The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard FOUNDER OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY Volume VII 1970-1971 _____________________________________________________________________ I will not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way And the wind sighs for songs Across the empty fields of a planet A Galaxy away. You won’t always be here. But before you go, Whisper this to your sons And their sons — “The work was free. Keep it so. “ L. RON HUBBARD L. Ron Hubbard Founder of Dianetics and Scientology EDITORS’ NOTE “A chronological study of materials is necessary for the complete training of a truly top grade expert in these lines. He can see how the subject progressed and so is able to see which are the highest levels of development. Not the least advantage in this is the defining of words and terms for each, when originally used, was defined, in most cases, with considerable exactitude, and one is not left with any misunderstoods.” —L. Ron Hubbard The first eight volumes of the Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology contain, exclusively, issues written by L. Ron Hubbard, thus providing a chronological time track of the development of Dianetics and Scientology. Volume IX, The Auditing Series, and Volume X, The Case Supervisor Series, contain Board Technical Bulletins that are part of the series. They are LRH data even though compiled or written by another. So that the time track of the subject may be studied in its entirety, all HCO Bs have been included, excluding only those upper level materials which will be found on courses to which they apply. If an issue has been revised, replaced, or cancelled, this has been indicated in the upper right-hand corner along with the page number of the issue which should be referred to. The points at which Ron gave tape recorded lectures have been indicated as they occurred. Where they were given as part of an event or course, information is given on that event or course on the page in the chronological volumes which corresponds to the date. The symbol “**” preceding a tape title means that copies are available from both Publications Organizations. A tape preceded by “*” means that it will soon be available. No asterisk (*) means that neither Publications Organization nor Flag has a master copy of that lecture. If you have, or know anyone who has, copies of these tapes, please contact the Flag Audio Chief, P.O. Box 23751, Tampa, Florida, 33623, U.S.A. The number in the tape title is a code for the date; example: 5505C07—55 = year, 1955; 05 = month, May; C = copy; 07 = day, 7th; 7 May 1955. The abbreviation tells what group the tape is a part of. For an explanation of the abbreviations see Volume X, page 539. At the back of this volume is a Subject Index covering only the material in this volume. Use the index to locate the LRH source material in context, don’t just get data from the index. This index has been combined with indexes from other volumes to form the Cumulative Index which is in Volume X, starting on page 287. iv TECHNICAL BULLETINS 1970-1971 CONTENTS 1970 3 Jan. Triple Errors in Dianetics 15 Jan. The Uses of Auditing 2 15 Jan. Handling with Auditing 4 19 Jan. Registrars’ Advice Form 7 21 Jan. Cancellation of Permissive TRs 8 27 Jan. Narrative Items Explained 9 27 Jan. E-Meter Drill Coaching 10 29 Jan. Null Lists in Dianetics 11 31 Jan. Withholds, Other People’s 13 4 Feb. Pc Application for Major Actions 14 4 Feb.R Pc Application Form for any Major Auditing Action (HCO PL) (revised 26 Oct. 1975) 16 13 Feb. High TA, Full Handling of 18 20 Feb. Floating Needles and End Phenomena 20 26 Feb. Standard Tech and Invalidation 23 10 Mar. List of Perceptics—Dianetics Bulletin 25 20 Mar. Ally, Definition of 26 22 Mar. Exteriorization and High TA (revised—see 168) 27 25 Mar. Tech Volume and 2 Way Comm (LRH ED 92 Int) see—175 27 Mar. Grade II Release (cancelled) 30 27 Mar. Green Form 31 29 Mar. Auditing and Ethics 31 31 Mar. Dianetic TR Notes (cancelled) 32 1 Apr. Ethics Program No. 1 Case Actions 33 7 Apr.R Green Form (HCO PL) (revised 29 Sept. 1974) Vol. VIII—321 8 Apr. GF40 Handling—Clarification 35 8 Apr. More on Prepchecks 35 11 Apr. Auditing Past Exterior 36 12 Apr. List L-l B (cancelled—see 203) 38 17 Apr. An Auditor and “The Mind’s Protection” (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 4—580 21 Apr. 2 Way Comm C/Ses 40 6 May Blows—Auditing Past Exterior 42 6 May Dianetic Triples 43 10 May Single Declare (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 4—403, Vol. 5—98 21 May Fast Flow Grades Cancelled (LRH ED 103 Int) OEC Vol. 5—99 24 May Auditor’s Rights (C/S Series 1 ) (revised—see 355) 44 v 1970 (cont.) 26 May New Preclears—The Workability of Scientology (reissue of 5 Apr. 1969) Vol. VI—321 27 May Unreading Questions and Items 49 28 May Correction Lists, Use of 51 30 May Interiorization Intensive—2 Way Comm 5 2 30 May Cutatives (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 4—102, Vol. 5—52 2 June Floating Needles 53 5 June Triple Grades 54 8 June Low TA Handling 55 8 June R Student Auditing (HCO PL) (revised 17 May 1976) see OEC Vol. 4—227 12 June Programming of Cases (C/S Series 2) 56 13 June Session Priorities—Repair Pgms and Their Priority (C/S Series 3) 61 13 June Hubbard Consultant Study Stress Analysis 66 14 June The Return Program (C/S Series 4) 69 15 June Repair Example (C/S Series 5) 72 15 June Keeping Scientology Working (HCO PL) (reissue of 7 Feb. 1965) Vol. VI— 4 16 June What the C/S is Doing (C/S Series 6) (reissued & corrected 3 Oct. 1971 ) 76 17 June Technical Degrades (HCO PL) 80 19 June C/S Q and A (C/S Series 7) 82 19 June Chart of Human Evaluation (C/S Series 8) 85 21 June Superficial Actions (C/S Series 9) 87 24 June Repairing a Repair (C/S Series 10) 92 25 June C/S Series 11 94 25 June Glossary of C/S Terms (C/S Series 12) 98 30 June R VIII Actions (C/S Series 13R) (revised 6 Mar. 1973) 100 3 July C/Sing 2 Way Comm (C/S Series 14) 104 4 July Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart (HCO PL) (reissue of 5 May 1965) Vol. VI— 33 14 July Solo Cans 106 15 July Unresolved Pains (corrected & reissued 25 Nov. 1970) 110 16 July The Psychiatrist at Work 112 18 July Out Tech (HCO PL) (revised reissue of 22 Nov. 1967) 115 24 July Data Series 116 1 Aug.R F/N and Erasure (revised 21 Oct. 1974) 117 8 Aug. List L-1B (cancelled—see 203) 118 8 Aug. L4B—For Assessment of All Listing Errors (amendment of 15 Dec. 1968) (revised—see Vol. VIII, 138) 119 8 Aug. Green Form (HCO PL) (amendment of 7 Apr. 1970) Vol. VIII—321 16 Aug. Getting the F/N to Examiner (C/S Series 15) (corrected & reissued 3 Nov. 1970) 122 20 Aug. Exteriorization Rundown Musts 125 vi 1970 (cont.) 21 Aug. Session Grading—Well Done, Definition of (C/S Series 16) 127 26 Aug. Incomplete Cases (C/S Series 17) 130 28 Aug.R HC Out-Point Plus-Point Lists RA (revised 9 Oct. 1974) 132 8 Sept.R Examiner’s 24 Hour Rule (HCO PL) (revised 24 Oct. 1975) 138 11 Sept. Chronic Somatic, Dianetic Handling of (C/S Series 18) 139 21 Sept. Study Definitions (Study Series 1) 140 29 Sept. Clear Procedure Continued—Step One—Participation in Session by the Pc see footnote Vol. III—161 6 Oct. Folder Error Summaries (C/S Series l9) 142 8 Oct. Persistent F/N (C/S Series 20) 144 13 Oct. Course Supervisor Corrections 146 18 Oct. Auditor’s Stats on F/N VGI 147 26 Oct. Obnosis and the Tone Scale (reissued l9 Sept. 1974) 148 Nov. Scientology 0-8 151 3 Nov. Getting the F/N to Examiner (C/S Series 15) (corrected reissue of 16 Aug. 1970) 122 10 Nov. C/S Responsibility for Training (C/S Series 21 ) 152 17 Nov. Flag Executive Briefing Course Lectures (17 Nov.—3 Feb. 1971 ) 154 25 Nov. Unresolved Pains (corrected reissue of 15 July 1970) 110 28 Nov. Psychosis (C/S Series 22) 155 2 Dec. Exteriorization Summary (C/S Series 23)(revised—see Vol. VIII, 279) 159 10 Dec. Clay Table Work in Training 162 23 Dec. Fast Courses 165 1971 2 Jan. Illegal Auditing 167 4 Jan. Exteriorization and High TA (reissued & corrected 3 Oct. 1971) 168 5 Jan. Training Drills Modernized (reissue of 17 Apr. 1961) (cancelled—see 348) Vol. IV—249 13 Jan. Exteriorization (reissued & corrected 23 Jan. 1971) 172 13 Jan. Exam 24 Hour Rule (HCO PL) 174 23 Jan. Exteriorization (corrected reissue of 13 Jan. 1971) 172 10 Feb. Tech Volume and 2 Way Comm 175 28 Feb. Metering Reading Items (C/S Series 24) 177 3 Mar. L IX Hi-Lo TA List (cancelled—see Vol. VIII, 1) 179 5 Mar. The Fantastic New HGC Line (C/S Series 25) 180 6 Mar. New Uses for the Green Form (C/S Series 26) 185 6 Mar. Long C/Ses (C/S Series 27) 186 7 Mar. Use of Quadruple Dianetics (C/S Series 28) (revised—see Vol. VIII, 284 & 374) 188 8 Mar. Case Actions, Off Line (C/S Series 29) 191 vii 1971 (cont.) 8 Mar. Examiner’s Form (HCO PL) 193 13 Mar. L IX Hi-Lo TA List (cancelled—see Vol. VIII, 1) 194 14 Mar.R F/N Everything (corrected & reissued 25 July 1973) 196 16 Mar.R What Is a Course? (HCO PL) (revised 29 Jan. 1975) 198 18 Mar. L4B—For Assessment of All Listing Errors (amendment of 15 Dec. 1968)(revised—see Vol. VIII, 138) 200 19 Mar. List—1—C 203 19 Mar. C/Sing Auditor-C/Ses (C/S Series 30) 205 27 Mar. Dianetic Erasure 208 31 Mar. Programming and Misprogramming (C/S Series 31 ) 209 4 Apr. Use of Quad Dianetics (C/S Series 32) (revised—see Vol. VIII, 2 74 & 3 77) 210 5 Apr. Triple and Quad Reruns (C/S Series 33) (revised—see Vol. VIII, 286 & 380) 212 5 Apr.R Summary of How to Write an Auditor’s Report and Worksheets for HQS Co-Audit (revised 21 Oct. 1974) 215 6 Apr. Non F/N Cases (C/S Series 34) 217 11 Apr. L3B—Dianetics and Ext RD Repair List (revised—see Vol. VIII, 265) 220 12 Apr. Exteriorization Errors (C/S Series 35) (revised—see 456) 224 21 Apr. Quadruple Dianetics—Dangers of (C/S Series 36) (revised—see Vol. VIII, 289 & 383) 226 26 Apr. TRs and Cognitions 230 27 Apr. Education, Definition of 232 28 Apr. Okays to Audit in HGCs 233 30 Apr. Auditing Comm Cycle 235 11 May Dianetics and Scientology in Other Languages (HCO PL) see—443 13 May Student Grasp of Materials 236 19 May High TAs Are Overruns—Plus Int RD Handling (C/S Series 37) (cancelled) see—267 21 May TA Rising While Listing O/R List (C/S Series 37 Addition) (cancelled) see—267 23 May R The Magic of the Communication Cycle (B/A Series 1 R) (revised 4 Dec. 1974) 238 23 May R The Two Parts of Auditing (B/A Series 2R) (revised 6 Dec. 1974) 240 23 May The Three Important Communication Lines (B/A Series 3) (reissued 1 Dec. 1974) 243 23 May R Communication Cycles Within the Auditing Cycle (B/A Series 4R) (revised 4 Dec. 1974) 244 23 May R The Communication Cycle in Auditing (B/A Series 5R) (revised 29 Nov. 1974) 248 23 May Auditor Failure to Understand (B/A Series 6) 250 23 May Premature Acknowledgements (B/A Series 7) 252 23 May “Letting the Pc Itsa”—The Properly Trained Auditor (B/A Series 8) (reissue of 5 Feb. 1966) 253 viii 1971 (cont.) 23 May Comm Cycle Additives (B/A Series 9) 256 23 May R Recognition of Rightness of the Being (B/A Series 10R) (revised 4 Dec. 1974) 257 23 May Metering (B/A Series II ) 259 26 May TRs Course and Auditing—Mixing Major Actions (C/S Series 38) 260 31 May Best Advance Program (C/S Series 39) (revised—see 419) 263 2 June Confronting (Study Series 2) (corrected & reissued 30 Dec. 1972) 264 2 June Overrun—Don’t Use 267 3 June High and Low TA Breakthrough (C/S Series 37R) 268 7 June Low TAs (C/S Series 40) 272 9 June C/S Tips (C/S Series 41 ) 273 9 June C/S Rules (C/S Series 42) 276 9 June C/S Rules (C/S Series 43) 278 10 June C/S Rules—Programming from Prepared Lists (C/S Series 44R) 280 15 June Hi-Lo TA Assessment Rules (C/S Series 37R Addition) 282 16 June R Low TA Assessing (C/S Series 37R Addition 2R) 283 19 June C/S Rules (C/S Series 45) 284 19 June Declares (C/S Series 46) 285 19 June Study Definitions for the TR Course 286 20 June The Supreme Test of a C/S (C/S Series 47) 289 21 June Affinity, Reality and Communication 291 24 June Word Clearing (W/C Series 2) 292 25 June R Barriers to Study (W/C Series 3R) (revised 25 Nov. 1974) 293 26 June C/S Series 37R—Addition 3 296 26 June R Supervisor Two-Way Comm and the Misunderstood Word (W/C Series 4R) (revised 30 Nov. 1974) 299 27 June R Supervisor Two-Way Comm Explained (W/C Series 5R) (revised 2 Dec. 1974) 302 30 June R Expanded GF 40 RB (revised 1 Dec. 1974) 304 30 June Standard C/S for Word Clearing (W/C Series 8) (cancelled—see Vol. VIII, 131) 313 2 July Word Clearing Clarification (W/C Series 13) 315 3 July Auditing by Lists Revised 316 4 July Drug Handling (C/S Series 48) (revised—see 327) 319 5 July R Assists (C/S Series 49R) (revised & reissued 8 June 1974) 322 15 July R Quads Cancelled (C/S Series 28R, 32R, 33R, 36R, 49R) (revised 6 June 1974)(cancelled—see Vol. VIII, 373) 324 15 July C/S Case Gain (C/S Series 50) 326 15 July Drug Handling (C/S Series 48R) 327 17 July Out of Valence (C/S Series 51 ) 330 19 July Internes (C/S Series 52) 331 21 July R Word Clearing Correction List (revised 9 Aug. 1971) 333 ix 1971 (cont.) 23 July Assists—A Flag Expertise Subject (corrected 4 May 1972) 335 25 July Short Hi TA Assessment C/S (C/S Series 53) (cancelled—see Vol. VIII, 398) 337 28 July Dianetics, Beginning a Pc on (C/S Series 54) 339 2 Aug. TRs, Solo Course and Advanced Courses 341 4 Aug. Purpose Clearing (revised—see Vol. VIII, 363) 342 8 Aug. The Ivory Tower (C/S Series 55) 344 9 Aug. Standard C/S for Word Clearing in Session—Method l (W/C Series 8RR) (revision of 30 June 1971) (cancelled—see Vol. VIII, 131) 346 9 Aug. Word Clearing Correction List (revision of 21 July 1971) (revised—see Vol. IX, 455) 333 11 Aug. Security of Data (HCO PL) (amended & reissued 28 Mar. 1974) Vol. VI—105 16 Aug. Training Drills Modernized 348 20 Aug. HAS Specialist Auditing Program(revised—see Vol. VIII, 50) 354 23 Aug. Auditor’s Rights (C/S Series 1) 355 24 Aug. Assists Addition 364 25 Aug. How to Get Results in an HGC (C/S Series 56, A/A Series 2) (reissued 2 Nov. 1972) 365 30 Aug. Student Completions (replaced) 369 30 Aug. Pc Completions (revised—see Vol. VIII, 214) 371 31 Aug.R Confused Ideas (W/C Series 16R) 373 1 Sept. A C/S as a Training Officer—A Program for Flubless Auditing (C/S Series 57) 375 2 Sept. Words and Posts (W/C Series 17) 381 4 Sept. Alterations (W/C Series 19) 382 4 Sept. Simple Words (W/C Series 20) 383 6 Sept. Correct Sequence—Qualifications of Word Clearers (W/C Series 21) 385 7 Sept. Programming Cases Backwards (C/S Series 58) 387 8 Sept. Birth Control Pills 389 13 Sept. Trouble Shooting (W/C Series 23) 390 14 Sept. Dianetic List Errors (C/S Series 59) 392 14 Sept. Word Clearing C/S No. 2 393 14 Sept. Post Purpose Clearing C/S Form 1 R (revised 1 Oct. 1971 ) 394 15 Sept. The Worst Tangle (C/S Series 60) 396 17 Sept. Library (W/C Series 24) 397 22 Sept. The Three Golden Rules of the C/S—Handling Auditors (C/S Series 61) 398 24 Sept. Interiorization Rundown 400 25 Sept.R Tone Scale in Full (revised 4 Apr. 1974) 404 28 Sept. Know Before You Go (C/S Series 62) 405 28 Sept. Selling and Delivering Auditing (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 4—589 30 Sept. CCHs 5, 6 & 7 (amended & reissued 19 Apr. 1974) 408 x 1971 (cont.) 1 Oct. Post Purpose Clearing C/S Form 1 R (revision of 14 Sept. 1971) 394 2 Oct. C/Sing for New Auditors or Veterans (C/S Series 63) 410 3 Oct. What the C/S Is Doing (C/S Series 6) (corrected reissue of 16 June 1970) 76 3 Oct. Exteriorization and High TA (corrected reissue of 4 Jan. 1971) 168 5 Oct. F/Ning Auditors (C/S Series 64) 412 6 Oct. Intensives Added Points System for Pcs 413 16 Oct. Forcing a Pc 414 21 Oct. Assists in Scientology (reissued 21 Sept. 1974) 415 21 Oct. Standard 121/2 Hour Intensive Programs (C/S Series 39R) (revision of 31 May 1971 ) 419 22 Oct. Exteriorization (reissued 19 Sept. 1974) 420 24 Oct. False TA 421 25 Oct. Drug Drying Out 425 25 Oct. Auditor Failure to Understand 428 26 Oct. Tech Downgrades (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 5— 56 29 Oct.R Int Rundown Correction List Revised (revised 14 May 1974) 429 30 Oct. Triple Grades vs. Expanded 432 3 Nov. Auditor’s Worksheets (C/S Series 66, A/A Series 15) (reissued 6 Nov. 1972) 433 10 Nov.R Tapes, How to Use (W/C Series 25R, T/C Series 6R) (revised 21 Sept. 1974) 434 12 Nov.R False TA Addition (revised 6 Mar. 1973) 438 15 Nov. Tone Scale in Full (revision of 25 Sept. 1971) see—404 20 Nov. HAS Specialist Auditing Program (Revised) 439 (revised—see Vol. VIII, 50) 20 Nov. Course Translation to Tape (T/C Series l) (reissued 23 Oct. 1974) 441 21 Nov. Dianetics and Scientology in Other Languages (T/C Series 2) 443 21 Nov.R Teaching a Tape Course (T/C Series 3R) (revised 23 Oct. 1974) 446 23 Nov. Tapes, How to Use (W/C Series 25R, T/C Series 6R) (reissue of 10 Nov. 1971 ) see—434 25 Nov. Resistive Cases—Former Therapy (reissued 21 Sept. 1974) 449 5 Dec. End Phenomenas (reissued 21 Sept. 1974) 451 9 Dec. PTS Rundown (revised—see Vol. VIII, 338) 452 16 Dec.R Interiorization Errors (C/S Series 35RA) (revised 19 Sept. 1974) 456 17 Dec. Interiorization Summary (C/S Series 23R) (revised—see Vol. VIII, 279) 459 19 Dec. D of P Operates by OCAs (C/S Series 71 ) 462 20 Dec. Use of Correction Lists (C/S Series 72) 464 23 Dec. The No-Interference Area (C/S Series 73, Solo C/S Series 10) 466 Subject Index 468 Alphabetical List of Titles 501 xi LONG CONTENTS HCO B 3 Jan. 1970 TRIPLE ERRORS IN DIANETICS, 1 When high TA after singles send pc to Review before triples, HCO B 15 Jan. 1970 THE USES OF AUDITING, 2 Auditing isn’t just Dianetics and Grades, 2 Auditing applied to specific things, 2 Auditing is not a limited action, 3 HCO B 15 Jan. 1970 HANDLING WITH AUDITING, 4 Pc’s desire or complaint must be handled, 4 Examples of not handling, 4 Service and handling are the same thing, 4 Don’t allow a backlog of pcs, 5 Auditing “loses”, keep at it until it is a win, 5 Don’t promise instant miracles, 6 HCO B 19 Jan. 1970 REGISTRARS’ ADVICE FORM, 7 Informs C/S what pc wanted and expected, 7 HCO B 21 Jan. 1970 CANCELLATION OF PERMISSIVE TRs, 8 Correct TRs and application listed on HCO B 17 April 1961, 8 HCO B 27 Jan. 1970 NARRATIVE ITEMS EXPLAINED, 9 Narrative item may give no chain, 9 Narrative chains of excessive length, 9 Narratives vs. somatics, 9 HCO B 27 Jan. 1970 E-METER DRILL COACHING, 10 List of observations made on coaching of E-Meter drills, 10 HCO B 29 Jan. 1970 NULL LISTS IN DIANETICS, 11 List isn’t null; it is suppressed or invalidated, 11 How to use suppress and invalidate buttons, 11 HCO B 31 Jan. 1970 WITHHOLDS, OTHER PEOPLE’S, 13 Pc “getting off” other people’s withholds must have a chain of similar overts and withholds that are his own, 13 HCO B 4 Feb. 1970 PC APPLICATION FOR MAJOR ACTIONS, 14 Case must be set up before starting a major action, 14 Never run a pc on a major action whose case is giving trouble, 14 Auditing set-up actions, 14 HCO PL 4 Feb. 1970R PC APPLICATION FORM FOR ANY MAJOR AUDITING ACTION, 16 xii HCO B 13 Feb. 1970 HIGH TA, FULL HANDLING OF, 18 The cause of high TA is an engram chain in restimulation, 18 Remedy DDDA 400A for chronic high TA, 19 HCO B 20 Feb. 1970 FLOATING NEEDLES AND END PHENOMENA, 20 Dianetics end phenomena, 20 Scientology Grade 0 to IV end phenomena, 21 How to indicate floating needle, 21 Waiting for F/N to broaden to cognition, 22 HCO B 26 Feb. 1970 STANDARD TECH AND INVALIDATION, 23 Standard Tech is not a process or a series of processes; it is following the rules of processing, 23 A Class VIII can crash stats by invalidation, 23 Things that should happen when a Class VIII returns to an area, 23 HCO B 10 Mar. 1970 LIST OF PERCEPTICS—DIANETICS BULLETIN, 25 55 human perceptions, 25 HCO B 20 Mar. 1970 ALLY, DEFINITION OF, 26 Ally computation, 26 HCO B 22 Mar. 1970 EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, 27 [REVISED] Auditing trouble after exteriorization, 27 Engram behavior, 27 The missed beginning of an exteriorization, 28 The remedy is to audit out interiorizations, 28 Interiorization Rundown procedure, 29 HCO B 27 Mar. 1970 GRADE II RELEASE, 30 [CANCELLED] Command of Grade II Single Flow, 30 HCO B 27 Mar. 1970 GREEN FORM, 31 Do an L-1A if pc was not fully satisfied that all has been handled, 31 HCO B 29 Mar. 1970 AUDITING AND ETHICS, 31 Cases undergoing Ethics actions should not be audited until the Ethics matter is cleared up and complete, 31 HCO B 31 Mar. 1970 DIANETIC TR NOTES, 32 [CANCELLED] How to avoid coach restim in doing TR 104 and TR 103, 32 HCO B 1 Apr. 1970 ETHICS PROGRAM NO. 1 CASE ACTIONS, 33 Lack of case gain, 33 Poor study record, 33 TA too high or too low, 33 Poor post stats, 33 Current drug history or connections, 34 Psychiatric history, 34 Low aptitude, IQ and leadership test scores, 34 xiii HCO B 8 Apr. 1970 GF-40 HANDLING—CLARIFICATION, 35 All reading items on a GF-40 are handled, 35 Order of handling items, 35 HCO B 8 Apr. 1970 MORE ON PREPCHECKS, 35 When prepcheck uncovers ARC break and ARC break handled to EP, it is EP of that prepcheck, 35 HCO B 11 Apr. 1970 AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR, 36 “Audited over exterior” symptoms, 36 Interiorization Rundown and two-way comm session, 36 HCO B 12 Apr. 1970 LIST L-1B, 38 [CANCELLED] How to use L-1 B, 38 List-1 B, 39 HCO B 21 Apr. 1970 2 WAY COMM C/Ses, 40 Four main reasons for two-way comm C/Ses, 40 Q and A example, 40 Evaluation in auditing two-way comm is a deadly sin, 40 Two-way comm worksheets are more detailed, 40 C/S maxim “when in doubt order a 2 way comm”, 41 Two-way comm is done on meter, 41 HCO B 6 May 1970 BLOWS—AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR, 42 Blow as an effort to exteriorize, 42 HCO B 6 May 1970 DIANETIC TRIPLES, 43 Flow No. 2 and 3 commands, 43 Triple Dianetics “earlier” commands, 43 C/S Series 1 HCO B 24 May 1970 AUDITOR’S RIGHTS, 44 [REVISED] Auditor responsibility for C/Ses, 44 Accepting the pc—rights of refusal, 44 Accepting a C/S, 44 Ending the session—unworkable C/S, 44 Inability to fly ruds, 45 Unreading items—checking for reads, 45 Questions must read to be listed, 45 List trouble—L4, 45 High TA at session start, 45 Ruds going out—why and what to do, 45 Case not handled, 46 Set up for major actions (defines repair, rudiments, set up, major action, grade, program), 46 Program and Grade violations, 47 Ability attained—completion of action, 48 Unnecessary repair when pc is running well, 48 What the auditor did wrong, 48 HCO B 27 May 1970 UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS, 49 Never list a listing question that doesn’t read, 49 Never prepcheck an item that doesn’t read, 49 Listing errors, 49 Dianetic “list” is not a listing action, 49 Things that don’t read won’t run, 50 Suppress and invalidate buttons, 50 xiv HCO B 28 May 1970 CORRECTION LISTS, USE OF, 51 Four ways to use prepared lists, 51 When to use which assessment method, 51 Setting up cases, 51 Error in using prepared lists, 51 HCO B 30 May 1970 INTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE—2 WAY COMM, 52 Interiorization Rundown is ALWAYS followed in the next session with “2 Way Comm on Interiorization-Exteriorization”, 52 Cognition on Int RD, 52 HCO B 2 June 1970 FLOATING NEEDLES, 53 Dianetic end phenomena, 53 HCO B 5 June 1970 TRIPLE GRADES, 54 Scientology Triples, 54 Dianetic Triples, 54 HCO B 8 June 1970 LOW TA HANDLING, 55 Person whose TA is low is in a state of overwhelm, 55 Causes of false TA, 55 Actions for low TA cases, 55 C/S Series 2 HCO B 12 June 1970 PROGRAMMING OF CASES, 56 Program definition, 56 The master program for every case is given on the Classification and Gradation Chart, 56 Quickie Grades, 56 Case supervision basic facts, 56 Three types of programs: Basic Program, Repair Program, Return Program, 57 Correct way to program, 57 Program dispersal, 58 Example of handling program outnesses, 59 Program necessity, 59 C/S holds a steady course, 60 C/S Series 3 HCO B 13 June 1970 SESSION PRIORITIES—REPAIR PGMS AND THEIR PRIORITY, 61 Programming errors and delay in repair can cause pc illness, 61 Program errors, 61 Difference between self-auditing and solo auditing, 61 EP of repair, 62 Pc routinely complaining means need of Repair Program, 62 Repair Program sample, 62 Effect Scale, 63 BPC, 63 Overwhelm, 63 Two variables for C/S decision, 63 Cause of pc overwhelm, 64 Ingenuity of C/S, 64 Use of two-way comm, 65 Repair actions, 65 HCO B 13 June 1970 HUBBARD CONSULTANT STUDY STRESS ANALYSIS, 66 Hubbard Consultant training, 66 Hubbard Consultant Stress Analysis No. 1, 66 Hubbard Consultant Stress Analysis No. 2, 67 Hubbard Consultant Stress Analysis No. 3, 67 Hubbard Consultant Stress Analysis No. 4, 67 xv C/S Series 4 HCO B 14 June 1970 THE RETURN PROGRAM, 69 When a Repair Program is changed into a Return Program, 69 Difference between Repair and Return Programs, 69 Example of Return Program, 70 C/S Series 5 HCO B 15 June 1970 REPAIR EXAMPLE, 72 Repair Program example, 72 Repair Program errors, 73 Note on VIII auditing, 73 Need of Life Repair before Dianetics, 74 Repair is a Tech Div action, 74 Repair of a Dianetic pc, 74 C/S Q and A, 75 C/S Series 6 HCO B 16 June 1970 WHAT THE C/S IS DOING, 76 Apparent force of words and phrases in engrams, 76 Low TAs, 76 High TA, 76 Mental masses, forces, energy are what C/S handles, 77 Pc search for significance, 77 The E-Meter and what it records, 77 Backwards C/Sing, 77 Reliable indicators of completed Grade, 78 F/N abuse and “quickies”, 78 Pc abilities, 79 C/S purpose, 79 HCO PL 17 June 1970 TECHNICAL DEGRADES, 80 Checksheets with degrading statements must be destroyed, 80 High Crimes concerning checksheets, 80 High Crimes concerning delivering auditing, 80 C/S Series 7 HCO B 19 June 1970 C/S Q AND A, 82 Example of Q and A, 82 Q and Aing with Exam statement of pc, 82 C/Sing a win is Q and A, 83 C/Sing in agreement with pc demands, 83 Caution—pc data is used to parallel what mind does, 84 C/S Series 8 HCO B 19 June 1970 CHART OF HUMAN EVALUATION, 85 Use of Chart of Human Evaluation in C/Sing, 85 Self-auditing—manifestation of overwhelm, 85 Mannerism changes in pc, 86 Changing the pc, 86 C/S is changing the pc’s position upward on the Chart of Human Evaluation, 86 C/S Series 9 HCO B 21 June 1970 SUPERFICIAL ACTIONS, 87 Cultural inclination to “quickie”, 87 Short programs are for the birds, 87 C/S making long programs saves time, 87 Target is success stories and results, 88 Actions to be done on sick pcs, 89 Folly of short-cutting processes, 90 “Omitted time” is a basic insanity, 90 Speed liability and honest results, 90 xvi C/S Series 10 HCO B 24 June 1970 REPAIRING A REPAIR, 92 There is a basic goof in a repair session for it to have gone wrong, 92 C/S procedure for repairing a Repair Pgm session, 92 New auditor flubs, 93 Use light handling on pcs who need lots of repair, 93 C/S Series 11 HCO B 25 June 1970 C/S SERIES 11, 94 Case supervision instructions are always written, 94 Why it is a High Crime for C/S not to write C/S instructions, 94 Key points on case supervision, 94 Double folder danger, 95 Analyzing folders, 95 Reviewing folders, 95 Main question of a C/S, 96 Auditing and Ethics actions, 96 Out admin—liability, 96 Gross case supervision errors, 97 C/S Series 12 HCO B 25 June 1970 GLOSSARY OF C/S TERMS, 98 Progress Program, 98 Advance Program, 98 Expanded Lower Grades, 98 Dianetic Clear, 98 Classification Chart, 99 Quickie Grades, 99 Dianetic pcs, 99 Training, 99 C/S Series 13R HCO B 30 June 1970R VIII ACTIONS, 100 “Old” processes are not cancelled by new ones, 100 Basics are not cancelled by later developments, 100 VIII auditing, 101 Resistive cases, 101 When to use GF 40, 101 Purpose and validity of OT IV Rundown, 102 Case Supervisor actions, 102 C/S Series 14 HCO B 3 July 1970 C/Sing 2 WAY COMM, 104 Reasons for C/S errors in C/Sing 2 way comm, 104 Rules of C/Sing 2 way comm, 104 HCO B 14 July 1970 SOLO CANS, 106 Basic trouble with a single-hand electrode, 106 Construction of single-hand electrode, 106 Standard electrodes, 107 Small hands, 107 How to prevent shorting, 107 Solo can illustration, 109 HCO B 15 July 1970 UNRESOLVED PAINS, 110 Two reasons for pain not resolved on Dianetics, 110 Not enough auditing on enough chains, 110 Sympathetic nervous system pains, 110 Toothache, 111 xvii HCO B 16 July 1970 THE PSYCHIATRIST AT WORK, 112 Pain association, 112 Psychiatric “cures” are implantings with compulsive ideas, 112 Skill level of psychiatrists, 113 Psychiatrists’ masters, 113 HCO PL 22 Nov. 1967 OUT TECH, 115 The only ways you can fail to get results on a pc, 115 There is no hidden data line, 115 Never delete data from checksheets or assign part of it “background” data, 115 HCO B 24 July 1970 DATA SERIES, 116 Hubbard Consultant Out-point—Plus-point List procedure, 116 HCO B 1 Aug. 1970RA F/N AND ERASURE, 117 Tone arm position, 117 Overrun, 117 Cognition, 117 HCO B 8 Aug. 1970 LIST L-1B, 118 [CANCELLED] HCO B 15 Dec. 1968 L4B—FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS, 119 [REVISED] C/S Series 15 HCO B 16 Aug. 1970 GETTING THE F/N TO EXAMINER, 122 Unflat engram chains and high TA, 122 Causes and solutions for high TA at Exam after F/N in session, 122 How to program a pc who has a chronic somatic, 123 Dianetic pc pattern at Examiner, 123 High TA and illness, 124 Low TA at Exam, 124 HCO B 20 Aug. 1970 EXTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN MUSTS, 125 One session rule, 125 Ext Rundown must be flubless, 125 Ext Rundown must be followed by a two-way comm session, 126 C/S Series 16 HCO B 21 Aug. 1970 SESSION GRADING—WELL DONE, DEFINITION OF, 127 Well done, 127 Very well done, 127 No mention, 127 Flunks, 128 Flunk and retrain, 128 Two methods of invalidating an auditor’s auditing, 128 Auditor handling by C/S, 129 Auditor’s stat is well done auditing hours, 129 C/S Series 17 HCO B 26 Aug. 1970 INCOMPLETE CASES, 130 Overshooting and undershooting, 130 Quickie Grades and actions, 130 Complete cases, 131 HCO B 28 Aug. 1970RA HC OUT-POINT PLUS-POINT LISTS RA, 132 Procedure, 132 Out-point List, 133 Plus-point List, 135 xviii HCO PL 8 Sept. 1970RA EXAMINER’S 24 HOUR RULE, 138 Four manifestations in a pc at Exam indicating need for 24 hour repair, 138 Any goofed session must be repaired within 24 hours, 138 Examiner’s actions concerning 24 hour rule, 138 C/S Series 18 HCO B 11 Sept. 1970 CHRONIC SOMATIC, DIANETIC HANDLING OF, 139 C/S Series 15 contains rundown for full Dianetic handling of the pc who has a chronic somatic, 139 Study Series 1 HCO B 21 Sept. 1970 STUDY DEFINITIONS, 140 C/S Series 19 HCO B 6 Oct. 1970 FOLDER ERROR SUMMARIES, 142 Who does an FES, 142 Who pays for an FES, 142 Necessity for an FES, 142 Necessity for FES not halting delivery, 142 Blind repair, 143 C/S Series 20 HCO B 8 Oct. 1970 PERSISTENT F/N, 144 The bug behind “Quickie Grades”, 144 What to do with a persistent F/N or big win, 144 Gradual widening of F/N, 144 HCO B 13 Oct. 1970 COURSE SUPERVISOR CORRECTIONS, 146 Supervisor uses two-way comm to handle students, 146 Supervisor must show that he is interested in the progress of his students, 146 Course Supervisor does not interrupt a student’s progress or correct when there is nothing to correct, 146 HCO B 18 Oct. 1970 AUDITOR’S STATS ON F/N VGI, 147 Auditor’s stat can include previous no-F/N at Exam sessions, 147 FES credits on auditor’s stat, 147 HCO B 26 Oct. 1970 OBNOSIS AND THE TONE SCALE, 148 Obnosis is “observing the obvious”, 148 Examples of obnosis, 148 How to spot people on the Tone Scale, 149 Spotting tone drill, 149 Student gain from these exercises, 149 C/S Series 21 HCO B 10 Nov. 1970 C/S RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAINING, 152 C/S is responsible for auditors’ ability to audit, 152 Auditor training stages, 152 C/S giving a daily auditors’ conference, 153 C/Sing auditors—1 flub, 1 retrain in Cramming on that point, 153 C/S Series 22 HCO B 28 Nov. 1970 PSYCHOSIS, 155 About 15% to 20% of the human race apparently is insane, 155 Ways for a C/S to detect insane, 155 Types of insanity, 156 Definition of insanity, 156 The nature of man, 156 Techniques to handle insane, 157 xix C/S Series 23 HCO B 2 Dec. 1970 EXTERIORIZATION SUMMARY, 159 [REVISED] Use of HCO Bs covering Exteriorization Rundown, 159 Two-way comm step, 159 Ext is a remedy, 160 C/Sing Ext, 160 End result of Ext Rundown, 160 C/S wins, 161 HCO B 10 Dec. 1970 CLAY TABLE WORK IN TRAINING, 162 Words misunderstood can cause blows, 162 Construction of clay table, 162 Use of clay table on courses, 163 HCO B 23 Dec. 1970 FAST COURSES, 165 It is illegal to give a retread course away, 165 Reasons for slow courses, 165 HCO B 2 Jan. 1971 ILLEGAL AUDITING, 167 Lists of withholds required of a staff member without proper sessioning are now illegal, 167 Challenging people out of session as “having withholds” is illegal, 167 HCO B 4 Jan. 1971 EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA, 168 Auditing trouble after exteriorization, 168 Exteriorization defined, 168 Engram behavior, 169 The missed beginning of an exteriorization, 169 Remedy is to audit out interiorizations, 170 Interiorization Rundown procedure, 170 HCO B 13 Jan. 1971 EXTERIORIZATION, 172 Interiorization Rundown errors, 172 Auditors must starrate on materials before application, 173 HCO PL 13 Jan. 1971 EXAM 24 HOUR RULE, 174 Pc who has roller-coastered despite an F/N at session end must be handled by Tech or Qual within 24 hours, 174 High Crimes, 174 HCO B 10 Feb. 1971 TECH VOLUME AND 2 WAY COMM, 175 Supervisors must two-way comm students, 175 Qual Consultant service for pcs and students, 176 The process of two-way comm, 176 C/S Series 24 HCO B 28 Feb. 1971 METERING READING ITEMS, 177 Gross auditing errors regarding metering, 177 Auditor’s vision, 178 Confusions on “reading item”, 178 No read, 178 HCO B 3 Mar. 1971 L IX HI-LO TA LIST, 179 (CANCELLED] High TA Assessment, 179 C/S Series 25 HCO B 5 Mar. 1971 THE FANTASTIC NEW HGC LINE, 180 Auditor admin actions, 180 xx Auditor’s C/S form, 180 C/S grading of sessions, 180 The new line and its results, 181 New sequence of HGC actions, 181 Above 600 hours results in second HGC, 183 Seniors in HGC, 183 Cramming, 183 Dummy run the new HGC line, 184 Pc procurement, 184 C/S Series 26 HCO B 6 Mar. 1971 NEW USES FOR THE GREEN FORM, 185 Method 5 assessment, 185 What to handle first on GF, 185 GF hidden standard handling, 185 GF on foreign language cases, 185 C/S Series 27 HCO B 6 Mar. 1971 LONG C/Ses, 186 Advantages of long C/Ses, 186 Handling reduced by length of C/S, 186 Dianetic C/Ses, 186 Length of Pgms, 186 Progress Programs, 186 Advance Programs, 187 Thorough C/Ses, 187 C/S Series 28 HCO B 7 Mar. 1971 USE OF QUADRUPLE DIANETICS, 188 [REVISED] How to C/S a case for Quad Dianetics, 188 Dianetic full flow table, 188 Int Ext RD and full flow table, 189 Quad Dianetics checklist, 189 R3R flub, 189 Quad Dianetic requirements, 190 Dianetics is its own field of C/Sing, 190 Results of Quad Dianetics, 190 C/S Series 29 HCO B 8 Mar. 1971 CASE ACTIONS, OFF LINE, 191 Life knocking ruds out faster than they can be audited in, 191 Pc physically ill before next session, 191 Self-auditing, 191 Coffee shop auditing, 191 Touch and Contact Assists interrupting a general course of auditing, often to no F/N, 191 Study rundowns, 192 Illegal patch-ups, 192 People talking about their cases, 192 Advanced Course material insecurity, 192 Illegal drug use, 192 HCO PL 8 Mar. 1971 EXAMINER’S FORM, 193 HCO B 13 Mar. 1971 L IX HI-LO TA LIST, 194 [CANCELLED] High-Low TA Assessment, 194 HCO B 14 Mar. 1971R F/N EVERYTHING, 196 Reading items not F/Ned leave pc with by-passed charge, 196 Examples of F/Ning everything, 196 When to indicate floating needle, 197 Never try to fly ruds or do L1B on a high or low TA, 197 Frequent errors in F/Ning everything, 197 xxi HCO PL 16 Mar. 1971R WHAT IS A COURSE?, 198 Course materials, 198 Supervisor actions, 198 Student blows follow misunderstoods, 198 Supervisor is tough, 198 Actions of Course Administrator, 199 HCO B 15 Dec. 1968 L4B—FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS, 200 [REVISED] HCO B 19 Mar. 1971 LIST—1—C, 203 L1 C handles ARC broken, sad, hopeless or nattery pcs, 203 C/S Series 30 HCO B 19 Mar. 1971 C/Sing AUDITOR-C/Ses, 205 Duty of Org C/S, 205 Troubles C/S is looking for, 205 Causes of contrary Exam report, 205 Dog cases, 206 Auditor errors, 206 Program errors, 206 C/S errors, 207 Cramming, 207 HCO B 27 Mar. 1971 DIANETIC ERASURE, 208 Dianetic errors preventing erasure, 208 Running non-reading item, 208 How to handle high TA at session start, 208 Running a narrative item, 208 No Exteriorization RD, 208 Failing to ask for ABCD again when the pc says “It’s erased” but TA is still high, 208 Failure to ask for the earlier beginning, 208 Not asking for an earlier incident, 208 Auditing a pc under protest will cause the TA to stay up and no F/N, 208 C/S Series 31 HCO B 31 Mar. 1971 PROGRAMMING AND MISPROGRAMMING, 209 Three important areas of technical application: auditing cases, case supervising cases, programming cases, 209 Routine basis of getting auditing into an org, 209 Six principal gross errors in programming, 209 C/S Series 32 HCO B 4 Apr. 1971 USE OF QUAD DIANETICS, 210 [REVISED] Triple Dianetics, 210 Quad, 210 Ext RD, 210 Missing flows (that were not run) are still potential mass, 210 Full flow table, 210 The four flows, 211 R3 R commands, 211 When to triple or quad narrative items or multiple somatic items, 211 How to handle Full Flow Dianetic chains that did not F/N when originally run, 211 Quadruple Dianetics on Clears and OTs, 211 C/S Series 33 HCO B 5 Apr. 1971 TRIPLE AND QUAD RERUNS, 212 [REVISED] By-passed flows and mass, 212 Three principal sources of high TAs, 212 Liability of rehab, 212 Massy thetans, 212 Getting in all flows, 213 xxii High TA, 213 Running Zero Flows, 214 Rehab or run, 214 Results of All Flows Rundown, 214 HCO B 5 Apr. 1971R SUMMARY OF HOW TO WRITE AN AUDITOR’S REPORT AND WORKSHEETS FOR HQS CO-AUDIT, 215 Auditor’s Report, 215 Worksheets, 215 Auditor’s Report Forms and worksheets are never re-copied, 215 C/S Series 34 HCO B 6 Apr. 1971 NON F/N CASES, 217 What an Exam non-F/N indicates, 217 Answer to cases that don’t F/N at Exams, 217 Twelve things that can foul up a case, 218 Stable datum on cases that run well, 219 HCO B 11 Apr. 1971 L3B—DIANETICS AND EXT RD REPAIR LIST, 220 [REVISED] C/S Series 35 HCO B 12 Apr. 1971 EXTERIORIZATION ERRORS, 224 [REVISED] Correct an Ext RD error as a first action, 224 Dianetic auditors can repair Int RDs, 224 Reasons for high TA, 224 Data on what ext in session means, 225 Dianetic C/S 1, 225 C/S Series 36 HCO B 21 Apr. 1971 QUADRUPLE DIANETICS—DANGERS OF, 226 [REVISED] Quad Dianetic errors, 226 Quad Dianetics requirements, 226 Reason for TRs, 226 Rehabbing chains, 227 Flubbed chains, 227 L3B, 227 Overruns are demonstrated by a rising TA, 227 Firefights, 228 Interiorization, 228 Safe actions, 228 C/S responsibility, 228 FFD, Int-Ext Rundown and Power require flawless auditing and C/Sing, 229 HCO B 26 Apr. 1971 TRs AND COGNITIONS, 230 Cognitions are the milestones of case gain, 230 Reactive mind straightens out by as-ising its content, 230 Auditor plus the pc is greater than the pc’s bank, 230 A perfect session, 230 HCO B 27 Apr. 1971 EDUCATION, DEFINITION OF, 232 Affinity, reality and communication together make up understanding and so play their role in education, 232 Minimum requirements of supervisor, 232 HCO B 28 Apr. 1971 OKAYS TO AUDIT IN HGCs, 233 Cramming must exist in any org which sells auditing, 233 HGC requirement, 233 Intern program, 233 xxiii HCO B 30 Apr. 1971 AUDITING COMM CYCLE, 235 Auditor runs the session, 235 The auditing comm cycle that is always in use, 235 HCO B 13 May 1971 STUDENT GRASP OF MATERIALS, 236 How to handle new students asking technical questions, 236 Course Super is there to get the student’s confront up on the materials not to lessen it by “explaining”, 236 Student only fails by not confronting, duplicating, absorbing and using the materials before him exactly like it says, 237 Basic Auditing Series 1R HCO B 23 May 1971R THE MAGIC OF THE COMMUNICATION CYCLE, 238 Auditor and pc as two pole system to as-is mass, 238 Difficulties of auditing are difficulties of the communication cycle, 238 Basic tool of auditing is the communication cycle of auditing, 238 Basic auditing is called basic auditing because it goes prior to the technique, 239 Auditing as reach and withdraw, 239 Basic Auditing Series 2R HCO B 23 May 1971R THE TWO PARTS OF AUDITING, 240 Auditing goes in two stages: 1. Form a communication line; 2. Do something for the pc, 240 Aberrations are hard to keep, one has to work at it, 240 Process doesn’t work until auditor has a comm line to pc, 241 Pc justifying himself and trying to uphold status is not in comm with auditor, 241 Theory of overrun, 242 Auditor must keep in his communication line with pc, 242 Basic Auditing Series 3 HCO B 23 May 1971 THE THREE IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION LINES, 243 Itsa Maker line—the pc’s line to his bank, 243 Itsa line—pc’s line to the auditor, 243 What’s-it line—auditor’s line to the pc, 243 Itsa line is a report on what has been as-ised, 243 Basic Auditing Series 4R HCO B 23 May 1971R COMMUNICATION CYCLES WITHIN THE AUDITING CYCLE, 244 Basically two communication cycles between auditor and pc that make up auditing cycle, 244 Acknowledgement cycle, 244 Six communication cycles make up one auditing cycle, 246 Communication cycle consists of just cause, distance, effect with intention, attention, duplication and understanding, 246 Handling of pc origination, 246 Basic Auditing Series 5R HCO B 23 May 1971R THE COMMUNICATION CYCLE IN AUDITING, 248 Obnosis (observation of the obvious), 248 Auditor watches pc’s comm cycle; auditor’s own is perfect, 248 Auditor must know when pc has finished answering the command, 248 Magic of acknowledgement, 249 Basic Auditing Series 6 HCO B 23 May 1971 AUDITOR FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND, 250 Auditor response when he doesn’t understand pc, 250 Invalidation—avoid use of “you” to pc, 250 Evaluation—auditor repeating what pc says, 250 Don’t tell the pc what the pc said and don’t gesture to find what the pc meant, 250 Don’t drive in anchor points by shoving things at or gesturing toward pc, 251 Rock slammer, 251 xxiv Basic Auditing Series 7 HCO B 23 May 1971 PREMATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, 252 Effects of premature acknowledgement, 252 What premature acknowledgement does to conversation, 252 Premature acknowledgement leads to inadvertent withholds, 252 Basic Auditing Series 8 HCO B 5 Feb. 1966 “LETTING THE PC ITSA”—THE PROPERLY TRAINED AUDITOR, 253 What Itsa is, 253 Cure for auditor who is “letting the pc itsa”, 254 Tech savvy, 254 Cure for auditor who can’t control pc, 255 Basic Auditing Series 9 HCO B 23 May 1971 COMM CYCLE ADDITIVES, 256 There are no additives permitted on the auditing comm cycle, 256 Mannerism additives, 256 Basic Auditing Series 10R HCO B 23 May 1971R RECOGNITION OF RIGHTNESS OF THE BEING, 257 Idea of the additive data to the thetan, 257 Auditing is the business of deleting wrongnesses from the individual, 257 Auditor must look at rightnesses of pc, not just wrongnesses, 257 Pc’s ability to as-is or erase in a session is directly proportional to the number of good indicators present in the session, 258 Good vs. bad indicators, 258 Basic Auditing Series 11 HCO B 23 May 1971 METERING, 259 Auditor does not tell the pc anything about the meter or its reads ever, except to indicate an F/N, 259 Steering a pc, 259 C/S Series 38 HCO B 26 May 1971 TRS COURSE AND AUDITING—MIXING MAJOR ACTIONS, 260 Person on a TR Course or in progress on a TR cycle may not also be audited, 260 Rules regarding TR Course, 260 Points that bog a case, 260 TRs are a program, 261 Interjected programs, 261 Reason for auditing intensives, 261 Cross programming, 261 Visual idea of completing actions, 262 C/S Series 39 HCO B 31 May 1971 BEST ADVANCE PROGRAM, 263 [REVISED] Sample Advance Program, 263 Study Series 2 HCO B 2 June 1971 CONFRONTING, 264 First requisite of any subject is the ability to confront the various components of the subject itself, 264 Student who learns rapidly has a high ability to confront that subject, 264 “Glib” students, 264 “Confronting” is actually the ability to be there comfortably and perceive, 265 Definitions of gradient scale, skipped gradient, flattening, overrunning, invalidation, 265 Gradient of confronting study, 265 xxv HCO B 2 June 1971 OVERRUN—DON’T USE, 267 C/S Series 37 and C/S Series 37 Addition are both cancelled, 267 C/S Series 37R HCO B 3 June 1971 HIGH AND LOW TA BREAKTHROUGH, 268 Basic principle of overrun, 268 Overrun is full of mass and ARC breaks, 268 37R TA handling rundown, 269 Low TA, 270 End phenomena of TA Handling Rundown, 270 Flows note, 270 Auditor qualifications, 271 Interiorization Rundown, 271 C/S Series 40 HCO B 7 June 1971 LOW TAs, 272 37R rundown on a low TA case, 272 Blow UP rule only applies to 37R, 272 C/S Series 41 HCO B 9 June 1971 C/S TIPS, 273 Out lists handled before ruds, 273 No read auditors, 273 Cramming on flubs, 273 Correct use of R factors, 273 Mixing starts of sessions, 274 High TA and ARC breaks, 274 Low TA quits, 274 Exam F/Ns after flubs, 274 C/S is handling cases on the via of an auditor, 274 Higher levels do not solve lower level failures, 275 C/S expertise, 275 C/S Series 42 HCO B 9 June 1971 C/S RULES, 276 Complete cycles, 276 Double actions, 276 Set-ups, 277 Blaming the pc, 277 C/S Series 43 HCO B 9 June 1971 C/S RULES, 278 Trouble for the pc, 278 Overrepair, 278 Auditor can be invalidated by a C/S, 278 C/S correcting auditor must refer to HCO B or tape, 279 C/S Series 44R HCO B 10 June 1971 C/S RULES — PROGRAMMING FROM PREPARED LISTS, 280 Assessment of prepared lists, 280 Sequence of handling reads on prepared lists, 280 Rules by which you C/S from assessed prepared lists, 281 C/S Series 37R Addition HCO B 15 June 1971 HI-LO TA ASSESSMENT RULES, 282 Clearing flows, 282 Repeated assessment, 282 Low TA, 282 Cramming, 282 xxvi C/S Series 37R Addition 2R HCO B 16 June 1971 R LOW TA ASSESSING, 283 Handling of 37R that shows incomplete after apparent EP, 283 C/S Series 45 HCO B 19 June 1971 C/S RULES, 284 Why C/S C/Ses for exact tech application and not exclusively for result, 284 Secret of how LRH as a C/S makes star auditors, 284 C/S Series 46 HCO B 19 June 1971 DECLARES, 285 It is the C/S’s responsibility that a pc or pre-OT is sent to Declare, 285 Declare completes pc’s cycle of action and is a vital part of the action, 285 Sending pc to declare and attest, 285 HCO B 19 June 1971 STUDY DEFINITIONS FOR THE TR COURSE, 286 C/S Series 47 HCO B 20 June 1971 THE SUPREME TEST OF A C/S, 289 Programming is simply an A to B action, 289 Auditing a process is a simple A to B action, 289 Supreme test of an auditor or C/S is to begin at the A and arrive at the B in any process or program, 289 HCO B 21 June 1971 AFFINITY, REALITY AND COMMUNICATION, 291 A-R-C triangle, 291 ARC of an angry man, 291 Interrelationship of A, R and C, 291 Affinity, reality and communication can be demonstrated to equate into understanding, 291 Word Clearing Series 2 HCO B 24 June 1971 WORD CLEARING, 292 Word Clearing Method One, 292 Word Clearing Method Two, 292 Word Clearing Method Three, 292 Word Clearing Series 3R HCO B 25 June 1971R BARRIERS TO STUDY, 293 Absence of mass, 293 Too steep a study gradient, 293 By-passed definition, 294 Effects of misunderstood word, 294 Misunderstood word and doingness, 295 C/S Series 37R Addition 3 HCO B 26 June 1971 C/S SERIES 37R ADDITION 3, 296 Peculiarities of 37R listing, 296 Ruds and 37R, 296 Clearing of flows on 37R, 296 Assess 3 7 R slowly, 29 7 Additional flow to 3 7 R, 29 7 37R assessment form, 297 Steps of 37R, 297 37R don’ts, 297 Using L9S, 298 37R session form, 298 Special 37R, 298 xxvii Word Clearing Series 4R HCO B 26 June 1971R SUPERVISOR TWO-WAY COMM AND THE MISUNDERSTOOD WORD, 299 Supervisor two-way comm vs. auditor two-way comm, 299 Total dialogue of a supervisor, 299 Two-way comm of a supervisor, 300 Effects of misunderstood words, 300 Supervisor actions, 301 Word Clearing Series 5R HCO B 27 June 1971R SUPERVISOR TWO-WAY COMM EXPLAINED, 302 What supervisor two-way comm consists of, 302 Student’s stat down, check for misunderstood word, 302 Verbal advice or tech is deadly and will turn any Academy sour, 303 Misunderstood word tech is the sole course tech when course admin is in and materials are available, 303 HCO B 30 June 1971R EXPANDED GF 40 RB, 304 Word Clearing Series 8 HCO B 30 June 1971 STANDARD C/S FOR WORD CLEARING, 313 [CANCELLED] Word Clearing Series 13 HCO B 2 July 1971 WORD CLEARING CLARIFICATION, 315 Word Clearing Method No. 1 is wholly unlimited, 315 Word Clearing Method No. 1 can be done with no folder, 315 Word Clearing Method No. 1 EP is a persistent F/N on whole list, 315 HCO B 3 July 1971 AUDITING BY LISTS REVISED, 316 Auditing by Lists, Method 3, 316 Going earlier similar in Auditing by Lists, 317 Auditing by Lists procedure, 317 Big win, 317 GF and Method 3, 318 GF is best done by Method 5 (once through for reads, then the reads handled), 318 C/S Series 48 HCO B 4 July 1971 DRUG HANDLING, 319 [REVISED] Person who has been on drugs is one of the “seven types of resistive cases”, 319 Effects of drugs, 319 Those on drugs, 319 Drug engrams, 320 Drug Rundown, 320 Drugs are done first because drugs make a resistive case, 320 Dianetic Drug Rundown, 321 C/S Series 49R HCO B 5 July 1971 R ASSISTS, 322 Three types of assists, 322 Contact Assist, 322 Dianetic Assist, 322 Touch Assist, 323 How to audit an unconscious pc, 323 Assist rules, 323 C/S Series 28R, 32R, 33R, 36R, 49R HCO B 15 July 1971R QUADS CANCELLED, 324 [CANCELLED] Repair, 324 xxviii C/S Series 50 HCO B 15 July 1971 C/S CASE GAIN, 326 How to handle C/Ses and auditors who have PTP of how to get case gain for their pcs, 326 C/S Series 48R HCO B 15 July 1971 DRUG HANDLING, 327 Person who has been on drugs is one of the “seven types of resistive cases”, 327 Effects of drugs, 327 Those on drugs, 328 Drug engrams, 328 Drug Rundown, 3 28 Drugs are done first, 328 Dianetic Drug Rundown, 3 29 C/S Series 51 HCO B 17 July 1971 OUT OF VALENCE, 330 OCA/APA graph drops explained, 330 How to handle out of valence pc, 330 C/S Series 52 HCO B 19 July 1971 INTERNES, 331 Interne defined, 331 Interneship defined, 331 Course graduate becomes an auditor by auditing, 331 Importance of interneship, 331 “OK to audit” system, 332 Auditors must take interneship after each course, 332 HCO B 21 July 1971R WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST, 333 [REVISED] HCO B 23 July 1971 ASSISTS—A FLAG EXPERTISE SUBJECT, 335 Assist EP, 335 Injury rundown, 33 5 Pc running a temperature, 335 Temperature Assist: Version A, 335 Temperature Assist: Version B, 336 C/S Series 53 HCO B 25 July 1971 SHORT HI TA ASSESSMENT C/S, 337 [CANCELLED] C/S Series 54 HCO B 28 July 1971 DIANETICS, BEGINNING A PC ON, 339 Begin Dianetics with a Pc Assessment Sheet, 339 How to handle drugs, accidents, illness, mental treatment, operations, medicine, deaths, family insanity, perception, 339-40 Program from Pc Assessment Form, 340 Health Form, 340 HCO B 2 Aug. 1971 TRs, SOLO COURSE AND ADVANCED COURSES, 341 Solo students and any Ad Course: do not mix TRs with Solo or Advanced Courses, 341 HCO B 4 Aug. 1971 PURPOSE CLEARING, 342 [REVISED] Instant purpose clearing, 342 Full post clearing, 342 Auditor qualifications for Post Purpose Clearing, 342 Admin, 342 Post Purpose Clearing steps, 343 xxix C/S Series 55 HCO B 8 Aug. 1971 THE IVORY TOWER, 344 Ivory tower rule, 344 Value of auditor opinion, 345 Word Clearing Series 8RR HCO B 30 June 1971R STANDARD C/S FOR WORD CLEARING IN SESSION —METHOD 1, 346 [CANCELLED] HCO B 16 Aug. 1971 TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED, 348 Importance of TRs, 348 OT TR 0, Operating Thetan Confronting, 348 TR 0, Confronting Preclear, 349 TR 0 Bullbait, Confronting Bullbaited, 349 TR 1, Dear Alice, 350 TR 2, Acknowledgements, 351 TR 3, Duplicative Question, 351 TR 4, Preclear Originations, 352 HCO B 20 Aug. 1971 HAS SPECIALIST AUDITING PROGRAM, 354 [REVISED] Handling of executives or staff members who show signs of obsessive transfer of staff, 354 HAS Specialist Program, 354 C/S Series 1 HCO B 23 Aug. 1971 AUDITOR’S RIGHTS, 355 Auditor responsibility for C/Ses, 355 Accepting the pc—rights of refusal, 355 Accepting a C/S, 356 C/Sing in the chair, 356 Stale dated C/S, 356 Ending the session—unworkable C/S, 356 Auditing over out ruds, 356 Inability to fly ruds, 357 Sessions far apart—out ruds, 357 Unreading items—checking for reads, 357 Questions must read to be listed, 357 List trouble—L4, 357 High TA at session start, 358 Hopeful C/Sing and auditing, 358 Things done twice, 359 Don’t copy Dianetic lists or worksheets, 359 Ruds going out—why and what to do, 359 Case not handled, 360 Set up for major actions—defines repair, rudiments, set up, major action, grade, program, 360 Program and Grade violations, 361 Ability attained—completion of action, 361 Unnecessary repair when pc is running well, 362 False reports, 3 62 Auditor overts on pcs, 362 Auditors don’t have cases, 362 What the auditor did wrong, 363 Never take a verbal or written correction that is not in an HCO B or tape, 363 HCO B 24 Aug. 1971 ASSISTS ADDITION, 364 Pc is often ill because his ruds in life are out, 364 Flying ruds added to Temperature Assist, 364 C/S Series 56, Auditor Admin Series 2 HCO B 25 Aug. 1971 HOW TO GET RESULTS IN AN HGC, 365 Auditing is a team activity, 365 To improve tech results you must improve administration, 365 Auditing requires administration, 365 C/S and auditor attitude, 365 xxx Organize to improve results, 366 Org wins and stats, 367 How to get on policy with tech organization, 367 HCO B 30 Aug. 1971 STUDENT COMPLETIONS, 369 [REPLACED] Student completion points, 369 HCO B 30 Aug. 1971 PC COMPLETIONS, 371 [REVISED] Pc completion points, 371 Word Clearing Series 16R HCO B 31 Aug. 1971R CONFUSED IDEAS, 373 Misunderstood word exists at the bottom of a confusion, 373 Word Clearing Method 2 example, 373 Picture of a student’s mind, 374 C/S Series 57 HCO B 1 Sept. 1971 A C/S AS A TRAINING OFFICER—A PROGRAM FOR FLUBLESS AUDITING, 375 Responsibility of C/S to produce flubless auditors, 375 C/S is trying to obtain volume, quality and viability, 375 Sequence of actions a C/S should take to attain flubless auditing, 376 The way to get out of cope is to organize, 380 Word Clearing Series 17 HCO B 2 Sept. 1971 WORDS AND POSTS, 381 Failed posts and duties trace back to misunderstood words, 381 Psychosis and misunderstood words are the only reasons for post failure, 381 Word Clearing Series 19 HCO B 4 Sept. 1971 ALTERATIONS, 382 At the bottom of all alteration of meaning or action is a misunderstood word, 382 Just before or with the point a person begins to alter will be found a misunderstood word, 382 Word Clearing Series 20 HCO B 4 Sept. 1971 SIMPLE WORDS, 383 It takes a big dictionary to define simple words, 383 Stupidity is the effect of misunderstood words, 383 The earliest misunderstood word in a subject is a key to later misunderstood words in that subject, 383 Word Clearing Series 21 HCO B 6 Sept. 1971 CORRECT SEQUENCE—QUALIFICATIONS OF WORD CLEARERS, 385 Use of Word Clearing Methods 1, 2 and 3, 385 Purpose clearing, 385 Word Clearing program, 385 Word clearing Word Clearers, 386 C/S Series 58 HCO B 7 Sept. 1971 PROGRAMMING CASES BACKWARDS, 387 Tools of auditing are the Grade Chart Processes and the numerous correction lists, 387 Examples of programming backwards, 387 C/S gets data on case, 388 C/S knowledge, 388 The tools of a C/S, 388 xxxi HCO B 8 Sept. 1971 BIRTH CONTROL PILLS, 389 Cause of side effects of birth control pills, 389 There’s no rule regarding auditing and birth control pills, 389 Word Clearing Series 23 HCO B 13 Sept. 1971 TROUBLE SHOOTING, 390 Word Clearing troubles, 390 Use of Word Clearing Correction List, 390 What is learned on a TR Course, 390 Word Clearer training, 391 Auditor training is not only for professional auditors, 391 C/S Series 59 HCO B 14 Sept. 1971 DIANETIC LIST ERRORS, 392 Dianetic list of somatics, pains, emotions and attitudes can act as a list under the meaning of the Laws of Listing and Nulling, 392 List errors are corrected by L4, 392 Points a C/S must be alert to regarding listing, 392 HCO B 14 Sept. 1971 WORD CLEARING C/S NO. 2, 393 Word Clearing Method No. 2—commands used, 393 HCO B 14 Sept. 1971 POST PURPOSE CLEARING C/S FORM 1R, 394 C/S Series 60 HCO B 15 Sept. 1971 THE WORST TANGLE, 396 Int RD trouble is worse than list trouble is worse than out ruds, 396 How Int, lists and ruds are handled when out, 396 Word Clearing Series 24 HCO B 17 Sept. 1971 LIBRARY, 397 Word Clearing library, 397 Use of the local library, 397 C/S Series 61 HCO B 22 Sept. 1971 THE THREE GOLDEN RULES OF THE C/S —HANDLING AUDITORS, 398 The handling of auditors with these rules, 398 Finding the goof and sending the auditor to Cramming, 398 Never invalidate the auditor when no goof has occurred, 398 Recognize and acknowledge a technically perfect session, 398 Indicators regarding application of these rules, 398 HCO B 24 Sept. 1971 INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN, 400 Int Rundown errors, 400 “Went in” and “Go in” must read in order to run Int Rundown, 400 Overrun Int Rundown, 400 Reason for errors on Int Rundown, 400 Headaches and Int Rundown, 401 Auditor requirements to do Int RD Correction, 401 Failed Int/Ext RD repair, date to blow—locate to blow procedure, 401 HCO B 25 Sept. 1971RA TONE SCALE IN FULL, 404 Tone Scale expanded, 404 Know to Mystery Scale, 404 C/S Series 62 HCO B 28 Sept. 1971 KNOW BEFORE YOU GO, 405 xxxii A C/S should know exactly what is wrong with a case, 405 How the C/S gets data on the case, 405 Combined action of prepared lists, 406 Broad shooting C/Ses, 406 To abruptly C/S everything the pc has just said is a Q and A; but worse, it can lead to evaluation, 406 Use of pc remarks in C/Sing, 406 Tagging cases, 406 Case does not run well means (a) resistive, (b) errors have been made in auditing, 407 HCO B 30 Sept. 1971 CCHs 5, 6 & 7, 408 CCH 5, Location by Contact, 408 CCH 6, Body-Room Contact, 408 CCH 7, Contact by Duplication, 409 C/S Series 63 HCO B 2 Oct. 1971 C/SING FOR NEW AUDITORS OR VETERANS, 410 C/Sing prepared lists for new auditors, 410 Where most of a C/S’s troubles come from, 410 How to C/S for new auditors, 411 C/S Series 64 HCO B 5 Oct. 1971 F/Ning AUDITORS, 412 Non-F/Ning auditor should be sent to Cramming, 412 Every auditor leaving Cramming should go through the Examiner, 412 HCO B 6 Oct. 1971 INTENSIVES ADDED POINTS SYSTEM FOR PCS, 413 What is achieved during the 1 wk 121/2 hour intensive is added to points for the intensive, 413 HCO B 16 Oct. 1971 FORCING A PC, 414 Why auditor mustn’t force pc, 414 HCO B 21 Oct. 1971 ASSISTS IN SCIENTOLOGY, 415 Assist is different to auditing at large, 415 Techniques which comprise an assist, 415 Be professional and definite in assists, 416 How to help in an emergency, 416 How to handle confusion, 417 Example of an assist on an accident, 418 C/S Series 39R HCO B 31 May 1971R STANDARD 121 / 2 HOUR INTENSIVE PROGRAMS, 419 Sample Progress Program, 419 Advance Program, 419 HCO B 22 Oct. 1971 EXTERIORIZATION, 420 Exteriorization defined, 420 Exteriorization proves man is a spiritual being, timeless and deathless, 420 HCO B 24 Oct. 1971 FALSE TA, 421 Consequences of false TA, 421 E-Meter improperly trimmed gives a false TA position, 421 E-Meter discharged gives false TA, 422 One-hand electrode, 422 Moist hands give low TA, 422 Dry hands give high TA, 423 Arthritic hands give high TA, 423 xxxiii Slack grip, 423 Can size, 423 Cold pc, 424 Late at night a pc’s TA may be very high, 424 Rings on the pc’s hands must always be removed, 424 Floating TA, 424 Rusty corroded cans, 424 Tight shoes, 424 HCO B 25 Oct. 1971 DRUG DRYING OUT, 425 Drugs prevent any case gain, 425 Two approaches to withdrawal problem, 425 Vitamin therapy, 425 Drug bomb formula, 426 Drub bomb administration, 426 People who have been on drugs do not make case gain until the drugs are handled in processing, 427 HCO B 25 Oct. 1971 AUDITOR FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND, 428 Auditor response when he doesn’t understand pc, 428 Invalidation—avoid use of “you” to pc, 428 Evaluation—auditor repeating what pc says, 428 HCO B 29 Oct. 1971R INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST REVISED, 429 HCO B 30 Oct. 1971 TRIPLE GRADES vs. EXPANDED, 432 Triple Grades had 3 F/Ns per grade, 432 Expanded Lower Grades have dozens of F/Ns, 432 C/S Series 66, Auditor Admin Series 15 HCO B 3 Nov. 1971 AUDITOR’S WORKSHEETS, 433 C/S must insist on good legible handwriting of auditors, 433 C/S misunderstoods from worksheets, 433 Solutions to illegible auditor handwriting, 433 Word Clearing Series 25R, Tape Course Series 6R HCO B 10 Nov. 1971R TAPES, HOW TO USE, 434 Types of tapes, 434 Course study tapes, 435 Public lecture tapes, 435 Briefing tapes, 436 Model performance tapes, 437 HCO B 12 Nov. 1971R FALSE TA ADDITION, 438 Cold cans, 438 Footplates, 438 Pcs who falsify TA, 438 HCO B 20 Nov. 1971 HAS SPECIALIST AUDITING PROGRAM (Revised), 439 [REVISED] Sequence of actions on HAS Specialist Pgm, 439 Tape Course Series 1 HCO B 20 Nov. 1971 COURSE TRANSLATION TO TAPE, 441 How to translate a course, 441 Primary targets, 441 Operating targets, 442 Tape Course Series 2 HCO B 21 Nov. 1971 DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY IN OTHER LANGUAGES, 443 xxxiv Minimum translated materials an org needs, 443 Printed material, 443 Recorded tapes, 444 Minimum list of translated tapes, 444 Keep Dianetics and Scientology “on source”, 445 Tape Course Series 3R HCO B 21 Nov. 1971R TEACHING A TAPE COURSE, 446 Rules and description, 446 Enrollment, 446 Files, 447 Checksheet, 447 Notebooks, 447 Checkout, 447 Practical, 447 Clay table, 447 Definitions, 447 Checksheet sequence, 448 Slow students, 448 HCO B 25 Nov. 1971 RESISTIVE CASES—FORMER THERAPY, 449 The seven types of resistive cases, 449 Former therapy case is apt to be the roughest, 449 Trouble with former therapy or electric shock, 450 HCO B 5 Dec. 1971 END PHENOMENAS, 451 Feeding the pc the end phenomena of a process or action is illegal and very out-tech, 451 Correct way to check to see if a pc has made an EP, 451 HCO B 9 Dec. 1971 PTS RUNDOWN, 452 [REVISED] Cause of roller-coaster is PTS, 452 Who does PTS Rundown, 452 The only PTS situation that is serious and lasting and can cause a roller-coaster comes from having known the person before this life, 452 Four points of breakdown of PTS Rundown, 452 Behavior of PTS Rundown, 453 PTS Rundown end phenomena, 453 The four parts of PTS Rundown, 453 Description of flows on PTS Rundown, 454 Re-dos on PTS Rundown, 454 The commands of PTS Rundown, 454 C/S Series 35RA HCO B 16 Dec. 1971RA INTERIORIZATION ERRORS, 456 Correct Int RD error as a first action, 456 Int Rundown errors, 456 Int Rundown auditor requirements, 456 Repair of Int RD, 457 Ext in session, 457 Dianetic C/S 1, 458 C/S Series 23R HCO B 17 Dec. 1971 INTERIORIZATION SUMMARY, 459 [REVISED] HCO Bs covering Interiorization Rundown, 459 Quads cancelled, 459 Int RD can be unnecessary, 459 Int RD overrun, 460 Repair of Int RD, 460 Two-way comm step of Int RD, 460 C/Sing Int RD, 460 Int RD is a remedy, 460 C/S wins, 461 xxxv C/S Series 71 HCO B 19 Dec. 1971 D OF P OPERATES BY OCAs, 462 Director of Processing is a director of processing of cases, 462 What D of P must know to do his job, 462 D of P can consider his job as “To raise OCAs with paid for processing and to be sure the pc is happier”, 462 Any “field ARC breaks” is a direct reflection on the D of P, 463 D of P is directing processing and raising OCAs in paid volume, 463 C/S Series 72 HCO B 20 Dec. 1971 USE OF CORRECTION LISTS, 464 There is nothing in Dianetics and Scientology as miraculously workable as correction lists, 464 Auditor’s metering, 464 Standard Cramming action when correction list said to be blank, 464 TRs and correction lists, 464 Number of correction lists, 465 Method of assessment of correction lists, 465 C/S Series 73, Solo C/S Series 10 HCO B 23 Dec. 1971 THE NO-INTERFERENCE AREA, 466 From R6 Solo to OT III one does not do anything except keep the pc winning for R6 Solo to OT III, 466 Exception to No-Interference Area, 466 Repairs of Grades not made or failed, 466 TRs should be done before or during Solo auditing study, 466 Major actions, 467 Set up, 467 Auditing skill, 467 Sources of failure on Solo, 467 xxxvi HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 JANUARY 1970 Remimeo Dn Auditors (Amends and Replaces HCOB OF 6 OCT 69, same title) TRIPLE ERRORS IN DIANETICS In running triples after running single flow on several items, IT CAN BE DIFFICULT IF THE TA IS HIGH AT SESSION START. The correct thing to do when an auditor starts a session to run flows 2 and 3 on a single item already run AND FINDS THE PC’s TA IS HIGH (3.5 up) is to send the pc to Review to have his ruds put in. The TA may not be high on the 2nd or 3rd flow about to be run at session start but on some other chain. The rule is simple: WHEN STARTING A SESSION TO RUN FLOWS 2 OR 3 OF A SINGLE ITEM PREVIOUSLY RUN IN AN EARLIER SESSION, AND THE TA IS HIGH (3.5 UP) AT SESSION START, SEND THE PC TO REVIEW FOR RUDIMENTS. In actual practice one can sometimes muddle through and the TA will come down and the needle F/N on the Flow 2 or 3 anyway. BUT THE AUDITOR WILL HAVE TO BE VERY ALERT TO BLOWDOWNS, which indicate a basic has been reached, not overrun it beyond F/N and generally run a flawless session. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: rs.ei.rd Copyright ©1969, 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The amendment is the addition of the phrase, “AND THE TA IS HIGH (3.5 UP) AT SESSION START”, in the fifth paragraph. This HCO B is changed by BTB 1 December 1970R, Revised and Reissued 27 July 1974, Dianetics-Triple Flow Action, which gives the rule: “DIANETICS IS RUN BY TRIPLE FLOWS ONLY. DIANETIC SINGLES IS FORBIDDEN AND IF DONE WILL BE CONSIDERED GROSS OUT TECH AND A TECH AND QUAL HIGH CRIME.” LRH] 1 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JANUARY 1970 Remimeo Registrar’s Hat Ltr Reg Hat Dn C/S Checksheet THE USES OF AUDITING Case Supervisors, Registrars and Letter Registrars particularly should know something of the enormous number of uses to which auditing can be put. The idea of selling and applying “Dianetic Triples” and “Scientology Grades” as all one knows about is an approach that is both lazy and ignorant. It is doubtful if one could count the number of uses to which auditing can be placed to help livingness and improve the health, ability and outlook of a person. The trend now is to apply auditing to special requirements. But this is not a new trend—it is merely unknown. Emphasis on completed grades tended to drive out of sight the real uses of auditing. Naturally one wants his Dianetic Triples and his Scientology Triples. But to say this is the end of auditing is silly. In the pursuit of the “new” one forgets the successful old. In Class VI auditing, there are thousands of processes, all valid, if run only to F/N. Dianetic Auditing particularly lends itself to specific situations. For instance, a pregnant woman should be audited on emotions and somatics relating to birth or babies before delivery. We used to simply audit the girl’s own birth and any past births (R3R). Then immediately after delivery the engram is run out. Handling pregnancy in this fashion has the woman up and about in 3 days and in fine condition. This prevents utterly the extreme of “postpartum psychosis”, as mental upset due to delivery is called. It prevents any upset with the husband or child. It prevents physical aftereffects. In short, it should be done. People who have been ill for some time often only get well because they are audited. After any illness the person should be audited. After accidents and medical care people should be audited. Almost any human situation containing pain or misemotion should be handled by auditing. In the field of ability auditing is king. The inability to study or to work or even to live can be handled in many ways. The simple action of listing the somatics, emotions and attitudes of the unwanted condition and running them R3R Triples relieves them. A Registrar can sign up “Intensives” on these subjects and get them relayed to the Case Supervisor. Auditing is for use. Auditing is the answer to human disability and travail. It can make life worth living. 2 Auditing is not a limited action, “He’s had his triples so you can’t do anything” is about as limited a view as you can get. The public should be given lists of things they may want handled. The use of auditing should be known, particularly in lower orgs. A Case Supervisor should be fully aware of what auditing can do and insist that it get done. There is no limit to what good auditing can do. That is the first thing one should learn about it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 3 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JANUARY 1970 Remimeo Issue II Registrar’s Hat Ltr Reg Hat OES Hat Tech Sec Hat Qual Sec Hat Dir Success Hat HANDLING WITH AUDITING Dn C/S Checksheet There is no reason or excuse not to actually HANDLE a pc’s desire or complaint with auditing. By handle is meant finish off, complete, end cycle on. To give you an idea of the reverse—in admin we sometimes find terminals that refer despatches to others, let them drift, give excuses why not. This all adds up to NOT HANDLING. This is the basic reason for DEV T (Developed, meaning excessive, traffic). Like the stationery company writes somebody in the org to please specify the number of sheets wanted. So whoever’s hat it is refers it to somebody else who refers it to another who fails to answer. In this way, the org can look industrious while accomplishing nothing. Nobody HANDLES it. You can get a similar situation going with pcs. Nobody HANDLES the pc. And if you keep this up, your whole area fills up with unhandled pcs, the org’s repute goes down and stats eventually crash. The org is being paid to HANDLE pcs. It is not being paid to put them off or explain or let them drift away. Here is an example from the early 1960s. An org had it going that anybody who was feeling bad and demanding help got a review. The review consisted of a Green Form to F/N. While this would clean up an ARC Brk or PTP or a poor prior session, it sure wasn’t about to remedy a feeling of nausea. So a pc would come in with a feeling of nausea. He would be sent to Review, get a Green Form and F/N on an ARC Break. Then Review would shrug off the fact that the pc was still nauseated by saying all it could do was a GF! In short, it wouldn’t handle the pc. Another recent case—pc with migraine headaches. Got some (evidently poor) Dianetic Auditing. No change. When the pc’s friend complained, he was told it was “the illegal life she was living” and no action was taken. So the pc went to another org and there they refused auditing due to painkillers (instead of waiting 2 or 3 days until it wore off). These are cases of NOT HANDLING. The idea of non-handling can also go into fees. A pc once paid a Franchise for auditing to be done in an org. The Franchise did not forward the fee so the org sent the pc back home. Service and HANDLING are the same thing. When you give service you handle. There are thousands of ways of not handling. Letting backlogs occur in Tech and Qual is probably the most serious to org income and to field repute. Also if a person is goofed up in Tech he probably is suffering and to be put off in Qual for any reason at all is a severe blow to the org. A 3 hour Qual backlog is too long. So, part of HANDLING cases is HANDLE N - O - W ! 4 I recall a Qual backlog I once found of 10 pcs. They were of all varieties—but the main fault was just nobody had the idea except the pcs that they should be handled NOW. And HANDLED. I sat down and did four of them in the next four hours and grabbed off auditors from Admin and Exec areas and handled the rest. Within 6 hours of finding this backlog, they were all HANDLED, happily, finally and wholly satisfied. What was required was (a) a determination to handle cases, (b) a surety they could be handled and (c) the actual handling. All three points are needful. Only two things prevent the above. When the help factor is low in the org or its auditors, there is no real determination to handle cases. A commercialism enters where the payment of the money is more interesting than the delivery of the service. This is self-defeative. One has to have the money but one won’t continue to get money unless one is vitally interested in actually delivering service—which means actually handling the cases. The certainty that one can handle cases depends in the main upon good training and exact application of the technology. There can be an awful lot of tech to apply but the point is to apply the tech that is applied with exactness. “Squirreling” is not really different processes—it is careless, incomplete, messed up auditing procedure. An auditor auditing a process that reads with excellent TRs to an F/N with good indicators seldom has any loses. But even given good procedure, one occasionally gets a lose. This tends to reduce one’s certainty that he can get a result on a pc. Usually it isn’t one’s own pcs that cause this—it’s hearing about some pc who didn’t get a result, but not hearing the whole story. If one’s command of the subject of auditing is poor he doesn’t recognize why there was a lose. A pc lies about having eaten or slept or is being audited on someone else’s determination or some such thing and because of these, the pc gets a lose. This causes the auditor to have a lose. Some auditors can get 20 wins and I lose and then mourn only about the I lose. What is missed here—with pc loses—is that it is almost always a short-term lose. They lost in this one but nobody thinks to KEEP AT IT WITH DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY UNTIL IT’S A WIN. I’ve seen somebody audited for years before he finally and forever lost his chronic trouble. He would get better and then relapse, never quite so bad. And finally he recovered totally. So there must be some idea extant amongst auditors that all “twins” in auditing must be fast, total and appreciated volubly. This isn’t always the case. In fact, it is in the minority. So an auditor’s and an org’s certainty should depend only on being certain of eventual permanent result and to be very extra happy when it is fast, total and appreciated. To handle a case one keeps at it. So the pc got an intensive. So the pc wasn’t handled in that intensive. Well, one doesn’t just dust it off and say that’s it forever. The Case Supervisor looks harder and gets the Registrar to get more auditing bought. If Dianetics didn’t handle, Scientology will. If this process didn’t handle completely, that process may. This is the winning attitude. I know one case that’s still goofed up after a decade. The medics put a steel pipe in his leg bone. He won’t get it taken out and insists on auditing only. So every few months somebody tries again. Sooner or later this case will be handled. The point is to keep trying to handle, not dream up reasons it can’t be. 5 Auditors brought up with the idea that 5 hours of auditing should always resurrect a decayed corpse haven’t been brought up right. Some SP around them has been making demands of the subject and auditing that BUILD IN LOSES. Girl with migraine, 15 hours of Dianetics, still has migraine. Okay. So we don’t brush her off. We get her to buy a good long Scientology intensive and do a full “GF 40”. Still has migraine. So we now do another Dianetic Intensive. We don’t mislead her. We say, “Okay, you want to get rid of your migraine. So we’ll stay with you if you’ll work along with us as long as it takes. It might happen fast, it might happen slow. You might have to go all the way to OT Grades. But we’ll try all the way.” A Registrar that promises instant miracles is cutting the Tech Sec’s throat and the GI as well! The condition can be handled. The whole point is, for the good of the pc and the org it eventually must be handled. There are literally thousands of processes and approaches available for use. The pc expects the condition to be handled. So one way or another one gets the pc handled. To do otherwise is to court disaster for the org. Now and then a pc gets away, nearly always because of errors that get the pc upset with the subject of auditing, never when the org wasn’t still trying to handle. A session was goofed and not repaired, somebody in the org inferred the condition couldn’t be handled, that’s the sort of thing that loses pcs. Keep on trying to handle and you will succeed. Auditing is remarkable enough already not to cripple it by leading pcs to expect instant results every time. But the main point is, you audit a pc with Dianetics and Scientology until the pc’s case is handled. And sooner or later, it will be. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JANUARY 1970 Remimeo Registrar Form REGISTRARS’ ADVICE FORM Although no Registrar may give tech advice to a pc, what the pc wanted and expected and bought is made a matter of interest to the Case Supervisor. Routing: 1 . Registrar’s Desk. PC complained of__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ PC hoped to achieve________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ PC was sold______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Any data from pc CF folder__________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. To Examiner or Tech Director for Interview. PC’s TA NEEDLE_________________________ PC’s appearance___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7 Prior Auditing_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ PC hopes________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. To Tech Services. Include in PC folder and send folder to the C/S. Be sure to send any old tech folder the pc may have on file or may have had sent in or brought in. 4. C/S noted the above. _________________________________ Initial Note: This Advice Form in no way relieves the C/S of any responsibility in handling the pc’s case. It is advice only. The C/S may require other actions be done first. Insofar as possible, the pc’s desires are achieved but not necessarily in this one intensive and the pc should be so informed by the Registrar. LRH :jz.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JANUARY 1970 Remimeo HDGs CANCELLATION OF PERMISSIVE TRs HCO B 29 April 1963, MODERNIZED TRAINING DRILLS USING PERMISSIVE COACHING, is cancelled and is not to be used on any checksheet. The correct TRs and application are as listed on HCO B 17 April 1961, TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED. The 1963 revision was not done by me and has been found to be not workable. The best method is the original 1961 way of doing TRs. LRH:jz.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JANUARY 1970 Remimeo Dn Checksheet Tech Personnel NARRATIVE ITEMS EXPLAINED A Narrative Item is one which will land the pc in a single incident for which there is no chain. Flagrant example: “The time the horse Baldy dumped me in the Potomac.” Obviously there was only one such incident. If it doesn’t F/N, where are you going to go with R3R? No chain. Example: “When my mother spanked me.” One incident. No chain. Example: “A feeling like catching my hand in a 322 IBM computer on March 3 last year.” Only one incident. No chain. Example: “Like being bitten by a dog.” Several examples on a chain but the SOMATIC he is trying to get rid of has a basic on it of being tortured. NARRATIVE CHAINS OF EXCESSIVE LENGTH These are by repeating story. By incident description. There may be 40 billion times his shoe pinched. Example: “Feeling like a shoe pinching me.” The chain is endless. On the same somatic list was “A painful foot.” This, being a somatic, permits you to get to a basic. Example: “Feeling like my parents were cross with me.” There may be seven thousand such incidents. You never get to basic. SOMATICS In old Dianetics, we often ran narratives. They can be run. But now and then there is only one incident and it never arrives at any basic. Or there are so many similar incidents you go on for days! The breakthrough came in assessing only somatics, sensations, emotions, attitudes. There are two types of chains—( I ) story or narrative (2) feelings. The feeling chains (pain, soreness, physical sensation) are the ones that relieve what’s wrong with the pc. You can audit for a long time on narrative or story incidents without relieving any somatics. Narrative items can give you trouble in R3R. Somatics, sensations, emotions, attitudes as R3R items not only give you no trouble to audit but deliver the goods. A sore arm chain can include incidents such as: 1. Being hit by a tree. 2. Run over by a carriage. 3. Being wounded in a duel. 4. Being hit by a stone axe. 9 If “sore arm” is the item assessed (a somatic) then you get all four incidents listed. Suppose you assess 3 “Being wounded in a duel” as the item. It’s a narrative item because it describes the incident. So you run 3 only, never get to 4 and leave the pc with a sore arm. He’s trying to get rid of a sore arm, not a duel. Get it? LRH :jz .rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright ©1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JANUARY 1970 (HCO Bulletin of 10 December 1965 Revised for HDG) HDG C/sheet E-METER DRILL COACHING The following was submitted by Malcolm Cheminais Supervisor on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Here are some observations I have made on the coaching of E-Meter drills, which I feel could be of use: 1. The coach’s needle is dirty. The student’s out comm cycle has cut his comm in some way, but PRIOR to that the coach failed to flunk the part of the comm cycle that went out. Correct flunking by coaches equals students with no dirty needles. 2. If a coach’s TA starts climbing on a drill and the needle gets sticky, it means that the student’s comm cycle has dispersed him and pushed him out of PT. The coach is either ( 1 ) not flunking at all (2) flunking the incorrect thing. 3. The correct flunking by the coach of an out comm cycle, which has dispersed him and pushed his TA up, will always result in a TA blow down. If there is no blow down, the coach has flunked the wrong thing. 4. Needle not responding well and sensitively on assessment drills, although the needle clean. Coach has failed to flunk TR 1 (or TR 0) for lack of impingement and reach. 5. Coach reaching forward and leaning on the table, means TR 1 is out with the student. 6. Students shouting or talking very loudly on assessment drills to try and get the Meter to read by overwhelm. The reason for this is invariably—”but I’m assessing the bank!” They haven’t realized that banks don’t read, only thetans impinged upon by the bank—therefore the TR 1 must be addressed to the thetan. The meter responds proportionately to the amount of ARC in the Session. (See HCO B 29 Jan 70 for lists that don’t read.) LRH:emp.kjm.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1965, 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 10 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 JANUARY 1970 Remimeo Staff Auditors Dn Cse Supers C/Ses Dn Checksheets Class VIIIs NULL LISTS IN DIANETICS It happens all too often in Dianetic auditing that: (a) No further items on the assessment list read but (b) The pc still has these somatics. This is quite a problem. It cuts short the number of hours that can be delivered and leaves an unhappy pc. But what do you know, the list isn’t null. It is suppressed or invalidated. Here is where the Dianetic Auditor bridges over into Scientology, to which this action properly belongs. There are many many such Scientology actions which the Dianetic Auditor will learn how to do when he studies to become a Scientology class auditor. However, the great importance of the problem of a null or apparently dead list makes it necessary to teach the Dianetic Auditor this technique. SITUATION: NO ITEM ON THE Health Form or List NOW READS, ONE OR MORE HAVE BEEN RUN, THE PC STILL HAS SYMPTOMS THAT ARE ON THE LIST. BUT THEY WON’T READ. SOLUTION: THE DN AUDITOR NULLS BY SUPPRESS “BUTTON” AND IF NEEDED, THE INVALIDATE BUTTON. This is normally called “getting in the suppress button” or “getting in the invalidate button”. It is called BUTTON because when you push it (say it) you can get a meter reaction. In Scientology, this is called “Nulling by suppress”. All right, the list comes out all X—nothing reading. The auditor, watching the needle out of the corner of his eye and also looking at the list (a trick you must be able to do so as never to miss a read on the meter), nulls down the list on all unrun items. “On the item ‘dizzy feeling’ has anything been suppressed?” “On the item ‘painful head’ has anything been suppressed? That reads.” PC: “Yes, I suppress it all the time.” Auditor: “Painful head. That reads. Are you interested in running that item?” 11 PC: “Yes! I kept wondering why it never read.” The auditor then runs R3R. In the case of Invalidate, if suppress doesn’t read, one “puts in the invalidate button”. Auditor, reading an apparently null list: “On the item ‘dizzy feeling’ has anything been invalidated?” “On the item ‘sore feet’ has anything been invalidated? That reads.” PC: “Yes, because it didn’t read in the first place.” “Sore feet. That reads. Are you interested in running that item?” PC: “Yes!” So the auditor runs R3R. As you will learn in Scientology, when the pc suppresses or invalidates something, the read transfers to suppress or invalidate, whichever they did. Suppress or invalidate now read, the item itself doesn’t until one puts the button (suppress or invalidate) in. DON’T LET A DIANETIC PC OFF AUDITING JUST BECAUSE HIS UNRUN LIST ITEMS WON’T READ ON THE METER. Get in Suppress and Invalidate on the items as above. It is a rapid action, not two way comm between items. You ask the meter, not the pc. Hope this helps. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH :jz. rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LRH TAPE LECTURE 30 January 1970 * 7001C30 SO A Succinct View of PR 12 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 JANUARY 1970 Remimeo SHSBC Checksheet Academy Checksheet WITHHOLDS, OTHER PEOPLE’S Level II Now and then, quite rarely, you find an auditor who in being audited “gets off” other people’s withholds. Example: “Yes, I have a withhold from you. Charley said you were insane.” Example: “Yes, I have a withhold. Mary Agnes has been in prison.” One also finds public pcs trying to do this occasionally. The facts of the case are that it doesn’t do anybody any good casewise to “get off” other people’s withholds. Essentially, a withhold by definition is something the pc did that was an overt act, which the pc is withholding and thus keeping secret. Thus, getting off things that somebody else did is not helpful to a case as such things aren’t aberrative to the pc. But now let’s look at this more closely. If a pc is “getting off” other people’s withholds HE HIMSELF MUST HAVE A CHAIN OF SIMILAR OVERTS AND WITHHOLDS that are his own. Getting off other people’s withholds is then seen as a symptom of the pc withholding similar actions of his own. Let us then complete the two examples above. Auditor: “Do you have a withhold?” Pc: “Charley said you were insane.” Auditor, correctly: “Do you have a similar withhold of your own?” Pc: “Er-uh—well actually I told the class you were crazy last month.” ____________ Auditor: “Do you have a withhold?” Pc: “Mary Agnes has been in prison.” Auditor: “Ok. Do you have a similar withhold of your own?” Pc: “Er-uh—well—I spent two years in a reform school and I’ve never told anybody. “ You can assume that any pc who is trying to get off withholds someone else had is making a sort of out-of-valence effort to avoid giving his own withholds. This applies, of course, to all overts as well. Somebody giving other people’s overts (which aren’t aberrative to him) is actually failing to give overts of his own which are aberrative to him. This is the mechanism behind the fact that if a pc is nattering about somebody the pc has overts on that somebody. The natter is “other people’s overts”. Getting these off does not help the pc. Getting the pc’s off does. Never be misled by a nattering pc. Never be hooked into letting him get off other people’s overts and withholds. LRH:js.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 13 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 FEBRUARY 1970 Remimeo Registrars Case Supervisors URGENT—IMPORTANT Class VIIIs All orgs SHs PC APPLICATION FOR MAJOR ACTIONS It is vital that HCO Policy Letter of 4 February 70, “PC Application Form for Any Major Auditing Action”, be filled out by any pc applying for major auditing actions. Major actions are: Dianetic Singles Dianetic Triples Scientology Singles Scientology Triples POWER R6EW CLEAR OT GRADES Other actions, such as Student Rescue Intensives, Assists, handling chronic somatics, regaining specific abilities, as desired by the pc, are not major actions. THE BIG POINT OF CLASS VIII IS THAT A PC’S CASE—OR A PREOT’S— IS PREPARED AND SET UP FOR ANY MAJOR ACTION. This applies to all levels of pcs and applies to ALL AUDITORS whether VIII or not. NEVER RUN A PC ON A MAJOR ACTION WHOSE CASE IS GIVING TROUBLE. Get that trouble handled first. This is done IN TECH DIV 4, not in Review. Pcs shy off reviews. Reviews are for cases flubbed IN AUDITING. Ordinary Dianetic Intensives or Class VI Scientology processes to handle case trouble are run in the Tech Division. The lowest level of handling is to get the pc to a medical doctor for treatment of any purely medical trouble. This can be accompanied by Dianetic assists. We do not advocate severe operations and particularly do not advocate “exploratory operations”. We will not refuse auditing on the grounds of medical illness. We do advocate that known physical illnesses that respond to medical treatment be given it. Assists are the next level. Flying life ruds, S & Ds and other such Scientology actions, including “GF 40 Complete”, more Dianetics and Class VI processes are all preparatory actions. There are literally hundreds of these. It takes, it is reported, 25 hours of Dianetics for a field pc to get into past lives. On the PL Form No. 6, these are noted. If the pc has not contacted past lives yet, he must have more Dianetic Auditing until he does so. Using Suppress and Invalidate on old lists gives you lots of items to run triple. 14 If a needle is dirty the pc needs to be smoothed out by good auditing. If the TA is high (4 or above) the pc needs more engrams run. Dianetics and Class VI actions can and do handle chronic somatics. Use such processes until there are no more chronic somatics. Test results should be available to a Case Supervisor. Until these are better, it is folly to engage in Scn triples or Power or above as the gains won’t hold. EXAMPLE OF WRONGNESS: Pc has had Scn singles. TA tends high. Registrar signs up for triples and without further ado they are delivered. Flunk. The pc should have had a lot of Dianetics before anyone ran triples. EXAMPLE OF WRONGNESS: Pc with migraine signs up for Power, is given Power, asks for refund. Flunk. The pc should have been required to get all Dianetic auditing necessary to get rid of the migraine and the whole case smoothed before Power was begun. It is very serious not to prepare a case for a major step. The cycle of sign up, give major action, refund is a very very sour way to deliver auditing. The org and the Case Supervisor and the auditor must care what happens to the pc. An org and a Case Supervisor and an auditor must have a reality on what auditing can do. By using HCO PL 4 Feb 70, you get around the sticky bit of the pc thinking he is just being persuaded to have more auditing. He is made to apply. He is looked over in Tech as well as the form and told what needs to be done first. If you are really interested in the pc, you will have no trouble. _________ The pc or PreOT makes out HCO PL 4 Feb 70 for every major step in auditing. Studying these the Case Supervisor will know what to do. Do not use HCO PL 4 Feb 70 to prevent auditing from occurring. On the contrary, use it to increase gains on the pc. This PL is also a major promotion opportunity. But don’t promote by mailing it broadly unless you actually have auditors auditing in your org and the large number of auditing actions which can be done on a pc comprehended by the org and Case Supervisor. Handled right, this HCO PL 4 Feb 70 can bring success and great prosperity to your org and make a very happy field. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 15 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO POLICY LETTER OF 4 FEBRUARY 1970R Div 2 REVISED 26 0CTOBER 1975 Div 4 (Revision in this type style) Registrar C/S All Orgs All SHs PC APPLICATION FORM FOR ANY MAJOR AUDITING ACTION This form is to be made out by the Preclear and mailed or handed in to the Registrar who will forward it to the Case Supervisor. It is an addition to any other sign-up papers. ________________________________________________ ________________ PRECLEAR NAME (BLOCK CAPS) DATE _____________________________________________________________________ CURRENT ADDRESS ________________________________________________ CITY I _________________________________________(name) hereby apply for auditing: ______ Life Repair, any Org ______ Drug Rundown, any Org ______ Dianetic Case Completion, any Org ______ Expanded Grades, Scientology, any Org (Triple or Quad) ______ Expanded Dianetics, Continental Orgs, Saint Hill Orgs, Orgs where authorized ______ POWER, in a Saint Hill Org ______ R6EW, in an Advanced Org ______ CLEAR, in an Advanced Org ______ OT LEVELS, in an Advanced Org 1. I realize it may be necessary to prepare my case for a major action, such as above or to handle medical actions or to get auditing for chronic somatics or particular difficulties. 2. I have the following physical disabilities:________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. I have had auditing on the following: ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. I have had case gains on: ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. I have been trying to get the following chronic condition handled:_____________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 16 6. I have, have not (circle one or the other) contacted past lives in running engrams. ________________________________________________________________ 7. The following close relatives or family are favorable/unfavorable to Dianetics and Scientology: ________________________________________________________________ 8. I have, do not have a drug history. (Circle one or the other) By drugs is meant—to mention a few—tranquilizers, aspirin, amphetamine, medical drugs, marijuana, LSD, opium, and including alcohol.) ________________________________________________________________ 8a. I am, am not presently taking drugs. (Circle one) ________________________________________________________________ 9. I have, have not been treated by psychiatrists. (Circle one) Give any details. ________________________________________________________________ 10. I am a fast, slow student. (Circle one) ________________________________________________________________ 11. I have already had the following auditing actions: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 12. My training level in Dianetics or Scientology is (include have read books or not, if no formal training): ________________________________________________________________ 13. I object, do not object to medical treatment (circle one), if I am physically ill. ________________________________________________________________ 14. I plan the following auditing actions after the above major grade is attained: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ I hereby swear and attest the above to be true. ___________________________ SIGNED Fill out, sign and return to the Registrar, who will include it in your folder for Case Supervisor use. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mg.rd Copyright © 1970, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 17 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 FEBRUARY 1970 Remimeo All Class VIIIs Case Supervisors Class VIII Checksheet Case Super Checksheet HIGH TA, FULL HANDLING OF (Refers to HCO B 17 Sept 68, “Overrun Process”, Case Supervision No. DDD 400) The problem that “bugs” a great many auditors and gets in the way of a lot of pcs is HIGH TA. Since the issue of Class VIII materials over a year and a half ago, I have been studying this problem and have additional observation and remedy on it. Whereas earlier materials handle it, it sometimes crops up again on the same pc. To handle it fully and forever on a pc was the principal target in my further research. The following develops: THE CAUSE OF HIGH TA IS AN ENGRAM CHAIN IN RESTIMULATION. There is no other cause or reason for it than that. Engram chains go into restimulation on OVERRUN IN LIFE. Thus Overrun results in a high TA, but THE REASON OVERRUN RESULTS IN A HIGH TA IS THAT IT THROWS AN ENGRAM CHAIN INTO RESTIMULATION. One sees this in running R3R when: (a) The original chain is erased and the pc jumps chains. (b) When the auditor insists on a rerun of an erased chain. One sees this in Scientology when a floating needle is by-passed. The underlying engram chain is then restimulated instead of keyed out and the resulting mass (of engrams) sends the TA high. Rehab keys out the mass again. An auditor should understand this Scn cycle—Auditing Commands = key-out of mass in engrams = F/N. Overrun is Auditing Commands = key-out of mass in engrams = F/N + more Auditing Commands = key-in of mass in engrams = overrun = high TA. Rehab gets back the point of key-out = F/N again as the mass drops away out of restim. In Dianetics an erased chain removes the mass. Overrun = disrelated chain being restimulated. Rehab can occur with F/N when the disrelated chain drops away. The only real fault Symptom No. DDD, Direction 400, Pigeonhole 8 of Class VIII C/S Booklet, has is an auditor’s failure to get a BD item on his list. If he just listed to BD item on the question “What has been overrun?” he would usually get his F/N. 18 However, with the above discoveries, there is a new way of handling a chronic high TA which follows: CHRONIC HIGH TA is defined as one which is found high two sessions running (consecutive). “High” means around 4.0 or above. But 3.8 can also be called “high” if it occurs at session beginning too often. To simplify—if a pc at session start has a 4.0 TA two or more sessions in a row, you can call it a chronic high TA. The C/S CONCLUSION seeing this is that something has been overrun, usually in life but possibly in auditing. The same remedy applies to both. One does not try to fly a rud or handle something else. One applies this remedy DDDA 400A: 1. List “What has been overrun?” Get a BD item. 2. Rehab if feasible with “How many times have you been released on that?” Get the number of times and you will get an F/N. 3. Using that item, as expressed by the pc, narrative item or not, run 3 way flows R3R. This will knock out the high TA tendency. This Remedy DDDA 400A replaces DDD 400. It does not matter how high a TA goes during session so long as it eventually F/Ns. Dianetic auditors jump chains, miss basic or they don’t get down to basic. This gives a high TA or a low one. The remedy here is to rehab the point of erasure or to continue the chain to erasure. Sometimes a pc goes exterior in session. The TA flies up after session at the Examiner. In this case, rehab the exteriorization point. This is sometimes detectable usually when pc leaves a session with F/N and has 4.0 at Examiner! The principle of mass = high TA is the same except in this case the mass is the body. I trust this will help. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 19 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 FEBRUARY 1970 Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet FLOATING NEEDLES AND END PHENOMENA Now and then you will get a protest from preclears about “floating needles”. The preclear feels there is more to be done yet the auditor says, “Your needle is floating.” This is sometimes so bad that in Scientology Reviews one has to Prepcheck the subject of “Floating Needles”. A lot of by-passed charge can be stirred up which ARC Breaks (upsets) the preclear. The reason this subject of floating needles gets into trouble is that the auditor has not understood a subject called END PHENOMENA. END PHENOMENA is defined as “those indicators m the pc and meter which show that a chain or process is ended”. It shows in Dianetics that basic on that chain and flow has been erased, and in Scientology that the pc has been released on that process being run. A new flow or a new process can be embarked upon, of course, when the END PHENOMENA of the previous process is attained. DIANETICS Floating needles are only ONE FOURTH OF THE END PHENOMENA in all Dianetic auditing. Any Dianetic auditing below Power has FOUR DEFINITE REACTIONS IN THE PC WHICH SHOW THE PROCESS IS ENDED. 1. Floating needle. 2. Cognition. 3. Very good indicators (pc happy). 4. Erasure of the final picture audited. Auditors get panicky about overrun. If you go past the End Phenomena the F/N will pack up (cease) and the TA will rise. BUT that’s if you go past all four parts of the end phenomena, not past a floating needle. If you watch a needle with care and say nothing but your R3R commands, as it begins to float you will find: 1. It starts to float narrowly. 2. The pc cognites (What do you know—so that’s . . .) and the float widens. 3. Very good indicators come in. And the float gets almost full dial, and 4. The picture, if you inquired, has erased and the needle goes full dial. That is the full End Phenomena of Dianetics. 20 If the auditor sees a float start, as in 1, and says, “I would like to indicate to you your needle is floating,” he can upset the pc’s bank. There is still charge. The pc has not been permitted to cognite. VGIs surely won’t appear and a piece of the picture is left. By being impetuous and fearful of overrun, or just being in a hurry, the auditor’s premature (too soon) indication to the pc suppresses three quarters of the pc’s end phenomena. SCIENTOLOGY All this also applies to Scientology auditing. And all Scientology processes below Power have the same end phenomena. The 0 to IV Scientology End Phenomena are: A. Floating needle. B. Cognition. C. Very good indicators. D. Release. The pc goes through these four steps without fail IF PERMITTED TO DO SO. As Scientology auditing is more delicate than Dianetic auditing, an overrun (F/N vanished and TA rising, requiring “rehab”) can occur more rapidly. Thus the auditor has to be more alert. But this is no excuse to chop off three of the steps of end phenomena. The same cycle of F/N will occur if the pc is given a chance. On A you get a beginning F/N, on B slightly wider, on C wider still and on D the needle really is floating and widely. “I would like to indicate to you your needle is floating” can be a chop. Also it’s a false report if it isn’t widely floating and will keep floating. Pcs who leave session F/N and arrive at Examiner without F/N, or who eventually do not come to session with an F/N have been misaudited. The least visible way is the F/N chop, as described in this session. The most obvious way is to overrun the process. (Running a pc after he has exteriorized will also give a high TA at Examiner.) In Dianetics, one more pass through is often required to get 1, 2, 3, 4 End Phenomena above. I know it said in the Auditor’s Code not to by-pass an F/N. Perhaps it should be changed to read “A real wide F/N”. Here it’s a question of how wide is an F/N? However, the problem is NOT difficult. I follow this rule—I never jolt or interrupt a pc who is still looking inward. In other words, I don’t ever yank his attention over to the auditor. After all, it’s his case we are handling, not my actions as an auditor. When I see an F/N begin I listen for the pc’s cognition. If it isn’t there, I give the next command due. If it still isn’t there, I give the 2nd command, etc. Then I get the cognition and shut up. The needle floats more widely, VGIs come in, the F/N goes dial wide. The real skill is involved in knowing when to say nothing more. Then with the pc all bright, all end phenomena in sight (F/N, Cog, VGIs, Erasure or Release, depending on whether it’s Dn or Scn), I say, as though agreeing with the pc, “Your needle is floating.” 21 DIANETIC ODDITY Did you know that you could go through a picture half a dozen times, the F/N getting wider and wider without the pc cogniting? This is rare but it can happen once in a hundred. The picture hasn’t been erased yet. Bits of it seem to keep popping in. Then it erases fully and wow, 2, 3 and 4 occur. This isn’t grinding. It’s waiting for the F/N to broaden to cognition. The pc who complains about F/Ns is really stating the wrong problem. The actual problem was the auditor distracting the pc from cognition by calling attention to himself and the meter a moment too soon. The pc who is still looking inward gets upset when his attention is jerked outward. Charge is then left in the area. A pc who has been denied his full end phenomena too often will begin to refuse auditing. Despite all this, one still must not overrun and get the TA up. But in Dianetics an erasure leaves nothing to get the TA up with! The Scientology auditor has a harder problem with this, as he can overrun more easily. There is a chance of pulling the bank back in. So the problem is more applicable to Scientology as a problem than to Dianetics. But ALL auditors must realize that the END PHENOMENA of successful auditing is not just an F/N but has 3 more requisites. And an auditor can chop these off. The mark of the real VIRTUOSO (master) in auditing is his skilled handling of the floating needle. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH.jz.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is referred to in HCO B 21 March 1974, End Phenomena, Volume VIII, page 272.] 22 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 FEBRUARY 1970 Remimeo Class VIIIs Class VIII Checksheet STANDARD TECH AND INVALIDATION Invalidation is a serious button. When a Class VIII goes home, he is, of course, a better auditor. He can and will crash all stats in the area if he charges around invalidating all auditors not so fortunate as to be an VIII. STANDARD TECH Clarifying what Standard Tech is: An Auditor correctly auditing the materials of his class is performing Standard Tech. Standard Tech is not a process or a series of processes. It is following the rules of processing. For example, one runs a process to its end phenomena. One lists by L & N laws. One sees that a question reads before auditing it. One audits with TRs in. One follows the Auditor’s Code. One repairs any ARC Break or gets it repaired. One doesn’t kid around and coffee shop with processes. One gets trained for the grade he is auditing. One uses study tech. One checks out HCO Bs correctly. That sort of thing is Standard Tech. Any process ever taught on the SHSBC or ever released in ANY book can be audited and be Standard Tech. Standard Tech cancelled no certs or classes or processes. If you check a process question to see if it reads and run it to its F/N and other end phenomena following the rules of auditing, that’s Standard Tech. Basically, Standard Tech was a way of auditing following the rules of auditing as listed above. There are ways to C/S for maximum case gain but these vary and advance. __________ Remember, stats of an area can be crashed if an VIII begins to invalidate every auditor junior to him or the C/Sing. The stats of an area can be made to soar by an VIII who helpfully guides others into respecting the basic rules of auditing. When an VIII returns to an area these things should happen: 1. Enthusiasm of auditors for auditing pcs should increase. 2. Volume of auditing hours delivered should soar. 23 3. New people should be clamoring to become auditors. 4. Training speed per student should quicken. 5. Respect for correct auditing as noted above should increase. 6. People not getting results should be guided into correct application for their grade. 7. Auditing results should increase per session. 8. Auditing and training should boom in popularity. Now review what you know of auditing as an HDG and VIII and you will find you have been taught how to do all the above. In studying VIII keep your eye on how to get the above eight things going in your area with what you now know. You won’t be able to make VIIIs out of HDCs or Class IVs or VIs but you sure can make terrific HDCs, IVs and VIs out of them. That’s why you’re an VIII. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH :jz.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 24 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 MARCH 1970 LIST OF PERCEPTICS DIANETICS BULLETIN This was researched and dates of 1951. It’s the 55 Human Perceptions. 1. Time. 32. Fields / Magnetic. 2. Sight. 33. Time Track Motion. 3. Taste. 34. Physical Energy (Personal 4. Colour. weariness, etc). 5. Solidity (Barriers). 35. Self-Determinism (Relative 6. Relative sizes (External) on each Dynamic). 7. Sound. 36. Moisture (Self). 8. Pitch. 37. Sound Direction. 9. Tone. 38. Emotional State of other Organs. 10. Volume. 39. Personal Position on the Tone Scale. 11. Rhythm. 40. Affinity (Self and Others). 12. Smell (4 subdivisions). 41. Communication (Self and Others). 13. Touch (4 subdivisions) 42. Reality (Self and Others). 14. Personal Emotion 43. Emotional State of Groups. 15. Endocrine States. 44. Compass Direction. 16. Awareness of Awareness. 45. Level of Consciousness. 17. Personal Size. 46. Pain 18. Organic Sensation 47. Perception of Conclusions (Including Hunger). (Past and Present). 19. Heartbeat. 48. Perception of Computation 20. Blood Circulation. (Past and Present). (Past and Present). 49. Perception of Imagination 21. Cellular & Bacterial Position. 50. Perception of Having Perceived 22. Gravitic (Self and other Weights) (Past and Present). 23. Motion of Self. 51. Awareness of Not-Knowing. 24. Motion (Exterior). 52. Awareness of Importance, 25. Body Position. Unimportance. 26. Joint Position. 53. Awareness of Others. 27. Internal Temperature. 54. Awareness of Location and Placement. 28. External Temperature. (a) Masses. 29. Balance. (b) Spaces. 30. Muscular Tension. (c) Location Itself. 31. Saline Content of Self (Body). 55. Perception of Appetite (Problem covered under 18). LRH:nt.el.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [See Aug. 51 issue, The “26” Perceptics, Volume 1, page 145.] 25 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 MARCH 1970 Dianetic Course Auditors ALLY, DEFINITION OF To clear up any confusion on the word “Ally” it is defined here. By “Ally”, in Scientology, we mean “a person from whom sympathy came when the preclear was ill or injured. If the Ally came to the preclear’s defense or his words and/or actions were aligned with the individual’s survival, the reactive mind gives that Ally the status of always being right—especially if this Ally was obtained during a highly painful engram.” L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 26 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 MARCH 1970 Remimeo HGC Auditors Scn Checksheets AOs Class VIII EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA For a long while we have known that if you audit a person after he or she has exteriorized, you often get a high Tone Arm, somatics and an upset case. The answer has been to cease to audit a person after exteriorization has occurred. This is so much a fact that five out of five “in trouble” cases I recently examined had every one of them been audited for some time after they exteriorized. The TA had or had not gone high but the cases were bogged. They revived at once when the fact of exteriorization was located. F/N, VGIs and when rehabbed (by counting number of times) somatics ceased. The rule has been—don’t audit after a pc has exteriorized. This is one of those very fundamental things that seems to defy research and yet if not solved will keep things messed up. Persons who exteriorize on lower grades need their upper grades and yet if audited further may mess up. This places a limit on auditing and yet the person may still have aberrations and somatics. But the fact of having exteriorized bars the road. So I got to work and made a breakthrough on it. Hurrah! It has now been fully vindicated by long tests and is now released for general use. EXTERIORIZATION Exteriorization is defined as the act of moving out of the body with or without full perception. It is the fact of this act which proves that the individual is not a body but an individual. This discovery in 1952 proved beyond any question the existence of a thetan, that the individual was a thetan, not a body, and disproved that man was an animal, and that he was a spiritual being timeless and deathless. Techniques have existed since 1952 that exteriorize a person. These are not now used because the person (a) still being aberrated and not Clear, soon returns to his body and (b) when audited thereafter has trouble. This is a major problem a thetan sometimes has at death. How to exteriorize? He makes it eventually of course but he should be able to do so at once. But, in my research, I found it unreasonable that a person would be hard to audit just because he had exteriorized and had reinteriorized. For he has obviously done just that at every death and birth and must have done so hundreds of billions of times. So why should a recent exteriorization then make him hard to audit? Yet it did. My asking of that question was the first breakthrough. The rest soon followed. ENGRAM BEHAVIOR We know in Dianetics that if you continue to run the last part of an engram which has in fact an earlier beginning which isn’t being run and is ignored the TA will go up. 27 The reason for this is that the first of a chain or the first part of an experience or a first experience (basic on a chain of incidents) has to be run for the chain or incident to erase. If you only ran the end of incidents you would get a high TA and no erasure. If you only ran incidents late on the chain you would get a high TA. Pcs are uncomfortable, feel under pressure, when their TA is high (above 3.5 or up). If you don’t erase incidents or chains of incidents when auditing (or key them out as in release) you get a perpetually high TA. High TA cases have been “overrun” on something. That however is a very oversimplified explanation. The truth is that they have been run on something that didn’t erase. The something has an earlier beginning than was detected or an earlier incident. In life one, having engrams about it, adds new incidents in living until something is “overrun” or done too often. The TA is therefore high. A TA records MASS. Mental mass has a higher electrical resistance and so measures more “ohms” of resistance, an electrical term for the trouble electricity has in passing through something. The more resistance the more units of resistance are recorded on the meter. The TA actually measures resistance. Thus, the end of an incident can be restimulated. If the beginning of it is never touched then one will just accumulate more and more mass. THE MISSED BEGINNING What has happened here, as regards exteriorization is that we have concentrated on EXTERIORIZATION. If one is IN something, he must have gotten into it. Therefore the beginning of an exteriorization is the INTERIORIZATION. The being went into something before he went out of it. Exteriorization occurs at death. That’s an engram. Interiorization occurs at birth, that’s an engram. So when somebody goes Exterior he is actually liable to key in having gone interior in the first place. Get it? So when you exteriorize somebody or he exteriorizes during auditing he gets keyed in a bit and without having audited earlier INTERIORIZATIONS, he has been put in the last part (exteriorization) of an incident which began with Interiorization. Not only are you touching on something (exteriorization) late on a chain (which has hundreds of billions of like incidents ahead of it), you are also touching something which is late in the incident (which began with interiorization). On both counts then, the TA may go high. THE REMEDY The remedy is to audit out Interiorizations. If this is done, then the pc can be audited all you want after Exteriorization. 28 Auditing the Interiorizations by recall, secondaries, engrams, triple flow on each, restores the possibility of auditing a pc after an exteriorization has occurred in auditing. THE PROCESS The Case Supervision directions for Interiorization are to be done by a Scientology Auditor. They can be done purely in Dianetics by using only steps 5, 7 and 8. It is more effective when done by an Scn Auditor who is also HDC. l. Omit ruds but assess a form L1A if pc upset. 2. Clear EXTERIORIZATION with pc. 3. Check for having been audited after exteriorization. (TA should come down and F/N, Cog and VGIs.) 4. Rehab (rehabilitate) condition by getting or counting number of times exteriorized. You should get F/N, Cog and VGIs. 5. Clear INTERIORIZATION carefully so pc knows what you mean. (Can flub if this step omitted.) 6. Run 3-way Recall on Interiorization: RF 1—Recall a time you interiorized. (To F/N.) RF 2—Recall a time you interiorized another. (To F/N.) RF 3—Recall a time others (or another) interiorized others. (To F/N.) 7. Run 3-way Secondaries: SF 1—Locate an incident of loss or emotion when you interiorized. (R3R to basic.) SF 2—Locate an incident of loss or emotion when you interiorized another. (R3R to basic.) SF 3—Locate an incident of loss or emotion when others interiorized others. (R3R to basic.) 8. Run 3-way Engrams: EF 1—Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness when you interiorized. (R3R to basic.) EF 2—Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness when you interiorized another. (R3R to basic.) EF 3—Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness when others interiorized others. (R3R to basic.) Note: All steps and flows as above given to end with F/N, Cog and VGIs. Don’t chop the F/N by indicating until pc has had his cognition and VGIs. (It will be seen that Recall and R3R steps and procedure are standard except they address the subject “Interiorization”.) FUTURE AUDITING One should now be able to audit the pc even after exteriorization. 29 FURTHER USE Pcs worried about not being able to exteriorize should be run on this process. WARNING This is a major case action and should only be run when the pc is rested and in good physical shape. _____________ SUMMARY If a pc goes exterior on Dianetics, Scientology lower grades or at OT levels, one at once audits out the chain of Interiorizations, using the above C/S. With this done the pc or pre-OT can go on being audited. _____________ The way is open to more powerful OTs. _____________ All fundamental discoveries are essentially simple ones. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.ei.rd [Referred to in HCO B 11 April 70, Auditing Past Exterior, page 36, Copyright © 1970 HCO B 6 May 70, Blows, Auditing Past Exterior, page 42, HCO B by L. Ron Hubbard 30 May 70, Interiorization Intensive, 2 Way Comm, page 52, and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HCO B 20 August 70, Exteriorization Rundown Musts, page 125.] HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MARCH 1970 Remimeo GRADE II RELEASE When Grade II Single Flow is C/Sed to be run on a pc, the command is “What have you done” run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs, Release. On Triple Grades Flows 2 and 3 are run as per HCOB 24-1-69 “Triple Grades”. LRH:nt.el.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was cancelled by HCO B 17 June 1970, Cancellation of HCO Bs that Conflict with Full Lower Grades which is cancelled by BTB 10 December 1974, Issue VII, Cancellation of Bulletins 1970 which also confirms the above HCO B as cancelled.] 30 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MARCH 1970 Issue II Remimeo Class VIII Class VI Class IV GREEN FORM HCO B 5 November 1969, Issue III, “GF to F/N”, applies fully, but if one got an F/N and the pc was not fully satisfied that all had been handled, the auditor’s next step is to do an L-1A using “In this session has....” to F/N, VGIs. Each line that is handled on the L-1A can be handled “itsa, earlier similar itsa” until the line is clean on the meter. LRH:nt.jh L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 MARCH 1970 Remimeo HCO Sec Hat E/O Hat Tech Sec Qual Sec C/S Checksheets AUDITING AND ETHICS Cases undergoing Ethics actions, Comm Evs, amends projects or low conditions should not be audited until the Ethics matter is cleared up and complete. It only louses up their cases to audit them when under such stress. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr.ei rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ** 7003C27 SO The Difference Between Intelligence and PR—Part I (for PRO Course only) ** 7003C27 SO The Difference Between Intelligence and PR—Part II (for PRO Course only) 31 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 MARCH 1970 Remimeo Dn Checksheet URGENT DIANETIC TR NOTES (Cancels HCO B 15 January 1970, Issue III, “TR 104”, written by another) To avoid coach restim in doing TR 104 and TR 103 please note the following: 1. In TR 103 the “session” is between STUDENT and DOLL. TRs are done on the DOLL not the coach. 2. In TR 103 the coach is not obliged to answer all of the commands—he may or may not. If he doesn’t, the student assumes the DOLL has answered and proceeds accordingly. 3. In TR 103 and TR 104 NEVER give dates and durations, as a coach, in actual units of TIME—use something else. “4 Figs”, “2 potatoes”, “horsefeathers” are all perfectly good “dates” for coaching purposes or in bull-baiting. 4. Likewise never use real somatics in coaching or bull-baiting TR 103 and TR 104—use nonsense terms or harmless ones. 5. In TR 103 the coach occupies the position of a bull-baiter who interjects distractions, bull-baiting and disruptive remarks into the “session” between student and doll. He can throw in answers on behalf of the doll which the student must abide by; but the coach does not play the part of “pc”. Don’t go playing the role of “pc” on a real set of process commands! Also, please note that the POSITION of the coach in TR 104 and TR 103 is beside the student, not across from him. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: kjm.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 32 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 APRIL 1970 Remimeo Tech Secs Qual Secs All C/Ses All Auditors ETHICS PROGRAM NO. 1 CASE ACTIONS I have developed the following C/Ses to make every staff member an Ethics Upstat. One or more of the following C/Ses for each category (as applicable) can be given so that each staff member achieves Ethics Upstat status. Each session commences with “Fly a rud.” 1. LACK OF CASE GAIN: 1. (a) Medical Exam and any treatment. (b) Review to straighten up all out ruds. When pc has markedly recovered: (c) Fly a rud, GF40 and handle every item that reads fully. Run LX lists 3, 2 and I and each item that reads twice run three way recall, 3 way secondary or engram to end phenomena. (d) CCHs. 2. Dianetic Triples—at least 25 items run triple. 3. Scientology Triples. 2. POOR STUDY RECORD: 1. Any needful Review. 2. Student Rescue Intensive. 3. TA TOO HIGH OR TOO LOW (above 4.0 or below 2.0): Too high: 1. Do procedure in HCOB 13 Feb 70, “High TA, Full Handling of” as follows: (a) List “What has been overrun?” Get a BD item. (b) Rehab if feasible with “How many times have you been released on that?” Get the number of times and you will get an F/N. (c) Using that item, as expressed by the pc, narrative or not, run 3-way flows by R3R. Note: If the above doesn’t work well, TA still high, do this: 1. Check if Exterior in Auditing. 2. Rehab. 3. Run Interiorization HCOB 22 March 1970. Too low: 1. Look for any bad sessions and use List 1A on that session (as per HCOB 2 March 1970, “List L-1A”). 2. Clean up any ARC Break of long duration. 3. Prepcheck “Invalidation”. 4. Do GF 40 and handle. 5. Class VIII to do LX Lists as needed. Proceed with general case advance by grades. 4. POOR POST STATS: 1. Two-way comm on the purposes of the post, as follows: Take the stated purposes for ........(applicable post). Clear each one with him/her by 2-way comm on a meter until (each 33 purpose) doubts, conflicts, problems and misunderstoods are handled. (Maybe one will F/N, maybe not.) 2. Run “Who have you failed to help?” “Who has failed to help you?” “Who has failed to help another?” “Who have you helped?” “Who has helped you?” “Who has helped another?” Run each of the six legs to F/N and end phenomena. 3. Run Reach and Withdraw on key object in pc working area. “Reach for the ....” “Withdraw from the ....” to VGIs and cognition or 3 commands with no change or equal comm lag. 4. Run overts on post or on the org or on any org or group. 5. Run Overts-Justifications: “What overt have you committed?” “How have you justified that?” 6. Case handling as per HCOB 4 February 1970, “Pc Application for Major Actions”. 7. General auditing as required up the grades. 5. CURRENT DRUG HISTORY OR CONNECTIONS: 1. Person off drugs for required amount of time. 2. GF 40 section on drug handling (Class VIII action). 3. Dianetic Prior Assessment of drugs and run all reading items on Dianetics three flows. 6. PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: 1. Run out past psychiatric treatment. 2. Run “What somatics, sensations, feelings or emotions did you have prior to mental treatment?” Do a nice list. Run R3R three flows on all reading items. If no reading items, apply Suppress and Invalidate on the list as per HCOB 29 January 1970 “Null Lists in Dianetics”. If still no reading items, do a new revised Health Form. 3. Person may be PTS and an S & D may be needed. 7. LOW APTITUDE, IQ AND LEADERSHIP TEST SCORES: 1. CCHs. 2. Op Pro by Dup. 3. Run “What purpose has failed?” This should be to a BD item. It will F/N and the pc cognite and GIs. Then run three way R3R on the item. All the above actions are run as per HCO Bulletin “Floating Needles and End Phenomena” 20 February 1970. 8. Where the same process occurs in 2 of the above remedies do not repeat it in the 2nd one run. It is noted here that the above actions utilize the skills of just about every level of Auditor training, so there should be many auditors in the org who can assist on the above auditing actions and so speed up the program. The goal—every person on staff an Ethics Upstat. Good case gain! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ek.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 34 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 APRIL 1970 (Cancels HCO B 19 November 1969, “GF 40—Out of Valence Case”) Class VIII GF-40 HANDLING—CLARIFICATION 1. All reading items on a GF-40 are handled. The rule of handling all items that read twice or more as in prepcheck and LX list assessments does not apply to GF40. 2. If “Audited over out Ruds” reads, it is handled first regardless of how many times it read. 3. If “Out of Valence” assesses out with the greatest number of reads it is handled last (after all other reading GF-40 items have been handled). 4. In all other cases the GF-40 items are handled in order of greatest number of reads. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: kjm. rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 APRIL 1970 Issue II Remimeo Class VIII MORE ON PREPCHECKS When a prepcheck uncovers an ARC Break and the ARC Break is handled to F/N, Cog, VGIs do not then continue with the prepcheck. You have obtained the end phenomena of the action. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: kjm.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 35 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 APRIL 1970 Remimeo Class VIIIs C/Ses Tech Secs AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR Qual Secs Letter Regs Registrars (Reference HCO B 22 Mar. 1970, “Exteriorization and High TA”) On Flag where we do a lot of auditing on pcs when I took over C/Sing after 8 months off C/S lines, I found a very high percentage of cases had been audited past Exterior. It was a very high percentage. Many of these pcs (most of them VAs or on OT levels) had various symptoms: Headaches Body aches and pains Effort Pressures from environment. The common denominator was “audited over Exterior”. The main symptom of this was high TA at session start or TA up at Examiner after F/Ns, Cog, VGIs at session end. Not all however suffered from high TA but all who had high TA after lots of auditing had been audited past Exterior. The above reference HCO B re Exteriorization and Interiorization was tested and written as the breakthrough which permits auditing after Exteriorization and going on up the grades. The check even after this showed such a high percent of cases had been audited past Exterior on Dianetics, Scn, Power, Clearing or OT grades that I wish to bring the point home emphatically to C/Ses that it is of major importance to handle this situation by checking for it and running Interiorization. The C/S is: Has High TA, headaches, body aches, heavy pressures or discomfort (any one of these). Therefore 1. Check for Exteriorization during auditing. If so do the remaining steps: 2. Rehab Ext by counting number of times. 3. Clear Interiorization fully. 4. Run Interiorization 3 way recall 3 way secondaries 3 way engrams. These steps all go to F/N, Cog and VGIs of course. If after session during the next few days, pc shows again a tendency to high TA, give this C/S: 1. Two-way comm on Interiorization and on Exteriorization. 36 This pushes the cognition further. The pc may not have added it all up yet. Don’t evaluate. Just question and listen with no Q and A. _________ Pcs or Pre-OTs can go on up to higher grades after Exteriorization if Interiorization is run. This is even true of “Dianetic Clears” (which does not cancel the need of doing the Clearing Course but is a special grade). We are far more successful in early auditing (such as Dianetics and lower grades) than we think! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 37 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 APRIL 1970 (Cancels HCO B 2 March 1970, Issue II, “List L-1A” which was compiled by another and changed the original order of items.) Class VIIIs Class VIs Class IVs Class Ills Level III Checksheet LIST L-1B When a pc gets upset in session or when an ARC Break has occurred, and the session tends to bog down, use this list; assess the line for a read, using the prefix “In this session, has.....”. Where the line reads, indicate to the pc, let him examine it and itsa. Call the line again for another read, repeat your action as above until the line is clean. Where the line is clean, indicate to the pc that the line is clean, and continue down the list. This list is handled until the by-passed charge has been located, indicated, blown, with an F/N and VGIs. Where an upset has occurred in earlier sessions, and there was a failure to use L1B, the C/S should instruct to have the pc assessed on L1B, using the prefix “In an earlier session, has.....” as per this rundown. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: dz.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 38 LIST L-1B 1. A withhold been missed? 2. Some emotion been rejected? 3. Some affinity been rejected? 4. A reality been refused? 5. A communication been cut short? 6. A communication been ignored? 7. An earlier rejection of emotion been restimulated? 8. An earlier rejection of affinity been restimulated? 9. An earlier refusal of reality been restimulated? 10. An earlier ignored communication been restimulated? 11. A wrong reason for an upset been given? 12. A similar incident occurred before? 13. Something been done other than what was said? 14. A goal been disappointed? 15. Some help been rejected? 16. A decision been made? 17. An engram been restimulated? 18. An earlier incident been restimulated? 19. There been a sudden shift of attention? 20. Something startled you? 21. A perception been prevented? 22. A willingness not been acknowledged? 23. There been no auditing? 24. Went Exterior? 25. Interrupted actions? 26. Actions continued too long? 27. Data invalidated? 28. Someone evaluated? L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: kjm.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 39 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 APRIL 1970 Remimeo 2 WAY COMM C/Ses There are four main reasons why a Case Supervisor or an auditor gives a “2 way comm” C/S. 1. WHEN NOT ENOUGH DATA TO C/S. “2 way comm to obtain data about case progress and status.” 2. WHEN PC INFERS SOMETHING IN CASE THAT’S NOT BEEN HANDLED. “2 way comm to find what pc thinks should be handled on case.” 3. WHEN PC HASN’T COGGED ON END RESULT. “2 way comm on (process just run) to see what thoughts pc had regarding it.” 4. WHEN PC’S POST PURPOSE IS BEING CLEANED UP. “2 way comm on how his post purpose fits into org—or if he can do it.” In all these instances the C/S may be as specific as he likes about what he wants asked or cleared up. In other words the quoted C/Ses above are only examples. Each of the above four general types can have a great number of different questions. The C/S must be very familiar with the four types given in capitals above. On his part the auditor can vary the C/S’s question around to get different slants on it. The auditor doesn’t have to get an F/N on the 2 way comm session but often does. The auditor can introduce a curve, an alter-is, by Q and A with the pc and by evaluation. The Drill on 2 way comm is the old ask and listen. A Q and A is of course echoing the pc’s statement. Example: Pc: “I never liked my father.” Auditor: “What about your father?” Pc: “He was cruel.” Auditor: “What about cruel people?” Pc: “I don’t like them.” Auditor: “What else don’t you like?” And so on and on. A correct session is for the auditor to hold to the C/S’s main line of questioning no matter how he phrases it and listen to and write down what the pc says. Evaluation in auditing 2 way comm is the other deadly sin. The auditor asks and listens. He doesn’t explain anything to the pc. Example: Pc: “I didn’t dig the process.” Auditor: “Well you see that process was intended to ................ “ and here we go on Evaluation. Even an auditor’s facial expression can be evaluation. Ask and listen and ack. Prompt only by varying the original question now and then, that’s what the good 2 way comm auditor does. W/S The 2 way comm worksheet is rather more detailed as to what the pc says than process worksheets. The C/S needs the data. 40 Or in looking it over the auditor himself, if he’s his own C/S, will need the data. The questions the auditor asks should be noted on the worksheet as a guide. MAXIM It is a C/S maxim “when in doubt order a 2 way comm”. 2 WAY COMM AUDITOR Any auditor can 2 way comm. Saint Hillers were best at it. Academy Level Auditors can be used in this, even Dianetic Auditors. The only reservation is not to assign an auditor whose grade is lower than the pc’s. The auditor’s class is not as important as his grade. The reason for this is that the OT pre-OT, in being 2 way commed by a Grade V, can blow the poor auditor apart or can be stuck with a data withhold. METER All 2 way comm is of course done on a meter. It is, however, not a Sec-check or Prepcheck. TA position and needle reaction and F/Ns are important to the C/S. One doesn’t 2 way comm past an F/N, cog and VGIs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The fourth paragraph on this page is modified by BTB 10 July 1970, Reissued 28 June 1974, 2-Way Comm-A Class III Action, which classifies 2-Way Comm as a Class III action.] 41 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 MAY 1970 Remimeo (Reference HCO B 22 March 1970, “Exteriorization and High TA”) BLOWS AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR I have found a major cause of blows from classes, orgs and Scientology. Overts are of course a primary cause but many have overts and don’t blow, so why do such people blow? A case audited past Exterior, particularly if it is not acked, tends to get stuck on Exteriorizing. This can (but doesn’t always by any means) cause the person to take himself away! Three recent “blows” all fell in this category. One who was trying to blow, when audited on Interiorization, changed his mind. An amazing number of pcs go exterior on modern auditing. Modern processes? Dianetics and Scientology are very fast. Some haven’t even realized it, didn’t know what it was. When they go exterior and you keep on auditing them without running Interiorization as per HCO B 22 March 1970, Exteriorization and High TA, they become stronger as thetans while being reinteriorized and they get odd somatics, particularly in the head. Uncomfortable they want OUT. Trying and failing to get out (since Interiorization has not been run) in desperation they leave an org or class, body and all, without being Exterior as a thetan. If you rehab Exterior and run an Interiorization Intensive the dramatization ceases. The excuses such “blows” give you would fill a large book. Yet it is only that they are seeking to exteriorize, can’t, so they “exteriorize” by leaving, body and all. The Interiorization Intensive as given in the earlier HCO B handles. A person couldn’t be audited past Exterior, you know. But if given an Interiorization Intensive he or she can be. When they have been audited past exterior without an Interiorization Intensive you will have trouble with the case, the TA and with blows. So use the Interiorization Tech. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 42 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 MAY 1970 Remimeo Dianetics (HCO B 5 October 1969—Issue II— Checksheet with addition of “Earlier” Commands) DIANETIC TRIPLES The additional 2 flows are: Flow No. 2 Locate an incident of your causing another (item). Flow No. 3 Locate an incident of others causing others (item). Item can be preceded by “a” or “an”. When singles have been run already, take the earliest single item always. Proceed in order of sequence run doing Flows No. 2 and No. 3 on each. Don’t skip any. Don’t start later in list. Interest, etc has nothing to do with it. Just do it. The remaining R-3-R Commands are used without variation. Triple Dianetics Earlier Commands When running Flows 2 and 3 on Standard Dianetics, the following are the “earlier” commands: F-2 “Is there an earlier incident of your causing another....(item)?” F-3 “Is there an earlier incident of others causing others....(item)?” L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz.ei.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 43 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 MAY 1970 All Auditors C/Ses SHSBC Academy Level IV C/S Series 1 HGCs Class VIII Checksheet AUDITOR’S RIGHTS Class VI Checksheet Class III Checksheet C/S Course Checksheet AUDITOR RESPONSIBILITY FOR C/Ses An auditor who receives a Case Supervisor direction (C/S) of what to audit on a pc is NOT discharged of his responsibility as an auditor. THE AUDITOR HAS A SERIES OF RESPONSIBILITIES THAT ARE PART OF EVERY C/S HE GETS TO AUDIT. ACCEPTING THE PC No auditor is required to accept a specific pc just because the pc is assigned to him. If an auditor does not believe he can help that particular pc or if he dislikes auditing that particular pc the auditor has a right to refuse to audit that pc. The auditor must state why. The Case Supervisor, Director of Processing or Director of Review, nor any of their seniors, may not discipline the auditor for refusing to audit a particular pc. An auditor who refuses to audit his quota of hours or sessions is of course subject to action. Thus refusing to audit a particular pc, so long as one is not refusing to audit other pc’s, is not actionable. “I do not wish to audit this pc because.....I am willing to audit other pcs”, is the legal auditor statement in the matter. Some pcs get a bad name with some auditors, some don’t appreciate the auditing, some conflict with a particular auditor’s own personality. There are such instances. It does not mean certain pcs cannot be helped by others. It is also true that an auditor who dislikes a pc may not do a good job so the rule also has a practical side to it. One auditor disliked young men and did a bad job on them. Another disliked old ladies and chopped them up in session. One pc had messed up several Scientologists and couldn’t find anyone to audit him at all. We are not auditing people to make amends to the world. Thus an auditor has a right to reject or accept the pcs he is given. ACCEPTING A C/S When the auditor gets a C/S to do on a case and if he thinks it is not the correct thing to do he has the right to reject the C/S for that pc and require another one he can agree to. The auditor does not have the right to start doing a C/S and change it during the session except as noted below. ENDING THE SESSION When the C/S he has is proving unworkable during the session, the auditor has a right to end the session and send the folder to the C/S. 44 Ending the session is totally up to the auditor. If the auditor just doesn’t complete an action that was producing TA and could be completed it is of course a flunk. Such a case is just not running a basic engram the one more time through that would bring the TA down and give a proper end phenomena. This and similar actions would be an auditor error. The judgement here is whether or not the auditor’s action is justified in ending the session. Even though he may have made an error, the auditor cannot be blamed for the ending off of the session as that is totally up to him. He can be given a flunk for the error. INABILITY TO FLY RUDS If an auditor cannot get a rud to F/N, cannot get any rud to F/N, he is justified in starting a Green Form. The auditor solution to no F/N on ruds is to do a GF whether the C/S said to or not. This is an expected action. It is understood the auditor would use Suppress and False in trying to fly ruds. UNREADING ITEMS When an item the auditor has been told to run doesn’t read on the meter, even when the auditor puts in Suppress and Invalidate on it, the auditor MUST NOT do anything with the item no matter what the C/S said. It is expected he will see if it reads and use Suppress and Invalidate on it. And if it still doesn’t read he will be expected NOT to run it. LISTS When an auditor whose C/S told him to list “Who or what ....” or any list question finds that the list question does not read, the auditor MUST NOT list it. When doing a list ordered by the C/S it is assumed that the auditor will test it for read before listing and that he will NOT list an unreading question. (A read is an actual fall, not a tick or a stop.) LIST TROUBLE When an auditor has trouble doing a list and getting an item it is expected he will use a Prepared List like L4B to locate the trouble and handle it. As it is very hard on a pc to mess up a list it is expected the auditor will handle the situation then and there with no further C/S directions. HIGH TA When the auditor sees the TA is high at session start yet the C/S says to “Fly a rud” or run a chain, the AUDITOR MUST NOT TRY TO FLY A RUD and he must not start on a chain. Trying to bring a TA down with ARC Brks or ruds is very hard on a pc as ARC Breaks aren’t the reason TAs go up. Seeing a high TA at start the Dianetic auditor or Scn auditor up to Class II does not start the session but sends the folder back to the C/S and for a higher class auditor to do. Seeing a high TA at start the Scientology auditor (Class III or above) (a) checks for exteriorization in a recent session and if so the session is ended and the C/S is asked for an “Interiorization Rundown”; (b) if the pc has had an Interiorization Rundown the auditor lists to BD F/N Item “What has been overrun?” These actions are expected of the auditor even when not stated in the C/S. RUDS GOING OUT When the ruds go out during the session the auditor recognizes the following. 45 Pc Critical = W/H from auditor PC Antagonistic = BPC in session No TA = Problem Tired = Failed Purpose or no sleep Sad = ARC Break Soaring TA = Overrun or Protest Dope Off = By passed F/N or not enough sleep No Interest = Out Ruds or no interest in the first place. An auditor who isn’t sure what it is but runs into trouble with the pc (except on lists which he handles at once always) is smart to end off the session quickly, write down the full observation and get it to the C/S. The auditor who is an old hand and knows what he is looking at as per above scale (and the C/S the C/S would give) handles it promptly. PC critical = W/H = pull the W/H. PC antagonistic = BPC = assess proper list (such as L1 B) and handle. No TA (or case gain) = Problem = locate the problem. Tired = no sleep or Failed Purpose = check which it is and handle. Sad = ARC Brk = locate and handle, Itsa earlier Itsa. Soaring TA = O/R or Protest = find which and handle. Such an O/R is usually by rehab. Dope off = lack of sleep or BP F/N = check on sleep, or Rehab F/N. No interest = no interest in first place or out ruds = check for interest or put in ruds. List goes wrong = BPC = handle or do L4A or any L4 at once. Ruds won’t fly = some other error = assess GF and handle. The auditor has no business trying to do the C/S given when it collides with and isn’t designed to handle any of the above. If the previous session disclosed such an error and this session C/S was designed to handle and doesn’t, the auditor should end off and the next C/S should be “2 way comm for data”. CASE NOT HANDLED When the auditor or the Examiner collides with a pc who is asserting his case has not been handled, there should not be a new set of actions based on little data but the auditor should end off and the C/S should order a “2 way comm on what hasn’t been handled”. The auditor should not at once take this up as part of any other C/S. In other words an auditor doesn’t change the C/S to a 2 way comm on something not called for by C/S. MAJOR ACTIONS An auditor should never begin a major action on a case that is not “set up” for it. As this can occur during a session it is vital to understand the rule and follow it. Otherwise a case can be bogged right down and will be hard to salvage as now a new action to repair has been added to an unrepaired action. Now, if the auditor starts a major action on a case not “set up” we get 2 things to repair where we only had I as the major action won’t work either. Repair = patching up past auditing or recent life errors. This is done by prepared lists or completing the chain or correcting lists or even 2 way comm or prepchecks on auditors, sessions, etc. Rudiments = setting the case up for the session action. This includes ARC Brks, PTPs, W/Hs, GF or O/R listing or any prepared list (such as L1B, etc). 46 Set up = getting an F/N showing and VGIs before starting any major action. It means just that—an F/N and VGIs before starting any major action. Such may require a repair action and rudiments as well. Major Action = any—but any—action designed to change a case or general considerations or handle continual illness or improve ability. This means a Process or even a series of processes like 3 flows. It doesn’t mean a grade. It is any process the case hasn’t had. Grade = a series of processes culminating in an exact ability attained, examined and attested to by the pc. Program = any series of actions designed by a C/S to bring about definite results in a pc. A program usually includes several sessions. The vast bulk of auditing errors come about because C/Ses and auditors seek to use a Major Action to repair a case. It is a responsibility of an auditor to reject a C/S which seeks to use one or more major actions to repair a case that isn’t running well. The auditor must understand this completely. He can be made to accept a wrong C/S for the pc and even more importantly can in his own session make the error and mess up the case. Example: Pc has not been running well (no real TA or had a grumpy Exam report). Auditor sees C/S has ordered a major action, not a repair by prepared lists, ruds, etc. The auditor must reject the C/S as he will be made to fail in session by it. Example: Auditor gets a C/S, “(1) Fly a rud; (2) Assess LX3; (3) Run 3 way recall, 3 way secondaries, 3 way engrams on all / / X items.” The auditor can’t get a rud to fly. Does the LX3. In other words he flunks by failing to SET UP the case. It could also go this way. Auditor can’t get a rud to fly, does a GF, gets no F/N. He MUST NOT begin a major action but MUST end off right there. It is fatal to begin any new process on the case designed to change the case if the case is not F/N VGIs. The pc who starts processing for the first time and is surely not F/N VGIs must be set up by repair actions! Simple rudiments, Life ruds, O/R list on life, even assessing prepared lists on life, these are repair actions. The pc will sooner or later begin to fly. Now at session start you put in a rud, get F/N VGIs and CAN start major actions. So this auditor has a responsibility not to be led up a garden path by a C/S which orders a major action on a pc who isn’t repaired or by not being able in session to get an F/N VGIs by repair. The only exceptions are a touch assist or life ruds or the Dianetic assist all on a temporarily sick pc. But that’s repair isn’t it? PROGRAM VIOLATIONS When an auditor receives a C/S and sees that it violates the pc’s program he should reject it. The pc, let us say, is supposed to finish his Dianetic Triples but is suddenly being given a Group Engram Intensive. That violates the program and also the grade. If the pc is running badly, a repair should be ordered. If not, the program should be completed. Example: An effort is being made to get the pc to go backtrack. This is a program containing several major actions which probably consists of several sessions. Before this program is complete and before the pc has gone backtrack, the C/S orders “(1) Fly a rud, (2) 3 S & Ds”. The auditor should recognize in 3 S & Ds a major action being run into the middle of a program and reject it. The correct action is of course the next backtrack process. GRADE VIOLATIONS A pc who is on a grade and hasn’t attained it yet must not be given major actions not part of that grade. Example: Pc is on Grade I. C/S orders a list having to do with drinking. It is not a process on that Grade. It could be done after Grade I is attained and before Grade II is begun. The C/S is incorrect and should not be accepted. 47 ABILITY ATTAINED Now and then before the full major action is complete or before all the grade processes are run, the pc will attain the ability of the grade or the end phenomena of the action. This is particularly true of valence shifters or Interiorization Rundowns and can happen in grades. The auditor should recognize it and, with the F/N VGIs always present at such moments, end off. I know of one case who had a huge cog about Interiorization on Flow 1 Engrams and was pushed by both C/S and auditor to do Flows 2 and 3 who bogged so badly that it took a long while— weeks—to straighten the case out. The ability itself gets invalidated by pushing on. On the other hand this should never be taken as an excuse. “I think he cogged to himself so we ended off.” It must be a real “What do you know!” sort of out-loud cog with a big F/N and VVGIs and directly on the subject to end off a major action or a program or a grade before its actions are all audited. REVIEWING REVIEWS An auditor who gets a C/S or an order to repair a case that is running well should reject doing the action. I have seen a case ordered to repair who had Ext Full Perception Doing Great. The repair bogged the case. The case then got running well again but a second C/S ordered a new repair which of course bogged it. Then major actions were done. The case was again repaired and rehabbed and became ok. Three times the auditor should have said NO. “WHAT HE DID WRONG” An auditor has a right to know what he did wrong in the session that went wrong. Most often a sour session occurs only when the rules and data in this HCO B have been violated. But an auditor’s TRs can go out or his listing and nulling is in error. After a session that went wrong somebody else (not the auditor) should ask the pc what the auditor did. This sometimes spots a false auditing report. But it also sometimes is a false report by the pc. In any event, the auditor has a right to know. Then he can either correct his auditing or his know-how or he can advise the C/S the pc’s report is untrue and better repair can be done on the pc. Savage action against an auditor is almost never called for. He was trying to help. Some people are hard to help. These are the rights of the auditor with relation to a C/S. They are all technical rights based on sound principles. An auditor should know them and use them. If an auditor stands on these rights and gets beaten down he should put all the facts before his nearest OTL or SO ship as something would be very wrong somewhere. Auditing is a happy business—when it is done right. LRH:dz.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [OTL means Operation-Transport Liaison which was a Sea Organization office that managed orgs or an area and was a forerunner of the Flag Operations Liaison Office (FOLO). ] 48 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MAY 1970 Remimeo UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS (With particular reference to doing a Group Engram Intensive) Never list a listing question that doesn’t read. Never prepcheck an item that doesn’t read. These rules hold good for all lists, all items, even DIANETICS. A “tick” or a “stop” is not a read. Reads are small falls or falls or long falls or long fall blowdown (of TA). A preclear’s case can be gotten into serious trouble by listing a list that doesn’t read or prepchecking or running an item that doesn’t read. On a list, this is the sort of thing that happens: The List is “Who or what would fly kites?” The C/S has said to “List this to a BD F/N Item”. So the auditor does list it without checking the read at all. The list can go on 99 pages with the pc protesting, getting upset. This is called a “Dead horse list” because it gave no item. The reason it didn’t was that the list question itself didn’t read. One does an L4 on the pc to correct the situation and gets “Unnecessary action”. On a list that is getting no item you don’t extend. You correctly use L4 or any subsequent issue of it. If you extend a “dead horse list” you just make things worse. Use an L4 and it will set it right. This weird thing can also happen. C/S says to list “Who or what would kill buffaloes?” The auditor does, gets a BD F/N Item “A Hunter”. The C/S also says to list as a second action “Who or what would feel tough?” The auditor fails to test the Question for read and lists it. Had he tested it, the list would not have read. But the list comes up with an item, “A mean hunter”. It has stirred up charge from the first question and the item “A mean hunter” is a wrong item as it is a misworded variation of the first list’s item! Now we have an unnecessary action and a wrong item. We do an L4 and the pc is still upset as maybe only one or the other of the two errors read. ____________ In a Dianetic “list” one is not doing a listing action. One is only trying to find a somatic or sensation, etc that will run. The item must read well. Or it won’t produce a chain to run. In actual fact the Dn list Q does usually read but one doesn’t bother to test it. But an item that doesn’t read will produce no chain, no basic and the pc will jump around the track trying but just jamming up his bank. The moral of this story is: ALWAYS TEST A LISTING QUESTION BEFORE LETTING THE PC LIST. 49 ALWAYS MARK THE READ IT GAVE (sF, F, LF, LFBD) ON THE WORKSHEET. ALWAYS TEST AN ITEM FOR READ BEFORE PREPCHECKING OR RUNNING RECALL OR ENGRAMS. ALWAYS MARK THE READ AN ITEM GAVE (sF, F, LF, LFBD) ON THE WORKSHEET. CHARGE The whole subject of “charge” is based on this. “Charge” is the electrical impulse on the case that activates the meter. “Charge” shows not only that an area has something in it. It also shows that the pc has possible reality on it. A pc can have a broken leg, yet it might not read on a meter. It would be charged but below the pc’s reality. So it won’t read. THINGS THAT DON’T READ WON’T RUN. The Case Supervisor always counts on the AUDITOR to test Questions and Items for read before running them. The auditor, when a Question or Item doesn’t read, can and should always put in “Suppress” and “Invalidate”. “On this (Question) (Item), has anything been Suppressed?” “On this (Question) (Item), has anything been Invalidated?” If either one read, the question or item will also read. The Case Supervisor also counts on the AUDITOR to use Suppress and Invalidate on a Question or Item. If after this there is still no read on the Question or Item, that’s it. Don’t use it, don’t list it. Go to the next action on the C/S or end off. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz.ka.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 50 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 MAY 1970 Remimeo CORRECTION LISTS, USE OF The various lists designed to find by-passed charge and repair a faulty auditing action or life situation should be used heavily and thoroughly. There are many such lists—Green Form, L1B, L4, etc. They are available in HCO B form and are themselves corrected and re-issued from time to time. They can be found in HCO B 5 July AD13 and others. There are FOUR WAYS TO USE these prepared lists. 1. The auditor starts at the top and takes up each read until he gets one to F/N. In this case the auditor does not do “Itsa earlier Itsa”. He just cleans each read. 2. The auditor starts from the top and on each read cleans it and does Itsa earlier Itsa to F/N or to a clean no-read and goes on. 3. The auditor assesses the list down until he gets a heavy read and cleans that, using Itsa earlier Itsa. Then he can go on to the next heavy read, cleans that. Etc to F/N. In this case he can get several F/Ns on the same list. 4. The whole list is rapidly assessed over and over until one item stays in and that is given to the pc. UPSET PC When a pc is very upset and misemotional the action in 4 above is the only one to use as it is the safest. On a very upset or antagonistic pc don’t engage in any chatter, just grab a list and assess it, and indicate the By-Passed Charge. The results are usually magical. REPAIR Repairing a case fully, as done in Qual or in an HGC, where the person has led an out-rud life, Method 3 above is the one to use. Various and assorted lists can be employed. SETTING UP The best way to set up a case for auditing a major action is to Repair it. This can be necessary before the person is ever audited at all on any major action such as Dianetics or Grades. Such an action can go on and on and should. The action is to bleed the list of all possible use, using 3. This is a new discovery I have made. AUDITING REPAIR Auditing repair usually uses Methods 1 or (for pcs upset from lists) 4. ERROR IN USING LISTS The major error in using prepared lists is not to really get full use out of the list. In using lists don’t be in a great hurry or do a superficial job. The list is for the pc, not a statistic. LRH: kjm.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 51 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 MAY 1970 Remimeo Class VIIIs C/Ses Tech—Qual AUDITORS C/S Checksheet INTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE 2 WAY COMM The Interiorization Rundown (HCO B of 22 March 1970, “Exteriorization and High TA”) is ALWAYS followed in the next session with “2 Way Comm on Interiorization-Exteriorization”. If the Interiorization auditing has to be repaired, that is done first of course. BUT AN INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN IS NEVER COMPLETE UNTIL AN ADDITIONAL LATER SESSION IS GIVEN ON 2 WAY COMM ON INTERIOR EXTERIOR. A C/S in repairing cases should always look to see if a pc 1. Has exteriorized at some time during auditing. 2. If so the only C/S that can now be done is the Interiorization Rundown. 3. If an Int Rundown has been given, then the C/S must check to see if a later session was given on “2 Way Comm Int-Ext”. 4. If this 2 way comm was omitted, or not in a separate session, then “2 Way Comm on Int-Ext” must be ordered even if there have been several intervening sessions. COG It is usually the case that the pc did not fully cognite when he had the Int Rundown. His TA may stay high after an Int session. O/R is of little use to get it down. What’s missing is the 2 way comm session. In it the pc usually cognites and things then go right. The current C/S and auditor error is trying to do everything briefly and all at once. Ordering an Int Rundown and 2 way comm on it in the same session would be part of such an erroneous trend. The 2 way comm must be another session preferably on another later day. It is a flagrant C/S error to omit “2 Way Comm Int-Ext” after an Interiorization Rundown session. The signal to order an Int Rundown is pc went Ext in auditing or has been found to have gone exterior. Auditing will not run well when the pc is audited past or after exteriorizing. An Int Rundown must now be ordered. 52 If unsuccessful it must be repaired. Successful or repaired, an Int Rundown must be followed by the 2 way comm session. Two way comm must be done with exact TRs. The auditor must not Q and A. He must not evaluate (tell the pc what it’s all about). 2 way comm is a precision process. The pc is kept talking, not by giving him commands. He is kept on the subject of Int-Ext (or the 2 way comm subject), not encouraged to leap about by Q and A. You cannot consider an Interiorization Rundown complete unless followed by 2 way comm. If the case hasn’t had it following his Int Rundown he must be ordered to it. LRH:dz.ka.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JUNE 1970 Remimeo FLOATING NEEDLES The HCO B 29 Jan AD 20 which amends a series of earlier HCO Bs and introduces the idea that you ask “Did that Incident erase” (which is not asked now) IS CANCELLED. The correct End Phenomena of Dianetics is F/N + Cognition + VGIs. This HCO B also introduced enforcing an F/N by calling off the item. The actual fact is that you should not cut into the pc’s end phenomena with premature questions or F/N indications. The pc is introverted and such actions by the auditor extrovert his attention and annoy the pc and spoil the correct End Phenomena which is F/N + Cog + VGIs. Actions by the auditor such as “Your needle is floating” “Did it Erase”, etc chop the pc before full End Phenomena is attained. When End Phenomena is fully attained on a Dianetic chain the auditor need only go on to the next flow or end the session. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: dz .ka.rd Copyright ©1970 by L. Ron Hubbard [HCO B 29 Jan. AD20, Floating Needles, referred to above ALL RIGHTS RESERVED was not by LRH and is not in these books. ] 53 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 JUNE 1970 (Cancels HCO B 3 Feb 69, Issue II) Remimeo TRIPLE GRADES The HCO B 3 Feb 69 which stated they were not taught on Dn Course and must be audited by a Class V Auditor is CANCELLED. SCIENTOLOGY TRIPLES Scientology Triple grade for a grade is used, with the havingness process as the last process of each level. Lower Scn processes for that grade are run first. Any of these that can be run on three flows are also run triple. A triple flow for a grade process may be audited by any auditor of the class of that grade. In other words a Class 0 auditor can run the major triple for Grade Zero as the last process run for Grade 0. He may also run other processes on three flows if they apply to Grade 0 or below. DIANETIC TRIPLES Any trained Dianetic Auditor should run triples. Single Dianetics is only for assists and new student auditors. Any other Dianetics run should be run in triple flow. CONFLICT Any other technical or tape lecture advices or rumours of such other orders are cancelled by this HCO B. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH :nt.ka.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is changed by BTB 1 December 1970R, Revised and Reissued 27 July 1974, Dianetics Triple Flow Action which says, “Wherever Single Flow Dianetics is mentioned, the statement is revised according to the following rule: ‘DIANETICS IS RUN BY TRIPLE FLOWS ONLY. DIANETIC SINGLES IS FORBIDDEN AND IF DONE WILL BE CONSIDERED GROSS OUT TECH AND A TECH AND QUAL HIGH CRIME.’ LRH”] 54 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 JUNE 1970 Remimeo LOW TA HANDLING A person whose TA is low is in a state of overwhelm. Poor TRs or rough auditing easily drive the TA down. A TA can go low during a run like on engrams, and can come back up when actual erasure occurs. Usually a person whose TA goes below 2.0 when run on incidents too steep for him will get low TA. A low TA is of course any TA below 2.0. An occasional cause of this is as simple as the meter not being trimmed. Sweaty hands, improper electrodes, and sometimes a faulty meter also cause a “low TA” to appear. Heavy processes like LX 1-2-3 are sometimes an overwhelm. An invalidative look on an Examiner’s face can drive a TA down a bit. Cold cans can send it UP high. Lack of rest or time of the day gives some cases a low or high TA. At 2:00 a.m. TAs often are very high, for instance. Persons with low TAs tend to be somewhat inactive in life and non-causative. When audited with poor TRs or on processes too steep some persons’ TAs go low (below 2.0). An F/N is NEVER an F/N when above 3.0 or below 2.0. Life repairs and auditing repairs, light processes and no goof auditing are the proper actions for low TA cases. Auditors whose pcs’ TAs go low should look to the flawlessness of their auditing, the ease of their TRs and refuse any heavy overwhelm type C/Ses for such pcs. Good Two-Way Comm on troubling subjects, use of prepared lists on life, mild close to objective processes, no forcing over protests, never running processes that don’t read first, getting the pc out of being effect and toward being cause, extroverting the pc’s attention with objective processes all work well on low TA cases. The actual technical reason for low TAs is found in higher levels and does not concern and would be of no use to lower level pcs. Take it easy. Don’t goof as auditor or C/S are the keynotes of low TA cases. My opinion on this is that people worry too much about low TAs. On Flag where auditing is done like silk we haven’t seen any low TAs for ages. LRH:dz.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 55 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 JUNE 1970 Remimeo C/S Series 2 (C/S Series 1 is “Auditor’s Rights”, HCO B 24 May 1970, not so marked.) PROGRAMMING OF CASES Every action taken on a Case by a CASE SUPERVISOR (or an auditor doing his own C/S actions) should be part of a definite outlined PROGRAM for that case. PROGRAM Definition—A program is defined as the sequence of actions session by session to be undertaken on a case by the C/S in his directions to the auditor or auditors auditing the case. The master program for every case is given on the Classification and Gradation Chart issued from time to time. The earliest of these Charts was 1965 followed by 1st December 1966 followed by 1st January 1968 followed by 1st December 1969. The reissues of the Chart are done to improve the communication of the data on the Chart. The program factor has not much changed since its earliest issue. Tapes about this Chart were made for the SHSBC at its first issue and of course remain valid. The processes called for on the Chart are all part of the SHSBC or for upper levels part of the SH and AO Confidential materials. From time to time they are reissued but they remain standard and have been so since the first issue of the Chart. The Chart and its materials have now and again been neglected or disregarded and THE NEGLECT HAS RESULTED IN FIELD FLAPS AND DOWN STATS. Omitting this gradient of processes not only stalls cases but results in a case manifesting out-grade phenomena. A pc must attain the full ability noted on the Chart before going up to the next level of the Chart. Telling the pc he has made it is of course evaluation. The outnesses which have occurred surrounding this Chart are hard to believe. They consist of total abandonment of the Chart, degrading and losing all its lower grade processes, feeding a pc at Dianetic level data at Class VI and telling him, who has not made Dianetics yet, he is now Clear, cutting down all processes from the Chart bottom up to IV to be able to do them in 2l/2 minutes, neglecting all levels up to OT V and then trying to put in a few lower grades and sending on to OT VI, having the pc after one trivial session attest all abilities at once and many other errors. This is crazy driving. If a bus were driven along a road this way it would soon be wrecked and back where it started but in an ash heap. Genius in C/Sing is normally required only when some former driver wrecked the thing instead of driving it right in the first place. To Case Supervise one has to accept the following facts: 1. Dianetics and Scientology work. 2. The subjects are serious subjects not experimental toys. 3. The basics and fundamentals are stated early in the period of development and have not changed. 56 4. The “newest and latest” is usually a recovery of basics and better statements of them. 5. The purpose of the subject has not altered and continues to be the attainment of ability and freedom for the individual. 6. That things which were true early in the subjects are still true. 7. That the mind responds on a gradient of improvement not suddenly like a bomb explosion. 8. That the Classification and Gradation Chart and all its processes and steps IS the basic program of any case. 9. That all other programs are efforts to get the pc or pre-OT back on the basic program. 10. That there is no hidden data line and that the materials and procedures are refined mainly to facilitate use and communication of them. 11. That auditing is for the pc, not the org or the auditor. 12. That major processes are done to improve the case. 13. That repair is undertaken to eradicate errors made in auditing or the environment which impede the use of major processes. 14. That a case has to be programmed by the C/S to get it advancing as it should have been in the first place on the Classification and Gradation Chart. 15. That a C/S is not being called upon to develop a new Chart for the case but only to get the case back on the basic Chart and get it done. 3 PROGRAMS There are then 3 types of Programs: 1. THE program laid out in the Classification and Gradation Chart. (Called The Basic Program.) 2. Repair Programs to eradicate case mishandling by current life or auditing errors. (Called a Set-Up Program.) 3. Major actions to be undertaken to get the case back on the Class Chart from wherever he has erroneously gotten to on it. (Called a Return Program.) It has been a very common C/S action to disperse away from a program laid out. This has been happening ever since the first issue of the Class Chart and has been a principal source of trouble for C/Ses. This happens in several ways: 1. Not knowing the importance of the Class Chart. 2. Not knowing basics. 3. Falling for SP propaganda that “we don’t use that now”, “the material is old”, “it’s only background data”, etc, that deteriorates what one does know and could use. 4. Failure of auditors to give good sessions and do the Usual required in a session. 5. Abandonment of the C/S’s own Repair or Return Program—usually because of false auditor reports or operating on insufficient data from the pc. The correct way to go about all this is to: 57 A. Repair the case thoroughly with minor actions like GFs, prepared lists, ruds, two-way comm. B. Acquire adequate data on the pc. C. Complete any C/S Return Program begun. D. Get the pc back on the Class Chart without any processes of the grade skipped. E. Run the case on the Class Chart. F. Repair any departures or errors made in life or auditing. G. Get the pc back on the Class Chart. DISPERSAL Not following any program is a complete exercise in non-sequitur (means one step does not follow the last but is different and unrelated). In giving a pc process after process that are not related to each other and follow no Repair Program or Return Program is non-sequitur in the extreme. If processes were remarks one would get a sequence of processes given the pc sounding like this. “The submarine just went by so we will order a hundred tons of bread. There wasn’t any beer so birds are seldom seen. The dance was very fast so we fixed the carburetor. He has very long hair so we decorated his father’s tomb.” “Give pc Scn Triples then do his Dianetics then fix up his hidden standard,” would be a series of crazy non-sequitur C/Ses. Nothing is connected to or proceeds from anything. That would be a dispersed program for sure. It actually happens horribly enough. Study a Class Chart and then look through some old folders. At once, the sequence of processes ordered sounds like “The submarine just went by so order a hundred tons of bread.” Such C/Sing has no cause and effect in it. A person totally ignorant of basic cause and effect gets “Pc nattery. Run Dianetics.” “Pc’s case not advancing. Do Grade 0.” The cause of the pc condition is not understood. A nattery pc has withholds. A case not advancing has problems. That’s real actual basic tech (see Auditor’s Rights HCO B for the table). This data is over 15 years old at this writing, is part of proper Academy courses and the SHSBC and is even in Class VIII materials. The reasons for the pc’s behavior or trouble are not mysterious reasons never revealed. They are all very well given in course materials. Here is an actual case, a folder I examined of a pc who is now in trouble and needing a Repair and Return Program. Pc was an accident prone (person who is apparently dedicated to having accidents). Very low aptitude score (about 30). Had been skipped over almost the entire Class Chart and given Power. To handle accident proneness was given CCHs. This cured it. Had Exteriorized so was given Interiorization Rundown without a 2-way comm session. Pc subsequently developed bad somatics. (Dianetics was never flattened or completed.) A quarter of an inch of Examiner’s reports wherein the pc was asking for help or medicine to get rid of somatics was then put one by one into the folder. Despite this the “C/S” saw “Va” on the pc’s folder and ordered R6EW. More Examiner’s calls collected. The pc ran one item, making one mark on a worksheet and attested R6EW. 58 More Examiner’s reports collected, pc reporting self ill. “C/S” seeing R6EW attested ordered pc to Clearing Course. Pc did one brief session attested Clear. More Examiner’s reports into folder, pc in pain and now in Ethics trouble. “C/S” ordered pc to OT I. Pc spent 35 minutes on OT 1 in terror of it, hastily attested, had 5 accidents in 3 days. Folder sent to me as a “baffling case”. So the correct actions now have to be taken. 1. Repair pc with every list known to Man or Beast to get off BPC collected in these overwhelming levels. 2. Repair pc in errors in current life. 3. Return Program the pc by running simple things, 2-way comm, to give pc some wins in actual case gain by maybe handling by 2-way comm minor this life or childhood upsets with family, maybe putting in ruds on some early subject that turns up. 4. Put pc back on the Class Chart TO COMPLETE THE INCOMPLETE GRADE (Dianetics) to its full end phenomena as per Class Chart. 5. Bring the pc on up the Class Chart using all processes for each grade and honestly attesting each grade in turn. It’s all a shame because the pc had a lose on status. She wanted to be Clear and OT, was actually on it and never walked up the stairs to get to it. PROGRAM NECESSITY One can see from all this the NECESSITY of working by program on a case. Even when one starts an honest program for the case one can get thrown off of it and begin to do something else. If the pc goes exterior, of course, one has to handle by Interiorization Rundown before the case can be audited at all. But that’s no reason to then skip all the grades! A pc can go exterior at any point. Thus it must be handled when it occurs. But that does not mean anything happened to one’s program or the Class Chart. Exterior or Interior, a pc unflat on Dianetics (not attained the ability marked on the Class Chart) is unflat on Dianetics! And a pc who is unflat on Dianetics will have out lower grades. Jumping processes on the Class Chart set the pc up to fall on his head later. An “OT VI with problems” is really just an unflat Grade I. And until Grade I is flattened to permanent Ability Attained on the Class Chart, he remains an unflat Grade I. A C/S who gets wound up in this sort of skipped everything and made nothing, of course has an awful mess on his hands. He can feel as lost as Hansel or Gretel. But waiting to get covered up by leaves is for the birds. If one finds the pc off the road, the thing to do is return the pc to the road at the point he didn’t walk it AND THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS FOR THE MIND. The utter despair and insane barbarism psychiatry descended into was patient lost, psychiatrist lost, patient crazy, psychiatrist into insane sadism. So maybe the first lesson a C/S really has to learn is: 59 THERE IS A KNOWN ROAD OUT. There is no shortcut, it has to be walked every inch of it. And therefore the greatest enemy of the C/S is the SP who says “that’s all old” “we don’t use that now” “that’s just background data” and thereby obscures the actual road. And another enemy is the pc who screamingly demands to be put up to Clear at once so he won’t have this awful headache! STEADY ON Thus the measures a C/S takes to hold a steady course will profit him greatly in the end with good solid gains for the pc. As the pc should no longer be a total humanoid by Class IV the lower grade gains are the most important of all. A C/S who puts a Class Chart into every folder he handles is doing a wise thing. Even if it’s big, clumsy, hard to handle, it is at least thorough. If on it he marks in red things the pc has gotten to falsely and if in green things the pc made from the bottom walking an honest road, he knows where he is at! Seeing the whole training cycle half of the Chart continue blank means that much more ignorance and trouble for the pc in making his gains stably. If the C/S put his Repair Program on a Red sheet in the folder and dated it out session by session to be audited until it was DONE and all flubs made in doing it also marked in and repaired, the C/S wouldn’t lose his place in the book. For a red sheet stands out in amongst other folder papers. A red sheet with a “folder error summary” on one side of it and the C/S’s Repair Pgm on the other keeps the pc’s progress located. When that Red sheet is done it should be signed by the C/S as DONE which retires all errors to that point. A bright blue sheet giving the C/S RETURN PGM properly dated also gives one a chance to not get steered off. A new Red Repair Pgm sheet fixing up errors occurring in doing the Blue sheet can be pushed into the folder but the Blue sheet can be resumed again. The Blue sheet completed should find the pc back on the Class Chart. A list of processes run tallied up by the auditor each session keeps the C/S from repeating a process and gives him the Dn items used singly to be done triple. While all this Admin may seem time consuming, lack of it mounts up into valuable AUDITOR TIME being thrown away. ------------ C/Sing is a road. It has milestones. When the pc didn’t pass one honestly he got lost. There’s no reason for pc, auditor and C/S to all get lost. The C/S has an exact road to hold to, return to and repairs to get done so the pc can get moving on the Return Pgm and the Class Chart which IS the road. It took too many trillions to find this road for it to be neglected. For if the C/S neglects it people won’t arrive anywhere but get lost as well. The right idea is the road. LRH:kjm.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright ©1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 60 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 JUNE 1970 Remimeo C/S Series 3 SESSION PRIORITIES REPAIR PGMS AND THEIR PRIORITY When a pc has had an incorrectly run session, one that did not wind up with F/N Cog VGIs, it is often harmful to delay the repair session. Most cases of pcs becoming ill or having accidents stem from A. Major Errors in Programming the case. B. Delay in Repairing a goofed session. There have been several examples recently of pcs ending session with an unflat process after which the repair session was delayed for several days or even weeks and the pc came down with a cold or had some minor accident or got in Ethics trouble. Thus Repair has priority. PROGRAM ERRORS Under A. a major error in programming lays the case open to having goofed sessions and exposes the auditor to some risk of making errors. The reason for this is that the pc gets overwhelmed or bogged simply by not coming up through all the processes of each level on the Class Chart. Let us say the pc is trying to make it on R6EW Solo Study but keeps having Problems with it and can’t get on with it. The uninformed C/S orders a Student Rescue Intensive. This is all right as far as it goes. But a more searching look into the records is likely to find that this pc had exactly 10 minutes on the whole of Grade I! The Out-Program is far more likely to play havoc with this pc than just problems. He is possibly in doubt as to case gains and his reality is poor and yet he is being exposed to the highly restimulative materials of an upper level to which he has never climbed. A direct effort now to put in problems Grade I also puts an auditor at risk. Instead of merely being able to run problems as he would have been able to earlier, the pc is in some sort of overwhelm and is nervous or scared or believes he is at fault some way. He will look everywhere but in the right direction. The answer to an incorrectly programmed case is, of course, a repair program and the sooner the better. Such repair programs must be very light. Prepared lists to find charge, 2 way comm on various subjects, take a walk. And such a repair program MUST NOT (a) Let the pc dive into rough heavy charge, or (b) Be overdone to total boredom. SELF AUDITING Some pcs “self audit”, which is different than Solo auditing since it has no meter or session and is just wandering about the bank (some overwhelmed pcs self audit in Solo wandering all over the place). 61 This is a symptom of session or study or life overwhelm. It requires a Repair Program. EP OF REPAIR The End Phenomena of a Repair Program is the pc feeling great and feeling he can get Case Gain. A good, clever Repair Program produces what badly programmed cases would consider total recovery. It is a good idea to have the pc attest to “I have had definite gains from the recent sessions and feel great.” Or with a hearty “Yes” to “Does Scientology really work for you.” Oh, you say, how could that much gain come from just repair? Well, Repair is almost always being done on a pc who was overwhelmed by life or auditing in the first place. Life we know has a way of overwhelming people. When a person is overwhelmed by life, an auditing error is more likely to occur. When Incorrect Programming occurs, then any auditing on it can add up to more overwhelm which adds up to more errors. CONSISTENT COMPLAINT The pc whose Examiner forms routinely have a sour note in them should not be continued on the Class Chart or any Return Program. He is a Repair pc and nothing else. If you get the idea that any lower level can produce large changes in a person you will see that lower level processes are being mis-programmed if they are producing only the gains of Repair actions. The sign of mis-programming is most often seen in Examiner reports where the pc’s comments or demands are “for more auditing” or “Got to have a session” or “wasn’t really handled” or sour comments or cracks. When you examine some folders you will see some pc has more than his share of this. That’s a sign to LIGHTLY DO IT. The wrong way to go is plunge! I have seen a C/S order 2 major actions in one session after a bad session on a pc in a DESPERATE effort to reach the case! The exact reverse is required. Repair the case by: I. Patch the session goof. II. Use prepared lists for locating session charge in past sessions. III. Use prepared lists and two way comm on items found. IV. Get ruds in on periods of the pc’s life. V. Get ruds in on parts of the pc’s body that are ailing. This is not a model Repair Program but only a sample of one. It isn’t a model because the pcs have different things wrong with them. 62 But you could blindly do all of the above and still wind up with case gain and a win for a staggering pc. Then you would do a Return Pgm to get the pc back on the Class Chart. But not until then. I have seen a pc stagger along for years getting auditing (of a sort) while still retaining a set characteristic or somatic who when handled with very mild processes had a case gain and then returned to the Class Chart HAVE A COMPLETE CHANGE OF THE CHARACTERISTIC. EFFECT SCALE A C/S can get into the lower end of the effect scale and feel that desperate that he begins to throw away every major process he can order on the pc, even 2 or 3 per session! But the direction of win was LIGHTER not heavier action. Sort of like “this sparrow keeps getting bowled out with rocks. Let’s try real artillery on him!” If one is trying to make a better sparrow he should lay off the rocks and lighten it up, not step up the barrage! Some cotton tufts might do wonders! Might even make the sparrow reach! The basic trouble with ALL past efforts at “psychotherapy” and “religious uplift” and “self betterment” and healing was: The more desperate the situation the more desperate was the remedy used. The right answer is: THE WORSE THE CONDITION THE LIGHTER THE REMEDY REQUIRED. Dealing with psychotics in an institution you would find that “Hello” pleasantly said would do more for cases than all the drug firms and electric shock machines and brain icepicks have ever done in all their existence. Well if it applies to psychotics, it applies surely to people that aren’t. Simple interest and listening can crack an awful lot of overwhelmed cases that would only bog further if not first repaired. BPC The exact BPC of the last session handled is always the first action in Repair Programming. This is the exact BPC. An unfinished Dianetic Chain is BPC. So get it handled. The wrong list item is heavy BPC so get it handled. And get this BPC off now! Now! Don’t wait 2 days or a week. Repair it on priority. OVERWHELM Don’t always blame the auditor. He may goof and he shouldn’t. But if his procedure and TRs were reasonably correct, how come the pc got a tangled session. If the auditor has a usually good record and you get a goofed session, then realize the pc is a bit troublesome and was not running standardly. Of course this doesn’t excuse student goofs or plain lousy auditing. But when the auditor does all right, then the case must be in an overwhelm of some sort. So we have 2 variables here for C/S decision. x1-Auditor fault? or x2-Pc in an overwhelm? 63 There is a decision here to be made by the C/S. It’s resolved by folder inspection and knowledge of the auditor. All right—Auditor usually okay. That eliminates x1. So we have a pc in overwhelm? Look over past record of pc. Runs okay. That cancels x2. So we repair that one session and its goof and continue with the Return Pgm or the Class Pgm whichever the pc was on. What if x1 showed lots of bad sessions by the auditor and x2 showed pc usually okay. Investigate auditor’s auditing and send to Cramming for TRs, etc. What if x1 Auditor okay and x2 pc has lots of trouble? NOW we get to an overwhelmed pc. You see how it’s sorted out by the C/S? From inspecting two things only the C/S can decide what’s to be done now. If the decision isn’t clear-cut get the auditor looked into and the pc asked about the auditor’s actions and his own case. If his “case has lots of trouble” skip worrying the auditor further unless that discloses other errors on other cases. Okay. So the pc is running badly. So he’s in an overwhelm. Inspection will reveal one or more of three things. 1. Case didn’t come up the Class Chart right. 2. Case being run in a temporary Life overwhelm. 3. Former errors not repaired. 1 and 3 may both exist. The correct C/S action is a Repair Program in any case. If 3 is true you engage in that first. If 2 is true you use Repair actions on life as the second part of your Repair Program. If 1 is true you will also have a Repair Program to lay out first in any event and just include it in. Write it all up on a red sheet and follow the sheet session by session as you C/S. You will now have handled the overwhelm if your Repair Pgm is good and fully done and not brushed off at the first sign of VGIs in the pc at Examiner. If 1 is true you now do a Return Pgm. This of course is what processes you’re going to get run to fill in the processes that haven’t been run to get the Class Chart all done and the pc back up to where he was. He has run some after all. INGENUITY The genius and bright ideas of a C/S are not exerted with major processes ever. Only the Interiorization Rundown after the pc exteriorized or when it is discovered he has and possibly a Student Rescue or a sickness assist are the exceptions to this. One doesn’t Repair with major processes! That’s like “The engine wouldn’t run so he hit it with a sledge hammer.” Ingenuity is required of a C/S only in the area of repair. Locating BPC is rather standard in repair action. But fishing up the case by 2 way comm and little prepchecks and getting in ruds on things or times require a certain flair in a C/S. 64 I recall one pc who was staggering on engrams, couldn’t talk to people and was a general mess. The wrong action would be to run a major grade like Comm on the pc. The pc had to be handled with 2 way comm of some sort. Yet she couldn’t talk auditing or anything else fluently enough about anything to clear anything up. I asked her what would it be awful to say and she went scarlet, hemmed and hawed and blurted out “Swearing!” So we 2 way commed about it! What a torrent! Recovered completely. Recovered so well she thought that was all there was to auditing and was immensely gratified! Another pc had lost his job and couldn’t face any part of it. I 2 way commed what his job had consisted of. He promptly went out and got another. Sometimes it takes a lot of sessions and a lot of reading worksheets to find subjects. BUT IF YOU CAN PERSUADE AUDITORS TO MARK EVERY FALL AND BD IN 2 WAY COMM SESSIONS you will find exactly where the pc is hung up and ordering 2 way comm on that and related things does wonders. But all repair isn’t two way comm. Touching things is a very good way to handle repairs. Cars, typewriters, airplanes, or book pictures thereof or anything or any picture of anything also works. The “touch assist” is a little fragment of a whole array of “touch”. Cases sometimes flinch at remembering anything at all. The answer is touch things and “Reach and withdraw” is part of this and is used in repair. TRs (all of them 0 to IX) are so good in repair action that they actually cure 50% or more drug addicts when run for weeks in groups such as on the HAS Course. It is even reported that when run on people still on drugs over periods of weeks they come off the drugs of their own volition. TRs are a fine unlimited repair action. Prepared lists run on all sorts of things can repair a whole life. “Look at me. Who am I?” is used in a Repair Session when a pc goes too wild to audit. (An exception is list errors when the only remedy is a fast L4A.) Mimicry is actually too high for Repair. Repair is its own subject. The only demand in Programming it is to give priority to recent auditing errors or recent life catastrophes. Many cases obviously have to begin processing with a Repair. Life overwhelm is the reason. And an S & D can be far too steep. Next to skimping lower grades, Repair is too little used. And it is needed. And the urgency is to not let things go too long unrepaired. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 65 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 JUNE 1970 Issue II Remimeo HC HUBBARD CONSULTANT STUDY STRESS ANALYSIS A competent operator of an E-Meter, which is used in stress analysis, needs very little training but needs to be highly observant in meter reading. A student who is having trouble is placed across a table from the Hubbard Consultant. The student is given the leads to hold one in each hand and the meter balanced. The Hubbard Consultant makes a Consultant Report. This is a form or plain sheet with the student’s name at the top, the date and the course name, or a description of the material being handled. The time and the meter reading is placed routinely at appropriate intervals on the left edge of the sheet. The questions asked by the Hubbard Consultant are written down with the student’s answers in brief. The Hubbard Consultant is trained to ask what he is supposed to and to listen to and acknowledge what the student says. The Hubbard Consultant never comments by words or expression and makes no cracks or evaluations. He is trained to: 1. Operate the meter 2. Ask questions 3. Acknowledge 4. Take notes 5. Note down times and meter actions 6. Assess a list of prepared items for meter reads 7. To say “That is all” at the end of the period 8. To staple and file the notes in the student’s folder. HUBBARD CONSULTANT STRESS ANALYSIS No. 1 This is two way communication. The Hubbard Consultant asks if there is anything the student is having trouble with. The Hubbard Consultant acknowledges and continues to prompt the student to talk about it until the student seems more cheerful about it. 66 HUBBARD CONSULTANT STRESS ANALYSIS No. 2 The Hubbard Consultant asks if there is anything in the course materials or other material being studied that the student disagrees with. The student answers. The Hubbard Consultant acknowledges and prompts until the student has resolved it. HUBBARD CONSULTANT STRESS ANALYSIS No. 3 (For use where the difficulty is with tape recorded material.) The student is asked at what point of the tape he bogged down. This tape is procured, put on a player and the earphone placed on the student. The material is played from a point earlier than the student said. The student is on the meter. The Hubbard Consultant has control of the tape player start-stop. As the tape plays the Hubbard Consultant watches his meter needle. As soon as it reads (falls) the Hubbard Consultant stops the machine and asks what word or term that was. If the student can’t tell him the tape section is replayed from an even earlier point. A needle read is watched for and the machine stopped. The Hubbard Consultant asks for the word or term the student has just heard. The student gives it. The Hubbard Consultant has the student look up the word— (a) If a non-technical word in the student’s language it is looked up in a good dictionary of that language which must be available. (b) If it is a technical word or term in the subject, it is looked up in the glossary. (c) If in the glossary the student reads the term aloud and the Hubbard Consultant watches the needle. Any word that reads is looked up in the student’s language dictionary as in (a) above. HUBBARD CONSULTANT STRESS ANALYSIS No. 4 In the case of written material, the student is not placed on a tape player but reads the material to the Hubbard Consultant who proceeds as in Hubbard Consultant Stress Analysis No. 3 (a), (b) and (c). Students who go to sleep during study are asked if they have had enough sleep the night before. If not, they are taken off study and given manual or clerical work to do for the remainder of that day. If the student has had enough sleep, he is given the appropriate Hubbard Consultant Stress Analysis action as above. 67 Students given Hubbard Consultant Stress Analysis should be cheerful and relieved at the end. If E-Meters are not available for Stress Analysis a Hubbard Consultant can be trained to do the four actions above by watching the facial characteristic change of the student. This is more difficult than in using an E-Meter. The meter readings when the matter is cleared up should be between 2(F) and 3(M) on the 1 to 6 dial and the needle should be “floating”. On the l to 6 dial the position 2 measures 5,000 ohms across the leads with the needle at set. The position 3 measures 12,500 ohms. A floating needle is the idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the dial without any patterns or reactions in it. It moves to the right at the same speed as it moves to the left. It is loose and free. When the student has resolved the matter, is more cheerful about it and the floating needle is observed, the matter is not taken any further. This indication to stop must be observed so that the consultant action is not overdone. Overdoing this action could cause further difficulty. If the needle is agitated with small jerky movements the student is upset and is not being frank with the Hubbard Consultant or has been provoked by the Hubbard Consultant. Discussion cleans this up. If the meter is reading above 3 the stress has not been resolved. An E-Meter measures body tension. It is useful to Management in locating points of Stress after physical tests on equipment (as in test pilots or machine operators) so that faults of design where the machine is not well adjusted to man can be accurately remedied. It also works on physical stresses resulting from the tension of concentrating particularly when the student or trainee is unable to grasp materials or handle a subject or equipment. By the use of the E-Meter a Hubbard Consultant can isolate the exact point of a man’s difficulty with a subject or equipment and clear this up. Or the exact point can be found where equipment is not well adapted to man. Its use in study can pin-point the exact thing that has halted the flow of comprehension. Thus it can be cleared up. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:kjm .nt .rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 68 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JUNE 1970 Remimeo C/S Series 4 THE RETURN PROGRAM When a case has been repaired, there is always a Return Program made up by the C/S. It is handwritten on a blue sheet of paper that is easily spotted in a folder. When the Repair Pgm has been concluded, the case is considered to be “set up” for a Return Pgm. The exact point where a Repair Program is changed into a Return Program is when the case has had some wins and is in far better shape than he was when he first began to be audited (which means his first ever auditing). The point is also identifiable as the point where the person feels more outflowing and less overwhelmed if at all. This is obviously a point of case change. The common and incorrect practice of looking for case change as the only benefit from processing should be relegated to Repair End Phenomena. Processing is actually measured by the gradual increase in ability. Step by step these increases in ability walk up the Class Chart and ability is the measure of progress. The C/S who is looking for THE solution to a case, the one shattering bang of total effect on the pc, has set himself for continuous losses in C/Sing. For there is no one action that totally changes a case from bottom to top in one fell swoop. The C/S who thinks there is continually fiddles hopefully. A case has MANY things to be handled, not one. There is no one single wrongness or out-point in a case. A case is a collection of out-points. He hurts, he can’t talk, he has problems, he is ARC Broken, he has service facs, he is stuck in incidents, etc, to just mention a few such out-points. A radio receiver that has been many times broken and is a heap of twisted parts, is not going to get repaired, much less improved by a radio repairman finding one huge error in it and correcting that. He’ll have to correct a lot of minor errors in it before any major error even shows up. The “One-shot clear” idea of the uninformed of 1950 is impossible. When a person goes onto the Clearing Course after missing the lower grades he just doesn’t make it at all. He often can’t even get reads. It takes many miles of road, past many “case changes” to get up the gradient scale to top ability. A Repair Program takes the case from where it has falsely gotten to on the Class Chart and gets off the overwhelm with light processes. The Return Program begins when the case is no longer so overwhelmed and is getting wins from the Repair Program. 69 THE RETURN PROGRAM CONSISTS SIMPLY OF WRITING DOWN IN SEQUENCE EVERY NEEDFUL STEP AND PROCESS MISSED ON THE CLASS CHART BY THE CASE WHICH ARE NOW TO BE DONE. Example: A case has falsely gotten to R6EW Solo and isn’t making it well. The C/S writes up a light process but extensive Repair Program (first on auditing, then on life). The case achieves the EP of repair in case changes and less overwhelm. The C/S now examines the 2-way comm sessions and Examiner’s reports to establish what levels are out. No change = Level 1. Lots of ARC Brks = Level 2. The C/S lists all the Level 1 and Level 2 processes the pc did not get done and this is the Return Program. When these are done and the pc has made it, the C/S has the pc honestly back at R6EW on the Class Chart and continues to follow the Class Chart. Needful repairs also sometimes have to be done in getting the Return Pgm done. In each case a new Repair Program is done. The old Return Program looked over but probably just continued. Example of a case at OT 1 now completely repaired: Case has somatics = Dn Level Unflat Makes others guilty = Level IV Unflat Dramatizes = R6EW Unflat. The Return Program consists of completing Dn, rehabbing comm, all Level IV processes, Redo R6EW, rehab Clear, return to OT 1. That completes the Return Program. In other words, when the case, found in trouble at a level, is fully repaired and winning, the C/S studies the current data on the case to establish the major levels that are out (each Level has an error and an ability) and then gets these into a Program which then session by session is followed. The program which can be completed in one session will never be written as there is no such program. A program is the consecutive layout of what has to be done in the next many sessions. The basic program is the Class and Grade Chart. The Return Program is the return to the false point reached by getting honestly done all the points missed on the road. The pc who can’t attest a grade ability at any point has to have: 1. A Repair Pgm. 2. A Return Pgm. 70 It is a truism that the grade he can’t seem to make is not the grade. An earlier grade is out if the processes of any one grade, properly run, do not achieve that grade. The earliest error is of course a failure to achieve the lowest grade there is. What is out here is that the case needed to be started on a Repair Pgm for life. Now, that skipped, one has to do a Repair on both auditing and life. The Return Pgm is easy in this instance as it just puts the pc back on what he was on, the first level. But this is the only instance where a pc is restored by the C/S to the level he was on without an extensive Return Program. So a Return Pgm always follows the Repair Pgm. And a Return Program consists of putting the pc over road sections he missed on the road up. A Return Pgm is concluded and retired when the pc is back on the grade he falsely had reached before the Repair and Return were done, and is now making that grade. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 71 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JUNE 1970 Remimeo C/S Series 5 REPAIR EXAMPLE Pc X was rushed through lower grades in 20 minutes, given Power to no result, was fed cognitions on upper level material and when run on Dianetics was found “stuck in present time”. After two bogged sessions this pc, who had come from a far place, came to Flag where I took over (not very pleased). The actual rundown outlined as a Repair Program (see C/S Series 3) was as follows on 2 81/2” x 13” red cards to be kept in pc’s folder. PC X REPAIR PGM I LAST ERROR REPAIRED 27.5.70 II. BOGGED SESSION 6/6/70 Repaired 11/6/70 (too long a wait but done). III. Two Way Comm on what did you experience in Power Processing Successful 1/6/70 (Revealed all Lower Grades out, Clear Cog fed him, unable to really run Dn.) IV. L4A assessed on each list run on him, one list at a time as he recalls it. V. Auditor Auditing Prepcheck. VI. Gains Prepcheck. VII. An assessed GF done to get each charge found off. VIII. 2 Way Comm How Do You Feel About Auditing Now? Completes auditing cycle. Repair. IX. 2 way comm on life before Scn. (Note all Falls and BDs.) To C/S. X. C/S to pick up items out of IX and Prepcheck each one that still reads when called off (one to be called then run, no assessment). XI. Two way comm on rough areas When have you had a rough time? Note all Falls and BDs. To C/S. XII. C/S to list all F or BD items. Prepcheck each one. XIII. 2 way comm What possessions have you had? To C/S. XIV. C/S to list all F—BD Items and Prepcheck. XV. L1B in auditing and 2 way comm on gains. XVI. C/S Note what period of his life pc hung up in. Auditor to put in ruds on it. 72 XVII. Find out what body part or area hurts. Put in Ruds on it. (Pgm can be extended to be sure pc has had wins and is in better condition than was in before auditing and no longer overwhelmed or can be cut if this occurs before then.) (Return Pgm begins with TRs 0-9, on up the Class Chart as needed to get his abilities and ends off with a full repair of Power, rehabbing Pr Pr 4 and 5 and running 6 to EP and checking lists. He will then be back on Class Chart properly. ) ------------- This is not a Repair Pgm to be copied particularly. It is given as an extent of Repair which would then be done session by session and ticked off by the C/S as he ordered each new step. The No. IV L4A prepared list would be wholly assessed for each specific list. The V and VI are a whole list of things not given here, common to such a step, but containing no dynamite-type things like “SPs” or “Overwhelm” or other things like the names of major processes. Note that everything from I to VIII are strictly auditing repairs. IX to XVII handle life areas. This case should have been started in auditing with a Life Repair Pgm such as given from IX to XVII. Had he been on drugs as a habit (or just shaky about life) TRs O to 9 could have begun his auditing followed by Life Repair IX to XVII. NEW DEVELOPMENT These actions of Repair before level auditing are a new development as such but 2 way comm and these actions are all from the early ‘60s SHSBC. POSSIBLE FAULTS Evaluation, Q and A and an inability to listen resulting in the auditor chopping comm would be the chief reasons any errors would creep into the sessions given in the Repair Program. As these might not show up in the auditing reports, if the Repair Pgm sessions did not result in gain the C/S would have the auditor’s auditing checked for these points of Evaluation, Q and A and comm chop. The sessions are actually very easy to run and could be done by an Academy Class III or better by a Class VI. NOTE ON VIII AUDITING VIII Auditing presumed, when developed, that lower grades were still being delivered. VIII Auditing and Training are fully valid. They are, as the Class infers, a high level of auditing and remain so. The sequence of recent development has been: VIII Auditing to Standard Dianetic HDC-HDG auditing to Standard Dianetics C/Sing for all levels C/Sing below levels 73 C/Sing to handle the neglect of lower grades and SHSBC data which are being gotten back in rapidly. The C/S is therefore confronted with cases without lower grades and the earliest and reissued Class Chart neglected. The mania for Quickie Lower Grades and the acts by a few who fed upper “cognitions” and other evaluation to pcs wrecked for a while a part of the bridge and made it impassable. Much of the current C/S work should take this into consideration. The Repair Pgm given above is not as long as it could be and certainly would be no shorter. The IX to XVII are a brief layout of how new cases could be handled BEFORE any actual level auditing as a guarantee of real gains. This is a whole zone of action (pre-Level, pre-Dianetics) becoming increasingly necessary by the decline of the culture as visible in pcs now beginning processing as different from those even up to 1962. These IX to XVII steps would also work on institutional cases but one should take it even easier. I repeat, this Repair Pgm I to XVII is an EXAMPLE and its numbers are not useful as different Repair Pgms would be designed by the C/S for the pc. Many other things could be done, none of them heavy or desperate. The C/S should caution any Registrar NOT to sell with the name “Repair Pgm”. This is entirely technical and not PR or Sales. It is just Auditing as far as the Registrar is concerned. Had Pc X been processed on all earlier grades in a scramble before 1962, one would list and then rehab every process run as part of the Return Pgm. Such a step would be done as the last step however of the Return Program as a prelude to straightening out the highest grade falsely attained before Repair. The rehab would not be a substitute for running all the processes of the levels not previously run. Rehab is no part of Repair. TECH ACTION We have fallen into a belief that any repair is done in Review. Review is now the place the pc goes when the C/S gives up. Repair is a Tech Div Action and counts as hours of auditing delivered. Auditing is auditing. Obviously 2 25 hour intensives could be consumed in a Life Repair before a new pc ever came near even an assessment of the minus scale of the first Class Chart much less a level! In Academies, students may get anxious to “get their grades practiced” and so may skip repair actions needful. Thus upper level students should audit lower level students. DIANETICS Pcs audited only on Dianetics in franchises and centers will make some astonishing physical and even mental improvements. The larger percentage will do so. However, a C/S will find some have had physical gains “without finding out about it”. The reality factor has not increased to any degree. Such pcs of course get a long Repair Program and are then given a Return Program to Dianetics, their highest level. 74 The sample Repair Pgm above fits such pcs as well as one that attained higher levels before it was found that lower grades were out. There are no variables in what the pgms are: 1. Pc bogs or not gaining. 2. Repair Pgm outlined and concluded. 3. Return Pgm outlined and concluded. What the C/S puts in the Repair Pgm and what he puts in the Return Pgm can be very variable indeed. C/S Q AND A The only fault I’ve seen in a C/S trying to outline 2 way comm could be called a “C/S Q and A”. The pc has a big win about “Frogs”. A huge cog F/N VGIs changes his life. The Q and A C/S is to order “Frogs two way commed”. The system one uses is not to use pc wins as items to further handle. That stifles (overruns) the win. It’s an ability gained. One should be able to write off win items as gains and let the pc have them. And use items pc mentions that read (shows he has Reality on them) to push up to new wins. The C/S in looking into 2 way comm for things to handle finds his prizes in subjects that read but haven’t F/Ned. The cycle is find an item that reads, push it to F/N cog GIs. Leave that. Find another that reads. Push it to F/N cog VGIs. Leave that. Find another. . . .. etc. 2 way comm with the auditor marking F, LF, LLF, BDs, etc gives the C/S worksheets to pick new items out of. The C/S looks to see if any of these were the subject of any F/N. If so he crosses them off. He orders prepchecks or two way comm on the items that read and haven’t F/Ned. That’s the way the C/S gets his Instructions to Auditor for the exact actions of the Repair Pgm steps he has already outlined. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.kjm.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 75 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 JUNE 1970 Remimeo (Reissued & corrected 3 Oct. 71. Only change— [page 79] word “arrived” corrected to “aimed”. Correction in this type style.) C/S Series 6 WHAT THE C/S IS DOING In Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health considerable stress is placed on the words and phrases in engrams. This is still functional. However as I did further research I found that (a) many pcs were unable to get the words in the engram and (b) the apparent force of the words was derived wholly from the pain, emotion, effort contained in the engram. In Standard Dianetics the words in an engram play no major role in the auditing. The use of the words to de-aberrate and concentration on phrases in engrams is valid but junior in force to the pain, misemotion, etc in the engram. Thus if you run out the force the words drop into insignificance. This is often how the pc gets cognitions: the words and meaning concealed in the engram are changing value and devaluating. The pc can then think clearly again on a subject previously pinned down by the force. Get the force out and the words take care of themselves and need no special handling. The meaning of things plays a secondary role in processing to forces. Thetans find counter-forces objectionable. Almost all chronic (continual) somatics have their root in force of one kind or another. In that the handling of things with bodies involves force to greater or lesser degree, incapability and derangement of mental values is proportional to the thetan’s objection to force. This objection descends down to a wish to stop things. It goes below that into overwhelmedness in which propitiation and obsessive agreement manifest themselves. LOW TAs The low TA is a symptom of an overwhelmed being. When a pc’s TA goes low he is being overwhelmed by too heavy a process, too steep a gradient in applying processes or by rough TRs or invalidative auditing or auditing errors. A low TA means that the thetan has gone past a desire to stop things and is likely to behave in life as though unable to resist real or imaginary forces. HIGH TA Chronically high TAs mean the person can still stop things and is trying to do so. However, all one has to do is restimulate and leave unflat an engram chain to have a high TA. High TA is reflecting the force contained in the chain. An “over-run” means doing something too long that has engrams connected with it which means an engram chain with too many engrams on it being restimulated by life or auditing. Hence Over-run. 76 If this overrun persisted unhandled eventually the pc would be overwhelmed and one, in theory, would have a low TA. MENTAL MASSES Mental masses, forces, energy are the items being handled by the C/S on any pc. If the C/S loses sight of this he can wander off the road and go into the thickets of significance. Engrams, secondaries, locks all add up to mental masses, forces, energies, time, which express themselves in countless different ways such as pain, misemotion, feelings, old perceptions and a billion billion thought combinations buried in the masses as significances. A thetan can postulate or say or reason anything. Thus there is an infinity of significances. A thetan is natively capable of logical thought. This becomes muddied by outpoints held in by mental forces such as pictures of heavy experiences. As the masses and forces accumulated and copied from living build up, the logic potential becomes reduced and illogical results occur. PC SEARCH The pc is continually searching for the significance of a mass or force—what is it, why is it. The C/S is easily led astray by this. All forces in the bank contain significances. All forces can be unburdened and lightened up by the various procedures of auditing. The search of the pc is for significance. The action of the C/S is reduction of forces. THE E-METER The E-Meter records what force is being discharged in every slash, fall and blowdown. The amount of TA per session is the C/S’s index of gain. Note that a discharged process no longer gives TA and gives case gain. The amount of significance recovered or realized by the pc only shows up as cognitions. As the TA works off the case, then one has two indicators: 1. There is needle and TA action. 2. The pc cognites. One shows that force is coming off. Two shows that thought is releasing from force. BACKWARDS C/Sing If a C/S processes toward significance only he will get cases that do not progress. 77 The needle action detects not so much significance as where the force is. Diving toward significance the C/S winds up shortening grades, looking for “magic one-shot buttons” and overwhelming cases by shooting them on up the grades while levels remain loaded with force. RELIABLE INDICATORS When a pc gets no more TA action on Level I he will have made Level I and will know it. He will therefore attest to “No problems”. The reliable indicators are TA action and cognitions while a level is still charged. Diminished TA action and cognitions mean the purpose of the level has been reached. A feeling of freedom and expansion on a subject is expressed in a normal TA and a loose needle. The pc will now attest to an ability regained. F/N ABUSE To process only to F/N and even chop off the cognitions on a process abuses the indicator of the F/N. You can find many pcs who bitterly resent F/N indications. They have been: A. Not run on all the processes of a level; B. Still have force on the subject; C. Were chopped off before they could cognite. The ARC Break in this is UNFINISHED CYCLE OF ACTION. The proper End Phenomena for a process is F/N Cognition VGIs. Now look at that carefully. That is the proper end phenomena of a PROCESS. It is not the end phenomena of a LEVEL or even of a TYPE of process. Let us say there are 15 possible Scientology processes for orienting a pc in his present location. To run one of these 15 and say, “F/N that’s it. You’re complete,” is a Quickie impatient action that rebounds on the pc eventually. If there are 15, run 15 ! Possibly the pc on no. 12 will cognite he’s really right where he is. Only then could you cease to work at it. An F/N Cog VGIs tells you a process is finished, not a whole class of actions! Thus 2l/2 minutes from 0 to IV is not only impossible, it is murderous. It will result in an overwhelm, a low TA or a high TA eventually. Level I says, amongst other things, “Problems Processes”. There are certainly half a dozen. Each would be run to F/N Cog VGIs. When these and the other processes of the Level are run, the pc will come to have no further reaction to problems and will be able to handle them. A cognition in lower levels is not necessarily an ability regained. Thirty or forty cognitions on one lower level might add up to (and probably would) the realization that one is free of the whole subject of the level. 78 It is safe to run more processes. It is unsafe to run too few. PC ABILITIES It is not enough for the pc to have only negative gains of deleting force. Sooner or later he will have to begin to confront force. This comes along naturally and is sometimes aided by processes directly aimed at further confront. “What problem could you have?” sooner or later is needed in one form or another. What force can the pc now handle? All auditing in a body—and any living in a body—makes a being vulnerable. Bodies break, suffer, intensify pain. Sooner or later a pc will go Exterior. The Interiorization Rundown must be ordered as the next action or you will have a pc with a high TA. 2-way comm Ext-Int must be given in a following session (not the same one) so the full cognitions will occur. After this the pc is less subject to the body and his ability to confront force will improve. Do not be too worried or surprised if after this the pc has some minor accident with the body. Exterior he forgets its frailty. However, such things are minor. He is “learning how to walk” a new way and will run into chairs! He gets this figured out after a while. Pcs sometimes improve their ability to handle force while interior so as to have mysterious headaches or new body pressures. Inevitably they have been exterior and need Interiorization run. They were just using too much force while still inside ! Thus force is the thing, significance very secondary. Force of course is made up of time, matter, energy, flows, particles, masses, solids, liquids, gasses, space and locations. All this gets inherently handled in processes published long since. The pc tends to dive for the thought imbedded in the force. He will tell you he’s being processed to find out who his parents were or why he is sterile or who did him in, etc, etc. The C/S who chases after this is a deerhound illegally chasing mice! C/S PURPOSE The C/S is there to make certain that the pc makes gains and attains the actual abilities of the level. The C/S is for the pc. C/S auditor control exists only to keep the auditing standard, the TRs good, the processes ordered done and to End Phenomena each one. No other reasons for C/Sing exist. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1970, 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 79 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 17 JUNE 1970 Remimeo Applies to all SHs and URGENT AND Academies IMPORTANT Franchises TECHNICAL DEGRADES (This PL and HCO PL Feb 7, 1965 must be made part of every study pack as the first items and must be listed on checksheets. ) Any checksheet in use or in stock which carries on it any degrading statement must be destroyed and issued without qualifying statements. Example: Level 0 to IV Checksheets SH carry “A. Background Material—This section is included as an historical background, but has much interest and value to the student. Most of the processes are no longer used, having been replaced by more modern technology. The student is only required to read this material and ensure he leaves no misunderstood.” This heading covers such vital things as TRs, Op Pro by Dup! The statement is a falsehood. These checksheets were not approved by myself, all the material of the Academy and SH courses IS in use. Such actions as this gave us “Quickie Grades”, ARC Broke the field and downgraded the Academy and SH Courses. A condition of TREASON or cancellation of certificates or dismissal and a full investigation of the background of any person found guilty, will be activated in the case of anyone committing the following HIGH CRIMES. 1. Abbreviating an official Course in Dianetics and Scientology so as to lose the full theory, processes and effectiveness of the subjects. 2. Adding comments to checksheets or instructions labelling any material “background” or “not used now” or “old” or any similar action which will result in the student not knowing, using, and applying the data in which he is being trained. 3. Employing after 1 Sept 1970 any checksheet for any course not authorized by myself and the SO Organizing Bureau Flag. 4. Failing to strike from any checksheet remaining in use meanwhile any such comments as “historical”, “background”, “not used”, “old”, etc. or VERBALLY STATING IT TO STUDENTS. 5. Permitting a pc to attest to more than one grade at a time on the pc’s own determinism without hint or evaluation. 6. Running only one process for a grade between 0 to IV. 7. Failing to use all processes for a level. 8. Boasting as to speed of delivery in a session, such as “I put in Grade zero in 3 minutes.” Etc. 80 9. Shortening time of application of auditing for financial or laborsaving considerations. 10. Acting in any way calculated to lose the technology of Dianetics and Scientology to use or impede its use or shorten its materials or its application. REASON: The effort to get students through courses and get pcs processed in orgs was considered best handled by reducing materials or deleting processes from grades. The pressure exerted to speed up student completions and auditing completions was mistakenly answered by just not delivering. The correct way to speed up a student’s progress is by using 2 way comm and applying the study materials to students. The best way to really handle pcs is to ensure they make each level fully before going on to the next and repairing them when they do not. The puzzle of the decline of the entire Scientology network in the late 60s is entirely answered by the actions taken to shorten time in study and in processing by deleting materials and actions. Reinstituting full use and delivery of Dianetics and Scientology is the answer to any recovery. The product of an org is well taught students and thoroughly audited pcs. When the product vanishes, so does the org. The orgs must survive for the sake of this planet. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 81 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JUNE 1970 Remimeo C/S Series 7 C/S Q AND A Just as an auditor can Q and A so can a C/S. As you know Q and A is the incorrect 2-way comm action of wandering off the question by feeding the pc what the pc said as a Question, the Answer is taken as the next auditor’s Question. Many various outlines of what Q and A is already exist and this is just to refresh the subject. Example: Student Auditor is ordered “2-way comm on cities,” by the C/S which is okay. But it can be Q and Aed like this: Student: “Tell me what you think about cities.” Pc: “They’re cold.” Student: “What about cold?” Pc: “I don’t like it.” Student: “What else don’t you like?” Pc: “Well ...... old men.” Student: “What about old men?” Pc: “They’re obnoxious.” Student: “What else is obnoxious?” Pc: “.....” Well you remember all about that. It’s maddening and shows no auditor control and certainly doesn’t handle the original C/S subject of “cities”. There are three main ways in which a C/S can Q and A in C/Sing. PC C/S Pc goes to Examiner on own volition and says, “I am ill. I need my ruds flown.” A C/S Q and A would be “Fly ruds.” Pc on his own goes to Examiner and says, “I am upset about my job.” C/S writes “L1B on job.” You get the idea. The first one is therefore Q and Aing with Exam statement of pc. This is varied by taking a pc’s note or letter or report and accepting what the pc says is wrong. Like “I’m PTS to my husband.” And then C/Sing “2-way comm on husband.” Naturally the ancient law applies here. If the pc knew what it was it would not be wrong and would as-is. Pc coming up to Exam saying, “It’s my husband!” with F/N Cog VGIs would be what would happen if it was the husband. And that would be great but of no real value to C/S except pc has had a win and not to now use “husband”. Give you an actual example: Pc in Solo ruds found she hated George. It F/Ned. Next audited session pc was saying she hated George. Wrote a note about George. C/S did not notice the outness. Ordered LIB on George and in a 2-way comm got little or no TA, continued to be ill. The fact is it wasn’t George at all and not even a terminal. Pc had gone up one grade too many, hit an overwhelm, the earlier 6 grades were out! Correct action was to have done a general repair the moment a pc suddenly and mysteriously caved in and got ill on a new level! The pc never should have been going on up grades for the last 6 grades! The tendency to toss it all off with a Q and A not only didn’t handle but obscured the real situation. 82 C/Sing A WIN The second Q and A is to C/S a pc win. Pc in 2-way comm mentions cats and more cats and cats and finally at the end of session has a big F/N Cog VGIs on cats. The C/S sees all this “cat” mention and orders “Prepcheck cats.” That is a very cruel sort of Q and A. Another version of it of course is to see a pc reach a full End Phenomena on a series of processes like an unmistakable pc-volunteered valence shift and keep on going into an inval. Correction is to rehab of course. Yet another version is to pull a w/h and then keep pulling it so the pc doesn’t think it’s gone. Correction is to rehab of course. The TA often goes high or low on these Q and A actions and Inval-Eval actions are ordered and the release point rehabbed. NEXT GRADE PLEASE! The third Q and A a C/S can pull is to agree to the pc’s demands for the next grade despite all contrary indicators. “I’m ready for Clear now!” says the pc full of somatics whose R6EW wasn’t really done and who can’t talk. The Registrar, execs and others push on this also. The D of P and C/S have total authority on this. They should be diplomatic. “He can have the grade of course but I will have to prepare him for it,” is the best answer. “Please make arrangements for Clear preparation—25 hours.” If the C/S doesn’t hold the fort on this the pc put into the next grade who isn’t ready will fall on his head. If this pressure from the pc (in any version) continues, have him sign a waiver “I will not hold the org or any principals responsible and waive any refund if I am put on next grade.” That either gets home or he says okay and signs. So put him on the grade and hope he doesn’t fall on his head—and if he does, now demand he get the hours needed to get fixed up so he can really make it. A D of P or C/S often have other pressures exerted on them that are not technical in nature such as economics, ambition, status symbols (of having a high grade regardless of a headache) and have to cope with these diplomatically. But any but tech considerations are dangerous to entertain. SUMMATION Of these 3, 2 are concerned with letting someone else C/S. Like an engineer letting someone else plan the railroad. And the third is also slightly in that nature, consisting of not noticing the pc’s wins and using them with which to C/S. CAUTION This doesn’t mean the pc is always wrong. He is generally right when he says he’s overwhelmed or upset. He’s almost always wrong when he says what 83 overwhelmed him or what BPC was out WHEN SIMPLY SAYING IT DOES NOT CORRECT THE CASE OR PRODUCE F/N VGIs. You always use the pc’s data one way or another in that you are paralleling what the MIND does. That’s reads. Not what the pc says. Remember that what’s really wrong lies in the field of mass, energy, space, time, form and location. As these are eased up (by Standard Dianetics and 18 years of Scientology actions and processes) thoughts come to view. So if you Q and A with thoughts already in full view, you never really ease up the bank. That’s why Q and A with significance is not done. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 84 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JUNE 1970 Issue II Remimeo C/S Series 8 CHART OF HUMAN EVALUATION Science of Survival’s Chart of Human Evaluation is a study for C/Ses and is of great use. When you find the pc on one of its columns you can see if the pc stays there or falls back there. Standard Dianetics opened this chart to full use for C/Ses. 18 years of Scientology processes and know-how are to a large degree evolved from this chart. IF A PC IS STAYING AT A LEVEL OF THE CHART OR FALLS ON IT you know he is running above his level. Processing Changes Conditions. If it doesn’t improve them (or the pc’s behavior) then the pc’s Reality is not being reached. It can be plus or minus, above or below. It is seldom that the pc’s reality is higher than the processes used and really only occurs when a grade honestly run is rerun. Then you get pc protest as he’s made that. Pcs who get sick suddenly are being run far too high on the Class Chart. Pcs who don’t change are also being run too high. Behavior, mannerisms are the index. DO THESE CHANGE? If they do the pc is improving. If they drop lower on the Human Evaluation Chart the pc is in overwhelm. PICKING THOUGHTS OUT OF FORCES IN THE BANK BRINGS A NO CHANGE. In other words you can park a pc by continuing nothing but think processes which address only significance. SELF AUDITING Self auditing is the manifestation of being overwhelmed by masses etc and pulling only think out of the bank. Pulling out think then pulls in more force which gives more self audit. Not all self audit is bad. The pc eventually realizes it’s forces! After a few tens of thousands of hours! If he knows all the answers. A good push against a wall is worth a hundred hours of self auditing. And it’s force. HUMAN EVALUATION This famous chart (in use by the way by an airline and several other areas, and which had to be printed as desk blotters for personnel people at one time) could easily be expanded in numbers of vertical columns to include all behavior. 85 The C/S is at a disadvantage as he doesn’t see pcs. But he can have a mannerism item filled in on a Summary Report. “Mannerisms______” “Mannerism changes _____” This serves. It also serves to look at the psychosomatic column of the chart and a pc’s Health Form. CHANGING THE PC The pc will change in ideas when he changes his relationship to forces. Tons of processes do this. Objective Processes have to be run in on a pc now and then. Somatics passing through in a session are a definite clue to force change. The nosomatic pc is either high as an angel or being run too high. You don’t have to run directly at force for forces to change in the pc. One 2 way comm I did with a pc released his hold on a huge bundle of forces! The body responds badly to forces. The conflict between protecting or using a body and being as a thetan able to withstand large forces gets so mixed up in a pc he can wind up as a force-shy thetan ! STANDARD PROCESSES Standard processes such as those in use for 18 years handle this when fitted into their levels. What the C/S has to realize is that he is (a) producing an optimum rate of change in the pc if he is C/Sing well and (b) changing the pc’s position upward on the Chart of Human Evaluation. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 86 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JUNE 1970 Remimeo C/S Series 9 SUPERFICIAL ACTIONS One of the reasons Scientology tended toward disuse in the late 1960’s was not its workability. It was a growing cultural disinclination to do things thoroughly. “Fast, quick results” was interpreted as seconds or minutes. In old psychotherapy as practiced in the 19th Century it required ONE YEAR of weekly consultation to see if anything could be done about a case and FOUR MORE YEARS to produce a meager superficial result. Compared to that two or three hundred hours of processing was nothing. As we began to dominate this field in terms of persons handled and results obtained, psychiatry invented “instant psychiatry” by which no result was gotten in no time. SPEED became the primary consideration of the culture. Jet planes, fast cars “saved time”. But an old Chinese, when told by a driver that he had saved 4 minutes in speeding back from town asked, “What are you going to do with the 4 minutes?” Time itself is a basis of aberration. Dropping time out is the consideration of factory managers of production lines as “the faster something can be made the more you have of it”. But look at this again. Something can be done so fast it isn’t done at all! The difference between a very fine camera and a cheap one is speed of manufacture. Cheap cameras don’t get their parts carefully machined or matched—they don’t fit together—they break, cease to work. A fine gun can be told by the lack of tool marks on the hidden places. A cheap gun’s inner bolt is a mess of scars. It isn’t smooth in operation. It didn’t take much time to make but it also jams and freezes up when you try to use it. Maybe you’ve heard of “hotter than a 2 dollar pistol”. A 2 dollar pistol is “hot” because it’s so quickie made it usually blows up and blows off a hand. There is a point where SPEED is simply a cover for a cheap worthless product. Let us take a filthy room. A lazy housekeeper comes in and sweeps a few bits of dust under the carpet, leaves soot all over the windows and garbage on the mantle and says it’s clean. Somebody else not afraid of work spends an hour at it and leaves a really clean room. SHORT PGMS A short pc program is economically and efficiently for the birds. In the first place a C/S has to know the extent of his tech well to be able to think up light processes in quantity. If one heard a C/S say, “But I don’t have time to spend an hour doing a long program for the pc,” one is listening to something peculiar. If one spent an hour or two doing up a real long 20 action program to repair the pc, then for the next 20 C/Ses it takes only a few minutes to look over the session and order the next action on the list. If one had no program one would have to study the folder each time. One actually saves C/S time by doing long programs both to repair and to get the pc back on the Class Chart where he’d gotten to. 87 Further, auditing is sold by the hour and it WASTES money and income and pcs to short program them. “Yes but we sell result! If we can get 200 pcs done in 100 auditing minutes we would make £18,233 clear profit .. “ Well the cruel answer to that was when orgs began to do that on lower grades they didn’t attain the result on the pc and stats went DOWN! Power was once priced against the fact of 50 to 100 hours of auditing. It retained the price and by cutting out all End Phenomena or real gain it was at last being given in 20 minutes. And after just so many years of this economic dishonesty, SHs crashed! They had sold out the real value of the product for a quick buck. The “field” became “ARC Broken” and few takers came to an SH. It is a very long hard road back. And it is a very costly one. “Quickie Grades”, instead of making fortunes for one and all, crashed the whole Scientology network. BECAUSE QUICKIE RESULTS ARE LAZY AND DISHONEST. Let’s just face up to the facts of life! Selling out the integrity of the subject for a buck wrecks the subject. SUCCESS The real stat of an org is Success Stories. Honest grades and time spent in C/Sing and in auditing to obtain them add up to success for the individual, the org, its field, the country and the planet. The time it takes to process somebody is how long it takes to get each single result available. It is not how slowly or quickly it is done. A book is not a good book if it takes 7 years to write. And a bad book isn’t always written in 2 weeks. It takes as long to write a good book as you get a good book. The result is the result and TIME IS JUST AN ENTERED ARBITRARY. A person who overwhelms at Grade IV is an easily overwhelmed person. It might take 50 hours just to repair the case and the person’s life. That might be 20 or 30 steps on the program. If the C/S can’t dream up 8 or 9 ways to repair past auditing and 15 or 20 ways to repair a life, then it’s time to go back and read The Original Thesis, Evolution of a Science, DMSMH, 8-80, 8-8008 and listen to a hundred or so SHSBC tapes. “Yes, but I have no time to .” Well, that’s also saying “It can’t be done well.” But there is time. If anyone looked over his area he would be able to throw out the time-wasting actions if it comes to that. “Look. I’m the C/S, the D of P and have to audit 3.......” That’s a statement that the job has already been done so badly that no persons show up to take over the extra hats! And the no-result programs cripple the economics and that becomes no help. I have seen Mary Sue take over an HGC that had tons of unsolved cases and too few auditors and have watched her solve one case at a time and within 2 weeks have 35 auditors and no backlogs and in six weeks no unsolved cases! She was using the “old”, “historical”, “background”, “we don’t use them anymore” processes! 88 So it not only can be done, it is the thing to do. That org’s stats soared. It became solvent. It ran at a high run and was a happy org. SICK PCs When there are sick people on a list one doesn’t just “give a Dianetic Assist” and send to a doctor and write them off. If one knows his tech, there was a reason the person got sick. One also knows a sick person goes into overwhelm easily. One can do a touch assist, a contact assist, two-way comm, ruds on the accident, ruds before the accident, Dianetic Assist, medical treatment, life ruds, HCO B 24 July ‘69, two-way comm on suppression, 3 S & Ds, assessment for area of illness, prepcheck on area, ruds on area, hello and okay with the affected area, reach and withdraw from area, two-way comm, recall on persons similarly ill, location of the postulate that caused it with itsa earlier itsa, prepcheck on the body or its part, more HCO B 24 July ‘69, more ruds, assessment of failed purposes, two-way comm on the sickness. That’s not a program. It’s just a helter-skelter list of a lot of things to do. It would not greatly matter what order they were done in but lighter actions should be the earlier. And in a program auditing repair comes before life repair. EXPECTANCY Now if a C/S or an auditor has a magical complex, he expects ONE process to run a person from wog to OT VI and in ONE minute. The missing knowledge is “gradient scales”. Stairs and ladders have steps and rungs. It takes TIME to climb a tower. The magical complex thinks of processes as incantations or charms. A person C/Sing would always be trying to find THE process the pc should be run on. The think is that THE process, once discovered, would take no time at all and the pc would magically become well! Pardon me, but that’s pure goofiness. And it would set the C/S up for constant FAILURE. One sees such a person scrambling through processes, trying to guess “which one which one which one. Oh there’s one! Now we run it for 3 minutes on the pc. Oh dear. It didn’t work. He isn’t well. Let’s see what’s here still. Scramble scramble. Oh, here’s one. This green paper is probably the right color. Auditor! Run this on the pc. Oh dear, it didn’t work. He isn’t well yet. So! We will take these 5 major processes and run them all in one session and add six grades. Do that! Do it! It’s a desperate situation. Oh dear, the pc blew. Well I guess the subject doesn’t work or I’m a failure .. “ That is NOT how one should C/S. If a workman was supposed to cure an ox hide and was told salt would do it and he had a magical complex, what would he do. Well, he might take a small salt shaker and sprinkle the corner of the hide (thinking the right thought) and find that the hide rotted in a few days. He could then conclude salt didn’t cure ox hides. If someone kept hammering at him to cure ox hides with salt and he kept sprinkling the corner (knowing it wouldn’t work) he’d get a very odd idea about his orders! But who would suspect that this workman thought it was magic! An honest rubbing of salt all over and into the ox hide is the meaning of “salt will cure ox hides”! 89 But that would take work. It would take TIME! It would have to be honestly and thoroughly done. But one would have cured ox hides and gotten shoes and a profit and pay and everything for one had a product. Magical thought in auditing isn’t likely to give anyone a product of really able people! SHORT-CUTTING PROCESSES Processes can be short-cut as well as programs. Take an early (means basic, useful, useable) version of Rising Scale. There are 18 pairs. Each pair should be run to F/N, Cog, VGIs. An auditor told to run Rising Scale can run along the 18 pairs until one F/Ns. And leave it. The process has been short-cut. And with that shortcut went its ability to restore fertility! So one hears Rising Scale will sometimes restore fertility or change eyesight. Orders it done. It is done to 1 F/N. No real result occurs. Or take Dianetics. Dianetics can be chopped “to save TIME”. First feeble flutter of an F/N, no Cog, no VGIs, auditor barking “Did it erase? Did it erase?” Final result, no real gain. There goes the subject. Half an hour to run the chain, no extra 30 seconds for the real F/N, the Cog, the VGIs. SO ONE WASTES A RESULT FOR THE SAKE OF SAVED TIME. THE AGE It is a symptom of the age that there is no time. But in the Data Series PLs one finds that “omitted time” is a basic insanity. That a body lives only about 70 years puts an awful limit on Man. Man’s Empires endure at most only about 300 years if that. 70 years is not enough time to make a real career and 300 years is not enough time to even groove in a civil service. Man pays for it with poor lives and rotten governments. But it doesn’t take 70 years or 300 years to process a pc. A year maybe up to homo novis. A few years to OT. Even traveling it casually slow. 25 hours to repair someone’s life and 50 to 100 hours to get him up to no somatics with Dianetics is pretty satisfactorily fast. What’s this take? A week to repair. 2 to 4 weeks for full Dianetics. At 25 hours a week. That’s very little. And it’s enough to tell him to get trained so he can have all he wants. SPEED LIABILITY When speed is the consideration, not results, you get a very cheap camera or car. And you can expect it to fall apart very soon. You also get a cheap reputation. We are in the Leica and Cadillac and Rolls Royce product class without trying. 90 Why settle for “Quickie Grades”? You get no students that way and that’s the heavy org income. You get no expanding field. And you won’t ever get a cleared planet. We’ve learned all this the hard way. So let’s not let it go unheeded. The place to handle the situation is with C/Sing. And to gain the co-operation of C/Ses to make results real results by insisting that speed is the fast road to poverty in the long run. If the C/S burden is too heavy, start pushing training. Then you’ll get help. Honest C/Sing gives an honest result. It takes as long to correct a case as it takes. It takes as long to make a person well as it takes. It takes as long to get a real lasting grade result as it takes. And that’s a lot longer than the time spent on it in the late 60’s. ALL pcs “have to be OT tomorrow”. Why let them C/S their case by demanding it only take 2 minutes? Self C/Sing is no more effective than self auditing. Registrars as well as pcs try to grab the C/S hat. “I will sell you a marital intensive because you have such a bad cold.” And Execs, “Run this staff member on money.......” Well, a C/S’s hat is the C/S’s. And he should wear it for honest results. And damn others trying to C/S and wreck his job. THERE ARE NO CONSIDERATIONS WHICH FORGIVE ANY RESULT THAT IS NOT THOROUGH AND HONEST FOR EVERY PROGRAM OR GRADE. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LRH TAPE LECTURE 21 June 1970 7006C21 SPEC LECT Expanded Grades and Training 91 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 JUNE 1970 Remimeo C/S Series 10 REPAIRING A REPAIR When a pc is on a Repair cycle it is quite horrible to have a bad (goofed) session occur. Why? Well the pc is on a Repair cycle because he is overwhelmable. A goofed session is more overwhelm. AND it was goofed on a process type which was already what you would use for Repair. So NOW what do you do? The answer of course is to sort out the real error. If you can’t find it readily in the worksheet have the Examiner ask the pc what the auditor did. Then having found the actual goof, you have it repaired by rehab of the BP F/N or an L1B using “Method 3” in assessing the prepared list. The goofs are fortunately few in type. There HAS to have been a basic goof for a Repair session to have gone wrong. So when one goes wrong, you really search the worksheet until you find it and if it isn’t visible get the pc asked. These goofs are pretty elementary. The auditor possibly doesn’t know that a TA can go DOWN by overwhelming by overrun or way up by overrun. So a usual goof in Repair is overrun of an F/N or an item that F/Ned or a list that F/Ned. Example: In a Repair Pgm a GF is called for. Auditor clears a couple items, suddenly hits a hot one, pc gets F/N, Cog, VGIs. Auditor (told to get all the charge off the GF overlooks senior data—let pc have a win, GFs often raise hob with the TA if run further than THE item) goes on down the GF list past the F/N VGIs hunting for new charge. Pc’s TA goes to 1.6 ! Pc cogs he has a stuck picture. TA 1.6. “End of sess.” Now what do we do. Well, a new factor now enters in. C/S WANDER The pc was on a precise Repair Pgm, is only at VI out of XVIII steps. But the pc is rough. Rough running. Diverges, critical, boggy. And now he is stuck into a goofed session and we have to repair a repair! A C/S at this point can wander. He can Q and A. The WHOLE REPAIR PGM CAN GET DEPARTED FROM AND THE PC REALLY BOGGED. When faced with Repairing a Repair Pgm session watch it! Don’t wander! The C/S procedure is this: 1. Find in the W/S or from the pc the exact goof. 2. Repair that goof by rehab, indicating BPC or two way comm, depending on the error. 3. DO NOT ORDER A NEW DIFFERENT NON-PGM ACTION. 4. Continue the PGM. 92 It is here a C/S can go adrift. New actions crossing the original program can soon have C/S, pc and Auditor chasing over hill and dale. It is a fatal pursuit. About the only time you change a Repair Pgm once outlined is to extend it or lighten it. But in that case do a whole new Pgm. You will find 2 way comm is lighter than a Prepcheck. Let us say pc was doing great on 2 way comm. Gets into a Prepcheck session and goes out the bottom. In such a case the Prepcheck is repaired of any goof noted in it and 2 way comm that session—and it comes out all right. If no goof can be located, 2 way comm it and it will be okay. An Auditor can throw a list not ordered into a Repair Pgm by finding the TA high at session start and doing an O/R list and goofing the list. It would already be dicey to list a pc who is on a Repair Pgm. To then goof ordinary laws of listing and nulling can get grim. The first C/S action to repair the repair is of course to get the list corrected with an L4A. You can often spot the listing goof as a C/S. It’s usually an O/R of an O/R list or an incomplete list or an “unnecessary list”. It’s poison to list a pc on a Repair Pgm, however. 2 way comm it. If a check for Exteriorization reveals it, you have no choice but to do an Interiorization Rundown. That’s a common reason. But if the pc is already flinching at engrams, limit the Interiorization to 3 way Recall and note it clearly that he’s only 3 way Recall of Int. AUDITOR FLUBS Student or new Auditors produce the most flubs. It is therefore good to keep them off repair actions or Repair Pgms. The commonest flubs are failing to trim the meter and ignoring the F/N at “3.1”, yet sitting right there running the pc up to 4.0 without ever asking, “Have we by-passed a release point?” Poor TRs, not having 2 way comm down, neglecting pc origin or chopping comm are probably next in order of frequency. REPAIR PCs Remember that pcs who need lots of repair are DELICATE cases. Feather touch is the watchword. They are not all that easy to audit. They can cause Auditors and C/Ses to disperse. Such pcs are afraid of force and easily get engulfed if pushed hard into the bank. So lightly, lightly. And exact repair of any flub. And get back to the program! Mid program is no time to become inventive. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: sb .rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 93 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 JUNE 1970 Remimeo C/S SERIES 11 The following HCO Bs have been combined in this issue: HCO B 31 Aug ‘68 “Written C/S Instructions” HCO B 1 Sept ‘68 “Points on Case Supervision” HCO B 11 Sept ‘68 “Case Supervisor Data” HCO B 17 Sept ‘68 “Gross Case Supervision Errors” HCO B 17 Sept ‘68 “Out Admin—Liability” HCO B 22 Sept ‘68 “Auditors must always ....” HCO B 8 Oct ‘68 “Case Supervisor—Folder Handling” HCO B 15 Mar ‘70 “Double Folder Danger” HCO B 29 Mar ‘70 “Auditing and Ethics” and reference to LRH ED 101 Int “Popular Names of Developments”. C/S DATA Case Supervision instructions are always written. A Case Supervisor always writes his C/S instructions on a separate sheet of paper for the pc folder. Repair Programs (now called Progress Programs) are on red sheets. Return Programs (now called Advance Programs) are on bright blue sheets. All C/Ses are written in duplicate (a carbon copy is made). The C/S keeps the carbon copy for reference in case the original ever gets lost. HIGH CRIME It is a High Crime for a Case Supervisor not to WRITE in a preclear’s folder what the case supervised instructions are and a High Crime for an auditor to accept verbal C/S instructions. To commit this crime causes: 1. Extreme difficulty when doing a folder error summary as there is no background of what was ordered and why. 2. Gives the auditor leave to do anything he likes as not in writing. 3. Is open to misduplication and can cause squirrel processes to be run and so mess up a preclear with Non-standard Tech. Any C/Supervisor found guilty of this from this date is to be removed as this could only be considered a deliberate attempt to mess up preclears. POINTS ON CASE SUPERVISION 1. Check your orders to find out if auditor did them. 94 2. Check to see if commands correct and if pc’s reaction was expected reaction for those commands. 3. Check any list and find out if there was mislisting. 4. Advise against a background of Standard Tech. 5. Order any errors corrected or get the case on further up the grades. 6. Beware of over-correction. 7. Beware of false, pessimistic or over-enthusiastic auditor reports. They are detected by whether the case responded to usual actions as they all do. 8. Beware of talking to the auditor or the pc. 9. Have implicit confidence in Standard Tech. If it is reported not working the auditor’s report is false or the application terrible but not reported. 10. Above all else hold a standard and NEVER listen to or use unusual solutions. DOUBLE FOLDER DANGER When a preOT has a Solo and an Auditing folder, both, there is a great danger if the Case Supervisor does not look at BOTH before C/Sing. There has been an instance of a preOT running strange C/Ses on himself. Another ran C/Ses out of other folders on himself. In both cases the consequences were hard to repair when finally found. In another case in the Solo folder the preOT had gone exterior with full perception. But the Non-Solo Auditing folder was being C/Sed. The TA shot up for 2 months without any C/S except myself calling for all folders. PreOTs unfortunately run on a Solo folder and an audited folder. Unless both are to hand when C/Sing wild errors can be made by the C/S. There is also the case of a person having two audited folders, being C/Sed at the same time. This is an Admin error. The firm rule is C/S ONLY WITH ALL FOLDERS TO HAND. The embarrassing situation where one can’t get a folder from another org or field auditor or where the old folder is lost has to be made up for somehow. It mustn’t halt auditing totally. CASE SUPERVISOR—FOLDER HANDLING Analyzing Folders Go back in the folder to the session where the preclear was running well and come forward from it doing a folder error summary. Reviewing Folders In reviewing a folder, the first thing to do is to look at the C/S to see if it was done. Use the Summary Sheet to get the Auditor’s attitude and pc mannerism changes. Use the Auditor’s Report Form to get the time of processes. 95 Read and take all your data from Worksheets and compare it to and see that C/S was complied with and ensure Standard Tech was applied. If you can’t read the reports, send it back to have the Auditor over-print illegible words. Never try to case supervise (C/S) an illegible worksheet as you’ll only run into headaches. The After Session Examiner’s Report gives you the first clue of how suspicious you should be in examining the folder and whether or not auditing reports contain falsities. Standard Tech You’re never led by anything into departing from Standard Tech. The only reason it doesn’t work is that it hasn’t been applied. The main question of a Case Supervisor is: WAS IT APPLIED? If you follow this exactly, you’ll never miss. CASE SUPERVISOR DATA A Case Supervisor should watch for Ethics record of pcs who have been C/Sed. If they fall on their head, get into low conditions, the folder should be reviewed. Most probably the auditor did not do what was ordered and, if folder looks okay, chances are the auditing report is false as something is wrong or pc would not be in trouble. AUDITING AND ETHICS Cases undergoing Ethics actions, Comm Evs, amends projects or low conditions should not be audited until the Ethics matter is cleared up and complete. It only louses up their cases to audit them when under such stress. ADMIN Auditors must always put the pc’s grade or OT level very prominently on the Auditing Report. A Case Supervisor cannot properly C/S a case without having this data. To not do this is out admin. OUT ADMIN—LIABILITY Much has been said about the importance of admin in auditing but auditors just aren’t getting it—so ........ it now becomes a LIABILITY to have out admin in pcs’ folders. Folders are to be submitted with the latest session on top. Auditor’s report form is stapled to Worksheets which are dated, numbered and in order, latest on top. Summary Report is then attached to the auditing report and W/Ss with a paper clip. This of course is as well as the usual admin such as legible writing, re-writing illegible words, marking reads and F/Ns, and all End Phenomena, etc. 96 The C/S instructions for that session go under that session, so you get C/S 4/6/68, Auditing Session 4/6/68, C/S 5/6/68, Auditing Session 5/6/68, C/S 7/6/68, etc, etc. As the whole purpose of Class VIII is to minimize the time in auditing, by doing perfect Standard Tech, this cannot be done if it takes 15 minutes to put the folder in order, so it can then be case supervised, so it can then be audited. GROSS CASE SUPERVISION ERRORS 1. FAILING TO USE PROGRESS AND ADVANCE PROGRAMS WHEN NEEDED. 2. Ordering unnecessary repairs. 3. Trying to use repair processes to get case gain instead of getting the pc onto the next grade. 4. Not writing down C/S instructions, but giving them to an auditor verbally. 5. Talking to the auditor re the case. 6. Talking to pc re his case. 7. Failing to send pc to examiner if you’re unsure why his folder has been sent up for C/S. 8. Being reasonable. 9. Not having enough Ethics presence to get his orders followed. 10. Issuing involved repair orders. 11. BIGGEST GROSS CASE SUPERVISION ERROR for C/S is not to read through the pc folder. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 97 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 JUNE 1970 Issue II Remimeo C/S Series 12 GLOSSARY OF C/S TERMS RECOVERY PROGRAM: The pack of LRH EDs 100 Int 10 May ‘70 Lower Grades Upgraded 102 Int 20 May ‘70 The Ideal Org 103 Int 21 May ‘70 Fast Flow Grades Cancelled 104 Int 2 Jun ‘70 Auditing Sales and Delivery Pgm No. 1 106 Int 3 Jun ‘70 What Was Wrong 107 Int 3 Jun ‘70 Orders to Divisions for Immediate Compliance 10 SH 6 Jun ‘70 SH Pcs 108 Int 11 Jun ‘70 Auditing Mystery Solved 101 Int 21 Jun ‘70 Popular Names of Developments comprising the program to recover full use and results of EXPANDED LOWER GRADES. PROGRESS PROGRAM: What is called a “Repair Program” on the first issue of the C/S Series HCOB just being issued is re-named a PROGRESS PROGRAM. It has been found that case gain which has not been earlier achieved can be consolidated by a PROGRESS PROGRAM. It takes 25 hours, can be done by a Class I or above as long as it is C/Sed by an VIII who has starrated on the new C/S Series. This is quite a technical development in itself. It is the answer to a pc who had “Quickie Grades” and didn’t actually reach full abilities in earlier Scientology auditing. It is followed by an Advance Program which follows below. ADVANCE PROGRAM: This is what was called a “Return Program” in the C/S Series. The name is being changed from “Return” to “Advance” as more appropriate. It gets the pc really up to where he should be. It may take 50 hours or more. EXPANDED LOWER GRADES: Pcs won’t like being told they “have to have their lower grades rerun”. Actually that’s not a factual statement anyway. The lower grades harmonic into the OT Levels. They can be run again with full 1950-1960 to 1970 processes as given on the SH Courses all through the 1960s. These are now regrouped and sorted out and are called EXPANDED LOWER GRADES. Only this route will now be sold. There are no Dianetic or Scientology single—triple or “Quickie Lower Grades” any more. DIANETIC CLEAR: There is such a state. It is not however attained by feeding people Scientology cognitions as was done in L.A. Only about 25% go actually Clear on Dianetics. A Dianetic Clear or any other Dianetic pc now goes on up through the grades of Scientology and onto the proper Clearing Course. The Dianetic Clear of Book I was clear of somatics. The Book I definition is correct. This is the End Phenomena of Dianetics as per the Class Chart and Book 1. 25%, no more, make Dianetic Clear 98 accidentally. They still need Expanded Lower Grades to make Scientology Clear. Becoming a Dianetic Clear does not stop them from getting Power Processing. Modern Power is to its total End Phenomena. CLASSIFICATION CHART: This chart “Classification and Gradation Chart” has been reissued many times. All issues are more or less valid. To save print, the processes run column appears in “Processes Taught” on the Auditor side of the Chart. A11 these processes and more are used in Expanded Lower Grades. The chart is Valid. QUICKIE GRADES: Persons were too demanding to be done quickly. On many cases these grades as given were valid but a large number of cases needed Expanded Lower Grades. 20 minutes from Grade 0 to IV and 5 minutes Power was far more than many could stand up to. These need a PROGRESS PGM and an ADVANCE PGM. This is true of persons at Va or R6EW or on CC or OT Levels. A11 these who haven’t fully made it need a PROGRESS PGM and an ADVANCE PGM “to pick up all the latent gain they missed”. DIANETIC PCS: Dianetic pcs should be audited on Dianetics until no somatics, then go up through Expanded Lower Grades to Power, R6EW, Clearing Course and OT Levels. TRAINING: Any pc who has trouble needs training and the amount of time required in Expanded Lower Grades and so on makes it cheaper to be trained. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: sb .rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 99 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1970R (Revised 6 March 73. Changes on following three pages in this type style.) Remimeo C/S Series 13R VIII ACTIONS (GF 40, IV Rundown, VIII Case Supervision.) Inevitably, when any new approach or process is released, some will instantly assume that all “older” (actually more basic) data has been cancelled. There is no statement to that effect. It is not guessed that this will be assumed and so we could lose an entire subject. We did in fact lose Dianetics for a decade and all but lost Scientology in the following ten years. A subject can be reorganized and made more workable. That was done in 1969 for Dianetics. BUT IT HAD NEVER BEEN UNWORKABLE! The 1969 Dianetics Reorganization refined the 1962-63 discoveries of R-3-R. A better communication was made to the user and the preclear. Amazingly, the reissue of Dianetics as Standard Dianetics caused about a dozen people (even in high places unfortunately) to at once assume that Dianetics wiped out any need for Power, Scientology Clearing or anything else! Even an unauthorized Policy Letter (not signed by me) and an HCO B (also not signed by me) gave this impression. They were of course cancelled the instant they were discovered to have been sent out. This idea that the “old” is always cancelled by anything “new” has its root in the idea that a later order cancels earlier orders, which is true. But orders are one thing and Tech basics another. What if, in the science of physics, a book by Professor Glumph came out, omitting the three laws of motion and gravity. It is assumed then that Newton’s laws are no longer valid. Because they are old. (Newton lived between 1642 and 1727.) So some young student engineer is baffled because bridges have weight and can’t work out gravity or motion! And he and his fellows begin to build without knowing these laws and there goes the whole of engineering and the culture itself! This is no fantasy. As a college student in upper math I was utterly baffled by “calculus”. I couldn’t find out what it was for. Then I discovered it had been developed by Sir Isaac Newton, examined the basics and got the idea. My college text omitted all the basic explanations and even the authorship of the subject! Calculus today is really not enough used because it isn’t understood. Anyway, here’s the main surprise: Until 1970 the whole of Scientology was never in use in processing! Students had ridden along with the research line up into the OT sections, discarding the ladder behind them. For nearly 3 years an increasing proportion of preclears were not actually making it. The gradient to get them onto the bridge had been neglected as “old” when in fact they were not “old” but BASIC. The amazement of auditors (and their delight) when the HCO B on Auditor’s Rights (C/S Series 1) was released indicated that they had become “process oriented” with all the WHY gone. 100 VIII AUDITING The 1968 VIII Standardization aimed actually at good TRs, auditing presence, and basics in auditor performance. VIII auditing was developed to handle the OT band. It is entirely valid. Its only omission was detailed actions now developed as to how to handle a pc or Pre OT who had been pulled up the line and had fallen on his head. Out Grades was spotted and discussed in detail in VIII auditing. Giving lower grades fast was the only error. It was not realized in 1968 that End Phenomena of lower grades was not being required. The re-release of the entire band of Academy and Saint Hill materials in 1970 is a re-emphasis on the validity and necessity of using it ALL on pcs! And in understanding the mind and life! And all this is quite welcome and very successful. Not noticed is that this whole band was never before presented for full use on all pcs. As I say, 1950- 1969 auditors had been riding with the “newest and latest” because it was “popular”. Only a few wise old-timers continued to use the most basic actions. But just as VIII auditing was an unauthorized signal to suppress all that had been known before, so now, with the full release for use of Expanded Lower Grades, a few began to say that VIII auditing was now “old”! One assumes then that some like to be able to say that something is now “old”. Has a superior sort of ring to it, I guess. Anyway we’d better disregard this tendency to retire basics. It is more amusing than otherwise. So let’s get on with the job. RESISTIVE CASES The RESISTIVE CASE rundown is an VIII development TO HANDLE THOSE WHO CANNOT MAKE THE GRADES. It was put into the Green Form as GF 40 so as to preserve it. To it could now be added “Overwhelmed”. This would indicate need of Repair (Progress) and Return (Advance) Programs. But many other indicators exist already. So when do you use a GF 40? Let us say the pc has been run on Grade Zero. And at the Examiner cannot or does not attest. One would first look for simple auditing errors in recent sessions. These would get reviewed and corrected. One would then look for lower actions than Grade Zero that had been missed. If it still seemed hard to figure out, one would use a GF 40, Resistive Cases. In essence, if one adds “Overwhelm” to the GF 40 list you have on it all the reasons a pc won’t advance IF he has been run on all processes up to that point. Overwhelm would indicate need of a Repair and Return. Grade I, Problems, is the usual ordinary reason for no case advance. Problems shows up as an out-rud in GF 40 and is simply put in as a rud not as a grade. But if a Grade II or above has a Problem??? That means Grade I is out. 101 GF 40 remains even more plainly as a “When all else fails”. It is used that way. When a pc doesn’t attest, and all has been done for him otherwise, you use a GF 40. This was its proper use in the first place. All such materials except Rapid or Quickie Grades are valid. And (joke) these remarks on GF 40 Resistive Cases do not wipe out “Repair and Return Programs”. IV RUNDOWN The so-called IV Rundown as taught on the VIII Course is of course quite valid. Originally developed to catch cases that had somehow gotten up to OT III and were falling on their heads, it is a collection of actions. It salvaged many cases. The missing datum was that in recent times these cases were falsely reported to have had their lower grades. THEY, the cases themselves, said they had “had lower grades”. This made a mystery. The fact is, with multiple declare (declaring 0 to IV to the Examiner all at one time mostly without any mention of End Phenomena of the grade) these cases were OUT GRADE in the extreme. The IV Rundown was an effort to catch it all up to make a real OT. “Out Grades” didn’t read as it didn’t mean anything to the pc and besides “they’d all been rehabbed a dozen times anyway”. But nobody mentioned never having attained any End Phenomena and the Class Chart was never really gotten IN IN IN in the first place. You will find many pcs have had various parts of the “IV Rundown” run earlier. For a while it was the fashion to use the IV Rundown or a part of it on any balky case at any level. At OT IV (which was an audited step and none of it really confidential) the C/S simply ordered run whatever was left of it not already run. Somewhere on the case all of the IV Rundown still should be run. But of course that would now be on a Return (Advance) Program and well up the line. If Repair-Return doesn’t get a grade made this is the time to do a IV Rundown. On (3) Valence Shifter—LX1, LX2, LX3 lists can be done in triple, recall, secondary, engram. Earlier Practices, Former Therapy can also be triple, recall, secondary, engram. This is on Page 28 (not 23) of the original VIII Case Supervisor Manual and part of it is also now GF 40. If a case really needs this he won’t be making a lower grade really so the GF 40 or its slightly wider OT IV Rundown can be used. To both, “Overwhelmed by auditing” should be added in any future issue to indicate a needed repair action. CASE SUPERVISOR ACTIONS HCO B 10 Dec 1968, “Case Supervisor Actions” Confidential, VIIIs only, is still valid. It remains Confidential as it mentions some OT phenomena that would spin a 102 Grade Va. However, some VIII C/S is going to be told that “Expanded Lower Grades changes all that”. It doesn’t. Listen: In the next to last paragraph of the cover page of this manual (HCO B 10 Dec 68) it says: “Standard Grades are not part of this set-up AS IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE AUDITOR KNOWS THESE. Directions to do Standard Grades are written on a blank sheet.” (I have added the block letters for emphasis here.) At the time this was written I had not discovered that Lower Grades were gone out of use and I let be published Triple Grades which seemed to condense all lower grades. The Major Process or Major Grade Process is definitely not enough to make a pc make a lower grade. I am sorry I gave any support at all to such an idea by not examining the whole scene when it began to show up. / did find it and did correct it however when auditing statistics over the world showed the fault. (28 hours was the total weekly delivery of orgs!) If you add the dozens and dozens of Lower Grade Processes as given in Expanded Lower Grades to the VIII C/S HCO B of 10 Dec 68 and included this C/S Series and its new development of Repair (Progress) and Return (Advance) programs you would have the whole package of C/Sing. So the VIII actions are all valid. Auditor classes below VIII have this C/S Series. The AO C/S Course adds in the VIII actions as well. Any C/S who does not know well The Original Thesis, Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Scientology 8-80 and Scientology 8-8008 will go badly astray. It is vital to know these books and others in this area, to know what one is trying to handle. Class VI (SHSBC) tapes and bulletins are all valid and vital to Lower Grade auditing and C/Sing. ------------- I trust this gives the C/S some idea of what is still “in”. It all is. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: dz.nt.rd Copyright © 1970, 1973 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 103 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 JULY 1970 Remimeo C/S Series 14 C/Sing 2 WAY COMM The C/S is liable to make most of his C/S errors in C/Sing 2 Way Comm. The reasons for this are 1. 2 way comm IS auditing. 2. The errors that can be made in any auditing can be made in 2 way comm; 3. Untrained or poorly trained auditors do not always respect 2 way comm as auditing. 4. Errors in 2 way comm become masked since the procedure is loose. 5. Earlier C/Ses on the case may have missed the easily missed 2 way comm errors. RULES OF C/Sing 2 WAY COMM A. The C/S must recognize that 2 way comm is auditing. Therefore it follows all the rules of auditing. B. Any error that occurs in other auditing can occur in 2 way comm auditing. Errors in a 2 way comm session must be carefully looked for as they easily can be masked in the worksheet. C. Auditors must be persuaded by the C/S to make notation of auditing essentials in 2 way comm as of senior importance to pc’s text (which is also made note of in the W/S). D. The questions asked in 2 way comm can be very incorrect just as rote processes can be. E. An auditor must be trained as a 2 way comm auditor (Class II). Otherwise he will Evaluate, Q and A and commit other faults. F. If an ARC Break occurs early in a 2 way comm session and is not handled as such the rest of the session is audited over an ARC Break and can put a pc into a sad effect. G. A pc with a PT problem not being handled in the 2 way comm will get no gain. H. A pc with a W/H in a 2 way comm session will become critical, nattery and/or get a dirty needle. I. Two way comm processes must be flattened to F/N. If an F/N doesn’t occur then the subject didn’t read in the first place or the auditor Qed and Aed or evaluated or changed the subject or the TRs were out or the pc’s ruds were out. 104 J. A two way comm subject chosen must be tested for read in that session before being used for 2 way comm. K. Improper 2 way comm questions can plunge the pc into an out rud situation not then handled. “Is anything upsetting you?” or any mention of upsets by the auditor is the same as asking for an ARC Break. “Has anything been troubling— worrying you lately?” is the same as asking for a PTP. “Who aren’t you talking to?” is asking for W/Hs. L. The subject of major processes should be kept out of 2 way comm C/Ses, auditors’ questions and 2 way comm assessment lists (ARC Brks, Problems, overts, changes or any major auditing subject, as they are too heavy, being the buttons of the bank). M. The C/S should only let Class II or above auditors do 2 way comm sessions. N. A rud going out in a two way comm session must be put in by the auditor. O. A 2 way comm session should end in an F/N. P. Auditors whose 2 way comm sessions do not end in F/N must be taught to check the subject for read before using, not to Q and A, not to Evaluate and given a refresher on 2 way comm tapes and HCO Bs. Q. In a 2 way comm session that flubs the C/S must be careful to isolate the errors just as in any other auditing session that flubs and put them right. R. A 2 way comm subject that reads on test and doesn’t F/N on 2 way comm must be checked for O/R (if TA went up) and rehabbed by the 1965 Rehab method, or Prepchecked or just continued. ------------- The whole point to all of this is that a 2 way comm session IS auditing. It is delivered by the auditor, C/Sed and remedied like any other session. Also it is usually being run on a delicate pc who is more affected by errors than pcs being given other processes. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: sb.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is amended by BTB 10 July 1970, 2-Way Comm-A Class III Action, which is based on LRH C/Ses. It says, “Rules E and M are changed from ‘Class II’ to ‘Class III’.”] LRH TAPE LECTURE 3 July 1970 7007C03 LECTURE LRH Tape to Grand National Convention in Los Angeles 105 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JULY 1970 SHs AOs R6EW, CC and Ad Cse E-Meter Literature SOLO CANS I have worked out more ideal Solo electrodes for the E-Meter—”cans”. The basic trouble with a single-hand electrode is that it gives a falsely higher TA which can be very alarming. The Tone Arm range on the Meter should be between 2.0 and 3.0 for a floating needle to be valid. This is when two regulation electrodes (steel soup cans) are employed. When you use only one electrode, holding it in the left hand if you are righthanded, the TA can read as high as 4.0 when it is actually 3.0. Also a TA at 1.7 can read as 2.5 ! Single-hand electrodes are almost as old as the modern meter. An aluminum tea ball with an insulator between the screw threads served in the earliest models, an electrode leading to each half. Two stainless steel pipe sections about an inch in diameter, separated in the middle by a rubber ring, with an electrode to each end was a single-hand electrode version which came down to modern times. There were no further developments of any lasting value on this problem of single-hand electrodes until a few months ago. The problem in Solo Auditing is of course that if you held electrodes in both hands you couldn’t write or work the meter at the same time. BUT a single-hand electrode gives the wrong TA even if it does give the right needle reads (which it does). To get the right TA then one must unplug the single-hand electrode and plug in the twohand electrode. In this operation the TA can change and the wires get tangled. This commotion is of course distracting. What I worked out was a two-can electrode that became a single-hand electrode at once. You take 2 small juice or vegetable steel cans with their tops neatly removed. They must be the paper label, not the painted kind of course. The size required is 21/8 inches diameter at the rim (that is about 54 millimeters). The length is 33/4 inches (which is about 95 millimeters). You then take a piece of soft sponge or foam rubber about 3/8 inches thick (about 10 mm). You cut a circular piece of sponge rubber about 2 3/8 inches (about 60 mm). It is just slightly larger than the can diameter. You glue this sponge or foam rubber circle to the closed end of one can but not to the other. Snap the electrode wires into the open ends of the cans. You now have to all requirements a two-can electrode setup, with the difference that one can’s base has a rubber pad on it. Holding these one in each hand gives you the 2-can more correct TA read. 106 By putting the closed base of one can against the grubbier pad on the other can, taking them in one hand (two fingers on each can as you hold them) you have a singlehand electrode. In an instant you can take them in two hands and get the correct TA (adjusting the Tone Arm with a knuckle or finger tip). Taking them back in one hand and resetting the TA you again have your single-hand read. In using this system you should change your notation to an indication of whether it is a one-hand or two-can read (to save your Case Supervisor from heart failure). The new notation is as follows: 3.75 (1) 2.9 (2). It doesn’t mean you always use both reads. You add the brackets and a 2 or I to show whether it’s a double or single (2) or (1) read. At session start and at end you always give both, i.e. 3.5 (1) 2.5 (2). And at the end you give a trim check like 1.9 = 2.0 (done by unplugging the electrodes from the meter for an instant and putting the needle at set and reading what the TA is). It should be 2.0 but often has drifted to 1.9 or 2.1. That verifies all reads. STANDARD ELECTRODES A standard can is about 23/4 inches (69 mm) diameter by about 41/2 or 5 inches (114 mm or 127 mm) long. Steel soup or vegetable cans, unpainted, tops cleanly removed, label and glue washed off, tin plated or not, have been standard for many years. It is with these that calibration has been done. It is amusing that I had to work hard on electrodes to get the first meters to work at all. Everything got tried. Steel rods, aluminum (aluminium) tea balls, metal pads, metal straps, you name it. The only one that works consistently is the good old common kitchen variety soup can. It’s amusing to see efforts to “improve our electrodes”. Other versions have all been tried and failed and every few years we have to have a soup can revival campaign to get people back to standard reads. The smaller juice can as described for the single-hand electrode does not give the exact read as the standard cans when used as a two-can electrode. So the smaller can shouldn’t be used by Examiners. You can check the difference if you like between these two can sizes. But the standard cans are too big as a one-hand to be held comfortably in most people’s left hand. The difference is not great enough to worry anyone in normal auditing. SMALL HANDS People with small hands or children can’t cope at all with a standard can. The size given for the single-hand (2 1/8” x 33/4”) is more suitable for them. For very little children, two Kodak 35 mm unpainted casette cans from any photo shop will serve admirably. These two 35 mm cassettes fixed with a rubber pad on the bottom of one as described for the single-hand electrode above will serve a child as a one-hand electrode. SHORTING The whole trick in preparing two separate cans to be held as a single-hand is to make sure that when you put the bottoms together they don’t short. They can cause a “rock slam” or a sudden fall if the metal of the cans touch. Thus the glued-on rubber pad must be a bit bigger than the can diameter and thick enough so it doesn’t press through. 107 Old setups were bolted together and couldn’t be separated easily for two-can reads. These two cans are loose from each other. A drawing of the setup done by Richard Gorman is illustrative. Important note: The smaller cans can give a falsely low TA read being small. If you get such a read, have two large standard cans handy to snap onto the leads and check. Will save heart failure at seeing 1.7 for two-can read! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 108 LRH:RG:sb.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 109 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JULY 1970 (Corrected and Reissued 25 Nov 1970) Remimeo Dianetic Auditor Dianetic Checksheets UNRESOLVED PAINS It occasionally happens that a pc’s certain pain does not resolve on Dianetics. There are two reasons for this: 1. NOT ENOUGH AUDITING ON ENOUGH CHAINS. Sooner or later the exact small piece of an engram “already run” shows up on another chain later. Example: Pain in an area of an operation occurs now and then again weeks, months or years after the operation has been run out as an engram. Sooner or later just on general auditing the missing bit of the operation shows up, blows. Voila! Pain gone forever. This is peculiar especially to abdominal operations like an appendectomy. The operation was run out. The scar stays puffy. The pc is occasionally ill from it. Pc’s conclusion is that Dianetics hasn’t worked on it. More auditing on other somatics (just general Dianetics) is given. One day the remaining bit of the operation, hidden from view, apparently erased, shows up, blows. Pc now fine. A reason for this is “overburden” in that the incident was too charged in one place to be confronted. As the whole case is unburdened, confront comes up. The piece that was missing (and giving the pain) blows. There is no way of forcing it. In fact it would be fatal to try. The other reason for it is that the missing bit causing the pain is a different somatic like “a Chest Compression”. This bit of the operation had another basic than the one run. The answer to a persistent or recurring somatic in an injured area is always more Dianetic Auditing of the standard type, just addressed to the bank not the special somatic. Just keep doing the usual and one day it all straightens out. 2. SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM PAINS. There are two sides to the body. As you learn in touch assists, if the right hand is injured you include also the left hand. Body nerves conduct pain. The two sides of the body interlock. Pain gets stopped in the nerves. If the right elbow is hurt the LEFT elbow will have echoed the pain. Example, you find a pc with a pain in the left elbow. You try to audit a left elbow chain. It doesn’t fully resolve. If you ran injuries to the RIGHT elbow, suddenly there’s a somatic going through the left elbow! It gets well. 110 This is the sympathetic nervous system. The right ear, injured, also gets echoes with a somatic in the left ear. You audit the right ear only. Pc comes up with a sore left ear! You can actually direct a pc’s attention to it (non-standard but a research technique) and he can find where the uninjured ear echoed the injured ear. Where you can’t fully repair a crippled left leg, don’t be surprised to find it was the right leg that was hurt. You audit the left leg somatic in vain. If you do, start auditing somatics in the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE BODY. TOOTHACHE The mystery of toothache is resolved in both 1 and 2 above, especially 2. The pain is concentrated on the left upper molar. You audit it in vain. Toothache persists. Look at the pc’s mouth. Has the RIGHT upper molar ever been pulled or injured? Yes. That’s how the left molar began to decay. The right upper molar was pulled. The pain (especially under the painkiller on the right side only) backed up and stopped on the opposite side. Eventually the left upper molar, under that stress, a year or ten later, caves in and aches. Mysterious as it wasn’t injured. Mysterious as the opposite molar is long gone, doesn’t hurt anymore. When a toothache does not resolve in auditing, audit the opposite tooth on the other side. You can actually do it by count of teeth. It’s sort of auditing a no-somatic. Pc in misery with right upper molar. No pain on left side. Audit an injury he had on the left side (it will read on the meter also). Voila! The toothache that wouldn’t go away eases up! The fellow who has the exact opposite teeth pulled (upper right wisdom, upper left wisdom) is in for it as there is a constant cross-play. Makes the mouth odd and pressury. Both sides are reacting to the other side! Dentists often note the strange pressure, “bursting feelings”, a patient has when a tooth “needs pulling”. This is the stress in the nerves from an injury which occurred on the opposite side! An auditor can audit a right side tooth in vain unless he knows enough to audit THE OTHER SIDE. For a pc with a toothache, on the right side, you can list for feelings on the left side of the mouth and get “numbness”, “no feeling”, etc. Audit that list and suddenly magically the toothache on the opposite side not being audited eases up. As toothaches sometimes give a Dianetic auditor a failure, he should know about the sympathetic factor as above. The failure becomes a success. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.kjm.rd Copyright ©1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 111 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 JULY 1970 Remimeo Dn Cse Checksheet THE PSYCHIATRIST AT WORK Auditors are often fought by psychiatry. The auditor is often called upon to handle psychiatric abuses. Auditors should know some facts about psychiatry. PAIN ASSOCIATION As a technical action, it is of interest to any auditor to know that Pain and Ideas is a basic “therapy” used down the years by psychiatrists and such lot. The practice is very general and very old. The person is made to associate his “wrong ideas” with pain so that he “will not have these ideas”, or will be “prevented from doing those things”. A crude current example is to electric shock a person every time he smokes a cigarette. After several “treatments” he is supposed to associate the pain with the idea and so “give up smoking”. Homosexual tendencies are also so “treated”. In earlier times alcoholism was “cured” by putting poison in drinks so drinking would make the person violently ill so he would “stop it”. Examples of this are all over the time track. The mechanism is “If you get this idea you will feel this pain” ZAP! Basically this is the action of an implanter. Current use of it will be encountered where psychiatry has been busy implanting. This is a pinnacle, an all, of psychiatric “treatment”. Another version of it is drugs. Make the person too torpid (sluggish) to have any ideas. The motto of this is “too dead to act”. Institutions are emptied by hooking psychotics and “community psychiatry” exists “to make them take their pills”, in short, to keep them hooked. This started the current drug craze that spread into “illegal” drugs. The auditor will encounter this with growing frequency as the business of it is so big that one group spends 12 billion in advertising alone per year! This is the Rockefeller drug cartel. They also spend vast sums in lobbying parliaments. OBSESSION Most “got to’s” or obsessions come from Pain Association or drug association. People in pain or drugged can become obsessed with doing the idea. What the psychiatrist does not care to publicize is that his “cures” are implantings with compulsive ideas. 112 The smoker so treated now MUST smoke but CAN’T smoke. These two things are opposed. That is known as frustration—a form of insanity. Must reach can’t reach, must withdraw can’t withdraw is total basic insanity. Thus psychiatry is making insane people. This is why the insanity statistic is soaring and why the crime statistic is on a wild climb. The psychiatrist if he handled his field well and did really effective work would have a declining insanity and crime statistic. That the psychiatrist and his “technology” has been in charge during the whole period of these alarming statistics is ignored by governments. The psychiatrist argues that he needs more money and more practitioners. But he gets money by the billion. The state has to totally support them because the public will have nothing to do with them. Psychiatric care in a private hospital costs $30,000. $2,000 a month for board only is the price at Walnut Lodge in Washington DC, an average place. £60 a week is charged in England for a shabby room. “Care” is extra if it exists. Psychoanalysis costs £9,000 for a full and ineffective course, takes 5 years, 30% suicide in the first 3 months. Psychiatric treatment runs 5 times the total cost of every course, grade and action available in Scientology orgs. SKILL LEVEL Any HAS knows more and can do more about the mind than any psychiatrist. There is no real level of comparison since psychiatry as used is a destructive technology. Under a “drug treatment” engram you often find savage electric shocks of execution strength buried. It is doubtful if one could watch an electric shock “treatment” without vomiting. In “neurosurgery” the Ice Pick is used to rip and tear up people’s brains. Holes are drilled in skulls and the brain sliced up. No evidence exists that this ever helped anyone but it makes incurable invalids. Illegal seizure of anyone and his torture is legal in most “civilized countries”. MASTERS The psychiatrist has masters. His principal organization, World Federation of Mental Health, and its members, the National Associations of Mental Health, the “American” Psychiatric Association and the “American” Psychological Association are directly connected to Russia. Even the British Broadcasting Company has stated that psychiatry and the KGB (Russian Secret Police) operate in direct collusion. A member of the WFMH sits on every major “Advisory Council” of the U.S. government, to name one government. 113 Ministers of Health or Health Authorities are members of the National Association or the WFMH. The psychiatrist has masters. DOCUMENTATION All these statements are the subject of total documentation in the hands of Scientology. SUMMARY The auditor in auditing uncovers considerable data in former psychiatric cases. Further an auditor can put to rights a case so abused unless a fatal injury has been done. As psychiatry circulates rumours about auditors and attempts to discourage the use of Dianetics and Scientology, it is only fair for the auditor to know exactly the status of psychiatry and psychology as used today. It goes without saying that the savagery and fraud of psychiatry must cease and that auditors must encourage in state and public and through all their connections displacing psychiatric abuses with sane auditing. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright ©1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 114 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 22 NOVEMBER 1967 (Revised and Reissued 18 July 1970) Student Hat Remimeo ALL STUDENTS ALL COURSES OUT TECH If at any time a supervisor or other person in an org gives you interpretations of HCOBs, Policy Letters or tells you, “That’s old. Read it but disregard it, that’s just background data”, or gives you a chit for following HCOBs or tapes or alters tech on you or personally cancels HCOBs or Policy Letters without being able to show you an HCOB or Policy Letter that cancels it, YOU MUST REPORT THE MATTER COMPLETE WITH NAMES AND ANY WITNESSES ON DIRECT LINES TO THE INTERNATIONAL ETHICS OFFICER AT WORLDWIDE. IF THIS IS NOT IMMEDIATELY HANDLED, REPORT IN THE SAME WAY TO YOUR NEAREST SEA ORG MAA. The only ways you can fail to get results on a pc are: 1. Not study your HCOBs and my books and tapes. 2. Not apply what you studied. 3. Follow “advice” contrary to what you find on HCOBs and tapes. 4. Fail to obtain the HCOBs, books and tapes needed. There is no hidden data line. All of Dianetics and Scientology works. Some of it works faster. The only real error auditors made over the years was to fail to stop a process the moment they saw a floating needle. Recently the felony has been compounded by disclosure of the facts that data and tapes have been deleted from checksheets, data has been “relegated to background” and grades have not been in use fully to complete end phenomena as per the Process column on the Classification and Gradation Chart. This caused an almost complete unmock of the subject and its use. I am counting on you to see it is not allowed to happen EVER AGAIN. Any supervisor or executive who interprets, alters or cancels tech is liable to the assignment of a Condition of Enemy. All the data is in HCOBs or Policy Letters or on tape. Failure to make this mimeo known to every student carries a $10 fine for every student from which it is withheld. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1967, 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 115 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 JULY 1970 Remimeo DATA SERIES The HCO Policy Letters called the Data Series sometimes bring about a headache or upset in a student. This occurs due to the list of five out-points. The cure is to assess the basic out-points (sensibly expressed as a list). Then handle by 2 way comm on what read. It will be found that this will clear up the trouble. A special list of these is being made ready for Hubbard Consultant use. The exact procedure is: 1. Assess a prepared list of out-points for best read. 2. Clean up the item with 2 way comm to F/N. 3. Assess a prepared list of plus-points and take the best read. 4. Discuss with 2 way comm to F/N. If there is no F/N, reassess the same list again for the best item now. The lists are unlimited in use. The expansion of the prepared lists of out-points and plus-points to get all variations gives one an almost unlimited process. Deep, long-term upsets or present time disturbances can both be handled in this way. While further data will be released on this subject, it is necessary for C/Ses to know an occasional consequence of study of the Data Series. The tech belongs in the HC study materials. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr.ka.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 116 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 AUGUST 1970RA REVISED 21 OCTOBER 1974 Remimeo Dn Checksheet F/N AND ERASURE A floating needle always occurs when the basic on a chain erases. TONE ARM POSITION A floating needle is valid only between 2.0 and 3.0 Tone Arm position on a meter. (Note: False TA can be caused by dry or calloused hands or improper grip—makes it read high. And by overly wet or greasy hands—makes it read low.) Above or below that Tone Arm reading, the F/N is called an “ARC Break” needle. A floating needle between 2.0 and 3.0 Tone Arm position with BAD indicators is an “ARC Break” needle. It is not a real floating needle. A real floating needle, between 2.0 and 3.0 Tone Arm position also carries with it COGNITIONS and VERY GOOD INDICATORS. The pc is cogniting, cheerful and happy. When the Tone Arm is below 2.0, the chain has not been erased. When the Tone Arm is above 3.0, erasure has not occurred. When the Tone Arm is up at 4.4, the pc has made it more solid and has not erased the basic on the chain. On the second time through, if the TA rises, you know there is an earlier incident. OVERRUN The Dianetic Auditor is not concerned with “rehabilitation” of the overrun if he sees the Tone Arm has gone high. In Dianetics it only means the engram chain is in restimulation and has not been erased. When the basic erases, the TA will fall or rise to the area between 2.0 and 3.0 and the needle will F/N, the pc will have cognitions and very good indicators. The sequence is F/N, Cog, VGIs, Erasure. The auditor then stops running that chain. He can reassess and run another chain now. COGNITION COGNITION means a pc origination indicating he has “Come to realize”. It’s a “What do you know. I.....” statement. Cognitions usually occur immediately before an erasure. Cognitions can also occur while running the chain. But when they occur with a real floating needle and very good indicators, you know erasure is occurring. When you see this happening, let the pc cognite. Don’t chop his cognition. Let all the bits and pieces blow. You can expect the rapid end sequence of: 1. Floating Needle 2. Cognition 3. Very Good Indicators 4. Erasure in a well run Standard Dianetic session. That’s all you really need to know about it in Dianetics. But you have to know it very well. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970, 1974 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 117 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 AUGUST 1970 Remimeo LIST L-1B 1. A withhold been missed? 2. Some emotion been rejected? 3. Some Affinity been rejected? 4. A Reality been refused? 5. A communication been cut short? 6. A communication been ignored? 7. An earlier rejection of emotion been restimulated? 8. An earlier rejection of Affinity been restimulated? 9. An earlier refusal of Reality been restimulated? 10. An earlier ignored communication been restimulated? 11. A wrong reason for an upset been given? 12. A similar incident occurred before? 13. Something been done other than what was said? 14. A goal been disappointed? 15. Some help been rejected? 16. A decision been made? 17. An engram been restimulated? 18. An earlier incident been restimulated? 19. There been a sudden shift of attention? 20. Something startled you? 21. A perception been prevented? 22. A willingness not been acknowledged? 23. There been no auditing? 24. Went Exterior? 25. Interrupted actions? 26. Actions continued too long? 27 . Data invalidated? 28. Someone evaluated? 29. Something been O/Run? 30. Unnecessary action? L RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr.ka.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 118 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 DECEMBER 1968 (Amends HCO Bulletin of 9 January 1968, List L4A) (ITEM 6 CORRECTED 12 FEBRUARY 1969) (Amended 8 August 1970) Remimeo L4B FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS PC’S NAME DATE_____________________ AUDITOR _________________________________ 1. WAS THE LIST UNNECESSARY? (If it reads, indicate BPC and indicate that it was an unnecessary action.) 2. WAS THE ACTION DONE UNDER PROTEST? (If it reads, handle by itsa earlier similar itsa.) 3. IS A LIST INCOMPLETE? (If reads, find out what list and complete it, give the pc his item.) 4. HAS A LIST BEEN LISTED TOO LONG? (If so, find what list and get the item off from it by nulling with suppress, the nulling question being: “On.....has anything been suppressed?”, for each item on the overlong list. Give the pc his item.) 5. HAVE WE TAKEN THE WRONG ITEM OFF A LIST? (If this reads, put in Suppress and Invalidated on the list and null as in 4 above and find the right item and give to the pc.) 6. HAS A RIGHT ITEM BEEN DENIED YOU? (If this reads, find out what it was and clean it up with Suppress and Invalidate and give it to the pc.) 7. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PUSHED OFF ON YOU YOU DIDN’T WANT? (If so, find it and get in Suppress and Invalidate on it and tell pc it wasn’t his item and continue the original action to find the correct item.) 8. HAD AN ITEM NOT BEEN GIVEN YOU? (If reads, handle as in 6.) 9. HAVE YOU INVALIDATED A CORRECT ITEM FOUND? (If so, rehab the item and find out why the pc invalidated it or if somebody else did it, clean it up and give it to pc again.) 10. HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF ITEMS THAT YOU DID NOT PUT ON THE LIST? (If so, add them to the correct list. Renull the whole list and give the pc the item.) 11. HAVE YOU BEEN LISTING TO YOURSELF OUT OF SESSION? (If so, find out what question and try to write a list from recall and get an item and give it to the pc.) 12. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN SOMEBODY ELSE’S ITEM? (If so, indicate to the pc this was not his item. Don’t TRY to find whose it was.) 119 13. HAS YOUR ITEM BEEN GIVEN TO SOMEONE ELSE? (If so, find if possible what item it was and give it to the pc. Don’t try to identify the “somebody else”.) 14. HAS A RELEASE POINT BEEN BY-PASSED ON LISTING? (If so, indicate the overrun to the pc, rehab back.) 15. HAS A RELEASE POINT BEEN BY-PASSED ON THE QUESTION ONLY? (If so, indicate the overrun to the pc and rehab back.) 16. HAVE YOU GONE EXTERIOR WHILE LISTING? (If so, rehab. If Ext Rundown not given, note for C/S.) 17. HAS IT BEEN AN OVERT TO PUT AN ITEM ON A LIST? (If so, find out what item and why.) 18. HAVE YOU WITHHELD AN ITEM FROM A LIST? (If so, get it and add it to the list if that list available. If not, put item in the report.) 19. HAS A WITHHOLD BEEN MISSED? (If so, get it, if descreditable ask “Who nearly found out?”) 20. HAS AN ITEM BEEN BY-PASSED? (Locate which one.) 21. WAS A LISTING QUESTION MEANINGLESS? (If so, find out which one and indicate to the pc.) 22. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ABANDONED? (If so, locate it and get it back for the pc and give it to him.) 23. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PROTESTED? (If so, locate it and get the protest button in on it.) 24. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ASSERTED? (If so, locate it and get in the assert button on it.) 25. HAS AN ITEM BEEN SUGGESTED TO YOU BY ANOTHER? (If so, get it named and the protest and refusal off.) 26. HAS AN ITEM BEEN VOLUNTEERED BY YOU AND NOT ACCEPTED? (If so, get off the charge and give it to the pc, or if he then changes his mind on it, go on with the listing operation.) 27. HAS THE ITEM ALREADY BEEN GIVEN? (If so, get it back and give it again.) 28. HAS AN ITEM BEEN FOUND PREVIOUSLY? (If so, find what it was again and give it to pc once more.) 29. HAS AN ITEM NOT BEEN UNDERSTOOD? (If so, work it over with buttons until pc understands it or accepts or rejects it and go on with listing.) 30. WAS AN ITEM DIFFERENT WHEN SAID BY THE AUDITOR? (If so, find out what the item was and give it to the pc correctly.) 31. WAS NULLING CARRIED ON PAST THE FOUND ITEM? (If so, go back to it and get in Suppress and Protest.) 120 32. HAS AN ITEM BEEN FORCED ON YOU? (If so, get off the reject and suppress and get the listing action completed to the right item if possible.) 33. HAS AN ITEM BEEN EVALUATED? (If so, get off the disagreement and protest.) 34. HAD EARLIER LISTING BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate when and indicate the by-passed charge.) 35. HAS AN EARLIER WRONG ITEM BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, find when and indicate the by-passed charge.) 36. HAS AN EARLIER ARC BREAK BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate and indicate the fact by itsa earlier similar itsa.) 37. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK BECAUSE OF BEING MADE TO DO THIS? (If so, indicate it to the pc, check the question if reads. Get earlier similar itsa.) 38. HAS THIS LIST CORRECTION BEEN OVERRUN? (If so, rehab.) 39. IS THERE SOME OTHER KIND OF BY-PASSED CHARGE? (If so, find what and indicate it to pc.) 40. WAS THERE NOTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE? (If so, indicate it to pc.) 41. HAS THE UPSET BEEN HANDLED? (If so, indicate it to the pc.) 42. HAS A LIST PROCESS BEEN OVERRUN? (If so, find which one and rehab.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 1968, 1969, 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 121 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 AUGUST 1970 (Corrected and re-issued 3 Nov 1970) Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class III C/S Series 15 Class VI C/S Checksheet GETTING THE F/N TO EXAMINER (High, Low TAs and Chronic Somatics) If after an F/N session end the pc’s TA goes up, as at the Examiner’s in an org, the pc is afflicted with unflat Engram Chains. All High TAs depend on unflat or restimulated engram chains. TAs go high on Overrun because the overrun restimulates engram chains not yet run. Engram (or secondary or lock) chains can be keyed out. This does not mean they stay out. In a few minutes or hours or days or years they can key back in. A pc will also de-stimulate in from 3 to 10 days usually. This means he “settles out”. Thus a pc can be overrun into new engram chains (by life or an auditor), TA goes up, 3 to 10 days later the TA comes down. When a pc is audited to F/N VGIs and then a few minutes later has a high TA the usual reasons are 1. Has had his comm chopped or full Dianetic or Scientology End Phenomena not reached or 2. Has been run on an unreading item or subject or 3. Is overwhelmed or 4. Has a lot of engrams keying in or 5. Has been run in the past without full erasure of engrams or attaining End Phenomena. 6. Lists badly done or other misauditing cause a pc to feel bad and key in chains also. 7. A pc can be audited when too tired or too late at night. The solution to any of these is easy—on (l) always see that the pc attains full EP, particularly on engram chains. On (2) make auditors check for read even in two-way comm subjects, list questions or Dianetic items before running them. On (3) see also (2) and get the pc a proper Progress (Repair) Program. On (4) Repair or isolate pc so his PT isn’t so ferocious looking (meaning Repair [Progress] Pgm him well or let him change his environment and then audit him) or (5) look into his folder to see who audited him on so many chains when, with no real erasure or EP. (6) You use Repair lists (like L4A, LIB, etc) and other usual action. On (7) you make the pc get some rest and if he can’t, make him go for a walk away until he is tired and then walk back and get some sleep. All these really add up to keyed in or unflat engram chains. Whether the pc can handle them depends on Repair and the usual. 122 Of all these the past auditing without attaining EP on engram chains (whether done in Dianetics or Scientology) is a usual reason for a much audited pc to have a high TA. The answers to any high TA that won’t come down and to any pc who continually arrives at Examiner after an F/N VGI session end with his TA UP are A. Faulty auditing not letting pc go to Full Dn EP when running engrams. B. A false auditing report (PR type report meaning promoting instead of auditing). C. Too many engram chains in past restim by life or auditing. Any correct Standard Dianetic Auditing will eventually handle. But it is usual to do a PICTURE REMEDY (see HCO B 5 June 1969). A pc who has a chronic somatic would get programmed like this: I Repair (Progress) Pgm until pc feeling better. II Picture Remedy with all reading and interest items Dn triple full Dn EP. III Health Form—with all reading and interest items Dn triple full Dn EP. IV Somatics of the area with all reading and interest items Dn triple full Dn EP. V Run the engram chain of the incident (operation, accident, etc) he believes caused it. R3R triple. VI HF to F/N on the HF itself and attest full Dianetic result as per Class Chart. That’s maybe 50 hours, all done in Dianetic triples, of course, in steps II to VI. IF the Dianetic Auditing is standard and to Dianetic EP (F/N Cog VGIs) you will see this pattern at the Examiner or a few minutes after session. First few sessions TA 4.0 or more at Exam. Doubtful GIs. Next few TA 3.75 and blowing down to 3.25 at Exam. GIs. Next few TA 3.75 BD to F/N at Exam. GIs to VGIs. Next two or three TA 3.5 BD to F/N at Exams VGIs. Finally TA 2.5 F/N VGIs at the Examiner. Another pass at the HF finds it F/N and pc can and will attest Dianetics. That’s what you would expect to see if the Auditing was standard, if the case was straightened out of past flubs in the Repair step. Errors such as running unreading items or firefights caused by out TRs or false auditing reports or Dn EP not reached at session end or pc needing ruds put in at session starts would prevent this pattern from happening at the Examiner’s. So if the pattern doesn’t happen you know the auditing is goofy or something is out which had better be found. One pc for instance had a huge w/h of having a disease and was audited over it for 2 years = auditing over a w/h and PTP = no case gain. Silly pc. But also a very dull C/S not to alert to some outness there and find it. Another pc had a high TA and the fault was just that she never got any auditing at all! So they kept operating on her! Somebody didn’t know Dianetics and auditing was for USE. 123 HIGH TA AND ILLNESS Pcs with high TAs feel ill and get ill. No use to elaborate on that. It’s just a fact and is THE fact about pcs who get ill. So maybe you see why this HCOB is important! LOW TA AT EXAM Pcs with low TAs are more or less in apathy. If it F/N VGIs at session end and is low at Exam (like l.9) (OR if it went low in session and didn’t F/N), then the pc is (a) overwhelmed and needs auditing and life repair (b) can have been run on a flat or unreading item that invalidated his former win. Example: Pc listed on an unreading list few sessions later worrying about it and coming to Exam with low TA. Repair is the answer. Low TA pcs need a Life Repair also. Note: The new Hubbard Consultant Assessment List is now under test at this writing and may become essential as a pre-repair function and if so would be before repair in the chronic somatic list of actions as a pgm. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: sb.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 124 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 AUGUST 1970 Remimeo Class VIII Cl VIII Checksheet C/S Checksheets EXTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN MUSTS (Reference HCOB 22 Mar ‘70, Ext and High TA) An Exteriorization Intensive must be: 1. RUN ALL IN ONE SESSION. 2. RUN WITHOUT FLUBS. 3. FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER SESSION OF 2-WAY COMM RUN TO F/N COG VGIs. ONE SESSION RULE When you try to run an Exteriorization Rundown in 2 or more sessions there is a frequent chance of ruds going out between sessions and, of course, they can’t be put in until Ext Rundown is complete as it’s “Auditing a pc past Exterior”. If a C/S or Auditor wants real trouble just stretch an Ext Rundown over 2 or 3 sessions. It is very difficult to straighten the resulting mess out. (See HCO B 28 Jul ‘70, Corrected 9 Aug’70.) The only reason one would take 2 or 3 sessions to do the rundown is because the pc “doesn’t have the time”, and so make sure the pc DOES have the next 2 to 5 hours free before starting one. This rule includes NO BREAKS. FLUBLESS Auditors who have occasional flubs-Dn failures to flatten chains or run them to chopped EP instead of a correct F/N COG VGIs at basic HAVE NO BUSINESS RUNNING EXT RUNDOWNS. Flubs in any event are just corny. They are particularly messy when they occur in the EXT RUNDOWN. The Ext Rundown is auditing by the book! (Reference HCO B 20 Feb ‘70, “Floating Needles and End Phenomena”, and the whole modem Standard Dianetics Course including later HCO Bs for it.) Flubs mar any auditing result. They make a real mess on an Ext Rundown as Review auditing over an Ext if the Rundown is not complete is difficult and results in high TA. Yet one Franchise invalidated the pc’s cog, made the pc do it all in clay, left 125 chains incomplete and took a week over it! And then wondered why the pc was unhappy ! NO FLUBS! FOLLOW WITH 2-WAY COMM A day or two or a week after the Ext Rundown (not less than a day nor more than a week), an Ext Rundown MUST BE FOLLOWED BY A TWO-WAY COMM SESSION. The reason for this is that there is a cognition delay on almost all cases. The 2- way comm blows off locks, etc and the pc usually gets a big cog and never afterwards worries about Exteriorization. If the Ext Rundown is done in 2 or 3 sessions, flubbed, not followed by 2-way comm in a later session, the pc can get hung up on the subject. The Auditor doing 2-way comm must have experience and know-how on 2-way comm. (See HCO B 21 Apr ‘70, “2-Way Comm C/Ses”, HCO B 3 July ‘70, “C/Sing 2-Way Comm”, HCO B 10 July ‘70, “2-Way Comm—A Class III Action”.) All 2-way comm sessions go to End Phenomena of an F/N. It will be found the subject of Interiorization-Exteriorization usually will still be charged. But it should be checked for read as in all items and subjects used in auditing. The rule is you don’t audit things that don’t read. Suppress and Inval buttons can be put in to get a read. If you audit things that don’t read, the TA is liable to go up. A nicely done 2-way comm on Interiorization and Exteriorization blows the pc to Present Time and cleans him up nicely. ---------------- The Ext Rundown can be done any time it is found the pc has been audited past Exterior. It HAS to be run in such a case before any Review or ruds or anything else. So it’s dicey—a delicate proposition. ---------------- An Exteriorization (or Interiorization same thing) Rundown is about the hottest thing that’s come along for some time. It solves, for instance, the total goal of Buddhism. It is the key to immortality. It’s pure theta gold. So respect it by running by the book, exactly, perfectly and to a total win. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: rr.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [HCO B 28 July 1970, Corrected 9 August 1970, referred to above, is cancelled by BTB 10 December 1974, Issue VII, Cancellation of Bulletins 1970, which says to see HCO B 29 October 1971R, Revised 14 May 1974, Int Rundown Correction List-Revised; BTB 10 July 1969R, Revised and Reissued 24 June 1974, Exteriorization Remedy; and the above HCO B. ] 126 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 AUGUST 1970 Remimeo C/S Checksheets Checksheets C/S Series 16 Dn Checksheet SESSION GRADING WELL DONE, DEFINITION OF A “well done” to an auditor requires a precise meaning. It is not given by the C/S because an auditor is a friend or because he would be offended if he didn’t get one. “WELL DONE” GIVEN BY THE C/S FOR A SESSION MEANS THE PC HAD F/N VGIs AT THE EXAMINER IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SESSION. This then presupposes that session lines include an Examiner even if it’s a receptionist and it includes the use and understanding of Exam Reports. (See HCO PL 26 Jan ‘70, Issue III, or any rewrite and Exam tech.) It presupposes the Examiner has a meter to hand and that the pc makes a statement. Thus, if there are no Exam Reports there can’t be a well done given, eh? True enough. A C/S who C/Ses without Exam Reports done by a different person than the auditor is asking to fly blind and to get auditor “PR” (public relations or brag) and false auditing reports. No F/N at Exam no well done. This is harsh as early on pcs often get no F/N at Examiner. BUT IN EVERY CASE THERE ARE CURRENT EARLIER TECH ERRORS ON THE CASE when the F/N doesn’t get from the session to the Examiner. It is also harsh because the failure to get the F/N to the Examiner could be a C/S error! But (see HCO B 24 May ‘70, “Auditor’s Rights”, C/S Series 1), the auditor should not have accepted the C/S. The C/S could be too heavy, or the case needed a repair first or the process ordered is not part of a proper program. HOURS SUCCESSFULLY AUDITED INCLUDES ONLY “WELL DONE” OR “VERY WELL DONE” SESSIONS. VERY WELL DONES An auditor gets a “VERY WELL DONE” when the session by worksheet inspection, Exam Report inspection is: 1. F/N VGIs at Examiner. 2. The auditing is totally flubless and by the book. 3. The whole C/S ordered was done without departure and to the expected result. NO MENTION A no mention of well done or very well done or anything simply means: 127 1. F/N did not get to Examiner. 2. No major auditing errors exist in the session. FLUNKS A FLUNK is given when: 1. The F/N did not get to Examiner and didn’t occur at session end. 2. Major errors or flubs occurred like no EP, multiple somatic, unflown ruds, etc. 3. The C/S was not followed or completed. 4. Auditor’s Rights listed errors occurred. 5. No F/N and BIs at Examiner. The exact error must be noted on the worksheet and in the next C/S along with the Flunk. FLUNK AND RETRAIN When an auditor does not improve but continues to get NO MENTIONS and FLUNKS, he requires retraining. Such retraining must include: 1. Cleaning up all Misunderstoods of tech. 2. Cleaning up willingness to audit. 3. Cleaning up overts on people and pcs. 4. Examination by inspection of TRs. 5. Starrating material missed or not grasped as per session troubles. INVALIDATION Invalidative remarks should not be made by a C/S. Experience has shown they do no good and also do harm. But there are 2 methods of invalidating an auditor’s auditing: 1. Let him go on flubbing and getting no results. 2. Direct invalidation of his intentions or future or potential. In 1, nearly all auditors who stop auditing never really knew how to audit in the first place or have gross misunderstoods or have accumulated intentional or unintentional overts on pcs or have been too harshly invalidated. When they don’t really grasp the ease and simplicity of auditing they get into other troubles. A really well trained, smooth auditor never gets any real charge on his case on the subject of auditing. When you let an auditor flub, the whole subject gets invalidated and he loses his value because he goes into doubt. This can be said with complete confidence today as the whole of Dianetics and Scientology is there and it works very very well indeed IF IT IS USED AND IF THE C/SING AND AUDITING IS CORRECT AND FLUBLESS. 128 AUDITOR HANDLING The C/S is really not just the Case Supervisor, he is also the auditors’ handler. Like a boxer’s trainer or a star’s director, the C/S handles his guys. They are all a bit different, auditors. There are prima donnas and meek mousey ones and steady-on ones and all kinds. They get the credit for the sessions from the pcs most often. They really don’t like not to be C/Sed. And they VALUE the well dones and the very well dones and they flinch at the flunks. And the honest ones know all about it before they turn it in. And some don’t mention the flub but think you’re a fool if you miss it. So it’s important to have a constant in assigning what the auditor is given for the session. WELL DONE AUDITING HOURS are all that’s valid for a stat. So a C/S must be very exact and correct in his determination of well done, very well done, no mention and (forlornly) a flunk. This should remove argument from the matter and bring certainty. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 129 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 AUGUST 1970 Remimeo C/S Book Class VIII Checksheet Class VIII C/S Series 17 INCOMPLETE CASES OVERSHOOTING and UNDERSHOOTING are two very defeating errors in C/Sing. OVERSHOOTING would be defined as going beyond a completion or completing a completion. In such a circumstance the pc for instance reaches an F/N VGI point in Review and then the C/S decides to handle the case in Review. Example: 2 or 3 sessions have been goofed. Review patches them all up to F/N VGIs all okay. Then a C/S C/Ses to Review the case to repair the errors. The case feels invalidated, caves in, needs further repair. I have seen more than one folder where this cycle has been done three times! In one of these an action had to be taken to patch up a goof so the pc could go back onto a grade. The goof was patched up to F/N VGIs. The correct action would have been to put the pc back on the incomplete grade. But no, a new Review cycle was laid out, audited, pc caved in. A new cycle to repair this was entered in upon. It was successful. The pc got F/N VGIs at Exam. The C/S ordered a new Review of the case, the case caved in, was then patched up and finally got an F/N VGIs. And was ordered to be reviewed .......... Studying what was wrong with the cases I found the above. I ordered an assessment of a list, got “unnecessary actions” and got the cases back onto the incomplete cycle of the grade and they did fine. This can be done with a grade. It was the fault of early Power. UNDERSHOOTING would be to leave a cycle incomplete and go off to something else. Example: Case sent to Review or given a Review session to repair goofs. One goof is handled but there are three to handle. Case returned to the grade before being set up. This can be so bad that the case never made any grade at all. The modern Repair (Progress) Pgm as outlined in this C/S series takes care of this. QUICKIE GRADES AND ACTIONS Quickie grades left us with a totality of incomplete cases. You look over a folder and you see the pc at “OT IV”. The folder is thick. He has had lots of auditing. He has aches and pains, problems, makes people wrong. 130 Probably he could be audited for another thousand hours without ever coming right! Unless there was an orderly program to complete his case level by level on the Class and Grade Chart. It would take a Repair (Progress) Pgm and then an Advance Pgm that included each grade to completion. He would have to have his ruds put in, any flubs at once handled session to session, just to complete Dianetics. Finally, his chronic somatics gone, he would F/N on the Health Form and that would complete his Dianetics with his attestation. And so on right on up the Grades, each one done fully to the voluntary declare for that grade as per the Grade and Class Chart. In doing Dianetics, Grades, etc you still have to get in ruds and handle the case so it is set up for each major action and repair the flubs at once when they occur. While completing an action you have to keep the case running, not audit over ARC Brks, PTPs, W/Hs and flubs. The best answer is NO FLUBS. But when they occur they must be repaired in 24 hours. When repaired (and not re-repaired and re-re-repaired with overshoots) you get the case back on the same cycle that was incomplete. COMPLETE CASES A case is not complete unless the lowest incomplete Grade Chart action is complete and then each completed in turn on up. As you look over current folders who have had years of auditing, some of them you generally don’t find any completed actions and you do find overshoots on Reviews. It is not the least bit hard to handle these cases. This C/S series shows you how. Auditing and Life Repairs (Progress), Advance Pgm completing fully each incomplete grade. The C/S is blessed who follows these two rules: RECOGNIZE A COMPLETION OF AN ACTION AND END IT OFF. RECOGNIZE AN INCOMPLETE ACTION AND COMPLETE IT. Don’t overshoot, don’t undershoot. Follow the rules. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 131 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 AUGUST 1970RA REVISED 30 MAY 1973 REVISED 9 OCTOBER 1974 Remimeo HC OUT-POINT PLUS-POINT LISTS RA (Reference Data Series HCO PLs.) (Revised to include additional out-points issued since original HCO B.) The following lists are used: (a) To assess for a read. (b) Clear up with 2-way comm. PROCEDURE One assesses the Out-Point List and goes as far as a good read. One clears that up to F/N VGIs (very good indicators). He then leaves off that list for now. One then takes up the Plus-Point List. One assesses it as far as one needs to go to get a good read. One then takes that up with the preclear with 2-way comm until there is an F/N and VGIs. One now resumes where he left off on the Out-Point List and assesses until he gets a new good read. He takes that up with 2-way comm until he gets an F/N VGIs. One now takes up the Plus-Point List where he left off until he gets a good read. He takes that up with 2-way comm until he gets an F/N VGIs. In this way the lists are alternated. They can be done over and over. ----------------- These are the elements of illogic and insanity on the Out-Point List. They are the elements of logic and sanity on the Plus-Point List. ----------------- A meter must be used. ----------------- It is done exactly by the Auditor’s Code. Never tell the person what he thinks. Never invalidate what he has said. Just acknowledge and let him/her tell you about it. ----------------- The reads of course disclose things which have charge on them. 132 Take a good read. 2-way comm on: ‘‘Any example of in your life?’’ to F/N. Assess again. Same process. Continue as long as you have TA on it. Stop with any win. Can be done to full F/Ning assessment on both lists. The list items can be used in 2 ways. A. They can be called off straight. B. They can be given a prior statement. In A one would say, “Knowing something is right ” noting read or lack of it. “Knowing a datum is correct ” noting read. In B one would be directing the person’s attention to some sphere of action like “In your work knowing something is right” noting read, etc. One would go on using this same prior statement on all the assessment until the whole subject, “work”, was cleaned up. That would be a work consultation. Or one could say, for marriage problems, “In marriage knowing something is right” “In marriage knowing a datum is correct .” One uses the same subject for both Out-Point and Plus-Point Lists until that one subject is cleaned up. ALWAYS FINISH OFF WITH THE PLUS-POINT LIST. ----------------- OUT-POINT LIST 1. Omitted Fact————— 2. Omitted Terminal————— 3. Omitted Data————— 4. Omitted Location————— 5. Omitted Matter————— 6. Omitted Energy————— 7. Omitted Space————— 8. Omitted Form————— 9. Missing Scene————— 10. Missing Person————— 11. Changed Sequence of Facts————— 12. Changed Sequence of Data————— 13. Changed Sequence of Particles ————— 14. Changed Sequence of Locations————— 15. Changed Sequence of Objects————— 16. Changed Sequence of Spaces————— 133 17. Changed Sequence of Forms———— 18. Twisted Ideas————— 19. Dropped Out Time————— 20. Incorrect Time————— 21. False Time————— 22. Invented Time————— 23. Condensed Time————— 24. Rushed Time————— 25. Endless Time————— 26. Waiting Time ————— 26a. Added Time————— 26b. Unexpected Time————— 27. Delusion————— 28. Hallucination————— 29. False Fact————— 30. False Terminal————— 31. False Being————— 32. False Datum————— 33. False Location————— 34. False Matter————— 35. False Energy————— 36. False Space ————— 37. Fixed Idea————— 38. Altered Importance————— 39. Altered Value————— 40. Decreased Importance————— 41. Decreased Value————— 42. Over Valued———— 43. Too Important————— 44. Too Insignificant————— 45. Things all the same ————— 46. Not Associated————— 47. Everything Different————— 48. Wrong Terminal ————— 49. Wrong Location————— 50. Wrong Time————— 51. Wrong Event————— 52. Wrong Target————— 53. Wrong Objective————— 54. Wrong Goal————— 55. Wrong Space————— 56. Wrong Form————— 134 57. Impossible Occurrence————— 58. Impossible Terminal————— 59. Impossible Time————— 60. Impossible Event————— 61. Unbelievable Idea————— 62. Unbelievable Action————— 63. Unbelievable Event————— 64. Unbelievable Circumstance————— 65 Unbelievable Being————— 66. Wrong Source————— 67. Incorrect Origin————— 68. From Wrong Place————— 69. From Wrong Person————— 70. Wrong Authority————— 71. False Source————— 72. Conflicting Data————— 73 . Contrary Facts————— 74. Impossible Situation————— 75. Not Matching Reality————— 76. Added In—Applicable Data————— 77. Added In—Applicable Facts————— 78. Added In—Applicable Terminals————— 79. Added In—Applicable Matter————— 80. Added In—Applicable Energy————— 81. Added In—Applicable Space————— 82. Added In—Applicable Form————— PLUS—POINT LIST 1. Knowing something is right————— 2. Knowing a datum is correct ————— 3. A known being————— 4. A correct location————— 5. A known form————— 6. Something about which all data is known ———— 7. Events in correct sequence————— 8. Things in proper order————— 9. Actions done in the right way————— 10. Data in proper alignment————— 11. People in the right places————— 12. Things correctly counted————— 13. A known time————— 135 14. A correct time————— 15. An exact time————— 16. A proper time————— 16a. Expected time————— 16b. Adequate time————— 17. Known times————— 18. Something correctly located in time————— 19. A past time————— 20. A well timed action————— 21. A person at the right time————— 22. A truth————— 23. Something that is true————— 24. A factual location————— 25. Telling the truth————— 26. The true facts————— 27. A true object———— 28. A truthful being————— 29. Knowing the truth————— 30. The correct importance————— 31. Something that was really important————— 32. Something that was unimportant————— 33. Knowing what was and what wasn’t important————— 34. Things more important than others————— 35. Things less important than others————— 36. Knowing the relative importance of things————— 37 . Things alike————— 38. Things similar————— 39. Things different————— 40. The right answer————— 41. The right target————— 42. The correct goal————— 43. The correct person————— 44. The right direction————— 45. The correct objective————— 46. The right intention————— 47. Something believable————— 48. A credible fact————— 49. Something you knew was plausible————— 50. Obviously factual————— 51. Acceptable datum————— 52. An acceptable person————— 53. A believable location————— 136 54. A believable form————— 55. Acceptable energy————— 56. Acceptable sensation————— 57. A feeling of rightness————— 58. Correct Source————— 59. Correct Origin ———— 60. From Right Place————— 61. From Right Person————— 62. Correct Authority————— 63. True Source ————— 64. Data in Agreement————— 65 . Facts Align————— 66. Possible Situation————— 67. Matching Data————— 68. Matching Reality————— 69. Adequate Data————— 70. Adequate Terminals————— 71. Adequate Matter————— 72. Adequate Energy————— 73. Adequate Space————— 74. Adequate Form————— 75. Applicable Data————— 76. Applicable Facts————— 77. Applicable Terminals————— 78. Applicable Matter————— 79. Applicable Energy————— 80. Applicable Space————— 81. Applicable Form————— L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt jh Copyright ©1970, 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The 30 May 1973 revision numbered the points and added points 66-75 on the Out-Point List and points 58-68 on the Plus-Point List. The revisions of 9 October 1974 are in this type style.] 137 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 8 SEPTEMBER 1970RA REVISED 18 NOVEMBER 1973 Remimeo REVISED 24 OCTOBER 1975 Qual Div (In the second revision the Dept 15 signature has been changed.) Examiner’s Hat E/O Hat Dept 3 Hat EXAMINER’S 24 HOUR RULE A flubbed session is visible at the Examiner. Regardless of the worksheet or report, any session ending with Bad Indicators, above 3.0 TA or below 2.0 with no F/N or an ARC Break needle, a Stage 4 needle, a rock slam, a stuck needle, still or a dirty needle independent of TA position indicates a non-optimum session. When an Examiner sees any one of these following four manifestations in a pc after a session: 1. Non-optimum TA position (above 3, below 2). 2. Non-optimum needle (ARC Brk needle, Stage 4, rock slam, stuck, still or dirty). 3. Bad Indicators as per HCOB on BIs. 4. Non-optimum statement from pc, critical, hostile, belittling, sad, etc. The Examiner applies the 24 Hour Rule. This Rule is: ANY GOOFED SESSION MUST BE REPAIRED WITHIN 24 HOURS. The reason for the rule is that occasionally, particularly when a person has had a sickly life, physical illness will key in after a session goof. Such are purely C/S or auditing flubs. A C/S flub consists of gross violations of case programming. Auditing flubs consist of corny things like running a Rud but no F/N, failure to flatten a Chain, bad TRs, auditing over out-ruds, chopping the pc before full End Phenomena is attained. Evaluation or even chatter after the session can upset a pc that ended session on F/N VGIs. IN ALL CASES as per I to 4 above the EXAMINER paper clips a RED CARD on the outside of the FRONT COVER OF THE FOLDER and marks on it THE DATE AND HOUR of the Examination as well as places the EXAM REPORT in the folder, the Examiner logs it in his log in RED BALLPOINT. The EXAMINER must see that the C/S receives this folder as soon as possible. The C/S gives total priority to C/Sing it and it is given priority in auditing that C/S. 138 The pc may even be asked to wait if it can be done in the next hour or two. THE FASTER THE FLUBBED SESSION IS REPAIRED THE EASIER IT IS TO REPAIR. Sessions which are left unrepaired for more than 24 hours occasionally find the pc physically ill. If repaired quickly or at least within 24 hours no physical reaction results. The illness will be a key-in of illnesses the pc often had before any auditing. All the flubbed auditing does is key it in, it itself makes no one ill. If you check folders of ill pcs you will find usually a long period of no-auditing or a flubbed session a few days before the onset of the illness. Pcs who have not been properly programmed but have been audited on random this or that instead of Progress, Advance and Class and Grade Chart to fully completed grades are the most likely to become ill. Penalty for violation of the 24 Hour Rule is loss of a day’s stats for the division, the day being that day when the unrepaired flub occurred and subtracted at the time the flub is found. If a flubbed session is found hidden and not disclosed the division loses all its stats for that week. This action is important. If C/Ses and auditors made no flubs whatever they would really be getting top results on pcs. LRH:sb.rd L. RON HUBBARD copyright © 1970, 1973, 1975 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 SEPTEMBER 1970 Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class III C/S Series 18 Class VI Class VIII C/S Checksheet CHRONIC SOMATIC, DIANETIC HANDLING OF The full Dianetic handling of the pc who has a chronic somatic is given in the HCO B C/S Series No. 15, of 16 August 1970, “Getting the F/N to Examiner”. This HCO B calls the fact to attention. It could get overlooked or be hard to find again as the title of HCO B 16 August does not indicate it directly. LRH: sb.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ** 7009C16 SO A Talk on Department 13, the Department of Personnel Enhancement 139 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 21 SEPTEMBER 1970 Student Hat All Courses Study Series 1 HC Checksheet STUDY DEFINITIONS The following definitions are applicable to Scientology study technology: CHECKSHEET: A list of materials, often divided into sections, that give the theory and practical steps which, when completed, give one a study completion. The items are selected to add up to the required knowledge of the subject. They are arranged in the sequence necessary to a gradient of increasing knowledge of the subject. After each item there is a place for the initial of the student or the person checking the student out. When the checksheet is fully initialed it is complete, meaning the student may now take an exam and be granted the award for completion. Some checksheets are required to be gone through twice before completion is granted. CHECKLIST: A list of actions or inspections to ready an activity or machinery or object for use or estimate the needful repairs or corrections. This is erroneously sometimes called a “checksheet”, but that word is reserved for study steps. CHECKOUT: The action of verifying a student’s knowledge of an item given on a checksheet. TWIN CHECKOUT: When two students are paired they check each other out. This is different than a Supervisor checkout. SUPERVISOR CHECKOUT: A checkout done by the Supervisor of a course or his assistants. THEORY: The data part of a course where the data as in books, tapes and manuals is given. PRACTICAL: The drills which permit the student to associate and coordinate theory with the actual items and objects to which the theory applies. Practical is application of what one knows to what one is being taught to understand, handle or control. TWIN: The study partner with whom one is paired. Two students studying the same subject who are paired to check out or help each other are said to be “Twinned”. TWO-WAY COMM: The precise technology of a process used to clarify data with another for the other. It is not chatter. It is governed by the rules of auditing. It is used by Supervisors to clear up blocks to a person’s progress in study, on post, in life or in auditing. It is governed by the communication cycle as discovered in Scientology. METER CHECK: The action of checking the reaction of a student to subject matter, words or other things, isolating blocks to study, interpersonal relations or life. It is done with an E-Meter. COURSE SUPERVISOR: The instructor in charge of a course and its students. COURSE ADMINISTRATOR: The course staff member in charge of the course materials and records. TECH SERVICES: The activity which enrolls, routes, schedules, distributes the mail of and assists the housing of students. STARRATE CHECKOUT: A very exact checkout which verifies the full and minute knowledge of the student of a portion of study materials and tests his full understanding of the data and ability to apply it. ZERO RATE: Material which is only checked out on the basis of general understanding. 140 BLOW: Unauthorized departure from an area, usually caused by misunderstood data or overts. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: An authorized period of absence from a course granted in writing by a Course Supervisor and entered in the student’s study folder. ROLL BOOK: The master record of a course giving the student’s name, local and permanent address and the date of enrollment and departure or completion. QUAL: The Qualifications Division (Division V of an org) where the student is examined and where he may receive cramming or special assistance and where he is awarded completions and certificates and where his qualifications as attained on courses or in auditing are made a permanent record. CRAMMING: A section in the Qualifications Div where a student is given high pressure instruction at his own cost after being found slow in study or when failing his exams. PROGRAMMING: The overall planning for a person of the courses, auditing and study he should follow for the next extended time period. STUDENT CONSULTATION: The personal handling of student problems or progress by a qualified consultant. HC: A HUBBARD CONSULTANT is skilled in testing, two-way comm, consultation, programming and interpersonal relations. This is the certificate especially awarded to persons trained to handle personnel, students and staff. These technologies and special training were developed to apply Scientology auditing skills to the field of administration especially. An HC is not an auditor but a consultant. HC is a requisite for Course Supervisors and Student Consultants. SCHEDULING: The hours of a course or the designation of certain times for auditing. OUT: Things which should be there and aren’t or should be done and aren’t are said to be “Out”, i.e. “Enrollment Books are out.” IN: Things which should be there and are or should be done and are, are said to be “In”, i.e. “We got scheduling in.” PACK: A pack is a collection of written materials which match a checksheet. It is variously constituted—such as loose leaf or a cardboard folder or bulletins in a cover stapled together. A pack does not necessarily include a booklet or hardcover book that may be called for as part of a checksheet. MANUAL: A booklet of instruction for a certain object or procedure or practice. POINTS: The arbitrary assignment of a credit value to a part of study materials. “One page equals one point.” “That drill is worth 25 points.” POINT SYSTEM: The system of assigning and counting up points for studies and drills that give the progress of a student and measure his speed of study. They are kept track of by the student and Course Administrator and added up each week as the student’s statistic. The statistic of the course is the combined study points of the class. COMPLETION: A “completion” is the completing of a specific course or an auditing grade, meaning it has been started, worked through and has successfully ended with an award in Qual. SUCCESS STORY: The statement of benefit or gains or wins made by a student or a preclear or pre-OT to the Success Officer or someone holding that post in an org. LRH:rr.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 141 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 OCTOBER 1970 Remimeo C/S Hats C/S checksheet C/S Series 19 FOLDER ERROR SUMMARIES A folder error summary, (FES) is usually done by a student especially an interne well taught, learning his practical tech or by an auditor especially hired to do FESs. It requires many hours to put a folder in sequence and then to list all errors in it. It should NEVER be done by a working C/S who is responsible for an org’s delivery flow. COST It is costly to do an FES and where possible the cost, duly consulting the pc, should be borne by the pc as a special service. It can be directly paid for or simply deducted from auditing hours purchased. NECESSITY A good C/S looking over a folder usually goes back to the last time the pc was doing really well and notes actions necessary from that point. Programs of a lengthily audited case (fat folder) usually cover LIB, L3A, L4A lists and usually take up 2-way comm on earliest sessions and earliest auditing ever given (for auditors). Thus an FES is not vital in all cases. I like to have an FES done so I can compare areas covered by the pc in 2-way comm and be sure they come up in subsequent repair sessions. Also where I can see a lot of bad lists existed, I want to be able to assure they get handled. Thus an FES is useful. On Flag, an FES is carefully done so as to detect areas of out tech in the world. This is called “the Flub Catch System”. Auditors and C/Ses so detected are sent to cramming in their areas to smooth out their tech knowledge or TRs, all to improve delivery of tech. Flub Catch makes an FES vital on Flag. Higher orgs have a similar interest in an FES. HALTING DELIVERY To halt delivery because of a missing folder or to do a long time-consuming FES is of course contrary to the need to deliver auditing and can result in a no-auditing situation worse than a Blind Repair. 142 BLIND REPAIR When no FES is done, one is doing a Blind Repair. The Progress Pgm and Advance Pgm may have holes in them. However there are only five areas of danger: 1. Flubbed lists. 2. A bad series of evaluative sessions should be detected and directly handled. 3. Flubbed Power. 4. Extended or flubbed Interiorization. 5. Missed grades. If a C/S doesn’t know about these it may be that the case will not properly repair and he also does not know what Advance Program to do. But as these are specific areas they can be done on a Blind Repair by making them into a list and getting them meter checked. Example: Pc has lost his folder. Has been audited for several years on and off. One can clear the idea of lists “Someone written down items you say to a question” and see if it gets a read and if so do L4A Method Three “On Lists”. One can ask if any auditor ever told the pc what to think and if that reads 2-way comm or prepcheck those sessions by that auditor. Power can be checked by rehab unless the person has gone Clear on the Clearing Course since at which time Power will not need repair. The commands of Interiorization Rundown can be checked with 2-way comm or rehabbed. What won’t rehab you run. Missed Grades can be checked, rehabbed or run including any Expanded Grades. The pc usually recognizes the process if it has been run. Thus one can wander through a Blind Repair without fouling up the case and add to it the inevitable actions common to all Progress Pgms. SUMMARY An FES has value. It is valuable to the pc to get one done. It is a long and extensive action. It can be sold directly or removed from hours bought. It is of vast interest in training auditors and should be done by already trained internes or specially hired auditors. It is NOT done by a C/S and it is NOT used to halt all delivery of auditing and jam up the C/S lines. A lost or delayed folder is not a barrier to a very well trained C/S who has starrated a C/S Course. An FES is very useful and tends to eradicate any mystery for a C/S. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: Copyright ©1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 143 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 OCTOBER 1970 Remimeo C/Ses All Auditors Level 0 C/S Series 20 HGC Checksheet PERSISTENT F/N A FLOATING NEEDLE can persist. This fact tells you at once why you cannot do three major actions in a row in the same ten minutes. This was the bug behind “Quickie Grades” (0 to IV in one session. This also occurred in Power when it was run all in one day). The auditor would attain a bona fide full dial F/N. The pc was still cogniting, still in a big win. The auditor would “clear the next process command”, he would see an F/N. He would “clear the next process command”, and see an F/N. BUT IT WAS THE SAME F/N! Result was that processes 2 and 3 WERE NEVER RUN ON THE CASE. This is really what is meant by “Quickie Grades”. In 1958 we got real Releases. You could not kill the F/N for days, weeks. Several processes had this effect. Today’s real Clear also goes this way. You couldn’t kill the F/N with an axe. By running a lot of Level Zero processes, for instance, you can get a real swinging unkillable F/N. It not only gets to the Examiner, it comes in at the start of the next day’s session! Now if in one session you ran all of Level Zero and went on up to Level One, you would just be auditing a persistent F/N. The pc would get no benefit at all from Level One. He’s still going “Wow” on Level Zero. If you ran Level Zero with one process that got a big wide floating F/N and then “ran” Level I, II, III and IV, you would have just a Level Zero Release. The pc’s bank was nowhere to be found. So next week he has problems (Level I) or a Service Fac (Level IV) and he is only a Grade Zero yet it says right there in Certs and Awards log he’s a Grade IV. So now we have a “Grade IV” who has Level I, II, III and IV troubles! A session that tries to go beyond a big dial-wide drifting floating F/N only distracts the pc from his win. BIG WIN. Any big win (F/N dial-wide, Cog, VGIs) gives you this kind of persistent F/N. You at least have to let it go until tomorrow and let the pc have his win. That is what is meant by letting the pc have his win. When you get one of these dial-wide F/Ns, Cog, VGIs WOW you may as well pack it up for the day. 144 GRADUAL WIDENING In running a Dianetic chain to basic in triple you will sometimes see in one session a half dial on Flow 1, 3/4 of a dial on Flow 2, a full dial on Flow 3. Or you may have 4 subjects to two-way comm or prepcheck in one session. First action 1/3 dial F/N. Then no F/N, TA up. Second action l/2 dial F/N. Then no F/N. Third action 3/4 dial F/N. Fourth action full dial-wide floating swinging idling F/N. You will also notice in the same session-long time for 1st action, shorter, shorter, shorter for the next three actions. Now you have an F/N that anything you try to clear and run will just F/N WITHOUT AFFECTING THE CASE AT ALL. If you audit past that you are wasting your time and processes. You have hit an “unkillable F/N”, properly called a persistent F/N. It’s persistent at least for that day. Do any more and it’s wasted. If an auditor has never seen this he had better get his TR0 bullbait flat for 2 hours at one unflunked go and his other TRs in and drill out his flubs. For that’s what’s supposed to happen. F/Ns on pcs audited up to (for that session) a persistent F/N always get to the Examiner. If you only have a “small F/N” it won’t get to the Examiner. However, on some pcs maybe that’s good enough. May take him several sessions, each one getting a final session F/N a bit wider. Then he gets an F/N that gets to the Examiner. After that, well audited on a continuing basis, the F/N lasts longer and longer. One day the pc comes into session with a dial-wide floating swinging F/N and anything you say or do does nothing whatever to disturb that F/N. It’s a real Release man. It may last weeks, months, years. Tell him to come back when he feels he needs some auditing and chalk up the remaining hours (if sold by the hour) as undelivered. Or if sold by result, chalk up the result. If the F/N is truly persistent he will have no objections. If it isn’t, he will object. So have him come back tomorrow and carry on whatever you were doing. SUMMARY The technical bug back of Quickie Grades or Quickie Power was the Persistent F/N. This is not to be confused with a Stage 4 (sweep, stick, sweep, stick) or an ARC Broke needle (pc Bad Indicators while F/Ning). This is not to be used to refuse all further auditing to a pc. It is to be used to determine when to end a series of major actions in a session. LRH: rr.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 145 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 OCTOBER 1970 Remimeo Cse Super Ch/sht COURSE SUPERVISOR CORRECTIONS When a Course Supervisor sees a student doping off, looking upset or blowing he acts to clear the matter up with the student with 2 way comm. Two way comm is actually a process. It is not just talking to someone. There is a two way comm checksheet. It can be done with or without a meter. When there is nothing wrong and the student is going along well, the Course Supervisor does not act to correct. The comparable action in auditing would be: when the pc is doing all right you let him carry on with regular auditing; when he isn’t doing all right you take a corrective action such as a Review. It is a serious error in auditing to correct a pc who needs no correction. In Course Supervision it is a serious error to correct a student who is doing all right. For example, one sees a student busily checking out another and they are both doing fine. To interrupt or correct these two students would be a supervision error. Reversely, to see a student frowning or a coaching session bugged and NOT get in and straighten it out would be a supervisor error. INTEREST A Supervisor must show that he is interested in the progress of his students. This comes about by noting their advances and achievements or helping them over rough spots. Interest is vital. It does not include interruption. CONCLUSION The Course Supervisor assists a student when and as it is visible by stats or expression or demeanor that the student needs assistance. The Course Supervisor does not interrupt a student’s progress or correct when there is nothing to correct. The action of the Course Supervisor is two way comm. This is a process. When the student cannot locate what is wrong or what he passed over, a meter is used with the two way comm. Violations of this technology of instruction give one slower students and greatly reduced statistics and completions. LRH:sb.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright ©1970 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 146 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 OCTOBER 1970 Remimeo Dept 3 Hats HGC Hats AUDITOR’S STATS ON F/N VGI An auditor’s stats are computed on the Examiner’s report. The auditor is credited for his stat on hours that F/N VGI at the Examiner’s. In Dianetic Auditing it often occurs that the first few sessions F/N VGI at the End of Session but do not F/N VGI at the Examiner’s, the TA being high at Examiner’s. This situation gradually works off and soon the well audited pc attains F/N VGIs at both the end of session and also at the Examiner’s. This shows the progress of the case. This is also true of Scientology auditing. Therefore WHEN AN AUDITOR HAS SEVERAL SESSIONS THAT F/N VGI AT SESSION END BUT NOT AT EXAMINER’S ON THE SAME PC, AND WHEN THE PC THEN THROUGH GOOD FLUBLESS AUDITING THEN F/N VGIs AT THE EXAMINER’S THE AUDITOR MAY CREDIT THOSE PREVIOUS HOURS TO HIS STAT. Example: Pc has 7 sessions that F/N at End of Session but do not F/N at the Examiner’s. Finally the pc F/Ns VGIs at the Examiner on the 8th session. The auditor may credit the earlier time (7 sessions) to his stat PROVIDING THERE HAS BEEN NO FLUB. The situation where the auditor was credited only with F/N VGIs at the Examiner, the phenomenon that the pc would F/N VGI at Examiner eventually if well audited was not taken into account and caused some auditors to avoid auditing pcs who did not F/N easily. FES CREDIT An auditor may also credit on his stat l/2 hour for every hour spent doing Folder Error Summaries. A C/S should not be doing FESes and they are best done by an interne C/S In Training or an Advanced student as they are very instructive. There are times when a pc backlog occurs due to no FESes being done. They take a long time very often as they involve putting the folder in sequence and spotting and listing every auditing error in the folder. Thus it is in such cases only fair to give some stat credit if an auditor has to do them. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.ka.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 147 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 OCTOBER 1970 Issue III REISSUED 19 SEPTEMBER 1974 Remimeo Students Course Super’s Hat Auditor’s Hat OBNOSIS AND THE TONE SCALE The following is extracted from the Advanced Clinical Course Preparatory Manual for Advanced Students in Scientology. It was published in 1957. OBNOSIS AND THE TONE SCALE Somewhere in your possession, in your desk, or tucked into a bookcase, are two large pieces of paper. They are covered closely with data invaluable to an Auditor. You have pored over them, and quoted from them many, many times. They are, of course, the Chart of Human Evaluation and the Chart of Attitudes. The data in them is a large part of an Auditor’s stock in trade, and every Auditor in the world is, in some degree, familiar with them. But how about getting the data off the charts and applying it to life, to some real person? It’s not hard to do casually, for some acute tone. “Joe was on a 1.5 kick last night.” Sure, he turned red as a beet, and threw a book at your head. Simple. Mary breaks into sobs, and grabs for the Kleenex. Couple of Auditors on the scene exchange looks, nod sagely. “Hmm. Grief!” But how about chronic tone, with that thin, shiny veneer of social tone slicked over it? How sharp and how certain are you about that? Now, take a pc that you are familiar with. What, exactly, is his chronic tone? If you don’t know, you had better read on. If you do, read on, and learn more about it. The title of this article starts with an odd word: obnosis. It’s been put together from the phrase, “observing the obvious”. The art of observing the obvious is strenuously neglected in our society at this time. Pity. It’s the only way you ever see anything; you observe the obvious. You look at the isness of something, at what is actually there. Fortunately for us, the ability to obnose is not in any sense “inborn” or mystical. But it is being taught that way by people outside of Scientology. How do you teach somebody to see what is there? Well, you put up something for him to look at, and have him tell you what he sees. That is what is done in an ACC class, the earlier in the course, the better. A student is asked to stand up in the front of the classroom and be looked at by the rest of the students. An instructor stands by, and keeps asking, “What do you see?” The first responses run about like this: “Well, I can see he’s had a lot of experience.” “Oh, can you? Can you really see his experience? What do you see there?” “Well, I can tell from the wrinkles around his eyes and mouth that he’s had lots of experience.” “All right, but what do you see?” “Oh, I get you. I see wrinkles around his eyes and mouth.” “Good!” The instructor accepts nothing that isn’t plainly visible. A student starts to catch on and says, “Well, I can really see he’s got ears.” “All right, but from where you’re sitting can you see both ears right now as you’re looking at him?” “Well, no.” “Okay. What do you see?” “I see he’s got a left ear.” “Fine!” No conjectures, no tacit assumptions will do. Nor are the students permitted to wander in the bank. For example, “He’s got good posture.” “Good posture by comparison with what?” “Well, he’s standing straighter than most people I’ve seen.” “Are they here now?” “Well, no, but I’ve got pictures of them.” “Come on. Good posture in relation to what, that you can see right now.” “Well, he’s standing straighter than you are. You’re a little slouched.” “Right this minute?” “Yes.” “Very 148 good.” You see what the goal of this is? It is to get a student to the point where he can look at another person, or an object, and see exactly what is there. Not a deduction of what might be there from what he does see there. Not something the bank says ought to go in company with what is there. Just what is there, visible and plain to the eye. It’s so simple, it hurts. Along with this practice in observing the obvious about people, the students receive a lot of information about particular physical and verbal indications of tone level. Things very easy to see and hear, by looking at a person’s body and listening to his words. “Thetan-watching” has no part in obnosis. Look at the terminal, the body, and listen to what’s coming out of it. You don’t want to get mystical about this, and start relying on “intuition”. Just look at what’s there. As examples: You can get a good tip on chronic tone from what a person does with his eyes. At apathy, he will give the appearance of looking fixedly, for minutes on end, at a particular object. Only thing is, he doesn’t see it. He isn’t aware of the object at all. If you dropped a bag over his head, the focus of his eyes would probably remain the same. Moving up to grief, the person does look “downcast”. A person in chronic grief tends to focus his eyes down in the direction of the floor a good bit. In the lower ranges of grief, his attention will be fairly fixed, as in apathy. As he starts moving up into the fear band, you get the focus shifting around, but still directed downward. At fear itself, the very obvious characteristic is that the person can’t look at you. Terminals are too dangerous to look at. He’s supposedly talking to you, but he’s looking over in left field. Then he glances at your feet briefly, then over your head (you get the impression a plane’s passing over), but now he’s looking back over his shoulder. Flick, flick, flick. In short, he’ll look anywhere but at you. Then, in the lower band of anger, he will look away from you, deliberately. You know, he looks away from you; it’s an overt communication break. A little further up the line, and he’ll look directly at you all right, but not very pleasantly. He wants to locate you—as a target. Then, at boredom, you get the eyes wandering around again, but not frantically as in fear. Also, he won’t be avoiding looking at you. He’ll include you among the things he looks at. Equipped with data of this sort, and having gained some proficiency in looking at the isness of people, the ACC students are sent out into the public to talk to strangers and to spot them on the tone scale. Usually, but only as a slight crutch in approaching people, they are given a series of questions to ask each person, and a clipboard for jotting down the answers, notes, etc. They are public-opinion poll-takers from the Hubbard Research Foundation. The real purpose of their talking to people at all is to spot them on the tone scale, chronic tone and social tone. They are given questions calculated to produce lags and break through social machinery, so that the chronic tone juts out. Here are some sample questions, actually used: “What’s the most obvious thing about me?” “When was the last time you had your hair cut?” “Do you think people do as much work now as they did fifty years ago?” At first, the students merely spot the tone of the person they are interviewing—and many and various are the adventures they have while doing this! Later, as they gain some assurance about stopping strangers and plying them with questions, these instructions are added: “Interview at least 15 people. With the first five, match their tone, as soon as you’ve spotted it. The next five, you drop below their chronic tone, and see what happens. For the last five, put on a higher tone than theirs.” What does an ACC student gain from these exercises? A willingness to communicate with anyone, for one thing. To begin with, students are highly selective about the sort of people they stop. Only old ladies. No one who looks angry. Or only people who look clean. Finally, they just stop the next person who comes along, even though he looks leprous and armed to the teeth. Confrontingness has come ‘way up, and he’s just somebody else to talk to. They become willing to pinpoint a person on the scale, without shilly-shallying. They say, “He’s a chronic 1.1. Social tone 3.5, but real phony.” That’s the way it is, and they can see it. They also become quite gifted and flexible at assuming tones at will, and putting them across convincingly. Very useful in many situations, and lots of fun to do. They grow adept at punching through a comm lag in an informal situation. At sorting out apparencies from realities. The rise in 149 certainty of communication, and in ease and relaxation of manner while handling people, in the students who have been run through this mill, is something which must be seen or experienced to be believed. The one most often repeated request in every ACC Unit is: “Can’t we please have some more obnosis this week? We haven’t had enough of it yet.” (This statement is very funny to the ACC instructors, because these same students said at the beginning, “If you make me go out there, I’ll walk out on the course.”) Obnosis is quite important, and should be learned as thoroughly as possible by all Scientologists. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright ©1957, 1970, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 150 SCIENTOLOGY 0-8 The Book of Basics by L. Ron Hubbard Published November 1970 Scientology 0-8 is a compilation of the fundamental philosophic materials and technical basics of Scientology. After some of L. Ron Hubbard’s most inspiring statements of his purpose and of his development of Scientology, come the Axioms of Scientology, together with the related Factors, Prelogics and a treatise on Consideration and Mechanics. Next come the Codes, all together; then the Dianetic Axioms, showing the evolution from the Primary Axioms of The Original Thesis, through the Axioms of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, to the Logics and Dianetic Axioms in their final version (December, 1951). There is a list of fifty-five human perceptions which were researched by Ron in 1951. The “Book of Scales,” aside from being valuable data, makes for absorbing browsing—for example, the three-page Effect Scale, the PreHavingness Scale, the Pan-Determinism Scale, and many others. And there are the Axioms of Standard Operating Procedure 8-C. This is an essential handbook for every Scientologist. 160 pages, hardcover with dust jacket, 27 scales and tables, glossary. Available from your nearest Scientology Organization or Mission, or direct from the publishers: Scientology Publications Organization, Jernbanegade 6, 1608 Copenhagen V, Denmark; or Church of Scientology Publications Organization U.S., 2723 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California, 90026, U.S.A. 151 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 NOVEMBER 1970 Remimeo All Class VIIIs C/S Checksheet IMPORTANT ADD TO CKSHTS URGENT C/S Series 21 C/S RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAINING The C/S is fully and entirely responsible for the ability of his auditors to audit. This has been true for 20 years but it gets neglected. This neglect gives us (a) Flubby Auditing (b) Fad tech. If auditing is flubby it is the C/S who is responsible. In the first place he permitted bad course training without screaming. In the second place he does not persuade or force auditors to correct their tech in cramming after flubs. Since flubby auditing is the primary reason for no results, an area where tech is bad tends to ride fads or grab “the newest and latest” and hope it will crack cases whereas doing the usual without flubs is what cracks the cases. If I find an auditor whose sessions I am C/Sing has failed to flatten a chain, I assume not that the pc is difficult but that the auditor does not know about (1) Only running items that read, (2) Multiple somatics, (3) Narrative chains and that his TRs are bad. I spot what it is from the session worksheet and say what it is and order the auditor to cramming (or to be crammed if there is no cramming) on the materials and on TRs always. I cannot C/S with flubby auditors. The pile of C/S folders grows. Any review has to be reviewed and my C/Ses just aren’t getting done. If auditors I am C/Sing for are green I can count on a 4+ times increase in my C/Sing time. If my auditors are flubby C/Sing that should require 11/2 hours takes 61/2 hours. This is by actual timing. I have no objection to working with green or newly trained auditors. BUT IF I DO I RETRAIN THEM. The C/S who accepts an auditor from any course as a trained auditor is an optimist. There are three training stages. A. Course Study, theory and practical. B. Student Auditing. C. Professional Auditing. The C/S has to do with C. When A and B are very poor the job at C is much harder so the C/S should call it forcefully to attention of Course Supervisors. And then get a fast retrain going under himself. Retraining is an inevitable part of a C/S’s job. No matter how good the course may have been the actual practice of auditing gives the new auditor different importance values. Also his hat has changed from a student hat to a real auditor’s hat. 152 As a C/S works with an auditor he trains him. He also may order the new auditor audited. Essentially the C/S has to shift the new auditor’s hat from a “What’s it say?” to a “Now I do.” With a whole green crew of auditors I give as a C/S a daily auditors’ conference. I make sure my Tech Services is on the ball so auditors get in 5 or 6 hours in 5 or 6 hours, not in 10 or 12 hours while they wait for pcs or go find them. That gives them auditor admin and study time. Then I can have a conference. This conference does not violate any ivory tower as I don’t C/S on their data of pcs. I find their questions and get them answered and I give them the reasons behind certain C/Ses. Then daily daily daily I meet any flub with an order to cramming on the material flubbed and on TRs. And I keep their overts pulled. A green auditor with me as a C/S has a very arduous time of it. There is no invalidation. Quite the contrary. The message is YOU CAN AUDIT. YOU CAN GET RESULTS. GET WISED UP AND GET ON WITH IT. One flub, one retrain in cramming. A lot of auditors are around who learned to audit with me as a C/S after their training. In the majority of cases they became fantastic auditors. In some few cases they went elsewhere before they could be fully trained. The magic of it all is simply: 1 flub, 1 retrain in cramming on that point. Mostly I didn’t even pull them off the pc. The fuzzy muzzy state of most graduated students needs handling. It is handled by the C/S. The object of a C/S is to handle and improve cases. He can’t do that with flubby auditors. So he has to make auditors out of students. If he does he can then achieve his object. If the C/S wears this part of his hat he really wins. He seldom has to unravel anything tough. He just C/Ses and the auditors audit EVENTUALLY. But every new auditor he gets is certain to lengthen the C/S’s working day and lessen his results unless the C/S realizes that there is ON THE JOB TRAINING and gets it done. Training includes the auditor’s staff hat and his knowledge of Tech and Qual Divisions. This would be true even in a Franchise or the field. They might not have the divisions but they have all the functions! Recently a C/S had to get about 60 people audited fast. She had seven auditors assigned. She did not assure that these auditors were knowledgeable on the courses they had had and she did not wear the training hat of a C/S. She wound up with herself and one auditor doing the whole 60. The excuse was, the other auditors “couldn’t audit”. It would have been far faster in terms of audited pc-hours to have rapidly crashprogrammed the seven auditors through a refresher, cleaned up their misunderstoods and overts in a co-audit and then, using them, to shove them into cramming on the materials of any flub and TRs for each goof. She would have made seven auditors into stars and she would have gotten the 60 pcs fully audited completely and rapidly with minimal flubs. She would have had 60 Dianetic and Expanded Grade completions, 60 terrific beings AND IN LESS TIME. Morale goes to pot only when auditors do not get results. 153 Her basic error was assuming auditors should be able to audit. This isn’t true of any auditor who has not served an apprenticeship under a competent C/S. An auditor who has been auditing 10 years, when he starts to audit for me the first time, I put on my C/S training hat and no matter how good or how poor he was when he began I make him a better auditor. A C/S who doesn’t do this is letting the team down and badly. A C/S who doesn’t do this will spend hours daily trying to puzzle out the solution to messes made. A C/S who doesn’t do this fills up a field with flubbed cases regardless of his own skill in C/Sing. He is liable to sink into doubt, then treason and blow. The C/S who wears his training hat and does do this leads a smooth life, is respected by his auditors and is valuable beyond gold. To do this a C/S must himself be able to audit and to know his materials well enough to state which ones have to be crammed and never introduce strange ideas. Such a C/S will never have a revolt and will never have to dream something up or ride new fads because he is getting excellent results straight along for a happy org and public. I trust a C/S to do this. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FLAG EXECUTIVE BRIEFING COURSE LECTURES Flagship Apollo 17 November 1970—3 February 1971 ** 7011C17 SO FEBC-1 Welcome to the FEBC ** 7101C18 SO FEBC-2 PR Becomes a Subject ** 7101C18 SO FEBC-3 The Org Officer/Product Officer System, Part I ** 7101C18 SO FEBC-4 The Org Officer/Product Officer System, Part ll ** 7101C23 SO FEBC-5 How to Post an Org ** 7101C23 SO FEBC-6 The Org Officer and His Resources, Part I ** 7101C23 SO FEBC-7 The Org Officer and His Resources, Part ll ** 7101C24 SO FEBC-8 Viability and the Role of the HAS ** 7101C24 SO FEBC-9 Production and the Resources of the HAS ** 7101C24 SO FEBC-10 The HAS and the “Coins” of the Organization ** 7102C03 SO FEBC-11 As You Return to Your Org ** 7102C03 SO FEBC-12 The FEBC Org Board and Its VFPs 154 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 NOVEMBER 1970 Remimeo Class VIIIs Class VIII Chksheet C/S Series 22 PSYCHOSIS Through a slight change of procedure on certain preclears I have been able to view the underlying motives and mechanisms of psychosis. Very possibly this is the first time the mechanisms which bring about insanity have been fully viewed. I must say that it requires a bit of confronting. The alleviation of the condition of insanity has also been accomplished now and the footnote in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health concerning future research into this field can be considered fulfilled. The things a C/S should know about insanity are as follows: HIGHER PERCENT About 15% to 20% of the human race apparently is insane or certainly a much higher percent than was estimated. The truly insane do not necessarily act insane visibly. They are not the psychiatric obvious cases who go rigid for years or scream for days. This is observed only in the last stages or during temporary stress. Under apparent social behavior the continual crimes knowingly committed by the insane are much more vicious than ever has been catalogued in psychiatric texts. The actions of the insane are not “unconscious”. They are completely aware of what they are doing. All insane actions are entirely justified and seem wholly rational to them. As they have no reality on the harmful and irrational nature of their conduct it does not often register on an E-Meter. The product of their post duties is destructive but is excused as ignorance or errors. As cases in normal processing they roller coaster continually. They nearly always have a fixed emotional tone. It does not vary in nearly all insane people. In a very few it is cyclic, high then low. All characteristics classified as those of the “suppressive person” are in fact those of an insane person. The easiest ways for a C/S to detect the insane are: 1. Pretending to do a post or duties, the real consistent result is destructive to the group in terms of breakage, lost items, injured business, etc. 2. The case is no case gain or roller coaster and is covered under “PTS symptoms”. 155 3. They are usually chronically physically ill. 4. They have a deep but carefully masked hatred of anyone who seeks to help them. 5. The result of their “help” is actually injurious. 6. They often seek transfers or wish to leave. 7. They are involved in warfare with conflicts around them which are invisible to others. One wonders how they can be so involved or get so involved in so much hostility. TYPES The German psychiatric 1500 or so “different types of insanity” are just different symptoms of the same cause. There is only one insanity and from it springs different manifestations. Psychiatry erred in calling these different types and trying to invent different treatments. DEFINITION Insanity can now be precisely defined. The definition is: INSANITY IS THE OVERT OR COVERT BUT ALWAYS COMPLEX AND CONTINUOUS DETERMINATION TO HARM OR DESTROY. Possibly the only frightening thing about it is the cleverness with which it can be hidden. Whereas a sane person can become angry or upset and a bit destructive for short periods, he or she recovers. The insane mask it, are misemotional continuously and do not recover. (Except by modern processing.) THE NATURE OF MAN Man is basically good. This is obvious. For when he begins to do evil he seeks to destroy his memory in order to change and seeks to destroy his body. He seeks to check his evil impulses by inhibiting his own skill and strength. He can act in a very evil fashion but his basic nature then makes it mandatory that he lessens himself in many ways. The towering “strength” of a madman is a rarity and is compensated by efforts at self-destruction. Man’s mortality, his “one life” fixation, all stem from his efforts to check himself, obliterate his memory in a fruitless effort to change his conduct and his self-destructive habits and impulses and losses of skills and abilities. As this rationale proves out completely in processing and fits all cases observed, we have for the first time proof of his actual nature. As only around 20% are insane, and as those who previously worked in the mental field were themselves mainly insane, Man as a whole has been assigned an evil repute. Govemments, where such personalities exist, listen to the opinion of the insane and apply the characteristic of 20% to the entire hundred percent. This gives an 80% wrong diagnosis. Which is why mental science itself was destructive when used by states. 156 TECHNIQUES The only technique available at this writing which will benefit the insane is contained in all the overt-motivator sequences and Grade II technology. At Flag at this writing new improvement on this exists but it is so powerful that slight errors in use can cause a psychotic break in the insane. It therefore will only be exported for use by specially trained persons and this programming will require quite a while. MEANWHILE it helps the C/S to know and use these firm rules: ALWAYS RUN DIANETIC TRIPLES. Never run Singles. The overt side (Flow 2) is vital. If you only run Flow 1 Motivators, the pc will not recover fully. Further running Flow 1 (Motivator only) any psychotic being processed will not recover but may even trigger into a psychotic break. If one never ran anything but motivators, psychotic manifestations would not erase. DEPEND ON EXPANDED GRADE II TECHNOLOGY TO EASE OFF OR HANDLE THE INSANE. Don’t keep asking what’s been done to him as he’ll trigger. A new discovery on this is that when you run out the motivator the person gets a higher reality on his overts. If you ran out all his motivators he would have no reason for his overts. If these are not then run out he might cave himself in. PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR The APPARENT pattern of insane behavior is to come in (ask for processing, go on staff, etc) with the advertised intention of being helped or helping, then mess up either as a pc or on post, then state how bad it all is and leave. It looks obvious enough. He came, found it bad, left. That is only the APPARENT behavior. APPARENT REASONS. Based on numerous cases, this is the real cycle. Hearing of something good that might help these hateful awful rotten nasty people, the psycho comes in, wrecks this, upsets that, caves in this one, chops up that one and WHEN SOMEBODY SAYS “NO!” the psychotic either (a) Caves himself in physically or (b) Runs away. The psychotic is motivated by intent to harm. If he realizes he is harming things he shouldn’t, he caves himself in. If he is afraid he will be found out, he runs. In the psychotic the impulse is quite conscious. CONCLUSION None of this is very nice. It is hard to confront. Even I find it so. Freud thought all men had a hidden monster in them for he dealt mainly with the psychotic and their behavior was what he saw. All men are not like this. The percentage that are is greater than I supposed but is a long way from all men. 157 Sometimes one only becomes aware of these when things are getting worked on and improved. They stay on as long as it can be made bad or there is hope it can be destroyed. Then when attention is given to improvement they blow. Artists, writers often have these types hanging around them as there is someone or something there to be destroyed. When success or failure to destroy or possible detection appears on the scene they blow, often as destructively as possible. Orgs are subjected to a lot of this. A psychotic sometimes succeeds in blowing off good staff. And then sooner or later realizes how evil he is acting and sickens or leaves. The society is not geared to any of this at all. The insane walk around wrecking the place and decent people think it’s “human nature” or “inevitable” or a “bad childhood”. As of this writing the insane can be handled. The proof of any pudding is the processing. And this is successful. It is also rather swift. But, as I say, it is so swift the special technique has to be done by the specially trained flubless auditor. For a long while I’ve realized that we would have to be able to handle insane people as the psychiatrist is fading. I have had opportunity to work on the problem. And have it handled. Until it is fully released, the C/S will benefit greatly from knowing the above as these come on his lines far more often than he has suspected. The insane can be helped. They are not hopeless. I trust this data will be of use. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: rr.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Referred to by HCO B 10 May 1972, Robotism, Volume VIII, page 127.] 158 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 DECEMBER 1970 Remimeo C/S Series 23 EXTERIORIZATION SUMMARY EXTERIORIZATION CAN BE BADLY MISRUN. The following HCOBs cover Exteriorization Rundowns. HCOB 22 Mar 1970 Exteriorization and High TA HCOB 11 April 1970 Auditing Past Exterior HCOB 6 May 1970 Blows—Auditing Past Exterior HCOB 30 May 1970 Interiorization Intensive—2-Way Comm HCOB 10 July 1970 Interiorization Intensive Goof HCOB 28 July 1970 An Exteriorization Intensive Flub and False Declares HCOB 20 Aug 1970 Exteriorization Rundown Musts HCOB 2 Dec 1970 Exteriorization Summary (this HCOB). The examination of Exteriorization Rundowns done in the field discloses that some auditors engaged in running it have not been fully checked out on it. HCO PL 26 Aug 1965 gives the correct way to do a starrate checkout. Clay demos must also be correctly done. These are covered in HCOB 11 Oct 1967 and HCOB 30 Oct 1970. These HCOBs on Ext Rundown, Starrates and Clay Demos plus HCO PL 20 July 1970, Issue III, 2-WC as below, make the necessary pack for checking out an auditor before letting him near an Ext Rundown. And all Exteriorization materials as above MUST BE CHECKED OUT STARRATE AND IN CLAY before a C/S permits one of his auditors to run it on a pc. TWO-WAY COMM There is a two-way comm step that follows a day or so after an Exteriorization Rundown. An auditor doing this step, preferably the same auditor, MUST BE CHECKED OUT ON TWO-WAY COMM. 159 No C/S should permit any auditor to do any 2-way comm until the auditor has been checked out on HCO PL 20 July 1970, Issue III, “Two-Way Comm Checksheet”. One can obtain these tapes easily from Pubs (as the Sea Org has recently forced in this line and quality and delivery). Pending such tapes one can certainly get the rest of the materials on the checksheet done by the auditor and let him do 2-way comm while being very watchful as a C/S. C/SING EXT The correcting of an Exteriorization Rundown is far harder than making sure that auditors can do the usual in the first place. Nearly all a C/S’s hard work comes from auditors not well trained on courses (indifferent courses) and failing to check auditors out well on the materials before permitting them to deliver a new rundown. The correction of Ext is hard since until it is complete, other auditing is inadvisable. One, however, gets the Ext Rundown done. EXT IS A REMEDY The Exteriorization Rundown is a REMEDY designed to permit the pc to be further audited after he has gone exterior. The Ext Rundown is NOT meant to be sold or passed off as a method of exteriorizing a pc. This is very important. It is general auditing on usual Dianetics and Scientology actions that brings about Exteriorization. When the pc goes or is found to be exterior one then orders the Exteriorization Rundown. Otherwise the TA will misbehave. The rundown is a REMEDY USED AFTER EXTERIORIZATION HAS OCCURRED BY REASON OF GENERAL AUDITING. Anxiety to get exterior will prompt a pc to buy and a registrar to sell an Exteriorization Rundown. It is in effect just more auditing as far as the registrar is concerned. When a pc has gone exterior the registrar can insist on his buying enough hours for the remedy. The Ext Rundown stabilizes the exteriorization and makes it possible to audit the pc further. The pc is most likely to exteriorize doing Dianetic Triples or Grade II as it is overts and withholds that keep him interiorized. A really bad off pc can be compulsively exterior, (a) gets audited, (b) interiorizes, (c) then exteriorizes again cleanly. This is when you use the Ext Rundown—at (c). Drug users get blown out of their heads and bog, TA up. Sometimes their TA problem is such that you have to begin with an Ext Rundown before you can run out the drug engrams. Sometimes (rarely) a pc can’t run engrams but has gone exterior. Such a case invariably is engaged in heavy present time overts. In such a case one runs the 3 Ext recalls and Grade II. (There is a better specific rundown on this but it cannot be released until Quals are functioning fully and training is excellent.) 160 END RESULT The end result of an Ext Rundown is a pc who, having been exterior, can now be audited further. Without an Ext Rundown a pc who has gone exterior in auditing will thereafter not be auditable until the Ext Rundown has been done. DISABILITY If an auditor can’t smoothly audit a rundown as simple as an Ext Rundown, then he is exposed as being unable to run standard Dianetics and should be cleared of his misunderstoods and overts and retrained. The only real trouble one gets into on an Ext Rundown stems from the inability of the auditor to run a smooth, good TRed R3R session. Pcs are not hard to run on it. C/S WINS A C/S cannot win at all if he is continually having to make up for flubby auditing by the auditor. Therefore the C/S must be very sure his auditors are fully checked out on things they are to run before running them. If there is no Qual Staff Training Officer or no cramming, a C/S can fully afford to do the training and cramming himself. Otherwise he will lose far more than that time in C/Sing for auditors not checked out. By the skill of his auditors you know the C/S. Not by his unusual solutions after flubs. The Ext Rundown is too easy to do to have any trouble—the trouble comes when the auditors are not checked out beforehand, starrate and in clay, on new things they are to run. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 161 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 DECEMBER 1970 Issue I Remimeo All Levels Training CLAY TABLE WORK IN TRAINING (This is a verbatum re-issue of the full training section of HCO B 17 Aug ‘64, “Clay Table Work in Training and Processing”. It is re-issued for Students’ use in Training on Courses. Those Sections not relating to Training can be found in the original HCO B.) THE ONLY REASON ANY STUDENT IS SLOW OR BLOWS LIES IN FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND THE WORDS USED IN HIS OR HER TRAINING. You will find that students at any level in any course will benefit greatly from Clay Table work on definitions. The importance of this will become apparent as you study our new educational technology, now mainly to be found on the tapes of the few weeks before this date. A Clay Table is any platform at which a student, standing or sitting, can work comfortably. In an Academy it may be 3 feet by 3 feet or 5 feet by 3 feet or any larger size. Smaller sizes are not useful. In the HGC it is about 2l/2 feet by 4 feet. The surface must be smooth. A table built of rough timber will serve but the top surface where the work is done should be oilcloth or linoleum. Otherwise the clay sticks to it and it cannot be cleaned and will soon lead to an inability to see clearly what is being done because it is stained with clay leavings. In the Academy castors (wheels) can be put on the legs of both the clay table and the clay container where they will be moved a lot. Several different colours of clay should be procured. The best source is a school supply house where educational supplies are sold. Artists’ clay is not as good as the school type. (Ask for kindergarten clay.) A receptacle, also of wood or metal and having a separate stand of its own of any type, is also valuable. It should have subdivisions in it for the different coloured clays. The amount of each colour is not important so long as there is at least a pound or two of each colour in a small class or an auditing room. In the Academy colours are only used to make a student see the difference between one object and another and have no other significance as the objects in the mind are not uniformly coloured. While “ridges” are black, they can become white. Engrams may be a number of colours all in one engram, just as Technicolor is a coloured motion picture. However, some persons see engrams only in black and white. So the colour in the Academy is for instruction only, assisting to tell the difference between one object or another. (In the HGC it may be very significant to the pc, as covered later.) The instructor works with the table before classes at times, so it is of benefit to have a table so arranged that it will tilt toward the class at about a 30° angle with the floor. This can be done as easily as putting the back legs of the table on temporary wooden blocks or as complicatedly as using a large engineer’s drawing table which tilts 162 its whole top. If a table is to tilt, the lower edge during the tilt must have a one or two inch guard board to keep the covering or the clay from falling to the floor if it slips. It doesn’t slip, usually, on a linoleum table surface but sometimes a bit is dropped and an instructor can more gracefully recover it if it hasn’t rolled off on the floor. A loose linoleum top is also prevented from sliding off by a guard board. Any part of the mind can be represented by a piece of clay or a white card. The mass parts are done by clay, the significance or thought parts by label. A piece of clay and a label are usually both used for any part of the mind. A thinedged ring of clay with a large hole in it is usually used to signify a pure significance. The labels used by instructors (but not by students) are done on white cards, inked with a heavy black inking means such as a china marking pencil or a “Gem Marker” where a metal cylinder holds ink and the point is made of felt. The inked label is mounted on a small stick two to four inches long of the kind used by nurses for swabs or metal ones used to hold meat together. Scotch tape or Sellotape will bind a label to a stick. Everything is labelled that is made on the clay table, no matter how crude the label is. Students usually do labels with scraps of paper written on with a ball-point. An instructor would use the fancier kind so that these would easily be visible to others. The main clay table and its clay container is set up in the lecture room of a course in such a way so that it can be moved up in front of a class, or over in the corner out of the way, or to an area in the room where two or three students can gather around it or work. More than one clay table must be made for large classes but the additional tables need not tilt. In the HGC a clay table is narrower and longer and one is placed in each auditing room. Any HGC clay table can be used to train staff auditors. The clay tables in auditing rooms are used for processing. In the HGC there is not just one table for everyone’s use. There is one in each auditing room. USE ON COURSES Any part of the mind or any term in Scientology can be demonstrated on a Clay Table. This is an important point to grasp. The use of the table is not just for a few terms. It can be used for all definitions. The ingenuity of the instructor or the student and their understanding of the terms being demonstrated are the only limits on a Clay Table. Simplicity is the keynote. Nothing is too insignificant or unimportant to demonstrate on a clay table. The first mistake is to believe that only R6, for which the lower grade student is not ready, can be demonstrated on a clay table. Anything can be so demonstrated if you work at it. And just by working on how to demonstrate it or make it into clay and labels brings about renewed understanding. In the phrase “how do I represent it in clay” is contained the secret of the teaching. If one can represent it in clay one understands it. If one can’t, one really doesn’t understand what it is. So clay and labels work only if the term or things are truly understood. And working them out in clay brings about an understanding of them. Therefore one can predict that the clay table will be most used in a practice or organization which understands the most and will be least used in an organization that understands the least (and is least successful). Let us look over the level of simplicity of the terms to be used in a course of instruction. 163 Let us take BODY. All right, make a few lumps and call it a body and put a sign on it “BODY”. Now that doesn’t seem to be much to do. But it is a lot to do to forward understanding. Let us make a yellow ring of clay beside the body or on it or in it and label it “A Thetan”. We can thereupon see the relationship between the two most used terms in Scientology, “Body” and “Thetan”. And cognitions will result. The student’s attention is brought right to the room and the subject. Getting the student to do this by himself, even when he’s seen it done by the Instructor, produces a new result. Getting the student to do it 25 times with his own hands almost exteriorizes him. Getting the student to contrive how it can be done better in clay or how many ways it can be done in clay drives home the whole idea of the location of the thetan in the body. ART is no object in clay table work. The forms are crude. Take a large lump of clay of any colour, and cover up both “thetan” and “body” with it and you have MIND. Take every part of the mind and make it in clay by making a thetan, making a body and making one or more parts of the mind (Machine, facsimile, ridge, engram, lock, what have you—all Scientology terms) and get the student to explain what it is and we begin to clarify what we’re about. Get a student to make a Present Time Problem. Make him put in all its parts represented in clay (boss, mother, self) and have each one done with a body, a thetan and a mind and some rather remarkable insights begin to occur. The quantity of things that can be made has no limit. The principal thing is to GET EVERY SCIENTOLOGY TERM MADE IN CLAY AND LABELS by the individual student. You will see a new era dawn in training. You will see Academy blows vanish and time on course cut to one fifth in many instances. These are desirable attainments in any course so Clay Table work is serious Academy business. Ingenuity and understanding are the only limits on the use of the clay table and the attainment of excellent results with it. ------------------ Additional HCO Bs on Clay Table Training: HCO B 11 Oct 67 Clay Table Training HCO B 22 Apr 70 Clay Table Demo Checkouts HCO B 30 Oct 70 Clay Demo L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1964, 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 164 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 DECEMBER 1970 Remimeo Applies to AOs Info to all orgs FAST COURSES We should end off fast grades and slow courses. What we want is thorough grades and fast courses. Speed-up of HDCs, Class IV, VI, VII, VIII and “HGC Auditor” Courses at all orgs, AOs (and SHs) would encourage more students. My time for it is 3 weeks. This was up to 5 and even 11 to 13 weeks at once by illegal checksheet increases. Class VIII material ended with HCO Bs at the end of 1968. The 1969—mid-1970 HCO Bs and materials are Class IX and we are currently about to prepare orgs for Class X delivery WHEN ORGS CAN USE WHAT THEY HAVE. No Retread of IV, VI or VII may be given at AO expense. IT IS ILLEGAL TO GIVE A RETREAD COURSE AWAY. A person who has to be retreaded on Academy and SHSBC to receive a Class VIII Course is of course a false attest. Further the full expense of the Course would be at the cost of the Academy or the SH that gave it. Normally speaking a retread requirement would be too unwieldy if the student were sent back to an Academy or an SHSBC. A more practical solution would be to form a retread course from the HGC Auditor Checksheet and give it and send the offending org that gave the Course a bill for it. Teach it to the student. Then put the student on the Class VIII Course. The Class VIII Course has been slowed by: (a) Attempting to use it as a free retread IV and VI Course instead of just teaching Class VIII. (b) Adding what will be Class IX to the 1968 HCO Bs thus tangling up the Course design and extending its checksheet to triple length. (c) Incompetent or unalert Supervision. The Class VIII Course is 3 weeks long. Period. Counter policy has been for the Supervisor to set the Course length, to add to the Course, to give away free retread and to give away the 1969—mid-70 materials training. The auditing skill and type of 1969—mid-70 is different. The C/S Series and type is different and is Class IX. But has even been shoved into Academies!! where they really flub Exteriorization Rundowns. A Class VIII has an HDC requisite. If they can’t cleanly audit pure Dianetics to a result they’ll never be able to audit Scientology. We learned in 1969 that the Class VIII failures were due to HDC inabilities! Class VIII had its own C/Sing, its own remedies, its own skills. They are important. Now do we tell students “they’re all old now, we have a C/S Series, etc, etc.” Or do we teach Class VIII? On Flag a Class IV or VI just can’t keep up with the C/Sing. Until he’s a VII and 165 then an VIII. We are auditing IX and X on Flag. That does not mean Class IV, VI, VII and VIII aren’t done! We’ll never get Class IX into the field. Ext Rundown flubs in the field are gruesome. That’s because Ext we find is a Class IX process! Only a person who has been an HDC, a IV, a VI and an VIII can be taught what we’re doing. Throwing an out of sequence into training in orgs is defeating good auditing. This HCO B gives you the answers on how to get training back into sequence. Class VIIIs got results they were trained to get. That’s all the result any auditor can get. So speed up your courses by wiping out the counter policy. Fast training gets students in. Slow training messes up the whole field and denies enrollments. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 166 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JANUARY 1971 Remimeo ILLEGAL AUDITING Lists of withholds required of a crew member or staff member without proper sessioning are now illegal. Confessionals which do not F/N must be reported to Qual as a failed session. An Exam report is required after any Confessional. Any auditing outside of sessions must be reported and if failed may become actionable. Challenging people out of session as “having withholds” is illegal. Auditing is done by auditors who are trained and is done on regular lines. Contact Assists and Touch Assists are not only legal, they are mandatory when any injury occurs. They must be followed by Exam reports. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 167 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 JANUARY 1971 Remimeo HGC Auditors (Reissued and Corrected 3 October 71. Scn Checksheets Correction in No. 8, EF 1 in this type style.). AOs Class VIII Checksheets EXTERIORIZATION AND HIGH TA (Revises and replaces HCO B 22 March 70 of same title by changing clearing of commands and wording of commands in Exteriorization Intensive) For a long while we have known that if you audit a person after he or she has exteriorized, you often get a high Tone Arm, somatics and an upset case. The answer has been to cease to audit a person after exteriorization has occurred. This is so much a fact that five out of five “in trouble” cases I recently examined had every one of them been audited for some time after they exteriorized. The TA had or had not gone high but the cases were bogged. They revived at once when the fact of exteriorization was located. F/N, VGIs and when rehabbed (by counting number of times) somatics ceased. The rule has been—don’t audit after a pc has exteriorized. This is one of those very fundamental things that seems to defy research and yet if not solved will keep things messed up. Persons who exteriorize on lower grades need their upper grades and yet if audited further may mess up. This places a limit on auditing and yet the person may still have aberrations and somatics. But the fact of having exteriorized bars the road. So I got to work and made a breakthrough on it. Hurrah! It has now been fully vindicated by long tests and is now released for general use. EXTERIORIZATION Exteriorization is defined as the act of moving out of the body with or without full perception. It is the fact of this act which proves that the individual is not a body but an individual. This discovery in 1952 proved beyond any question the existence of a thetan, that the individual was a thetan, not a body, and disproved that man was an animal, and that he was a spiritual being timeless and deathless. Techniques have existed since 1952 that exteriorize a person. These are not now used because the person (a) still being aberrated and not Clear, soon returns to his body and (b) when audited thereafter has trouble. This is a major problem a thetan sometimes has at death. How to exteriorize? He makes it eventually of course but he should be able to do so at once. But, in my research, I found it unreasonable that a person would be hard to audit just because he had exteriorized and had reinteriorized. For he has obviously done just that at every death and birth and must have done so hundreds of billions of times. So why should a recent exteriorization then make him hard to audit? Yet it did. 168 My asking of that question was the first breakthrough. The rest soon followed. ENGRAM BEHAVIOR We know in Dianetics that if you continue to run the last part of an engram which has in fact an earlier beginning which isn’t being run and is ignored the TA will go up. The reason for this is that the first of a chain or the first part of an experience or a first experience (basic on a chain of incidents) has to be run for the chain or incident to erase. If you only ran the end of incidents you would get a high TA and no erasure. If you only ran incidents late on the chain you would get a high TA. Pcs are uncomfortable, feel under pressure, when their TA is high (above 3.5 or up). If you don’t erase incidents or chains of incidents when auditing (or key them out as in release) you get a perpetually high TA. High TA cases have been “overrun” on something. That however is a very oversimplified explanation. The truth is that they have been run on something that didn’t erase. The something has an earlier beginning than was detected or an earlier incident. In life one, having engrams about it, adds new incidents in living until something is “overrun” or done too often. The TA is therefore high. A TA records MASS. Mental mass has a higher electrical resistance and so measures more “ohms” of resistance, an electrical term for the trouble electricity has in passing through something. The more resistance the more units of resistance are recorded on the meter. The TA actually measures resistance. Thus, the end of an incident can be restimulated. If the beginning of it is never touched then one will just accumulate more and more mass. THE MISSED BEGINNING What has happened here, as regards exteriorization is that we have concentrated on EXTERIORIZATION. If one is IN something, he must have gotten into it. Therefore the beginning of an exteriorization is the INTERIORIZATION. The being went into something before he went out of it. Exteriorization occurs at death. That’s an engram. Interiorization occurs at birth, that’s an engram. So when somebody goes Exterior he is actually liable to key in having gone interior in the first place. Get it? So when you exteriorize somebody or he exteriorizes during auditing he gets keyed in a bit and without having audited earlier INTERIORIZATIONS, he has been put in the last part (exteriorization) of an incident which began with Interiorization. Not only are you touching on something (exteriorization) late on a chain (which has hundreds of billions of like incidents ahead of it), you are also touching something 169 which is late in the incident (which began with interiorization). On both counts then, the TA may go high. THE REMEDY The remedy is to audit out Interiorizations (i.e: times the person went in). If this is done, then the pc can be audited all you want after Exteriorization. Auditing the Interiorizations by recall, secondaries, engrams, triple flow on each, restores the possibility of auditing a pc after an exteriorization has occurred in auditing. THE PROCESS The Case Supervision directions for Interiorization are to be done by a Scientology Auditor. They can be done purely in Dianetics by using only steps 5, 7 and 8. It is more effective when done by an Scn Auditor who is also HDC. 1. Omit ruds but if pc upset you can do a rapid L1B. Grab first BD item or big read. Indicate any charge. 2. Clear EXTERIORIZATION with pc (per definition given earlier). 3. Check for having been audited after exteriorization. (TA should come down and F/N, Cog and VGIs.) 4. Rehab (rehabilitate) condition by getting or counting number of times exteriorized. You should get F/N, Cog and VGIs. 5. (a) Clear INTERIORIZATION as the state or condition of being interiorized. (b) Carefully clear TO GO IN as the act of the verb Interiorizing. (c) Carefully clear WENT IN (past tense of the verb “to go in”) as the past tense of the act of Interiorizing. It is very important to clear these three steps carefully so that the pc understands that what you will be auditing is times the PC WENT IN or others were caused TO GO IN—and NOT “was in” or “was stuck in” or “sat in”, but the actual times when the action of going in occurred. 6. Run 3-way Recall on WENT IN. RF 1—Recall a time you went in. (To F/N, Cog, VGIs.) RF 2—Recall a time you caused another to go in. (To F/N, Cog, VGIs.) RF 3—Recall a time others (or another) caused others to go in. (To F/N, Cog, VGIs.) 7. Run 3-way Secondaries. SF I—Locate an incident of loss or emotion when you went in. (R3R to basic, EP = F/N, Cog, VGIs, Erasure.) SF 2—Locate an incident of loss or emotion when you caused another to go in. (R3R to basic, EP = F/N, Cog, VGIs, Erasure.) 170 SF 3—Locate an incident of loss or emotion when others caused others to go in. (R3R to basic, EP = F/N, Cog, VGIs, Erasure.) 8. Run 3-way Engrams. EF 1—Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness when you went in. (R3R to basic, EP = F/N, Cog, VGIs, Erasure.) EF 2—Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness when you caused another to go in. (R3R to basic, EP = F/N, Cog, VGIs, Erasure.) EF 3—Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness when others caused others to go in. (R3R to basic, EP = F/N, Cog, VGIs, Erasure.) Note: All steps and flows as above given to end with F/N, Cog, and VGIs. Don’t chop the F/N by indicating until pc has had his cognition and VGIs. CAUTION: THIS INTENSIVE MUST BE DONE IN ONE SESSION. It will be seen that Recall and R3R steps and procedure are standard except they address the subject “Interiorization” (expressed as WENT IN or TO GO IN). FUTURE AUDITING One should now be able to audit the pc even after exteriorization. WARNING This is a major case action and should only be run when the pc is rested and in good physical shape. SUMMARY If a pc goes exterior on Dianetics, Scientology lower grades or at OT levels, one at once audits out the chain of Interiorizations, using the above C/S. With this done the pc or Pre OT can go on being audited. -------------- The way is open to more powerful OTs. -------------- All fundamental discoveries are essentially simple ones. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:JR:mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [For further data on the Interiorization Rundown, see HCO B 11 April 1970, Auditing Past Exterior, page 36; HCO B 6 May 1970, Blows-Auditing Past Exterior, page 42; HCO B 30 May 1970, Interiorization Intensive-2 Way Comm, page 52; and HCO B 20 August 1970, Exteriorization Rundown Musts, page 125.] 171 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 JANUARY 1971 (Reissued & Corrected 23 Jan ‘71 ) Remimeo EXTERIORIZATION On reviews of field-given Exteriorization intensives during the past year, I found many cases had been flubbed. On researching this I found the following: 1. The Remedy was being used as an effort to Exteriorize people. People exteriorize in any normal auditing. What was needed was a remedy to be able to audit them thereafter without driving their TAs up. 2. Auditors evidently skimped their HDC Courses and did not know WHY one went to an earlier beginning or earlier incident. Thus they didn’t know why you had to run Interiorization. 3. HCO B 22 Mar 70, “Exteriorization and High TA”, must have been studied only for the rote commands. The theory of it was not studied. 4. Common Dianetic goofs got in the road of the rundown, the auditor failing to repeat the chain in asking for an earlier incident, i.e. “Is there an earlier incident containing a head pain?” 5. The Exteriorization intensive was being stretched over several sessions. As only it can be audited, between sessions PTPs, etc, would intervene. So it had to be done in one session. 6. Clearing the command was flubby and the pc often thought Interiorization meant “being in and trying to get out” and so the wrong end of the incident (the end) was being run. 7. People who hadn’t been exterior at all and whose TAs were normal—not high— were being run on it. 8. It was being sold as a special rundown to exteriorize people, not just to enable them to go on being audited. The number of Exteriorization Rundown flubs is excessive. Therefore new HCO Bs and a new pack have been issued. These include: HCO B 4 Jan 71, “Exteriorization and High TA” REVISED, which contains the theory and NEW COMMANDS nobody can goof. HCO B 6 Jan 71, “Starrate Checkouts for Exteriorization Intensive”. HCO B 5 Jan 71, “Going Earlier in R3R and Exteriorization Intensives”. The glaring outness is Dianetic R3R skill. An HDC who can’t run a flubless Dianetic session and get all three flows down to F/N studied in doubt, audits in doubt and ought to be in a condition of doubt until he retreads and actually reads the text and does the drills. Dianetic R3R is just too easy to be flubbed. 172 After patching up many of these done in the field I became very alert to the state of training. A new Course Supervisor Course has been done and is being issued. Obviously, auditors are no longer required to be starrated on new materials before they audit them. This omission must be remedied at once. NO AUDITOR MAY AUDIT MATERIALS OR APPLY HCO Bs ON WHICH HE HAS NOT BEEN STARRATED. No HGC or C/S may order an auditor to run a process if that auditor has not been starrated on its theory and practical first. As for Dianetics, an auditor who cannot routinely carry a chain to an F/N VGI Cog and ensure running R3R may not retain his certificate unless retreaded and his HDC is suspended until he is retreaded. For people to goof up using these clean positive tools is inexcusable. The results are there to be obtained. WE OBTAIN SPECTACULAR POSITIVE RESULTS WITH THESE SAME MATERIALS DAILY WHEREVER THEY ARE ACTUALLY STUDIED AND APPLIED. Please correct flubby auditing wherever you find it. Auditors must be checked out and drilled on new materials. Courses must be precisely taught. People who flub must be crammed until they don’t. And those who still flub must be retreaded. The materials when applied produce great results. When they are not applied they don’t. SO APPLY THEM ! CORRECTLY. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 173 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 13 JANUARY 1971 Remimeo Qual Div Dept 15 Examiner’s Hat E/O Hat Dept 3 Hat EXAM 24 HOUR RULE (Additional Information) When it comes to light that a pc has roller coastered despite an F/N at session end and at Examiner’s and if neither Tech nor Qual makes any effort to remedy, then the matter becomes a High Crime. Example: If a pc at the Examiner’s F/Ns and yet within a few hours returns for a second Examination with a complaint which does not F/N, then the 24 hour rule applies. If the Tech C/S ignores it and no repair is done within 24 hours by Tech or Qual, both lose their stats for that day. If the matter continues unhandled the matter becomes a High Crime. HIDDEN FAILURES If due to failure to repair or handle session errors or failure to complete a major action, a pc becomes ill or unable to work, and if no effort is made by Tech or Qual to handle, the matter becomes a High Crime under HCO PL 7 Feb 65, reissued 15 June 1970, “Keeping Scientology Working” (see Note at the beginning of that Policy Letter), and HCO PL 7 Mar 65, OEC Volume 1, page 550, No. 3 Crimes: Placing Scientology or Scientologists at risk. In such a case a Comm Ev must be convened and having fixed the cause of neglect and the persons responsible may, in addition to any fines or penalties, cost Tech and Qual all stats and bonuses for a reasonable period following the occurrence as set by the Comm Ev and as refundable by the divisional personnel from future pay. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 174 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 FEBRUARY 1971 Remimeo Tech Secs Qual Secs Staff Training Officers Course Supervisors D of T TECH VOLUME AND 2 WAY COMM (LRH ED 92 INT of 25 March 1970 re-issued as an HCO B by request of many Course Supervisors) I’ve been busy studying the problems of volume auditing and training and have made a vital discovery. We lost a key basic process! TWO WAY COMM is missing in today’s line-up in Academies, on Courses and in HGCs. It goes this way-to get volume auditing going, you need auditors. To make auditors you need fast training. The reason fast training isn’t occurring is because 2 Way Comm seems to be out between Course Supervisors and Students. Course Supervisors in most instances are not asking students if anything is wrong or how to help them and then letting the students talk. While the Supervisor LISTENS. I am putting together new practical for Course Supervisors. But meanwhile it’s very elementary. 1. Detect a student’s concern. 2. Get the student to talk about his problems and troubles in study. 3. Listen. 4. Do what one can to help without evaluating. 5. Let the student get back to it. Students who drift off of courses or who are very slow LACK SOMEBODY TO TALK TO! Where a student’s progress is slow or he or she appears to be troubled or struggling, a good Supervisor notices it early. He gets the student to talk about it. He listens and acknowledges. He does what he can to help without evaluating and lets the student get back to studying. This action went out when Supervisors were found to be lecturing and evaluating all data which data, entered on the course, upset the high workability of tech as it is found in HCO Bs and on tapes. This was at the time when Supervisors ceased to be named Instructors and became Course Supervisors. This was in the early days of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Two Way Comm with students tended to vanish also. 175 Giving a student off-line data and letting the student discuss his troubles are two different things. QUAL In Qual there should also be a Consultant Service which uses a meter and Two Way Comm to find out about cases before patch-up or review. The Qual Consultant should also handle students who are slow or dropped out. This letting the pc tell his side of it is very valuable. One can handle them much better. Analysing what they say and how they say it helps the Case Supervisor also. I.e., Natter = ARC Brks and overts. The pc’s comm has been chopped. An old old session evaluated for him. Etc. Etc. Etc. GET IT IN Two Way Comm should be gotten in on all Courses fast. It will speed training and add up eventually to volume auditing by making trained auditors available. This is the way to unlock that flow. In the HGC pcs can be Two Way Commed by the Tech Sec. In Qual someone can two way comm those sent to Review to help the person and get more accurate data for C/Sing. THE PROCESS Two Way Comm is not a rote process. That’s why it is hard to teach. The trick is to get the person to talk, to keep him looking and talking until he has a Cog and Very Good Indicators—and sometimes an F/N at the end (not vital). If you can LISTEN you have it progressing. If you can get a person to talk about his troubles and listen and ack, you really can run it. THIS IS YOUR PRIMARY BLOCK ON VOLUME AUDITING. No Two Way Comm in training! I hope it helps. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 176 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 FEBRUARY 1971 Remimeo HGC Auditor Checksheet C/S Series 24 Academy Level 0 Checksheet Dn Cse Checksheet IMPORTANT METERING READING ITEMS (NOTE: Observation I have recently done while handling a C/S line has resulted in a necessary clarification of the subject of “a reading item or question” which improves older definitions and saves some cases.) It can occasionally happen that an auditor misses a read on an item or question and does not run it as it “has not read”. This can hang up a pc badly if the item was in fact a reading item or question. It does not get handled and exists in records as “No read” when in fact it DID read. THEREFORE ALL DIANETIC AUDITORS WHOSE ITEMS OCCASIONALLY “DON’T READ” AND ALL SCIENTOLOGY AUDITORS WHO GET LIST QUESTIONS THAT DON’T READ MUST BE CHECKED OUT ON THIS HCO B IN QUAL OR BY THE C/S OR SUPERVISOR. These errors come under the heading of Gross Auditing Errors as they affect metering. 1. An Item or Question is said to “Read” when the needle falls. Not when it stops or slows on a rise. A tick is always noted and in some cases becomes a wide read. 2. The read is taken when the pc first says it or when the question is cleared. THIS is the valid time of read. It is duly marked (plus any blow down). THIS reading defines what is a reading item or question. CALLING IT BACK TO SEE IF IT READ IS NOT A VALID TEST as the surface charge may be gone but the item or question will still run or list. 3. Regardless of any earlier statements or material on READING ITEMS, an item does not have to read when the auditor calls it to be a valid item for running engrams or listing. The test is did it read when the pc first said it on originating it or in Clearing it? 4. That an item or question is marked as having read is sufficient reason to run it or use it or list it. Pc Interest, in Dianetics, is also necessary to run it, but that it did not read again is no reason to not use it. 5. When listing items the auditor must have an eye on the meter NOT necessarily the pc and must note on the list he is making the extent of read and any BD and how much. THIS is enough to make it a “reading item” or “reading question”. 6. In Clearing a listing Question the auditor watches the meter, NOT necessarily the pc and notes any read while clearing the question. 7. An additional calling of the item or question to see if it read is unnecessary and not a valid action if the item or question read on origination or Clearing. 8. That an item is marked as having read on an earlier Dianetic list is enough (also checking interest) to run it with no further read test. 9. To miss seeing a read on an origin or clearing is a Gross Auditing Error. 177 10. Failing to mark on the list or worksheet the read and any BD seen during pc origination or clearing the question is a Gross Auditing Error. EYESIGHT Auditors who miss reads or have poor eyesight should be tested and should wear the proper glasses while auditing. GLASSES The rims of some glasses could obstruct seeing the meter while the auditor is looking at the worksheet or pc. If this is the case the glasses should be changed to another type with broader vision. WIDE VISION A good auditor is expected to see his meter, pc and worksheet all at one time. No matter what he is doing he should always notice any meter movement if the meter needle moves. If he cannot do this he should use an Azimuth Meter and not put paper over its glass but should do his worksheet looking through the glass at his pen and the paper— the original design purpose of the Azimuth Meter. Then even while writing he sees the meter needle move as it is in his line of vision. CONFUSIONS Any and all confusions as to what is a “reading item” or “reading question” should be fully cleaned up on any auditor as such omissions or confusions can be responsible for case hang-ups and needless repairs. NO READ Any comment that an item or question “did not read” should be at once suspected by a C/S and checked with this HCO B on the auditor. Actually non-Reads, a non-reading item or question means one that did not read when originated or cleared and also did not read when called. One can still call an item or question to get a read. That it now reads is fine. But if it has never read at all, the item will not run and such a list will produce no item on it. It is not forbidden to call an item or question to test it for read. But it is a useless action if the item or question read on origination by the pc or clearing it with him. IMPORTANT The data in this HCO B, if not known, can cost case failures. Thus it must be checked out on auditors. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 178 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 MARCH 1971 Remimeo Class IX LIX HI-LO TA LIST (Cancels earlier list HCO B 17 Feb 71 and HCO B 22 Feb 71 and HCO B 25 Feb 71 which were not released off Flag.) This assessment has been developed to detect the reason for high TA. There is nothing unusual about the processes necessary to handle these points. Interiorization or a flubbed Interiorization Intensive that must be run with WENT IN is the usual reason, but Run this time with exact R3R using each R3R command and getting it answered. HIGH TA ASSESSMENT 1. Do you have a Stuck Picture? _________ 2. Are you Trapped? _________ 3. Do you have Pictures in Restimulation? _________ 4. Do you have Masses in Restimulation? _________ 5. You went in? _________ 6. Have you Committed Overts? _________ 7. Are you Not-ising Overts? _________ 8. Do you have Withholds? _________ 9. Are there Considerations not mentioned? _________ 10. Have you Committed Crimes? _________ 11. Have you been Self-Auditing? _________ 12. Was a Wrong Overrun found? _________ 13. Are you protesting? _________ 14. Are you urgently trying to leave? _________ 15. Have you separated out? _________ 16. Are you out and can’t go in? _________ 17. Are there undisclosed problems? _________ 18. Are you taking or smoking drugs? _________ 19. Did you once take drugs? _________ 20. Are you out and can’t get in? _________ 21. Is there a lie? _________ 22. Are you talking to others about your case? _________ 23. Are you listening to others talk about their cases? _________ 24. Have you been looking at or listening to tech materials you shouldn’t? _________ 25. Do you have opinions you don’t dare say? _________ 26. Are you here for undisclosed reasons? _________ 27. Are you not telling your Auditor your Cognitions? _________ 28. Are you withholding your actual case state? _________ 29. Are you unwilling to talk to the auditor? _________ 30. Does your auditor overwhelm you? _________ 31. Are you scared of what might happen in auditing? _________ 32. Are you somebody else? _________ 33. Is there a list Error? _________ 34. Are you waiting for something to happen? _________ 35. Do you think something else is wrong? _________ LRH:sb.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 179 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 MARCH 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 25 THE FANTASTIC NEW HGC LINE (A marvelous new C/S Auditor line has just been piloted in for HGCs.) In the new C/S line the Auditor, in his Admin time at the end of the day, or when he has no preclears, does Folder Error Summaries or Progress and Advance Programs for his pcs and does the C/S form for the Tech C/S as well as adds the day’s process and the length of the session and amount of Admin time on that folder to the inside front cover of the folder, with the process run and result. If his programs and C/Ses are acceptable to the Tech C/S, the Auditor gets full Well Done Auditing Hour credit on his stat. The Auditor logs his sessions for the day in the general HGC Auditor’s log and his Admin time is also logged. This Admin time is subtracted from the bought hours of the pc where auditing is sold by the hour. Where Auditors are so engaged and the new folder routing line is in use, this C/S form is used: Full blank page. Pc’s Name (Red) Date Auditor’s Name (Red) Class of Auditor required next sess. (Session Grade) left blank Auditor’s comment (Red) or think about the case if he wishes. The next C/S 1. Blue 2. Blue 3. Blue 4. Blue Auditor Signature (Red) The Auditor does not grade his own session. He leaves this blank. The correctly Admined folder is then given to Tech Services which routes it (usually with the Auditor’s other folders for the day) to the C/S. The C/S looks it over (it is HIS final responsibility for the case being run right). The C/S looks to see if the Examiner form taken by the Examiner at session end F/Ned. If it did not he leaves the grade line blank as it is a No Grade session (see F/N 180 and well done hours) as the Auditor gets no hour credit for the session. If the C/S and other Admin is ok he writes OK with his initial in the session grade space. If none of it is okay he leaves it blank and does the C/S form or programs completely new. In this last case he enters a subtract figure in his log for the auditing time for the week against that Auditor’s name. If the Exam form F/Ned, but the Admin is not okay and the session actions were not okay the C/S writes “Well Done by Exams” on his own new C/S in its proper place and ignores the form and subtracts the Admin time in his book to subtract the Admin from the Auditor’s week’s stat. If the session was not okay with no F/N at Exams yet the Admin and next C/S are ok, the Auditor loses the session time in the C/S but gets the Admin time credited to his week’s stat. The C/S subtracts the session time in his book, not the Admin time. Of course, as we hope is usually the case, if the Auditor did the C/S, did a correct session, got an F/N at Exam and did the Admin and next C/S is correct, then the C/S marks “Very well done” in the blank space for session grade with his initial. After inspection, this would be the sole action of the C/S regarding that folder. By the C/S writing in the session grade (Very well done, well done, okay, flunk, to cramming) the Auditor is receiving acknowledgement for his work and is not just acking himself. THE NEW LINE The Ideal Folder-C/S line can shift the number of well done hours from a ceiling of 250-300 to 600-800 with one C/S. No matter how many Auditors an org has, older lines put a 250-300 top ceiling on the org’s well done hours. When hours could go above 600 due to the available Auditors (20 or 30), a new parallel line has to be manned by a new C/S, new D of P and another Examiner and more Tech Services personnel. Despite how hard the C/S and anyone else in tech works, a line not so run will ceiling at about 250 hours, no matter how many Auditors are hired. A C/S using the old lines can C/S for about 5 working Auditors only with the line running any old way. And even so will work himself half to death. In trying to get pcs handled, Auditors will be added. The C/S will not be able to handle his job. The line, being faulty, gets pegged at about 250 hours no matter how hard the C/S and Admin people work. With the same C/S and Tech Services people, and a correct new line, 24 to 30 Auditors will be kept busy at their 5 hours a day (given auditing rooms) and the stat will be able to rise to 600 to 800. NEW SEQUENCE 1. Auditor picks up his pc folders and his pc schedule list at Tech Services at the start of his day from the LEAVING rack. 2. Tech Services (having a duplicate list) begins sending pcs to him (using Tech Pages). 3. The Auditor gives the session. 4. The Auditor leaves the folder in the Auditing room at session end and takes the pc to the Examiner. 5. The Examiner simply does the Exam form on a meter with no folder. He sends the Exam form (hand route) to Tech Services. 181 6. The Auditor returns at once to his auditing room and a Tech Page has a pc there waiting for him. 7. Having done all his pcs for the day, the Auditor carries his folders to the Auditor Admin Room. 8. Tech Services has placed the Exam forms in the Auditor Admin Room and sees they get into the Auditor’s basket and the folder. 9. The Auditor does the complete Admin of the session. 10. The Auditor does any program needed for future sessions. 11. The Auditor C/Ses the folder for the next session. 12. The Auditor marks in a box (2 columns) on a sheet stapled to the inside front cover the process, the Exam result, the session time and the Admin time he has just put in. 13. The Auditor hands his completed folders in to Tech Services. 14. Tech Services gets the folders to the C/S using a Folder Page who comes on late and works the C/S’s hours. 15. Fed the folders rapidly by the Folder Page who is standing in the C/S area, the C/S does his C/S work. If the Folder Page is fast, removing folders and putting the new one in, chasing up data and other bits for the C/S, the time of C/Sing even when done very carefully will be found to average 3 to 5 minutes a folder even when some require full programming (but not FESing). This makes a ceiling of about 100 folders (sessions) a day for the C/S, an output of 30 Auditors. Needless to say the C/S and the Auditors have to know their business and Qual Cramming is used extensively both for new material and for flubs both in auditing and C/Sing by Auditors. 16. The Folder Page gets the folders over to the D of P office preserving the piles per Auditor as much as possible. The C/S posts the data he wants Auditors to know or do on the AUDITORS’ BOARD of the Auditors’ Admin Room. He turns in his Cramming Orders into the D of P basket. This finishes his actions. Where there is a senior Review C/S there is a hot spur line from the C/S to the senior C/S and back to the C/S. This is not necessarily an instant line. It can be a 12 hour lag line. In orgs where a C/O or Exec Dir or Product Officer or Org Officer is also a very skilled C/S this hot line would probably be in. New tech in use, fantastic completions and utter dog cases nobody can make anything out of go on this senior C/S hot spur line. There are very few of these, only two or three a day in a very busy org. The senior C/S “does” these and sends them back to the C/S. They are then sent on as usual to the D of P. 17. The Director of Processing comes on duty very early. The C/Sed folders will all be there. The D of P has assignment master sheets that are kept up by the D of P. The D of P does the day’s schedules, a list for each Auditor. The lists preferably have a few too many pcs on them. The D of P can tell what Class of Auditor is required for the next session because the Auditor has marked it in in the upper right-hand corner of the C/S for the next session. When the D of P has the lists done the folders are placed in the “leaving” rack of Tech Services and Tech Services, now up and about, is given the lists and gets to work on the scheduling board, moving the names about to agree with the lists. Tech Services does any room shifts or handlings at this time. 18. The D of P now goes to the Auditor Admin Room and begins to muster Auditors from her muster list as they come in and gets them over to Tech Services. 182 19. A Cramming personnel will be in there trying to get any crammings scheduled. 20. Tech Services hands out folders (which are in neat piles for each Auditor) and schedules to the Auditors as they turn up and handles any arguments or shifts in sequence. 21. Tech Pages are on phones or running to round up pcs and get them going to sessions, which work continues all day. 22. The D of P interviews any hung-up or curious pcs or as requested by the C/S or gets new Auditors or keeps up Admin. This goes on until the C/S comes in when the DofP is off. 23. The Auditor picking up his folders begins the cycle all over again at ( 1 ) above. ABOVE 600 When the well done hours go above 600 a week, A WHOLE NEW HGC is put in duplicating the first, with its own C/S, D of P, T/S, auditing rooms and Auditor Admin Room. It would be HGC Section Two or HGC 2 with the original being HGC 1 . A special second Cramming would have to be provided in Qual for it. At first they would share new hours and build up independently. More HGCs are added to the Department at each multiple 600 wd hours. SENIORS The two chief seniors in the area are the C/S (for tech) and the D of P (for Auditors and bodies). It is the D of P who must see that Auditors exist and are on post. It is Tech Services who sees pcs are rounded up and audited. The D of T/S is actually in charge of pcs and all folder files and all board keep-up work. The D of P should have some tech training. The D of T/S need not have any. The C/S of course is the Tech Expert and should be an HSST. If there are no Auditors it is the D of P’s neck. If there are no C/Ses it is the C/S’s neck. If there are no folders it is the D of T/S’s neck. And if there are no auditing rooms it is the D of T/S’s neck. If signed-up scheduled pcs don’t get to session it is the D of T/S’s neck. If there are no NEW pcs it is the D of P’s neck who should begin to shoot Dissem Secs and Registrars and procure new pcs on a by-pass for the org. From this a table of seniors and duties can be made. CRAMMING You will notice no pcs are sent to Review on this new line. Review actions are done in Tech as a patch-up in Tech. The Qual Sec is responsible for overall tech quality BUT DOES IT BY CRAMMING C/Ses or Auditors. Thus Cramming is a busy street. Cramming must be good, check-outs excellent. If an Auditor doesn’t grasp a C/S he has received he gets help from Cramming. 183 Auditors new to the HGC are given a fast hard grooving in in Cramming or a Qual Interne Course. (New Auditors never audit until grooved in.) Tech will be as good as the Cramming Officer can cram. This line is grooved in by the HAS and kept in by Qual. Or if there is no Qual, it is kept in by the HAS who will find no Qual very embarrassing. DUMMY RUN The line should be dummy run by folders, “pcs” and Auditors until they understand it. People are often totally unaware of lines and get very sloppy. Thus this line has to be drilled hard on old and new tech personnel. All must know this exact line. It is a good line. Fully in, it raises the well done hours stat from 250 per week maximum at total overload to an easy 600 to 800. Auditors must audit five hours a day, 25 minimum per week of well done hours for any bonus to be paid at all. In the SO they get no pay at all much less bonuses if short on their 25. Tech Services and an unenergetic D of P or a bad Dissem Sec and Registrar set-up can cause a no pc situation. And often do unless pushed. But counting FESes and Admin in on an Auditor’s wd time helps slack periods to even out. And one Auditor can FES and program folders for others or from files if he is left adrift and short-timed by the D of P or D of T/S or until the Tech Division forces the Dissem Div and Distribution Div to really get on the ball and wear their hats on pc flow. PROCUREMENT The D of P has always had new pc procurement responsibility when all else failed or even when it didn’t. Old folders, for example, are a marvelous source of new auditing repairs and intensives. An FES done on an old folder and a letter to “come in and get audited before you fall apart” is excellent pc procurement, usually neglected by Registrars. Any procurement by a D of P is legitimate. Auditors who have no pcs can write procurement letters and have for 20 years. SUMMARY This is a beautiful line. It has been piloted hard. It will serve as well as it is checked out, drilled in and used. This line is the key to affluence from pcs alone. (But if the org isn’t training Auditors heavily, you’ll soon have no Auditors to be on it and the org will not gain its high income low cost cushion from training.) This line is the answer to really getting auditing done in an area. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 184 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 MARCH 1971 Issue I Remimeo C/S Series 26 NEW USES FOR THE GREEN FORM The Green Form comes into its own with a new method of use. A lot of cases have been cracked lately using the GF in a new way. Designed as the Qual tool in 1965 it came into disrepute by getting assessed item by item to an F/N. This made it F/N on a rud. Thus the whole battery of tricks in the GF never get used on a pc. There is another assessment Method. Method 5. It is “once through marking the length and BD of all reads”. One can then C/S “Assess GF once through”. Actually one usually says, “GF + 40 Method 5”. This means the auditor (usually on a case that is messy or just as a routine part of a Progress Program) just rat-a-tat-tat assesses the lot, marks the reads’ length and BDs. The C/S action that follows—the “Handle” consists of putting a red half swirl around each that read and then doing the C/S for it. List outness is always handled first. Then ruds like ARC Brks, W/Hs and PTPs. Then more or less by the longest reads. It makes a long, long C/S in cases that are boggy. One uses engram running on it whenever he gets a chance as in “drugs”. Hidden standards are listed on a “Who/what would have______(the symptom)?” and “O/W on the item found”. A lot of old processes get a chance on these GF reads. It isn’t all “2-way comm on_______”. Foreign Language cases who do not have English as a native tongue and people who don’t understand a lot have to have the GF items cleared. One takes the reads while clearing the Question, of course. Designed as a Case Cracker, this new use of the Green Form restores it to a mighty weapon. Since I redeveloped ways to assess and began to really use this Green Form, I’ve seen several very rough ridgy cases fall apart. So it is a very cheerful re-discovery. And it is highly urged. LRH:mes.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 185 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 MARCH 1971 Issue II Remimeo C/S Series 27 LONG C/Ses A long C/S is far more desirable than a short C/S in all but the most sickly and feeble cases. In doing a long C/S, the auditor can also end it off where an F/N goes 3i4 to a dial wide and looks like it will persist. The pc has a win. A long C/S also permits an auditor to adjust his own length of session. If the C/S isn’t complete on that day, one simply adds (1) “Fly a rud” and (2) “Continue C/S of (yesterday).” By having a whole Progress Program (repair) laid out on a red sheet and clipped with its green Advance Pgm (grade chart) inside the front cover, over the session summary, the guidance for the case is right there. This gets checked off as done. The C/S could consist of half the program or even (in shorter programs) all of it. Handling One speeds a line by taking repeated handlings out of it. Less sessions mean less handling. Thus the session is more economical if long. Getting the pc and folder rounded up 5 times when it means the same number of hours to do it 2 times saves wear and tear. This is the benefit of very long C/Ses. Dianetic C/Ses Dianetic sessions often go 5 or even 8 hours. One tries to do all the flows of an item in one session. Length of Pgms When auditing the public, not staff, you long program. In a Progress (repair) Program you try to throw the whole bag of tricks at them. These are not only repairs, when you do a Progress Program. You throw in a lot of other bits like 2-way comms on BD items. You now have a Hi-Lo TA List to assess and an Expanded Green Form. 186 Advance Programs All Advance (gradesheet) Programs start lower than the pc was if the pc got in trouble where he was. Often a grade is obviously out below where he is graded. Let us say he is a bogged “Grade IV”. Well, he couldn’t be a Grade IV. So the Advance Program (green paper) that you do picks him up at Grade 0 or even Dianetics. A bogged “OT I” the other day began to win when (a) given a long long Progress Program, and (b) shoved back to Grade III on the Advance Program and brought on up all the way including OT I before going on to OT II! Thorough C/Ses Thus you can have long C/Ses only when you have long programs already done and pinned to the inside of the front cover, a pink one for Progress (non grade) and a green one for Advance (back up the grades). Don’t try to save auditing time. Save instead repeated handlings. This does not go into “over-repair”. A Progress Pgm contains all sorts of bits like 2-wc on “What do you feel you owe your family” (as the pc is always getting off about his family in Ruds). The advance of a case is the amount of charge you get off it. Long C/Ses ease your Admin lines greatly. They also give less chance of having ruds go out between sessions. Short sessioning has its uses—small children, sick people, psychos. But long sessions save time in the long run and get the job done. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 187 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 MARCH 1971 Remimeo HGC Auditors Dn & Scn Checksheets C/S Series 28 C/Ses USE OF QUADRUPLE DIANETICS With the introduction of QUADRUPLE DIANETICS (HCO B 3 Mar 1971, “Quadruple Dianetics”) the problem of how to C/S it arises. This rule is followed: IN ALL BUT HCO B 24 July 69 DIANETIC ASSISTS WHERE IT CAN BE USED AT ONCE, THE FOURTH FLOW—O—MUST BE RUN ON ALL ITEMS FORWARD FROM THE FIRST DIANETIC ITEM EVER RUN ON THE CASE. Where a case has already had Flows 2 and 3 run on Singles, one goes back and runs Flow 0 on those items. Where a case has only been run on single flow Dianetics (Flow 1 ) one goes back to the first Dianetic Item ever run of which record can be found and does F 1, F 2, F 3 and F 0 in that order. To C/S a case for Quad Dianetics it is best to first lay out a Scientology repair, making sure the case is flying, then list out the items already run on Single and Triple. Then get them run so that all four flows are complete on each item in sequence from first to last. This includes any LX items, former practice, drugs or any other engram running. These, like Dianetic items, are listed in their correct sequence of former running. Then the missing flows are run. A rehab step of the flows already run is not necessary. This rehab of a flow already run to EP is usually used only when there is question about its having gone to F/N Cog VGIs. In C/Sing for Quadruple one COMPLETES any flow of an item found that did not F/N. This is indicated on the Item list. Doing the List The item list is done by the auditor in his admin time for well done time credits. All former Dianetic items ever run are listed and what flows have been run on them and to what end phenomena. Example: Engram List 3 Sept 69 Sadness (exact wording that was used) F 1 4 Sept 69 A Bored Feeling F 1 Bogged 6 Sept 69 An Apathetic Outlook F 1 Bogged 6 Nov 69 LX Agonized F 1 F 2 F 3 188 7 Nov 69 Former Therapy F 1 F 2 F 3 F 2 Bogged 9 Nov 69 Earlier Practices F 1 Bogged 10 Nov 69 A Horrible Sadness F 1 Bogged 5 July 70 Int RD F 1 F 2 F 3 F 3 Bogged 6 July 71 An Awful Pressure F 1 Bogged Such a list is then handled from the earliest forward by (a) Completing the bogged flow and (b) Completing the missing flow. Int Ext RD This is handled in its proper sequence on the list if the TA is not high or very low. If the TA on the pc is currently high, Int is handled before any other action is done and all four flows are run on it. A drug chain also makes a high TA if in existence or unflat. Auditor Checkout BEFORE RUNNING ANY DIANETICS QUADRUPLE EVER Y AUDITOR HDC, VI, VII, VIII AND C/Ses MUST BE CHECKED OUT THOROUGHLY ON THE QUAD DIANETICS CHECKLIST: HCO B 8 Mar 71 “Precision Dianetics” HCO B 4 Jan 71 “Exteriorization and High TA” HCO B 5 Jan 71 “Going Earlier in R3R and Exteriorization Intensives” HCO B 23 Jan 71 “Exteriorization” HCO B 1 Dec 70 “Dianetics—Triple Flow Action” HCO B 17 July 69 “Dianetic Command Training Drills” HCO B 20 May 70 “TR 103,104 Rundown” HCO B 3 Mar 71 “Quadruple Dianetics” HCO B 7 Mar 71 “Use of Quadruple Dianetics” HCO B 5 Mar 71 “Exteriorization and High TA” Issue II Quadruple HCO PL 17 Feb 71 Checksheet of Ext RD including Quad DN Any other HCO B of subsequent issue on this subject. THERE IS A PACK ON THIS SUBJECT AVAILABLE FROM FLAG. Flubs If any auditor has a poor record of getting Dianetic Results, of bogged flows, etc, he needs an HDC Retread. His drills and TRs are out or he is committing Gross Auditing Errors. Dianetics gives remarkable results only when flawlessly done. 189 The commands must be precisely given and all commands 1-9 A-D are used. It is NEVER shorted “because the pc did it”. THUS ANY HDC TO AUDIT QUAD DIANETICS MUST (A) HAVE A RECORD OF GOOD FLUBLESS DIANETIC AUDITING or (B) MUST HAVE A RETREAD UNDER A COMPETENT SUPERVISOR and (C) MUST BE STARRATED (for true, not just checked) ON THE ABOVE CHECKSHEET OR THE FULL QUAD PACK. C/Sing Quad Dianetics, with the above, otherwise C/Ses the same as general DIANETICS. It should be realized Dianetics is its own field of C/Sing. This remains the same in Quad Dianetics. Promotion Quad Dianetics should be promoted only when you have Dianetic Auditors, the Auditors checked out and okayed to audit as above and when you CAN DELIVER. IVs or VIs should be available to do the Progress Pgms and steps. Upper Levels When the IVs VIs VIIs VIIIs or IXs are checked out as above, they should use Quad Dianetics to handle any and all Engram steps called for in general auditing. That they are upper level auditors does not make it less necessary to do the above. Results Quad Dianetics, including the rerun actions, produces some very startling new gains. Well done Dianetics always has produced fine results. Quad Dianetics almost doubles the gain. Remedies Any and all Dianetic Remedies and general technology remain in full use. They are not changed at all. Only the zero flow is added in each case. Good Luck. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was revised by HCO B 7 March 1971 RA, Revised 6 April 1974, C/S Series 28RA, Use of Dianetics, which is in Volume VIII, page 284. It was also reissued with changes as C/S Series 28RA-1, Use of Quadruple Dianetics, on 13 January 1975 in Volume VIII, page 374.] 190 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 MARCH 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 29 CASE ACTIONS, OFF LINE A C/S can be plagued by off line case actions of which he is not informed. The existence of these can wreck his carefully laid out programs and make a case appear incomprehensible. Thus it is up to a C/S to suspect and find these where a case isn’t responding normally in auditing. 1. LIFE KNOCKING RUDS OUT FASTER THAN THEY CAN BE AUDITED IN. Schedule sessions closer together and give very long sessions so life hasn’t a chance to interfere. Can go as far as requiring person via the D of P to stay in a hotel away from the area of enturbulation or not associate until case is audited up high enough. Shows up most drastically in Interiorization Intensives where no ruds can be run unless the RD is complete. Thus Int has to be done in one session, with the 2 wc Int- Ext the next day. 2. PC PHYSICALLY ILL BEFORE NEXT SESSION AND AUDITING OF A MAJOR ACTION BEING DONE ON A SICK PC WHO SHOULD HAVE ANOTHER C/S ENTIRELY. Happens when delayed or late new Exam reports don’t get into folder before C/Sing it. Ginger up Exam routing. Happens when auditors are not alert to the pc’s illness and audit anyway. Make auditors not audit and report at once sick pcs. Pcs hiding general illness may show up as no case gain. Answer is to get a full medical exam. 3. SELF-AUDITING. Detected by no lasting gain. Hi-Lo TA Assessment will show it up. Two way Comm on when they began to self audit (usually auditor scarcity or some introverting shock). 4. COFFEE SHOP AUDITING. Meterless fool around, often by students, stirring up cases. Forbid it in an area. 5. TOUCH AND CONTACT ASSISTS INTERRUPTING A GENERAL COURSE OF AUDITING, OFTEN TO NO F/N. Make all such assists be done on a worksheet and make it mandatory to take the pc to an examiner afterwards. 191 W/S and Exam Rpt then appear in folder. The C/S can then get in the other actions (Ruds, S & D, HCO B 24 July 69) on the injured pc. 6. STUDY RUNDOWNS. An illegal and offbeat line can occur when auditing out misunderstoods in study or “Management Word Rundown” or such occurs in the middle of a general auditing program. Require that C/S okay is required. Get such done at the START of courses and BEFORE a major auditing cycle is begun. Enforce this hard as the other answer that will be taken will be to do it at the end of the cycle and wreck major auditing program results. 7. ILLEGAL PATCH-UPS. Sometimes all through an intensive there is another auditor unknown to the C/S who 2 wcs the pc or audits the pc who is complaining to him or her. Shows up in the Hi-Lo TA Assessment. Forbid it. 8. PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THEIR CASES. Past life reality is often badly hurt by people who talk about being Napoleon, Caesar and God. This makes “past lives” an unreal subject by bad comparison. Restimulative material is sometimes used to “push someone’s buttons”. Bullbait that uses actual processes or implants should be stamped out hard. 9. ADVANCED COURSE MATERIAL INSECURITY. I have seen several cases wrecked by careless storage of Ad Course materials where lower levels could get at them. One notable case was a suppressive who got hold of Ad Course materials and chanted them at his wife to drive her insane. She recovered eventually. He didn’t. When a C/S gets a whiff of upper level materials on a lower level pc worksheet he should make an ethics matter of it and get it traced. 10. ILLEGAL DRUG USE. A pc who suddenly relapses onto drugs or who has a long drug history can cause a case to look very very odd. The TA flies up. The case, running okay, suddenly ceases to run. Addicts can come off it if given TRs 0 to 9 and an HAS Course (modern). Drug chains are rehabbed and run out by Dianetics. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.rd copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 192 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 8 MARCH 1971 Remimeo Examiner’s Hat (Replaces and Revises HCO PLs of Tech Services 9 May 69 and 26 Jan AD20, “Examiner’s Form”) Hat (Mimeo on 16 Substance paper) EXAMINER’S FORM (Important Note: This form is handled exactly as per HCO P/L of 26 Jan AD20 AND NO EXAMINER MAY EXAMINE UNLESS STARRATED ON THAT P/L, and HCO B 5 Mar 71 (C/S Series 25) AND AN E-METER COURSE. Students and pcs can be very upset if this post’s duties are not done correctly and org pc and course results ruined.) After Session Qual Div (Place) Volunteered Date Medical Time Pc or Pre OT name Last Grade Attained Grade, Course or Action Being Attested Pc’s Statement (Write down exactly what pc says.) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ TA Position and any BD Pc Indicators State of Needle F/N Indicated to pc _________________________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM TO TECH SERVICES WHICH ROUTES IT INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNESS REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG TO T/S AND FOLDER AND CARBON TO MO OR QUAL SEC. RUSH ROUTE ANY ROLLER COASTER LATER REPORT OR SICK RPT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERRORS. L. RON HUBBARD LRH: mes.rd Founder Copyright © 1971 [Two earlier issues of the Examiner’s Form, HCO PLs 18 by L. Ron Hubbard September 1968 and 30 September 1968, Issue II, were revised ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by HCO PL 9 May 1969 which is revised by this issue.] 193 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 MARCH 1971 Remimeo Class IX LIX HI-LO TA LIST (Cancels earlier list HCO B 17 Feb 7 1, HCO B 22 Feb 71 and HCO B 25 Feb 71, which were not released off Flag, and HCO B 3 March 71) This assessment has been developed to detect the reason for high and low TA. There is nothing unusual about the processes necessary to handle these points. Interiorization or a flubbed Interiorization Intensive that must be run with WENT INTO is the usual reason, but run this time with exact R3R using each R3R command and getting it answered. ANY READING QUESTION MUST BE CARRIED TO F/N BY MAJOR ACTION OR 2 WC. TAKE LARGEST BD FIRST UNLESS EXT READS. HIGH-LOW TA ASSESSMENT 1. Do you have a Stuck Picture? ________ (Picture and Masses Remedy Dn) 2. Are you Trapped? ________ (Ext Remedy) 3. Do you have Pictures in Restimulation? ________ (Pictures and Masses Dn) 4. Do you have Masses in Restimulation? ________ (Pictures and Masses Dn) 5. You went in? ________ (Means Ext R/D is out) 6. Have you Committed Overts? ________ (2 wc E/S) 7. Are you Not-ising Overts? ________ (2 wc E/S) 8. Do you have Withholds? ________ (Pull them E/S) 9. Are there Considerations not mentioned? ________ (2 wc E/S) 10. Have you Committed Crimes? ________ (2 wc E/S) 11. Have you been Self Auditing? ________ (2 wc to 1st instance E/S) 12. Was a Wrong Overrun found? ________ (Correct it) 13. Has there been an Overrun in Life? ________ (Locate and Indicate to F/N) 14. Has there been an Overrun in Auditing? ________ (Locate and Indicate to F/N) 15. Has a list been overlisted? ________ (Find and Correct to F/N) 16. Have reading items been left charged up? ________ (Spot them and clean them up by taking to F/N) 17. Have F/Ns not been indicated? ________ (Indicate it to F/N) 18. Have auditing questions not been understood? ________ (2 wc get them properly understood) 194 19. Did you say something must have read? ________ (2 wc E/S to F/N) 20. Were you still upset when somebody thought it was handled? ________ (Find and handle to F/N) 21. Are you protesting? ________ (2 wc E/S) 22. Are you urgently trying to leave? ________ (Something Ext R/D undone or unflat) 23. Have you separated out? ________ (Grade II or L10) 24. Are you out and can’t go in? ________ (Ext R/D) 25. Are there undisclosed problems? ________ (2 wc E/S) 26. Are you taking or smoking drugs? ________ (Drug remedies) 27. Did you once take drugs? ________ (Drug remedies) 28. Are you out and can’t get in? ________ (Ext R/D) 29. Is there a lie? ________ (2 wc E/S) 30. Are you talking to others about your case? ________ (2 wc E/S) 31. Are you listening to others talk about their cases? ________ (2 wc E/S) 32. Have you been looking at or listening to tech materials you shouldn’t? ________ (2 wc E/S) 33. Do you have opinions you don’t dare say? ________ (2 wc E/S to F/N) 34. Are you here for undisclosed reasons? ________ (2 wc E/S to F/N) 35. Are you not telling your Auditor your Cognitions? ________ (Find what and E/S to F/N) 36. Are you withholding your actual case state? ________ (2 wc E/S to F/N) 37. Are you unwilling to talk to the auditor? ________ (2 wc on what he can’t say E/S to F/N) 38. Did your auditor overwhelm you? ________ (2 wc E/S to F/N) 39. Are you scared of what might happen in auditing? ________ (2 wc E/S to F/N) 40. Are you somebody else? ________ (2 wc E/S to F/N) 41. Is there a list error? ________ (Find and correct it to F/N) 42. Are you waiting for something to happen? ________ (2 wc E/S to F/N) 43. Do you think something else is wrong? ________ (2 wc E/S to F/N or handle to F/N) IF EXTERIORIZATION READS CORRECT IT FIRST. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:OJR:-.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 195 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 MARCH 1971R CORRECTED & REISSUED 25 JULY 1973 (Only change being word “by” in para 4 changed to “but”.) Remimeo All Levels F/N EVERYTHING Whenever an auditor gets a read on an item from Ruds or a prepared list (LIB, L3A, L4B, etc, etc) IT MUST BE CARRIED TO AN F/N. To fail to do so is to leave the pc with by-passed charge. When a pc has had several reads on various lists which were none of them carried to F/N, it can occur that he will become upset or depressed without any other apparent reason. As one has DONE the lists without F/Ning each item, one now has the mystery of what is wrong? The error is reading items from Ruds or prepared lists cleaned to no read but not carried to F/N. This action (amongst many such refinements) is what makes Flag auditing so smooth and indeed makes it Flag Auditing. When an auditor first tries this he may well think it is impossible. Yet it is simplicity itself. If you know bank structure you know it is necessary to find an earlier item if something does not release. What has been found as a read on a prepared list would F/N if it were the basic lock. So if it doesn’t F/N, then there is an earlier (or an earlier or an earlier) lock which is preventing it from F/Ning. So the RULE: NEVER WALK OFF FROM A READING ITEM ON A RUDIMENT OR A PREPARED REPAIR LIST BEFORE YOU CARRY IT DOWN (EARLIER SIMILAR) TO AN F/N. Example: ARC Brk reads. Pc says what it is, Auditor does ARCU CDEI. If no F/N, Auditor asks for an earlier similar ARC Brk, gets it, ARCU CDEI, etc until he gets an F/N. Example: PTP reads. Carry it E/S (earlier similar) until a PTP F/Ns. Example: L4B: Has an item been denied you? Reads. Answered. No F/N. Is there an earlier similar denied item? Answered. F/N. Go on to next reading item on the list. Example: GF assessed once through for reads. The next C/S must take every item on it that read, by 2wc or other process, to an F/N. So there is a much more general rule: EVERY ITEM THAT READS MUST F/N. In Dianetics you get the F/N when you run E/S secondaries or engrams to an erasure, F/N, Cog, VGIs. In Rudiments, every out rud you get a read on is run E/S to F/N. On a prepared list you take each read to an F/N or E/S to F/N. On an LX list you run each flow chain to an F/N. On GF you get by whatever process an F/N. On Listing by the Laws of Listing and Nulling, your eventual item listed must F/N. 196 So another rule: EVERY MAJOR AND MINOR ACTION MUST BE CARRIED TO AN F/N. There are NO exceptions. Any exception leaves by-passed charge on the pc. Also, every F/N is indicated at the conclusion of the action when cog is obtained. You take too soon an F/N (first twitch) you cut the cognition and leave by-passed charge (a withheld cognition). I could take any folder and simply write out the ruds and prepared list reading items and then audit the pc and carry each one to F/N and correct every list so disclosed and wind up with a very shining, cool calm pc. So “Have reading items been left charged?” would be a key question on a case. Using lists or ruds on high or low TAs that are not meant for high or low TAs will get you reading items that won’t F/N. So, another rule: NEVER TRY TO FLY RUDS OR DO LIB ON A HIGH OR LOW TA. One can talk the TA down (see HCO B on Talking the TA Down). Or one can assess L4B. About the only prepared lists one can assess are the new Hi-Lo TA HCO B 13 Mar 71 and possibly a GF+40 once through for biggest read. The biggest read will have a blowdown on it and can possibly be brought to F/N. If this occurs then one also handles all other items that read. The most frequent errors in all this are: Not taking a read earlier similar but just checking it and leaving it as “clean”. Not using suppress and false on items. And of course leaving a pc thinking things are still charged by failing to indicate the F/N. Indicating an F/N before Cog. Not going back through the folder to handle ruds and items that read but were called “clean” or were simply abandoned. A pc audited under tension of poor TRs has a hard time and does not F/N sometimes, inviting overrun. The rules then to happy pcs are: GOOD TRs. F/N EVERYTHING FOUND ON RUDS AND LISTS. AUDIT WITH TA IN NORMAL RANGE OR REPAIR IT SO IT IS IN NORMAL RANGE. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1973 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 197 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 16 MARCH 1971R REVISED 29 JANUARY 1975 Revision in this type style Remimeo Course Super Course Course Super Checksheet LRH Comm to Enforce WHAT IS A COURSE? In Scientology a course consists of a checksheet with all the actions and material listed on it and all the materials on the checksheet available in the same order. “Checksheet Material” means the policy letters, bulletins, tapes, mimeo issues, any reference book or any books mentioned. “Materials” also include clay, furniture, tape players, bulletin boards, routing forms, supplies of pink sheets, roll book, student files, file cabinets and any other items that will be needed. If you look this over carefully, it does not say “materials on order” or “except for those we haven’t got” or “in different order”. It means what it says exactly. If a student is to have auditing or word clearing rundowns or must do auditing those are under ACTIONS and appear on the checksheet. A course must have a Supervisor. He may or may not be a graduate and experienced practitioner of the course he is supervising but HE MUST BE A TRAINED COURSE SUPERVISOR. He is not expected to teach. He is expected to get the students there, rolls called, checkouts properly done, misunderstoods handled by finding what the student doesn’t dig and getting the student to dig it. The Supervisor who tells students answers is a waste of time and a course destroyer as he enters out-data into the scene even if trained and actually especially if trained in the subject. The Supervisor is NOT an “instructor”, that’s why he’s called a “Supervisor”. A Supervisor’s skill is in spotting dope-off, glee and other manifestations of misunderstoods., and getting it cleaned up, not in knowing the data so he can tell the student. A Supervisor should have an idea of what questions he will be asked and know where to direct the student for the answer. Student blows follow misunderstoods. A Supervisor who is on the ball never has blows as he caught them before they happened by observing the student’s misunderstanding before the student does and getting it tracked down by the student. It is the Supervisor’s job to get the student through the checksheet fully and swiftly with minimum lost time. The successful Supervisor is tough. He is not a kindly old fumbler. He sets high checksheet targets for each student for the day and forces them to be met or else. The Supervisor is spending Supervisor Minutes. He has just so many to spend. He IS spending Student Hours. He has just so many of these to spend so he gets them spent wisely and saves any waste of them. 198 A Supervisor in a course of any size has a Course Administrator who has very exact duties in keeping up Course Admin and handing out and getting back materials and not losing any to damage or carelessness. If Paragraphs One to Three above are violated it is the Course Administrator who is at fault. He must have checksheets and the matching material in adequate quantity to serve the Course. If he doesn’t he has telexes flying and mimeo sweating. The Course Admin is in charge of routing lines and proper send-off and return of students to Cramming or Auditing or Ethics. The final and essential part of a course is students. If a course conforms with this P/L exactly with no quibbles, is tough, precisely time scheduled and run hard, it will be a full expanding course and very successful. If it varies from this P/L it will stack up bodies in the shop, get blows and incompetent graduates. The final valuable product of any course is graduates who can apply successfully the material they studied and be successful in the subject. This answers the question What is a Course? If any of these points are out it is NOT a Scientology Course and it will not be successful. Thus, the order “Put a Course there!” means this P/L in full force. So here’s the order, WHEN OFFERING TRAINING PUT A COURSE THERE. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd jh Copyright © 1971, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 199 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 DECEMBER 1968 Remimeo (Amends HCO Bulletin of 9 January 1968, List L4A) (ITEM 6 CORRECTED 12 FEBRUARY 1969) (Amended 8 August 1970) (Amended 18 March 1971) L4B FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS PC’S NAME DATE__________________ AUDITOR 1. DID YOU FAIL TO ANSWER THE LISTING QUESTION? (If it reads, find out what question, clear the question noting whether it reads, if so, list it, find the item and give it to the pc.) 2. WAS THE LIST UNNECESSARY? (If it reads, indicate BPC and indicate that it was an unnecessary action.) 3. WAS THE ACTION DONE UNDER PROTEST? (If it reads, handle by itsa earlier similar itsa.) 4. IS A LIST INCOMPLETE? (If reads, find out what list and complete it, give the pc his item.) 5. HAS A LIST BEEN LISTED TOO LONG? (If so, find what list and get the item off from it by nulling with Suppress, the nulling question being: “On_____has anything been suppressed?”, for each item on the overlong list. Give the pc his item.) 6. HAVE WE TAKEN THE WRONG ITEM OFF A LIST? (If this reads, put in Suppress and Invalidated on the list and null as in 5 above and find the right item and give to the pc.) 7. HAS A RIGHT ITEM BEEN DENIED YOU? (If this reads, find out what it was and clean it up with Suppress and Invalidate and give it to the pc.) 8. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PUSHED OFF ON YOU YOU DIDN’T WANT? (If so, find it and get in Suppress and Invalidate on it and tell pc it wasn’t his item and continue the original action to find the correct item.) 9. HAD AN ITEM NOT BEEN GIVEN YOU? (If reads, handle as in 7.) 10. HAVE YOU INVALIDATED A CORRECT ITEM FOUND? (If so, rehab the item and find out why the pc invalidated it or if somebody else did it, clean it up and give it to pc again.) 11. HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF ITEMS THAT YOU DID NOT PUT ON THE LIST? (If so, add them to the correct list. Renull the whole list and give the pc the item.) 200 12. HAVE YOU BEEN LISTING TO YOURSELF OUT OF SESSION? (If so, find out what question and try to write a list from recall and get an item and give it to the pc.) 13. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN SOMEBODY ELSE’S ITEM? (If so, indicate to the pc this was not his item. Don’t TRY to find whose it was.) 14. HAS YOUR ITEM BEEN GIVEN TO SOMEONE ELSE? (If so, find if possible what item it was and give it to the pc. Don’t try to identify the “somebody else”.) 15. HAS A RELEASE POINT BEEN BY-PASSED ON LISTING? (If so, indicate the overrun to the pc, rehab back.) 16. HAS A RELEASE POINT BEEN BY-PASSED ON THE QUESTION ONLY? (If so, indicate the overrun to the pc and rehab back.) 17. HAVE YOU GONE EXTERIOR WHILE LISTING? (If so, rehab. If Ext Rundown not given, note for C/S.) 18. HAS IT BEEN AN OVERT TO PUT AN ITEM ON A LIST? (If so, find out what item and why.) 19. HAVE YOU WITHHELD AN ITEM FROM A LIST? (If so, get it and add it to the list if that list available. If not put item in the report.) 20. HAS A WITHHOLD BEEN MISSED? (If so, get it, if discreditable ask “Who nearly found out?”) 21. HAS AN ITEM BEEN BY-PASSED? (Locate which one.) 22. WAS A LISTING QUESTION MEANINGLESS? (If so, find out which one and indicate to the pc.) 23. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ABANDONED? (If so, locate it and get it back for the pc and give it to him.) 24. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PROTESTED? (If so, locate it and get the protest button in on it.) 25. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ASSERTED? (If so, locate it and get in the assert button on it.) 26. HAS AN ITEM BEEN SUGGESTED TO YOU BY ANOTHER? (If so, get it named and the protest and refusal off.) 27. HAS AN ITEM BEEN VOLUNTEERED BY YOU AND NOT ACCEPTED? (If so, get off the charge and give it to the pc, or if he then changes his mind on it, go on with the listing operation.) 28. HAS THE ITEM ALREADY BEEN GIVEN? (If so, get it back and give it again.) 29. HAS AN ITEM BEEN FOUND PREVIOUSLY? (If so, find what it was again and give it to pc once more.) 30. HAS AN ITEM NOT BEEN UNDERSTOOD? (If so, work it over with buttons until pc understands it or accepts or rejects it and go on with listing.) 201 31. WAS AN ITEM DIFFERENT WHEN SAID BY THE AUDITOR? (If so, find out what the item was and give it to the pc correctly.) 32. WAS NULLING CARRIED ON PAST THE FOUND ITEM? (If so, go back to it and get in Suppress and Protest.) 33. HAS AN ITEM BEEN FORCED ON YOU? (If so, get off the reject and suppress and get the listing action completed to the right item if possible.) 34. HAS AN ITEM BEEN EVALUATED? (If so, get off the disagreement and protest.) 35. HAD EARLIER LISTING BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate when and indicate the by-passed charge.) 36. HAS AN EARLIER WRONG ITEM BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, find when and indicate the by-passed charge.) 37. HAS AN EARLIER ARC BREAK BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate and indicate the fact by itsa earlier similar itsa.) 38. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK BECAUSE OF BEING MADE TO DO THIS? (If so, indicate it to the pc, check the question if reads. Get earlier similar itsa.) 39. HAS THE LIST CORRECTION BEEN OVERRUN? (If so, rehab.) 40. IS THERE SOME OTHER KIND OF BY-PASSED CHARGE? (If so, find what and indicate it to pc.) 41. WAS THERE NOTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE? (If so, indicate it to pc.) 42. HAS THE UPSET BEEN HANDLED? (If so, indicate it to the pc.) 43. HAS A LIST PROCESS BEEN OVERRUN? (If so, find which one and rehab.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright ©1968, 1969, 1970, 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 202 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 MARCH 1971 Remimeo LIST—1—C L1C (Cancels earlier L1 Lists such as HCO B 8 Aug 70) Used by Auditors in session when an upset occurs, or as ordered by C/S. Handles ARC Broken, Sad, hopeless or nattery pcs. Questions can be prefaced with “Recently” “In this life” “On the Whole Track” or used without. DO NOT USE ON HIGH TA TO BRING IT DOWN. USE HI-LO TA LIST. TAKE ALL READING ITEMS OR VOLUNTEERED ANSWERS Earlier Similar to F/N as they occur. 1. Has there been an error in listing? (If this reads change to L4B at once.) 2. Has a withhold been missed? 3. Has some emotion been rejected? 4. Has some affinity been rejected? 5. Has a reality been refused? 6. Has a communication been cut short? 7. Has a communication been ignored? 8. Has an earlier rejection of emotion been restimulated? 9. Has an earlier rejection of affinity been restimulated? 10. Has an earlier refusal of reality been restimulated? 11. Has an earlier ignored communication been restimulated? 12. Has something been misunderstood? 13. Has someone been misunderstood? 14. Has an earlier misunderstanding been restimulated? 15. Has some data been confusing? 16. Has there been a command you haven’t understood? 17. Has there been some word you haven’t known the meaning of? 203 18. Has there been some situation you haven’t grasped? 19. Has there been a problem? 20. Has a wrong reason for an upset been given? 21. Has a similar incident occurred before? 22. Has something been done other than what was said? 23. Has a goal been disappointed? 24. Has some help been rejected? 25. Has a decision been made? 26. Has an engram been restimulated? 27. Has an earlier incident been restimulated? 28. Has there been a sudden shift of attention? 29. Has something startled you? 30. Has a perception been prevented? 31. Has a willingness not been acknowledged? 32. Has there been no auditing? 33. Did you go Exterior? 34. Have actions been interrupted? 35. Have actions continued too long? 36. Has data been invalidated? 37. Has someone evaluated? 38. Has something been O/Run? 39. Has an action been unnecessary? L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [For more data on taking “Volunteered Answers Earlier Similar to F/N” see HCO B 3 July 1971, Auditing by Lists Revised, page 316.] 204 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 MARCH 1971 Remimeo C/S Checksheet All Auditors’ Hats C/S Series 30 C/Sing AUDITOR-C/Ses When auditors do their own C/Sing, the Org C/S has the additional duty of making certain their C/Ses are correct as well as their sessions. Therefore the Org C/S (which post is now even more vital) has the duty of 1. Seeing that all auditor flubs are handled in a cramming action on the flubbed action. 2. Seeing that all auditor-as-a-C/S errors are handled in a cramming action on the C/S Series. Normally a C/S handles his post on the Fantastic New HGC Line, HCO B 5 Mar 71, C/S Series 25, on a fast flow basis. But he is looking for (a) “Dog cases”—pcs not running well (b) Auditor errors (c) Auditor Program errors (d) Auditor C/S errors. Those that are F/Ning VGIs at Examiner he lets go through fast verifying the exam report and the next C/S. The moment he sees a contrary exam report (F/N with natter or BIs, high TA or low TA with any statement or no statement) he has to decide (a) Dog Case? (b) Auditor Error? (c) Program Error? (d) Auditor C/S Error? In any of the above the Org C/S takes over and handles what he finds. He must also require a cramming action on any (b) auditor error (c) program error or (d) auditor C/S error. The Org C/S then does it right himself. In any event it is the Org C/S who is fully responsible for all the cases. That the Org C/S finds a program or C/S wrong does not then cause the auditoras- a-C/S to cease to C/S. Quite the contrary. Even if every program or C/S he writes is wrong and has to be rewritten he still takes all the actions of the auditor-as-a-C/S. 205 DOG CASES Category (a) is the case who just isn’t running well. The wrong answer to a dog case is to go on auditing and wasting hours hopefully. The RIGHT answer is to STUDY the case carefully. The Folder Error Summary, the Folder session summary, the sessions, all have to be studied. The standard C/S action of going back to when the pc was running well and coming forward for the error is very much in use. Such a case is the result of a FLUB always. Example: High TA case on Power run on and on with TA in the sky. A careful FES and study of folders revealed that 2 years before, Power had been completed! Every current action was a brutal overrun! Yet the same C/S and ten separate auditors failed to see it! Indicating it and 2wc on the earlier Power handled the O/R. Example: Case RD not running well at all, TA going high. A careful study of the folder session summary at length discovered that the pc had not F/Ned on 2 way comm Int-Ext. 2wc on this point discovered a total mess of command clearing on the Int RD. This opened the door. Pc thereafter ran beautifully. Example: Pc a total nattery mess every session. Careful study found a tiny remark on the white form about going to a psychiatrist. 2wc on it and the antagonism toward auditing and the withhold of having once gone crazy vanished. Case ran well. Careful study is the clue. The Auditor as a C/S may not put in the time needed to really sort the case out. A current FES of recent auditing can also be ordered. This often reveals a lot of oddball goofs which when handled make the case run well. The Org C/S is supposed to be the old master on solving these dog cases by careful study. Heavy laurels to the auditor-as-a-C/S who spots the knot that is tangling the case up. AUDITOR ERRORS The errors of auditors can be so various one only looks to see if the actions of the auditor are standard when the Org C/S has to intervene. Then the outnesses show up. Example: Pc’s TA shooting up at session end. Examine the previous C/S. Calls for L1B. Examine session. Auditor is found to be ITSAING ARC Breaks, no ARCU CDEI, no earlier similar. Action ordered, pick up the BD ARC Brk and do ARCU CDEI and carry it E/S to F/N. Action ordered. Auditor to Cramming to do Pattern of Bank, why earlier? and how to fly ruds. Always find and handle auditor goofs by Cramming. You’ll never have an HGC unless you do. PROGRAM ERRORS When an auditor-as-a-C/S program is poor, the Org C/S redoes it, sends the Auditor to Cramming on the relevant parts of the C/S Series or tech materials. 206 C/S ERRORS When an auditor-as-a-C/S is found to have written a bad C/S that got by but didn’t work or when the next C/S is wrong, the Org C/S sends the auditor-as-a-C/S to Cramming to do the relevant part of the C/S Series or the tech that applies. CRAMMING An org that has no sharp, hot Cramming Section in the Qual Div—well God help it. That org’s tech will always be shaky if not outright criminal. Students need a Cramming or they never really learn not to goof. Where there’s no insistence they do not learn. HGC Auditors need a Cramming. They go stale. New HCO Bs aren’t understood unless energetically checked out. The C/S in the Tech Div is at total risk where he is not backed up by Cramming. The new HCO B 5 Mar 71, C/S Series 25, the new line, demands a Cramming as no auditor is likely to learn to C/S. You can’t risk fast flow with no Cramming to fall back on. And an org’s tech will never improve unless it has a Cramming for HGC auditors and course students. Qual has to have a library of HCO Bs and course packs and books to really stay on the ball. Then its Cramming is hot, on the point, specializing mainly in finding what the auditor has neglected or misunderstood and getting it done. Cramming and use of it is the key to a fully satisfied field and an expanding org. The big plus points of the new HGC line are huge increases in delivery volume, very cocky never-blow auditors who get wins, an enthusiastic field, and last but not least, newly trained and competent C/Ses who guard tech by knowing a correct C/S! The new line increases speed. At the same time it requires greater technical safeguards. The new HGC line won’t work unless you have a competent Qual Cramming and an Org C/S who knows his business and detects and pitchforks all flubs in auditing and C/Sing into the fast hands of a hot no-nonsense Cramming Officer. The new line of HCO B 5 Mar 71 is a great success. It greatly increases delivery quality as well as volume if this HCO B is stressed in putting the new line into action. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 207 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MARCH 1971 Remimeo Dianetic Checksheets DIANETIC ERASURE There are several corny stunts that can occur in Dianetics, any of which will add up to no F/N. 1. Trying to run an item that didn’t read on being given or when being called. As the chain is not charged it will be hard if not impossible to run. BD items are of course the very best and almost always erase very easily. 2. Starting a new session with a new item with the TA way way up. To play it safe in Dianetic auditing (it can be handled in Scientology) the Dianetic auditor who starts a session and a new action at the same time with the TA high is very foolish. It may not be high on what the auditor is now newly trying to run. The correct action is not to start the session. Just end off with no auditing done. When the TA has settled down on another day (3 days to 10 days later) begin your new action. The pc is ill or is having trouble in life. If you were running a chain in the last session and continue it in the next, disregard the high TA. A way to get around this is get some new items from the high TA pc and take one that blows down well and you can probably bring it off. Safest is don’t audit a high TA pc unless to repair an unflat chain (or to run Exteriorization RD). This rule is variable. But you should know it is risky to audit a new item taken from an earlier list when the pc comes into session with a high TA as it may not be high on what you are about to run and so you may get no F/N. The only remedy is to get new items and choose a BD one (or to turn the pc over to a Scientology auditor to assess a Hi-Lo TA list and handle). 3. Running a narrative item can lead to no F/N. (A Narrative Item describes only one possible incident, i.e. “dropping an ironing board on my foot” = no chain = possible no F/N.) 4. Running a pc who has exteriorized in auditing on something other than an Exteriorization RD will produce a high TA and no F/N in the session. After Ext RD has been run anything can be run. 5. Probably the WORST blunder is failing to ask for ABCD again when the pc says “It’s erased” but the TA is still high. This is really a corny error. TA 4.9. Pc says, “It’s erased! All blank now,” and the auditor fails to ask ABCD once more. There is a moment when the pc’s NOT-IS of the picture squeezes it into invisibility. The mass of it is still there. It takes just one or two more passes to get the BD and F/N. It’s up to the auditor not to let the pc go without that additional ABCD. Then the BD and F/N happen with Cog and VGIs. This error is more common than one would think. 6. Failure to ask for the Earlier Beginning will also cause a long grind (ABCD over and over) and no F/N. 7. Of course, not asking for an Earlier Incident mentioning the same item will also cause a grind and no F/N. When the item isn’t also mentioned in the command the pc can jump chains. And if the Earlier Beginning is not asked for at all of course there will be no F/N. 8. Auditing a pc under protest will cause the TA to stay up and no F/N. The skilled Dianetic Auditor knows these things cold and does not make these errors. Thus he gets his end of session F/N regularly and gets F/N at the Examiner as well when the case has had a few sessions. LRH: mes.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 208 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 MARCH 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 31 PROGRAMMING AND MISPROGRAMMING There are three important areas of technical application: 1. Auditing Cases. 2. Case Supervising Cases. 3. Programming Cases. Auditing generally should be gotten into an org on the routine basis of: 1. Get Auditing Volume UP. 2. Get Auditing Quality UP. 3. Get C/Sing Volume UP. 4. Get C/Sing Quality UP. 5. Get Programming Volume UP. 6. Get Programming Quality UP. To do it in any other sequence is to organize before producing or to inhibit production. Auditing quality is raised by getting in Cramming and getting Cramming done. C/S quality is raised by C/S study of cases and the Qual Sec Cramming the C/S. Programming quality is raised by getting FESes done so that the action does not block production and Cramming or Programming and then studying the case to make the Programming more real and effective. MISPROGRAMMING 1. Programming a case without data is risky. Dropping out the FES step, not getting White Forms done, etc, short-cutting on data in general can cost tremendous amounts of lost auditing. 2. Doing a vague general hopeful program of Repair (Progress) trusting something will come up is ineffective. With data on the person’s life even on a pc never before audited, one can hit the key points even if only with 2-way comm on them. Cases that have been audited and are boggy are so for a reason. Programming without finding that reason can be very ineffective and result in few wins. 3. Running a new major program into an incomplete major program can be as deadly as failing to flatten a process before starting another process only more so. 4. Failing to end off a program when its End Phenomena is achieved is another gross error. 5. Being too ignorant of the basic bank and the tech theory (as different than processes) is another barrier to programming. 6. Not Programming at all. The above six are the principal gross errors in programming. LRH: mes.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 209 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 APRIL 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 32 USE OF QUAD DIANETICS With the introduction of Quadruple Dianetics it is mandatory important urgent that one does not audit four flow items until one has brought all earlier Dianetic Items into four flows. TRIPLE This also applies to Triple Dianetics. On a case where only Flow One (Single) has been run, you don’t suddenly run a Triple (Fl, F2, F3) such as on the LX Class VIII Lists until one has run the earliest Dn item ever run (or that can be found) on Dn Triple and then on forward on Triple up to the LX. QUAD However, one would now not bother to run only Triples forward. He would locate the earliest Single or Triple (if no Single Flow) item and run it Quadruple by now running the missing flows. EXT RD In doing an EXTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN one mustn’t suddenly introduce the 4th flow (F Zero). If the case has only had Triples in Dianetics one mustn’t suddenly introduce a Flow Zero on EXT. The case should be done on Triple Flow EXT. THEN all earlier Dn Items in sequence run are (a) Listed from W/S or Folder Summaries. (b) Brought up to current by running in all the missing flows of Quad. (c) The EXT RD fourth flow is audited in when one gets to it. REASON Auditing additional flows while earlier items remain Single or Triple restimulates the missing flows and stacks them up as mass. They can make a pc uncomfortable until run. All the missing flows (that were not run) are still potential mass. This mass restimulates like something too late on the chain when a flow not run on earlier items is run on later items. Auditing itself is a sort of time track. The earliest session blows the later sessions. FULL FLOW TABLE Before running Quad Dianetics one makes a table of earlier items run. Like this: FULL FLOW TABLE Flow Date Item Previously Run Must Run 2/3/62 Guf Shoulder F 1 F 2, 3, 0 3/3/67 Gow in Foot F 1 F 2, 3, 0 30/4/67 Chow in Chump F 1 F 2, 3, 0 29/9/68 LX Anger F 1, 2, 3 F 0 LX Peeved F 1, 2, 3 F 0 4/10/69 Feeling Numb F 1, 2, 3 F 0 5/9/70 EXT RD F 1, 2, 3 F 0 9/10/70 Feeling of Goof F 1, 2, 3 F 0 10/10/71 Dn Assist on Head F 1 F 2, 3, 0 210 FLOWS F 1 is FLOW ONE, something happening to self. F 2 is FLOW TWO, doing something to another. F 3 is FLOW THREE, others doing things to others. F 0 is FLOW ZERO, self doing something to self. R3R COMMANDS Standard R3R Commands are used on Quad Dianetics. They are the subject of another HCO B. The Zero Command however is very easy being “Locate an incident of (loss or emotion) (pain and unconsciousness) when you caused yourself to have a(an) (item)” with the other commands of R3R as usual. NARRATIVE The question will come up, do we Triple or Quad Narrative items or Multiple somatic items. The test is, did the flows already run F/N when they were originally run. If they did, include them. If they didn’t run exclude them. This does not mean you omit everything that didn’t run. REPAIR While auditing this FULL FLOW DIANETICS you will find various chains that did not F/N when originally run. These are included and should be concluded to F/N. This means one has to find out if they bypassed the F/N, went too early, jumped the chain, etc. Usually an L3A assessed on that faulty action will give the answer. It is easy to make these old flubbed chains F/N unless you work at it too hard. Usually the reason they didn’t is visible on the old worksheet. The auditor forgot to ask for Earlier Beginning or by-passed the F/N or jumped the chain or tried to run it twice forgetting he’d run it before. Corny errors. RESULT The result of doing a FULL FLOW DIANETIC ACTION on a case is quite spectacular. The shadowy remains of somatics blow, mass blows and the pc comes up shining. OFFERING FFD Offering the public Full Flow Dianetics must include the cost of C/S work since it is sometimes lengthy. It is best to sell the action at a flat price that’s more than adequate to cover the auditing as well as the hours of FESing and FF table making as the time can be quite long. The auditing can be remarkably brief. The greatest amount of time is usually spent on the C/Sing and table making. When offering the package it should be called Quadruple Dianetics—4 times more powerful than previous auditing. A C/S must liaise with the Dissem Sec and Treasury Sec on selling it or he’ll find the org is losing money doing the C/Sing and tables. A nice big fat flat price, not by hours, is best. OT WARNING When doing Quadruple Dianetics on Clears and OTs (and a very few others) it may be found that many chains are now missing or are just copies of the original. Don’t be disturbed. Pc says they’re gone now they’re gone. Just F/N the fact and carry on with the next flow or item. LRH:mes.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard [See also HCO B 4 Apr. 71-1R Addition of 13 Jan. 75, C/S Series ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 32RA-1R, Use of Quad Dianetics, in Volume VIII, page 377.] 211 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 APRIL 1971 Remimeo All Auditors C/S Series 33 Class VIII TRIPLE AND QUAD RERUNS LAW: WHEN ONE OR MORE OF THE FOUR FLOWS OF AN ITEM OR GRADE ARE LEFT UNRUN, WHEN USED IN LATER PROCESSES THE EARLIER UNRUN ONES RESTIMULATE AND MAKE MASS. This tells you that high TAs, heavy pressures and even illness can come from by-passed flows. BY-PASSED FLOWS Example: Dianetic Singles have been run on 7 items. Now the auditor begins to run new items Triple without running Triple on the already run items. The result will be 7 unrun Flow 2s and seven unrun Flow 3s. These will restimulate and form mass and by-passed charge. Example: Now let us say all 7 previous items have been run Triple. And the auditor now runs a new item Quadruple. This leaves 7 unrun Zero chains. These can restimulate and form mass and bypassed charge. Example: Now let us say that Dianetics was all run Single and Grades were run Triple. This will restimulate the Dn chains F2 and F3. Example: Let us say that Dianetics and Scientology Grades were all run Triple. An Exteriorization Rundown is now run Quad. This will throw all Dianetic and Scientology unrun Flow Zeros into restimulation and give by-passed charge. ANY LATER GRADE RUN WITH MORE FLOWS THAN USED IN EARLIER ACTIONS CAN THROW THE EARLIER UNFLAT FLOWS INTO RESTIM, PILE UP MASS GIVING HIGH TA AND BPC GIVING ARC BREAKS. REPAIR The more the condition is repaired by L1C, L4B, etc, etc, the worse the Mass gets. SOURCE OF HIGH TA Thus High TAs have three principal sources: 1. Overruns 2. Auditing Past Exterior 3. Earlier Unrun flows restimulated by those flows used in later actions. There are other minor ones such as Drug Background, illness, etc as per Hi-Lo TA Assessment. REHABS One must NOT recklessly or continuously rehab a past major action. This causes overrun. The thetan is placed at the end of the incidents not yet in restimulation or run and the bank gets more solid. MASSY THETANS The whole trick of this universe is contained in thetans copying or picturing incidents and then getting stuck in the later portion of them. “Incidents” is the keynote. A Thetan is incident hungry. This is what traps him. For some reason he has to be at the earliest end of incidents to erase them. The later he is in incidents and the later he is on the track the more solid he is. 212 This also applies to the “auditing time track”. By omitting things like flows on the auditing time track, the thetan thus becomes The whole theory of the Exteriorization Remedy is based on having gone out (later) after he went in (earlier). So Exteriorizing can stick him. (People buy the Ext RD to Exteriorize but the remedy is only done to permit further auditing. They Ext of course when the bank is handled.) When flows of items are by-passed and then later restimulated by auditing them, mass occurs. GETTING IN ALL FLOWS When doing additional flows on earlier items or processes one must also check or rehab those flows marked as run to F/N in worksheets. This again will leave unflat flows and BPC unless it is done. And if it is overdone it will raise the TA by overrun. So if one had a case that had Single Dianetics and was later run on Triple for new items (but the Singles not done into Triple) one would have to RUN FIRST the missing unrun flow or flows and then check the first Single F I for flatness, then check other previously run flows. The rule is run the previously unrun one or ones first to get charge off, then verify or run the ones listed as run already. Then one would do the same for the next item. Run the previously unrun flow or flows and then verify or run those listed as already run to be sure they F/N. All items, in chronological sequence, and all processes, would have to be run Quad. IT WOULD BE A WASTE OF TIME NOW TO RUN IN ONLY TRIPLES. Whether you have the Quad commands or not they are easy to figure out as you are only missing the Zero Flow, self to self. So all C/Ses and Auditing actions are “Rehab or Run Fl, F2, F3, F0” when getting in all flows on things run to date. HIGH TA When you are sure an EXT RD has been done correctly and its 2 wc went F/N and the TA later goes high, you check the EXT RD. That is the most usual reason. This simple action is amazingly subject to flubs. If the TA goes high later you can do a Hi-Lo TA Assessment and handle. If the TA is still high or low, you had better check the state of flows. Were more flows run on later actions than were run on earlier actions? If so, Your pc has felt massy, sometimes even ill. The right action is to get in all flows from the beginning. And do it Quad. Bring all his auditing up to Quad. (If his folder is not available, he has kind of had it. I know of no way, at this writing, to recover lost Dn items but will have to work something out.) NOT IN TROUBLE If the pc is not in trouble, his best bet is to get on up the grades to Expanded OT III. IN TROUBLE If he is massy and is having trouble the best bet is to 213 1. Be totally sure of his Int RD. 2. Check O/Rs particularly of a major grade twice or by-passed F/Ns, locate and indicate them. 3. FES, list the items and grades and do a Full Flow action from the beginning of his auditing, raising them all to Quadruple. RUNNING ZERO FLOWS The Zero Flow in Dianetics is a bit strange. It can be done by full R3R BUT it often depends on the decision the pc made and may F/N very suddenly. It is easily overrun and can be very fast. A pc can be gotten into trouble on Zero Flows if the auditor is slow and is not alert to his meter and misses the F/N and gives R3R commands after the flow has blown. REHAB OR RUN The auditor getting in Zero Flows can also ARC Brk the pc by failing to verify if the previously run flows are flat. All the auditor wants is to see them F/N on the command. If they don’t he runs them. Sometimes when he has “run them” again he finds they are being overrun or run twice and has to rehab them by finding this out. The pc sometimes doesn’t know until he actually starts to run them. Then he finds they are already run. The clue to this is a climbing TA. If the TA goes up, get off that flow and rehab it. Example: Pc at first thinks “Pain in shoulder” F2 was never run. Starts to run it. TA goes up. Auditor must pull him off of it by finding out if it is being run twice and rehab it to F/N. The moral in all these reruns is don’t firefight, keep an L1C List and an L3A List handy and use them. RESULTS The results of straightening up the Int-Ext RD, rehabbing O/Rs and putting in ALL FLOWS on a pc are fantastic. Getting an All Flows Rundown done correctly gives one all the latent gain the pc has been begging for. So send to Cramming all C/Ses and auditors who flub. Program it Right. C/S it right. Audit it right. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was revised by HCO B 5 April 1971RA, Revised 8 April 1974, C/S Series 33RA, Triple Reruns, which is in Volume VIII, page 286. It was also reissued with changes as C/S Series 33RA-I, Triple and Quad Reruns, on 13 January 1975, Volume VIII, page 380.] 214 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 APRIL 1971 R Issue II Remimeo REVISED 21 OCTOBER 1974 HQS Course CANCELS BTB 5 APRIL 1971 Issue I SAME TITLE SUMMARY OF HOW TO WRITE AN AUDITOR’S REPORT AND WORKSHEETS FOR HQS CO-AUDIT AUDITOR’S REPORT An Auditor’s Report should contain: Date Name of Auditor Name of Pc Condition of Pc at session start Time session started What process was run—LISTING THE EXACT COMMAND Whether any difficulties or upsets occurred. Was Supervisor called? Whether process is complete or not F/N, cognition and position of TA Time session ended Condition of Pc at session end Pc gains or comments Length of session. WORKSHEETS A worksheet is supposed to be the complete running record of the session from beginning to end. The Auditor should not be skipping from one page to another but should just be writing page after page after page as the session goes along. The Auditor writes the wording of the process being run and then the number of each question from the process as he asks it. The Auditor also writes in the Pc’s answers and any originations and whether the Pc did the command or not. A worksheet is always foolscap, 8 x 13 inches, written on both sides and each page is numbered. Pc’s name is written on each separate sheet. A worksheet may be in 2 columns depending on how big the writing of the Auditor is. When the session is completed, the worksheets are put in proper sequence and stapled with the Auditor’s Report Form on top from beginning to end of session. Time notations should be made at regular intervals throughout the session. When running various processes in a session, mark each one clearly, noting time it was started and ended. Auditor’s Report Forms and worksheets are never re-copied. The Auditor should always read over his worksheets before turning in the folder to the Supervisor, and, if 215 any words or letters are missing or cannot be read, they should be written in with a different coloured pen. It is a serious offence to give any session or assist (including locational assists) without making an Auditor’s Report—or to copy the original Report after the session and submit a copy instead of the real Report. Assist Reports that are only contact, locational, or touch assists, may be written after the session and handed in to the Supervisor. ALL REPORTS OF ALL SESSIONS GO INTO THE PC’S OWN FOLDER. Otherwise past auditing cannot be checked and the case cannot be Case Supervised. If these rules are followed, it will make the Supervisor’s job much easier and the Auditor’s Reports more valuable. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 216 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 APRIL 1971 Remimeo Class VIII All C/Ses All Auditors C/S Series 34 NON F/N CASES When cases do not bring an F/N VGIs to the Examiner, it is the signal to study the whole case anew and find the bug or bugs that keep it from running and get them handled. Recently I took over a whole series of these non F/N VGI at Examiner cases and very very carefully studied each one. IN EVERY EXAMINER NON F/N CASE I FOUND FLAGRANT OUT TECH IN (A) THE PROGRAMMING (B) THE C/SING AND (C) THE AUDITING. All three outnesses existed. These cases were taken as all the Non F/N Exam reports on a line containing hundreds of folders and over 600 w.d. hours a week. So you can see that these errors had been missed by expert C/Ses and Auditors. The errors were missed because HOPE was being used instead of study. There was a hope that just routine C/Ses and auditing would work it out eventually. The fact of non F/N at Examiner was not given sufficient importance. The fact is that many who F/Ned at the Examiner had small flaws in them yet still got by. The Exam Non F/N indicates FLAGRANT OUT TECH in the Programming and the C/Sing and the auditing. That’s what it takes. After a bug is found and corrected the case still may not F/N at the Examiner for a while. But after that while is passed the failure to give the Examiner an F/N means another bug and more study. One case I found had had a major grade done twice two years apart. This was pointed out and rehabbed. But after 2 or 3 sessions the TA remained high. A restudy now found Recall Flow 2 of the Exteriorization Rundown had been run months ago to FIN and then continued for dozens of commands with the TA rising to 4.5. This was then repaired. The case then began to F/N at the Examiner. It now runs like an ordinary case. There is always a bug, not necessarily current, often very old, in these Exam Non F/N Cases. There are sometimes two or three bugs. The answer is NOT go on C/Sing and hope. The answer IS, study and find the bug. Cases run on triples after a long list of singles is a type of bug. Cases exteriorizing and then getting no Ext RD is another bug. 217 Cases given false reads or already run w/hs, cases who don’t tell their cogs, cases who were on drugs but drugs were never run, cases that Rockslammed but no crime found, any of the GF 40 or GF reading items, cases with lists out, cases that are always sad or tired ...well these types of cases are the usual bugged cases. But even they sometimes F/N if only to roller coaster. The general rule of going back to where the case was running well and coming forward still holds. But an audit past Exteriorization can be before that and only eventually catch up. General repair is harmful when a big bug exists. Every case I examined had a big bug. Flagrant god-awful overruns, messed up Exteriorization Rundown, three major programs begun, each incomplete, engram after engram botched and run to high TA then walked off from. The errors were real! They had been sitting there for some time unnoticed. Session after session mounting up into piles of wasted auditing. Sick pcs are another indicator. Pc F/Ns at Exam, then reports sick. Look behind it you find some wild program, C/S and auditing error. So the answer is to STUDY THE CASE. Get a total FES done if one has never been done. Get a current FES done or do it yourself. Then examine the programs and the FESes and Folder Summaries and suddenly you’ll find it. Fortunately there aren’t many things that can really foul a case up. 1. Overruns concealed within work sheets. Major grades twice. 2. Auditing past Exterior or flubbed Ext RDs. 3. Earlier unrun flows restimulated by later runs on those flows. 4. GF + 40 Items. 5. Never handled out lists. 6. Undetected drugs or drugs never handled by Dianetics. 7. False reads called (as in w/hs that “won’t blow”). 8. Hidden standards. 9. Long Duration ARC Brks. 10. Impractical or inapplicable programs. 11. Major actions started never completed. 12. Overrepair. There can be combinations of these. So there aren’t many. It’s really knowing what is right so well that the wrong shows up like skywriting. Sometimes the errors are silly. A bogged Dianetic case had gotten tons of VI repair. 218 The C/S, an VIII, had never realized Dianetic C/Sing is its own brand of C/Sing. He didn’t shift gears to Dianetic C/Sing when C/Sing Dianetics sessions. The auditor way back had not known that when the pc originates “It’s erased” and the TA remains high, his correct action is one more A B C D. This C/S had then tried Class VI remedies instead of telling the auditor “Flatten or rehab the last chain”. When the chains left unflat were rehabbed all was suddenly well. Another case was interrupted for a year on a major action and when returned to auditing was begun on a long, long repair program. Inches of folder later the interrupted program was found and resumed and the case did great. All that “hopeful” repair was lost work. Ten minutes of case study would have saved twenty hours of useless repair. The stable datum is CASES MODERATELY WELL PROGRAMMED, C/SED AND AUDITED RUN WELL. So cases that don’t run well (unchanging Exam natter comment, Non F/N) have a BIG error in Programming, C/Sing and Auditing. Look well and you will find it. And if that isn’t it, there was another to be found as well. If you can’t find the folder or data in it you should take every imaginable measure to acquire more data. D of P Interviews, 2wc sessions, telexes to his last org and telegrams to his auditors. But get data from somewhere somehow. Soon, when hours pick up and skill, all auditing will be sold by package not by hours. So learn economy of hours! An auditor or C/S who really knows his theory and has a good grasp of practical application knows the right way. From that he can easily see how things are wrong. An ounce of case study is worth ten pounds of wasted sessions. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 219 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 APRIL 1971 Remimeo Dn Checksheets Ext Checksheets Class IV IMPORTANT Class VI Class VII Class VIII Class IX L3B DIANETICS AND EXT RD REPAIR LIST This list includes the most frequent Dianetic errors. Use up to Question 28 as the usual use. Then if the situation does not solve, use the rest of the list. A high or low TA and a bogged case can result from failures to erase a chain of incidents. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPAIR A CHAIN OR ENGRAM WITHOUT USING THIS LIST as it can have different or several errors. REMEMBER THAT YOUR PC MAY NOT BE SUFFICIENTLY TRAINED TO UNDERSTAND ALL THESE QUESTIONS: IF ONE READS AND HE SAYS HE DOESN’T UNDERSTAND IT, CLEAR IT AND REASSESS (don’t explain it and take it as it read on a misunderstood not on a fact). RUNNING PCS ON DIANETICS WITHOUT A FULL AND COMPLETE DN C/S 1 INDOCTRINATION IS A FOOLISH ACTION. TAKE ANY READ FOUND TO F/N BY INDICATION OR FULL REPAIR OF IT. 1. The Item or symptom being run had no charge on it. ________ Indicate it was a false read, spot when it was run, where it was run and get an F/N. 2. The same incident or pictures were run before. ________ Indicate that an overrun has occurred. If no F/N spot when, spot where and get an F/N. 3. A session was started on a new item while an old one was not erased. ________ TA would have been high on an old item or the Interiorization Rundown and the auditor went on anyway with a new item. Find what the old item was and repair it with a new assessment on the earlier chain. Indicate fact to the pc. 4. The item being run described just one incident. (Narrative Item.) ________ Find the somatics, emotions, attitudes of the incident and run them as chains as per Standard Dianetics. 5. The incident had an earlier beginning. ________ Move the pc to the earlier beginning and proceed as per Standard Dianetics R3R. 6. There were earlier incidents stirred up and not erased. ________ Find what chain or item and run it to completion by R3R. This condition sometimes leaves pc with the ARC Brk effect of by-passed charge and is a basic example of by-passed charge. 7. Stirred up earlier unrun incidents. (Same as 6.) ________ 8. When running one item went into another instead and ran a different set of pictures. ________ Jumped chain. 9. When you said it was erased it still had a mass. ________ Auditor does ABCD again on the item one or two more times to get BD F/N. If TA goes up ask for earlier beginning or earlier similar on same incident to F/N. 220 10. You were protesting. ________ Find out what was being protested and handle it. 11. You were still taking drugs or medicine that had not worn off. ________ 12. You had a misunderstood on the commands. ________ Clear them up. 13. You had a misunderstood on what you were supposed to be doing. ________ Clear it up, get it done right. 14. A wrong item was given. ________ This could also be a listing error. If not sure what it is, shift to L4B. Otherwise find it and indicate it as a wrong item and that all other actions connected with it were wrong. You can also date the session in which it occurred. And you can also find earlier similar wrong items. 15. Has an earlier Dianetic upset been restimulated? ________ Find the earlier one and straighten it out. Also it can go back 2 or 3 more earlier mix-ups. Straighten out as you go back. Then always check for “any earlier Dianetic upset” if you get no F/N. 16. There was an Incorrect date. Correct it. ________ 17. There was an Incorrect duration. Correct it. ________ 18. There was a false date. ________ Find the real date despite the false date in the incident. 19. There was a false duration. ________ Find the real duration despite the false duration in the incident. 20. Is there a stuck picture? Do 1—19 again on the picture and handle. ________ 21. Is there a persistent mass? (Handle as in 24.) ________ 22. Was this or an earlier action unnecessary? ________ 23. Was there nothing wrong in the first place? ________ 24. Did you have trouble with a pressure item or with pressure on an item? ________ Date it exactly by meter and find out where it occurred in the universe. If done exactly right, it will blow up and vanish and F/N. If this doesn’t work, do this list 1 down to 24 on it and correct it to F/N. 25. Did you move out of your head earlier in auditing? Do Ext RD. ________ 26. Was your Exteriorization Rundown messed up? ________ Check folder on each flow and on the 2wc next day to be sure each flow was run to erasure and the 2wc to F/N. Remember that an auditor report can be a false report, and if you can’t find the error in the folder, then do I to 24 on each flow. DO NOT AUDIT A PC FURTHER UNTIL THE EXT RD IS TOTALLY CORRECTED. IF YOU DO THE TA WILL RISE, WON’T COME DOWN AND PC WILL BE UPSET OR ILL. IN CHOOSING WHICH OF THESE READING ITEMS TO HANDLE, ALWAYS HANDLE EXT RD ITEMS FIRST. THEN HANDLE THE REST. DO NOT CONTINUE AUDITING A PC WHOSE EXT RD WAS MESSED UP AND NOT CORRECTED. ANY ERROR REMAINING ON AN EXT RD IS DEADLY. 27. Were you being asked things you couldn’t answer? ________ 28. Did the auditor refuse to accept what you were saying? ________ Get this and earlier similar instances until you get an F/N VGIs. 221 FROM HERE ON ASSESS FURTHER ONLY IF PC TA OR UPSET REMAIN UNHANDLED. IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING READ, INDICATE IT, GET AN F/N OR GET AN EARLIER SIMILAR UNTIL IT F/Ns. 29. Has an Item read under protest? ________ 30. Was there no interest in running item? ________ 31. Was there no charge on item in the first place? ________ 32. Has an item been misworded? ________ 33. Were you more interested in running another item? ________ 34. Was the item suppressed? ________ 35. Was the item invalidated? ________ 36. Was more than you could see demanded? ________ 37. Were 2 or more engrams found on the same date? ________ 38. Did you skid into another incident? ________ 39. Did you move to another chain? ________ 40. Did you change the item while running it? ________ 41. Were you running an item different from that assessed? ________ 42. Was an Implant restimulated? ________ 43. Were earlier errors on engrams restimulated? ________ 44. Was important data by-passed? ________ 45. Was an incident skipped? ________ 46. Did 2 or more incidents get confused? ________ 47. Has a withhold been missed? ________ 48. Has an incident been left too heavily charged? ________ 49. Has a chain been abandoned? ________ 50. Has an incident been abandoned? ________ 51. Were you prevented from running an incident? ________ 52. Were processes changed on you? ________ 53. Has basic on a chain been by-passed? ________ 54. Has an erasure been denied you? ________ 55. After it was erased did you have to put it back to erase it? ________ 56. Were you running copies of the original after it had gone? ________ 57. Have you gone past erasure into another chain? ________ 58. Have several different chains been pulled in? ________ 59. Has a cognition been chopped? ________ 222 60. Has an F/N been indicated too soon? ________ 61. Has the somatic gone but picture still there? ________ 62. Should a basic be run through one more time? ________ 63. Have you been held up by the auditor? ________ 64. Were you distracted in session? ________ +65. Did you go exterior in an incident? ________ 66. Was an incident overrun? ________ +67. Did you go exterior in session? ________ *68. Have you not wanted to go earlier than this life? ________ 69. Has it been all black? ________ 70. Was it all invisible? ________ 71. Was the incident really a false or implanted occurrence? ________ *72. Have you had constantly changing pictures? ________ 73. Have you never had any pictures? ________ 74. Are you having to put it there to run it? Get Earlier Similar times to F/N VGIs. ________ 75. Are incidents being overrun? ________ 76. Has some Major auditing action been done twice? ________ 77. Has there been an unnecessary action? ________ 78. Was there nothing wrong in the first place? ________ 79. Was the real reason missed? ________ 80. Was something else wrong? (Do a Green Form.) ________ NOTE: + If questions 65 or 67 read and the pc has not had Interiorization Rundown and the associated 2 way comm the auditor ends off and sends folder to C/S so it can be C/Sed for Ext RD. * If questions 68 or 72 read, after indicating BPC, the auditor would end off and return folder to C/S. WARNING: Do not use any Prepcheck-type buttons during engram running or add overts to this list as they will “mush” engrams. LRH:mes.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCOB was revised on 28 January 1974 and became HCOB 11 April 71R, L3RC. It is in Volume VIII on page 245. L3RC was revised on 8 March 74 and became HCO B 11 April 71RA L3RD, which is in Volume VIII, page 265.] 223 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 APRIL 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 35 EXTERIORIZATION ERRORS (Reference HCO B 11 Apr 71, “L3B”. Reference HCO B 27 Mar 71, “Dianetic Erasure”.) Almost all the Errors in an Exteriorization Rundown are Dianetic errors. Most are very ordinary, even corny. IT IS VITAL TO CORRECT AN EXT RD ERROR AS A FIRST ACTION. There is one Ext RD error that is not a purely Dianetic error and that is the error doing anything else at all before an Ext RD is done properly or an Ext RD error is fully corrected. When a pc is exteriorized by auditing and is then audited further without being given an Exteriorization Rundown, his TA will go high or low and he may be very upset. Heavy masses may come in and he may also get ill. Ext RD errors also may go back to earlier Dianetic errors. A number of unflat incidents invite the overrun of these if they also occur on a Dianetic Chain. To clean up a balled-up Ext RD chain or incident one may have to find and clean up the Dianetic error it is sitting on during the clean-up of the Ext RD error. Using the new List L3B on every flow of the Ext RD up to Question 26 of L3B will in extreme cases (where all else fails) locate the trouble even where the auditing report is false or incorrect. Auditors who can’t run ordinary R3R with great success should not be let near an Exteriorization RD as their lack of smoothness in handling Dianetics will wreck the Ext RD. DIANETIC AUDITORS An excellent Dianetic Auditor can easily repair a messed-up Interiorization Rundown after a folder study and by use of L3B. A Dianetic Auditor with an excellent Dianetic record of wins can be given an Ext RD to do or to correct IF HE IS STARRATED ON THE EXT PACK AND THE TWO-WAY COMM PACK. If a Dianetic Auditor does an Ext RD, the recall steps may be omitted. REPAIR Wherever you see a TA high and a pc in trouble your first suspicions should be 1. Audited past Ext in Auditing without an Ext RD being done. 2. Ext RD botched. 3. A previously messed-up Dianetic action has gotten fouled up with the Ext RD. 4. The Ext Command was improperly cleared (such as “means go in and out again” “means trapped” “meant leaving” etc). 5. Firefights and worries over the high or low TA have ensued after an Ext ball-up has occurred. 6. Some major action like Grades or items or Power has been run twice. 7. A C/S has hopefully kept on getting the pc audited without detecting the real reason as a flubbed Ext RD. PERCENTAGES The percent of misrun Ext RDs is high. The liability of leaving them unrepaired is high. Reasons for high TA are averaging out close to 100% as an unrun or a flubbed and unrepaired Ext RD. 224 EXT IN SESSION When a pc Exteriorizes in session it is the End Phenomena for that process or action. One gently ends off in any case. If the pc is now given or if he has had a completely okay Ext RD he can be audited further. Otherwise no. If even years after an Ext RD the pc has a high TA or a low TA then Ext trouble is at once suspected and the original Ext RD and any repair of it is suspect and must be handled. L3B has been redesigned to straighten out Ext RDs or ANY Dianetic errors. There is no real trick to either running a correct Ext RD or repairing a flubbed one. The whole clue is whether or not the auditor can audit plain ordinary garden variety R3R. So when ANY auditor audits a pc past Exterior he should be checked out fully on the Ext RD checksheet so he won’t continue to commit the error. And when ANYONE REGARDLESS OF CLASS is going to run an Ext RD he must (a) Be an expert Dianetic Auditor. (b) Be Starrated on all the Ext RD pack. And when any C/S is confronted with high TAs or low TAs and doesn’t handle at once by getting an Ext RD properly run or properly repaired he must be re-checked on the Dianetics Pack and the Ext RD pack. DN C/S 1 A very careful Dianetic C/S 1 must be done on a previously unindoctrinated pc before he is run on an Ext RD. Otherwise it’s all too new. A C/S 1 isn’t auditing. The pc who can’t do what the auditor says or can’t correct an erroneous action is lost. A fully safe pc would be one who when he goes Ext in Auditing is made to do an HDC at once before he even gets any ruds put in and not audited again until he is an HDC. He’d be a pc who was relatively safe. A pc who does what an inexpert auditor says without question can really get fouled up! Uneducated pcs require really flawless topnotch auditors. The auditor who can audit an uneducated pc is a jewel. He really has to know his business. Because the pc does whatever he says. And if he says wrongly, then there goes the session. Ever notice pc corrections in a worksheet? “I think you by-passed an F/N.” “This feels overrun.” “I had Grade I last year.” Such auditors are not fully enough trained to handle wholly green pcs! SIMPLICITY Honest fellows, it’s as easy to run an Ext RD as it is to run “an ear pain”. It isn’t even mysterious or tough. IT IS ONLY VERY IMPORTANT TO DETECT WHEN IT NEEDS TO BE DONE OR REPAIRED. There are no mysteries. Some auditors have got me feeling like I’m trying to teach them to chew soft bread! LRH:nt rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 225 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 APRIL 1971 Remimeo All Auditors C/Ses Class VIII C/S Series 36 Dn Checksheet Int Ext Checksht QUADRUPLE DIANETICS DANGERS OF (Applies also to INT-EXT Rundown) (Ref HCO B 4 Apr 71, C/S Series 32 and HCO B S Apr 71, C/S Series 33) In observing Quad Dianetics in the hands of Scientology Auditors not specially briefed or who had additives and figure-figure on how to move a case already run on singles and triples into Full Flow, INVARIABLY THEY OVERRAN. This makes getting Quad Dianetics in on a case dangerous unless the auditor has the hang of it. The flagrant (and I do mean flagrant) errors found consisted of (a) not being able to run precise Standard Dianetics in the first place; (b) re-running already erased chains “to find if they were flat”; (c) Out TRs to a wild extent; (d) refusing utterly to accept pc’s data; (e) faulty metering; (f) complete ignorance of the Auditor’s Code, notably committing the crime of Invalidating the pc. REQUIREMENTS Anyone essaying to run Quad Dianetics MUST BE CRAMMED on his R3R, the use of L3B, all data on Quad Dianetics (as per references above and including HCO B 27 Mar 71, “Dianetic Erasure”), his basic TRs, his metering and the Auditor’s Code, and this HCO B. TRs TR Zero exists so an auditor is not ducking the session but can sit there relaxed, doing his job. TR One must be done so the pc can hear and understand the auditor (without blowing the pc’s head off either). TR Two must be done so that the pc gets acknowledged. This can be so corrupted that the auditor doesn’t ack at all but gives the pc meter reads! Instead of acks! Or keeps saying, “I didn’t understand you” etc. TR Three basically existed so that the auditor would continue to give the pc commands and not squirrel off or pack up with total silence. TR Four exists so that the pc’s origins are accepted and not Qed and Aed with or invalidated. And, surprise, surprise, TRs are for use in the session itself, not just a drill. They are how one runs a session. Metering can miss every F/N or give “F/Ns” with high or low TA. And one never feeds meter data to the pc: “That read”, “that didn’t read”, “that blew down” just must not exist in session patter. “Thank you. That F/Ned” is as far as an auditor goes. And that’s the end of the cycle and says so. Floating needles can be overlooked by an auditor. In Quad Dianetics this fault is fatal. Auditor’s Code must be in on all points and particularly Invalidation. Pc says, “That’s so and so.” An auditor who says, “I’m sorry. You are wrong,” or any other 226 invalidation is going to wreck a pc’s case. A full knowledge of the Auditor’s Code and actually applying it saves endless troubles. It is an auditing TOOL, not just a nice idea. REHABBING CHAINS One rehabs a Dianetic Chain that, according to a previous worksheet, erased, by saying, “According to session records (flow direction) (item) erased.” That’s all. One does not say, “Did the chain giving others a headache erase?” One does not run it again to find out. One does not run a single command “to see if it F/Ns again”. One can say, “Do you agree that the chain giving another a headache erased?” But the more you ask the pc to look for an erased chain the more messed up things will get. It isn’t there. But the auditor by his action can imply it should be there or might be there. A totally wrong approach would be “Look around your bank and see if what isn’t there anymore isn’t there.” Dianetics is NOT Scientology. A Dianetic Chain is not a release. If you try to use Scientology rehab tech on a Dianetic Chain, you have had it. It isn’t a “release” (which is a key-out). A Dianetic Chain is an erasure. You can’t rehab erasures with “How many times?”, etc. The test of this is the doing. If you try to use Scn rehab on Dianetic Chains, the PC MIGHT TRY TO FIND SOMETHING. This causes him to key in other unrun or similar items. It is a dangerous action at best to try to handle old erased chains. The best you can do is to tell the pc what the old W/S said. If no W/S exists leave the already erased flows alone! FLUBBED CHAINS Many times, a Folder Error Summary will give a flubbed chain and then fail to note it was repaired in the next session! A C/S and auditor would have been pretty irresponsible to just go on auditing past flubbed chains. The only safe way to handle some previous flubbed chain is to (a) Verify in the folder if it was repaired. (b) If still unrepaired assess the first 28 Questions of L3B on it and handle according to the L3B. L3B Using the new L3B (HCO B ll Apr 7l) is a Dianetic action. A Scientology Auditor erroneously can try to use it as a 2 way comm type of list. If a chain needed one more ABCD, then 2 way comm on it with no ABCD is not going to complete it. L3B has its own directions. Questions not marked with directions are used to indicate the fact. This can amount to 2 way comm as the pc chews it over. But L3B where marked is handled by Dianetics actions. Look over the list and its directions for each question and you will see that some are given directions that are NOT 2wc. Example: “Earlier beginning” reads. You can’t just say “the incident had an earlier beginning” and you can’t say, “Tell me about the earlier beginning.” The pc will go up the wall. There’ll be no F/N. You have to use R3R and get him to the earlier beginning and then run it and if it still doesn’t erase, get him to an Earlier Similar and erase that. L3B is a Dianetics List. It is not a Scientology List that is cleared each question to F/N by 2 way comm. OVERRUN Overruns are demonstrated by a rising TA. If as you seek to get in Full Flow Dianetics the pc’s TA begins to average higher, overrun is occurring. 227 Example: While doing FFD pc’s TA has been riding at 2.2 and F/Ns. After a new FFD action it begins to ride at 2.5 and F/Ns. Something is being overrun. Find it and indicate it. And cease to stir the bank up so much! The fault is going over items already run. Already flat zero flows are not uncommon. The zero flattened on the original triple. Thus getting in that Zero flow again is an overrun. In doing a Full Flow Table you often find that the same or similar have been run in the past. Sometimes you find that a previous attempt to run the item a second or third time has resulted in an ARC Break, the reason for which was never detected. The right action is to note the session date it was first run and just tell the pc, “Feeling Surprised was run three times. On (first date it was erased) it was erased. When later run it was an overrun.” This tends to blow the later charge laid in by trying to run the same item again. It sounds so strange that erased chains can be overrun. But it is true. What happens is that pcs try to cooperate and put something there. FIREFIGHTS The action of a quarrel between an auditor and a pc is called a firefight. Restimulating earlier unrun engrams or overrunning chains upsets a pc. The best action, as soon as a pc is disturbed, is to do an L3B fast and handle what reads the way it should be handled according to the L3B. The wrong way is to argue or try to go on. The pc does NOT know what it is. He just feels awful. He tries to guess. He will ARC Brk or get sad if the auditor continues. The correct action is an L3B. L1C is not of great use in a Dianetic ARC Brk. L3B is. If the pc remains ARC Broken, try L3B again, particularly the whole L3B not just 1-28. A Scientology session would be handled with some other list (L1C, L4B, etc). A Dianetic session including and especially FFD, is handled with L3B. You NEVER prepcheck while doing Dianetics. This mushes up the engrams. INTERIORIZATION ALL these cautions apply as well to an Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown, when restim occurs one uses an L3B quickly. Int-Ext RD is essentially a Dianetic, not a Scientology action. SAFE ACTIONS A fully genned-in auditor, well crammed, well drilled, well skilled, can be trusted with Dianetics, Dianetic Quads and an Int-Ext RD. Auditors not so handled can get pcs into serious trouble with these things. A safe course is to use Quad only on new never audited before pcs. Those begun on triples, use then only triple flows. Another safe way is to use FFD only on OT IIIs or OT IVs and done only by fully qualified FFD auditors who are also OT III. The safest course is to require special drilling and cramming on auditors who are already known for their results by actual success story stats and call FFD and Int-Ext RD a skilled specialty. C/S RESPONSIBILITY Any trouble a C/S is running into comes from the factors of TRs, metering, Code and incomplete or false auditor’s reports. 228 If when I am C/Sing I ever find an auditor has omitted key session actions or has falsified a report, I order that auditor not to Cramming but a full retrain HDC right on up. A C/S does not see these points. He can get the pc asked what the auditor is doing or did. He can get sessions monitored. This helps him fill this gap in his data. It’s what isn’t in the auditor’s report that is often the trouble. Auditors omit what they said, omit the firefight, omit session alter-is in their worksheets. All this sticks the C/S’s neck out for the axe of failure. So particularly in FFD, Int-Ext and other such actions, a C/S has to act to obtain confidence in the auditor’s TRs, Metering, Code Use and accurate Worksheets. RISK In FFD, Int-Ext RD and Power, experience has proven that if the auditor is not top grade, if the C/S is not alert, we put a pc at risk. The USUAL is what keeps the pc safe. A thorough study of his case, looking for obvious bugs (such as Int-Ext RD done twice, the case a druggie but Drug engrams never run, Int done but its 2wc flubbed, FFD grossly overrun, to name a few serious ones), sending auditors to Cramming for the slightest flub, insisting on standard TRs USED IN SESSION, good metering, use of the Code, accurate and complete worksheets, use of standard tech, all guarantee the safety and progress of the pc. INTRODUCING FFD FFD (like the Int-Ext RD) requires flawless C/Sing and auditing or the case goes wrong. When these actions were introduced they showed up any flaws in case studying, TRs, Metering, Code and worksheets. There are two ways to handle. (a) Cancel FFD and Int-Ext as actions. Obviously that is going backwards and is impossible. (b) Begin and continue a serious, effective campaign in the org to (l) Train auditors better (2) Cram expertly on every flub (3) Raise quality of TRs and metering. As you can see, my approach is to improve quality of training, cramming and delivery. Please help me out in getting this in. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [C/S Series 36 was cancelled on 15 July 1971 by C/S 36R. 36R was later reissued verbatim on 6 June 1974, except that the cancellation of C/S 36 was changed to a revision of C/S 36. 36R is on page 324. The original issue of C/S 36 was then revised on 8 April 1974 and issued as C/S 36RA. As a non- LRH 36RA, since cancelled, had earlier been issued on 14 May 1972, the 8 April 74 revision was reissued verbatim on 21 September 1974 changing only the numbering from 36RA to 36RB. This issue is in Volume VIII on page 289. On 13 January 1975 C/S Series 36RB was reissued as C/S 36RB-1. 36RB-I was revised on 22 February 1975 and issued as C/S 36RB-1R, and can be found in Volume VIII on page 383. See also HCO B 12 January 1975, Quads Reinstated, Volume VIII, page 373.] 229 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 APRIL 1971 Remimeo Issue I Dn Checksheet Scn Grades Checksheet Qual Cramming HGC Auditors TRs AND COGNITIONS In the presence of rough TRs cognitions do not occur. Cognitions are the milestones of case gain. Rough TRs, rough metering, Out Code and a distractive auditor then make no case gain. When an auditor has smooth, usual TRs, does his metering expertly and without attracting the pc’s attention, when he follows the Auditor’s Code (particularly regarding Evaluation and Invalidation) and when he is interested, not interesting as an auditor, the pc cognites and makes case gains. Further, according to the axioms, a bank straightens out by AS-ISING its content. If the pc’s attention is distracted to the auditor and meter his attention is not on his bank so AS-ISING cannot occur. The definition of In Session is INTERESTED IN OWN CASE AND WILLING TO TALK TO THE AUDITOR. When this definition describes the session in progress, then of course the pc will be able to AS-IS and will cognite. By The Original Thesis, the auditor plus the pc is greater than the pc’s bank. When the auditor plus the bank are both overwhelming the pc then the bank seems greater than the pc. It is this situation which gives a pc a low Tone Arm. An auditor who can’t be heard, doesn’t ack, doesn’t give the pc the next command, fails to handle origins, simply has OUT-TRs. The auditor who is trying to be interesting to the pc, who over-acks, who laughs loudly, is putting the pc’s attention onto himself. So the pc’s attention, not being on his bank, doesn’t as-is or cognite. The auditor whose metering by-passes F/Ns or calls F/Ns at wrong points, or who tells the pc “That reads” “That blew down” etc, or who any other way uses the meter distractingly (the pc knows when he is being under- or over-run and knows when he is being mismetered), is of course violating the definition of IN SESSION. The pc’s attention goes to the meter, not his bank, so he doesn’t AS-IS or cognite. Auditor Invalidation and Evaluation is just plain villainy. It interferes with pc cognitions. Other Code breaks are similarly distractive. A PERFECT SESSION If you understand the exact definition of IN SESSION, if you understand the pc’s necessity to have his attention on his bank so as to AS-IS it and work out what is really going on in a session that brings about a cognition (as-ising aberration with a realization about life), you will then be able to spot all the things in TRs, metering and the Code that would prevent case gain. Once you see that out-TRs, mismetering and Code breaks would PREVENT the IN SESSION definition you will see what would impede a pc from AS-ISing and Cogniting. 230 When you have this figured out you will then be able to see clearly what are INTRs, CORRECT METERING and CORRECT CODE APPLICATION. There can be an infinity of wrongnesses. There are only a few rightnesses. Recognition of right TRs, right Metering and right Code use depend only on: (a) Understanding the principles in this HCO B, and (b) Their practice so as to establish habit. This mastered, one’s pcs will get cognitions and case gain and swear by “their auditor” ! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 231 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 APRIL l971 Remimeo Course Super EDUCATION, DEFINITION OF This definition of education was devised in the Mid-fifties as the first entrance to the subject. EDUCATION IS THE CONVEYANCE OF IDEAS, PATTERNS AND CREATIONS FROM ONE PERSON TO ANOTHER FOR KNOWING RETENTION AND CONSCIOUS USE BY THE SECOND PERSON. By patterns was meant designs, forms and sequences of motion. Knowledge can be conceived to be ideas, patterns and creations and can include any concept or understanding. It would then be seen to be vital that the Educator be as well a Communicator and that his cycle of communication be as nearly perfect as possible. The formula of Communication is: CAUSE, DISTANCE, EFFECT WITH INTENTION AND ATTENTION AND A DUPLICATION AT EFFECT OF WHAT EMANATES FROM CAUSE. (The best published discussions of Communication are found in Dianetics ‘55!.) As UNDERSTANDING plays its role in Education, one has to know the c o m p o n e n t s o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g . T h e s e a r e A F F I N I T Y , R E A L I T Y a n d COMMUNICATION. These three elements together make up understanding and so play their role in EDUCATION. (Basic Data on A, R and C may be found in Notes on the Lectures and Dianetics ‘55!.) If the Educator is deficient in his Communication cycle (as exemplified and practiced in the Training Drills of the HAS Course—TRs 0-1-2-3-4) the result will be “blown students” which is to say students who leave and do not finish the course. As their own comm and originations are not handled, they “ARC Break” (become upset) and so leave. Anyone teaching a course whether in kindergarten, college or Scientology should have as a minimum the following: Mini Course Supervisor’s Course (much more preferably the full Course Supervisor’s Course). HAS Course with TRs. A starrate command of Notes on the Lectures. The 7 Study Tapes and A starrate command of Dianetics ‘55!. Only then could he hope to put the basic definition of education into actual effect and obtain educated students who can use the information and patterns being taught. LRH:mesjh L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 232 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 APRIL 1971 Remimeo Franchises OKAYS TO AUDIT IN HGCs (Effective 60 days from Receipt in every HGC) It is Mandatory that HGC auditors follow the “okay to audit” system. It is in addition to the required courses and any class, org or field experience. Tech quality in orgs and auditor morale (which depends on wins) depend upon flubless auditing. A Cramming must exist in any org which sells auditing. The Qual Auditor Cramming Section issues the okay to audit after rigorously following this essentially interne program. Franchises may adopt this system. An “okay to audit” must be signed by the Cramming Officer and attested to in C & A by the auditor. No former experience counts. Courses, while required, do not give an HGC okay to audit. Auditors hired after a course must go through this entire procedure. Okays to audit, issued in a qualified org, are valid on going to a different org if duly certified and presented but may be lost by a poor demonstration on pcs, at which time the okay to audit steps must be undertaken again. An HGC okay to audit is a high recommendation for a field auditor. There is no compromise with auditing quality. HGC REQUIREMENT Before any auditor, HDC or above, is okayed to audit anything on Flag or in an AO or Org, in addition to course training or other auditing, the following minimum requirement must be done in Cramming and attested to at C& A as having been thoroughly done in the Qual Interneship (Cramming), with Liability for False Attest and a possible action on org executives who fail to enforce its vigorous and thorough application. 1. HCO B 26 April 71 , Issue I, in Clay on each part to total certainty. 2. TRs 0 to 4 with no short-cut on 0 and the rest in line with the above HCO B. 3. Metering, its basic drills, its positioning so it can be read while looking at report and pc and clarification of what is a read. 4. The Auditor’s Code including clay demo of “Invalidation” and “Evaluation” meanings. Demonstration of how each line in Code can violate HCO B 26 April 7 1, Issue I, and how keeping each one in promotes HCO B 26 April 7 1, Issue I. 5. TRs 101 to 104 resulting in precision giving and getting execution of each command. 6. How to assess a list such as L3B Method 3 and handle. The above gives a certified HDC or above provisional okay to audit Assists, Dianetics Singles and Triples. 7. A flubless record on Dianetic auditing in an HGC. 8. All Quad HCO Bs. This gives a provisional okay to audit or repair Quad. 233 9. A flubless record repairing or doing Quad. 10. Dating drills, precise. 11. How to fly each rud to F/N. 12. How to fly each reading item on a list Method 3. 13. How to assess a list Method 5, one time through, marking reads and any BDs. 14. How to do a GF+40 Method 5 and handle. 15. Laws of Listing and Nulling Verbatim and for use and how to get a BD F/N item on any list. 16. C/S Series complete. 17. How to trouble-shoot cases from studies of FSes and FESes. 18. Neat perfect session admin. 19. Necessity to have an F/N before starting a major action. 20. How to rehab by count. The above is required in addition to Academy or SHSBC certificate for a temporary okay to audit on any level up to Class IV or Class VI including zero, one, two, three and four. 21. Experience in an HGC with a flubless record on Level 0 to IV auditing. 22. Exteriorization checksheet and pack. The above gives an auditor a temporary okay to audit Exteriorization Rundowns. 23. A flubless record auditing Exteriorization Rundowns in an HGC. 24. Class VII Interneship in an SH with all relevant Power materials. The above gives a temporary okay to audit Power in an SH HGC. 25. Experience showing a flubless ability to audit Power and Power Repair. 26. Class VIII Course in an AO. The above gives an auditor an okay to audit Class VIII. 27. HGC Auditor’s Checksheet. 28. Experience in an HGC flublessly applying Class VIII. 29. Class IX Course in an AO. The above gives one a temporary okay to C/S. A temporary okay to audit becomes a permanent okay to audit when flubless results are being uniformly obtained. That one has had one of the courses is credited at the level called for above but does not permit waiving any other requirement from the bottom on up. Course graduation does not give an HGC okay to audit. Student co-auditing does not give an HGC okay to audit. It is expected that auditing practice has existed on the course and that the student may have audited in the field. By following this HGC okay to audit program and a liberal use of Cramming for HGC auditors and keeping abreast of current issues in Cramming, auditors will obtain many wins and greatly increased morale and HGC tech quality will be improved. LRH:mes.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 234 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 APRIL 1971 Remimeo HDC Checksht Cse Sup Checksht Class 0 Checksht Cramming AUDITING COMM CYCLE (Reference HCO B 26 Apr 71, “TRs AND COGNITIONS”) The following AUDITING comm cycle is taken from SHSBC tapes. An auditor runs the session. He gives the pc the session action without pulling the pc’s attention heavily on the auditor. He does not leave the pc inactive or floundering without anything to do. He does not leave the pc to make a session out of it. The auditor makes the session. He doesn’t wait for the pc to run down like a clock or just sit there while the TA soars after an F/N. The auditor runs the session. He knows what to do for everything that can happen. And this is the Auditing Comm cycle that is always in use. 1. Is the pc ready to receive the command? (appearance, presence) 2. Auditor gives command/question to pc (cause, distance, effect). 3. Pc looks to bank for answer (Itsa maker line). 4. Pc receives answer from bank. 5. Pc gives answer to auditor (cause, distance, effect). 6. Auditor acknowledges pc. 7. Auditor sees that pc received ack (attention). 8. New cycle beginning with (1). LRH:mes.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 235 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 MAY 197l Remimeo Course Supervisor Checksheet Students STUDENT GRASP OF MATERIALS When students are new to Tech study (or have been badly trained elsewhere) they lay a trap for the unwary supervisor who, if he falls for it, will thereafter turn out dud auditors. In the beginning a new student will often ask lots of technical questions. He hasn’t read the material well, he doesn’t know its scope, he is going through a maze of preconceptions and is often looking only for an answer to his own case or agreement with fixed ideas. He often makes up for all this with a “I don’t understand it. Would you please explain “. The Course Super who hasn’t caught on is sometimes foolish enough to “explain it”. In that moment he may lay in an out-tech evaluation. He has also shifted source. The student now doesn’t have to study the materials as it’s all being “explained”. Result. Flub-Auditors who go out and butcher pcs and blow. The top classic on this was a student who “couldn’t understand the HCO B on TR 0!” After he’d done it, he found it was perfectly ok. “Ron’s HCO B is not contradictory and does not need to be rewritten,” was the real quote. The Course Super is there to get the student’s confront up on the materials not to lessen it by “explaining”. When I am teaching a group of students I often catch some screwball out-tech datum going around. I run such down vigorously. What I find is that the student is so unable to confront HCOBs or data that some other student’s comment or the examiner or someone has messed it up with an “explanation” that was out-tech. On Flag we get in students from all around. They have had courses. In the first few days we have asked for any questions. When these come up, we handle by handling the study ability of the student. Students will ask questions that are answered right on the page in front of them. It is no effort to make them guilty or wrong. It is an effort to correct their ability to confront, duplicate, absorb and use the data they are studying. When there are errors in that student’s ability he will not use what he is given. He will not become an auditor. The only reason we can do this is: THERE IS NO DATA OF IMPORTANCE ABOUT THE MIND THAT IS NOT FULLY COVERED IN THE MATERIALS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY. That is a very definite statement isn’t it. Well, 21 years and millions of cases have shown it to be true. 236 The important data the student is seeking at his course level is IN the materials. The only way he will fail is by not confronting, duplicating, absorbing and using the materials before him exactly like it says. The Supervisor who doesn’t furnish the materials and then doesn’t spend his time getting the student through those materials will of course fail his students totally. If he begins to “explain” data he will mess it up and not make auditors. In the current world scene education is generally an interpretation and students are childhood trained to get marks, not learn. The Supervisor has to overcome this handicap of teaching people priorly “trained” in this age. Beware the trap. “This HCO B seems contradictory.....” “Would you please explain......” The right action is to find the word he didn’t understand. The error is usually his own vocabulary inadequacy. Get more and simpler dictionaries. Don’t start explaining. The materials are adequate. If confronted, duplicated, and absorbed, they will be used. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 237 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971R Issue I Remimeo REVISED 4 DECEMBER 1974 Auditors Supervisors (Revision in this type style) Students Tech & Qual Basic Auditing Series 1R THE MAGIC OF THE COMMUNICATION CYCLE From the LRH Tape 6 February 1964, “Comm Cycle in Auditing” If you look over communication you will find that the magic of communication is about the only thing that makes auditing work. The Thetan in this universe has begun to consider himself mest and has begun to consider himself mass and the being that considers himself mass of course responds to the laws of electronics and the Laws of Newton. He is actually incapable of generating very much or as-ising very much. An individual considers himself mesty or massy and therefore he has to have a second terminal. A second terminal is required to discharge the energy. Here we have two poles. We have an auditor and a pc and as long as the auditor audits and the pc replies we get an exchange of energy from the pc’s point of view. Many auditors think they are being a second terminal to the degree that they pick up the somatics and illnesses of the pc. Actually there is no backflow of any kind that hits the auditor but if he is so convinced that he is mest he will turn on somatics in echo of the pc. Actually nothing hits the auditor, it has to be mocked up or envisioned by him. You have set up in essence a two pole system and that will bring about an as-ising of mass. It isn’t burning the mass, it is as-ising the mass and that’s why there is nothing hitting the auditor. Now that is the essence of the situation. The magic involved in auditing is contained in the communication cycle of auditing. You see now you are handling the SMOOTH INTERCHANGE BETWEEN THESE TWO POLES. When you look over the difficulties of auditing realize that you are handling simply the difficulties of the communication cycle and when you yourself as the auditor do not permit A SMOOTH FLOW BETWEEN YOU AS A TERMINAL AND THE PC AS A TERMINAL, AND THE PC AS A TERMINAL BACK TO YOU, you get a no as-ising of mass. So you don’t get TA action. Part of the trick of course is what has to be as-ised and how do you go about it, but that we call technique—(what button has to be pressed). We find, oddly enough, if the auditor is actually capable of making the pc willing to talk to him, he wouldn’t have to hit a button to get tone arm action. (He cannot make the pc get tone arm action basically because a communication cycle doesn’t exist.) The person who is insisting continuously upon a new technique is neglecting the basic tool of his auditing which is the communication cycle of auditing. 238 When the communication cycle does not exist in an auditing session we get this horrible compounding of a felony of trying to get a technique to work but the technique cannot be administered because there is no communication cycle to administer it. Basic auditing is called basic auditing because it goes PRIOR to the technique. A communication cycle must exist before the technique can exist. The fundamental entrance to the case is not on a level of the technique but is on a level of the communication cycle. Communication is simply a familiarization process based on reach and withdraw. When you speak to a pc you are reaching. When you cease to speak you are withdrawing. When he hears you, he’s at that moment a bit withdrawn but then he reaches toward you with the answer. You’ll see him go into a withdraw while he thinks it all over. Then he reaches the reason. Now he will reach the auditor with the reason and he will say that was it. You have made an exchange from the pc to the auditor and will see it reflect on the meter because that exchange now is giving an as-ising of energy. IN THE ABSENCE OF THAT COMMUNICATION YOU DO NOT GET METER ACTION. So THE FUNDAMENTAL OF AUDITING IS THE COMMUNICATION CYCLE. That’s the fundamental of auditing and that is really the great discovery of Dianetics and Scientology. It’s such a simple discovery but you realize that nobody knew anything about it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 239 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971R Auditors Issue II Supervisors REVISED 6 DECEMBER 1974 Students Tech & Qual Basic Auditing Series 2R THE TWO PARTS OF AUDITING From the LRH Tape 2 July 1964, “O/W Modernised and Reviewed” In order to do something for somebody you have to have a communication line to that person. Communication lines depend upon reality and communication and affinity and where an individual is too demanding the affinity tends to break down slightly. Processing goes in two stages. 1. To get into communication with that which you are trying to process. 2. Do something for him. There is many a pc who will go around raving about his auditor, whose auditor has not done anything for the pc. All that has happened is that a tremendous communication line has been established with the pc and this is so novel and so strange to the pc that he then considers that something miraculous has occurred. Something miraculous has occurred but in this particular instance the auditor has totally neglected why he formed that communication line in the first place. He formed it in the first place to do something for the pc. He very often mistakes the fact that he has formed a communication line, and the reaction on the pc for his having formed one, with having done something for the pc. There are two stages. 1. Form a communication line. 2. Do something for the pc. Those are the two distinct stages. It is something like (I) Walking up to the bus, and (2) Driving off. If you don’t drive off you never go anyplace. It is a very tricky and no small thing to be able to communicate to a human being who has never been communicated to before. This is quite remarkable, and is such a remarkable feat that it appears to be an end-all of Scientology to some. But you see that’s just walking up to the bus. Now you have got to go someplace. Any upset that the individual has is so poised, it is so delicately balanced, that it is difficult to maintain. It is not difficult to get well. It is very hard to remain batty. A fellow has to work at it. If your communication line is very good and very smooth and if your auditing discipline is perfect so you don’t upset this communication line and if you just made a foray of no more importance than saying something like—What are you doing that’s sensible and why is it sensible?—and kept your communication line up all the while and kept your affinity up with the pc all the while, did it with perfect discipline, you would see more aberration fall to pieces per square inch than you ever thought could exist. Now that’s what I mean when I say do something for the pc. 240 You must audit well, get perfect discipline and get your communication cycle in. Don’t ARC Break the pc, let your cycles of action complete. All of that is simply an entrance. You see, the discipline of Scientology makes it possible to do this, and one of the reasons why other fields of the mind never got anyplace and could never get near anybody was because they couldn’t communicate to anybody. So that discipline is important. That is the ladder that goes up to the door and if you can’t get to the door you can’t do anything. The perfect discipline of which we speak, the perfect communication cycle, the perfect auditor presence, perfect meter reading—all of these things are just to get you in a state where you can do something for somebody. So when you’re real slow picking up the discipline, real slow picking up keeping in the communication cycle, when you’re pokey on the subject you are still 9 miles from the ball. You’re not even attending yet. What you want to be able to do is audit perfectly. By that we mean keep in a communication cycle, be able to approach the pc, be able to talk to the pc, and be able to maintain the ARC. Get the pc to give you answers to your questions. Be able to read a meter and get the reactions. All of those things have to be awfully good because it’s very difficult to get a communication line in to somebody anyway. They all have to be present and they all have to be perfect. If they are all present and they are all perfect, then we can start to process somebody. THEN we can start to process somebody. I’m giving you an entrance point here of, if all your cycles were perfect, if you were able to sit there and confront the pc and meter that pc and keep your auditing report and do all these multiple various things, and keep a pleasant smile on your face and not chop his communication, well then there is something you do with these things. It takes a process now. We used to have it all backwards. We used to try and teach people what they could do for somebody. But they could never get in communication with him to do it, so therefore you had failures in processing. The most elementary procedure would be—’’What do you think is sensible?’’—or anything of that sort. The pc says, “Well, I think horses sleep in beds. That’s sensible. ‘‘ The auditor says, ‘‘Alright Now why is that sensible?’’ The pc says, “Well ... ah .... Hey! . . . That’s not sensible. That’s nuts!” You actually wouldn’t have to do anything more than that He’s cognited. You’ve flattened it. It’s so easy to do, but you keep looking for some magic. Well, your magic is in getting into communication with the person. The rest is very easy to do, all you have to do is remain in communication with the person while you are doing this, and realize that these huge aberrations he’s got are poised with the most fantastically delicate balance on little pinheads. All you have to do is to phooph and these things crash Now if you’re not in communication with this person he doesn’t cognite. He takes it as an accusative action. He tries to justify thinking that way. He tries to make himself look good to you and tries to put on a public front of some kind or another. He tries to hold up his status. Anytime I see a bunch of pcs around who want to jump happily to something else because sane people run on that and crazy people run on something else, and they never have to be run on the crazy one, I right away know their auditors are not in communication with them and that auditing discipline itself has broken down because the pc is trying to justify himself and trying to uphold his own status. So he must be defending himself against the auditor. 241 The auditor couldn’t possibly be in communication with him. So we are right back to the fundamental of why didn’t the auditor get into comm with the pc in the first place. You get into communication with the pc in the first place by doing proper Scientology discipline. That is not any trick. It goes off 1, 2, 3, 4 You sit down and you start the session and you start handling the pc and his problems and that sort of thing and you DO IT BY COMPLETING YOUR COMMUNICATION CYCLES AND NOT CUTTING HIS COMMUNICATION—THE VERY THINGS YOU ARE TAUGHT IN THE TRs, and you find you are in communication with the person. Now you’ve got to do something for the person. Unless, having gotten into communication, you do something for the person, you lose your communication line because the R-Factor of why you’re in communication with the pc breaks down. He doesn’t think you’re so good, and you go out of communication with him. That having happened, the person will be in a sort of status defensive and wonder why he is being processed. On the other hand, if you have done something for the pc and he has had his cognition, and you try and go on and get more TA action out of the fact that “all horses sleep in beds”—you don’t get there as you’ve already flattened the process. You can over-audit and you can under-audit. If you don’t notice that one answer come your way, that indicates you have done something for the pc and if you keep him working on that same thing, your TA action will disappear, your pc will get resentful and you’ll lose your communication line. He’s already had the cognition you see. You are now restimulating the pc. You have gotten your key-out destimulation factor—it has occurred right before your eyes. You have done something for the pc. One more mention of the subject and you’ve had it. There are a lot of things you could do with the pc, without doing anything for him. You can turn on some very very handsome somatics on a pc at one time or another without turning them off either. You’ve got to do something for the pc, not to him. Now you can be doing something (A), and the pc is doing (B), and you go on doing (A), while the pc is doing (B) then somewhere on down the line you wind up in a hell of a mess and you wonder what happened. Well the pc never did what you said so you didn’t do anything for the pc. There was in actual fact no barrier to your willingness to do something for the pc but there must have been a tremendous barrier to your understanding of what was going on. That you could ask (A), while the pc answered (B), in itself showed the auditor observation was very poor so therefore the auditor wasn‘t in communication with the pc. So again the communication factor was out and once more we weren’t doing anything for the pc. It requires of the auditor discipline to keep in his communication line. He has got to stay in communication with his pc. Those cycles have got to be perfect. He can’t be distracting the pc’s attention onto the TA, e.g. “I’m not getting any TA action now.” That’s not staying in communication with the pc—has nothing to do with it. You’re distracting the pc from his own zones and areas. Don’t put the pc’s attention out of session. Keep him going and keep that communication line in. And the next requirement is to do something productive for the pc using the communication line. LRH:nt:jh L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971, 1974 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 242 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971 Issue III Reissued 1 December 1974 Remimeo Auditors CANCELS Supervisors BTB OF 23 MAY 1971 Students Issue III Tech & Qual SAME TITLE Basic Auditing Series 3 THE THREE IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION LINES From the LRH Tape 15 Oct 63, ‘‘Essentials of Auditing” When you are sitting in an auditing session what are the 3 important communication lines and what is their order of importance? 1. The first is the Pc’s line to his bank. The Itsa Maker line. 2. The second is the Pc’s line to the Auditor. The Itsa line. 3. The third is the Auditor’s line to the Pc. The What’s-it line. Now the definition, “Willing to talk to the Auditor”, is very easy to interpret as “Talking to the Auditor”. So the Auditor cuts the line the Pc has to the bank in order to get the Pc to talk, because “It’s the Itsa line that blows the charge,” he says. So the Auditor cuts the Pc’s communication line with his bank in order to bring about an Itsa line—and then he wonders why he gets no TA action and why the Pc ARC Breaks. This cut communication line is not perceivable to the naked eye. It’s hidden because it’s from the Pc—a Thetan unseen by the Auditor—to the Pc’s bank—unseen by the Auditor. The Auditor is simply there to use the What’s-it line in order to get the Pc to confront his bank. The charge blows off it to the degree that it’s confronted and this is represented by the Itsa line. The Itsa line is a report on what has been as-ised, that gives it its flow. The sequence of use of these lines in an auditing cycle is 3, 1, and then 2. Where the Auditor neglects this hidden line from the Pc to the Pc’s bank, where he doesn’t understand that hidden line and can’t integrate it or do anything with it he is going to fail. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.ts.rd Copyright ©1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 243 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971R Auditors Issue IV Supervisors REVISED 4 DECEMBER 1974 Students Tech & Qual Basic Auditing Series 4R COMMUNICATION CYCLES WITHIN THE AUDITING CYCLE (Taken from the LRH Tape, “Comm Cycles in Auditing”, 25 July 1963) The difficulty that an Auditor gets into is normally found in his own auditing cycle. There are basically two communication cycles between the Auditor and the Pc that make up the auditing cycle. They are cause, distance, effect with the Auditor at cause and the Pc at effect, and cause, distance, effect with the Pc at cause and the Auditor at effect. Cause-----------Distance---------->Effect Auditor Pc Effect<----------Distance------------Cause These are completely distinct one from the other. The only thing that connects them and makes an auditing cycle, is the fact that the Auditor, on his communication cycle, has calculatingly restimulated something in the Pc which is then discharged by the Pc’s communication cycle. What the Auditor has said has caused a restimulation and then the Pc needs to answer the question to get rid of the restimulation. If the Pc does not answer the question he doesn’t get rid of the restimulation. That is the game that is being played in an auditing cycle and that is the entirety of the game. (Some auditing breaks down because the Auditor is unwilling to restimulate the Pc.) There is a little extra communication cycle on here. The Auditor says, “Thank you” and you have this as the acknowledgement cycle. C----------------------Command------------------------->E Auditor E<----------------------Answer ---------------------------C Pc C-----------------Acknowledgement-------------------->E Now there are some little inner cycles that can throw you off and make you think that there are some other things to the auditing cycle. There is another little shadow cycle: it is the observation of “Has the Pc received the auditing command?” This is such a tiny “cause” that nearly all Auditors who are having any trouble finding out what’s going on with the Pc are missing this one. “Does he receive it?” Actually there is another cause in here and you’re missing that one when you’re not perceiving the Pc. 244 You can tell by looking at the Pc that he didn’t hear or understand what you’d said or that he was doing something peculiar with the command he was receiving. Whatever that message is in response, it rides on this line. Did Pc receive, c--------------------Understand and-----------------------c answer command C----------------------Command------------------------->E Auditor E<----------------------Answer ---------------------------C Pc C-----------------Acknowledgement-------------------->E An Auditor who isn’t watching a Pc at all never notices a Pc who isn’t receiving or understanding the auditing command. Then all of a sudden somewhere along the line there is an ARC Break and then we do assessments and we patch up the session and all kinds of things go wrong. Well, they actually needn’t ever have gone wrong in the first place if this line had been in. What is the Pc doing completely aside from answering? Well, what he is doing is this other little sub-cause, distance, effect line. Another of these tiny lines is the cause, distance, effect line of—”Is the Pc ready to receive an auditing command?” This is the Pc causing and it rides up the line across distance, is received at the Auditor and the Auditor perceives that the Pc is doing something else. It is an important one and you find that Auditors goof that one very often; the Pc’s attention is still on a prior action. Now here’s another one—”Has the Pc received the acknowledgement?” Sometimes you violate this one. You have been acknowledging but you’ve never seen that he didn’t receive the acknowledgement. That perception has another little tiny one in it that actually comes on this line; it is—’’Has the Pc answered everything?’’ The Auditor is watching the Pc and the Auditor sees that the Pc has not said all that the Pc is going to say. You sometimes get into trouble with Pcs that way. Everything at “cause” hasn’t moved on down the line to effect and you haven’t perceived all of the “effect” and you go into the acknowledgement one before this line has completed itself. That’s chopping the Pc’s communication. You didn’t let the communication cycle flow to its complete end. The acknowledgement takes place and of course it can’t go through as it’s an inflowing line and it jams right there on the Pc’s incomplete outflowing answer line. Is the Pc ready e<-----------------for the command?----------------------c Did Pc receive, c--------------------Understand and-----------------------c answer command C----------------------Command------------------------->E Auditor E<----------------------Answer ---------------------------C Pc C-----------------Acknowledgement-------------------->E Did Pc complete the e<----------------answer and receive---------------------c acknowledgement? 245 So if you want to break it all down, there are six communication cycles which make up one auditing cycle. Six, not more than six unless you start running into trouble. If you violate one of these six communication lines you of course are going to get into trouble which causes a mish-mash of one kind or another. There is another communication cycle inside the auditing cycle and that is at the point of the Pc. It’s a little additional one and it’s between the Pc and himself. This is him talking to him. You’re listening to the inside of his skull when you’re examining it. /t actually can be multiple as it depends upon the complications of the mind. This happens to be the least important of all the actions except when it isn’t being done. And of course it’s the hardest to detect when it isn’t being done. Pc says: “Yes. “ Now what has the Pc said yes to? And sometimes you are insufficiently curious. And that in essence is this internal perception of line. It includes this cause, distance, effect backflash here—”Is the Pc answering the command I gave him?” So with this, there are seven communication cycles involved in an auditing cycle. It is a multiple cycle. A communication cycle consists of just cause, distance, effect with intention, attention, duplication and understanding. How many of these are there in one auditing cycle? You’d have to answer that with how many principal ones there are because some auditing cycles contain a few more. If a Pc indicates that he didn’t get the command (cause, distance, effect), the Auditor would give a repeat of it (cause, distance, effect) and that would add 2 more communication cycles to the auditing cycle, so you’ve got 9—because there was a flub. So anything unusual that happens in a session adds to the number of communication cycles in the auditing cycle, but they are still all part of the auditing cycle. Repetitive commands as an auditing cycle, is doing the same cycle over and over again. Now there is a completely different cycle inside the same pattern. The Pc is going to originate and it’s got nothing to do with the auditing cycle. The only thing they have in common is that they both use communication cycles. But this is brand new. The Pc says something that is not germane to what the Auditor is saying or doing and you actually have to be alert for this happening at any time and the way to prepare for it is just to realize that it can happen at any time and just go into the drill that handles it. Don’t get it confused with the drill that you have as an auditing cycle. Consider it its own drill. You shift gears into this drill when the pc does something unexpected. And, by the way, this handles such a thing as the Pc originates by throwing down the cans. That’s still an origin. It has nothing to do with the auditing cycle. Maybe the auditing cycle went to pieces and this origination cycle came in. Well, the auditing cycle can’t complete because this origin cycle is now here. That doesn’t mean that this origin has precedence or dominance but it can start and take place and have to be finished off before the auditing cycle can resume. So this is an interruptive cycle and it is cause, distance, effect. The Pc causes something. The Auditor now has to originate as the Auditor has to understand what the Pc is talking about—and then acknowledge. And to the degree that it is hard to understand, you have the cause, distance, effect of the Auditor trying to clarify this thing; and every time he asks a question, he’s got a new communication cycle. You can’t put a machine action at that point because the thing has to be understood. And this must be done in such a way that the Pc isn’t merely repeating his same origination or the Pc will go frantic. He’ll go frantic because he can’t get off that line—he’s stuck in time and it really upsets him. So the Auditor has to be able to understand what the devil the Pc is talking about. And there’s really no substitute for simply trying to understand it. 246 There is a little line where the Pc indicates he is going to say something. This is a line (cause, distance, effect) that comes before the origination takes place so you don’t run into a jam and you don’t give the auditing command. The effect at the Auditor’s point is to shut up and let him. There can be another little line (cause, distance, effect) where the Auditor indicates he is listening. Then there is the origination, the Auditor’s acknowledgement of it and then there is the perception of the fact that the Pc received the acknowledgement. That’s your origination cycle. An Auditor should draw all these communication cycles out on a scrap of paper. Just take a look at all these things; mock up a session and all of a sudden it will become very straight how these things are and you won’t have a couple of them jammed up. What’s mainly wrong with your auditing cycle is that you have confused a couple of communication cycles to such a degree that you don’t differentiate that they exist. That’s why you sometimes chop a Pc who is trying to answer the question. You know whether the Pc has answered the question or not. How did you know? Even if it’s telepathy it’s cause, distance, effect. It doesn’t matter how that communication took place, you know whether he’s answered the command by a communication cycle. I don’t care how you sense this. If you are nervy on the subject of handling the basic tool of auditing and if that’s giving you trouble (and if you get into trouble by suddenly breaking it down and analyzing it) then it should be broken down and analyzed at a time when you’re auditing something nice and simple. I’ve given you a general pattern for an auditing cycle; maybe in working it over you can find a couple of extra communication cycles in the thing. But they are all there and if you made someone go through each one painstakingly, you would find out where his auditing cycle is jammed up. It isn’t necessarily jammed up on his ability to say “Thank you”. It may very well be jammed up in another quarter. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt jh Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 247 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971 R Remimeo Issue V Auditors REVISED 29 NOVEMBER 1974 Supervisors (Revision in this type style) Students Basic Auditing Series 5R THE COMMUNICATION CYCLE IN AUDITING From the LRH tape 6 Feb 64, “Comm Cycle in Auditing” The ease with which you can handle a communication cycle depends on your ability to observe what the pc is doing. We have to add to the simplicity of the communication cycle OBNOSIS (observation of the obvious). Your inspection of what you are doing should have ended with your training. Thereafter it should be taken up exclusively with the observation of what the pc is doing or is not doing. Your handling of a communication cycle ought to be so instinctive and so good that you’re never worried about what you do now. The time for you to get all this fixed up is in training. If you know your communication cycle is good you haven’t any longer got to be upset about whether you’re doing it right or not. You know yours is good, so you don’t worry about it any more. In actual auditing, the communication cycle that you watch is the pc’s. Your business is the communication cycle and responses of the pc. This is what makes the auditor who can crack any case and when absent you have an auditor who couldn’t crack an egg if he stepped on it. This is the difference, it’s whether or not this auditor can observe the communication cycle of the pc and repair its various lapses. It’s so simple. It simply consists of asking a question that the pc can answer, and then observing that the pc answers it, and when the pc has answered it, observing that the pc has completed the answer to it and is through answering it. Then give him the acknowledgement. Then give him something else to do. You can ask the same question or you can ask another question. Asking the pc a question he can answer involves clearing the auditing command. You also ask it of the pc so that the pc can hear it and knows what he’s being asked. When the pc answers the question be bright enough to know that the pc is answering that question and not some other question. You have to develop a sensitivity—when did the pc finish answering what you’ve asked. You can tell when the pc has finished. It’s a piece of knowingness. He looks like he’s finished and he feels like he’s finished. It’s part sense; it’s part his vocal intonation; but it’s an instinct that you develop. You know he’s finished. 248 Then knowing he’s finished answering you tell him he’s finished with an acknowledgement, OK, Good, etc. It’s like pointing out the by-passed charge to the pc. Like-”You have now found and located the by-passed charge in answer to the question and you have said it.” That’s the magic of acknowledgement. If you don’t have that sensitivity for when the pc is finished answering—he answers, gets nothing from you, you sit there and look at him, his social machinery goes into action, he gets onto self auditing and you get no TA action. The degree of stop you put on your acknowledgement is also your good sense because you can acknowledge a pc so hard that you finish the session right there. It’s all very well to do this sort of thing in training and it’s forgivable, but NOT in an auditing session. Get your own communication cycle sufficiently well repaired that you don’t have to worry about it after training. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd jh Copyright ©1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 249 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971 Issue VI Remimeo Auditors Supervisors Students HCOB of 17 Oct 1962, Reissued verbatim as Tech & Qual Basic Auditing Series 6 AUDITOR FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND If a pc says something and the auditor fails to understand what the pc said or meant, the correct response is: “I did not (hear you) (understand what was said) (get that last).” To do anything else is not only bad form, it can amount to a heavy ARC Break. INVALIDATION To say “You did not speak loud enough____” or any other use of “you” is an invalidation. The pc is also thrown out of session by having responsibility hung on him or her. The Auditor is responsible for the session. Therefore the auditor has to assume responsibility for all comm breakdowns in it. EVALUATION Far more serious than Invalidation above, is the accidental evaluation which may occur when the auditor repeats what the pc said. NEVER repeat anything a pc says after him, no matter why. Repeating not only does not show the pc you heard but makes him feel you’re a circuit. The highest advance of 19th Century Psychology was a machine to drive people crazy. All it did was repeat after the person everything the person said. Children also do this to annoy. But that isn’t the main reason you do not repeat what the pc said after the pc. If you say it wrong the pc is thrown into heavy protest. The pc must correct the wrongness and hangs up right there. It may take an hour to dig the pc out of it. Further, don’t gesture to find out. To say, pointing, “You mean this item, then,” is not only an evaluation but a nearly hypnotic command, and the pc feels he must reject very strongly. Don’t tell the pc what the pc said and don’t gesture to find what the pc meant. Just get the pc to say it again or get the pc to point it out again. That’s the correct action. 250 DRIVING IN ANCHOR POINTS Also, do not shove things at a pc or throw things to a pc. Don’t gesture toward a pc. It drives in anchor points and makes the pc reject the auditor. ROCK SLAMMER The reason a person who Rock Slams on Scientology or auditors or the like can’t audit well is that they are wary of a pc and feel they must repeat after the pc, correct the pc or gesture toward the pc. But Rock Slammer or not, any new auditor may fall into these bad habits and they should be broken fast. SUMMARY A very high percentage of ARC Breaks occur because of a failure to understand the pc. Don’t prove you didn’t with gestures or erroneous repeats. Just audit, please. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1962, 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 251 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971 Issue VII Remimeo Supervisors HCOB of 7 Apr AD15, Reissued verbatim as Students Tech & Qual Basic Auditing Series 7 PREMATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Here’s a new discovery. Imagine my making one on the Comm Formula after all these years. Do people ever explain to you long after you have understood? Do people get cross with you when they are trying to tell you something? If so, you are suffering from Premature Acknowledgement. Like body odor and bad breath, it is not conducive to social happiness. But you don’t use Lifebuoy soap or Listerine to cure it, you use a proper comm formula. When you “coax” a person to talk after he has begun with a nod or a low “yes” you ack, make him forget, then make him believe you haven’t got it and then make him tell you at GREAT length. He feels bad and doesn’t cognite and may ARC Break. Try it out. Have somebody tell you about something and then encourage before he has completely told you all. THAT’S why pcs Itsa on and on and on and on with no gain. The auditor prematurely acknowledged. THAT’S why pcs get cross “for no reason”. The auditor has prematurely and unwittingly acknowledged. THAT’S why one feels dull when talking to certain people. They prematurely acknowledge. That’s why one thinks another is stupid—that person prematurely acknowledges. The quickest way to become a social pariah (dog) is to prematurely acknowledge. One can do it in many ways. The quickest way to start the longest conversation is to prematurely acknowledge for the person believes he has not been understood and so begins to explain at greater and greater length. So this was the hidden ARC Break maker, the cognition wrecker, the stupidifier, the Itsa prolonger in sessions. And why some people believe others are stupid or don’t understand. Any habit of agreeable noises and nods can be mistaken for acknowledgement, ends cycle on the speaker, causes him to forget, feel dull, believe the listener is stupid, get cross, get exhausted explaining and ARC Break. The missed withhold is inadvertent. One didn’t get a chance to say what one was going to say because one was stopped by premature acknowledgement. Result, missed w/h in the speaker, with all its consequences. This can be counted on to make you feel frightened of being “agreeable with noises or gestures” for a bit and then you’ll get it straight. What a piece of tech to remain incompletely explained. Fair scares one it does. And in the Comm Formula too! LRH nt-rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1965, 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 252 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 FEBRUARY 1966 Remimeo Auditors Issue II Supervisors Students Tech & Qual Reissued 23 May 71 verbatim as Basic Auditing Series 8 “LETTING THE PC ITSA” THE PROPERLY TRAINED AUDITOR The most painful thing I ever hope to see is an auditor “letting a pc Itsa”. I have seen auditors let a pc talk and talk and talk and talk and run down and talk and run down and talk again until one wondered where if anywhere that auditor had been trained. In the first place such an auditor could not know the meaning of the word ITSA. The word means “It is a ........” Now how an auditor letting a pc talk believes he is getting a pc to spot what IT is is quite beyond me. This pc has been talking all his life. He isn’t well. Analysts had people talk for five years and they seldom got well. So how is it supposed to happen today that a pc, let talk enough, will get well. It won’t. The auditor does not know the very basics of auditing skills. That’s all. These are the TRs. An auditor who can’t do his TRs can’t audit. Period. Instead he says he is “letting the pc Itsa”. If by this he means he is letting the pc drive all over the road and in both ditches, then this isn’t auditing. In auditing an auditor guides. He gives the pc something to answer. When the pc answers the pc has said “IT IS A .......” and that’s Itsa. If the pc answers and the auditor acknowledges too soon the pc tends to go into an anxiety—he has been chopped. So he talks more than he wanted. If the pc answers and the auditor does not acknowledge, then the pc talks on and on, hoping for an acknowledgement that doesn’t come, “runs dry”, tries again, etc. So premature or late-or-never acks result in the same thing—the pc running on and on and on. And they call it “letting the pc Itsa”. Bah! If a pc talks too much in session he either is getting cut off too fast by the auditor or hasn’t got an auditor at all. It isn’t “Itsa”. It’s 253 lousy TRs. (The one single exception is the pc who had years in analysis but even he begins to get better with proper TRs used on him.) The proper cure is to drill the auditor until the auditor realizes: 1. The auditor asks the questions. 2. The pc says what is the answer, “It’s a .......” 3. The auditor acks when the pc has said it to the pc’s satisfaction and 4. The auditor acks when the pc has finished saying “It’s a .......” And that’s Itsa. Scientology auditing is a precision skill, not a gag blop goo slup guck blah. 1. The auditor wants to know ........ 2. The pc says it is ........ 1. 2.1. 2.1. 2. etc. TECH SAVVY Now an auditor who doesn’t know his technology about the mind and his processes of course never knows what to ask. So he or she simply sits like a lump of sacking hoping the pc will say something that makes the pc feel better. A sure sign that an auditor doesn’t know an engram from a cow about processes is seeing a pc “Itsa” on and on and on. In Scientology we do know what the mind is, what a being is, what goes wrong in the mind and how to correct it. We aren’t psychoanalysts or psychiatrists or Harley Street witch doctors. We do know. The data about beings and life is there in Scientology to be learned. It isn’t “our idea” of how things are, or “our opinion of” .... Scientology is a precision subject. It has axioms. Like geometry. Two equilateral triangles aren’t similar because Euclid said so. They’re similar because they are. If you don’t believe it, look at them. There isn’t a single datum in Scientology that can’t be proven as precisely as teacups are teacups and not saucepans. Now if we get a person fresh out of the study of “the mystical metaphysics of Cuffbah” he’s going to have trouble. His pcs are going to “Itsa” their heads off and never get well or better or anything. Because that person doesn’t know Scientology but thinks it’s all imprecise opinion. The news about Scientology is that it put the study of the mind into the precise exact sciences. If one doesn’t know that, one’s pcs “Itsa” by the hour for one doesn’t know what he is handling that he is calling “a pc”. By my definition, an auditor is a real auditor when his or her pcs DON’T overtalk or undertalk but answer the auditing question and happily now and then originate. 254 So how to tell an auditor, how to determine if you have trained one at last, is DO HIS PCS ANSWER UP OR DO THEY TALK ON AND ON. If I had an auditor in an HGC whose pcs yapped and yapped and ran dry and yapped while the auditor just sat there like a Chinese pilot frozen on the controls, I would do the following to that “auditor”: 1. Remedy A, Book of Case Remedies. 2. Remedy B, Book of Case Remedies. 3. Disagreements with Scientology, technology and orgs and Scientology personalities all found and traced to basic and blown. 4. A grind study assignment of the Scientology Axioms until the “auditor” could DO THEM IN CLAY. 5. A memorization of the Logics, Qs (Prelogics) and Axioms of Dianetics and Scientology. 6. TRs 0 to 4 until they ran out of his or her ears. 7. Trs 5 to 9. 8. Op Pro by Dup until FLAT. 9. A hard long study of the Meter. 10. The ARC triangle and other scales. 11. The Processes of Level 0. 12. Some wins. And I’d have an auditor. I’d have one that could make a Grade Zero Release every time. And it’s lack of the above that causes an “auditor” to say “I let the pc Itsa” with the pc talking on and on and on. Scientology is the breakthrough that made the indefinite subject of Philosophy into a precision tool. And pcs get well and go Release when it is applied. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt jh Copyright © 1966, 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The original issue said “Level O” above the title.] 255 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971 Remimeo Issue X Auditors Students HCO P/L of 1 July 1965 Issue II Tech & Qual Reissued verbatim as Basic Auditing Series 9 COMM CYCLE ADDITIVES There are no additives permitted on the Auditing Comm Cycle. Example: Getting the pc to state the problem after the pc has said what the problem is. Example: Asking a pc if that is the answer. Example: Telling pc “it didn’t react” on the meter. Example: Querying the answer. This is the WORST kind of auditing. Processes run best MUZZLED. By muzzled is meant using ONLY TR 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 by the text. A pc’s results will go to HELL on an additive comm cycle. There are a hundred thousand tricks that could be added to the Auditing Comm Cycle. EVERY ONE of them is a GOOF. The ONLY time you ever ask for a repeat is when you couldn’t hear it. Since 1950, I’ve known that all auditors talk too much in a session. The maximum talk is the standard model session and the TR 0 to 4 Auditing Comm Cycle ONLY. It is a serious matter to get a pc to “clarify his answer”. It is in fact an Ethics matter and if done habitually is a Suppressive Act, for it will wipe out all gains. There are mannerism additives also. Example: Waiting for the pc to look at you before you give the next command. (Pcs who won’t look at you are ARC Broken. You don’t then twist this to mean the pc has to look at you before you give the next command.) Example: A lifted eyebrow at an answer. Example: A questioning sort of ack. The Whole Message is GOOD AUDITING OCCURS WHEN THE COMM CYCLE ALONE IS USED AND IS MUZZLED. Additives on the Auditing Comm Cycle are ANY ACTION, STATEMENT, QUESTION OR EXPRESSION GIVEN IN ADDITION TO TRs 0-4. They are Gross Auditing Errors. And should be regarded as such. Auditors who add to the Auditing Comm Cycle never make Releases. So, that’s Suppressive. Don’t do it! LRH :nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1965, 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 256 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971R Issue VIII REVISED 4 DECEMBER 1974 Remimeo Auditors Students Tech & Qual Basic Auditing Series 10R RECOGNITION OF RIGHTNESS OF THE BEING Taken from the LRH Tape “Good Indicators”, 7 January 1964 An auditor’s tendency is to look for wrongnesses. He is always trying to find something wrong with the pc. That’s the nature of Scientology; we assume that there is something wrong with somebody otherwise he wouldn’t be here and be dead in his head, and he would be capable of doing a great deal more than he is doing at the particular moment. An individual is basically and routinely good, capable of many actions and considerable power. In the state of a Free Thetan or Native State he is a far more powerful individual than when he’s been complicated up. It’s the idea of the additive data to the Thetan. Try to give somebody something he doesn’t want and you are going to overthrow his power of choice. His power of choice is the only thing that he had to begin with, which gave him power, capability and anything else and that power of choice has been consistently and continuously overthrown by giving him things he didn’t want and taking away from him things he didn’t want to get rid of back and forth. You get the individual pretty overwhelmed and he goes down in power. What happened to him actually is he solved something that didn’t need solving. There was something he couldn’t confront so he solved it and he fixed the solution. Anytime you fix these solutions, for ever and ever you put the individual down grade. An individual becomes aberrated by additives. His experiences in this universe are usually calculated to degrade and depower him. Now all you have to do is pick up all of these criss-crosses and you return him to power. Man is an added-to being and everything that has been added to him has decreased his ability to cope. When you add something to the Being he gets worse. We are in the business of deleting wrongnesses from the individual. Even the Freudian Analyst realized that some additive had been added that should be deleted. So the idea of deleting something to bring about a recovery is not new with us. Because we are in the business of deleting wrongnesses from the individual we seldom look at rightnesses and that’s what’s wrong with most auditors. They are so anxious to find the wrongness—and quite properly—and they never really look at the rightness. If they don’t look at the rightnesses that are present, then they aren’t appreciating the degrees of truth that are present that can be promoted into more truth. 257 In other words they are starting at a level of no truth present all the time so of course they never make any forward progress. You must realize that there must be truth present and that this truth must be recognized and that this is hand-in-glove a part of auditing—the recognition of the fact that truth is present. If you only look for wrongnesses and only recognize wrongnesses then you will never be able to pull anything up a gradient because you won’t think you have any rightnesses to work with. It just all looks wrong to you. You have to be able to look at the wrongnesses in order to right them but we also have to be able to look at the rightnesses in order to increase them. We are only trying to find wrongnesses in order to increase rightnesses, and that’s very important If you have no rightnesses present in a session you will never be able to make any progress of any kind. Progress is built on a gradient scale of rightnesses by which you delete wrongnesses and they drop and fall away. Therefore, Processing is an action by which wrongnesses can be deleted from the case to the degree that rightnesses are present in the session. You cannot take a case that doesn’t have any rightness present and delete a wrongness. So you have to realize that there are rightnesses present and then you increase those rightnesses That makes it possible for you to pick up the wrongnesses and that’s what auditing consists of. Auditing is a contest of maintaining rightnesses so that we can delete wrongnesses. If you keep on deleting wrongnesses, all the while maintaining and increasing the rightnesses you eventually wind up with a very right being. You are trying to get a right being, therefore if you don’t continually encourage right beingness you never wind up with a right being. You must learn to observe an auditing session. You want your pc to wind up in a right state—in a more native, more capable, less overwhelmed, higher power of choice sort of state. You want him to wind up with more rightnesses. Therefore, if you audit so that you do not encourage and increase rightnesses then you won’t wind up with a right pc. The degree of rightness you have present must exceed the wrongness you are going to pick up. It’s a proportional action. If you’ve got as much wrongness in a session as you’ve got rightness you’re not riding on any cushion. It makes a very difficult job of auditing. If you want to pick up this little wrongness, you have to have rightnesses present which are big enough to engulf it. That makes easy auditing. If the rightnesses in the session are very minor and the problem is a tiny one, there isn’t enough rightness in the session to handle the problem and the pc cannot erase it. THE PC’S ABILITY TO AS-IS OR ERASE IN A SESSION IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE NUMBER OF GOOD INDICATORS PRESENT IN THE SESSION. And his inability to cope in a session rises proportionally to the number of bad indicators present in a session. Any process has its own series of bad indicators. And the bad indicator moves in when the good indicator moves out So you have to have a primary knowledge of good indicators. Don’t look for bad indicators on and on and on; you’ll drive the pc around the bend and suppress the good indicators What you want to do is know your good indicators for the level you are running so well that when one of them disappears out of 258 the session, your ears go up and you instantly look for the bad indicator. Don’t look for the bad indicator until you see the vanishment of the good indicator. Otherwise you’re continually prowling around looking for wrongnesses in a session and you keep a pc very upset and you get no auditing done of any kind whatsoever. Remember this next time you see a pc start to bog and drag and flounder one way or the other. You’ve got to get the pc’s good indicators back in before you can get the pc to handle what you want him to handle. What influences the attitude of the pc is an ARC Break (that of course is influenced earlier by the auditor’s behavior), or the pc has an overt on the auditor or the pc has a missed withhold. An auditor who never gets in and finds out what is wrong in the session—the reasonable auditor—messes up pcs like mad. If all the good indicators are present the auditor knows he is doing a good job of auditing. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright ©1971, 1974 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1971 Remimeo Issue IX Auditors Supervisors Students Basic Auditing Series 11 Tech and Qual Staff Checksheets of all courses teaching metering METERING One does NOT tell the pc anything about the meter or its reads ever, except to indicate an F/N. Steering a pc with “That—That—That” on something reading is allowable. But that isn’t putting attention on the meter but on his bank. Definition of “In Session” is “Pc interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor”. Saying “That reads”, “That didn’t read”, “That blew down” is illegal. It is no substitute for TR 2. It violates the In Session definition by putting pc’s attention on the meter and can make him very unwilling to talk to the auditor! LRH:act.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 259 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 MAY 1971 Remimeo Basic Cse Super Hat D of P Hat C/S Series 38 C/S Hats Tech Sec TRS COURSE AND AUDITING MIXING MAJOR ACTIONS With the use of TRs The Hard Way on basic courses, auditors and students, a rule must be laid down: A PERSON ON A TR COURSE OR IN PROGRESS ON A TR CYCLE MAY NOT ALSO BE AUDITED. And a second rule: HGC ADMIN AND THE D OF P MUST BE INFORMED OF ENROLLMENTS ON TR COURSES OR TRS IN CRAMMING AND MUST SO MARK A PC’S FOLDER WITH DATE. And a third rule: IN AN ADVANCED ORG THE ADV CSE ADMIN MUST ALSO BE INFORMED OF STUDENTS ENROLLING ON A TR COURSE. And a fourth rule: A SIGN MUST BE PLACED IN QUAL AND IN A TR CLASSROOM “WHILE WORKING ON TRS AND UNTIL THEY ARE PASSED, DO NOT ACCEPT AUDITING.” IN AN AO OR SH THIS READS “WHILE WORKING ON TRS AND UNTIL THEY ARE PASSED, DO NOT ACCEPT AUDITING OR DO SOLO.” The reason for these rules lies in the major C/S rules: DO NOT BEGIN NEW PROGRAMS TO END OLD. DO NOT START A NEW ACTION BEFORE COMPLETING THE EXISTING ONE. And the auditor rule: OBTAIN AN F/N BEFORE STARTING THE NEXT C/S ACTION. IF UNABLE TO DO SO, NEVER BEGIN THE NEXT C/S ACTION BUT END SESSION AND RETURN THE FOLDER TO THE C/S. The surest way in the world to bog a case is to: 1. Begin a new process without obtaining an F/N on the one just run. 2. Begin a major action without completing the old one. 260 3. Begin a major action without setting up a case with ruds and F/Ns. 4. Begin a new program without completing the old one. 5. Start several programs without finishing any. 6. Enter a new major action into a case already in progress on another incomplete major action. I have seen a case on as many as five major actions with none complete. And when I see this the first thing I take up is the first unflat incomplete program and get it finished, then the next, then the next. The case comes out all smooth. Example: Case is on but not complete on Dianetic auditing. Switched to grades. Incomplete on grades, gets a Prog Pgm. Incomplete on a Prog Pgm, shifted to Power. The only apparent exception is a repair. A case can be repaired if bogged PROVIDING THE ORIGINAL ACTION IS REHABBED IF O/R OR COMPLETED TO EP. A Progress Pgm may reach EP before the written up program is completed. Thus a Process Completion is defined as the END PHENOMENA of the process. A Program is complete when the END PHENOMENA of the Program is attained. TRs Any course or program containing TRs 0-4, 6-9 or Admin TRs is a major program in itself. It produces case gain—if run right—and has an End Phenomenon. Further, by actual experience when a person is on a real (not a patty-cake and weak) TR Course and is also being audited at the same time, the C/S and Auditor if they don’t know the person is also on TRs can be utterly baffled and worried as the case does not run right. “What did I do?” “What C/S was wrong?” “Look, his TA is high.” “Now it’s low.” “Last session he____.” And the C/S and auditor engage in efforts to handle the odd case behavior. But the person, unknown to them, was also on a real TR Course and his case was changing! INTERJECTED PGMS You can also run into this same oddity with a mystic who does “bathe the body in light” every night or a wife whose husband audits her between HGC sessions or a selfauditor. The principle is the same. The C/S and auditor are going down Well being Street and hidden trucks keep dashing out of alleys and running into the pc. LIFE The reason auditing should be done in intensive packages, not l hour a week or a session a month lies in the fact that LIFE can run a new action in on a pc. It’s a great way to waste auditing to let a pc have a session once a week. You can’t even keep his ruds in if he lives in any confusions. So nothing is done for the case, all the auditing goes to handle the life interjections! CROSS PROGRAMMING A case runs on cycles of actions. This is true in the auditing comm cycle. It is true in a process cycle. It is true in a program cycle. 261 New things being crossed into old incomplete things make a sort of ARC Break situation like a cut comm cycle. One could do everything with a process or a program OR A COURSE that you find on an L1C. It would not be very wise. No case gain can be created by lack of a comm cycle in an auditor, lack of an action cycle in processes or messing up a program cycle. If you don’t believe it, run an L1C on a pc with “Processes” and “Programs” and “Courses” as a prefix. You’d be amazed. Further the fellow who doesn’t reach the EP of a Course is likely never to use that material or be faulty with the subject. Usual study courses like admin or tech give case gain. One can carry on with auditing parallel to them. But still expect a case to change a bit by study and baffle a C/S once in a while. But a real TR Course produces changes up and down and up that are not possible to also audit around. So they don’t mix. VISUAL IDEA To get a visual idea of this: Optimum: Start Change End TR Course I------------------------------I--------------------------I Start Change End Pgm 1: I------------------------------I--------------------------I Start Change End Pgm 2: I------------------------------I--------------------------I L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 262 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 MAY 1971 Remimeo AOs AOSHs Class IX Course C/S Series 39 C/Ses BEST ADVANCE PROGRAM (As often done on Flag) 1. Dianetics to an EP 2. Scientology ARC Straight Wire 3. Triple Grades 4. Power 5. R6EW 6. Clear 7. OT I 8. OT II 9. OT III 10. LDN OT III and Handle 11. OT VII 12. OT III Expanded 13. L10 14. Dianetics to full EP 15. Expanded Grades to full EP each grade 16. OT IV 17. OT V 18. OT VI 19. OT VII Rehab 20. Any new OT Levels Do not interpret this to be the only Advance Program. The L10 step of course can not be done until L10 is available in your area and is simply omitted until that time. The data on running of Quadruple Dn is contained in the HCOBs on the subject: HCOB 7 March 1971 — C/S Series 28 Use of Quadruple Dianetics HCOB 4 April 1971 — C/S Series 32 Use of Quad Dianetics HCOB 5 April 1971 — C/S Series 33 Triple & Quad Reruns HCOB 21 April 1971 — C/S Series 36 Quadruple Dianetics Dangers of. LRH:sb.rd L RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [LDN is a list used for Pcs on OT III or above.] 263 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JUNE 1971 Issue I (Corrected and Reissued 30 December 72. Remimeo Corrections in this type sty/e.) Study Series 2 CONFRONTING The first requisite of any subject is the ability to confront the various components (things) (parts) (divisions) of the subject itself. All misunderstoods, confusions, omissions, alterations of a subject begin with failures or unwillingness to confront. The difference between a good pilot and a bad pilot depends of course on consistent study and practice, but underlying this, determining whether the person will study and practice, is the ability to confront the components of study and airplanes. A “quick study”, by which is meant a student who learns rapidly or a person who grasps a subject quickly, has a high ability to confront that subject. In a dramatic profession, the wild animal trainer who could confront wild animals remained alive. The one who couldn’t confront was too slow of perception to live long. In a more common line of work, the fast typist could confront study and typing in the first place and the slow typist couldn’t and can’t. The confusions about “talent” and “native ability” and such are resolved to no small extent when one recognizes the role played by the ability to confront. Basically, if one can just be there with it, he can then achieve the skill of communicating with whatever “it” is and handling it. Thus, before communicating with the components of a subject can properly begin, one must be able to be there comfortably with the components of the subject. All power depends upon the ability to hold a location. To communicate one must be able to hold to a location. This is even true in the physical universe. You can’t move a chair unless you can hold a position yourself near the chair. If you don’t believe it, try it. Thus the ability to communicate with precedes the ability to handle. But before one can communicate with something one must be able to be in a location near it. The age-old puzzle of how some scholars can get “A” on a subject they have studied and then not be able to apply even a scrap of the data is resolved by this fact of confronting. They can confront the book, the class and the thought. But they haven’t attained the ability to confront the physical objects of the subject. At least such “glib” students can confront the book, the paper, the thought. They are partway there. Now all they need to do is confront as well the physical things to which the subject is applied and they would be able to apply what they know. 264 Some people are not so lucky as to be “glib” students. They have to work up to “being there” with the book, paper, classroom and teacher. Thus “confronting” is actually the ability to be there comfortably and perceive. Amazing reactions occur when conscious effort is made to do this. Dullness, perception trouble, fogginess, sleep and even pains, emotions and convulsions can occur when one knowingly sets out to BE THERE AND COMFORTABLY PERCEIVE with the various parts of a subject. These reactions discharge and vanish as one perseveres (continues) and at last, sometimes soon, sometimes after a long while, one can be there and perceive the component. As one is able to confront one part he then finds it easier to confront other components. People have mental tricks they use to get around actual confronting—to be disinterested, to realize it’s not important, to be sort of half dead, etc—but these discharge (run out) as well eventually and at last they can just be there and comfortably perceive. Eye blinks, swallows, twitches, aches, pains, are all systems of interrupting confronting and are the symptoms of discomfort. There are many of these. If they are present then one is not just being there and perceiving. Confronting on a via (using a relay point) is another method of ducking out of it. The worst off cannot even tolerate the idea of being there and perceiving anything. They run away, even go into emotional fits rather than be there and perceive. Such people’s lives are a system of interruptions and vias, all substitutes for confronting. They are not very successful. For success in life depends not on running away from it but by being there and perceiving it and then being able to communicate with it and handle it. TERMS “A gradient scale” means a gradual increasing condition of, or a little more of, little by little. A “skipped gradient” means taking on a higher degree or amount before a lesser degree of it has been handled. One has to go back and handle the missed degree or thing or else one will have just losses on a subject thereafter. “Flattening” something means to do it until it no longer produces a reaction. “Overrunning” something means accumulating protests and upsets about it until it is just a mass of stops. Anyone can do anything forever unless he begins to stop it. “Invalidation” means a refuting or degrading or discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be a fact. GRADIENTS Some of the things one would have to be able to be there and perceive in order to study, placed on a graduated scale of increasing difficulty are: Beginning at all. The classroom or work space. Paper. 265 Books. Writing materials. Sounds. A Student. The Supervisor. The area of the study subject’s physical components. The motionless equipment of the subject. The moving equipment of the subject. Masses connected with the subject. The subject as a whole. ----------- The next stages would have to be confronting while moving. This requires a consecutive being there and perceiving even though one is occupying different locations. The next stages would be confronting selectively while moving despite other things seeking to distract. ----------- This Bulletin is not an effort to set out the numerous confronting drills. It is intended to set out the various axioms or laws necessary to an understanding of the subject of confronting itself. From these brief notes all the axioms can be derived. The fundamental and basic simplicities of confronting itself is the first thing that must be grasped. All complexity surrounding any subject or action is derived (comes from) a greater or lesser inability to confront. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 266 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JUNE 1971 Issue II Remimeo Class VIIIs Class VIII Checksheet URGENT C/S Series 37 CANCELLED C/S Series 37 Addition CANCELLED OVERRUN—DON’T USE (C/S Series 37R, HCOB 3 June 71 is the valid one) C/S Series 37 of 19 May 1971, “High TAs Are Overruns Plus Int RD Handling” and C/S Series 37 Addition, “TA Rising While Listing O/R List”, are both CANCELLED and should be removed from any files, packs and destroyed. Auditors are having enough failures with it to make it unsafe. And I have made a breakthrough which outdates it anyway. I am always the 1st to tell you of any error. Leave this in your file. C/S SERIES 37 IS REPLACED BY C/S SERIES 37R HCOB 3 JUNE 1971. HIGH AND LOW TAs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 267 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 JUNE 1971 Remimeo VIII Checksheet All VIIIs Class IX C/S Series 37R Dept 10s All C/Ses REVISED (C/S Series 37, HCOB 19 May 71 and C/S Series 37 Addition, HCOB 21 May 71, have been cancelled and are not for use. They are replaced by this HCOB, C/S Series 37R.) MUST BE CHECKED OUT *RATE AND IN CLAY BEFORE USE! HIGH AND LOW TA BREAKTHROUGH High and Low TAs have been a longtime puzzle and stumbling block to Auditors. The usual definition of OVERRUN is “gone on too long” or “happened too often”. This causes high TAs to occur. In examining a few failures on using “overrun”, I have found that underlying this there is a more basic principle. When a thetan believes something is “overrun” or “has gone on too long” or “was done too often” he is expressing only a symptom of another mechanism. The truth is A THETAN CAN DO ANYTHING FOREVER. To Audit “overruns” is auditing toward an untruth. Thus if carried on as a process it is really an out of ARC Process. That which makes a thetan believe something can be overrun is the EFFORT TO STOP or THE EFFORT TO STOP HIM. The effort to stop something, when generalized, becomes a “stop everything” and IS the entrance point of insanity. This has been known since 1967. But I did not earlier connect it with the OVERRUN phenomenon. When a thetan has a long chain of efforts to stop or a chain of efforts to stop him (mixed up with protest, of course, and shame, blame and regret and other human emotion and reaction) he accumulates ridges. These make mass. This mass makes the high TA. In truth it is not possible to kill a thetan, so therefore any effort to stop a thetan would only have partial success. So the chain is also full of INCOMPLETES. An incomplete cycle of action causes ARC Breaks. Thus an OVERRUN is full of MASS and ARC Breaks! As you possibly recall from the material of about 1955 the one process you must not run on a pc is “Look out of here and find something you can go out of ARC with.” This sends him into a dwindling spiral. 268 The common denominators of a bank are OUT OF ARC and STOP! Thus if too long a list of “What has been Overrun” is required to obtain the first BD F/N item the listing action may very well restimulate much more bank than can easily be handled on some pcs. As these are also the pcs with very high TA, if one lists for overrun and runs much too long a list to get his first BD F/N item, the pc can be heavily restimulated. Listing errors or upsets can make this, then, too uncomfortable a proceeding for a pc and should NOT now be done. And if it doesn’t work on some pcs in the hands of some auditors, it must therefore be cancelled. Any recommendation on VIII Course to do it is cancelled. The theory is correct as given on the VIII Course. There, a few items were intended. But now some very long lists have come up on some pcs which made the pc uncomfortable and were hard for the auditor to handle. Thus the BD F/N item overrun list must not be done. CONTINUE is then the Reverse Action to overrun. Continue equals Survival. The REVERSE to overrun therefore can be run as a process, to wit, “What would you be permitted to continue?” or “What could be Continued?” This however would not be very successful. Thus the listing action is recommended as the process to use. LISTS SEVEN Lists can be done on Overrun itself by using the in-ARC Approach. Assess A. Self to another B. Another to self C. Others to others D. Others to self E. Self to self F. Another to others G. Others to another Ordinarily the biggest read or any read has located a flow that will run and will be most real to the pc. But this is not true in handling overruns. The most stopped or rising read is where he’s really hung. To get a TA down list the most stopped read or the rise of the read or the item that raised the TA when called. This is ONLY true of Overruns. The list questions for the above are: If A stopped: “What could you continue to do to another?” If B stopped: “What could another continue to do to you?” If C stopped: “What could others continue to do to others?” If D stopped: “What could others continue to do to you?” 269 If E stopped: “What could you continue to do to yourself?” If F stopped, list “What could another continue to do to others?” If G stopped, list “What could others continue to do to another?” The “Most stopped read” would be one that really froze the needle or caused it to rise or caused the TA to RISE such as 3.5 to 3.6. The lists would be listed to a BD F/N item, Cog, VGIs. Actually the list could be listed forever. But the pc will get an item he likes and that F/Ns. He is then given his item. One does NOT null such lists unless one has really goofed. ALL the lists A, B, C, D, E, F and G can be listed. To get a TA DOWN you list the flow that sends the TA UP. Then reassess for the next that sends the TA up, etc. LOW TA The same exact thing causes LOW TAs. The flow could be said to have overwhelmed the pc. Exactly how you read the list for Low TA will be given in another HCOB after further tests are made. In theory it would go lower on assessment. Please note that OUT TRs on the part of auditors is the most frequent cause of low TAs. TR 1 that drives the pc out through the back of his head can cause a low (below 2.0) TA on a lot of pcs. END PHENOMENA The End Phenomena, the “EP” of a TA HANDLING RUNDOWN would be all lists assessed or listed to F/N and the pc’s needle doing a persistent continual F/N for days. This means an F/N, wide, that nothing can kill. DEPT 10 The Department of Special Cases should have auditors who can do this rundown by the book and with perfect results. It is really a Dept 10 technique. FLOWS NOTE There are about seven flow directions that can be used or listed. (1) Self to another, (2) Another to self, (3) Others to others, (4) Self to others, (5) Others to self, (6) Another to others, (7) Others to another. “Flow” is an electronic flow in a direction. In Phoenix, Arizona, in 1952 an “Oscilloscope” (has a face like a radar, shows wave patterns and directions) was once hooked up to an E-Meter movement and showed that a mental flow will flow just so long in one direction. By reversing the repetitive commands when the left-right directional flow slowed, the flow turned around and flowed right-left then slowed, etc. So actual electrical flow occurs in response to the directional command (like “self to another”). Also it jams up when run too long on an average human because his mind has “overruns” in it already. “Ridges” and masses come about from a conflict of flows opposing or being pulled back as in withholds. High TAs are caused by two or more flows opposing thus making a mass or ridge. Low TAs are caused by overwhelm by flows. 270 The thetan thinks of them as overruns and so quits on a subject or wishes he could. This is why the TA behaves as it does on life and certain subjects. There is no real reason why a flow can’t go on forever in one direction unless a thetan tries to stop it. Then it ridges and makes mass which then reads on a TA. AUDITOR QUALIFICATIONS An Auditor must be a master at Listing and Nulling in order to touch such Actions as these lists. To foul up on listing on an already fouled-up pc is quite out-tech ! An auditor’s TRs should have been passed the Hard Way. His metering must be excellent and flawless. His command and use of the Auditor’s Code must be complete. He should himself have had case gain. He must have a full checkout on this HCO B and be able to do it in clay. And as I say, he must know the subject of Listing and Nulling so well, he can always list smoothly to a BD F/N item with never a quiver. INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN This HCO B does not change the Interiorization Rundown in theory or in practice. It does however give this procedure. 1. On a high or low TA pc check for Exteriorization in auditing. 2. If pc has gone Ext in Auditing make sure he has not had an Ext-Int RD earlier before giving him another. 3. If an earlier Int RD exists repair, complete or rehab it. Often an Int RD is itself overrun. An L3B on it will show what is wrong with the earlier one. Some poor High TA pcs have had 2 or 3 Ext-Int RDs! All run past the EP. Some Ext-Int RDs went totally flat on the secondaries! Or on the recalls. All else was overrun. 4. If no earlier Ext-Int RD was done, then do one. 5. If the check of the Ext-Int RD situation shows it not to be the reason, or was the reason but the TA goes high or low days later, then DO THIS TA HANDLING RD. As pc high and low TAs have been blocking auditing for a lot of auditors this discovery and its remedy is Delightful news! LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is added to by HCO B 15 June 1971, C/S Series 37R Addition, Hi-Lo TA Assessment Rules, page 282, HCO B 16 June 1971R, Issue IV, C/S Series 37R Addition 2R, Low TA Assessing, page 283, and HCO B 26 June 1971, C/S Series 37R Addition 3, page 296.] 271 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 JUNE 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 40 LOW TAs As per C/S Series 37R, further work was done on low TAs. LOW TAs ALSO ASSESS ON RISE JUST LIKE HIGH TAs. There is no difference of procedure except that a low TA can blow UP to 2.0 + and F/N. Thus one can’t say using 37R on a low TA case, “List to a BD F/N item” as it may be a Blow UP F/N item. The TA may be at 1.8 in listing and when the F/N item goes on the list, the TA will blow UP to 2.0 or 2.1 and F/N. Further if the F/N promptly dies, and the TA falls, one lists further until one blows up, the F/N continues and the pc is pleased with it. Assessment on a low TA is done on RISE for the item listed or a Blow UP, just as in the case of high TAs. When you list a low TA’s falling flow (in assessing the seven flows) and use it for the Continue list the pc can get very unhappy and will get even more overwhelmed. Thus low TA or high TA, list the 7 flows for rise or blow UP and list the one that rose most. This is true of the first and every other flows assessment. Realize this blow UP rule only applies to 37R and the Continue list and is not used in any other listing. 37R works on low TAs like a bomb! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 272 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 JUNE 1971 Issue I Remimeo C/S Series 41 C/S TIPS LISTS Always C/S to correct lists first when lists are out or suspected to be out. Don’t do ARC Brks first in a case of out lists as an out list can make an ARC Break that can’t be handled by ARC Brk but only an L4B. On a GF when lists show up or overlists you should handle that (first action in handling the GF) but also you must order an “L4B Method 5 and Handle.” Method 5 is the once through for assessment. NO READ AUDITORS When auditors can get no reads on things you get their a) TRs checked to see if they can even be heard. b) Their metering checked for meter position on auditing table, can they see meter, pc and write without shifting eyes? And can they see pc’s hands on the cans? And was the meter turned on and charged and can an auditor work the Tone Arm smoothly with his thumb? c) Does the auditor discount reads gotten on clearing commands? (They are the reads.) d) Can the auditor read out a list and see the meter reads as a coordinated action? CRAMMING Send auditors to cramming on all flubs, insist they GO to cramming, insist cramming calls them in and crams them and insist on a carbon copy of the fact that cramming has been done. All the hard work of C/Sing comes in when auditors are flubby. It takes weeks to make an auditor after he has had a course and it’s only done by Cram-Cram—Cram. R FACTORS Never order an R Factor that takes pc into future or past as he then won’t be in session. Example: C/Ses “R Factor we are setting you up for Dianetics.” Promptly the pc is up ahead not in this session. 273 MIXING STARTS There are many ways to start a session. Don’t mix them. It’s “2 wc what do you have your attention on?” “Fly a rud if no F/N.” “Fly all ruds.” “2 wc the TA down.” “Fly a rud or GF + 40 Method 5 and handle.” It’s not a mixture of frantic efforts to get a TA down. If the auditor can’t on what the C/S says THE AUDITOR ENDS OFF. Interiorization is undone or out, there may be list errors, there may be overruns, but for sure it’s a case for FOLDER STUDY, not for an auditor C/Sing in the chair. HIGH TA & ARC BRKS Train your auditors NEVER TRY TO GET A TA DOWN FROM 3.5 OR ABOVE ON ARC BREAKS. LOW TA QUITS Some auditors see a TA sink below 2.0 and then won’t continue the 2 wc or process to get the TA back up. “The TA sank so I quit” is a common auditor note. Compare this: “The TA rose above 3.0 so I quit.” See? Doesn’t make sense. If a TA sinks below 2.0—and the auditor’s TRs are good—the same action will usually bring it up to 2.0 and F/N. Come down hard on auditors who do this. Get their TRs checked, make them continue. EXAM F/Ns AFTER FLUBS Pcs whose TAs are high in session or low in session and get F/N at the Exams put the finger on the auditor. They are protesting or being overwhelmed. Always C/S “Examiner! Ask pc what auditor did in session.” Then you know it’s the auditor or the case. The pc will say the auditor was okay. So it’s case. But usually when cases are puzzles there’s weird things going on with TRs. Also the auditor may be noisy or laugh hard or is boisterous and being “interesting”. C/S VIA The C/S is handling cases on the via of an auditor. 274 If the auditor is perfect the C/S can handle the work out of the case. If the auditor is not perfect in TRs, metering, Code, reports and doing the C/S then the C/S is solving a factor unknown to him, not the pc’s case. So, be a perfect C/S. Demand perfect auditing. Cases fly. HIGHER LEVELS A C/S who assesses a pc to higher levels to solve lower ones is really asking for a wreck. It’s always the earlier actions that are out. Trying to cheat a case up to Grade 2 when he won’t run on Grade I is like trying to run the whole grade chart to cure a cold. A pc can always be solved in or below where he is. “Oh, we’ll put him up a grade and cure his high TA” is like “He can’t pass kindergarten so we’ll enroll him in college.” C/S EXPERTISE A C/S has to know his auditing materials, HCO Bs and texts MUCH better than an auditor. If a C/S is not being successful, get a retread on VI and VIII materials. A C/S also must be confident HE could crack the case as an auditor. When a C/S is shaky on his materials then the world of auditing looks very unstable. The tech is very exact, very effective. If any errors existed in it they’ve been corrected. So the variables are the knowledge of the C/S, his discipline and demands of auditors and the actions of the auditor. If THESE are stable then the cases that come along are easy as can be. The successful C/S knows his materials. If he wants to be even more successful he keeps his study up. Then he is steady and calm for he is totally certain. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 275 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 JUNE 1971 Issue II Remimeo C/S Series 42 C/S RULES COMPLETE CYCLES Don’t leave cycles incomplete on a case. If a C/S starts a 37R and the auditor goofs, correct the auditor and then get the 37R completed. Don’t disperse and do something new. If you have a program going and it’s goofed, repair the auditor and the goofed pc and continue the program you began on the case. Repair (Progress) Programs are ended when the pc is flying nicely. When a repair hits that, don’t re-repair. On Advance Programs, take each step to its EP. Don’t suddenly start something new. A sure way to solve a case is go back and find the earliest incomplete program, complete it and so on up to PT. Keep your “finger in the book” on a case. Don’t lose your place. That’s done by having the current pgm on the inside front cover, paper clipped on, and checked off with each step done. When it’s done, put a new pgm on top of it. Insist that auditors keep up the inside front cover folder summary each session with their auditing time and admin time in the box. This FS is a 2 column set of boxes, date, what’s run, F/N or bogged and time. By seeing Admin is in you can keep your place in the book or study back rapidly to find what’s been done. DOUBLE ACTIONS The deadliest faults on cases are running the same action or grade twice. This drives TAs up through the roof. Example: Power done in ‘65. Done again in ‘69! Example: Grade IV done in ‘69, done in ‘70. You find the case isn’t doing well or find the error. In doubles, rehab by date of the first time it was done. I’ve seen Interiorization done three times on one pc, Power twice and the same Dianetic Chains run over and over. And people wondered “Why is the TA high” ! So when you order a major action always check to see if it’s ever been done before! Save you grief. And if a major action won’t run, suspect it may have been done before. 276 SET-UPS Always set up a case fully for the next major action. Don’t overrepair. But be sure the case is not sick, has had good exam forms and does well. Then C/S the next major action. BLAMING THE PC Never blame the pc. Many it is true are dog cases. But even dog cases can be handled. When you find auditors (or feel yourself) blaming the pc, get the overts and withholds run out. Once I got the most splendid sessions out of an HGC. I had the auditor’s overts and withholds checked on each auditor before he went into session. It was just research, but my it worked! Those were the smoothest sessions! Pcs began to fly! Too many times one blames the pc only to find later that the auditor’s TRs were ghastly and that a major action had been run twice. Such discoveries make a C/S out of a C/S. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 277 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 JUNE 1971 Issue III Remimeo C/S Series 43 C/S RULES TROUBLE FOR THE PC Never make trouble for the pc. When a pc is running well let it roll. The C/S can spot a possible error but the pc is Wide F/N VGIs at the Exam, let it go. Chew the auditor, send to Cramming. But don’t throw the well running pc into extensive repair—don’t break into a winning program harshly. It gives the pc a loss. The pc who isn’t running well is the one you repair. Don’t keep a pc going on and on, running badly with no case study. Study the case folder, find the right why by going back to where the pc was running consistently well and then come forward for the error. It will be in the exact next session. If the pc wasn’t ever audited before, you go into his life of course, with a GF + 40 Method 5 and handle and other Life repairs. OVERREPAIR Any Repair or Progress action has reached its End Phenomena when the pc is running well again. This is peculiar to the Repair or Progress program. Wrong Example: Pc was on Grade III, fell on his head. C/S studied case, found out lists, wrote an extensive Repair Pgm and C/S. Half way through repair the pc again was flying. C/S continued the repair. Pc bogged. C/S C/Sed the pc to flying again. C/S continued the repair. Pc bogged. Right Example: Pc falls on his head on Grade III. C/S writes a Repair Pgm and C/S. Auditor finds the out list, corrects it. Pc flies. C/S puts pc at once back on Grade III to complete. AUDITOR INVAL An auditor can be invalidated by a C/S by having a lot of questionable tech points thrown at him. The auditor’s data gets shaky. If no decision was ever made—is not in HCO Bs and tapes—is not to hand and can’t be referred to by HCO B and tape, then a C/S should not be making the point. Example: Auditor extends a list three more items beyond an F/N. C/S chops him. There is no such rule. The pc maybe wouldn’t accept the item until he listed a few more. Result is a firefight between C/S and auditor, simply because it isn’t a valid point. 278 HCO Bs and Tapes are the stable data that form the agreement between the auditor and the C/S. “If it isn’t written (or spoken on tape) it isn’t true.” Don’t wander off known tech points in C/Sing. Never shake an auditor’s data by advancing data not on HCO Bs and Tapes. Always know your data, your HCO Bs and Tapes and refer the auditor to them in Cramming. Cramming MUST have a library of all materials. A hidden data line can build up in C/S-Auditor lines (or course lines or Cramming lines) that CAN UNSTABILIZE ALL TECH AND DENY FURTHER RESULTS. The decay of tech in areas begins with hidden data lines that ARE NOT TRUE. So use and refer to HCO Bs and Tapes and leave all other points alone. Your auditors will become confident and certain and Tech will improve. It’s enough just to insist on the usual. Then auditors and cases will fly. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 279 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 JUNE 1971 Issue I Remimeo C/S Series 44R C/S RULES PROGRAMMING FROM PREPARED LISTS There are many vital prepared lists. King of these is the Green Form. The additional No. 40 items are the original Seven Resistive Cases. The best way to do a GF + 40 is Method 5 (once through), lengths of reads and BDs marked and C/S to then write a C/S for it. Hi-Lo TA is also such a list, also done Method 5. Any such prepared list can be done Method 5 and the C/S to then write a C/S. But L4B (Lists correction), L3B (Dianetic errors) and L1C (ARC Brks and bypassed charge) are usually done Method 3 (auditor assesses to a read, gets the action done, and/or earlier similar to an F/N, not going on until his action has resulted in an F/N and then going on to complete handling and F/Ning each read he gets). When the C/S has a list assessed Method 5 he expects usually to get it back with the reads and then write the C/S for it. Sometimes he asks for a GF + 40 and a Hi-Lo TA both to be done Method 5. Now the question comes up, which reads does the C/S write up to be handled first? And second? And third? Etc. In other words how does he arrange the C/S the auditor is to do now? What sequence are the items handled in? These rules apply: Handle an Out Int RD first. Handle anything connected with “Lists” (meaning Listing and Nulling Lists) first if Int isn’t out. Like “Listed past right item,” reads. The C/S would get that handled FIRST. Always handle list errors first. And usually do an L4B additionally, Auditor to handle. A pc can get sick after a listing error and you can’t get auditing done when lists are out. Doesn’t want auditing, why, is then handled if it read. Next C/S to handle anything to do with rudiments. ARC Brks, PTPs and W/Hs take precedence in that order. (Listing errors are first, before ARC Brks because an apparent ARC Break after a listing error can only be handled by getting the charge off the list.) Anything that looks like a withhold comes next. After that one just takes the lengths or BD of reads. Take the biggest reads before you take the smaller ones, once you have C/Sed for Lists, doesn’t want auditing and Ruds and evident other withholds. 280 The only confusion that one can get into is a very high TA. But List errors can cause high TAs. Next in frequency is withholds. Never C/S to take a TA down with an ARC Brk rud or an L1C. Never. You can C/S to “talk a TA down” only when there are no list errors or withholds reading on a GF. Of course an Interiorization Rundown error is a primary target. But you don’t have that once it’s handled. You will get a soaring TA if Int is out. L3B is a potent tool to order for Int outnesses, the auditor handling as he goes, Method 3. ------------- So the above gives you the rules by which you C/S from assessed prepared lists. Basically—when Int is out, auditing will drive the TA up. When lists are out nothing will handle but lists and L1C won’t nor will ruds. When ruds are out nothing else will straighten up and you mustn’t order auditors to audit with out ruds. Doesn’t want auditing can come from a bad L & N list. Or out Int. Or out ruds. Previous bad auditing can be cured by L1C on previous bad auditing. The craziest out auditing I ever ran into was an auditor using reads and F/Ns when there were none and failing to take up or flatten reads he did get. So there can be variations on bad auditing and there can be, to our shame, false auditing reports. The best C/S is to find what auditor and find out what the error was. Bad TRs on a poor TR Course where the pc was a student (False passes and invalidated wins) can also cause “doesn’t want auditing”. “Protest” is a frequent reason for high TA and is a cousin to “doesn’t want auditing” and is handled by checking “Lists” for read and doing an L4B if it reads or finding the out ruds or other BPC as in L1C. ------------- As there are so many combinations of reading items from prepared lists, you have to C/S according to these general principles. These rules serve as a steadying guide that you’ll find win for you. LRH:sb.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is added to by BTB 31 October 1971, Reissued 2 July 1974, C/S Series 44R Addition, C/S Rules- The Sequence of Programs, which is in the C/S Series Volume, page 151. ] LRH TAPE LECTURE 12 June 1971 * 7106C12 SO Welcome to the Internship 281 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JUNE 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 37R Addition HI-LO TA ASSESSMENT RULES In assessing and listing the Continue process it is VITAL to continue to assess the seven flows and list until the entire list widely F/Ns. There can be more than seven lists taken from the seven flows. One finds a rise or blow up item, does a list on it, then reassesses ALL seven flows, finds the next most rising item, lists then and assesses ALL seven flows and finds the next most stopped or rising item and lists that. One just keeps this up. Eventually on assessing the seven flows you can only get a stopped needle. Then a slowed or killed F/N. One uses these for lists. Sometimes toward the last they blow on indication and cog. The end of it all is the auditor assessing the seven flows without being able to disturb a wide wide persistent F/N. THAT is the EP of the 37R process. There is no other EP. If not done to that EP the 37R process is incomplete. CLEARING FLOWS The idea of flows should be cleared with the pc before assessment is done. One can do this by getting the pc to draw them. Don’t confuse the pc with this clearing and make sure he is not confused before assessing the seven flows. REPEATED ASSMT One can take a sheet of paper lengthwise and write the seven flows along the left edge with lines to the right. By putting in dividing vertical lines one then has 10 or 12 assessments laid out ready to do. LOW TA Unless one does a THOROUGH JOB to the 37R End Phenomena on a low TA case the TA will continue to go low in future sessions. A low TA takes more times through the assessments and listing than a high TA. CRAMMING Auditors who can’t do this well must be fully crammed on reading a needle and TA on stops, rises and blow ups. The result, if properly done, is invariably good. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 282 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 JUNE 1971 R Issue IV Remimeo (Corrected and Reissued) C/S Series 37R Addition 2R LOW TA ASSESSING If after an apparent EP of a wide F/N on the last assessment, the pc then has a low TA at the Examiner or subsequently has a low TA, one must NOT start a new program as the existing one (37R) is incomplete. The correct C/S for an apparent 37R EP which then went sour would be 1. L4B Method 3 and handle. 2. Ask if there is another flow not yet touched. Note its read as it is described and list it. 3. Reassess the existing and the additional flows for any slightest slow or choke and list it. ------------ Should there still be trouble with low or high TA subsequently, it lies in the area of overts and withholds which blow loose on the Continue process. This is true because overts and withholds add up to stopping something which is discontinuance. The next process (when all possible thoroughness has been taken with 37R yet trouble of high or low TA persists) has not yet been released. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1973 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 283 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JUNE 1971 Issue I Remimeo C/S Series 45 C/S RULES A C/S never C/Ses exclusively for result. He C/Ses for exact tech application. If that occurs he’ll also get his result. If a goof still wins, the C/S stomps on the goof. This prevents auditors getting hung on an accidental win. The wins a C/S wants are exact tech application. If a C/S can finally get auditors exactly auditing the exact processes with exact TRs, metering and Code everybody then wins all the time. So the pc got an F/N at the Exam after the auditor failed to do the final run through, leaving the TA high at session end. That’s a goof. To hell with the F/N at Exams or how PR the pc was. That is a goof. The C/S stomps on it. Never give a “very well done” on wins only. Give them on tech exactness. Got an Exam F/N not quite by the book. That’s only “well done”. Got an Exam F/N and did it by the book is the “Very well done”. We know the tech works. That’s no surprise. Perfect application by the Auditor is what the “Well Dones” and “Very Well Dones” are for. The moment a C/S loses sight of this point he has started his team on a downgrade that will wind up with everyone losing, org, auditors and pcs. That’s the secret of how I as a C/S make star auditors. If it’s by the book, hurrah. If it isn’t by the book then a pc dial-wide F/N VGI rave at Exams gets, from me, a flunk! on the auditor. With a good plain why. The Very Well done means “You applied the tech splendidly”. It does not mean “You helped the pc”. We know the standard tech will do that. So watch this point. It’s an awful big one. It will make your auditors into stars or bums. Auditor runs a narrative chain. Gets away with it. Pc F/N VGIs at Exam. My C/S includes “Auditor to cramming on HCOBs covering types of items.” Now please recognize that auditors for whom I C/S do make it and go on making it. Well, in addition to knowing the subject, this is the one thing I do that is not always done by C/Ses. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 284 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JUNE 1971 Issue II Remimeo C/S Series 46 DECLARES It is the C/S’s responsibility that a pc or Pre OT is sent to Declare? This is not an Admin point I’m making. It is a technical point. Every so often a pc is found hung up in not having declared and attested the state attained. A Declare Completes his cycle of action and is a vital part of the action. One never forces or feeds one to the pc. I recall one org where the entire tech and income structure crashed, the C/O and several personnel had to be removed because they were forcing “clear cogs” on their Dianetic pcs who hadn’t had them (and then telling them they couldn’t be audited further on Scientology) (Connie Broadbent, ASHO, March ‘70). So this goes 2 ways. THE PC OR PRE OT WHO KNOWS HE MADE IT MUST BE SENT TO EXAMS AND C & A TO ATTEST. THE PC OR PRE OT WHO HASN’T MADE IT MUST NEVER BE SENT TO EXAMS TO DECLARE AND ATTEST. This gives us a third: PCs AND PRE OTs WHO HAVEN’T MADE IT MUST BE HANDLED UNTIL THEY HAVE MADE THAT SPECIFIC DECLARE, EVEN THOUGH IT MEANS SIGNING UP FOR MORE AUDITING. TRUTH is the keynote, the essence, the point here. All the “PR” (slang for promotional talk) in the world will not supplant truth. The pc KNOWS he made something. Therefore he must be sent to declare it whether it’s a standard grade or not! The pc who hasn’t made it KNOWS he hasn’t and so when forced to declare or ordered to attest tends to cave in. His concept of the validity of the org and honesty of Scientology depends on this, and really on this alone. The correct declare or not declare decision of the C/S is a vital C/S action. LRH:nt rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 285 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JUNE 1971 Issue III Remimeo TR Course STUDY DEFINITIONS FOR THE TR COURSE CHECKSHEET: A list of materials, often divided into sections, that give the theory and practical steps which, when completed, give one a study completion. The items are selected to add up to the required knowledge of the subject. They are arranged in the sequence necessary to a gradient of increasing knowledge of the subject. After each item there is a place for the initial of the student or the person checking the student out. When the checksheet is fully initialed it is complete, meaning the student may now take an exam and be granted the award for completion. Some checksheets are required to be gone through twice before completion is granted. CHECKLIST: A list of actions or inspections to ready an activity or machinery or object for use or estimate the needful repairs or corrections. This is erroneously sometimes called a “checksheet”, but that word is reserved for study steps. CHECKOUT: The action of verifying a student’s knowledge of an item given on a checksheet. SUPERVISOR CHECKOUT: A checkout done by the Supervisor of a course or his assistants. THEORY: The data part of a course where the data as in books, tapes and manuals is given. PRACTICAL: The drills which permit the student to associate and coordinate theory with the actual items and objects to which the theory applies. Practical is application of what one knows to what one is being taught to understand, handle or control. TWIN: The study partner with whom one is paired. Two students studying the same subject who are paired to checkout or help each other are said to be “Twinned”. TWO WAY COMM: The precise technology of a process used to clarify data with another for the other. It is not chatter. It is governed by the rules of auditing. It is used by Supervisors to clear up blocks to a person’s progress in study, on post, in life or in auditing. It is governed by the communication cycle as discovered in Scientology. METER CHECK: The action of checking the reaction of a student to subject matter, words or other things, isolating blocks to study, interpersonal relations or life. It is done with an E-Meter. COURSE SUPERVISOR: The instructor in charge of a course and its students. COURSE ADMINISTRATOR: The course staff member in charge of the course materials and records. BLOW: Unauthorized departure from an area, usually caused by misunderstood data or overts. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: An authorized period of absence from a course granted in writing by a Course Supervisor and entered in the student’s study folder. 286 ROLL BOOK: The master record of a course giving the student’s name, local and permanent address and the date of enrollment and departure or completion. QUAL: The Qualifications Division (Division V of an org) where the student is examined and where he may receive cramming or special assistance and where he is awarded completions and certificates and where his qualifications as attained on courses or in auditing are made a permanent record. CRAMMING: A section in the Qualifications Div where a student is given high pressure instruction at his own cost after being found slow in study or when failing his exams. PROGRAMMING: The overall planning for a person of the courses, auditing and study he should follow for the next extended time period. STUDENT CONSULTATION: The personal handling of student problems or progress by a qualified consultant. HC: A HUBBARD CONSULTANT is skilled in testing, two-way comm, consultation, programming and interpersonal relations. This is the certificate especially awarded to persons trained to handle personnel, students and staff. These technologies and special training were developed to apply Scientology auditing skills to the field of administration especially. An HC is not an auditor but a consultant. HC is a requisite for Course Supervisors and Student Consultants. SCHEDULING: The hours of a course or the designation of certain times for auditing. OUT: Things which should be there and aren’t or should be done and aren’t are said to be “Out”. I.e. “Enrollment Books are out.” IN: Things which should be there and are or should be done and are, are said to be “In”. I.e. “We got scheduling in.” PACK: A pack is a collection of written materials which match a checksheet. It is variously constituted—such as loose leaf or a cardboard folder or bulletins in a cover stapled together. A pack does not necessarily include a booklet or hardcover book that may be called for as part of a checksheet. MANUAL: A booklet of instruction for a certain object or procedure or practice. POINTS: The arbitrary assignment of a credit value to a part of study materials. “One page equals one point.” “That drill is worth 25 points.” POINT SYSTEM: The system of assigning and counting up points for studies and drills that give the progress of a student and measure his speed of study. They are kept track of by the student and Course Administrator and added up each week as the student’s statistic. The statistic of the course is the combined study points of the class. FLUNK: To make a mistake. Fail to apply the materials learned. Opposite of pass. DEMO KIT: Demonstration Kit. Consists of various small objects such as corks, caps, paperclips, pen tops, batteries—whatever will do. These are kept in a box or container. Each student should have one. The pieces are used while studying to represent the things in the material one is demonstrating. It helps hold concepts and ideas in place. A demo kit adds mass, reality and doingness to the significance and so helps the student to study. PINK SHEET: Pink Sheets are issued by a Course Supervisor as a corrective measure. A student is given a Pink Sheet when something earlier was missed that should have been learned. The principle of the Pink Sheet is that a student is responsible for all the 287 material he has studied earlier. If he is unable to apply or use any of this material then the Pink Sheet is issued to remedy the situation. It gives the student a study assignment calling for re-study and checkout of the specific materials pertaining. It is a quick and precise remedy. TR: Training Regimen or Routine. Often referred to as Training Drill. TRs are a precise training action putting a student through laid out practical steps gradient by gradient to teach a student to apply with certainty what he has learned. COACH: To train intensively by instruction, demonstration and practice. In training drills, one twin is made the coach and the other the student. The coach, in his coaching actions, coaches the student to achieve the purpose of the drill. He coaches with reality and intention following exactly the materials pertaining to the drill to get the student through it. When this is achieved the roles are then reversed—the student becoming the coach and the coach becoming the student. COMPLETION: A “completion” is the completing of a specific course or an auditing grade, meaning it has been started, worked through and has successfully ended with an award in Qual. SUCCESS STORY: The statement of benefit or gains or wins made by a student or a preclear or Pre OT to the Success Officer or someone holding that post in an org. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 288 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 JUNE 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 47 THE SUPREME TEST OF A C/S (Reference HCO B August 19, 1967, The Supreme Test which must be read with this HCO B) A C/S or auditor who knows his tech is able to hold the line on any given action in auditing or C/Sing and not mix up. One C/Ses Dianetics purely. Not Dn, Cl VI, Class VIII, Dn, Class VI. One C/Ses or audits a Rundown as itself, not as a botch of several actions run into it. So this brings to view that some can run the process or program for A to B. And some, worse luck, (a) Go from A to G to Q to A and wonder why they don’t arrive at the B of result. (b) Some go from A to B all right but when at B go right on past it. Both, actually, are a type of non-confront. The A.G.Q.A can’t confront and disperses off arriving at B. The A beyond B hasn’t confronted B and so doesn’t recognize B. The ability to confront the pc and the session and parts of the session permits one to accurately go from A to B. Proving this, perception reduces in ratio to overts. Accept that fact as it’s true. If you run O/W on an auditor regarding the pc he is to audit, the auditor will give a perfect session to that pc. Why? He can confront because he can see. Programming is simply an A to B action. The road is all laid out. Auditing a process is a simple A to B Action. What if you had an auditor who half way through Level Zero with no completion found a picture, did Dianetics on it, didn’t flatten the R3R because pc cogged it was like his mother and the auditor did O/W on mother in the middle of the engram! The pc would be a mess! B was run away from. Same way with programming that isn’t handled. What if you had an auditor who got an F/N Cog VGIs and continued the same process to TA 5.6? He got to B and kept right on going. 289 You should look into some folders where the C/S or auditor dispersed off B or where B was reached with no halt. The most recent examples I’ve seen have been taking processes out of one Rundown and using them in another Rundown all in an effort to achieve a maximum effect when the error that was present came from failure to complete 2 earlier programs. The correct action would have been to complete the earliest program left incomplete and then complete the next incomplete program, not scramble parts of two new programs. A to B is a cycle of action. A clean one. It is best to keep it so. The Supreme Test of an Auditor or a C/S is to make Auditing go right—by the book. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 290 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JUNE 1971 Remimeo Issue I TR Course AFFINITY, REALITY AND COMMUNICATION (Extracted from Problems of Work & Dianetics ‘55!) There are three factors in Scientology which are of the utmost importance in handling life. These three factors answer the questions, How should I talk to people?— How can I sell people things?—How can I give new ideas to people?—How can I find out what people are thinking about?—How can I handle my work better? We call this in Scientology the A-R-C triangle. It is called a triangle because it has three related points. The first of these points is Affinity. The second of these points is Reality. The third of these points and the most important is Communication. By Affinity we mean emotional response. We mean the feeling of affection or lack of it, of emotion or misemotion connected with life. By Reality we mean the solid objects, the real things of life. By Communication we mean an interchange of ideas between two terminals. Without affinity there is no reality or communication. Without reality there is no affinity or communication. Without communication there is neither affinity nor reality. Now these are sweeping statements but are nevertheless very valuable and are true. Have you ever tried to talk to an angry man? An angry man’s communication is at a level of misemotion which repels all terminals from him. Therefore his communication factor is very low, even though very loud. He is attempting to destroy something or some other terminal, therefore his reality is very poor. Very likely what he is being angry about apparently is not what has made him mad. An angry man is not truthful. Thus it could be said that his reality, even on the subject he is attempting to voice, is poor. There must be good affinity (which is to say affection) between two people before they are very real to each other (and reality must here be used as a gradient, with things being more real than other things). There must be good affinity between two people before they can talk together with any truth or confidence. Before two people can be real to each other there must be some communication between them. They must at least see each other, which is in itself a form of communication. Before two people can feel any affinity for each other they must, to some degree, be real. These three terms are interdependent one upon the other, and when one drops the other two drop also. When one rises the other two rise also. It is only necessary to improve one corner of this very valuable triangle in Scientology in order to improve the remaining two corners. It is only necessary to improve two corners of the triangle to improve the third. These three items, Affinity, Reality and Communication, can be demonstrated to equate into Understanding. It is a truism that if we could understand all Life we would then tolerate all Life. When we say “Life” we mean Understanding, and when we say “Understanding” we mean Affinity, Reality and Communication. To understand all would be to live at the highest level of potential action and ability. The quality of Life exists in the presence of Understanding—in the presence, then, of Affinity, Reality and Communication. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 291 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 JUNE 1971 Remimeo All Students Tech & Qual Course Supervisors Course Supers Checksheet Cramming Officers Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 2 WORD CLEARING If anyone has “word cleared” you without these steps it is incorrect. (1) By Meter in Session: A full assessment of many many subjects is done. The auditor then takes each reading subject and clears the chain back to earlier words and/or words in earlier subjects until he gets an F/N VGIs. (2) By Meter in Classroom: The earlier passage is read by the student while on a meter and the misunderstood word is found. Then it is fully defined by dictionary. The word is then used several times in sentences of the student’s own verbal composing. The misunderstood area is then reread until understood. (3) Verbal in classroom: The student says he does not understand something. The Supervisor has him look earlier in the text for a misunderstood word, gets the student to look it up, use it verbally several times in sentences of his own composition, then read the text that contained it. Then come forward in the text to the area of the subject he did not understand. If any other word clearing is going on it is OUT tech. There is a C/S on HCOB 30 June 71 to be followed exactly on word clearing in a session. Do not follow any other version or excerpt. There is NO other way to do it. If you are not auditing this way or using word clearing this way or if words are not being cleared this way, report it to Ethics. Once development and issue has occurred the next step is to get it understood and applied EXACTLY. Then in both Tech and Admin we have successes. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 292 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 JUNE 1971 R Remimeo REVISED 25 NOVEMBER 1974 Tech & Qual All Students Supervisors Word Clearing Series 3R Supervisor’s Course Cramming Word Clearers BARRIERS TO STUDY There are three different sets of physiological and mental reactions that come from 3 different aspects of study. They are three different sets of symptoms. ( 1 ) Education in the absence of the mass in which the technology will be involved is very hard on the student. It actually makes him feel squashed. Makes him feel bent, sort of spinny, sort of dead, bored, exasperated. If he is studying the doingness of something in which the mass is absent this will be the result. Photographs help and motion pictures would do pretty good as they are a sort of promise or hope of the mass but the printed page and the spoken word are not a substitute for a tractor if he’s studying about tractors. You have to understand this data in its purity—and that is that educating a person in a mass that they don’t have and which isn’t available produces physiological reactions. That is what I am trying to teach you. It’s just a fact. You’re trying to teach this fellow all about tractors and you’re not giving him any tractors—well he’s going to wind up with a face that feels squashed, with headaches and with his stomach feeling funny. He’s going to feel dizzy from time to time and very often his eyes are going to hurt. It’s a physiological datum that has to do with processing and the field of the mind. You could therefore expect the greatest incidence of suicide or illness in that field of education most devoted to studying absent masses. This one of studying the something without its mass ever being around produces the most distinctly recognizable reactions. If a child felt sick in the field of study and it were traced back to this one, the positive remedy would be to supply the mass—the object or a reasonable substitute— and it would clear it up. (2) There is another series of physiological phenomena that exist which is based on the fact of too steep a study gradient. That’s another source of physiological study reaction because of too steep a gradient. 293 It is a sort of a confusion or a reelingness that goes with this one. You’ve hit too steep a gradient. There was too much of a jump because he didn’t understand what he was doing and he jumped to the next thing and that was too steep and he went too fast and he will assign all of his difficulties to this new thing. Now differentiate here—because gradients sounds terribly like the 3rd one of these study hang-ups, definitions—but remember that they are quite distinctly different. Gradients are more pronounced in the field of doingness but they still hang over into the field of understanding. In gradients however it is the actions we are interested in. We have a plotted course of forward motion of actions. We find he was terribly confused on the second action he was supposed to do. We must assume then that he never really got out of the first one. The remedy for this one of too steep a gradient is cutting back. Find out when he was not confused on the gradient, then what new action he undertook to do. Find what action he understood well. Just before he was all confused what did he understand well—and then we find out that he didn’t understand it well. It’s really at the tail end of what he understood and then he went over the gradient you see. It is most recognizable and most applicable in the field of doingness. That’s the gradient barrier and one full set of phenomena accompanies that. (3) There is this third one. An entirely different set of physiological reactions brought about through—a bypassed definition. A bypassed definition gives one a distinctly blank feeling or a washed-out feeling. A not-there feeling and a sort of nervous hysteria will follow in the back of that. The manifestation of “blow” stems from this 3rd aspect of study which is the misunderstood definition or the not comprehended definition, the undefined word. That’s the one that produces the blow. The person doesn’t necessarily blow on these other two—they are not pronouncedly blow phenomena. They are simply physiological phenomena. This one of the misunderstood definition is so much more important. It’s the make-up of human relations, the mind and subjects. It establishes aptitude and lack of aptitude and it’s what psychologists have been trying to test for years without recognizing what it was. It’s the definitions of words. The misunderstood word. That’s all it goes back to and that produces such a vast panorama of mental effects that it itself is the prime factor involved with stupidity and the prime factor involved with many other things. If a person didn’t have misunderstoods his talent might or might not be present but his doingness would be present. We can’t say that Joe would paint as well as Bill if both were unaberrated in the field of art, but we can say that the inability of Joe to paint compared with the ability of Joe to do the motions of painting is dependent exclusively and only upon definitions— exclusively and only upon definitions. 294 There is some word in the field of art that the person who is inept didn’t define or understand and that is followed by an inability to act in the field of the arts. That’s very important because it tells you what happens to doingness and that the restoration of doingness depends only upon the restoration of understanding on the misunderstood word—misunderstood definition. This is very fast processing. There is a very swift wide big result obtainable in this. It has a technology which is a very simple technology. It enters in at the lower levels because it has to. This doesn’t mean it is unimportant, it means it has to be at the entrance gates of Scientology. It IS a sweepingly fantastic discovery in the field of education and don’t neglect it. You can trace back the subject a person is dumb in or any allied subject that got mixed up with it. The psychologist doesn’t understand Scientology. He never understood a word in psychology so he doesn’t understand Scientology. Well that opens the gate to Education. Although I’ve given this one of the misunderstood definition last it is the most important one. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rdjh Copyright ©1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 295 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 JUNE 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 37R Addition 3 37R is a very beefy process. It has been combined into L9S, HCO B 17 June 71, and is best done as part of this full rundown. 37R works on anyone, regardless of TA or state of case. Neither it nor L9S are used only on bad off cases. They work on both the worst and the best. In doing 37R the items are sometimes very heavy and it takes the pc a bit to accept them. Therefore when one gets a BD F/N item, one asks “Is_____your item?” If he says yes, indicate it to him by saying “_____is your item.” The meter should give a fall and the F/N will widen. If the pc says it is NOT his item, ask the question again and continue to list. The pc will put the item back on the list usually for it was his item. But he has to list further to realize it. He can also fail to put it back on the list and if so and he is getting restless in listing, give him the BD F/N item again and he’ll buy it. A very big item that alters the pc’s whole concept of things with big cogs and 2 wc is a good place to stop a session. 37R doesn’t all have to be done in one session. When you begin a new list before the last item is discharged the pc can get a bit overwhelmed. This is a “nice” point, not a vital one. Also the big item will often cause the next assessment to be a bit hard as the pc’s attention remains tied up in it for a while. If after 37R the pc’s TA later goes up or down again out of normal 2.0 to 3.0 range the action to do is an L4B in general on 37R. It usually picks up the cognitions and confirms rather than corrects. L4B reads on wrong item. Auditor says which one. Pc gives it. Quite usually it’s a right item pc hasn’t cogged on. After the L4B, one can again run 37R. However, a better action is to Fly all ruds Continue with L9S. RUDS When Ruds are out during 37R a pc can feel strange. Of course with a high or low TA you can’t get the ruds in. So you can do a list of 37R and as this will F/N the meter, you can get in all ruds. FLOWS The pc may have NO idea of flows. So before assessing the first time one must clear “flows”. The pc must understand that these words self to another mean a flow from himself to any another, etc. If while clearing the word “flow” and “flows” you watch your meter also you will get your first blow up of the TA. 296 ASSESS SLOWLY By reading a flow and waiting a moment, you give the TA time to rise. You can assess too rapidly and find that the TA has gone up, but which of the last items did it go up on? By proceeding a little more slowly you will be sure. ADDITIONAL FLOW There is another flow. H. ANOTHER TO ANOTHER. This should be added to your assessment sheet. ASSESSMENT FORM An assessment form can be printed. The flows A to H (adding the new one above) are put in on the left-hand edge of the paper held the long way. They can be repeated A-H and A-H. Lines and boxes lead out for repeated assessments. This makes it easier for the auditor. STEPS 37R 1. Clear the word “flow”. 2. Clear the idea of flow (watch meter) for each flow A to H so you have no misunderstoods. 3. Assess the listing sheet. Take the biggest Blow Up or speeded rise (if no big Blow Up). 4. Mark it on the assmt form and W/S. 5. Fit it into the Q on a separate listing sheet, What could _____continue to do to_____ ? 6. Ask the Question of the pc. 7. Get the pc to give you items. 8. Write the items down while watching the meter. Mark needle reads or BDs. Put down TA reads regularly on the list. 9. Get the first item that Blows down (or up) and F/Ns. 10. Ask pc if_____is his item. 11. If pc says Yes, say, “_____is your item.” Circle it on listing sheet and mark the F/N and “Ind” for Indicated to pc. If pc says No, continue to list. Pc will put item back on the list, at which time do 10 and 11 above. Pc will accept it. If he goes on and begins to protest, give him the first BD F/N item and do 11 and 12. He will accept it. 12. Mark item and TA and any 2 wc on the item or cogs on the W/S. DON’TS Don’t do this process without (a) Checking out on C/S Series 37R, with Additions 1, 2 and this one, 3. 297 (b) Do 1 hrs confront and I hour reach and withdraw on your meter. (c) Dummy running the 12 steps above with no pc but all the paper and tools until it is a faultless action. (d) Don’t call pc’s attention to the meter with comments or stares or looks of horror or edginess or fumbles. (e) Have smooth, perfect TRs. (f) Follow the Auditor’s Code. USING L9S If used in conjunction with L9S then L9S should also be drilled on dating and locating and dummy run. SESSION FORM These processes and rundowns are done in a streamlined session form. SPECIAL 37R The various flows of Auditor to pc can be run and indeed an assessment of many subjects or dynamics can be assessed by rise and then flow patterned as in Auditor-pc below. This Special 37R is mentioned here but will be laid out in full for other subjects in another issue. Pcs who have protest on auditing can be done in this way. The flows are Auditor to pc ________ Pc to Auditor ________ Auditors to pc ________ Pc to Auditors ________ Pc to Self ________ Auditor to Self ________ Aside from list change—Auditor-pc is done like general 37R. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [HCO B 17 June 1971, L9S, referred to on first page of this issue, is a Flag Only issue and is not in these volumes. ] 298 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 JUNE 1971R Remimeo Issue II Tech & Qual REVISED 30 NOVEMBER 1974 All Supervisors (Revision in this type style) Cramming Officers Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 4R SUPERVISOR TWO-WAY COMM AND THE MISUNDERSTOOD WORD (From LRH taped briefing to Lt. Bill Foster 14 June 71) Two-way comm where it has been described has been described for the use of an auditor, not a Supervisor of a Course. Supervisors not knowing this then run around itsa-ing students. They let the students itsa and they think they are going to get some place. It’s the most incredible scene that you ever heard of and the boom could go bust only on this one point. I’ve got it narrowed down to this. Apparently no matter how many times the study tapes have been played, nobody has ever heard of them. I watched a recent course run to find out how deep they would let the students struggle—how long it would stay bogged—and it would have stayed bogged from here on out ! And do you know what’s out? It’s the study data tapes just that—and that’s all that’s out on a course. So when they say “2-way comm the students” you’ll find the Supervisors instantly start to itsa them and are using auditor 2-way comm on these courses. It doesn’t belong on these courses. I’ll give you now the total dialogue of a Supervisor: The Supervisor shows interest. There can be a little bit of chatter, like—”I see you’ve just completed. Great!”—something like that, or he shows interest—”How are you doing?” Student replies—”Ah well, I’m doing all right.” Supervisor—”Now are there any words there in that, that you have misunderstood?” Student—”No ... no ....” Supervisor—”Well what is the word that you didn’t quite understand?” Student—”Ah well . . . ah . . . this one.” Supervisor—”Good. Now look that word up.... Now what’s the word in the paragraph above that, where’s that? . . . Alright let’s look that up. Now use it in a sentence a couple of times and I’ll be back in a minute.” 299 He comes back, the student gives him the sentences for it and straightens it out and he sees the student’s got it. That’s the 2-way comm of a Supervisor. If a Supervisor does any other thing you’ve got a wrecked course. I’ve got the proof of it. The way you teach a TR Course is you give the student the bulletin and you have him read it. You don’t check the guy out on the bulletin, he just reads it When you come back you say, “Alright, have you read it?” “Yeah. I’ve read it.” “What word don’t you understand on it?” You will find things like HCO B and TR, and you get those cleared up, etc. I am having some roaring success stories from FEBC students who are through this. One had gone through the bulletin 10 times and had found words he didn’t know all 10 times, and he was all of a sudden finding new things on the bulletin that he’d never heard of before. Another student had gone through it 20 times with the same result and they were doing fine and getting down to TRs and passing them. On a TR Course you give them the bulletin and let them read it and you find what word they didn’t understand. That’s the routine. Now that sounds so impossible—and it’s been on the study tapes for so long—that you wouldn’t believe that this thing is the key. Do you know there were students there for 15 or 20 days until we started doing this, then all of a sudden there was a breakthrough and their enthusiasm started coming up. They had been just going lose, lose, lose, out the bottom because Supervisors were letting them itsa. Maybe Supervisors thought they were auditors. They aren’t. Neither are they supposed to give advice or tell students how—or ask them if they blinked or anything else. The other thing they were doing was only emphasizing all the “can’ts”. The students just went into despair. This was because the Supervisors were inviting all kinds of itsa and criticizing and so forth. You may say, “Gee! Everybody knows it’s a misunderstood word.” Yeh—but they don’t use it. Now I’ll give you another one. I set up a test so that each student was brought up to the D of T who had a meter on his desk and he’d ask them if they had anything they misunderstood—and see if they got a read on the meter. If it didn’t clear up at once he’d send them back to get the definitions and look the thing up and of course use the word in a couple of sentences and then if it didn’t 300 clear up he’d send them to the word clearer and really let them get worked over because it goes way back. They even found a student who had a misunderstood word clear back into his last life. There wasn’t any other 2-way comm and no other interest and they just about blew the roof off with student stat points. This is the action of a Supervisor and that’s ALL the action a Supervisor does—and he can do that. The course has plenty of dictionaries and so on. But, the main point is, it is the misunderstood word. This has been proven again. On a TR practical course it’s the misunderstood word and the misunderstood action. On other courses it’s just misunderstood words and misunderstood words and misunderstood words, one right after the other. As fast as they clear this up—up the student’s production goes. It’s painfully slow on some of them at first and I suppose the Supervisors have so many misunderstood words of their own that they just won’t key into doing this action and that’s what’s wrecking courses. It’s elementary, and it’s the wildest discovery of all time but they don’t use it. If it is used, your courses start running fast, your students start learning quickly and all starts going well. Other course outnesses like Supervisors not giving anybody a pack or no one to give checkouts are all Administrative outnesses. As far as actual Supervision is concerned it’s this other line of handling misunderstood words. The second that line is in there are wins all over the place. The second that line is out there is no delivery. If auditors are goofing, then in their training they have not been made to look up the misunderstood word and a lot of itsa has gone on and people have evaluated for them. Then these auditors having made mistakes they never corrected with this tech, think they need something new to run on pcs, but they just wreck new tech too. We are shooting for a target, using just this misunderstood word tech, of a reduction of time by about a third on all major courses. Just using this misunderstood word tech. That’s all. If some student is a totally slow student, you can get him back to the first bulletin or book he ever read and make him get every word in it he didn’t understand, and it will go up in a chain. People on courses were being itsa’d to death. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt jh Copyright ©1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 301 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JUNE 1971 R REVISED 2 DECEMBER 1974 All Students Tech & Qual Course Supervisors (Revision in this type style) Course Super Chksht Cramming Offs Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 5R SUPERVISOR TWO-WAY COMM EXPLAINED (From LRH Lecture Tape 16/6/71 Briefing to Aides Council) I don't think from the day they were spoken until now, anybody has understood or used "The Study Tapes". This is the only piece of Technology that you use on a course. There is no other teaching technology of any kind used on a course. The 2-way comm HCOBs are Auditor 2-way comm. The Supervisor has to know 2-way comm simply so that he can ask these burning questions: "How are you doing?" (Not with a lot of student itsa.) "Is there any word you haven't understood?" "Look it up." "Use it in a sentence a few times." That's the TOTALITY. That's all there is to teaching a course as far as the technology goes. It's contained in the few words which I have just given you and there's no other technology. That's all there is to teaching a course because that's all that's wrong with students. You can monitor it this way. You can watch a student's stats day to day. His stats are down today compared with yesterday's so you go over and talk to him. He says, "Yes. I had a hard night last night, up all night arguing with my wife," etc-which could go on for hours. But the Supervisor says, "Now yesterday or today what word did you run across that you didn't understand?" The meter gives a LF. He says, "Yes! Well I didn't understand the word 'waffle-waffle'." The Supervisor says, "Well let's look it up and get it defined." 302 The student says, "Well it wasn't that word, it was the word before that." Supervisor, "Good—let's get this looked up and used a couple of times in a sentence." The student does and he gets an F/N and it's all fine. His study stats go back up. That's all there is to it! There are two ways to fail to communicate the tech. One is not to read the HCO Bs and the other is not to use the misunderstood word tech. (Of course you can have no course and nobody there even trying.) The worst thing would be to pretend to have a course but have missing materials and Supervisors giving verbal advice or tech. That is deadly and will turn any Academy sour. Verbal tech comes about when course materials are not available to students and no or faulty Word Clearing is used. As long as the Administration of the course is in and all the course materials are available, the sole course Tech is this misunderstood word tech. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt jh Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 303 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1971 R REVISED 1 DECEMBER 1974 Cancels HCO B 3 Dec 71, Handling Sheet Remimeo EXPANDED GF 40 RB This list is assessed Method 5 and fully handled. Must be done by an Auditor who has checked out on the Qual OK to Audit Checksheets, BPLs 14 Nov 74, Issues I-IV, and BPL 20 July 70R, Issue III, “Two-Way Comm Checksheet”, and can make a prepared list read. Where R3R (and Recalls) is done it can be done Triple or Quad, depending on. what is C/Sed for the pc. SECTION A A-1 DO YOU NOT WANT AUDITING? ________ (2wc and find out why not. It will be an out rud or an out list. Handle to F/N.) A-2 ARE YOU REFUSING AUDITING? ________ (2wc and find out why. Get pc to explain. Handle any out rud or out list to F/N.) A-3 ARE YOU PROTESTING AUDITING? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) A-4 DO YOU DISLIKE TALKING TO AN AUDITOR? ________ (If so run “Look at me. Who am I?” to F/N. Then “What could you say?” to F/N.) A-5 HAS NO ONE ASKED WHAT YOU REALLY WANT? ________ (E/S to F/N.) A-6 HAS THERE BEEN ANYTHING WRONG WITH F/Ns? ________ (Find the fault and handle with False TA HCO Bs. Rehab any overruns due to false TA.) A-7 HAS THERE BEEN ANYTHING WRONG WITH YOUR TONE ARM OR METER? ________ (Find the fault and handle with False TA HCO Bs. Rehab any overruns due to false TA.) SECTION B B-1 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT? ________ (Find out which. Handle E/S to F/N.) B-2 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN ARC BREAK? ________ (2wc What was the ARC Brk? ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N.) B-3 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER A PTP? ________ (2wc What was the PTP? E/S to F/N.) B-4 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER A W/H? ________ (What was the W/H? Who missed it? E/S to F/N.) B-5 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN OVERT? ________ (What was the overt? E/S overt to F/N.) B-6 ARE YOU LYING TO PEOPLE? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) B-7 DO YOU HAVE SECRETS? ________ (2wc What Secrets? E/S to F/N.) 304 B-8 ARE YOU HERE FOR REASONS NOT DISCLOSED? ________ (If so, L&N “What was your original reason for coming here?” R3R Triple/Quad if an E. Purp.) (Pgm for Ex Dn.) B-9 DO YOU HAVE AN EVIL PURPOSE? ________ (L&N “What Evil Purpose do you have?” R3R Triple/Quad.) (Pgm for Ex Dn.) SECTION C C-1 ARE YOU CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY? ________ C-2 DO YOU KEEP ON GOOFING? ________ C-3 ARE YOU COMMITTING CONTINUOUS OVERTS IN LIFE? ________ Handling on each: (a) L&N “What are you trying to prevent?” R3R Triple/Quad preventing (b) 2wc Committing continuous overts and pull them E/S to F/N. SECTION D D-1 HAVE YOU NOT HAD AUDITING? ________ (a. L&N “Who or what would prevent auditing?” b. Triple/Quad Ruds & Overts on the item.) D-2 HAVE YOU BEEN SELF AUDITING? ________ (2wc E/S. Get when pc 1st started self auditing. Do L1C on prior upset.) D-3 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED IN AN EARLIER LIFE? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) SECTION E E-1 HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY AUDITING? ________ (R3R “When have you felt overwhelmed in auditing?” E/S to EP. “Have you ever overwhelmed another in auditing?” E/S to EP. “Have others ever overwhelmed others in auditing?” E/S to EP. F-0 if necessary.) (Repair Pgm.) E-2 HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY LIFE? ________ (R3R “When have you felt overwhelmed in life?” E/S to EP. “Have you overwhelmed another in life?” E/S to EP. “Have others overwhelmed others in life?” E/S to EP. F-0 if Quad.) (Repair Pgm.) E-3 HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY FAMILY CONNECTIONS? ________ (R3R “When have you felt overwhelmed by family connections?” E/S to EP. “When have you used family connections to overwhelm another?” E/S to EP. “When have others used family connections to overwhelm others?” E/S to EP. F-0 if Quad.) (Repair Pgm.) E-4 ARE YOU CONNECTED TO SOMEONE HOSTILE TO SCIENTOLOGY? ________ (PTS Interview.) E-5 ARE YOU RESTIMULATED IN YOUR CURRENT ENVIRONMENT? ________ (R3R Triple/Quad times he felt restimmed in his environment to EP.) (Repair Pgm.) E-6 ARE YOU ANTAGONISTIC TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING? ________ (3 S&Ds—see below.) 305 E-7 HAVE YOU BEEN SUPPRESSED BY ANOTHER? ________ (3 S&Ds—see below.) 3 S&Ds Assess: Withdraw From Stop Unmock Suppress Invalidate Make Nothing Of Suggest Been Careful Of Failed to Reveal Take the 3 that read best. Use the one that read the most first. Test in these two questions: “Who or what has attempted to________you?” “Who or what have you tried to__________ ?” List the best reading question to BD F/N item. Use each of the 3 this way. SECTION F F-1 ARE YOU SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS? ________ (2wc. E/S “Is there an earlier time you were seeking the same thrill attained from drugs?” to F/N.) (Drug RD or complete it.) F-2 HAVE YOU TAKEN DRUGS? ________ List each type taken and rehab each by counting number of times. L3RD on his Drug RD if he had one.) (Verify or do full Drug RD all steps.) F-3 DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO TAKE DRUGS? ________ (List each type taken and rehab each by counting number of times. L3RD on his Drug RD if he had one.) (Verify or do full Drug RD all steps.) F-4 HAVE YOU NEVER TAKEN DRUGS? ________ (2wc “Is there an earlier time you never took drugs?” to F/N.) F-5 ARE YOU CURIOUS ABOUT DRUGS? ________ (2wc E/S “Is there an earlier time you were curious about drugs?” to F/N.) F-6 HAS MEDICINE ACTED AS DRUGS? ________ (List the type of medicines pc has taken. Rehab each by counting. L3RD on his Drug RD if he had one.) (Verify or do full Drug RD all steps.) F-7 HAVE YOU DRUNK ALCOHOL? ________ (List the types of alcohol pc had. Rehab each by counting. L3RD on his Drug RD if he had one.) (Verify or do full Drug RD all steps.) SECTION G G-1 HAVE YOU HAD A FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? ________ 3-Way or Quad Recall: (Each repetitive to F/N Cog VGIs.) F-1 “Recall another giving a former therapy to you.” F-2 “Recall giving a former therapy to another.” F-3 “Recall another giving a former therapy to another or others.” F-0 “Recall giving a former therapy to yourself.” 306 3-Way or Quad Engrams: (R3R each flow to F/N Cog VGIs and Erasure.) F-1 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving a former therapy to you.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving a former therapy to you?” F-2 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving a former therapy to another.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving a former therapy to another?” F-3 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving a former therapy to another or others.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another giving a forrner therapy to another or others?” F-0 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving a former therapy to yourself.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you giving a former therapy to yourself?” G-2 HAVE YOU HAD MEDICAL THERAPY? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in G-1 substituting “Medical Therapy”.) G-3 HAVE YOU HAD PSYCHIATRIC THERAPY? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in G-1 substituting “Psychiatric Therapy”.) G-4 HAVE YOU HAD PSYCHOLOGY THERAPY? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in G-1 substituting “Psychology Therapy”.) G-5 HAVE YOU HAD DENTAL THERAPY? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in G-1 substituting “Dental Therapy”.) G-6 HAVE YOU HAD ELECTRIC SHOCK? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams, followed by AESPs separately listed and R3Red.) SECTION H H-1 ARE YOU CURRENTLY DOING ANY BODY PRACTICES? ________ 3-Way or Quad Recall. (Each repetitive to F/N Cog VGIs.) F-1 “Recall another forcing body practices on you.” F-2 “Recall you forcing body practices on another.” F-3 “Recall another forcing body practices on another or others.” F-0 “Recall forcing body practices on yourself.” 3-Way or Quad Engrams: (R3R each flow to F/N Cog VGIs and Erasure. ) F-1 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another forcing body practices on you.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another forcing body practices on you?” F-2 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you forcing body practices on another.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you forcing body practices on another?” F-3 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another forcing body practices on another or others.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another forcing body practices on another or others?” F-0 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you forcing body practices on yourself.” E/S “Is there 307 an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you forcing body practices on yourself?” H-2 ARE YOU CURRENTLY DOING ANY EXERCISES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Exercises”.) H-3 ARE YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICING ANY RITES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “ Rites” . ) H-4 ARE YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICING YOGA? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Yoga”.) H-5 DO YOU HOLD ANY EASTERN BELIEFS? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Eastern Beliefs”.) H-6 ARE YOU DOING ANY MENTAL EXERCISES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Mental Exercises”.) H-7 DO YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICE MEDITATION? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Meditation”.) H-8 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER PRACTICES BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Practices Before Scientology”.) H-9 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER RELIGIONS? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Religions”.) H-10 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER RITES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Rites”.) H-11 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EXERCISES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Exercises”.) H-12 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN HYPNOTISM? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Hypnotism”.) H-13 HAVE YOU HELD EARLIER BELIEFS? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Beliefs”.) H-14 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER INDOCTRINATIONS? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Indoctrinations”.) H-15 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER SCIENTIFIC PRACTICES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Scientific Practices”.) H-16 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER ELECTRONIC PRACTICES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Electronic Practices”.) H-17 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER THOUGHT PRACTICES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Thought Practices”.) H-18 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER SPIRITUAL PRACTICES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Spiritual Practices”.) 308 H-19 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EASTERN RITES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Eastern Rites”.) H-20 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EASTERN PRACTICES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Eastern Practices”.) H-21 HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER IMPLANTING TECHNIQUES? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams as in H-1 substituting “Earlier Implanting Techniques”.) H-22 HAVE YOU PRACTICED WITCHCRAFT? ________ 3-Way or Quad Recall: (Each repetitive to F/N Cog VGIs.) F-1 “Recall another practicing witchcraft on you.” F-2 “Recall you practicing witchcraft on another.” F-3 “Recall another practicing witchcraft on another or others.” F-0 “Recall practicing witchcraft on yourself.” 3-Way or Quad Engrams: (Each flow to F/N Cog VGIs and Erasure.) F-1 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another practicing witchcraft on you.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another practicing witchcraft on you?” F-2 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you practicing witchcraft on another.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you practicing witchcraft on another?” F-3 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another practicing witchcraft on another or others.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another practicing witchcraft on another or others?” F-0 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you practicing witchcraft on yourself.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you practicing witchcraft on yourself?” H-23 HAVE YOU CAST SPELLS? ________ 3-Way or Quad Recall: (Each repetitive to F/N Cog VGIs.) F-1 “Recall a time a spell was used on you.” F-2 “Recall a time you used a spell on another.” F-3 “Recall a time another used spells on another or others.” F-0 “Recall a time you used spells on yourself.” 3-Way or Quad Engrams: (Each flow to F/N Cog VGIs and Erasure.) F-1 “Locate an incident of pain and unconsciousness when a spell was used on you.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident of pain and unconsciousness when a spell was used on you?” F-2 “Locate an incident of pain and unconsciousness when you used a spell on another.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident of pain and unconsciousness when you used a spell on another?” F-3 “Locate an incident of pain and unconsciousness when another used spells on another or others.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident of pain and unconsciousness when another used spells on another or others?” F-0 “Locate an incident of pain and unconsciousness when you used spells on yourself.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident of pain and unconsciousness when you used spells on yourself?” 309 H-24 ARE YOU DOING SOME EXERCISE BETWEEN SESSIONS? ________ (Handle as in H-2 with 3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams. ) SECTION I I-1 DO YOU HAVE AN ENGRAM EXACTLY MATCHING PT DANGERS? ________ 3-Way Engrams: (R3R each to F/N Cog VGIs and Erasure.) F-1 Ack what the pc says then continue with the R3R commands 2-9, etc. E/S “Is there an earlier similar engram?” F-2 “Locate a time when you gave another such an engram.” E/S “Is there an earlier time you gave another such an engram?” F-3 “Locate a time when another gave another or others such an engram.” E/S “Is there an earlier time another gave another or others such an engram?” F-0 “Locate a time when you gave yourself such an engram.” E/S “Is there an earlier time you gave yourself such an engram?” SECTION J J-1 ARE YOU SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL? ________ (2wc Find out what the illness or symptoms are: BTB 28 May 74R, “FULL ASSIST CHECKLISTS FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES”.) J-2 IS YOUR BODY ILL? ________ (2wc “What seems to be wrong with your body?” to F/N.) (BTB 28 May 74R, “FULL ASSIST CHECKLISTS FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES”.) J-3 ARE YOU MENTALLY ILL? ________ (2wc E/S “Is there an E/S time you were mentally ill?” to F/N. Handle as a W/H.) (R3R Narrative and AESPs R3R.) J-4 DO YOU HAVE ANY BROKEN BONES? ________ (2wc E/S “Is there an E/S time you had broken bones?” to F/N.) (Medical Treatment. BTB 28 May 74R, “FULL ASSIST CHECKLISTS FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES”.) J-5 DO YOU HAVE ANY INFECTIOUS DISEASES? ________ (2wc Get the Data on what it is. E/S “Is there an E/S time you had an infectious disease?” to F/N.) (Medical Treatment. BTB 28 May 74R, “FULL ASSIST CHECKLISTS FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES”.) J-6 DO YOU HAVE ANY HIDDEN ILLNESSES? ________ (2wc E/S “Is there an E/S time you had a hidden illness?” to F/N.) (BTB 28 May 74R, “FULL ASSIST CHECKLISTS FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES”.) J-7 DO YOU HAVE ANY TOOTH DECAY? ________ (2wc E/S “Is there an E/S time you had tooth decay?” to F/N.) (Dental Treatment. BTB 28 May 74R, “FULL ASSIST CHECKLISTS FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES”.) J-8 DO YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICALLY DAMAGED PARTS? ________ (2wc to find out what. BTB 28 May 74R, “FULL ASSIST CHECKLISTS FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES”.) J-9 DO YOU HAVE ANY BODY PARTS MISSING? ________ (2wc to fmd out what. BTB 28 May 74R, “FULL ASSIST CHECKLISTS FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES”.) J-10 HAVE YOU HAD ANY BODY PARTS REMOVED? ________ (2wc to find out what. BTB 28 May 74R, “FULL ASSIST CHECKLISTS FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES”.) 310 SECTION K K-1 ARE YOU OUT OF VALENCE? ________ LX Lists 3, 2, 1. Ref: HCO B 2 Aug 69, “ ‘LX’ Lists”, HCO B 5 Nov 69, “LX3”, HCO B 3 Aug 69, “LX2”, HCO B 9 Aug 69, “LXl”, BTB 26 Nov 71, Issue III, Corrected 30 Dec 71, “Out of Valence—220H”. Triple or Quad. If no valence change on the above do std Class VIII 220H as follows: 3-Way or Quad Recall. (Each repetitive to F/N Cog VGIs.) F-1 “Recall another causing you to be someone else.” F-2 “Recall you causing another to be someone else.” F-3 “Recall another causing another or others to be someone else.” F-4 “Recall causing yourself to be someone else.” 3-Way or Quad Engrams: (R3R each flow to F/N Cog VGIs and Erasure.) F-1 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another causing you to be someone else.” E/S “Is there an earlier similar incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another causing you to be someone else?” F-2 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you causing another to be someone else.” E/S “Is there an earlier similar incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you causing another to be someone else?” F-3 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another causing another or others to be someone else.” E/S “Is there an earlier similar incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another causing another or others to be someone else?” F-0 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you causing yourself to be someone else.” E/S “Is there an earlier similar incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you causing yourself to be someone else?” K-2 ARE YOU BEING SOMEONE ELSE? ________ (Handle as in K-1 above. LX3, 2 & 1 and 220H if necessary.) SECTION L L-1 ARE YOU PRETENDING? ________ 3-Way or Quad Recall: (Each repetitive to F/N Cog VGIs.) F-1 “Recall another pretending to you.” F-2 “Recall you pretending to another.” F-3 “Recall another pretending to another or others.” F-0 “Recall pretending to yourself.” 3-Way or Quad Engrams: (R3R each flow to F/N Cog VGIs and Erasure.) F-1 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another pretending to you.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another pretending to you?” F-2 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you pretending to another.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you pretending to another?” F-3 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another pretending to another or others.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of another pretending to another or others?” 311 F-0 “Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you pretending to yourself.” E/S “Is there an earlier incident containing pain and unconsciousness of you pretending to yourself?” L-2 ARE YOU PRETENDING TRAINING NOT ATTAINED? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams of Pretending.) L-3 ARE YOU PRETENDING ATTAINMENTS IN LIFE NOT REALLY ATTAINED? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams of Pretending.) L-4 ARE YOU PRETENDING GRADES NOT ATTAINED? ________ (3-Way or Quad Recall/3-Way or Quad Engrams of Pretending.) SECTION M M-1 HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT? ________ (2wc Find what grades pc feels are out. Indicate it. E/S “Is there an earlier time you were audited over that/those out grade(s)?” to F/N.) M-2 IS YOUR DIANETICS INCOMPLETE? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) M-3 DO ENGRAMS FAIL TO ERASE? ________ (L3RD Rundown.) (R-Factor: “We are looking for engrams contacted in early auditing and not fully handled.” Assess L3RD Method Five with the preface “In your early Dianetics ?” and handle with R3R over and over until it F/Ns.) M-4 IS YOUR COMMUNICATION GRADE OUT? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for Exp Gr 0.) M-5 IS YOUR PROBLEMS GRADE OUT? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for Exp Gr I.) M-6 IS YOUR O/W GRADE OUT? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for Exp Gr II.) M-7 DO YOU HAVE PERSISTING ARC BREAKS? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for Exp Gr III.) M-8 ARE YOU ANXIOUS ABOUT CHANGE? ________ (2wc E/S “Is there an E/S time you were anxious about change?” to F/N.) (Pgm for Exp Gr III.) M-9 DO YOU HAVE SERVICE FACSIMILES? ________ (E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for Exp Gr IV.) M-10 DO YOU HAVE FIXED IDEAS? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (Pgm for Exp Gr IV.) M-11 ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT BEING RIGHT OR WRONG? ________ (2wc E/S “Is there an E/S time you were concerned about being right or wrong?” to F/N.) (Pgm for Exp Gr IV.) M-12 HAVE YOU FAILED TO ATTAIN OTHER GRADES? ________ (2wc E/S to F/N.) (Note for C/S.) M-13 HAVE WINS ON GRADES BEEN BY-PASSED? ________ (Rehab each to F/N.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 312 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1971 Issue II Remimeo Tech & Qual Secs C/Ses Auditors Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 8 Only STANDARD C/S FOR WORD CLEARING 1. Fly a rud if no F/N. 2. ASSESS Religion ________________________ Ministers ________________________ Church ________________________ Rituals ________________________ Rites ________________________ College ________________________ Schools ________________________ Sacrifices ________________________ Surgery ________________________ Electronics ________________________ Physics ________________________ Technical Subjects ________________________ Dianetics ________________________ Scientology ________________________ Theology ________________________ Theosophy ________________________ Law ________________________ Organization ________________________ Written Materials ________________________ Text Books ________________________ Practice ________________________ Science ________________________ 313 The Humanities ________________________ The Mind ________________________ The Spirit ________________________ Bodies ________________________ Sex ________________________ The Insane ________________________ Psychiatry ________________________ Psycho-analysis ________________________ Psychology ________________________ 3. Take each reading item from the best read on down and with E/S pull each one to F/N. “In the subject of_______what word has been misunderstood?” He may look them up, so have a good dictionary handy. It isn’t an earlier time he misunderstood that word. It’s an earlier word in that subject and it can be an earlier subject. Considerations about it and other questions are not touched. Overts, W/Hs, etc are neglected. Just do the process and it will eventually F/N on each chain. A persistent F/N should be attained as the EP. (From a Flag C/S 24/6/71) LRH: nt.rd L RON HUBBARD Copyright ©1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 314 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JULY 1971 Remimeo Issue III Tech and Qual Students Course Supervisors Supervisor’s Course Cramming off Word Clearing Series 13 Word Clearers WORD CLEARING CLARIFICATION Reference HCO B 24 June 71, “Word Clearing” Method No. 1 Word Clearing has yet to foul up any other auditing. When Method No. 2 is done it is far more likely to foul up auditing. Persons just reporting to courses are the first candidates for Word Clearing. Qual usually gets itself across numerous lines when it begins to Word Clear. I don’t know why it should. The most fantastic figure-figure occurs around this action. It is wholly unlimited. If No. 1 Method is done on Monday, it can be done again, same actions, same list assessed, same items left on the list, on Tuesday—and Weds and Thurs ! It can even be done with no folder to hand. The only change would be to add some subjects if one wishes. But even that isn’t vital. A pc has spoken millions of languages. The EP is not “He was word cleared once”. It would be a persistent F/N on the whole list. Who knows what the word clearing will lay bare in other languages or when one will attain the EP forever. But there are too many strings being put into it like needing a folder, using tech pages, etc, etc. The action is in V. Well, why is Div IV getting in on it unless Div V is pulling it in? You frankly have no idea what it takes to get tech really applied. The simplicity of hats, lines and tech actions gets overlaid with complexities. Probably misunderstoods attract complexities. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 315 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 JULY 1971 Remimeo Franchise All Auditors Level III Checksheets Replaces HCO Bs 22 May 65 and 23 Apr 64, and cancels HCO B 27 July 65 all on the same subject. SCIENTOLOGY III AUDITING BY LISTS REVISED (Note: We now F/N everything. We do NOT tell the pc what the meter is doing. This changes “Auditing By Lists” in both respects. We do not say to the pc, “That’s clean” or “That reads”.) AUDITING BY LISTS (Reference: HCO B 14 Mar 71, “F/N Everything”) Use any authorized, published LIST. (Green Form for general review, L1C for ARC Brks, L4B for listed items list errors.) METHOD 3 Use meter at a sensitivity so meter needle is loose but it is easy to keep needle at “Set”. If sensitivity is too high the needle will be in constant motion as one tries to set the TA. If too low, the instant read will not be visible. 5 is usual for upper grade cases. 16 is usual for lower grade or Dianetic cases. Have your meter in a position (line of sight) so you can see the list and the needle or you can see the needle and the pc. The meter position is important. Hold the mimeoed list close beside the meter. Have your worksheet more to the right. Keep record on your worksheet. Mark the pc’s name and date on it. Mark what list it is on the W/S with Time. It remains in the folder stapled to the W/S. Read the question on the list, note if it reads. Do NOT read it while looking at the pc, do NOT read it to yourself and then say it while looking at the pc. These are the L10 actions and are called Method 6, not Method 3. It is more important to see the pc’s cans than his face as can fiddle can fake or upset reads. TR 1 must be good so the pc clearly hears it. You are looking for an INSTANT READ that occurs at the end of the exact last syllable of the question. If it does not read, mark the list X. If the list is being done through an F/N and the F/N just continues, mark the Question F/N. If the question reads, do not say “That reads”. Mark the read at once (tick, SF, F, LF, LFBD, R/S), transfer the number of the Q to the W/S and look expectantly at the pc. You can repeat the Q by just saying it again if pc doesn’t begin to talk. He has probably already begun to answer as the Q was live in his bank as noted by the meter. 316 Take down the pc’s remarks in shortened form on the W/S. Note any TA changes on the W/S. If the pc’s answer results in an F/N (Cog VGIs sometimes follow, GIs always accompany a real F/N), mark it rapidly on the W/S and say, “Thank you. I would like to indicate your needle is floating.” Do NOT wait endlessly for the pc to say more. If you do he will go into doubt and find more, also do NOT chop what he is saying. Both are TR errors that are very bad. If there is no F/N, at the first pause that looks like the pc thinks he has said it, ask for an Earlier Similar_____whatever the question concerned. Do NOT change the Q. Do NOT fail to repeat what the Question is. “Was there an Earlier Similar Restimulation of ‘rejected affinity’?” This is the “E/S” part of it. You do not leave such a Question merely “clean”. It does not matter now if you look at the pc when you say it or not. But you can look at the pc when you say it. The pc will answer. If he comes to a “looks like he thinks he said it” and no F/N, you ask the same Q as above. You ask this Q “Was there an earlier similar______” until you finally get an F/N and GIs. You indicate the F/N. That is the last of that particular question. You mark “F/N” on the list and call the next question on the list. You call this and other questions without looking at the pc. Those that do not read, you X as out. The next question that reads, you mark it on the list, transfer the question number to the W/S. Take the pc’s answer. Follow the above E/S procedure as needed until you get an F/N and GIs for the question. Ack. Indicate and return to the mimeoed list. You keep this up until you have done the whole list in this fashion. If you got no read on the list Question but the pc volunteers some answer to an unreading question, do NOT take it up. Just ack and carry on with your mimeoed list. BELIEVE YOUR METER. Do not take up things that don’t read. Don’t get “hunches”. Don’t let the pc run his own case by answering non-reading items and then the auditor taking them up. Also don’t let a pc “fiddle the cans” to get a false read or to obscure a real one. (Very rare but these two actions have happened.) BIG WIN If half way down a prepared list (the last part not yet done) the pc on some question gets a wide F/N, big Cog, VGIs, the auditor is justified in calling the list complete and going to the next C/S action or ending the session. There are two reasons for this—one, the F/N will usually just persist and can’t be read through and further action will tend to invalidate the win. The auditor can also carry on to the end of the prepared list if he thinks there may be something else on it. 317 GF AND METHOD 3 When a GF is taken up Method 3 (item by item, one at a time and F/Ned) it can occur that the TA will go suddenly high. The pc feels he is being repaired, that the clearing up of the first item on the GF handled it and protests. It is the protest that sends the TA up. This is not true of any other list. Thus a GF is best done by Method 5 (once through for reads, then the reads handled). L1C and L4B, L7 and other such lists are best done by Method 3. The above steps and actions are exactly how you do Auditing by List today. Any earlier data contrary to this is cancelled. Only 2 points change—we F/N everything that reads by E/S or a process to handle (L3B requires processes, not E/S to get an FIN) and we never tell the pc that it read or didn’t read, thus putting his attention on the meter. We still indicate F/Ns to the pc as a form of completion. L1C and Method 3 are NOT used on high or very low TAs to get them down or up. The purpose of these lists is to clean up by-passed charge. ________ An auditor also indicates when he has finished with the list. An auditor should dummy drill this action both on a doll and bullbait. ________ The action is very successful when precisely done. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 318 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 JULY 1971 Remimeo Dianetics checksheet IMPORTANT All Dn Auditors All C/Ses URGENT C/S Series 48 DRUG HANDLING See: HCO B 28 Aug. 68 Drugs Issue II HCO B 29 Aug. 68 Drug Data HCO B 23 Sept. 68 Drugs & Trippers Refer: HCO B 19 May 69 Drug and Alcohol Cases Prior Assessing HCO B 12 Aug. 69 (HCO B 10 Dec. 68 Updated) Confidential—Case Supervisor Actions (Page 24 Resistive Case 220D) A person who has been on Drugs is one of the “seven types of resistive cases”. (These types are found on the Scientology Green Form No. 40.) In other words, someone who has been on drugs does not make good case gain until the drugs are handled. The same somatics will come back again. The case roller coasters-goes up and down. Drugs since 1962 have been in very widespread use. Before then they were rare. A worldwide spread of drugs occurred. A large percentage of people became and are drug takers. By drugs (to mention a few) are meant—tranquilizers, opium, cocaine, marijuana, peyote, amphetamine and the psychiatrist’s gift to Man, LSD, which is the worst. Any medical drugs are included. Drugs are drugs. There are thousands of trade names and slang terms for these drugs. ALCOHOL is included as a drug and receives the same treatment in auditing. They are supposed to do wonderful things but all they really do is ruin the person. Even someone off drugs for years still has “blank periods”. The abilities to concentrate or to balance are injured. The moral part of it has nothing to do with auditing. The facts are that: (a) People who have been on drugs can be a liability until the condition is handled in auditing. (b) A former drug user is a resistive case that does not make stable gains until the condition is handled. (c) Auditing is the only successful means ever developed for handling drug damage. THOSE ON DRUGS On persons who are currently on drugs, it is necessary to take them through a special TR Course while they are still on them. They gradually come off of them voluntarily in most cases without painful “withdrawal symptoms” (which is the term for the agony and convulsions caused, particularly in the case of heroin takers, by just stopping the drug. Alcoholics are of course included.) 319 DRUG ENGRAMS People who have been on drugs are sometimes afraid of running engrams. In fact, it is almost a way to detect a “druggie”. The drugs, particularly LSD and even sometimes antibiotics or other medicines to which the person has an allergy, can turn on whole track pictures violently. These tend to overwhelm the person and make him feel crazy. Some of these people are afraid to confront the bank again. The TR and other steps of the special TR Course improve their confront. If a person “doesn’t like Dianetics” and doesn’t want to be run on engrams, it is necessary to put them on the special course. If Dianetics has been run but poorly, it should of course be repaired fully with an L3B (List used to correct Dianetic errors). But if the person still flinches, the special course successfully completed will handle. It contains recall steps giving the pc a chance to confront the bank more easily and get used to it. FULL AUDITING RUNDOWN A full auditing rundown on drugs, all done on the same pc, would be: 1. Special TR Course for ex-drug users or alcoholics. 2. Pc Assessment Form. 3. Class VIII Drug Rundown Quad (done by a Class IV or VI). 4. By a Dianetic Auditor: Pains, emotions, sensations, attitudes connected with drugs (or alcohol), R3R Quad. 5. Prior Assessment to Drugs, Quad R3R, Dianetic Auditor. This can be followed by routine Quad Dianetics to EP for the grade. DONE FIRST Drugs are done first. They are NOT done after the Health Form and regular Dianetics. Why? Because Drugs make a resistive case! Regular Dianetics will get loses. Any current Dianetic case failures are from flubby Dianetic auditing or the person has been on Drugs or alcohol which were not handled by Dianetics. It hasn’t harmed anyone to omit drugs. But it made it hard or impossible to get stable case gain. THUS ANY DIANETIC PC WHO HAS HAD DRUG HANDLING OMITTED MUST BE RUN ON DRUGS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BEFORE MORE AUDITING IS GIVEN. I repeat, drugs or alcohol in most instances make a resistive case so the point must be handled before the case will attain and hold case gain. ANY PC WHO IS NOT MAKING IT IN AUDITING SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR A DRUG OR ALCOHOL HISTORY. 320 DISCOVERY In investigating a series of cases who were not making it, I found in each one that the person had been on drugs or alcohol and that drugs or the alcohol had not been run out. Drug data was not covered fully enough in the Dianetics pack. Only Prior Assessment to Drugs was given. Thus I find several Dianetic pcs were only run on the Prior Assessment to Drugs. This is not good enough. DIANETICS ONLY Where Dianetic auditing only is available and the rest of the rundown given above is not, drugs can still be handled by a Dianetic Auditor in this way with this Dianetic Pgm. 1. Pc Assessment Form. 2. Full C/S 1, also doing the TRs well with the pc. 3. Write down the drugs from the Pc Assessment Form. Take the one that reads best on the meter. 4. List, what pains, emotions, sensations or attitudes are connected with taking (the drug). 5. Take the best reading Dianetic item from the list in 4. Run R3R Quad. 6. Complete items on 4 above with R3R Quad. 7. Take another drug from 3 above that reads. 8. Repeat 4. 9. Repeat 5. 10. Use up the whole list in 4 above in this way until the entire list of drugs F/Ns when called. 11. Do Prior Assessment to Drugs (or alcohol). R3R Quad. 12. Quad R3R on any missing flows of earlier Dn items run. 13. Do Health Form. 14. Proceed with routine Quad Dianetics. This program is the one that would be done at step 4 in the full Drug Pgm above that includes the TR Course and Class VIII Rundown. However, when only Dianetic Auditors are available, at least the above Dianetic Program must be done. This repairs an omission in the Dianetic pack and unblocks the case gain of a great many pcs on whom a drug or alcohol history was never noticed or handled. LRH: nt .rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 321 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 JULY 1971 R Revised & Reissued 8 June 1974 (Only changes the 2nd last & 4th last paras.) Remimeo C/S Series 49R ASSISTS There are three types of assists. They are: 1. Contact Assist 2. Touch Assist 3. Dianetic Assist. They are quite different from each other. They are VERY effective when properly done. A severe injury or illness case can be run on all three and SHOULD BE. If the handling is very soon after injury, burns do not blister, breaks heal in days, bruises vanish. But to obtain such results it is necessary that the C/S and auditor or auditor alone know and RESPECT the assist tech. It is too often a toss-off, only one kind being done and then not to EP. Every assist must end with an F/N (at Examiner or checked on a meter). CONTACT ASSIST Done off meter at the physical Mest Universe location of the injury. EP - Pain Gone. Cog. F/N. See HCO B 9 Oct 67, Assists for Injuries. [See BTB 18 Feb 74, same title.] DIANETIC ASSIST Done in session on the meter. EP Pain Gone. Cog. F/N. See HCO Bs 12 Mar 69 Issue II, Physically Ill Pcs and Pre OTs 24 Apr 69 Dianetic Use 14 May 69 Sickness 20 May 69 Issue II, Dianetics (Dn Auditing Assists) [see BTB 10 Dec 74, VI] 23 May 69 Narrative Versus Somatic Chains 24 July 69 Seriously Ill Pcs 27 July 69 Antibiotics 15 Jan 70 The Uses of Auditing 21 June 70 C/S Series 9, Superficial Actions (Sick Pcs) 1 Dec 70 Dianetics—Triple Flow Action [now BTB I Dec 70R, same title] 5 Jan 71 Going Earlier in R3R (Dn Auditing Assist) [see BTB 10 Dec 74] 8 Mar 71 C/S Series 29, Case Actions, Off Line 15 Mar 71 Assists—A Flag Expertise Subject [see page 335] 322 TOUCH ASSIST Done off the meter by an auditor on the pc’s body. EP Pain Gone. Cog. F/N. See HCO Bs 9 Oct 67 Assists for Injuries [see BTB 18 Feb 74, same title] 5 May 69 Issue I, Touch Assists [cancelled, see Volume IX, page 502] 22 July 70 Touch Assist—An Improvement on Spinal Adjustment 23 Aug 70 The Body Communication Process [cancelled by BTB 10 Dec 74] 15 Mar 71 Assists—A Flag Expertise Subject [see page 335] UNCONSCIOUS PC An unconscious pc can be audited off a meter by taking his hand and having him touch nearby things like pillow, floor, etc or body without hurting an injured part. A person in a coma for months can be brought around by doing this daily. One tells them a hand signal like, “Press my hand twice for ‘Yes’, once for ‘No’,” and can get through to them, asking questions and getting “Yes” and “No” hand responses. They usually respond with this, if faintly, even while unconscious. When one has the person conscious again one can do the assists. ________ FIRST AID RULES APPLY TO INJURED PERSONS. IN MAKING THEM TOUCH SOMETHING THAT WAS MOVING, STOP IT FIRST. IN MAKING THEM TOUCH THINGS THAT WERE HOT, COOL THEM FIRST. WHEN POSSIBLE MAKE THEM HOLD THE THINGS THEY WERE HOLDING, IF ANY, WHILE DOING A CONTACT ASSIST. IF AFTER A TOUCH OR CONTACT ASSIST THEY DON’T F/N WHEN TAKEN TO OR GIVEN AN EXAM, CHECK FOR O/R AND IF NO F/N TAKE THEM AWAY AND COMPLETE THE ASSIST. DIANETIC ASSISTS CAN BE RUN TRIPLE. ________ This is important tech. It saves pain and lives. Know it and use it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The second last paragraph originally read, “DIANETIC ASSISTS CAN BE RUN TRIPLE OR QUAD.” The change in the fourth last paragraph simply corrected a typographical error.] 323 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JULY 1971 R Issue I REVISED 6 JUNE 1974 Remimeo C/S Series 28R, 32R, 33R, 36R, 49R (This HCO B Revises HCO B 5 Mar 71, Issue II, Revises HCO B 7 Mar 71, (C/S Series 28, Revises HCO B 8 Mar 71, Issue II, Revises HCO B 4 April 71, C/S Series 32, and Revises HCO B 5 April 71, C/S Series 33, and Revises HCO B 21 April 71, C/S Series 36. Changes HCO B 4 July 71, C/S Series 48, from Quad to Triple on all Drug Handling. Changes HCO B 5 July 71, C/S Series 49, ‘‘Assists’’.) QUADS CANCELLED The disadvantages of Quad Dianetics outweigh any advantages in actual practice. Flow Zero is therefore cancelled as part of Dianetics and lower grades. This flow is self to self. It remains in use only in C/S Series 37R where it is one of the 7 basic flows. What happens when you use Flow Zero as an addition to Flow 1 (another to self), Flow 2 (self to another), and Flow 3 (others to others) is that the pc now and then runs the same chain twice, usually two F 1 s rather than an F 1 and F0. In the Interiorization Rundown, when Flow Zero is run one is running a lie. A static cannot go into itself. It can only appear to go into itself by calling other things “self”. Further, in the Int RD some pcs get into an implant chain when they try to run F0 and the TA goes up. In getting in the fourth flow by rerun of singles and triples (was called Quading for Quadruple or 4) a pc is sometimes made to run a chain twice and this will send the TA up. Therefore, so as to simplify matters, do not run Flow Zero self to self on any rundown except 37R. REPAIR The majority of cases benefited from Quads. Those that did not can easily be repaired by the use of L3B, the Dianetic correction list. In repairing an Interiorization Rundown it will almost always be found that the Int RD was overrun in the first place. Int RDs often go flat on Secondary F2 or even Recall steps. Continuing to run all secondaries and engrams and Flow Zero after the rundown flattened, for example on Fl Engrams, is to overrun the Interiorization Rundown. In making a repair of Int this is easily checked by asking if the Int RD was overrun. 324 If this is found to be the case, one then dates the Int RD exactly. If it was overrun it will quickly F/N. If it does not F/N, then it was never completed. If it does F/N on the date, also have the pc point to where it was done (location) and it will F/N again. If this doesn’t work, one uses L3B on the Int RD. Repairing any jam-up in Quads is done by the use of L3B. To L3B one should add “Wrong flow?” when repairing Quad. CANCELLATION It was no overt to run Quad and has not ruined any cases. But it is not easy to handle and can jam up and require repair. Thus its advantages are not great enough to continue it in use. The same auditing time spent on other things will give more gain. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The original 15 July 1971 issue of this HCO B had the same text, but cancelled C/S Series 28, 32, 33 and 36. In this 6 June 1974 revision these cancellations have been changed to revisions. This HCO B was cancelled by HCO B 12 January 1975, Quads Reinstated, Volume VIII -373.] 325 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JULY 1971 Issue II Remimeo C/S Series 50 C/S CASE GAIN Some C/Ses get audited over the present time problem “How to get case gain.” Working with pcs who sometimes don’t can become a minor PTP. This is also true of some auditors. The way to C/S this is to run it triple PTP, but in this sequence: THE C/S 1. 2WC Have you ever had a problem in getting case gain for another? E/S to F/N. 2. 2WC What solutions have you had in getting case gain for another? E/S to F/N. 3. 2WC Have others ever had a problem getting case gain for others? E/S to F/N. 4. 2WC What solutions have others had getting case gain for others? E/S to F/N. 5. 2WC Have you ever had a problem getting case gain for yourself? E/S to F/N. 6. 2WC What solutions have you had getting case gain for yourself? E/S to F/N. Once handled it ceases to be a problem when one does it in the future. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 326 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 JULY 1971 Issue III Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet All Dn Auditors All C/Ses IMPORTANT URGENT C/S Series 48R DRUG HANDLING See: HCO B 28 Aug 68, Issue II, “Drugs” HCO B 29 Aug 68, “Drug Data” HCO B 23 Sept 68, “Drugs & Trippers” Refer: HCO B 19 May 69, “Drug and Alcohol Cases PRIOR Assessing” HCO B 12 Aug 69 (HCO B 10 Dec 68 Updated), Confidential—”Case Supervisor Actions” (Page 24 Resistive Case 220D.) [Now BTB] (In this revision of HCO B 4 July 71, C/S Series 48, Quad [4] Flow has been changed to Triple Flow. There is no other change.) A person who has been on Drugs is one of the “Seven types of resistive cases”. (These types are found on the Scientology Green Form No. 40.) In other words, someone who has been on drugs does not make good case gain until the drugs are handled. The same somatics will come back again. The case rollercoasters— goes up and down. Drugs since 1962 have been in very widespread use. Before then they were rare. A worldwide spread of drugs occurred. A large percentage of people became and are drug takers. By drugs (to mention a few) are meant—tranquilizers, opium, cocaine, marijuana, peyote, amphetamine and the psychiatrist’s gift to Man, LSD, which is the worst. Any medical drugs are included. Drugs are drugs. There are thousands of trade names and slang terms for these drugs. ALCOHOL is included as a drug and receives the same treatment in auditing. They are supposed to do wonderful things but all they really do is ruin the person. Even someone off drugs for years still has “blank periods”. The abilities to concentrate or to balance are injured. The moral part of it has nothing to do with auditing. The facts are that: (a) People who have been on drugs can be a liability until the condition is handled in auditing. (b) A former drug user is a resistive case that does not make stable gains until the condition is handled. (c) Auditing is the only successful means ever developed for handling drug damage. 327 THOSE ON DRUGS On persons who are currently on drugs, it is necessary to take them through a special TR Course while they are still on them. They gradually come off of them voluntarily in most cases without painful “withdrawal symptoms” (which is the term for the agony and convulsions caused, particularly in the case of heroin takers, by just stopping the drug. Alcoholics are of course included.) DRUG ENGRAMS People who have been on drugs are sometimes afraid of running engrams. In fact, it is almost a way to detect a “druggie”. The drugs, particularly LSD and even sometimes antibiotics or other medicines to which the person has an allergy, can turn on whole track pictures violently. These tend to overwhelm the person and make him feel crazy. Some of these people are afraid to confront the bank again. The TR and other steps of the special TR Course improve their confront. If a person “doesn’t like Dianetics” and doesn’t want to be run on engrams, it is necessary to put them on the special course. If Dianetics has been run but poorly, it should of course be repaired fully with an L3B (List used to correct Dianetic errors). But if the person still flinches, the Special Course successfully completed will handle. It contains recall steps giving the pc a chance to confront the bank more easily and get used to it. FULL AUDITING RUNDOWN A full auditing rundown on drugs, all done on the same pc, would be: 1. Special TR Course for ex-drug users or alcoholics. 2. Pc Assessment Form. 3. Class VIII Drug Rundown Triple (done by a Class IV or VI). 4. By a Dianetic Auditor: Pains, emotions, sensations, attitudes connected with drugs (or alcohol), R3R Triple. 5. Prior Assessment to Drugs, Triple R3R, Dianetic Auditor. This can be followed by routine Triple Dianetics to EP for the grade. DONE FIRST Drugs are done first. They are NOT done after the Health Form and regular Dianetics. Why? Because Drugs make a resistive case! Regular Dianetics will get loses. Any current Dianetic case failures are from flubby Dianetic auditing or the person has been on Drugs or alcohol which were not handled by Dianetics. It hasn’t harmed anyone to omit drugs. But it made it hard or impossible to get stable case gain. THUS ANY DIANETIC PC WHO HAS HAD DRUG HANDLING OMITTED MUST BE RUN ON DRUGS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BEFORE MORE AUDITING IS GIVEN. I repeat, drugs or alcohol in most instances make a resistive case so the point must be handled before the case will attain and hold case gain. ANY PC WHO IS NOT MAKING IT IN AUDITING SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR A DRUG OR ALCOHOL HISTORY. 328 DISCOVERY In investigating a series of cases who were not making it, I found in each one that the person had been on drugs or alcohol and that drugs or the alcohol had not been run out. Drug data was not covered fully enough in the Dianetics pack. Only Prior Assessment to Drugs was given. Thus I find several Dianetic pcs were only run on the Prior Assessment to Drugs. This is not good enough. DIANETICS ONLY Where Dianetic Auditing only is available and the rest of the rundown given above is not, drugs can still be handled by a Dianetic Auditor in this way with this Dianetic Pgm. 1. PC Assessment Form. 2. Full C/S 1, also doing the TRs well with the pc. 3. Write down the drugs from the pc assessment form. Take the one that reads best on the meter. 4. List, what pains, emotions, sensations or attitudes are connected with taking (the drug). 5. Take the best reading Dianetic item from the list in (4). Run R3R Triple. 6. Complete items on the (4) above with R3R Triple. 7. Take another drug from (3) above that reads. 8. Repeat (4). 9. Repeat (5). 10. Use up the whole list in (4) above in this way until the entire list of drugs F/Ns when called. 11. Do Prior Assessment to Drugs (or alcohol). R3R Triple. 12. Triple R3R on any missing flows of earlier Dn items run. 13. Do Health Form. 14. Proceed with routine Triple Dianetics. This program is the one that would be done at step 4 in the full Drug Pgm above that includes the TR Course and Class VIII Rundown. However, when only Dianetic Auditors are available, at least the above Dianetic Program must be done. This repairs an omission in the Dianetic pack and unblocks the case gain of a great many pcs on whom a drug or alcohol history was never noticed or handled. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt. rd Copyright ©1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 329 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 JULY 1971 Remimeo C/Ses Testing Personnel C/S Series 51 Class IX Checksheet OUT OF VALENCE (OCA Graph) On OCA graphs (the plotted test score of a pc) you find sometimes a case that read high on the graph will drop and read lower after auditing. This is caused by the fact that the person was OUT OF VALENCE in the first place. Social machinery was what the first registered. Now after auditing the graph expresses something closer to the actual being even though it dropped. We have known about this since ‘57 or ‘58 but I do not think it was fully written up. Further, we now know MORE about it. If you look into Suppressive Person tech you will find an SP has to be out of valence to be SP. He does not know that he is because he is himself in a non-self valence. He is “somebody else” and is denying that he himself exists, which is to say denying himself as a self. Now this doesn’t mean all persons whose graphs dropped were active SPs. But it does mean they weren’t being themselves. After some auditing they became themselves somewhat and this self isn’t the social cheery self the first graph said. But the dropped graph is nearer truth. Now, how to get the graph UP again? The person with the dropped graph is closer to being himself but is not yet fully restored, not yet fully into his “own valence”. While Class XI would handle this a bit differently, Class VIII rundown already has an answer. The Class VIII out of valence lists LX1, LX2 and LX3 and the recall, secondary and engram triples for each assessed item from these lists is a way to handle. Completing any cycle the pc is on is of course fundamental. And even if the pc goes on to next grade the graph will improve. The fact is that the pc is emerging more and more and becoming himself and then he himself begins to gain. The graph that dives will come back up if general processing is done. The pc will keep saying he is “more there”. And it is true. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt .rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 330 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JULY 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 52 INTERNES The word INTERN or INTERNE means “An advanced graduate or a recent graduate in a professional field who is getting practical experience under the Supervision of an experienced worker”. An Interneship then is serving a period as an Interne, or an activity offered by an org by which EXPERIENCE can be gained. Interneships have been arranged this long while for every auditing class. The apprenticeship of an auditor is done as an org Interne. C/Ses very often have Internes on their lines and sometimes have trouble with getting them to audit. The WHY of this is that the Interne seldom knows the definition of the word “Interne” (which is as above). They sometimes think they are still students. They do not know this fact: A COURSE GRADUATE BECOMES AN AUDITOR BY AUDITING. That means LOTS of auditing. The failure of “auditors” is that they go from one level to the next, HDC to IV to VIII, without ever becoming an auditor for that Class. Thus you can get a silly situation where a Class IX can’t audit or C/S well. Thus you get tech going out. An HDC graduate who doesn’t then audit under an experienced Case Supervisor who knows and demands the standard actions rarely gets to be an HDC AUDITOR. It takes tons of hours to make a real Dianetic auditor who can toss off standard sessions and get his routine miracles. So if an HDC doesn’t INTERNE, but simply goes on to the Academy Courses or SHSBC he has skipped his apprenticeship as a Dianetic Auditor. If he gets his Class VI and never Internes but goes on to VIII well, we now have somebody who has long since lost touch with the reality of why he is studying. Therefore you CAN’T take a Class VI graduate who was never a Dianetic Auditor and Interne him as a VI. He’ll goof-goof-goof. So you have to Interne him as an HDC. WHEN he can turn out flawless Dianetic sessions on all kinds of pcs you can Interne him as a IV etc. In other words you have to catch up all neglected Apprenticeships. I don’t care if the guy is an VIII, if he wasn’t ever a Dianetic Auditor and a Class VI Auditor and isn’t Interning as an VIII then he is only a provisional. Flubby auditors are the biggest time wasters a C/S has. If auditors on his lines aren’t good, he’ll take forever to get his C/S work done. And he won’t get results. The answer is, regardless of Class as a course graduate, a C/S MUST INTERNE HIS AUDITORS FOR EACH INTERNESHIP MISSED ON THE WAY UP. The “ok to audit” system is used. One takes any graduate and Internes him on the lowest Interneship he has missed. He reviews his material, gets his drills checked, gets his misunderstood words cleared 331 and gets an “ok to audit” for that level. If he goofs he is crammed. And sometimes wholly retreaded. The “ok to audit Dianetics” would be his first okay. This suspends if he has to retread. When he then has turned out pcs, pcs, pcs, pcs, 5, 6, 8, 10 hours a day for weeks and weeks and is a total success as a Dianetic Auditor, he can go on up. At first as a Dianetic Interne he is part time studying Dianetics. Then as he gets flawless and while he is getting experience and practice on Dianetics, he can gradually phase over into re-studying his next Interneship, usually IV or VI. Then one day he is word cleared, checked out on his drills, and he qualifies for “ok to audit” for IV or VI. Now it begins all over again. Flubs—Cramming, midnight oil, audit audit cramming audit audit new word clear new drill work audit audit audit audit 5, 6, 8, 10 hours a day. Now he is a IV or VI auditor. His next real step is a VI or VII Interne at an SH. If he has been a good IV Interne Auditor his VI Interneship after his SHSBC will be a VII Interneship. VII is an Interne activity. When he’s an Auditor that can do VI and Power, he is ready for VIII and IX. If he is going to be a good VIII-IX auditor he will Interne in an AO or SH under an experienced C/S. Now when he goes to his own org, you have a real honest to goodness C/S. And as a C/S he must know how you use Interneships to make auditors. Wherever this function is neglected, you don’t get auditors. You get doubtful students and outtech. On Flag C/Ses have to catch up every missed Interneship to make a high volume high quality auditor. The world renowned Superiority of Flag Auditors is built just like I am telling you here. There is no reason just that same quality can’t be built in any org. One does it by the Interne method. By using this method you get IN tech and high volume. Any auditor in any org that is limping and fumbling simply has never been properly Interned. The way to remedy it is to set up a good Cramming that uses only HCO Bs and has them available (and no verbal tradition), a Good Word Clearer and a Qual “okay to audit” Interne system. The Internes are a Section in Qual. They have a Course Supervisor. They study and audit cram audit cram study audit, audit audit audit. And one day you have IN tech and high volume high Class auditing all over the place. Otherwise you just have a bunch of students, in doubt, chewing on their misunderstood words and failed tech. There IS a right way to go about it. It is by Interneship. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt .rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 332 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JULY 1971 REVISED Remimeo (Revised 9 Aug 71 ) (Reference WORD CLEARING METHOD 1 HCO B 30 June 71 REVISED) WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST (Use to correct upsets, high or low TA occurring in word clearing sessions.) Assess this list once thru noting reads (Method 5). Carry all Reads to an F/N or get the reading item fully repaired to F/N. 1. UNFLAT INT/EXT _________ (Correct by using L3B & handling.) 2. OVERRUN INT/EXT _________ (Correct by dating exactly first Int Rundown to F/N and then locating to F/N—per HCO B 15 July 71, “Quads Cancelled”. If it doesn’t F/N use L3B on the Int Rundown. ) 3. AUDITED OVER EXTERIOR _________ (Full Int Rundown if never done before. If already done—by folder inspection—correct as per 2.) 4. LIST ERROR _________ (Use L4B and handle.) 5. UNFLAT ENGRAM CHAIN _________ (Get which chain and flow and flatten—use L3B if it bogs. ) 6. ARC BREAK _________ (Use ARCU CDEI itsa earlier similar itsa.) (Or L1C Method 3 if it does not clean up.) 7. PTP _________ (PRESENT TIME PROBLEM) (Handle by itsa E/S itsa.) 8. WITHHOLD _________ (Pull it-what, when, all, who E/S.) 9. OVERT _________ (Pull it E/S.) 10. UNREADING SUBJECT _________ (Get which one PC thought didn’t read—put in buttons suppress, invalidate and protest and clean it up.) 11. READING ON PROTEST _________ (Get which word, clean off protest and indicate by-passed charge.) 12. OVERRUN A WORD _________ (Get which one and rehab.) 13. COULDN’T HEAR THE WORD CLEARER _________ (2wc E/S and clean it up.) 333 14. DIDN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WORD CLEARER SAID _________ (2wc E/S and clean it up.) 15. DIDN’T UNDERSTAND THE ACTION BEING DONE _________ 16. CONFUSED BY SOMETHING _________ (Work it out by 2-way comm and E/S.) 17. A WORD ON THE LIST OF SUBJECTS WAS MISUNDERSTOOD _________ (Clear it.) 18. OVERRUN A SUBJECT _________ (Get which one and rehab release point.) 19. WORD STILL MISUNDERSTOOD _________ (Get it cleared up with a dictionary and take E/S word/ subject to F/N.) 20. SUBJECT STILL MISUNDERSTOOD _________ (Get which subject and which word and handle per usual word clearing tech.) 21. AUDITOR EVALUATION _________ (Clean up with eval button E/S to EP.) 22. WORD CLEARING IN THE MIDDLE OF ANOTHER INCOMPLETE AUDITING CYCLE _________ (Get which cycle PC is on and by folder inspection evaluate which one needs to be completed first— make sure it is fully noted on PGM to complete word clearing if the other action is handled first.) 23. WORD CLEARING WHILE DOING TR COURSE _________ (Have PC finish the course.) 24. INCOMPLETE TR COURSE _________ (Complete TR Course—then complete word clearing cycle.) 25. NOT GETTING THE BASIC WORD _________ (Find which subject/word is incomplete by two-way comm and then take it to EP.) 26. NOT GETTING THE BASIC SUBJECT _________ (Handle as in 25.) 27. AUDITOR FORGOT TO GO EARLIER SIMILAR _________ (Get which subject/word and take to EP—if several subjects have been started take first one semi-run and flatten, then next, etc.) 28. NOT YOUR MISUNDERSTOOD _________ (Clean it up by two-way comm.) 29. INVALIDATION OF KNOWINGNESS _________ (Clean up using inval E/S.) 30. BY-PASSED A WIN _________ (Rehab it.) LRH:sb.rd L RON HUBBARD Copyright ©1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 334 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 JULY 1971 Remimeo (Corrected in this type style, 4 May 1972) (Revises and replaces HCO B 15 Mar 71 of same title) ASSISTS A FLAG EXPERTISE SUBJECT (Commands are the only change) For a pc being run on a Touch Assist for handling something around the head (for example: teeth), go further even to the toes as the area extends through the nerve channel to the whole body. Right—left and also whole body. A head somatic also sticks in the spine. Assist EP All Assists are run to cognition and should F/N VGI at the Examiner. Injury Rundown On an injury, after the Touch Assist, a Contact Assist and then an L1C on the injured member could be done. Usual Dianetic actions would follow as necessary. Pc Running a Temperature COMMANDS CORRECTED FROM EARLIER ISSUE. A persistent temperature can be brought down by running the pc on Objective “Hold it still”. This can be run on a two command basis. VERSION A For a pc running a temperature too ill for regular auditing, he should be given antibiotics and an assist type boost, not a major action like Dianetics. This version would be run if the pc is far too ill to get up. The pc is run on a meter to Cog F/N VGIs. 1. 2 command Repetitive Process alternate commands: a. Look around here and find something. b. Hold it still (until pc can or feels he can). Then (a) again. Then (b) again, etc. This will drop a fever. 2. 2 WC How do you feel? Have you felt like this before? Earlier Similar to F/N VGIs. 335 VERSION A is NOT very lasting. It is for very ill pcs and very high temperatures. VERSION B This is true Objective “Hold it still” and is very lasting. It is done on a pc who can, even with effort, walk around a room. It is done OFF the meter to Cog, GIs. The pc then should at once be put on the meter and will be found to have an F/N. If no F/N on the meter the process is either (a) unflat or (b) overrun. If unflat it is continued, flattened off the meter and the same meter test follows. If overrun the re/ease point is rehabbed. VERSION B Commands are: (a) Look around here and find something. (b) Walk over to it. (c) With your hands, hold it still. The three commands are given in (a) (b) (c) sequence one after the other, the pc executing each command and being acknowledged until the pc has a cognition and GIs. He is then checked on the meter. A thermometer can be used to check temperature after the meter check for F/N. The temperature will be found to have subsided. __________ Both A and B versions can be used on the same pc. Let us say on Monday, A Version is used. Then on Tuesday if temperature has gone back up but pc is better B Version is then used. __________ The temperature process is most effective on a low order persistent fever that goes on and on for days and even weeks. In such cases Version B would be used and the temperature would come down and stay down very nicely. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: sb.nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is added to by HCO B 24 August 1971, Issue II, Assists Addition, page 364] 336 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 JULY 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 53 SHORT HI TA ASSESSMENT C/S The following C/S is one I use to get a fast result in handling a high TA. It does handle most of them. It is in a version the auditor can use directly. ____________________________________PC Name date__________ ____________________________________Auditor Name (Auditor Grade for last session) 1. Assess pc Method 5 on this sheet (go down the list calling off the items to the pc, watching the meter. Mark any Tick, sF, F, LF, LFBD [to what TA], speeded rise or Blow Up). A. Interiorization __________ D. Drugs __________ Went in __________ LSD __________ Go in __________ Alcohol __________ Can’t get in __________ Pot __________ Want to get out __________ Medicine __________ B. List Errors __________ E. Same engram run twice __________ Overlisting __________ Can’t see Wrong items __________ engrams too well __________ Upset with giving items Invisible __________ to auditor __________ Black __________ C. Withholds __________ F. Same thing Overts __________ run twice __________ Not saying __________ Same action done by Problems __________ another auditor __________ Protest __________ Don’t like it __________ G. Doing something with mind between sessions __________ 337 2. Use only the ticks or falls or BDs. The rises will however show where mass lies. A. If A or any of the A Group, and the pc has had an Int RD, Date—tell pc date Int RD was run from Folder Summary, then date the point it was flat by exact time—hour, minute, second until it F/Ns and he says something blew. Locate—have pc point where the Int RD was done, get distance away, part of room, etc until it F/Ns and he says something blew. If these do not happen it is not Flat so do L3B on each Flow and handle per the L3B directions. If Pc has never had an Int RD, then give him a standard Int RD providing you have checked out on the Int-Ext pack and are good at R3R. B. If any of these read, do an L4B on the earliest lists you can find that have not been corrected. Lacking these do an L4B in general. You can go over an L4B several times handling each read to F/N until the whole L4B gives nothing but F/Ns. C. If any of these, handle with 2 way comm and earlier similar to F/N. If more than one reads do biggest read first and then clean up each of the others E/S to F/N. If all read on assessment you have to get an F/N for each or 6 F/Ns. D. If any of these, do full Drug RD as per HCO B 15 July 1971, Issue III. E. If any of these, do L3B and handle according to what is stated to do on L3B. F. Do exactly as in A using the earliest time it was done. G. Find out what it is. If Yoga or Mystic exercises or some such 2wc E/S it to first time done, find out what upset had occurred before that and if TA now down do L1C on that period of pc’s life. General. Handle Int RD (A) if it reads at all before handling rest as nothing will go right if Int is still out. For the remainder prefer to handle any BD group if you get a BD. If in doubt about what to do, return to the C/S. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was revised by order of LRH on 31 December 1971, 16 March 1972, 22 March 1972 (which changed the title to Short Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S), 16 May 1972, 18 August 1972 and 20 April 1973. These were revised by LRH HCO Bs: 24 November 1973, C/S Series 53RF, Volume VIII, page 228; 24 November 1973, Reissued 4 April 1974, C/S Series 53RG, Volume VIII, page 282; 24 November 1973R, Revised and Reissued 30 August 1974, C/S Series 53RH, Volume VIII, page 308; 24 November 1973RA, Revised and Reissued 12 November 1974, C/S Series 53RI, Volume VIII, page 356; and 24 November 1973RB, Revised and Reissued 22 March 1975, C/S Series 53RJ, Volume VIII, page 398; all titled Short Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S.] 338 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 JULY 1971 Remimeo D I A N E T I C S C/S Series 54 DIANETICS, BEGINNING A PC ON Make Dianetics work fully in our modern culture. DO NOT BEGIN DIANETICS WITH A HEALTH FORM ANY LONGER. BEGIN DIANETICS WITH A PC ASSESSMENT SHEET, HCO B 24 April 1969. This is VITAL. DRUGS IF YOU GET ANY TA ACTION OR READS ON DRUGS EVEN IF THE PC SAYS “NO” THE FIRST DIANETIC ACTION IS THE THIRD PAGE OF HCO B 15 July 1971, Issue III. If the pc is currently on Drugs, then a Special Drug TR COURSE IS VITAL until the pc is off them. Then do the third page of HCO B 15 July 1971, Issue III. ACCIDENTS If you get a read on Part E of Assessment Form, Accidents, run them out Narrative R3R Triple. ILLNESS If Illness Part F Assessment Form reads, run it out Narrative R3R Triple. MENTAL TREATMENT If Mental Treatment reads, run it out Narrative R3R Triple. OPERATIONS If Operations Part G reads run the reading one out Narrative R3R Triple. MEDICINE If Medicine Part M reads TREAT IT HCO B 15 Jul 71, Iss III, as it reacts like any other drug but pcs don’t sometimes think of medicines as drugs when they are. DEATHS If Deaths of relatives, etc read on Part 7, run them out Narrative as SECONDARIES R3R TRIPLE. 339 FAMILY INSANITY If Part L reads on a member of the family going insane, run it out Narrative SECONDARIES R3R TRIPLE. PERCEPTION Lack of perception (sight, hearing, etc) comes from overts and improves when Flow 2 is done on any of the above or any R3R. PROGRAM The C/S Programs the Case from the Assessment Form as above, using Drugs or Medicine first and the rest by largest reads first. Narrative Items or incidents were used for years with great effect. BUT THE ITEM MUST BE DONE R3R TRIPLE and is once in a while very long. REPAIR Repair by L3B ANY FLUBBED DIANETIC SESSION OR CHAIN WITHIN 24 HOURS. Do not let it go unrepaired. HEALTH FORM WHEN any and all of the above are handled, then and only then proceed with the usual Health Form by item. The pc in many cases won’t be able to run engrams at all unless you run out drugs or medicines first. They will run these and these alone until the engrams are gone. People who “can’t run engrams” are usually drug cases. _________ This is CORRECT Dianetic Programming. MAKE DIANETICS WORK FOR YOU. Program it correctly. C/S it correctly. It won’t work unless used on where the pc’s attention is. IT WILL WORK IF YOU USE IT. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 340 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 AUGUST 1971 Remimeo Advanced Courses C/Ses Ad Course Not Confidential TR Course Supers TRS, SOLO COURSE AND ADVANCED COURSES (Definition - TR means Training Drills) Do not put a student who has done a Solo Course onto TRs before auditing. A wrong sequence would be R6EW study—TR Course—Solo Auditing. Another wrong sequence would be CC or OT Material Study—TR Course or TRs—Solo Auditing. WHY? Because with all the study materials stirred up ready to Audit, the TRs are the wrong process to run it out. If put on TRs then the as yet unaudited bank tends to cave in. While it would run out on TRs the basic bank is so heavy that very unnecessary stress is put on the student and he is subjected to distressing somatics and ideas. Therefore on 1. R6EW SOLO STUDENTS 2. ANY AD COURSE the rule applies DO NOT MIX TRS WITH SOLO OR ADVANCED COURSES. The time to put a student through the TR Course is BEFORE Solo or after he is OT, not in the time between. Factually Scientologists should be TR public course grads even before a Dianetics completion. People before extensive auditing make great gains on a properly run word cleared TR Course. A Clear OT has a ball doing TRs the Hard Way. But when you put the TRs out of sequence on the Grade Chart they can distress people. Way up on the Chart or way down, not in between. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 341 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 AUGUST 1971 Remimeo Dept 13 Qual Div PURPOSE CLEARING Qual Bur (This HCO B is the basic action of the Post Purpose Clearing Section of Dept 13 Div V, Qual Div or by auditors as a technology.) An essential part of HATTING as done in HCO is to get the person’s POST PURPOSE CLEARED by an auditor. INSTANT PURPOSE HCO usually tells the person what the purpose of the post is and certainly the staff member’s seniors would. This action is not metered and goes along with Instant hatting. It is not done by an auditor. “George, the purpose of your post is to_____. Any questions?” Questions are answered and clarified. Giving the person on the post the purpose is a basic hatting step. FULL POST CLEARING This requires an auditor, an E-Meter, and is done in session. Usually this is done after Mini-hatting and after some experience with the post. It is NOT done in this full fashion before the person has any knowledge of the post. It can also be done during or at the end of full hatting. But the sooner it is done after Mini-hatting and some weeks’ experience on the post the more successful it will be. AUDITOR QUALIFICATIONS The auditor doing Post Purpose Clearing must be expert with 1. TRs 2. Metering 3. Code 4. 2 Way Comm 5. Flying rudiments. ADMIN A Post Purpose Clearing is given full worksheet and report handling and person goes to Examiner. A record of the session is kept with others done in the PPC RECORD BOOK with especially noted High or Low TA and vitally, any Rock slam. PC The pc must not be in an Ethics cycle, must be rested, not hungry and not ill or on drugs or medication. ANY RINGS ON THE PC’S HANDS MUST BE REMOVED AS THEY CAUSE A FALSE ROCK SLAM. 342 HAT FOLDER Staff Member must bring hat folder to the PPC session so if there is any confusion on purposes in it they can be cleared from the Hat Folder. CASE FOLDER Case folder of the pc must also be collected and examined before session. This is repeated in the Rundown so it won’t be missed. POST PURPOSE CLEARING STEPS PPC 1- Get the staff member’s folder. Verify that he is not in the middle of some processes, repair or Major Grade. If so, don’t touch. PPC 2 - Fly a rud or talk the TA down if high. Note that it WAS high on the session worksheet. If the TA does not come down refer the case to Staff Staff Auditors and do not proceed. Case would need Folder Error Summary, Int Rundown verified, C/S Series 53 and handled. PPC 3 - 2wc about person’s post. Be alert to problems or w/hs and if these seem to be there do E/S to F/N on Problems and/or E/S to F/N on w/hs. PPC 4 - 2wc “What is your post?” Need not F/N but if pc can’t tell you resort to his hat and clear up confusions to F/N. PPC 5 - 2wc “What opportunities would you have on your post?” This is carried to F/N. If no F/N treat it as a w/h and ask if there’s anything pc isn’t telling you. Carry any w/h to F/N. Then check the question again and get the F/N back by 2wc or E/S to F/N. (If you start to clear w/hs in the middle of the Q then the w/hs will F/N but the Q hasn’t yet so must be F/Ned also. Overts may come up as well as w/hs and if so F/N them by E/S.) Pc should finish this step with F/N Cog and GIs. PPC 6 - 2wc “How does your job align (compare) with what you incline (would like) to do?” Get any conflicts into view if not clean. Go E/S to F/N if there is conflict. If no F/N despite Itsa on conflict ask for overts or withholds and carry this to F/N. Check Q again to be sure it’s clean or F/Ns. PPC 7 - 2wc “What do you imagine the purposes of your post are?” Take it to clean needle or F/N. PPC 8 - 2wc “How does this purpose tie in with the purpose of your Division?” Clean this up if there’s doubt. Use folders or OEC books. Be sure it’s clean if not an F/N. F/N is the ideal. PPC 9 - 2wc “How does your purpose tie in with the purpose of the org?” Clean this up. PPC 10 - 2wc “If your post was not done what would happen to the org?” Clean this up. PPC 11 - 2wc “What is the purpose of your post?” This should go to F/N. PPC 12 - Thank pc and send to Examiner. ___________ Complete Worksheet. Enter results in log. Put the session report in pc’s folder. Send a report to the E/O AND TO FLAG if the person Rock slams. If you can get no satisfactory F/Ns and cogs and VGIs or if Exam report is bad, DIRECT THE FACT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE HAS AND THE C/O AND THE CASE SUPER. ___________ Post Purpose Clearing counts as a completion for the Dept on an F/N at Examiner’s. LRH:nt rd L RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 343 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 AUGUST 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 55 THE IVORY TOWER It has been stated before that the Case Supervisor is most successful when he supervises in seclusion. This is called the IVORY TOWER rule. It comes from the practical experience that in C/Sing thousands of cases the only few mistakes I made (and repaired) were when I listened to the opinion of the auditor or saw the pc. This can be quite fatal to a case’s progress. The fantastic results I achieve as a C/S mainly stem from not permitting what I know of tech and cases to be clouded by “Human Emotion and Reaction” (a Scn Public Relations term) by others. Part of a C/S’s duty is to get the case through it despite auditor opinions and flubs or the opinions of others. A C/S has no political or personnel opinions. He can of course have his own opinions of the pc’s case. But he is the FRIEND of the pc even when being harsh. Often the C/S, unseen by the pc, is sometimes never suspected but quite often adored by those for whom he C/Ses. One often sees this in success stories, “Thank you, thank you to my great auditor (name) and the C/S (name) and Ron.” Sometimes it’s only the auditor. But mos. pcs know the C/S is there. This awareness is also a great trust and it is a trust that is earned by great results and is never betrayed. To the majority of pcs, then, it is a trio—always in the same order—his auditor, his C/S and myself. He trusts us. And we do our best for him. We don’t change our actions, then, if he is a dope addict, a wife beater, a criminal, a degraded being or an upstat (one who has high statistics) and a sterling person. When we are researching, C/Sing or auditing, we do our best for him. We have nothing to do with whether his seniors like him or for that matter whether we like him. It is our job. We hold it in trust. In our hands is his future, his sanity, his immortality. It depends on us whether he survives and lives a full life or whether he goes into limbo. 344 If we do our duty, when we know and do our jobs, he achieves everything. When we don’t, he is gone. No priest or fancied idol has ever been endowed with more cause over the beingness of another than a C/S and his auditor. This isn’t my opinion or my feeling about it. It’s the way pcs look at it. Actually one can’t really state the full actuality of it. The pc is justified in trusting us when we keep up to date on our tech, know our job, take every care that a good job is done and do our duty. AUDITOR OPINION Some auditors develop overts and withholds on pc and color their auditing reports with critical remarks about a pc = more withholds. A C/S who pays much attention to these opinions is foolish. When they get too bad on too many pcs, get the auditor’s overts and withholds pulled as he’ll begin to flub. The Worksheet and What the pc said or did is important. The opinions aren’t. An auditor has a right to refuse to audit certain pcs as long as he audits others. That’s as it should be. But a lot of “dog cases” are just unsolved cases that can be solved. Some are very difficult, true, but the difficulty is finding the bug. Some pcs are rather wild in conduct. But they solve too. So an auditor’s opinion is not a study of the case. Talking to an auditor about a case he is auditing is not of any technical value to a C/S. Again, a case does not know what is wrong with it or it would as-is and wouldn’t be wrong. So talking to a case about his case is a waste of time for a C/S. Some write huge notes to a C/S. The only value in all this is to analyze whether it’s a hidden standard or an ARC Brk or a w/h or a PTS matter. TECHNICAL considerations are all that enter in looking over such. EXECUTIVE opinion is the world’s worst source of data on a pc. No C/S should ever take what seniors say about a junior. It’s all Human Emotion and Reaction. It’s not tech. FAMILY, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles are of little value to listen to about a case. The most they could give you would be a list of accidents or illness or time in a home. But beware, they may be worse off than the pc. No. The C/S is the pc’s safest friend. The pc trusts the C/S and the auditor. Or he wouldn’t sit still at all. Sometimes he only trusts me. And that’s the time I have to trust you. And I do. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 345 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1971 REVISED Remimeo Issue II Tech & Qual Secs (Revised 9 Aug 71 ) C/Ses Auditors Word Clearing Series 8RR Word Clearers Only (Cancels HCO B 30 June 71 Issue II and HCO B 30 June 71 Issue ll 8R) STANDARD C/S FOR WORD CLEARING IN SESSION METHOD 1 1. Fly a rud if no F/N. (See “Auditor’s Rights”, C/S Series 1, if any trouble with this pc. If errors in previous word clear sessions use HCO B 21 July 1971 REVISED to handle word clearing corrections needed.) 2. ASSESS R Factor: We are going to go over a list of subjects to see if there is any word you didn’t understand while studying these subjects. (Assess the whole list rapidly and clearly, good TR1 and noting every read from the meter.) Religion ________ Arithmetic ________ Ministers ________ Grammar ________ Church ________ The Humanities ________ College ________ The Mind ________ Schools ________ The Spirit ________ Sacrifices ________ Bodies ________ Surgery ________ Sex ________ Medicine ________ The Insane ________ Electronics ________ Psychiatry ________ Physics ________ Psychoanalysis ________ Technical Subjects ________ Psychology ________ Dianetics ________ Rituals ________ Scientology ________ Rites ________ Theology ________ Ships ________ Theosophy ________ The Sea ________ Philosophy ________ Military ________ Law ________ Armies ________ Organization ________ Navies ________ Government ________ Stars ________ Written Materials ________ Heavenly Bodies ________ Text Books ________ The Universe ________ Practice ________ Planes ________ Science ________ Vehicles ________ Music ________ Machinery ________ 346 Motors ________ Illnesses ________ Administration ________ Spoken Words ________ Healing ________ Add items dealing with this specific Pc’s life. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 3. Ask the Question, “Is there any word on this list you didn’t understand?” Clear it. (Do not reassess because there was a list word not understood.) 4. Take each reading item from the best read on down and with E/S pull each one to F/N. “In the subject of________what word has been misunderstood? “ He MUST look them up, so have a good dictionary handy. Do not accept ‘‘I know the meaning’’ if the subject or word reads. It isn’t an earlier time he misunderstood that word. It’s an earlier word in that subject and it can be an earlier subject. Considerations about it and other questions are not touched. Overts, W/Hs, etc are neglected. They are not done on the subject of the word. They are done in the session ruds. Just do the process and it will eventually F/N on each chain. 5. When all reads on the first assessment are handled to F/N, REASSESS the whole list. Do not take off the list items already handled. 6. Repeat Step 4. 7. Repeat Step 5. 8. Repeat Step 6, etc. 9. A persistent F/N should be attained on assessing the whole list as the End Phenomena of the Word Clearing sessions. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 347 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 AUGUST 1971 Issue II Remimeo Courses Checksheets TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED (Revises 17 APRIL 1961. This HCO B cancels the following: Original HCOB 17 April 1961, ”Training Drills Modernized” Revised HCO B 5 Jan 1971, “Training Drills Modernized” Revised HCO B 21 June 1971, “Training Drills Modernized” Issue III HCO B 25 May 1971, “The TR Course” This HCO B is to replace all other issues of TRs 04 in all packs and checksheets.) Due to the following factors, I have modernized TRs 0 to 4. 1. The auditing skill of any student remains only as good as he can do his TRs. 2. Flubs in TRs are the basis of all confusion in subsequent efforts to audit. 3. If the TRs are not well learned early in Scientology training courses, THE BALANCE OF THE COURSE WILL FAIL AND SUPERVISORS AT UPPER LEVELS WILL BE TEACHING NOT THEIR SUBJECTS BUT TRS. 4. Almost all confusions on Meter, Model Sessions and Scientology or Dianetic processes stem directly from inability to do the TRs. 5. A student who has not mastered his TRs will not master anything further. 6. Scientology or Dianetic processes will not function in the presence of bad TRs. The preclear is already being overwhelmed by process velocity and cannot bear up to TR flubs without ARC breaks. Academies were tough on TRs up to 1958 and have since tended to soften. Comm Courses are not a tea party. These TRs given here should be put in use at once in all auditor training, in Academy and HGC and in the future should never be relaxed. Public courses on TRs are NOT “softened” because they are for the Public. Absolutely no standards are lowered. THE PUBLIC ARE GIVEN REAL TRS ROUGH, TOUGH AND HARD. To do otherwise is to lose 90% of the results. There is nothing pale and patty-cake about TRs. THIS HCO B MEANS WHAT IT SAYS. IT DOES NOT MEAN SOMETHING ELSE. IT DOES NOT IMPLY ANOTHER MEANING. IT IS NOT OPEN TO INTERPRETATION FROM ANOTHER SOURCE. THESE TRS ARE DONE EXACTLY PER THIS HCO B WITHOUT ADDED ACTIONS OR CHANGE. 348 NUMBER: OT TR 0 1971 NAME: Operating Thetan Confronting. COMMANDS: None. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other with eyes closed, a comfortable distance apart—about three feet. PURPOSE: To train student to be there comfortably and confront another person. The idea is to get the student able to BE there comfortably in a position three feet in front of another person, to BE there and not do anything else but BE there. TRAINING STRESS: Student and coach sit facing each other with eyes closed. There is no conversation. This is a silent drill. There is NO twitching, moving, confronting with a body part, “system” or vias used to confront or anything else added to BE there. One will usually see blackness or an area of the room when one’s eyes are closed. BE THERE, COMFORTABLY, AND CONFRONT. When a student can BE there comfortably and confront and has reached a major stable win, the drill is passed. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in June 71 to give an additional gradient to confronting and eliminate students confronting with their eyes, blinking, etc. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in August 1971 after research discoveries on TRs. NUMBER: TR 0 CONFRONTING REVISED 1961 NAME: Confronting Preclear. COMMANDS: None. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart— about three feet. PURPOSE: To train student to confront a preclear with auditing only or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to be there comfortably in a position three feet in front of a preclear, to BE there and not do anything else but BE there. TRAINING STRESS: Have student and coach sit facing each other, neither making any conversation or effort to be interesting. Have them sit and look at each other and say and do nothing for some hours. Student must not speak, blink, fidget, giggle or be embarrassed or anaten. It will be found the student tends to confront WITH a body part, rather than just confront, or to use a system of confronting rather than just BE there. The drill is misnamed if Confronting means to DO something to the pc. The whole action is to accustom an auditor to BEING THERE three feet in front of a preclear without apologizing or moving or being startled or embarrassed or defending self. Confronting with a body part can cause somatics in that body part being used to confront. The solution is just to confront and BE there. Student passes when he can just BE there and confront and he has reached a major stable win. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be “interesting”. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard April 1961 on finding that S.O.P. Goals required for its success a much higher level of technical skill than earlier processes. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in August 1971 after research discoveries on TRs. 349 NUMBER: TR 0 BULLBAIT REVISED 1961 NAME: Confronting Bullbaited. COMMANDS: Coach: “Start” “That’s it” “Flunk”. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart— about three feet. PURPOSE: To train student to confront a preclear with auditing or with nothing. The whole idea is to get the student able to BE there comfortably in a position three feet in front of the preclear without being thrown off, distracted or reacting in any way to what the preclear says or does. TRAINING STRESS: After the student has passed TR 0 and he can just BE there comfortably, “bull baiting” can begin. Anything added to BEING THERE is sharply flunked by the coach. Twitches, blinks, sighs, fidgets, anything except just being there is promptly flunked, with the reason why. PATTER: Student coughs. Coach: “Flunk! You coughed. Start.” This is the whole of the coach’s patter as a coach. PATTER AS A CONFRONTED SUBJECT: The coach may say anything or do anything except leave the chair. The student’s “buttons” can be found and tromped on hard. Any words not coaching words may receive no response from the student. If the student responds, the coach is instantly a coach (see patter above). Student passes when he can BE there comfortably without being thrown off or distracted or reacting in any way to anything the coach says or does and has reached a major stable win. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington in March 1957 to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be “interesting”. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard April 1961 on finding that S.O.P. Goals required for its success a much higher level of technical skill than earlier processes. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in August 1971 after research discoveries on TRs. NUMBER: TR 1 REVISED 1961 NAME: Dear Alice. PURPOSE: To train the student to deliver a command newly and in a new unit of time to a preclear without flinching or trying to overwhelm or using a via. COMMANDS: A phrase (with the “he saids” omitted) is picked out of the book “Alice in Wonderland” and read to the coach. It is repeated until the coach is satisfied it arrived where he is. POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: The command goes from the book to the student and, as his own, to the coach. It must not go from book to coach. It must sound natural not artificial. Diction and elocution have no part in it. Loudness may have. The coach must have received the command (or question) clearly and have understood it before he says “Good”. PATTER: The coach says “Start”, says “Good” without a new start if the command is received, or says “Flunk” if the command is not received. “Start” is not used again. “That’s it” is used to terminate for a discussion or to end the activity. If session is terminated for a discussion, coach must say “Start” again before it resumes. 350 This drill is passed only when the student can put across a command naturally, without strain or artificiality or elocutionary bobs and gestures, and when the student can do it easily and relaxedly. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, April 1956, to teach the communication formula to new students. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard 1961 to increase auditing ability. NUMBER: TR 2 REVISED 1961 NAME: Acknowledgements. PURPOSE: To teach student that an acknowledgement is a method of controlling preclear communication and that an acknowledgement is a full stop. COMMANDS. The coach reads lines from “Alice in Wonderland” omitting “he saids” and the student thoroughly acknowledges them. The coach repeats any line he feels was not truly acknowledged. POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: Teach student to acknowledge exactly what was said so preclear knows it was heard. Ask student from time to time what was said. Curb over and under acknowledgement. Let student do anything at first to get acknowledgement across, then even him out. Teach him that an acknowledgement is a stop, not beginning of a new cycle of communication or an encouragement to the preclear to go on. To teach further that one can fail to get an acknowledgement across or can fail to stop a pc with an acknowledgement or can take a pc’s head off with an acknowledgement. PATTER: The coach says “Start”, reads a line and says “Flunk” every time the coach feels there has been an improper acknowledgement. The coach repeats the same line each time the coach says “Flunk”. “That’s it” may be used to terminate for discussion or terminate the session. “Start” must be used to begin a new coaching after a “That’s it”. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to teach new students that an acknowledgement ends a communication cycle and a period of time, that a new command begins a new period of time. Revised 1961 by L. Ron Hubbard. NUMBER: TR 3 REVISED 1961 NAME: Duplicative Question. PURPOSE: To teach a student to duplicate without variation an auditing question, each time newly, in its own unit of time, not as a blur with other questions, and to acknowledge it. To teach that one never asks a second question until he has received an answer to the one asked. COMMANDS: “Do fish swim?” or “Do birds fly?” POSITION: Student and coach seated a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: One question and student acknowledgement of its answer in one unit of time which is then finished. To keep student from straying into variations of command. Even though the same question is asked, it is asked as though it had never occurred to anyone before. 351 The student must learn to give a command and receive an answer and to acknowledge it in one unit of time. The student is flunked if he or she fails to get an answer to the question asked, if he or she fails to repeat the exact questions, if he or she Q and As with excursions taken by the coach. PATTER: The coach uses “Start” and “That’s it”, as in earlier TRs. The coach is not bound after starting to answer the student’s question but may comm lag or give a commenting type answer to throw the student off. Often the coach should answer. Somewhat less often the coach attempts to pull the student in to a Q and A or upset the student. Example: Student: “Do fish swim?” Coach: “Yes.” Student: “Good . “ Student: “Do fish swim?” Coach: “Aren’t you hungry?” Student: “Yes.” Coach: “Flunk.” When the question is not answered, the student must say, gently, “I’ll repeat the auditing question,” and do so until he gets an answer. Anything except commands, acknowledgement and, as needed, the repeat statement, is flunked. Unnecessary use of the repeat statement is flunked. A poor command is flunked. A poor acknowledgement is flunked. A Q and A is flunked (as in example). Student misemotion or confusion is flunked. Student failure to utter the next command without a long comm lag is flunked. A choppy or premature acknowledgement is flunked. Lack of an acknowledgement (or with a distinct comm lag) is flunked. Any words from the coach except an answer to the question, “Start”, “Flunk”, “Good” or “That’s it”, should have no influence on the student except to get him to give a repeat statement and the command again. By repeat statement is meant, “I’ll repeat the auditing command.” “Start”, “Flunk”, “Good” and “That’s it” may not be used to fluster or trap the student. Any other statement under the sun may be. The coach may try to leave his chair in this TR. If he succeeds it is a flunk. The coach should not use introverted statements such as “I just had a cognition.” “Coach divertive” statements should all concern the student, and should be designed to throw the student off and cause the student to lose session control or track of what the student is doing. The student’s job is to keep a session going in spite of anything, using only command, the repeat statement or the acknowledgement. The student may use his or her hands to prevent a “Blow” (leaving) of the coach. If the student does anything else than the above, it is a flunk and the coach must say so. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to overcome variations and sudden changes in sessions. Revised 1961 by L. Ron Hubbard. The old TR has a comm bridge as part of its training but this is now part of and is taught in Model Session and is no longer needed at this level. Auditors have been frail in getting their questions answered. This TR was redesigned to improve that frailty. NUMBER: TR 4 REVISED 1961 NAME: Preclear Originations. PURPOSE: To teach the student not to be tongue-tied or startled or thrown off session by originations of preclear and to maintain ARC with preclear throughout an origination. COMMANDS: The student runs “Do fish swim?” or “Do birds fly?” on coach. Coach answers but now and then makes startling comments from a prepared list given by Supervisor. Student must handle originations to satisfaction of coach. POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other at a comfortable distance apart. 352 TRAINING STRESS: The student is taught to hear origination and do three things. 1. Understand it; 2. Acknowledge it; and 3. Return preclear to session. If the coach feels abruptness or too much time consumed or lack of comprehension, he corrects the student into better handling. PATTER: All originations concern the coach, his ideas, reactions or difficulties, none concern the auditor. Otherwise the patter is the same as in earlier TRs. The student’s patter is governed by: 1 . Clarifying and understanding the origin. 2. Acknowledging the origin. 3. Giving the repeat statement “I’ll repeat the auditing command,” and then giving it. Anything else is a flunk. The auditor must be taught to prevent ARC breaks and differentiate between a vital problem that concerns the pc and a mere effort to blow session. (TR 3 Revised.) Flunks are given if the student does more than 1. Understand; 2. Acknowledge; 3. Return pc to session. Coach may throw in remarks personal to student as on TR 3. Student’s failure to differentiate between these (by trying to handle them) and coach’s remarks about self as “pc” is a flunk. Student’s failure to persist is always a flunk in any TR but here more so. Coach should not always read from list to originate, and not always look at student when about to comment. By Originate is meant a statement or remark referring to the state of the coach or fancied case. By Comment is meant a statement or remark aimed only at student or room. Originations are handled, Comments are disregarded by the student. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956 to teach auditors to stay in session when preclear dives out. Revised by L. Ron Hubbard in 1961 to teach an auditor more about handling origins and preventing ARC breaks. As TR 5 is also part of the CCHs it can be disregarded in the Comm Course TRs despite its appearance on earlier lists for students and staff auditors. TRAINING NOTE It is better to go through these TRs several times getting tougher each time than to hang on one TR forever or to be so tough at start student goes into a decline. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 1961, 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 353 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 20 AUGUST 1971 Div IV HGC Issue I Div V Dept 13 HAS SPECIALIST AUDITING PROGRAM (Reference HCO PL 20 Aug 71, Issue I, “HAS TROUBLES”) The HAS (HCO Area Secretary), any HCO Executive Secretary, HCO Cope Officer, HCO Org Officer, Tech Establishment Officer, any HAS Deputy OR any Executive or Divisional Head or staff member who shows a tendency to transfer or unstabilize staff members or who fails to hat others, must be processed especially in order to be totally stable on post. The HAS and Establishment Officers are peculiarly subject to efforts to unstabilize them. These require the Program to be done in any case whether stable or not. Executives or staff members who show signs of obsessive transfer of the staff or org are also greatly benefited. The HAS Specialist Rundown consists of processes which increase the ability to hold a position. THE RUNDOWN MAY ONLY BE DONE WHEN NO EXISTING AUDITING PROGRAM IS ONLY PARTIALLY DONE. COMPLETE THE EXISTING CYCLE FIRST. HAS SPECIALIST PGM Action 1. Check if ever Exterior in auditing, if the Interiorization RD has been run. Repair or handle any omission or error in the Interiorization RD. ________ Action 2. Do L4B METHOD 5 and handle and correct any out lists. ________ Action 3. Do C/S Series 53 and handle. ________ Action 4. TR COURSE to full EP. ________ Action 5. ADMIN TRs OR UPPER INDOC if ADMIN TRs not available. ________ Action 6. C/S Series 54 and handle. ________ Action 7. CCHs. ________ Action 8. Hold It Still. (HCO B 23 July 71, Page 2, Version B.) ________ Action 9. Start—Change—Stop (SCS) on an object. ________ Action 10. Start—Change—Stop. ________ Action 11. Op Pro By Dup (Book and Bottle). ________ Action 12. Verify Int RD, run if not run in No. 1 or date to blow locate to blow. ________ Action 13. Expanded Lower Grades especially Grade III. ________ ------------------- Caution: Do not repeat Processes already done on the pc. PACK: HCO B 20 Aug 7 1, Issue II, is auditor’s checksheet for the above, giving all materials. It is done by Tr and Serv Aide. Packs can be locally assembled or procured from CLO A/CS-2. Most of these materials occur in Level I PABs SHSBC. LRH: nt .rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 354 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 AUGUST 1971 Remimeo All Auditors Acad Level IV (HCO B 24 May 1970 Revised) Class VIIIs HGCs Class VIII Checksheet C/S Series 1 Class VI Checksheet Class III Checksheet C/S Course Checksheet HSST AUDITOR’S RIGHTS Internes (Revised to update and delete the O/R Iist and add Auditing Over Out Ruds. All changes are in this type style. ) AUDITOR RESPONSIBILITY FOR C/Ses An auditor who receives a Case Supervisor direction (C/S) of what to audit on a pc is NOT discharged of his responsibility as an auditor. THE AUDITOR HAS A SERIES OF RESPONSIBILITIES THAT ARE PART OF EVERY C/S HE GETS TO AUDIT. ACCEPTING THE PC No auditor is required to accept a specific pc just because the pc is assigned to him. If an auditor does not believe he can help that particular pc or if he dislikes auditing that particular pc the auditor has a right to refuse to audit that pc. The auditor must state why. The Case Supervisor, Director of Processing or Director of Review, nor any of their seniors, may not discipline the auditor for refusing to audit a particular pc. An auditor who refuses to audit his quota of hours or sessions is of course subject to action. Thus refusing to audit a particular pc, so long as one is not refusing to audit other pcs, is not actionable. “I do not wish to audit this pc because______. I am willing to audit other pcs,” is the legal auditor statement in the matter. Some pcs get a bad name with some auditors, some don’t appreciate the auditing, some conflict with a particular auditor’s own personality. There are such instances. It does not mean certain pcs cannot be helped by others. It is also true that an auditor who dislikes a pc may not do a good job so the rule also has a practical side to it. One auditor disliked young men and did a bad job on them. Another disliked old ladies and chopped them up in session. One pc had messed up several Scientologists and couldn’t find anyone to audit him at all. We are not auditing people to make amends to the world. Thus an auditor has a right to reject or accept the pcs he is given. 355 ACCEPTING A C/S When the auditor gets a C/S to do on a case and if he thinks it is not the correct thing to do he has the right to reject the C/S for that pc and require another one he can agree to. The auditor does not have the right to start doing a C/S and change it during the session except as noted below. The auditor may NOT C/S in the auditing chair while auditing the pc. If he has NO Case Supervisor at all the auditor still audits from a C/S. He writes the C/S before session and adheres to it in session. To do something else and not follow the C/S is called ‘‘C/Sing in the chair’’ and is very poor form as it leads to Q and A. STALE DATED C/S A C/S that is a week or two old or a Repair (Progress) Pgm that is a month or two old is dynamite. This is called a “Stale Dated Pgm’’ or a ‘‘Stale Dated C/S” meaning it is too old to be valid. It should have been done sooner. The pc of last week when the C/S was written may have been well and happily employed but a week later may have headaches and reprimand from the boss. It is dangerous to accept a Repair (Progress) Pgm if it is old. The auditor who sees his C/S is old and sees the pc has Bad Indicators is justified in demanding a fresh C/S giving his reasons why. A program written in January may be completely out of date in June. Who knows what may have happened in between. Use fresh C/Ses and fresh Pgms. Stale Dates only occur in poorly run backlogged Divisions anyway. The real remedy is reorganize and hire more and better auditors. ENDING THE SESSION When the C/S he has is proving unworkable during the session, the auditor has a right to end the session and send the folder to the C/S. Ending the session is totally up to the auditor. If the auditor just doesn’t complete an action that was producing TA and could be completed it is of course a flunk. Such a case is just not running a basic engram the one more time through that would bring the TA down and give a proper end phenomena. This and similar actions would be an auditor error. The judgement here is whether or not the auditor’s action is justified in ending the session. Even though he may have made an error, the auditor cannot be blamed for the ending off of the session as that is totally up to him. He can be given a flunk for the error AUDITING OVER OUT RUDS Auditing a pc on something else whose ruds are out is a MAJOR AUDITING ERROR. 356 Even if the C/S omits “Fly a rud” or “Fly ruds” this does not justify the auditor auditing the pc over out ruds. The auditor can do one of two things: He can Fly all ruds or he can return the folder and request ruds be flown. The DIANETIC AUDITOR is not excused from auditing over out ruds and in an HGC must be specially cautioned not to do so but return the folder for a new C/S. Better still he should learn to Fly ruds. INABILITY TO FLY RUDS If an auditor cannot get a rud to F/N, cannot get any rud to F/N, he is justified in starting a Green Form. The auditor solution to no F/N on ruds is to do a GF whether the C/S said to or not. This is an expected action. It is understood the auditor would use Suppress and False in trying to Fly ruds. SESSIONS FAR APART When a pc has not had a session for some time, or when a pc gets sessions days apart, RUDS MUST BE FLOWN. Otherwise the pc will get audited over out ruds. This can develop mental mass. Optimum session scheduling is a series of sessions or a whole program done in a block of sessions close together. This prevents the world from throwing the pc’s ruds out between sessions. Giving sessions far apart barely keeps up with life. The auditing time is absorbed in patching life up. Rapid gain gets above life’s annoyances and keeps the pc there. UNREADING ITEMS When an item the auditor has been told to run doesn’t read on the meter, even when the auditor puts in Suppress and Invalidate on it, the auditor MUST NOT do anything with the item no matter what the C/S said. It is expected he will see if it reads and use Suppress and Invalidate on it. And if it still doesn’t read he will be expected NOT to run it. LISTS When an auditor whose C/S told him to list “Who or what______” or any list question finds that the list question does not read, the auditor MUST NOT list it. When doing a list ordered by the C/S it is assumed that the auditor will test it for read before listing and that he will NOT list an unreading question. (A read is an actual fall, not a tick or a stop.) LIST TROUBLE When an auditor has trouble doing a list and getting an item it is expected he will use a Prepared List like L4B to locate the trouble and handle it. As it is very hard on a pc to mess up a list it is expected the auditor will handle the situation then and there with no further C/S directions. 357 HIGH TA When the auditor sees the TA is high at session start yet the C/S says to “Fly a rud” or run a chain, the AUDITOR MUST NOT TRY TO FLY A RUD and he must not start on a chain. Trying to bring a TA down with ARC Brks or ruds is very hard on a pc as ARC Breaks aren’t the reason TAs go up. Seeing a high TA at start the Dianetic auditor or Scn auditor up to Class II does not start the session but sends the folder back to the C/S and for a higher class auditor to do. Seeing a high TA at start the Scientology auditor (Class III or above) (a) checks for exteriorization in a recent session and if so the session is ended and the C/S is asked for an “Interiorization Rundown”; (b) if the pc has had an Interiorization Rundown the auditor asks the C/S for permission to do a “C/S Series 53’’ or a Hi-Lo TA assessment or whatever the C/S indicates. The Int RD may have been (usually is) overrun and needs rehab or correction and it is usual to check it—it is included in a “C/S 53’’ and a Hi-Lo TA. These actions are expected of the auditor even when not stated in the C/S. GOING ON HOPING When a case is running badly session to session the LAST thing you do is go on hoping, either in auditing or C/Sing. “Let’s try _____”, ‘‘Then this”, “Then this”, is not going to solve the case. YOU GET DATA. You can get data by a White Form (Pc Assessment Form). You can get data from a GF fully assessed (Method 5). You can get data by 2-way comm on various subjects. You can have the D of P interview and get answers. You can even ask his mother. You look for case errors. You study the folder back to where the pc ran well and then come forward and you’ll find the error every time. DO NOT JUST GO ON SESSION AFTER FAILED SESSION HOPING. That’s pure idiocy. You get data! from prepared lists, from life, from the pc, from the folder. FIND THE BUG! Ah, good Lord, he is a Pinkerton Agent sworn to secrecy! He does yoga exercises after every session. He was tried for murder when he was 16 and nobody has run the engram of it. Various auditors ran the same engram chain four times An auditor ran Int RD twice. After Power she had her baby and nobody ran the delivery. He doesn’t like to talk but is a “Grade Zero”! A dozen dozen reasons can exist An auditor does NOT let a C/S C/S hopefully. He refuses the C/Ses until a Folder Error Summary is done and the bug found. 358 THINGS DONE TWICE By carelessness the same rundowns can be called for twice and done twice or even more. A Folder Summary inside the front cover must exist and must be kept up. Over it there must be a program on which the case is being audited. But just because it’s covered, never neglect entering a session and what was run on the Folder Summary (FS). If Hold it Still is ordered, see if it was run before. Don’t let major Rundowns be done twice. DIANETIC ITEMS must NEVER be run twice. Dianetic lists must not be scattered through a folder. Bring them together and keep them together and being brought forward. COPY Don’t copy Dianetic lists or worksheets from notes or items from lists. Keep all admin neat and in the original form. Copying makes errors possible. RUDS GOING OUT When the ruds go out during the session the auditor recognizes the following: Pc Critical = W/H from auditor Pc Antagonistic = BPC in session No TA = Problem Tired = Failed Purpose or no sleep Sad = ARC Break Soaring TA = Overrun or Protest Dope Off = By-passed F/N or not enough sleep No Interest = Out Ruds or no interest in the first place. An auditor who isn’t sure what it is but runs into trouble with the pc (except on lists which he handles at once always) is smart to end off the session quickly, write down the full observation and get it to the C/S. The auditor who is an old hand and knows what he is looking at as per above scale (and the C/S the C/S would give) handles it promptly. Pc Critical = W/H = pull the W/H. Pc Antagonistic = BPC = assess proper list (such as Ll C) and handle. No TA (or case gain) = Problem = locate the problem. Tired = no sleep or Failed Purpose = check which it is and handle. Sad = ARC Brk = locate and handle, Itsa earlier Itsa. Soaring TA = O/R or Protest = find which and handle. Such an O/R is usually by rehab. Dope Off = lack of sleep or BP F/N = check on sleep, or rehab F/N. 359 No Interest = no interest in first place or Out Ruds = check for interest or put in ruds. List goes wrong = BPC = handle or do L4B or any L4 at once. Ruds won’t fly = some other error = assess GF and handle. The auditor has no business trying to do the C/S given when it collides with and isn’t designed to handle any of the above. If the previous session disclosed such an error and this session C/S was designed to handle and doesn’t, the auditor should end off and the next C/S should be “2-way comm for data”. CASE NOT HANDLED When the auditor or the Examiner collides with a pc who is asserting his case has not been handled, there should not be a new set of actions based on little data but the auditor should end off and the C/S should order a “way comm on what hasn’t been handled”. The auditor should not at once take this up as part of any other C/S. In other words an auditor doesn’t change the C/S to a 2-way comm on something not called for by C/S. MAJOR ACTIONS An auditor should never begin a major action on a case that is not “set up” for it. As this can occur during a session it is vital to understand the rule and follow it. Otherwise a case can be bogged right down and will be hard to salvage as now a new action to repair has been added to an unrepaired action. Now, if the auditor starts a major action on a case not “set up” we get 2 things to repair where we only had I as the major action won’t work either. Repair = patching up past auditing or recent life errors. This is done by prepared lists or completing the chain or correcting lists or even 2-way comm or prepchecks on auditors, sessions, etc. Rudiments = setting the case up for the session action. This includes ARC Brks, PTPs, W/Hs, GF or O/R listing or any prepared list (such as L1C, etc). Set up = getting an F/N showing and VGIs before starting any major action. It means just that—an F/N and VGIs before starting any major action. Such may require a repair action and rudiments as well. Major Action = any—but any—action designed to change a case or general considerations or handle continual illness or improve ability. This means a Process or even a series of processes like 3 flows. It doesn’t mean a grade. It is any process the case hasn’t had. Grade = a series of processes culminating in an exact ability attained, examined and attested to by the pc. Program = any series of actions designed by a C/S to bring about definite results in a pc. A program usually includes several sessions. The vast bulk of auditing errors come about because C/Ses and auditors seek to use a Major Action to repair a case. It is a responsibility of an auditor to reject a C/S which seeks to use one or more major actions to repair a case that isn’t running well. 360 The auditor must understand this completely. He can be made to accept a wrong C/S for the pc and even more importantly can in his own session make the error and mess up the case. Example: Pc has not been running well (no real TA or had a grumpy Exam report). Auditor sees C/S has ordered a major action, not a repair by prepared lists, ruds, etc. The auditor must reject the C/S as he will be made to fail in session by it. Example: Auditor gets a C/S, “(1) Fly a rud; (2) Assess LX3; (3) Run 3-way recall, 3-way secondaries, 3-way engrams on all / / X items”. The auditor can’t get a rud to fly. Does the LX3. In other words he flunks by failing to SET UP the case. It could also go this way. Auditor can’t get a rud to fly, does a GF, gets no F/N. He MUST NOT begin a major action but MUST end off right there. It is fatal to begin any new process on the case designed to change the case if the case is not F/N VGIs. The pc who starts processing for the first time and is surely not F/N VGIs must be set up by repair actions! Simple rudiments, life ruds, O/R list on life, even assessing prepared lists on life, these are repair actions. The pc will sooner or later begin to fly. Now at session start you put in a rud, get F/N VGIs and CAN start major actions. So the auditor has a responsibility not to be led up a garden path by a C/S which orders a major action on a pc who isn’t repaired or by not being able in session to get an F/N VGIs by repair. The only exceptions are a touch assist or life ruds or the Dianetic assist all on a temporarily sick pc. But that’s repair isn’t it? PROGRAM VIOLATIONS When an auditor receives a C/S and sees that it violates the pc’s program he should reject it. The pc, let us say, is supposed to finish his Dianetic Triples but is suddenly being given a Group Engram Intensive. That violates the program and also the grade. If the pc is running badly, a repair should be ordered. If not, the program should be completed. Example: An effort is being made to get the pc to go backtrack. This is a program containing several major actions which probably consists of several sessions. Before this program is complete and before the pc has gone backtrack, the C/S orders “(1) Fly a rud, (2) 3 S & Ds”. The auditor should recognize in 3 S & Ds a major action being run into the middle of a program and reject it. The correct action is of course the next backtrack process. GRADE VIOLATIONS A pc who is on a grade and hasn’t attained it yet must not be given major actions not part of that grade. Example: Pc is on Grade I. C/S orders a list having to do with drinking. It is not a process on that grade. It could be done after Grade I is attained and before Grade II is begun. The C/S is incorrect and should not be accepted. ABILITY ATTAINED Now and then before the full major action is complete or before all the grade processes are run, the pc will attain the ability of the grade or the end phenomena of the action. 361 This is particularly true of valence shifters or Interiorization Rundowns and can happen in grades. The auditor should recognize it and, with the F/N VGIs always present at such moments, end off. I know of one case who had a huge cog about Interiorization on Flow I Engrams and was pushed by both C/S and auditor to do Flows 2 and 3 who bogged so badly that it took a long while—weeks—to straighten the case out. The ability itself gets invalidated by pushing on. On the other hand this should never be taken as an excuse. “I think he cogged to himself so we ended off.” It must be a real “What do you know!” sort of out-loud cog with a big F/N and VVGIs and directly on the subject to end off a major action or a program or a grade before its actions are all audited. REVIEWING REVIEWS An auditor who gets a C/S or an order to repair a case that is running well should reject doing the action. I have seen a case ordered to repair who had Ext Full Perception Doing Great. The repair bogged the case. The case then got running well again but a second C/S ordered a new repair which of course bogged it. Then major actions were done. The case was again repaired and rehabbed and became ok. Three times the auditor should have said NO. FALSE REPORTS The vilest trick that can be played on a pc is for an auditor to falsify an auditing report. It may be thought to be “good Public Relations” (good PR) for the auditor with the C/S. Actually it buries an error and puts the pc at risk. INTEGRITY is a hallmark of Dianetics and Scientology. Just because psychiatrists were dishonest is no reason for auditors to be. The results are there to be gotten. False reports like false attests recoil and badly on both the auditor and pc. OVERTS ON PCS When an auditor finds himself being nattery or critical of his pcs he should get his withholds on pcs pulled and overts on them off. An auditor who goes sad is auditing pcs over his own ARC Break. An auditor worried about his pc is working over a Problem. Getting one’s ruds in on pcs or C/Ses or the org can bring new zest to life. AUDITORS DON’T HAVE CASES In the chair no auditor has a case. If breath shows on a mirror held to his face he can audit. 362 Faint afterwards if you must but see that the pc gets to the Examiner with his F/N. Then get yourself handled. “WHAT HE DID WRONG” An auditor has a right to know what he did wrong in the session that went wrong. Most often a sour session occurs only when the rules and data in this HCO B have been violated. But an auditor’s TRs can go out or his listing and nulling is in error. After a session that went wrong somebody else (not the auditor) should ask the pc what the auditor did. This sometimes spots a false auditing report. But it also sometimes is a false report by the pc. In any event, the auditor has a right to know. Then he can either correct his auditing or his know-how or he can advise the C/S the pc’s report is untrue and better repair can be done on the pc. Savage action against an auditor is almost never called for. He was trying to help. Some people are hard to help. Not only does an auditor have the right to be told what was wrong but he must be given the exact HCO B, date and title, that he violated. Never take a verbal or written correction that is not in an HCO B or tape. Don’t be party to a ‘‘hidden data line’’ that doesn’t exist “You ruined the pc!” is not a valid statement. ‘‘You violated HCO B page____” is the charge. No auditor may be disciplined for asking, ‘‘May I please have the tape or HCO B that was violated so I can read it or go to Cramming. “ If it isn’t on a tape, a book or an HCO B I T IS NOT TRUE and no auditor has to accept any criticism that is not based on the actual source data. “If it isn’t written it isn’t true’’ is the best defense and the best way to improve your tech. These are the rights of the auditor with relation to a C/S. They are all technical rights based on sound principles. An auditor should know them and use them. If an auditor stands on these rights and gets beaten down he should put all the facts before his nearest OTL or SO ship as something would be very wrong somewhere. Auditing is a happy business—when it is done right. LRH:nt jh L. RON HUBBARD Copyright ©1970, 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [OTL means Operation-Transport Liaison which was a Sea Organization office that managed orgs or an area and was a forerunner of the Flag Operations Liaison Office (FOLO).] 363 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 AUGUST 1971 Issue II Remimeo ASSISTS ADDITION (Refers to HCO B 23 July 71 which revised HCO B 15 Mar 71) In running Version A and Version B of a Hold it Still temperature assist DO NOT RUN IT OVER OUT RUDS. Often a pc is ill because his ruds in life are out. The Temperature Assist will only fail if the pc had an In Life ARC Break, Present Time Problem or Withhold. Sometimes these alone will change the temperature for the better. Each rud of course must be taken Earlier Similar to F/N if no F/N on the first answer given to a rud. So Add to Version A C/S at the start: 0. Fly all ruds. And to Version B C/S at the start: 0. Fly all ruds. These are done with the pc holding the cans. The walkabout version is done off the cans but checked. Overrun is rehabbed. If no rehab then flatten by further running. When the pc off the cans in Version B has a cognition he should be put back on the cans and checked. Usually an F/N will be found. __________ It has not been fully determined how many times a pc can be run on “Hold it Still”. But if the pc has been run before on the process and does not run, it should be checked for overrun and rehabbed. LRH: sb.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 364 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 AUGUST 1971 Re-issued 2 November 1972 as Remimeo Auditor Admin Series 2 C/S Series 56 HOW TO GET RESULTS IN AN HGC Obtaining excellent case results is an ADMINISTRATIVE not a wholly technical function. Auditors and C/Ses are often weak on Administrative. They think general tech results improve only by more tech study. If they continue to think this way they wind up squirreling. For they are working on a wrong target for improvement, a wrong WHY or reason. Auditing is a team activity. The day of the individual country doctor is dead. Even if an individual field auditor starts out as an individual he goes one of two directions— he overworks and squirrels himself into failure or he builds up a team—may only be a receptionist and an apprentice auditor but he is still building up a team. I have never seen individual auditors succeed over a long period. Failing to form or become part of a team, they eventually fade out or squirrel. The reason is simple enough. These rules apply: TO IMPROVE TECH RESULTS YOU MUST IMPROVE ADMINISTRATION. And I don’t mean just writing better in folders. DEFINITION ADMINISTRATION consists of the formation and handling of the lines and terminals involved in production. Unless an auditor understands this fully, he will never insist on a Tech Sec, a Tech Establishment Officer, D of P, C/S, Examiner, Pages, Folder Admin and himself will begin to omit keeping a Folder Summary and then omit the session actions and then, with big loses, retire from it all. If I were an auditor and saw some of these things missing, I’d be liable to say, “Are you guys kidding? I thought we were here to audit pcs.” Without the correct pattern of lines and terminals YOU DON’T GET RESULTS, you get headaches, mad neighbors and refunds. Auditing on lines, an auditor should regard himself as a highly skilled expert, a technical specialist whose work requires respect and service. And Case Supervising on lines, a Case Supervisor should consider himself a sort of Czar whose word is so law even the Exec Director thinks several times before he approaches—duly servile of course and bowing the prescribed three times as he exits. 365 A Class XII on Flag is listened to by others with a hush even if he is only commenting on the weather. These are the stars of the team. Their worldwide reputation for smooth flubless auditing is an administrative result! Short of space, overloaded, short of admin personnel, turning out the highest well done hours in the world, Flag’s Div IV produces because of an Admin system. The highest of these C/Ses and auditors goes to Cramming if he misplaces a comma or drops a TR 1. If the sessions’ exams at Examiner drop from 90% F/N the whole place gets overhauled. Folders are Folder Error Summaried by an FES section. The Folder Summary is kept up each session (or Cramming). The folder is studied and C/Sed. The D of P assigns the sessions. The C/S is done correctly (or Cramming). The folder travels on its lines. The tests are done. In short it is a complex but constantly flowing pattern of moving pcs, folders and examinations interspersed with testing and interviews and re-registration. There is a right way to do it. RESULTS If an org has only 65% of its sessions F/N VGIs at Examiner the right answer is to organize the place. Why? Well, the first answer is that the third dynamic is stronger than the first dynamic. An auditor auditing alone is a first dynamic. The pc is a first dynamic. As it is the auditor plus pc that must be greater than the reactive mind, one can easily work the rest out. If the auditor is part of a functioning third dynamic, not just an individual, the auditor plus pc versus the bank is a LOT more than the bank. Another answer is that an auditor knows the pc, if only because of sessions, and personal opinion enters into it. That is not a pure technical view as a C/S’s must be. Another answer is that an auditor in a group gets more auditing done. Individually practicing auditors often fail because nobody is taking care of the auditor as a person. Further they get loses. No one sends them to Cramming. When they get loses they often start squirreling. Then they really get loses. That ends them as auditors. An auditor working in a good on policy organization is given service. He does get sent to Cramming. He does keep his tech updated. He gets wins. When he doesn’t he’s put back on standard tech. So he happily keeps going and makes lots of happy people. So if I were auditing in a group I would insist as a condition of work that Div IV and Div V be good on policy divisions, fully organized with no nonsense. I know whereof I speak. As a part-time duty I work as a consulting C/S with a good IV and a good V. Sometimes I have had to take over the whole C/S line. When the organization bogs in any way I know the whole thing is heading toward 366 single-handing the lot. So I get the lines back in and get people to Cramming and get the F/N at Examiner ratio approaching 100% again. Thus, the advice you get about C/Sing is live-live-live, not canned theory. ORG WINS Being on administrative lines to all orgs, I can tell you pointblank that THEIR STATS DEPEND ON THEIR VOLUME AND QUALITY OF SERVICE. That isn’t propaganda. It’s pure fact. The F/N-no F/N at Examiner ratio tells you at once if Divs IV and V are organized and operating or if they are just fooling about. At 50% to 75% F/N at Examiner the administrative functions of Divs IV and V are stinking bad. C/S Series 25 is out. Cramming is out. Hidden data lines exist. HCO Bs, books and tapes are not used. The public, at that % of F/N, will stay away in droves. Registrars will go batty and adopt “Hot Prospect Systems”. The staff will go low pay and the execs will be a perpetual dark shade of purple from yelling. The cash-bills ratio will be the subject of finance missions and the neighbors will be phoning the police. Why? Because an org is itself a technical delivery organization and 50% to 75% F/N at Examiner is an overt product. The Academy has already failed to apply student study tech and word clearing. Qual is a joke. There is no library of tech available and if available isn’t read. The org as a tech service delivery unit is treating its public to a no-auditing situation and will get in trouble. REMEDY The way to remedy is to get on policy with tech organization. Put in a Qual with word clearing and a library and cramming. Put in the C/S Series 25 Tech lines. Tolerate NO out-tech or out-admin in folders. Dummy run the lines until they’re in. Cram Cram Cram C/S and auditor and tech personnel flubs whenever they occur. Get the organization functioning. Your F/N at Examiner ratio will climb straight up to 90% 95% 98%. By actual test pcs will flood in, Reg lines will get easy, success stats soar. More auditors more C/Ses, more organization. A second, a third HGC. 367 And the more thoroughly the admin lines are manned the better the tech lines work. This conclusion came from actual inspections of orgs and studies of their stats. Orgs should be selling more training than processing. But why train if you can’t interne them in a good Qual and HGC? They’ll never amount to anything as auditors unless they work in an organization that is on tech and on policy. So you need an HGC. Tech, done in a proper administrative framework, works. Some orgs really don’t believe they could ever attain the flubless auditing quality of Flag. But they can. It is even easy. It is even easier to attain flubless quality of auditing than any other kind. You put in a real on policy admin pattern in IV and V. You begin with a Qual Interne Course. You send to Cramming for any C/S or auditing error no matter how minute. The results come up. The errors cease. You’re a success! If you do it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt .rd Copyright © 1971, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 368 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 AUGUST 1971 Issue I Remimeo STUDENT COMPLETIONS For statistical purposes a STUDENT COMPLETION must be PAID, must have passed EXAMINATION and must have an acceptable success story given by him to Success. Any quickie or incompetent completion falsifies the statistic and is subject to discipline. The completion list follows: 1. Student Hat counts 1. 2. Mini Course counts 1. 3. TR Course counts 2. 4. Theory portion of any classification course incl HDC counts 5. 5. Practical portion of any class incl HDC counts 5. 6. OK Interne to Audit as an Interne counts 5. 7. OK to Audit as an HGC Auditor counts 5. 8. OEC each Part counts 5. 9. Exec Cramming Course counts 1. 10. Course Super Mini Course counts 5. 11. Auditor Drills Course counts 5. 12. Supervisor Drills Course counts 5. 13. Int-Ext Pack or other such packs counts 1. 14. TR Course Super Course counts 2. 15. SO/WW ED 46R. Counts 5 for course and all drills. Any course whose value is unknown is to be queried of Training and Services Bureau CLO. For every 9 public points paid there can be 1 point added for any crew or staff completion. Retread courses count half. Penalties: Blown Academy Student 10 points. Blown or incomplete TR Student 5 points. 369 SH & AO The following points are valid for SHs and AOs in addition to the above which are also valid in these orgs. 16. Class V and VI 15 points. 17. Solo Course 10 points. 18. Clearing Course 5 points. 19. OT I 3 points. 20. OT II 3 points. 21. OTIII 5 points. 22. OT III X 5 points. 23. OT IV 3 points. 24. OT V 3 points. 25. OT VI 3 points. 26. OT VII 3 points. 27. OT VIII 3 points (when released). 28. OT IX 3 points (when released). 29. OT X 3 points (when released). 30. Class VII 15 points. 31. Class VIII 15 points. 32. Class IX (HSST) 15 points. 33. Class X 5 points. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.jh Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was revised four times by issues not written by LRH, the latest of which is BTB 30 August 1971RD, Issue I, Revised 15 May 1975, Paid Completion Points-Pc Completions, Student Completions and Internship Completions. ] 370 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 AUGUST 1971 Issue II Remimeo PC COMPLETIONS For statistical purposes an Audited Completion must be PAID and have attested with an F/N VGIs and written a Success Story for the action. Any quickie or incompetent completion falsifies the statistic and is subject to fine or penalty. The Completions List follows: 1. Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown. 1. 2. Life Repair. 1. 3. Student Rescue Intensive. 1. 4. Progress Pgm. 1. 5. Hubbard Consultant (HC) List (Data Series). 1. 6. Word Clearing Method One. 2. 7. C/S Series 54. (Pc Assessment Form and handling.) 2. 8. Drugs, Medicine, Alcohol Class VIII Remedy (3-way recall, secondaries, engrams). 1. 9. Pains Somatics Emotion each reading drug. 1. 10. Prior Assmt to Drugs. 1. 11. Dianetics Completion. 2 points. 12. ARC Str Wire Triple. 1. (No credit Singles.) 13. Each Expanded Grade. 2. (No credit Single or Triple Lower Grades.) 14. HCO B 24 July 69. 1 point. 15. Assists. I/2 point. 16. Auditing Repair. I/2point. 17. GF Method 5 Handled if not part of a Repair. 1/2 point. 18. GF 40 Expanded fully handled, lists and engrams, by itself whether part of a program or not. 2 points. 19. C/S Series 53 handled to F/N on all items whether part of a pgm or not. 1 point. 20. Incidental RDs such as Money Process. 1/2 point. 21. L10 Full List of actions. 10 points. 371 PENALTY 1 point loss for every percent below 90% F/N VGIs Examiner for the previous day. Example: 75% only F/N VGIs = 15 point loss. GAIN: Add one point for every percent above 90% F/N VGIs at Examiner. For every 9 points made 1 point may be added for staff auditing. Student Co-Auditing: There are no points calculated or used for student coauditing completions or for free public completions done by students or public as these can be part of student completion requirements. SH and AO 22. Power Set-up GF+40 Method 5 and Handle. 2 points. 23. POWER Single. 5 points. 24. POWER TRIPLE (when released). 10 points. 25. Complete your case items as per regular auditing as above. 26. Any OT Review. 1 point. 27. OT VII. 5 points. Any omitted or added RD to be given points on request from Tr & Serv Aide L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH :sb.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCOB was revised by HCOB 30 August 1971R, Issue II, Revised 16 November 1972, Pc Completions-Revised, which was not written by LRH. This was then revised on 21 October 1973 and 23 October 1973 by LRH. These were revised by HCO B 30 August 1971RC, Issue II, Revised 6 February 1974, Pc Completions-Second Revision, Volume VIII, page 214, which was added to by BTB 8 December 1974, Additional Completion Points. The two latter issues are replaced by BTB 30 August 1971RD, Issue I, Revised 15 May 1975, Paid Completion Points-Pc Completions, Student Completions and Internship Completions. ] 372 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 AUGUST 1971 REVISED Remimeo Word Clearing Series 16R CONFUSED IDEAS Whenever a person has a confused idea of something or believes there is some conflict of ideas IT IS ALWAYS TRUE THAT A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD EXISTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THAT CONFUSION. Example: “I just don’t understand this idea of opposing forces. I think it all ought to be rewritten and ....” Method 2 Word Clearer: “Is there any word there you don’t understand?” READ! STUDENT: “Oh no, I understand all the words. It’s ....” “What word is this that’s reading on the meter?” “Er . . . ah . . . Forces?” “Yes, that reads and blows down. Let’s look it up.” “Oh no, I know what it means. It’s the idea that ....” “Let’s look it up!” “Well, all right. Let’s see D . . . E . . . F . . . FO . . . FORCES. Here it is. ‘That which changes the motion of a body on which it acts.’ “ WD CLEARER: ‘‘Use it in a sentence several times.’’ Student does. “. . . er . . . ah. I’ve got it. Hell I thought it meant police brutality! Couldn’t figure out why two police forces would fight!” Word Clearer: “Now how do you feel about this idea of opposing forces?” “Oh, let’s see. Why that’s clear enough. Just like I’d never read it before!” METER: F/N. Every green body of students will argue and fuss about ideas or confusions in the directions or material they are given to read. They will generate weird ideas and erroneous concepts of what the text says. They do wrong things and say the text said to. They ask strange ideas of their instructors. They clamor for “clarifications”. AND AT THE BOTTOM OF ALL THIS IS SIMPLY MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS. There is not also misunderstood ideas. There is only the misunderstood word which breeds, then, huge towering wrong ideas. A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD BREEDS STRANGE IDEAS. 373 Picture of A Students Mind L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 374 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 SEPTEMBER 1971 Issue I Remimeo C/S Series 57 A C/S AS A TRAINING OFFICER A PROGRAM FOR FLUBLESS AUDITING It is wholly and entirely up to the C/S whether or not his auditors ever come to be FLUBLESS AUDITORS. Auditing flubs are the main things that make a C/S’s job long and hard and the main thing that denies his pcs high results. For example-with competent auditors I can C/S the day’s folders in 21/2 hours. With green flubby auditors the same number of folders takes 61/2 hours. The answer plainly is to groove the auditors in until they are flubless. And this is what a competent C/S does. Because he has internes on his lines and because any group of auditors can be bettered, the training officer part of the C/S hat is one which is always worn. Also, if the Tech-Qual administrative set-up is nonextant or a confused mess, the errors in folders and various upsets react suppressively both on the C/S and auditors and they—both C/S and auditors—make mistakes. So the administrative lines and terminals must be there. Thus a C/S out of self-defense is not merely a training officer of auditors but of other Tech-Qual personnel as well. Officially this hat belongs with the other terminals. But to coordinate the operation, the C/S has to have a large amount of know-how about the lines and terminals of Tech and Qual. As it is the C/S who is directing the running of cases and as the lines and terminals exist only to obtain auditing results in volume with high quality, no C/S can afford to neglect his duties as a training officer. Otherwise he will promptly drown. The folder flow must be smooth with no flaps. The auditor-pc assignments must be smooth with no lost auditing time. The sessions must occur. The auditors who flub must be promptly handled. The Cramming Officer in Qual must know his business. The C/S depends on him to get the kinks out of the auditors’ tech and its application. The processing must be paid for adequately or there will be no funds to hire enough terminals and, indeed, there would be no HGC at all. The C/S is trying to obtain Volume, Quality and Viability. By experience volume comes from the whole org working and the auditors auditing correctly without lost hours spent in fumbles and repairs. Quality comes from smooth Tech-Qual lines and hatted terminals and the auditors auditing flublessly. It is not that the C/S is in charge of the whole org. But every point where a C/S is having trouble is where an org terminal has broken down. Therefore a C/S has every right to INSIST upon hatted functioning terminals. The C/S has a definite effect upon the efficiency of an org’s personnel. He can ensure the staff gets audited either on his lines or from Dept 13. And he can insist on quality staff staff auditing for it will help keep his own post going. 375 Tech works. It works splendidly. The materials are there. Read, understood and applied, FLUBLESS AUDITING occurs. It is so easy to C/S just for cases using standard actions. All puzzles come from FLUBS. The sequence of actions a C/S should take to attain Flubless Auditing could be listed more or less in this order. 1. Make sure his own tech is up to date and do part-time study or retread where needed. 2. Make sure he has no misunderstood words the length and breadth of the subject. Get Word Clearing Method 2 on every major tech writing, each HCO B or P/L if it comes to that. Then get Word Clearing Method 1 to full EP. 3. Practice locating the bugs in “failed cases” or “dog cases” long in auditing until the C/S knows it was an application failure, an auditor failure or a former C/S failure. 4. Study out the terminals and lines necessary IN YOUR ORG, physically going over them, to (a) Get a pc in. (b) Get an auditor employed. (c) Get a pc assigned to an auditor. (d) Get auditor and pc together in an auditing room. (e) Get the pc examined. (f) Get the folder turned in for C/Sing. (g) Get an auditor to Cramming and back. (h) Get a pc to Ethics and handled. (i) Get a D of P to interview pcs, muster auditors, do assignments and other D of P duties. (l) Get a pc to attest. (k) Get a pc to Success. (I) Get folders FESed. (m) Get folders stored and found. (n) Get folders made up or neatly covered. (o) Get supplies for auditors. (p) Get an area for auditor admin. (q) Get an area for pcs to wait. (r) Get the various boards made and kept up. (s) Get stats kept and reported. (t) Get bonuses paid. (u) Get pcs handled when adrift on lines. (v) Get a Qual in. (w) Do his own job. (x) How to get and keep all this and any more points going all at once rapidly. 376 He will now know the scene and can achieve a more ideal scene by insisting the Org Officer (emergency) or the HAS (permanently) handle. Now it all gets less confusing as one understands what is out when it is out. 5. Set up a close fast line with the Cramming Officer so that auditors who flub are in actual fact rapidly straightened out and gotten back to auditing without great time loss. 6. Fend off and refuse to give tech advice as such. KNOW WORD CLEARING SERIES 16 THOROUGHLY and get a great reality on it and insist that the Qual Sec and Cramming Officer know it, use it and hammer away with it. Otherwise such weird tech confusions will be floating about that even the C/S gets confused and begins to wonder if the material IS in the books and bulletins! 7. Gather up a Tech and Admin Library for fast reference for personal use. 8. Get in a system whereby every flub by an auditor, a D of P, a Div IV or V Admin personnel, a page, anyone that flubs as it affects the C/S in ANY way gets a Cramming chit with the exact reference to be crammed on. Keep a carbon of the chit, send the original to Cramming, get the chit back when done and marked off on the carbon. Keep the Admin of it simple but the execution of it TOTALLY effective. 9. The Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and Interne Supervisor are the close technical links with the C/S. In technical matters the C/S is senior. Sometimes the C/S is sent to Cramming by the Qual Sec and should accept and do it gracefully. Sometimes there is a Senior C/S in the org (the Assistant Guardian, ED or some other senior exec may be an HSST or even a Class X). In such a case he has the right to cram or send any of these terminals (or any other terminal) to Cramming. Including any Senior C/S, and including any C/S for another Department or for crew or in the Guardian’s Office, these terminals constitute the tech hierarchy of the org: Senior C/S, C/Ses, Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and the Interne Supervisor and they have to hold a hard technical line. The Tech Sec is mainly concerned with production and administration and a Tech Establishment Officer is concerned with establishing. It can happen that a Tech Sec or TEO are also very well trained technically and if so are part of this technical hierarchy but they are not necessarily so. Therefore there is a sort of ex-officio technical committee on the subject of technical matters composed generally of the Senior C/S, C/Ses, Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and Interne Supervisor that monitors the quality of HGC and Dept 10 auditing. The Director of Training can be advised concerning the results of his students after graduation in order to remedy his training and as such is a part of the Committee, as can be the Tech Sec. Most narrowly and most continually Tech quality is between the C/S and the Cramming Officer. More widely, the Senior C/S, Qual Sec and Interne Supervisor enter in. And in the widest sense, the Tech Sec, Tech Establishment Officer and Director of Training enter in. It is an error to suppose the C/S and auditors are the technical monitors of the org. They are the main technical personnel. But a C/S can waste tons of time by talking to or with auditors beyond an auditors’ conference and can really get whizzing if he spends the same time with the Cramming Officer who then crams auditors and with the Interne Super who then persuades internes to function. Knowing who is as important in organization as knowing how. So hold some meetings small and large and thresh out the bugs. 10. Missing materials is a C/S point of upset. “What is a Course” Policy Letter can be out on tech courses to a degree that you wouldn’t believe. Not only no routing form or roll book but NO MATERIALS. 377 The Books, HCO Bs, tapes MUST be available. They exist. It is suppressive to run a course without them. Pubs Org, CLOs have them. Financial Planning can’t deny this necessity as they’re what their income comes from. Qual MUST have a complete and safeguarded library for use in Cramming actions. Under Omitted Materials would be omitted meters and at this writing there is no restriction on these and supply is abundant. The “no materials” gag is the last straw for a C/S. Future auditors won’t have a clue and current auditors will have no way to find out. So the C/S must not permit “economy” or plain laziness or “we sent a despatch three months ago” to get in the road of materials. IT IS CHEAPER TO PUT SOMEBODY ON A PLANE WITH A CHEQUE TO BRING THEM BACK than to do without materials. So a C/S should definitely defend himself against a “no materials” blockage and handle it. 11. No Study. When one has materials and particularly when one is getting new materials a breakdown can occur when the materials, especially new ones, aren’t read. A technical person must keep up with the advances in technology. That is true of any profession. A primary failure of new technology is (you won’t believe it but it is true) the materials aren’t read before the process is tried! I have even caught Class IXs out on this, believe it or not, so don’t think it can’t happen. Process G is received. Auditors audit it. Process fails. Why? Auditors never read the bulletin first! SO BE SURE YOUR AUDITORS READ THE MATERIALS AND CHECK OUT BEFORE THEY DO THE PROCESS. Write C/Ses like this — “Auditor to Cramming to check out on HCO B . When attested, do the following 1. ,, Do this on new materials and, on new auditors, on any materials you believe he may goof. Why have the first 12 pcs on Process G go sour just because the auditor only glanced at the commands and missed the tech? Interiorization Rundowns are still in this category in some areas. The auditor doesn’t study and Clay demo the pack before doing them. So they fail. Now and then Power hits the same snag. So, simple as it seems, get new materials read and checked out in Cramming as the first part of a C/S on them! And get new materials read. And keep up on them yourself. 378 12. Hidden Data Line trouble can wreck an HGC (and the org and field). A “Hidden Data Line” is a pretense that certain data exists outside of HCO Bs, books and tapes. It can include “data in HCO Bs is conflicting” and “nowhere does it say how to ______”. This is deadly and a C/S should work hard to stamp it out. THE CAUSES OF A HIDDEN DATA LINE OR IMAGINED CONFLICTS IS A FAILURE TO USE WORD CLEARING METHODS TWO AND THREE ON COURSES AND A FAILURE TO USE AND ONLY USE METHOD TWO IN CRAMMING. A C/S can go straight up the wall trying to grapple with these omissions and eventually begin to believe that it takes 500 Cramming chits to make an auditor who still isn’t made and that flubless auditing can’t be done from HCO Bs, books and tapes. As soon as a C/S finds his Cramming orders getting too thick he should check (a) Is Method 2 (meter) Word Clearing used hard in Cramming as a first action? (b) Are Methods 2 and 3 Word Clearing in use constantly on tech courses? (c) Is Method 1 Word Clearing (full rundown) available and faultlessly done on every auditor? Get these points IN. Poof! The Hidden Data Line vanishes. (See Word Clearing Series 16.) Word Clearing has been around for years but people sometimes are themselves so fogged by misunderstood words that they don’t hear you at all when you say USE WORD CLEARING! 13. Invalidation kills auditors. So don’t chew on them any harder than is necessary to get the job done. Get “To Cramming” to mean, “normal procedure even for Class XIIs” . We had one student who every evening gasped with relief that he hadn’t been sent to Cramming. We finally found out that he was really terrified he would be found out for false study stats! Only when an auditor refuses to go to Cramming do you begin to push. The auditor sent to Cramming to do an action must not do the action on another pc until he has been to Cramming on it. This can “hold up production” in somebody’s mind. But how an auditor can produce anything while flubbing is someone else’s misunderstood, not mine. He can’t. Better five hours in Cramming and one good session than no Cramming and five goofed sessions. The real invalidation of an auditor is failing at tech. So don’t let them fail. “Johnny, your TRs are too hard to hear. Get over to Cramming and get hearable” is perfectly acceptable. If it is correct. So Invalidation could be defined as (a) letting an auditor lose (b) correcting things he does right. That’s about the extent of invalidation. 14. Auditor morale depends not on PR (Public Relations) or phoney stats. It depends on actual, honest completions. 379 A well trained auditor allowed to get completions will have high morale. Thus, a C/S must push an auditor toward (a) Flubless tech (b) Completions You keep pushing and he’ll make it. You don’t push or push on the wrong things and he won’t. As to completions try to get auditors to do the whole program so something is completed. This is for the auditor not the pc. The Auditor’s Code on a frequent change of auditors was written for pcs. But it also applies to auditors. Let them complete programs. Even if they spend half the day in Cramming. Don’t yank them off cases. And don’t let your D of P assign auditors to different cases or he’ll soon have downtone apathetic auditors who never see what their auditing finally does for one particular pc. Auditor Morale has little to do with anything but the above two things. Also if you have those two things in as a C/S, you will see something new happen. Pcs will be around slapping auditors on the back and cheering the org and the place becomes a very happy place. So work for auditor morale with pushing them relentlessly toward flubless tech and toward completions. ____________ The above actions are numbered. If a C/S were to work to get these in, one by one, and if he then went over them again and again, he would wind up about the most complimented upstat C/S anywhere around. These are the giant points to get in while plugging along each day C/Sing the usual and handling the noise. The way to get out of cope is to organize. And these fourteen points give a sequence of organizational steps that lift one out of cope and into a smooth productive time of it. The org would become very prosperous. The staff would be very happy. The field would be delighted. Just remember that when you reach an average 700 well done auditing hours, you better have a new C/S in training and persuade him to follow himself these 14 points in a new and necessary additional HGC. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 380 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 17 WORDS AND POSTS Those who do not want their posts generally do not know what their posts are. The reason they do not know what their posts are is a host of misunderstood basic words connected with that post. Put a person on a meter: Have the person read some of the material relating to his post or hat, beginning with the most basic material about it and starting at the very top of the first page, including even the heading and issue numbers. Watch the meter carefully. Halt the person at each read and whether he says he knows the meaning or not, if it read, have him look it up in a good (big) dictionary. Have him use the word in sentences of his own invention. Make him do this as long as it is bringing the TA down. If you get into trouble with him go back and find the misunderstood you missed. Keep hunting and keep working at it and his misunderstood words will blow and his inability to understand the post will blow. EXPLANATION Failed posts and duties trace back to misunderstood words. Until you see it you won’t believe it. One student who had studied his post for a third of a year was given Method 2 on its materials. It took 15 hours of Method 2 work, protests, blows, upsets to finally discover that he did not know what POST meant! OR what the words in the title meant. Another person studied half a year to be an administrator. Yet when he was given his personnel orders appointing him, and Method 2 was done on them, in the first 50 words of the personnel order there were 13 individual misunderstood words each one of which related to the post and were simple English. A similar ratio continued throughout the personnel order. He was about to fail with a fanfare. Behind post failure the explanation IS misunderstood words. Psychosis (evil intention) is the only other reason for failure but even this can be handled by auditing today. And even psychosis lessens when misunderstood words are handled. SUCCESSES It is not difficult to use Method 2 Word Clearing. One must be able to handle ARC Breaks, Problems and withholds and read a meter. One must have a very big dictionary available when little ones fail. One must be persistent and not buy explanations or let the person run away. And the Successes one has are fantastic! LRH: sb.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 381 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 SEPTEMBER 1971 Issue II Remimeo Word Clearing Series 19 ALTERATIONS There is a basic law in Word Clearing: AT THE BOTTOM OF ALL ALTERATION OF MEANING OR ACTION IS A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD. This law at once explains why communication, ideas or application become falsified, twisted and corrupted. This law is of great use in Word Clearing: A. It indicates who has to be word cleared FAST, at once, NOW, before duties go off the rails any further. B. It detects the area just before which there is a misunderstood word. A is useful to the administrator. Knowing it and knowing Word Clearing and being able to do it himself or get it done, he can avoid wholesale dismissals, frantic transfers, general inefficiency and organizational strain. B is very useful to the Word Clearer. Example of B. A person can do everything on an order except “File the Folders” which he insists on delivering to a wrong room. Look over the order and find where in it it talks about filing folders. Just above or beside that will be a misunderstood word. Locate it, get it identified, defined and used in sentences. The person can suddenly file folders! Just BEFORE or WITH the point a person begins to alter will be found a misunderstood word. Thus 1. Discover what a person alters. 2. Find what came just before that. 3. Find the misunderstood word. 4. Get it looked up. 5. Get it used in sentences as long as it moves a meter tone arm. 6. End off on F/N VGIs. The ability to do it straight will have been returned. It is very magical. LRH:sb.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 382 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 SEPTEMBER 1971 Issue III Remimeo Word Clearing Series 20 SIMPLE WORDS You might suppose at once that it is the BIG words or the technical words which are most misunderstood. This is NOT the case. On actual test, it was English simple words and NOT Dianetics and Scientology words which prevented understanding. For some reason Dianetics and Scientology words are more easily grasped than simple English. Words like “a”, “the”, “exist”, “such” and other “everybody knows” words show up with great frequency when doing a Method 2 Word Clearing. They read. It takes a BIG dictionary to define these simple words fully. This is another oddity. The small dictionaries also suppose everybody knows. It is almost incredible to see that a university graduate has gone through years and years of study of complex subjects and yet does not know what “or” or “by” or “an” means. It has to be seen to be believed. Yet when cleaned up his whole education turns from a solid mass of question marks to a clean useful view. A test of schoolchildren in Johannesburg once showed that Intelligence DECREASED with each new year of school! The answer to the puzzle was simply that each year they added a few dozen more crushing misunderstood words onto an already confused vocabulary that no one ever got them to look up. Stupidity is the effect of misunderstood words. In those areas which give Man the most trouble you will find the most alteration of fact, the most confused and conflicting ideas and of course the greatest number of misunderstood words. Take “economics” for example. The subject of psychology began its texts by saying they did not know what the word means. So the subject itself never arrived. Professor Wundt of Leipzig University in 1879 perverted the term. It really means just “a study (ology) of the soul (psyche)”. But Wundt, working under the eye of Bismarck, the greatest of German military fascists, at the height of German war ambitions, had to deny Man had a soul. So there went the whole subject! Men were thereafter animals (it is all right to kill animals) and Man had no soul, so the word psychology could no longer be defined. THE EARLIEST MISUNDERSTOOD WORD IN A SUBJECT IS A KEY TO LATER MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS IN THAT SUBJECT. “HCO B” (Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin), “Remimeo” (Orgs which receive this must mimeograph it again and distribute it to staff), “TR” (Training Drill), 383 “Issue I” (first issue of that date), are the commonest misunderstoods. Because they occur at the beginning of an HCO B ! Then come words like “a”, “the” and other simple English as the next words that often read. In studying a foreign language it is often found that the grammar words of one’s own language that tell about the grammar in the foreign language are basic to not being able to learn the foreign language. The test of whether the person understands a word is “does it read on the meter as a fall when he reads the word in the material being cleared”. That a person says he knows the meaning is not acceptable. Have him look it up no matter how simple the word is. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH :sb.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LRH TAPE LECTURES 5 September 1971 ** 7109C05 S0 A Talk on a Basic Qual—I ** 7109C05 S0 A Talk on a Basic Qual—ll 384 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 21 CORRECT SEQUENCE QUALIFICATIONS OF WORD CLEARERS The principal methods of word clearing are numbered No. 1 for the full insession rundown, No. 2 for the metered action of clearing up words in specific materials and No. 3 for looking up words seen and not understood by the student or reader. This is correct sequence for doing the three types of word clearing. By doing No. 1 in full session, using the list for assessment, one obtains the basic word and meaning errors of the past. By getting these out of the way, it is now possible to clean up current materials much more rapidly with Method 2, where the person is put on a meter and reads the material to another who is watching the meter and catching each read. With Method 1 out of the way, Method 2 becomes more rapid. Method 3 will then be done by the person himself because he now knows better. No. 2 and No. 3 can be used on and on one or the other. If you do it backwards, beginning with Method No. 3, much more time is consumed. If Method No. 2 is used without No. 1 being done, much more work has to be done to clean up an existing piece of study material or text. So the correct sequence is No. 1, No. 2 and then No. 3. This does not mean you cannot start with No. 3 or No. 2. It just means it is much faster to do them in correct sequence. PURPOSE CLEARING When purpose of the post is to be cleared it is done after Method No. 1 in general and Method No. 2 has been done on the duties and texts of the post. With all such material handled with word clearing it is time then to do a Purpose Clearing of the person’s job or situation in life. PROGRAM Thus a general program could be laid down as 1. Handle all ARC Breaks, present time problems and withholds, or set up the case with a Progress Program. 2. Method No. 1 Word Clearing. 3. Method No. 2 Word Clearing on the materials or duties the person has. 4. Purpose Clearing of the purpose of the post. 385 (In choosing the materials to be cleared in No. 3 above choose the texts, handbooks or materials most closely related to the post and most basic to the post.) (In choosing the post, if the person is not employed remember that “student”, “housewife” and even “a human being” are posts.) WD CLEARING WD CLEARERS When there is no qualified word clearer to word clear others, the program is changed for the word clearer to: 1. Choose 2 word clearers who then work on each other. 2. Any Progress Program for each one. 3. Word Clear the Word Clearing Series by Method 2. 4. Check out on the auditing required for Method 1. 5. Do Method No.1 on each other. 6. Do Purpose Clearing on each other. This greatly reduces any errors in application. (Note: A “Progress Program” or a “Repair Program” is a Scientology auditing program to clean up upsets in life.) (“ARC Break” means A-Affinity, R-Reality, C-Communication, a break in any one of the three which has caused upset in the past.) (A Class III Academy Auditor qualification is required to do Method No. 1 as the action requires assessing and the handling of ARC Breaks, problems and withholds, for which a Class III is trained. Anyone who is able to handle a meter is qualified to do Method No. 2. Any person can do Method No. 3.) (Purpose Clearing also requires a Class III Academy Auditor.) (By “meter” throughout this series is meant an “E-Meter” which means an “electro-psychometer”, an instrument which measures emotional reaction by tiny electrical impulses generated by thought.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 386 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 58 PROGRAMMING CASES BACKWARDS When you see a case that has struggled along through 200 hours of processing without much gain you sometimes see a C/S has only recently ordered, or has not ordered at all as yet, an Interiorization RD check and a Green Form No. 40 Expanded. That would be programming backwards. The tools of auditing are the Grade Chart Processes and the numerous correction lists. Like a gardener, a C/S has the choice of numerous tools to raise a flower. If you were to see a gardener digging holes with the lawn mower and cutting grass with a spade, you would say he needed to be checked out on the use of his tools, what each is for. Similarly, running Power on someone who needs Dianetics, doing a life repair on someone who is ready for R6EW, would be a misuse of tools. Similarly, going on auditing someone on Dianetics who desperately needs his ruds put in or an Interiorization Rundown is wasting auditing and messing up a preclear. Let me give you some examples I have seen recently: A. Case audited through many major actions since his Int RD. Auditor and C/S in despair. Pc not progressing. A C/S 53 disclosed the Int RD was faulty and its repair was also faulty. Int Rundown was handled. Case began to run. Months of auditing had been wasted. Needed had been a C/S 53 where out Int would have shown. B. After 200 or more hours of no change in his personality graph (Oxford Capacity Analysis) the pc came up with the withhold that he was a homosexual and also that he did not know what “Scientology” meant. About 2 years of auditing had been wasted. Needed had been Word Clearing and rudiments. C. After scores of hours of no-win auditing and no graph change it was finally decided to run a GF 40X and found the person practised witchcraft! D. After a year of auditing on major grades all wasted it was finally found that the person had had a leg injury he was trying to cure that required only a simple Dianetic assist. Today that would be a C/S 54. He had never had a Pc Assessment Form. E. After racing from POWER to OT III without doing any real auditing or having any change, it was found on a GF 40X that the whole world had been unreal and the person could not begin to face the idea of looking at pictures or the bank and had not been able to since her first drug experiences. Needed had been Objective Processes, CCHs, Op Pro by Dup, etc which get a drug addict to look and be aware. All these are simple if flagrant errors in ordering the right program actions. In order to be able to say what should be done on the case, one has to have three things: 1. Data about the case. 387 2. A knowledge of what lists are available. 3. Auditors who can do the actions required. From a C/S point of view, all these things are under the C/S’s control. DATA In the Class VIII materials the 7 Resistive Cases are described. The full lot of them are now found in GF 40X. There are numerous other lists for assessment. If a C/S really doesn’t know his lists he can order them all, Method 5 and take his choice of symptoms. Also a C/S can have the pc simply asked questions. From this data a C/S knows why the case is not running well and can order the actions to remedy it. If nothing is wrong, complete the earliest incomplete grade on the Grade Chart. KNOWLEDGE A C/S who is well Word Cleared on his materials and has studied on the courses knows what things hang a case up more than what other things. This gives one the knowledge necessary to choose what lists. Case no case gain then it’s GF 40X. And to keep from auditing over an out Int RD there is C/S 53. And for chronic aches and pains there is C/S 54. And for “might be anything” there’s a GF. What lists and actions that can be done are for is very easy to sort out. AUDITORS If a C/S’s auditors aren’t flubless or expert one needs to get in a Cramming and needs to get hired and interned lots of new auditors. C/S Series 57, “A C/S as a Training Officer”, solves a lot of this. And a Tech Establishment Officer is vital to keep it solved. Then auditors, the numbers and quality of, are not on the C/S’s plate as a continual problem. Scientologists want to audit. They will go on auditing as long as you make them audit well enough and C/S for them well enough to keep them winning on pcs. SUMMARY So the tools of the C/S are 1. Data from pcs. 2. Knowledge of list uses. 3. Knowledge of the Grade Chart. 4. Auditors. 5. The organization of delivery. LRH:nt rd L RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 388 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo BIRTH CONTROL PILLS It has been thought that Birth Control Pills brought on dizziness and side effects and got in the road of auditing. It has now been observed that where these effects occurred and the woman A. Changed Brands B. Changed Strength or amount or C. Both A and B the condition vanished. This information is given by the Medical Officer. Therefore 1. There is no regulation or rule which states that a woman may not take Birth Control Pills and 2. There are apparently no side effects affecting auditing and 3. Where side effects do exist one should consult a doctor so that brand or amount or both can be changed. Nothing in this HCO B recommends or prevents or prescribes Birth Control Pills and the information is simply passed on from medical authority. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 389 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 23 TROUBLE SHOOTING In Word Clearing the troubles are actually very few. However there are a few. It is possible for an auditor or student doing word clearing on another to get misunderstood words himself unless he also looks at the definitions and understands them at the same time he is clearing them on the other person. This requires no extra step. In fact it would be rather hard not to also see the definition of the word. A person trying to “blow” (leave) and refusing further Word Clearing almost always has a HUGE misunderstood on some word not yet located. The correct action is to get him back and FIND AND CLEAR THE WORD. Not getting a good result using Methods 1, 2 or 3 is cured by using the Word Clearing Correction List, HCO B 21 July 71, Revised 9 August 71. This Correction List applies to all methods of word clearing. For instance, if Method 2 goes sour and the student “knew all the words anyway” or “doesn’t understand it any better” or is critical or demonstrates any other unfavorable reactions which do not win through, there is always Word Clearing Correction List. This list is done by a Class III or above auditor. It is quite miraculous. Example: Student badly bogged after Method 2 by his twin. Handling: A Class III auditor does the Word Clearing Correction List on him. The Correction List is handled as per HCO B 14 Mar 71, “F/N Everything”. In other words, one takes all reads on it to Floating Needle. Any other list called for by reads on the Correction List is taken to F/N and when that called-for list F/Ns then one considers that the Word Clearing Correction List line has F/Ned. (Correction List reads on 4. List Error. The auditor takes a list called L4B which corrects lists and makes every read on “L4B” F/N. Then “4. List Error” is marked “F/N”.) The technology of handling a Word Clearing Correction List is all covered in the general materials of auditing. Not knowing how to use a Meter can cause trouble. A special Course in using an E-Meter is available. The E-Meter Drill Book gives all the drills. It does not take long to learn. Also E-Meters are abundantly available today. Learning to be a Class III or preferably a Class IV Academy Auditor is not difficult IF one uses word clearing! All word clearing is done under the discipline of The Auditor’s Code. One’s “TRs” (TR = Training drills for auditing) can be straightened out on a TR Course on which one learns to confront, to speak so one can be heard, to acknowledge, to be able to repeat commands and to handle originations by the student. 390 Troubles in word clearing, then can be listed as coming from lack of training. So anyone doing word clearing should organize himself to (1) Do a TR Course, (2) Learn to use and acquire an E-Meter, (3) Learn the Auditor’s Code and, (4) If not one already, learn to be an Academy Class III Auditor. Knowing how to do 1 to 3 above is essential to do Method 2 Word Clearing. And the skills under (1) to (3) are very easy to acquire. Further, it is not all that difficult to become a Class III Auditor. People sometimes think only someone who wants to be a professional auditor studies in the Academy, a false impression. One can’t imagine how a father or businessman or mother or clerk or official could succeed without knowing the basics of human reaction and how to handle them. Someone who is a Class III or Class IV knows how. The real professional usually becomes a Class VI and the real experts are the VIIIs, IXs and Xs. It’s a matter of how expert you want to be. A Flag Ship Class XII could turn a severe mental case from raving lunacy to not only sane but bright and normal in about 8 or 9 hours and a normal person to a genius in 15 to 20 hours. But here we are dealing with the whole range of the human mind. In word clearing Method 2 one certainly should know his “TRs”, his Auditor’s Code and his Meter. And for Method 1 it takes a Class III Academy Auditor. Almost all troubles will be found to stem from an omission of these requirements AND not using Word Clearing on the materials one is studying to achieve these skills. Very few troubles actually will be encountered if this HCO B is followed. Word Clearing IS a precision technology and there IS something to know about it as it has never before been known. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 391 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Also Dn Text C/S Series 59 DIANETIC LIST ERRORS It can happen that a Dianetic list of somatics, pains, emotions and attitudes can act as a list under the meaning of the Laws of Listing and Nulling as per HCO B 1 August 68. The most violent session ARC Brks occur because of list errors under the meaning of Listing and Nulling. Other session ARC Brks even under withholds are not as violent as those occurring because of listing errors. Therefore when a violent or even a “total-apathy-won’t-answer” session upset has occurred in Dianetics, one must suspect that the preclear is reacting under the Laws of Listing and Nulling and that he conceives such an error to have been made. The repair action is to assess the prepared list which corrects listing errors. This is L4B—HCO B 15 Dec 68 amended to 18 March 71. It is used “On Dianetics Lists_____” as the start of each of its questions when employed for this purpose. When a pc has not done well on Dianetics and when no other reason can be found the C/S should suspect some listing error and order an L4B to be done “On Dianetic lists “ at the start of each question. Each read obtained on the list is carried Earlier Similar to F/N as per HCO B 14 Mar 71 “F/N Everything” or, preferably the list is found in the folder and properly handled in accordance with what read on L4B. ALL Dianetic Lists can be carried to an item that blows down and F/Ns. This does not mean the item found is now wholly clean. Even though it F/Ned it can be run by recall, by secondaries and by engrams as found in Class VIII materials. It is usually run by engrams, triple, R3R. A C/S must be alert to the fact that (a) Extreme upsets and deep apathies are almost always list errors. (b) That a Dianetic List can be conceived to be a formal list and can behave that way. (c) L4B is the correction list used in such cases. Very few Dianetic lists behave this way but when they do they must be handled as above. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 392 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 SEPTEMBER 1971 Issue III Remimeo WORD CLEARING C/S NO. 2 _________________________________ _______________ _______________ Pc Grade Date _________________________________ Auditor Class ______________ Auditor ______________________ Session Grade C/S Comments_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ WORD CLEARING METHOD NO. 2 COMMANDS USED (Pc Reading the materials, auditor watching meter for reads.) 1. What was the word you just read. 2. Look it up in the dictionary. PC LOOKS IT UP. AUDITOR ALSO UNDERSTANDS MEANING IN DICTIONARY. 3. Use it in sentences of your own. 4. Reread the passage in the material. ______________________ C/S for L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 393 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 SEPTEMBER 1971 Issue IV REVISED 1 OCTOBER 1971 Remimeo POST PURPOSE CLEARING C/S FORM 1R _________________________________ _______________ _______________ Pc Grade Date _________________________________ Auditor Class ______________ Auditor ______________________ Session Grade C/S Comments_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT BEFORE THIS SESSION PC WILL HAVE HAD WD CLEAR Method No. 1 and also Wd Clear 2 on Hats. C/S INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2WC “What is your attention on?” If TA High or Low send to have C/S 53 done. 2. Fly all ruds, each one E/S to F/N. (Use “Suppress” on no reads and “false read” if a read is said to be not right or said before and carry it E/S to F/N.) 3. 2WC “How do you feel about being a member of this organization?” If sad run “Have you had an ARC Brk with this organization?” E/S to F/N. If not really know, “Have you had a problem with this organization?” E/S to F/N. If nattery or critical in any way, run “What have you done in this organization.? What have you withheld in this organization?” Alternate repetitive to F/N Cog VGIs. If you had to use any of these ruds about the organization, again ask 2-way comm “How do you feel about being a member of this organization?” to F/N. 4. 2-way comm pc’s post: “TELL ME ABOUT YOUR POST.” Be alert for. out Ruds. 5. 2-w comm “What is your post?” (Not necessarily to F/N, but if confusions show up, refer to the pc’s hat folder. Check for “Any misunderstandings on your post.” If this reads have Method 2 Word Clearing done on pc’s hat or subject of his post. In this event or if any trouble has shown up end off and send folder to C/S and do post purpose later.) 6. 2WC “What opportunities would you have on your post?” TO F/N. If no F/N, ask what the pc isn’t telling you and run that to an F/N, as with a W/H. Then return to opportunity question, and run it to F/N, even with E/S. 7. “How does your job align with what you would like to do?” (2-Way Comm.) If any conflict—go E/S. TO F/N. 394 8. “What do you imagine the purposes of your post are?” TO F/N. 9. “How does this purpose tie in with the purpose of your Division?” TO F/N. 10. “How does your purpose tie in with the purpose of your Org?” TO F/N. Clean up any conflicts encountered—clear the word or go E/S. 11. “If your post was not done, what would happen to the Org?” 2-way comm. TO F/N. 12. “What is the purpose of your post?” 2-way comm. TO F/N. 13. Thank pc and send to Pc Examiner. _____________________ (Name of C/S) Class ________________ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 395 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 60 THE WORST TANGLE Sometimes a C/S gets a terrible tangle handed to him as follows. 1. INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN IS UNDONE OR MESSED UP. 2. FAULTY LISTS HAVE BEEN DONE. 3. THE PC IS IN A HEAVY ARC BRK WITH PTPs AND W/Hs. Now each one of these three things “must be done first”. Auditing cannot be done with Int messed up except to handle the Int RD. Auditing cannot be done over bad lists without repairing the lists. Auditing cannot be done over out ruds without putting the ruds in. So WHAT does the C/S do? There is fortunately a different degree of upset in these three things. Int RD trouble is worse than list trouble is worse than out ruds. Therefore the correct C/S would be to 1. Repair Int 2. Repair Lists 3. Put in Ruds. 1. Repair Int RD is done by using L3B on each flow. And (on Flag) by dating to blow and locating to blow. 2. Lists are repaired with L4B on each list, preferably with the list available and preferably with the actual list repaired (such as added to if incomplete or correct item found and given to pc). 3. And if the pc also had out ruds THESE ARE NOW PUT IN WITH “Have you been audited over an (ARC Brk, PTP, w/h)?” as the pc has been. It will all come out all right if properly done. Very few pcs get that messed up. But when they do even they can be untangled. If a lot of engrams were also run on top of that and these are also in the mess, repair them last as a fourth action. And don’t forget to send auditors responsible to Cramming and report C/Ses who get a case that snarled up. C/S Series 53 is written with the above sequence of handling. But it omits ARC Brks (as these don’t raise or lower TA out of normal range). And C/S Series 53 as it is designed only for high or low TA does not cover the trick of putting in the ruds as “Were you audited over an (ARC Brk, PTP, w/h)?” as it purposely has to omit ARC Brks. Hope this helps. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 396 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 24 LIBRARY You will begin to get an idea of how much library you will need when you have done a large number of word clearings. The important thing is to realize that a library is necessary. In an org this will be in Department 14 under the Librarian. The greatest demand will be for dictionaries of many kinds. First there is the consideration of just English dictionaries. Several, including large ones, should be to hand. Those that use big words to define words keep a pc chasing around and around and are of course poor dictionaries. Often one dictionary gives a better definition than another. So an assortment of English dictionaries is a first requirement. Then come technical dictionaries or texts like engineering, physics, medical, chemistry, mechanics, seamanship, aviation, astronomy, military, etc, etc. Then come philosophical, psychiatric and religious dictionaries if they can be found. Foreign language dictionaries Latin, Greek, French, etc are a must. An auditor doing word clearing can come up with some remarkable demands. Texts or dictionaries covering the subject given on the assessment list (Word Clearing Series 8RR) are a basic starter. I can see a word clearing auditor poking about in old mouldy bookshops and coming up with triumph—”Ah, look! Priceless. A slang dictionary on oil fields published in 1932! Priceless!” If you get too stopped and are in a major city, you could end the session and send the pc to the local library. But if so have him write the definition down. It is not recommended but can be done. The best solution is to have a good library covering the assessed subjects. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 397 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 61 THE THREE GOLDEN RULES OF THE C/S HANDLING AUDITORS There are three firm rules in handling auditors which make the difference between good auditors and poor auditors or even having auditors or no auditors at all. 1. NEVER FAIL TO FIND AND POINT OUT AN ACTUAL GOOF AND SEND THE AUDITOR TO CRAMMING. 2. NEVER INVALIDATE OR HARASS AN AUDITOR FOR A CORRECT ACTION OR WHEN NO TECHNICAL GOOF HAS OCCURRED. 3. ALWAYS RECOGNIZE AND ACKNOWLEDGE A TECHNICALLY PERFECT SESSION. By reversing these three things a C/S can wreck and blow every auditor in the place. By always doing these three things correctly the C/S winds up with splendid auditors. An auditor who knows he goofed and yet gets a well done doesn’t think the C/S is a good fellow. He holds the C/S in contempt and his auditing worsens. An auditor who didn’t goof and yet is told he did becomes bitter or hopeless and begins to hate the C/S. The test of a C/S in the auditor’s eyes is “Is he spot on?” meaning is the C/S accurate in giving the right program, the right C/S, spotting the goof and ordering Cramming, and being well enough trained to see and commend a well done. You never get Bad Indicators in an auditor or student when you state the truth. You only get Bad Indicators when your statement is not true. “PR” (Public Relations cheery falsehoods) has nothing to do with getting good indicators. Good indicators in auditors are made with TRUTH. “You goofed, go to Cramming, do TRs 101 to 104 until you cease to alter commands.” “Well done by Exams. Practice Handwriting so I don’t take so long reading your worksheets.” “This F/N VGIs at session end and the Bad Exam Report do not agree. Is there any way this report was falsified? Is there any goof you didn’t write down?” or 398 “Very well done” on a very well done totally ON Tech, ON Admin and Correct Auditor’s C/S session. Auditors work well even for a bad tempered C/S when that C/S is always “Spot on” with program, C/S, Auditor’s grade or censure of auditor and TO CRAMMING. Auditors like a businesslike accurate C/S. A “good fellow” C/S who “lets it slide” and says nothing becomes a very bad fellow indeed in auditors’ eyes. A C/S who doesn’t recognize and who invalidates good auditing is looked on as a suppressive even when it’s just ignorance. The Golden Rules of C/Sing are 1. Never fail to find and point out an actual goof and send the auditor to Cramming. 2. Never invalidate or harass an auditor for a correct action or when no technical goof has occurred. 3. Always recognize and acknowledge a technically perfect session. Only those C/Ses who follow these Golden Rules are truly loved by their auditors. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 399 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Interiorization Pack URGENT INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN It usually happens that an Interiorization Rundown (also known as Int-Ext RD for Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown) is— 1. Done when not necessary. 2. Is flubbed in R3R. 3. Is Overrun. UNNECESSARY The words “Went In” and “Go In” MUST be said to the pc and cleared on the meter. If there is needle action, one runs an Int RD as per the Int Rundown Pack. If there aren’t any reads one does NOT do an Int Rundown on the pc as it is unnecessary and classifies as “running an unreading item”. When this test is omitted you get an unnecessary Int RD being done on a pc. This will eventually have to be repaired. FLUBBED R3R When the auditor does not do flubless auditing errors occur in the auditing itself. These will hang up an Int RD. OVERRUN It usually happens that an Int RD is overrun. It goes flat on Secondary F2, let us say. The auditor keeps on going past the win. This will hang up the Rundown. One of the ways an overrun occurs is the pc goes exterior during it. Yet the auditor keeps on. Another way is pc has a big cog, big win. Auditor keeps going on with the RD. REASON FOR ERRORS The Int RD is not understood as a REMEDY. It is not something you do on all pcs. Pc goes Exterior in auditing. Later his TA goes high. Then you do an Int RD. You test Int for read as above. If it BDs you do an Int RD. You just don’t do one because a pc goes exterior. 400 One reason unnecessary Int RDs get done is that the Registrar sells one. That makes the Reg a C/S. So the C/S and auditor run it. Maybe it wasn’t needed. So if it wasn’t needed it will eventually have to be repaired. HEADACHES Headaches are a symptom (not every headache is) of a needed or an incorrect Int RD. CORRECTION DRILL The following is the Correction Drill for an Int RD. Ninety percent of the pcs run on Int need it. REQUIREMENTS An auditor before being allowed to go near a pc Int RD Correction must have: 1. Word Clear 2 the Int RD Pack. 2. Must have good TRs. 3. Must be good with a meter. 4. Must know and use the Auditor’s Code. 5. MUST DO THIS DRILL ON A DOLL UNTIL HE IS FLAWLESS. Then he can be trusted to do an Int RD Correction. This is the drill (written by a Class XII Auditor for use on Flag): Drill-Int Ext Repair No.1 FAILED INT/EXT RD REPAIR DATE TO BLOW—LOCATE TO BLOW 1. By C/S or prepared list read, Int appears overrun. 2. Auditor: “We’re going to take a look at the subject of going into things and your Int RD.” 3. Auditor: “What was the first time in your auditing that you were willing to go into things?” 4. Auditor establishes by pc answer to above and any further 2wc if (a) a flat point exists in or as a result of auditing (or training), (b) the pc feels the Int RD is unflat, (c) the pc has misunderstoods on the RD, or (d) the pc never had any trouble with going in and out of things or being audited after Exterior. The pc and auditor are satisfied with what they establish above. 5. If (a) flat point, auditor establishes what the point was. If (b) unflat, the auditor does an L3B “On your Int RD”. If it does turn out on the L3B that the Int RD was overrun or unnecessary, the auditor proceeds per this drill. If (c) misunderstoods, the auditor clears them up with the pc and then finds out if it was overrun, unflat or unnecessary and handles per this drill. If (d) unnecessary, the auditor indicates it was an unnecessary action and gets an F/N. 401 6. The Int RD was overrun and the flat point has been established per Step 5. The auditor tells the pc, “We’re going to date that point in years, months, etc, ago until something blows off—some mass or energy, etc. I want you to tell me as soon as that happens. Alright?” 7. If the pc is confused about “blow” the auditor can do a demo by putting his hand on the pc’s arm and taking it away suddenly. 8. When the pc understands what’s expected of him, the auditor establishes the order of magnitude by asking the pc, “Was it years or months ago?” 9. The auditor gets the years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and fractions of seconds ago to a point when something blows and F/Ns. If the pc gives up on this only then does the auditor meter date the flat point to a blow-F/N. 10. If a big BD occurs and the auditor suspects a blow but the pc will not originate it, the auditor can ask the pc if it blew. 11. If no blow occurs the auditor verifies each part of the date and corrects where necessary to a blow-F/N. If still no blow-F/N the auditor then checks for an earlier flat point. If there is one, the auditor dates that point to a blow-F/N. If still no blow-F/N the auditor does an L3B “On your Int RD” and handles fully. 12. When the date has gone to a blow-F/N and the F/N has been indicated the auditor tells the pc, “Now we’re going to spot the exact location where that flat point occurred, until something blows off. I want you to tell me when that happens. Alright?” The auditor is getting the pt phys. univ. location. 13. The auditor clears the words stars, planet, galaxy, location, point, if this is the first time Date Locate is being done on the pc. 14. When the pc understands what’s expected of him the auditor begins the Locate Steps. 15. The auditor says, “Point to that location.” The pc points with his finger until he is satisfied he has the exact direction. Then the auditor goes down the rest of the steps to a blow-F/N. Distance? Exact? What Galaxy? What Star? What Planet? What Country? What City? What Street? What House? Position on Street? What room? Distance from front of house? Where in the room? How far from each wall? How far off the floor? How far from the ceiling? 16. If, while locating, the pc starts running the incident or gives too much “scene” the auditor has the pc point again then continues from where he left off on the Locate Steps. 402 17. If at some point on these steps the location turns out to be in the middle of the ocean or in a field, etc, the auditor uses available landmarks or reference points to get the location (i.e., distance from nearest point of land? or distance from the big rock?) down to a blow-F/N. 18. If no blow-F/N, the auditor verifies each part of the Locate Step and corrects any necessary to a blow-F/N. 19. If the auditor suspects a blow but the pc doesn’t originate it, the auditor asks, “Did something blow?” If the auditor suspects he’s gone past a blow he can check “Did it blow previously?” If so and no F/N the auditor rehabs by asking the pc how long ago that happened and gets the F/N. 20. If no blow after verifying the location, or after checking for an earlier location blow, the auditor then has to do an L3B “On your Int RD” and handle fully. ________ NOTE: A blow is a definite manifestation and the pc must say “something blew” or “it disappeared” or “it’s gone” or “it vanished”, not “I feel lighter”. This is a highly precise action to be done smoothly with good TRs. Its results are phenomenal. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt jh Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 403 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo PR Hats HCO BULLETIN OF 25 SEPTEMBER 1971RA D of P Hats REVISED 4 APRIL 1974 TONE SCALE IN FULL TONE SCALE EXPANDED KNOW TO MYSTERY SCALE SERENITY OF BEINGNESS 40.0 KNOW POSTULATES 30.0 NOT KNOW GAMES 22.0 KNOW ABOUT ACTION 20.0 LOOK EXHILARATION 8.0 PLUS EMOTION AESTHETIC 6.0 ENTHUSIASM 4.0 CHEERFULNESS 3.5 STRONG INTEREST 3.3 CONSERVATISM 3.0 MILD INTEREST 2.9 CONTENTED 2.8 DISINTERESTED 2.6 BOREDOM 2.5 MONOTONY 2.4 ANTAGONISM 2.0 MINUS EMOTION HOSTILITY 1.9 PAIN 1.8 ANGER 1.5 HATE 1.4 RESENTMENT 1.3 NO SYMPATHY 1.2 UNEXPRESSED RESENTMENT 1.15 COVERT HOSTILITY 1.1 ANXIETY 1.02 FEAR 1.0 DESPAIR .98 TERROR .96 NUMB .94 SYMPATHY . 9 PROPITIATION—(HIGHER TONED—SELECTIVELY GIVES) . 8 GRIEF . 5 MAKING AMENDS—(PROPITIATION—CAN’T W/H ANYTHING) .375 UNDESERVING . 3 SELF-ABASEMENT . 2 VICTIM . 1 HOPELESS .07 APATHY .05 USELESS .03 DYING .0 1 BODY DEATH 0.0 FAILURE 0.0 PITY -0.1 SHAME—(BEING OTHER BODIES) -0.2 ACCOUNTABLE -0.7 BLAME—(PUNISHING OTHER BODIES) -1.0 REGRET—(RESPONSIBILITY AS BLAME) -1.3 CONTROLLING BODIES -1.5 EFFORT PROTECTING BODIES -2.2 OWNING BODIES -3.0 THINK APPROVAL FROM BODIES -3.5 NEEDING BODIES 4.0 SYMBOLS WORSHIPPING BODIES -5.0 EAT SACRIFICE -6.0 SEX HIDING -8.0 MYSTERY BEING OBJECTS -10.0 WAIT BEING NOTHING -20.0 UNCONSCIOUS CAN’T HIDE 30 0 TOTAL FAILURE -40.0 UNKNOWABLE LRH:ams.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971,1974 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 404 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo (corrected and reissued) C/S Series 62 KNOW BEFORE YOU GO A C/S may and should know exactly what is wrong with a case. When he “knows” by hunches or intuition and does not bother to confirm or make a wider effort, he can miss the case entirely. Example: C/S says to himself—I know what’s wrong with Joe. His wife. So I’ll C/S “O/W on your wife”. Some of the time the C/S will be right. This gives him a win and confirms him in sloppy C/Sing. He does not bother to know before he C/Ses. A C/S who gets a low percentage of cracked cases and a low percent of F/N VGIs at Examiner usually fails to “know before he goes”. He just goes, which is to say he just writes programs and C/Ses without finding out enough about the case. A skilled C/S may very well be able to figure out exactly what’s wrong with the case. That’s his job. But how does he find out anything about the case at all? The answer is very simple. So simple it gets missed. THE C/S GETS DATA ON THE CASE. How does he do this? The broadest, most used answer to how to know is prepared lists. These have all sorts of questions on them that read or don’t read. There are lots of these lists beginning with the famous PC Assessment Form. There are all sorts of lists. An end product of any list is DATA ON THE PC ONE USES TO PROGRAM AND C/S THE CASE. The next answer to how to get data is lists prepared by the C/S himself and which are assessed by the Auditor. Another answer is 2-way comm on questions written by the C/S. “What do you consider hasn’t been handled on your case?” is a jewel which gives you the hidden standard to List and Null and run Who or what would have to BD F/N Item and O/W on the item found. But there are dozens more. “How do you feel about your family?” “R Factor: The C/S is concerned about your saying your case sags after wins in auditing. Could you tell me exactly what happens and what your history has been on this?” There is no limit to such questions. And, if taken from what the pc says to Examiner or from auditors’ comments on Worksheets, they will usually F/N. But mainly they give data. When regular actions fail, there is always the D of P. “D of P to Interview Richard Roe and find out what he’s trying to do in session. Also how he looks, mannerisms, etc.” Data, Data, Data. Now you have a picture of this case. 405 COMBINED ACTION Usually, by prepared lists issued or from C/S prepared lists, the C/S finds and gets handled by the auditor in the same session much of what is wrong. This combines finding out with handling. Any prepared list carried to F/N on each read (Method 3) or the indicated action done will give case gain. Maybe it’s all the case gain one could ask for. But such reads even if F/Ned and the text in the Worksheet give the C/S new data about this case. BROAD SHOOTING Even if he now KNOWS, the C/S does not narrowly shoot at one target. He gives alternatives as well in his C/S. Example: C/S knows pc is concerned about F/Ns. He does not necessarily just write “Prepcheck F/Ns”. Instead the C/S writes “Assess Auditors, Auditing, Dianetics, Scientology, F/Ns, Processing, false reads. Prepcheck each reading item, taking largest read first.” This gives a broader band, more chance of hitting the button needed. There are many ways to do this. Example: You “know” it is a misdefined word. You don’t C/S “Find the misdefined word”. You write, “Assess Method 3 and Handle the Word Clearing Correction List”. For you see, the session might also have been run over an out rud. EVALUATION To abruptly C/S everything the pc has just said is a Q and A. But worse, it can lead to evaluation. LITTLE FLAGS Pc Remarks are like little Flags that may signal a much deeper deposit of aberration. Only the little flag shows. “I don’t like women,” can uncover a whole background. “I keep getting this pain in my side” opens the door to a whole chain of operations and one to be done next week! But by the broad rule, the C/S doesn’t dive at it. He says “Pc has pain in side. I . C/S 54.” Not “List the somatics in his side”. But a whole coverage of accidents, illnesses. One will also have a side pain as a result. “Appendicitis Operation” is enough to give anyone a pain in the side if never audited out! TAGGING CASES A C/S who sees a case is thick foldered and not well tags the case “Resistive”. There are 7 resistive cases listed in the Class VIII material. For this the C/S has “GF40 Expanded Method 3” and then handles the lists and engrams indicated in it in his next C/S. If this doesn’t handle, the case is in an out Ethics situation that should be looked into. The C/S mentally tags the easy ones and the tough ones. The tough ones he plays on the Resistive Cases side. The C/S can also find an auditor considers a fast case a bad case when it is just a fast case. 406 PRIMARY RECORD The primary record is the pc’s folder. When the case does not run well it can be assumed that the case is (a) Resistive (b) Errors have been made in auditing. These two assumptions are valid in all cases which do not easily resolve. They are both valid because the case, being resistive, was running poorly, was hard to audit and C/S earlier. From the folder, from prepared lists, from C/S’s own additions to prepared lists, from C/S’s own prepared lists, from 2wc on questions and from D of P Interviews one can get ENOUGH DATA TO INTELLIGENTLY PROGRAM AND C/S A CASE. All this may seem very obvious. BUT, in word clearing the most Common C/S error has been to fail to order a Word Clearing Correction List done. Instead one reads, “Correct the last word found”. This misses that the whole thing may be being done over a withhold or ARC Break. It might be another word entirely. So a C/S who does this risks the wrong target. He is not C/Sing broadly enough. Also one sees a repair or life program consisting of two or three special processes and without any lists at all. One also sees a program which seeks to handle several things the C/S “knew” were wrong followed by “8. C/S 53, 9. GF 40X, 10. C/S 54.” Having gone, this program then seeks to find out. It’s quite backwards. Thus the C/S who goes before he knows is going to have an awful lot of no F/Ns at the Examiner. The watchword is KNOW BEFORE YOU GO. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 407 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Issue VI HQS Course Amended & Reissued 19 April 1974 HQS Course (Only change is in signature & Supers commands of CCH 7.) CCHs 5,6 & 7 (Taken verbatim from HCO B 11 June 1957 for use on the HQS Course.) NUMBER: CCH 5 NAME: Location by Contact. COMMANDS: “Touch that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” POSITION: Auditor and preclear may be seated where the preclear is very unable, in which case they are seated at a table which has a number of objects scattered on its surface. Or auditor and preclear may be ambulant, with the auditor in manual contact with the preclear as is necessary to face him toward and guide him to the indicated object. PURPOSE: The purpose of the process is to give the preclear orientation and havingness and to improve his perception. TRAINING STRESS: Training stress is upon gentleness, ARC and the raising of the preclear’s certainty that he has touched the indicated object. It should be noticed that this can be run on blind people. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard from Locational Processing in 1957. _________ NUMBER: CCH 6 NAME: Body-Room Contact. COMMANDS: “Touch your (body part).” “Thank you.” “Touch that (indicated room object).” “Thank you.” POSITION: Auditor and preclear move about together as needed, the auditor enforcing the commands by manual contact using the preclear’s hands to touch objects and touch body parts. PURPOSE: To establish the orientation and increase the havingness of the preclear and to give him in particular a reality on his own body. TRAINING STRESS: Training stress is upon using only those body parts which are not embarrassing to the preclear as it will be found that the preclear ordinarily has very little reality on various parts of his body. Impossible commands should not be given to the preclear in any case. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in 1957 in Washington, D.C., as a lower step than Body-Room Show Me. 408 NUMBER: CCH 7 NAME: Contact by Duplication. COMMANDS: “Touch that table.” “Thank you.” “Touch your (body part).” “Thank you.” “Touch that table.” “Thank you.” “Touch your (same body part).” “Thank you.” “Touch that table.” “Thank you.” “Touch your (same body part).” “Thank you,” etc, in that order. POSITION: Auditor may be seated. Preclear should be walking. Usually auditor standing by to manually enforce the commands. PURPOSE: Process is used to heighten perception, orient the preclear and raise the preclear’s havingness. Control of attention as in all these “contact” processes naturally takes the attention units out of the bank which itself has been controlling the preclear’s attention. TRAINING STRESS: Training stress is on precision of command and motion, with each command in its unit of time, all commands perfectly duplicated. Preclear to continue to run process even though he dopes off. Good ARC with the preclear, not picking one body part which is aberrated at first but flattening some non-aberrated body part before aberrated body part is tackled. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in 1957 in Washington, D.C., as a lower level process than Opening Procedure by Duplication, or Show Me by Duplication. All contact processes have been developed out of the Pre-Logics. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:pe.ntm.rd Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 409 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 OCTOBER 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 63 C/SING FOR NEW AUDITORS OR VETERANS There is a considerable difference between C/Sing for internes and new auditors and C/Sing for veterans. This shows up mainly in C/Sing prepared lists. For an interne or new auditor or one who is not very experienced or expert, the rule is that a C/S gives as little thinking to do as possible in the session. It is enough for such an auditor to do the actions. It is too much to also ask him to use judgment or work something out while auditing. A veteran on the other hand knows the tools so well that he can also figure out what to do. Example: C/S for non-veteran: 1. Assess GF Method 5 and return to C/S. C/S for a veteran: 1. Assess GF Method 5 and Handle. It is quite a trick to assess a whole list, then take the biggest reads and handle. It is quite beyond an auditor who is still worrying about his TRs or how you run a meter. In an effort to speed up lines or escape work, a C/S can err badly in this. It becomes mysterious why Word Clearing Correction List ceases to work, why F/Ns are few at the Examiner. Giving an inexperienced auditor the responsibility for assessing a list and also handling it is in fact asking him to audit and to a faint degree C/S in the chair. It is quite beyond a green auditor. Given that he knows his Tech, most of a C/S’s troubles come from (a) Asking green auditors to follow C/Ses for which they have not studied the HCO Bs or on which they have not been crammed, (b) C/Sing for green auditors to decide something in session or combine actions such as assessing and handling without a new C/S in between, (c) Not sending the auditor (green or veteran) to Cramming for every goof, (d) Having no Cramming. It takes a while to make an auditor. 410 The C/S is responsible for all actions in the session. He has only himself to blame if he is asking someone to C/S for him in the chair. It is easier to plan out and write up the needed GF actions (or any other list) from the Method 5 reads than it is to correct a messed-up handling. It does not save any time at all but more than likely makes new problems for the C/S. It is very easy to have even a green auditor assess some prepared list. One can even now say, “Take the list just assessed and do 2wc on each item I have marked. Carry each E/S to an F/N before leaving it.” The C/S simply puts a dash ahead of each item that read in the assessment. The C/S can also number the items in different order than the list (because of better programming or bigger reads) and have each one handled to F/N. An L3B can be ordered “Method 5” and then the C/S can get it back and precisely order what’s to be done with its reads. And in what sequence. This is true of any prepared list. The only small hitch is that a C/S has to be there and available so as not to stall the session. Even so, in the long run it is faster because less mistakes are made. Assess— send to C/S—handle. Instead of “Assess and Handle”. This even applies to a C/S 53 or C/S 54 or White Form or GF 40X. Any prepared list. Perhaps this will greatly improve your F/N VGI ratio. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 411 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 OCTOBER 1971 Remimeo Qual Hats Tech Estab C/S Series 64 Officers F/Ning AUDITORS Students who study well are said to be F/Ning students. An auditor who is auditing well could be said to be F/Ning the whole time. When an auditor goofs or is having a rough time because of his own TRs and misunderstood words and lack of data, he is not F/Ning. A C/S who lets an auditor struggle along without insisting on a Cramming being in existence and without sending an auditor to Cramming on each goof is actually condemning the auditor to a miserable time. When an auditor’s production is low and when he is making goofs, he is not an F/Ning auditor. This shows up heavily in the Exams of his pcs. These Exams will drop away from F/N VGIs. An auditor should be sent to Cramming when his production is low or he goofs in order to get his TRs, misunderstood words and lack of data remedied. Cramming should be carried out until he is F/N VGIs. EVERY AUDITOR LEAVING CRAMMING SHOULD GO THROUGH THE EXAMINER. The Exam report with TA and needle state and indicators should be done exactly like a pc report. Compliance reports on the Cramming cycle should have the Exam report attached so the C/S can see if the fault was remedied. If it was, then it will be F/N GIs. This also puts Cramming on its toes. An auditor, just crammed, who doesn’t F/N VGI should be hauled straight back into Cramming for the cycle is incomplete or invalidative or faulty in some way. Cramming Officers who win on auditors and students are F/Ning Cramming Officers. C/Ses who send auditors to a good Cramming for every goof will wind up as F/Ning C/Ses. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 412 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 OCTOBER 1971 Remimeo INTENSIVES ADDED POINTS SYSTEM FOR PCS (Reference LRH ED 153 Int, HCO PL 29 Aug 71, “Org Conditions”, HCO PL 28 Sept 71, “Selling and Delivering Auditing”, and LRH ED 145R Int.) An org selling one-week 12l/2 hour Intensives should use this point system. ALL POINTS GIVEN IN HCO B 30 Aug 71, Issue II, are valid. FOR EVERY PREPAID 12l/2 HOUR INTENSIVE DELIVERED IN ONE WEEK—5 POINTS. This is in addition to rundown points. What is achieved during the 1 wk 1 2l/2 hour Intensive is added. Example: 1 121/2 hour Intensive delivered in 1 wk 5 Included Progress Pgm with a success story 1 Included Life Repair with a success story 1 Completion Points = 7 Example: 2 12 1/2 hour Intensives one week each = 10 C/S Series 54 and Handling with a success story = 2 Completion Points = 12 Randomly scheduled 121/2 hrs of Auditing not given in one week but spread out or not delivered has no Intensive points beyond those given in HCO B 30 Aug 71, Issue II, “Pc Completions”. Penalties of 30 Aug 71 still apply regardless of the 12 1/2 hour Intensive but even if no F/N occurred in the whole Intensive 5 points would be gained if it were given in one week as well as the no F/N penalties. It pays best to give the pc everything the C/S can, in as many hours as possible. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 413 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 OCTOBER 1971 HQS Checksheet (HCO BULLETIN OF 11 MAY 1969 (Public Course) REVISED 12 OCTOBER 1969 HQS Supervisor Edited and Reissued for HQS Course) Checksheet FORCING A PC Forcing a pc to go on being audited when the pc is refusing or not wishing to go on upsets the pc and his case and will give the pc a heavy loss. There is no excuse for it. It invalidates the pc’s cause. The correct action is to either find out why he doesn’t want to go on or send the pc to a Scientology Review. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 414 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 OCTOBER 1971 REISSUED 21 SEPTEMBER 1974 (Only change is signature) Remimeo (Taken from HQS Booklet Sect I, edited from ABILITY 73, “Assists in Scientology”, by L. Ron Hubbard. Edited and reissued for use on the HQS Co-Audit.) ASSISTS IN SCIENTOLOGY DEFINITION: AN ASSIST: AN ACTION UNDERTAKEN BY A MINISTER TO ASSIST THE SPIRIT TO CONFRONT PHYSICAL DIFFICULTIES. An assist is not normally done in a formal session. The way the term has been used is a very simple activity to relieve an immediate troublesome difficulty. An assist is much more specifically and definitely anything which is done to alleviate a present-time discomfort. An assist could happen almost anywhere. At the beginning of a session, no matter how formally this session is constituted, you are running an assist. You have an auditing room. You have a preclear, and you are the auditor. You know all these things, but the preclear doesn’t. Don’t call it a formal session. Tell the preclear that it is an assist and that you are not intending anything very strenuous. In rendering an assist you should tell the preclear that “this is just an assist” to try and ease the pain in his hand a little, after which you are going to stop. The handling of an assist as an auditor is different than the handling of a formal session since the factor of control is notably slackened, sometimes almost completely missing. One of the factors in assists is that an assist has as a large part of its anatomy, “trying to help”. Just remember that you are only trying to help and don’t get your heart broken by the fact that the fellow’s broken spine doesn’t heal instantly. Another factor is that an assist is differentiated and defined as addressing the game someone knows he is playing. What techniques would comprise an assist? Anything that would help. And what are these? One of the easiest ones to render is Locational Processing. You tell the person, “Look at that chair. Look at that ceiling. Look at that floor. Look at that hand” (the auditor pointing to the objects), when he has an injured hand and the pain will diminish. This is a very easy assist. For example, a person has a bad shoulder. You touch his hand of the same arm and say, “Close your eyes and look at my fingers.’’ Make sure that he keeps his eyes closed. You then touch him on the elbow and say, “Look at my fingers.’’ Do this anywhere on his body. Just touch him and say, “Look at my fingers.” This is a communication process which eases his attention over from a concentration upon the injury to something else which is quite near the injury and thus doesn’t result in too much of a shock. It reduces havingness but it is positive and gets positive results. It can be done by an untrained person. You can teach this assist to anybody. You say, “If somebody has a bruise, injury, a burn, a cut, the way to handle this is to tell the person to close his eyes, and then you touch the area near and distant from the vicinity of the injured area, asking them, with their eyes closed, to look at your fingers. You contact them this way many times. They will experience sudden pains in the area, and you will discover that the ‘psychic trauma’ has been discharged.” 415 You will find that most people do not have any upset about physical contact. Most people think that this is the thing to do. Say you wanted to render an assist on somebody who had a very indefinite difficulty. That is the hardest one to render an assist on. The person has a pain but he cannot say where. He doesn’t know what has happened to him. He just feels bad. Use Locational Processing as such. You will find out that this process will work when other processes fail. An assist carries with it a certain responsibility. If you give an assist casually to somebody out in the public and do not shove a calling card in his pocket, you are making an error. The reason for this is that he will not know from whom and where help came. An auditor goes through life and he casts his shadow upon many people and they have really no cognizance of what has happened at all if he is rendering an assist. He says, “Do this, do that”—maybe he wins, or maybe he loses because this is the type of session least calculated to procure orderly results. But in the main these people have been helped. They don’t know really by what, except some word that the auditor kept saying. They don’t even know that he is an auditor. They don’t know anything about it at all. Show a person where he can obtain further assistance, and by whom the assistance was given. Be yourself. Be positive. Be professional and definite. Have a calling card and make sure the card is easily enough understood. Don’t ask them for permission. Just do it. No reason to wander around and give them funny notions. If you are going to help some stranger out, help him out. Don’t explain to him or any bystander, otherwise you are likely to stand there explaining, waiting for somebody’s permission. Don’t bother with that. You act as though you are the one in charge and you will be in charge. And this is part and parcel of the knowledge of how to do an assist. You have got to be the person in charge. This has to be so good, as far as you are concerned, that you overcome the informality of the session to a very marked degree. If you do it extremely well, the assist will amount to auditing. Say, for example, there is a big accident and a crowd of people are pressing around. The police are trying to push the people back. Well, push the people back and then push the policeman back. Say, “Officer, keep these people at a distance.” Then you lean over the victim and snap him back to rights. If you are enough THERE, everybody else will realize that you are the ONE that is THERE. Therefore, such things as panic, worry, wonder, upset, looking dreamily into the far distance, wondering what is wrong or what should be done, are no part of your make-up if you are rendering an assist. Cool, calm and collected should be the keynote of your attitude. Realize that to take control of any given situation it is only necessary to be there more than anybody else. There is no necromancy (magic; conjuration of the spirits of the dead in order to predict the future) involved. Just BE there. The others aren’t. And if you are there enough, then somebody else will pull himself out of it and go on living. Understand that an auditor when rendering an assist must make up with presence what he lacks in surroundings and agreements. It all comes under the heading of willingness to be there and willingness to control people. One of the ways of convincing people of beingness and of being there is to exercise control—positive, undeniable Tone 40 exercise of control. Start to control the situation with high enough ARC, enough presence and factuality—there won’t be anybody present that won’t step back and let you control the situation. You are entitled to it in the first place because of senior “know-how”. The control of body attention or thought comprises the majority of your knowledge. The majority in Scientology simply points in this direction. The observable thing is control of attention, objects and thoughts. When you have good confidence of being able to handle these, and when you positively know how to do these, then you can make sure that everybody else knows you can do this, and you make them realize this by doing it. You have all of these things available in rendering an assist. You might never think of a riot as being a situation which necessitated an assist, or an assist as applicable to a riot, but a riot is simply a psychosomatic momentary injury or traumatic condition on the third dynamic. Could you settle a riot? Well, if 416 you can settle a riot, you can certainly settle one person who is in a riot. The antithesis of any pain, disturbance or tumult is order. The thing which controls tumult is order; and, conversely, the thing which controls order is tumult. You need only bring order into a confused situation and bring confusion into an orderly situation to control everything in the field of motion, action and objects. This is a fantastic simplicity and one which takes some grasping. Conceive as order, merely a fixed position, idea and attitude. A policeman knows what he is supposed to do. Maybe he will put on a tourniquet or maybe he won’t. Keep the people away and stop everything is his idea of how it should be. Now you can aid or abet the order he is creating, or cancel the order by creating a confusion which he cannot handle. Of the two, the first is the best in that situation. You aid and abet and cap the order he is creating. If you were to accuse him of having a confused accident scene, which is by now not at all confused, and ask him to straighten it out, you would channel his attention in the direction it is already gone, and so you control his attention. Remember, those people are still moving a little bit; they are still breathing. There is still a tiny bit of motion going on. If you were to ask him something on the order of “Can’t we have it a little quieter and more orderly here?”, he would at once perceive that there was far too much confusion and motion, and he would simply come under your direction because you have simply channeled his attention in the direction it was already going. Therefore, you have taken control. If you ever want to overset a fixed order, create a confusion. If you want to overset a confusion, create a fixed order. Pick out of the scene those beings in the scene whose attention is channeled in the direction you want attention to go, and you aid and abet that attention which already exists. Or, where you have too many fixed positions and fixed ideas to overcome, you simply take those turbulent individuals in the scene who are creating the confusion against those fixed ideas and channels and you make their confusion much more confused, at the same time yourself imposing another order in another direction. The mechanics of taking over any confused scene are simply the mechanics of trying to get a preclear to see through the morass of cross purposes, commands, ideas, and environments in which he has lived. And whether that applies to the third dynamic or otherwise, the laws are still there and it tells you then that the imposition of order on a preclear comes foremost in an assist. In an assist you always count on the fact that the thetan himself would, if he could, do the right thing. If you work on that postulate you will never be wrong. Get the idea that it is something else trying to do the wrong thing. The keynote of a thetan is order. Where you are giving an assist to one person, you put things in the environment into an orderly state as the first step, unless you are trying to stop a pumping artery—but here you would use First Aid. You should understand that First Aid always precedes an assist. You should look the situation over from the standpoint of how much First Aid is required. Maybe you will find somebody with a temperature of 106 degrees. It may very well be that he needs to lie down and be covered up, and though antibiotics are much overrated, he might be better off with a shot of one of these than with an assist at that time. Auditing will not shut off a pumping artery, but a tourniquet will. If you are going into the zone of accidents, you are going to be in the vicinity of a great deal of destruction and chaos, and you are very foolish not to have your Red Cross First Aid Certificate. You may often have to find some method of controlling, handling and directing personnel who get in your way before you can render an assist. You might just as well realize that an assist requires that you control the entire environment and personnel associated with the assist if necessary. An assist is auditing on several dynamics. It is, therefore, much harder to do than auditing in a formal room as it requires presence. You must bring yourself to face the fact that you have to give enough presence and enough control to enough dynamics to bring the environment into a compliance with your postulate. If you postulate that somebody 417 is going to pick up his bed and walk, then you have to be willing to move and be capable of moving around the people who are going to watch him pick up his bed and walk. A good example of an assist would be when somebody is washing dishes in the kitchen. There is a horrendous crash and the person comes down all over the sink, hits the floor and as she is going down, she grabs the butcher knife as it falls. You go in and say, “Well, let me fix that up.” One of the first things you would have to do is to wind some bandage around the hand to stop the bleeding. Part of the First Aid would be to pick up the dishes and put them back on the sink, sweep the pieces together into a more orderly semblance. This is the first symptom of control. She becomes introverted into the cut to the point that she wouldn’t particularly notice what you were doing. But you relieve the anxiety that all her blood is pouring out; your first attention to the case is attention to the environment. Next you would make her sit down. To remove her from the scene of the accident is not as desirable as auditing her there. That is directly contrary, perhaps, to what you believe, but it is true. That is why you bring a little order into the environment. You position her and then you are ready for techniques. It is quite remarkable for you have manifested order in a much wider sphere than a cut hand in order to bring about a healing of the cut hand. If you understand that your responsibility always extends much wider than the immediate zone of commotion, you never miss. If you bring order to the wider environment you also bring it to the narrower environment. If you bring it into the narrow environment, you also bring it to the wider environment. It is a gradient scale of how much order you can bring. In processing, you have to control or direct attention, objects, person, or thoughts of the injured person. If you are really good on the subject of assists, you will direct an additional thing: his knowingness. You can control a man’s knowingness rather easily, but it is hard to see it. About the first thing that you can observe about somebody is his person. You are trying to straighten it out. Don’t think even though you have this person sitting down that you have straightened it out, because it is still messed up. But there is something that you can straighten out easily—and that is his attention. If you could heighten his attention and his knowingness at the same time, you would really be in wonderful circumstances. You always shift and direct his attention, hence Locational Processing. Because he is injured you are not going to move his person around. You have got his attention. Don’t try to shift his thoughts around at first because they are dispersed and chaotic. This leaves you his attention only. If someone is in terrible condition and he is really writhing around, and you want to render an assist, you don’t wait until he stops writhing. He is liable to stop writhing dead. What you do with him is to direct his attention. You tell him to “Shut your eyes and look at my fingers. “ You press your fingers hard enough so that he can’t help but put his attention on them. In this wise you can always have a successful assist, because assists all come under the heading of control. The beingness of the person and his presence makes the control possible. So part of control is always presence, identity, person, the one who takes charge and has things under control. When you are able to control his attention, his body and thoughts, then he will be in session and you are no longer doing an assist. Assists dominantly require that you direct the attention of the preclear and dispose his person one way or the other and eventually take over control of his thoughts on the subject. But by the time you have all these three in line, you are no longer doing an assist. So what you really do is do an assist up to the time the person can handle the incident or pain, put him in a more favorable environment and give him auditing. So the assist is what you do on the street, and auditing is what you do in the auditing room when he comes to you after your assist has been successful. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt jh Copyright © 1958,1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 418 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 MAY 1971R REVISED 21 OCTOBER 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 39R STANDARD 121 / 2 HOUR INTENSIVE PROGRAMS The sale of 121/2 hour Intensives modifies earlier versions of Advance Programs (Grade Chart) since a C/S now needs everything he can get a pc audited on. It is not now a question of selling the public anything with a name. You just sell 121/2 hour Intensives. The C/S decides what to run and runs all he can as lengthily as he can. Refunds come from not enough auditing. Gains come from auditing in large blocks of hours such as 1 to 6 121/2 hr Intensives, always delivered at 121/2 hrs per week or weekend. SAMPLE PROGRESS PROGRAM Repair Program. (Can include GF.) Life Repair C/S Series 53 (Int Repair or Int RD wherever indicated and if reading.) GF 40X Revised Method 3 Dianetic C/S I Engram Handling of, R3R Triple GF 40X Revised. ADVANCE PROGRAM C/S 54 (omit running things already run in GF 40X) Dianetics R3R Triple to Completion (Any Ruds or repair needed during Dianetic actions. ) ARC St Wire Triple Grade Zero Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don’t have the Triple processes in) Grade I Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don’t have the Triple processes in) Grade II Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don’t have the Triple processes in) Grade III Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don’t have the Triple processes in) Grade IV Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don’t have the Triple processes in) (Any repairs above at any place during above, using GF, etc.) Power Set-up: Life Ruds and G Form Power Triple Va R6EW 419 Clearing Course OT I OT II OT III to attest OT VII OT III Expanded to attest L-10 (when released) OT IV OT V OT VI Rehab OT VII Any higher OT grade. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 OCTOBER 1971 REISSUED 19 SEPTEMBER 1974 (Only change is signature) Remimeo EXTERIORIZATION Exteriorization is defined as the act of moving out of the body with or without full perception. It is the fact of this act which proves that the individual is not a body but an individual. This discovery in 1952 proved beyond any question the existence of a thetan, that the individual was a thetan, not a body, and disproved that man was an animal, and that he was a spiritual being timeless and deathless. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 420 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 OCTOBER 1971 Remimeo Add to E-Meter Books Checksheets FALSE TA Some pcs have a very difficult time in auditing due solely to can (electrode) outnesses. Some auditors have heavy losses because they do not realize the troubles that can come from electrodes and thus remedy them. TA USE The TA must be between 2 and 3 for a correct F/N. When the TA is reading falsely a pc can be butchered. Example: Auditor talking the TA down. It gets to “3.1” by his meter. So he gets the pc to talk a bit more to get the TA between 2 and 3 and F/N. The TA suddenly rises to 3.8. Pc and Auditor go desperate. What has happened is that the TA was a false read. It was really reading 2.9 and F/Ning but for reasons given below it read “3.1”. Thus the auditor overran the F/N and by keeping on invalidated the release, pulled the pc’s attention out of session and demanded more than the pc had to give. Example: Auditor 2 way communicating with pc to get the TA up from “1.8”. The TA suddenly sinks to 1.6, pc goes into apathy. What happened was a missed F/N. For reasons covered below the TA at 1.8 was false and was really at 2.1 and F/Ning. Example: Pc being asked for an earlier similar incident because TA is at “4.0”. Pc can’t get one, gets desperate, TA goes to 5.0. For reasons given below the TA was at 3.0 but was reading falsely at “4.0”. Some cases get upset at the very idea of F/N when these mistakes are made. More than one case has missed all his wins for a year because of a false TA. So it is very important to know how a false TA comes about and how to avoid it. A properly set up meter with cans (electrodes) fitted to a pc who is holding them properly IS AL WA YS CORRECT. However, totally false Tone Arm readings can exist and an auditor must know how these come about. TRIM A meter can be improperly trimmed (not set at 2.0 with the trim knob) and can give a false TA position. Further, when a meter is not left on a minute or two before trimming, it can drift in the session and give a slightly false TA. The trim can be quietly checked in mid-session by snapping out the jack where the cord goes into the box and putting the TA on 2, seeing if the needle is now on SET. If not, the trim knob can be moved to adjust it. The jack is quietly slipped back in. All without distracting the pc. 421 DISCHARGED A cadmium cell meter discharges very suddenly when it does go flat. In mid-session the meter can run out of battery. The TA will cease to act well and may go very false. The remedy is to keep a meter charged at least one hour for every 10 of auditing for 240 AC volt charging current, or 2 hours for every 10 of auditing on a 110 AC volt charging current. A meter lasts much longer than this in practice but the above is very safe. Before each session snap the knob over to TEST. The needle should hit hard on the right side of the face. It can even bounce. This guarantees lots of charge in the battery and no chance of a meter going flat in session. If the needle doesn’t snap to the right hard or if it doesn’t quite get there on TEST, then that meter will go flat in mid-session and give false TA and no reads or TA on hot subjects. ONE HAND ELECTRODE A single hand electrode with two terminals separated by a rubber works. BUT it always gives a falsely high TA. A Solo auditor who does not know this can get a release point and go half mad wondering why he is F/Ning at 4.0! The answer is to make a “single hand” electrode out of two small cans (about 33 inches by 21/8 inches or 91/2 cm by 51/2 cm) (or even smaller for a very small-handed pc). Glue a thin circle of foam rubber solidly to the bottom of one can so it reaches out slightly around the bottom. (Don’t glue it up the sides.) Put the alligator jaw clips one to each can. Now put the can bottoms together and hold them in one hand. Mark the TA (I)—meaning one hand (such as 3.75 (1) ). Now take the cans one in each hand and mark the TA (2)—meaning two hands (such as 3.0 Audit with them in one hand. Keep your worksheet with (1) marks (such as 3.5 (1) ). Check at start and middle and end by taking a can in each hand and putting down the 2 can read (such as 2.5 (2) ). It is too much trouble to totally change cans and the distraction can change the TA read. This two small can arrangement is not quite accurate. It gives a lower TA than big cans. But the difference is slight. It can scare you with a 1.9 when trim is 2.0 and real TA is 2.0. If this happens check with big cans. (As an added tip a solo auditor usually keeps the back of his hand on his leg while solo auditing. The small 71/2 volt current gives a tingle to the leg that is distracting when one’s hand is moist. Put a piece of foam rubber in a plastic sack. Lay the sack on the leg, put your hand on this pad. It insulates the area and is very comfortable.) MOIST HANDS When a pc’s hands sweat a lot you will get a low TA. Contrary to 19th Century superstition the meter does not work on sweat. Very sweaty hands as found on nervous persons give a false TA. It goes low. Many “low TA cases” are just sweaty hand cases. Paper handkerchiefs (Kleenex) are a standard item for an auditing room—for grief charges and burning eyes, etc. These should be available. If the TA is low, check if the pc’s hands are wet. If so, have him wipe them and get a new read. It is usually found that the 1.6 was really 2.0. Or the 1.6 was really 1.8 and the trim was 1.8 = 2.0. 422 Have the pc wipe hands, check and correct trim before you by-pass all a “low TA’s” F/Ns! TAs can go low. Invalidation of the pc, lousy TRs can drive one low. If so the TA comes back up on repair. But don’t brand a case a low TA case until you make sure his hands are dried and the meter trimmed. Also, very small cans or cans too small for the pc can give a slightly low reading. DRY HANDS Some pcs have extremely dry hands, usually from industrial chemicals such as chlorine in dishwater or skin scale. This can give a wildly high TA. The pc can be worried to death with high TA repairs when in fact he just doesn’t have contact with the electrode. Metal foot plates connected to the meter and the pc barefooted in session will usually handle. A quick test is have the pc put the cans under his armpits and you’ll see if it’s his calloused or chemically dried-out hands. ARTHRITIC HANDS A rare pc is so crippled with arthritis that he doesn’t make contact fully with the cans. This gives a high TA. Use foot plates or wide wrist straps and you’ll get a right read. SLACK GRIP Sometimes a rare pc lets his hands go slack on the cans, particularly if they are the wrong size cans, too big. This gives a mysterious “high TA”. It is false. The TA will come down only to 3.2 and F/N and of course an overrun then really gives a high TA. And the pc goes a bit frantic and begins to believe things don’t erase or release. Keep the pc’s hands in sight. Check the pc’s grip. Get smaller cans. CAN SIZE The most common fault is wrong can size. For a normal or large-handed pc the can size is about 4 7/8 inches by 2 5/8 inches or 121/2 cm by 7 cm. This can be altered as big as 41/2 inches by 3 inches diameter or 11 cm by 8 cm. This is Standard. This can is too large for people with small hands. These should use a can 33/4 inches by 2 1/8 inches or 9 cm by 5 cm diameter or thereabouts. A small child would be lost even with that can. So a small 35 mm film can could be used. This is 2 inches long by 1 3/16 inches diameter or 5 cm by 3 cm. This works but watch it as these cans are aluminum. They do work but test for true read with a slightly larger can and then trim to adjust for the aluminum if any different. Cans of course should be STEEL with a thin tin plating. Regular soup cans. Can size to match the pc avoids slack can grip or tiring the hands into going slack, giving the auditor 3.2 F/Ns and trouble. 423 COLD PC A pc who is too cold sometimes has a falsely high TA. Wrap him in a blanket or get a warmer auditing room. The auditing environment is the responsibility of the auditor. LATE AT NIGHT Between 2 and 3 AM or late at night a pc’s TA may be very high. The time depends on when he sleeps usually. This TA will be found normal in regular hours. RINGS Rings on the pc’s hands must always be removed. They don’t influence TA but they give a false Rockslam. FLOATING TA Many an auditor before now has gone a bit mad trying to handle a floating TA. They are not very common and are startling. What happens is the pc is so released the needle can’t be gotten onto the dial. The needle is swinging wider than the meter dial both ways from center and appears to lay first on one side then the other. The TA can’t be moved fast enough to keep the extreme floating needle on the dial. This gives a false TA of sorts as it can’t be read. Some auditors seeing it for the first time have even sent the pc out of the room so they could “adjust” the meter or get another one! Thus the very highest state of release can be invalidated as where is the TA? RUSTY CORRODED CANS You’d think soup was very expensive the way some auditors hold onto old cans. Corroded cans can falsify TA. Get new ones now and then. TIGHT SHOES And then there was the vain lady who wore shoes too small for her feet. She removed them every session. The session went well each time. Then she put on her agonizing shoes and went to the Examiner and the C/Ses and auditors all went mad trying to find out why every Exam had a high TA. Tight shoes. The E-Meter is accurate. It is a lovely instrument. You have to fit the pc to it. Good luck. LRH: nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright ©1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 424 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 OCTOBER 1971 Remimeo DRUG DRYING OUT It occasionally happens that someone is still on drugs when he or she requires drug processing. This sets up a very rough problem. DRUGS PREVENT ANY CASE GAIN. If the person is still on drugs, processing will have little effect. He will not cease to be a drug addict. The drugs trap him. When the world went druggie (about 1960), this problem of drying out became one of the first order. It was not just a problem to us. All pre-Scientology efforts failed—and had been failing for all Man’s history. But relatively small numbers had been involved. After 1960 the problem became planet-wide. Our first organization to handle this was Los Angeles. They made the person cease to take drugs for 6 weeks, then audited the drugs out. Most of these cases stayed stable and thereafter had case gain and were no longer condemned to an eternity of disability. However, some were unable to stop taking drugs. What is called WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS set in. These are the body and mental reactions to no longer taking drugs. They are ghastly. No torturer ever set up anything worse. The patient had this problem then: A. Stay on drugs and be trapped and suffering from here on out. B. Try to come off the drugs and be so agonizingly ill meanwhile that he couldn’t stand it. This was a dead if you do, dead if you don’t sort of problem. Medicine did not solve it adequately. Psychotherapy was impossible. Two approaches now exist to this withdrawal problem. 1. Light objective (look outward, take attention off body) processes ease the gradual withdrawal and make it possible. 2. Nutritionist experiments indicate that vitamins assist the withdrawal. Objective processes are covered elsewhere in this material. VITAMIN THERAPY According to world-renowned nutritionist Adelle Davis, vitamin therapy has had success in handling Withdrawal Symptoms. 425 Instead of just telling the person to break off drugs with all that suffering and danger of failure, the patient is given heavy doses of vitamins. The data is repeated here for information. DRUG BOMB ONE DOSE 1,000 mg of niacin amide (not nicotinic acid as it is severely toxic in such amounts). This for any mental disturbance. 500 milligrams of magnesium carbonate (to make the Vitamin C effective). 2,000 milligrams of Vitamin C. 25 milligrams of B6. 200 milligrams of B Complex. 100 milligrams of pantothenic acid. ADMINISTRATION The bomb is given four times a day, roughly every six hours. It is given in a mild preparation that furnishes intestinal flora such as yoghurt. GREAT CAUTION must be used to give the dose in such a way that the vitamins will not corrode the stomach. If this is neglected the patient can be given a false duodenal (upper intestine) ulcer and will be unable to continue the treatment. Druggies are usually in terrible physical condition anyway. Thus all the above would have to be in “enteric coated” capsules, meaning an intestinal shielding must be on the pills so they gradually dissolve and don’t hit the sensitive upper stomach hard enough to corrode it. Thus milk with powdered amino acids in it would have to be given to wash the pills down. In testing these recommendations stomach corrosion from the bomb was the main barrier noted. If the bomb is given without any cushion the patient can (a) feel too full after eating (b) have a stomach ache (c) have a burning sensation (d) the exterior of the stomach can get sore. These are all stomach ulcer symptoms. If such symptoms turn on, end off the vitamins. Aluminum hydroxide tablets chewed up and swallowed in milk each time the symptoms start will ease the stomach. Amino acids, intestinal flora and milk must then be given until the stomach gets better. Shots, with a needle, especially of Vitamin C can be too painful. Not the needle, that’s nothing; but the vitamin itself. Such medication is in a crude state of research, mainly because of the violent hostility earlier exerted against vitamin people by the American Medical Association and other reactionaries to anything beneficial or new. It is hoped that the stomach corrosion factor can be lessened by new preparations which do the same thing but less violently. I am not particularly advocating the use of the Drug Bomb but as a pioneer in this area of research I feel that any data of value on the subject of drug withdrawal should be widely published. 426 The difficulties and agonies of withdrawal are the primary failure point in trying to salvage a being from the insanity of drugs. SUMMARY People who have been on drugs do not make case gain until the drugs are handled in processing. Processing such as Dianetics is not effective when done on a person who is taking drugs. Withdrawal from drugs sometimes sets up a violent physical reaction too painful or depressing to be continued and the person goes back on drugs. Anyone on drugs or who has taken drugs is doomed as a being just like that. He or she will cave right on in and finish up in the ash can from here on out. Only processing by Dianetics and Scientology can handle the effects of drugs fully. No other technology, medical or biochemical, has ever helped—we have thousands of cases to prove this completely. The primary barrier to processing is getting the person off drugs and keeping him off until he can be fully audited. Then he will be very okay. Two means to do this are known—A. Light objective processes while “drying out” and B. Nutritional therapy. A and B can be combined. Neither A nor B will fully handle drugs. The person on vitamins if not processed will relapse. Vitamins are not drugs. They are nutrition. A person can be processed while on them. By close application of these principles the person can be salvaged. And having been salvaged can go on up to greater freedom and ability. He won’t make it otherwise by any other known technology. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 427 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 OCTOBER 1971 HQS Course Issue III AUDITOR FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND (Edited from HCOB 17 Oct 1962 for use on the HQS Course) If a pc says something and the auditor fails to understand what the pc said or meant, the correct response is: “I did not (hear you) (understand what was said) (get that last).” To do anything else is not only bad form, it can amount to a heavy ARC break. INVALIDATION To say “You did not speak loud enough_____” or any other use of “you” is an invalidation. The pc is also thrown out of session by having responsibility hung on him or her. The Auditor is responsible for the session. Therefore the auditor has to assume responsibility for all comm breakdowns in it. EVALUATION Far more serious than invalidation above, is the accidental evaluation which may occur when the auditor repeats what the pc said. NEVER repeat anything a pc says after him, no matter why. Repeating not only does not show the pc you heard but makes him feel you’re a circuit. The highest advance of 19th Century Psychology was a machine to drive people crazy. All it did was repeat after the person everything the person said. Children also do this to annoy. But that isn’t the main reason you do not repeat what the pc said after the pc. If you say it wrong the pc is thrown into heavy protest. The pc must correct the wrongness and hangs up right there. It may take an hour to dig the pc out of it. Further, don’t gesture to find out. To say, pointing, “You mean this item, then,” is not only an evaluation but a nearly hypnotic command, and the pc feels he must reject very strongly. Don’t tell the pc what the pc said and don’t gesture to find what the pc meant. Just get the pc to say it again or get the pc to point it out again. That’s the correct action. SUMMARY A very high percentage of ARC breaks occur because of a failure to understand the pc. Don’t prove you didn’t with gestures or erroneous repeats. Just audit, please. L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1962, 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 428 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 OCTOBER 1971 R REVISED 14 MAY 1974 Remimeo Auditors Class IV & Above C/Ses Int R/D INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST Checksheet REVISED PC DATE______________________ PC GRADE AUDITOR__________________ The purpose of this list is to correct an unflat, overrun or otherwise messed up Int R/D which now has the pc’s TA either high or low. The list is used: (a) When a repair list with the subject of INT-EXT on it reads, and the Int R/D has already been done or corrected and the TA is high or low. (b) When a bog occurs in the Int R/D itself. (c) If the pc is upset after the Int R/D, and/or TA has gone high or low. Assess this list once through noting reads (Method 5). Take all reads to F/N or get the reading item fully repaired to F/N. This list is laid out in the sequence the reads are to be handled. Suppress and False can be used as needed to take a question to F/N. Handle each read to F/N, do not go on to another question leaving one that has not F/N’ed. R-FACTOR. We are going to do an assessment concerning your Int R/D. (If pc does not understand this R-Factor clear up what the Int R/D was as he may not have recognized it.) 1. THE INT R/D WAS ALREADY FLAT. _________ Indicate it. Date/Locate. 2. THE INT R/D WAS OVERRUN. _________ Indicate it. D/L the flat point. 3. THE INT RUNDOWN WAS ALREADY FLAT AND NEED NOT HAVE BEEN RUN. _________ Indicate it. If no F/N, D/L it. 4. THE INT R/D CORRECTION LIST WAS OVERDONE. _________ Indicate it. If no F/N, D/L the point he felt his Int R/D was repaired. 5. THE INT R/D IS UNFLAT. _________ Find out what chain/flow is unflat, repair with an L3RD. Verify the remaining flows and chains. 429 6. SOME PART OF THE INT R/D WAS MISRUN. _________ Indicate it. Find out what, handle with an L3RD on any messed up chains/engrams. 7. ON THE INT R/D A CHAIN OR INCIDENT WAS LEFT UNFLAT. _________ Indicate it. Find out which one(s), handle with an L3RD. 8. YOU DIDN’T RUN GO IN. _________ Sort it out. Find out what he did run. Handle any confusions. If it is established that he didn’t run “Go In” and the R/D is not already flat or unnecessary, handle the remaining reads on the correction list. Then check “Go In” and “Went In” for read. If either read run the Int R/D properly. Do not run if “Go In” or “Went In” don’t read. 9. YOU CAN’T GET IN. _________ If so, L&N to BD F/N item “Who or what was afraid to go into things?” Then “What did (item found) do?” “What did (item found) withhold?” to F/N and a blow. 10. YOU WERE CONFUSED ABOUT SOMETHING. _________ Indicate it. Find out what. Sort it out fully. 11. A WORD WAS MISUNDERSTOOD. _________ Indicate it. Find out which one. Clear it to F/N. 12. YOU WERE THINKING OF LEAVING DURING INT. _________ Indicate it. 2wc E/Sim to F/N. 13. YOU WERE LEAVING A POST. _________ Indicate it. 2wc E/Sim to F/N. 14. YOU WERE TRYING TO GET A POST. _________ Indicate it. 2wc E/Sim to F/N. 15. ANYTHING TO DO WITH JAILS. _________ 2wc E/Sim to F/N. 16. ARE YOU WANTED ANYWHERE. _________ 2wc E/Sim to F/N. 17. YOU ARE AFRAID THAT IF YOU GET OUT YOU WILL CAUSE DAMAGE. _________ 2wc E/Sim to F/N. 18. LETTING YOU OUT WOULD BE AN OVERT. _________ 2wc E/Sim to F/N. 430 19. YOU FAILED TO GET OUT IN AN EARLIER RELIGION OR PRACTICE. _________ Indicate it. 2wc E/Sim to F/N. Note for C/S to handle earlier practices on pgm. 20. YOU HAD AN OUT LIST. _________ Indicate it. Find out what it is and handle with an L4BR. 21. THE R/D WAS DONE OVER AN ARC BRK PROBLEM, W/H, OVERT _________ Indicate and handle each reading one to F/N. 22. THE R/D WAS DONE OVER SOME OTHER BPC. _________ Indicate it. Find out what it is and handle to F/N. 23. THERE WERE AUDITOR ERRORS. _________ Indicate it. Sort it out and clean up BPC. Use L3RD if engram errors or L1C as necessary. 24. THERE WERE ERRORS ON ENGRAMS. _________ Indicate it. Handle with L3RD. 25. YOU ARE WORRIED BECAUSE INTERIORIZATION CONTINUES TO READ. _________ Indicate it. 2wc E/Sim to F/N. 26. YOU ARE CONCERNED BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE REVIEWED. _________ Indicate it. 2wc E/Sim to F/N. 27. YOU JUST MOVE BACK INTO THE BODY AND PUSH AGAINST IT. _________ Indicate it. 2wc on doing this E/Sim to F/N. 28. THERE IS SOMETHING ELSE WRONG. _________ Indicate it. Find out what it is and handle. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ntm.rd Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 431 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 OCTOBER 1971 Remimeo TRIPLE GRADES vs EXPANDED On 121/2 hour intensives, cease to run Triple Lower Grades. They are not true lower grades and pcs seldom make the factual EP. Advance Programs should contain Expanded Lower Grades, Triple. QUICKIE LOWER GRADES (also called “Triple Grades”) means one F/N for each of three flows or 3 F/Ns per grade. There are not just 3 F/Ns per grade. There are dozens of F/Ns. Also, do not rob Expanded Lower Grades of processes in order to do Repair Programs or “Special Intensives”. Follow the Grade Chart. If you need extra processes use The Book of Case Remedies and those Creation of Human Ability processes not used in standard rundowns. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright ©1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 432 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 NOVEMBER 1971 Remimeo Re-issued 6 November 1972 as Auditor Admin Series 15 C/S Series 66 AUDITOR’S WORKSHEETS A very fast way for a C/S to do himself in is to fail to insist on GOOD LEGIBLE HANDWRITING. When a C/S has auditors who can’t write well and rapidly, he gets misunderstood words when he tries to read the worksheets. One temporary solution is to make the auditor block print the word in red above each hard to read word. Some auditors go to an extreme of block printing the whole WIS. The more permanent solution is to have Auditors in Cramming practice writing WELL and CLEARLY no matter how slowly and then, maintaining the same clarity, speed it up. The auditor after many such practice sessions winds up writing clearly and fast. This can be increased until an auditor can write clearly as fast as people talk. The occasional headaches a C/S might get are not from the restim of the case he’s studying but are from the words on W/Ses he can’t make out. If a C/S does not insist on both block print clarification and auditor writing practice, he will wind up not reading worksheets and may even get foggy about certain cases. A remedy is to go back to the first folders not understood and get the words clarified and then keep this C/S Series HCO B IN. L. RON HUBBARD Founder PS: In the 19th Century secretaries wrote beautiful copperplate longhand faster than a man could talk. So don’t say it can’t be done. LRH:nt.kjm.rd Copyright © 1971, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 433 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 NOVEMBER 1971 R REVISED 21 SEPTEMBER 1974 Remimeo URGENT Word Clearing Series 25R Tape Course Series 6R TAPES, HOW TO USE (Reissued 23 November 1971 verbatim additionally as a Tape Course Series HCO B.) FOREWORD The most appalling ignorance has existed on the use of magnetic recording tapes. It is therefore of the greatest possible importance that the subject of tape use be grasped and gotten rapidly into effect. Probably half the technology of admin and tech exists only on tape. Tapes, incorrectly used, can be the source of endless misunderstoods. Because tapes have been almost uniformly misused in the past, these misunderstoods have added up to a general misunderstood on the subject of tapes themselves. Students have been known to copy down the whole tape so they could study it. This is a complete waste of time and misuse of student study hours. Some orgs even played advanced study tapes to the public. European orgs have even played translation quality tapes (usually not auditorium quality) of OEC Volumes as raw public lectures! (And lost their audience through lack of quality and inaudible and strange words.) Casual staff briefing tapes, not okay for release, of very bad quality, have been played to staffs of other orgs and the public. There is no end to the abuses. Therefore, for the benefit of understanding words alone, it is VITAL that tapes be properly used and not abused. TYPES OF TAPES There are four classes of tapes. These are: 1. Course study tapes. 2. Public lecture tapes. 3. Briefing tapes. 4. Model performance tapes. 434 COURSE STUDY TAPES Tapes made for courses are of two varieties: (a) English, usually by LRH. (b) Translations, done by translators. They are FOR COURSE USE. This is what the org sells—training on Tech or Admin. These tapes appear on checksheets and are done at the points of checksheets where they are called for, and are done by Method 2 for tapes or Method 3 for tapes as required. The foreign language tape courses are done from a special tape checksheet and are done exactly as laid down by Method 2 or Method 3. None of these tapes are all written out by the student and then studied. This is a waste of time. Further, such tapes are NOT played straight through with the student making notes of any misunderstood words “to look up later”. This will blank out the tape content on the student’s mind and knock out the student. So to play a course tape straight through to any student is to risk a stupidity and a blow. IT IS NOT DONE. It does not matter whether the student takes notes of misunderstoods or not. A COURSE TAPE IS NOT PLAYED STRAIGHT THROUGH. Only the earphone, footpedal start-stop control procedures are used. A course tape is NEVER PLAYED TO A GROUP OF STUDENTS. When played to more than one student, some student is going to get a misunderstood and there goes a blank student. Two students don’t even listen to a tape even on Method 2 Tape Word Clearing! One has the meter and footpedal and the other the earphones. The word clearer stops at each read. He does not otherwise listen. Course tape quality must be good. All the words must be hearable and not inaudible. They must not be slurred or hard to make out. The earphones and tape player used must be high fidelity just any old earphones won’t do. The tape player “playing head” across which the tape passes must be clean—done by a cotton swab on a toothpick and cleaning fluid. The tape coating comes off on the playing head and after a time the sound is badly blurred. Using a course tape any other way is now FORBIDDEN. Tests have shown that violations of this are the reason for student failures and blows and out-Ethics. It goes without saying that the general handling of tape players and tapes must be well learned and practiced by Course Supervisors and students. PUBLIC LECTURE TAPES The probable reason stats fall after tape congresses is the misunderstood word. Congresses seldom use really high fidelity equipment. Further, tape copying is often done by outside firms and the tape copies themselves may be of poor quality. The combination is deadly. 435 We looked for the reason for stat drops after tape congresses and this is the only explanation which has come forth. Doingness congresses that are mainly seminars have been very successful. (By doingness is meant TRs—training drills—and other ACTIONS.) The relay of data to a public whose vocabulary is usually inadequate is not likely to win, as it hits their faulty vocabulary for one thing and uses new words for another. You can show somebody how to do things far better than you can tell him. This then extends into Div 6 Introductory Actions as well. The relay of data comes AFTER the demonstration in action terms. The possibility of possible bad playing speakers, possible low tape copy quality, the barriers of languages not learned in the first place and the introduction of new mental concepts combine into a hurdle that makes tape or film public presentation adventurous. Listening to public type tapes, by using footpedal start-stop tape players, is being put in a special public course category. Raw public tape and film presentations are however a must to keep the flavor and meaning of Dianetics and Scientology. So ensure excellent quality tapes and equipment are used with correct tapes for that public and you will have success. BRIEFING TAPES These are not to be confused with Special Briefing Course Tapes. A briefing tape is done to brief or debrief missionaires or to record a conference or to record special instructions to a person or group. It can then be used for reference or to settle any dispute. It can also be used to inform a staff or several staffs. A briefing tape is then a tape designed for a special and informed audience. If the tape quality is good and the audience is already a familiar or trained audience, a briefing tape can be played ONLY TO THE AUDIENCE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. To do otherwise is to risk misunderstood words and non-comprehension of what it is all about in general. “Ron’s Journals” were staff briefing tapes. They began to be used for public. While they were not without success, one could no longer brief staffs on this line and the line was therefore cut. One could not make them with a security that they would be played to staffs. An isolated briefing to a single executive on “these are our future hopes” has been thereafter used as a staff briefing of many orgs as “these are your orders”. Any tape is designed for a specific public. Briefing tapes are especially subject to abuse by being played to wrong publics. Any briefing tape which contains specific orders and plans which could be misunderstood should be played only to the individuals concerned with a stop-start footpedal and Method 3 Word Clearing, not going past any misunderstood. After a person has been briefed verbally, it is very revelatory to then Word Clear 2 the tape made at the same time. It will often be found that misunderstood words lead to potential alter-is in the actions required. Tape in this instance is an enormous help in assisting and clarifying briefings. 436 A group can be briefed if thereafter each is Word Cleared Method 3 or 2 on the tape afterwards, using standard tape word clearing. Needless to say such tapes must be of good quality. MODEL PERFORMANCE TAPES Tapes exist which give a standard of performance. In Dianetic and Scientology Auditing student auditors have never been known to achieve a high standard of session presence and Communication (and accordingly high results) without the careful study of tapes made of similar sessions by high level auditors. A student musician is unlikely to achieve professional performance level unless he has heard a professional play. It would take a film or live demonstration to communicate a high standard of performance in a purely action subject. For instance for centuries no one believed that Robin Hood could split his first target arrow with a second until a new generation worked on it and a few painfully recovered the lost art of archery and then demonstrated how it was done for others to see. Tapes and films serve a vital purpose in maintaining a performance standard. As these tapes and films show HOW it is done and the ATMOSPHERE and RHYTHM of ACTION they are not subject to word clearing. CONCLUSION Tape and film training is vital, valuable and has its role. But like showing a child how to open a book and read, there is exact technology in USING tapes and films. The first thing one must realize is that the use of tape and film is itself a technical subject that must be studied and learned. One does not naturally know it. The failures of universities to make educated and civilized men is because their own professors know nothing of misunderstood words and so lectured happily on and on to a snoring student body. One professor of physics used to open the classroom windows wide in freezing winter “to keep his students from going to sleep in HIS class”. And then stood on the platform and defined nothing as he rambled on. All it did for his class was give them coughs between snores! The handling and use of tape and film in training and administration IS a subject. By failing to know it and use that information, one can block the road for himself and all others to being learned and being free. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt jh Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [ In the original issue, the paragraph in this type style on the previous page read, “Raw public tape and film presentations are now ruled out and action-demonstration presentations are being substituted.”] 437 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 NOVEMBER 1971 R Add to E-Meter (Revised 6 March 73. Only change is addition Books Studies of the word “cold”—first para.) Checksheets FALSE TA ADDITION (Refers and adds to HCO B 24 Oct 1971 “False TA”) COLD CANS Regardless of can size, cold E-Meter electrodes tend to give a much higher Tone Arm reading particularly on some pcs. Until the cans warm up, the reading is generally false and is false in the direction of high. A chilled pc almost always has a high TA until he or she gets warm. Just throwing a coat over the pc’s shoulders can bring down a TA in a cool room. But some pcs are “cool blooded” and the shock of ice-cold cans can drive the TA up and it takes a while to drift down. This has a great effect on Examinations where the cans are used very briefly. A practice which gets around this is for the auditor or examiner to hold the cans briefly until they are warm and then give them to the pc. A variation is for the auditor or examiner to put the cans under his armpits while setting up. This warms them. There are probably many other ways to warm up cans to body temperature. FOOTPLATES Tests show that footplates do not give exactly the same read as hand-held electrodes on pcs who have nothing wrong with their hands. This is probably due to body imbalances. Cans held under the armpits or under knees (not advised as there sometimes is a tiny electrical sting) give varied reads from hand-held cans. Where full weight rests on the footplates the read is also varied. To all practical purposes the differences can be neglected unless they give trouble in getting F/Ns. One should simply be alert in using footplates and find out the differences if new problems of false TA or no F/Ns develop and handle any such trouble when it occurs. A person used to going barefoot for instance would have foot calluses and would give a false footplate TA. PCS WHO FALSIFY Some pcs (rare) take mistaken pride in being able to push the TA up by straining or tensing. By just moving into the body the TA can be sent up by an otherwise exterior pc. Some pcs also take a road out by “getting an F/N at will”. They have various tricks that do this, the main one being to “think of something else” and get an F/N. Any of these (rare) pcs are manifesting out-of-sessionness. They aren’t in session. The definition of In session is “interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor”. Remedy that and they cease such tricks. Usually they aren’t being run on what they are interested in or have comm blocks or withholds or no confidence. They are easy to detect and easy to handle. LRH: nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971, 1973 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 438 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 NOVEMBER 1971 Remimeo (Revises HCO BULLETIN OF 20 AUGUST 1971 Div IV HGC Issue 1) Div V Dept 13 HAS SPECIALIST AUDITING PROGRAM (Revised) (Reference HCO PL 20 Aug 71, Issue I, “HAS TROUBLES”) (This Program has been revised to improve results and stability.) The HAS (HCO Area Secretary), any HCO Executive Secretary, HCO Cope Officer, HCO Org Officer, Tech Establishment Officer, any HAS Deputy OR any Executive or Divisional Head or staff member who shows a tendency to transfer or unstabilize staff members or who fails to hat others, must be processed especially in order to be totally stable on post. The HAS and Establishment Officers are peculiarly subject to efforts to unstabilize them. These require the Program to be done in any case whether stable or not. Executives or staff members who show signs of obsessive transfer of the staff or org are also greatly benefited. The HAS Specialist Rundown consists of processes which increase the ability to hold a position. THE RUNDOWN MAY ONLY BE DONE WHEN NO EXISTING AUDITING PROGRAM IS ONLY PARTIALLY DONE. COMPLETE THE EXISTING CYCLE FIRST. HAS SPECIALIST PGM Action 1. Do C/S Series 53 and handle. _________ Action 2. GF Method 5 Handle. _________ Action 3. TR COURSE to full EP. _________ Action 4. ADMIN TRs OR UPPER INDOC if ADMIN TRs _________ not available. Action 5. GF 40XR Method 3. _________ Action 6. C/S Series 54 and handle. (Includes GF 40 engrams.) _________ Action 7. CCHs. (Run or verify and rehab.) _________ Action 8. Hold It Still. (HCO B 23 July 71, Version B.) _________ (Run or verify and rehab.) Action 9. Start—Change—Stop (SCS) on an object. _________ (Run or verify and rehab. ) Action 10. Start—Change—Stop. (Run or verify and rehab.) _________ 439 Action 11. Op Pro By Dup (Book and Bottle). _________ (Run or verify and rehab. ) Action 12. Effort Processing. _________ Action 13. Rising Scale. _________ Action 14 . Verify Int RD, run if not run in No.1 or date to blow locate to blow if not done. _________ Action 15. Fly all ruds and overts recently. _________ Action 16. Program for further auditing in own org on Grade Chart. _________ _________ Caution: Do not repeat Processes already done on the pc. PACK: HCO B 20 Nov 71 (Revising HCO B 20 Aug 71, Issue ll, Checklist) is auditor’s checksheet for the above, giving all materials. It is done by Tr and Serv Aide. Packs can be locally assembled or procured from CLO A/CS-2. Most of these materials occur in Level I PABs SHSBC. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 440 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 NOVEMBER 1971 Issue II REISSUED 23 OCTOBER 1974 (Only change is signature) CenOCon Tape Course Series 1 COURSE TRANSLATION TO TAPE (HCO Policy Letter of 16 November 1970 Revised and Reissued as an HCO Bulletin. (Changes in this type style. ) Translating Dianetic, Scientology study materials into foreign languages is inexpensively and effectively done by using “sight” (instantaneous) translation of bulletins, policy letters and tapes onto tapes. The tape original is made, a copy master is made and thereafter copies can be run off for courses which can be attended by students, using only excellent tape copies and excellent reproduction equipment, and listened to with high fidelity earphones. Word Clearing Technology is used to prevent the student losing interest because of misunderstood words The tape players used must be equipped with a foot pedal start-stop control. The voice of the “sight” translator should be clear and the diction should be sharp and the tone should not be monotonous. A “sight” translator is one equally good in 2 languages who can hear one language and speak the translation into the other language without hesitation. (They are employed in the UN.) The material copied onto tapes can also be broken down into smaller reels for independent study. By taking exact notes of the “auditing commands” and important rules the student will have the texts he needs for later reference. The exact rundown of this is given: In translating the materials of a course from a textbook or materials in one language to another, the following steps are taken. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. A person fully competent in both the languages and their cultures is found and retained. 2. The materials to be translated are made available. 3. A tape recorder which can be started and stopped easily without leaving clicks on the tape is procured. (Not a dictation machine.) 4. An adequate supply of regular recording tape is made available. 5. Other materials such as paper and ball-points are made available. 6. A quiet place where interruptions and outside noises will not ruin the tapes is found and the person is set up there. 7. A person knowledgeable in the subject and the language in which the original is written is retained and assists the translator. 441 OPERATING TARGETS: 1. The translator (using Word Clearing Technology and a dictionary to clear up any misunderstoods) rapidly reads or goes through the materials to get a general grasp of the subject. 2. The technical assistant who knows the subject and the original language now goes through the materials with the translator. Every technical word or phrase or cultural idiom is underlined. 3. While underlining, the two persons decide on the correct translation of the technical word or phrase. 4. As these are decided, they are written down on note paper with a complete definition. 5. Each word, phrase and definition is translated into the language and written down on a separate sheet of paper. 6. The translated words, phrases and definitions will become a mimeographed glossary for the eventual student. 7. Each section and paragraph in the material is numbered. 8. With this glossary to hand, the translator now begins direct translation of the text onto tape. The number of the tape and its materials is given at the beginning of each tape used or new chapter begun. 9. The translator must be sure to read the materials in an interested voice and not let any hesitation or note of mystery creep in. The translator is actually lecturing and must sound so. 10. When the materials are complete, good production masters are copied off of the master tape. The master tape is set aside and not used further. 11. The production master is now cut into chapter lengths which are numbered the same as the book chapters. 12. Several sets of the Chapter Copies are now made and put in their boxes. Both tracks can be used. Even 4 tracks (not stereo) can be used. 13. The glossary in both the original language and the translated language is printed up along with course directions (which are described in another technical paper). The checksheet and course rules are also translated and printed in the local language. 14. The course is boxed in sets with the glossary and course directions. Following this system one can rapidly produce sets of materials without the delays always experienced in printing as well as with cost reduction. The tapes are listened to on individual tape players equipped with earphones and a foot pedal start-stop control so the student’s hands are free for taking notes and looking up words in the dictionary, etc.. Learning rate in an aural society is much higher than in a society accustomed to print. Even an illiterate person or a slow reader can be taught such a means. A dictionary in the translated language must also be available in a classroom. The quality of the translator’s voice and clear diction are highly desirable. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971,1974 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 442 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 NOVEMBER 1971 Issue I Remimeo (Translate into the IMPORTANT Various Languages) Staff Tape Course Series 2 Supervisors DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY IN OTHER LANGUAGES (HCO Policy Letter of 11 May 1971 Reissued as an HCO Bulletin) Tapes and book translations of Dianetics and Scientology are being made into other languages than English. It is necessary to know the MINIMUM materials an org in a non-English speaking country would need to function. It is not enough to have one book published. It creates a demand for services. The demand for service must be met. An HAS Course in the language is not enough since it is not income producing. Thus the org could not survive financially. It must survive financially to deliver the service. Even in a total socialism the service would have to be given. Giving service depends on an org having the means of training auditors who can audit well and establishing the organization. Then the org could audit preclears as well as train more auditors. If the auditors who are trained can audit well, they will produce excellent results and public repute will spread. An org must produce to survive. By production is meant training auditors who can audit, auditing pcs to a good result and making money, or in a total socialism, obtaining adequate support in ratio to production. If an org just teaches an HAS Course or tests people, it will not be able to survive for it will not be able to obtain enough funds or support. For this it is vital to train lots of auditors and audit lots of pcs. Without its staff knowing the basic data of organization, the org will have difficulties in giving service. The technology of administration is important. Thus we get the MINIMUM materials in the language vital to an org’s survival: PRINTED MATERIAL The book DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH printed with hard covers in the language is vital. When members of the public read it and take an HAS Course they want training or processing or both. This book placed in bookstores, advertised in magazines, and sold by Field Staff Members and the org itself not only reaches the public but also in hardcover form pays for its own distribution. As a paperback it does not pay for itself. 443 To this add testing materials printed in the language for intelligence and personality testing and their marking directions. RECORDED TAPES Recorded tapes and tape players in the org to play to individuals in classes is the easiest form in which to deliver data. From such tapes students may take notes. As time goes on the tapes will be transcribed and the material printed or mimeographed. (This is not to be done by the individual orgs.) It will be found however that tapes will always be necessary even when some is printed as the volume of data is very great. Students should not be permitted to print copies of their notes and sell them as time has shown that such notes are not accurate enough and spread errors that show up in training and auditing failures. In reviewing, a student must be sent back to the original, not to his notes, so he can correct his notes and get the data accurately. Nearly all no-results are traced to altered data or poor training of the student, which amounts to the same thing. The MINIMUM list of tapes is: 1. Mini Course Supervisor Hat 2. HAS Course 3. HDC Course 4. Academy Courses Levels 0 to IV 5. Original Thesis 6. Notes on the Lectures 7. Hat of a Scientologist 8. Staff Status I 9. Staff Status II 10. A Translated Org Bd __________ Given these bare essentials and teaching them well and using them will give an org sufficient survival to deliver results. If every bit of the above is known and used by a staff they will not have too much trouble. Set up and functioning and solvent, an org can then think about further materials. Class VI, a Class VII, a Class VIII and a Class IX Course materials on tape should exist in a Saint Hill org in the language of that country. For the org itself a Volume Zero of the OEC Course should exist on tape. 444 After that the full Course Supervisor’s Course should exist. Then further books such as Dianetics ‘55!, Science of Survival and The Creation of Human Ability should come out as tape and then in published hardcover form. The full OEC should now be acquired on tape. The full Study Tapes should be to hand. The org will now be ready to use all the FEBC series and the FEBC tapes. _________ The hardest idea for an org staff to get is the idea of production in terms of auditors trained who can audit, pcs audited to excellent results and money or support produced to keep the staff members and the org solvent. Because of this it is best for 2 or more bilingual executives to attain full FEBC training. However, with the above minimum materials fully studied and in use, an org can survive until it is ready to prosper. _________ Note, at this writing many are working hard to complete the listed materials. They are not yet available in all languages. There is only one other type of item needed by an org and that is the E-Meter. Supplies of these must be arranged for. A country running in very high volume will probably manufacture its own meters against an exact prototype under existing international patents. ON SOURCE It will be found in all countries where Dianetics and Scientology and orgs have been successful that a key part of the success was keeping the subject “on source”. The public at once distrusts persons or groups who alter the materials or “use some of them” or attribute them to others. This is quite factual and the public is right. All great and lasting successes have been made by orgs that were on source and whose materials were straight and correct and used that way. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 445 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 NOVEMBER 1971R Issue II REVISED 23 OCTOBER 1974 Remimeo Supervisors Cancels BTB 21 November 1971 RA (Revisions in this type style) Tape Course Series 3R TEACHING A TAPE COURSE (HCO Policy Letter of 6 December 1970, Issue II, Revised and Reissued as an HCOB. Changes in this type style.) The instruction of students by tape is done by individual tape playbacks equipped with earphones and a foot pedal start-stop control. It is imperative that the earphone quality be of the highest, and the tape copy have very good sound quality. Otherwise students go to sleep over misunderstood words. The individual tape player method is used because (a) it can handle a large or small number of students, (b) it works where there is a trickle of students starting at different times, (c) it works where students studying subjects different from each other are using the same classroom. I t takes more tape players and must be earphone equipped but it prevents students going past misunderstoods as can occur if they are all listening to a group tape play. The foot controlled start-stop pedal is necessary so the student can use his hands freely to take notes and look up words in the dictionary. It also enables the tape to be stopped instantly without the time lag it takes to reach for and push a finger button— thus going past the place where the stop is desired. RULES & DESCRIPTION Only the Glossary, course rules and checksheets, with course description are translated into the language being used for teaching and mimeographed or printed into small booklets. The description must include how to handle tape players and caution against machine or tape damage and inadvertent erasure of a tape. (To guard against actual erasure it is wisest to tape over the record button or preferably, to have the recording unit disengaged. Also, it is sometimes possible to buy, at cheaper prices, playback units only (tape machines in which the recording unit hasn’t been installed). They must however be of good quality. ENROLLMENT Enrollment is done no matter how informal the course is. A waiver of accident or damage holding the school not responsible, must be signed by the student and, if a minor, by his parents or guardian on any tape course. An enrollment invoice showing full course payment must be in the hands of the supervisor, giving the date of enrollment, home address and local address. 446 A roll book has every student’s name, address and the course enrolled in and date. This must not be omitted as it is the only permanent record and is often resorted to to prove contentions. FILES A student file system must exist. A folder with the student’s name on it and which will receive his completed checksheets, exam results, etc, must be made up at once. CHECKSHEET A checksheet for the course must exist, breaking the course down into small easily attained segments of Theory and Practical. It must be in the student’s language. It has blanks opposite each segment so that a student checkout can be initialed with date by the person checking him out. NOTEBOOKS A student is expected to keep a notebook from his tape listening. This should be neat and complete. The student never copies out the whole tape. He takes exact verbatim notes of any Process Commands or Lists and notes down also the important technical rules. A sample notebook should be provided. A student should leave frequent spaces so he can enter new notes on a second and third play of the materials. CHECKOUT Where only tapes exist and a checkout is required students check each other out from the actual tape, not from their notes. “Give me an example,” is the keynote of such a checkout. (a) What is the , (b) Give me an example. PRACTICAL Each area of the course has demonstration and practical drills. These drills must be written up and must match the basic personal skills required by the materials. CLAY TABLE Clay table training is a vital part of the Course curriculum. The materials must be available. And clay, not just modelling clay, can be used. Flat surfaces must be provided. The description of clay table training must be part of early checksheets in the school. 447 DEFINITIONS A student is drilled and does clay table on the glossary after he has been through the course once. CHECKSHEET SEQUENCE The student is required to go in sequence through the entire checksheet HCO PL of 31 August 1974, Issue ll, ‘‘Fast Flow Training Reinstated’’, applies to Translated Tape Courses. The checksheet is arranged double-spaced for Tape Counter Reading, date and initial in the first of the three columns. For example: ‘‘Tape Counter Reading Column Retread Retrain 1. Chapter III—The Goal of Man _______ ______ ______” COURSE COMPLETION See HCO PL 31 August 1974, Issue ll, “Fast Flow Training Reinstated” PROGRESS BOARD A student’s progress is posted on a “progress board”. SLOW STUDENTS Any student falling asleep or being very slow is handled with Word Clearing which is the subject of the Word Clearing Series Bulletins and later issues in these Tape Course Series Bulletins. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 448 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 NOVEMBER 1971 Issue II REISSUED 21 SEPTEMBER 1974 Remimeo (Only change is signature) GF-40X Checksheet (HCO Bulletin of 23 September 1968, a Class VIII Confidential Bulletin edited and reissued for information of Auditors handling GF-40. NOTE: This does not cancel or replace HCOB 23 Sept 1968 which contains further vital data for the Class VIII Auditor.) RESISTIVE CASES FORMER THERAPY Hypnotism, “psycho” analysis, “psychiatry” and other implant type therapies often key in and jam the track. These characters here, on any other planet and on the whole track dramatize implanting. The “therapy” involved would be a temporary relief brought by suggestion. The wrong data of the “science” itself operates as a whole track lie. Getting well or able depends on establishing truth. These “scientific” lies are alterations of actual laws. We often note electronics men have a rough case time. This traces to the lies Man uses for his “electrical science”. As the subject is based on false assumptions, it itself tends to aberrate. Therefore we get out of the road any former “therapy”. We can rehab any moment of release in it, handle any overrun, etc. We also do a New Style Remedy B to get old therapies spotted and run back. The only cases which hang up are: 1. Unaudited cases (lies about grades, etc). 2. Drug cases (who seek in processing the delusions or madness which exhilarated them on drugs). 3. Former therapy cases. (In this or past lives.) 4. Out of valence cases. 5. Cases who continue to commit overts on Scn. 6. Cases “audited” with their ruds or grades out. 7. Seriously physically ill cases (where the illness makes too much PTP in PT). Of all these the former therapy case is apt to be the roughest as any auditing session can be reactively mistaken for the “treatment”. The next roughest is the drug case as a false exteriorization often occurs on an enforced basis and may go into restim. 449 Some drug takers go plowing back into early implants and drug therapies so the two get crossed up on a case. To isolate the reason for a highly resistive case or high TA you can assess the above 7 items and get a clue. Don’t limit it to this lifetime. And don’t do it so as to key the person in hard on things he wasn’t in. And don’t do it unless the case is very hard to get a gain on. Engram running of a crude sort can be found hundreds, thousands or billions of years ago and consists if it appears, of an overrun. They didn’t know much about it and overran them badly. Implants, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, hypnotism get all snarled up with sex as these birds would commonly (and do) stage insane sex scenes. They violate the children and wives of officials even today to produce a degrade and to make a scene so insane that the “patient” if he remembers it really thinks he is insane. And if he tries to tell anybody (or if she tries to tell her husband) it’s a prompt mess, so these “practitioners” hide their activities in this fashion. The trouble with such former “therapies” and electric shock, etc, is that it: (a) groups track by the command of the practitioner (b) sends the pc to the start of track WAY back and sticks him there out of PT. The keynote of piloting through messes like this is to (A) Know what kind of a mess it is and (B) Don’t EVER force a pc back track or into anything he doesn’t want to confront easily. Drugs force the person back into these messes and stick him. One of these former therapy or drug messes is only hard to untangle because they are full of incredibles. The pc doesn’t accept them or just try to see what’s in them. The basic rule in any case is Reality is proportional to the amount of charge removed and so Reality can be increased simply by removing charge. These surges of the needle as well as the BDs of the TA are “charge coming off”. Anything eventually resolves if the pc just keeps on getting charge off. The earliest charge is the most important. Charge off the exact grades is the most valuable. But ANY charge off will make it, even on former “therapies”. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 450 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 DECEMBER 1971 REISSUED 21 SEPTEMBER 1974 (Only change is signature) Remimeo Class VII Auditors All Auditors Class VII Course IMPORTANT C/Ses Class IV Checksheet END PHENOMENAS Feeding the pc the End Phenomena of a process or action is illegal and very outtech. Example: Auditor asks pc “Since the last session did _____(stating the E/P) ?” Or “In this session did _____(stating the E/P) ?” This is evaluating for the pc. The pc has to make it himself then he truly makes it. The correct way to check to see if a pc has made an E/P (rare as pcs usually tell their auditor their cogs, etc) would be to ask “Did anything occur?” or “Since your last session did anything occur?” If the pc then states the E/P or words to that effect, with F/N and VGIs, the process can be terminated or if necessary, rehabbed and terminated. If the pc does not state the E/P the auditor then knows to continue the process. These actions apply very definitely to Power Processing—where earlier HCOBs state the auditor can check to find out if the E/P occurred between sessions. Usually sessions aren’t ended before F/N, VGIs and E/P on a process. It’s easier on the C/S, auditor and pc to complete a cycle of action in the one session. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd jh Copyright ©1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 451 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 DECEMBER 1971 Remimeo Class IV Okay to Audit WC 2 *Rate PTS RUNDOWN Clay TRs 4000-9 4000-10 CASES One remaining problem in cases was “PTS phenomena”. P.T.S. means Potential Trouble Source. When someone is suppressed he becomes a Potential Trouble Source. There are numerous HCOBs and P/Ls on this subject. All of them are true observations and predictions. The cause of ROLLERCOASTER is PTS. Rollercoaster means a slump after a gain. Pcs who do not hold their gains are PTS. S and Ds (for Search and Discovery) was the earlier approach. These are still valid and “3 S&Ds” as a rundown is used in the PTS Rundown without change. Now with the PTS Rundown, the handling of this common and all too frequent case condition can be handled. WHO DOES IT Hopefully it can be done by Class IVs who are also HDCs, HGC Okays to Audits. For an auditor who is not HDC Class IV Okay to Audit HGC by competent Interneship to attempt a PTS Rundown would be very risky for the pc as it needs exact listing, exact TRs, exact metering, exact Code keeping and very honest auditing and competent C/Sing. DEVELOPMENT Earlier discovery and development of the PTS theory is extensively covered. The recent wrap-up came about through my OT research in November 1971. The principal breakthrough was realizing one should NOT invalidate having known certain people before. This is similar to the past life discovery in 1950. Some people thinking this was “unpopular” frowned on it. Some others were only famous characters so flagrantly that past lives were easily invalidated. But people who don’t go past track in Dianetics don’t recover. Even running them as “imaginary” as in Science of Survival advices suddenly breaks through for a stalled Dianetic Case. In this same way with young men and girls using “I knew you when you were____” for 2D advantage tended to invalidate having known certain individuals before this life. But now it turns out that the ONLY PTS situation that is serious and lasting and can cause a rollercoaster comes from having known the person before this life. Possibly in the last life or earlier lives one knew persons before that life too. This however shows up in the 3 S and Ds. BREAKDOWN There are only four points of breakdown of the PTS Rundown. 1. Improperly audited. Auditor not able to always do a correct list, TRs out, 452 metering out, poor R3R, just plain untrained or not totally familiar with this Rundown. 2. Pc not completely set up. Like: Has TA trouble but no C/S 53 done, is a no change case but no GF 40R done, old auditing not repaired by a GF and proper programming or no C/S 54 or too tired or too ill for the R3R. 3. The Rundown not fully and completely done, but chopped or left incomplete (pc will still rollercoaster). 4. People who “can’t run engrams”—which means a druggie who hasn’t had a full Drug Rundown. There is nothing especially tricky about the auditing of the PTS Rundown except that all auditing should be of flubless quality and when the PTS RD is flubbed by bad lists or poor R3R or out TRs or poor metering it really IS a mess. The RD is so powerful that errors in C/Sing and auditing it are especially rough. Currently sick pcs should not be run on the PTS Rundown as a standard practice. It IS what they need BUT you can easily overwhelm a sick pc with engram running. The time to run a PTS RD is when the pc is set up and when it is noted the pc rollercoasters, not when he collapses with a temperature. Rollercoaster can also be caused by a bad Interiorization RD or Int repair, out lists, bypassed charge of other descriptions. These should be gotten rid of before a PTS RD is attempted. BEHAVIOR OF RD Valence shifts occur rapidly and frequently in PTS RDs and should be noted on the Worksheet. The R3R can sometimes be a bit of a long haul on a basic incident. Be sure with an L3B. But get an erasure of basic no matter how hard you have to work at it. In the PTS RD incidents can “develop”. Missing pieces can appear. A whole new slant can occur on the subject when one goes to F2 after finishing F1. Chronic somatics are likely to appear and be handled on this Rundown. And case conditions not previously remedied by other means can be remedied by this Rundown. END PHENOMENA There is a point where the pc is absolutely sure he knew the person before this life. This is NOT the EP. A pc can exteriorize on this RD. That is NOT the EP (but requires an Int RD if none has been done before going on). THE EP IS A PC WHO IS GETTING AND KEEPING CASE GAINS AND NEVER AGAIN ROLLERCOASTERS. PARTS There are four parts to the RD. (a) Present and past S&Ds. Collect them up, handle each valid item with R3R Triple, ARC Brk, PTP, w/h and overts each triple. If no S&Ds exist do “3 S&Ds” and R3R and Ruds as above. If no folder, get the pc to tell you any past S&D items. (b) 2WC who the pc has known this lifetime who has troubled or worried him. Include father, mother, wife or wives (husband), brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, lovers. Treat any that read as likely. Ask if the pc has known person before this life. If read, R3R Triple, Ruds & Overts Triple. (c) 2WC Ask the pc who he has been after this life. Get various names. Ask if known before. Any that so read, R3R Triple, Ruds & Overts Triple. (d) 2WC Ask pc places and planets known before this lifetime. Get some. R3R Triple, Ruds & Overts Triple. 453 That is the extent of the Rundown. FLOWS You cannot use Flow 1 as any old direction to or from pc. To do this fouls it up. Flow 1 is to the pc. Flow 2 is pc to the person (or place). Flow 3 is the person (or place) to others. If you did F1 R3R as “Locate a time you knew____” you might get to the pc, pc to the person or the person to others. You would not get a clean motivator F1. This would leave the PTS chain partially run. This is also true of the ruds. RE-DOs If the pc does not recover, then reasons for failure 1 to 4 above should be checked into. Then the lists and R3R should be handled with L4B and L3B. Then an overlooked item or person or place should be scouted for and handled. There is no question of the validity of the Rundown. It might have missed. “True love” might have been passed over as unlikely but such obsessive attraction is always based on having known (and probably done in) the other person. Then the true EP will be attained where it only appeared to be before. THE COMMANDS See 3 S&Ds HCO Bs 13 January 1968, “S&Ds”, 19 Jan 68,16 Aug 69, 14 Jan 68, 28 Nov 67, 10 Nov 67, 9 Nov 67. The commands and actions of doing 3 S&Ds are DRILL TR 4000-9 & TR 4000-10 3 S&Ds. HCO B 9 Oct 71, Issue VI. The following R3R commands are used in every case. Put the person or place in the blank: F1. Locate a time when _____did something to you. R3R. F2. Locate a time when you did something to _____R3R. F3. Locate a time when_____did something to others. R3R. RUDS 1. Did _____ ARC Brk you? ARCU CDEINR. E/S to F/N. 2. Did you ARC Brk _____? ARCU CDEINR. E/S to F/N. 3. Did_____ARC Brk others? ARCU CDEINR. E/S to F/N. ALWAYS DO A FRESH ARCU CDEINR ON EACH E/S. 4. Did_____give you a problem? E/S to F/N. 5. Did you give ______a problem? E/S to F/N. 6. Did_____give others problems? E/S to F/N. 7. Did you withhold anything from______? E/S to F/N. 8. Did______withhold anything from you? E/S to F/N. 454 9. Did______withhold anything from others? E/S to F/N. 10. Did_____commit an overt (harmful act) on you? E/S to F/N. 11. Did you commit an overt (harmful act) on _____? E/S to F/N. 12. Did_____commit an overt on others? E/S to F/N. AUDITOR’S LIST OF ITEMS TO BE RUN (a) Old S&Ds __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ New S&Ds __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ (b) 2WC reading items __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ (c) 2WC after these items __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ (d) Places and Planets __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Added Items for PTS __________________________________________ Redo __________________________________________ L. RON HUBBARD Copyright © 1971 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is added to by HCO B 20 January 1972, PTS RD Addition, Volume VIII, page 19. It was revised by HCO B 9 December 1971 R, Revised 15 October 1974, PTS Rundown, Volume VIII, page 330, which is revised by HCO B 9 December 1971 RA, Revised 21 October 1974, PTS Rundown Volume VIII, page 338.] 455 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 DECEMBER 1971 RA REVISED 19 SEPTEMBER 1974 Remimeo Int RD Checksheet C/S Series 35RA All changes are in this type style. INTERIORIZATION ERRORS (References: HCO B 11 Apr 71 RA “L3RD” HCO B 27 Mar 71 “Dianetic Erasure”) Almost all the errors in an Interiorization Rundown are Dianetic errors. Most are very ordinary, even corny. IT IS VITAL TO CORRECT AN INT RD ERROR AS A FIRST ACTION. There is one Int RD error that is not a purely Dianetic error and that is the error doing anything else at all before an Int RD is done properly or an Int RD error is fully corrected. The Int RD error may be simply that “Went In” and “Go In” did not read on the meter yet Int was run. This classifies as “running an unreading item”. Or the Int RD could have been overrun. It goes flat on Secondary F2, let us say. The Auditor keeps on going past the win. This will hang up the Rundown. One of the ways an overrun occurs is the pc goes exterior during it. Yet the Auditor keeps on. Another way is pc has a big cog, big win. Auditor keeps going on with the RD. When a pc is exteriorized by auditing and is then audited further without being given an Interiorization Rundown, his TA will go high or low and he may be very upset. Heavy masses may come in and he may also get ill. Int RD errors also may go back to earlier Dianetic errors. A number of unflat incidents invite the overrun of these if they also occur on a Dianetic chain. To clean up a balled-up Int RD chain or incident one may have to find and clean up the Dianetic error it is sitting on during the clean-up of the Int RD error. Int RD errors, goofs, etc, are handled by using an Int RD Correction List Revised, HCO B 29 Oct 71R. Auditors who can’t run ordinary R3R with great success should not be let near an Interiorization RD as their lack of smoothness in handling Dianetics will wreck the Int RD. CLASS IV, HDC AUDITORS An excellent Class IV HDC Auditor can easily repair a messed-up Interiorization Rundown after a folder study and by use of an Int RD Correction List Revised, HCO B 29 Oct 71R. A Class IV HDC Auditor with an excellent Dianetic Record of wins can be given an Int RD to do or to correct IF HE IS STARRATED ON THE INT PACK AND THE TWO-WAY COMM PACK. 456 REPAIR Wherever you see a TA high and a pc in trouble your first suspicions should be: 1. Audited past Ext in Auditing without an Int RD being done. 2. Int RD botched by being unnecessary (“went in” didn’t read) or overrun or Auditor goofs in the session. 3. A previously messed-up Dianetic action has gotten fouled up with the Int RD. 4. The Int Command was improperly cleared (such as “means go in and out again” “means trapped” “meant leaving” etc). 5. Firefights and worries over the high or low TA have ensued after an Int ball-up has occurred. 6. Some major action like grades or items of Power have been run twice. 7. A C/S has hopefully kept on getting the pc audited without detecting the real reason as a flubbed Int RD. PERCENTAGES The percent of misrun Int RDs is high, many being unnecessary or overrun. The liability of leaving them unrepaired is high. Reasons for high TA are averaging out close to 100% as an unrun or a flubbed and unrepaired Int RD. EXT IN SESSION When a pc Exteriorizes in session it is the End Phenomena for that process or action. One gently ends off in any case. Then if after the fact of going exterior in auditing, a pc’s TA goes high, then you do the Int RD. You test Int for a read (test “went in” and “go in” per HCO B 24 Sept 71, “Interiorization Rundown”) and if it reads you do an Int RD. You just don’t do one because a pc goes exterior. Maybe it wasn’t needed. So if it wasn’t needed it will eventually have to be repaired. If even years after an Int RD the pc has a high TA or a low TA then Int trouble is at once suspected and the original Int RD and any repair of it is suspect and must be handled. The Int RD Correction List Revised, HCO B 29 Oct 71R, has been designed to straighten out Int RDs. L3RD handles the Dianetic errors. Where Int RD Correction Lists have been done and the pc still has headaches, the C/S handles with AESPs (listed separately) that would make him interiorize. There is no real trick to either running a correct Int RD or repairing a flubbed one. The whole clue is whether or not the Auditor can audit plain ordinary garden variety R3R. So when ANY Auditor audits a pc past Exterior and the pc’s TA goes high he should be checked out fully on the Int RD Checksheet so he won’t continue to commit the error. 457 And when ANYONE is going to run an Int RD he must: A. Be an expert Dianetic Auditor and Class IV. B. Be Starrated on all the Int RD Pack. And when any C/S is confronted with high TAs or low TAs and doesn’t handle at once by getting an Int RD properly run or properly repaired he must be rechecked on the Dianetics Pack and the Int RD Pack. DN C/S 1 A very careful Dianetic C/S 1 must be done on a previously unindoctrinated pc before he is run on an Int RD. Otherwise it’s all too new. A C/S 1 isn’t auditing. The pc who can’t do what the Auditor says or can’t correct an erroneous action is lost. A fully safe pc would be one who when he goes Ext in Auditing is made to do an HDC at once before he even gets any ruds put in and not audited again until he is an HDC. He’d be a pc who was relatively safe. A pc who does what an inexpert Auditor says without question can really get fouled up ! Uneducated pcs require really flawless topnotch Auditors. The Auditor who can audit an uneducated pc is a jewel. He really has to know his business. Because the pc does whatever he says. And if he says wrongly, then there goes the session. Ever notice pc corrections in a worksheet? “I think you by-passed an F/N.” “This feels overrun.” “I had Grade I last year.” Such Auditors are not fully enough trained to handle wholly green pcs! SIMPLICITY Honest fellows, it’s as easy to run an Int RD as it is to run “an ear pain”. It isn’t even mysterious or tough. IT IS ONLY VERY IMPORTANT TO DETECT WHEN IT NEEDS TO BE DONE OR REPAIRED. There are no mysteries. Some Auditors have got me feeling like I’m trying to teach them to chew soft bread! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 458 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 DECEMBER 1971 (HCOB 2 December 1970 Revised) Remimeo Int RD Checksheet C/S Series 23 R INTERIORIZATION SUMMARY (Revised and updated to include 1971 Int HCOBs) All changes are in this type. INTERIORIZATION CAN BE BADLY MISRUN. The following HCOBs cover Interiorization Rundowns. HCOB 5 Mar 1971 Exteriorization and High TA HCOB 11 April 1970 Auditing Past Exterior HCOB 6 May 1970 Blows, Auditing Past Exterior HCOB 30 May 1970 Interiorization Intensive 2-Way Comm HCOB 10 July 1970 Interiorization Intensive Goof HCOB 20 Aug 1970 Exteriorization Rundown Musts HCOB 24 Sept 1971 Urgent—Interiorization Rundown HCOB 29 Oct 1971 Int Rundown Correction List Revised HCOB 16 Dec 1971 C/S Series 35 R (Revised) Interiorization Errors HCOB 17 Dec 1971 C/S Series 23 R (this HCOB) The examination of Interiorization Rundowns done in the field discloses that some auditors engaged in running it have not been fully checked out on it. HCO PL 26 Aug 1965 gives the correct way to do a starrate checkout. Clay demos must also be correctly done. These are covered in HCOB 11 Oct 1967 and HCOB 30 Oct 1970. These HCOBs on /nt Rundown, Starrates and Clay Demos plus HCO PL 20 July 1970, Issue III, 2-WC as below, make the necessary pack for checking out an auditor before letting him near an /nt Rundown. And all Interiorization materials as above MUST BE CHECKED OUT STARRATE AND IN CLAY before a C/S permits one of his auditors to run it on a pc. QUADS CANCELLED Note that Flow O of the Int RD is not now run. Refer HCOB 15 July 71 “Quads Cancelled” UNNECESSARY The words “Went in” and ‘‘Go in” MUST be said to the pc and cleared on the meter. If there is needle action, one runs an Int RD as per the Int Rundown Pack If there aren’t any reads one does NOT do an Int Rundown on the pc as it is unnecessary and classifies as ‘‘running an unreading item” When this test is omitted you get an unnecessary Int RD being done on a pc. This will eventually have to be repaired. 459 FLUBBED R3R When the Auditor does not do flubless auditing, errors occur in the auditing itself. These will hang up an Int RD. OVERRUN It usually happens that an Int RD is overrun. It goes flat on Secondary F2, /et us say. The auditor keeps on going past the win. This will hang up the Rundown. One of the ways an overrun occurs is the pc goes exterior during it. Yet the auditor keeps on. Another way is pc has a big cog, big win. Auditor keeps going on with the RD. REPAIR OF INT If even years after an Int RD the pc has a high TA or a low TA, then Int trouble is at once suspected and the original Int RD and any repair of it is suspected and must be handled by HCOB 29 Oct 71, Int RD Correction List Revised. TWO-WAY COMM There is a two-way comm step that follows a day or so after an Interiorization Rundown. An auditor doing this step, preferably the same auditor, MUST BE CHECKED OUT ON TWOWAY COMM. No C/S should permit any auditor to do any 2-way comm until the auditor has been checked out on HCO PL 20 July 1970, Issue III, “Two-Way Comm Checksheet”. One can obtain these tapes easily from Pubs (as the Sea Org has recently forced in this line and quality and delivery). Pending such tapes one can certainly get the rest of the materials on the checksheet done by the auditor and let him do 2- way comm while being very watchful as a C/S. C/SING INT The correcting of an Interiorization Rundown is far harder than making sure that auditors can do the usual in the first place. Nearly all a C/S’s hard work comes from auditors not well trained on courses (indifferent courses) and failing to check auditors out well on the materials before permitting them to deliver a new rundown. The correction of Int is hard since until it is complete, other auditing is inadvisable. One, however, gets the Int Rundown done. INT IS A REMEDY The Int RD is not understood as a REMEDY. It is not something you do on all pcs. Pc goes Exterior in auditing. Later his TA goes high. Then you do an Int RD. You test Int for read as above. If it BDs you do an Int RD. You just don’t do one because a pc goes exterior. One reason unnecessary Int RDs get done is that the Registrar sells one. That makes the Reg a C/S. So the C/S and auditor run it Maybe it wasn’t needed. 460 So if it wasn’t needed it will eventually have to be repaired, with an Int RD Correction List Revised, HCOB 29 Oct 1971. The Interiorization Rundown is a REMEDY designed to permit the pc to be further audited after he has gone exterior. The Int Rundown is NOT meant to be sold or passed off as a method of exteriorizing a pc. This is very important. It is general auditing on usual Dianetics and Scientology actions that brings about Exteriorization. When the pc goes or is found to be exterior one then orders the Interiorization Rundown. Otherwise the TA will misbehave. The rundown is a REMEDY USED AFTER EXTERIORIZATION HAS OCCURRED BY REASON OF GENERAL AUDITING. Anxiety to get exterior will prompt a pc to buy and a Registrar to sell an Interiorization Rundown. It is in effect just more auditing as far as the Registrar is concerned. When a pc has gone exterior the Registrar can insist on his buying enough hours for the remedy. The Int Rundown stabilizes the exteriorization and makes it possible to audit the pc further. DISABILITY If an auditor can’t smoothly audit a rundown as simple as an Int Rundown, then he is exposed as being unable to run standard Dianetics and should be cleared of his misunderstoods and overts and retrained. The only real trouble one gets into on an Int Rundown stems from the inability of the auditor to run a smooth, good TRed R3R session. Pcs are not hard to run on it. C/S WINS A C/S cannot win at all if he is continually having to make up for flubby auditing by the auditor. Therefore the C/S must be very sure his auditors are fully checked out on things they are to run before running them. If there is no Qual Staff Training Officer or no cramming, a C/S can fully afford to do the training and cramming himself. Otherwise he will lose far more than that time in C/Sing for auditors not checked out. By the skill of his auditors you know the C/S. Not by his unusual solutions after flubs. The Int Rundown is too easy to do to have any trouble—the trouble comes when the auditors are not checked out beforehand, starrate and in clay on new things they are to run. Updated and issued By order of L. RON HUBBARD by Training & Services Bureau for L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:BW:mes.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 461 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 DECEMBER 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 71 D OF P OPERATES BY OCAs A Director of Processing is a director of PROCESSING of cases. All his functions are involved with this. He MUST understand his title and what its duties involve. It is his job to get people PROCESSED. To do this he has to KNOW (a) what people there are to be processed, (b) how much processing they will need, (c) what facilities can be maintained and expanded to get processing done and (d) to see that the processing is paid for and occurs. The D of P does not have to be a C/S or to know C/Sing. ALL HE HAS TO KNOW OF TECH IS HOW TO READ AN OCA, IQ, APTITUDE AND OTHER TESTS. He does not even have to open a folder. If all he ever looked at was a pc’s OCA (Oxford Capacity Analysis or by some other name) the D of P would win every time. If the D of P considered his job as “To raise OCAs with paid for processing and to be sure the pc is happier” he would be performing his duties. To raise OCAs one has to know how to “read” an OCA. That’s easy. It says how right on its border. Unacceptable, Needing Improvement, Desirable, etc. An OCA with any point on the left side of the graph in low or undesirable range means the pc is out of valence. Any low point on the right side of the graph means the pc is crazy. If the graph is not in the desirable range and the pc happy and looking better, the HGC has not done its job yet. The D of P goes wholly on the idea of MORE AUDITING when he wants to raise a graph or IQ. It’s not up to the D of P what is audited only that auditing is done. The C/S, if he knows his business, will say what is audited. The D of P just knows MORE AUDITING. A D of P can tell by the OCA improvement and improvement of TONE and APPEARANCE of the pc and what the pc says in an interview whether the required high quality result has been achieved. If it has not, then it’s MORE AUDITING. The REGISTRAR can have very similar functions as to graphs and where there is no D of P the REGISTRAR must do these things. A D of P who has a backlog is a dog. It means he isn’t getting auditors or recruiting Academy students or getting people to Auditor Interne and isn’t BEING by DEFINITION a D of P. 462 If there is an “ARC Broken field” look at the D of P. He didn’t see that the OCA was raised and that the pc was happy before he left the org. A good D of P has a potential processing line of EVERY OCA EVER GIVEN BY THE ORG. He is in the business of raising graphs and making people happy with their auditing IN PAID VOLUME. If his HGC isn’t turning out 700 well done hours a week, he’s failing. If he is, he’s a success. If he turns out more, a second HGC is needed. The traffic cop is the D of P. He has to know what traffic he will have and what traffic he does have. He can be defeated by a poor registrar, a poor C/S and a poor Qual. Therefore he has the right to demand these people get hatted. But he only has the right if he himself is hatted and doing his job. Given that he can demand Comm Evs. If a D of P exists, knows his job and does it an org will become prosperous. The first thing he has to know is the meaning of his TITLE. The second thing is that his job is getting OCA graphs raised IN PAID FOR VOLUME. (By current US rates a D of P should be running at least a $17,000 cash gross of auditing through an HGC each week to be considered a competent D of P.) Any “field ARC Breaks” is a direct reflection on the D of P. He didn’t raise graphs and see people were happy before leaving. During periods when the post of D of P was empty or “not on the org board” or not filled, the org has slumped. The post is very important. It is also a very simple, direct post. Its duties are covered in C/S Series 25 along with others. But his use of the OCA is not listed there. Procurement of auditors is currently the weakest point of a D of P’s duties. Without this he cannot deliver volume. I have known Ds of P to train auditors themselves to have auditors and others to train Academy Graduates after the course to have quality. There are no limits on what a D of P can do— So long as he is DIRECTING PROCESSING and RAISING OCAs in paid volume. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 463 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 DECEMBER 1971 Remimeo C/S Series 72 USE OF CORRECTION LISTS A current survey shows that the weakest point in C/Sing done in orgs is failure to use Prepared Lists for Case Correction. There are some other points. For some reason C/Ses are being inventive instead of following the C/S Series and doing standard repairs and grades. Probably the failure to use Prepared Correction Lists derails the use of standard actions. There are very few actions which do not have their own Correction Lists. THERE IS NOTHING IN DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY AS MIRACULOUSLY WORKABLE AS CORRECTION LISTS. The only things which prevent the list from working are (a) AUDITOR’S METERING (b) AUDITOR’S TRs. METERING When the auditor’s meter is habitually placed where he cannot see (1) The meter needle, (2) The worksheet and (3) The pc WITH ONE DIRECTED LOOK, then he misses reads. All three have to be seen at once. The faults are i) Eyesight poor ii) Glasses rims obscure one while looking at another iii) Position of the meter. It is a Standard Cramming action to look into these points WHENEVER A CORRECTION LIST IS SAID TO BE BLANK. For example a GF is done by Auditor A on Monday. It is done again by Auditor B on Tuesday. Reads are found by B. This means Auditor A is missing reads. THIS IS FAR MORE COMMON THAN BELIEVED. TRs When an auditor can’t be heard or is overwhelming the pc the list won’t be valid. 464 An auditor’s TRs show up more quickly on a Correction List than anything else. A pc ARC Broken by TRs 0 to IV will not read properly on a Correction List. NUMBERS OF LISTS The number of Correction Lists is large. It is unthinkable to do Word Clearing without ever using a WC Corr List. Yet we find folders with bogged Word Clearing sessions where the list was never used. There is the Green Form for general case upset, the Green Green Form for Solo, L 1 C for ARC Brks over a period, L3B for Dianetic bogs, L4B for listing and nulling goofs, Int RD Corr List for Int-Ext corrections, a Power Corr List for Power, GF 40R for resistive cases, C/S 53 and Hi Low TA for TA misbehavior, L7 for Clearing Course, and others. C/Ses trying to “solve cases” without using Correction Lists is like trying to repair flat tires without puncture patches—it just CAN’T BE DONE. THE PRIMARY TOOL OF A C/S IS PREPARED CORRECTION LISTS. It is not inventive ways of “solving cases”. METHOD OF USE Where you have inexpert auditors you always order Method 5, which is just a full rapid assessment. Then the C/S sorts out the reads and C/Ses what to do as very well covered on the lists themselves and the C/S Series. Then the auditor does the C/S. A Green Form is always done this way. It will bog on any other method like 3. There are different methods of handling lists. L1C is always done Method 3, carrying each read as it is found Earlier Similar to F/N. A GF 40R is done Method 3 and then the engrams are run for each read where engrams are indicated. It’s up to a C/S to use Correction Lists, to coach his auditors into proper list use and to get corrected any misuse. A C/S who can’t or doesn’t use Prepared Correction Lists isn’t a C/S at all but a “person puzzled about cases”. Correction Lists, standard programs and the Grade Chart and Grade Commands and materials. These are the tools of the C/S. There are NO others. A C/S is one who uses these things. He is Supervising that they are used when they are supposed to be. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 465 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 DECEMBER 1971 Remimeo Solo C/S Series 10 C/S Series 73 THE NO-INTERFERENCE AREA From R6 Solo to OT III one does not do anything except keep the pc winning for R6 Solo to OT III. This is the critical band of the Gradation Chart. On Flag it was learned the hard way that you don’t do other major auditing actions between these two points. Example: Action—Completed R6, Clear and OT I, then a Dianetic Completion was attempted. Result—failure. Right Action—Complete Dianetics before R6. Right Action—let it go until OT III well begun, then complete Dianetics. Example: Pre OT doing OT II. A new PTS RD is done. Failure. Right Action-do it before R6 or after OT III. Example: R6 done. Drug RD given. Result. Poor. Right Action—Do Drug RD before R6. EXCEPTION It will be found that a pc cannot confront doing Solo Grades. The reason will be found to be Drugs. All pcs who “cannot run engrams” CAN run Drug Engrams. They are afraid because they get into the bank heavily when on Drugs. Only Drugs can be run. So a pc who has “done R6 and Clearing Course but hasn’t made it” will be found to be a rabbiting (frightened and running away) druggie. He can and will run Drug Engrams. Thus the right action is to do a full Drug Rundown, then start the pc all over again at R6. It is an exception only because he hasn’t done his Solo anyway. REPAIRS Where a Pre OT hasn’t made the grade of a Solo level (or gets sick afterwards) a full repair must be done and the failed grade must be completed before he goes on up. It is possible to repair a Pre OT between R6 and OT III so long as you are not trying to handle his whole case but only repairing the grade he missed. TRs Never order TRs after Solo Materials study or before OT III is attested. TRs should be done before or during Solo Auditing study but not after materials are issued. And the TR Course may not be done from then on to OT III. 466 A partially completed earlier TR Course found to be hanging up a pc on Solo Grades can be handled to completion and should be. This does not mean long additional hours of TR 0. It usually means word clearing on the TR materials and rehab. MAJOR ACTIONS It is a very losing game to throw a major rundown in between R6 and OT III. Such as L10 after Clearing and before OT I. The result is a mess. The way to recover such a blunder is to get the pc rehabbed or to a rest point and then finish up the Solo Grades to OT III attest and then complete the rundown. SET UP It is therefore VERY important that a pc be fully set up including Dianetics before he is let onto R6 Solo materials study. AUDITING SKILL None of this states that you cannot improve a pc’s auditing skill between R6 and OT III (excepting only TRs). BIG wins are to be had by doing so. THE MAJOR CAUSE OF FAILURE ON SOLO GRADES IS THE INABILITY TO AUDIT. You can take a Pre OT who didn’t really make Clear or OT I and move him back to R6 study and retread him as an auditor and then let him move back up the line and he’ll win. The sources of failure on Solo are 1. No Drug RD. 2. Dianetics Incomplete. 3. Case not set up. 4. Inability to audit. SUMMARY Realize that from R6 to OT III you have a closed band for other major actions. So don’t let people onto R6 Auditing who have points 1-4 out. If it has happened, patch it up as you can and let the pre OT get on with it. Then after the first OT III attest, do whatever you like or that needs to be done before sending him on to OT IV. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright © 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 467 SUBJECT INDEX 1970-1971 affinity (cont.) A tends to break down slightly where individual is too demanding, 240 aberrations are hard to keep, one has to work at it, alcohol; see drugs, alcohol 240 ally, defn, person from whom sympathy carne when aberration, time itself is a basis of , 87 pc was ill or injured, 26 ability attained as an EP, 48, 361 alterations and misunderstood words, 382 ability, processing is measured by gradual increase in anchor points, don’t drive in, by shoving things at or ~, 69 gesturing toward pc, 251 able, getting well or able depends on establishing antagonistic pc = BPC = assess proper list (such as truth, 449 L1C) and handle, 46, 359 accepting a C/S, 44, 356 antibiotics, allergy to, can turn on whole track pic accepting the pc—rights of refusal, 44, 355 tures violently, 328 accident proneness, CCHs used to handle, 58 APA, American Personality Analysis; see OCAIAPA accidents, after ~ people should be audited, 2 apathy, pcs with low TAs are more less in ~,124 accidents, run out narrative R3R, 339 apathy, “total-apathy-won’t-answer” [Dn] session accidents, using assists on ~, 417, 418 upset, probable cause of, 392 ackrowledgement(s), 249; see also TR 2 application, why C/S C/Ses for exact tech ~ and not cycle, 244 exclusively for result, 284 premature, effects of, 252, 253 aptitude, low, handling of, 34 administration, defn, formation and handling of lines aptitude, relation to misunderstood definitions, 294 and terminals involved in production,365 ARC, 240, 291; see also affinity; communication; auditing requires administration, 365, 375 reality; understanding auditor admin; see auditor admin angry man, ARC of, 291 C/Ses, long C/Ses ease admin lines greatly, 187 common denominators of bank are out of ARC Advanced Course(s), 466 and stop, 269 do not mix TRs with Solo or ~, 341, 466 don’t run an out of ARC process, 268 insecurity of material, 192 equate into understanding, 291 Advance Program(s) [earlier called Return Program], role in education, 232 57,69,187,419 ARC break(s), ARC broken, defn, A-affinity, R defn, major actions to be undertaken to get case reality, C-communication, a break in any one of back on Class Chart from wherever he has the three which has caused upset in past,386;see erroneously gotten to on it, 57 also rudiments defn., writing down in sequence every needful step auditor who goes sad is auditing pcs over his o vn and process missed on Class Chart by case ARCbreak, 362 which are nowto be done, 70 “field ARC breaks” is a ~irect reflection on defn., putting pc over road sections he missed on D of P, 463 road up, 71 high percentage of ARC breaks occur because of defn., was called a “Return Program” in C/S failuretounderstandpc,251,428 Series; name is changed from “Return” to incomplete cycle of action causes ~, 268 “Advance” as more appropriate; it gets pc listing errors, why they are handled before~, really up to where he should be, 98 280 overwhelm would indicate need of a Repair and lots of ARC breaks = Level 2 is out, 70 Return, 101 L1C handles ARC broken, sad, hopeless or nattery rehab of processes on Return Program, 74 pcs, 203 Repair and Return Programs, use of, 69, 70 most violent session ~ occur because of list errors sample Advance Program, 70, 263 under meaning of listing and nulling, 392 should contain Expanded Lower Grades, Triple, out list can make an ~ that can’t be handled by 432 ARC break but only by L4B, 273 start lower than pc was if pc got in trouble where overrun is full of mass and ARC breaks, 268 he was, 187 pc ARC broken by TRs 0 to IV will not read written on bright blue sheets, 60, 69, 94 properly on a correction list, 465 affinity, defn., emotional response, feeling of affec- pc sad = ARC break = locate and handle, itsa tion or lack of it, of emotion or misemotion earlier itsa, 46, 359 connected with life, 291; see also ARC TA, never try to get a TA down from 3.5 or above Emotion and Affinity Scale; see Scn 0-8 on ARC breaks, 274, 281 468 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 ARC break needle, audit(ed)(ing) (cont.) defn., floating needle between 2.0 and 3.0 TA above pc’slevelgivesnogain, 85 position with bad indicators, 117 administration, auditing requires, 365, 375 defn., pc bad indicators while F/Ning, 145 basic auditing is prior to technique, 239 arthritic hands give high TA, 423 by Lists; see Auditing by Lists artists are subject to actions of psychotics, 158 cases undergoing Ethics actions should not be as-is, as-ised, as-ising, audited -until the Ethics matter is cleared up auditor + pc as two pole system to ~ mass, 238 and complete, 31, 96 cognition is as-ising aberration with realization comm cycle, 235, 248; see also communication about life, 230 cycle itsa line is a report on what has been as-ised, 243 additives on, are any action, statement, ques pc’s ability to as-is or erase in a session is directly tion or expression given in addition to TRs proportional to the number of good indicators 04, 256 present in session, 258 always in use, 235 reactive mind straightens out by ~ its content, 230 basic tool of auditing, 238, 239 assessment; see also listing and nulling case runs on cycles of actions auditing comm method of assessment of correction lists, 51, 465; cycle, process cycle, program cycle, 261 see also C/S Series 83RA [X-230] completion, 371 Methods 1 to 4, 51 cycle, communication cycles which make up the Method 3, do not read list while looking at pc, 316 auditing cycle, 244, 246 Method 5 is once through marking length and BD Dianetic auditing; see Dianetic auditing of all reads, 185, 280 drugs and auditing; see drugs pc still has somatics, no further items on assess- Ethics and auditing, 31, 96 ment list read, cause of and handling, 11 exteriorization, auditing trouble after, 27 36, 42, prepared lists; see prepared lists 168, 208, 281 repeated assessment, 282 floating needles and auditing; see floating needles which assessment method to use, 51, 465; see also flows, auditing additional flows while earlier items C/S Series 83RA [X-230] remain Single or Triple restimulates missing assist(s), 322, 335, 364, 415, defn., an action under- flows and stacks them up as mass, 210 taken by a minister to assist the spirit to flubless auditing, a program for, 375, 376 confront physical difficulties, 415 flubs, what they consist of, 138 accidents, using assists on, 417, 418 getting auditing into an org, 209 be professional and definite in assists, 416 gross auditing errors regarding metering, 177-78 Contact Assist; see Contact Assist High Crimes concerning delivering auditing, 80 Dianetic Assist; see Dianetic Assist illegal auditing, 167 different to auditing at large, 415 illness and auditing, 2, 14, 139 end phenomena of, 322, 335 intensives, reason for, 261, 419 Exam Reports, assists must be followed by, 167, is not a limited action, 3 191, 322, 335 “loses”, keep at it until it is a win, 5 first aid always precedes an assist, 417 meaning of things plays a secondary role in pro rules of, 323 cessing to forces, 76 techniques which comprise an assist, 415 muzzled, defn., using only TR 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 by “Close your eyes and look at my fingers’’, 415 the text, 256 Locational Processing as assist, 415 new preclear, setting up, 47 “Shut your eyes and look at my fingers”, 418 OCA/APA drop after ~, pc was out of valence, Temperature Assist; see Temperature Assist 330 Touch Assist; see Touch Assist okays to audit in HGCs, 233 types of assists, 322 part of auditing is recognition of fact that truth is worksheets must be done, 191 present, 258 attest, pc may only attest one grade at a time, 80 past a persistent F/N is waste of time, 145 attest, pc who can’t attest a grade ability at any point pc doesn’t want auditing, handle after out Int and has to have a Repair Program and Return list errors, 280 Program, 70 perfectly, what it means, 241 attest, when to send pc or pre-OT to attest, 285 previous bad auditing can be cured by LlC on preattitudes, Dianetic breakthrough came in assessing viousbadauditing,281 only somatics, sensations, emotions, ~, 9 procedure, most elementary, 241 audit(ed)(ing), defn., a contest of maintaining right- process, auditing a, is a simple A to B action, 289 nesses so that we can delete wrongnesses, 258 programming; see programming ability, processing is measured by gradual increase quality is raised by getting in Cramming, 209 in ability, 69 reach and withdraw, auditing as, 239 469 SUBJECT INDEX—1970/1971 audit(ed)(ing) (cont.) auditor(s)(‘s) (cont.) repair; see repair case supervision and auditor (cont.) report, falsifying an auditing report, vilest trick auditor does not let a C/S C/S hopefully, he that can be played on pc, 362 refuses C/Ses until an FES is done and bug result, do not lead pcs to expect instant results found, 358 every time, 6 auditor may not C/S in auditing chair while rudiments; see rudiments auditing pc, 356 rundown, one audits a rundown as itself, not as a auditor responsibility for C/Ses, 44, 355 botch of several actions run into it, 289 auditor should never take a verbal or written Scientology ~ is more delicate than Dianetic ~, correction that is not in an HCO B or tape, 21 363 set-up actions, 14 auditor who knows he goofed and yet gets a on new pc, 47 well done holds the C/S in contempt and his skill, 467 auditing worsens, 398 Solo Grades, major cause of failure on Solo Grades auditor who knows his tech is able to hold the is inabilityto audit,467 line on any given action in auditing or stages, auditing goes in two stages: form a comm C/Sing and not mix up, 289 line; do something for the pc, 240 C/S is handling cases on via of an auditor, 274 states attained by; see also Scn ~8 C/S omits “Fly a rud” or “Fly ruds”, does not team activity, auditing is a, 365 justify ~ auditing pc over out ruds, 357 time, it takes as long as it takes, 88, 91 C/S proving unworkable during session, auditor time track, auditing itself is a sort of time track, has a right to end off, 44, 356 earliestsessionblowslatersessions,210 HCOBs and tapes are stable data that form tone arm, audit with TA in normal range or repair agreement between auditor and C/S, 279 it so it is in normal range, 197; see also tone communication and auditor, arm auditor has to assume responsibility for all tools of auditing are the Grade Chart processes and comm breakdowns in session, 250, 428 the numerous correction lists, 387 auditor must keep in his comm line to pc, 242, TRs; see also TRs 243 auditing skill of any student remains only as auditor never repeats anything pc says, no good as he can do his TRs, 348 matter why, 250, 428 person on a TR cycle may not also be audited, auditor not in comm with pc means no cog 260, 261, 262 nitions, 241 two-way comm; see communication, two-way auditor response when he doesn’t understand uses of auditing, 2 pc, 250, 428 any human situation containing pain or mis- auditor watches pc’s commcycle; auditor’s own emotion should be handled by auditing, 2 is perfect, 248 fever, handling with auditing, 335 course graduate becomes an ~ by auditing, 331 pc’s desire or complaint, no reason or excuse cramming; see cramming not to actually handle these with auditing, 4 E-Meter, does not tell pc anything about meter volume and quality, what brings about, 375 or its reads ever, except to indicate F/N, 259 wins are not always fast, total and appreciated E-Meter, don’t use distractingly, 22, 230 volubly, 5 errors, 206 Auditing by Lists, 316 auditor goofing, what it means regarding train auditor(s)(‘s), ing, 301 admin, 96; see also Auditor Admin Series [IX-1] auditor has right to know what he did wrong, actions, 180,181,182 48,363 auditor falsifying report, how to handle, 229 auditor who can’t get reads, how to handle, 273 forms and worksheets are never recopied, 215 auditor who refuses to audit his quota of hours handwriting, illegible, how to handle, 433 or sessions is subject to action, 44, 355 out admin—liability, 96 cure for auditor who can’t control pc, 255 advantages of being part of group, 366 cure for auditor who is “letting pc itsa”, 254 attitude toward self, 365 don’t gesture toward pc, 250, 25 1, 428 cases, auditors don’t have, 362 new auditor flubs, 93 case supervision and auditor; see also case super- F/Ning auditors, 412 vising; Case Supervisor interneship, auditors must take interneship after auditor accepting a C/S, 44, 356 each course, 33 1, 332 auditor accepting verbal C/S instruction is a invalidate, Class VIII take care not to invalidate High Crime, 94 junior auditors, 23 auditor-as-a-C/S, action of, 180, 205 invalidation of auditor by C/S, 128, 278, 379 470 SUBJECT INDEX—1970/1971 auditor(s)(s’) (cont.) bank; see reactive mind morale, what it depends on, 380 basic, must be interested not interesting, 230 blowdowns indicate a basic has been reached, I must check out on materials before application, floating needle always occurs when basic on chain 173, 378 erases, 117 preclear and auditor; see also preclear running somatic permits you to get to a basic, 9 as two pole system to as-is mass, 238 basics, tech basics are not cancelled by later develop auditor causes a restimulation, then pc needs to ments, 100 answer question to get rid of restimulation, BD; see blowdown 244 Behavior and Physiological Scale; see Scn 0-8 auditor invalidation and evaluation of pc is just being, spiritual being, timeless and deathless, proof plain villainy, 230 that individual is, 27,168 auditor must look at rightnesses of pc, not just being, when you add something to the being he gets wrongnesses, 257 worse, 257 auditor musts to make pc gain and cognite, 230 birth control pills, 389 auditor plus pc is greater than pc’s bank, 230, birth, interiorization occurs at birth, that’s an engram; 366 exteriorization occurs at death, that’s an en auditor’s right to reject or accept pcs he is gram, 28 given, 44, 355 birth, running out delivery, 2 auditor who can audit an uneducated pc is a blaming pc, 277 jewel, 225, 458 blow(s), defn., unauthorized departure from an area, pc’s attention, don’t pull over to auditor, 21 usually caused by misunderstood data or overts, why auditor mustn’t force pc, 414 141, 286 real auditor’s pcs don’t overtalk or undertalk but as an effort to exteriorize, 42 answer auditing question and happily now and major cause of, 42 then originate, 254 misunderstood words can cause blows, 162, 198, Repair Programs, new auditors shouldn’t do, 93 294, 390 rights of auditor, 44, 355 overts are a primary cause of, 42 rudiments of auditor, blowdowns indicate a basic has been reached, 1 auditors who have PTP of how to get case gain blow up of low TA, rule only applies to C/S Series for their pcs, 326 37R, 272 auditor who goes sad is auditing pcs over his body, own ARC break, 362 exteriorization proves that individual is not a body auditor worried about his pc is working over a but an individual, 27,168 problem, 362 lives only about 70 years, it puts an awful limit on overts and withholds on pcs, 277, 289, 345, man, 90 362 living in body makes a being vulnerable, 79 session, auditor is responsible for session, 235, painandbodynerves,ll0 250, 428 pc exterior, handling body, 79 session, ending session is totally up to , 44, 356 responds badly to forces, 86 somatics, auditor doesn’t get pc’s somatics, 238 bonuses, what is required to get auditor ~,184 statistic of auditor, 129,147 books a C/S must know well, 103 supreme test of an auditor, 289, 290 BPC; see by-passed charge vision, auditor is expected to see meter, pc and briefing tape is a tape designed for a special and in worksheet all at one time, 178, 464 formed audience, 436 what is required to get bonuses, 184 bullbait that uses actual processes or implants should who have no pcs write procurement letters, 184 be stamped out hard, 192 working alone, decline of, 366 buttons, suppress and invalidate buttons, 50 Auditor’s Code is auditing tool, not just a nice idea, by-passed charge, 63 227; see also Scn 0-8 list goes wrong = BPC = handle or do L4A at once, Auditor’s Code, out, prevents case gain, 230 46 Auditor’s Report, 215; see also auditor admin lists designed to find by-passed charge and repair Awareness Scale; see Scn 0-8 faulty auditing action or life situation, 51 Axioms; see entry in full index; Scn 0-8 pc antagonistic = BPC = assess proper list (such as Azimuth meter, 178 L1C) and handle, 46, 359 reading items not F/Ned leave pc with ~,196 B Repair Program, exact BPC of last session is always first action, 63 backlog, don’t allow a backlog of pcs, 5 bad indicator; see indicator, bad 471 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 case(s) (cont) C gain and no case gain (cont.) pcs hiding general illness may show up as no cans; see E-Meter cans case gain, 191 case(s); see also preclear pc’s itsa on and on and on and on with no gain, advance of, is amount of charge you get off it, 187 cause of, 252 complete cases, 131, 276 pcs who do not hold their gains are PTS, 452 deadliest faults on cases are running same action rough TRs, rough metering, out code and dis twice; this drives TAs up through roof, 276 tractive auditor make no case gain, 230 difficulties, tone arm action, amount of, per session is index case does not run well means (a) resistive, (b) of gain, 77 errorshavebeenmade in auditing, 407 Grade I, Problems, is usual reason for no case case isn’t responding normally, C/S must sus- advance, 101 pect off-line action, 191 handling, case not advancing has problems, 58 case has many things to be handled, not one, 69 case not handled, 46, 360 case must be completed on an action before case running badly, don’t go on hoping, get starting anewone, 261 data, 358 part of handling cases is handle N-O-W, 4 cases who flinch at remembering anything at to handle case one keeps at it, 5 all, handling of, 65 high TA cases; see tone arm, high case trouble, “might be anything” use GF, 388 incomplete cases, 130 C/Sing towards significance produces non- low TA cases; see tone arm, low advancing cases, 77 major action, don’t use to repair a case, 47, 360 Exam non-F/N cases, errors to look for, 217 major action, set up case before starting, 14, 277 points that bog a case, 260 major processes are done to improve case, 57 twelve things that can foul up a case, 218 not responding normally, suspect off-line action, what’s really wrong lies in field of mass, energy, 191 space, time, form and location, 84 off-line actions, 191 does not know what is wrong with it or it would out-points, case is collection of, 69 as-is and wouldn’t be wrong, 345 people talking about their cases, 192 dog cases, 206, defn, pcs not running well, 205 points of case address; see Scn 0-8 “failed cases” or “dog cases”, causes of, 376 programming of cases; see programming entrance to case is not on level of technique, but is reality of case is proportional to amount of charge on level of comm cycle, 239 removed, 450 errors, study folder back to where pc ran well and repair, then come forward and you’ll find error every don’t use major action to repair, 47, 360 time, 278, 358 how to C/S, 62 Ethics, case undergoing Ethics actions should not many cases have to begin processing with a be audited until Ethics matter is cleared up and repair, 65 complete, 31, 96 worse the condition, lighter the remedy re “failed cases” or “dog cases”, causes of, 376 quired, 63 fast case considered a bad case when it is just a fast resistive cases, 101 case, 406 case does not run well means (a) resistive, (b) foreign language cases, GF on, 185 errors have been made in auditing, 407 former therapy case is apt tobe the roughest, 449 drugs or alcohol in most instances make a gain and no case gain, resistive case, 320, 327, 328 auditing above pc’s level gives no gain, 85 former therapy, 449 auditing over a W/H and PTP = no case gain, handling, 406 123 rundown [GF 40] is an VIII development to cognitions are the milestones of case gain, 230 handle those who cannot make the grades, discharged process no longer gives TA and gives 101 case gain, 77 seven types of resistive cases, 449 drugs prevent any case gain, 319, 327, 425 found in GF 40X, 388 lack of, how to handle, 33 person who has been on drugs is one of the lack of training means more trouble for pc in “seven types of resistive cases”, 319, 327 making his gains stably, 60 running well, never repair, 48, 362 no case gain can be created by lack of comm runs on cycles of actions: auditing comm cycle, cycle in an auditor, lack of an action cycle in process cycle, program cycle, 261 processes or messing up a program cycle, 262 run well when moderately well programmed, no case gain then it’s GF 40X, 388 C/Sed and audited, 219 472 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 case(s) (cont.) case supervising, case supervision, C/S (cont.) setting up cases, 14, 47, 51, 277 instructions are always written, 94 somatics, case has, equals Manetic level unflat, 70 in the chair, 356 State of Case Scale; see also Scn 0-8 Int RD, C/Sing, 388, 460 tagging cases, 406 invalidative remarks should not be made by C/S, tone arm; see tone arm 128 unburdening case brings up confront, 110 key points on case supervision, 94 case supervising, case supervision, C/S, case supervise; listing, points a C/S must be alert to regarding, see also Case Supervisor 392 accepting a C/S, 44, 356 long C/Ses, advantages of, 186, 187 auditor may not C/S in auditing chair while audit- long programs save time, 87 ing pc, 356 newly trained auditors, 152, 410, 411 auditor opinion is not a study of case, 345 not responding normally, suspect off-line actions, backwards C/Sing, 77 191 basic facts of case supervision, 56 pc remarks, use of in C/Sing, 83, 406 basic tech, use of, 58 pc running well, let roll; pc not running well, broad shooting C/Ses, 406 repair, 278 cause and effect in C/Sing, 58 pre-OT having a Solo and auditing folder, C/S Chart of Human Evaluation, use of in C/Sing, 85 must look at both before C/Sing, 95 chronic somatic, 139 prepared lists, ~ from, 280, 281, 405, 410, 465 Class VI (SHSBC) tapes and bulletins are all valid Q and A, to abruptly C/S everything the pc has and vital to C/Sing, 103 just said is a Q and A; but worse, it can lead to cramming, evaluation, 406 anyone that flubs that affects the C/S gets a Quad Dianetics, how to C/S a case for, 188 cramming chit, 377 repair, ingenuity is required of C/S only in area of if an auditor doesn’t grasp a C/S he gets help repair, 64 from Cramming, 183 Repair Pgm session, procedure for repairing, 92 I flub, I retrain in Cramming on that point, rights of auditor with relation to C/S, 48, 363 153 rules, 276, 278, 284 C/Singauditor-C/Ses, 205 rundown, one C/Ses rundown as itself, not as C/S instruction must be written, 94 botch of several actions run into it, 289 C/S proving unworkable during session, auditor stale dated C/S means it is too old to be valid, 356 has right to end off, 44, 356 TA, amount per session is C/S’s index of gain, 77 data, thorough C/Ses, 187 how the C/S gets data on case, 388, 405 towards significance produces non-advancing cases, lists prepared by C/S, assessed by auditor, 405 77 maxim “when in doubt order a 2-way comm”, troubles C/S is looking for, 205 41 two variables: auditor fault, or pc in overwhelm, 63 opinions, C/S does not take opinions as a two-way comm, 40, 46,104, 360, 405 source of data on pc, 345 unworkable C/S, 44, 356 Registars’ Advice Form informs C/S what pc win, C/Sing a win is Q and A, 83 wanted and expected, 7 worksheet, never try to C/S an illegible W/S, 96 Dianetic C/Ses, 186 written in duplicate, 94 Dianetic C/S programs the case from Assessment Case Supervisor(s)(‘s); see also case supervising Form, using drugs or medicine first and rest by action of C/S is reduction of forces, 77 largest reads first, 340; see also Dianetics actions, 102 Dianetic C/S 1, 225, 458 attitude of C/S, 365 Dianetics is its own field of C/Sing, 190 auditing materials, HCO Bs and texts, C/S has to don’t wander off known tech points, 279 know, much better than auditor, 275 errors, gross case supervision errors, 97 auditor(s) and C/S, 129,152,153, 398 “Examiner! Ask pc what auditor did in session”, auditors like a business-like accurate C/S, 399 274 C/S correcting auditor must refer to HCO B or fast flow basis, C/Sing on, 205 tape, 279 F/N, obtain before starting next C/S action, 260 C/S giving a daily auditors’ conference, 153 folder handling, C/S only with all folders to hand, C/S is really not just Case Supervisor, he is also 95 auditors’ handler, 129 form, 180 C/S is responsible for auditors’ ability to audit, grading of sessions, 180 152 hopeful C/Sing, 358 C/S must insist on good legible handwriting of insane, ways for a C/S to detect, 155 auditors, 433 473 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 Case Supervisor(s)(‘s) (cont.) Case Supervisor(s)(‘s) (cont.) auditor(s) and C/S (cont.) supreme test of a C/S, 289 C/S must interne his auditors for each interne- Tech and Qual terminals and lines, C/S must ship missed on way up, 331 coordinate, 375 how to make auditors flubless, 375 tech, C/S who knows his tech is able to hold the secret of how LRH as a C/S makes star audi- line on any given action in auditing or C/Sing tors, 284 and not mix up, 289 test of C/S in auditor’s eyes, 398 tech, why C/S C/Ses for exact tech application and books a C/S must know well, 103 not exclusively for result, 284 case gain, how to handle C/Ses who have PTP of terms, glossary of C/S terms, 98 how to get case gain for their pcs, 326 time, 88 cramming, if there’s no Cramming, C/S can fully tips, 273 afford to do cramming himself, 161, 461 tools of a C/S, 387, 388, 465 declare, it is C/S’s responsibility that a pc or training officer, C/S as a, 375 pre-OTissent to declare, 285 troubles, where most of a C/S’s troubles come Director of Processing does not have to be a C/S or from, 228, 410 to know C/Sing, 462 trying to obtain volume, quality and viability, 375 don’t let others decide what’s to be run, 83 who assesses pc to higher levels to solve lower ones don’t look for the process to handle, use a gradient is really asking for a wreck, 275 scale, 89 CCHs, to handle accident proneness, 58 expertise, 275 CCH 5, Location by Contact, commands and how to folder-C/S line, 181 run, 408 handling cases on the via of an auditor, 274 CCH 6, Body-Room Contact, commands and how to HCO Bs and tapes are stable data that form agree- run, 408 ment between auditor and C/S, 279 CCH 7, Contact by Duplication, commands and how HGC, two chief seniors, C/S (for tech) and Direc- to run, 409 tor of Processing (for auditors and bodies), 183 CDEI cycle with Lower Scale; see Scn 0-8 is a training officer of auditors and of other Tech- chain(s), Qual personnel as well, 375 engram chains go into restimulation on overrun in lines of C/S and Senior C/S, 182 life, 18 mentally tags the easy cases and tough cases, 406 erased can be overrun: what happens is that pcs mental masses, forces, energy are what C/S han- try to cooperate and put something there, 228 dles, 77 Full Flow Dianetic chains that did not F/N when misunderstoods from worksheets, 433 originally run, how to handle, 211 most successful when he supervises in seclusion, rehabbing chains, 227 344 two types of chains: story or narrative, and feel must be confident he could crack case as auditor, ings, 9 275 unflat engram ~ and high TA, 18, 76,122,123 mustn’t tolerate missing materials, 37~i change, no change = Level I is out, 70 opinions, C/S has no political or personnel opin- charge, defn, electrical impulse on case that activates ions, 344 meter, 50 org C/S, duty of, 205 advance of case is amount of charge you get off it, preclear and C/S, 187 C/S is friend of pc, 344 blows off bank to degree that it’s confronted and C/S is there to make certain that pc makes gains this is represented by itsa line, 243 and attains actual abilities of level, 79 level still charged, reliable indicators are TA action C/S should watch for Ethics record of pcs who and cognitions, 78 have been C/Sed, 96 reality of case is proportional to amount of charge pc illness must be reported to C/S before new removed, 450 session, 191 shows not only that an area has something in it; purpose, 76, 79 it also shows that pc has possible reality on it, Q and A, 75, 82, 92 50 quality is raised by C/S study of cases and Qual time track and charge; see Scn 0-8 Sec cramming the C/S, 209 Chart of Attitudes, application of, 148 Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and Interne Super- Chart of Human Evaluation, 85, 86 visor are close technical links with C/S, 377 application of, 148 responsibility, 152, 228, 375, 411 checklist, defn, list of actions or inspections to ready retraining is an inevitable part of C/S’s job, 152 an activity or machinery or object for use or should know exactly what is wrong with a case, estimate needful repairs or corrections, 140, 405 286 474 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 checkout, 447, defn action of verifying student’s cognition(s),117 knowledge of an item given on checksheet, 140, defn, pc origination indicating he has “come to 286 realize”; it’s a “What do you know. I “ checksheet, 447, defn, list of materials, often divided statement, 117 into sections, that give theory and practical defn, as-ising aberration with realization about steps which, when completed, give one a study life, 230 completion, 140, 286 auditor not in comm with pc means no ~, 241 High Crimes concerning checksheets, 80 chopping off cognitions, effect of, 22, 78 material, defn, policy letters, bulletins, tapes, flattening offaprocess and cognition, 242 mimeo issues, any reference book or any books how pc gets, 76 mentioned, 198 milestones of case gain, 230 never delete data from checksheets or assign part show that thought is releasing from force, 77 of it “background” data, 115 significance recovered or realized by the pc only sequence, 448 shows up as cognitions, 77 chilled pc almost always has a high TA until he gets TRs, in presence of rough TRs cognitions do not warm, 438 occur, 230 choice, thetan’s power of choice, how it has been waiting for F/N to broaden to cognition, 22 overthrown, 257 when they occur, 117 chopping pc’s communication, 245 cold pc sometimes has a falsely high TA, 424 chronic high TA; see tone arm, high coma, person in a coma, how to handle, 323 chronic somatic; see somatic, chronic command, auditor must know when pc has finished Church of Scientology, Creed of; see Scn 0-8 answering the command, 248 Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart, command, is pc ready to receive it, 245 basic program of any case, 56, 57, 99 communicate, communication, defn., interchange of Gradation Chart, critical band of, 466 ideas between two terminals, 291; see also ARC pc must attain full ability on each level before ability to precedes ability to handle, 264 going on, 56 chopping pc’s communication, effect of, 245 tools of auditing are the Grade Chart processes and cycle(s); see also auditing comm cycle the numerous correction lists, 387 consists of just cause, distance, effect with inClass VI (SHSBC) tapes and bulletins are all valid and tention, attention, duplication and under vital to lower grade auditing and C/Sing, 103 standing, 246 Class VIII, difficulties of auditing are difficulties of the actions, 100 communication cycle, 238 auditing, 73,101 E-Meter drill coaching, flunking out comm Course, what it has been slowed by, 165 cycle keeps needle clean, 10 high TA handling, Class VIII Course recommenda- must exist before technique can exist, 239 tions to list “What has been overrun” are whichmake up one auditingcycle, 244, 246 cancelled, 269 formula of, is cause, distance, effect with intention invalidation can crashstats, 23 and attention and a duplication at effect of clay demos, how to make, 163,164 what emanates from cause, 232 clay table, 447 is a familiarization process based on reach and any part of mind or any term in Scientology can withdraw, 239 be demonstrated on, 163 line, process doesn’t work until auditor has a art is no object in clay table work, 164 comm line to pc, 241 construction of clay table, 162 lines depend upon reality and communication and everything is labeled, 163 affinity and where individual is too demanding mass parts are done by clay; significance or affinity tends to break down slightly, 240 thought parts by label, 163 lines: itsa maker line, itsa line, what’s-it line, 243 thin-edged ring of clay with a large hole in it is location, to communicate one must be able to usually used to signify a pure significance, 163 hold to a location, 264 work in training, 162, 163 Reality and Communication Scale; see Scn 0-8 Clear, Dianetic, 98 two-way comm, clear, “one-shot clear” is impossible, 69 auditors must make notation of auditing essenClear, Power will not need repair after pc has gone tials in 2-way comm as of senior importance Clear, 143 to pc’s text, 104 coach, definition and purpose, 288 Course Supervisor use, 146,175, 299 coaching, E-Meter drill, 10 C/Sing two-way comm, 46,104, 360, 405 Code of a Scientologist; see Scn 0-8 four main reasons for 2-way comm C/Ses, 40 Code of Honor; see Scn 0-8 reasons for C/S errors in C/Sing 2-way coffee shop auditing, 191 comm, 104 475 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 communicate, communication (cont.) confront(ed)(ing) (cont.) two-way comm (cont.) symptoms of having trouble with, 265 E-Meter, two-way comm done on, 41 “talent” and “native ability”, related to ability to end phenomena, 41,104,105,126 confront, 264 evaluation in auditing two-way comm is a unburdeningcasebringsupconfront, 110 deadly sin, 40 via, confronting on, (using a relay point), 265 follows all rules of auditing, 104 confusion, how to handle confusion, 417 how to get to F/N, 105 confusion, misunderstood word exists at the bottom Interiorization Rundown is followed by two- of a confusion, 373 way comm session, 36, 52,126, 159, 460 consideration and mechanics; see Scn 0-8 prepared lists, two-way comming reading items, Contact Assist, 322 411 EP—pain gone, cog, F/N, 322 Prepcheck, two-way comm is lighter than, 93 interrupting a general course of auditing, 191 process oftwo-waycomm, 176 Touch Assists and Contact Assists mandatory questions, improper, 105 when any injury occurs, 167 rudiment going out in two-way comm session when possible make persons hold things they were must be put in by auditor, 105 holding, if any, while doing, 323 sessions, mark all reads, 65, 75 continue is the reverse action to overrun; continue sessions which do not end in F/N, how to equals survival, 269 handle, 105 Continue Process, assessing and listing, 282 subjectchosenmustbetestedforread, 104,105 controllingasituation,howto,416 subject of major processes, don’t use, 105 control pc, cure for auditor who can’t, 255 use of two-way comm, 65 cope, way to get out of, is to organize, 380 worksheets are detailed as to what pc says, 40 copperplate longhand, 433 completion, completed, completing, defn., com- correctionlists; see preparedlists,correctionlists pleting of a specific course or auditing grade, course(s); see also training meaning it has been started, worked through containing TRs 04, 6-9 or Admin TRs is a major and has successfully ended with an award in program in itself, 261 Qual, 141, 288 fast courses, 165 audited ~ must be paid and have attested with an final valuable product of any course, 199 F/N VGIs and written a success story, 371 graduate becomes an auditor by auditing, 234, 331 student completion must be paid, must have how to translate a course, 441 passed examination and must have acceptable materials, 198 success story, 369 misunderstood word tech is the sole course tech visual idea of completing actions, 262 when course admin is in and materials are avail complexity surrounding any subject or action is able, 303 derived from a greater or lesser inability to con- retread course, illegal to give away, 165 front, 266 Scientology course, what it consists of, 198 Confessional, Exam Report is required after any students who drift off of courses or who are very Confessional, 167 slow lack somebody to talk to, 175 confront(ed)(ing), 264, defn., ability to be there StudyTapes,onlypieceoftechnologyyouuseon comfortably and perceive, 265 a course, 302 ability to ~ pc and session and parts of session tapes are never played to a group of students, 435 permits one to accurately go from A to B, 289 use of clay table on courses, 163 bullbaited; see TR 0 Bullbait what is a course, 198 charge blows off bank to degree that it’s con- Course Administrator, defn., course staff member in fronted and this is representedby itsaline, 243 charge of course materials and records, 140, complexity surrounding any subject or action is 286 derived from a greater or lesser inability to con- actions of Course Administrator, 199 front, 266 Course Supervisor, defn, instructor in charge of a gradient of confronting study, 264, 265 course and its students, 140, 286 misunderstoods, confusions, omissions, alterations actions, 198, 301 of a subject begin with failures or unwiUingness checking students for misunderstoods on E-Meter, to confront, 264 300 pc; see TR 0 checkout, defn., checkout done by Supervisor of a pc ability to confront force, 79 course or his assistants, 140, 286 Scale of Confront; see Scn 0-8 Code and stable data; see Scn 0-8 student only fails by not confronting, duplicating, dialogue of a Supervisor, 299 absorbing and using the materials before him handling of student asking technical questions, 236 exactly like it says, 237 is not an “instructor”, 198 476 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 Course Supervisor (cont.) declare completes pc’s cycle of action and is a vital is there to get student’s confront up on materials part of the action, 285 not to lessen it by “explaining”, 236 declare, C/S’s responsibility that a pc or pre-OT is is tough, 198 sent to declare, 285 minimum requirements of Supervisor, 232 declare, multiple declare (declaring 0 to IV to Exami must show that he is interested in progress of his ner all at one time mostly without any mention students, 146 of EP of Grade), 102 skill, what it is, 198 definitions, 447 student doping off, looking upset or blowing, aptitude, relation tomisunderstood~,294 Course Supervisor actions, 146 by-passed definition, 294 student is going along well, Course Supervisor does clay table work on definitions, 162 not act to correct, 146 DEI to CDEI; see Scientology 0-8 two-way comm, 146,175, 299 delivery (birth), running out, 2 cramming, 183, 207, 282, defn, section in Qualifi- demonstration kit, defn, 287 cations Division where student is given high dev-T (developed, meaning excessive, traffic), basic pressure instruction at his own cost after being reason for, 4 found slow in study or when failing his exams, Dianetic(s); see also R3R 141, 287 auditing on specific situations, 2 auditing quality raised by getting in cramming, 209 auditors can repair Int RDs, 224 auditor goofs, always find and handle, by cram- Axioms of; see Scientology 0-8 ming,l53,206,273,412 begin Dianetics with Pc Assessment Sheet, not auditor, if an auditor doesn’t grasp a C/S he has Health Form, 339 received he getshelp from Cramming, 183 breakthrough came in assessing only somatics, auditor leaving ~ goes through Examiner, 412 sensations, emotions, attitudes, 9 auditor must complete cramming on action before chains previously flubbed, how to handle, 227 doing action again, 379 Clear, 98 auditors, let them complete programs on pcs even C/Sing, Dianetics is its own field of, 190 though going to Cramming, 380 C/S programs case from Assessment Form, using C/S, anyone that flubs as it affects the C/S in any drugs or medicine first and rest by largest reads way gets a cramming chit, 377 first, 340 C/S does cramming himself, if no Cramming C/S 1,225,458 Officer, 161, 461 “Did that incident erase” is not asked now, 53 cycle, compliance reports on cramming cycle don’t copy Dianetic lists or worksheets, 359 should have Exam Report attached, 412 Drug RD, Dianetic, 321, 329 must exist in any org which sells auditing, 233 drugs are handled first in Dianetics, 339, 340; see must have a library of all materials, 279 also drugs normal procedure even for Class XIIs, 379 end phenomena, 20, 53, 117 Section issues okay to audit, 233 erasure, 208; see also erasure standard Cramming action when correction list flows, one tries to do all flows of item in one said to be blank, 464 session, 186 tech as good as Cramming Officer can cram, 184 Full Flow Dianetic action, result of doing, 211 why it’s vital, 207 Full Flow Dianetic chains that did not F/N when critical, auditor finding himself being nattery or criti- originally run, how to handle, 211 cal of pcs should get his withholds on pcs Full Flow Dianetics, if pc’s TA begins to average pulled and overts on them off, 345, 362 higher, overrun is occurring, 227 critical pc = W/H = pull W/H, 46, 359 Full Flow Table, 188, 210 C/S; see case supervising; Case Supervisor Int RD and Full Flow Table, 189 cycles, complete, 276 high TA, engram chain not erased in restim, 117 item doesn’t read, pc still has symptoms, use suppress and invalidate, 11 D items must never be run twice, 359 item that doesn’t read will produce no chain, no Data Series, sometimes bring about a headache or basic and pc will jump around track trying but upset in student, handling of, 116 just jamming up his bank, 49 date to blow, locate to blow, 401, 402 Life Repair before Dianetics, 74 “dead horse list~’, 49 list(s), Dear Alice; see TR 1 all Dianetic lists can be carried to an item that death, exteriorization occurs at death, 28,169 blows down and F/Ns, 392 death of relatives, run them out narrative as second- bring together in folder, 359 aries R3R, 339 errors, 392 477 SUBJECT INDEX—1970/1971 Dianetic(s) (cont.) drug(s) (cont.) list(s) (cont.) alcohol or drugs make a resistive case, handle first, is not a listing action, 49 320, 328 null lists in Dianetics, 11 are handled first in Dianetics, 339, 340 of somatics, pains, emotions and attitudes can bomb formula and administration, 426 act as a list under meaning of laws of listing can turn on whole track pictures violently, 320, and nulling, 392 328 overrun = disrelated chain being restimulated, 18 case, a false exteriorization often occurs on an pain not resolved on Dianetics, 110 enforced basis and may go into restim, 449 past track, pc who doesn’t go past track in Dia- case gain, people who have been on drugs do not netics doesn’t recover, 452 make case gain until drugs are handled, 319, preclear(s), 99 327, 425, 427 has somatics, Dianetic level unflat, 70 chains are rehabbed and run out by Dianetics, 192 pattern at Examiner, 123 current ~ history or connections, handling, 34, repair of a Dianetic pc, 74 328 should be audited on ~ until no somatics, 99 drying out, 425 who is unflat on Dianetics will have out lower effects of drugs, 319, 327 grades, 59 engrams, 320, 328 prepcheck, never, while doing Dianetics, it mushes handling, 319, 327, 339 up engrams, 228 how to get off drugs, 425, 427 programming, 340 TRs to get off drugs, 65, 319, 328 Quadruple Dianetics; see Quadruple Dianetics vitamin therapy, 425, 426 session or chain, flubbed, repair within 24 hours, illegal drug use, 192 340 medicine is treated like any other drug, 339 tone arm, high, at session start, how to handle, 45, pc cannot confront doing Solo Grades, reason will 208 be found to be drugs, 466 “total-apathy-won’t-answer” session upset, prob- pc who is not making it in auditing should be able cause of, 392 checked for a drug or alcohol history, 320 Triples; see Triple Dianetics pc who suddenly relapses onto ~, symptoms of, upsets, handling of, 228 192 Dianetic Assist, EP—pain gone, cog, F/N, 322 people who have been on drugs sometimes afraid Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health of running engrams, 320, 328 printed with hard covers in foreign language is resistive case, former drug user is a resistive case, vital, 443 319, 320, 327, 328 dictionary, it takes big ~ to define simple words, 383 takers, some go plowing back into early implants Director of Processing, defn., is a director of process- and drug therapies, 450 ing of cases, 462 tone arm, drug chain makes high TA if in existence actions of, 182 or unflat, 189 any “feld ARC breaks” are direct reflection on ~, users get blown out of their heads and bog, TA up, 463 160 HGC, two chief seniors, C/S (for tech) and D of P withdrawal symptoms, 425 (for auditors and bodies), 183 Drug Rundown, 320, 328 interviews, 183 Dianetic Drug RD, 321, 329 to get data on case, 405 dry hands give high TA, 423 job, “to raise OCAs with paid for processi~g and dull, cause of feeling dull when talking to certain to be sure pc is happier”, 462, 463 people, 252 responsibilities, 183,184 duplicating, student only fails by not confronting, ~, training, 183, 462 absorbing and using materials before him exact Director of Tech Services (D of T/S) is actually in ly like it says, 237 charge of pcs and all folder files and all board Duplicative Question; see TR 3 keep-up work, 183 dynamic, 3rd dynamic is stronger than first ~, 366 DMSMH in foreign languages vital, 443 D of P; see Director of Processing dog cases; see cases, dog E dope off, pc dope off = lack of sleep or BP F/N = check on sleep, or rehab F/N, 46, 359 earphones and tape player must be high fidelity, 435 dramatizing pc = R6EW unflat, 70 education, defn, conveyance of ideas, patterns and drug(s), creations from one person to another for know - alcohol is included as a drug and receives same ing retention and conscious use by second treatment in auditing, 319, 327 person, 232 478 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 education (cont.) end phenomena (cont.) affinity, reality and communication together make pc exteriorizes in session, it is EP for that process up understanding and so play their role in~, oraction,225,457 232 program EP, 261 importance of misunderstood words, 295; see also proper EP for a process is F/N cognition VGIs, 78 misunderstood repair, EP of, 62, 278 Effect Scale, 63; see Scn 0-8 Scientology Grade 0 to IV end phenomena, 21 electric shock or former therapy, trouble with, 450 TA Handling Rundown, end phenomena of, 270 emergency, how to help in an emergency, 416 engram(s); see also R3R E-Meter; seealso E-Meter reactions by name auditing without attaining EP on engram chains auditor is expected to see E-Meter, pc and work- causes high TA, 123 sheet all at one time, 178 behavior, 27,169 Azimuthmeter, 178 chains go into restimulation on overrun inlife, 18 can(s), 107 drugs, people who have been on drugs are some causing false TA, 423, 438 times afraid of running engrams, 320, 328 Solo cans, 106 erasure; see erasure charged, how to keep E-Meter charged, 422 prepcheck, never prepcheck while doing Dianetics, charge is electrical impulse on case that activates it mushes up engrams, 228 E-Meter, 50 running engrams, always test an item for read check, defn., action of checking reaction of stu- before running, 50 dent to subject matter, words or other things, running of a crude sort can be found hundreds, isolating blocks to study, interpersonal relations thousands or billions of years ago, 450 or life, done with E-Meter, 140 run out force and words drop into insignificance, don’t use E-Meter distractingly, 230 76 drill coaching, 10 unflat chains and high TA, 18, 76,122,123 gross auditing errors regarding metering, 177 enrollment, 446 insane’s harmful acts often don’t register, why, 155 EP; see end phenomena needle action detects not so much significance as erasure(s), erase, erased, where force is, 78 chains, erased chains can be overrun; what happens needle, ARC break needle, 117,145 is that pcs try to cooperate and put something needle, Stage 4 needle, 145 there, 228 never feed E-Meter data to pc, 226, 259, 316 Dianetic errors preventing erasure, 208 position, 316, 464 “Did that incident erase” is not asked now, 53 putting pc’s attention on ~ violates in session F/N always occurswhenbasic on chain erases, 117 definition, 259 R3R, when pc originates “It’s erased” and TA reads; see reads remains high, do ABCD once more or rehab last reality-spotting by; see Scn 0-8 chain, 208, 218-19 records what force is being discharged in every TA, high TA cases have been run on something slash, fall and blowdown, 77 that didn’t erase, 28,169 sensitivity,howtosetcorrectly,316 thetan has to be at earliest end of incidents to trimmed improperly gives a false TA position, 421 erase them, 212 two-way comm is done on E-Meter, 41 you can’t rehab erasures with “How many used to detect stress, 68 times?”, 227 Emotional Tone Scale; see Tone Scale; Scn 0-8 ethics, Emotion and Affinity Scale; see Scn 0-8 cases undergoing ~ actions should not be audited emotions, Dianetic breakthrough came in assessing until ~ matter is cleared up and complete, 31, only somatics, sensations, ~, attitudes; 9 96 end phenomena, 451, defn., those indicators in pc C/S should watch for Ethics record of pcs who and meter which show that a chain or process is have been C/Sed, 96 ended, 20 interpretation of HCO Bs or PLs is out-ethics, 115 correct way to check to see if a pc has made an upstat, C/Ses to make Ethics upstat, 33 EP, 451 evaluation, Dianeticsendphenomena,20r53, 117 auditor invalidation and is just plain villainy, feeding the pc the EP of a process or action is 230 illegal and very out-tech, 451 auditor repeating what pc says, 250, 428 floating needles and end phenomena, 20 in two-way comm is a deadly sin, 40 if you go past EPthe F/Nwill pack up (cease) and or even chatter after session can upset pc that TA will rise, 20 ended session on F/N VGIs, 138 pc attaining EP before all processes run, what to evil, man seeks to check his evil impulses by inhibit do, 48, 361 ing his own skill and strength, 156 479 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 Examiner(s). F actions of, 181 assists, pc taken to ~ afterwards, 167,191 C/S “Examiner! Ask pc what auditor did in ses- facsimile, drugs can turn on whole track pictures sion”, 274 violently, 320 Dianetic pc pattern at Examiner, 123 facsimile, pc’s not-is of picture squeezes it into invisi Exam F/Ns after flubs, 274 bility, 208 F/N—no F/N at ratio, what it tells, 366, 367 Factors; see Scn 0-8 getting the F/N to Examiner, 122 “failed cases” or “dog cases”, causes of, 376 high TA at Exam after F/N in session, causes and failed posts and duties trace back to misunderstood solutions for, 122 words, 381 low TA at Exam, 124 false auditing reports, handling of auditor, 229, 362 pc F/Ns at ~, then reports sick, reason for, 218 false TA; see tone arm, false pcs who don’t F/N at ~, how to handle, 217 false, use suppress and ~ to fly ruds, 45, 357 Q & Aing with Exam statement of pc, 82 family insanity, run out narrative secondaries R3R, session, flubbed session is visible at ~,138 340 24 hour rule, 138,174 fast flow basis, C/Sing on, 205 Exam Report(s), fertility, Rising Scale [process] will sometimes re causes of contrary Exam Report, 205 store fertility or change eyesight, 90 compliance reports on Cramming cycle should FES; see Folder Error Summary have Exam Report attached, 412 fever, handling with auditing, 335 Form, 193 FFD; see Dianetics, Full Flow required after any Confessional, 167 firefights, defn, quarrel between auditor and pc, 228 which routinely have sour notes in them indicate first aid always precedes an assist, 417 need of Repair Program, 62 first dynamic, 3rd dynamic is stronger than, 366 executives or staff members who show signs of obses- flattening, defn, to do something until it no longer sive transfer of staff, handling of, 354, 439 produces a reaction, 265 Expanded GF 40 RB, 304; see also Green Form cognition and flattening of a process, 242 Expanded Lower Grades; see grades floating needle(s), 20, 53,122,144, 196, 217, defn., exterior, exteriorization, 172, 420, defn, act of mov- idle uninfluenced movement of needle on dial ing out of body with or without full perception, without any patterns or reactions in it; it moves 27,168, 420 to right at same speed as it moves to left; it is auditing after ~, symptoms of, 27, 36,168, 218 loose and free, 68 handling; see Interiorization Rundown abuse and “quickies”, 78 blow as an effort to exteriorize, 42 ARC break needle is floating needle between 2.0 compulsive, 160 and 3.0 TA position with bad indicators, 117 drug case, false ~ often occurs on enforced basis by-passed, why it gives high TA, 18 and may go into restim, 449 cases that don’t F/N at Exams, 217 high TA and exteriorization, 19, 27, 36,168 cognition, waiting for F/N to broaden to, 22 in session it is EP for that process or action, 225, complaints about, actual problem is auditor dis 457 tracting pc from cognition by calling attention late in incident, it began with interiorization, 28, to himself and meter a moment too soon, 22 170 dope off = lack of sleep or BP F/N = check on occurs at death, 28,169 sleep, or rehab F/N, 46, 359 pc exterior, handling body, 79 end phenomena and floating needles, 20, 78, 117 proves man is a spiritual being, timeless and death- if you go past EP the F/N will pack up (cease) less, 27,168, 420 and TA will rise, 20 somatics after exteriorization, 42 erasure and F/N, 117 techniques are not now used because person (a) still Exam F/Ns after flubs, 274 being aberrated and not Clear, soon returns to Examiner and floating needles; see also Examiner his body and (b) when audited thereafter has F/N everything, 196, 316 trouble, 27,168 frequent errors in F/Ning everything, 197 when somebody goes exterior he is liable to key in F/Ning auditors, 412 having gone interior in first place, 28,169 getting the F/N to Examiner, 122 Exteriorization Rundown, changed to Interiorization gradual widening of F/N, 144 Rundown, 459; see Interiorization Rundown indicate floating needle, when to, 21,197 eyesight, 178 indications, pcs who resent F/N indications, cause Rising Scale [process] will sometimes restore of, 78 fertility or change eyesight, 90 no F/N at Examiner ratio, what it tells, 367 eyes, what a person does with, shows his tone, 149 non-F/N cases, 217 480 SUBJECT INDEX—1970/1971 floating needle(s) (cont.) folder, obtain an F/N before starting next C/S, 260 admin, 182; see also Auditor Admin Series [IX-I ] pcs “getting an F/N at will” are not in session, 438 analyzing and reviewing folders, 95 persistent F/N, 144,145 C/S folder line, 181 reading items not F/Ned leave pc with BPC, 196 C/S only with all folders to hand, 95 read on an item from ruds or prepared list must be study ~ to find auditing error, how to, 218, 278 carried to F/N, 196 Word Clearing Method No. 1 can be done with no R3R, floating needle on, 20 folder, 315 session that tries to go beyond a big dial-wide Folder Error Summary, 142 drifting floating F/N only distracts pc fromhis auditor does not let a C/S C/S hopefully; he win, 144 refuses C/Ses until an FES is done and bug students who study well are said to be F/Ning found, 358 students, 412 cost of, 142 TA must be between 2 and 3 for a correct F/N, credits on auditor’s stat, 147 55,117, 421 necessity for FES must not halt delivery, 142 floating TA, 424 results, examples, 206 flow(s), defn, an electronic flow in a direction, 270 who does it, 142 actual electrical flow occurs in response to direc- Folder Page, actions of, 182 tional command, 270 Folder Summary inside front cover must exist and by-passed flows and mass, 210, 212, 213 must be kept up, 276, 359 clearing flows, 282 footplates, 438 Full Flow Dianetics; see Dianetics, Full Flow force(s), F0 is Flow Zero, self doing something to self, 211 body responds badly to forces, 86 in doing an Int RD one mustn’t suddenly intro- chronic somatics, almost all, have their root in duce 4th flow (F Zero), 210 force, 76 Quadruple Dianetics and F0; see Quadruple cognitions show that thought is releasing from Dianetics force, 77 running, 214 E-Meter records what force is being discharged in F1 is Flow One, something happening to self, 211 every slash, fall and blowdown, 77 F2 is Flow Two, doing something to another, 211 engrams, run out the force and the words drop Dianetics F2 command, 43 into insignificance, 76 perception, lack of, comes from overts and force-shy thetan, howonebecomes a, 86 improves when Flow 2 is done, 340 made up of time, matter, energy, flows, particles, F3 is Flow Three, others doing things to others, masses, solids, liquids, gasses, space and loca 211 tions, 79 Dianetics F3 command, 43 pc ability to confront force, 79 high TAs are caused by two or more flows oppos- pc will change in ideas when he changes his rela ing thus making a mass or ridge, 270 tionship to forces, 86 high TAs, heavy pressure and even illness can come significance vs. force, 77, 85 from by-passed flows, 212 somatics passing through in session are a definite low TAs are caused by overwhelm by flows, 270 clue to force change, 86 mass occurs when flows of items are by-passed and thetans find counter-forces objectionable, 76 then later restimulated by auditing them, 210, tone arm action shows that ~ is coming off case, 212, 213 77 “ridges” and masses come about from a conflict of forcing a pc, 414 flows opposing or being pulled back as in with- franchise or field might not have divisions but they holds, 270 have all the functions, 153 running previously unrun flows, 1, 213 franchises may adopt “okay to audit” system, 233 unrun, law: when one or more of four flows of an freedom, feeling of ~ and expansion on a subject is item or grade are left unrun, when used in later expressed in normal TA and loose needle, 78 processes the earlier unrun ones restimulate and Full Flow Dianetics; see Dianetics, Full Flow make mass, 212 Full Flow Table; see Dianetic Full Flow Table flubbed chains, 227 flubbed sessions, red tagging, 138 Flub Catch System, 142 G flubs, auditing; see auditing errors flunk(s), 128, defn., to make a mistake, fail to apply GAEs; see auditing, gross auditing errors materials learned; opposite of pass, 287 gain; see case gain session grading, when given, 128 GF; see Green Form F/N; see floating needle glasses, 178 481 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 "glib" students, 264 Green Form 40 (cont.) good indicators; see indicators, good Expanded GF 40 RB, 304 goofed session must be repaired within 24 hours, 138 no case gain then it's GF 40X, 388 goofs, always find and handle auditor goofs by Cram- OT IV Rundown and Green Form 40,102 ming, 206 "out of valence" reads on GF 40, handle last, 35 Gradation Chart; see Classification Gradation and problem shows up as an out rud in GF 40 and is Awareness Chart simply put in as a rud not as a grade, 101 grade(s), defn, series of processes culminating in an remains as a "when all else fails", 102 exact ability attained, examined and attested to resistive case rundown [GF 40] is an VIII develop bypc,47,360;seealsolevel ment to handle those who cannot make the Advance Programs should contain Expanded grades, 101 Lower Grades, Triple, 432 seven resistive cases are found in GF 40X, 388 Class VI (SHSBC) tapes and bulletins are all valid when to use GF 40,101 and vital to lower ~ auditing and C/Sing, 103 grinding, caused by failure to ask for earlier begin end phenomena of grades, 21, 78 ning, 208 Expanded Lower Grades, 98, 432 gross auditing errors; see auditing, gross auditing flows, any later grade run with more flows than errors used in earlier actions can throw earlier unflat group, auditor's advantages of being part of, 366 flows into restim, 212 guilty, pc makes others guilty = Level IV unflat, 70 harmonic into OT levels, 98 indicators of completed grade, 78 major grade process is definitely not enough to H make pc make a lower grade, 103 pc demanding next grade, 83 handle, handling, defn., finish off, complete, end pc, grade he can't seem to make is not the ~, 70 cycle on, 4 pc may only attest one grade at a time, 80 ability to communicate precedes ability to ~, 264 pc who is unflat on Dianetics will have out lower service and handling are the same thing, 4 grades, 59 handwriting, illegible auditor , how to handle, 433 Quickie Grades; see Quickie Grades HAS Specialist Auditing Program, 354, 439 repairs of grades not made or failed, 466 hatting, basic hatting step, 342 Triple Grades, 54 Havingness Scale; see Scn violations, 47, 361 HC; see Hubbard Consultant Grade I, Problems, is usual ordinary reason for no HCO Bs and tapes are stable data that form agree case advance, 101 ment between auditor and C/S, 279 Grade II Release, 30 HCO Bs or PLs, interpretation of is out-ethics, 115 gradient scale, 89, defn, gradual increasing condition headaches and Int Rundown, 401 of, or a little more of little by little, 265 Int RD Correction Lists have been done and pc C/S, don't look for the process to handle, use a still has headaches, how to handle, 457 gradient scale, 89 Health Form, do not begin Dianetics with a ~, 339 gradient, too steep a study gradient, 293, 294 Health Form, things to be run before, 340 gradient, too steep, is most recognizable and most HGC, applicable in field of doingness, 294 course graduation does not give an HGC okay to Green Form, 31 audit, 234 assessed Method 5 (once through for reads, then dummy run the new HGC line, 184 the reads handled), 280, 318 fantastic new HGC line, 180,181 case trouble, "might be anything" use GF, 388 how to get results in an HGC, 365 fo~eign language cases, GF on, 185 maximum of 600 well done auditing hours, 183 hidden standard handling, 185 okay to audit requirements, 233 Method 3 and GF, 318 quality of HGC, who monitors, 377 misuse of, not handling pc, 4 two chief seniors, C/S (for tech) and Director of overlist, how to handle, 273 Processing (for auditors and bodies), 183 ruds won't fly, assess GF and handle, 45, 46, 357, hidden data line, defn., pretense that certain data 360 exists outside of HCO Bs, books and tapes, 378 sequence of handling, 185 technology, decay of tech begins with hidden data to F/N, 31,196 lines that are not true, 279 Green Form 40, there is no hidden data line, 115 all reading items on a GF 40 are handled, 35 trouble can wreck an HGC (and org and field), 378 assessment methods, 185, 465 hidden standard handling on Green Form, 185 "audited over out ruds" reads on GF 40, handle High Crime, C/S not writing C/S instructions is a High first, 35 Crime, 94 482 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 High Crime regarding 24 hour rule, 174 indicators (cont.) High Crimes of technical degrades, 80 good indicators in auditors or students are mad higher levels do not solve lower level failures, 275 with truth, 398 high TA; see tone arm, high good vs. bad pc indicators, 258 "Hold it still", persistent temperature can be brought reliable indicators of completed grade, 78 down by running pc on Objective "Hold it Injury Rundown, 335 still",howtorun,335 insane, insanity, defn., overt or covert but alway HQS Co-Audit, folder admin for, 215 complex and continuous determination to harr Hubbard Consultant, defn. ,141, 287 or destroy, 156 Outpoint-Pluspoint List procedure, 116, 132 about 15% to 20% of the human race apparently is Study Stress Analysis No. 1, 2, 3 & 4, 66-67 insane, 155 training, 66 actions of insane are not "unconscious", 155 Hubbard Guidance Center; see HGC as cases in normal processing, roller-coaster con Hubbard, L. Ron, secret of how LRH as a C/S makes tinually, 155 star auditors, 284 behavior, insane or psychotic, 157, 158 Human Evaluation Chart; see Chart of Human Evalu- E-Meter, why insane's harmful acts often don't ation register on, 155 hypnotism, "psycho" analysis, "psychiatry" and other family insanity, run out narrative secondaries implant type therapies often key in and jam R3R, 340 track,449 handling of insane, 157; see also Expanded Dia netics [in full index] man is basically "good", also manifested in insane, I 156 nearly always have a fixed emotional tone, 155 ideas, pc will change in ideas when he changes his "omitted time" is a basic insanity, 90 relationship to forces, 86 product of post duties is destructive but is excused ideas, there is not also misunderstood ideas; there is as ignorance or errors, 155 only misunderstood word which breeds wrong psychiatry is making insane people, 113 ideas, 373 "stop everything" is entrance point of ~, 268 identification, Scale of Identification; see Scn 0-8 "suppressive person" characteristics are those of ill, illness, insane person, 155 auditing and illness, 2,139 truly insane do not necessarily act ~ visibly, 155 by-passed flows can cause illness, 212 types of insanity are just different symptoms of handling illness or sickness, 89 same cause, 156 must be reported to C/S before new session, 191 ways for a C/S to detect insane, 155 pc F/Ns at Exam, then reports sick, reason for, in session;see session, in 218 integrity is hallmark of Dianetics and Scientology pc has felt massy, sometimes even ill, cause of and 362 handling, 213 intelligence decreased with each new year of school pc is often ill because his ruds in life are out, 364 why, 383 pcs hiding general illness may show up as no case intelligence quotient, D of P goes on idea of more gain, 191 auditing when he wants to raise graph or IQ, pcs with high TAs feel ill and get ill, 124 462 programming errors and delay in repair can cause intelligence quotient, handling of low IQ test scores pc illness, 61 34 run out narrative R3R, 339 intensives, reason for auditing intensives, 261, 419 sessions which are left unrepaired for more than intensive, standard 121k hour intensive programs, 419 24 hours occasionally find pc physically ill, 139 interest, pc no interest = no interest in first place or sick pcs should not be run on PTS Rundown as a out ruds = check for interest or put in ruds, 46, standard practice, 453 360 sick person goes into overwhelm easily, 89 interiorization, exteriorization is late in incident, it suicide or illness in the field of study or education, began with interiorization, 28,170 cause of, 293 Interiorization Rundown, 27, 36, 42, 52, 125, 159, in, defn., things which should be there and are or 168,172,224,271,400,420,429,456,459 should be done and are, 141, 287 auditor must know Standard Dianetics, 161 incomplete cases, 130 auditor requirements, 234, 456 indicators, to do Int RD correction, 401 bad indicator moves in when good indicator moves can be limited to 3-way recall, when, 93 out, 258 can be unnecessary, 400, 459 F/N carries with it cognitions and VGIs, 117 clearing commands, importance of, 172 483 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 Interiorization Rundown (cont.) interneship, defn., serving a period as an interne, or cognition on Int RD, 52 an activity offered by an org by which expericorrect Int RD error as a first action, 224, 456 ence can be gained, 331 Correction List, 429 auditors must take ~ after each course, 332 correction of Int-Ext is hard since until it is com- invalidate, invalidation, defn., a refuting or degrading plete other auditing is inadvisable, 160, 460 or discrediting or denying something someone C/Sing Int RD, 229, 460 else considers to be a fact, 265 date to blow—locate to blow procedure, to repair auditor of pc is just plain villainy, 230 failed Int-Ext RD, 401 auditors, invalidation of, 128, 278, 379 Dianetic auditors can repair Int RDs, 224 avoid use of "you" to pc, 250, 428 don't overrun EP, 48, 362 Class VIII can crash stats by invalidation of junior end phenomena, 160, 460 auditors, 23 errors, 172, 224, 400, 456 of pc can drive TA low, 423 essentially a Dianetic, not a Scientology, action, past lives, don't invalidate, 192, 452 228 pc suppresses or invalidates something, read trans Exteriorization Rundown changed to Interiori- fers to suppressorinvalidate, 12 zation Rundown, 459 suppress and invalidate buttons, 11, 50 Flow Zero, one mustn't suddenly introduce 4th IQ;see intelligence quotient flow (F Zero), 210 item(s), Full Flow Table and Int-Ext RD, 189 always test an item for read before Prepchecking HCO Bs covering Int-Ext RD, 159, 459 or running recall or engrams, 50 headaches and Int Rundown, 401, 457 confusions on "reading item", 178 is a remedy, 400, 460 Dianetic item doesn't read, pc still has symptoms, designed to permit pc to be further audited use suppress and invalidate, 11 after he has gone exterior, 160, 461 Dianetic items must never be run twice, 359 musts: run in one session; be flubless; follow with Dianetic item that doesn't read will produce no 2-way comm, 125 chain, no basic and pc will jump around track not meant to be sold or passed off as a method of trying but just jamming up his bank, 49 exteriorizing pc, 160, 461 narrative items can give you trouble in R3R, 9 on new pc, 458 once having read need not read again to be valid, out Int RD, handle first of all, 280 177 out Int trouble is worse than list trouble is worse reading but not F/Ned leave pc with BPC, 196 than out ruds, 396 reading item, what it is, 177 out, you will get a soaring TA, 281 somatics, sensations, emotions, attitudes, R3R ,9 overrun, 460 unreading items—checking for reads, 45, 49, 357 pc goes exterior in auditing, later his TA goes high, when listing items auditor must have an eye on then you do an Int RD, 400, 460 meter, 177 repair of Int RD, 457, 460 itsa, roller-coaster can be caused by bad ~ or Int repair, letting pc itsa, 253 out lists, by-passed charge of other descriptions, line—pc's line to the auditor—is a report on what 453 has been as-ised, 243 stabilizes exteriorization and makes it possible to maker line—the pc's line to his bank-is invisible, audit pc further, 160, 461 don't cut it, 243 theory of, 213 pcs itsa on and on with no gain, cause of, 252 to keep from auditing over an out Int RD there is what it is, 253, 254 C/S 53, 388 Ivory Tower rule, 344 two-way comm session must follow Int RD, 36, 52,126, 159, 460 K "went in" and "go in" must read in order to run Int Rundown, 400 know before you go, 405, 407 when to do, 400, 459, 460 knowingness, Scale of Knowingness; see Scn 0-8 why it must be done in one session, 125,172 knowledge can be conceived to be ideas, patterns and interne(s), defn., an advanced graduate or a recent creations and can include any concept or under graduate in professional field who is getting standing, 232 practical experience under supervision of an Know to Mystery Scale, 404;see also Scn 0-8 experienced worker, 331 program, Cramming Section issues okay to audit L after rigorously following essentially interne program, 233 languages, Dianetics and Scientology in other ~, 443 section in Qual, 332 leadership test scores, low, handling of, 34 484 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 leave of absence, defn, authorized period of absence list(s) (cont.) from a course granted in writing by Course L10, 467 Supervisor and entered in student's study actions, 316 folder, 141, 286 out list(s), 281 level(s); see also grade can make an ARC break that can't be handled failing to use all processes for is a High Crime, 80 by ARC break but only by L4B, 273 higher levels do not solve lower level failures, 275 handled before ruds, 273 still charged, reliable indicators are TA action and roller-coaster can be caused by out lists, 453 cognitions, 78 prepared lists; see prepared lists Level I is out, no change, 70 that is getting no item, don't extend, use 14, 49 Level II is out, lots of ARC breaks, 70 trouble, Int RD trouble is worse than list trouble is Level IV unflat, preclear makes others guilty, 70 worse than out ruds, 396 library, 207, 279, 397 trouble, use List L4 to locate and handle, 45, 357 life exists in presence of understanding, 291 listing and nulling; see also lists Life Repair(s), 278 ARC breaks, most violent session ARC breaks need of Life Repair before Dianetics, 74 occur because of list errors under meaning of list(s); see also listing and nulling listing and nulling, 392 can be extended beyond F/N, 278 don't list a pc on a Repair Program, use two-way correction lists; see prepared lists, correction lists comm, 93 "dead horse list", 49 errors, 49 Dianetic lists; see Dianetic lists handle first if Int isn't out, 280 errors are corrected by L4, 392 L4B—for assessment of all listing errors, 200 errors, extreme upsets and deep apathies are al- eventual item listed must F/N, 196 most always, 392 points a C/S must be alert to regarding listing, 392 errors, withholds and list errors can cause high TA, question, 281 always test a listing question before letting pc F/N everything found on ruds and lists, 197 list, 49 goes wrong = BPC = handle or do L4B or any L4 in clearing a listing question auditor watches at once, 46, 360 meter, not necessarily pc and notes any read Green Form, overlist, how to handle, 273 while clearing question, 177 isn't null; it is suppressed or invalidated, 11 must read to be listed, 45, 49, 357 LXlists;seeLXlists trouble, use a prepared list like L4B to locate L1A, do an L1A if pc was not fully satisfied that trouble and handle it, without further C/S all has been handled, 31 instructions, 45 L1B,38,39, 118 LocationalProcessing,418 never try to fly ruds or do L1B on a high or low as assist, 415 TA, 197 location, to communicate one must be able to hold to L1C, 203 a location, 264 bad auditing, previous, can be cured by, 281 Logics; see Scn 0-8 best done Method 3, 280, 318 "Look at me. Who am I?" is used in a repair session handles ARC broken, sad, hopeless or nattery when pc goes too wild to audit, 65 pcs, 203 low TA; see tone arm, low never C/S to take TA down with ARC break LRH; see Hubbard, L. Ron rud or L1C,281 LSD, drugs, particularly LSD, can turn on whole not used on high or very low TAs to get them track pictures violently, 328 down or up, 318 L (number); see lists won't handle out lists, 281 LX list, run each flow chain to an F/N, 196 L3B, 227 LXl, LX2, LX3 out of valence lists, 330 Dianetics and Ext RD Repair List, 220 done Method 3, 280 how to use, 227 M L4B, assessmentmethod,280,318 major action(s), 467,defn., any, but any, action list errors are corrected by, 45, 119, 200, 357, designed to change case or general con 360, 392 siderations or handle continual illness or im out list can make ARC brk that can't be prove ability; means a process or even a series handled by ARC brk but only by L4B, 273 of processes like 3 flows; it doesn't mean a LIXHi-LoTAList,179,194 grade; it is any process case hasn't had, 47, L9S, using L9S [L11] , 298 360 L9S, 37R is best done as part of L9S [L11] , 296 don't use to repair a case, 360 485 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 major action(s) (cont.) misunderstood(s); see also Word Clearing pc application for, 14,16 action, 301 R6 to OT III, closed band to other ~, 467 alteration of meaning or action, at bottom of, is set up case before starting, 14, 46, 360 misunderstood word, 382 what they are, 14 blow can be caused by misunderstood data or won't run, suspect it may have been done before, overts, 141,162,198, 286, 294, 390 276 C/S misunderstoods from worksheets, 433 major grade process is definitely not enough to make definitions, relation to aptitude, 294 pc make a lower grade, 103 doingness and misunderstood word, 295 major processes done to improve case, 57 earliest misunderstood word in a subject is a key major processes, don't use to repair a case, 47, 64 to later ~ words in that subject, 383 major processes, subject of, keep out of two-way effectsof~word,294,300,301,383 comm, 105 exists at the bottom of a confusion, 373 major step, prepare a case for, 15 ideas, there is not also ~ ideas; there is only ~ manager, credo of a good and skilled manager; see word which breeds, then, huge towering wrong Scn 0-8 ideas, 373 man, nature of, 156 p o s t , f a i l e d , a n d d u t i e s t r a c e b a c k t o misundermannerism additives, 256 stood words, 381 mannerism changes in pc, 86 simple words are misunderstood, 383 manual, defn, booklet of instruction for a certain student's stat down, check for ~ word, 302 object or procedure or practice, 141, 287 Supervisor two-way comm and ~ word, 299 mass(es), massy tech, misunderstood word tech is sole course tech absence of, 293 when course admin is in and materials are avail auditor + pc as two pole system to as-is ~, 238 able, 303 clay table, mass parts are done by clay~ signifi- model performance tapes,437 cance or thought parts by label, 163 moist hands give low TA, 422 mental masses are what C/S handled, 77 money, more interesting than delivery of service is missing flows are still potential mass, 210, 213 self-defeative, 5 overrun is full of mass and ARC breaks, 268 morale of auditor, what it depends on, 380 pc is continually searching for significance of mass motion, Scale of Motion; see Scn 0-8 or force, what is it, why is it, 77 multiple declare, defn, declaring 0 to IV to Examiner rehab keys out mass, 18 all at one time mostly without any mention of "ridges" and ~ come about from a conflict of EPof grade, 102 flows opposing or being pulled back as in with- multiple somatic items, when to triple or quad nar holds, 270 rative items or multiple somatic items, 211 self-auditing is manifestation of being over- muzzled auditing;seeauditing, muzzled whelmed by , etc. and pulling only think out mystery, Know to Mystery Scale; see Scn 0-8 of bank, 85 significance vs. mass or force, 77 studying without mass, symptoms of, 293 N thetans, massy, 212, 213 tone arm records mass, 28,169 narrative, tone arms, high, are caused by two or more flows chains of excessive length, 9 opposing thus making a mass or ridge, 270 items can give you trouble in R3R, 9, 208 materials, C/S mustn't tolerate missing ~, 378 run out narrative R3R: accidents, illness, mental meaning of things plays a secondary role in processing treatment, operations, 339 to forces, 76 run out narrative secondaries R3R: deaths of relamechanics and consideration; see Scn 0-8 tives, family insanity, 33940 medical care, after ~ people should be audited, 2 somatics vs. narratives, 9 medical treatment, 14 when to triple or quad narrative items or multiple medicine is treated like any other drug, 339 somatic items, 211 medicines can turn on whole track pictures violently, "native ability" and "talent", related to ability to 328 confront, 264 mentalmasses;seemasses,mental natter is "other people's overts"; getting these off mental treatment, run out narrative R3R, 339 does not help the pc; getting pc's off does, 13 meter; see E-Meter nattery pc has withholds, 13, 58 methods of assessment; see assessment methods needle; see E-Meter needle; needle characteristics by methods of Word Clearing; see Word Clearing name misprogramming, 209 nervous system, sympathetic, and pain, 110, 111 missed beginning of an exteriorization, 28,169 no case gain; see case gain and no case gain 486 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 no change = Level I is out, 70 out-points, case is coUection of, 69 No-Interference Area, 466 out tech; see technology, out exception to No-Interference Area, 466 overlist shows up on Green Form, how to handle, 273 no-somatic pc is either high as an angel or being run overrepair, 278 too high, 86 overrun(s), 117, defn, doing something too long that not-is, pc's not-is of picture squeezes it into invisi- has engrams connected with it which means an bility, 208 engram chain with too many engrams on it null, list isn't null; it is suppressed or invalidated, 11 being restimulated by life or auditing, 76 nutrition, vitamin therapy, 425 assessment of flows, 269 chains, erased chains can be overrun; what happens is that pcs try to cooperate and put something O there, 228 continue is the reverse action to overrun, 269 obnosis, defn, observing the obvious, 148, 248 C/S Series 37 and C/S Series 37 Addition handling OCA/APA, of overrun cancelled, 267; see C/S Series 37R any low point on left side of graph means pc out [VII-268] of valence, 462 Dianetic overrun, 18, 117 any low point on right side of graph means pc flow jams up when run too long on an average crazy, 462 human because his mind has "overruns" in it D of P operates by OCAs, 462, 463 already, 270 graph drops explained, 330 full of mass and ARC breaks, 268 okay to audit system, 233, 234, 332 lists done on overrun by using the in-ARC Cramming Section issues okay to audit, 233 approach, 269 franchises may adopt okay to audit system, 233 pc audited under tension of poor TRs has a hard "omitted time" is abasicinsanity, 90 time and does not F/N sometimes, inviting one-hand electrode, 106, 422 overrun, 197 "one-shot clear" is impossible, 69 Scientology cycle of key-out, overrun, rehab, 18 Operating Thetan, theory of overrun, 242, 268 grades harmonic into OT levels, 98 tone arms go high on overrun, why, 18, 122, 227 never order TRs after Solo materials study or tone arm, soaring TA = O/R or protest = find before OT III is attested, 466 which and handle; such an O/R is usually by OT IV Rundown, purpose and validity of, 102 rehab, 46, 359 OT VI with problems is really just an unflat Grade "What has been overrun", list of, don't use, 269 I, 59 what it is, 270 pre-OT between R6 and OT III, it is possible to what makes a thetan believe something can be ~ is repair, so long as you are not trying to handle effort to stop or effort to stop him, 268 his whole case but only repairing grade he overrunning, defn, accumulating protests and upsets missed, 466 about something until it is just a mass of stops; Operating Thetan Confronting;see TRs, OTTR0 anyone can do anything forever unless he operations, 14 begins to stop it, 265 pain from, handled by Dianetics, 110 overshooting, defn, going beyond a completion or run out narrative R3R, 339 completing a completion, 130 organization, overts, is being paid to handle pcs, 4 auditor overts on pcs, 277, 289, 362 product of an org is well taught students and blows, overts are aprimary cause of,42, 286 thoroughly audited pcs, 81 natter is "other people's overts"; getting these off results, organize to improve, 366 does not help pc; getting pc's off does, 13 routine basis of getting ~uditing into an org, 209 pc nattering has overts, 13 should be seUing more training than processing, 368 perception and overts, 289, 340 success stories, real stat of an org, 88 withholds and overts keep pc interiorized, 160 wins and stats, 367 overwhelm(ed), 63 organize, way to get out of cope, 380 cause of pc overwhelm, 64 origination cycle, 247 low TA is a symptom of an ~ being, 55, 76, 270 origination, handling of pc origination, 246 pc is running badly, he's in an overwhelm, 64 origin or clearing question, to miss seeing read on, is a pc's behavior, mannerisms change if pc is improv gross auditing error, 177 ing; if they drop lower on Human Evaluation OT; see Operating Thetan Chart pc is in ~, 85 out, defn, things which should be there and aren't or programming incorrectly can add up to ~, 62 should be done and aren't, 141, 287 self-auditing is manifestation of being ~ by masses, out-point list, 133 etc. al'd pulling only think out of bank, 85 487 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 overwhelm(ed) (cont.) Power [process] in SH HGC, okay to audit require sick person goes into overwhelm easily, 89 ments, 234 TR 1,overwhelming, causeslowTA, 270 Power [process] requires flawless auditing and would indicate need of a Repair and Return, 69, C/Sing, 229 101 Power [process] will not need repair after pc has Oxford Capacity Analysis; see OCA/APA gone Clear, 143 practical, 447, defn., drills which permit student to associate and coordinate theory with actual P items and objects to which the theory applies; practical is application of what one knows to pack, defn, collection of written materials which what one is being taught to understand, handle match a checksheet, 141, 287 or control, 140, 286 pain, preclear(s)('s); see also case association, 112 ability to as-is or erase in a session is directly chronic achesand pains, tohandle use C/S 54, 388 proportional to number of good indicators human situation containing pain, handle by audit- present in session, 258 ing, 2 ability to confront force, 79 operations, pain from, handled by Dianetics, 110 antagonistic = BPC = assess proper list (such as sympathetic nervous system pains, 110 LlC) and handle, 46, 359 unresolved pains, reasons for, 110 ARC breaks, high percentage of, occur because of Pan Determinism Scale; see Scn ~8 failure to understand pc, 251, 428 past lives, don't invalidate, 192, 452 ARC broken by TRs 0 to 4 will not read properly past lives, even running them as "imaginary" as in on a correction list, 465 Science of Survival advices suddenly breaks attaining end phenomena before all processesrun, through for a stalled Dianetic case, 452 what to do, 48, 361-62 past lives, getting pc to run, 14 attention not on his bank, doesn't as-is or cognite, pc; see preclear 230 perceptics, list of, 25; see also Scn ~8 auditing above pc's level gives no gain, 85 perception and overts, 289, 340 auditor actions regarding pc; see auditor persistent F/N; see floating needle, persistent backlog of pcs, what is required to handle, 5 physical gains, preclear may have, "without finding bank, auditor plus pc is greater than pc's bank, out about it", 74 230, 366 Physiological and Behavior Scale; see Scn ~8 blaming the pc, don't, 277 pink sheet, defn., 287 cannot attest a grade ability at any point has to plus-point list, 135 have a Repair Program and Return Program, 70 points, defn, arbitrary assignment of credit value to a cannot confront doing Solo Grades, reason will be part of study materials, 141, 287 found to be drugs, 466 point system, defn, system of assigning and counting Case Supervisor actions regarding pc; see case up points for studies and drills that give pro- supervising gress of student and measure his speed of study, chilled pc almost always has a high TA until he 141, 287 gets warm, 424, 438 policy, how to get on ~ with tech organization, 367 cognitions, how pc gets, 76 post, failed posts and duties trace back to misunder- complaining routinely, means need of Repair Pro stood words, 381 gram, 62; see also Repair Program post, not wanting, cause of and handling, 381 completions, 371 post, poor post stats, how to handle, 33 critical = W/H = pull W/H, 46, 359 Post Purpose Clearing, 342 data of pc is used to parallel what mind does, 84 auditor qualifications for ~, 342 demanding next grade, 83 C/S Form lR, 394 desire or complaint, no reason or excuse not to done after Ml in general and M2 on duties and actually handle these with auditing, 4 texts of post, 385 Dianetic pc; see Dianetics hatting, essential part of, is~, 342 doesn't change, means his reality is not being section of Dept 13, Div V, Qual Div, 342 reached, 85 potential trouble source; see also roller-coaster doesn't F/N at Examiner, how to handle, 217 handling; see PTS Rundown doesn't want auditing can come from bad L&N list pcs who do not hold their gains are PTS, 452 or out Int or out ruds, 280, 281 when someone is suppressed he becomes a , 452 "dog cases", pcs not running well, 205 power depends upon ability to hold a location, 264 dope off = lack of sleep or BP F/N = check on power of choice, thetan's, how it has been over- sleep, or rehab F/N,46, 359 thrown, 257 dramatizes = R6EW unflat, 70 488 SUBJECT INDEX—1970/1971 preclear(s)('s) (cont.) preclear(s)('s) (cont.) exterior, handling body, 79 past track, pc who doesn't go past track in Dia exteriorizes in session, handling; see also Interiori- netics doesn't recover, 452 zation Rundown Power will not need repak after pc has gone Clear, it is EP for that process or action, 225, 457 143 later his TA goes high, then you do an Int RD, procurement of, 184 400, 460 program goofed, repak auditor and goofed pc and TA high at Examiner, rehab exteriorization continue program, 276 point, 19 Quickie Grade pc, handling of, 98,131 falsifies TA, 438 reality factor, 74 folder; see folder repair of a Dianetic pc, 74 "getting an F/N at will" is not in session, 438 repair, use light handling on pcs who need lots of grade he can't seem to make is not the grade, 70 repair, 93 has somatics, Dianetic level unflat, 70 rings on pc's hands must be removed as they cause ill pc; see ill, illness a false rock slam, 342, 424 in trouble and TA high, what your fkst suspicions roller-coasters despite an F/N at session end must should be, 457 be handled by Tech or Qual within 24 hours, is generally right when he says he's overwhelmed 174 or upset; he's almost always wrong when he ruds must be flown when pc has not had a session says what overwhelmed him or what BPC was for some tkme, 357 out when simply saying it does not correct the ruds won't fly = some other error = assess GF and case or produce F/N VGIs, 83 handle, 360 itsa on and on and on and on with no gain, cause running a temperature, 335 of, 252, 253 running badly, he's in an overwhelm, 64 justifying himself and trying to uphold status is running on and on and on caused by premature or not in comm with auditor, 241 late-or-never acks, 253 life knocking ruds out faster than they can be runningwell, don't throwinto repair, 48, 278, 362 audited in, how to handle, 191 sad = ARC break = locate and handle, itsa earlier looking inward still, never jolt or interrupt, 21, itsa,46,359 22 self-auditing, how to detect and handle, 191 makes others guilty = Level IV unflat, 70 session went wrong, ask pc what auditor did, 48, mannerism changes in pc, 85, 86 363 massy, pc considers himself mesty or massy so significance, pc search for significance, 77 second terminal is required to discharge energy, steering a pc, 259 238 still has somatics, no further items on assessment may have physical gains "without finding out list read, cause of andhandling, 11 about it", 74 suddenly relapses onto drugs, symptoms of, 192 must attain full ability on each level of Grade suppresses or invalidates something, read transfers Chart before going on, 56 to suppress or invalidate, 12 nattering, has overts, 13 telling what is wrong, 82 nattery pc has withholds, 58 tends to dive for thought imbedded in force, 79 new preclear, handling, 47 tired = no sleep or failed purpose = check which it no interest = no interest in first place or out ruds = is and handle, 46, 359 check for interest or put in ruds, 46, 360 tone arm; see tone arm no-somatic pc is either high as an angel or being too wild to audit, 65 run too high, 86 training, lack of, means more trouble for pc in no TA (or case gain) = problem = locate problem, making his gains stably, 60 359 unconscious pc, how to audit, 323 not making it in auditing should be checked for a under tension of poor TRs has a hard time and drug or alcohol history, 320 does not F/N sometimes, inviting overrun, 197 OCA/APA, any low point on right side of graph unflat on Dianetics will have out lower grades, 59 means pc is crazy, 462 upset pc, assessment method to use, 51 OCA/APA drop after auditing, pc was out of volunteers some answer to unreading question, valence, 330 how to handle, 317 originates by throwing down cans, that's still an whodonotholdthekgainsarePTS,452 origin, 246 who has trouble needs trakling, 99 originations; see TR 4 who resent F/N indications, cause of, 78 out of valence pc, how to handle, 330 Preclear Application Form for any major auditing overwhelm, cause of, 64 action, 14,16 past lives, getting pc to run, 14 Preclear Assessment Form, use of, 339, 340 489 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 pregnant woman, Dianetic auditing on, 2 process(es), Pre-Havingness Scale; see Scn 0-8 auditing a process is a simple A to B action, 289 Prelogics; see Scn 0-8 auditors must read materials and check out before premature acknowledgements, effects of, 252, 253 they do the process, 378 pre-OT between R6 and OT III, it is possible to repair bullbait that uses actual processes or implants grade he missed, 466 should be stamped out hard, 192 pre-OT having a Solo and auditing folder, C/S must can be short-cut as well as programs, folly of, 90 look at both before C/Sing, 95 cognition and flattening of a process, 242 prepared list(s), cycle, 261 assessment of prepared lists, 51, 280; see also C/S Dianetic auditing below Power has four definite Series 83RA [X-230] reactions in pc which show process is ended, 20 Method 3 assessed can be ended off on a big discharged process no longer gives TA, 77 win, 317 doesn't work until auditor has a comm line to pc, combined action of locating and handling using 241 prepared lists, 406 don't run an out of ARC process, 268 correction list(s), 465 end phenomena of processes, 78 assessment method, 465; see also C/S Series extra processes, use The Book of Case Remedies 83RA [X-230] and those Creation of Human Ability processes Cramming action when correction list said to be not used in standard rundowns, 432 blank, 464 failing to use all ~ for level is a High Crime, 80 designed to find by-passed charge and repair a major processes are done to improve case, 57 faulty auditing action or life situation, 51 "old" ~ are not cancelled by new ones, 100 primary tool of a C/S is prepared correction pc attaining end phenomena before all processes lists, 387, 465 run, what to do, 48, 361 TRs and correction lists, 464, 465 will not function in presence of bad TRs, 348 use of, 51, 464 processing; see auditing CISing prepared lists for new auditors, 410 procurement letters, auditors who have no pcs write error in using prepared lists, 51 procurement letters, 184 programming from, 280, 405 program, programming, 56, 58 sequence of handling reads on ~, 280, 281 defn., any series of actions designed by C/S to two-way comming reading items, 411 bring about definite results in pc, 47, 360 use of prepared lists, 51, 65 defn., sequence of actions session by session to be you take each read to an F/N, or E/S to F/N, 196 undertaken on case by C/S in his directions to prepcheck(ing), auditor or auditors auditing case, 56 always test an item for read before Prepchecking defn., overall planning for person of courses, audit or running recall or engrams, 50 ing and study he should follow for next ex never prepcheck an item that doesn't read, 49 tended time period, 141, 287 never prepcheck while doing Dianetics, this Advance Program; see Advance Program mushes up engrams, 228 A to B action, 289 two-way comm is lighter than Prepcheck, 93 auditors, let them complete programs on pcs even when Prepcheck uncover~ and handles ARC break though going to Cramming, 380 to EP, it is EP of that Prepcheck, 35 backwards programming, 387 present time problem, auditing over a W/H and PTP = Classification and Gradation Chart and all its pro no case gain, 123; see also problem; rudiments cesses and steps is basic ~ of any case, 56, 57 pressure, high TAs, heavy pressures and even illness complete when EP of program is attained, 261 can come from by-passed flows, 212 correct way to program, 57 pressure, pcs are uncomfortable, feel under pressure, cross programming, 261 when their TA is high, 169 cycle, 261 problem(s); see also present time problem data, programming without data is risky, 209 auditor worried about his pc is working over a Dianetic programming, 340 problem, 362 dispersal, 57, 58 case not advancing has problems, 58,101 errors, 61, 206, 209, 387 Grade II or above has a problem, that means Grade give priority to recent auditing errors or recent life I is out, 101 catastrophes, 65 no TA (or case gain) = problem = locate problem, goofed, repair auditor and pc and continue ~, 276 46, 359 Grade and Program violations, 47, 361 OT VI with problems is really just an unflat Grade I, incorrect can add up to overwhelm, 62 59 interjected programs, 261 shows up as an out rud in GF 40 and is simply put length of programs, 87, 186 in as a rud not as a grade, 101 misprogramming and programming, 209 490 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 program, programming (cont.) Q and A (cont.) necessity, 59 C/S Q and A, 75, 82, 83, 406 Preclear Assessment Form, program from, 340 to abruptly C/S everything pc has just said is Q prepared lists, programming from, 280, 405 and A; but worse, it can lead to evaluation, 406 Progress Program; see Progress Program with Exam statement of pc, 82 quality, how to raise, 209 with thoughts already in full view and you'll never Repair Program; see Repair Program really ease up bank, 84 Return Program; see Advance Program Qs (The Prelogics); see Scientology 0-8 short-cut, 90 Quadruple Dianetics, 188, 210, 212, 226, 324, 459 "stale dated program" means it is too old to be already flat Zero Flows are not uncommon, 228 valid, 356 checklist, 189 TRs are a program, 261 dangers of, 226 types of programs, 57 do not audit four flow items until earlier Dianetic Progress Program, 98,186; see also Repair Program items brought into four flows, 210 has reached its EP when pc is running well again, errors, 226 278 how to C/S a case for Quad Dianetics, 188 may reach EP before written up program is com- on Clears and OTs, 211 pleted, 261 requirements, 190, 226, 233 protest, auditing pc under protest will cause TA to results of Quad Dianetics, 190 stayup and no F/N, 208 safe course is to use Quad only on new never protest is frequent reason for high TA, how to audited before pcs; those begun on Triples, use handle, 281 then only Triple Flows, 228 protest, TA soaring = O/R or protest, find which and Triple and Quad reruns, 212 handle, 46, 359 use of Quadruple Dianetics, 188, 210 psychiatric "cures" are implantings with compulsive when to triple or quad narrative items or multiple ideas, 112 somatic items, 211 psychiatric history, handling of, 34 Qual, defn., Qualifications Division (Division V of an psychiatrists, 113, 450 org) where student is examined, crammed and psychiatry and psychoanalysis costs, 113 awarded completions and certificates and where "psycho"analysis, hypnotism, "psychiatry" and his qualifications are made apermanent record, other implant type therapies often key in and 141, 287 jam track, 449 Consultant service for pcs and students, 176 psychology, perversion of the term, 383 has to have a library, 207 psychosis, 155 internes are a section in Qual, 332 misunderstood words and psychosis are only Post Purpose Clearing, section of Dept 13, Div V, reasons for post failure, 381 Qual Div, 342 psychoticbehavior, 157,158 Tech and Qual terminals and lines, C/S must psychotic is motivated by intent to harm, 157 coordinate, 375 PTS; see potential trouble source Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and Interne Supervisor PTS Rundown, 452, 453, 454 are close technical links with C/S, 377 commands of PTS Rundown, 454 Qual Sec is responsible for overall tech quality, how end phenomena, 453 he achieves this, 183 sick pcs should not be run on ~ as standard prac- "quickie", cultural inclination to "quickie", 87 tice, 453 Quickie Grades, 56, 99,130 valence shifts occur rapidly and frequently in PTS bug behind Quickie Grades, 144,145 RDs, 453 crashed whole Scientology network, 88 when to run, 453 Lower Grades (also called "Triple Grades"), defn., public lecture tapes, 435, 436 one F/N for each of three flows or 3 F/Ns per purpose clearing, 342, 385; see also Post Purpose grade,432 Clearing pc who had Quickie Grades, handling of, 98,131 person's job or situation in life, 385 "quickies", F/N abuse and "quickies", 78 purpose, failed, pc tired = no sleep or failed purpose = check which it is and handle, 46, 359 R Q reach and withdraw, auditing as, 239 "Reach and Withdraw" in repairs and touching Q and A, defn., is incorrect 2-way comm action of things, 65 wandering off question by feeding pc what pc reactive mind, said as question; Answer is taken as next audi- all forces in bank contain significance, 77 tor's Question, 40, 82 auditor plus pc is greater than pc's bank, 230 491 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 reactive mind (cont.) relationships, table of; see Scn 0-8 banks don't read, only thetans impinged upon by Remedy DDDA 400A for chronic high TA, 19 bank read; therefore TR 1 must be addressed to remembering, handling of cases who flinch at ~ any thetan, 10 thing at all, 65 common denominators of bank are out of ARC repair, 324, defn, patching up past auditing or recent and stop, 269 life errors, 46, 360; see also Repair Program picking thoughts out of forces in bank brings a actions, 65 no-change, 85 auditing repair, 51 straightens out by as-ising its content, 230 blind repair, 143 read(s)(ing), 177, defn, small falls or falls or long C/S, ingenuity is required of C/S only in area of falls or long fall blowdown, 49; see also E-Meter repair, 64 auditor does not tell pc anything about meter or general repair is harmful when big bug exists, 218 its reads ever, except to indicate F/N, 259 is undertaken to eradicate errors made in auditing auditoreyesightandreads,l78 or environment which impede use of major auditors who can't get reads, how to handle, 273 processes, 57 item; see item liability of goofed repair, 92 listing question, always test listing question for "Look at me. Who am I?" is used in repair sessiori read before letting pc list, 45, 49 when pc goes too wild to audit, 65 metering reading items, 177 major action, don't use to repair case, 47, 64, 360 most stopped read, 270 many cases have to begin processing with ~, 65 non-reading item or question, 45, 49,178, 357 mimicry is actually too high for repair, 65 pc suppresses or invalidates something, read trans- pc running well, never repair, 48, 278, 362 fers to suppress or invalidate, 12 pcs who need lots of repair, use light handling, 93 questions must read to be listed, 45, 357 pc who isn't running well is one you repair, 278 seen during pc origination or clearing question, preparedlistsinrepairs,65 failing to mark on list or W/S, is gross auditing program goofed, repair auditor and goofed pc and error, 178 continue program, 276 shows pc has reality on item, 75 programming errors and delay in repair can cause taken when pc first says it or when question is pc illness, 61 deared, 177 Tech Div action, 74 things that don't read won't run, 50, 208 touching things and "Reach and Withdraw" in "tick" or "stop" is not a read, 49 repairs, 65 two-way comm subject chosen must be tested for TRs are a fine unlimited repair action, 65 read, 104,105 use Method 3 assessment, 51 reality, defn, solid objects, the real things of life, RepairProgram;seealsoProgressProgram;repair 291; see also ARC defn, eradicates case mishandling by current life charge shows that pc has possible ~ on area, 50 or auditing errors, 57 communication and reality; see Scn 0-8 defn, takes case from where it has falsely gotten factor, 74 to on Class Chart and gets off overwhelm with never order one that takes pc into future or light processes, 69 past, 273 dangerous to accept Repair (Progress) Program, if pc doesn't change, means his ~ is not being it is old, 356 reached, 85 difference between ~ and Return Programs, 69 proportional to amount of charge removed, 450 end phenomena, 62, 276, 278 read, shows pc has reality on item, 75 errors, 73 reality-spotting by E-Meter; see Scn 0-8 exact BPC of last session is always first action, 63 red tagging flubbed sessions, 138 Examiner Reports which routinely have sour notes Registrars' Advice Form, 7 in them indicate need of Repair Program, 62 Registrar that promises instant miracles is cutting first on auditing, then on life, 70 Tech Sec's throat and Gl as well, 6 keep new auditors off, 93 rehab, rehabbed, rehabbing, rehabilitation, listing, don't list pc on Repair Program, use two chains, 227 way comm, 93 drug chains are ~ and run out by Dianetics 192 must be very light, 61 erasures, you can't rehab erasures with "How on a red sheet, 60,94 many times?", 227 overwhelm would indicate need of ~ and Return, keys out mass, 18 101 liability of rehab, 212 pc routinely complaining means need of ~, 62 Return Program, rehab of processes on, 74 repairing a Repair, 92 run or rehab, 214 Return and Repair Programs, use of, 69, 70 Scientology cycle of key-out, overrun, rehab, 18 sample, 62, 72 492 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 reports, false, 229, 362 roller-coaster(ed) (cont.) resistance, tone arm actually measures , 28,169 pc who has ~ despite F/N at session end must be resistive case; see case, resistive handled by Tech or Qual within 24 hours, 174 Responsibility Scale; see Scientology 0-8 Ron; see Hubbard, L. Ron restimulation, R/S; see rock slam any later grade run with more flows than used in `` rudiments, defn, setting case up for session action; earlier actions can throw earlier unflat flows includes ARC breaks, PTPs, W/Hs, GF or O/R intorestim,212 listing or any prepared list, 46, 360; see also auditor causes restimulation and then pc needs to ARC break; present time problem answer question to get rid of restimulation, 244 C/S Series 37R and ruds, 296 engram chains go into ~ on overrun in life, 18 flying ruds added to Temperature Assist, 364 overrun results in high TA because it throws F/Neverythingfound onruds andlists, 197 engram chain into restimulation, 18,122 Green Form is done when ruds won't fly, 45, 46, result is result and time is just an entered arbitrary, 357, 360 88 inability to fly ruds, 45, 357 results, do not cripple auditing by leading pcs to outlistshandledbefore ruds, 273 expect instant results every time, 6 out ruds, retrain, flunk and, 128 "audited over out ruds" reads on GF 40, handle retraining is an inevitable part of C/S's job, 152 first, 35 retraining, what it must include, 128 auditing pc on something else whose ruds are retread, it is illegal to give retread course away, 165 out is a major auditing error, 356 Return Program; see Advance Program C/S omits "Fly a rud" or "Fly ruds" does not review actions are done in Tech as patch-up in Tech, justify auditor auditing pc over out ruds, 183 357 reviewing reviews, 362 every out rud you get a read on is run E/S to Review, when high TA after Singles send pc to F/N, 196 Reviewbefore Triples, 1 Int RD trouble is worse than list trouble is R-factor; see reality factor worse than out ruds, 396 "ridges" and masses come about from conflict of life knocking ruds out faster than they can be flows opposing or being pulled back as in with- audited in, 191 holds, 270 list of pc indicators and which rud is out, rightness, auditing is action by which wrongnesses can 4546, 359-60 be deleted from case to degree that rightnesses nothing else will straighten up and you mustn't are present in session, 258 order auditors to audit with out ruds, 281 rightness, recognition of rightness of the being, 257 pc is often ill because his ruds in life are out, rights of auditor with relation to C/S, 48, 363 364 riot, defn, simply a psychosomatic momentary injury pc no interest = no interest in first place or out ~ or traumatic condition on third dynamic, 416 = check for interest or put in ruds, 46, 360 Rising Scale [process], there are 18 pairs, each pair problem shows up as an out rud in GF 40 and is should be run to F/N, cog, VGIs, 90 simply put in as a rud not as a grade, 101 Rising Scale [process] will sometimes restore fertility two-way comm session, ruds going out must be or change eyesight, 90 put in by auditor, 105 rock slam, rings on pc's hands give false rock slam, pc has not had a session for some time, ruds must 342, 424 be flown, 357 rock slams, why a person who rock slams on Scien- tone arm high, don't fly ruds, 45,197, 358 tology or auditors can't audit well, 251 use suppress and false to fly ~, 45, 357 roll book, defn., master record of course giving rundown, one C/Ses or audits a as itself, not as a student's name, local and permanent address botchofseveralactionsrunintoit,289 and date of enrollment and departure or com- rundowns, don't let major be done twice, 359 pletion, 141, 287 R3R; see also Dianetics; engram running roller-coaster(ed), defn., slump after a gain, 452; see commands, 211 also potential trouble source must be precisely given and all commands 1-9 can be caused by bad Int RD or Int repair, out A-D are used; it is never shorted "because lists, by-passed charge of other descriptions, 453 the pc did it", 189 cause of roller-coaster is PTS, 452 floating needle on R3R, 20 insane, as cases in normal processing they ~ con- flub, 189 tinually, 155 items, somatics, sensations, emotions, attitudes, 9 only PTS situation that is serious and lasting and narrative items can give you trouble in R3R, 9 can cause roller-coaster comes from having narrative R3R, use on accidents, illness, mental known person before this life, 452 treatment, operations, 339 493 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 R3R (cont.) session(s) (cont.) narrative secondaries, R3R, use on deaths of rela- grading, 180 tives, family insanity, 33940 flunk, when given, 128 overrun, why it gives high TA, 18 no mention, defn., 127 pc originates "It's erased" and TA remains high, very well done, defn., 127,181 do ABCD once more or rehab last chain, 208, welldone, defn,127, 181 218-19 "well done by exam", defn, 181 R6, in session, defn., interested in own case and willing pc dramatizes = R6EW unflat, 70 to talk to auditor, 230, 259 pre-OT between R6 and OT III, it is possible to pcs "getting an F/N at will" are not in session, repair grade he missed, 466 438 to OT III you have a closed band for other major more economical if long, 186 actions, 467 org having only 65% of its sessions F/N VGIs at Examiner, what to do, 366 S perfect session, 230 priorities, 61 sad, auditor who goes sad is auditing pcs over his own red tagging flubbed sessions, 138 ARC break, 362 short sessioning has its uses: small children, sick sad, L1C handles ARC broken, sad, hopeless or people, psychos, 187 nattery pcs, 203 starts of sessions, types of, don't mix them, 274 sad, preclear sad = ARC break = locate and handle, that tries to go beyond a big dial-wide drifting itsa earlier itsa, 46, 359 floating F/N only distracts pc from his win, 144 scheduling, defn, hours of a course or designation of tone arm high at session start, 45; see also tone certain times for auditing, 141, 287 arm, high Scientologist, Code of; see Scn 0-8 unrepaired for more than 24 hours occasionally Scientology, find pc physically ill, 139 auditing is more delicate than Dianetic auditing, went wrong, ask pc what auditor did, 48, 363 21 set-up(s), 51, 277, 467, defn., getting an F/N show Axioms of; see Scn ~8 ing and VGIs before starting any major action, description of; see Scn ~8 47, 360 Dianetics and ~ in other languages, 443 always ~ case fully for next major action, 277 integrity is hallmark of Dianetics and , 362 auditing set-up actions, 14 "Quickie Grades" crashed whole ~ network, 88 seven types of resistive cases; see case, resistive religion, Creed of the Church; see Scn 0-8 short programs are for the birds, 87 self-auditing and solo auditing, difference between, short sessioning has its uses: small children, sick 61 people, psychos, 187 self-auditing, how to detect and handle, 191 "Shut your eyes and look at my fingers", assist, 418 self-auditing, manifestation of overwhelm, 85 sick; see i~ Senior C/S,linesof,182 "sight" translator is one equally good in two lansensations, emotions, attitudes, somatics, Dianetic guages who can hear one language and speak breakthrough came in assessing only, 9 translation into other language without hesita sensitivity of E-Meter, how to set correctly, 316 tion, 441 service and handling are the same thing, 4 significance(s), session(s), all forces in bank contain significances, 77 auditing itself is a sort of time track, earliest ses- clay table, mass parts are done by clay, signifi sion blows later sessions, 210 cance or thought parts by label, 163 auditor is responsible for session, 235, 250, 428 C/Sing towards ~ produces non-advancing cases, challenging people out of session as "having with- 77 holds" is illegal, 167 force vs. significance, 77, 85 confront, ability to confront pc and session and pc search for significance, 77 parts of session permits one to accurately go ;ecovered or realized by the pc only shows up as from A to B, 289 cognitions, 77 ending session is totally up to auditor, 44, 356 thetan can postulate or say or reason anything; far apart barely keep up with life; ruds must be thus there is an infinity of significances, 77 flown, 357 skipped gradient, defn, taking on a higher degree or flubbed session is visible at Examiner, 138 amount before a lesser degree of it has been Folder Summary for each session, 276 handled, 265 goofed session must be repaired within 24 hours, sleep, students who go to sleep during study, handling 138 of, 67 goofed session, repair of, 61 small hands and can size, 107 494 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 Solo, State of Case Scale; see Scn 0-8 auditing and self-auditing, difference between, 61 steering a pc, 259 cans, 106, 109, 422 stop, pc cannot confront doing Solo Grades, reason will chronically high TAs mean person can still stop be found to be drugs, 466 things and is trying to do so, 76 sources of failure on Solo, 467 common denominators of bank are out of ARC TRs and Solo, 341, 466 and stop, 269 somatic(s), effort to stop or effort to stop him makes a thetan after exteriorization, 42 believe something can be overrun, 268 auditor doesn't get pc's somatics, 238 insanity, "stop everything" is entrance point of case has ~ = Dianetic level unflat, 70, 99 insanity, 268 chronic somatic(s), "stop" is not a read, 49 almost all, have their root in force, 76 stress, E-Meter used to detect, 68 chronic aches and pains, to handle, there is student(s);seealsotraining C/S 54, 388 auditing skill of any student remains only as good Dianetic handling of, 139 as he can do his TRs, 348 Dianetics and Class Vl actions can and do blows, cause of, 162,198 handle, 15 completions, 369 how to program a pc who has a chronic consultation, defn., personal handling of student somatic, 123 problems or progress by a qualified consultant, in injured area, persistent or recurring, answer to, 141, 287 110 Course Supervisor actions regarding student; see narratives vs. somatics, 9 Course Supervisor no-somatic pc is either high as an angel or being course tapes are never played to a group of ~, 435 run too high, 86 difficulties with tape recorded materials, how to passing through in session are a definite clue to handle, 67 force change, 86 drift off of courses because they lack somebody to pc still has somatics, no further items on assess- talk to, 175 ment list read, cause of and handling, 11 file system, 447 running ~ permits you to get to a basic, 9 F/Ning students, 412 sensations, emotions, attitudes, R3R items, 9 "glib" students, 264 source, keep Dianetics and Scientology "on source", grasp of materials, 236 445 in trouble, handling of, 175 SP; see suppressive person learns rapidly, has a high ability to confront that speed liability and honest results, 87, 90, 91 subject, 264 spiritual being, timeless and deathless, proof that indi- meter check is action of checking reaction of stu vidual is, 27,168, 420; see also thetan dent to subject matter, words or other things, spotting tone drill, 149 isolating blocks to study, interpersonal relations squirreling, defn, is careless, incomplete, messed up or life, 286 auditing procedure, 5 new students asking technical questions, how to staff members or executives who show signs of obses- handle, 236 sive transfer of staff, handling of, 439 only fails by not confronting, duplicating, absorb Stage 4 needle (sweep, stick, sweep, stick), 145 ing and using the materials before him exactly "stale dated program" or a "stale dated C/S" means it like it says, 237 is too old to be valid, 356 Qual Consultant service for students, 176 standard tech; see technology, standard sleeping during study, handling of, 67 starrate checkout, defn., very exact checkout which slow, 162,175, 301, 448 verifies full and minute knowledge of student stat down, check for misunderstood word, 302 of portion of study materials and tests his full who can't apply, reason for, 264 understanding of data and ability to apply it, study, 140 barriers to study, 293 stat(s), by-passed definition, 293 auditor's stat, 129,147 studying without mass, 293 depend on volume and quality of service, 367 too steep a study gradient, 293 drops after tape congresses, explanation, 436 definitions, 140, 286 org wins and stats, 367 gradient of confronting study, 265 poor post stats, how to handle, 33 poor study record, how to handle, 33 student's stat down, check for misunderstood rundowns, require C/S okay, 192 word, 302 Study Tapes, only piece of technology you use on success stories, real stat of an org, 88 a course, 302 495 SUBJECT INDEX—1970/1971 stupidity is the effect of misunderstood words, 383 technique, basic auditing is called basic auditing success story, defn, statement of benefit or gains or because it goes prior to the technique, 239 wins made by student or pc or pre-OT to technique, communication cycle must exist before Success Officer, 141, 288 technique can exist, 239 real stat of an org, 88 technique is what has to be as-ised, and how you go suicide or illness in the field of study or education, about it, 238 cause of, 293 technology (tech), Supervisor; see Case Supervisor; Course Supervisor basics are not cancelled by later developments, 100 suppress and invalidate, C/Sing, don't wander off known tech points in, 279 buttons, 11, 50 decay of tech begins with hidden data lines that list isn't null; it is suppressed or invalidated, 11 are not true, 279 pc suppresses or invalidates something, read trans- done in proper administrative framework, works, fers to suppress or invalidate, 12 368 ruds, use suppress and false to fly, 45, 357 hierarchy of org, 377 suppressed, when someone is suppressed he becomes out tech, 115 a potentialtrouble source,452 Exam non-F/N indicates flagrant out tech in suppressive person, characteristics classified as those programming and C/Sing and auditing, 217 of SP are in fact those of insane person, 155 primary failure of new technology, 378 suppressive person has to be out of valence to be SP, Qual Sec is responsible for overall tech quality, 330 how he achieves this, 183 supreme test of a C/S or auditor, 289, 290 Registrar must not give ~ advice to pc, 7 survival, continue is the reverse action to overrun; results, to improve, you must improve administra continue equals survival, 269 tion, 365 sympathetic nervous system pains, 110 savvy, 254 standard tech and invalidation, 23 standard tech is not a process or a series of pro T cesses; it is following the rules of processing, 23 technical person must keep up with advances in TA; see tone arm technology, 378 tagging cases, 406 verbal tech, how it comes about, 303 "talent" and "native ability", related to ability to will be as good as Cramming Officer can cram, 184 confront, 264 Tech Page, 181 tape(s), Tech Sec is mainly concerned with production, 377 briefing tapes, designed for a special and informed Tech Services, defn, activity which enrolls, routes, audience, 436 schedules, distributes mail of and assists hous course notebooks, 447 ing of students, 140 course study tapes, 435 actions of, 181 course translation to tape, 441 Temperature Assist, flying ruds added to ~, 364 how to use, 434 Temperature Assist, Version A, 335 model performance tapes, 437 Temperature Assist, Version B, 336 player and earphones used must be high fidelity, temperature, persistent, can be brought down by run 435 ning pc on Objective "Hold it still", how to players used must be equipped with a foot pedal run, 335 start-stopcontrol,441 terminal, pc considers himself mesty or massy so public lecture tapes, 435 second ~ is required to discharge energy, 238 raw public tape and film presentations are a must test scores, low aptitude, IQ and leadership, handling to keep flavor and meaning of Dianetics and of, 34 Scientology, 436 theory, defn, data part of course where data as in stat drops after tape congresses, explanation, 436 books, tapes and manuals is given, 140, 286 student difficulties with tape recorded materials, thetan(s), how to handle, 67 can do anything forever, 268 teaching a tape course, 446 can postulate or say or reason anything; thus there types of tapes, 434 is an infinity of significances, 77 team activity, auditing is, 365 considering himself mest, liability of, 238 Tech Div actions, 74, 183 effort to stop or effort to stop him makes a thetan Tech Div and Qual Div terminals and lines, C/S must believe something can be overrun, 268 coordinate, 375 find counter-forces objectionable, 76 Tech Establishment Officer is concerned with estab- force-shy thetan, how one becomes a, 86 lishing, 377 has to be at earliest end of incidents to erase them, technical degrades, 80 212 496 SUBJECT INDEX— 1970/1971 thetan(s) (cont.) tone arm(s) (cont.) incident hungry, 212 floating TA, 424 keynote of thetan is order, 417 Full Flow Dianetics, if pc's TA begins to average living in body makes a being vulnerable, 79 higher, overrun is occurring, 227 massy thetans,212 high TA, 18, 27, 76, 168, 179, 194, 213, 267, natively capable of logical thought, 77 268, 282, 337 power of choice, how it has been overthrown, 257 ARC breaks and high TA, 274 spiritual being, timeless and deathless, proof that arthritic hands give high TA, 423 individual is, 27,168, 420 assessment, 179,194, 337 when you add something to the being he gets rules, 282 worse, 257 Short Hi TA Assessment C/S, 337 things done twice, 359 at Exam after F/N at session end, reasons for third dynamic; see dynamic, 3rd and handling, 122 thought(s), at session start, 45, [Dn~ 208, 358 cognitions show that ~ is releasing from force, 77 handling for Dianetic auditor, Scientology pc tends to dive for ~ imbedded in force, 79 auditor, 45, 208 picking ~ out of forces in bank brings a no-change, breakthrough, 268 85 by-passed flows can cause high TA, 212 Q and A with thoughts already in full view and can come down by pc destimulating, 122 you'll never really ease up bank, 84 cases have been run on something that didn't thetan is natively capable of logical thought, 77 erase, 28,169 "tick" or a "stop" is not a read, 49 cause of, 76,122, 212, 270, 281, 424 tight shoes can cause high TA, 424 chronic high TA, defn, one which is found high time, two sessions running (consecutive); auditing ~, it takes as long as it takes, 91 "high" means around 4.0 or above; but basis of aberration, 87 3.8 can also be called "high" if it occurs "omitted time" is a basic insanity, 90 at session beginning too often, 19 result is result and ~ is just an entered arbitrary, means person can still stop things and is try 88 ing to do so, 76 sense, deterioration of; see Scn 0-8 Remedy DDDA 400A for chronic high TA, tired pc = no sleep or failed purpose = check which it 19 is and handle, 46, 359 cold cans give high TA, 438 tone arm(s), cold pc sometimes has falsely high TA, 424, action (TA) and cognitions are indicators that level 438 is still charged, 78 Dianetics, high TA at session start, how to action (TA) shows that force is coming off case; handle, 45, 208 amount is index of gain, 77 don't fly ruds, 45, 358 auditing a pc under protest will cause the TA to drug chain makes high TA if in existence or stay up and no F/N, 208 unflat, 189 audit with TA in normal range or repair it so it is dry hands give high TA, 423 in normal range, 197 exteriorization and high TA, 19, 27, 36, 168, deadliest faults on cases are running same action 208, 212, 400, 460 twice; this drives TAs up through the roof, 276 floating needle by-passed, why it gives high TA, discharged process no longer gives TA and gives 18 case gain, 77 flows opposing, making a mass or ridge, cause drug users get blown out of their heads and bog, high TA, 270 TA up, 160 handling, Class VIII Course recommendations end phenomena, if you go past EP the F/N will to list "What has been overrun" are can pack up (cease) and TA will rise, 20 celled, 269 end phenomena of TA Handling Rundown, 270 handling of, 18,19, 45, 208, 213, 268, 337 falseTA,421,438 illnessandhighTA, 124 causes of false TA, 55, 117 interiorization is out, get a soaring TA, 281 E-Meter discharged gives false TA,422 Interiorization RD, unrun, unrepaired, causes E-Meter improperly trimmed gives false TA, high TA, 224, 457 421 late at night pc's TA may be very high, 424 Solo cans can give false TA, 422 list errors and W/Hs can cause high TA, 281 consequences of false TA, 421 overrun and high TA, 18, 22, 212, 227 pcs who falsify TA, 438 pc goes exterior in session, TA high at Exami floating needle is valid only between 2.0 and 3.0 ner, rehab exteriorization point, 19; see also TA position on a meter, 117, 421 Interiorization Rundown 497 SUBJECT INDEX—1970/1971 tone arm(s) (cont.) Touch Assist(s), 323 high TA (cont.) Contact Assists and ~ are not only legal, they are pc in trouble and TA high, what your first mandatorywhen anyinjuryoccurs, 167 suspicions should be, 457 Contact Assists and ~ interrupting a general course pcs are uncomfortable, feel under pressure, of auditing, often to no F/N, 191 when their TA is high, 28,169 EP—pain gone, cog, F/N, 323 pc slacking grip on cans gives a high TA, 423 fragment of whole array of "touch", 65 "protest" is a frequent reason for high TA, how if right hand is injured you include also left hand, to handle, 281 110 soaring TA = O/R or protest = find which and touching things and "Reach and Withdraw" in handle; such an O/R is usually by rehab, 46, repairs, 65 359 training, 99; see also course; student tight shoes can cause, 424 auditors are goofing, what it means regarding ~, unflat engram chains and high TA, 18, 76,122, 301 123 auditor training stages, 152 when high TA after Singles send pc to Review clay table work in training, 162 before Triples, 1 C/S responsibility for training, 152,161, 375 high TA and low TA, lack of, means more trouble for pc in making his assessment, 194 gains stably, 60 rules, 282 not only for professional auditors, 391 auditor qualifications, 271 organizations should be selling more training than breakthrough, 268 processing, 368 handling, 33, 271; see also C/S53RJ [X-165] pcwhohastroubleneedstraining,99 LlC and Method 3 are not used on high or very retraining, what it must include, 128 low TAs to get them down or up, 318 student is slow or blows, reason for lies in failure never try to fly ruds or do LlB on a high or low to understand words used in his training, 162 TA, 197 TRs, why they must be learned early in ~, 348 low TAs, 55, 76, 268, 270, 272, 282, 283 training drills or routines; see TRs assessing, 272, 283 transfer of staff, handling of executives or staff mem can blow up to 2.0 + and F/N, 272 bers who show signs of obsessive ~, 354, 439 Exam, low TA at, 124 translated materials an org needs, minimum, 443 handling, 55, 270, 272,282,283 translator, "sight" is one equally good in two handling rundown [37R], how to assess and languages who can hear one language and speak list, 272 translation into other language without hesita invalidation of pc can cause, 124, 423 tion, 441 moist hands give low TA, 422 Triple Dianetics, 43, 54, 210; see also Triple Grades overwhelmed being, low TA is symptom of, 55, "earlier" commands, 43 76,124, 230, 270 errors in, 1 pcs with low TAs are more or less in apathy, importance of, 157 124 okay to audit Dianetics Triples, requirements, 233 TA sinks below 2.0, and auditor's TRs are running Triples after runningSingle flow, 1 good, same action will usually bring it up to Triple Grades, 54; see also Triple Dianetics 2.0 and F/N, 274 Expanded vs. Triple Grades, 432 TRs, poor, cause low TA, 55, 270, 423 Quad and Triple reruns, 212 measures resistance and mass, 28,169 Scientology Triples, 54 never C/S to take TA down with ARC break rud TRs, 348, or LlC, 281 defn., training regimen or routine, often referred normal TA and loose needle, feeling of freedom to as training drill, TRs are a precise trainirig and expansion on a subject is expressed in, actionputtingstudentthroughlaidoutpractical 78 steps gradient by gradient to teach student to no TA (or case gain) = problem = locate problem, apply with certainty what he has learned, 288 46, 359 defn., training drills, 341 rough auditing easily drives the TA down, 55 are a program, 261 37R TA handling rundown, 269 auditing skill of any student remains only as good tone, chronic tone and social tone, 149 as he can do his TRs, 253, 348 Tone Scale; see also Scn 0-8 cancellation of permissive TRs, 8 expanded, 404 cognitions and TRs, 230 how to spot people on, 148,149 correction lists and TRs, 464, 465 too steep a study gradient, 293 correct TRs and application are HCO B 17 April toothache, 111 1961, 8 498 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 TRs (cont.) Course, U how to handle student study of bulletin, 300 produces changes up and down and up that are unburdening case brings up confront, 110 not possible to also audit around, 262 unconscious pc, how to audit, 323 public courses on TRs are not "softened", 348 undershooting, defn., leave a cycle incomplete and go rules regarding TR Course, 260 off to something else, 130 special, for people on drugs, 319, 328 understand, understanding; see also ARC study definitions for the TR Course, 286 affinity, reality and communication together make what is learned on a TR Course, 390 up understanding, 232, 291 don't mix with auditing actions, 260, 261 ARC breaks, high percentage of ARC breaks occur drugs, TRs help people get off, 65, 319, 328 because of failure to understand pc, 251 OT TR 0, Operating Thetan Confronting, 348 auditor response when he doesn't understand pc, pc audited under tension of poor TRs has a hard 250, 428 time and does not F/N sometimes, inviting life exists in presence of ~, in presence, then, of overrun, 197 affinity, reality and communication, 291 processes will not function in presence of bad TRs, unflat engram chains and high TA, 18, 76, 122, 123 348 unnecessary repair when pc is running well, 48, 362 reason for TRs, 226, 348 unreading questions and items, 45, 49, 357; see also repair action, TRs are a fne unlimited, 65 items rough TRs make no case gain, 230 unresolved pains, 110 Solo and Advanced Courses and TRs, 341, 466 upsets, Dianetic, handling of, 228 tone arm, low, poor TRs cause, 55, 270, 423 upsets, extreme, are almost always list errors, 392 TR 0 Bullbait, Confronting Bullbaited, 349 bullbait that uses actual processes or implants V should be stamped out hard, 192 TR 0, Confronting Preclear, 349 valence, exists so an auditor is not ducking session but lists LX1, LX2, LX3, 330 can sit there relaxed, doing his job, 226 out of valence, 330 TR 1, Dear Alice, 350 OCA/APA drop after auditing, pc was out of must be done so pc can hear and understand valence, 330 the auditor (without blowing pc's head off OCA/APA with any point on left side of graph either), 226 in low or undesirable range means pc is out overwhelming, cause low TA, 270 of valence, 462 reactive mind, banks don't read, only thetans pc who is trying to get off withholds someone impinged upon by bank; therefore TR 1 else had is making a sort of out-of-valence must be addressed to thetan, 10 effort to avoid giving his own withholds, 13 TR 2, Acknowledgements, 351; see also acknowl- reads on GF 40, handle last, 35 edgements SP has to be out of valence to be SP, 330 must be done so that pc gets acknowledged, shifts occur rapidly and frequently in PTSRDs,453 226 verbal C/S instruction, auditor accepting, is a High TR 3, Duplicative Question, 351 Crime, 94 basically existed so that auditor would continue verbal or written correction that is not in an HCO B to give pc commands and not squirrel off or or tape, auditor must never take, 363 pack up with total silence, 226 verbal tech, how it comes about, 303 TR 4, Preclear Originations, 352 very well dones, session grading, defn, 127, 181 exists so that pc's origins are accepted and not C/S, never give a "very well done" on wins only, Qed and Aed with or invalidated, 226 give them on tech exactness, 284 handling of pc origination, 246 VGIs; see indicators truth, 285 via, confronting on a via (using a relay point), 265 auditing, part of auditing is recognition of fact vision,wide, 178 that truth is present, 258 vitamin therapy, 425 getting well or able depends on establishing , 449 volume and quality of service, stats depend on, 367 good indicators in auditors are made with ~, 398 volume, quality and viability, C/S is trying to obtain, twin, defn, study partner with whom one is paired, 375 140, 286 twin checkout, defn, when two students are paired W they check each other out; this is different than Supervisor checkout, 140 "well done by exam", session grading, defn ,181 two-way comm; see communication, two-way well done, session grading, defn ,127,181 499 SUBJECT INDEX - 1970/1971 well, getting well or able depends on establishing Word Clearing (cont.) truth, 449 Method One (cont.) "went in" and "go in" must read in order to run Int EP is a persistent F/N on whole list, 315 Rundown, 400 has yet to foul up any other auditing, 315 W/H; see withhold Method Two, 292, 373, defn, metered action of "What has been overrun", Class VIII Course recom- clearing up words in specific materials, 385 mendations to list, are cancelled, 269 commands used, 393 what is a course, 198 likely to foul up auditing, 315 what's-it line—auditor's line to the pc, 243 Method Three, 292, defn, looking up words seen whole track pictures, drugs can tum on violently, and not understood by student or reader, 320, 328 385 win(s), person trying to "blow" (leave) and refusing auditing wins are not always fast, total and appre- further ~ almost always has a huge misunder ciated volubly, 5 stood on some word not yet located, 390 auditor wins that a C/S wants are exact tech appli- program, 385 cation, 284 sequence for three types, 385 big win (F/N dial-wide, cog, VGIs) gives you per- troubles, 390 sistent F/N, 144 Word Clearers, 386 C/Sing a win is Q and A, 83 worksheet(s) (W/S), 215, 433 C/S wins, 461 assists, W/S must be done and pc taken to Exami letting pc have his win, 144 ner afterwards, 191 org wins and stats, 367 auditor is expected to see meter, pc and W/S all at pc win, don't use as item, 75, 82 one time, 178 withdrawal symptoms, drugs, handling of, 425 C/S misunderstoods from worksheets, 433 withhold(s), defn, something pc did that was an neverre-copied,215,359 overt act, which pc is withholding and thus never try to C/S an illegible worksheet, 96 keeping secret, 13 two-way comm worksheets are detailed, 40 auditing over a W/H and PTP = no case gain, 123 World Federation of Mental Health, 113 auditors' critical remarks about pc means with- wrongnesses, in auditing we are only trying to find ~ holds, 345, 362 in order to increase rightnesses, 257, 258 challenging people out of session as "having W/S; see worksheet withholds" is illegal, 167 Wundt, 383 list errors and withholds can cause high TA, 281 lists of withholds required of a staff member with- Z out proper sessioning are now illegal, 167 nattery pc has withholds, 58 Zero Flows, Quad Dianetics, already flat Zero Flows other people's, 13 are not uncommon, 228 pc critical = W/H = pull W/H, 46, 359 Zero Flows, running, 214 premature acknowledgement leads to inadvertent zero rate, defn, material which is only checked out withholds, 252 on basis of general understanding, 140 "ridges" and masses come about from a conflict of flows opposing or being pulled back as in , 270 Numerals word(s), apparent force of ~ and phrases in engrams, 76 2-way comm; see communication, two-way misunderstood word; see misunderstood VIII; see Class VIII simple words, it takes a big dictionary to define 8-C, Axioms of SOP 8-C; seeScn 0-8 simple words, 383 24 hour rule, Examiner's, 138 test of whether person understands word, 384 37R, C/S Series 37R, High and Low TA BreakWord Clearers, qualifications of, 385, 391 through, 268, 282, 283, 296 Word Clearing, 292; see also misunderstood assess 37R slowly, 297 basic law in, 382 best done as part of L9S [L11] , 296 Correction List, 333 blow up rule only applies to 37R, 272 most common C/S error has been to fail to doesn't all have to be done in one session, 296 order Word Clearing Correction List, 407 don'ts, 297 unthinkable to do Word Clearing without ever end phenomena of, 282, 283 using a WC Corr List, 465 flows, 269, 296, 297 use of, 390 listing, peculiarities of, 296 library, 397 ruds and 37R, 296 Method One, 292, defn, full in-session rundown, 385 steps of 37R, 297 can be done with no folder, 315 TA handling rundown, 269, 272 500 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TITLES Affinity, Reality and Communication 291 Dianetic Erasure 208 Ally, Definition of 26 Dianetic List Errors 392 Alteratios 382 Dianetics and Ext RD Repair List—L3B 220 Assists 322 Dianetics and Scientology in Other Assists Addition 364 Languages 443 Assists—A Flag Expertise Subject 335 Dianetics, Beginning a Pc on 339 Assists in Scientology 415 Dianetic Triples 43 Auditingand Ethics 31 DianeticTR Notes 32 Auditing by Lists Revised 316 D of P Operates by OCAs 462 Auditmg Comm Cycle 235 Drug Drying Out 425 Auditing Past Exterior 36 Drug Handling 319, 327 Auditing Past Exterior—Blows 42 Education, Definitionof 232 Auditor and “The Mind’s E-Meter Drill Coaching 10 Protection”, An OEC Vol. 4-580 End Phenomenas 451 Auditor Failure to Understand (23 May 71) 250 Ethics Program No. 1 Case Actions 33 Auditor Failure to Understand (25 Oct. 71) 428 Examiner’s Form 193 Auditor’s Rights 44, 355 Examiner’s 24 Hour Rule 138 Auditor’s Stats on F/N VGI 147 Exam 24 Hour Rule 174 Auditor’s Worksheets 433 Expanded GF 40 RB 304 Barriers to Study 293 Exteriorization (13 Jan. 71) 172 Best Advance Program 263 Exteriorization (22 Oct. 71) 420 Birth Control Pills 389 Exteriorization and High TA 27, 168 Blows—Auditing Past Exterior 42 ExteriorizationErrors 224 Cancellation of Permissive TRs 8 Exteriorization Rundown Musts 125 Case Actions, Off Line 191 Exteriorization Summary 159 CCHs 5, 6 & 7 408 False TA 421 Chart of Human Evaluation 85 False TA Addition 438 Chronic Somatic, Dianetic Handling of 139 Fantastic New HGC Line, The 180 Classification, Gradation and Fast Courses 165 Awareness Chart Vol. Vl- 33 Fast Flow Grades Cancelled OEC Vol. 5- 99 Clay Table Work in Training 162 Flag Executive Briefing Course Clear Procedure Continued—Step One Lectures 154 —Participation in Session by the Floating Needles 53 Pc see footnote Vol. I7I-161 Floating Needles and End Phenomena 20 Comm Cycle Additives 256 FormerTherapy—Resistive Cases 449 Communication Cycle in Auditing, The 248 F/N and Erasure 117 Communication Cycles Within the F/N Everything 196 Auditing Cycle 244 F/Ning Auditors 412 Confronting 264 Folder Error Summaries 142 Confused Ideas 373 Forcing a Pc 414 Correction Lists, Use of 51 Getting the F/N to Examiner 122 Correct Sequence—Qualifications of GF-40 Handling—Clarification 35 Word Clearers 385 Glossary of C/S Terms 98 Course Supervisor Corrections 146 Grade II Release 30 Course Translation to Tape 441 Green Form (HCO B) 31 C/S as a Training Officer, A—A Program Green Form (HCO PL) Vol. VIII-321 for Flubless Auditing 375 Handling with Auditing 4 C/S Case Gain 326 HAS Specialist Auditing Program 354, 439 C/Sing Auditor-C/Ses 205 HC Out-Point Plus-Point Lists RA 132 C/Sing for New Auditors or Veterans 410 High and Low TA Breakthrough 268 C/Sing 2 Way Comm 104 High TA, Full Handling of 18 C/S Q and A 82 High TAs Are Overruns—Plus Int RD C/S Responsibility for Training 152 Handling see—267 C/S Rules (C/S Series 42) 276 Hi-Lo TA Assessment Rules 282 C/S Rules (C/S Series 43) 278 How to Get Results in an HGC 365 C/S Rules (C/S Series 45) 284 Hubbard Consultant Study Stress Analysis 66 C/S Rules—Programming from Prepared Illegal Auditing 167 Lists 280 Incomplete Cases 130 C/S Series 11 94 Intensives Added Points System for Pcs 413 C/S Series 37R—Addition 3 296 Interiorization Errors 456 C/S Tips 273 Interiorization Intensive—2 Way Comm 52 Cutatives OEC Vol. 4-102,Vol. 5- 52 Interiorization Rundown 400 Data Series 116 Interiorization Summary 459 Declares 285 Internes 331 501 Int Rundown Correction List Revised 429 Security of Data Vol. VI-105 Ivory Tower, The 344 Selling and Delivering Auditing OEC Vol.4-589 Keeping Scientology Working Vol. VI- 4 Session Grading—Well Done, Definition of 127 Know Before You Go 405 Session Priorities—Repair Pgms and Their “Letting the Pc Itsa”—The Properly Priority 61 Trained Auditor 253 Short Hi TA Assessment C/S 337 Library 397 Simple Words 383 List L-1B 38, 118 Single Declare OEC Vol. 4-403, VoL 5- 98 List of Perceptics—Dianetics Bulletin 25 Solo Cans 106 List—1—C 203 Standard C/S for Word Clearing 313 Long C/Ses 186 Standard C/S for Word Clearing in Low TA Assessing 283 Session—Method 1 346 Low TA Handling 55 Standard Tech and Invalidation 23 Low TAs 272 Standard 12l/2 Hour Intensive Programs 419 L3B—Dianetics and Ext RD Repair List 220 Student Auditing see OEC Vol. 4-227 L4B—For Assessment of All Listing Student Completions 369 Errors 119, 200 Student Grasp of Materials 236 L IX Hi-Lo TA List 179,194 Study Definitions 140 Magic of the Communication Cycle, The 238 Study Definitions for the TR Course 286 Metering 259 Summary of How to Write an Auditor’s Metering Reading Items 177 Report and Worksheets for HQS Co-Audit 215 Method 1—Standard C/S for Word Clearing Superficial Actions 87 in Session 346 Supervisor Two-Way Comm and the “Mind’s Protection, The”, An Auditor Misunderstood Word 299 and OEC Vol. 4-580 Supervisor Two-Way Comm Explained 302 Mixing Major Actions—TRs Course and Supreme Test of a C/S, The 289 Auditing 260 Tapes, How to Use 434 More on Prepchecks 35 TA Rising While Listing O/R List see—267 Narrative Items Explained 9 Teaching a Tape Course 446 New Preclears—The Workability of Tech Downgrades OEC Vol. 5 - 56 Scientology Vol. VI-321 Technical Degrades 80 New Uses for the Green Form 185 Tech Volume and 2 Way Comm 175 No-Interference Area, The 466 Three Golden Rules of the C/S, The Non F/N Cases 217 —Handling Auditors 398 Null Lists in Dianetics 11 Three Important Communication Lines, The 243 Obnosis and the Tone Scale 148 Tone Scale in Full 404 Off Line Case Actions 191 Training Drills Modernized 348 Okays to Audit in HGCs 233 Triple and Quad Reruns 212 Out of Valence 330 Triple Errors in Dianetics 1 Out-Point Plus-Point Lists RA, HC 132 Triple Grades 54 Out Tech 115 Triple Grades vs. Expanded 432 Overrun—Don’t Use 267 Trouble Shooting 390 Pc Application for Major Actions 14 TRs and Cognitions 230 Pc Application Form for any Major TRs Course and Auditing—Mixing Major Auditing Action 16 Actions 260 Pc Completions 371 TRs, Solo Course and Advanced Courses 341 Persistent F/N 144 Two Parts of Auditing, The 240 Post Purpose Clearing C/S Form 1 R 394 Unreading Questions and Items 49 Premature Acknowledgements 252 Unresolved Pains 110 Programming and Misprogramming 209 Use of Correction Lists 464 Programming Cases Backwards 387 Use of Quad Dianetics 210 Programming of Cases 56 Use of Quadruple Dianetics 188 Psychiatrist at Work, The 112 Uses of Auditing, The 2 Psychosis 155 Well Done, Definition of—Session Grading 127 PTS Rundown 452 What Is a Course? 198 Purpose Clearing 342 What the C/S Is Doing 76 Quadruple Dianetics—Dangers of 226 Withholds, Other People’s 13 Quads Cancelled 324 Word Clearing 292 Qualifications of Word Clearers—Correct Word Clearing Clarification 315 Sequence 385 Word Clearing Correction List 333 Recognition of Rightness of the Being 257 Word Clearing C/S No. 2 393 Registrars’ Advice Form 7 Words and Posts 381 Repair Example 72 Workability of Scientology, The Repairing a Repair 92 —New Preclears Vol. VI-321 Resistive Cases—Former Therapy 449 Worst Tangle, The 396 Return Program, The 69 2 Way Comm C/Ses 40 Scientology 0-8 151 VIII Actions 100 502 503