1. uncomfortable perceptions stemming from the reactive mind (except pain) are called sensation. These are basically "pressure," "motion," "dizziness," "sexual sensation," and "emotion" and "misemotion." There are others, definite in themselves but definable in these five general categories. If one took a fork and pressed it against the arm, that would be "pressure." "Motion" is just that, a feeling of being in motion when one is not. "Motion" includes the "winds of space." A feeling of being blown upon, especially from in front of the face. "Dizziness" is a feeling of disorientation and includes a spinniness, as well as an out-of-balance feeling. "Sexual sensation" means any feeling, pleasant or unpleasant, commonly experienced during sexual restimulation or action. "Emotion" and "misemotion" include all levels of the complete tone scale except "pain"; emotion and misemotion are closely allied to "motion," being only a finer particle action. A bank solidity is a form of "pressure," and when the sensation of increasing solidity of masses in the mind occurs, we say "The bank is beefing up." All these are classified as sensation. Symbol: Sen. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)
  2. all sensation is energy. (2 ACC 26A, 5312CM17)

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