- the perception of the present and the comparison of it to the perceptions and
conclusions of the past in order to direct action in the immediate or distant future. (Scn 0-8, p. 78)
- the manifestation of evolving a low-level certainty of observation from a number of past
observations. (PAB 8)
- a static of unlimited capabilities, which has itself no wave-length, no space, and no
time. It is impinged upon a physical universe which has space, time, energy and matter.
The mission of thought is survival in the physical universe and in order to do this
it is effecting a conquest of the physical universe. (5203 CM03B)
- thought is the phenomenon of combining, imagining or postulating theta facsimiles
for the estimation of future physical efforts. (AP&A, p. 22)
- thought is not motion in space and time. Thought is a static containing an
image of motion. (HFP, p. 25)
- the subject matter of Scn. It is considered as a kind of "energy" which is not
part of the physical universe. It controls energy, but has no wave-length. It uses matter
but it has no mass. It is found in space, but it has no position. It records time but it
is not subject to time. In Scn the Greek word (and letter), theta, is used as a symbol for
thought. (Abil 114A)
- the causal agent in an organism. It is thought which causes everything both
structural and functional that happens in an organism. An organism without thought is
already dead. (Abil 114A )