1. the original definition of schizophrenic or "scissors personality" was in observation of shift of identity. A case which is very heavily charged goes into valences so completely that the person sharply and distinctly changes personality and appearance when shifted from one valence to another. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 200)
  2. the schizophrenic is an individual who has several portions of the analyzer segmented off by different circuits, which are actually valences, and who goes from one to another of these portions of the analyzer, only occasionally, if ever, becoming himself. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 49)
  3. an idea that one is two persons, which is remediable by a discovery of the life continuums being dramatized by the individual. (PDC 14)
  4. the multi-valent aberee. (DMSMH, p. 125)