1. the auditor can take a preclear straight through an incident by announcing "It is one minute later, it is two minutes later. Three minutes have gone by," and so forth. The auditor does not have to wait for those minutes to elapse; he just announces them. The time shift is generally used when the auditor is trying to get the preclear ahead of an incident to make sure that he really has a beginning. (DMSMH, p. 224)
  2. the technique by which a preclear can be moved short or long distances on the track by specific announcement of the amount of time forward the preclear is to go or time backwards, or return or progression through intervals of time. (It is also useful to find out if the preclear is moving or which direction he is moving on the time track in order to discover the action some engram may be having upon him.) (DMSMH, p. 226)

Technical Dictionary