

 ZERO, the proper and correct definition of zero would be: "something which had no mass, which had no wave-length, which had no location in space, which had no position or relationship in time. Something without mass, meaning or mobility. (Dn 55! p. 28)


ZERO, zero on the tone scale is equivalent to death. An individual with a zero tone would be dead. (DTOT, p. 59)


ZERO "written (O)", denotes an item which simply has the requirement of you reading, understanding and attesting in the space opposite the item, on the checksheet. Your initials in the space provided indicate that you have read, understood and can apply the data concerned. (HCO PL 13 Apr 71)


ZERO A & ZERO B QUESTIONS, prepchecking. When you obtain a generality early on after the zero question, you make it a zero A. One asks the zero A, "Have you ever disconcerted your mother?" The needle reacts. The auditor fishes around for a specific other incident. Finally gets, "I used to lie to her." So the auditor writes a zero B, "Have you ever lied to your mother?" And then nags away at the pc until a specific time is recovered. When the zero B is clean, ask the zero A. (HCOB 21 Mar 62)


ZERO QUESTION, in prepchecking (prepclearing) one uses the whole subject to be cleared as the zero question. (HCOB 1 Mar 62) See SEC CHECK FORMS, these are zero questions. (HCOB 24 Jun 62)


ZERO RATE, material which is only checked out on the basis of general understanding. (HCOB 21 Sept 70)


ZERO RATING (O-RATING), 1. passed by proof of having read or listened to the material (such as notes or a general verbal statement of the subject which assures the theory examiner that the material has been covered). (HCO PL 15 Mar 63) 2. read and listen to the data and understanding of. (HCO PL 26 Jan 72 V)


ZOMBIE, an electric shock or neuro-surgical case. (DMSMH, p. 286)


Z UNIT, in 1962 a Saint Hill Special Briefing Course unit with theory covering additional clearing data, form of the course and Scn plans. Practical was a review of drills and TRs. (HCO PL 8 Dec 62)