time is basically a postulate that space and particles will persist. (The rate of their persistence is what we measure with clocks and the motion of heavenly bodies.) (PAB 86)
is actually a consideration but there is the experience of time. There is a distance, there is a velocity of particle traveland the movement of that particle in relationship to its starting point and in relationship to its ending point, itself is the consideration of time. (5410CM13)
exists in those things a thetan creates. It is a shift of particles, always making new space, always at an agreed-upon rate. (COHA, p. 249)
simply a consideration, the considerations of time itself are mechanically tracked by the alteration of the position of the particles in space. (PAB 46)
a manifestation in space which is varied by objects. (Scn 8-8008, p. 14)
an abstract manifestation which has no existence beyond the idea of time occasioned by objects, where an object may be either energy or matter. (Scn 8-8008, p. 26)
time is the co-action of particles. You can't have action of particle at all unless you have space, and when you have a change in space then you have a different time. (PXL, p. 135)
time is a consideration which brings about persistence. And the mechanic of bringing about that persistence is, by alteration. And so we have alter-is-ness taking place immediately after an as-is-ness is created, and so we get persistence. In other words, we have to change the location of a particle in space. (PXL, p. 114)