1. Walk around and count bodies until you have a cognition.
Make a report saying how many you counted and your cognition.
2. Note several large and several small female bodies until
you have a' cognition. Note it down.
3. Note several large and several small male bodies until you
have a cognition. Note it down.
4. Find a tight packed crowd of people, note it as a crowd, then
as individuals until you have a cognition. Note it down.
Do step over until you do.
5. Seat yourself unobtrusively where you can observe a number
of people. Spot things and people you are not.
Do to cognition. Note it down.
6. Seat yourself unobtrusively where you can observe a number
of people. Spot things and people you can have.
Do to cognition. Note it down.
7. Note some physical thing about yourself you don't like.
Observing people, in them note that body part.
Do to some change. Note it down.
8. Observing people, spot things that are not wrong with them.
Do to cognition. Note it down.
9. Walk around and note someone walking toward you, then someone
walking away, then someone walking toward you, etc.
Do to cognition. Note it down.
10. Walk around and note how people stick to the ground and their
sense of weight. Do to cognition. Note it down.
11. Spot importances in people while looking at them.
Do to cognition. Note it down.
12. Look into space and find places where there are no persons.
Do to cognition. Note it down.
13. Walk around and note where there are people.
Do to cognition. Note it down.