- method of discharging the influence of a rock slamming item is actually taken from 3GA Criss Cross (3GAXX), and is a specialized routine from Routine 3. We will, however, since it does not touch goals, designate it as Routine 2. (HCOB 23 Nov 62)
- is simply an effort to locate one of the GPM items as it seems to be in present time to the pc. It's an effort to locate that item in present time and find its opposition. (SH Spec 218, 6211C27)
- the action of Routine 2-12 is not the key-out of the pc's bank as in prepchecking but the actual eradication of those items which have been keyed in by present time which then and thereafter keep the pc in the grip of a present time problem. (SH Spec 218, 6211C27)
- is to put the case in condition so that it can show progress toward clearing and does actually progress the case toward clearing and is a clearing procedure. (SH Spec 218, 6211C27)