

UC, Unification Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


UGLINESS, 1. a disharmony of wave motion, no matter how high the wave length, is ugliness. But ugliness is also a wave, a disharmony with the wave-length of beauty but very close to it. (Scn 8-80, p. 26) 2. ugliness is a disharmony in wave discord with theta. (Scn 8-80, p. 26)


UNBURDENING, 1. as a basic is not at once available on any chain, one usually unburdens it by running later engrams, secondaries and locks. The act of unburdening would be digging off the top to get at the bottom as in moving sand. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 2. the technique of thoroughly bringing to view everything contained in an engram by scanning its locks. Alternate running of the engram and scanning its locks should bring about a maximal release of entheta. (SOS, Bk. 2, pp. 280-281)


UNCHANGING GRAPH, if a graph is unchanging there was a PTP. Present time problem is what keeps a graph from changing. (SH Spec 56, 6503C30)


UNCONSCIOUS, 1. any person who is unaware, to a great degree is unconscious. (HCOB 3 Jul 59) 2. means a greater or lesser reduction of awareness on the part of "I." An attenuation of working power of the analytical mind. (DMSMH, p. 46)


UNCONSCIOUS, THE, reactively hidden pictures plus circuits plus machinery make up the totality of what Freud called the unconscious. (5810C29)


UNCONSCIOUS MIND, 1. the "unconscious mind" is the mind which is always conscious. So there is no unconscious mind, and there is no unconsciousness. (EOS, p. 39) 2. the only mind which is always conscious. This submind is called the reactive mind. (SOS, p. xii) See REACTIVE MIND.


UNCONSCIOUSNESS, 1. an excess of randomity imposed by a counter-effort of sufficient force to cloud the awareness and direct function of the organism through the mind’s control center. (Scn 0-8, p. 81) 2. when the analytical mind is attenuated in greater or lesser degree. (Scn 0-8, p. 66) 3. actually a manifestation of one’s self-determinism being upset by a counter-effort. (5203CM08) 4. a condition wherein the organism is discoordinated only in its analytical process and motor control direction. (DTOT, p. 25) 5. is the intensification of unknowingness. (SH Spec 15X, 6106C15) 6. a halfway end of cycle. (2ACC 8B, 5311CM24) 7. unconsciousness, light or deep, is merely a slide in toward death. (HCL 11, 5203CM08)


UNCONTROLLED LISTING, the pc is permitted to list on and on with no stops or checks. (HCOB 24 Apr 63)


UNDERCUTS, runs on a lower case than. (SCP, p. 22)


UNDERLISTED LIST, more than one item RRs or RSes or everything on the list is alive. (SH Spec 255, 6304C04)


UNDER-RESTIMULATION, is just an auditor not putting the pc’s attention on anything. (HCOB 1 Oct 63)


UNDERSHOOTING, to leave a cycle incomplete and go off to something else. (HCOB 26 Aug 70)


UNDERSTANDING, 1. understanding is composed of affinity, reality and communication. (SH Spec 79, 6609C01) 2. knowingness could simply be a potential understanding. It could be an ability being carried forward, an action taking place; understanding is an action. Understanding is knowingness of life to a certain direction and object and thing or action. The understanding is knowingness in action. We break down this and we get affinity, reality and communication. (5411CM05) 3. understanding is a sort of a total solvent, it’s the universal solvent, it washes away everything. (SH Spec 79, 6609C01)


UNETHICAL CONDUCT, is actually the conduct of destruction and fear; lies are told because one is afraid of the consequences should one tell the truth; thus, the liar is inevitably a coward, the coward is inevitably a liar. (SOS, pp. 128-129)


UNHAPPINESS, unhappiness is only this: the inability to confront that which is. (NSOL, p. 25)


UNHAPPY PERSON, one whose acceptance levels are continually being violated. (UPC 13, 5406C——)


UNINTENTIONAL WITHHOLD, he doesn’t intend to withhold it but he finds himself in a position of doing so because nobody will listen. (SH Spec 63, 6110C05)


UNION STATION DESTROY, a process; "You invent a way of destroying that (indicated) person." This is run outside on people chosen at random. It is done to take over destructive automaticities. (HCOB 17 Mar 75, HGC Clear Procedure Outline of February 6, AD8)


UNIT FACSMILE, would be any consecutive related experience in motion and so forth. It would contain as many recordings or as many separate pictures as sight needs in order to produce motion, 75 to 125 pictures a second. This experience may have lasted for a week. (5112CM29B)


UNITS, in 1965 the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course was organized as follows. It was divided into four units. Unit A covering Level 0. Unit B covering Levels I and II. Unit C covering Levels III and IV. Unit D covering Level VI. (HCO PL 27 Feb 65)


UNIVERSE, 1. a universe is defined as a "whole system of created things." There could be and are, many universes, and there could be many kinds of universes. (Scn 8-8008, p. 27) 2. is an effort to locate oneself. (SH Spec 51, 6109C07)




UNIVERSE O/W, this consists of doing an E-meter assessment of the person on the four points (1) the thetan, (2) the mind, (3) the body and (4) the physical universe, taking the most different needle reaction from the rest and running what was found with Overt-Withhold Straightw7re, Ex: "Recall something you have done to the physical universe," alternated with "Recall something you have withheld from the physical universe." (HCOB 5 Oct 59)


UNMOCK, 1. take down or destroy. (HCO PL 13 Jul 74 II) 2. make nothing of. (HCOB 19 Jan 68)


UNMOTIVATED ACT, an overt act delivered in the absence of a motivator. (COHA, p. 156)


UNREALITY, 1. the consequence and apparency of the practice of not-isness. (Scn 0-8, p. 32) 2. a substitute of an unknown for a known. (SH Spec 15X, 6106C15) 3. unreality is not-is-ness, our effort trying to make something disappear, with energy. (PRO 15, 5408C20) 4. unreality is force and invalidation. (SH Spec 294, 6308C14)


UNREDUCED FACSIMILE, it is a facsimile which still has the capability of absorbing your attention unit output. (5206CM24B)


UNUSUAL SOLUTIONS, 1. a phrase describing actions taken by an auditor or a case or auditing supervisor when he or she has not spotted the gross auditing error. The "unusual solution" seldom resolves any case because the data on which it is based (the observation or report) is incomplete or inaccurate. (HCOB 16 Nov 64) 2. an "unusual solution" is one evolved to remedy an abuse of existing technology. (ISE, p. 46)


UNWILLING CAUSE, if he is afraid to be at effect, then he is unwilling cause and is at cause only because he is very afraid of being at effect. Having to be at cause because he doesn’t dare be at effect. (SCP, p. 9)


UPC, Universe Process Congress. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)


UPPER INDOCTRINATION, training processes 6 to 9. The 18th ACC in Washington, July 8 to August 16, 1951, was taught in three units composed as follows: communication course, upper indoctrination course, CCH course. (HCOB 8 Jun 57)


UPPER LEVEL, is very simply defined as anything from Power on up. (ED 110R FLAG)


UP SCALE, there is a downward spiral on the tone scale and an upward spiral. These spirals are marked by decreasing or increasing awareness. To go up scale one must increase his power to observe with certainty. (COHA, p. 200)


URGES, drives, impulses. (IFR, p. 8)