1. it is a person who operates exterior to a body without need of a body. (SH Spec 59, 6109C27) that state wherein the preclear can remain with certainty outside his body when the body is hurt. (PAB 33)
  2. a theta clear, then can be defined as a person who is at cause over his own reactive bank and can create and uncreate it at will. Less accurately he is a person who is willing to experience. Theta clear is stable. (Ab1,1 92M)
  3. theta clear would mean clear of the mest body or cleared of the necessity to have a mest body. (5206CM26A)
  4. there are two types of theta clear, the theta being which is cleared of its necessity or compulsion to have a body and a theta being which is cleared all the way on the track. (5206CM26B)
  5. the basic definition of theta clear is: no further necessity for beingnesses. (SH Spec 36, 6108C09)
  6. this is a relative not an absolute term. It means that the person, this thought unit, is clear of his body, his engrams, his facsimiles, but can handle and safely control a body. (COHA, p. 248)
  7. in its highest sense, means no further dependency on bodies. (SCP, p. 3)
  8. an individual who, as a being, is certain of his identity apart from that of the body, and who habitually operates the body from outside, or exteriorized. (PXL, p. 16)

Technical Dictionary