1. developed to handle stuck or fixated auditor moods or where some auditor's mood entered into the session would rough up or upset a pc or slow his progress. Mood drills consist of TRs 1 to 4 done out of session on each tone level of the full tone scale, hitting each mood up and down the scale. The coach calls the mood, the auditor does TRs 1 to 4 in that mood. It doesn't really require much coaching. "You just start low on the scale and TR that mood then the next, then the next. Like, all TRs done "hopeless," etc. Lots of laughs doing it really. Doing TRs as a dead auditor is pretty tricky." Once begun mood drills should be continued until the whole scale is flat so the auditor doesn't get stuck on the tone scale but can do any mood easily and without strain. (BTB 13 Mar 75)

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