1. a case that has pictures and everything and is impatient to get on with it but does not markedly alter the bank with thinking alone. (SCP, p. 9)
  2. is possessed of full perception except somatic, which is probably light even to the point of anesthesia. Wide open does not refer to a high tone individual but to one below
  3. 2.5 who should be easy to work but is often inaccessible and who finds it difficult to regain a somatic but simple to regain perception. (AP&A, p. 40)
  4. your wide open case is somebody who has had all of his past shut off from him and is living in a demon circuit. That's all that's left of him is a demon circuit. (5206CM24F)
  5. a tremendously heavily charged track brings the individual into a psychotic level. The inability of the mind to occlude and encyst charge gives us the strange picture of an individual who can move on the track and who can run through engrams and who has sonic and visio but who is psychotic. (SOS, p. 109)