Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Sthil Students
Level VI Staff            HCO BULLETIN OF DECEMBER 8, 1964 
R6 Graduates

                                   SCIENTOLOGY VI

                              SOLO AUDITING AND R6 EW

                                   SOLO AUDITING

     The action of "solo auditing" is not self-auditing.

     Solo auditing is done in a regular session in Model Session form.

     One of the few ways to get messed up in solo auditing is to not use regular ses-
sion form, to not keep a regular auditors report and to coffee shop oneself.

     When the session begins, run it, when it ends, end it.  If after a session you
find yourself maundering around and self-auditing, you just have something wrong in
what you did or found in the last session.

     Inabilities to continue a solo audit series of sessions stem wholly from end
words getting into restimulation that dictate one way or another not going on - how
hopeless or impossible it is, etc.

     By-passed charge is not enough to stop a series of solo-audit sessions.  Only
end words can do it.

    Getting ARC Broken in solo audit is not unusual.  It is handled just as you
would handle an ARC Broken pc - by-passed charge assessment from a list.


     It is presupposed that a Scientologist engaged in Solo Audit is at least
Provisional Class Vl.

     Lower levels simply can't solo audit.

     What makes solo auditing possible is the fact that on processes below R6 one has
communication as a necessity for auditing success.  But as this necessity is part of
the GPMs, when one is into R6 he or she is above this necessity.  Only R6 can work
without comm.  Therefore Solo Auditing is exclusively an R6 activity.

One supposes the auditor solo auditing has already become:

Level 0.    Willing to talk freely to people.

Leve1 l.    Able to answer an auditing question.

Level l.    Able to duplicate.

level II.   Free of hidden standards, overts and PTPs.

Level III.  Physically competant.

Level IV.   Has been clear.

     If an auditor has not passed those six vital stages of a case, solo auditing,
to be blunt, is quite impossible.  The self discipline won't be there; the needful
insight into one's own motives will be lacking.  Any advanced Scientologist always
knows when he is dramatizing even when he is.  The being that can't solo audit
never believes he or she is dramatizing no matter what they are doing or saying.

     Self control is a must in solo audit.  The pc who still needs an auditor to
progress should never be permitted to solo audit.

     Any pc, to go on R6 must go up through the six stages listed above under
levels.  If you don't take a pc through those first, that pc will eventually fall
on his or her head on R6.

     This is all the more true on solo auditing.

     If an auditor or pc is started on R6 prematurely there is the remedy of doing
the Life and Livingness version or the L6 list. Each question is cleaned of needle
reads by auditing by list.  Also the pc can be run on any remedy or routine that does
not assess for and use words as the key reason for recovery.  This only outlaws
Level IV and processes depending on assessment by meter for a word to run.  Even
Service Facs can be run on an R6 "failed case" and certainly O/W can be run.  Clay
Table Healing is very good on such a case.

     So if a Scientologist hasn't gone over the various hurdles as above listed he
or she should neither solo-audit at all or be run on R6.

                              REASONS FOR SOLO AUDIT

     The basic reasons for solo auditing are:

     1.  No auditor can possibly run R6 successfully on another without personally
experiencing the simultaneous reads and case reactions.  It's all just unreal to a
person who hasn't seen the needle move and felt the bank shift at the same instant.
An auditor without this reality just messes up pcs.  There's no qualifying or modify-
ing that fact.  It's just true.  So an auditor who hasn't solo audited on R6 just
can't run it well or at all on a pc.  Such an auditor goofs.  And a goof on R6 is
horrible to a pc and has dreadful reactions.

     2.  Auditing a pc when one's own bank is in full cry on the very same material
is not conducive to good auditing.  This is overcame somewhat by using a "paten"
(a card with holes in it that is put on another paper and has in it the line plot
mostly written out) but not entirely.  When one begins R6 he or she can be tao
restimulated.  All banks are the same.

         The combined factor of no-reality on the bank and restimulation as an
auditor combine with the third.

     3.  An auditor just starting to use All-Style Auditing is using a new tool and
must have it perfect before he uses it.  This is like not swimming until one knows
how.  The best place to learn all-style is in solo-audit.

         You see, in solo auditing one can stop before he plows in.  If one were
auditing a pc, and erred, one would go on just that extra second that means disaster.
From which we get:

     4.  In solo auditing one is not assisted by the comm cycle to go deeper than
one can cope with.  R6 goes straight past the usual protective mechanisms of the
mind mentioned in Dianetics.  Therefore when one is auditing a pc on R6 one can
violate those mechanisms and get the pc in too deep.  While solo-auditing one is
still self-protected to a large degree.  One blunders, becomes relatively incapable
of going on, therefore doesn't keep plowing in.  The exception is the foolish one
who sees no read and goes on down several non-reading items.  Suddenly down comes
the roof, even so.  Thus solo auditing restores the self-protective nature of the
mind which R6 done by an auditor on a pc could violate by going beyond where one
should stop and investigate what's wrong.

     Thus solo auditing is:

     1.  Possible only on R6.

     2.  Possible only when a person has come up through the levels.

     3.  Possible only when one is well trained.

     When one tries solo on lower levels, it doesn't work for long - but we can't
deny it does work somewhat even at lower levels sometimes.

     When one gets onto R6 solo before coming up through the levels it's a jolly
mess because one is having to do lower level auditing a lot of the time (PTPs and
overts for instance) that only an auditor cauld handle on a pc.

     When one isn't trained, up to R6, one can't handle it at all.

     So it's a specialized activity, solo auditing, and only for the provisional
Class VI.

                              THE EARLIEST PROCESSES

     A student, just given his provisional classification, should not be given any
plots of any kind.

     His or her first 20 hours of solo audit should consist only of locating
dichotomies of end words.

     Dichotomy in the dictionary means "Division into two parts."  It's a word we
borrowed and gave a new meaning to.  And after all these years it is very apt as
you will discover.


     The dichotomy in Scientologese means plus and minus.  A plus word and a minus
word.  They are of the same order of things always.  A crude example would be "An
Apple" and "Applelessness."  That's a pair, a dichotomy.

     The alchemist was on the fringe of this with his active-passive farms and words.
But he, looking for the gold of truth (only the latter ones looked for real gold,
having missed too many definitions, no doubt), didn't really look for PLUS and MINUS.
He looked for the active, such as Man, and the passive, such as Woman by his defini

     We, in a scientific age, look for the two sides of a thing, taking our cue from
electricity.  Plus and minus interchange a current as you will find on any bat.wry.
So we don't want active-passive.  We want the bold PLUS and MINUS, the Opposites.

     Janus, the Roman God of gates and doors, had two faces.  So does each major
idea have two faces.  The nature of things is a major idea.  It has two faces.
PLUS and a MINUS.  These are opposed to each other.  They interchange current.  They
conflict.  Bad and good.  Things have a nature.  The nature can be bad or it can be
good.  Poison Ivy has a bad nature viewed from a body viewpoint.  Cool water is
good.  Thus the nature of things has two faces, two parts.

     There could be, let us say the major thought, "how one feels."  This has two
parts:  Elation and depression.  Elation is plus, depression is minus.

     What is generally agreed to bc the unwanted or the poor side is minus.  What is
generally conceived to be all right is plus.

     In a modern society wc would have the major idea that an individual has an
economic status.  Wealth is the PLUS and Poverty is the MINUS.

     Now you don't have to have the major thought to get its two parts to find a
dichotomy.  But the two parts must add up to being comparable.  You don't have Tall
and Small as a dichotomy.  The major thought of which ''tall" is a part is "height."
Therefore you would have Tall and Short as the dichotomy.  Small would be half of
another major idea of "size."  Therefore you would have its "other face" as Big or

     You would not have Nagging and Violent as two parts.  They're both on the same 
side - both minus.  For nagging you might have praising.  And for violent you might
have benign.

     So a dichotomy means the two parts of a major idea.

                        THE CHARACTER OF THE REACTIVE MIND  

     Knowing the above you must also be informed of this:

     In the reactive mind the end words alternate between a plus and a minus.  in
the top half of the bank (reactive mind) the minus turns up and has as the next one
down its plus.  In the bottom half of the bank the Plus turns up and just below it
is the minus.

     Each is the end word of a series of GPMs.  Each GPM has a line plot.

     The most charge (force, strength, electric energy) you can find easily with
the least disturbance if you err is a dichotomy of end words, a pair.

     They are called end words because they come on the end of each of a series of

     Each end word has many root words.  These root words are the regard or action
one is supposed to have for the end word.  Grab _______would be a root. It's the

     Just ahead of the verb is the participle To which gives us the implied purpose.

     To Grab _____ as a form would be, then, the complete "Root." ("Root" is just
our word for this To Verb _____.)

     Add the End Word and you have a purpose, a goal.  End words are always nouns
or a condition made into a noun.  Avarice might be an end word - Book or Books might
be one.

     Thus we have To Grab Books as a full goal.  Or To Shun Avarice would be one.
But Books would have a lot more roots before we had done with them.  So would Avarice.

     Each full goal, like To Grab Books, would have a Line Plot with items like
"Grabbing Books," or just "Grabbed Books."

     Now you see then that Root words are heavily repeated.  But if you try to find
them you may jam up many end words, for the same roots apply to each pair of end

     The same applies to items in the Line plot.

     Therefore the one thing that can be plucked out of the reactive mind without
messing things up is a pair of end words.  They discharge to some degree and as
they're not repeated except in their own series, they don't restimulate too much.

     Obviously then, in theory, End words would be the least restimulative thing
to find.

     In actual practice, they indeed are.  And not ony that, once found they cool
off one's dramatization of them quite wonderfully.  It's like recalling a lost
experience - just knowing it happened brings a big lift.  One doesn't have to
erase it all to have a lot less effect from it.

     So, in actual practice, then, the finding of end words brings the most R6
early case gain.

     Further, finding these pairs cool off the bank without messing it up.  Badly
found end words do very little to one.  Running a GPM badly can be quite deadly.

                                     STARTING R6

     Therefore in starting R6, the solo auditor, regardless of the availability or
the Line Plot, Root Plot and End Word (or Series) Plot, should find his or her
own pairs of end words.

     This will tend to straighten out the Reactive Mind, unburden it and cool off
the whole case.  Same fantastic changes can result from this action, if it is done

     When a lot of end words have been cooled off (had some charge removed just by
proving them out on a meter) one is enormously more capable.

     Two pairs of end words properly found is equal to about one clear in terms of
case gain.

     But the end words to be found must be the ones in restimulation on the particu-
lar case.  Just getting a standard list of end words to read does very little except
maybe upset one.

                                  PROCESS R6 EW

     The first process of solo auditing then is named R6 EW.  This of course is
both a co-audit and solo audit process, not only a solo process.

     This is very tricky as a process and the following rigid rules must be closely

                                  RULES OF R6 EW

     1.  No Listing with paper and pencil is permitted.  This means no written lists
of "possible end words."  Why not?  Because if you go by one in listing, it suppresses
and raises the mischief.  Also past auditors have loved 87 page lists.  You should be
able to get the right end word in about four or five words and you sure don't need
to write them as a list.  Write down the first idea of it only.

     2.  Write down every end word found and proven on a separate card with its
opposite also noted.  Each end word has a card with the end word at the top boldly
written with all its check out data.  Over on the left in small letters is written
the other one.  These two cards make one pair which thereby refer to each other.

     3.  Never go on to a new pair before finding both end words in the old pair.
Don't find a plus, skip finding its minus and go on with another plus.  Always
find both before going on.

     4.  Don't try to plot them an the track or bank.  Just find the pairs.

     5.  If anything goes wrong (meter hangs up, TA goes high, you feel bad, you
dramatize, you want to cease auditing forever, etc.) realize you've got a wrong
pair or a wrong mate somewhere behind you and find the right pair or the right
mate (the other end word or the pair).  Hence, keep your cards consecutive and in
one packet, the last end word found on top and its "other word" the next one down.

     6.  Don't wander off onto some other action.  Such as prepchecking an end word
(my God!).  Getting curious about its roots or some GPM "To Shun Cats."  Just keep
after things like cats.  Realize if you stray, you've found a wrong pair or mis-
matched an end word behind you.  Look for it.

     7.  Realize that the read of the needle transfers easily to locks if you
suppress or challenge an end word too hard.  But, saving grace, the one that reads
heavily on "suppress" or "challenge" (Have I challenged Cats?) is it.  A suppress
or challenge read on a particular end word serves to prove it.

     8.  Note all meter and TA actions on the card.

     9.  Don't write a list between sessions.  You may jot one down if it leaps up
but in the next session you must take it up at once.  Jotting down fifty between
sessions you haven't proved up will literally slaughter you.  If you do jot down
fifty, take up the first one and go down the whole list, proving out the opposite
of each you prove.

     10.  Find only pairs.  If you prove out a PLUS then find its Minus.  If you
prove out a MINUS find its Plus.

     Those are the rules of R6 EW.  They are far more important than how you do the

                                   THE PROCESS

     This is a game like charades.  (Charades:  a party game of guessing a word or
phrase from someone acting out its parts.)  Only it's played with this question:

     "What am I dramatizing?"  (Or "What word might you be dramatizing?" for a pc.)

     That's the question.

     Not, as in charades, what is he or she trying to get across?  But what noun is
being dramatized?  Not what goal (Janus forbid!) but what single, nounal word.  Not
what pair; that would really chew one up.  Just, what noun?

     You write down this first idea rather lengthily on your auditor's report.  Then
you use that to find a single noun, singular or plural, that sums it up.  You work
with that written sentence until you've got it.  Then you find its opposite.

     Remember, there's a lot of "ities" and "ice" like "Servilities" and "Avarice"
whereby what we consider as adjectives usually get made into nouns.  But also nouns
as nouns.

     Not automobiles, of course.  Thetans at the start of the universe didn't have
them.  But Machinery might do.  Not clowns.  Too specific.  But "Assininities" might

     The whole question is just "What did I, a thetan, early track cook up that I
am now getting my head kicked in with?" "Tallness," "Stealth," "Hugeness,"
"Vastnesses," that sort of thing.

     One checks out the correct word to express it with usual patter.  "Is this an
end word?"  "Does it have GPMs?"  "Is it a lock?"  "is it an implant?"  "Is it an
actual end word?"  "Is it a phrase out of an engram?"  "Is it a lock on a root?"
"Is it an Item?"  There's no staccato patter that fits except "Is it an end word?"
which is asked every time along with other questions.

     You worry at it until you know by needle action and TA blowdown it is an end
word or you know it isn't.  When it definitely isn't it's very wise to find the
right wording that is the end word.  Don't just give up the notion.

     When you've got a real end word and hauled it in and written it down and why
you know it is by meter behaviour, you then must find its mate.

     Snakes travel in pairs.  So do end words.  Both sides of the same sort of
thing.  If you just found "Rotten" you must now find "Fresh" or "Preserved" and
prove that out on its card.

     Here's an example:  You ask "What am I dramatizing?"  You think, then "Eating."
Ok, what is its reaction?  Well ing isn't any end word so maybe its "Food."  That
doesn't read.  Maybe it's "Inflow.''  And so on and suddenly bang, full dial, there
It is, gills flippers and all, the right one that expresses that idea you had.

     Good.  Now let's get the opposite.  "Hunger," "Deprivation," etc., etc.  And
bang, you have its partner, the second fish.

     And so you go.

     Pretty soon they start popping up.  Check them out, get the pair, pair after
pair.  When it all slows down again, once more "What am I dramatizing7"  And you're
on your way once more.

     It's quite a process.

     Be thorough, be accurate, and you'll make some long, long strides toward O.T.

     And in solo audit, learn how to handle All Style to the degree of checking out.
And learn bank reactions subjectively and as an auditor.

     Only when you've a nice big pile of cards should you be thinking of running
GPMs Item by Item off a Line Plot.

     Remember, even if you had the full end word plot, you'd make faster personal
gains at first and faster gains as an auditor using R6 EW.

     It is my convinced opinion that if an auditor can't solo audit with high gain
what is now called R6 EW he or she should not be let near running GPMs, much less
audit another preclear.

     R6 EW has been actually a research tool.  When I found how to convert it to a
process it already had its rules laid out and proven in research.

     It has not been used at this writing for case gain only by others.  I can,
therefore, predict several HCO Bulletins giving must-nots and all that.

     However, the facts remain:

     1.  It takes an ability to detect one's own actions before one can detect those
of others;

     2.  It takes unburdening to make a case run smoothly;

     3.  The least dangerous early approach to O.T. with the greatest case gains
lies in the discovery of pairs of end words that are in restimulation on one's
own case;

     4.  The best way to start a new pc (who must have been through the six phases
listed above before R6 plus pc training) is to use R6 EW on him.  Not run GPMs.

     The question, "What am I dramatizing?" may be unflattering and you may prefer
"What noun has been in restimulation."  If so, fine.  All the same.

LRH:jw                                          L. RON HUBBARD
Copyright (c) 1964
by L. Ron Hubbard