Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Sthil Students           HCO BULLETIN OF JANUARY 4, 1965
Level VI Staff
R6 Graduates                      SCIENTOLOGY VI

                              R6 EW, R6 EWS, R6 EWP
                                      R6 EW

     By listing a very few end words beyond the one the pc thinks it was, the actual
one is unburdened enough so that it will now read if you go back to it. 

     Sometimes the first one or the second one was the end word but is too over-
burdened to read.

     If one goes on without going back to check it then if it was the one it will
suppress and things will get uncomfortable.

     The specific correction to R6 EW is that one does record carefully each one
thought of and checked over.  If none have read in a list of a dozen or so end words
at the very most (usually 6 or 8), go back and check the list again for suppressions
and challenges.  Often no suppress or challenge need be mentioned.  The correct
word, unburdened by the additional listing, will just read when mentioned.

     Major discomfort can be encountered by checking a real end word out, then
deciding it wasn't it and going on without going back to it.  Thus one does need a

                                      R6 EWS

     When R6 EW seems a bit flat, R6 EWS can be entered into.
This is done like R6 EW but six are found, not a pair.

     It will be found that the major dichotomy is the middle pair with a similar
pair of end words on either side.

     No effort is made to arrange them in relation to each other, or the other GPMs.

     One just finds the six.  Hence R6 EWS (Routine 6 End Word Sixes).

     To do this, take the first pair found in R6 EW and locate the additional two
pairs.  Then take the next R6 EW pair and locate the two additional pair.

     All the rules of R6 EW apply.

                                      R6 EWP

     When R6 EWS is reasonably flat, begin R6 EWP.

     This means "Routine 6, End Word Plot."

     To do this, first get the six you first found in R6 EWS and get them into proper
relation to each other.  Then take this first six found as now lined up and relate
it to the second six.  Then correctly line up the second six within itself.

     Sixes are related to each other by the auditor by numbering, by finding if
there "are a lot of GPMs between," "which six is prior to the other," etc.

     In short, one does whatever is necessary to arrange all sizes in relation to
one another.

     Of course, new sixes show up.  Do R6 EWS on this and relate them to the remain-
ing sixes.

     This is best done with a card file.

     Of course all GPM end words are written on a separate card like this:

         |                                                             |
         |                                     4 Jan. '65              |
         |                                                             |
         |                     Steam F                                 |
         |                     End word LF                             |
         |                     Correct F                               |
         |  Ice                Suppress LFBD                           |
         |                                                             |
         |                                                             | 
         |                                                             |

     Then one has one for the opposite:

         |                                                             |
         |                                     4 Jan. '65              |
         |                                                             |
         |                     Ice F                                   |
         |                     End word LFBD                           |
         |                     Correct LF                              |
         |                     Challenged LF                           |
         |                                                             |
         |  Steam                                                      | 
         |                                                             |

     This way, when correcting any six in sequence you have a card for each and
only change the opposite words about like this:

         |                                                             |
         |                                     10 Jan. '65             |
         |                                                             |
         |                     Races F                                 |
         |                     End word LFBD                           |
         |                     Correct F                               |
         |                                                             |
         |  Walks lock                                                 |
         |  Pokes - corrected opposite to F                            | 
         |                                                             |

     R6 EWP has two plotting steps.

          1.  Plot the six in relation to each other, most prior to, nearest top.

          2.  Plot the six in relation to the other sixes.

     GPMs will respond to numbering from the top as #1 right on back.  "Is this GPM
greater than 50?  Less than 50 from the top?  Greater than 40, less than 40?  Is it
41, 42, 43 -- Is it 43?  Plots as 43rd GPM from the top."

     Sixes respond to "prior" and "nearer the top."  "Is this six prior to the cough
six?  Is it closer to the top?  The cough six is prior."


     This is all rather easy to do.

     The main point is that R6 EW, R6 EWS and R6 EWP must all be pretty flat and the
end word plot correct before you even try to run Items and GPMs.

     Don't do R6 EW, then get eager and start to run GPMs Item by Item.  Flatten
R6 EW, then go on to R6 EWS.  Then go to R6 EWP.  Then start on items.

     You'll have it much easier.  The only real way to get slowed down is to try to
run items before the bank is thoroughly unburdened with R6EW, R6 EWS and R6 EWP.

     Three months of heavy auditing would run out the whole bank anyway.  Why rush?
If you try to rush it, it'll take a year or two.  You've been aberrated this long,
a few months can be tolerated - and for that matter, a year or two on the lower
levels also.  The only way to not make it is not to do all of Level 0, Level 1,
Level II, Level III, Level IV and all of R6 as above.

LRH:jw                                             L. RON HUBBARD
Copyright (c) 1965
by L. Ron Hubbard