1. an emotional state containing conflicts and emotional data inhibiting the abilities or welfare of the individual. (DTOT, p. 58)
  2. singly the effect of things, deranged being on some subject. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21)
  3. antisocial action or anti-survival action which is compulsively undertaken by the individual. (SH Spec 299, 6308C27)
  4. he's got some idea of what's happening, where he is on some things and some faint idea what's happening in his environment on some things. But generally unknowingness overbalances the knowingness and so you get a neurosis. (SH Spec 41, 6108C17)
  5. a habit which worsening, flies entirely out of control. One is stopped so often in life that he becomes an enemy of stopping and dislikes stopping so intensely that he himself will not stop things. Neurosis and psychosis of all classes are entirely inabilities to start, to change or to stop. (FOT, p. 68)

Technical Dictionary