This is a rough, fast survey of the Train GPMs and the Between Lives Implants and the pattern used.
The data involved in all this is of great scope and as it concerns all the peoples of Earth, considerable more work will be done on it.
As these are the most involved and low-toned implants on the time track, it is recommended that other earlier GPMs be completed before the Between Lives material is tackled. After all tone arm action is the important thing and any earlier GPM that gives it makes the Between Lives Implants and Train GPMs easier to run. So program for earlier GPMs. However, pcs do get into the Between Lives Implants and do connect with the GPMs there and in the Train GPMs, so the pattern and data is released. Where possible run earlier GPMs.
In any event, a safe rule is to run whatever GPM you can get your hands on and date as little as possible in 3N.
These are given to the being on his first contact with the Marcab Invasion Force in this sector of the universe.
Thus the Train GPMs date from hundreds of years ago to hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Earlier on the track there are lots of trains such as in the Invisible Picture GPMs. So the mere existence of a train in the implant doesn't make it the Train Implants. This is established by date.
The implanting is done from a huge train station. The announcer, through speakers on the platform, gives continual running fire of wrong dates and directions, and orders to depart and return to this point, and "you don't know when this happened to you." A lot of hellos and goodbyes and false information.
The being is put in a railway carriage quite like a British railway coach with compartments. Speakers are to the right and left in the compartment.
The train is backed up rapidly through eight pairs of stands (eight on either side of the track, sixteen in all.) These spray white energy against the side of the carriage. None of the white energy touches the pc.
One pair of RIs fires during the whole backward run between the stands and then, reversing in the speakers, fires all the way forward again. One pair of RIs in the pattern, then, fires a complete round trip. Then the next pair fire for a complete round trip (forward and back) and so on. There are then sixteen repeats for each pair, 8 forward and 8 back, before the next pair.
The pattern is as follows:
(List for oppterm. Remaining terms use the whole phrase of the goal "To Be ______.")
- Oppterm
- NOT (Oppterm)
- All (+ complete goal)
- Nothing (complete goal)
- Best (+ complete goal)
- Not Best (complete goal)
- Inevitable (+ complete goal)
- Questionable (complete goal)
- Doubted (+ complete goal)
- Certain (complete goal)
- Accursed (+ complete goal)
- Commendable (complete goal)
- Unforgivable (+ complete goal)
- Forgivable (complete goal)
- Hopeless (+ complete goal)
- Hopeful (complete goal)
- (Single RI) That's your goal.
At the start of each goal (or pair perhaps) a face may come up and say "You still here? Get out. Get off this train. We hate you." And from the speakers "This happened to you yesterday, tomorrow, now. This is your departure point, keep coming back. You'll be meeting all your friends here. When you're killed and dead keep coming back. You haven't a chance to get away. You've got to report in. This happened to you days ago, weeks ago, years ago. You don't know when this happened to you. We hate you. Get out. Don't ever come back." There's a lot more of this including how you'll be pulled and pulled when you're dead until you come back. A lot of wrong dates are also thrown in.
The type of goal is of the worst negative dichotomy. To Be Caught. To Be Wrong. To Go Away. To Commit Suicide. Etc. The GPM "To End" begins the series. There is a large number of GPMs in the series.
This series may have been given the pc on entrance to the Marcab Confederacy plus or minus 200,000 years ago, and then again much later just before the first Between Lives Implant as a preliminary step before the actual Between Lives Implant.
It is therefore important to run these Train GPMs before trying to run the Between Lives Implant itself, for all these GPMs are repeated again in the Between Lives Implant.
In running these Train GPMs, be sure to get the first pair on their first fire. There is a standard swinging arm crossing signal that sounds at the end of each run of the train.
Trains play a large part in implanting. There are lots of pictures of them, lots of rails way earlier than the Train GPMs. But no earlier ones are given inside a coach. This is what makes it nightmarish -- the white energy only hits the coach sides, not the pc. The rush of the train puts heavy Kinesthetic into the engram. The goals "To Start" "To Stop" "To Change" make the pc feel he can't control the train. To Be Unable. To Be Instantaneous. Various perceptions are all in this series of Train GPMs. If it's bad, it's there.
This implant properly has six parts.
- Pc's actual death (not in first one given).
- First screen section (to left) giving a false death, many GPMs calculated to obliterate memory and group the time track, and some pictures containing groupers. This says it is 15 days long.
- The main screen purporting to give the future trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion years from the year zero. On this the pc's past implants get stuck up.
- The "Next Hundred Days." A screen on the right of the main screen giving a number of positive dichotomy GPMs to fit the negative dichotomy goals on the first screen section (2). This also contains a false projection to Earth "into a baby" complete with sonic on the delivery room (a home bedroom with oatmeal wall paper or the current fashion on Earth.)
- The actual kickoff from the implant station (not by projection to Earth but being dumped on Earth.)
- The actual search for a baby.
The main screen is a long white board with a grate near the top all the way along.
There is a roar in the whole place like blowers going.
Huge numbers of earlier GPMs stack up on (2). Lots of earlier implants stack up on the main screen. The whole operation is a huge grouper. But given good TA action, it all eventually flies apart, especially if many earlier GPMs and the Train GPMs are run first with good TA action.
The pc has had at least two series of Train Implants and perhaps as many as 300 Between Lives Implants in the last many thousands of years. Therefore the way to program all this is to run mainly earlier GPMs on the pc, then the Train GPMs, then any more earlier GPMs that can be found and then the Between Lives Implants.
The Between Lives Implants (and the Train GPMs) have the full intention of installing a compulsion to return and a feeling the pc can be reached by them and be pulled about, and wiping out all memory of former life.
But any pc can be run on earlier GPMs in spite of all this.
The reason this and other "screen implants" acts as a grouper is because it restimulates earlier track charge which then, pushing forward toward PT, crushes the incidents and GPMs on the screen.
Of course it is all "wrong dated" and "wrong durationed." And this contributes to the crush of the material toward PT.
But basically it is simply restimulated charge on the early track that presses toward PT and shoves the pc into the screen implant. Therefore if you just restimulate and do not run early track GPMs when found, eventually you will find your pc crushed up against recent times and in these Between Lives screens (if life and these screen incidents have not already done it).
This is the secret of the amnesia:
Restimulate enough early track charge and do not discharge it and the being will have amnesia on the whole track.
If you are monkeying about on the backtrack and just partially discharging incidents, going on to something new all the time, failing to run a series of GPMs completely when you find them, after a while, past track will become unreal to the pc. Then it will blot out and vanish and you will only have these Between Lives type of implants to work with. Then if you flub them, your pc's pictures will disappear. THE DANGER SIGNAL IS DECREASING TA ACTION.
This all occurs on the mechanism of early track restimulation, compounded with wrong dates and wrong durations. So the way to handle any pc is to locate or spring off the bank early GPMs or implants and run them fully.
Lack of Tone Arm action may upset this program but it is mainly GPMs that stick tone arms since they stall time.
A pc is in danger if earlier track is becoming less real or is vanishing or the bank is pressing forward and landing on screens. The remedy is take what was already restimulated earlier, particularly GPMs, any GPMs, and run them thoroughly (1) As GPMs (2) As engrams and (3) As pc's postulates. This discharges them. Keep this up, be thorough. Don't restimulate more than you discharge fully. And the pc's pictures will come back on and the track go straight again.
The above gives you the right way to handle the Between Lives Implants. Peel off the GPMs from it (meaning early track GPMs restimulated on it and visible on the screen) and run them fully before taking something else off the screen to run.
Thus one does not really run a Between Lives Implant until very late on a case. The auditor uses it when it appears on a case (1) to realize that the earlier track has been restimulated too much and too little discharged from it and (2) to find earlier GPMs to run.
Excessive restimulation and flopping about on the early track and running nothing clean will inevitably bring the pc forward and up against the Between Lives Implants.
So the auditor who restimulates and does not run early track material when found is doing a dangerous thing.
The Between Lives Implants create amnesia only because they restimulate early track and don't discharge it. If they didn't do this they would not produce the same effect. Therefore auditing undoes this mechanism only when early track incidents are thoroughly run when contacted.
The worst sinner is the GPM. So never fail to run any early track GPM completely when found, with its whole series. Don't go skipping about. Going earlier. Omitting goals, leaving a GPM incompletely discharged.
Otherwise you will make the acquaintance with the Between Lives Implant area.
If you know of any early GPM series left unhandled on the pc, run it completely before restimulating anything else.
And if you are running the Between Lives Implant grab off of it any earlier GPM or incident you can find and take it early and run it. Don't stay with the screen. Peel things off it that are earlier and run them. Otherwise the pc's bank will feel like crumbling forward into PT like an avalanche.
This mechanism of the production of unawareness by restimulating but not running charge on the early track is itself an important discovery. It forbids then browsing through the early track, a sip here, a datum there. Be thorough or crash, out goes the lights, into PT slides the pc with a thousand volts driving him on.
If you know of any early track GPM on your pc that can be run with tone arm motion clean it up as a GPM, clean up all the GPMs in that series, run it as an engram, run any and all postulates out of it, get it clean and then find something else.
The cycle of a pc in total amnesia at start of auditing would be (if audited with good TA action):
- Contacts yesterday
- Contacts this life
- Contacts childhood
- Contacts a past life
- Contacts incidents on this planet in the past few thousand years
- Contacts early track
- Contacts lots of early track and GPMs
- Contacts earlier GPMs.
- Contacts very early material
- Continues to clean up track
- Contacts reasons for making pictures
- Goes OT.
If you try to rush this by practicing unthoroughness from (5) on, then when pc reaches (9) above you will suddenly find him on the Between Life screens.
You will have overcharged early track and failed to discharge it and the result will be:
8. Contacts earlier GPMs but has trouble holding position on the track to run them and is ARC breaky;
9a. Contacts earlier material but it groups and scrunches and sticks together;
10a. Collides with screen implants like the Between Lives (there are earlier ones);
11a. Can't keep pictures apart, things easily wrong dated and is very ARC breaky and is stuck in Between Lives;
12a. Can't reach the early track and at session starts, is found to be stuck in this lifetime.
There is no shortcut back to finding when he started to "make pictures." The phenomenon of early charge pushing the pc back toward PT if not run defeats any such attempt.
So making an OT is keeping the TA going with itsa line in and being thorough on early track incident running.
If the pc has gotten into condition (12a) above or is approaching it, don't waste time on endless dating. Just find any early GPM already partially run (the earliest one you can lay your hands on without restimulating others) and run it completely. Then find another and another. And shun all new material until you have completely handled the old. And don't let the pc wander around on the early track. Just find and run GPMs and clean up fully whatever you find. Or you'll be sitting there reading this HCOB despairingly trying to get your pc off a Between Lives screen.
Even if these listed evils occur, however, you have not lost the TA action already gained, if misguidedly, on the case and the matter is easily repaired providing you redo what you've left undone and this time be neat and restimulate the case otherwise as little as possible. He or she is still closer to OT. They were just making it the hard way.