

VACUUM, 1. a vacuum is a supercold object which, if brought into contact with bank, drinks bank. Objects at 25°F or less have high electrical capacitance, low resistance. (PAB 106) 2. a vacuum is a supercold object that attracts electronically into it, the whole track. (PAB 97)


VALENCE, 1. a valence is an identity complete with bank mass or mental image picture mass of somebody other than the identity selected by oneself. In other words, what we usually mean by valence is somebody else’s identity assumed by a person unknowingly. (17ACC-10, 5703C10) 2. the valence mechanism produces whole people for the preclear to be and will include habits and mannerisms which are not mentioned in engrams but are a result of the preclear’s compulsion to copy certain people. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 202) 3. a valence is a false or true identity. The preclear has his own valence. Then there are available to him the valences of all persons who appear in his engrams. (SOS, p. 106) 4. just an identity that is so dominant that it balls-up a whole section of the whole track. It takes a large section of the whole track and bundles it all up in a black ball and it’s full of pictures. (SH Spec 105, 6201C25) 5. a valence is a substitute for self taken on after the fact of lost confidence in self. (SH Spec 68, 6110C18) 6. the combined package of a personality which one assumes as does an actor on a stage except in life one doesn’t usually assume them knowingly. (5707C17) 7. a valence is a commanded mimicry of another person or thing or imagined entity. These commands would be in engrams. The valence is not contained in a circuit. The valence and the circuit are two different things. The valence is a whole person, a whole thing, or a large number of persons or things. The circuit robs "I" of attention units. The valence transplants "I." It takes "I" and puts him somewhere else. (NOTL, p. 82) 8. the personality of one of the dramatic personnel in an engram. (DMSMH, p. 81) 9. the form and identity of the preclear or another, the beingness. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 10. a valence is a synthetic beingness, at best, or it is a beingness which the pc is not, but is pretending to be or thinks he is. That beingness could have been created for him by a duplication of an existing beingness, or a synthetic beingness built up by the descriptions of somebody else. (SH Spec 41, 6108C17) 11. a facsimile personality made capable of force by the counter-effort of the moment or receipt into the plus or minus randomity of unconsciousness. Valences are assistive, compulsive or inhibitive to the organism. A control center is not a valence. (Scn 0-8, p. 86) 12. there are many valences in everyone. By a valence is meant an actual or a shadow personality, one’s own valence is his actual personality. (SA, p. 159) 13. valens means "powerful" in Latin. It is a good term because it is the second half of ambivalent (power in two directions). It is a good term because it describes the intent of the organism when dramatizing an engram. Multivalence would mean "many powerfuls." It would embrace the phenomena of split personality, the strange differences of personality in people in one and then another situation. Valence in Dn means the personality of one of the dramatic personnel in an engram. (DMSMH, p. 80)


VALENCE BOUNCER, which prohibits an individual from going into some particular valence. (SOS, p. 182)


VALENCE CASE, the schizophrenic of psychiatry, the person who shifts from one identity to another, in Dn, we call a valence case. (SOS, p. 75)


VALENCE CLOSURE, you snap terminals and obsessively become the thing you have overts against. (SH Spec 53, 6109C13)


VALENCE DENYER, which may even deny that the person’s own valence exists. (SOS, p. 182)


VALENCE GROUPER, which makes all valences into one valence. (SOS, p. 182)


VALENCE SHIFT, pc will cognite on having been out of valence and will return to his own valence. It’s a cognition on beingness, not doingness or havingness. (BTB 26 Nov 71 III)


VALENCE SHIFTER, 1. a valence shifter is anything that indicates the person should be somebody else, with such a phrase a person is liable to shift instantly into another valence. (NOTL, p. 110) 2. a phrase which causes the individual to shift into another identity. The phrase "you ought to be in his shoes" and the phrase "you’re just like your mother" are valence shifters, which change the preclear from his own identity into the whole identity of another person. (SOS, p. 106) 3. the phrase known as the "valence shifter" may force the person to be in any or every valence (grouper), or may force him to be barred out of a valence (bouncer) so that he cannot imitate some human being such as father, who may have had very good qualities well worth imitating. Typical valence shifters are such phrases as "you’re just like your father," "I’ll have to pretend I’m somebody else." (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 201) [This term has since been used to also denote the name of an auditing action.] 4. a list process to handle "out of valence." (HCOB 10 Sept 68)


VALENCE WALL, can actually exist in the individual to a point where he can be either one of two persons, himself and another person. In the very highly-charged case, in the case of the obvious psychotic, these valence walls are so well defined that the auditor can almost watch the person click from one valence to another. (SOS, p. 75)


VALIDATION EFFORT PROCESSING, this consists of discovering moments when the preclear is successfully approaching goals, when he is successfully exerting an effort, when his self-determined effort is winning. (5110CM01)


VALIDATION STRAIGHTWIRE, the theory of which was to validate all the good moments of the preclear’s past by having him recall them. (Abil SW, p. 7)


VAMPIRE IDEA, the personality which absorbs the life and lives on the life of others. (PAB 8)


VBIs, very bad indicators. (BTB 6 Nov 72RA IV)


VEDA, 1. we find Scn’s earliest certainly known ancestor in the Veda. The Veda is a study of the whereins and whereases and who made it and why. It is a religion. It should not be confused as anything else but a religion. And the word veda simply means: lookingness or knowingness. (PXL, p. 10) 2. veda itself means simply knowingness or sacred lore and don’t think that is otherwise than a synonym. Knowingness has always been considered sacred lore. (PXL, p. 12)


VERBATIM, 1. in the same words as the text. (HCO PL 4 Mar 71) 2. word for word. (HCO PL 17 Mar 74 II)


VERY WELL DONE, 1. if the auditor did the C/S, did a correct session, got an F/N at exam and did the admin and next C/S is correct, then the C/S marks "very well done." (HCOB 5 Mar 71) 2. an auditor gets a "very well done" when the session by worksheet inspection, exam report inspection is: (1) F/N, VGIs at examiner, (2) the auditing is totally flubless and by the book, (3) the whole C/S ordered was done without departure and to the expected result. (HCOB 21 Aug 70)


VGIs, 1. abbreviation for very good indicators. It means good indicators to a very marked degree. Extremely good indicators. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) 2. pc happy. (HCOB 20 Feb 70)


VIA, via means a relay point in a communication line. To talk via a body, to get energy via eating alike are communication byroutes. Enough vias make a stop. A stop is made out of vias. (COHA, p. 108)


VICTIM, 1. a destroyed, or threatened with destruction receipt point. (lMACC-7, 5911C12) 2. a victim is an unwilling and unknowing effect of life, matter, energy, space and time. (HCOB 3 Sept 59)


VIEWPOINT, 1. a point of awareness from which one can perceive. (PAB 2) 2. that thing which an individual puts out remotely, to look through. A system of remote lookingness— we’ll call it just remote viewpoint. That’s a specialized kind of viewpoint. And the place from which the individual is himself looking, we’ll call flatly a viewpoint. (2ACC 17A, 5312CM07) 3. evaluation is the reactive mind’s conception of viewpoint. The reactive mind does not perceive, it evaluates. To the analytical mind it may sometimes appear that the reactive mind has a viewpoint. The reactive mind does not have a viewpoint, it has an evaluation of viewpoint. Thus the viewpoint of the analytical mind is an actual point from which one perceives. Perception is done by sight, sound, smell, tactile, etc. The reactive mind’s ‘viewpoint’ is an opinion based on another opinion and upon a very small amount of observation, and that observation would be formed out of uncertainties. Thus the confusion of the word viewpoint itself. It can be a point from which one can be aware, which is its analytical definition, and it can be somebody’s ideas on a certain subject which is the reactive definition. (CONA, pp. 208-209)


VIEWPOINT PROCESSING, 1. this process seeks to resolve the problems set up by the evaluation of one being for another. It resolves in particular dependence upon people, objects, bodies and special systems of communication. Viewpoint processing resolves dependencies. (PAB 8) 2. what we are trying to do here, then, is not to run out all the engrams in the bank but to release and free the viewpoints which are being resisted. (PAB 8)


VIEWPOINT STRAIGHTWIRE, 1. the formula of this process is: all the definitions and axioms, arrangements and scales of Scn should be used in such a way as to bring about a greater tolerance of such viewpoints on the part of the preclear. That means that any scale there is, any arrangement of fundamentals in thinkingness, beingness, could be so given in a straightwire process that it would bring about a higher state of tolerance on the part of the preclear. (PXL, p. 248) 2. this process is to increase the preclear’s ability to tolerate views. (COHA, p. 66)


VIRUS, matter and energy animated and motivated in space and time by theta. (Scn 0-8, p. 75)


VISIO, 1. recalling a scene by seeing it again is called in Dn visio, by which is meant visual recall. (SOS, p. 72) 2. with visio we perceive light waves, which, as sight, are compared with experience and evaluated. (SOS, p. 59) 3. the ability to see in facsimile form something one has seen earlier so that one sees it again in the same color, dimension scale, brightness and detail as it was originally viewed. (PXL, p. 230)


VISIO IMAGERY, when a person can recall things he has seen simply by seeing them again, in color, in his mind. (Exp Jour, Winter-Spring, 1950)


VISIO SEMANTIC, the recordings of words read. These are special parts of the sound and sight files. (DMSMH, p. 46)


VITAMIN E, the apparent acting of this vitamin is to oxygenate the blood and inhibit the body from pulling in mental masses due to oxygen-energy starvation. (HCOB 27 Dec 65)


VITAMINS, vitamins are not drugs. They are nutrition. (Aud 71 ASHO)


V UNIT, 1. in 1962 a Saint Hill Special Briefing Course unit for co-auditing heavily supervised R2-10 or R2-12 directed toward results. There were no checksheets beyond course regulations. (HCO PL 8 Dec 62) 2. the purpose of V unit is to: (1) get the student into some kind of shape to finish the SHSBC, (2) give the student a win as an auditor, (3) establish an auditing reality on Scn. (HCO PL 13 Feb 63)