- defined as a period of anguish brought about by a major loss or a threat of loss to the
individual. The secondary engram depends for its strength and force upon physical
pain engrams which underlie it. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 136)
- the secondary engram is called secondary because it depends upon an earlier
physical pain engram to exist being itself occasioned by a conscious moment of
loss. It is called an engram in order to focus the attention of the auditor on the
fact that it must be run as an engram and that all perceptics possible must be
exhausted from it. (SOS, Bk. 2, p.
- secondary (A-R-C) engrams, have more charge than locks. These charges on the
A-R-C are so-called because they charge up the case. Engrams won't have charge
without later incidents. If you could get all the grief off a case and do nothing else,
you would have a release. You are trying to blow these charges so the engrams will not
very badly affect a person. (NOTL, p. 35)
- there are three types of secondary engrams impinged on physical pain engrams: (
1) painful emotiongriefbroken affinity, (2) encysted communication, (3)
invalidated reality. (NOTL, p. 29)