- is a method; an application which can be applied to
- mest bodies
- one lifetime
- some segment of the whole track; or
- which can be applied to the whole track.
When I say segment of the whole track I mean that you can take and specialize with Technique 80 on addressing the genetic line of the mest body only. You can take someone and process only space opera (the two or ten million years somebody spent in space). The process is Technique 80. We use motivators, overts and deds. (5206CM27A)
- we call Technique 80 the "to be or not to be" technique which balances out the motivator, the overt act and the ded. It's the anatomy of maybe. It becomes an entire subject of how to take apart maybe. How to get an indecision, how to get an involved grouped series of incidents apart. Any method which does this falls under the category of Technique 80. (5206CM23A)