- an excess of randomity imposed by a counter-effort of sufficient force to cloud the
awareness and direct function of the organism through the mind's control center. (Scn 0-8, p. 81)
- when the analytical mind is attenuated in greater or lesser degree. (Scn 0-8, p. 66)
- actually a manifestation of one's self-determinism being upset by a counter-effort.
- a condition wherein the organism is discoordinated only in its analytical process and
motor control direction. (DTOT, p. 25)
- is the intensification of unknowingness. (SH Spec 15X, 6106C15)
- a halfway end of cycle. (2ACC 8B, 5311CM24)
- unconsciousness, light or deep, is merely a slide in toward death. (HCL 11,