Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Sthill Students          HCO BULLETIN OF JANUARY 24, 1965
R6 Coaudit
                                  SCIENTOLOGY VI

                                      R6 - EW

                     (Replaces HCO Bulletin of January 16, 1965)

                                     LARGE READS

     A primary reason a student does not get large reads on the meter is that he or
she is not looking for the right group for his or her case.

     Large reads are a must.  Only large reads count.

     Tone Arm action is an unreliable indicator as solo audit tends to neglect TA

     Consistent and continual large reads (1/3 of a dial or more at sensitivity 5)
is the expected meter behavior, with occasional .2 Blowdowns.  If this is not hap-
pening, then the student is looking for a wrong group for his case, or has suppres-
sed and invalidated end words, or has wrongly matched some up, or has found some
wrong ones.

     If one isn't getting large reads, one must not go on to new fields.  One must
overhaul what one has already done.

                                  QUITTING ON R6

     Tendency to quit or blow doing the R6s always stems from (a) past R6 errors;
(b) dramatization of a missed end word; (c) failure to locate an end word one is
dramatizing; or (d) failure to get large reads.

     Mismatch of pairs, wrong Form of end words are the most serious errors and
will lock up the meter.

     One must a1so remember that the bank itself dictates a cessation of action.

     A case in point is an end word "Impossibleness," resulting when not found
but restimulated, in a cessation of solo audit.

     The point is that one doesn't quit for P.T. reasons, no matter how good they
sound.  One quits or slows down or blows solely because of end words or GPMs.

     "It's always an end word" is an excellent maxim for patching up any upset.

     By the way, this is true also at lower levels but in this case one hasn't a
prayer of getting at the end word and if one did try then the resulting mess would
be too hard to repair 80% of the time.  One lucky break in locating the end word
on a lower level pc can ruin an auditor.  Afterwards, he keeps trying and flunking.
For you have to have a pc in comm and a bank unburdened to run R6 successfully.
If older schools of practitioners ever contact this portion of our data, I can
predict with confidence that they will fail miserably in all efforts to apply it -
for they have not begun to walk the bridge in the right place.  To succeed with
R6 data they would have to embrace the whole of Scientology and its ethics as
well and they wouldn't be older practitioners then, would they.  Scientology is
all of a piece.  An auditor has to know his lower levels.  And a preclear must
walk the bridge from where he can have a reality on it.

                                  END WORD FORMS

     There are two sources for end words in each GPM:

     1.  The end word of the one oppterm; and

     2.  The end word of the goal and other items.

     The one oppterm, as per the line plot, has the end word as a forthright noun.
In that oppterm, "boy" (if it were an end word, which it isn't) would be BOY.

     In the goal as an RI and the goal as an oppterm, it would be BOYNESS or

     The suffix NESS is the clue here.  It seems to occur uniformly in the goal as
an RI and the goal as an oppterm.

     Therefore you can get two apparent forms of end word.  One is the forthright
noun occurring in the normal oppterrn.  The other is a modification, adding -- NESS
and sometimes -- FULLNESS or perhaps --INGNESS, --LINESS, or -- IOUSNESS.

     The idea is very plain.

     Just knocking out a boy would be a small action.  But knocking out things
which knock out boys would be a much broader action,

     Therefore GPMs in their goal items have an end word ending in the NESS form
of the noun.

                               PURPOSE OF THE BANK

     The probable purpose of the bank is to suppress all creating and destroying
by aiming creation at evil and destruction at good.  This apparently was to
restrain all creation and destruction and so gives us the Mest Universe.

LRH:jw                                               L. RON HUBBARD 
Copyright (c) 1965
by L. Ron Hubbard