1. when you say games condition you mean that somebody's power of choice has been subjugated against his will into a fixated activity from which he must not take his attention. (SH Spec 32, 6107C20)
  2. the word games condition is a derogatory actually. There is a technical thing goes along. When you say games condition you mean a package, and the package has to do with this: It means a fixated attention, an inability to escape coupled with an inability to attack, to the exclusion of other games. There is nothing wrong with having games. There is a lot wrong with being in a games condition because it is unknown, it is an aberrated activity, it is reactive, and one is performing it way outside of his power of choice and without his consent or will. (SH Spec 32, 6107C20)
  3. have for self and can't have for others; now that is a true games condition. (SH Spec 32, 6107C20) Abbr. G.C.

Technical Dictionary