIONS AND COURSES. They cost a bit more but the Saint Hills are essentially training orgs and the auditing delivered there is usually quickly available and very well done. 2. POWER PROCESSING. Grades V and VA are still available and being delivered at Saint Hills for persons who did not make Dianetic Clear, delivered only by Class VII auditors who are specialized on it. Power continues to produce its startling results. ++*3. SUPER POWER. There is no reason a Dianetic Clear should be denied the powerful gains which research made available in '78 (see above). For the public who have gone Dianetic Clear, and those who haven't, Saint Hills will become a mecca where they obtain the most excellent results obtainable in Super Power. 271 The SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE still roars on. This is the place where the auditor gets all the tech that has ever been issued below that level, this is where his sessions are video'ed and polished, this is where he gets all his auditing to catch him up on his grades. These are the Dukes of the auditor elite, the Saint Hillers. One joins the clique only by hard work and great results. CLASS VIII COURSE. This is the course originated on Flag and still taught in its original successful form at Saint Hills. It is a standard tech course and Class VIIIs pride themselves on keeping tech standard over the world. CLASS IX COURSE. This is the graduate course which contains the materials issued since the Flag Class VIII. ADVANCED ORGS Advanced Orgs are located in Los Angeles, England and Copenhagen. The Advanced Orgs are the OT (Operating Thetan) orgs of the world. Because of the nature of OT auditing the person has to learn to audit himself as most OT levels are too fast to be audited by another (only OT VII, OT IV and NED for OTs are audited on the pre-OT by a professional). *1. SET-UPS. It often happens that one needs to have case difficulties handled before he goes on up the Grade Chart to the stellar realms of the Advanced Orgs. Sometimes a Drug Rundown isn't complete or one is a bit suppressed or too introverted. It saves time to get a set up before starting the rocket ride up the top end of the Grade Chart. The AOs handle this sort of thing routinely when it is needed. They have a checklist of prerequisites for AO levels and this is what they're most interested in getting completed. To not complete it means a stall somewhere along the way. It usually doesn't take much time and saves time later. *2. SOLO AUDITORS COURSE. The AOs are the place where the preclear or Dianetic Clear learns to solo audit so he can go on up the Grade Chart. Some people, wanting the best auditing they can get for this Solo flight, also take lower level professional auditor courses and even Class VI at the Saint Hills. At one time a Dianetic Auditors Course was a prerequisite to AO services prior to the Solo Auditors Course and while this is not now demanded, and while the Solo Auditors Course is very good, smart preclears and smart Dianetic Clears take other courses before they get to an AO and then they're sure to make OT even more easily. I've heard Solo auditors say that they only wanted a professional on their case and that's why they were making themselves into one before they went to an AO. Even Class IV Orgs have professional courses. 3. R6EW. This is the tech designation of the step a non-Dianetic Clear must take before going onto the Clearing Course in Advanced Orgs. It is Grade VI. It returns powers to act on one's own determinism. It incidentally tells one why the human race often reacts so oddly to life. ++*4. DIANETIC CLEAR REHAB. The state of Dianetic Clear is checked and rehabilitated which is a very fast action in most cases. It has to be verified because if the person didn't make it he has to go onto the Clearing Course and if he did really make Dianetic Clear, to do the Clearing Course would be disastrous because, of course, he's already Clear. This is why AOs are now engaged on a project of recovering folder libraries particularly of the few pcs who have died in the last few decades. Always bring your own folder or get it sent to the AO if you are going. 5. THE CLEARING COURSE. This was one of the most famous breakthroughs of all time requiring years of research. Those who did not make Dianetic Clear solo audit themselves to the full bursting glory of Clear. *6. OPERATING THETAN I. For the Dianetic Clear who has had his Solo Course, set-up and verification as Clear, this is the first solo auditing step. These OT grades have their own end phenomena but they are confidential. 272 *7. OT II. *8. OT III This is the big step and one has to allow time for it. **9. OT III EXPANDED. **10. OT VII. This is an auditing step by a professional OT auditor. It can be given in any sequence after OT III and before OT VIII. ++**11. NED FOR OTs. This is the big news of the OT world. AO auditors were specially trained at Flag and are just now on their way back to AOs to deliver it. The new Division 4A Flag is an AO now and had its gala opening and its first avalanche of pre-OTs on December 16. There is very wild excitement on the results of NED for OTs as, of course, they've never been seen before on this or any other planet. NED for OTs can be given any time after OT III and before OT VIII and is a prerequisite for OT VIII. **12. OT IV. **13. OT V. **14. OT VI. **15. OT VIII. Although several upper OT grades have been researched, pre- OTs were not ready for them and so they were not released. The needed link which makes it possible is NED for OTs which is its prerequisite. The upper levels above VIII will probably be released from time to time into the future. OT VIII's release is a real cap for the tech breakthroughs of '78. FLAG SHIP ORG The FSO is beginning its third year at the Flag Land Base in Clearwater, Florida. The FSO was several years afloat and has a long tradition as the top training and processing org of the world. Its quarters in the posh Fort Harrison Resort Hotel still carry its distinctly nautical flavor. Flag is the top tech org of the world and if they can't do it, nobody can. What you pay for at Flag is the most expert C/Sing for the best rundowns by the best auditors in the world. Its services are: 1. ALL LEVELS AND RUNDOWNS, NED, CLASS IV, CLASS VI, CLASS VIII and all AO services (in its new Division 4A) as listed above are delivered at Flag. (Super Power will be delivered to the staff first and eventually to the public.) (Flag lower org services cost more mainly because they are even more expert and faster than they are in lower orgs and because the service is highly personalized.) *-** 2. FULL CASE RESOLUTION. It is always the fate of the top level org of the world to inherit the rough and "unsolvable" cases. Flag runs on the basis of results or else so far as their tech stuff is concerned. The words "failed case" do not exist on Flag. Therefore they have rundowns and handlings to untangle the most tangled and get it going again. (Flag gets easy cases too. In fact they get some of the easiest and fastest cases in the world because such people have a way of making it through to the top.) *-** 3. INTEGRITY PROCESSING. These are a series of processes which result in a vastly improved performance in the area addressed. *4. STUDENT BOOSTER RUNDOWN. This is a specialty on Flag which also trains the executives of orgs and has to have a fast study remedy. It is also given to business 273 executives so that they can absorb effortlessly and with greater speed the vast quantities of data that pass across an executive's desk. 5. DIANETIC DEBUG AND REPAIR. Those who couldn't handle and run engrams or have trouble in Dianetics find this a successful way to start winning with Dianetics or NED, *-**6. OT LEVEL DEBUG AND REPAIR. This is the full repair and resolution of any difficulties a pre-OT may have encountered due to solo auditing errors on any solo level. 7. NEW VITALITY RUNDOWN (NVRD). This was also called the "Special Rundown" when it was being developed in '75 and I trained a group of auditors on it at Flag. It has never been exported from Flag. It handled cases that had not progressed well due to suppression or other factors. 8. POWER REPAIR AND COMPLETION TO FULL EP. Given in those rare cases where a pc has not made it on Power. *-**9. L-10. This is the first of the famous Ls ("L" is just the technical designation). The Ls are at Flag only. They are not grades in themselves but incredible boosters that can be delivered at any point after a completed DRD and Expanded Grades. The Ls are audited by Class X, XI and XII auditors who are the most highly trained on the planet. *-**10. L-11. The next step from L-10. *-**11. L-12. When I was C/Sing the Ls I would never let a pre-OT leave the ship unless he'd gone exterior with full perceptions and was able to maintain it. ++-**12. NED FOR OTs. Flag was the place where all the NED for OT auditors were trained. When its new AO Division 4A was opened just before Christmas even other hotels in town had to be booked to take care of the OTs arriving for their NED for OTs. The sensation caused over the world rivalled the original landing at Flag in Florida. They considered it a Christmas present and it was. 13. ALL AO LEVELS. 14. OT VIII. Flag teaches a large variety of courses for auditors and is the place where top auditors go to become fully proficient in all classes. Administrative courses at Flag are much sought after by top executives in businesses and other walks of life. It is a mark of considerable distinction to be known as a graduate of a Flag Executive Briefing Course. In all, Flag teaches 69 courses which are fitted for the special requirements of the Flag clientele. The International Training Org, for org personnel only, is also located at Flag and org staffs who are lucky enough to be selected to it are trained for executive positions in orgs. It received a new expansion at the end of '78 and was put under the command of one of the Sea Org's most veteran Officers. 1978 Man is a complex being, far more complex than he ever conceived. And he possesses abilities and potentials that neither he nor any of the wise men of the ages ever dreamed of. In 1978, a great many new insights and revelations about life were disclosed, many of them discovered in my research at very upper levels. These then were used to speed up the lower and more fundamental grades. Without discarding any of the 274 tech we already had, all of which remains very valid, the time and cost for a given result was greatly reduced. And, as demand for auditors far exceeded supply, new training skills were also developed and the checksheets which govern the time in training were also reduced so that good auditors could be made FAST! A lot of 1978 time was spent on doing this. But there was one discovery in '78 that I haven't said very much about and am really not likely to since it is a sad thing. It is what really happens to a thetan who is not salvaged or processed and goes on down the route. Man, when I saw that and knew it to be true I actually felt sorry for these guys that try to hit at us. Poor devils. Some religions talk about hell. It's an understatement of what really happens. I got a real close look at what we were salvaging people from. Well, we can do it, better than ever today, especially with these newest discoveries. All this developmental work was done in '78 despite the fact that I also spent several months of that year directing, photographing, lighting -- you name it -- nine bright sparkling training films! They are now in the process of being edited and you'll be hearing much more about them when they begin to be released later on in '79. In case you are under the mistaken impression that Scientology was bruised in 1978 you should know that raw public bought and are buying Scientology texts in a wave of best selling that is making history in the retail and publishing world. There has never before been such a boom in any specialized organization's books. Book publishers use us as an astonishing example of what can happen. Hordes of new public are sweeping these books out of the stores and in the better run orgs, are crowding the Public Division to the rafters for service. Truth doesn't bruise very easily. New books also got attention in '78. HAVE YOU LIVED BEFORE THIS LIFE? was introduced at the Atlanta Book Fair and, in the hands of retail distributors, began its own boom. It has gone 5X the normal best seller and is still going. (After all, we discovered past lives.) And bright, new, and in your bookstore is a big impressive hard cover book WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY? released at Christmas! It contains all kinds of data, really a huge handbook, just the thing to use to inform and overawe your friends. 347 information packed pages plus over a hundred big full color illustrations contain the answers to just about every question ever asked about Scientology. Although staff wrote it, I had to keep it rounded up and to the printer and many a day was spent in tropic heat getting its photographs shot. There is data in it that hardly any Scientologist knows. It's a reference and reading total must for every Scientologist's library. And, incidentally, it's about half the price, despite its quality, of regular bookstore books of the same size -- a triumph in itself in these inflationary times! In '78 a lot of time was spent in developing the new Mark VI E-Meter. It was needed as OTs were going off the top of the Mark V. The New World Corps is equipped with the specially built Mark VI. This beautiful and far more sensitive meter will be available to general auditors around February '79 from Pubs Orgs. The Mark V will continue to be valid and sold as it's a good meter and less expensive. The Mark VI is just a Rolls Royce. Needless to say, I was very busy this year! It sure is a lot of work to dig out a planet! Well, there it is. All yours -- for '79. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr 275  Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=29/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN A MAGICAL NEW RUNDOWN   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad and above Auditors Ethics Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 DECEMBER 1978 Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad and above Auditors Ethics Officers THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN A MAGICAL NEW RUNDOWN At times the results of "ordinary" Scientology tech are extremely impressive, even to me. I am by this time, quite accustomed to miracles as usual, but magic is not quite so commonplace an occurrence, even these days, and is worthy of special note. Many times the suppressive person to whom the pc is PTS exists in present time and is still capable of causing trouble or upset for the pc. It is to this situation that the Suppressed Person Rundown is addressed. This new rundown, the Suppressed Person Rundown, produces the wondrous result of changing the disposition of an antagonistic terminal at a distance, by auditing the PTS preclear. Where this terminal was antagonistic, invalidative, hostile or downright suppressive, he will suddenly have a change of heart and seek to make peace with the PTS pc. This rundown is not considered complete until the magic occurs; that is, on this rundown, we take a PTS pc and we audit this pc and audit him and audit him on Problems Processes until a major change occurs in the antagonistic terminal's universe, which prompts him to make a friendly overture to or concerning the pc. This friendly and unprompted origination or attempt at origination from the antagonistic terminal to or concerning the pc will occur in all cases if Problems Processes are run and are fully flattened. This happens no matter how out of comm the two terminals have been or what length of time has intervened between their last communication. The rundown is continued until the EP occurs. Each problem process is run to its own EP. When the PTS Rundown engram running has to be omitted because of Clear or OT, this Suppressed Person Rundown can be substituted for the engram part of the PTS Rundown but if so, it is still run to the full EP of the Suppressed Person Rundown. This is how it works. The pc, due to some act or acts previously committed, has gone the effect of the antagonistic terminal. The terminal then attempts to suppress the pc. The pc, already the effect of the terminal, becomes the effect of the suppression. So the pc's own postulate to improve himself and his conditions is countered by the suppressive terminal's counter- postulate, and he is thus given a present time problem of sufficient magnitude to prevent case gain, as only a present time problem will halt the progress of a case. To the present time problem are added ARC breaks with the antagonistic terminal, and as only ARC breaks will worsen a case, the result is no gain or deterioration of a case by reason of the suppressive connection in the environment. 276 A possible simple explanation for what occurs is: the pc, on running Problems Processes, comes up to cause on his problems with the terminal and when he is continued on problems, he will break through and actually run out the antagonistic terminal's problems which he has given to him. When this occurs, the formerly antagonistic terminal will get into communication with the pc or by communicating in a friendly way to others about the pc. He will write a letter to make peace, or he will make a phone call to say "All is well," or he will tell Aunt Sally he feels much better about the pc and has decided to let bygones be bygones. It sometimes occurs that the antago person does not know where the pc is but he will still try to communicate. This friendly origination by the antagonistic terminal is the EP of the rundown. If the terminal hasn't yet originated, you haven't run enough Problems Processes. THE ONLY TIME THIS DOESN'T WORK IS WHEN YOU HAVEN'T RUN ALL POSSIBLE PROBLEMS PROCESSES OR HAVE RUN THEM WITH OUT-TECH SUCH AS A BROKEN METER. WHEN THE RUNDOWN IS DONE The Suppressed Person Rundown is done after the education step laid out in HCOB 31 Dec 78 III EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1, and after a PTS interview or a 10 August interview or an S&D has located the antagonistic terminal and handlings on that terminal have been done, and after the PTS Rundown has been done. This procedure is run on the antagonistic terminal in all instances, even when the PTS scene has apparently been relieved for the pc on earlier PTS handling. Always run this problems procedure, no matter how successful earlier handlings were. This RD is to repair the relationship. The pc is given the R-Factor to let the auditor know of any communication he receives from or about the antagonistic terminal. (He should not, however, be told what the EP of the rundown is.) HOW THE RUNDOWN IS DONE The Problems Processes used in the Suppressed Person Rundown are given in HCOB 30 Dec 78 SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN -- PROBLEMS PROCESSES and are run Triple or Quad Flow in the order they are given. Each flow is checked for a read before running and each charged flow is taken to the EP of F/N, cog, VGIs. The EP of the rundown has been reached when the antagonistic terminal originates in a friendly way to the preclear or seeks to communicate to the pc in a friendly manner. It's not just a cessation of hostilities, it's more than that. Even if the antagonistic terminal doesn't know the pc's address he will find out, or he will put word out and the pc will hear from or about the antagonistic terminal. And it will be a friendly message. Even if the antagonistic terminal doesn't know the pc's address, news will reach the pc that the antagonistic terminal wishes bygones to be bygones. That is the EP you are aiming for, and you continue to audit Problems Processes on the pc on the antagonistic terminal until that occurs. It is very important not to underrun the rundown. Some auditors will be tempted to end off the rundown because the pc has had a major win or ability regained or some such. When the pc has had a major win, you would of course let him have his win and would leave him off auditing until the persistent F/N dies down, but you do not accept as the EP of the rundown anything other than the formerly antagonistic terminal originating, with no coaxing, in a friendly way to or about the pc. You keep running problems until the EP is attained. You do want to see the magic, don't you? And the only way this rundown can fail is by not continuing to run Problems Processes until this EP is attained. 277 WHO THE RUNDOWN CAN BE DONE ON The Suppressed Person Rundown can be done on any PTS person of any case level. It is run with good success on Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears as well as pcs just beginning their auditing. The only requirement is that any pc who receives the rundown must first have received the PTS C/S-1 per HCOB 31 Dec 78 III and must, if previously unindoctrinated, have been educated into the procedures of Scientology auditing by a Scientology C/S-1 per HCOB 15 Jul 78 SCIENTOLOGY AUDITING C/S-1. And of course, like any other auditing, it is done with the pc's rudiments in. AUDITOR AND C/S NOTE One of the many advantages of the Suppressed Person Rundown is its simplicity. There are very few places where it can go off the rails. This rundown does, however, require expert metering and very standard handling, and the C/S should be alert to the following: 1) The auditor must realize that the target of this rundown is not just the pc; the target is the antagonistic terminal the pc is connected to. And the EP is not just a change in the pc, but a change in the antagonistic terminal of a positive, friendly communication to the pc. The auditor and C/S must realize that the above is the target and EP for this rundown. 2) ALL Problems Processes must be run on the antagonistic terminal, and failure to run enough Problems Processes is the only thing that will prevent this rundown from working. 3) METERING. The auditor who does this rundown must be skilled at metering so he doesn't miss reads and fail to run reading flows or attempt to run unreading flows. Imprecise metering can undermine the results of the rundown as the running of all charged flows on problems is vital. The auditor must be able to read a meter and must take instant reads which occur instantly on calling the command. (Reference: HCOB 5 Aug 78 INSTANT READS) 4) EPs. Each reading flow of each Problems Process must be taken to its full EP which is cog, F/N and VGIs. The C/S should ensure that the processes are indeed taken to EP and should suspect, if there is trouble attaining the rundown EP, that one or more Problems Processes have been left underrun, unflat or unrun. Some auditors may say they've done the rundown and the pc's in beautiful shape and he's had tremendous gains and now the Suppressed Person Rundown is complete. Your answer to this is: "Finish the rundown. Continue until the terminal gets in touch with the pc to make peace." And sure enough, a day or two or three later the pc, in utter amazement, will report that her sister, who hasn't spoken to her for 10 years has just sent her an affectionate letter or that his father, who disowned him when he got into Scientology, has just called to say "Hello" and that they had a great chat, just like old times. It always happens when Problems Processes are fully run. So there you have it, the Suppressed Person Rundown, quite an amazing magical feat, and very easily achieved with good standard auditing. Use it well and fully and you'll get smashing one-for-one successes on PTS pcs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright$c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 278  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=6/1/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN PROBLEMS PROCESSES   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad and above Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 DECEMBER 1978R Remimeo REVISED 6 JANUARY 1979 Class IV Grad Checksheet (Revisions not printed in a different type style) Class VI Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad and above Auditors SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN PROBLEMS PROCESSES References: HCOB 29 Dec 78 THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN PAB 84 15 May 56 THE REASON WHY HCOB 31 Mar 60 THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM HCOB 20 Aug 58 PRESENT TIME PROBLEM -- RUNNING OF PAB 126 15 Dec 57 PROBLEMS: HANDLING AND RUNNING This bulletin contains the Problems Processes to be run on the Suppressed Person Rundown. DEFINITION OF PROBLEM The first and most vital action to begin the Suppressed Person Rundown is to fully clear PROBLEM with the pc as a problem, not as a condition or situation. THE WAR OF PURPOSES GIVES US WHAT WE CALL PROBLEMS. A PROBLEM HAS THE ANATOMY OF PURPOSES. A PROBLEM CONSISTS OF TWO OR MORE PURPOSES OPPOSED. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT PROBLEM YOU FACE OR HAVE FACED, THE BASIC ANATOMY OF THAT PROBLEM IS PURPOSE-COUNTER-PURPOSE. THE DEFINITION OF A PROBLEM IS INTENTION VERSUS INTENTION OR TWO OR MORE OPPOSING AND CONFLICTING VIEWS ON THE SAME SUBJECT. The dominant operating action of this rundown is knowing what a problem is. Without the auditor feeding the pc a cog, he must clear the definition of problem with the pc so that it is fully understood and the pc can easily make up examples of problems. You'll get no place on the rundown unless both auditor and pc understand what a problem is. Running problems comes under a gradient scale of confront and can go on and on before the pc gets up to an awareness of anything. It's really a fascinating phenomenon. The person is being harassed all over the place by something or somebody and he will eventually name it and identify it, which is an achievement right there, but when you first start to run problems on it, you'll find he does not have anything to do with it. It's all by itself, floating out in space someplace. The problem has nothing to do with him or anything else. Example: Auditor: "Tell me a problem with your mother." Pc: "She's never home." 279 "She's never home" is not a problem. A problem is two-terminaled. The problem, as the pc has given it in the example above, does not contain anything live. It's just a condition. But gradually, as Problems Processes are run, he will come up to an actual statement that the problem is something that has to be solved and that it has something to do with him. Now we're getting someplace! PROBLEMS PROCESSES The processes are taken up in the order they are given. Each flow of each process is checked for a read before running it, using the name of the terminal antagonistic to the pc. Each flow taken up is then run to the EP of cognition, F/N and VGIs. A copy of this process sheet is placed in the folder of the pc being run on the Suppressed Person Rundown and the flows of each process run are initialed and dated by the auditor when they have been taken to a full EP. END PHENOMENA THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN IS TAKEN TO THE EP OF A FRIENDLY AND UNPROMPTED ORIGINATION TO OR ABOUT THE PC BY THE ANTAGONISTIC TERMINAL. This EP will occur when enough Problems Processes have been fully run on that terminal. The auditor's metering must be excellent, as to miss reads and leave charged flows unrun can prevent the pc from attaining the EP of this rundown. (Reference: HCOB 5 Aug 78 INSTANT READS HCOB 3 Dec 78 UNREADING FLOWS) If the pc has a big win, end off the session and let him have his win. Do not try to audit over a persistent floating needle or you will end up leaving charged flows unhandled due to the "needle having floated all the way through them." So give the pc some time off auditing to let him have his win, then resume his sessions so he can be taken to the full and magical EP of this rundown. THE ONLY TIME THIS RUNDOWN DOESN'T WORK IS WHEN YOU HAVEN'T FULLY RUN ALL POSSIBLE PROBLEMS PROCESSES. I. Ref: CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY R2-34 F1: Can you recall a problem about (terminal) which concerned you? How did it seem to you then? How does it seem to you now? Can you recall another problem about (terminal) which concerned you? (Continue, using the above commands) to EP _________ F2: Can you recall a problem (terminal) has had with you which concerned him? How did it seem to him then? How does it seem to him now? Can you recall another problem (terminal) has had with you which concerned him? (Continue, using the above commands) to EP _________ 280 F3: Can you recall a problem others have had with (terminal) which concerned them? How did it seem to them then? How does it seem to them now? Can you recall another problem others have had with (terminal) which concerned them? (Continue, using the above commands) to EP _________ F3A: Can you recall a problem (terminal) has had with others which concerned him? How did it seem to him then? How does it seem to him now? Can you recall another problem (terminal) has had with others which concerned him? (Continue, using the above commands) to EP _________ F0: Can you recall a problem you have had with yourself because of (terminal) which concerned you? How did it seem to you then? How does it seem to you now? Can you recall another problem you have had with yourself because of (terminal) which concerned you? (Continue, using the above commands) to EP _________ II. Ref: HCOB 31 Mar 60 THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM F1: Tell me your problem with (terminal). What part of that problem could you confront? to EP _________ F2: Tell me (terminal's) problem with you. What part of that problem could he confront? to EP _________ F3: Tell me others' problem with (terminal). What part of that problem could they confront? to EP _________ F3A: Tell me (terminal's) problem with others. What part of that problem could he confront? to EP _________ F0: Tell me your problem with yourself because of (terminal). What part of that problem could you confront? to EP _________ III. Ref: HCOB 31 Mar 60 THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM F1: What problem about (terminal) could you confront? to EP _________ 281 F2: What problem about you could (terminal) confront? to EP _________ F3: What problem about (terminal) could others confront? to EP _________ F3A: What problem about others could (terminal) confront? to EP _________ F0: What problem about yourself concerning (terminal) could you confront? to EP _________ IV. Ref: HCOB 6 Jul 61 ROUTINE 1A To be run as a bracket (1-10, 1-10, 1-10, etc. to EP). 1. What problem about (terminal) could you confront? 2. What problem about (terminal) don't you have to confront? 3. What problem about you should (terminal) confront? 4. What problem about you wouldn't (terminal) confront? 5. What problem about (terminal) should others confront? 6. What problem about (terminal) wouldn't others confront? 7. What problem about others should (terminal) confront? 8. What problem about others wouldn't (terminal) confront? 9. What problem about yourself concerning (terminal) could you confront? 10.What problem about yourself concerning (terminal) don't you have to confront? to EP _________ Note: What problem about (terminal) could others confront? (or What problem about others could (terminal) confront can be used instead of should, whichever checks out on the meter). V. Ref: HCOB 31 Mar 60 THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM F1: What two things about (terminal) can you confront? to EP _________ F2: What two things about you can (terminal) confront? to EP _________ F3: What two things about (terminal) can others confront? to EP _________ F3A: What two things about others can (terminal) confront? to EP _________ F0: What two things about yourself concerning (terminal) can you confront? to EP _________ VI. Ref: HCOB 31 Mar 60 THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM F1: Tell me your problem with (terminal). How does it seem to you now? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ F2: Tell me (terminal's) problem with you. How does it seem to him now? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ 282 F3: Tell me others' problem with (terminal). How does it seem to them now? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ F3A: Tell me (terminal) problem with others. How does it seem to him now? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ F0: Tell me your problem with yourself because of (terminal). How does it seem to you now? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ VII. Ref: HCOB 19 Nov 65 PROBLEMS PROCESS F1: What problem have you had with (terminal)? What solutions have you had for that problem? (One gets the pc to give his problem then runs TA off solutions. Then a new statement of the problem and more questions about solutions.) to EP _________ F2: What problem has (terminal) had with you? What solutions has he had for that problem? to EP _________ F3: What problem have others had with (terminal)? What solutions have they had for that problem? to EP _________ F3A: What problem has (terminal) had with others? What solutions has he had for that problem? to EP _________ F0: What problem have you had with yourself because of (terminal)? What solutions have you had for that problem? to EP _________ VIII. Ref: HCOB 19 Jan 61 ADDITIONAL HAS PROCESSES F1: Get the idea of solving a problem with (terminal). Get the idea of not solving a problem with (terminal). to EP _________ F2: Get the idea of (terminal) solving a problem with you. Get the idea of (terminal) not solving a problem with you. to EP _________ F3: Get the idea of others solving a problem with (terminal). Get the idea of others not solving a problem with (terminal). to EP _________ F3A: Get the idea of (terminal) solving a problem with others. Get the idea of (terminal) not solving a problem with others. to EP _________ F0: Get the idea of solving a problem with yourself about (terminal). Get the idea of not solving a problem with yourself about (terminal). to EP _________ 283 IX. Ref: CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY R2-71 F1: Give me some answers concerning (terminal). to EP _________ F2: Give me some answers for (terminal) concerning you. to EP _________ F3: Give me some answers for others concerning (terminal). to EP _________ F3A: Give me some answers for (terminal) concerning others. to EP _________ F0: Give me some answers for yourself concerning (terminal). to EP _________ X. Ref: HCOB 3 May 59 SOLUTION TO SOLUTIONS F1: What solution could you make stick about (terminal)? to EP _________ F2: What solution could (terminal) make stick about you? to EP _________ F3: What solution could others make stick about (terminal)? to EP _________ F3A: What solution could (terminal) make stick about others? to EP _________ F0: What solution about yourself concerning (terminal) could you make stick? to EP _________ XI. Ref: HCOB 14 Sep 61 NEW RUDIMENTS COMMANDS F1: Find out if the pc has a reading problem with (terminal). If so, run: Tell me what is unknown about that problem with (terminal). to EP _________ F2: Find out if there is a reading problem (terminal) has with the pc. If so, run: Tell me what is unknown to (terminal) about that problem with you. to EP _________ F3: Find out if there is a reading problem that others have with (terminal). If so, run: Tell me what is unknown to others about that problem with (terminal). to EP _________ F3A: Find out if there is a reading problem that (terminal) has with others. If so, run: Tell me what is unknown to (terminal) about that problem with others. to EP _________ F0: Find out if the pc has a reading problem with himself because of (terminal). If so, run: Tell me what is unknown about that problem with yourself. to EP _________ XII. Ref: HCOB 7 Sep 64 II PTPs, OVERTS AND ARC BREAKS F1: Tell me something you don't know about (terminal). to EP _________ F2: Tell me something (terminal) doesn't know about you. to EP _________ F3: Tell me something others don't know about (terminal). to EP _________ F3A: Tell me something (terminal) doesn't know about others.to EP _________ F0: Tell me something you don't know about yourself because of (terminal). to EP _________ 284 XIII. Ref: HCOB 24 Feb 59 TECHNICAL BULLETIN HCOB 3 Jul 59 GENERAL INFORMATION Run Selected Person Overt Withhold Straightwire on the terminal. F1: Think of something (terminal) has done to you. Think of something (terminal) has withheld from you. to EP _________ F2: Think of something you have done to (terminal). Think of something you have withheld from (terminal). to EP _________ F3: Think of something others have done to (terminal). Think of something others have withheld from (terminal). to EP _________ F3A: Think of something (terminal) has done to others. Think of something (terminal) has withheld from others. to EP _________ F0: Think of something you have done to yourself because of (terminal). Think of something you have withheld from yourself because of (terminal). to EP _________ XIV. Ref: HCOB 15 Oct 58 ACC CLEAR PROCEDURE F1: Tell me your problem with (terminal). What part of that problem could you be responsible for? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ F2: Tell me (terminal's) problem with you. What part of that problem could he be responsible for? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ F3: Tell me others' problem with (terminal). What part of that problem could they be responsible for? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ F3A: Tell me (terminal's) problem with others. What part of that problem could he be responsible for? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ F0: Tell, me your problem with yourself because of (terminal). What part of that problem could you be responsible for? Alternate repetitive to EP _________ XV. Ref: HCOB 31 Mar 60 THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM F1: What motion of yours has (terminal) been responsible for? to EP _________ F2: What motion of (terminal's) have you been responsible for? to EP _________ F3: What motion of (terminal's) have others been responsible for? to EP _________ F3A: What motion of others' has (terminal) been responsible for? to EP _________ F0: What motion of your own regarding (terminal) have you been responsible for? to EP _________ 285 XVI. Ref: HCOB 31 Mar 60 THE PRESENT TIME PROBLEM F1: Tell me your problem with (terminal). What part of that problem have you been responsible for? to EP _________ F2: Tell me (terminal's) problem with you. What part of that problem has he/she been responsible for? to EP _________ F3: Tell me others' problem with (terminal). What part of that problem have they been responsible for? to EP _________ F3A: Tell me (terminal's) problem with others. What part of that problem has he/she been responsible for? to EP _________ F0: Tell me your problem with yourself because of (terminal). to EP _________ What part of that problem have you been responsible for? to EP _________ XVII. Ref: PAB 42 24 Dec54 SIX BASIC PROCESSES F1: What kind of problems could you have with (terminal)? to EP _________ F2: What kind of problems could (terminal) have with you? to EP _________ F3: What kind of problems could others have with (terminal)? to EP _________ F3A: What kind of problems could (terminal) have with others? to EP _________ F0: What kind of problems could you have with yourself because of (terminal)? to EP _________ XVIII. Ref: PAB 88 12 Jun 56 THE CONDITIONS OF AUDITING F1: What problem could (terminal) be to you? to EP _________ F2: What problem could you be to (terminal)? to EP _________ F3: What problem could (terminal) be to others? to EP _________ F3A: What problem could others be to (terminal)? to EP _________ F0: What problem could you be to yourself because of (terminal)? to EP _________ XIX. Ref: HCOB 17 Mar 60 STANDARDIZED SESSIONS F1: Tell me a problem (terminal) would be a solution to. to EP _________ F2: Tell me a problem for (terminal) that you would be a solution to. to EP _________ F3: Tell me a problem for others that (terminal) would be a solution to. to EP _________ F3A: Tell me a problem for (terminal) that others would be a solution to. to EP _________ F0: Tell me a problem concerning (terminal) you yourself would be a solution to. to EP _________ XX. Ref: CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY page 51 -- R2-20 F1: What kind of a problem could (terminal) be to you? Could he be that problem? Can you see yourself figuring on it? 286 Give me another problem (terminal) could be to you. Can he be that problem? and so on to EP _________ F2: What kind of a problem could you be to (terminal)? Can you be that problem? Can you see (terminal) figuring on it? Give me another problem you could be to (terminal). Can you be that problem? and so on to EP _________ F3: What kind of a problem could (terminal) be to others? Can (terminal) be that problem? Can you see others figuring on it? Give me another problem (terminal) could be to others. Can (terminal) be that problem? and so on to EP _________ F3A: What kind of a problem could others be to (terminal)? Can others be that problem? Can you see (terminal) figuring on it? Give me another problem others could be to (terminal). Can others be that problem? and so on to EP _________ F0: What kind of a problem could you be to yourself because of (terminal)? Can you be that problem? Can you see yourself figuring on it? Give me another problem you could be to yourself because of (terminal). Can you be that problem? and so on to EP _________ XXI. Repeat same process, using solutions, as follows: F1: What kind of a solution could (terminal) be to you? Could he be that solution? Can you see yourself figuring on it? Give me another solution (terminal) could be to you. Can he be that solution? and so on to EP _________ F2: What kind of a solution could you be to (terminal)? Can you be that solution? Can you see (terminal) figuring on it? Give me another solution you could be to (terminal). Can you be that solution? and so on to EP _________ F3: What kind of a solution could (terminal) be to others? Can (terminal) be that solution? Can you see others figuring on it? Give me another solution (terminal) could be to others. Can (terminal) be that solution? and so on to EP _________ F3A: What kind of a solution could others be to (terminal)? Can others be that solution? Can you see (terminal) figuring on it? Give me another solution others could be to (terminal). Can others be that solution? and so on to EP _________ F0: What kind of a solution could you be to yourself because of (terminal)? 287 Can you be that solution? Can you see yourself figuring on it? Give me another solution you could be to yourself because of (terminal). Can you be that solution? and so on to EP _________ XXII. Ref: CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY R1-11 F1: What kind of a problem can (terminal) be to you in havingness? to EP _________ What kind of a problem can (terminal) be to you in not havingness? to EP _________ F2: What kind of a problem can you be to (terminal) in havingness? to EP _________ What kind of a problem can you be to (terminal) in not havingness? to EP _________ F3: What kind of a problem can (terminal) be to others in havingness? to EP _________ What kind of a problem can (terminal) be to others in not havingness? to EP _________ F3A: What kind of a problem can others be to (terminal) in havingness? to EP _________ What kind of a problem can others be to (terminal) in not havingness? to EP _________ F0: What kind of a problem concerning (terminal) can you be to yourself in havingness? to EP _________ What kind of a problem concerning (terminal) can you be to yourself in not havingness? to EP _________ XXIII. Repeat same process using solutions as follows: F1: What kind of a solution to havingness can (terminal) be to you? to EP _________ What kind of a solution to not havingness can (terminal) be to you? to EP _________ F2: What kind of a solution to havingness can you be to (terminal)? to EP _________ What kind of a solution to not havingness can you be to (terminal)? to EP _________ F3: What kind of a solution to havingness can (terminal) be to others? to EP _________ What kind of a solution to not havingness can (terminal) be to others? to EP _________ F3A: What kind of a solution to havingness can others be to (terminal)? to EP _________ What kind of a solution to not havingness can others be to (terminal)? to EP _________ F0: What kind of a solution to havingness concerning (terminal) can you be to yourself? to EP _________ What kind of a solution to not havingness concerning (terminal) can you be to yourself? to EP _________ XXIV. Ref: CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY R2-20 Have the pc pick out or pick up a room object, have him examine this object until he is sure it is real. 288 F1: What problems could this object be to you because of (terminal)? to EP _________ F2: What problems could this object be to (terminal) because of you? to EP _________ F3: What problems could this object be to others because of (terminal)? to EP _________ F3A: What problems could this object be to (terminal) because of others? to EP _________ F0: What problems could you cause yourself over this object because of (terminal)? to EP _________ On each flow the command is run repetitively until the pc is convinced that he can create problems at will. XXV. Ref: HCOB 7 Sep 64 II PTPs, OVERTS AND ARC BREAKS F1: Do you have a problem with (terminal)? What communication have you left incomplete about that problem? to EP _________ F2: Does (terminal) have a problem with you? What communication has he left incomplete about that problem? to EP _________ F3: Do others have a problem with (terminal)? What communication have they left incomplete about that problem? to EP _________ F3A: Does (terminal) have a problem with others? What communication has he left incomplete about that problem? to EP _________ F0: Do you have a problem with yourself because of (terminal)? What communication have you left incomplete with yourself about that problem? to EP _________ XXVI. Ref: HCOB 21 Jul 59 HGC ALLOWED PROCESSES F1: From where could (terminal) communicate to you? to EP _________ F2: From where could you communicate to (terminal)? to EP _________ F3: From where could others communicate to (terminal)? to EP _________ F3A: From where could (terminal) communicate to others? to EP _________ F0: From where could you communicate to yourself concerning (terminal)? to EP _________ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright$c 1978, 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 289  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=31/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING   Remimeo Class IV Grad Checksheet Class VI Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad and above Auditors HCO Ethics Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 DECEMBER 1978 Remimeo Class IV Grad Issue II Checksheet Class VI Checksheet C/Ses Class IV Grad and above Auditors HCO OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING Ethics Officers PTS situations can arise at any time during a person's Scientology auditing or training program and must be handled speedily and well to get the person back on his course of auditing or training. Many preclears new to Scientology require PTS handling as one of their first actions. Auditing or training must not be continued over an unhandled PTS sit as processing or study under the duress of suppression will not produce results. You do not go on hoping or ignore it or call it something else or do any other action except handle. Handling PTSness is too easy to allow for any justification or excuse for not doing so, and the steps given below lay out the many handlings which can be used to bring about a full resolution of all PTSness in all pcs. EDUCATION A person who is PTS is often the last person to suspect it. He may have become temporarily or momentarily so. And he may have become so very slightly. Or he may be very PTS and have been so for a long time. But he is nevertheless PTS and we must educate him into the subject. PTS C/S-1 The PTS C/S-1, given in HCOB 31 Dec 78 III EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1 must be done before any other PTS handling is begun. This action sets a person up to understand his PTS sit and the mechanics of it. A thorough PTS C/S-1 is the basis of all successful PTS handling. PTS INTERVIEW A metered PTS interview per HCOB 24 Apr 72 I, C/S Series 79, PTS INTERVIEWS or a "10 August handling" per HCOB 10 Aug 73 PTS HANDLING done by an auditor in session or an MAA, D of P or SSO will, in most cases, assist the person to spot the antagonistic or SP element. Once spotted, the potential trouble source can be assisted in working out a handling for that terminal, or more rarely, in deciding to disconnect from that person. (If any difficulty is encountered on this step, or if the SP cannot easily be found, the preclear or student is probably not PTS Type I and should be turned over to an auditor qualified to handle Type II PTS situations with more advanced PTS tech.) HANDLING Once the antagonistic terminal has been located, a handling is done to move the PTS person from effect to slight gentle cause over his situation. This handling will include whatever is needed to accomplish the result, and will, of course, vary depending on the person and his circumstances. A good roads, good weather approach to the antagonistic terminal is usually what 290 is needed. The handling must be agreed upon by the potential trouble source and the person assisting him and must be tailored to put the person at cause over his particular situation. Handling may include coaching him along to see how he himself actually precipitated the PTS condition in the first place by not applying or by misapplying Scientology basics to his life and relationship with the now antagonistic terminal, per BPL 5 Apr 72RC PTS TYPE A HANDLING. (Additional references: HCOB 10 Aug 73, PTS HANDLING HCOB 24 Apr 72 I, C/S Series 79, PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB 24 Nov 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY PROBLEMS OF WORK. Chapter 6, Affinity, Reality and Communication BTB 11 Nov 77 Reiss. 10 Dec 77 HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS.) WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY? It quite often happens that the persons antagonistic to the preclear have no real concept of what Scientology is. This can also be true of a very new Scientologist who then misinforms others. The book WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY? is a very useful tool. The preclear can send a copy of it to persons antagonistic to him and it will give them hope that the person will respond better to life or if they are antagonistic to Scientology can show them what they're being antagonistic to. Recommendations that the PTS person obtain and use this book (or anyone else who wants to inform his friends or get them on the right road, as the book was not written for the purpose of de-PTSing people) should be made by the interviewing officer. The book was specially priced so it would be more generally available despite the high cost of publishing. It is a large and imposing book and contains the true answers to all the questions people might ask and so saves the PTS person or any other person a great deal of explanation time. It is quite a formidable weapon when used in that fashion besides being a good book that Scientologists should own in its own right. CAN WE EVER BE FRIENDS? Extraordinary successes in handling PTS situations with the Can We Ever Be Friends? cassette and booklet occur when these are used. Parents, friends, relatives of Scientologists, who, due to misunderstoods or misinformation thought they were opposed to Scientology and its aims have discovered, after listening to this cassette, that they are in full agreement with it and now give Scientology their support. This action is vital and must not be omitted. The results available with this cassette cannot be underestimated. It can be used by itself when communication has really broken down between the two terminals or in conjunction with other PTS handling. PROGRAM As a result of interview and the various actions connected with it as given above and in the referenced issues the interviewer must give the person a program to be done by the person. If the person does not do the program or report his actions on it, or the program results in no real change in the situation the interviewing officer must require the person to have auditing on the subject. (Ruds can be flown and/or a PTS RD must be given by a qualified auditor in the HGC.) Clears and OTs can have ruds flown and can do all the PTS RD except engram handling. This is usually followed by a Suppressed Person RD. 291 RUDIMENTS Flying ruds and overts Triple or Quad Flow on the antagonistic terminal is often done to "get ruds in" and enable the pc to better confront the PTS situation he is faced with. This would of course, be done only in session by a qualified auditor when so ordered by the Case Supervisor. THE PTS RUNDOWN The PTS Rundown is done when preclears who have had standard, successful PTS handlings roller-coaster at a later date, become ill, slump after making gains, or continue to find additional terminals they are PTS to. The PTS Rundown handles a more expanded sector of a pc's PTSness and is run to the end phenomena of a pc who is getting and keeping case gains and never again roller-coasters. Note: Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears are not run on the Dianetic section of the PTS Rundown. References: HCOB 9 Dec 71RC Rev. 8 Dec 78 PTS RUNDOWN HCOB 20 Jan 72R Rev. 8 Dec 78 PTS RUNDOWN ADDITION HCOB 17 Apr 72 C/S Series 76, C/SING A PTS RUNDOWN HCOB 3 Jun 72RA Rev. 8 Dec 78 PTS RUNDOWN, FINAL STEP SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN This rundown is beautifully simple and magically effective. It can be done with great success on all PTS persons of any case level, from those just beginning their first auditing to Clears, OTs and Dianetic Clears. The end phenomena of this handling is a miraculous restoration of communication between the estranged terminals originated by the formerly antagonistic person. (Reference: HCOB 29 Dec 78 THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN) REST, QUIET AND A SAFE ENVIRONMENT Rest, quiet and a safe environment must be provided for a person who has become PTS Type Three. "In this case, the Type Two's apparent SP is spread all over the world and is often more than all the people there are -- for the person sometimes has ghosts about him or demons and they are just more apparent SPs but imaginary as beings as well." "... Removed from apparent SPs, kept in a quiet surroundings, not pestered or threatened or put in fear, the person comes up to Type Two and a Search and Discovery should end the matter." (HCOB 24 Nov 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY) These are powerful and precision tools. With them we can handle our PTS students, preclears and staffs and get resounding one-for-one successes. I am counting on you to do this. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 292  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=31/12/78 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1   Class III and above Auditors Word Clearers HCO Tech/Qual C/Ses PTS/SP Detection. Routing and Handling Course Ethics Officers Class IV Grad Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Class III and HCO BULLETIN OF 31 DECEMBER 1978 above Auditors Issue III Word Clearers HCO Tech/Qual C/Ses PTS/SP Detection. Routing and Handling Course Ethics Officers Class IV Grad Checksheet EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1 References: BPL 5 Apr 72RC I PTS TYPE A HANDLING Rev. 29. 12.78 BTB 11 Nov 77 HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS HCOB 24 Apr 72 I C/S Series 79 EXDN Series 5 PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB 10 Aug 73 PTS HANDLING HCOB 27 Sep 66 THE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST HCOB 28 Nov 70 C/S Series 22 PSYCHOSIS HCOB 24 Nov 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY HCOB 12 Mar 68 MISTAKES, ANATOMY OF HCOB 9 Nov 67 REVIEW AUDITORS, BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES -- REVISION OF REMEDY A, REMEDY B AND S AND Ds HCOB 5 Feb 66 III S AND D WARNING HCOB 9 Dec 71RC PTS RUNDOWN, AUDITED Rev. 8.12.78 HCOB 20 Jan 72R PTS RUNDOWN ADDITION Rev. 8.12.78 HCOB 3 Jun 72RA PTS RUNDOWN, FINAL STEP Rev. 8.12.78 HCOB 29 Dec 78 THE SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN HCOB 30 Dec 78 SUPPRESSED PERSON RUNDOWN -- PROBLEMS PROCESSES HCOB 31 Dec 78 II OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING When you find you have a potential trouble source on your hands the very first thing you must do is educate him on the fundamentals of PTS/SP tech. Do not begin any other PTS handling on any PTS person until he has completed the basic education steps of the PTS C/S-1 given in this HCOB. In the absence of education into the basics of PTS tech you will have PTS students and pcs asserting they're not PTS, you will have upsets, protest, recurrences of "once handled" PTSness. PTSes will not cognite, will not take action to handle the antagonistic terminal, will not recover. Failure to educate simply doesn't work. So a very thorough job must be done at this point to guarantee the success of any PTS handlings which follow. 293 Now people and circumstances and PTS sits vary, and you may wish to carry the education steps of the PTS person beyond what is given here before you begin any other handling on him. I will leave that to your educated judgment. However. the steps of the PTS C/S-1 given in this HCOB must be done on all PTS students and pcs before any sort of PTS interview or 10 August handling or any PTS auditing is undertaken. The person should, of course, study the complete PTS/SP Detection, Routing and Handling Course so that he understands the full mechanics that had been upsetting his life, but the PTS C/S-1 will give sufficient data and understanding so that he or she can begin handling the PTS scene. PTS C/S-1 The following PTS C/S-1 is not a long action and can and should be accomplished speedily. Its purpose is to give to any PTS student or pc the necessary data and R-Factor on the basics of PTS/SP tech so that he understands and is able and willing to successfully handle his PTS situation. It can be done by an auditor, in session, or in the course room under the supervision of the Word Clearer and Course Supervisor. Note: Some pcs and students who have been trained or who have in the past received PTS handling may protest that they know the terms and issues. If this happens acknowledge with excellent TRs and without invalidation or evaluation and tell them that this action is intended to make PTS handling effective for all and is a required step of the handling. If the auditor or Word Clearer uses excellent TRs and a good R-Factor, no ARC breaks will occur and the person will have tremendous wins. The auditor or Word Clearer should be fully familiar with this issue as well as all issues in the PTS/SP Course pack. He will need to take a very thorough look at what has to be covered with the pc in this C/S-1 and know his materials very well and have them ready for reference and clearing any misunderstoods or questions the pc may have. The following will be needed: Technical Dictionary Admin Dictionary A good English Dictionary A good dictionary in the pc or student's native language, and for a foreign language case a dual dictionary (English-to-foreign language and foreign language itself). PTS and SP Definitions Sheet -- Attachment No. 1 of this issue Demo kit A. Have the pc define each term, using the reference. (Note: you don't ask: "Do you know what this word means?" You ask: "What is the definition of _______?" When the pc has told you the definition, have him give you a sentence or two using the term correctly. Where it applies, have him give you examples, using his experiences or those of others. Have him demo with a demo kit. Cover by exact definition all terms used and take each term defined to an F/N. B. Check for any questions (or misunderstoods) as you go along and ensure any such get handled so the pc or student winds up with a clear understanding of the word. Don't settle for glibness that does not show understanding, but on the other hand, don't overrun or put duress on the pc or student, either. Ensure each word cleared is taken to F/N. 294 PTS C/S-1 PROCEDURE 1. Give the R-Factor that you are going to clear the basic words and concepts concerning PTSness. 2. Clear the word AFFINITY. Have the pc or student demo its meaning. 3. Clear the word REALITY. Have the pc or student give you sentences and examples showing his understanding. 4. Clear the word COMMUNICATION. Have the pc or student demo its meaning. 5. Clear ARC BREAK. Have the pc or student demo what an ARC break is. 6. Clear PROBLEM. Have the pc or student demo a problem. 7. Clear WITHHOLD. Have the pc or student give you an example of a withhold. 8. Clear MISSED WITHHOLD. Have the pc or student demo a missed withhold. 9. Clear POSTULATE. Ask the pc or student if he's ever postulated anything. Have him tell you about it. 10. Clear COUNTER (the prefix). 11. Have the pc or student demo several examples of a postulate and a counter-postulate. 12. Clear HOSTILE. ANTAGONISM. 13. Clear SUPPRESS. Have the pc or student demo several different examples of how someone or something could be suppressed. 14. Clear SUPPRESSION. Have the pc or student give you examples of suppression from movies he's seen or books he's read or suppression he's seen or experienced. 15. Clear SUPPRESSIVE PERSON. Have the pc or student demo the definitions. 16. Clear SUPPRESSIVE GROUPS. 17. Clear ROLLER-COASTER. Have the pc or student demo roller-coaster. Ask him if he's ever been around anyone who roller-coastered. Let him tell you about it briefly if he wishes. 18. Clear POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE (PTS). Have the pc or student demo this well. (If this step is being done by a Word Clearer in the course room, end off at this point and send the pc or student to the Examiner. Then, get him started on the Study Section. If being done in session, the auditor may continue with the Study Section.) STUDY SECTION 19. The following issues are to be read by the PTS student or pc, word cleared Method 4 and starrated. This may be done in a course room, under the supervision of the Course Supervisor or in session with an auditor. HCOB 27 Sep 66 THE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST 295 HCOB 28 Nov 70 C/S Series 22 PSYCHOSIS HCOB 24 Nov 65 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY HCOB 12 Mar 68 MISTAKES, ANATOMY OF BPL 5 Apr 72RC I PTS TYPE A HANDLING Rev. 29.12.78 BTB 11 Nov 77 HANDLING PTS SITUATIONS HCOB 24 Apr 72 I C/S Series 79 EXDN Series 5 PTS INTERVIEWS HCOB 10 Aug 73 PTS HANDLING 20. End off and send the pc or student to the Examiner. Route the pc's folder with all worksheets to the C/S who will examine them for thoroughness and completeness and then order the person's next step. Educating a PTS person is the key to putting him at cause over the PTS sit. Do this PTS C/S-1 thoroughly and well. It is not to be considered a substitute for the full PTS/SP Detection, Routing and Handling Course, but will set up the PTS student or pc for a highly successful PTS handling. Then you get him signed up for the course. PTS tech is highly effective and powerful. Get the most out of it by applying it properly, with EDUCATION as the first step. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1978 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HCOB 31.12.78 III ATTACHMENT PTS C/S-1 DEFINITIONS SHEET AFFINITY Degree of liking or affection or lack of it. Affinity is a tolerance of distance. A great affinity would be a tolerance of or liking of close proximity. A lack of affinity would be an intolerance of or dislike of close proximity. Affinity is one of the components of understanding; the other components being reality and communication. (Dianetic's Today. Glossary, page 1013) REALITY The degree of agreement reached by two ends of a communication line. In essence, it is the degree of duplication achieved between cause and effect. That which is real is real simply because it is agreed upon, and for no other reason. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. page 338) COMMUNICATION "The interchange of ideas or objects between two people or terminals. More precisely the definition of communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source point across a distance to receipt point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt point a duplication and understanding of that 296 which emanated from the source point." "The formula of communication is: Cause, Distance, Effect, with Intention, Attention and Duplication with Understanding." "Communication by definition does not need to be two-way. Communication is one of the component parts of understanding." (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 81) (HCOB 5 Apr 73 Reiss. 19 Sep 74 AXIOM 28 AMENDED) (Dianetics Today, Glossary, page 1020) ARC BREAK A sudden drop or cutting of one's affinity, reality, or communication with someone or something. Upsets with people or things come about because of a lessening or sundering of affinity, reality, or communication or understanding. It's called an ARC break instead of an upset, because, if one discovers which of the three points of understanding have been cut, one can bring about a rapid recovery in the person's state of mind. It is pronounced by its letters A-R-C break. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 21) PROBLEM Anything which has opposing sides of equal force; especially postulate- counter-postulate, intention-counter-intention or idea-counter-idea; and intention-counter-intention that worries the preclear. (Dianetics Today, Glossary, page 1034) OVERT 1. ... An aggressive or destructive act by the individual against one or more of the eight dynamics (self, family, group, mankind, animals or plants, mest, life or the infinite). (Dianetics Today, Glossary, page 1032) 2. That thing which you do which you aren't willing to have happen to you. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 288) WITHHOLD An undisclosed harmful (contra-survival) act. (Dianetics Today, Glossary, page 1043) MISSED WITHHOLD An undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. This is a withhold which another person nearly found out about, leaving the person with the withhold in a state of wondering whether his hidden deed is known or not. (Dianetics Today, Glossary, page 1030) POSTULATE 1. To conclude, decide or resolve a problem or to set a pattern for the future or to nullify a pattern of the past. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 304) 2. That self-determined thought which starts, stops or changes past, present or future efforts. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 304) 3. In Scientology the word postulate means to cause a thinkingness or consideration. It is a specially applied word and is defined as causative thinkingness. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 304) 297 COUNTER- 1. Opposition, as in direction or purpose; for example countermarch, counteract. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, page 303) HOSTILE 1. Of or pertaining to an enemy. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, page 637) 2. Feeling or showing enmity; antagonistic. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, page 637) ANTAGONISM 1. Mutual resistance; opposition; hostility. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, page 55) 2. The condition of being an opposing principle, force or factor. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, page 55) SUPPRESS 1. To squash, to sit on, to make smaller, to refuse to let reach, to make uncertain about his reaching, to render or lessen in any way possible by any means possible, to the harm of the individual and for the fancied protection of a suppressor. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 414) SUPPRESSION 1. Suppression is "a harmful intention or action against which one cannot fight back." Thus when one can do anything about it, it is less suppressive. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 414) SUPPRESSIVE PERSON 1. A person with certain behavior characteristics and who suppresses other people in his vicinity and those other people when he suppresses them become PTS or potential trouble sources. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 415) 2. A person who has had a counter-postulate to the pc you are handling. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 415) 3. Is one that actively seeks to suppress or damage Scientology or a Scientologist by suppressive acts. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 415) SUPPRESSIVE GROUPS 1. Are defined as those which seek to destroy Scientology or which specialize in injuring or killing persons or damaging their cases or which advocate suppression of mankind. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 414) ROLLER-COASTER 1. A case that betters and worsens. A roller-coaster is always connected to a suppressive person and will not get steady gains until the suppressive is found on the case or the basic suppressive person earlier. Because the case doesn't get well he or she is a potential trouble source to us, to others and to himself. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 358) 298 2. Gets better, gets worse, gets better, gets worse. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 358) POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE 1. Somebody who is connected with an SP who is invalidating him, his beingness, his processing, his life. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 305) 2. It means someone connected to a person or a group opposed to Scientology. It is a technical thing. It results in illness and roller-coaster and is the cause of illness and roller-coaster. (Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, page 305) 3. The PTS guy is fairly obvious. He's here, he's way up today and he's way down tomorrow and he gets a beautiful session and then he gets terribly ill. That's the history of his life. (Modern Management Technology Defined, page 400) 4. The mechanism of PTS is environmental menace that keeps something continually keyed-in. This can be a constant recurring somatic or continual, recurring pressure or a mass. The menace in the environment is not imaginary in such extreme cases. The action can be taken to key it out. But if the environmental menace is actual and persists it will just key-in again. This gives recurring pressure unrelieved by usual processing. (Modern Management Technology Defined, page 400) SEARCH AND DISCOVERY 1. Search and discovery of suppression is called an "S and D." It locates the suppressive on the case. (HCOB 9 Nov 67, REVIEW AUDITORS, BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES, REVISION OF REMEDY A, REMEDY B AND S AND Ds) "Remember that the real suppressive person (SP) was the one that wove a dangerous environment around the pc. To find that person is to open up the pc's present time perception or space. It's like pulling a wrapping of wool off the pc. "The SP persuaded or caused the pc to believe the environment was dangerous and that it was always dangerous and so made the pc pull in and occupy less space and reach less. "When the SP is really located and indicated the pc feels this impulse not to reach diminish and so his space opens up. "The difference between a safe environment and a dangerous environment is only that a person is willing to reach and expand in a safe environment and reaches less and contracts in a dangerous environment. "An SP wants the other person to reach less. Sometimes this is done by forcing the person to reach into danger and get hurt so that the person will thereafter reach less. "The SP wants smaller, less powerful beings. The SP thinks that if another became powerful that one would attack the SP. "The SP is totally insecure and is battling constantly in covert ways to make others less powerful and less able." (HCOB 5 Feb 66 S AND D WARNING) 299  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/1/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HCOB 24 July 1970, DATA SERIES, and HCOB 28 August 1970RA, HC OUTPOINT PLUS-POINT LISTS RA, are CANCELLED.  Type = 11 iDate=24/7/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=28/8/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 JANUARY 1979 Remimeo HCOB 24 JULY 1970 AND HCOB 28 AUGUST 1970RA CANCELLED Ref: HCO PL 15 March 1971R Data Series 21 R DATA SERIES AUDITING (CANCELLED -- see HCOB 28 Aug 1970RB Volume XIII) HCOB 24 July 1970, DATA SERIES, and HCOB 28 August 1970RA, HC OUTPOINT PLUS-POINT LISTS RA, are CANCELLED. The use of the HC Out-Point Plus-Point-Lists is most effective when preceded by other specific actions necessary to achieving the full gains possible from the handling of these lists. The HC Out-Point Plus-Point Lists are being incorporated as a step of a rundown currently under research and are not to be used or audited in any way otherwise. After the date of this issue it will be deemed a HIGH CRIME if any auditor is found to have violated the above. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 300  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 111 iDate=6/1/79 Volnum=0 Issue=301 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CORRECTION TO RON'S JOURNAL 30 REQUIREMENTS FOR SUPER POWER AUDITORS   All Staff and Students  L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 301-1 INT 6 January 1979 To: All Staff and Students From: Ron CORRECTION TO RON'S JOURNAL 30 REQUIREMENTS FOR SUPER POWER AUDITORS On page 267 of Ron's Journal 30, the listing of OT III as a requirement for New World Corps candidates to be trained on Super Power is a typo and is hereby cancelled. The requirements for auditors or C/Ses who are to be trained to deliver Super Power are: 1. Class IV (does not have to be Class IV Permanent). 2. Not an R/Ser. 3. No LSD or Sweat Out Program very fully completed. 4. Full Drug Rundown completed. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb 301  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/1/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CRAMMING SERIES 5RB TRs IN CRAMMING IS HEREBY CANCELLED.   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 JANUARY 1979 Remimeo BTB CANCELLATION BTB R MARCH 75, ISSUE IV CRAMMING SERIES 5RB TRs IN CRAMMING IS HEREBY CANCELLED. No auditor may audit in an HGC who has not done a Hard TRs Course. Any auditor with good sense will get an honest TRs tape passed by competent authority before he audits anybody. The technical material in the above mentioned BTB is incorrect as once an auditor's TRs are "IN" they don't go out and you certainly don't have to practice to get them back in. The job is to get them in in the first place. Auditors whose TRs are out can have false data on TRs found and be word cleared on TR HCOBs and can be put back on a Hard TRs Course. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:kjm Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 302  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=17/1/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  A NEW TYPE OF CRIME   Remimeo All Staff EO/MAA Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 17 JANUARY 1979 Remimeo All Staff EO/MAA Hats A NEW TYPE OF CRIME Ref: HCO PL 7 Feb 65 KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING HCO PL 23 Dec 65 SUPPRESSIVE ACTS SUPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY & SCIENTOLOGISTS -- THE FAIR GAME LAW HCO PL 7 Aug 65 SUPPRESSIVE PERSONS, MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF HCO PL 16 Oct 67 AKH No. 16 -- SUPPRESSIVES AND THE ADMINISTRATOR HOW TO DETECT SPs AS AN ADMINISTRATOR HCO PL 18 Oct 67 POLICY AND HCOB ALTERATIONS-HIGH CRIME TECHNICAL PERVERSIONS During an evaluation of an organization, a new crime came to light: It consisted of carefully teaching and coaching auditors to get a snap can squeeze done so they would set their meter sensitivity so low that no reads could be obtained. It was done knowingly and intentionally by the person so there would be no auditor around that could spot his withholds. He also obscured E-Meter Drill No. 5 which shows the correct way to do a can squeeze and get a proper sensitivity. Anyone who would do something like this, just to protect a withhold, without realizing he would also mess up hundreds of cases quite in addition to messing up his own, is of course not only irresponsible but insane. We think of "insane people" as being wild-eyed maniacs but such is seldom the case. More often they are quiet types who have little or nothing to say and speak softly. This person would not have been seen as insane on casual observation. And so he had worked his way into the post of training in charge. Just so he could protect his withholds. And, on that post, then carefully mistrained all auditors in sight. So this brings to view that there is a new type of crime: TO ALTER AND PERVERT TECH OR PROCEDURE TO PREVENT DISCOVERY OF WITHHOLDS. This enters many areas: Changing or losing issues. Issuing issues in BTB or BPL form that contain incorrect and misleading data. Posting known criminals or incompetents to training posts. Verbal tech. In short, any action which would prevent tech from being known or correctly used. These fall under the heading of SUPPRESSIVE ACTS and come under the ethics PLs related to them. L. RON HUBBARD Founder for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the BDCS:LRH:clb CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 303  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=19/1/79 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Data Series 47 CANCELLATION   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 19 JANUARY 1979 Remimeo Issue II Data Series 47 CANCELLATION BTB 2 Sept 72R Issue II, WHY FINDING DRILL -- TWO, is CANCELLED. The Personal Office of Evaluation and Execution, Cramming Officers, AVC and any other evaluating activity are not permitted to use this BTB. This BTB contains false tech and invites verbal tech by the coach who may or may not already have MUs on the subject of evaluation. Any entry of this BTB on a checksheet is to be deleted and students informed of such. L. RON HUBBARD Founder for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:LRH:clb Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=28/1/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0    Remimeo KOTs All C/Ses C/S QUALIFICATIONS All Auditors Qual Staff Tech Staff HCOs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 JANUARY 1979 Remimeo KOTs All C/Ses C/S QUALIFICATIONS All Auditors Qual Staff Tech Staff HCOs Any C/S C/Sing for a level for which he has not been trained is subject to the suspension of all certificates and deprivation of all bonuses. He is subject also to refund of all bonuses ever obtained while C/Sing as a C/S levels for which he has not been trained above or below his class. This does not limit the penalties which can be applied which can include declare and expulsion. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 304  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=31/1/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MOOD DRILLS   Remimeo TRs Course Checksheet TRs Course Supervisor Hat Tech Sec Qual Sec  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 31 JANUARY 1979 TRs Course Checksheet TRs Course Supervisor Hat MOOD DRILLS Tech Sec Qual Sec Beings can be fixed or stuck in a chronic mood (emotion) -- always sad, always angry, always bored, etc. Just in life and livingness this makes them rather hard to live with but in an auditor it is fatal. The mood of an auditor, particularly if fixed and chronic, can color the session and the results he obtains. TRs are a matter of sound, not how an auditor feels. When an auditor has a stuck or fixated mood, such as monotony, timidity, dullness, showing up in his TR drills or in session, this can slow up a pc's progress or rough up or upset a pc. The auditor's TRs should sound live and interested and natural. Mood Drills have been developed to handle fixed, uncontrolled or unsuitable tone levels in an auditor. These drills consist of drilling TR 1 over and over at each tone level of the full Tone Scale (HCOB 25 Sept 71RB, Revised 1 Apr 78 TONE SCALE IN FULL). You start low on the scale and do TRs at each tone level in that tone, then up to the next tone, and the next, i.e., TR 1 done over and over at "Dying," then at the tone of "Useless," and so on up the scale. The coach simply has the student do TR 1 at the particular tone level so that the coach and the student are both satisfied that the student has conveyed that tone and the student has a win. A technical fact is that moods or emotions are usually "automatic" which means they are not necessarily under control but tend to control the person himself. It is as if he is under other-determinism. Technically, you can "take over" the automaticity and put it under a being's control just by having him consciously do it over and over. You can also change a chronic tone level by shifting a person's attention from it by making him do something else. (Reference: "Ability 36" and "Ability -- Straight Wire.") Body position, voice tone, facial expression and attitude are all part of conveying the mood or tone level. For example, the student doing Mood Drills is on TR 1 working on the tone "Anger." He gives a line from Alice in Wonderland, and it sounds a bit weak. Coach's patter: "That's it. It sounds a bit gentle. Let's get some more G-r-r-r-r in it. Start." Student repeats the line, but smiles a bit although he sounds more angry. Coach: "That's it. It sounded more angry, but you smiled. Do it again -- you feel angry. Start." Student gives the line again, this time frowning fiercely and in a very snarly tone of voice, leaning forward aggressively. Coach: "Good! Do you feel you did it?" Coach continues until the student is certain he can do it easily. The coach must be able to identify the various emotions and if he is in question about it the dictionary should be resorted to until both student and coach are in agreement on what the tone is or means and that it is being accurately and demonstrably expressed. A student drilling these must beware of Mis-Us and the coach must make sure that he and the student both understand each mood (tone). Any moods that are too easy to do should be spotted by the coach and repeated until the automaticity is broken. If a mood is too hard for the student to master, have him do TR 1 in different beingnesses, e.g., a timid student who is trying to sound antagonistic could be asked to do TR 1 as a panther, a lion, a villain, etc. If you had him do it as a timid bird or some such timid thing that would never be antagonistic you would probably have your student where he lived. Again, do such things to a student win and don't use it to harass him. The whole point is to get him to do TR 1 antagonistically. These shifts of beingness help to shift his attention off a repulsion to an emotion he cannot easily do. 305 Once begun, Mood Drills should be continued until the whole scale is flat so the auditor doesn't get stuck on the Tone Scale but can do any mood easily and without strain. When an auditor is upset about his voice, you can have him try speaking melodiously, boringly, enthusiastically, until he can change his voice mood about at will. Mood Drills should be done when the auditor sounds mechanical, or his tone is brush off, not interested or some set emotion. An auditor can be drilled on assessments in the E-Meter Drill Book with Mood Drills, when his assessment is dull or monotonous. Any set emotion like "sweet," "light and airy fairy," or sad, dreary, deadly serious, indifferent can be handled by drilling with Mood Drills. 50 FOOT MOOD DRILLS 50 Foot Mood Drills can be used to cure a fixed mood that doesn't seem to budge with regular Mood Drills. Student and coach go to an area where they can do some shouting without disturbance. The coach and student are at least 50 feet apart and the Mood Drill is done, as described above, at this distance. Mood Drills are not only fun to do, but also enable an auditor to be at cause over how he sounds in a session, without strain and without his own feelings interfering with the session and thus to get maximum gain for the pc. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 306  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/2/79 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CHANGE THE CIVILIZATION EVAL   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 FEBRUARY 1979 Remimeo Issue I CORRECTED AND REISSUED 8 FEBRUARY 1979 (Also issued as HCO PL same date and title.) CHANGE THE CIVILIZATION EVAL POLICY: A course consists of a checksheet, theory and practical. To audit or even do courses requires an ability to confront and communicate and this is brought about on the TRs Course. People who can't confront can have trouble communicating, reading meters, studying or even detecting what is going on. (See Cumulative Index, Vol X Technical Bulletins) SITUATION: TRs AND TECH ARE OUT INTERNATIONALLY. STATS: Refunds high. Majority of Sea Org staff with incomplete courses. Lots of blown students. DATA: Auditors pulled in for training couldn't do TRs even though they were trained and had been auditors for years. (OMITTED TRs -- COURSES THEY TOOK PREVIOUSLY) Supervisors didn't know key TR HCOBs, didn't know that you cycle a student through the TRs, not stick him in on one TR for weeks and give him a lose, yet it is clearly expressed in HCOBs. (OMITTED INFORMATION, WRONG TARGET -- TR SUPERVISORS) When I teach a course it takes a week or 6 weeks depending on the course. When it is exported the same course and the same materials can take up to 9 months. (ADDED TIME -- SUPERS) Auditors who had supposedly been trained misread and missed reads on meters. (OMITTED CONFRONTS -- AUDITORS) People who go to writing courses in college almost never become writers. (OMITTED PRODUCTS -- COLLEGES) The common experience of students is they can't do what they're trained to do after they've been "trained" yet the civilization is spending countless billions on "education." (CONTRARY FACTS -- CONTEMPORARY TEACHERS) The "service facsimile" which is processed at Grade IV of Scientology grade processing handles the almost universally present aberration of making others wrong. (ADDED ABERRATION -- TEACHERS) Few teachers are Grade IV Releases. (OMITTED SCIENTOLOGY -- TEACHERS) 307 Because their TRs and metering were out, auditors have not been producing uniformly spectacular results and have not been getting pcs smoothly through their grades. (OMITTED CONFRONT -- AUDITORS) CS-4s who have the responsibility for making up checksheets for courses continue to export a TRs Course without a checksheet that had to be done first before doing TRs. (OMITTED CHECKSHEET -- CS-4s) The identical situation of sticking students in at each TR and making them lose instead of cycling them through TRs to a win each time was found on Flag some years ago and remedied with an HCOB. Yet the HCOB is unknown, partially because there is no checksheet on the TRs Course. (OMITTED PRESERVATION OF TECHNOLOGY -- FLB) TR Courses over the world uniformly have been taught without being preceded by a theory period. (OMITTED THEORY -- TRs COURSE SUPERVISORS) OUTPOINT COUNT: OMITTED -- 9 SUPERVISORS -- 4 WRONG TARGET -- 1 TEACHERS -- 3 ADDED -- 2 AUDITORS -- 2 CONTRARY FACTS -- 1 PREVIOUS COURSES -- 1 COLLEGES -- 1 CS-4s -- 1 FLB -- 1 WHY: THERE IS NO CHECKSHEET FOR THE TRs COURSE WHICH IS STUDIED BEFORE THE STUDENT DOES HIS TRs. ETHICS WHY: TARGETTING STUDENTS TOWARD A LOSE BECAUSE THEY ARE DRAMATIZING THEIR SERVICE FACS. WHO: MAJORITY OF PROFESSORS, TEACHERS, ETC. IDEAL SCENE: A TRs COURSE TAUGHT AS A COURSE WITH A PROPER CHECKSHEET AND SUPERVISED BY SUPERVISORS WHO ARE NOT DRAMATIZING A SERVICE FAC OR MAKING OTHERS WRONG AND TRAINING AUDITORS WHO CAN CONFRONT AND COMMUNICATE AND IN ADDITION TO HANDING THEIR PCs SO AS TO OBTAIN UNIFORMLY SPECTACULAR WINS, MAY ALSO EVENTUALLY REACH THE REST OF THE TEACHERS IN THE WORLD SO THAT THEY TOO WILL TEACH STUDENTS TO A WIN. HANDLING: BRIGHT IDEA: Do a checksheet of the TRs Course and retread all auditors who are not making it on it and TRs. 1. Compile the checksheet. LRH TECHNICAL COMPILATIONS DONE 2. Push all students now on courses on through their courses without interrupting their studies by making them redo the course. DIRECTORS OF TRAINING _______ 3. Immediately get the checksheet being applied and the TRs Course redone at the intern level, in the first internship any auditor I/T enters. QUAL SECS _______ 308 4. Enforce certificate expiration if the person has not done the internship for the level he is certified for. DIRs OF VALIDITY _______ 5. Sell the new TRs Course in one internship. REGS _______ 6. Deliver the new TRs Course complete with checksheet and in practical, cycling through the TRs to a minor win on each instead of sticking the student into one TR at a time to a completion of that TR and so giving them countless loses and extending the course endlessly. But make sure that on the alternate cycle through, they're doing Hard TRs flawlessly. SUPERS _______ 6A. Institute the new TRs Course at the beginning of major courses for those students who enter a major course in the future, and at the beginning of any major course substitute the new TRs Course for any existing TRs Course on the checksheet. DIRECTORS OF TRAINING _______ 7. Make DRD and Grade IV a prerequisite for the post of Supervisor and get all Supervisors now on, up to that without removing them from post in a minimum period of time. HCO _______ 8. On all auditors who are failing order a complete modern TRs Course as in Targets 5 and 6, as the only acceptable first cramming order. Time machine it for 2 weeks full time and 6 weeks maximum if done part time. CRAMMING OFFICERS _______ 8A. Do not require auditors to "drill TRs" in the morning or evening as TRs do not fall out. Ref: HCOB 9 Jan 79, BTB CANCELLATION. Instead, get them through a Hard TRs Course in their study time. QUAL SEC _______ 9. Where the new TRs Course is not running well, inspect and verify that Supervisors exist, that this HCOB is known, the WHAT IS A COURSE? P/L is in on the TRs Course or any other reason found and the Supervisors gotten up to Grade IV Release. LRH COMM _______ 10. Only bother to correct other auditor or admin errors after it's verified that the persons sent to Cramming have successfully completed the modern TRs Course to wins on the theory and every TR. When the new TRs Course is obviously and beyond any reasonable doubt fully passed by the auditor, only then and in the future for that auditor, engage in any cramming actions. Do not require that he do the TRs Course again unless it is clearly evident that he failed it the first time. CRAMMING OFFICER _______ 309 11. If this program is not working, if refunds do not drop, if org stats do not rise, debug this HCOB as it applies to any org or area and get it in and get it working. LRH COMM _______ 12. Program out how we're going to use this to get this civilization functioning. GUARDIAN WORLDWIDE _______ 13. Report all wins and successes with this HCOB to CS-4. THOSE APPLYING THIS PROGRAM _______ 14. Take ethics actions on those who refuse to apply this program. EO/SENIOR EO INT _______ 15. Teach students to a win. EVERYBODY TRAINING ANYONE _______ L. RON HUBBARD Founder for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:LRH:jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 310  L. RON HUBBARD Founder for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=3/2/79 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CONFRONT TECH HAS TO BE PART OF THE TR CHECKSHEET    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 FEBRUARY 1979 Issue II CONFRONT TECH HAS TO BE PART OF THE TR CHECKSHEET The inability to confront is basically caused by withholds and where a person cannot be drilled into confronting, he has to have his withholds pulled. That he has committed overts and doesn't want them exposed apparently causes him to withhold his attention and the result is his ability to confront is lessened. Also where a person has overts on a subject and is withholding, he has a tendency to complicate that subject and cannot get down to its basic simplicities. The world looks very complicated to him, probably because his attention is wrapped up in his withholds instead of on his real problems or the subject. The new discovery here is that a person who has overts and withholds on a subject cannot perform in that area and introduces complexities, for of course they can't confront it. Where a person cannot take responsibility for his withholds and he is not benefiting casewise from giving them up, he is half dead as a being. It is a vicious circle: he began to commit overts because he couldn't confront things and then withheld what he had done. Because he had withholds and could not confront, he began to take heavy drugs and alcohol. These pushed him toward deadness and further worsened his ability to confront and even caused him to commit further overts which he then withheld and this further deteriorated his ability to confront. And all this traces back to the fact that he couldn't confront in the first place. There is nothing more irresponsible than a dead man. And when confront drops and withholds enter in, one has entered the death slide as a being. This vicious circle can be handled in processing at various levels and will unsnarl and the person will become alive and able to confront. But the first steps of it, and ones which could carry him well up the ladder, are the drills of the TR Course if done properly and over and over in rotation each time to a win on each particular drill. Truly, the world begins anew by regaining the ability to confront. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 311  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/2/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=15/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  E-METER DRILL 5RA CAN SQUEEZE   Remimeo OK to Operate E-Meter Checksheet All Auditors Tech Qual C/Ses Cramming Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 FEBRUARY 1979R CORRECTED & REISSUED 12 FEBRUARY 1979 Remimeo REVISED 15 FEBRUARY 1979 OK to Operate E-Meter (Revisions in this type style) Checksheet (Ellipsis indicates deletion) All Auditors Tech Qual C/Ses Cramming Officers E-METER DRILL 5RA CAN SQUEEZE The following E-Meter Drill immediately revises and replaces E-Meter Drill 5, as it appears in The Book of E-Meter Drills and modifies any data to the contrary in E-Meter Essentials. NUMBER: EM-5RA NAME: CAN SQUEEZE PURPOSE: I. To demonstrate to the student how an incorrect can squeeze gives an inaccurate, unreliable needle reaction. II. To train a student auditor how to get a pc to do an accurate can squeeze. III. To train a student auditor how to determine the sensitivity setting to get 1/3 of a dial drop of the needle on the can squeeze, for use in setting the correct sensitivity for each preclear in an auditing session. IV. To convince a student auditor that he has to use a correct sensitivity setting for 1/3 of a dial drop of the can squeeze to have a workable and readable E-Meter. POSITION: The coach and the student auditor sit facing each other across a table with an E-Meter facing the student auditor. The E-Meter is already set up. TRAINING STRESS: SECTION I: To give the student auditor a reality on how a can squeeze can be done incorrectly, so he will know all the points he may have to correct to ensure he gets an accurate can squeeze. 1. Coach picks up the cans and holds his hands on the table so the student can clearly see them. 2. Coach has student set sensitivity booster knob to lowest position and the sensitivity at 1 on the sensitivity knob. 3. Coach has student adjust the needle to the set line on the needle dial. The coach will have the student readjust the needle to set as necessary at the beginning of each demonstration of the can squeeze. 4. The coach gives the cans a squeeze with an even pressure. If there is no read or a very small one, less than an inch, at sensitivity 1, the student auditor moves the sensitivity knob to 5, and gets another can squeeze. If still no read or it's smaller 312 than an inch, student moves sensitivity to 16 and gets another squeeze. For purposes of the following demonstration, you want to set the sensitivity so that you can obviously see a movement of the needle on the can squeeze of about an inch. So the sensitivity could be set lower than 5 or higher than 5, so long as you get a fall of about an inch on the squeeze. 5. With the sensitivity setting determined in 4 above, the coach will then squeeze the cans incorrectly, each time in a different way. The coach shows the student what particular thing he's doing with his hands, and then has the student observe what happens on the meter and the distance the needle falls on the dial when he does each version of an incorrect can squeeze as follows: A. Coach holds the cans with cups of palms and all fingers and both thumbs in complete contact with the cans. As he squeezes the cans, he lifts one finger off and then puts the finger back on after relaxing the squeeze. This is an incorrect can squeeze. B. Coach holds the cans as in A. This time he gives the cans a very fast light squeeze. This is an incorrect can squeeze. C. Coach holds the cans as in A, squeezes them with a gradual pressure and then when he releases the squeeze he relaxes his grip on the cans so it is much looser than before the can squeeze. This is an incorrect can squeeze. D. Coach holds the cans as in A, and this time gives a hard fast squeeze. This is an incorrect can squeeze. E. Coach holds the cans as in A, squeezes them firmly and only partially releases the squeeze. This is an incorrect can squeeze. F. Coach holds the cans as in A, but gives a squeeze in 2 stages, first a little squeeze, then suddenly a harder one. This is an incorrect can squeeze. G. Coach holds the cans as in A, gives a hard fast squeeze, and holds the grip. The student should notice that the needle swings way over to the right due to the sudden motion, and that it returns only part of the way with the coach still maintaining the squeeze, thus giving an incorrect measurement of the can squeeze. Student should see that the distance between the first needle position at set and the final needle position with the coach still maintaining the squeeze is the actual measurement of the can squeeze fall. It is not the distance between the first needle position of set and the needle position at the far swing to the right. A hard, fast can squeeze is an incorrect can squeeze. H. Coach holds the cans so they are not in contact with the cups of his palms and squeezes them. This is an incorrect can squeeze. I. Coach holds the cans with the thumbs going up the sides and sticking out over the top edge of the cans and squeezes them. This is an incorrect can squeeze. J. Coach holds the cans in a fairly tight grip and squeezes the cans. This is an incorrect can squeeze. K. Coach holds the cans with the forefingers lifted slightly off and puts the forefingers on the cans during the squeeze. This is an incorrect can squeeze. The drill is continued until the student auditor gets the idea that an incorrect can squeeze gives inaccurate, unreliable needle reactions. SECTION H: To give the student auditor a proper idea as to what a correct can squeeze is, and to train him how to get a correct can squeeze. 313 1. The following drill should be done first by the coach to demonstrate to the student auditor what a correct can squeeze is: A. The coach has the student auditor shake his hands until the fingers are loose and floppy. B. Then the coach has the student auditor put his hands on the table, palms up, exerting no control on his fingers. The student auditor's fingers will curl in toward the palm. C. Now the coach simply places the cans in the student auditor's hands at an angle across the palms. The natural curl of the fingers is sufficient to hold the cans in place, and the placement of the cans at an angle ensures that the maximum skin area is touching the cans. The cups of the student auditor's palms and all the fingers and both thumbs must be touching the cans. Ensure the thumbs go around the cans and not up the sides. D. Now the coach has the student auditor gradually increase the pressure of his grip on the cans until a light squeeze is achieved, and then relax it. This is a correct can squeeze. E. NOTE: Ensure when the student auditor relaxes his grip that he does not take a finger or thumb or his palms off the cans. He should have about the same contact he had at the start as in C above. 2. Having done the above, the coach now has the student auditor do the drill as follows: A. Have the coach pick up the cans and keep his hands on the table so the student can see them throughout the can squeeze. B. Check the coach's grip on the cans to ensure it is correct as in B and C above. The student may have to try out different sizes of cans, small, medium or large, depending on the size of the coachs hands, to obtain the correct size can which he can hold comfortably without strain and that fits into the cup of his palm, with maximum skin contact. C. Adjust the sensitivity booster knob to the lowest position. D. (a) Set the sensitivity knob at 1 on the sensitivity dial. (b) Adjust the needle to the set line on the needle dial. (c) Give the proper commands for getting a can squeeze as follows: "Squeeze the cans, please." "Thank you." The student must ensure the coach gradually increases the pressure of his grip on the cans and relaxes it. (d) Note the distance the needle fell when the coach squeezed the cans. E. Now increase the sensitivity setting to 2 and repeat steps D (b), (c) and (d) above, again noting the distance the needle fell when the coach squeezed the cans. F. Repeat steps D (b), (c) and (d) for sensitivity setting at 3, then sensitivity setting 4, then 5, then 6, and on up until you have the needle hitting the pin on 314 the can squeeze. With the needle hitting the pin on the can squeeze, you wouldn't be able to note the length of the needle fall. Flunks are given for not having the coach remove all rings or finger jewelry, as they can cause the needle to give unusual reads; for not checking that there is maximum skin contact on the cans; for failing to see that the thumbs go around the can and not up the sides; for failing to set the meter and needle up properly; for failing to notice and handle a sudden or hard or jerky or convulsive can squeeze instead of an even increase of pressure on the cans or sudden letting go of the cans; for not making sure the coach doesn't take a finger or thumb or palm off the cans when he releases the contact; for failing to note accurately the distance the needle fell on the can squeeze; and for giving the wrong commands. Lack of skill in earlier drills is corrected by pink sheet. SECTION III: To give the student auditor a reality on setting the sensitivity for a 1/3 of a dial drop of the needle on the can squeeze. The student auditor should know that setting the sensitivity for 1/3 of a dial drop on the can squeeze is an integral part of setting up each and every session he does. It is the sensitivity he will be using during the session. it is vitally important he gets the correct sensitivity setting for each preclear at each session, so that he will not miss reads or F/Ns. A sensitivity setting which is too low or too high for that particular preclear in the particular session will obscure reads and F/Ns, thus upsetting the preclear's case. Therefore, the student auditor must be proficient on this drill. 1. A. Have the coach pick up the cans and keep his hands on the table so the student can see them throughout the can squeeze. B. Check the coach's grip to ensure it is correct, also ensuring you have the correct can size. C. Adjust the sensitivity booster knob to the lowest position. D. (a) Set the sensitivity knob at 5 on the sensitivity dial, (b) Adjust the needle to set line on the dial. (c) Get the coach to squeeze the cans ensuring he does it properly. (d) Note the distance the needle fell when the coach squeezed the cans. E. On Step D (d) the needle will have fallen a distance of either (a) LESS than 1/3 of a dial drop, or (b) MORE than 1/3 of a dial drop. If it's (a) raise the sensitivity a bit and repeat steps D (b), (c) and (d) and continue to do this until you have 1/3 dial drop. If it's (b) lower the sensitivity a bit and repeat steps D (b), (c) and (d) and continue to do this until you have 1/3 dial drop. In other words, keep adjusting your sensitivity lower or higher according to whether the drop is more or less than 1/3 of a Dial drop, until you get the correct sensitivity setting. Each time a new can squeeze is asked for, the student auditor is to make sure the coach is holding the cans properly and is giving a correct can squeeze. F. The student then notes the exact sensitivity setting at which he got the 1/3 dial drop. 315 Flunks are given for errors as in Section II above and for failing to recognize when a 1/3 dial drop of the needle on the can squeeze has been obtained; for failing to recognize if the coach is giving a considerably harder or lighter can squeeze than he was giving at sensitivity 5, and for failing to establish the correct sensitivity setting for 1/3 of a dial drop on the coach. 2. Now the coach has the student auditor do the drill on a number of other students, with the coach watching, until he is satisfied that the student can easily and accurately establish the correct sensitivity setting for a 1/3 dial drop can squeeze. SECTION IV: To give the student auditor a reality on how a correct sensitivity setting for 1/3 of a dial drop on the can squeeze gives a readable and workable meter and how an incorrect sensitivity setting gives an unreadable and unworkable meter, so the student will understand why he has to use a sensitivity setting that gives 1/3 of a dial drop. 1. Coach has the student auditor set the sensitivity accurately on a correct can squeeze for 1/3 dial drop as in Section III. 2. The student auditor does a "pinch test" as follows: student pinches the coach's arm, hard enough to hurt a little bit. 3. Now, while watching the meter, the student says to the coach: "Recall that pinch I just gave you." "Thank you." 4. Student notes the reaction of the needle to his command and the distance the needle fell. 5. Coach has the student do steps 2, 3, and 4 several times, each time noting what the needle does in response to "Recall that pinch." 6. Coach now has the student set the sensitivity at 1. Student has coach squeeze the cans and notes whether there's a read, or not. If there is a read, note size of read and leave the sensitivity at 1. If there's no read on the squeeze, the student still leaves the sensitivity at 1. 7. The student auditor does a new "pinch test" as in 2, 3, 4 and 5 above, noting the difference in needle response to the command " Recall that pinch" as compared to what it was in Step 5 at the correct sensitivity setting. There may be no read at all and the student should notice that. 8. Coach now has student set the sensitivity at 32, and coach squeezes the cans. 9. Student does the pinch test again and notes the reaction of the needle to his command "Recall that pinch." 10. Coach has the student then set the sensitivity correctly for 1/3 of a dial drop on a correct can squeeze and does the pinch test again. 11. The student should observe from these pinch tests that an accurate sensitivity setting determined from a correct can squeeze gives a readable and workable meter and that an incorrect sensitivity setting gives an unreadable and unworkable meter. If he does not see this clearly, then the coach would have the student redo steps 7 through 10 until the student sees why the sensitivity must be set for 1/3 of a dial drop determined by a correct can squeeze. 316 Flunks are given for failing to note what the needle did and size of read in response to student telling coach to recall the pinch and for errors in setting sensitivity accurately and getting a correct can squeeze when called for in the drill. HISTORY: Developed as a training drill by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill in December, 1963 and revised by L. Ron Hubbard in February, 1979. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb/dr.jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/2/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HOW TO DEFEAT VERBAL TECH   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 FEBRUARY 1979 Remimeo (Also issued as HCO PL 9 Feb 79, Issue II, same title.) HOW TO DEFEAT VERBAL TECH 1. If it isn't written it isn't true. 2. If it's written, read it. 3. If you can't understand it, clarify it. 4. If you can't clarify it, clear the Mis-Us. 5. If the Mis-Us won't clear, query it. 6. Get it validated as a written order. 7. Force others to read it. IF IT CAN'T BE RUN THROUGH AS ABOVE IT'S FALSE! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dg.kc.ch.clb Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 317  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/2/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  VERBAL TECH: PENALTIES   Remimeo Tech Qual HCO  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 FEBRUARY 1979 Remimeo Tech (Also issued as HCO PL 15 Feb 79, same title.) Qual HCO VERBAL TECH: PENALTIES (Ref: HCOB/HCO PL 9 Feb 79, HOW TO DEFEAT VERBAL TECH) ANY PERSON FOUND TO BE USING VERBAL TECH SHALL BE SUBJECT TO A COURT OF ETHICS. THE CHARGES ARE: GIVING OUT DATA WHICH IS CONTRARY TO HCO BULLETINS OR POLICY LETTERS, OR OBSTRUCTING THEIR USE OR APPLICATION, CORRUPTING THEIR INTENT, ALTERING THEIR CONTENT IN ANY WAY, INTERPRETING THEM VERBALLY OR OTHERWISE FOR ANOTHER, OR PRETENDING TO QUOTE THEM WITHOUT SHOWING THE ACTUAL ISSUE. ANY ONE OF THESE CATEGORIES CONSTITUTES VERBAL TECH AND IS ACTIONABLE PER THE ABOVE. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 318  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=21/2/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  E-METER ESSENTIALS ERRATA SHEET   Remimeo Tech Qual All Auditors E-Meter Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 21 FEBRUARY 1979 CORRECTED & REISSUED 26 APRIL 1979 Remimeo Tech Qual All Auditors (Corrections in this type style) E-Meter Checksheets E-METER ESSENTIALS ERRATA SHEET The following corrections are to be made in E-METER ESSENTIALS: RE: THE TONE ARM: Page 9, Section 10: Delete: "no matter what the preclear says." Add: "until the EP of that process is reached." The whole section now reads: "If the Tone Arm shows motion, continue the process, until the EP of that process is reached." Page 10, Section 12: Delete: "is a breach of the Auditor's Code Clause 13. Also to continue a process that is producing no Tone Arm motion is a breach of the same Clause." Add: "will leave the pc with By-Passed Charge. The process should be continued to the EP of that process." The whole section now reads: "To change a process while the Tone Arm shows good motion will leave the pc with By-Passed Charge. The process should be continued to the EP of that process." RE: THE SENSITIVITY KNOB: Page 13, Section 5: Delete: "Have the preclear hold the electrodes comfortably in his hands. Have him tighten his hands and then relax them, still holding the cans. The needle should drop exactly one-third of a dial. Adjust the sensitivity knob by asking the preclear to squeeze the cans again and observing the needle fall. The whole section is substituted with the following: "The exact setting of the sensitivity knob is done as follows: Have the preclear hold the electrodes (cans) in his hands with the cans in contact with the cups of his palms and all his fingers and both thumbs in a comfortable grip. Set the sensitivity at 5 and adjust the position of the needle to set. Have the preclear squeeze the cans with an even gradual pressure, not a sudden hard squeeze. Watch the distance the needle drops. If the distance the needle fell is less than one-third of a dial drop, raise the sensitivity some and get another can squeeze, continuing this procedure till you've got the sensitivity setting that gives you one third dial drop on the can squeeze. If the can squeeze gave you more than one-third dial drop at Sens. 5, lower the sensitivity setting a bit, test another can squeeze, continuing this procedure till you get one-third of a dial drop. 319 In other words, keep adjusting your sensitivity lower or higher according to whether the drop is more or less than one-third of a dial drop, until you get the correct sensitivity setting." Page 13, Section 7: Delete: "Adjust the knob to a still needle that will yet move on needed responses." Add: "Adjust the sensitivity knob to get a third of a dial drop on the can squeeze, or as close to that as you can." The whole section now reads: "In short, adjust the sensitivity knob to get a third of a dial drop on the can squeeze, or as close to that as you can." RE: THE NEEDLE: Page 14, Section 4: Delete: "A fall always happens with rapidity, within a second or two." Add: "A fall always happens at the exact end of the question asked." The whole section now reads: "A falling needle (3) makes a dip to the right as you face the meter. A fall may consist of half a division (about one-eighth of an inch) or may consist of fifteen dials (the whole meter face dropped fifteen times). It is still a fall. A fall always happens at the exact end of the question asked. It is also called a drop, a dip and a register. It denotes that a disagreement with life on which the preclear has greater or lesser reality has met the question asked." Page 15, Section 9: Delete: "upon the question being asked. A fall can be in two stages or more providing they take place within a second or two after the question." Add: "at the end of the last word of the question asked." The whole section now reads: "A fall follows at once at the end of the last word of the question asked." RE: CHANGE OF CHARACTERISTIC: Page 15, Section 17: Delete: "we must assume that that is it and we use it." Add: "it can be further explored with the suppress and invalidate buttons to see if it develops into a sF, F, LF or BD, which then can be used." The whole section now reads: "Change of characteristic occurs when we hit on something in the preclear's bank. It occurs only when and each time that we ask that exact question. As the question or item alone changes the needle pattern, it can be further explored with the suppress and invalidate buttons to see if it develops into a sF, F, LF or BD, which then can be used." Page 15. Section 18: Delete: "usually". Add: "may". 320 The whole section now reads: "A question that stops a rising needle is a change of characteristic question and like a fall means we have struck something. Further exploration may develop it into a fall." Page 16, Section 21: Delete: "within one tenth to one half of a second after you have asked a question of the preclear." Add: "An instant read is defined as that reaction of the needle which occurs at the precise end of any major thought voiced by the auditor." The whole section now reads: "It is not much used but must be known as it may have to be used sooner or later when we can't get falls. "The only needle reactions in which you should be interested are those which occur INSTANTLY. An instant read is defined as that reaction of the needle which occurs at the precise end of any major thought voiced by the auditor." RE: ROCK SLAMS: Page 17, Section 35, ROCK SLAM (7): Delete: "This originally meant (and still does) that you are on the rock chain." Add: "A Rock Slam means a hidden Evil Intention on the subject or question under discussion or auditing." The whole section now reads: "In assessing or running you occasionally get a Rock Slam. A Rock Slam means a hidden Evil Intention on the subject or question under discussion or auditing." Page 17, Section 36: Delete: "A Rock Slam is a crazy, irregular, unequal, jerky motion of the needle, narrow as one inch or as wide as three inches happening several times a second. The needle 'goes crazy', slamming back and forth, narrowly, widely, over on the left, over on the right, in a mad war dance or as if it were frantically trying to escape. It means hot terminal or hot anything in an assessment and takes precedence over a fall." The entire section is replaced with: "A Rock Slam is a crazy, irregular, left-right slashing motion of the needle. It repeats left and right slashes unevenly and savagely, faster than the eye easily follows. The needle is frantic. The width of a Rock Slam (R/S) depends largely on sensitivity setting. It goes from one-fourth inch to whole dial. But it slams back and forth. It means hot item in an assessment and takes precedence over a fall or it means that you have left rings on the pc's hands or have a loose connection in the leads or meter. If the latter two items verify as not present you are looking at a Rock Slam in the pc." RE: FREE NEEDLES: Page 17, Section 41: Delete: "It means an idle, uninfluenced motion, no matter what you say about the goal or terminal. It isn't just null, it's uninfluenced by anything (except body reactions)." 321 The entire section is replaced by: "It means the same as a Floating Needle, which is a rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow, even pace of the needle, back and forth, back and forth, without change in the width of the swing except perhaps to widen as the pc gets off the last small bits of charge. Note that it can get so wide that you have to shift the Tone Arm back and forth, back and forth, to keep the needle on the dial in which case you have a floating tone arm." Page 18, Section 44: Delete: "It doesn't happen until a person is well above release, so don't worry about it until you see it." The whole section is replaced with: "It can occur after a cognition, blowdown of the Tone Arm, at a release point, or on the erasure of a Dianetic chain." Page 18, Section 46: Delete: "A Free Needle means, when it's used as a term, 'The preclear is getting awful close to clear."' The whole section is replaced with: "A Free Needle or Floating Needle is one of the parts of the End Phenomena for any process or action." RE: SECURITY CHECKING: Page 21, Section 3: Delete: "(b) it's in a past life and he doesn't consciously know about it (since the meter precedes preclear consciousness)." The entire line is replaced with: "(b) there's an earlier similar overt or withhold." Page 22, Section 5: Delete: "In the case of a past life possibility you add, 'In this lifetime' to your security question. As you repeat that, if the misdeed was in a past life, the fall will vanish." The whole section is replaced with: "In the case of (b) when there's an earlier similar overt or withhold, you must ask for it and get it." Page 22, Section 7: Delete: "always (as in all Rudiments) ask the question again as this might not be all of it." Add: "you get all the data and handle it earlier similar withhold as necessary to an F/N." The whole section now reads: "If the preclear tells you a withhold, you get all the data and handle it earlier similar withhold as necessary to an F/N." Page 22. Section 9: Delete: "On a security check sheet, follow up every change of characteristic before you go on." Add: "On a security check, follow up every change of characteristic, if it is instant, before you go on." 322 The whole section now reads: "On a security change of characteristic, if it is instant, before you go on. Change of characteristic, if it amounts to anything, will develop into a fall." Page 22, Section 10: Delete: "(or it's a past life)". Add: "or there's an earlier similar overt or withhold" The whole section now reads: "If the preclear hasn't told all or there's an earlier similar overt or withhold, the meter won't clear." Page 22, Section 14: No deletions. Add: "except when it's a false read which can be checked for." The whole section now reads: "Grim experience of a decade has taught me that it's (a) or (b) and never 'I moved the needle myself' or 'I feel nervous just generally'. The E-Meter is right even when it seems to make the preclear wrong, except when it's a false read which can be checked for." RE: METER FRAILTIES: Page 25, Section 7: Delete: "if that doesn't stop it, squirt some lighter fluid into the Tone Arm 'bearing' from the meter face side." Add: "including the Mark V until February 1979". The entire section now reads: "One exception: The British and American Hubbard Electrometer early models including the Mark V until February 1979 had a 'carbon pot' which is to say the Tone Arm was in 'pure carbon bearings', if you could call it that. A speck of dust can get in the 'pot' and cause the needle to rock slam whether connected to the preclear or not. Pull the lead wire jack (disconnecting cans) and if the slam continues, it's the 'pot' that's wrong. Work the Tone Arm vigorously for a short while. If that doesn't stop it, turn it in to be repaired. Later models of the British and American Hubbard Electrometer have 'wire wound pots' and this doesn't happen." L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 323  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=22/2/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ERRATA -- P.A.B. No. 147   Remimeo TR Course Checksheet Tech Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 22 FEBRUARY 1979 Remimeo TR Course Checksheet Tech Qual ERRATA -- P.A.B. No. 147 P.A.B. No. 147, as it appears in Technical Volume III, page 335, contains a typo to be corrected as follows: In the first paragraph, 3rd line, delete the word "curve" and insert the word "career." The correct sentence reads: "And if an auditor doesn't successfully pass the Communication Course, then to the end of any career he has as an auditor, there will be something wrong with his auditing." L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 324  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/3/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art Series 6 ART IN ITS BASICS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 MARCH 1979R Remimeo REVISED 30 DECEMBER 1979 (Revisions in this type style) Art Series 6 ART IN ITS BASICS Every separate sector of artistic creations has its own basic rules. Such areas include writing, painting, lighting, camera work, costumes, sets, marketing, recording, mixing -- every contributory sector to a final art offering. Each one of these areas has basic stable data which govern it. They are contained in the textbooks on these subjects. These are the rules -- the stable data, the senior data of each specialized activity. We follow the rules because the rules give impact, effect and message. We don't follow the rules because we're told to, we follow the rules to get a product that is effective and brings about what we want brought about. Anybody who thinks it's just an odd idea that you just follow the rules should get Short Form Product Clearing, because rules have everything to do with the value of the product. Anybody can turn out amateur junk. Who looks at it? Who would look at it even if they were paid? The distance between amateured junk and an effective product is accomplished by knowing and following the basic rules and using them expertly. When you add to this dexterous handling of materials and equipment and then add some experience, you have a professional. When you add a dash of good sense and talent you have a knockout. Be professional in whatever you do, the tale is told by the effectiveness of the product on its viewers and intended public. So whatever your specially, you have to sort out what the senior data are -- the rules -- and know them cold, so you don't even have to think about them and can think with them. Did you ever realize that each one of these specialties has only a dozen or two rules? A=A=A is the way most people handle data, some of these A's however, really have a thousand times the importance of other data. If you know these and sort them out you have a chance of becoming a professional and if you have sorted them out and can think with them and have manual dexterity with materials and equipment any professional in that field will recognize you as a professional, but far more important, your specialty will communicate. 326 If you disregard the above you'll be out of communication with your specially, not only specially but every viewer including kids, whether they know the rules or not. Be a professional in whatever you do. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revisions assisted by Maggie Sibersky LRH Comps I/C LRH:MS:jk.dr Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 327  L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revisions assisted by Maggie Sibersky LRH Comps I/C   Type = 11 iDate=5/3/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=6/3/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC CLEAR FALSE DECLARES   Remimeo All Orgs All Missions C/Ses Auditors Ds of P Tech Qual HCO Ethics Officers KOTs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 MARCH 1979R REVISED 6 MARCH 1979 Remimeo All Orgs All Missions (Revisions in this type style) C/Ses (Ellipsis indicates deletion) Auditors Ds of P Tech Qual HCO Ethics Officers KOTs DIANETIC CLEAR FALSE DECLARES Any org or mission staff declaring a Dianetic Clear "achieved in other practices" is subject to expulsion from the Church. Technically, a very few thetans have never been anything but Clear. These few didn't "go Clear" on anything; they have simply always been Clear. When a natural Clear is found it should be so stated. To assign this condition to some other practice is a suppression of Dianetics and Scientology. Anyone evaluating for or feeding a preclear data to persuade him to declare Dianetic Clear is also actionable.... Anyone suppressively validating squirrel practices or groups by stating they are producing Dianetic Clears is also actionable as above, as it is not possible. It requires the exact application of Scientology and/or Dianetic technology to bring a preclear up to the state of Clear. Falsely declaring a person a Dianetic Clear who isn't, and failing to declare one who made it on Dianetics or the Clearing Course or who has always been Clear, are also actionable. People don't go Clear in garbage eating or psychiatry -- they perish. Thus herding people into their hands br falsely validating them is suppressive. Any and all such false declares are cancelled. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:kjm Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 328  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=26/3/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=3 rDate=2/9/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Esto Series 35RB Word Clearing Series 60RB Product Debug Series 7R MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND CYCLES OF ACTION MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND NO PRODUCT   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 MARCH I979RB Remimeo REVISED 2 SEPTEMBER 1979 (Also issued as an HCO Policy Letter of same date, same title.) (Revisions in this type style) Esto Series 35RB Word Clearing Series 60RB Product Debug Series 7R MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND CYCLES OF ACTION MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND NO PRODUCT A misunderstood word can prevent a person from understanding the remainder of what is heard or written. I have now discovered that: A MISUNDERSTOOD on any given subject CAN PREVENT THE COMPLETION OF A CYCLE OF ACTION related to that subject. Therefore those people who don't complete cycles of action on certain subjects have a misunderstood word on them. This then results in no-product situations. Therefore when you are getting no product, look for the misunderstood word on the subject no matter how long and arduous it is. It's there. And when it's found the person can go on and complete a cycle of action and get a product. CAUTION: Make sure the person actually does have an inability to complete a cycle of action before you get into handling him. You don't handle somebody who is completing cycles of action that result in production. MISUNDERSTOODS AND PERCEPTION Misunderstoods can also act as perception shut-offs. They can actually interrupt a person's perception. It is quite astonishing that perceptions such as sight, sound and even touch can be shut off by Mis-U words. This opens the door to the fact that people apparently do not see, hear, notice or handle outnesses when they have Mis-Us on them. This also may open the door to people who have perceptic shut-offs, such as poor eyesight, deafness or other perception difficulties. MISUNDERSTOODS AND COMPLEXITY Misunderstoods lead to complexity. People who have Mis-Us in an area are inclined to develop vast complexities. They can generate confusions and complexities beyond belief. 329 People do this because, having misunderstoods, they do not confront and duplicate in the area and so get into a lot of think-think and unnecessary significance. Their ability to get things done in that area dwindles as a result. And at the bottom of all this is simply misunderstood words. MISUNDERSTOODS AND TOTAL ORGANIZE When you see an area that is organizing only, you know that area is loaded with misunderstoods. When people have incomplete cycles due to Mis-Us they get bogged down into organization. You can tell when people have Mis-Us -- they are totally involved in organize, organize, organize. They don't know what they are doing. There is a level below this -- they have overts and withholds which prevent even organizing. Below that level people are PTS. Lacking a sense of organization actually lies below this. It is below the level of Mis-Us, overts and withholds and PTSness -- and you'd have to go north through PTSness and overts and withholds to even get to the Mis-Us. MISUNDERSTOODS AND NO ORGANIZE There can also exist a condition where someone does not organize any corner of his area or work or organizations or lines. This manifests itself by irrational demands to only produce and to prevent any organization so that production can occur. At the bottom of this you are very likely to find misunderstood words, particularly on the purpose of the production or why one is producing. It is in this sector that you get overt products most frequently. HANDLING The exact procedure for handling these Mis-Us is given in HCOB 17 Jun 79 CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS. Crashing Mis-U finding is done as part of HCO PL 23 Aug 79 I DEBUG TECH. Additional data on the location of Crashing Mis-Us is found in HCOB 14 Aug 79 CRASHING MIS-Us, BLOCKS TO FINDING THEM and HCOB 16 Jul 79 THE "ELUSIVE" MIS-U OR CRASHING MIS-U. With this knowledge we can now handle all the factors that prevent the completion of cycles of action and products. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal.dr Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 330  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/4/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art HCOB 7 FINE ARTS VERSUS ILLUSTRATIONS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 APRIL 1979 Remimeo Art HCOB 7 FINE ARTS VERSUS ILLUSTRATIONS The division between fine arts and illustrations is that fine arts permit the viewer to contribute his own interpretations or originations to the scene, whereas illustrations are "too literal" and give him the whole works. To evoke an emotion in fine arts, the spectator must be invited to contribute part of the meaning. In a poster, the viewer is most often intended to be clobbered. In illustration, the viewer is intended to be informed. A work of fine art can elicit quite different emotional contributions from one member of an audience to the next as he is left free to some degree to contribute meaning and emotion at his choice. In fine arts, the viewer must supply something to make it complete. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cb.lll Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 331  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/4/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 106 AUDITING THE DIANETIC CLEAR   All C/Ses NED Auditors Scn Auditors Qual/Tech Staff HCO KOTs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 APRIL 1979 All C/Ses NED Auditors Scn Auditors Qual/Tech Staff C/S Series 106 HCO KOTs AUDITING THE DIANETIC CLEAR (Ref: HCOB 1 Dec 78 PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT STEP HCOB 8 Oct 70 C/S Series 20 PERSISTENT F/N HCOB 19 Apr 72 C/S Series 77 "QUICKIE" DEFINED) It has recently come to my attention that some auditors are delivering grades in outrageously short periods of time to Dianetic Clear pcs and only giving Quad Grades to the Dianetic Clear without making full use of the Expanded Grades. Such pcs are being denied the full gains of the grade processes due to Quickie Grades -- out-tech. From this point forward, anyone auditing a pc who is Dianetic Clear or Natural Clear, on the grades, must: 1) M9 and starrate HCOB 8 Oct 70 C/S Series 20 PERSISTENT F/N, 2) M9 and starrate HCOB 19 Apr 72 C/S Series 77 "QUICKIE" DEFINED, and 3) Clay demo the consequences of Quickie Grades. It is the responsibility of the C/S to see that the above checkouts occur without stopping or slowing delivery lines. These actions will ensure that the Dianetic Clear has the opportunity to attain all the benefits of the grades. In addition to the immediate abilities gained from the grades being properly delivered, having his grades really IN will prevent the pre-OT from running into difficulties on the OT levels. The grades are a very essential part of the Grade Chart and must not be delivered over a persistent F/N or skimped on in any way. Let's Keep Scientology Working! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 332  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/5/79 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE   All AOs All St. Hills Cl IV Orgs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 MAY 1979 All AOs Issue I All St. Hills Cl IV Orgs DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE (Refs: HCOB 24 Sep 78 CONFIDENTIAL, THE Iss IV STATE OF CLEAR HCOB 5 Mar 79R DIANETIC CLEAR FALSE DECLARES HCOB 29 Nov 78 C/S Series 104 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS HCOB 5 Dec 78 C/S Series 105 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS -- ADDITIONAL DATA HCOB 24 Sep 78 DIANETIC CLEAR Iss III HCOB 1 May 79 INTERVIEW HCOPL 1 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVES HCOB 15 Nov 78 DATING AND LOCATING HCOB 2 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR Iss II SPECIAL INTENSIVE ASSESSMENT LIST HCOB 3 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE, C/S AND AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS) With the boom in Dianetic Clears it became necessary that a procedure be developed so that the state of Clear would be safeguarded and so that those who did achieve Dianetic Clear could get it properly acknowledged and attain a full resurgence of the state. The Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is designed to sort out and handle the following situations: 1. When an item stating the pc has gone Dianetic Clear has read on a C/S 53, GF, L3RF, End of Endless Drug Rundown List or Int RD Correction List or any other correction list, and the read has been confirmed (i.e. it is not a false or protest read or read on assertion). Such a read is only two-way commed to F/N, and is not Date/Located or otherwise handled at this point. The person is signed up for a Dianetic Clear Special Intensive, during which he will get the state of Clear fully polished up and rehabilitated. 2. When an individual thinks he is or might be Dianetic Clear. 3. When a person has attested to Dianetic Clear and has not had a formal auditing session to establish it, but has only had a mere D of P interview. (Trying to audit or rehab in an interview is out-tech, a misuse of D of P interviews, and doesn't verify or rehabilitate the state.) 4. Where there has been some attempt made to rehab the state of Dianetic Clear on 333 an individual without use of this intensive, which didn't reach the correct end phenomena, or where the person wasn't doing well after the rehab. (NOTE: The Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is not given to a non-Dianetic Clear in order to audit him up to that state. Its use is for verification and rehabbing of the state of Dianetic Clear, per the above.) PURCHASE OF AUDITING If the person is in the middle of an intensive and goes Clear, or it is discovered that he has gone Clear in past auditing, the remaining hours of the intensive may be applied to the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive, provided there is a minimum of 5 hours remaining. If there is less than five hours remaining, then he would need to purchase a minimum of 5 hours for the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. This issue gives the exact procedure to follow to handle each of the above situations standardly in an auditing session. With HCO PL 1 May 79, DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVES, we have established the standard lines and policy concerning Dianetic Clear checks and rehabilitation. The state of Dianetic Clear is not to be checked, verified or rehabbed in a D of P interview or any other type of interview. Such actions are done only in the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. This intensive is used to: a) Establish with no eval or inval in the procedure whether the person has actually achieved the state or not; b) Ensure that the person who has made it attains a FULL resurgence of the state; c) Establish for the person who has not yet made Dianetic Clear that he hasn't, get any win he has achieved acknowledged, and get him programmed and onto his next auditing to get him further toward achieving the state of Clear; d) If he thinks this intensive is going to make him Dianetic Clear, it establishes him on his proper rundown and gets him that much closer to Clear. FES AND FOLDER STUDY Immediately after the intensive is purchased, and before the intensive is begun, the first action is a full FES of the pc's folders so that the C/S has an accurate estimation of the case in general as well as data on any originations or actions taken on the subject of Dianetic Clear. This FES must include examining the person's past auditing on the subject of Int and L&N lists, because if either of these are out you cannot audit anything else until these are handled. ALTERNATIVE CHOICES As the FES and folder study may reveal out-Int, out-L&N lists, or past rough auditing needing repair, you would not then be able to proceed with the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive until out-Int, out-L&N lists or rough auditing were repaired. During the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive you may find that the person has no interest in the questions, that he is there to become Clear and didn't go Clear in past auditing. You may encounter crashing misunderstood words on the subject of Clear or auditing. This gives a choice between: 334 a) If Int or L&N lists are out or the person has had rough auditing, sign him up for and deliver the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown, L&N list repair, or a C/S 53 to F/Ning list. (These are sold by 12 1/2 hour intensives, and he would need these actions done anyway before he could proceed up the Bridge.) NOTE: IF HE HAS GONE DIANETIC CLEAR AND YOU HAVE TO HANDLE INT, LISTS, OR REPAIR PAST AUDITING BEFORE DOING THE DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE, YOU MUST INDICATE THAT HE HAS GONE DIANETIC CLEAR AND THAT THIS HAS NOT YET BEEN PATCHED UP. THIS INDICATION IS MADE BEFORE STARTING TO HANDLE INT, LISTS OR REPAIR. b) If there is no evidence of out-Int or out-L&N lists, proceed with the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. c) If during the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive you find that he has no interest and didn't go Clear in past auditing, you would bridge him over to his next auditing step. Don't make him wrong for having bought the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive, but see that he gets onto a proper program and gets that much closer to Clear in the 5 hours. The correct program is determined by the C/S and would probably be Word Clearing, Objective Processes, or NED (New Era Dianetics). At the end of this 5 hours he would be sent to the Registrar to get further intensives needed to complete. THE PROCEDURE Each step of the intensive is carried out in a formal auditing session (never in an interview). STEP I: TWO-WAY COMM Each of the following questions are taken up with the pc with good two-way communication. It is important that all reads, tone arm action with length of reads and BDs and needle behavior are noted clearly in the worksheets. If the pc shows no interest in the questions, or in Dianetic Clear, don't push him to answer or let him run on an unreading question. Instead clear any misunderstood word or words on the subject of Clear, and end off to get the folder to the C/S to handle per choice c) above under Alternative Choices. This way he will at least get further toward Clear within the 5 hours and it makes him right for having got the auditing. A typical C/S for Step I of the Dianetic Clear Intensive would read as follows: A. Give the pc an R-Factor on what you are going to be doing in this session. B. Fly each rud. 1. When do you feel you went Dianetic Clear? 1A. (If pc doesn't feel he did go Dianetic Clear and is not interested, ask him "Tell me what you would like to accomplish in auditing?" Take this to F/N and end off for a new C/S.) 2. What happened at that time? 3. Is there anything else that occurred that made you feel you went Dianetic Clear? 335 4. How were you running Dianetics before the point you feel you went Dianetic Clear? 5. How were you running Dianetics after the point you feel you went Dianetic Clear? 6. Did you experience life differently after the point you feel you went Dianetic Clear and since that time? If so, tell me about it. 7. Has there been any invalidation of your originations regarding Dianetic Clear? (If so, get who and what was said.) 8. Has anyone evaluated for you on the subject of Dianetic Clear? (If so, get who and what was said.) 8A. (If it turns out that someone suggested that he was Dianetic Clear, or tried to feed him the EP or cognition, take the evaluation or suggestion earlier similar to F/N, and end off for a new C/S.) 9. Did you experience any other changes not already mentioned in this session, that you connect with the state of being Clear? 10. Has anyone discussed the subject of Dianetic Clear with you? (If so, get details and pull strings to ensure there has been no feeding of cognitions.) 11. Have you always been Clear? 12. Is there anything else you would like to say regarding being Dianetic Clear that hasn't already been covered here? The C/S may add questions of his own to the above at his discretion but these must not be evaluative nor invalidative. When you have full data on each of the two-way comm questions, end the session and send the folder to the C/S. The auditor should include in his proposed C/S a recommendation as to whether Step II or III should be done as the next action. STEP H: CONDITIONAL: DATE/LOCATE The C/S would ONLY order Step II at this point after full review of data obtained in Step I, and under the following conditions: a) It has been verified unquestionably in Step I that the pc had attained the state of Dianetic Clear. b) The pc must have given the proper evidences of having gone Clear. c) Pc is F/Ning with VGIs. d) By content of the session and pc indicators there is no bypassed charge concerning the state of Dianetic Clear to be handled. It will be in rare instances that Step II is done at this point in the intensive. Ordinarily Date/Locate is done as the last action following the Dianetic Clear Intensive Assessment List. It is included here as a conditional step for the pc who is manifesting all of the above indicators following Step I. Step II consists of: 1. DATE/LOCATE the point the pc went Dianetic Clear, using the full and exact procedure given in HCOB 15 Nov 78, DATING AND LOCATING. 336 2. When the point the pc went Dianetic Clear has been correctly dated and located, the folder is sent to the C/S. 3. If Date/Locate has been correctly done, the pc has stated the Clear cognition in some wording, has a floating, floppy needle and floating TA, with VVVGIs, the C/S may send the pc to attest to the state of Dianetic Clear. If all of the above indicators (a thru d) are not in or if it appears the pc has any bypassed charge to be handled, the C/S would not order Step II at this point but would order Step III, the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive Assessment List be done. STEP III: THE DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE ASSESSMENT LIST (Ref: HCOB 2 May 79, Iss II, THE DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE ASSESSMENT LIST.) 1. Assess the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive Assessment List by Method 3, and handle each reading item per list instructions. 2. When each reading item has been handled, with pc F/Ning and VGIs, the Date/Locate step (No. 49) is taken to completion, and folder is sent to the C/S. 3. If the assessment list, including the Date/Locate step, has been correctly -- done, the pc has stated the Clear cognition in some wording, has a floating, floppy needle and floating TA with VVGIs, the C/S may send the pc to attest to the state of Dianetic Clear. END PHENOMENA The end phenomena of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is A FULL RESURGENCE OF THE STATE OF DIANETIC CLEAR, for the person who has achieved Dianetic Clear. STEP IV: CONDITIONAL: FOR THE PERSON WHO HASN'T YET ATTAINED DIANETIC CLEAR. On one of the above steps of the intensive, it may become obvious that the person hasn't yet attained Dianetic Clear. Once this has been adjudicated by the C/S, the following step is done. (If the pc still has any hours remaining from the 5-hour intensive, they would be used for this C/S as it is still part of the intensive. As more hours are needed they would of course have to be purchased.) 1) Give the pc the R-Factor that he hasn't attained the state of Dianetic Clear at this point and that he is being programmed so as not to be denied any of the gains on the Grade Chart, as in this way he will be adequately prepared to do Advance Course levels. The C/S then programs the case so that this can occur and the pc is informed he should continue with his auditing program. (If he had already been allowed to attest earlier, that the person handling the attest cycle didn't have all the data at that time.) If there is any upset on this indication, go to step 2; if no upset, go to step 3. 2) Assess a GF M5 to locate and handle the remaining charge. (A C/S 53 may be assessed if more appropriate.) 3) With pc VGIs in, find out if there is some valid win or gain of ability that he has achieved. There will usually be one, so get it and give him a good acknowledgement. 337 4) Send the folder to the C/S for adjudication. Unless other actions are necessary, C/S will have the pc sent to Qual to attest to his win and completion of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. The end result of Step IV should be a person who feels good about the gains he has made and who is eager to continue up the Bridge. D/L CAUTION It has been found that a pc who has gone Dianetic Clear, and who then receives a messed up D/L of the point, may become uncertain as to when he actually did achieve this state. At this point the pc may feel that he didn't go Dianetic Clear after all. He may also be a Natural Clear, in which case there would not be any point to Date/Locate. (NOTE: A messed up Date/Locate would be handled per HCOB 15 Nov 78, DATING AND LOCATING.) AUDITORS AND C/SES TAKE NOTE The questions in the above sessions indicate what kind of questions should be asked to verify the state of Dianetic Clear or Natural Clear. There may be other questions the C/S may ask in addition to these. Bear in mind that you may often be dealing with untrained pcs who don't know quite what is being looked for. An excellent comm cycle is essential in these sessions, and very smooth TR 3 and TR 4 are needed to really get your questions answered and clarified as necessary. Otherwise you may lose people who have actually made it. On the other hand, the questions are geared to find out what actually did occur and not to evaluate or lead a person into a premature attestation. You MUST NOT EVALUATE for a pc by asking questions that ask him to describe his current case state in relation to his bank or mental image pictures, or asking him what his abilities are in relation to his mental image pictures. The rule here is not to evaluate at all as it will only lead you and the pc into trouble. A SMOOTH LINE So, now you have it clearly stated. We can now get pcs through these verification cycles smoothly. An important point here is that whatever the outcome of the DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE, each individual should continue right along and not get parked somewhere on the Bridge. There is a lot of progress to be made and with this intensive, many more people will be enjoying the upper levels sooner. So, get to it! This planet needs more OTs, NOW! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 338  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/5/79 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE ASSESSMENT LIST   All AOs All St. Hills Cl IV Orgs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 MAY 1979 All AOs Issue II All St. Hills Cl IV Orgs DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE ASSESSMENT LIST (Ref: HCOPL 1 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVES HCOB 2 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR Issue I SPECIAL INTENSIVE HCOB 3 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE -- C/S AND AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS) IMPORTANT: THIS LIST MAY ONLY BE DONE AS PART OF THE DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE AND MAY ONLY BE USED BY A FULLY QUALIFIED AUDITOR WHO HAS MET ALL REQUIREMENTS STATED IN HCOB 3 MAY 79 DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE -- C/S AND AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS. This assessment list is the list which is assessed as Step III of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. It will sort out and handle any bypassed charge which would prevent a resurgence of the state of Clear. This list is only to be assessed when the C/S has ordered the auditor to do so. It is to be assessed M3 and may be reassessed as needed. If an item is seen to read but is met with the pc groping, puzzling, or frowning, check False and then Protest if necessary. Don't let him stew in a baffled state on a question as he can easily go into inval at this point. The end phenomena of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive Assessment List is a full resurgence of the state of Clear with the accompanying meter phenomena. (Ref: HCOB 5 Dec 78 C/S Series 105 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS -- ADDITIONAL DATA). The session must be ended off when that occurs. No "say or ask." Just a good ack and an "End of Session." This can happen before getting to item No. 49. When all reading lines on this list have been handled to F/N, the auditor would then Date/Locate the point per item 49 (if the Clear cog has been originated). On occasion, it may show up that the person didn't actually make it. When this happens or is suspected, send the folder to the C/S upon completing the item you're working on. Refer to HCOB 2 May 79 Iss I DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE for the handling should the C/S confirm that this is the case. 1) Assess the following: A) INTERIORIZED INTO SOMETHING? _______ B) GO IN? _______ C) WENT IN? _______ D) PUT IN? _______ 339 E) WANT TO GO IN? _______ F) CAN'T GET IN? _______ G) KICKED OUT OF SPACES? _______ H) CAN'T GO IN? _______ I) TRAPPED? _______ J) FORCED IN? _______ K) PULLED IN? _______ L) PUSHED IN? _______ (If you get a valid read on any of the above, and it is not a false read or protest read, end off for a new C/S, as if Int is out you must handle it before doing any other auditing action. Ref: HCOB 24 Sep 78RA, Int Series 4RA, THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR RUNDOWN.) 2) IS THERE A LIST ERROR? _______ (L4BRA and handle) 3) HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN A WRONG ITEM? _______ (L4BRA and handle) 4) HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN A WRONG INDICATION? _______ (L4BRA and handle) 5) IS THERE AN OUT-LIST? _______ (L4BRA and handle) 6) DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK? _______ (Handle the ARC break E/S to F/N) 7) ARE YOU UPSET? _______ (Handle the ARC break E/S to F/N) 8) DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM? _______ (Itsa E/S to F/N) 9) ARE YOU WITHHOLDING ANYTHING? _______ (Use withhold system E/S to F/N) 10) IS THERE SOME SORT OF WITHHOLD? _______ (Use withhold system E/S to F/N) 11) HAVE YOU COMMITTED ANY OVERTS? _______ (Get what it is E/S to F/N) 12) REGARDING DIANETIC CLEAR, DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK? _______ (Handle the ARC break E/S to F/N) 13) REGARDING DIANETIC CLEAR, ARE YOU UPSET? _______ (Get what upset is and handle the ARC break) 14) REGARDING DIANETIC CLEAR, DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM? _______ (Itsa E/S to F/N) 340 15) REGARDING DIANETIC CLEAR, ARE YOU WITHHOLDING ANYTHING? _______ (Use withhold system E/S to F/N) 16) HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER OUT-RUDIMENTS? _______ (Standard handling of the out-rud(s) E/S to F/N) 17) HAVE YOU BEEN INTERVIEWED OVER OUT-RUDIMENTS? _______ (Standard handling of the out-rud(s) E/S to F/N) 18) HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED ON ENGRAMS AFTER GOING CLEAR? _______ (Indicate and do L3RF INDICATING READING ITEMS ONLY -- DO NOT RUN ANY DIANETICS) 19) HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE WITH DIANETICS? _______ (Indicate and do L3RF INDICATING READING ITEMS ONLY -- DO NOT RUN ANY DIANETICS) 20) HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE GOING EARLIER SIMILAR ON DIANETICS? _______ (Indicate and do L3RF INDICATING READING ITEMS ONLY -- DO NOT RUN ANY DIANETICS) 21) DO YOU HAVE UNFLAT R3RA... UNFLAT R3R? _______ (L3RF and INDICATE -- DO NOT RUN ANY DIANETICS) 22) HAVE YOU BEEN FORCED TO RUN DIANETICS? _______ (L3RF and INDICATE -- DO NOT RUN ANY DIANETICS) 23) WAS IT NOT YOUR INCIDENT? _______ (Ind. E/S to F/N) 24) WERE YOU PUTTING THINGS THERE TO RUN? _______ (Ind. 2WC to F/N) 25) WERE YOU LOOKING FOR THINGS NOT THERE? _______ (Ind. E/S to F/N) 26) WERE YOU PUTTING SOMETHING THERE WHERE THERE WAS NOTHING? _______ (Ind. 2WC to F/N) 27) ARE YOU PROTESTING ANYTHING? _______ (Itsa E/S to F/N) 28) DID YOU GO CLEAR FROM PAST-LIFE AUDITING? _______ (Ind. to F/N and then DATE/LOCATE after remaining lines on this list have been F/Ned) 29) HAS THERE BEEN ANY INVALIDATION OF DIANETIC CLEAR? _______ (2WC to F/N) 30) HAS THERE BEEN ANY INVALIDATION OF YOUR PREVIOUS AUDITING? _______ (2WC to F/N) 31) HAVE YOU BEEN INVALIDATED? _______ (Itsa E/S to F/N) 341 32) HAVE YOU INVALIDATED THE FACT YOU WENT DIANETIC CLEAR? _______ (2WC to F/N) 33) HAS ANYONE SUGGESTED TO YOU THAT YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT? _______ (Itsa E/S to F/N) 34) HAS THERE BEEN ANY EVALUATION? _______ (2WC to F/N) 35) HAS YOUR BEHAVIOR BEEN EVALUATED? _______ (2WC to F/N) 36) REGARDING DIANETIC CLEAR, HAS THERE BEEN ANY EVALUATION? _______ (2WC to F/N) 37) DO YOU FEEL SUPPRESSED? _______ (2WC to F/N. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling) 38) ARE YOU PTS? _______ (Same handing as question 37) 39) IS SOMEONE OR SOMETHING HOSTILE T0 YOU? _______ (Same handing as question 37) 40) HAVE YOU BEEN PREVENTED FROM ATTESTING? _______ (2WC to F/N. Get off any protest and/or out-rud) 41) REGARDING DIANETIC CLEAR, DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN'T BELIEVE IT? _______ (2WC to F/N) 42) ARE YOU WAITING FOR A SPECIAL COGNITION? _______ (2WC to F/N) 43) COULDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS BEING DONE? _______ (2WC to F/N) 44) HAVE YOU BEEN OVERREPAIRED? _______ (Find out what and clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. If it is Dianetics or Dianetic Clear, DATE/LOCATE ONLY and END OFF!) 45) IS THERE SOMETHING THAT SHOULD HAVE READ BUT HASN'T? _______ (Get what and handle) 46) HAVE YOU ALWAYS BEEN CLEAR? _______ (Indicate. Get off any invalidation. Do not attempt to do No. 49, Date/Locate.) 47) ARE YOU PRETENDING TO BE CLEAR TO GET FREE SERVICE OR FOR STATUS? _______ (Pull this as a W/H. Do not try to Date/Locate as he has not attained the state of Clear. He may have other W/Hs missed in auditing which need to be pulled. Such a person is probably PTS and should be C/Sed for a PTS interview and handling.) 48) IS SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _______ (2WC to find what. Handle it if you can or return to C/S) 342 THE AUDITOR MAY REASSESS THIS LIST M3, ESPECIALLY IF HEAVILY CHARGED THE FIRST TIME THROUGH. AFTER ALL READS ARE HANDLED AND THE PC IS VGIs, DO THIS STEP BUT ONLY IF THE CLEAR COG HAD ALREADY BEEN GIVEN. (THIS IS NOT ASSESSED; IT IS DONE) 49) DATE/LOCATE THE POINT THE STATE OF DIANETIC CLEAR WAS ATTAINED. _______ (Ref: HCOB 15 Nov 78 DATING AND LOCATING for exact procedure) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright c) 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 343  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/5/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  IMPORTANT DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE C/S AND AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS   All AOs All St. Hills Cl IV Orgs HCOs in Cl IV Orgs and above KOTs Qual Hats C/S Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 MAY 1979 All AOs All St. Hills Cl IV Orgs HCOs in Cl IV IMPORTANT Orgs and above KOTs Qual Hats C/S Hats DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE C/S AND AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS (Ref: HCO PL 1 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVES HCOB 2 May 79 Issue I DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE) Due to the nature of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive and the vital data in its accompanying issues, the following requirements must be fully met by every C/S and auditor delivering this intensive to any pc: 1. Must be Dianetic Clear, Clear or above. _______ 2. Must not fall under any of the A-J categories covered in HCO PL 27 Oct 64, POLICIES ON PHYSICAL HEALING, INSANITY AND TROUBLESOME SOURCES. _______ 3. Must be fully bonded by HCO of their org before given access to any confidential Dianetic Clear HCOBs. _______ 4. Must have a valid permanent cert for the level of C1 IV or above in order to audit the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. _______ 5. Must have a valid permanent cert as a C1 IV or above C/S in order to C/S the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. _______ 6. Must Method 9 Word Clear and get a starrate checkout on this HCOB (HCOB 3 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE -- C/S AND AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS). _______ 7. Must have full Qual OK to do two way comm. _______ 8. Must Method 9 Word Clear and get a starrate checkout on HCOB 15 Nov 78 DATING AND LOCATING. _______ 9. Must clay demo the Date/Locate procedure. _______ 10. Must Method 9 Word Clear and get a starrate checkout on the following HCOBs: A) HCOB 24 Sep 78 Iss III DIANETIC CLEAR. _______ B) HCOB 24 Sep 78 Iss IV CONFIDENTIAL -- THE STATE OF DIANETIC CLEAR. _______ C) HCOB 29 Nov 78 C/S Series 104 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS. _______ D) HCOB 5 Dec 78 C/S Series 105 DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS ADDITIONAL DATA. _______ 344 E) HCOB 5 Mar 79R DIANETIC CLEAR FALSE DECLARES. _______ F) HCO PL 1 May 79 DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVES. _______ G) HCOB 2 May 79 Iss I DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE. _______ H) HCOB 2 May 79 Iss II DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE ASSESSMENT LIST. _______ 11. Must fully drill each step of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive (per HCOB 2 May 79 Iss I -- DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE). _______ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 345  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=10/6/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art Series 8 A PROFESSIONAL   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 JUNE 1979 Remimeo Art Series 8 A PROFESSIONAL Ref: HCOB 4 March 1979 Art Series 6 ART IN ITS BASICS A professional is somebody that can produce a high quality product. A professional is not an audience, and when he views things, he looks for what's good in them and neglects the poor, low-grade things. The reason he does this is so he has an ideal scene. Without an ideal scene, he just operates off technical data and produces, artwise, a low quality product and isn't a professional. Without an ideal scene, he can never get a preconception of the shot. In viewing things that approach an ideal scene, the true professional works out how they did it and when presented with similar tasks of production, can bring off things which approach an ideal scene in his own work. Another thing that separates a member of the audience from a professional is that the professional only thinks in terms of getting out an actual product. It never enters his head that he's just there for the ride or that being an "expert" is enough. A member of the audience has no faintest concept or idea of getting out a product. A professional knows the rules of the game as a matter of course so that he can achieve in the upper strata above that, a high quality of art. When a person simply looks at everything as to whether he "likes them" or "not likes them," he's just an audience and he's on the wrong side of the footlights. This applies to a writer, a director, an actor, a cameraman, a makeup man, a props man, a wardrobe man, a producer, an artist, any professional. Without this viewpoint, he never accumulates ideal scenes, so how could he produce anything good? He never has a memory library to compare his own products to. Be a professional. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 346  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/6/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 61 Product Debug Series 3 URGENT -- IMPORTANT CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS   Remimeo Execs Estos Cram Offs Crse Sups All Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 JUNE 1979 Remimeo Execs Estos Cram Offs Word Clearing Series 61 Crse Sups All Staff Product Debug Series 3 URGENT -- IMPORTANT CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS Ref: HCOB/PL 26 Mar 79R MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND CYCLES OF ACTION HCO PL 26 Jan 72 I Admin Know-How Series 29 Exec Series 5 NOT DONES, HALF DONES AND BACKLOGS HCO PL DEBUG TECH (LRH ED 302 INT Rewritten) THE STUDY TAPES INCOMPLETE CYCLES A cycle of action is the sequence that an action goes through, wherein the action is started, is continued for as long as is required and then is completed as planned. To produce products one has to also have completed cycles of action. A completed cycle of action normally results in a product. Where steps A-H of HCO PL DEBUG TECH (LRH ED 302 INT Rewritten) have been done to no avail, meaning products are not yet rolling out of the area, then the tech herein is to be used as step I of DEBUG TECH to get the area producing. Just as a misunderstood word can prevent a person from understanding the remainder of what is heard or written, a misunderstood can prevent a cycle of action from completing. This is extremely valuable data as it gives us the major reason people don't complete cycles of action. It is utterly amazing and magical. An area is plagued with not dones and half dones and no products resulting and one would swear that the reasons were infiltration, sabotage, evil intentions, you name it. But in the majority of cases it will be found that the above discovery is operating. The person has a Mis-U on a key word involved in the cycle of action. The person usually doesn't realize he has a misunderstood. It is revelatory to him when he finds it so it isn't necessarily true that he will know. So he himself additionally has a number of wrong Whys and wrong reasons. There is usually one principal misunderstood that is preventing the cycle of action from completing. This is called the "Crashing Mis-U." APPLICATION While finding Crashing Mis-Us is not a substitute for full Word Clearing and while it is also true that the person can be PTS and be engaged in creating problems, 347 it is nevertheless uniformly true that a Crashing Misunderstood lies somewhere in the subject matter of the cycle of action which is not being completed. The tech given in this HCOB can be used by anyone who has checked out on it and drilled it. The steps given here cover metered and nonmetered Crashing Mis- U finding. Using a Word Clearing meter will make the action faster and more accurate but it is not vital. The whole action does not take long to do and will save hours of purple- faced desk pounding and frustrated attempts to get people to produce. It is to be USED by execs, Supervisors, Cramming Officers, Estos, missionaires, etc., etc. -- anyone who is responsible for seeing that products are gotten out. Crashing Mis-U tech is used in debugging products. It comes as step I of HCO PL DEBUG TECH. If any of the earlier steps are out then you can find all the Crashing Mis-Us you like and still not get one single product. THEORY A cycle of action is a parallel to a cycle of understanding or a cycle of communication. The cycle of action is the physical universe expression of a cycle of communication. The cycle of communication occurs in the physical universe! A misunderstood interrupts not only the cycle of communication or understanding, but also interrupts the motion or action. That is the discovery. A person is trying to get the product of a finished house. He doesn't understand the word "plumbing." He may tell you that it is because of the price of materials, that nobody can dig in that kind of ground, that certain types of pipes aren't available, that he is having trouble with his wife -- and his supervisors and bosses will tell you that he is just plain lazy, that he has been bribed not to, that he is a secret drinker maybe, and even less printable Whys. But when you get right down to it and use the Tech you find that he has a Crashing Mis-U on the word "plumbing." He thinks it is defined as "drilling holes." Mentally this interrupts his ability to think any thoughts through on the subject. His cycle of understanding is being interrupted by the Crashing Mis-U. This then has a parallel cycle, the cycle of action of trying to get the finished house. Thus for want of understanding of a word we get the actual physical inability to finish a cycle of action on a connected subject. I can assure you that ethics conditions, threat of suit, physical violence, none of these things are going to get anybody a finished house. Only when his Crashing Mis-U "plumbing" is found and properly handled are you going to get a finished house. This tells you incidentally that the time track of shattered civilizations must have been strewn with these things. It doesn't only apply to a house, it applies to almost anything man has ever set out to produce. It would even apply to some general who suddenly won't finish a battle or a war. Amazingly you will discover that the Crashing Mis-U has probably been Man's single greatest barrier to actually creating and maintaining a civilization. You have to work with the tech yourself to actually appreciate its depth and power. CRASHING MIS-U FINDING Where you have a person not getting products, not completing cycles of action despite attempts to debug per A-H of HCO PL DEBUG TECH, you have to get in there and find the Crashing Misunderstood. It will be directly on the subject. There are various approaches to doing this, starting very simply and getting more complex. You would start off using the simplest approach and then, if that didn't handle, you would go into a more thorough handling, and so forth. PROCEDURE 1. It is apparent or it is reported that someone is failing to complete cycles and is not getting out his products. 348 2. Before even talking to him you inspect his area as regards products per HCO PL DEBUG TECH: A. You look for what products have been gotten out in the past. B. You look for products that are there completed. C. You look for products that can be attained in the immediate future. D. You look for value of products as compared to overall cost of production. E. You look for overt products or cycles where products continuously have to be redone, resulting in no or few products. This requires a bit of homework. 3. CONDITIONAL: If your inspection finds he is getting out actual products and that he is not producing overt products, correct the reports and let him get on with it. Do not go on with the steps in this procedure. 4. Now if the earlier debug steps per HCO PL DEBUG TECH have been done and it is obvious from your inspection that this person is still not getting out the products he is expected to get out or should be getting out you know that he has a Crashing Mis-U. You just start hunting and punching around for the Crashing Mis-U on the subject of the products he should be but is not getting out. "What don't you understand about that subject?" "What Mis-U word is there on this subject?" You keep at it this way until you get the Crashing Mis-U. On the meter you would use reads to steer him to the area and the Mis-U. Crashing Mis-U finding differs from regular Word Clearing in that it is an investigatory procedure which utilizes all methods of Word Clearing and whatever else it takes to find the Crashing Mis-U. You can use Method 2, Method 3, Method 4, Method 5, Method 6 or Method 9 to help you find the misunderstood. The person you are handling may be sure that the Mis-U is in a certain issue but doesn't know what the word is. It may require Method 2 or Method 9 to actually dig it out. Often Method 5 is used whereby the Word Clearer asks for the definition of individual words, checking to make sure that he knows the definition as well. The point is that you are trying to narrow down the area further and further until you finally get the Crashing Mis-U and any method of Word Clearing or investigation that helps you do this is legitimate. 5. You clear this word fully to VGIs (on the meter it would F/N). Don't assume the dictionary will necessarily give the right definition -- a missing or false definition might be the root of his trouble. If no dictionary, textbook or encyclopedia can be found that gives a satisfactory definition for the word you are still not slopped. You can go over all of the related material to the word and work out with him what definition has been omitted or what is the proper definition for it. This is a last resort but it is necessary that anyone doing Crashing Mis-U knows this as Man has not necessarily properly defined everything in his technical sphere or culture. WARNING: The inability to find the definitions is a rare case. Only work out the definition when you have exhausted all possible texts and dictionaries and have cleared all of the words you have encountered in them. Whether you looked it up and found it or couldn't find it and had to evolve it make sure the definition is useful to him and that it blows his difficulty with it. 6. Assure yourself that this was his Crashing Mis-U and that it is real to him. When he finds it he will quite often be chagrined and then go into VGIs and cognite and may change considerably right in front of your eyes. 7. Send him to the Examiner. 349 8. Run some Reach and Withdraw in the area where he had difficulty to a good win and tell him to get on with it. 9. Check back later to see that he is now completing cycles of action and getting his products out. If he is then you have got it. That is the EP. 10. If he still isn't getting out the product then you haven't yet found the Crashing Mis-U and you have some more work to do. Go over his area with him and look for things that he has difficulty with. Often it will leap right up at you. Get him to tell you what the difficulty is. 11. Now question him to find the Mis-U on that subject that is behind those difficulties. Often his statement of the difficulty will contain the Mis-U itself. On a meter you would get a read as he says it. Off the meter you would have to take the words that he said and ask him what they meant. For example he might say "The plumbing always seems to be the hardest part." On a meter "plumbing" would read and you would take it up right away. If you weren't using a meter you could say "Well what does the word 'plumbing' mean?" and he'll say "Well, it means, uh... 'drilling holes'" and there you have it. Now clear the word as in step 4 above, run your Reach and Withdraw and send him back to work. END PHENOMENON The end phenomenon (EP) of this action is the person now producing the products he wasn't able to produce before and completing the cycles of action related to his product. The end phenomenon is not: the fellow now all VGIs and saying he can get the products, feeling great, etc. That is all very well but IS HE NOW GETTING OUT THE PRODUCTS? And you keep handling him with Crashing Mis-Us and related handling until he is producing the products and then you know you have completed the Crashing Mis-U handling. ADDITIONAL FACTORS There are various factors which must be known by anyone doing Crashing Mis- U finding and used if the above simple steps do not get the desired result of the person now tearing along getting his products. O/Ws Since overts and withholds stem from Mis-Us in the first place, you are liable to run into O/Ws when doing Crashing Mis-U finding. If the person has O/Ws in the area this will be manifested in the form of resistance to finding the misunderstood word either overtly or covertly. An example of this would be the person misdefining a word and then when you have him look it up in the dictionary he says that he knew it all along. Or it could be straight noncooperation. If you are using the Word Clearing meter, the handling for the situation above would be to pull the O/Ws. To do this simply ask "Do you have any overts in the area of ______ ?" and pull them, each one earlier similar to F/N with all specifics until the question F/Ned on asking. Do the same with withholds and missed withholds. Since you run the risk of missing withholds if you try pulling withholds without a meter, in doing the nonmetered Crashing Mis-U finding the way you would handle the above situation is to ask the person if he has some withhold concerning the area you are trying to handle, and getting him to tell you about it. If you do this then you must get him meter checked to ensure nothing has been missed. There is another manifestation which can be encountered. A Crashing Mis-U simply cannot be found at all yet it obviously must be there. The person seems to cooperate somewhat but no Crashing Mis-U turns up. This is again an O/W phenomenon. The person is holding on to his withhold so hard it is burying the Crashing Mis-U. 350 Again you could run the risk of missing a withhold if you simply ask him for his withhold on the subject but we cannot rule out the fact that doing so sometimes works. The Crashing Mis-U simply doesn't seem to exist yet by all evidence of no products or overt products it must exist so simply asking him if he has a withhold on the subject gives us the gain of finding it straight off immediately and, if we meter check him afterwards to find out if he has any more withholds, it is very likely to pay off. Once he has gotten off the withholds the Crashing Mis-U can pop right up. When you miss a withhold, remember, a fantastic amount of upset can be caused for the Word Clearer or the person himself. So don't indulge in missing withholds. Once the O/Ws have been pulled or gotten off by whichever of the above methods, you will now be able to find the Crashing Mis-U and clear it up. Sometimes in clearing the Mis-U you will hit a chain of overts connected with the subject, and these will have to be cleared up or you may not get your product. An example of this was a cleaner who could not clean. The Crashing Mis-U found was the word "clean" and this went straight into whole track overts which had to be fully handled. When the overts and the Mis-Us were cleared up the person went straight out and started getting real products. DEFENSE MECHANISM You may find the person has a defense mechanism which would make it impossible to find the person's Crashing Mis-U as he believes it is OK to have Mis-Us in that area. The defense mechanism consists of false data which acts as a justifier for the Mis-U. An example of this would be "I don't have to know that as I'm not a professional" or "Well l'm new to the post" and so on. The handling would be simply to ask the person if there was some reason why it would be OK to have Mis-Us in that subject and then strip off the false data and justifications. Then you can recheck for the Crashing Mis-U and you will find it is now available. (See HCOB FALSE DATA STRIPPING) THE WORD CLEARER'S MIS-Us When he has found a Crashing Mis-U on the subject the Word Clearer's first action is to himself look up the definition and the derivation of the word so he himself understands it. He then gets it fully cleared up with the person. This is all done right there in the Crashing Mis-U session. If he doesn't do that he won't be able to perceive how the person has misunderstood it or misapplied it previously. Example: A person in charge of the lights in a theater could never get anything lit. A Crashing Mis-U was looked for and the word "scene" was found. However the person glibly read the dictionary definition and said he had it already. The Word Clearer made him look up the derivation wherein it was found that the glib person didn't understand it at all, for the person, when asked for an example, described an actor and how he would put the light on the actor. The Word Clearer having looked it up first, before handing the dictionary over, knew that a scene was a stage. It was found that the person's Crashing Mis-U had so introverted him that he had never perceived that a stage had backdrops, scenery and a floor. The Word Clearer practically had to pry him out of his head to get him to see that a stage had walls and backdrops and that these had to be lighted. If the Word Clearer had not known the correct definition of "scene" he would never have detected that the person thought it meant "actor" even though the dictionary said it had to do with scenery. Crashing Mis-U tech would have failed as the person was very convincing as to how he knew it all already yet in the example was giving a totally incorrect demonstration. Showers of light broke through when the person realized for the first time that he 351 had to light the whole stage and had been in total mystery why people kept yelling at him. This had been going on for a long, long time in the person's job and was making him a total failure at it. PRACTICAL USAGE Always ask for instances of practical usage from the person you have found a Crashing Mis-U on. From these you can detect if he's got it and if he hasn't got it he may have to work and work to clear it further. The end phenomenon of Crashing Mis-U tech is not finding the Crashing Mis-U but getting the person totally straight on it and actually getting out the product. DEBUG TECH Crashing Mis-U finding is an integral part of debug tech as covered fully in HCO PL DEBUG TECH. It comes as step I of the whole procedure. When products are not getting out, cycles are not being completed, there will invariably be Crashing Mis-Us but there may be other factors involved which also have to be resolved. The handling is just to go through the steps of the HCO PL, including Crashing Mis-U finding (step I) and Product Clearing (step J). You may find more Crashing Mis-Us come up during or after the Product Clearing. The whole point is that you use the whole debug tech procedure without trying to short cut it. Otherwise you get the ridiculous situation of clearing up the fellow's Crashing Mis-U on "plumbing" and then find he can't get out the product of a finished house because there are no pipes and won't be any for 3 months because the owner can't afford them. This all has to be resolved. IMPORTANT NOTE Since the sole purpose of this debug tech is to get the person or area producing what it should be producing you would not continue past a point where this had been achieved. So for example, if after step C of HCO PL DEBUG TECH had been done (any Mis-Us on issues related to the area of production had been cleared up) the person was turning out great products in the expected quantity and time period, you would not then start looking for Crashing Mis- Us. This would act as harassment, not help. Similarly, don't use any other step of A-M of the above PL where it does not apply. One should let people have their successes. Once you have achieved what is desired with this tech, don't carry on. The rule is: DON'T CONTINUE DEBUGGING PAST THE POINT WHERE THE PERSON OR AREA HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY DEBUGGED AND PRODUCTS ARE NOW ROLLING. And you would know it was debugged because products of the expected quality would be coming out of the area in the expected quantity. GRADIENT APPROACH The whole idea is to try the simplest approach first and then if that doesn't work go deeper. The end phenomena for all this is a person cheerfully and willingly getting his products and these appearing visible in the physical universe. EXAMPLES This is how it might go: you might find yourself in the position of being responsible for seeing that the house, in the example given earlier on this bulletin, got 352 finished. You notice that the deadline has been exceeded by weeks and still there is no house. The first thing to do would be the inspection as in step 2 of the procedure above. You would discover that the house has no plumbing; that is what is holding up its completion. Points A to H in HCO PL DEBUG TECH have been gone over but things still aren't moving. So you approach the contractor personally and go over this with him. You start hunting and punching around for the Mis-U. Ask him "Is it possible that there is some word you don't fully understand in the area of building this house?" And he'll say: "Well, no -- it's just that I don't have enough men to do the plumbing." (Now you already know from step E of your prior inspection that he does have adequate personnel.) So you say "Well, what about plumbing? Is there some word connected with plumbing that you don't get?" He'll say "No, but I've always had trouble with it." Now you ask him "What does 'plumbing' mean?" And when he says, "Everybody knows that plumbing means drilling holes," you have his Crashing Mis-U. As you clear this up his initial embarrassment will turn into floods of relief and off he will go and get the house finished up in no time. Now if you were able to use a Word Clearing meter, so much the better. You would put him on the meter and ask him something like: "Now on the subject of building houses is it possible you could have a misunderstood?" The meter will read on this and you use the read to steer him to the area and find the misunderstood word. This is then cleared to a floating needle (F/N) and very good indicators (VGIs). It might not be as straightforward as above. The case could arise where there was plenty of evidence that the person has a Crashing Mis-U yet, despite arduous search, nothing comes up. You would then ask the person: "Is there something about all this you haven't told me?" If your TRs are good and you don't have a challenging or accusative attitude he will come up with it: "I can't finish the house because the machine that cuts and bends pipes is broken." With a bit of further questioning you find that he broke the machine and has been withholding this for weeks and didn't even dare mention that it needed repair for fear of being punished. A simple meter check would ensure that nothing was missed. Then up would pop the misunderstood on "plumbing" which he thought meant drilling holes. No wonder he broke the machine: he was trying to drill holes with it! So now with his withhold off and his Mis-U cleared up he will feel immensely relieved and will most likely be able to go right off and finish up the house. At the most you might need to product clear him and run some Reach and Withdraw in the area per the issues on Product Clearing in this series. CASE HISTORIES Here are some actual case histories to show how Crashing Mis-U finding goes and the sort of things one might expect to come across and have to handle in order to debug a cycle or product with this tech. CASE A: This was a senior executive who was on the verge of being removed from post. The general manager was impatient with the lack of products from that area. A. The Word Clearer inspected the executive's department and found that the main area of difficulty seemed to be handling personnel. B. The Word Clearer put the executive on the meter and asked him if there were any products he should be getting out but wasn't. No Crashing Mis-U came up on this directly. C. By two-way communication the Word Clearer confirmed that the main area of difficulty was handling personnel. D. He took the words that were directly related to the area mentioned -- "personnel," "staff," etc. -- and asked the executive what each one meant. He checked the dictionary to ensure the person had a full understanding of the words. The exec seemed fine on these. 353 E. There was one word the executive seemed to have some hesitation on so the definition of that word was word cleared Method 9. A few words were cleared up but none of them turned out to be the Crashing Misunderstood. F. The area of difficulty was further narrowed down by two way comm to "the obtaining and posting of personnel." G. Words relating to this area were checked. Some of the definitions were M9ed to make sure the exec really did have them straight -- still no Crashing Mis-U was found. H. The executive originated an area of difficulty to do with handling authority that he felt was interfering with his ability to obtain and post personnel. No Mis-Us were found in this area however. I. The Word Clearer asked for overts and withholds in the area ("Is there something you're not telling about this area?", "Is there something you've done you don't want known?" etc.) but none were found. J. He then checked for false data (something that would justify having misunderstoods on that subject) and found that the exec was loaded with false data on the subject of authority. This was handled by two way comm -- it did not take much to clean up as the exec was realizing by this time where his trouble was coming from and was only too willing to get it sorted out. K. The word "authority" was found as the Crashing Misunderstood. This became obvious as soon as the false data came off. This word was fully cleared to a floating needle and very good indicators and the executive volunteered that he felt ready to go back on post and produce. The Word Clearer ended off and returned the executive to work. He started producing actual products and doing well. CASE B: This was a technician in a highly specialized and complex field who was having difficulty with his job and was unable to get approval on some tests that were urgently needed. A. An inspection of his area revealed the situation to be exactly as described. B. The Word Clearer put him on the meter, oriented him to the situation and asked him: "Is there any single misunderstood word in the area of these tests?" C. A long search ensued in which several words were cleared, none of which turned out to be the Crashing Mis-U. D. The Word Clearer then checked for a withhold and found out that the technician had never understood an important dispatch relating to the cycle and had been withholding the fact. This withhold was cleared up to a floating needle. E. This was followed by further search for the misunderstood which uncovered an area of upset and losses to do with technical writing. F. The Word Clearer checked for the misunderstood that must have preceded the losses and the Crashing Mis-U was found -- a very basic technical word in the subject. G. He attempted to clear the word with a dictionary but found no adequate definition. H. Encyclopedias and textbooks were consulted but none of them had a useful definition. 354 I. Eventually, by combining textbooks and working out what it should be, a workable definition was arrived at and the subject became clear to the technician who was greatly relieved. The technician returned to work and started producing. The very next set of tests submitted were approved. CASE C: This case was an executive who was having trouble getting people in his area to produce. The actions below were done unmetered. A. The product inspection showed the executive to be unable to get his juniors to produce. B. He arrived for the Crashing Mis-U finding quite upset and this had to be handled before anything else. C. The Word Clearer went over his upset with him and sorted it out to a point where he was willing to go ahead with the action. D. Various words were checked ("What does 'junior' mean?" "What is the definition of 'executive'?") and so forth. No Crashing Mis-U was found. E. The area of difficulty was narrowed down further to "getting compliance." F. On checking, the Word Clearer found that the exec had a Crashing Mis-U on the word "compliance" which was cleared to very good indicators. The executive went back to work and found he could now handle his juniors. CASE D: This person was in charge of briefing missions. He had recently had trouble with this and some missions had fired without full briefing resulting in failures. A. The Word Clearer asked him, on the meter, if there was anything concerning his post he was having difficulty with. B. The difficulty was narrowed down by two-way comm until it was established that he felt he couldn't brief them fully due to lack of time. C. The Word Clearer checked for a Crashing Mis-U concerning this difficulty. None was found. D. He then asked if there was something the person was withholding about the subject. Several chains of overts were taken up, each one to a floating needle, until the question itself produced a floating needle on asking. E. The Word Clearer again asked for a Crashing Mis-U in the area and one of the words in the person's own post title was found and cleared. This was the Crashing Mis-U. The person was then able to get out his products. CASE E: This was an auditor who was being product cleared on her post. A. The Product Clearer discovered that there was a certain part of her post that this auditor could not handle. It was a certain aspect of handling the preclear. B. He asked her if there was one single Mis-U in the area, and helped her trace it, using the meter reads. C. The Crashing Mis-U was found and cleared in the dictionary to very good indicators. 355 D. The auditor was then able to complete the Product Clearing and get back to work, her main difficulty no longer impeding her from getting products. The above case histories show the variety of situations that can come up and the handlings that would be done. They are by no means all the situations that can arise in doing Crashing Mis-U finding. CAUTIONS Make sure you guide him on the subject of products all the time. You could get right off the track and find yourself clearing up a whole subject that had nothing to do with getting out his product. An example would be trying to clear up the whole of chemistry on a photographer. There is chemistry involved in photography: the film is developed and so forth with chemicals. But the person is a photographer, not a photo laboratory technician, so he does not need to know all of chemistry to get his product. Another point is that sometimes a person will have a Crashing Mis-U cleared up on himself and immediately suppose that this is the Crashing Mis-U everyone else has. This is not necessarily the case. When one has a Crashing Mis-U on "crackers" it is not necessarily true that everyone else has a Crashing Mis-U on "crackers." Their Crashing Mis-Us will be different. It is their Mis-Us one is after. REPAIR If the action bogs down and can't be sorted out, or the person becomes upset during or after Crashing Mis-U finding, then the difficulty should be sorted out right away with a Crashing Mis-U Repair List. This list is done on a meter by someone qualified to do so. A botched or bogged Crashing Mis-U finding must be repaired within 24 hours. EFFECTS OF CRASHING MIS-Us You can tell someone has a Crashing Mis-U because when you start to question them about the cycle of action or demand the products they will go robotic on you. They sometimes just stand there gaping at you and won't even answer your question. They won't even be able to talk to you. There's another manifestation you will come up against and that is the person becoming annoyed with you. This indicates either that he was getting out products in the first place, or that he had a withhold in addition to a Crashing Mis-U. The solution is not to immediately shoot them for not getting out the product. Find their Crashing Mis-U. If they get annoyed then find out which of the above it was and handle. And then the justice factor would consist of disciplining them for going past misunderstoods without clearing them. You have to teach someone to get in his own ethics in this respect so that others do not have to take justice actions on him. SUMMARY Well, here you have the tech that will enable you to debug failures to produce the products required of him. The person using this tech has to learn it well and become practised in its application. Then he will get the full benefit of it and total reality on its power. Let's get busy and, along with the remainder of debug tech, find the crashing Mis-U when products aren't coming off the line. This is indeed miracle tech so let's go get some miracles! L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.gal Founder Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 356  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=18/6/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Product Debug Series 4 Word Clearing Series 62 THE CRASHING MIS-U REPAIR LIST -- LC1   Remimeo Tech Qual Word Clearers Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 JUNE 1979 Remimeo Tech Qual Word Clearers Product Debug Series 4 Auditors C/Ses Word Clearing Series 62 THE CRASHING MIS-U REPAIR LIST -- LC1 Ref: HCOB 17 Jun 79 CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS The Crashing Mis-U Repair List is the list to use in repairing Crashing Mis-U finding. It can be done on the spot by the person doing the Crashing Mis- U finding or in session by an auditor. The Crashing Mis-U Repair List is used in the event of a bog or trouble during Crashing Mis-U finding or a red tagged exam after a Crashing Mis-U finding session. It can also be done if, after the fact of a Crashing Mis-U being found, the person is still not getting out his products or is not completing cycles of action in his area. (Note: The person could be up against a new Crashing Mis-U on a whole different cycle of action in the same area.) If after the Crashing Mis-U Repair List has been done and fully handled, there seems to be some other bypassed charge or BIs connected with the Crashing Mis-U finding, a C/S 53 or WCCL should be done. This would be determined by the C/S. Any person using this list must have excellent TRs and be able to make a list read and correctly interpret E-Meter reads. They must also be drilled on this correction list and have their High Crime checkouts done on this list as well as HCOB 17 Jun 79 CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS. This list can be assessed Method 3 or Method 5. Each line that reads is carried to F/N. 0. HAVE YOU FAILED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT A "CRASHING MISUNDERSTOOD" IS? _______ (Check and clear any words in the above that read on the meter.) 1. WAS CRASHING MIS-U FINDING DONE WHEN YOU ALREADY HAD AN UPSET? _______ (Handle the ARC break to F/N VGIs.) 2. DID YOU BECOME UPSET BECAUSE OF THE CRASHING MIS-U FINDING? _______ (Handle the ARC break to F/N VGIs.) 3. WAS THE CRASHING MIS-U FINDING DONE WHILE YOU WERE WORRYING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE? _______ (Handle the problem to F/N VGIs.) 4. DID THE CRASHING MIS-U FINDING CAUSE YOU TO BECOME WORRIED OR CONCERNED? _______ (Handle the problem to F/N VGIs.) 357 5. DURING YOUR CRASHING MIS-U FINDING WAS THERE SOMETHING YOU WERE NOT SAYING? _______ (Handle by usual missed W/H pulling per HCOB 12 Feb 62 and HCOB 3 May 62.) 6. WAS THERE SOMETHING YOU'D DONE YOU WEREN'T SAYING? _______ (Handle as in No. 5.) 7. WAS THERE SOMETHING YOU WEREN'T SAYING ABOUT THE AREA THAT WAS BEING ADDRESSED? _______ (Handle as in No. 5.) 8. WAS THERE SOMETHING YOU'D DONE IN THE AREA BEING ADDRESSED THAT YOU WEREN'T SAYING? _______ (Handle as in No. 5.) 9. WAS THE WRONG AREA ADDRESSED? _______ (Indicate to F/N. Get him to the W/Cer to complete the Crashing Mis-U finding.) 10. WAS THE CRASHING MIS-U FINDING DONE ON THE WRONG PRODUCT? _______ (Handle as in No. 9 above.) 11. COULDN'T YOU FIND THE CRASHING MIS-U? _______ (Indicate and take it E/S to F/N if necessary. Get him back to the W/Cer for completion of the action.) 12. WAS THERE NO CRASHING MIS-U IN THE AREA IN THE FIRST PLACE? _______ (Indicate that the Crashing Mis-U finding was an unnecessary action and take it to F/N.) 13. WAS THE CRASHING MIS-U FOUND ONLY SIMILAR TO THE ACTUAL CRASHING MIS-U? _______ (Indicate and get an F/N. Send him back to the W/Cer to find the actual Crashing Mis-U.) 14. IS THERE ANOTHER CRASHING MIS-U IN THE AREA? _______ (Indicate to F/N. Send to W/Cer to handle.) 15. IS THE WORD FOUND STILL MISUNDERSTOOD? _______ (Get it fully cleared up to F/N.) 16. DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS GOING ON? _______ (Clear up the questions and confusions to F/N and get him back to the W/Cer.) 17. WAS THERE METER OR F/N TROUBLE? _______ (Indicate and clean it up with false TA handling or L1C, etc.) 18. WERE AREAS THAT YOU WERE NOT HAVING DIFFICULTY WITH TAKEN UP? _______ (Indicate that these areas should not have been taken up. Take it to F/N.) 19. WERE AREAS THAT YOU WERE HAVING DIFFICULTY WITH NOT TAKEN UP? _______ (Indicate and get an F/N. Send back to the W/Cer for handling.) 358 20. DID AN AREA YOU FELT SHOULD HAVE BEEN HANDLED NOT GET TAKEN UP OR HANDLED? _______ (Indicate. Find out what area to F/N and send back to the W/Cer for handling.) 21. DID YOU GET INVALIDATED? _______ (Itsa E/S itsa to F/N.) 22. DID YOU GET EVALUATED FOR? _______ (Itsa E/S itsa to F/N.) 23. DID THE CRASHING MIS-U FINDING ANNOY YOU? _______ (Determine if (a) he has O/Ws as well as a Crashing Mis-U or (b) the Crashing Mis-U finding wasn't necessary in the first place. Handle accordingly.) 24. WAS THE CRASHING MIS-U FINDING DONE IN THE MIDDLE OF SOME OTHER INCOMPLETE CYCLE? _______ (Indicate the BPC and take it to F/N.) 25. WERE YOU MADE TO GO E/S ON CRASHING MIS-U FINDING WHILE IN THE NON-INTERFERENCE ZONE? _______ (Indicate it as an incorrect action and it should not have been done and get your F/N.) 26. DO YOU NOT BELIEVE YOU HAVE MISUNDERSTOODS? _______ (Clear him up on Word Clearing Series 60R. Handle his Mis-Us and get his agreement to do the action unless it is determined it was an unnecessary action. Take this to F/N.) 27. DID FALSE DATA GET IN YOUR WAY? _______ (Strip off the false data per HCOB FALSE DATA STRIPPING. Take it to F/N.) 28. IS IT ACTUALLY OK TO HAVE MISUNDERSTOODS IN THE AREA? _______ (Get why this is OK and strip off the defense mechanism per the Crashing Mis-U HCOB. Take it to F/N.) 29. IS THERE SOME OTHER WORD CLEARING ERROR? _______ (Indicate. Find out what and handle or do a WCCL if necessary.) 30. WERE YOU NOT HAVING ANY TROUBLE WITH YOUR PRODUCTS IN THE FIRST PLACE? _______ (Get the data. If this is the case indicate that the Crashing Mis-U finding was an unnecessary action. Take it to F/N.) 31. ARE THERE OTHER PRODUCT DEBUG ACTIONS THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAKEN? _______ (2WC to F/N. Program him to get Product debugging per HCO PL DEBUG TECH.) 32. AREN'T YOU HATTED? _______ (2WC to F/N. Program him to get hatted.) 33. IS YOUR PRODUCT TOTALLY UNKNOWN TO YOU? _______ (2WC to F/N. Program him to be Product Cleared.) 34. ARE YOU LACKING PRODUCT CLEARING? _______ (Handle as in No. 33 above.) 359 35. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO ANTAGONISTIC PEOPLE? _______ (2WC to F/N. Get the PTS Clay Table Handling done or corrected to EP.) 36. WAS YOUR CRASHING MIS-U FINDING OVERRUN? _______ (Indicate and rehab.) 37. ARE YOU HAVING CASE TROUBLE? _______ (Assess and handle a C/S 53.) 38. IS THERE SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _______ (Find out what and handle or do the appropriate correction list and handle.) 39. WAS THERE NOTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE? _______ (Indicate and get it to F/N.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/7/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CRASHING MIS-U DEFINITION   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 JULY 1979 Remimeo CRASHING MIS-U DEFINITION I started calling it Crashing Mis-U because it crashed the person. That's what crashed the subject and crashed the person. That's why it's called a Crashing Mis-U. It's what crashes something across the dynamics. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mj.dr Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 360  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/7/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Product Debug Series 5 Word Clearing Series 63 THE "ELUSIVE" MIS-U OR CRASHING MIS-U   Remimeo All Supervisors All Word Clearers Execs Estos Cram Offs All Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 JULY 1979 Remimeo All Supervisors All Word Clearers Product Debug Series 5 Execs Estos Cram Offs Word Clearing Series 63 All Staff THE "ELUSIVE" MIS-U OR CRASHING MIS-U Ref: HCOB 17 Jun 79 W/C Series 61, Product Debug Series 3, URGENT -- IMPORTANT, CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS HCOB 30 Jan 73RB W/C Series 46RB, METHOD 9 Rev. 1.6.79 WORD CLEARING THE RIGHT WAY HCOB 18 Jun 79 W/C Series 62, Product Debug Series 4, THE CRASHING MIS-U REPAIR LIST -- LC1 HCOB/HCO PL 26 Mar 79R Esto Series 35R, W/C Series Rev. 25.5.79 60R, MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND CYCLES OF ACTION Miraculous as it is, a Word Clearer must be aware of the fact that M9 Word Clearing does not uncover false data, Crashing Mis-Us, overts, withholds or PTSness. Other tech exists to handle these. However they also, sometimes in a shadowy way, make their appearance doing M9. People doing M9 are doing it to get something understood or get some order done or get some product actually made and out. In most cases M9 will produce a marked gain. However, when it doesn't work, one of the above is also present. Handling of these is covered in detail in other HCOBs. However, the item the M9er is most likely to collide with in situations where M9 is really not getting much done is the mysterious Crashing Mis-U. A Crashing Mis-U, while it is always sitting right there in PT, big as life, can sometimes appear to be elusive. It eludes the most conscientious Word Clearer and the person himself, despite honest efforts to find it. Let's say you've made an exhaustive search for the CRMU, you've hunted and punched in the area of his products, you've word cleared him on the texts covering his products and you've found and cleared some misunderstood words, none of which are IT. You've done the full CRMU and Product Debug procedure by the book and you still haven't gotten the Crashing Mis-U -- as evidenced by no products. At this point you could suspect one of the following: 1. The word that has caused him to crash may be right there in plain view, it does appear in the texts and orders covering the person's post and products, but it has been missed. Why? Because the Crashing Mis-U (which is not your ordinary common garden variety of misunderstood word) will not always show up for what it is in M9ing. The word may appear in the materials but the person reads it with no stumble or reaction whatsoever, as he is so certain he knows it and his misunderstanding of it is so obscured by false data and false definitions. It doesn't even read on the meter on Method 2 or 4 because it's way below his awareness. 361 So you wouldn't just assume there was nothing there because the word didn't turn up on Method 9 or Methods 2 or 4. You'd need to move in with Method 5 or 6 and probably also False Data Stripping in a case like this to really pry it into view. Or: 2. The Crashing Mis-U may not be on the subject of the product itself but in an area related to the subject. If this is suspected you look for the CRMU in the related areas and it's very likely you'll come up with the prize! The reason it wasn't found in the first place is because the word didn't appear in the materials he was word cleared on and it didn't come up in a search in the area of his products. But it was sitting there, all the time, in an adjacent, a related area! In two cases recently where staff members were being crammed on rejects of their products this phenomena turned up and was used and it all straightened out nicely! The watchword is: you utilize all methods of Word Clearing and whatever else it takes to find the Crashing Mis-U. ALERT RE METHOD 9 The data above applies to routine Method 9 Word Clearing as well as to Crashing Mis-U finding. Thus, if you've M9ed the person on his post materials and he's not getting it or making it, realize that he may be sliding over an MU or even a Crashing Mis-U where the word actually appears in the materials and is obscured for the above reasons. Or that the misunderstood may be in an area related to the subject and the word itself doesn't appear in the text you're handling. Method 9 is a superlative Word Clearing tool. Word Clearers must keep it effective, and not permit that effectiveness to be dimmed by a failure to know and use the data in this bulletin. So you check the related areas where it's indicated, or you marry up routine Method 9 with Crashing Mis-U finding and all of its steps where the person isn't making it otherwise. And you'll find the elusive misunderstood or Crashing Mis-U is not so elusive after all. It will come plainly into view -- ripe for the plucking! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:kjm Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 362  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/7/79 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 64 THE MISUNDERSTOOD WORD DEFINED   Remimeo Word Clearers Tech Qual Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 JULY 1979 Remimeo Issue 1 Word Clearers Tech Qual Staff Word Clearing Series 64 THE MISUNDERSTOOD WORD DEFINED Ref: HCOB 23 Mar 78RA Word Clearing Series 59RA Rev. 14.11.79 CLEARING WORDS HCOB 25 Jun 71R Word Clearing Series 3R Rev. 25.11.74 BARRIERS TO STUDY HCOB 26 Mar 79RB Esto Series 35RB Rev. 2.9.79 Word Clearing Series 60RB Product Debug Series 7R MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND CYCLES OF ACTION "MIS-UNDERSTOOD" or "NOT-UNDERSTOOD" are terms used to define any error or omission in comprehension of a word, concept, symbol or status. Most people go around thinking that a misunderstood is just something they obviously don't know -- a "not-understood." A "not-understood" is a misunderstood but there are additional ways a person can misunderstand a word. A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD OR SYMBOL IS DEFINED AS A WORD OR SYMBOL FOR WHICH THE STUDENT HAS: 1. A FALSE (TOTALLY WRONG) DEFINITION: A definition that has no relationship to the actual meaning of the word or symbol whatsoever. Example: The person reads or hears the word "cat" and thinks that "cat" means "box." You can't get more wrong. Example: A person sees an equals sign (=) and thinks it means to subtract something twice. 2. AN INVENTED DEFINITION: An invented definition is a version of a false definition. The person has made it up himself or has been given an invented definition. Not knowing the actual definition he invents one for it. This is sometimes difficult to detect because he is certain he knows it, after all he invented it himself. There is enough protest preceding his invention of it to make it read on a meter. In such a case he will be certain he knows the definition of the word or symbol. Example: The person when very young was always called "a girl" by his pals when he refused to do anything daring. He invents the definition of "girl" to be "a cowardly person." Example: A person never knew the meaning of the symbol for an exclamation point (!) but seeing it in comic strips as representing swear words invents the definition for it "a foul curse" and regards it accordingly in everything he reads. 3. AN INCORRECT DEFINITION: A definition that is not right but may have some relationship to the word or symbol or be in a similar category. 363 Example: The person reads or hears the word "computer" and thinks it is "typewriter." This is an incorrect meaning for "computer" even though a typewriter and a computer are both types of machines. Example: A person thinks a period (.) after an abbreviation means that you halt in reading at that point. 4. AN INCOMPLETE DEFINITION: A definition that is inadequate. Example: The person reads the word "office" and thinks it means "room." The definition of the word "office" is: "a room or building in which a person transacts his business or carries on his stated occupation." (Ref: Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of the English Language) The person's definition is incomplete for the word "office." Example: The person sees an apostrophe (') and knows that it means that something is owned ('s) but does not know that it also is used to show that a letter has been left out of a word. He sees the word "can't" and immediately tries to figure out who can is. 5. AN UNSUITABLE DEFINITION: A definition that does not fit the word as it is used in the context of the sentence one has heard or read. Example: The person hears the sentence: "I am dressing a turkey." The person's understanding of "dressing" is "putting clothes on." That is one definition of "dressing" but it is an unsuitable definition for the word as it is used in the sentence he has heard. Because he has an unsuitable definition he thinks someone is putting clothes on a turkey. As a result the sentence he has heard doesn't really make sense to him. The definition of "dressing" that correctly applies in the sentence he has heard is: "to prepared for use as food, by making ready to cook, or by cooking." (Ref: The Oxford English Dictionary) The person will only truly understand what he is hearing when he has fully cleared the word "dressing" in all its meanings, as he will then also have the definition that correctly applies in the context. Example: The person sees a dash (-) in the sentence: "I finished numbers 3 - 7 today." He thinks a dash is a minus sign, realizes you cannot subtract 7 from 3 and so cannot understand it. 6. A HOMONYMIC (one word which has two or more distinctly separate meanings) DEFINITION: A homonym is a word that is used to designate several different things which have totally different meanings; or a homonym can be one of two or more words that have the same sound, sometimes the same spelling, but differ in meaning. Example: The person reads the sentence: "I like to box." The person understands this sentence to mean that someone likes to put things in "containers." The person has the right meaning for the word "box," but he has the wrong word! There is another word "box" which is being used in the sentence he has just read and means: "to fight another in a boxing match." (Ref: Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of the English Language) The person has a misunderstood because he has a homonymic definition for the word "box" and will have to clear the second word "box" before he understands the sentence. Example: The person sees a plus sign (+) and as it resembles a cross he thinks it is something religious. Example: The person hears the word "period" in the sentence: "It was a 364 disorderly period in history" and knowing that "period" comes at the end of a sentence and means stop, supposes that the world ended at that point. Example: Homonymic misunderstoods can also occur when a person does not know the informal or slang usage of a word. The person hears someone on the radio singing: "When my Honey walks down the street." The person thinks a "thick, sweet, yellow or golden liquid, good to eat, that bees make out of the nectar they collect from flowers" is walking down the street! He doesn't know the informal definition of "honey" which is: "sweet one: a pet name." which is how it is being used in the song. (Ref: Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of the English Language) 7. A SUBSTITUTE (SYNONYM -- a word which has a similar but not the same meaning) DEFINITION: A substitute definition occurs when a person uses a synonym for the definition of a word. A synonym is not a definition. A synonym is a word having a meaning similar to that of another word. Example: The person reads the word "portly" and thinks the definition of the word is "fat." "Fat" is a synonym for the word "portly." The person has a misunderstood because the word "portly" means: "of a stately appearance and carriage; impressive, especially on account of size." (Ref: Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of the English Language) The person does not have the full meaning of "portly" if he thinks it just means "fat." Knowing synonyms for words increases your vocabulary but it does not mean you understand the meaning of a word. Learn the full definition for a word as well as its synonyms. 8. AN OMITTED (MISSING) DEFINITION: An omitted definition is a definition of a word that the person is missing or is omitted from the dictionary he is using. Example: The person hears the line "The food here is too rich." This person knows two definitions for the word "rich." He knows that "rich" means "having much money, land, goods, etc." and "wealthy people." Neither of these definitions make much sense to him in the sentence he has just heard. He cannot understand what food could have to do with having a lot of money. Omitted definitions can come about from using dinky dictionaries. If the person had looked up "rich" in a small paperback dictionary, he would probably still be stuck with his misunderstood. A dinky dictionary probably will not give him the definition he needs. In order to understand the word he would have to get a good sized dictionary to ensure it gives him the omitted definition which is: "having in a high degree qualities pleasing to the senses; luscious to the taste: often implying an unwholesome excess of butter, fats, flavoring, etc." (Ref: Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of the English Language) Example: The person reads "He estimated the light at f 5.6." He can't figure what this "f" is, so he looks up "f" in the American Heritage Dictionary and wonders if it is temperature or money or sports for "foul" or maybe the money "franc." The text doesn't refer to France so he can't figure it out. Omitted in the American Heritage is the photography definition of "f" which simply means "the number which shows the width of the hole the light goes through in the lens." The moral of this is to have enough dictionaries around. NOTE: It can occur that an accurate definition for a word is not given in any dictionary which is an error in the language itself. 9. A NO-DEFINITION: A no-definition is a "not-understood" word or symbol. Example: The person reads the sentence "The business produced no lucre." No understanding occurs, as he has no definition for "lucre." The word means: 365 "money, especially as the object of greed; gain." (Ref: Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of the English Language) It isn't that he has the word incorrectly, unsuitable or any other way defined, he has no definition for it at all. He has never looked it up and gotten it defined. Thus he does not understand it. The definition does not exist for him until he looks it up and gets it clearly understood. Example: The person sees a dot at the end of a word on a printed page and having no definition for "a period (.)" tends to run all of his sentences together. 10. A REJECTED DEFINITION: A rejected definition is a definition of a word which the person will not accept. The reasons why he will not accept it are usually based on emotional reactions connected with it. The person finds the definition degrading to himself or his friends or group in some imagined way or restimulative to him in some fashion. Although he may have a total misunderstood on the word he may refuse to have it explained or look it up. Example: The person refuses to look up the word "mathematics." He doesn't know what it means, he doesn't want to know what it means, and he won't have anything to do with it. A discussion of why he refuses to look it up discloses that he was expelled from school because he flunked with violence his first month of his first course in mathematics. If he were to realize that he flunked because he didn't know what he was supposed to study he would then be willing to look the word up. Example: The person refuses to look up the definition of asterisk (*). On discussion it turns out that every time he sees an asterisk on the page he knows the material will be "very hard to read" and is "literary," "difficult" and "highbrow." Discussion of why he won't look it up usually reveals and releases the emotional charge connected with it which he may never have looked at before. Properly handled he will now want to look it up, having gained an insight into why he wouldn't. Any word you come across which fits one or more of the above definitions of a misunderstood word or symbol must be cleared up, using a good size dictionary or more than one dictionary or text book or encyclopedia. It is catastrophic to go on past or ignore a misunderstood word or symbol as one simply will not understand what he is studying. A student must discipline himself not to go past misunderstood words. He should learn to recognize from his reaction to what he is reading, especially the mental blankness which usually ensues right after one, that he has gone by a misunderstood. He should look them up and get them fully defined before going on with his reading. Students must be persuaded to do this. It is a self-discipline that has to be learned. The definitions of "misunderstood" and "not-understood" and their different types, must be clearly understood by a person seeking to clear them in himself and others. The commonest error in Word Clearing is for the person being word cleared to believe that a misunderstood is something he simply does not know. With this limited definition he cannot adequately be word cleared nor can he adequately word clear others. So these definitions of "misunderstood" and "not-understood" should be very well known as it will often be necessary to clarify them to the person being word cleared. Good reading. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:gal Founder Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 366  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/8/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Product Debug Series 8 Esto Series 36 FALSE DATA STRIPPING   Remimeo Sups Tech Qual Execs ALL STAFF  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 AUGUST 1979 Remimeo Sups (Also issued as Tech HCO PL 7 Aug 79 Qual FALSE DATA STRIPPING) Execs ALL STAFF Product Debug Series 8 Esto Series 36 FALSE DATA STRIPPING (Ref: The Study Tapes Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin Vol 1 Numbers 1-2 STANDARD PROCEDURE Tech Vol 1. pgs. 15-20 Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin Vol 1 Number 3 HOW TO RELEASE A CHRONIC SOMATIC Tech Vol 1. pgs. 24-26 NOTES ON THE LECTURES, Pgs. 52-66. 112-113) When a person is not functioning well on his post, on his job or in life, at the bottom of his difficulties will often be found unknown basic definitions and laws or false definitions, false data and false laws, resulting in an inability to think with the words and rules of that activity and an inability to perform the simplest required functions. The person will remain unfamiliar with the fundamentals of his activity, at times appearing idiotic, because of these not-defined and falsely defined words. Verbal hatting is the main source of false definitions and false data. Someone who "knows" tells someone else a definition or a datum. The person now thinks he knows the definition (even though nothing in the field makes any sense to him). The word may not even read on the meter during misunderstood checks because the person "thinks he knows." A politician is told by an advisor, "It doesn't matter how much money the government spends. It is good for the society." The politician uses this "rule" and the next thing you know, inflation is driving everybody to starvation and the government to bankruptcy. The politician, knowing he was told this on the very best authority, does not spot it as false data, but continues to use it right up to the point where the angry mobs stand him up in front of a firing squad and shoot him down. And the pity of it is that the politician never once suspected that there was anything false about the data, even though he couldn't work with it. There is no field in all the society where false data is not rampant. "Experts," "Advisors," "Friends," "Families" seldom go and look at the basic texts on subjects, even when these are known to exist, but indulge in all manner of interpretations and even outright lies to seem wise or expert. The cost, in terms of lost production and damaged equipment is enormous. You will see it in all sectors of society. People cannot think with the fundamentals of their work. They goof. They ruin things. They have to redo what they have already done. You'll find people whose estimate of the environment is totally perverted to the point they're walking around literally in a fog. The guy looks at a tree and the reality of the tree is blurred by the "fact" that "trees are made by God" so he won't take care of the tree because he is convinced. 367 What we're trying to cure in people is the inability to think with data. This was traced by me to false data as a phenomenon additional to misunderstood words, although the misunderstood word plays a role in it and will have to be allowed for. When a person is having difficulty in an area or on a post, when he can't seem to apply what he has "learned" or what he is studying or when he can't get through a specific drill or exercise in his training materials, you would suspect he has false data in that area or on those materials. If he is to use it at all effectively he must first sort out the true facts regarding it from the conflicting bits and pieces of information or opinion he has acquired. This eliminates the false data and lets him get on with it. INABILITY TO HAT We are looking here at a brand new discovery I have made which is that it can be nearly impossible to hat anyone who is sitting on false data on the subject you are trying to hat him on. This is the primary reason people cannot be hatted and False Data Stripping therefore enables a person to be hatted even though other approaches have failed. This is a very valuable discovery -- it solves the problem of inability to hat or train. SOURCES False data on a subject can come from any number of sources. In the process of day-to-day living people encounter and often accept without inspection all sorts of ideas which may seem to make sense but don't. Advertising, newspapers, TV and other media are packed with such material. The most profound false data can come out of texts such as Stanislavsky (a Russian actor and director); and even mothers have a hand in it, such as "children should be seen and not heard." Where a subject, such as art, contains innumerable authorities and voluminous opinions you may find that any and all textbooks under that heading reek with false data. Those who have studied study tech will recall that the validity of texts is an important factor in study. Therefore it is important that any supervisor or teacher seeking to use False Data Stripping must utilize basic workable texts. These are most often found to have been written by the original discoverer of the subject and when in doubt avoid texts which are interpretations of somebody else's work. In short, choose only textual material which is closest to the basic facts of the subject and avoid those which embroider upon them. It can happen, if you do False Data Stripping well and expertly without enforcing your own data on the person, that he can find a whole textbook false -- much to his amazement. In such a case, locate a more fundamental text on the subject. (Examples of false texts: Eastman Kodak; Lord Keynes treatises on economics; John Dewey's texts on education; Sigmund Freud's texts on the mind; the texts derived from the "work" of Wundt (Leipzig 1879 -- Father of Modern Psychology); and (joke) a textbook on "Proper Conduct for Sheep" written by A. Wolf.) USE OF FALSE DATA STRIPPING False Data Stripping should be used extensively in all hatting and training activities. Current society is riddled with false data and these must be cleared away so that we can hat and train people. Then they will be able to learn useful data which will enable them to understand things and produce valuable products in life. False Data Stripping can be done on or off the meter. It can be done by an auditor in session, by a Supervisor, Cramming Officer or Word Clearer or by an exec, Esto or any administrator. Students and staff can be trained to do it on each other. Not a lot of training is required to deliver this procedure but anyone administering it must have checked out on this HCOB/PL and have demoed and drilled the procedure. If it is going to be done on the meter (which is preferable) the person doing it must have an OK to operate an E-Meter. 368 GRADIENTS It will be found that false data actually comes off in gradients. For example, a student handled initially on false data on a particular drill will appear to be complete on it. He goes on with his studies and makes progress for a while and then sometimes he will hit a bog or slow in his progress. This is usually an indication that more false data has been flushed up (restimulated or remembered as a result of actually doing studies or drills). At that point more basic false data will come off when asked for. The reason for this is: when you first give a student false data handling he doesn't know enough about the subject to know false data from the true. When he has learned a bit more about the subject he then collides with more false data hitherto buried. This can happen several times, as he is getting more and more expert on the subject. Thus the action of stripping off false data can and must be checked for and used in any training and hatting. The rundown has to be given again and again at later and later periods, as a student or staff member may come up against additional faulty data that has been not-ised. It can be repeated as often as necessary in any specific area of training until the person is finally duplicating and is able to use the correct tech and only the correct tech exactly. THEORY There is a philosophic background as to why getting off false data on a subject works and why trying to teach a correct datum over a false datum on the subject does not work. It is based on the Socratic thesis-antithesis- synthesis philosophical equation. Socrates: 470 B.C. - 399 B.C. A great Greek philospher. A thesis is a statement or assertion. Antithesis: opposing statement or assertion. The Socratic equation is mainly used in debate where one debater asserts one thing and the other debater asserts the opposite. It was the contention of Socrates and others that when two forces came into collision a new idea was born. This was the use of the equation in logic and debate. However, had they looked further they would have seen that other effects were brought into play. It has very disastrous effects when it appears in the field of training. Where the person has acquired a false thesis (or datum), the true datum you are trying to teach him becomes an antithesis. The true datum comes smack up against the false datum he is hanging on to, as it is counter to it. In other words, these two things collide, and neither one will then make sense to him. At this point he can try to make sense out of the collision and form what is called a synthesis, or his wits simply don't function. (Synthesis: a unified whole in which opposites, thesis and antithesis, are reconciled.) So you wind up with the person either: (a) attempting to use a false, unworkable synthesis he has formed, or (b) his thinkingness locks up on the subject. In either case you get an impossible-to-train, impossible-to-hat scene. GLIBNESS Probably we have here the basic anatomy of the "glib student" who can parrot off whole chapters on an examination paper and yet in practice uses his tools as a door stop. This student has been a mystery to the world of education for eons. What he has probably done in order to get by, is set up a circuit which is purely memory. 369 The truth of it is his understanding or participation is barred off by considerations such as "nothing works anyway but one has to please the professor somehow." The less a person can confront, the more false data he has accumulated and will accumulate. These syntheses are simply additives and complexities and make the person complicate the subject beyond belief. Or the collision of false data and true data, without the person knowing which is which, makes him look like a meathead. Therefore, in order to cure him of his additives, complexities, apathy and apparent stupidity on a subject, in addition to cleaning up misunderstood words, it is necessary to strip the false data off the subject. Most of the time this is prior to the true data and so is basic on the chain. Where this is the case, when that basic false data is located and stripped the whole subject clears up more easily. FALSE DATA PRONE Some people are prone to accepting false data. This stems from overts committed prior to the false data being accepted. The false data then acts as a justifier for the overt. An example of this would be a student studying past Mis-Us on a subject, cheating in the exam and eventually dropping the subject entirely. Then someone comes along and tells him that the subject is useless and destructive. Well, he will immediately grab hold of this datum and believe it as he needs something to justify his earlier overts. This actually gets into service facsimiles as the person will use the false data to make the subject or other people wrong. So if you see someone who is very prone to accepting false data on a particular subject or in general, the answer is to get the prior overts pulled. Then the person will not need to justify his overts by accepting any false data that comes his way. PROCEDURE You may not easily be able to detect a false datum because the person believes it to be true. When False Data Stripping is done on a meter the false datum won't necessarily read for the same reason. You therefore ask the person if there is anything he has run across on the subject under discussion which he couldn't think with, which didn't seem to add up or seems to be in conflict with the material one is trying to each him. The false datum buries itself and the procedure itself handles this phenomenon. When the false datum is located it is handled with elementary recall based on 1950 Straightwire. Straight memory technique or Straightwire (so called because one is stringing a line between present time and some incident in the past, and stringing that line directly and without any detours) was developed originally in 1950 as a lighter process than engram running. Cleverly used, Straightwire removed locks and released illnesses without the pc ever having run an engram. Once one had determined whatever it was that was going to be run with Straightwire, one would have the pc recall where and when it happened, who was involved, what were they doing, what was the pc doing, etc. until the lock blew or the illness keyed out. Straightwire works at a lock level. When overdone it can key in underlying engrams. When properly done it can be quite miraculous. STEPS A. Determine whether or not the person needs this procedure by checking the following: 370 1. The person cannot be hatted on a subject. 2. No Crashing Mis-Us can be found on a subject yet it is obvious they exist. 3. The person is not duplicating the material he has studied as he is incorrectly applying it or only applying part of it, despite Word Clearing. 4. He is rejecting the material he is reading or the definition of the word he is clearing. 5. You suspect or the person originates earlier data he has encountered on the materials that could contain false data. 6. The person talks about or quotes other sources or obviously incorrect sources. 7. He is glib. 8. The person is backing off from actually applying the data he is studying despite standard Word Clearing. 9. He is bogged. 10. He cannot think with the data and it does not seem to apply. B. Establish the difficulty the person is having -- i.e. what are the materials he can't duplicate or apply? These materials must be to hand and the person must be familiar with the basic true data on the subject being addressed. C. If the action is being done metered, put the person on the meter and properly adjust the sensitivity with a proper can squeeze. D. Thoroughly clear the concept of false data with the person. Have him give you examples to show he gets it. (This would be done if the person was receiving False Data Stripping for the first time.) E. The following questions are used to detect and uncover the false data. These questions are cleared before they are used for the first time on anyone. They do not have to read on a meter and may not do so as the person will not necessarily read on something that he believes to be true. 1. "Is there anything you have run across in (subject under discussion) which you couldn't think with?" 2. "Is there anything you have encountered in (subject under discussion) which didn't seem to add up?" 3. "Is there something you have come across in (subject under discussion) that seems to be in conflict with the material you are trying to learn?" 4. "Is there something in (subject under discussion) which never made any sense to you?" 5. "Did you come across any data in (subject under discussion) that you had no use for?" 6. "Was there any data you came across in (subject under discussion) that never seemed to fit in?" 7. "Do you know of any datum that makes it unnecessary for you to do a good job on this subject?,, 8. "Do you know of any reason why an overt product is alright?" 371 9. "Would you be made wrong if you really learned this subject?" 10. "Did anyone ever explain this subject to you verbally?" 11. "Do you know of any datum that conflicts with standard texts on this subject?,, 12. "Do you consider you really know best about this subject?" 13. "Would it make somebody else wrong not to learn this subject?" 14. "Is this subject not worth learning?" The questions are asked in the above sequence. When an area of false data is uncovered by one of these questions one goes straight on to Step F -- handling. F. When the person comes up with an answer to one of the above questions locate the false datum as follows: 1. Ask: "Have you been given any false data regarding this?" and help him locate the false datum. If this is being done on the meter, one can use any meter reads one does get to steer the person. This may require a bit of work as the person may believe the false data he has to be true. Keep at it until you get the false datum. If the person has given you the false datum in Step E then this step will not be needed: just go straight on to Step G. G. When the false datum has been located, handle as follows: 1. Ask: "Where did this datum come from?" (This could be a person, a book, TV, etc.) 2. "When was this?" 3. "Where exactly were you at the time?" 4. "Where was (the person, book, etc.) at the time?" 5. "What were you doing at the time?" 6. If the false datum came from a person ask: "what was (the person) doing at the time?" 7. "How did (the person, book, etc.) look at the time?" 8. If the datum has not blown with the above questions ask: "Is there an earlier similar false datum or incident on (the subject under discussion)?" and handle per Steps 1-7. Continue as above until the false datum has blown. On the meter you will have a floating needle and very good indicators. DO NOT CONTINUE PAST A POINT WHERE THE FALSE DATUM HAS BLOWN. If you suspect the datum may have blown but the person has not originated then ask: "How does that datum seem to you now?" and either continue if it hasn't blown or end off on that datum if it has blown. H. When you have handled a particular false datum to a blow, going earlier similar as necessary, you would then go back and repeat the question from E (the detection 372 step) that uncovered the false datum. If there are any more answers to the question, they are handled exactly as in Step F (location) and Step G (handling). That particular question is left when the person has no more answers. Then, if the person is not totally handled on the subject under discussion, one would use the other questions from Step E and handle them in the same way. All the questions can be asked and handled as above but one would not continue past a point where the whole subject has been cleared up and the person can now duplicate and apply the data he has been having trouble with. 1. CONDITIONAL: If False Data Stripping is being done in conjunction with Crashing Mis-U finding one would now proceed with the Crashing Mis-U finding. J. Send the person to the Examiner. K. Have the person study or restudy the true data on the subject you have been handling. END PHENOMENA When the above procedure is done correctly and fully on an area the person is actually having difficulty with he will end up able to duplicate, understand and apply and think with the data that he could not previously grasp. The false data that was standing in the road of duplication will have been cleared away and the person's thinking will have been freed up. When this occurs, no matter where in the procedure, one ends off the False Data Stripping on that subject and sends the person to the Examiner. He will have cognitions and VGIs and on the meter you will have an F/N. This is not the end of all False Data Stripping for that person. It is the end of that False Data Stripping on the person at that particular time. As the person continues to work with and study the subject in question, he will learn more about it and may again collide with false data at which time one repeats the above process. NOTE False data buries itself as the person may firmly believe that it is true. Sometimes the person will have such faith in a particular person, book, etc. that he cannot conceive that any data from that particular source might be false. One artist being false data stripped had received some false data from a very famous painter. Even though the data didn't really add up and actually caused the artist tremendous problems, he tended to believe it because of where it came from. It took persistence on the part of the person administering the False Data Stripping to eventually blow this false datum with a resulting freeing up of the artist's ability to think and produce in the area. MISUNDERSTOODS Misunderstoods often come up during False Data Stripping and should be cleared when they do. One would then continue with the False Data Stripping. One person being false data stripped knew he had some false data from a particular source but the false data was a complete blank -- he couldn't remember it at all. It was discovered that he had a Mis-U just before he received the false data and as soon as this was cleared up he recalled the false data and it blew. This is just one example of how Word Clearing can tie in with False Data Stripping. REPEATED USE False Data Stripping can be done over and over as it will come off in layers as mentioned before. If False Data Stripping has been done on a specific thing and at some later point the person is having difficulty with a drill or the materials, the stripping of false data should be done on him again. In such a case it will be seen that the person recognizes or remembers more false or contrary data he has accumulated on the subject that was not in view earlier. As he duplicates a drill or his materials more and more exactly, former "interpretations" he had not-ised, incorrect past flunks that acted as invalidation or evaluation, etc., may crop up to be stripped off. 373 CAUTIONS CODE. False Data Stripping is done under the discipline of the Auditor's Code. Evaluation and invalidation can be particularly harmful and must be avoided. All points of the code apply. RUDIMENTS. One would not begin False Data Stripping on someone who already has out-ruds. If the person is upset or worried about something or is critical or nattery, then you should fly his ruds or get them flown before you start False Data Stripping. OVERRUN. One must be particularly careful not to overrun the person past a blow of the false datum. The stress in recall is that it is a light action which does not get the person into engrams or heavy charge. Keep it light. If you overrun someone past the point of a blow, he may drop into engrams or heavy charge. Just take the recall step to a blow and don't push him beyond it. DATE/LOCATE. Date/Locate is another way of getting something to blow. If a false datum does not blow on the recall steps despite going earlier similar, then it could be handled with Date/Locate in session as ordered by the C/S. This would normally be done as part of a False Data Stripping Repair List. Date/Locating false data would never be done except in session as ordered by the C/S or as directed by the False Data Stripping Repair List. The auditor must be totally starrated on Date and Locating and practiced in it before he attempts it. FALSE DATA STRIPPING REPAIR LIST. The False Data Stripping Repair List is used in session by an auditor when False Data Stripping bogs inextricably or the person is not F/N GIs at exams or gets in trouble after False Data Stripping has been done. A bogged False Data Stripping session must be handled within 24 hours. NEW STUDENTS. Students who are new to Scientology should not use this procedure on each other as they may be insufficiently experienced to deliver it competently. In this case the Supervisor or someone qualified would administer False Data Stripping to those students who need it. SUMMARY The problem of the person who is unable to learn or who is unable to apply what he learns has never been fully resolved before. Misunderstoods were and are a major factor and Word Clearing must be used liberally. Now, however, I have made a major breakthrough which finally explains and handles the problem of inability to learn and apply. Man's texts and education systems are strewn with false data. These false data effectively block someone's understanding of the true data. The handling given in this HCOB/PL makes it possible to remove that block and enable people to learn data so they can apply it. With the ability to learn comes stability and the production of valuable products. With stability and the production of valuable products comes the achievement of one's purposes and goals, high morale and happiness. So let's get to work on stripping away the false data which plagues Man, clogs up his ability to think and learn and reduces his competence and effectiveness. Let's increase the ability of individuals and the human race. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 374  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/8/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HIGH CRIME -- ADDITION HIGH CRIME CHECKOUTS AND WORD CLEARING   Remimeo Exec Hats Tech & Qual Hats HAS Hat Dir I&R LRH Comm Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 AUGUST 1979 Remimeo Exec Hats (Also issued as an HCO PL of Tech & Qual same date, same title.) Hats HAS Hat (CANCELLED) Dir I&R LRH Comm Hats HIGH CRIME -- ADDITION HIGH CRIME CHECKOUTS AND WORD CLEARING Ref: HCOB 24 Oct 76R C/S Series 96R (Modified by this HCOB/PL) HCOB 30 Jan 73RB Word Clearing Series 46RB METHOD 9 WORD CLEARING THE RIGHT WAY HCOB/PL 26 Mar 79R Esto Series 35R Rev. 25.5.79 Word Clearing Series 60R MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND CYCLES OF ACTION HCOB 16 Jul 79 Product Debug Series 5 Word Clearing Series 63 THE "ELUSIVE" MIS-U OR CRASHING MIS-U HCO PL 8 Mar 66 HIGH CRIME HCO PL 4 Apr 72R III ETHICS AND STUDY TECH For many years the top auditors, Case Supervisors and Supervisors have used Word Clearing in their High Crime checkouts, but until now there has not been an issue that makes this a mandatory action. From now on, High Crime checkouts require Word Clearing in addition to starrates. The miracle results of Word Clearing make all the difference in the world to the quality of technical delivery. CONSEQUENCES OF NO WORD CLEARING Lack of Word Clearing has recently brought about some false declares and a return of Quickie Grades. In many orgs it was found that new HCOBs were not being word cleared AT ALL. The right thing to do is make full use of Word Clearing technology. WORD CLEARING REQUIREMENTS From the date of this issue the Qualifications Division, when giving High Crime checkouts, must require at least Method 9 Word Clearing on the materials in addition to starrates and drills. Qual should employ other methods of Word Clearing such as Methods 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 when deemed necessary to ensure full understanding of the materials being High Crimed. Methods 2, 4 and 5 are very effective in the hands of a Word Clearer who is expert in reading an E- Meter. Method 9 is stressed here and made mandatory because it can be applied easily and is probably the top key method of Word Clearing today. Where False Data Stripping, Crashing Mis-U tech, O/W handling and service facsimile tech are available and in use these must be employed where needed in checkouts. 375 The point is that Qual must make full use of Word Clearing in all High Crime checkouts and the student, interne or staff member must be word cleared to where he honestly has no misunderstood words on the materials. FORMER HIGH CRIME CHECKOUTS Where High Crime checkouts have been done previously and attested they remain valid. But, if the auditor, Case Supervisor or Word Clearer is later crammed on those materials the cramming must include full Method 9 Word Clearing of the materials on which he goofed and other Word Clearing as decided by Qual. TECHNICAL RESULTS The technology works when it is applied exactly. Exact application depends on complete understanding. Complete understanding depends on freedom from misunderstood words. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by Commodore's Staff Captain LRH:PS:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 376  L. RON HUBBARD Founder Assisted by Commodore's Staff Captain   Type = 11 iDate=21/8/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TWINNING  Type = 12 iDate=16/3/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=29/7/72 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=31/8/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 22 iDate=18/10/76 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=5 rDate=10/9/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Courses Ds of T Supervisors STOs Cramming Offs Tech Div Qual Div  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 AUGUST 1979 Remimeo All Courses Ds of T Supervisors STOs Cramming Offs Tech Div Qual Div TWINNING (CANCELS: BTB 16 Mar 71 STUDENT AND COURSE MORALE, TOUGH CHECKOUTS & COACHING) Cancellation of Issues Cancelling Twinning The following BPLs and HCO PLs which cancelled issues on twinning, or cancelled or suspended twinning itself, are now CANCELLED: 1. HCO PL 29 Jul 72 II FAST FLOW IN TRAINING written by Training and Services Aide. Though the issues it cancelled remain cancelled, this HCO PL itself was cancelled by BPL 10 Oct 75 X CANCELLATION OF POLICY LETTERS 1972 and remains so. 2. HCO PL 31 Aug 74 FAST FLOW TRAINING REINSTATED which suspended twin training or checkouts, was previously cancelled and remains so. 3. BPL 18 Oct 76RD, Rev. 10.9.78 URGENT, IMPORTANT, SUCCESSFUL TRAINING LINEUP, which cancelled requirements of twin training or checkouts for Academy, has been cancelled and replaced by HCO PL 25 Sep 79 I URGENT, IMPORTANT, SUCCESSFUL TRAINING LINEUP. THERE ARE NO VALID BPLs OR HCO PLs NOW EXISTING WHICH CANCEL TWINNING. "Twinning" is the pairing up of two students training on the same subject to work together on their materials. It is a Scientology innovation in training. For years it was used highly successfully when done correctly and as a standard action on Scientology courses. Recently I discovered a big WHY behind course failures. That is that twinning as a subject and practice has become confused and fallen into misuse or fallen out completely and one of the reasons behind that is that a number of HCOBs on twinning were cancelled and no one issue exists that covers the subject in its entirety. THIS HCOB REINSTATES TWINNING FIRMLY AND WITH EMPHASIS. It is NOT subject to cancellation. It fully lays out the purpose of twinning, the basics and rules and correct use of twinning, when and how it is done, the responsibility of twins and the responsibility of the Supervisor and the handling of twinning bugs. It re-establishes mandatory twinning on all practical courses, such as the TRs 377 Course, or on the practical sections of a course, such as E-Meter Drills. It also covers twinning in some areas of theory study where it is obviously called for, such as Method 9 Word Clearing when done between students. BACKGROUND In 1954 we found that when you teamed up students of comparable case level and ability they then made progress. When we find something that is that workable we put it to use. Twinning was installed as a fundamental part of the Scientology system of training and it immediately and effectively brought up the participation and action levels of entire course rooms of students. Students grasped the application of the materials faster. It gave us results. Originally twinning was used almost exclusively on practical drills. Later, in the early '60s, it was carried over into twin checkouts on theory. Still later, with the advent of Word Clearing, applied study tech and fast flow, twinning as a broad mandatory action for all students on theory was cancelled. Even so, some orgs continued twinning students unnecessarily on admin courses and some theory courses and were not enforcing twinning on courses where it is mandatory, such as a TRs Course. Twinning on practical courses and practical actions has never been cancelled by me and was never intended to be cancelled. However, a line in a BPL (BPL 18 Oct 76RD Rev. 10.9.78 URGENT, IMPORTANT, SUCCESSFUL TRAINING LINEUP) which stated: "Requirements of twin training or checkouts for Academy are cancelled" caused twinning to be dropped out even on practical drills in some areas and threw a confusion into the scene in other areas. The above BPL has now been cancelled with a vengeance and is replaced by HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I URGENT, IMPORTANT, SUCCESSFUL TRAINING LINEUP. And this bulletin restores twinning to its rightful place in training as the vital tool that it is. WHY TWINNING? One reason twinning is so vital is that it brings those people who have sunk back into their First Dynamic up out of their First Dynamic and onto the Third. It gives the student a terminal to work with. It puts students into communication, into doingness and participation. One doesn't learn by being a spectator. Twinning not only gets students extroverted but also gets them to take some responsibility for their fellow man. These are factors that are sadly lacking in modern permissive education. TWINNING VERSUS MODERN PERMISSIVENESS With twinning we are cutting right across modern "permissive" teaching. The modern tendency is to just let everybody do as they please and put their attention on whatever they please. This is the "think" of the day, and it is in in most basic school systems and has spread as well into many different fields. Probably someone somewhere thought it would be much quicker and easier and require much less confront to just let a student sit there permissively, with his attention wandering around in the total significance of it al! and then claim he had passed the subject when he had never gone near it. It is a symptom of people who can't confront not to make anyone else confront. We don't buy this. It is totally batty. The creeping disease of permissiveness, nonconfront and spectatorism is simply a part of "the beautiful world of irresponsible slop." It has no place in Scientology training. 378 Real twinning, enforced, effectively pulls the student right up out of the vague permissiveness of modern think and lands him with some responsibility right from the start. With that he can be honestly trained. CAUSE AND EFFECT A person being trained is mainly working on an inflow basis. Day after day it is inflow, inflow, inflow. This tends to put him at effect. In twinning, the person can balance his inflow with outflow. This keeps him from going totally into effect. It puts some cause into the scene. A person, when he is expected to apply knowledge or skills, must, of course, be at cause. When he is trained totally at effect, he can get into what is called a "stuck flow" phenomenon whereby he can't outflow the subject. Yet, if he is ever going to apply it, he is going to have to outflow it. Twinning has the virtue of balancing inflow and outflow. It will be found that when the person comes to apply the tech, he is already able to outflow if he was trained using twinning. WHEN TO TWIN It is not necessary to twin students on admin courses, nor, as a general rule, on tech theory courses. You ensure the student is applying study tech and is not going past misunderstood words and you let him get on with it. Practical and practical courses are another matter. Mandatory Twinning Twinning is mandatory on those courses where the essence of the course is to train the student in the practical application of the data. This would include the TRs Course, any Upper Indoc and Objectives Course, a specialized E- Meter Drills Course and courses of a similar nature. Even though such courses also include theory, the final objective of such a course is a person trained and drilled in the doingness involved and twinning is absolutely essential for this purpose. Thus, on such a course, twins are assigned at the beginning of the course and they remain assigned through to the completion of that course. We call it "assigning twins in concrete." One does not musical chair twins, once assigned, nor allow them to drift from one twin to another. The whole essence of twinning is to get two students to work together, to assist each other and take responsibility for getting each other successfully through the course. Twinning On Practical Sections Of Courses On certain courses containing both theory and practical, such as Academy Levels, you would not necessarily twin students on the theory section of the course. You would, however, definitely and mandatorily twin them on the practical sections. For example, twinning is a must on E-Meter Drills, or such actions as assessment drilling, drilling of special rundown procedures where this is called for, Learning Drills, Obnosis Drills and other practical applications. Twinning On Word Clearing One always twins students where Method 9 Word Clearing is to be done between the students themselves and not by a Word Clearer. 379 Similarly, Method 8 Word Clearing is twinned, on exactly the same turn- about basis as described in Method 9. (Ref: HCOB 30 Jan 73RB Rev. 1.6.79 Word Clearing Series 46RB METHOD 9 WORD CLEARING THE RIGHT WAY) An example of turn-about on Method 8 would be: First twin clears word "a". Second twin then clears word "a" AND word "b". First twin then clears word "b" AND word "c", etc. You do two actions consecutively every time. Twins may also be assigned to get each other through other methods of Word Clearing in this way. Henceforth, on courses such as the Primary Rundown, where Word Clearing is the essence of the course, twinning is mandatory. Wherever twins are assigned, whether for an entire course or for practical sections of a course, the rules of twinning apply. ASSIGNING TWINS The Supervisor is responsible for assigning twins. He should take care to team up students of comparable case level and training and abilities inasmuch as possible. In this way both twins make the best progress. Twinning a very fast student with a slow student should be avoided, if possible, as it can be frustrating and upsetting to both students. This must never be used as an excuse NOT to twin students. However, ideally, one matches them up according to their capabilities and twinning goes smoothly and produces best results when this is done. In some rare instances it may be necessary to reassign twins who have been incorrectly paired. But it should not be necessary if care was taken in teaming them up correctly to begin with. Otherwise, once assigned, twins work together through to successful completion of the course or activity. TURN-ABOUT THE RULE OF TWINNING IS THAT IT IS DONE ON A "TURN-ABOUT" BASIS. "Turn-about" is done as follows: One student coaches his twin through a drill or a section of a drill. They then turn-about and the second twin does the same drill or section of that drill PLUS the next drill or next section of the drill. They then turn- about again, with the first student doing the drill his twin has just done PLUS the one following. The same system applies in Method 9 or Method 8 Word Clearing. One twin clears a word or M9s a paragraph or section of the text. They turn-about and the second twin clears the word or M9s the paragraph or section PLUS the following one. They turn-about again, with the first twin now clearing or M9ing the word or section his twin just cleared PLUS the one following. Turn-about is applied as well to starrate checkouts where these are called for. It may be done by checking out an entire bulletin on one's twin before the turn-about is done. Or, where a very long text is to be starrated, the turn-about can be done after each section. With the turn-about system one person is not constantly leading and misunderstoods are kept picked up between twins. The twins keep space with each other, we don't get unbalanced flows and both are kept progressing. 380 THE TWIN'S RESPONSIBILITY A TWIN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT THE STUDENT WITH WHOM HE IS TWINNED KNOWS AND CAN APPLY THE MATERIAL HE HAS STUDIED. Twins must be made aware of this responsibility at the onset of the course. The twin word clears his fellow student. He listens to his sentences and sees that they are correct and fit the definition of the word being cleared. He makes sure his twin understands the materials. If the student doesn't know them cold, the twin helps the student find his misunderstood words and gets him through any difficulties. Twins do practical drills together. They coach each other to wins and certainty in applying the materials 100% correctly. If a student flunks a Supervisor checkout on materials he's been passed on by his twin, both students get a flunk. The twin must have a misunderstood himself if he missed the other student's goof. Morale and Production MORALE depends on production. PRODUCTION, in training, is the evidence of the demonstration of competence. MORALE IS UP WHEN COMPETENCE IS DEMONSTRATED. MORALE IS UP WHEN PRODUCTION IS UP. Morale isn't necessarily built by being "nice." Twinning actions are carried out with good ARC, but being "nice" is not enough. A student getting a good stiff coaching session from his twin and passing -- or getting a good, stiff checkout and passing, feels great. He has really accomplished something. He knows that he knows the data or drill. A student who gets poor or nonstandard coaching or checkouts feels and knows that he has been cheated. If his twin is just being "nice" he doesn't win and doesn't appreciate the checkout. His morale will be down. One keeps his twin's morale and production high. One gives him tough standard coaching sessions so he becomes competent. One gives him tough standard checkouts so he KNOWS HE HAS DEMONSTRATED HIS COMPETENCE IN THE MATERIALS. It is always done with good ARC. It must be real to student and Supervisor alike that twinning is not a namby-pamby, brush-off activity. One is responsible for getting his twin through the course. If one twin goes to Review, the other goes to Review. If one twin goes to Ethics, the other goes to Ethics. If one twin should blow, the other twin must go and get him. One is responsible for getting his twin through the course. There have been cases in the past where one twin worked like mad to get the other twin through an extensive section right at the end of the course. The other twin then simply went off and would not do the same so the first student could also finish the course. IT IS NOW FIRM POLICY THAT WHERE SUCH AN INSTANCE OCCURS, THE STUDENT WHO ABANDONED HIS TWIN JUST BECAUSE HE HIMSELF WAS FINISHED MAY NOT BE CERTIFIED 381 AND MAY NOT BE GIVEN A COURSE COMPLETION UNTIL HE HAS COMPLETED HIS TWIN. Twins are responsible for getting each other through the course. THE SUPERVISOR'S RESPONSIBILITY It is the Supervisor's responsibility to enforce twinning per the points in this bulletin. He assigns twins, pairing them according to their capabilities. He ensures twinning is being done by the book, on a turn-about basis, with both twins making progress. He makes sure twins are wearing their hats as twins and taking responsibility for getting each other through, exactly as laid out in course materials. A "double flunk" is given when a student flunks a Supervisor checkout on materials his twin has passed him on. "Double flunk" means the student and his twin are both flunked in such a case, as, if the twin has missed the student's goof, he must have misunderstoods of his own. The Supervisor maintains high tech standards by adhering firmly to this system and when he must double flunk he makes sure both twins get handled on the goof. A situation can occur where a student and his twin get into a "games condition," one with the other. This gives a no-progress, problem situation. The students who are twinned are not both working toward the same goal but one is in opposition to the other in some way. This gives no progress, no wins, no production, no demonstration of competence being permitted and low morale. It is the responsibility of the Supervisor as well as the twinned students to not permit such a situation to occur. With any failure of a twin to be a twin and assume that responsibility, the Supervisor gets the student checked out on this bulletin and any other applicable course material and ensures the student is fully handled. To keep the course morale high, Supervisors must insist on production and on the demonstration of competence on all materials by the student and his twin. In a case where a student gets sent to Review or Ethics, the Supervisor must uphold the rule that his twin always gets sent as well. He ensures that any blown student is recovered by his twin. In all such cases the Supervisor keeps track of his students and ensures they're handled and gotten back on course rapidly. A Supervisor who understands the WHY of twinning and sees it is carried out standardly is going to produce causative, responsible graduates who can apply what they have learned. EMPHASIS ON NO VERBAL DATA All students should be made aware, from the beginning of training, that the answers to their questions are in their course materials or other source references. The issues on verbal tech, HCOB 9 Feb 79 HOW TO DEFEAT VERBAL TECH and HCOB I5 Feb 79 VERBAL TECH PENALTIES, should be well-known in the course room. Even so, students, particularly when they are new, sometimes get into an exchange of verbal data or opinion while they are twinning. A Supervisor must be on the alert for this and step in to handle at once when he observes it happening. He uses 382 study tech to straighten the scene out and always refers the students to the abovementioned HCOBs on verbal tech. Twinned students, of course, bear a responsibility for not spreading verbal tech, neither between themselves nor to anyone else, for that matter. A twin always refers his fellow student to source materials. HANDLING BUGS ON TWINNING The main twinning bugs which could arise are those which were encountered earlier on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. One twin would get sent to Ethics or Cramming or Review and the other one then had no twin. Thus, twinning could get to be a little bit unpopular and could block somebody from finishing the course unless these factors are handled. The remedy for this sort of thing is to send both twins to Ethics, both twins to Cramming, both twins to Review and if anybody blows, send his twin after him. In other words, we don't buy the idea that everybody is totally irresponsible for everybody else in this wonderful First Dynamic world. This is not a mere expediency. It takes only a good, straight look at the purpose and WHY of twinning to recognize the value of this system. Those who do recognize its value will enforce and maintain it. There is another situation which could act as a bug in twinning. What happens when one twin actually does disappear from the scene totally, in spite of checkouts and crammings and ethics? What do you do with the remaining twin? Unhandled, it can stop a course for a student, so handled it must be and with no time wasted. You don't let the odd twin rattle around on his own for very long. If he's not too far advanced into the course he can be twinned with an oncoming student. (A well-run course room will always have new students enrolling.) Every effort is then made to get the newcomer caught up with his twin as rapidly as possible. But what of the more advanced student who loses a twin? If there's absolutely no other single terminal to team him up with, there is still a solution far preferable to having him continue on his own. You match him up with a set of twins of comparable ability and advancement to his and you turn that twinship into a trio. Once formed, you run that trio as tightly as you would any twinship. The turn-about system would then need to be adjusted to a "round robin." (Example: A coaches B, B coaches C, C coaches A.) And it would then reverse. This is more easily seen if it is diagrammed: A coaches B on the 1st action (drill, definition, etc.) ____________________________________________________B B coaches C on the 1st action ___________________________________________________C C coaches A on the 1st action ___________________________________________________A And then it reverses. B ________________________________________________________C coaches B on the 2nd action A ________________________________________________________B coaches A on the 2nd action C ________________________________________________________A coaches C on the 2nd action And now it reverses back. 383 A coaches B on the 3rd action ____________________________________________________B B coaches C on the 3rd action ____________________________________________________C C coaches A on the 3rd action ____________________________________________________A And now it would reverse back again (C coaches B, etc.) and so on through the drill, definition or M9 section. All the rules of twinning then apply to these three. You "assign the trio in concrete" and you ensure they keep advancing. Again, the point here is that we operate on the Third Dynamic where one does take some responsibility for his fellow man. HANDLING BOGGED STUDENTS AND THEIR TWINS When a bogged student cannot be handled in the course room with standard Word Clearing and study tech and he is sent to Cramming, Review or, where indicated, to Ethics, his twin is also always sent. The idea is not only to keep the twins together and taking responsibility for each other but to also correct and repair both of them as needed. In other words, one twin doesn't simply sit there and observe the other twin being handled. The twin of a bogged student will also require handling in Review, Ethics, or Cramming himself. If a student has ended up on Review lines, it must be assumed that the twin has goofed as a twin and has misunderstoods on the course materials. This must be sorted out and resolved by the Dir Review when the twins route through Review. The Dir Review determines, by interview, what the trouble is and how it should be resolved. This is done on an individual basis for each twin. For example, the bogged student may need Word Clearing or a Word Clearing Correction List and his twin may need to restudy this twinning bulletin or other course materials. In Ethics, for example, a student may be involved in some sort of out- ethics situation, such as continually being late for course. In any ethics situation one would look for the possibility of mutual rudiments between twins. Whether or not mutual ruds exist the twin would always be given some handling in regard to his responsibility in the situation. In the above example, the Ethics Officer might handle the student with an amends project. He would then go over with the twin the matter of his responsibility and what steps he could take to ensure the student gets to course on time. The twin would then get the student through his amends, get through his own handling, whatever its nature and the two of them would then go back to course. The twin sees the student through his review, cramming or ethics cycle and, whenever possible, is used to help the student get through it. He also receives appropriate handling himself. THE RULE IS: WHEN ONE STUDENT BECOMES BOGGED, HIS TWIN IS ALWAYS SENT WITH HIM TO CRAMMING, REVIEW OR ETHICS. In the rare case where a student is going to require extensive handling in Review or Ethics, such as case handling or suspension from course where such would be truly 384 warranted, the Dir Review or Ethics Officer may send the other twin back to course to be retwinned with another student. The Supervisor always checks up on any students who have been routed off course temporarily. He must keep himself informed as to their whereabouts and progress on correction lines and see that they are returned to course corrected, as rapidly as possible. He does not allow any student or twin to simply drop off his lines with an incomplete course, unhandled or unaccounted for. Any twin has the responsibility of getting himself and his fellow student back onto the course as well. Once students get the idea that their own progress on a course depends utterly on the quality of their twinning you will start to see some quite magical results. They're now out of the irresponsibility of it all and operating on the Third Dynamic. It simply takes standard supervision plus REAL TWINNING. That is the winning combination. So enforce twinning. It will show up in F/Ning students and high and genuine course completions, which any Supervisor, any org, any graduate can be proud of. And I will be proud of you, too. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 385  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/8/79 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 65 Product Debug Series 6 CRASHING MUs, BLOCKS TO FINDING THEM   Remimeo Word Clearers Cram Officers Supervisors Estos Tech Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 AUGUST 1979 Remimeo Issue I Word Clearers Cram Officers Supervisors Estos Word Clearing Series 65 Tech Qual Product Debug Series 6 CRASHING MUs, BLOCKS TO FINDING THEM Ref: HCOB 17 Jun 79 CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS HCOB 8 Sep 64 OVERTS. WHAT LIES BEHIND THEM? HCOB 7 Aug 79 FALSE DATA STRIPPING HCOB 7 Jul 64 JUSTIFICATIONS HCOB 21 Jan 60 JUSTIFICATION HCOB 5 Sep 78 ANATOMY OF A SERVICE FACSIMILE HCOB 6 Sep 78 II SERVICE FACSIMILES AND ROCK SLAMS HCOB 6 Sep 78 III ROUTINE THREE SC-A FULL SERVICE FACSIMILE HANDLING UPDATED WITH NEW ERA DIANETICS It may occur in Crashing MU finding that no Crashing MU can be found even though it is obvious from the person's inability to complete a cycle of action or get out a product that a Crashing MU must exist. It is vital, in attempting to find someone's Crashing MUs, that one does not abandon the search simply because, on enquiry, the person is unable to come up with anything. It may take skill and hard work to uncover the Crashing MU but it must be found, no matter how arduous the search. The completion of the cycle of action and the accomplishment of the product depend on locating and clearing up the Crashing MU that is getting in the way. Crashing MUs can be buried. They can be buried by A) Other MU words B) Overts or withholds C) False data D) Justifications E) Service facsimiles. Any one of A, B, C, D or E above or a combination of these can prevent one from finding the Crashing MU. One handles by a) Clearing up the other MUs b) Pulling the overts or withholds 386 c) Stripping off the false data d) Getting off the justifications e) Handling the service facsimile or sending the person to an auditor to get audited on it. If the Word Clearer came across the situation where no Crashing MU could be found despite obvious indications that one existed, he would check for each of the above blocks in turn and handle anything there was to handle on each point. After handling one of the above blocks, he would recheck for the Crashing MU and if still not available to be found and cleared, he would proceed to check the next block and so on until the Crashing MU was found and cleared. One would check for the blocks in the sequence given (A-E) and only go so far as necessary to uncover the Crashing MU. CRASHING MUs The full handling of a Crashing MU itself will be found in: HCOB 17 Jun 79 CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS HCOB 18 Jun 79 THE CRASHING MIS-U REPAIR LIST -- LC1 HCOB 16 Jul 79 THE "ELUSIVE" MIS-U OR CRASHING MIS-U HCOB 26 Mar 79RA MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND CYCLES OF ACTION -- MU WORDS AND NO PRODUCTS HCOB 7Jul 79 CRASHING MIS-U DEFINITION A. OTHER MISUNDERSTOODS Ref: Word Clearing Series The person may have MUs and confusions which are obscuring the Crashing MU. In attempting to find the Crashing MU one might have to find and clear these other MUs before the person can locate the Crashing MU which has been buried by these other MUs and which is hanging up the cycle of action or the product. A Crashing MU is a MU that crashes a subject and crashes a person. It is straight on the subject-line that is giving trouble and is totally blocking the person's comprehension of the subject. This is not to be confused with other MUs. These would include grammatical MUs, MUs on disrelated subjects or MUs on simple words. A Crashing MU is quite different. It is directly on the subject and it totally blocks the person's understanding of the subject and stops any cycles of action or products on that line. HANDLING: Other MUs obscuring the Crashing MU are located and cleared using any of Word Clearing Methods 2-9 or a combination of these. One might have to do Method 2 and Method 4 on certain materials, for example, before the Crashing MU can then be located. Method 9 is a very thorough and fruitful method of word clearing materials. By whatever method, the MUs are found and cleared. Any MUs that come up during Crashing MU Finding are immediately cleared. This does not mean, however, that one has found the Crashing MU. One has simply unburdened it. B. OVERTS AND WITHHOLDS Ref: Academy Class II Materials As covered in HCOB 8 Sep 64 OVERTS, WHAT LIES BEHIND THEM?, overts and withholds can enter in after the person encounters a misunderstood word or symbol on the subject or in the area. Having committed the overt, the person may now be withholding so hard that it can become impossible to get his attention onto the MU word that comes earlier in time and is more basic than the withhold. An example of this would be someone who had broken a machine as a result of 387 trying to operate it over his MU on how it worked. His attention would become so caught up with withholding this overt that he might not be able to confront the area at all, let alone find the underlying Crashing MU. The person's withholds on the subject of the area not only prevent him from talking about it sensibly to the person trying to find his Crashing MUs, but also tend to withhold him from the subject itself. He won't be able to think well on that subject because he is withholding data concerning it. The person might also be frightened of punishment or discipline if he did reveal his overt. Therefore, communication with the Crashing MU finder or the subject, also may block up his memory or his ability to think on the subject and so a Crashing MU can be buried totally out of sight. HANDLING: The handling of O/Ws would depend on whether or not one was using a meter for the Crashing MU finding. In metered Crashing MU finding one would ask:. "Concerning (subject under discussion) is there anything you are withholding?" and if it was reading one would handle per HCOB 11 Aug 78, I, RUDIMENTS, DEFINITIONS AND PATTER. Suppress and False could be used as needed. One could also check and handle: "Concerning (subject under discussion) have you committed any overt?" "Concerning (subject under discussion) has a withhold been missed?" In nonmetered Crashing MU finding one could ask the person if he had any overt or withhold concerning the subject under discussion. Very often, if one is in good communication with the person and there is no accusativeness or duress, he will say, "Well, actually, I didn't want to tell anyone but I lost all the ruddy rods," or whatever the withhold was. In nonmetered asking for overts or withholds one must get the person meter checked immediately afterwards to ensure nothing gets missed. It goes without saying that a person can get very misemotional or blow or get very angry with the Crashing MU finder if you miss a withhold on him. So don't be surprised if you get a sudden blow-up when you use unmetered overt or withhold questions. C. FALSE DATA Ref: HCOB/PL 7 Aug 79 FALSE DATA STRIPPING A person who has been given and has accepted false data or false definitions on a subject may become convinced that he "knows" the words when in fact the data and definitions may be entirely false. This may even prevent the misunderstoods from reading on the meter. It can certainly bury a Crashing MU because the person's certainty that he "knows" the data will prevent him from looking for the Crashing MU which is blocking him from getting products. HANDLING: One handles false data by stripping it off exactly per HCOB/PL 7 Aug 79 FALSE DATA STRIPPING. This is a procedure which locates the false data and then blows it by recall. It is an extremely effective way of getting off the false data which is blocking the person's understanding of a subject by giving him a false understanding. D. JUSTIFICATIONS Ref: HCOB 21 Jan 60 JUSTIFICATION HCOB 7 Jul 64 JUSTIFICATIONS A person can have a defense mechanism whereby he justifies having a Crashing MU by giving reasons why it is OK not to understand the subject or area. He explains why he doesn't have to understand and makes others wrong for trying to set him straight on it. Examples of this would be: 388 "I'm new and haven't been at it too long." "I have to spend so much time on my post, I don't have time to learn about it." "Only a professional could really understand this." "No one really knows anything about that subject anyway." "They keep changing the terminology so how could I learn it." HANDLING: The handling of justifications is covered in HCOB 7 Aug 79 FALSE DATA STRIPPING which has several questions in the section on locating the false data which are designed to pull off the person's justifications for failure to understand a subject or inability to turn out professional products in an area. Basically the questions ask for anything that makes it OK not to know a particular subject or not to get results with that subject. When the justifications are located they are blown with recall, just as with false data in general. If there are no justifications present or if the trouble does not resolve with pulling off justifications, then it will be handled with the next section -- service facsimilies -- since justifications as used here are really a specialized kind of self-serving service facsimile. Justifications and service facsimiles are actually cousins. E. SERVICE FACSIMILIES Ref: Academy Class IV Materials HCOB 5 Sep 78 ANATOMY OF A SERVICE FACSIMILE HCOB 6 Sep 78 II SERVICE FACSIMILES AND ROCK SLAMS HCOB 6 Sep 78 III ROUTINE THREE SC-A FULL SERVICE FACSIMILE HANDLING UPDATED WITH NEW ERA DIANETICS A service facsimile is an idea someone uses to make himself right and others wrong. These ideas are held in by engrams. For the purposes of Crashing MU finding, they can be handled by recall. If you are trying to find someone's Crashing MU and he has a service facsimile getting in the way, then his efforts will be taken up entirely with trying to make himself right and you and others wrong and you will not be able to get to the Crashing MU. He would even feel made wrong if a Crashing MU was found. One person who was being checked for a Crashing MU in an area in which she was goofing could not even see her goofs, let alone a Crashing MU. Eventually she admitted that she had the idea that she could not be wrong regarding this particular subject. When this was spotted and cleared up the Crashing MU could be located and the whole area straightened out. HANDLING: If the person is manifesting the symptoms of a service facsimile or if the failure to find a Crashing MU where one obviously must exist is not resolved with A-D above, then the Word Clearer would ask, "Is there some idea you are using which makes you right and others wrong?" and two-way comm with him about it without getting into listing for an item. Usually the person will give up the service facsimile and realize that he has been making himself right and others wrong. He will feel very relieved to have spotted it and will be able to look for and find his Crashing MU. If, however, the service facsimile does not come up on request and two-way comm, then the person should be sent for handling by an auditor on service facsimiles. CAUTIONS The remedies given in this HCOB must be understood to be remedies for inability to locate the Crashing MU -- they are not substitutes for standard application of the tech of finding and clearing Crashing MUs. 389 One would always begin with the standard approach to finding the Crashing MU and, if none was found, only then would one check for and handle each of the blocks given above in the sequence given. If one found something on any of A-E above, one would handle it and then check again for the Crashing MU. One does not automatically check all of A-E. The sole idea is to handle whatever is burying the Crashing MU and as soon as that has been achieved one returns to Crashing MU finding. If half way through the False Data Stripping, for example, the person realizes he has had a Crashing MU on _______, then that's it. You wouldn't now continue the False Data Stripping. You would complete the step you were on and then end off. The same goes for any of the remedies. As soon as the Crashing MU is found or findable, the purpose of the remedy has been achieved and that would be it. As it is fatal to miss a withhold on someone, it is very important that any withhold pulling done is thorough and goes to real VGIs whether it is metered or unmetered. Withhold pulling off the meter must be followed by a meter check, whether anything is found or not. Similarly in asking for a service facsimile it is possible to start the person listing and if he gets sick or caves in later one must assume that this has occurred and get the action repaired in session rapidly. NOTE: Of course if the person is PTS and dramatizing creating problems, you may not be able to get anywhere at all until he has been run on Clay Table de-PTSing to full EP. These cautions are not given here to make it look difficult or dangerous to do Crashing MU finding. It is usually very straightforward. However, if one is going to get results every time, he must be aware of the possible errors or barriers that he may run into and should know how to handle them. SUMMARY Sometimes Crashing MU finding draws a blank even though there is plenty of evidence that a Crashing MU exists. Other misunderstoods, overts or withholds, false data, justifications and service facsimiles can bury the Crashing MU. If one runs into this situation, one must not abandon the Crashing MU finding as the person will continue to have difficulty and will not get out his products. The answer is to handle the blocks that are preventing the Crashing MU from being found and then find and clear the Crashing MU. Then one can get the spectacular results of this miracle tech every time. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 390  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/8/79 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Product Debug Series 10 PRODUCT DEBUG REPAIR LIST   Remimeo Tech Qual C/Ses Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 AUGUST 1979 Remimeo Issue II Tech Qual C/Ses Auditors Product Debug Series 10 PRODUCT DEBUG REPAIR LIST Ref: HCO PL 23 Aug 79 I Product Debug Series 1, Esto Series 37 DEBUG TECH HCO PL 23 Aug 79 II Product Debug Series 2, Esto Series 38 DEBUG TECH CHECKLIST Product Debug Series The purpose of this list is to repair a messed up Product Debug (as covered in HCO PL 23 Aug 79 I Product Debug Series 1, Esto Series 37 DEBUG TECH and HCO PL 23 Aug 79 II Product Debug Series 2, Esto Series 38 DEBUG TECH CHECKLIST). In the event of somebody getting messed up because of faulty debugging, use this list to clean up the BPC and then get the person back to complete the debug actions. This list is done in session by an auditor and is assessed Method 3. Preface each line with: "On your Product Debug handling ___________." Each reading line is taken to F/N per the instructions. Any R/S turned on on this list must be immediately reported to the Ethics Officer. Any such assessment sheet as this must be placed in the person's pc folder. PC's NAME: _________________________________ DATE: ___________________________ AUDITOR: _________________________________ SECTION 1 1A. DID YOU HAVE AN OUT-LIST? _______ (Handle per HCOB 11 Apr 77 LIST ERRORS CORRECTION OF, section on "Use of L4BRA.") 1B. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG ITEM? _______ (Indicate and handle per HCOB 11 Apr 77 LIST ERRORS CORRECTION OF and C/S Series 78.) 1C. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG WHY? _______ (Indicate and handle per HCOB 11 Apr 77 LIST ERRORS CORRECTION OF and C/S Series 78.) 1D. WERE YOU BEING DEBUGGED ON THE WRONG PRODUCT? _______ (Indicate and handle per C/S Series 78.) 391 1E. WAS THE WRONG AREA ADDRESSED? _______ (Indicate and handle per C/S Series 78.) 1F. WERE YOU ASSIGNED A WRONG CONDITION? _______ (Indicate and handle as a wrong item.) SECTION 2 2A. DID YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK? _______ (Fly the ARC break.) 2B. DID YOU HAVE A PROBLEM? _______ (Fly the problem.) 2C. DID YOU HAVE A WITHHOLD? _______ (Pull the withhold.) 2D. DID YOU HAVE AN OVERT? _______ (Pull the overt.) 2E. DID THE PERSON DOING THE DEBUG MISS A WITHHOLD? _______ (Pull the withhold.) 2F. WERE OVERTS OR WITHHOLDS RESTIMULATED BUT NOT BLOWN? _______ (Pull the overts or withholds.) 2G. WAS THERE AN OVERT OR WITHHOLD THAT WAS GOTTEN OFF MORE THAN ONCE? _______ (Indicate it and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 2H. DID SOMEBODY SAY YOU HAD AN OVERT OR WITHHOLD WHEN YOU DIDN'T? _______ (Indicate it and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 2I. WAS THERE SOME OTHER KIND OF OUT-RUD? _______ (Find out what and handle.) 2J. WERE YOU USING THE DEBUG AS AN EXCUSE NOT TO PRODUCE? _______ (Handle as a withhold.) 2K. WAS THERE SOME KIND OF OUT-ETHICS? _______ (Handle as a withhold.) 2L. DID YOU HAVE COUNTER-INTENTION? _______ (Handle as a withhold.) 2M. DID YOU HAVE OTHER-INTENTION? _______ (Handle as a withhold.) 2N. WAS THERE ANY INVALIDATION? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 2O. WAS THERE ANY EVALUATION? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 2P. WERE THERE IGNORED ORIGINATIONS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 2Q. WERE YOU PROTESTING) _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 392 2R. DID YOU HAVE NO INTEREST IN THE ACTION? _______ (Find out if it's out-ruds, MUs or past failures and handle accordingly.) 2S. WAS THERE A FAILED PURPOSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) SECTION 3 3A. DID YOU RESENT THE DEBUG ACTIONS? _______ (Find out why and 2WC E/S to F/N putting in any out-ruds. If the debug was unnecessary indicate it and take it E/S to F/N.) 3B. WAS THERE NO INSPECTION DONE TO DETERMINE WHAT TO DEBUG? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to have the inspection done and then a proper debug.) 3C. WAS THE INSPECTION MISDONE IN SOME WAY? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N, Program him to have the inspection done properly and then a proper debug. 3D. DID YOU FEEL THE PERSON DOING THE DEBUG WAS ACTING OUT OF REVENGE? _______ (Quad ruds and overts on the terminal.) 3E. DID YOU FEEL THE PERSON DOING THE DEBUG WAS JUST TRYING TO GET EVEN WITH YOU? _______ (Quad ruds and overts on the terminal.) SECTION 4 4A. DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS BEING DONE? _______ (Handle his MUs and questions.) 4B. WERE THERE WORD CLEARING ERRORS? _______ (Assess and handle a WCCL.) 4C. WAS AN MU FOUND THAT WAS NOT CLEARED? _______ (Fully clear the MU to F/N.) 4D. WAS THE WORD CLEARED NOT REALLY A MISUNDERSTOOD? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 4E. WERE YOU TOLD YOU HAD MUs WHEN YOU DIDN'T? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 4F. WAS YOUR CRASHING MIS-U FINDING MESSED UP? _______ (Assess and handle a Crashing Mis-U Repair List.) 4G. WAS THE CRASHING MIS-U FOUND NOT FULLY CLEARED? _______ (Clear it fully to F/N.) 4H. COULDN'T YOU FIND THE CRASHING MIS-U? _______ (Assess and handle the Crashing Mis-U Repair List.) 4I. WERE YOU TOLD YOU HAD A CRASHING MIS-U WHEN YOU DIDN'T? _______ (Indicate and take E/S to F/N. Do a Crashing Mis-U Repair List if necessary.) 393 4J. WAS YOUR CRASHING MIS-U FINDING MISDONE? _______ (Assess and handle a Crashing Mis-U Repair List.) 4K. COULDN'T COMPLETE SOME CYCLE OF ACTION? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Send to the Word Clearer for handling with Crashing Mis-U tech.) SECTION 5 5A. WAS THERE FALSE DATA? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Send to the debugger for False Data Stripping on the area.) 5B. WAS YOUR FALSE DATA HANDLING MESSED UP? _______ (Assess and handle the False Data Stripping Repair List.) 5C. WAS THE "FALSE DATA" FOUND NOT REALLY FALSE DATA? _______ (Indicate it and have him spot this. Take it E/S to F/N.) 5D. WAS SOME FALSE DATA UNCOVERED BUT NOT BLOWN? _______ (Handle the false data to a blow with the False Data Stripping procedure.) 5E. DID THE PERSON DOING THE DEBUG GIVE YOU FALSE DATA? _______ (Indicate and strip off the false data per HCOB 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8, Esto Series 36 FALSE DATA STRIPPING.) 5F. WAS THE TRUE OR CORRECT DATA NEVER FOUND? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to have this handled with False Data Stripping.) 5G. DID SOMEBODY SAY YOU HAD FALSE DATA WHEN YOU DIDN'T? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 5H. HAD THE FALSE DATA ALREADY BEEN HANDLED? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 5I. WERE YOU GIVEN ANY VERBAL DATA? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program this to be handled with the "How to Defeat Verbal Tech Checklist.") 5J. ARE YOU OPERATING OFF FALSE OR VERBAL DATA? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program this to be handled with False Data Stripping and the "How to Defeat Verbal Tech Checklist.") 5K. HAVE YOU GIVEN OTHERS FALSE DATA? _______ (Pull as a withhold. Then strip off any false data he has in the area.) 5L. HAVE YOU TOLERATED FALSE DATA BEING GIVEN YOU? _______ (Pull as a withhold. Then strip off the false data.) 5M. HAVE YOU CONCLUDED SOMETHING WITHOUT CHECKING IT OUT TO OBTAIN THE FULL FACTS? _______ (Handle as a withhold. Then strip off any false data he has on the area.) 5N. HAVE YOU ACCEPTED CONCLUSIONS WITHOUT VERIFYING THEM? _______ (Handle as a withhold. Then handle any false data he has on the area.) 394 50. HAVE YOU FAILED TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK IN YOUR SUBJECT? _______ (Handle as a withhold. Then strip off any false data he has in the area.) 5P. HAVE YOU JUST HOPED SOMETHING WAS OKAY AND PASSED IT ON AS OKAY WHEN YOU DIDN'T KNOW? _______ (Handle as a withhold. Then strip off any false data he has in the area.) 5Q. HAVE YOU PRETENDED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE YOU DID NOT HAVE? _______ (Handle as a withhold.) 5R. HAVE YOU GIVEN FALSE DATA TO GET OUT OF SOMETHING? _______ (Handle as a withhold.) 5S. HAVE YOU EVER LIED ABOUT ANYTHING IN THIS AREA? _______ (Handle as a withhold.) SECTION 6 6A. WAS YOUR ETHICS HANDLING MESSED UP? _______ (Indicate it and 2WC E/S to F/N. If necessary, assess the appropriate correction list to handle the BPC.) 6B. WERE YOU NOT HANDLED ON YOUR ETHICS WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program this ethics situation to be handled by the debugger.) 6C. WERE YOU TOLD YOU WERE OUT-ETHICS WHEN YOU WEREN'T? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 6D. WAS THERE SOME OUT-ETHICS SITUATION THAT WAS NOT DETECTED? _______ (Pull this as a withhold. Then program for handling according to what comes up.) SECTION 7 7A. WERE YOU TRYING TO JUSTIFY YOUR ACTIONS? _______ (2WC the justifications E/S to F/N. Then check for and pull any O/Ws in the area of the justifications.) 7B. WERE YOU TRYING TO JUSTIFY AN OVERT? _______ (2WC the justifications E/S to F/N. Then pull the overt.) 7C. WERE YOU TRYING TO LESSEN AN OVERT? _______ (2WC this E/S to F/N. Pull the overt.) 7D. IS THERE SOMETHING THAT MAKES IT OK FOR YOU NOT TO GET YOUR PRODUCT OUT? _______ (Have him tell you about it E/S to F/N. Then strip off the justification per HCOB 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8, Esto Series 36 FALSE DATA STRIPPING.) 7E. IS THERE SOME REASON WHY PRODUCING AN OVERT PRODUCT IS ALL RIGHT? _______ (2WC it E/S to F/N. Then strip off the justification per HCOB 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8, Esto Series 36 FALSE DATA STRIPPING.) 395 7F. IS THERE SOMETHING THAT MAKES IT OK FOR YOU NOT TO BE COMPETENT ON YOUR POST? _______ (2WC it E/S to F/N. Then strip off the justification per HCOB 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8, Esto Series 36 FALSE DATA STRIPPING.) SECTION 8 8A. IS THERE SOME IDEA YOU WERE USING TO MAKE YOURSELF RIGHT AND OTHERS WRONG? _______ (2WC him on this and get him to spot and tell you the service facsimile without getting into listing for it. What you are trying to do is get him to find and blow the service facsimile by recall. If he does not come up with the service facsimile complete the 2WC to F/N and program him for full service facsimile handling.) 8B. WERE YOU TRYING TO MAKE YOURSELF RIGHT AND OTHERS WRONG? _______ (Handle this as in 8A above.) 8C. IS THERE SOMETHING YOU ARE DOING TO MAKE YOURSELF RIGHT? _______ (Handle as in 8A above.) 8D. IS THERE A METHOD OF MAKING OTHERS WRONG? _______ (Handle as in 8A above.) 8E. ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT BEING RIGHT OR WRONG? _______ (2WC this E/S to F/N. Program him for full service facsimile handling.) 8F. WAS YOUR SERVICE FACSIMILE HANDLING MESSED UP? _______ (Determine if it is an L&N error or an incomplete list and if so, handle per HCOB 11 Apr 77 LIST ERRORS CORRECTION OF and C/S Series 78. Otherwise clean up the BPC with an L1C and program him to have any incomplete handling on service facsimiles completed.) SECTION 9 9A. WAS THERE BAD CRAMMING? _______ (Assess and handle a Cramming Repair List.) 9B. WERE YOU NOT CRAMMED WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to get the needed cramming done.) 9C. WAS THERE SOMETHING ELSE WRONG WITH YOUR CRAMMING? _______ (Assess and handle a Cramming Repair List.) 9D. FAILED TO LOOK OVER THE MATERIALS OF WHICH YOU HAD FALSE DATA OR MUs ON AFTER YOU WERE CLEANED UP AND WERE STILL BLANK ON THE MATERIALS BECAUSE YOU HADN'T GONE THROUGH THEM AGAIN? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to recover and restudy the materials and send the Cramming Officer to Ethics.) 9E. DID THE CRAMMING OFFICER JUST SYMPATHIZE WITH YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Send the Cramming Officer to Ethics.) 396 SECTION 10 10A. WAS THERE SOME PERSONNEL BUG THAT WAS NOT HANDLED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program this to be handled with debug tech.) 10B. WAS THERE SOME SORT OF TROUBLE WITH PERSONNEL THAT WAS NOT FOUND? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling according to what comes up.) SECTION 11 11A. IS THERE SOME PROBLEM WITH YOUR COMM LINES? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Note for further handling with debug tech.) 11B. NO ORDERS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.) 11C. CROSS-ORDERS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.) 11D. ILLEGAL ORDERS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.) 11E. SOME OTHER TROUBLE WITH ORDERS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.) SECTION 12 12A. ARE YOU UNABLE TO STUDY? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program him for the M8 and M9 program and PCRD if necessary.) 12B. WAS THERE SOME DIFFICULTY WITH HATTING THAT WAS NOT FOUND? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.) 12C. WERE YOU PREVENTED FROM GETTING HATTED? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.) 12D. WAS THERE SOME OTHER PROBLEM WITH HATTING OR STUDY? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.) 12E. IS THERE NO HATTING COURSE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. See that a hatting course is established and that he studies meanwhile.) 12F. ARE THERE NO HATS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program him to compile his A-I Hat.) SECTION 13 13A. WAS YOUR PRODUCT CLEARING MESSED UP? _______ (Assess and handle a Product Clearing Correction List.) 13B. WAS YOUR PRODUCT INVALIDATED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N.) 13C. DIDN'T YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR PRODUCT WAS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program for Product Clearing.) 397 13D. WAS PRODUCT CLEARING NOT DONE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program for Product Clearing.) SECTION 14 14A. WAS YOUR CLAY TABLE PTS HANDLING MESSED UP? _______ (Assess and handle the PTS Clay Table Repair List.) 14B. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO SOMEONE WHO IS ANTAGONISTIC TO YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Send him to get routine PTS handling and program him for PTS Clay Table Handling.) 14C. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO SOMEONE OR SOMETHING THAT IS SUPPRESSIVE TO YOU? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Send him to get routine PTS handling and program him for PTS Clay Table Handling.) 14D. DID SOMEONE SAY YOU WERE PTS WHEN YOU WEREN'T? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 14E. ACCIDENTS? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Send him to get routine PTS handling and program him for PTS Clay Table Handling.) 14F. ARE THERE LOTS OF PROBLEMS IN YOUR AREA? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program him and any other PTS personnel in his area for PTS handling including Clay Table De-PTSing.) SECTION 15 15A. WAS THERE SOME EXTERIOR INFLUENCE THAT WAS NOT HANDLED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.) 15B. IS THERE SOMETHING STOPPING YOUR PRODUCTION WHICH IS OUT OF YOUR CONTROL? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.) SECTION 16 16A. WAS THERE SOME SORT OF ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEM? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.) 16B. WAS THERE SOME ORGANIZATIONAL TROUBLE THAT WAS NOT LOCATED? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.) SECTION 17 17A. WERE THERE FALSE READS? _______ (Indicate and take E/S to F/N.) 17B. WERE THERE MISSED READS? _______ (Indicate and take E/S to F/N. Program him to get what was missed handled with debug tech.) 17C. WERE YOU HANDLED ON SOMETHING THAT DIDN'T NEED HANDLING? _______ (Get what and indicate the unnecessary action. Take it E/S to F/N.) 398 17D. WAS THERE SOMETHING WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAKEN UP THAT WASN'T? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program for handling with debug tech.) 17E. WAS SOMETHING QUICKIED? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N. Note for handling with debug tech.) 17F. WAS SOMETHING LEFT INCOMPLETE? _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Program this to be completed per debug tech.) 17G. WAS SOME PART OF THE DEBUG OVERRUN? _______ (Indicate and rehab to F/N.) 17H. WAS SOMETHING MISSED? _______ (Find out what and 2WC E/S to F/N. Pull any M/W/Hs.) SECTION 18 18A. WAS SOME PART OF THE DEBUG UNNECESSARY? _______ (Indicate and 2WC E/S to F/N.) 18B. WERE YOU NOT HAVING ANY TROUBLE GETTING OUT YOUR PRODUCTS IN THE FIRST PLACE? _______ (If this is actually the case indicate to him that trying to debug his products when he was already getting them out was an unnecessary action. If necessary take it E/S to F/N.) 18C. WERE YOUR PRODUCTS ACTUALLY BEING GOTTEN OUT? _______ (If this is actually the case indicate to him that trying to debug his products when he was already getting them out was an unnecessary action. If necessary take it E/S to F/N.) 18D. WAS THERE NOTHING WRONG WITH THE DEBUG IN THE FIRST PLACE? _______ (Indicate that this repair list was an unnecessary action. Take it E/S to F/N.) SECTION 19 19A. WAS THERE SOMETHING ELSE WRONG? _______ (Find out what and handle with the appropriate correction list.) 19B. WERE YOU IN SOME SORT OF CASE TROUBLE? _______ (Assess and handle a C/S 53.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 399  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=23/8/79 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Product Debug Series 1 Esto Series 37 DEBUG TECH   Remimeo Product Officers Org Officers Execs All Staff Programs Chiefs Project Operators Mission Operators Missionaries Assistant Guardians Flag Representatives LRH Communicators Cramming Officers Review  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 23 AUGUST 1979 Issue I Remimeo Product Officers Org Officers Execs All Staff Programs Chiefs Project Operators Mission Operators Missionaries Assistant Guardians Product Debug Series 1 Flag Representatives LRH Communicators Cramming Officers Esto Series 37 Review DEBUG TECH Ref: LRH ED 302 INT DEBUG TECH BREAKTHROUGH HCO PL 23 Aug 79 II DEBUG TECH CHECKLIST HCOB 23 Aug 79 II PRODUCT DEBUG REPAIR LIST HCOB 17 Jun 79 URGENT, IMPORTANT -- CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS HCOB 7 Aug 79 FALSE DATA STRIPPING HCO PL 26 Mar 79RA MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND CYCLES OF ACTION -- MU WORDS AND NO PRODUCTS HCOB 23 Aug 79 I CRASHING MUs, BLOCKS TO FINDING THEM When I wrote LRH ED 302 DEBUG TECH BREAKTHROUGH in February of this year I promised that there would be a policy letter issued covering the tech more fully. Well, there have been further breakthroughs in the area of debugging production. The tech given in that LRH ED has been acclaimed by hundreds to be miraculous. This policy reissues that tech and brings it up to date with the new discoveries. HISTORY Recently I noticed quite a few programs were not progressing rapidly. I found many targets bugged. Project Operators did not seem to know what to do and were getting losses and becoming frustrated. Their targets were "bugged." "Bugged" is slang for snarled up or halted. "Debug" means to get the snarls or stops out of something. I had always been given to believe somebody had developed and written up debug tech. People would often tell me they had debugged this or that, so of course I assumed that the tech existed and that issues and checksheets existed and were in use. Yet here were people operating projects who couldn't get the targets done by themselves or others. I didn't recall ever having written any policy letter containing the tech of debugging programs or targets. So I called for the various "Debug Checksheets" and "Debug Issues" they were 400 using and found something very astonishing. None had any real tech on them to debug something. They just had various quotes that did not necessarily apply. I did a study of the subject based on what people trying to debug should be doing and what they were not doing and developed a fast, relatively simple system. Some Project Operators were located in very bugged areas which had brought them to apathy and even tears of frustration. The new debug tech was put into their hands and they came streaming back in wild excitement. It worked! Their areas were rolling! I am releasing this tech to you as it is vital that programs are quickly executed and that production occurs. This debug tech is tested, fully valid and for immediate use. Debug tech is a vital executive tool. Anyone who is responsible for getting targets and programs executed, getting production out, turning insolvency into solvency and generally making a better world frankly can't live without it. Debug tech is used to debug program targets, programs, a lack of completion of the cycles of action which lead to production and in short, whenever there is any insufficiency of viable products coming from an area, org or individual. THE TECH I. INSPECTION The first action in debugging an area is an inspection to see what is going on in terms of production. In inspecting the area you do the following: 1. You look for what products have been gotten out in the past. 2. You look for products that are there completed. 3. You look for what products can be attained in the immediate future. 4. You look for the value of the products produced as compared to the overall cost of the production organization. 5. You look for overt products or cycles where products continuously have to be redone, resulting in no or few products. The full volume of data on how to do an investigation is given in the Investigations Checksheet on page 175 of The Volunteer Minister's Handbook. When you first inspect an area for products you just look. Policies on "Look Don't Listen" apply (HCO PL 16 Mar 72, Esto Series 8, LOOK DON'T LISTEN). Don't listen to how they are going to get 150 products, just look and walk around with a clipboard. If you don't see 150 products waiting to be shipped or invoices showing they have been, they don't exist. If you don't see receipts for 150 shipped products, they don't exist and never have. The product is either there or there is ample shipping or departure or finance evidence that they have just left or been shipped. Products that are only in people's heads don't exist. Dreams are nice -- in fact they are essential in life but they have to be materialized into the physical universe before they exist as products. The most wide trap the debugger can fall into is, "But next week...," since experience will tell you that next week's production may never arrive. The definition of product is something that can be exchanged for a valuable product or currency. They 401 have subproducts. These are necessary. A subproduct can also be an overt product and block final products. When you have done your product inspection, you then look over the period of time from a viewpoint of time and motion. This is to answer the question, "Are things arranged so that there is no time wasted in useless motions which are unnecessary?" This includes poor placement of materiel on a flow line or tool sheds five miles from the site of work so that one has to go there every time one wants a hammer, out-of sequence flows or waits. One counts up the amount of wasted time simply because of the disorganization of a place. It isn't enough to say a place is disorganized. How is this disorganization consuming time and motion which is not resulting in a higher quantity of production? Examples of this are quite gross. When you have done this study, during which of course you have made notes, you will have the raw materials necessary to make an estimation of the area. If there is not an adequate and even spectacular record of products getting out and if products have to be redone or if no products are coming out, you proceed as follows: II. PERSONAL HANDLING Find a product that can be gotten out, any product, and insist that it and products like it or similar cycles be gotten out flat out by the existing personnel. Do not let this debug act as an excuse for them not to produce. The first step of this handling is to demand production. When you have gotten them on that, you enter in upon a second stage of debug. This consists essentially of finding if the place is knowledgeable enough and able enough to produce what is actually required and what is actually valuable or being needed from it. This is accomplished as follows: (Note: You should not attempt to find Crashing MUs, etc. until the above inspection and the Steps A to H below have been done.) A. Where are the orders relating to this target (or project or production area)? (Can include policies, directives, orders, bulletins, issues, despatches, tapes, valid texts and previous debugs and any and all files.) Handling: Collect up all of the orders relating to this target (or project or production area). This includes the orders and policies the person is operating off of as well as all those he should be operating off of. At this point you may need to employ the "How to Defeat Verbal Tech Checklist": 1. If it isn't written it isn't true. 2. If it's written, read it. 3. Did the person who wrote it have the authority or know how to order it? 4. If you can't understand it, clarify it. 5. If you can't clarify it, clear the MUs. 6. If the MUs won't clear, query it. 7. Has it been altered from the original? 402 8. Get it validated as a correct, on-channel, on-policy, in-tech order. 9. Only if it holds up this far, force others to read it and follow it. IF IT CAN'T BE RUN THROUGH AS ABOVE IT'S FALSE! CANCEL IT! And use HCOB 7 Aug 79 FALSE DATA STRIPPING as needed. B. Have you read the orders? Handling: If he has not read them then have him read, word clear and starrate them. Ca. Do you have MUs on these orders? Handling: Get the orders word cleared using M4, M9 or M2 Word Clearing -- whatever Word Clearing is needed to fully clear any MUs he has. Cb. Do you have false data on these orders? Handling: Strip off the false data per HCOB/PL 7 Aug 79 FALSE DATA STRIPPING. Handle this step (Ca and Cb) until the person has duplicated the orders and issues relating to this production area. D. Are there financial or logistics problems on them? Handling: Debug using HCO PL 14 Mar 72, Issue II, Esto Series 7, FOLLOW POLICY AND LINES and Flag Divisional Directive of 25 Aug 76 FINANCIAL PLANNING MEMBER HAT CHECKSHEET. Debugging this may require getting the whole FP Committee through the FP pack. E. Are there personnel problems? Handling: Debug this using HCO PL 16 Mar 71 Org Series 25, Personnel Series 19, LINES AND HATS and the Personnel Series, as given in The Management Series. It may be necessary to do this debug on the HAS or an person responsible for getting the products of staff members who produce. F. Are there hatting problems? Handling: Handle this using full Word Clearing and False Data Stripping and get the scene debugged using HCO PL 29 Jul 71 Personnel Series 21, Org Series 28, WHY HATTING? and HCO PL 22 Sep 70 Personnel Series 9, Org Series 4, HATS and HCO PL 27 Dec 70, Personnel Series 16, HATS PROGRAM PITFALLS. Hatting problems may include the total and utter lack of a hatting course for the staff or a hatting course where WHAT IS A COURSE? PL is flagrantly not in and if you find this you have gotten to the root of why you are working hard debugging all over the place and it had better be handled quick. It may also be that the area senior doesn't make sure his staff puts in study time off production hours and in this you may find the senior is a failed student himself and this you would also have to handle. Note: A person who cannot be hatted at all has false data. The handling would be to strip off the false data. 403 G. Is there exterior influence stopping the production which cannot be handled in the production area? Handling: Handle using HCO PL 31 Jan 72, Data Series 22, THE WHY IS GOD and HCO PL 25 May 73 Data Series 27, SUPPLEMENTARY EVALUATIONS and HCO PL 30 Dec 70, Org Series 20, ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL. When told that these exterior influences exist the wise debugger immediately verifies. The simplest way to verify is to ask the person who is supposed to be putting stops on the line if he has issued such orders. You commonly find out he hasn't. But if he has, then you have started to locate your area to handle. You commonly run into verbal tech at which moment you use the "How to Defeat Verbal Tech Checklist." H. What other excuses exist? Handling: As per HCO PL THE WHY IS GOD, HCO PL 19 May 70, Data Series 8, SANITY, HCO PL 30 Sep 73, Data Series 30, SITUATION HANDLING and HCOB 19 Aug 67, THE SUPREME TEST. And once any obvious ones in the above have been handled, and production still isn't rolling, you have: I. Routine finding of MUs per Word Clearing Series. J. Crashing MU tech per HCOB 17 Jun 79 CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS. Crashing MU finding is done exactly per this HCOB. Crashing MUs can be buried or suppressed as covered in HCOB 23 Aug 79, CRASHING MUs, BLOCKS TO FINDING THEM. The factors as listed in that HCOB which can cause a Crashing MU to remain hidden and unknown may have to be handled before the Crashing MU appears. K. Do they have any idea at all that they should be getting out any products? Or do they pretend to but don't? Handling: Simply two-way comm of why the guy was there. It might come as a startling realization that he is supposed to get out products. This can be backed up with Exchange by Dynamics, HCO PL 4 Apr 72, Esto Series 14, ETHICS and Short Form Product Clearing, HCO PL 13 Mar 72, Esto Series 5, PRODUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT ORDERS AND PRODUCTS or HCO PL 23 Mar 72, Esto Series II, FULL PRODUCT CLEARING LONG FORM. There is also such a thing as a person who will not complete a cycle of action. This is normally true of what we call a "suppressive person" or even an insane person. Handling: Get the person's case looked into by a competent C/S and also by the Ethics Officer for background. But as PTS people are in suppressive persons' valences he may only be PTS. Handling: See Section P below for de-PTSing. L. Wrong stat. The person has been given a stat that has nothing to do with what he is supposed to produce. Handling: get the right stat figured out so that it agrees with what he is supposed to produce and actually measures his actual production. M. Wrong VFP or wrong product? Do they have the idea of VFP right? (or does 404 the org think it's the award rather than the product, i.e. GI rather than an audited paying pc or a trained paying student?). It of course can occur, amazingly, that the person or department, etc. is trying to turn out a product that has no exchange value. This can occur because what they do produce is so flubby as to be called "an overt product" which nobody can use further on up the line or even at the end of the line. You handle this by coming down on their sense of fitness of things. Overt products waste resources and time and personnel and are actually more destructive than on first glance. They cannot be exchanged but they also waste resources as well as lose any expected return. You can remedy this sort of thing by improving their tech so they do turn out something decent and useful. They can also be turning out a type of product nobody wants -- such as 1819 buggy whips in a Space Age. They may be great buggy whips but they won't exchange because nobody wants them. They may also be getting out products of excellent quality but never tell anybody they have or do them. This can apply as narrowly as one worker who doesn't tell anybody he is having or doing them or a whole organization which, with complete asininity, never markets or advertises their products. It is also possible that a combination of all three things above may be found. It also may be they have all sorts of products they could get out but they never dreamed of getting them out yet their life blood may depend upon it. Handling: HCO PL 24 Jul 78, SUBPRODUCTS, which tells how to compile a subproducts list and attain VFPs. Exchange by Dynamics per HCO PL 4 Apr 72, Esto Series 14 ETHICS and Full Product Clearing Long Form on the correct and actual VFP (as well as any other products the person or area may have), as well as marketing and PR tech. N. Never figured out what they would have to do to get a product? Handling: Handle this using HCO PL 7 Aug 76, Issue I, II and III, Admin Know-How Series 33, NAME YOUR PRODUCT, Admin Know-How Series 34, WANT YOUR PRODUCT, Admin Know-How Series 35, TO GET YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO ORGANIZE, HCO PL 24 Jul 78, SUBPRODUCTS and HCO PL 14 Jan 69, OT ORGS. O. Out-ethics? Handling: Determine the situation and handle with O/W write-ups or auditing and ethics conditions or correction of past conditions and the ethics policies that apply. P. Is the area or individual creating problems and demanding solutions to them? Handling: Give the person PTS handling as per ethics policies. If and when available, get the personnel de-PTSed using Clay Table De-PTSing as per HCOB CLAY TABLE DE-PTSing -- THEORY AND ADMINISTRATION. (Note: Clay Table De-PTSing can only be done on someone by a person who has had the step himself.) Q. Total organize? (Is the area organizing only?) Handling: This is an indicator of many misunderstoods in the area, especially on the part of its senior. The senior and the personnel in the area need full Word Clearing on the materials to do with the production area, including Crashing MU finding as in J (ref: HCO PL 26 Mar 79RA MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS AND 405 CYCLES OF ACTION -- MU WORDS AND NO PRODUCTS) off production hours and meanwhile make them produce what they can. R. Organization adequate to get the product? Inadequate organization: Handling: Debug the organization per HCO PL 13 Sep 70, Org Series 1, BASIC ORGANIZATION, HCO PL 14 Sep 70, Org Series 2, COPE AND ORGANIZE, HCO PL 14 Sep 70, Org Series 3, HOW TO ORGANIZE AN ORG, HCO PL 8 Oct 70, Org Series 8, ORGANIZING AND PRODUCT, HCO PL 29 Oct 70, Org Series 10, THE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATION BY PRODUCT. No organization: Handling: This is the situation where someone does not organize any corner of his area or work or organizations or lines. This manifests itself by irrational demands to only produce and to prevent any organization so that production can occur. The handling is to clear the misunderstoods (including Crashing MUs) in the area, particularly on the purpose of the production and why one is producing. Lacking a sense of organization? Handling: Lack of a sense of organization lies below the level of MUs, overts and withholds and PTSness -- and you have to go north through PTSness and overts and withholds to even get to the MUs. The handling would be de-PTSing as in Step P. Then handle any overts and withholds and then clear the MUs in the area being addressed (including Crashing MUs.) Debug tech is laid out as a checklist in HCO PL 23 Aug 79, Issue II, DEBUG TECH CHECKLIST. It is a very useful checklist as the points of debug can be assessed on a meter by an auditor (or any person trained to use an E-Meter) or be administratively used by anyone wishing to debug an area. HCOB 23 Aug 79, Issue II, PRODUCT DEBUG REPAIR LIST is for use by an auditor to repair someone who has been messed up by somebody trying to debug his area. As faulty debugging can mess a person up, this repair list has been written to remedy that, should it occur. Normally, in an area that is very bogged and not producing, the first question or two will deliver the reasons right into your hands. They are trying to produce blue ruddy rods but the order they finally dig up after a fifteen minute search says specifically and directly that green finglebums are what are wanted here and that blue ruddy rods are forbidden. It is usually outrageous and large. As you go down the list you will find out that you are running into things which open the door to justification. So you take very good care to notice the justifications which are being used. The handling of justifications is indicated in HCOB 23 Aug 79, Issue I, CRASHING MUs, BLOCKS TO FINDING THEM and the HCOB of JUSTIFICATIONS 21 Jan AD10. WHAT TO HANDLE Handling of course is indicated by what you find and the above references. But handling must always be in the direction of at least 50% production. Even while debugging do not go for an all-organize handling. Also do not go for an all-production handling. A person, once trained on the data as contained in this PL, Crashing MU tech, False Data Stripping and Product Clearing, will be able to get almost any area 406 debugged and producing. It is important to remember that debug tech applies from the very small expected action to the huge expected project. THE EP OF DEBUG The above debug actions are never carried on past the point where the target or area or individual or org has been debugged. Once production has been debugged and desirable products are now being gotten for real in adequate quantity, the debug has been accomplished. This could occur at any one of the above steps. And when it does you let the area get on with producing the products they are now able to produce. EVALUATION AND PROGRAMMING There is a whole different technology called Evaluation. The full tech on how to execute and program is contained in the Data Series and the Data Series Evaluator's Course and BPL 4 Jul 78 ELEMENTARY EVALUATOR'S COURSE and the Target Series HCO PLs: 14 Jan 69 OT ORGS, 16 Jan 69 TARGETS, TYPES OF, 18 Jan 69, Issue II, PLANNING AND TARGETS, 24 Jan 69, TARGET TYPES, 24 Jan 69, Issue II, PURPOSE AND TARGETS and HCO PL 4 Dec 73, Data Series 32, TARGET TROUBLE. One is expected to know how to evaluate. But even after you have evaluated, evaluations contain targets. And targets get bugged. So you will need debug tech even when you are an accomplished evaluator. With the debug tech and the added steps of Crashing MU finding, overts and withholds, False Data Stripping, Product Clearing, etc. you will be able to crack the back of the most resistive nonproducing areas and get them into roaring, high-morale production. Between February 79 and 23 August 79 I have spent a great deal of development time on the technology needed to completely debug people, projects, targets and production. A very large number of missions, researches and pilots were undertaken to discover and polish up this tech. It can now be considered a completed development cycle. The above IS the tech. USE IT! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:kjm Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 407  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=23/8/79 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Esto Series 38 Product Debug Series 2 DEBUG TECH CHECKLIST   Remimeo Tech Qual All Execs All Staff Programs Chiefs Project Operators Mission Operators Missionaires AGs LRH Comms FRs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 23 AUGUST 1979 Remimeo Issue II Tech Qual All Execs All Staff Programs Chiefs Project Operators Mission Operators Missionaires AGs LRH Comms Esto Series 38 FRs Product Debug Series 2 DEBUG TECH CHECKLIST Ref: HCO PL 23 Aug 79 DEBUG TECH Issue I HCOB 23 Aug 79 PRODUCT DEBUG REPAIR LIST Issue II The Product Debug Series (This checklist is clarified by HCO PL 23 August 79, Issue I, DEBUG TECH, and is used in conjunction with that PL.) Production is the basis of morale. People who don't get products have low morale. Executives and responsible people have the task of getting out products. When they don't get them out, the unit or organization fails. It is extremely upsetting and puzzling to a staff member and to his seniors when he can't get out the products expected of him. I have seen an executive going around in circles for weeks trying to guess why such and such a staff member couldn't get out the products of his post area. I have seen staff members actually in tears because they were unable to achieve the products of their post. I have also seen people busy, busy, busy and totally unaware of the fact that they were producing absolutely nothing. LRH ED 302 was a breakthrough. It has now been written into HCO PL 10 June 79, DEBUG TECH and contains a considerably expanded tech on how to debug products. People have had very great success in applying it. To give them even greater successes, I have rewritten LRH ED 302-1 into this PL. The whole object of this checklist is to debug a lack of products and accomplishments of an org or post. This Debug Checklist is used in conjunction with HCO PL DEBUG TECH. It gives the person doing the debug a list of things that could be standing in the way of production. The sequence of handling is as laid out in the debug tech PL. The first action is an inspection of the area. Then come the personal handling steps. This sequence must be followed in any debug action. For instance, if you haven't done the inspection then how would you know what it is you are trying to debug? This checklist can be assessed on a meter or be administratively used (off the meter) by Mission Operators, Program Operators, Project Operators, evaluators, executives and anyone else needing to debug a cycle of action or lack of products, including any staff member or student himself. 408 When assessed on a meter, each reading line would be taken to F/N by doing the handling given for that line. When doing this checklist the individual should have the issues and references he may need to carry out the handlings along with him. THE EP OF DEBUG Debug actions are never carried on past the point where the target or area or individual or org has been debugged. Once production has been debugged and desirable products are now being gotten for real in adequate quantity, the debug has been accomplished. This could occur at any one of the steps. And when it does you let the area get on with producing the products they are now able to produce. PRODUCT DEBUG REPAIR LIST In case of a bog or trouble on the following checklist use HCOB 23 Aug 79, Issue II, Product Debug Series 10, PRODUCT DEBUG REPAIR LIST to repair the person so he can continue with the debug actions. INSPECTION 00. The first action in debugging an area is an inspection to see what is going on in terms of production. In inspecting the area you do the following: 1) You look for what products have been gotten out in the past. 2) You look for products that are there completed. 3) You look for what products can be attained in the immediate future. 4) You look for the value of the products produced as compared to the overall cost of the production organization. 5) You look for overt products or cycles where products continuously have to be redone, resulting in no or few products. Full data on how to do this inspection is given in HCO PL 23 Aug 79, Issue I, DEBUG TECH. 0. Find a product that can be gotten out, any product, and insist that it and products like it or similar cycles be gotten out flat out by the existing personnel. THE CHECKLIST Section A: A1. NO ORDERS? _______ (Find out if (a) he's needing orders due to not knowing his hat or if (b) he's not getting any direction or guidance from his senior. Handle (a) by getting him hatted, or (b) by doing this checklist on his senior.) A2. NEVER RECEIVED THE ORDERS? _______ (Have him get the orders and handle any cut line that isn't relaying the orders.) A3. CROSS-ORDERS? _______ (Find out what and handle per HCO PL 13 Jan AD29, ORDERS, ILLEGAL AND CROSS.) 409 A4. ILLEGAL ORDERS? _______ (Find out what and handle per HCO PL 13 Jan AD29, ORDERS, ILLEGAL AND CROSS.) A5. VERBAL TECH? _______ (Find out what and handle per the "How to Defeat Verbal Tech Checklist" and HCO PL 7 Aug 79, FALSE DATA STRIPPING.) Section B: B1. HASN'T READ THE ORDERS? _______ (Have him read, word clear and starrate the orders.) B2. AVOIDANCE OR NEGATION OF POLICY? _______ (Pull the O/Ws per W/H system. Then clear up his MUs on the relevant policy.) B3. POLICY UNKNOWN? _______ (Determine what applicable policy is unknown to him and have him read, word clear and starrate it.) B4. NO POLICY? _______ (Have him work out what the policy should be and submit it for approval.) B5. LACK OF TECH? _______ (Have him get familiar with the exact problem he's encountering and make him work out a solution that will handle it.) Section C: C1. MISUNDERSTOODS? _______ (Find and clear the MUs.) C2. MISUNDERSTOODS ON THE ORDERS? _______ (Find and clear the MUs.) C3. DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE ORDERS? _______ (Handle with Word Clearing and False Data Stripping.) C4. FALSE DATA ON THE ORDERS? _______ (Handle with HCO PL 7 Aug 79, FALSE DATA STRIPPING.) C5. OUT OF AGREEMENT WITH THE ORDERS? _______ (Handle any out-ruds. Then handle with Word Clearing and False Data Stripping.) C6. LACK OF INTEREST? _______ (Find out if it's out-ruds or MUs or past failures and handle accordingly.) C7. NO INTEREST? _______ (Find out if it's out-ruds or MUs or past failures and handle accordingly.) C8. LACK OF VALUE OF THE CYCLE OF ACTION ITSELF? _______ (Find his MUs and handle. Have him demo out the cycle of action.) 410 Section D: D1. FINANCE BUGS? _______ (Find out what and get it debugged and also if it amounts to that, get the whole FP Committee through the FP pack.) D2. LOGISTICS PROBLEMS? _______ (Find out what it is and handle with HCO PL 14 Mar 72, Issue II, Esto Series 7, FOLLOW POLICY AND LINES, and any other debug tech needed.) D3. NO EQUIPMENT? _______ (Find out what is needed, if it is really needed, and if so debug it per D1 and D2 above so it is gotten. Remember that there are enormous percentages of people who absolutely have to have before they can possibly do and use that usually as an excuse not to produce.) Section E: E1. SCARCITY OF PERSONNEL? _______ (Indicate it and then investigate and handle HCO which is usually up to its ears in personnel requests and busy on them instead of putting an HCO there that properly recruits, hats, and utilizes personnel. This may mean doing this Debug Checklist on the HAS or any person responsible for that division or activity because they aren't getting the products of staff members who produce.) E2. SOME OTHER PROBLEM WITH PERSONNEL? _______ (Debug this using HCO PL 16 Mar 71, Org Series 25, Personnel Series 19, LINES AND HATS and the Personnel Series as given in The Management Series.) Section F: F1. ABSENCE OF HATTING? _______ (Find out if it's (a) lack of a hatting course for the staff, (b) a hatting course where WHAT IS A COURSE? PL is flagrantly not in, (c) the area senior doesn't make sure his staff put in study time off production hours or (d) some other reason why he does not go to study. Handle according to what comes up and HCO PL 23 Aug 79, Issue I, DEBUG TECH.) F2. DOESN'T ATTEND STUDY? _______ (Find out if it's (a) lack of a hatting course for the staff, (b) a hatting course where WHAT IS A COURSE? PL is flagrantly not in, (c) the area senior doesn't make sure his staff put in study time off production hours or (d) some other reason why he does not go to study. Handle according to what comes up and HCO PL 23 Aug 79, Issue I, DEBUG TECH.) F3. ABSENCE OF DRILLING? _______ (Get any needed drilling on equipment and actions done.) F4. ABSENCE OF CRAMMING? _______ (Get the subject cramming is needed on and send him to Cramming.) F5. FALSE CRAMMING? _______ (Handle per HCO PL 7 Aug 79, FALSE DATA STRIPPING. Assess and handle a Cramming Repair List if necessary.) 411 F6. A DISASSOCIATION BETWEEN THE DEFINITION AND THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE? _______ (Have him demonstrate -- in clay if necessary -- and give real examples of the definition. Program him for M8 and M9 program and the Disassociation Rundown.) F7. FALSE DATA ON THE HATTING MATERIALS? _______ (Handle with False Data Stripping.) F8. LACK OF TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW? _______ (Locate the area of technical know-how he is lacking in and get him studying and drilling the tech on it.) F9. UNABLE TO BE HATTED? _______ (Strip off the false data in the area with False Data Stripping.) Section G: G1. EXTERIOR INFLUENCE STOPPING THE PRODUCTION WHICH CANNOT BE HANDLED IN THE PRODUCTION AREA? _______ (Handle per Section G of HCO PL 23 Aug 79, Issue I, DEBUG TECH.) Section H: H1. OTHER EVENTS? _______ (Find out what and handle per HCO PL 23 Aug 79, Issue I, DEBUG TECH.) H2. OTHER REASONS? _______ (Find out what and handle per HCO PL 23 Aug 79, Issue I, DEBUG TECH.) H3. HUGE PRODUCTION BUG? _______ (Find out what and use full debug tech to handle.) H4. TIME? _______ (Find out if there's just NOT ENOUGH time to do what he has to do or if he's wasting time by not being organized or is being Dev-Ted and handle.) H5. LACK OF PROXIMITY TO THE SCENE? _______ (Have him get on the correct comm lines and get in ARC with the scene. Handle ruds if necessary.) H6. NO COMM LINES? _______ (Determine whether this is from W/Hs or MUs and handle accordingly.) H7. INABILITY TO COMMUNICATE? _______ (Pull his W/Hs. Make him do Reach and Withdraw on the people and objects of his area. Program him for the M8 and M9 program course.) H8. ABSENCE OF ALTITUDE? _______ (Have him read HCO PL 4 Oct 68, ETHICS PRESENCE and Exec Series 1 and 2 and have him demo how he can use them.) H9. BAD HEALTH? _______ (Send him to the MO on an MO Routing Form and get it handled. Get any needed PTS handling done.) 412 H10. LUCK? _______ (2WC his considerations on it and bring his cause level up by getting him to look at what he can do about it.) Section I: I1. MISUNDERSTOODS IN THE PRODUCTION AREA? _______ (Routine Word Clearing per the Word Clearing Series.) 12. MISUNDERSTOODS ON WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE? (Routine Word Clearing per the Word Clearing Series.) 13. CONFUSIONS IN THE AREA? _______ (Routine Word Clearing per the Word Clearing Series.) Section J: J1. CRASHING MISUNDERSTOOD? _______ (Crashing MU finding per HCOB 17 June 79, CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS.) J2. TROUBLE COMPLETING CYCLES OF ACTION IN THE PRODUCTION AREA? _______ (Crashing MU finding per HCOB 17 June 79, CRASHING MIS-Us: THE KEY TO COMPLETED CYCLES OF ACTION AND PRODUCTS.) Section K: K1. NO IDEA AT ALL THAT PRODUCTS SHOULD BE GOTTEN OUT? _______ (Simple two-way comm of why the guy is there. It might come as a startling realization that he is supposed to get out any products. This can be backed up by Exchange by Dynamics -- HCO PL 4 Apr 72, Esto Series 14, ETHICS and Short Form Product Clearing per HCO PL 13 Mar 72, Esto Series 5, PRODUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT ORDERS AND PRODUCTS or HCO PL 23 Mar 72, Esto Series 11, FULL PRODUCT CLEARING LONG FORM.) K2. PRETENDING TO KNOW THAT PRODUCTS SHOULD BE GOTTEN OUT BUT DON'T? _______ (Simple two-way comm of why the guy is there. It might come as a startling realization that he is supposed to get out any products. This can be backed up by Exchange by Dynamics__ HCO PL 4 Apr 72, Esto Series 14, ETHICS and Short Form Product Clearing per HCO PL 13 Mar 72, Esto Series 5, PRODUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT ORDERS AND PRODUCTS or HCO PL 23 Mar 72, Esto Series 11, FULL PRODUCT CLEARING LONG FORM.) K3. WON'T COMPLETE A CYCLE OF ACTION? _______ (Get the person's case looked into by a competent C/S and an Ethics Officer for background. If you are dealing with a suppressive or insane person, handle per ethics policies. If it is PTSness, get the person de-PTSed.) Section L: L1. WRONG STAT? _______ (Get the right stat figured out so that it agrees with what he is supposed to produce and actually measures his actual production.) 413 L2. DOES THE STAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE BEING PRODUCED? ________ (Get the right stat figured out so that it agrees with what he is supposed to produce and actually measures his actual production.) Section M: M1. WRONG VFP? _______ (Use HCO PL 24 July 78, SUBPRODUCTS and Exchange by Dynamics and Full Product Clearing Long Form on the correct and actual VFP -- as well as any other products the person or area might have.) M2. WRONG PRODUCT? _______ (Use HCO PL 24 July 78, SUBPRODUCTS and Exchange by Dynamics and Full Product Clearing Long Form on the correct and actual VFP -- as well as any other products the person or area might have.) M3. NO IDEA OF THE PRODUCT? _______ (Get a complete and accurate statement of the correct product and Product Clear him on it. See also HCO PL 7 Aug 76, Issue I, Esto Series 31, PRODUCT/ORG OFFICER SYSTEM, NAME YOUR PRODUCT.) M4. UNSURE OF WHAT THE PRODUCT IS? _______ (Get a complete and accurate statement of the correct product and Product Clear him on it. See also HCO PL 7 Aug 76, Issue I, Esto Series 31, PRODUCT/ORG OFFICER SYSTEM, NAME YOUR PRODUCT.) M5. THINKING IT'S THE AWARD RATHER THAN THE PRODUCT? _______ (Use HCO PL 24 July 78, SUBPRODUCTS and Exchange by Dynamics and Full Product Clearing Long Form on the correct and actual VFP -- as well as any other products the person or area might have.) M6. DOES THE PRODUCT HAVE NO EXCHANGE VALUE? _______ (Use HCO PL 24 July 78, SUBPRODUCTS and Exchange by Dynamics and Full Product Clearing Long Form on the correct actual VFP -- as well as any other products the person or area might have, and per HCO PL 23 Aug 79, Issue I, DEBUG TECH, Section M.) M7. OVERT PRODUCTS? _______ (Handle any W/Hs connected with this. Then handle per HCO PL DEBUG TECH, Section M.) M8. IS THE PRODUCT A PRODUCT THAT NOBODY WANTS? _______ (Handle any W/Hs connected with this. Then handle per HCO PL DEBUG TECH, Section M.) M9. NO MARKETING OR ADVERTISING OF THE PRODUCT? _______ (Handle any W/Hs connected with this. Then handle per HCO PL DEBUG TECH, Section M. Section N: N1. NEVER FIGURED OUT WHAT WOULD HAVE TO BE DONE TO GET A PRODUCT? _______ (Handle per HCO PL DEBUG TECH, Section N.) 414 Section O: O1. OUT-ETHICS? _______ (Determine the situation and handle with O/W write-ups or auditing and ethics conditions or correction of past ethics conditions and the ethics policies that apply.) O2. ACTIVE COUNTER-INTENTION? _______ (Pull the O/Ws and then locate the MUs. Then watch him and remove him if he remains CI.) 03. ACTIVE COUNTER-INTENTION ON THE PART OF OTHERS? _______ (Find out who. Handle any agreement he has with their CI as a W/H. Get the person or persons who have CI handled on their O/Ws and get their MUs found. Remove if the person or persons remain CI.) O4. OTHER-INTENTIONEDNESS? _______ (Pull the O/Ws and then locate the MUs. Then watch him and remove him if he remains other-intentioned.) O5. OTHER-INTENTIONEDNESS ON THE PART OF OTHERS? _______ (Find out who. Handle any agreement he has with their other-intention as a W/H. Get the person or persons who have other-intention handled on their O/Ws and get their MUs found. Remove if the person or persons remain other-intentioned.) Section P: P1. CREATING PROBLEMS AND DEMANDING SOLUTIONS TO THEM? ________ (Give the person PTS handling as per ethics policies. If and when available get the personnel de-PTSed with Clay Table De-PTSing, as covered in HCOB 28 Aug 79, CLAY TABLE DE-PTSING -- THEORY AND ADMINISTRATION.) P2. LOTS OF UNSOLVABLE PROBLEMS IN THE AREA? _______ (Give the person PTS handling as per ethics policies. If and when available get the personnel de-PTSed with Clay Table De-PTSing, as covered in HCOB 28 Aug 79, CLAY TABLE DE-PTSING -- THEORY AND ADMINISTRATION.) P3. CONNECTED TO SOMEONE OR SOMETHING ANTAGONISTIC? _______ (Give the person PTS handling as per ethics policies. If and when available get the personnel de-PTSed with Clay Table De-PTSing as covered in HCOB 28 Aug 79, CLAY TABLE DE-PTSING -- THEORY AND ADMINISTRATION.) P4. PTS? ______ (Give the person PTS handling as per ethics policies. If and when available get the personnel de-PTSed with Clay Table De-PTSing, as covered in HCOB 28 Aug 79, CLAY TABLE DE-PTSING -- THEORY AND ADMINISTRATION.) P5. ACCIDENTS? _________ (Give the person PTS handling as per ethics policies. If and when available get the personnel de-PTSed with Clay Table De-PTSing, as covered in HCOB 28 Aug 79, CLAY TABLE DE-PTSING -- THEORY AND ADMINISTRATION.) 415 Section Q: Q1. ORGANIZING ONLY? _______ (Handle his MUs in the area including any Crashing MUs.) Q2. TOTAL ORGANIZATION? _______ (Handle his MUs in the area including any Crashing MUs.) Section R: R1. ORGANIZATION INADEQUATE TO GET THE PRODUCT? _______ (Handle per Section R of HCO PL 23 Aug 79, DEBUG TECH.) R2. LACK OF ORGANIZATION? ________ (Handle per Section R of HCO PL 23 Aug 79, DEBUG TECH.) R3. NO ORGANIZING? _______ (Clear the misunderstoods, including Crashing MUs, in the production area, particularly on the purpose of the production and why one is producing.) R4. LACK OF A SENSE OF ORGANIZATION? _______ (De-PTSing as covered in Section P. Then handle any overts and withholds and then clear the MUs in the area, including Crashing MUs.) R5. NO GRASP OF THE CONCEPT OF ORGANIZATION? _______ (De-PTSing as covered in Section P. Then handle any overts and withholds and then clear the MUs in the area, including Crashing MUs.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nc Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 416  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/9/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CANCELLATION OF DESTRUCTIVE BTBs AND BPLs ON TRs  Type = 12 iDate=15/8/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=3/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=16/8/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=31/7/71 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=18/8/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=24/8/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 21 iDate=4/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=5/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=24/4/78 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 21 iDate=6/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=7/4/73 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=2 rDate=22/2/79 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=8/12/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=8/3/75 Volnum=0 Issue=4 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=20/9/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=13/3/75 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=30/4/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo TR Course. TR Supervisors Cramming Officers Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 SEPTEMBER 1979 Remimeo TR Course. (Also issued as TR Supervisors HCO PL 23 Sep 79, Cramming Officers same title.) Auditors C/Ses CANCELLATION OF DESTRUCTIVE BTBs AND BPLs ON TRs There are many valid issues on TRs, all of which remain in full force. The following issues are hereby cancelled for the reasons stated in this issue: BTB 15 Aug 71R TR COURSE BUGS HANDLING Rev. & Reiss. 3.7.74 as BTB BTB 16 Aug 71R BREAKTHROUGH, TR COURSE Rev. & Reiss. 31.7.74 as BTB BTB 18 Aug 71R TR COURSE -- HOW TO RUN Rev. & Reiss. 24.8.74 as BTB HCO PL 4 Nov 71 II ACADEMY PREREQUISITES (not by LRH) BTB 5 Nov 71R TR COURSE DEBUG DRILL Rev. 24.4.78 HCO PL 6 Nov 71 III INTERNSHIPS LINEUP, AUDITOR INTERNSHIPS HCOB 7 Apr 73RA GRADIENTS IN TRs Rev. 22.2.79 HCOB 8 Dec 74 TR 0 -- NOTES ON BLINKING BTB 8 Mar 75 IV Cramming Series 5RB TRs IN CRAMMING BTB 20 Sep 72 TR TRAINING UNDER LRH Reiss. 20.9.74 as BTB BTB 13 Mar 75R TRs TRAINING BREAKTHROUGH Rev. 30.4.75 FDD 32 DIV IX INT TRs THE HARD WAY 7 Jun 71 REASONS FOR CANCELLATION The only source of technical data is LRH HCOBs, books and tapes. The issues listed above have introduced false data, verbal data and technical alter-is. See HCOB 23 Oct 75 TECHNICAL QUERIES, HCOB/HCO PL 9 Feb 79 HOW TO DEFEAT VERBAL TECH, HCOB/HCO PL 15 Feb 79 VERBAL TECH PENALTIES. The specific points of out-tech introduced by these cancelled issues are given here, so that all will know what the specific out-tech is that is being cancelled. 1. BTB 15 Aug 71R, Rev. & Reiss. 3.7.74 as BTB, TR COURSE BUGS HANDLING. This BTB is cancelled because it states that if the student reads on "overrun?" that he is passed on the TR. This has given rise to false passes and the idea that the TR student has a case on course. 417 TRs are not processes, they are drills. The student passes the TR when he can do it competently. 2. BTB 16 Aug 71R. Rev. & Reiss. 31.7.74 as BTB, BREAKTHROUGH. TR COURSE. This BTB is cancelled because it introduces the idea of a "Major Stable Win," stressed that the 2 hour confront had been lifted and not to overrun a person on TRs. It also states "It may take minutes to hours to a hundred hours to achieve the major win." Of course wins are gotten on doing TRs. But TRs are drilled until the student does the TR competently and passes. The idea that TRs could take "hundreds of hours" to get in is completely false. A competent Supervisor, using LRH tech and not omitting any of it, should be able to get students through the TR Course in a couple weeks at the most. 3. BTB 18 Aug 71R. Rev. & Reiss. 24.8.74 as BTB, TR COURSE -- HOW TO RUN. This BTB gives the idea that wriggling around, moving, fidgeting, watering red eyes and blinking and swallowing are OK. These manifestations show that a person is not confronting, is nervous, afraid, flinching, or in grief. Of course the coach never insists that the student mustn't blink, nor that he mustn't ever swallow. He coaches the student to do the TRs until he can do them comfortably and competently, at which point those manifestations of nonconfront are no longer present. A good auditor can be there comfortably and would never distract a pc. 4. HCO PL 4 Nov 71, II, ACADEMY PREREQUISITE. This issue omitted mention of the Hard TRs Course as an Academy prerequisite, as a result of which the Hard TRs Course was dropped out of the training for auditors. A Hard TRs Course is essential to the ability to audit at any level of auditing. "Pat-a-cake" (meaning child's game) TRs were originally used in Div 6 for raw public to get them on a co-audit in London in the '50s and still might be of some small value for raw public that never intended to be auditors. But they sure won't pass or make a real auditor. In this era of permissive education, forget the permissiveness. The day we dropped out hard TRs, we entered an era of less case gain for pcs. 5. BTB 5 Nov 71R, Rev. 24.4. 78, TR COURSE DEBUG DRILL. This issue stresses the same points covered in No. 1 and No. 2 above and gave rise to false passes and quickying. 6. HCO PL 6 Nov 71 HI, INTERNSHIPS LINEUP, AUDITOR INTERNSHIPS. This issue states that interns and auditors do daily TRs and gave rise to the false idea that one's TRs could go out overnight and you'd have to get them in again the next morning! Once an auditor's TRs are in, they are IN. The way to get your TRs in is to do the TRs Course. This doesn't mean that you can't do TRs again; it is usual to check an auditor's TRs in Cramming and handle any outnesses. But once TRs have been done fully and honestly, they are in! And they stay in from there on out. 7. HCOB 7 Apr 73RA, Rev. 22.2. 79, GRADIENTS IN TRs. The earlier system, the one I originally used was successful. The trouble was 418 that others added in the idea "it takes a hundred hours," and actually thought it would take them months to get through a TRs Course and were sticking students in on one TR. Cycling through the TRs remedies that but one must ask what it is remedying? It's remedying a bunch of knuckle-headedness and invalidation in the first place! Cycling through the TRs has been given a new definition and action. The student goes up through the TRs until he or she sticks, and then starts back at the beginning of the TRs. It is a technical fact, that when one cannot do a lower level TR, one is not likely to do an upper level TR. Get the student through the TRs the Hard Way, each one to a pass, one at a time. If the student hangs up or fails on a later TR, start him or her from the beginning of the TRs again. 8. HCOB 8 Dec 74. TR 0 -- NOTES ON BLINKING. This issue has been misinterpreted by some who figured that because the coach doesn't flunk the student for a blink, that it was then OK for the student to blink excessively in a distracting manner. This issue also points out that the person is a thetan and not a body, but that doesn't mean that it is OK for the student to writhe nervously in the chair and call that TR 0. The coach does not flunk a person because he blinked, nor does he flunk the person because he breathed! But there's a big difference between someone who can't confront who blinks excessively and squirms around nervously and an auditor who can comfortably be there without flinching or being distractive in any way to the preclear -- which would be an Auditor Code break. A good auditor is never distractive to a pc. And a person who can confront doesn't have excessive body motion of any kind, he can be there comfortably confronting. "Blinkless TR 0" needs to be defined. It means that when a person's TR 0 is in he doesn't exhibit any manifestation of inability to confront including blinking nervously, flinchingly or doing anything else that shows a nonconfront. Automatic body functions don't have anything to do with TRs and are not taken up by the coach or Supervisor. Nor do you do "pat-a-cake" TRs and you never pass someone who makes reactive body motions. Get the student able to confront. Any good auditor or Scientologist takes this ability for granted. Totally blinkless wide open staring-eyed TR 0 and TR 0 Bullbait are not a requirement for pass but any truly competent auditor can do it. 9. BTB 8 Mar 75 IV, Cramming Series 5RB, TRs IN CRAMMING. This issue called for "daily TRs," the same error as is covered above in No. 6. 10. BTB 20 Sep 72, Reiss. 20.9.74 as BTB, TR TRAINING UNDER LRH and BTB 13 Mar 75R, Rev. 30.4. 75 TRs TRAINING BREAKTHROUGH. Both these issues introduced the false idea that an auditor should make a question sound like a statement when assessing. This is incorrect as a statement can be accusative or evaluative. This idea was a misinterpretation of the fact that an assessment should have impingement. The correct way to do assessments is covered in HCOB 22 Jul 78 ASSESSMENT TRs. 11. FDD 32 DIV IX INT (7 JUNE 71) TRs THE HARD WAY. This issue stated "It may take weeks to get through plain TR 0." That false idea 419 gave TR Course students and Supervisors the idea that a TR Course could take a long time and set everybody up for a lose. Honestly, TRs the Hard Way can be done fully, thoroughly and to a result of excellent TRs in a very short time. I can get somebody through TRs in three days, and often have. SUMMARY False data on TRs, and how "difficult" they are to do, were entered into the original tech. The tech then got dropped out of use and "permissive TRs" crept in and then the TRs Course the Hard Way got dropped out of the training of an auditor. There's no such thing as an auditor who can't do TRs. Excellent TRs are the hallmark of a good auditor. Scientologists are known for their TRs. But an auditor can't get results without TRs and a good auditor gets case gain on a pc on his TRs and comm cycle alone. All the tech on TRs and TR training is available. Use it and make real professional auditors who get results on every pc, every time. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dm.gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 420  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/9/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Cramming Series 19 FLYING RUDS IN CRAMMING   Remimeo All Tech/Qual Cramming Hat  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 SEPTEMBER 1979 Remimeo All Tech/Qual Cramming Hat Cramming Series 19 FLYING RUDS IN CRAMMING (Ref: HCOB 15 Oct 74 Cramming Series 15 CRAMMING OVER OUT-RUDS HCOB 2 Jun 78R Cramming Series 18R Rev. 14.6.78 CRAMMING REPAIR ASSESSMENT LIST) Per HCOB 15 Oct 74 CRAMMING OVER OUT-RUDS, a Cramming Officer must not try to cram over out-ruds. Despite this, there still have been instances of persons being "handled" in cramming without the ruds having been gotten in, so no handling got done at all. HOW TO FLY RUDS IN CRAMMING TO BEGIN ANY CRAMMING OF ANYONE, ASSESS THE RUDS INCLUDING OVERTS, INVALIDATION AND EVALUATION AND FLY ANY THAT READ. THEN WHEN YOU HAVE CLEARED UP THE READS TO F/Ns AND HAVE AN F/N, BEGIN THE EXACT CRAMMING ORDERS INDICATED. You can mimeo a small form on which to assess these and mark reads which will save time. The form would look like this: "Do you have...... or, "On (subject), do you have...... an ARC break?" _______ a present time problem?" _______ a withhold?" _______ an overt?" _______ "Has there been any...... invalidation?" _______ evaluation?" _______ The Cramming Officer would assess on the form above and clip it to the worksheets. PREVIOUSLY MISDONE CRAMMING Misdone crammings and failure to fly the ruds in cramming will mess up staff members, and undisclosed overts and withholds will prevent any gain, not just in auditing but in Word Clearing or cramming or other Qual corrective actions. Resistance to cramming, protest of cramming or natter about cramming, or other Qual corrective actions are indicative of out-ruds, especially overts and withholds against cramming or Qual or on the subject on which the cramming order was written. 421 These symptoms of resistance or natter can also stem from having been crammed over out-ruds in the past, or having been mishandled in cramming. The way to handle someone who has been crammed over out-ruds in the past is to assess the following and fly each reading line to F/N: "Have you been crammed over..... an ARC break?" _______ a present time problem?" _______ a withhold?" _______ an overt?" _______ any invalidation?" _______ any evaluation?" _______ If someone is nattery about Cramming, Qual correction actions, or Qual, use the assessment above on the subject of their complaint. E.g. you could assess: "Have you been Word Cleared over.....?" If the above does not resolve the matter fully, use the Cramming Repair Assessment List (HCOB 2 Jun 78R), or other specific list such as the Word Clearing Correction List (WCCL). CRAMMING OFFICER QUALIFICATIONS Because the Cramming Officer is required to do these actions, he or she must get checked out on how to do them. Possibly a reason why some did not fly the ruds despite HCOB 15 Oct 74 CRAMMING OVER OUT-RUDS, is that the Cramming Officer did not know how to fly ruds and had not gotten himself trained to do so, then either didn't fly ruds before he attempted to do the cramming order, or did not do the cramming order at all "because the ruds were out." Both of these errors show an effect attitude that no real Cramming Officer (or Scientologist for that matter), would be guilty of. Cramming Officers get tech in and being applied, staff members successful and winning on their post and, are therefore very causative. A CRAMMING OFFICER MUST GET CHECKED OUT ON FLYING RUDS AND OVERTS AS THESE ARE VITAL TECH OF THE CRAMMING HAT. IF A CLASSED AUDITOR, HE MUST GET CHECKED OUT ON USE OF CORRECTION LISTS SUCH AS THE CRAMMING REPAIR ASSESSMENT LIST, WCCL, ETC. FAILURE TO CHECK OUT ON AND USE THE TECH OF THE POST IS AN ETHICS MATTER. WORKSHEETS The worksheets (W/Ses) of all such actions (i.e. ruds, Word Clearing, crammings, Cramming Repair Lists, Product Debug Assessments and any other Qual corrective action), are put in the pc folder and sent to the Case Supervisor (C/S). The C/S will correct any out-tech or failure to fully handle, and in the case of no F/N at Exams or other out-tech, red tags the folder, until the matter is fully repaired. These worksheets must be complete, accurate and legible. In the case of a non-F/N exam or other bad indicator, these have rush priority and must be handled fast. All the rules regarding worksheets apply to cramming and any other Qual corrective actions. IS A C/S NEEDED BEFORE FLYING RUDS IN CRAMMING? Someone may wonder if he needs to get a C/S to fly the ruds before doing so in a cramming action. The answer is: no. You do not need to get the pc's folder to the C/S before you fly the ruds in cramming. To do so would make an unnecessary delay, and you don't need a C/S to fly somebody's ruds. 422 The C/S (Case Supervisor instruction) is contained in this issue, and that is what you do. FOLDER CHECK BEFORE CRAMMING Sometimes a staff member has been known to have been started on an incomplete on several different actions. E.g. the staff member is started on a cramming order, but before this is complete, someone starts doing a Crashing Misunderstood handling on him, they end for lunch and after lunch someone tries to start yet another action on the staff member. This is a serious situation indeed and it could be enough to spin somebody. So it is mandatory that before starting an action, you must check the folder first. Cramming orders and flying ruds in cramming and other Qual corrective actions do not require C/S OK before doing them as this would put an unnecessary and arbitrary delay on the line, and could be used as an excuse not to do the action. (E.g. "I couldn't fly his ruds because I didn't have a C/S to 'fly the ruds', so I didn't do anything.") But since one would not start a new cycle in the middle of another incomplete cycle, and would not try to fly ruds or word clear over out-Int or out-lists (provided these really were out and not just a false or protest read), the folder must be checked by the person who is going to do the action (this only takes a minute a do). BEFORE STARTING A CRAMMING OR OTHER QUAL CORRECTIVE ACTION, LOOK IN THE FOLDER TO ENSURE THE PERSON ISN'T IN THE MIDDLE OF ANOTHER QUAL CORRECTIVE ACTION, OR C/SED TO GET A FLUBBED ACTION REPAIRED. AFTER THE CRAMMING OR OTHER QUAL CORRECTIVE ACTION, SEND THE FOLDER TO THE CASE SUPERVISOR WITH LEGIBLE WORKSHEETS ON WHAT YOU DID AND THE EXAM FORM. FESing If a person has been "crammed" or has had other Qual corrective and has gotten worse, or made no improvement, then get all Qual corrective actions done on the person FESed by the Case Supervisor, and a program and C/S to repair these, and get that program done, Comm Ev anyone who interrupts or cross-orders or prevents such a program from being done, as that would be suppressive. Such a program has the priority of repairing a flubbed session and the folder is red tagged, until handled. USE THE TECH There are several new Qual corrective actions as well as all the earlier tools of cramming. These produce spectacular results when done correctly. Use this tech to make greatly enhanced staff members. YOUR CRAMMING WILL BE MANY TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE AND POPULAR IF YOU DO IT WITH THE CORRECT TECH. L. RON HUBBARD Founder As assisted by Snr C/S Int LRH:DM:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 423 HCOB 24.9.79 ATTACHMENT 1 You can mimeo a small form on which to assess these and mark reads which will save time. The form would look like this: "Do you have...... or, "On (subject), do you have...... an ARC break?" _______ a present time problem?" _______ a withhold?" _______ an overt?" _______ "Has there been any...... invalidation?" _______ evaluation?" _______ The Cramming Officer would assess on the form above and clip it to the worksheets. HCOB 24.9.79 ATTACHMENT 2 The way to handle someone who has been crammed over out-ruds in the past is to assess the following and fly each reading line to F/N: "Have you been crammed over...... an ARC break?" _______ a present time problem?" _______ a withhold?" _______ an overt?" _______ any invalidation?" _______ any evaluation?" _______ If someone is nattery about Cramming, Qual Correction actions, or Qual, use the assessment above on the subject of their complaint. E.g. you could assess: "Have you been word cleared over.....?" If the above does not resolve the matter fully, use the Cramming Repair Assessment List (HCOB 2 Jun 78R), or other specific list such as the Word Clearing Correction List (WCCL). 424  L. RON HUBBARD Founder As assisted by Snr C/S Int   Type = 11 iDate=13/10/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 66 CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 OCTOBER 1979 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 66 CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING People who have no idea of concept get bogged into terms and mechanics. They can't operate at the level of concept and are extremely literal. If anybody did this he couldn't do otherwise than find himself mixed up in tanglefoot. It does a lot of good to clean up his tanglefoot and meanings of words but unless this gets him up to conceptual thinking he'll just continue to get in more and more tanglefoot. Understanding is conceptual. You could handle things, objects and symbols endlessly without achieving understanding or real communication unless one finally was able to graduate up to conceptual comprehension. People who are literal rather than literate simply haven't achieved conceptual understanding. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 425  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=29/10/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SSO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STANDARD STAFF COURSES   Remimeo Staff Section Officer Staff Section Hat Qual All Execs All Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 29 OCTOBER 1979 Remimeo Staff Section Officer Staff Section Hat Qual All Execs All Staff SSO RESPONSIBILITY FOR STANDARD STAFF COURSES (Ref: HCO PL 7 Feb 65 KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING Reiss. 15.6.70 HCO PL 22 May 76 STAFF SECTION OFFICER HAT HCO PL 30 Nov 76R ONLY SSO CAN TIP Rev. 25.4.79 HCO PL 2 Aug 71 STUDY TIME HCO PL 16 Mar71R WHAT IS A COURSE? Rev. 29.1.75 HCO PL 16 Mar 72 WHAT IS A COURSE, HIGH CRIME HCO PL 30 Oct 78 COURSES -- THEIR IDEAL SCENE HCO PL 24 Oct 68 SUPERVISOR KNOW-HOW, RUNNING THE CLASS HCOB 21 Aug 79 TWINNING HCO PL 15 Sep 70R ETHICS, IMPORTANT, EXECUTIVE Rev. 25.4.79 RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAINING STAFF BPL 11 Dec 71RB II HUBBARD MINI COURSE SUPERVISOR Rev. 22.9.77 COURSE) If staff are to be correctly hatted and trained, standard staff courses must actually exist in the Staff Section in Qual to get this done. The purpose of the Staff Section Officer is to help Ron make real staff members. It is not accomplished haphazardly. Therefore, STANDARD STAFF COURSES ARE MANDATORY. With this policy letter, it becomes a responsibility of the ED to make sure that an SSO (Staff Section Officer) is posted (whether full or part time as an additional duty) and it becomes a responsibility of any SSO already posted or so posted to ensure that: 1. Staff courses are provided and running. 2. Staff courses are attended. 3. WHAT IS A COURSE? PL is in on all staff courses. 4. Staff courses must approach an ideal scene, per HCO PL 10 Oct 78 COURSES -- THEIR IDEAL SCENE. This requires manning up the Staff Section accordingly and it requires getting the necessary study materials there. An org that pleads "not enough personnel" to post an SSO and a Staff Study Supervisor, or "no funds" for course materials is simply not going to expand because they won't have the trained, hatted staff they need to expand with. PUTTING STAFF COURSES THERE It has been demonstrated time and again over the years that tightly scheduled, 426 tightly run, well-supervised courses fill up and turn into expanding courses. This is as true of staff courses as it is of courses offered to the public. Sloppy staff scheduling, no enforcement of study schedules, missing course materials, lack of proper supervision are all contributory to staff not studying. Under these conditions staff members stay away in droves. Such conditions provide an excuse for the staff member who tries to avoid study anyway (due to his misunderstoods) and they make it difficult for the staff member who is honestly trying to get through his study TIP. There is no valid excuse for any org not providing standard Scientology study courses for its staff. Staff members are the most on-purpose Scientologists around. They need and deserve to study on standard Scientology courses and by that is meant courses with WHAT IS A COURSE? PL fully in. So the order for the SSO to "Put staff courses there" means WHAT IS A COURSE? PL put in, in full force. That requires a trained Staff Course Supervisor in there supervising during scheduled staff study periods and doing it by the book. He has a roll book and he calls the roll for each scheduled course period. He targets his students, he enforces twinning, he ensures that misunderstoods are being picked-up and handled, he sees that checkouts get properly done, he directs students with question to the correct source reference and he ensures slow or bogged students are debugged and gotten moving, using all the new and current debugging tech. It requires that checksheets exist for staff courses with the bulletins, policy letters, tapes, mimeo issues and reference books called for on the checksheet, available in the staff course room. It means that materials such as clay, tape players, routing forms, bulletin boards, student files, stat graphs, progress boards and other items required in a standard course room are there for use and are used. For a large staff a Staff Course Admin will be needed. And there's got to be space provided so staff courses can be put in. Ideally this would be in the Staff Section in Qual, not mixed in with public courses. Schedules are handled by working out three or four regular staff course periods a day, morning, afternoon and evening. Each period would be 2 1/2 hours long, which is the amount of time each staff member is entitled to daily. A staff member then gets assigned to the specific period which best fits with his particular post or post time. He gets enrolled for that period and he does his study during that period on a standard staff course. Day staff would ordinarily study on Foundation hours and Foundation staff would study during the day. GETTING STAFF COURSES ATTENDED The final and essential part of a course, per WHAT IS A COURSE? PL, is STUDENTS. The SSO is responsible for seeing to it that staff courses are attended. One-half this battle is won by putting complete, standard, snap-and-pop staff courses there. Such courses are inviting and students gravitate to them. EXECUTIVE SUPPORT The other half of the battle is won by the SSO getting in firm liaison lines with execs and seniors for their support in maintaining regular staff study. Executives 427 and seniors are also responsible for ensuring their juniors are studying and getting hatted and trained. (Ref: HCO PL 15 Sep 70R, Rev. 25.4.79 ETHICS, IMPORTANT, EXECUTIVE RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAINING STAFF.) Any executive worthy of the post will see to it that his staff are being enhanced. That is actually one of the attributes of a successful executive. Such a person demonstrates that he is aware of what it takes to expand, that he's capable of that much planning and production and that he's aware of the consequences of trying to maintain any kind of production with untrained staff. Too often seniors don't make their juniors study. The common plea will be "production demands" or "we need to get this job done now and staff can make up their study time later...," etc., etc. But "later" never comes. This is simply an indication of out-planning, out-targetting and the inability to get in routine, organized actions. Such an exec is walking a downhill road into a deeper and deeper mire of cope. He'll never get out of cope with untrained, unhatted staff. His only hope is to get in proper planning of the work load, with a scheduled study time set up for each of his juniors and that schedule enforced. And here the SSO can be of real assistance to him. PEOPLE WHO DON'T STUDY The REAL underlying reason for people not studying is always misunderstoods. It will be found that executives and seniors who don't push study or don't demand their juniors study, are very often bugged students themselves. It will also be found that those areas where staff aren't studying regularly are, in most cases, the bugged and non-producing areas or areas that are having a lot of difficulty. These are actually both old known and proven facts that have been proven time and time again. The SSO must get the staff study Sups to debug those bugged students, executives and staff alike, as behind every staff member or any student who does not study is solely misunderstood words. It is not post problems or other excuses. It will just be misunderstoods. Getting these cleaned up will get the student winning on course and working to get himself or herself to study daily. Areas and people that study are in turn organized, upstat and productive. SSO AUTHORITY With the SSO given the responsibility and the job of getting staff hatted and trained, he or she must also be given the authority to get that responsibility carried out and the job done. THEREFORE, WITH THIS POLICY LETTER THE SSO IS EMPOWERED TO ASSIGN PENALTIES AND TAKE ETHICS ACTION ON ANY EXECUTIVE OR SENIOR WHO DOES NOT REGULARLY SEND HIS STAFF TO THE STAFF HATTING COURSE. Such actions would range from a beginning warning or caution to ethics chits or the calling of an Executive Court of Ethics on the offending exec or senior. In the latter case, any amends assigned as the result of such a Court would be done for the SSO in the SSO area or in the Staff Course Section at the discretion of the SSO. In the case of continued omission or refusal to get or support actions to get his juniors hatted and trained, the executive or senior is subject to a Committee of Evidence on 428 the charge of treasonable neglect. (Ref: HCO PL 15 Sep 70R, Rev. 25.4.79 ETHICS, IMPORTANT, EXECUTIVE RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAINING STAFF.) In situations where it becomes necessary for the SSO to issue chits or take other action, per the above, on any executive, whether posted higher on the org board or not, the SSO must be given ethics protection. No executive or staff member has the right to prevent the SSO from doing his job, to penalize him for such or to attempt to intimidate an SSO who is validly carrying out the responsibilities of his post. In any of the above justice actions initiated by the SSO, upstats would always be taken into account, per the Justice PLs. An additional factor to be considered, however, is that rising statistics do not continue rising for long in the face of neglected hatting and training. Even upstats are required to study and enforce study. "Upstats" is no excuse to not study or for an exec to not push study. SOME ADVICE FOR SSOs If I were an SSO I'd grab this policy letter and run with it. I'd get a real gung-ho campaign going for staff hatting and training. I'd get it all handled before it became any kind of ethics situation. I'd call a meeting of all the execs and Div Heads from the top down and get their support and solid agreement on getting staff courses in and maintained. That would have to include some finance personnel as well, as their support and assistance and know-how will be needed when it comes to obtaining the materials needed to comply with WHAT IS A COURSE? PL. I'd make this policy letter as well as WIAC PL well known to each and every one of them. I'd do a survey on staff and execs and from it work out the three or four best daily study times of 2 1/2 hours each. I'd dispatch every senior individually and meet with him personally if needed to get each of his juniors assigned to a specific study period and make sure, from an org crew list, that every single staff member was accounted for, schedule-wise. And that every single one of them was there, at the assigned time, studying. I'd demand a Staff Courses Supervisor and get recruitment actions going, recruitment letters being written, to beef-up the Staff Section. I'd make sure the Supervisor ran tight, snap-and-pop, absolutely standard, in tech, on-policy staff courses and I'd be in there checking routinely to make sure it was happening. I'd take a hard, cold, honest look at and inventory of training materials and I'd work out a sound plan for getting the most needed items first and start accumulating the rest as fast as possible. I'd have my POs in to the FP Committee every week. I'd promote training and hatting to the staff loud and clear in the org newspaper, at musters and make sure they heard of staff course wins and successes at every opportunity. I'd just push relentlessly until I had every point of WHAT IS A COURSE? PL soundly in. And if I were an executive in an org I'd back up an SSO who did that, 100%. Before long, staff courses would be humming along smoothly and routinely and getting even bigger and better attended with word of mouth promotion from satisfied staff members. Production will increase, morale will shoot up, stats will rise and with that staff pay will be higher and conditions improved. The whole scene will be one of bustling, expanding activity, with staff enhanced. 429 There's a little work to it. It's not accomplished haphazardly or by one person alone. But it can be done. I'm counting on SSOs to get it done. And I'm counting on the executives of every org to back up the SSO in getting it done. Staff courses are not a luxury. They're a vital ingredient for the sound future of your org. So make staff courses well known and well thought of. PUT STANDARD STAFF COURSES THERE. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 430  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/12/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S Series 107 Cramming Series 20 Qual Corrective Action on OTs Series 1 AUDITOR ASSIGNMENT POLICIES, CRAMMING ASSIGNMENT POLICIES   Remimeo Case Supervisors Cramming Officers Ds of P Ds of T Dir Correction Tech/Qual  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 DECEMBER 1979 Remimeo Case Supervisors Cramming Officers Ds of P Ds of T Dir Correction Tech/Qual C/S Series 107 Cramming Series 20 Qual Corrective Action on OTs Series 1 AUDITOR ASSIGNMENT POLICIES, CRAMMING ASSIGNMENT POLICIES (Ref: HCOB 23 Jul AD19 AUDITOR ASSIGNMENT POLICIES) We have long had the rule that auditor-pc-assignments must be by comparable grade and class. Reasons for this are given in HCOB 23 Jul AD19, which also sets the policy: "Therefore it is policy not to assign an auditor whose grade and class is less than that of the pc." This policy becomes even more important when handling assignments on pre- OTs, because if the auditor were of lower case grade it would prevent the pre- OT from communicating to the auditor and the auditor not being aware of or trained on the materials of the level of case of the pre-OT, would not be able to audit that pre-OT and would risk disaster for the pre-OT as well as himself. As Cramming Officers fly ruds in Cramming and as some of the Cramming and Qual corrective actions can get into a person's case, this policy is extended to apply to Cramming Officers, as well as auditors. Therefore the following policies apply: 1. IT IS POLICY NOT TO ASSIGN AN AUDITOR WHOSE GRADE AND CLASS IS LESS THAN THAT OF THE PC. (HCOB 23 Jul AD19) 2. IT IS POLICY TO ASSIGN ONLY GOOD PROVEN AUDITORS TO GOOD AUDITORS. (HCOB 23 Jul AD19) 3. IT IS POLICY NOT TO ASSIGN NON-OT CRAMMING OFFICERS TO OTs AND THE CRAMMING OFFICER MUST NOT BE OF LOWER CASE LEVEL THAN THE OT. 4. A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN AUDITED ON NED FOR OTs, MAY ONLY BE AUDITED OR CRAMMED BY A NED FOR OTs AUDITOR. The terms "auditor" and "Cramming Officer" in these policies above are intended to include anyone acting in the capacity of an auditor or Cramming Officer and the fact that one is not a trained or posted auditor or Cramming Officer does not permit one to do auditing or Qual corrective actions in violation of the policies above. These policies apply to any auditing actions and to Qual corrective actions such as Why Finding, metered debug actions, False Data Stripping, Confessionals (whether done in Qual or HCO), Clay Table auditing and these policies are intended to apply to any new Qual corrective actions released in the future. 431 Subjective questions and metered actions which lead into a person's case are not OK on OTs. Such actions are not advised on lower level cases either, unless these have been C/Sed for and are part of standard tech. Otherwise this type of action is only a covert way of auditing the person while not calling it auditing and is forbidden in C/S Series 29 CASE ACTIONS, OFFLINE. Nonstandard actions or interviews done by untrained persons whose TRs and metering are out are especially forbidden, as detrimental to cases. Definition of "subjective": "Consultation with the preclear's own universe, with his mock ups, and with his own thoughts and considerations." (COHA, page 167) "Recall, think, remember or return on the time track processes are subjective." (HCOB 2 Nov 57RA) There are actions which are OK to do in Cramming. These are not related to the person's case. They relate to his post and performance. These are objective questions or actions. Definition of "objective": "Of or having to do with a material object as distinguished from a mental concept, idea or belief." (Dictionary) "Means here and now objects in PT as opposed to 'subjective'." (HCOB 2 Nov 57RA) Questions or actions by the Cramming Officer which are objective and pertain to the person's post, the materials which cover his post or that he is studying, clearing words misunderstood, hatting actions and post or Product Debugs (provided subjective questions are not asked on OTs) are all OK. The most usual and successful cramming action is simply to take the materials or text that covers the subject of the cramming order and word clear and cram those materials. This is always safe and OK to do. (The only other caution is not to give verbal data, nor to evaluate or invalidate or throw the person's ruds out while doing the cram!) It is not that OTs are difficult to handle. To the contrary OTs are far easier and faster to handle than non-OTs. But OT cases must be handled as OT cases or the person doing the handling risks invalidation of case level of the OT and could get into aspects of the case that he/she knows nothing about and is thus incapable of handling or repairing. OTs when handled on the appropriate auditing and Qual corrective actions for their state of case by auditors, Cramming Officers and C/Ses who are qualified to do so, make very fast and spectacular gains. L. RON HUBBARD Founder As assisted by Senior C/S Int LRH:DM:kjm Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 432  L. RON HUBBARD Founder As assisted by Senior C/S Int   Type = 11 iDate=24/12/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TRs BASICS RESURRECTED   Remimeo TR Course TR Supervisors Cramming Officers Auditors C/Ses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 DECEMBER 1979 Remimeo TR Course TR Supervisors Cramming Officers Auditors TRs BASICS RESURRECTED C/Ses Refs: HCOB 16 Aug 71 II TRAINING DRILLS REMODERNIZED Rev.5.7.78 HCOB 23 Sep 79 CANCELLATION OF DESTRUCTIVE BTBs and BPLs ON TRs HCOB 5 Apr 73 AXIOM 28 AMENDED BOOK: DIANETICS '55! Chapter VII: COMMUNICATION BOOK: PROBLEMS OF WORK Chapter 6: AFFINITY, REALITY AND COMMUNICATION BOOK: FUNDAMENTALS OF THOUGHT Chapter 5: THE A-R-C TRIANGLE HCO PL 7 Aug 79 Product Debug Series 8 Esto Series 36 FALSE DATA STRIPPING HCO PL 9 Feb 79 II HOW TO DEFEAT VERBAL TECH TRs have been under study and pilot for the past year as, just about this time last year it became all too obvious, through review of the video-taped TRs of special corps of auditors as well as those from piloted TRs Courses, that students seemed to have become incapable of mastering the TRs. This presented a mystery, as I have always been able to teach TRs effectively in about a week's time, give or take a few days. Once the student has his basics in it's done by simply getting the student to DO it, as TRs are not a "think" action nor a subjective action. They're practical drills on the comm cycle. There's nothing subjective about them. TRs are a doingness. But we suddenly had entire corps of student auditors unable to master these drills. What had happened to the teaching of TRs? A good many months were spent in isolating exactly what had gone wrong, and it has now all been boiled down to a very few factors: 1. Hard TRs had been dropped out. 2. Doing the communication formula in clay had been omitted. Those were the two major points of change and when these two were omitted, that was it. That was the end of anybody being able to do TRs. One can t master TRs without familiarity with the comm cycle. One can't master TRs with permissive, pata-cake drilling. TRs are gotten in by drilling them HARD. It is one thing to try to teach Hard TRs to raw public and it is quite another to make an auditor. People studying to become auditors have to be made into auditors. 433 It's all right to teach a mild TRs Course in Division 6 and one should, but when it comes to making auditors, there is no substitute for Hard TRs. Somewhere along the line doing the communication formula in clay as the beginning part of the TRs Course was dropped out. This left the student with no slightest concept of why he was doing TRs. The communication formula is a Scientology discovery and when you omit teaching it, the student suffers from out-basics. So the omission of doing the communication formula in clay on a TRs Course was fatal. There were also three additional factors found to be further influencing the scene: 3. Student auditors had no real understanding of the ARC triangle. Thus, their Communication was stuck because their Affinity and Reality and, therefore, their Understanding, were deficient. 4. The lack of a bona fide TRs checksheet had opened the way for all kinds of false data to be entered into the subject. 5. Ignorance of the end phenomena of a TRs Course or why they were doing TRs. The result of this past year's study and piloting and the isolation of these factors has now culminated in a full and final TRs Course which will be issued very soon in unalterable book form. Meantime, this bulletin is being issued as a holding action to make these errors and omissions in the teaching and drilling of TRs broadly known so that they can be remedied at once wherever auditor TRs are being taught. OMITTED CHECKSHEET AND FALSE DATA Since the cancellation of HCO PL 24 May 71 THE PROFESSIONAL TR COURSE, there has been no real TRs checksheet, complete with the basics of communication and the theory of communication which underlie the TRs. That was a huge out-basic right there. TRs as drills appeared on various checksheets, sometimes with several accompanying bulletins, but omitted was any thorough preliminary in sequence study of the theory upon which the TRs are based.. Here we had a course without a checksheet, which made it possible for false data to spring in from various quarters. And so it did. It wasn't that people were willfully entering false data into the subject. It was simply that there was no standard checksheet which took the student through the true data, and only the true data, on the simple basics (the ARC triangle and the communication formula) underlying the TRs and then the TRs drills themselves. With that situation you can get all kinds of false data coming into an area. And that is exactly what was found. Almost one for one the students coming onto the special piloted courses conducted this past year were ridden with false data, various types of "think" and figure-figure and alter-is of the tech of the TRs. A number of BTBs and BPLs on the subject contributed to this scene and actually perpetrated out-tech in the area, and these have now been cancelled, by specific title, by HCOB 23 Sep 79, CANCELLATION OF DESTRUCTIVE BTBs AND BPLs ON TRs, which lists and corrects the outnesses these issues introduced. A further handling is to give the student the true data on communication and TRs, as covered in the chapters on ARC in Problems of Work and Fundamentals of Thought, the chapters on communication in Dianetics '55!, and HCOB 16 Aug 71R, TRs REMODERNIZED. As he studies this, one then digs up and strips off the false data accumulated on the subject or drill, using HCO PL 7 Aug 79, FALSE DATA STRIPPING. 434 Where false data on a subject exists it hits immediately and directly up against the true data, and until this conflict is blown by False Data Stripping the person can be untrainable on the subject. Thus this brand new tech tool, False Data Stripping, is and has been tremendously useful in correcting TR outnesses and ensuring correct training on the TRs. It might be noted in passing that the most false subject on the planet at this time is psychology because the mission of a psychologist is a government one -- to make the population into controllable zombies -- the subject is being taught earlier and earlier in schools and a lot of your students and even Supervisors have been subjected to this propaganda and false data about Man and the mind. I recall that the people it took longest to get through TRs Courses were professional psychologists. The basis of this is false data -- they are loaded with it. It is not that psychology teaches anything about communication (they never heard of the subject until we came along) but that they simply have so many false data about life that they actually can't study or drill in a life subject such as Scientology. And you may find it necessary to clean this up. This prevents horrible slows on TRs Courses. It's not an action that would be done in the course, of course, but would be done in Review. THE COMMUNICATION FORMULA IN CLAY The TRs are drills on the various parts of the communication formula. This basic datum seems to have become obscured in recent years. It appeared that, to many, TRs were considered to be drills that were done for the sake of doing drills, with only some vague accompanying idea of their actual use or application or how they related to auditing and an auditing session. The truth of the matter is that TRs are simply the drills that enable a person to polish and perfect his comm cycle. But if one doesn't know what the cycle of communication is to begin with, if one isn't totally familiar with the various parts of the communication formula, the TRs as drills are not going to make much sense to him. Drilling becomes a struggle because he doesn't even know what it is he's trying to handle. So one of the first things a TRs student needs is a sound understanding of the communication formula. The way to learn the communication formula is to do it in clay. That defines it, puts it there in the physical universe for him. By demonstrating the communication formula, all of its parts, in clay, he will actually see how it works. It becomes real to him. Now he knows what it is he's drilling. Unfortunately, with the cancellation of the 24 May 71 TRs Checksheet the basic action of demonstrating the communication formula in clay was dropped out and with that a real understanding of the use of TRs was obscured for many. Representing the comm formula in clay is now reinstated firmly as a vital preliminary step to drilling TRs. USE OF THE ARC TRIANGLE Even below an understanding of the communication formula comes an understanding of the ARC triangle. Now we are getting more basic. This turned up as a very interesting technical factor in reviewing countless TR video tapes this past year. It was actually a very interesting technical bug. I studicd and studied these flunked video TR sessions to find the common denominator of all of them, and I finally nailed it. What I found was that they were specializing in "C," 435 communication, on the ARC triangle. They were specializing in "C" but what was out was their "A" (affinity) and "R" (reality) and their "C" was being pegged - - it would go up just so far -- because they weren't anywhere up the line on their "A" and"R." As a result they couldn't Understand anything the other guy was saying. Most of the flubs were on this basis. They didn't have any pc there, they weren't listening to what the pc said, the ARC was out the bottom. The person gets stuck without full use of the ARC triangle. You can raise the communication level but then you have to raise the reality and then you have to raise the affinity and then you get some understanding. Only then can you continue to improve each point of the triangle. On most of those videos they were stuck with the communication being raised just a bit, and that was that, because they weren't raising the affinity and reality levels along with it. So they did not advance or improve. A handling is to make sure the student gets a very sound understanding of the ARC triangle and its use before he tackles the TRs. This can be accomplished by having him represent it in clay, using the chapters on ARC in Fundamentals of Thought and Problems of Work and Chapter VII of Dianetics '55!. When he knows how A and R and C interrelate and how they're used to bring about Understanding, he's then prepared to really grasp the communication formula. And when he has a good familiarity with the communication formula he can drill the TRs and polish up his own communication cycle and improve with comparative ease. TRs THE HARD WAY When TRs the Hard Way slipped out of use and permissive TRs entered the picture, the results were less competent auditors and less case gain for pcs. Auditor TRs must be taught rough, tough and hard. This does not mean invalidative drilling or coaching or supervision. It does mean you get the student to DO the TRs. He's got to drill the TRs, not figure-figure on them or dive into his case to avoid them. TRs the Hard Way means stringent, spot-on coaching and supervision on the proper gradient. Each button found on the student is flattened before it is left. Flunks are given when the student flunks. And when he flunks he goes right back in again and he drills it until he's got it. The TRs are taught and drilled per the 16 Aug 71R bulletin, TRAINING DRILLS REMODERNIZED, and per the advices in HCOB 23 Sep 79, CANCELLATION OF DESTRUCTIVE BTBs AND BPLs ON TRs. The student is coached to wins, not losses. You make sure he understands the drill and after that it's a matter of his DOING it. It's a matter of keeping him at it, getting him through it, regardless of what buttons crop up to be flattened, until he's mastered each TR and can handle any comm cycle with ease. Permissive, namby-pamby, pat-a-cake TRs have no place in the training of an auditor or on a bona fide TRs Course. A student who hasn't mastered his TRs won't master any of the training that follows them. The way to master TRs is to drill them the hard way. It is Hard TRs that make an auditor. (A more gradient approach to TRs would be taken on the HAS Course where the new Scientologist is getting his first taste of how to handle communication in his everyday life and livingness.) Given sound training on the basics, ARCU and the formula of communication, with any false data stripped off, and the student then drilled on TRs the Hard Way, 436 to perfection, you'll find he comes through with flying colors to a smooth, flubless comm cycle. And it doesn't take a year or even months to accomplish it. END PHENOMENON OF TRs As the students really had no idea of the communication formula as such due to the omission of the requirement that they do it in clay and learn it, they of course didn't know where they were going. A surprising number of students were heard making stupid remarks like, "I would never use the TRs in auditing" which is about the same as saying "I would never use food when I eat." Practically no students on TRs Courses had any idea why they were doing TRs or what had to be achieved in order to be a finished product on a TRs Course. This unfortunately included the Supervisors and of course the coaches. So one got all sorts of silly, invalidative, evaluative teaching and coaching. If they didn't know where they were going and what the end phenomenon of a TRs Course was, of course they couldn't train a student toward it and so TRs Courses which would only involve a week or two turned into months and months of floundering around due to miscoaching and mainly destructive criticism which had no purpose. Instruction and coaching are not based on opinion. They should be based on producing the end phenomenon. The PRIMARY VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCT of TRs is: A professional auditor who with comm handling alone can keep a pc interested in his own case and willing to talk to the auditor. The SECONDARY VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCT of TRs is: A person with the session and social presence of a professional auditor and that presence can be summed up as a being who can handle anyone with communication alone and whose communication can stand up faultlessly to any session or social situation no matter how rough. The END PHENOMENON of TRs is: A being who knows he can achieve both of the above flawlessly and from here on out. That's the EP and that's the direction all instruction and coaching must take. Each TR must be in against the standard above. As we know the communication formula and as the TRs are parts of it, the end phenomenon can be achieved relatively rapidly. It is that we know, for the first time in man's history, the communication formula that makes it possible to drill people on it and produce the above end phenomenon. This was a major point that was being missed -- that one was trying to produce something. If you don't know what you're trying to produce it can take forever, can't it? PREREQUISITE There is one factor that would effectively block a smooth run through this training, basics or no basics. You're not going to get a person who has been loaded up with drugs to grasp this data and come out the other end as any kind of product until he's had his drugs handled. You now have the Purification Rundown to handle that, along with Objectives and the Drug Rundown. With this fantastic new rundown, which is an undercut to all training and processing, we have the means to make even the seemingly untrainable trainable. 437 SUMMARY I wanted to let you know what has been happening in regard to TRs study and training over the past year, and what bugs have now been uncovered. Each of the points taken up in this bulletin have now been solved. You will have a very complete professional TRs Course released in book form in the near future. Meantime, the materials exist and are available on which to train students in TRs and do so very effectively. Therefore, this issue is your license to include on any current checksheet which calls for auditor TRs the materials and actions covered herein. The data is being given you for your immediate use. So I'll expect to see you turning out crops of auditors with flawless TRs! It can be accomplished by getting in the five points covered in this bulletin alone. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 438  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/12/79 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HOW TO BUILD A SAUNA   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 DECEMBER 1979 Remimeo HOW TO BUILD A SAUNA Refs: HCOB 6 Feb 78RA THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN Rev. 4.12.79 REPLACES THE SWEAT PROGRAM HCOB 6 Feb 78RA-1 THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN -- Addition of 20.12.79 ERRATA AND ADDITIONS ANYONE BUILDING A SAUNA SHOULD BE WARNED THAT IT HAS TO BE PROPERLY BUILT SO AS NOT TO CAUSE INJURY OR CASUALTY TO PERSONS USING IT. The Purification Rundown is not only the initial necessary preliminary undercut to the majority of cases planet-wide, but orgs will find it in great popular demand in the immediate future as news of its remarkable results have already spread rapidly through word-of-mouth. Every org must be able to deliver the Purification Rundown. In order to deliver the rundown an org will need the use of a sauna, and in order to deliver it most efficiently an org would have its own sauna. The major part of the 5-hour daily period on the Purification Rundown is spent in the sauna bath, after working up the circulation by a period of running. Thus, if the sauna bath is situated right on the org premises or adjoining or very close to the org premises, and operated under the org's jurisdiction, it will not only be more convenient and more workable but more economical as well. This issue is written to provide the basic data on how an org can equip itself to deliver the rundown most ideally -- via its own sauna bath. SAUNA: DEFINITION OF The word "SAUNA" is a Finnish word which describes the Finnish custom of bathing or deep cleansing by intense heat which induces perspiration. Technically, the term "sauna bath" refers to a specially constructed wooden room, properly insulated, and heated to temperatures of between 140 Degs and 200 Degs F (or approximately 71 Degs to 93 Degs C) to induce profuse sweating. It is equipped with wooden benches at different height levels on which the bathers sit or recline. As heat rises, the air is hotter around the higher benches and somewhat cooler around the lower benches, so one can take his choice, depending upon his heat tolerance. The sauna room is also, necessarily, equipped with its own heat source. BUILDING A SAUNA In building a sauna, the two main factors to be taken into consideration are: (a) location of the sauna room and (b) the type of heat source to be used. The choice of location of the room can depend upon what type of heat is available and most economical, and the location of the main source of heat. 439 With these two factors determined, one can then get into the other aspects of sauna installation which include size of the room, foundation and flooring, wiring, walls, ventilation, insulation, exterior finishes, safety measures and any accessories needed. COST ANALYSIS: Before undertaking the building of a sauna, all of the following data will need to be taken into consideration and a cost analysis must be done, based on building codes and local prices and accessibility of materials and equipment. In other words, cost analysis and planning is done first so that all the aspects of an effective, operational sauna are considered and provided for in advance. A properly-targetted construction program can then be carried out rapidly. In the PAC area a very workable sauna was constructed for approximately $1600 - $1200 of which was for construction and construction materials, $400 of which was for sauna unit heaters. With good planning, it is possible for any org to equip itself with a standard sauna room, vital to the delivery of the Purification Rundown. Its construction and maintenance should then more than pay for itself as the rundown is sold and delivered. BUILDING CODES AND PERMITS: It will be necessary to check with your building department to determine what permits are needed for sauna installation, and what the local building codes require in the way of structural design and construction materials. Most building codes in the United States set standards similar to or based on those of the Uniform Building Code and the National Electric Code for foundations, framing and wiring. Zoning laws may enter into it. However, as you will not be in the business of operating a commercial sauna and as many home owners and even business executives now install their own private home or office saunas, there should be no difficulty in obtaining the necessary permit for installation. Building codes and building permit requirements must be complied with, for both safety and legal reasons. It would be foolish for an org to endanger its tenancy of a building by any infraction of such regulations. LOCATION OF THE SAUNA: A sauna room can be built inside another room. In other words, one could use a fairly small room for this purpose by insulating and paneling it properly, or one could partition off a part of a large room, with proper wall construction, insulation and interior finishing. An ideal selection for a sauna would be a room with a drain in the floor or one where a drain could be easily installed. It should be located near a shower (which may also need to be installed), as cooling showers may be necessary for a large majority of people during the hours of sweat out. In any case, a nearby source of running water is a must, as sweaters should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and this must be easily available. It is also needed for convenience in taking salt or potassium gluconate tablets and vitamins. Ideally, two showers and two locker rooms, one each for men and women, would be located conveniently near the sauna. Depending upon the type of heat to be used, it may be advantageous to select a room fairly close to the heat source to prevent the necessity for extensive additional wiring or piping. For example, if steam heat is used, the closer the room is to the steam furnace or boiler the better, as steam pipes, all well and properly insulated, would need to be run form the heat source to the sauna steam heaters. The more such piping is needed the greater the cost, naturally, and there is also the additional factor of it taking longer to get the steam actually coming through to the sauna heaters. Choosing a room with the least outside wall or window surface is also desirable. 440 This is due to the fact that the more outside wall surface there is involved, the more insulation and heat is required to maintain proper sauna room temperatures. It may be necessary to select the sauna room according to local building code and permit regulations. Where an org simply does not have the space for building a sauna right on the org premises, it may be necessary to rent or purchase additional space in a nearby or adjoining building for the installation of its sauna. SIZE OF SAUNA ROOM: A sauna room must not be too large, for the sake of economy. Too large a room is too expensive and too difficult to heat. An org, however, will want a sauna room that can accommodate between 10 and 15 people at once, as the traffic will require it. Some suggested sizes are: 12 x 10 x 7 feet; 14 x 14 x 7 feet; or 12 x 16 x 9 feet. The height of the room is never more than 9 feet, and most often 7 feet is best, as a high ceiling simply results in loss of heat, because heat rises. Thus a low ceiling prevents the heat from rising into space where it won't be used. The size of the room should be determined by the number of people you expect to be using it at any one time. It is usual to allow 65 cubic feet of space for each person. A rectangular or square-shaped room provides the optimum shape space for arrangement of the tiered benches. It should be kept in mind that the size and power of the sauna stove required to heat the room will depend directly upon the size of the room. SOURCES OF HEAT By far the biggest single factor to be taken into consideration in installing a sauna is the source of heat to be used. The types of sauna stoves available are: 1. Gas 2. Electric 3. Wood burning (which would not be practical for an org), and 4. Steam heaters can also be used, where the org has a year-round supply of steam, such as would be routinely supplied for dish-washers, laundry or hot water heating. Otherwise, where steam is used only for central heating of the building, it would be far too expensive to run a steam boiler in the summer for sauna use only. Additionally, there would be heat loss, even with shut-offs to different areas. In a large building, however, where steam is required all the time for other purposes, steam would probably be the most economical. Or, it might be practical to purchase a small steam generator for sauna heating purposes only. The choice of the type of heater to be used should be determined by the most economical heat available to the org. Cost comparisons should be made locally to determine installation costs and operating costs of different heating systems. ELECTRIC STOVES: Electric sauna stoves are by far the easiest to install and the cleanest. They are efficient but they may not be the most economical to operate, depending upon the cost of electricity in the area. 441 With an electric stove, you will need at least a 220 volt supply of electrical power to the sauna. This is the same voltage that operates a kitchen stove or a clothes dryer, but it must be determined that the existing power supply in the org can safely support the additional power required for the sauna heater. If not, you may need to install an additional power supply. The size of the stove is important -- it must be the correct size, power- wise, to produce the required sauna temperatures. The size will depend upon the size of the room and the location of the room. Less power, for example, would be required for a small room or a room with no outside wall exposure. The power of an electric stove is measured by the number of kilowatts needed to heat the stove elements. One kilowatt (kw) = 1000 watts. Prefabricated electric sauna stoves come anywhere from 2.2 kilowatts to 18 kilowatts in power. To compute the size electric stove needed, allow 1 kilowatt for every 45 cubic feet of room space. Find the number of cubic feet of room space by multiplying the length by the width by the height of the room. This gives you the total cubic feet, or volume, of the room. Divide the volume by 45 to get the number of kilowatts needed to heat that room. Example: The volume of a 12 x 10 x 7 foot room = 840 cubic feet. 840/45 = 18.44 kilowatts 18.44 kilowatts is the power required to heat a 12 x 10 x 7 foot room to proper sauna temperatures. The above is the formula that would be used in temperate climates. In a colder climate, a stronger stove would probably be required. Prefabricated electric sauna stoves have a control unit that is always installed outside the sauna room, as the controls are not built to withstand high temperatures. There stoves usually also include a safety device that cuts off the electrical current should there be a malfunction of any kind. GAS STOVES: The power of a gas stove is measured by the number of British Thermal Units (BTUs) of heat the stove generates. (A British Thermal Unit is the amount of heat necessary to raise 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit.) Gas heaters are graded according to the number of BTUs they provide in one hour. To compute the size gas stove required, allow 1000 BTUs for every 15 cubic feet of sauna room volume. Example: The volume of a 12 x 10 x 7 foot room = 840 cubic feet. 840 cubic feet divided by 15 cubic feet (840)/(15) = 56. Multiply 56 x 1000 BTUs = 56,000 BTUs needed from a gas heater to heat a 12 x 10 x 7 foot sauna room. Gas heaters usually cost less to operate than electric heaters. They are a bit more complicated (but not necessarily more expensive) to install. The heater would need to be connected to the building's gas supply line by approved gas piping. Standard approved galvanized steel pipe with threaded ends and standard galvanized steel fittings for any bends (elbows) in the pipe, with approved thread sealout, would 442 be required. Such piping would need to be done professionally, possibly contracted, or inspected professionally when completed. Old gas heaters, however well-renovated they might be, are not permitted for this purpose. Modern gas heaters for sauna use are built with special safety shut-off valves and safety pilot flame, designed to cut the gas supply off should the pilot light go out. If an org is to use gas heat in the sauna, only a modern gas heater with these safety features is permissible for org installation. With a modern gas heater, the gas is piped in to a small burner in a sealed combustion chamber in the stove. Air is drawn into the chamber from outside the sauna and expelled through the flue. Gas heaters, especially, require an adequate air supply and suitable venting. SOAP BUBBLE TEST FOR LEAKS IN GAS LINES: The following test can be done to detect leaks in a gas pipe line, particularly at the elbow joints or any place where two pieces of pipe are spliced together with threaded ends. Mix 1 part liquid detergent with 4 parts water, in a cup or can. Pressurize the line by opening the gas line valve. With a soft brush, mix up the soap solution and daub it well around any joints of pipe. If there is the slightest leak, it will show up in big soap bubbles. If any such leaks are found, the pipe connections would need to be redone, and then thoroughly reinspected. Both gas and electric prefabricated sauna stoves are metal-encased, usually with two or even three layers of noncorrosive metal with air between them. The outermost layer of metal, which is usually of stainless steel or baked enamel, prevents the surface from becoming too hot and inhibits the loss of heat from the front and sides of the stove. Both the gas and electric type stoves are thermostatically controlled. SAUNA STONES Prefabricated sauna stoves are designed with a metal tray at the top to hold and heat a pile of stones or rocks called konno rocks. Konno rocks, technically known as peridotite malm, are quarried in Finland. They are ideal for the sauna as they store heat well, help to distribute a soft heat evenly throughout the sauna room and help to maintain the required sauna temperature. Another virtue of these stones is that they can withstand high temperatures and do not crack or explode when subjected to high heat pressure. To allow for good air circulation, the stones should be loosely packed in the tray. If one wishes to add steam to the sauna, a long-handled ladle is used to pour water on the hot stones, resulting in bursts of steam which fill the sauna room. A supply of konno rocks or stones is usually included with the purchase of a prefabricated sauna stove. The stones will usually last through five years of routine use. They may also be purchased separately, commercially. WOOD BURNING STOVES: Although the wood burning stove is in the best Finnish sauna tradition, it is highly impractical for org use. It takes a good quantity of wood to heat a sauna adequately and routine stoking would be required, as well as a convenient storage space for the wood supply. Further, the cost of wood as fuel can be high, and there is a wide variance in the heat- producing qualities of different woods. It takes considerable time to heat a sauna room to the required temperature with a wood burning stove, and the ashes from a wood fire must be removed periodically. For all of the above reasons, a wood burning sauna stove is not recommended. STEAM HEATERS: Where steam is available the year round, steam "unit heaters" 443 can be used, as was done in the sauna built in PAC, and this is probably the most economical method of heating the sauna. A unit heater is a combination heater and fan, so arranged that the fan blows air through the heater, thus speeding the transfer of heat from the heater to the room air. Steam unit heaters are rated according to the number of BTUs they will produce when supplied with 60 degree F. entering air and 2 pounds per square inch steam pressure. As entering air becomes hotter, the heater puts out fewer BTUs. But by increasing the steam pressure to the unit heater you can increase the amount of BTUs it puts out. Check the steam capacity of the unit (which is probably 150 pounds per square inch). By adjusting the pressure reduction valve and so admitting more or less steam pressure to the unit heater, you can raise or lower the temperature of the sauna. A safety valve is used to protect the unit heater in the event that the pressure reduction valve should fail (though this is quite unusual). One should insist on clear instructions on how to mount any safety valve that is purchased. Actually, the unit heater can be heated by electricity, gas, steam or hot water. An electric unit heater is the easiest to install (depending upon the existing voltage supply, as described earlier) but an electric heater will use around I/3 of a watt to put out one BTU per hour. To heat a room 14 x 14 x 9 feet high, this would require upwards of 18,000 watts per hour which, depending upon the geographical location, can be quite an expensive operation. Hot water heaters require high water temperatures, around 180 degrees F. minimum. Gas or oil heaters, depending upon local availability of fuel, can be fairly inexpensive to purchase and use, but they require sufficient air supply and the proper venting to be safe. REMEMBER THAT ANY COMBUSTION INCLUDING ELECTRICAL COMBUSTION CONSUMES OXYGEN AND AS OXYGEN DIMINISHES IT WILL GIVE OFF CARBON MONOXIDE, WHICH IS QUITE A DEADLY POISON. Perhaps your best bet, from the standpoint of safety and economy, would be a small steam generator, external to the sauna and well vented, providing steam to a unit heater in the sauna. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEAM FITTINGS: If steam is used, the following specifications might be used as a guide in the selection of steam fittings: For Steam Piping, maximum pressure 150 pounds per square inch, use standard weight black steel pipe, ASTM A53 or A-120, Grade A or B. Use screwed fittings of 150 pound black malleable iron. Use unions of 250 pound malleable iron, ground iron to bronze seat. Use RP 8 C shut-off valves, 30 ITF, bronze body ball types with Teflon seats. For pressure reduction valves and safety valves use C.M. Bailey. For Condensate Return, use seamless copper tubing, drawn temper, ASTM B88, Type "L," fittings of wrought copper solder joint ASA B16 22; unions wrought copper screwed Nibco No. 633; shut-off valves Nibco-Scott S-595- Y bronze body, solder end, ball type with teflon seats; check valves Nibco Y-type brass body screwed. Solder, Easy Flo or equivalent with melting point higher than 1000 degrees F., suitable flux. The basic hook-up is: steam main to higher elbow (for drainage), to shut- off valve, to strainer, to union, to pressure reduction valve, to union, to shut-off valve, to safety valve, to elbow, down to union, to elbow, to unit heater. From unit heater to scale pocket (a short capped length of vertical pipe same size as exit hole from unit heater into which scale from the heater can fall), to union, to strainer, to "Float & Thermostatic Trap," to shut-off valve, to check valve, to elbow, to condensate return pipe. 444 Again, the foregoing should be considered a guide only, as installation instructions for your heating system should be available from the manufacturer. The unit heaters described above, whether heated by steam, gas, electricity or hot water, provide a dry heat sauna of a less sophisticated type than the specially designed prefabricated gas or electric sauna stoves. You will need to check the various systems and costs with your local dealer to determine the most suitable sauna heater for your area. CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAUNA FOUNDATION AND FLOORING: The floor of the room you are converting into a sauna serves as the foundation. If it's a concrete floor, all you would then need to do would be to add wooden slats, in a duckboard construction. Duckboards are easy to remove for cleaning purposes. Or you could cover the floor with ceramic tile. If the original floor is wood, the handling would be to install a wood frame, made of 2 by 4 sleepers, add some good thermal insulating material (not fiberglass), and put down a subfloor of plywood over that. The plywood floor could then be covered with ceramic tile or seamless sheet vinyl, for waterproofing. Only waterproof adhesives would be used. Ideally the floor would be slightly sloped toward a drain, as it will need to be scrubbed down routinely to be kept clean. FRAMING: The first walls put up can be sheets of sheet rock. The room is then framed with 2 x 4 studs, spaced to permit insertion of 3- inch thick insulation batts. The studs are nailed to the wooden 2 x 4 sleepers below the subfloor. If the floor is concrete they are attached with anchor bolts or concrete nails. The studs may be 16 or 24 inches apart, according to building codes. The ceiling, lowered to 7 or 9 feet, is constructed exactly as the walls are, with the rafters spaced for insertion of insulation batts. NOTE: At this point, although the wall construction is not yet complete, any needed holes for conduits for electricity or other heat should be drilled in the sheet rock and studs. INSULATION: Good insulation is important in a sauna, as it helps retain the heat and keeps the cost of heating down. The best insulation is expanded polyurethane. The insulation batts, 3 inches thick, come in strips, with flanges which can be stapled (do not use glue) to the framing studs. The 3- inch thick part of the insulation batt is inserted between the studs. FINISHING OF THE WALLS: With the insulation installed, a vapor barrier (of construction plastic) is then nailed or stapled to the studs. The vapor barrier prevents moisture from collecting inside the walls. The same insulation and vapor barrier is also installed in the ceiling. Walls and ceiling are then covered with one-half inch gypsum board. For the final covering, walls and ceiling are paneled with saw textured 1- inch by 6-inch wood paneling, with the smooth face exposed inside the sauna. Kiln-dried redwood is commonly used for such paneling, where it is easily available. This and cedar are especially popular because of their high insulation factor. They make the sauna easier to heat and remain cooler to the touch. Other low-density softwoods which resist heat can also be used, such as white pine, sugar pine, ponderosa pine, spruce and hemlock. 445 Care should be taken to select finished, vertical-grain woods, as free of knotholes and resin pockets as possible. Any knotholes or resin pockets must be placed near the floor, never on the ceiling or high on the walls, as the melting resin could drip and burn the bathers. Any nails or staples used in the construction should be of rust-resistant, hot-dipped galvanized finish. VENTILATION: The sauna needs to be properly ventilated to provide enough oxygen, a free flow of air and an escape for the bad air, while still retaining the room heat. Poor ventilation in the sauna can cause dizziness or even asphyxiation. Building requirements usually call for a vent area of 1/20 the floor area, but not less than 1 1/2 square feet, but this must be checked with your building department. The intake vent is located near the floor and can be approximately a 1 1/2-inch slit under the door. The outlet vent would be on the opposite wall, near the ceiling, and could be a vent of about 4 inches in diameter. With this arrangement, the good air is pulled in low in the room and can circulate, while the bad air leaves through the vent near the ceiling. It is a good idea to provide a slide cover for the outlet vent so it can be adjusted to control the amount of air leaving the room. WIRING: Any wiring to be done will have to meet very strict electrical standards for complete safety. The installation of wiring and electrical circuits to handle an electric stove (should your sauna have one), control panel, thermostat and lighting for the room, will probably be required to be done professionally. In a sauna wiring must be used that can hold up under 200 degree F. or higher temperatures and also withstand moisture. Also, the wiring must be located in the dry areas behind the insulation. All switches and controls are installed outside the sauna, as these do not withstand high heat. SAUNA DOOR: The recommended door is a solid-core Phillipine mahogany slab door. This is not a true mahogany and should not be too costly. It should be solidly mounted with 4 hinges and not too tight in the frame, as it will expand slightly, (or shrink), with changes in temperature. When a solid core door is used, you would also add a frame, insulation and paneling to it. CAUTION: Sauna doors should always open out and must never be fitted with any type of latch that could get caught or stuck and lock you in. Ball or roller catches are probably best for this purpose. There is never an outside lock installed on the door. Wooden handles must be used on the door, never metal as it becomes too hot to touch. One should avoid using any metal frames or hardware in the sauna wherever possible, for the same reason. Any metal fasteners or lighting fixtures which must be used should be noncorrosive and placed well away from where bathers could touch or brush against them accidentally, as they could cause burns. SAUNA BENCHES: The sauna benches are preferably made of redwood, 2 x 2 and 2 x 4, as other materials can leak hot pitch or give off toxic fumes when heated. Bench sizes vary but the best approximate size is about 15 3/4 inches wide, 32 inches high with an 8 inch step. Benches are installed in tiers at various levels in the room. The lower benches should be a bit wider than the upper ones to provide room for people's feet. Benches can be located on three sides of the room, but would never be placed against the wall where the stove is located. 446 ADDITIONAL SAFETY MEASURES: Whatever the choice of a sauna stove, it must be mounted according to building department regulations, whatever distance from the wall is required and with whatever type wall insulation behind it that is required. A wooden railing is placed around the front and sides of the stove for bathers' protection. ACCESSORIES: You will need a thermometer that reads at least up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and you will probably want to install a clock in the sauna. These accessories should be of the type that are manufactured for sauna use. CURING THE SAUNA: Curing the sauna means preparing it for its first use. When your sauna is complete, sweep down and vacuum all walls, ceilings, floor, benches, corners. Next wipe all walls, ceiling, benches, fixtures, stove, accessories, etc. with a damp cloth and warm water. With the sauna door propped open, turn the heater on for about half an hour. (The stove may smoke a bit if it is burning off its protective coating.) Finally, close the sauna door, bring the room temperature up to 200 degrees F. for about 5 or 6 hours. Your sauna will then be ready for use. HYGIENE: The sauna must be scrubbed down routinely to keep it sanitary and free from perspiration odors. Any duckboards on the floor should be removed and scrubbed and then replaced. It is also a good idea to routinely fully ventilate the room, particularly after heavy use, so wood surfaces can be given a chance to dry. HOW TO TAKE A SAUNA: Before going into the sauna, all jewelry, wristwatches, eye glasses or contact lenses should be removed, as these could become uncomfortably hot or be damaged by the heat. It is best to shower briefly with warm water just before going into the sauna and after the running period which has brought up the circulation. The period of sweat out in the sauna would then be followed by another cleansing shower. In an org sauna, used by all, swim wear (not too tight-fitting) or loose shorts and a tank top, for women, would be worn. Ideally, an org would have two saunas for its public, one for men and one for women. The same dress could be worn in this case if preferred, or the bather could simply sauna in a large towel. Complete, prefabricated saunas are available on the market, and possibly these should be priced, but an org in any area will probably find it more economical to build its own. With careful planning and costing, economical use of materials, but without stinting on safety measures, a very workable, pleasant sauna can be built for the org's use in delivering the Purification Rundown. As saunas are becoming more popular by the day, there are numerous reference books or magazines which can be found in the library or on newsstands which would give you further data on saunas. Two of these are: HOW TO BUILD A SAUNA, by Carlton Hollander, a Drake Publication of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.. New York. HOT TUBS, SPAS & HOME SAUNAS, by the Editors of Sunset Books, Lane Publishing Co., Menlo Park, California. 447 And the 3-volume HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING, by James E. Brumbaugh, published by Theodore Audel & Co., a division of Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 4300 West 62nd Street. Indianapolis, Indiana, 46268, (catalog 23227) will provide valuable data on routine heating and determining heat requirements. With the issue of this bulletin as a guide, each org should now get busy and acquire its own sauna in very short order -- to be able to deliver the Purification Rundown! L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1979 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 448  L. RON HUBBARD Founder As assisted by Captain William B. Robertson George Smith and Mats Markowicz who piloted this construction in the PAC area.