


JAMMING THE TRACK, Slang. sticking, holding the time track. (PAB 106)


JEALOUSY, is basically an inability to confront the unknown. (SH Spec 43, 6108C22)


JIGGLE-JIGGLE, needle manifestation. A vibration. You’ve got somebody with an alternating current ridge. ( SH Spec 1, 6105C07)


JOBURG, a comprehensive security checklist developed in Johannesburg, South Africa. (Ab1,1218)


JOINT POSITION, the recall of bodily attitudes. (SOS Gloss)


JUDICIARY DIANETICS, covers the field of adjudication within the society and amongst the societies of man. Of necessity it embraces jurisprudence and its codes and establishes precision definitions and equations for the establishment of equity. It is the science of judgment. (DMSMH, p. 402)


JUMP CHAINS, the main liability (in Dn auditing) of pushing a pc past a win is that he may "jump chains" and begin another chain with no assessment. (HCOB 23 Jun 69)


JUNIOR CASE, if father was named George and the patient is called George, beware of trouble. The engram bank takes George to mean George and that is identity thought de luxe. A junior case is seldom easy. (DMSMH, p. 305)


JUSTICE, 1. the action of the group against the individual when he has failed to get his own ethics in. (HCOB 15 Nov 72 II) 2. could be called the adjudication of the relative rightness or wrongness of a decision or an action. (AP&A, p. 10)


JUSTIFICATION, explaining away the most flagrant wrongnesses. Most explanations of conduct, no matter how far fetched, seem perfectly right to the person making them since he or she is only asserting self-rightness and other-wrongness. (HCOB 22 Jul 63)


JUSTIFIED THOUGHT, the attempt of the analytical mind to explain the reactive, engramic, reactions of the organism in the ordinary course of living. Justified thought is the effort of the conscious mind to explain away aberration without admitting, as it cannot do normally, that it has failed the organism. (DTOT, p. 42)


JUSTIFIER, 1. the technical term we apply to the "mock-up" or overt act demanded by a person guilty of an unmotivated act. (COHA, p. 156) 2. a mocked up motivator. (8ACC-16, 5410CM21)


JUSTIFIER-HUNGRY, an act must be considered harmful or evil to be an overt act. To need a justifier a person must have believed his act to have been harmful. In that a thetan cannot possibly, actually, be harmed, any harmful act he performs is an unmotivated act. As the thetan cannot experience a motivatorcvert act sequence, we have the dwindling spiral. He is always justifier hungry. Thus he punishes and restimulates himself. Thus he is always complaining about what others do to him. Thus he is a problem to himself. (COHA, p. 156)