- called a rock slam because it is a needle manifestation which is achieved when the auditor is approaching what we once called "the rock." There's something earlier than the rock and that's a goal. It's a great deal of random needle motion occurring solely because of the current being set up amongst the items and identities a person has assumed in the progress of executing his or her goals. It could be called a goals slam which we will not call it. It's a thetan convulsing, and in the absence of a slamming needle you will very often find a convulsing body. A rock slam is a crisscross of currents which is throwing a thetan around . ( SH Spec 190, 6209C18)
- an R/S or rock slam is defined as a crazy irregular slashing motion of the needle. It can be as narrow as one inch or more than a full dial in width, but it's crazy! It slams back and forth. It is actually quite startling to see one. It is very different from other meter phenomena. (HCOB 1 Nov 74)
- that needle agitation which erratically covers more than three quarters of an inch on the E-meter dial. A rock slam is the response of an E-meter to the conflict between terminals and opposition terminals. It indicates a fight, an effort to individuate, an extreme games condition which in the absence of auditing would seek unsuccessfully to separate while attacking. As the pc's attention is guided to the items involved the games condition activates and is expressed on the meter as a ragged, frantic response. The wider the response the more recognizable (to the pc) is the reality of the games condition and the violence of the conflict. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)
- as a meter representation, is the result of innumerable committed overts in a certain direction, and when you've got that certain direction isolated, that is to say the items against which the overts were committed isolated you then have of course a rock slam. (SH Spec 203, 6210C11)
- a crazy, irregular, unequal, jerky motion of the needle narrow as one inch or as wide as three inches, happening several times a second. The needle goes crazy, slamming back and forth, narrowly, widely over on the left, over on the right, in a mad war dance or as if it were frantically trying to escape. It means hot terminal or hot anything in an assessment and takes precedence over a fall. (EME, p. 17)
- this is the most difficult needle response to find or attain or preserve. And it is the most valuable in clearing. All rock slams result from a pair of items in opposition, one of which is a terminal, the other being an opposition terminal. It can exist in present time where the pc is the terminal and what the pc is faced with is the opposition terminal. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)
- is the read of the rock vs the opposition rock and every pair above them on the cycle of the GPM. It marks the path to the rock. (HCOB 6 Dec 62)
- is a convulsion of the mind and can reflect as a convulsion of the body. (HCOB 19 Sept 62)
- the rock slam is called a rock slam because it is a needle manifestation which is achieved when the auditor is approaching what we once called the rock. (SH Spec 190, 6209C18)
Symbol: R/S