an individual is a collection of "memories" going back to his first appearance on earth. In other words, he is the composite of all his facsimiles plus his impulse to be.
Individuality dependes upon facsimiles. (HFP, p. 111)
- somebody who is operating in coordination with himself twenty-four hours a day. That's an individual. An organism which is unhappy, aberrated, is an organism which is working at
cross purposes with itself twenty-four hours a day. (5110CMllB)
- when we say the individual we are talking about something as precise as an apple. We are not talking about a collection of behavior patterns which we all learned about in the study of rats. We are talking about something that is finite. We are talking about somebody. The somethingness that you are and the capabilities you can be and this is what we are talking about. We are not talking about the color of your hair or the length of your feet. We are talking about you.
(Abil Mi 5)