this is a noun which means an individual who cooperates with, supports
and helps another for a common object; a supporter, a friend. In Dn and Scn, it
basically means someone who protects a person who is in a weak state and
becomes a very strong influence over the person. The weaker person, such as a
child, even partakes the characteristics of the ally so that one may find that a
person who has, for instance, a bad leg, has it because a protector or ally in his
youth had a bad leg. The word is from French and Latin and means to bind
together. (LRH Def. Notes)
- by ally in Scn, we mean a person from whom
sympathy came when the preclear was ill or injured. If the ally came to the
preclears defense or his words and/or actions were aligned with the individuals
survival, the reactive mind gives that ally the status of always being right
especially if this ally was obtained during a highly painful engram. (HCOB 20
Mar 70)