1. middle rudiments are rudiments used one after another; inquiries about various rudiments during a session. Of course you are then to keep the session progressing and keep the rudiments in. (SH Spec 45, 6108C24)
  2. the middle rudiment consists of a package question which handles suppressions, invalidations, missed withholds and "careful of." This is your standard, basic middle rudiment. (SH Spec 155, 6205C31)
  3. middle rudiments may also contain (this is less often, but may also contain) the half-truths, untruths, impress and damage end rudiment; the question or command end rudiment; and the influence of the E-meter rudiment. (SH Spec 155, 6205C31)
  4. mid ruds are called mid ruds because middle of session was the earliest use, plus rudiments of a session. (HCOB 14 Aug 64)

Technical Dictionary