1. the potential value of the individual is derived from his ability to think and his power in the following fashion, where PV equals potential value, A equals ability to think and D equals power. PV= ADX . (DASF)
  2. equal to intelligence multiplied by the dynamics of the individual to a certain power. This might be restated as meaning that the potential value of any man was equal to some numerical factor, denoting his structural intelligence and capability, multiplied by his free theta to a power. This was written in the handbook in an effort to encourage some psychologist to discover what the power of the dynamic might be and conclude some means of establishing potential value by psychometry. (SOS, p. 126)
  3. the potential value of an individual or a group may be expressed by the equation PV= IDX where I is intelligence and D is dynamic. The worth of an individual is computed in terms of the alignment, on any dynamic, of his potential value with optimum survival along that dynamic. (DMSMH, p. 40)