a sudden very rapid machine-gun fire outflow of answers
given by the preclear. (HCOB 10 May 65)
- non-self-determined action which
ought to be determined by the individual. The individual ought to be determining
an action and he is not determining it. Thats a pretty broad consideration. Its
something not under the control of the individual. But if we said, something not
under the control of the individual, as a total, unqualified definition of
automaticity, we would have this, then: that car that just went down the street
would be an automaticity to you. You didnt have control of it. So this is not a
precision definition. The precision definition has which ought to be under the
control of the individual. (Abil 6)
- anything that goes on running outside the
control of the individual. (Abil SW)
- something set up automatically to run
without further attention from yourself. (2ACC-6A 5311CM20)
- there are three
kinds of automaticities, those which create things, and those which make
things persist, and those which destroy things. (2ACC-19A 5312CM09)